
SpamapShrm.. libapache2-mod-wsgi is still python 2.6 only.. rebuild needed?00:11
ebroderSpamapS: it is? packages.u.c lists both a mod_wsgi.so-2.6 and a mod_wsgi.so-2.700:17
SpamapSoh .. sorry my bad.. its just that if you install it you pull in 2.600:19
SpamapSwith the symlink pinted at -2.700:20
SpamapSpointed even :-P00:20
SpamapSthe letter you can swim in00:40
RAOFOk, rather than trying to figure this out myself, time to be lazy: How do I get libtool to accept libdrm-nouveau1a as the SONAME for a library?00:47
jonoanyone know how to file a bug in ubuntu-bug?01:18
jonoit seems 'ubuntu-bug ubuntu-bug' doesn't work :-)01:18
TheMusojono: you want ubuntu-bug apport01:18
TheMusosince apport has ubuntu-bug01:18
jonothanks TheMuso!01:19
TheMusoBut yes, giving ubuntu-bug an executable and have it work out the package for you would be a nice to have.01:19
RAOFI thought that actually worked already?  man ubuntu-bug suggests it shouldn.01:21
ebroderRAOF: i bet it works if you give it a full path to an execuable01:23
RAOFThat might be it, yes.01:23
ebroder(note that ubuntu-bug appears to just dispatch between apport-{cli,gtk,kde}01:23
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RAOFHow do I get libtool to accept libdrm_nouveau.so.1a as the SONAME for a library?02:07
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hyperairsay, what are the backports procedures these days?05:43
micahghyperair: file a bug against the foo-backports project, test build, install, and run05:45
hyperairmicahg: and how fast to those requests actually get through?05:45
hyperairiirc backports were a pretty slow process05:46
hyperairwith an overly huge queue and overwhelmed folk handling it05:46
micahghyperair: well, I haven't seen much recently, but there was a blueprint to improve things, I think the backporters are looking for people to help :)05:46
hyperairi'd like to help :)05:46
hyperairnow where do i go to poke people about this..05:46
micahghyperair: ok, talk to ScottK05:46
hyperairScottK: so how do i help with backports?05:47
micahghyperair: there's this to get you started: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports#How%20to%20Help05:49
hyperairooh thanks05:49
hyperairmicahg: hmm, it looks like ubuntu developers are allows to upload to -backports.05:52
hyperairthis does speed things up05:52
micahghyperair: yes, but one is not supposed to unless it's been approved and is not a straight backport05:54
hyperairmicahg: approved by who?05:54
micahghyperair: ubuntu-backporters05:54
hyperairmicahg: you mean it isn't blocked by a backporting queue similar to -proposed?05:54
micahghyperair: it is, but the process isn't to just upload like proposed05:55
* hyperair groans05:55
micahgin most cases, an automated backport should be used05:55
micahghyperair: what are you trying to backport?05:59
hyperairmicahg: nothing at the moment, i was just trying to evaluate how much effort it would take to backport some of my packages05:59
micahghyperair: so leaf packages are easier than libraries or packages that require newer versions of libraries as all the rdepends need to be tested06:00
hyperairyeah, i'm aware of that06:01
dholbachgood morning06:54
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dholbachpitti, heya - do we have any idea where the click/focus problem in natty comes from? was that the gtk update?07:36
\shcan someone tell me, why we don't have any package (src/bin) of live-initramfs in maverick?07:43
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alkisgHi, a dbus upgrade has come to Lucid, and bug #552404 breaks its installation in chroots (e.g. LTSP).08:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552404 in dbus (Ubuntu) "dbus fails to be configured in chroots" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55240408:43
pittiGood morning08:43
pittidholbach: "the click/focus problem"? Seems to work well here08:44
dholbachpitti, did you update and restart your session and use unity?08:44
alkisgWorking around the bug is not trivial, it requires editing dbus.postinst to add a "|| true" to a dbus-send command. Is it possible to send another dbus update to Lucid with that "|| true" added?08:44
zygapitti, click on titlebar but focus goes behind that window issue?08:44
dholbachI have funny problems where my clicks don't do anything at all08:44
pittizyga: hm, maybe that doesn't happen with focus-follows-mouse08:45
zygapitti, probably not, I don't like that setting, anyway - different issue08:45
zygait still happens ~3 times a day for me08:45
tkamppeter_pitti, hi08:57
pittihey tkamppeter_08:57
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seb128@pilot in09:49
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: seb128
* dholbach hugs seb12809:50
pittiseb128: happy piloting!09:55
seb128pitti, hey, thanks09:56
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tkamppeterpitti, I have seen that you are heavily working on s-c-p. Are you planning that this should go into Natty?10:28
\shpitti: any clue why we don't have any version of live-initramfs in maverick?10:56
\shlive-initramfs as source pkg or as binary pkg of live-boot in this case10:57
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ograis bzr branch lp:<something> refusing connections for anyone else ?11:15
* ogra wonders if he missed a bzr downtime announcement11:15
cjwatsonit's refusing here too11:16
arayes, it is down for me as well, but I can't remember a scheduled down time11:23
ograIS is inspecting11:23
* soren upgrades to natty11:23
sorenWow. It wants to download 1763M.11:28
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cjwatsonSpamapS,jhunt: so I think I agree that we should include that restore-re-exec-code branch for 10.04.2, although I haven't read the code yet12:19
cjwatsonSpamapS,jhunt: when you change umountroot, remember that you'll need a suitable Breaks on upstart, or some other handling to avoid the situation where umountroot is waiting for a re-exec that will never happen because upstart is too old12:20
cjwatsonSpamapS,jhunt: I dropped one comment into the mp12:24
elifcjwatson: just to get a startup on howto build d-i for ubuntu, I mean create a .iso with the debian installer taled for ubuntu (rebranding, extra-features) is there a easy tutorial or somehow ?12:34
cjwatsonelif: not AFAIK12:38
cjwatsondoko_: I don't understand why bug 686263 is assigned to canonical-foundations; most of us can't do anything about it, since what it needs is MIR review?12:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 686263 in wsgi-intercept (Ubuntu Natty) "MIR needed (dependency of python-lazr.restfulclient)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68626312:47
Chipzzpitti: hrrrm good example12:47
ChipzzI was trying to come up with an example where you would need libdbus but not dbus itself12:47
tkamppeterpitti, around?12:50
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pittitkamppeter: presumably not (just back from lunch)13:09
pittitkamppeter: it'll still take a while to port stuff over, and it won't (easily) work with GTK213:10
sladencjwatson: that /etc/default/keyboard default brought up the textual debconf dialgoue again13:13
cjwatsonyeah I know13:13
cjwatsonI'm just about to try to whack that properly13:14
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tkamppeterpitti, so it is better that I package 1.2.6 for now, to get up-to-date with the stable series s-c-p (and go 1.2.7+ if it comes before FF)_?13:25
pittitkamppeter: yes, I think so13:26
pittitkamppeter: I don't think that the gi stuff will land in 1.3, given that the version number already looks like "1.3 beta" (1.2.96)13:26
pittitkamppeter: so we might switch to 1.3 eventually13:26
pittitkamppeter: I'll send the current patch to Tim, and then we can discuss how to proceed13:26
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tkamppeterpitti, OK, so I wait for Tim's answer to you with the next package of s-c-p, but generally I will stay with 1.2.x or perhaps 1.3.x.13:34
tkamppeterpittim another problem is how s-c-p and jockey access the internet to download drivers via OpenPrinting. It does not support proxies. Can you fix that?13:36
pittitkamppeter: I saw the email; I think urllib2 supports proxies13:38
directhextkamppeter, i'm expecting a phone call from kyocera uk at some point today about providing a monolithic "all ppds" download for openprinting purposes13:38
pittitkamppeter: I'll look into it, but not today13:38
pittitkamppeter: I'm still on the GNOME hackfest13:39
dholbachsoren, IZ GTK BOOG!13:41
dholbachdaniel@miyazaki:~$ wtf SCNR13:44
dholbachSCNR: sorry, could not resist13:44
Chipzzpitti: it does, but it doesn't support fetching https through proxies (if that would be relevant)13:46
tkamppeterpitti, OK, next week would be OK for that.13:50
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smbpitti, Heya, I think we need to enable the same work-around in the power-management scripts in userspace (not sure it was a disable or rip out) we had  in Lucid for Maverick and even Natty. see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/53946713:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 539467 in pm-utils-powersave-policy (Ubuntu Natty) "SATA link power management causes disk errors and corruption" [High,New]13:56
smbpitti, Unfortunately there still seem to be some combinations of controller and disks around that get corrupted when sata alpm is enabled13:57
sorendholbach: Any hints for a fix?13:57
dholbachsoren, no, sorry - I was just joking around13:58
sorendholbach: Ah. Now I don't love you anymore.13:59
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dholbachsoren, that was quick - who did you leave me for?13:59
sorendholbach: Sorry, I'm slow today. I see what you mean now :)14:05
sorendholbach: I didn't get it fixed until just now. My "no love" commen was written with my shift key held down :)14:06
cjwatsonsoren: edit /etc/default/keyboard; also edit /etc/default/console-setup; take the four commented-out XKB* lines at the end of /etc/default/console-setup, and replace the four XKB* lines in /etc/default/keyboard with those (uncommenting them in the process)14:10
ari-tczewseb128: could you sponsor it? https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/ubuntu/maverick/nautilus/nautilus-fix-630512-maverick/+merge/4504814:12
sorencjwatson: Cool. Is that read at boot time or do I need to do something in particular to make it take effect?14:13
cjwatsonsoren: it's read at boot; you can use setxkbmap to fix things up in X14:14
ari-tczewseb128: please sponsor also https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/ubuntu/maverick/empathy/empathy-fix-666288/+merge/4574014:16
sorencjwatson: Ah, right. Awesome, thanks.14:17
directhextkamppeter, guy i spoke to from kyocera uk will try to convince central control at KM europe in germany to provide an "all ppds" download for easy use by openprinting14:19
ScottKhyperair: The information micahg gave you was good.14:22
ScottKhyperair: If there are backport requests that you think are ready for approval, please feel free to ping me with the bug number.14:22
hallynare we supposed to be in a natty alpha2 freeze right now?14:23
cjwatsonwe're nearly two weeks away from alpha 2 yet14:24
hallynwoudl you mind taking a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/natty/qemu-kvm/qemu-kvm-kvmgrp/+merge/46993 ?14:24
cjwatsonburied in plymouth right now - can you send me mail?14:24
hallynyup, thanks14:24
amitkebroder: bug 705912 filed against pango and subscribed you as requested14:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 705912 in pango1.0 (Ubuntu) "No text displayed on live desktop on macbook pro" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70591214:31
amitkev: ^^^ you don't think this is an installer bug, right?14:35
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evamitk: correct14:44
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anwarhi guys .. i have a simple question14:52
ProtoHi guys. Quick question. How do you free memory that was allocated using the function readline from the gnu readline library? Thanks14:54
cjwatsonProto: free ()15:03
cjwatsonProto: the man page says it's allocated with malloc (), and the inverse of that is free ()15:03
Protowell I user free() but dmalloc tool that I am using reports that there is a memory leak. I only had two lines in my code. the readline and the free.15:05
anwari'm a web developer and i work on windows environment..  and i want to develop on ubuntu .. where do i have to start ? there are alot of resources in the wiki page and it's a bit confusing for me because i'm a regular user to ubuntu .. can u tell me where to start ?15:06
Chipzzanwar: pls ask in #ubuntu, your question is not appropriate for this channel15:08
micahganwar: you could also try #ubuntu-server15:09
anwarthank u guyz .. sorry15:10
Chipzzmicahg: hrrrrm not really15:10
cjwatsonProto: I'd suggest using valgrind and getting it to report the exact location of the leak15:10
Chipzzmicahg: (at least I think so)15:10
micahgChipzz: the apps needed for web dev on ubuntu are server apps :)15:10
cjwatsonsometimes libraries allocate themselves a bit of persistent state on initialisation or something, which isn't generally worth worrying about15:11
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Chipzzmicahg: yes, but there's a difference between "I haven't bothered to read a 'how do I set up apache' tutorial" and "I have apache all set up, but this module doesn't work"/"there's a bug in this server package"15:11
micahgChipzz: indeed, but #ubuntu-server is also ubuntu-server-support :)15:12
Chipzzmicahg: yes, but even in support you can try to start somewhere yourself, like reading tutorials, before asking ;)15:12
Protocjwatson: thanks. I'll look it up.15:13
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bcurtiswxping bazaar.launchpad.net is failing here.. anyone else confirm?15:33
dholbachbcurtiswx, http://identi.ca/launchpadstatus15:34
* bcurtiswx adds that to his identica15:35
bcurtiswxthx dholbach15:35
dholbachde nada15:35
hyperairScottK: alright, will do15:38
apwpitti, it seems code hosting is in a heap.  that seems to be stopping the work-items stuff updating as it starts with a bzr pull ... should i disable that bit for the time being15:41
poolieapw, http://blog.launchpad.net/general/code-hosting-offline15:42
* apw screams at OSD ... let my X server show me things while you are lost and confused and waiting to display poolies message15:43
apwpoolie, thanks15:43
cjwatsondoko: any progress on bug 684703?  the last comment on the bug is ScottK asking you for how to provide the information you requested; did you discuss that outside the bug?15:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 684703 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu Natty) "Generated symbols different on different archs with gcc-4.5" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68470315:44
ScottKcjwatson: No discussion outside the bug that I recall (if there was, I need a refresh).15:45
SpamapScjwatson: ack, re upstart/sysvinit/etc. changes15:52
cjwatsonScottK: ok, logged that in the bug with a ping15:53
dokocjwatson, ScottK: are these non-virtual thunks referred to in other libs?15:53
SpamapScjwatson: re adding a breaks.. I was going to have it time out after 5 seconds of waiting.15:53
ScottKdoko: No.15:53
SpamapScjwatson: though probably good to have both isn't it?15:53
dokosorry, s/libs/binaries/15:54
ScottKThey are non-virtual thunk.15:55
cjwatsonSpamapS: sounds plausible15:55
dokoScottK: then why add these to the symbols files at all?15:55
ScottKdoko: It's what dpkg-gensymbols generates.15:56
ScottKc++filt _ZThn16_N11KDcrawIface12RExpanderBoxD0Ev15:56
ScottKnon-virtual thunk to KDcrawIface::RExpanderBox::~RExpanderBox()15:56
ScottKThat's in libkdcraw9.symbols15:56
dokoScottK: well, maybe ask buxy why he wants these mentioned in the symbols files?15:56
SpamapScjwatson: so, upstart should have    Breaks: libc6 ( << $version_that_disables_telinit_u ) ..15:57
ScottKdoko: They weren't different on different archs before.  Why now?15:57
SpamapScjwatson: and sysvinit would need Breaks: upstart ( << $version_that_adds_re-exec )15:57
buxyI don't "pick" symbols, I take everything that's exported.15:58
ScottKdoko: I'm not a build system expert, but right now I have to test build that package on all archs to get a package that builds.  That's not supportable.15:58
ScottKdoko: See buxy's reply ^^^^15:58
cjwatsonSpamapS: right15:59
cjwatsonI think15:59
SpamapScjwatson: that should just help apt decide the order to configure things, right?16:00
cjwatsonyeah, it's not foolproof here16:01
cjwatsonwell, though the libc6 telinit u is at configuration time16:01
SpamapSpostinst specifically16:01
cjwatsonthat's the bulk of configuration :)16:01
dokoScottK, buxy: well, symbols files shouldn't be used unreflected for C++ libs. Debian #605833 is another (unrelated) case16:01
cjwatsonI'm more hoping that it will prevent some of the more basic partial upgrade mistakes16:01
ubottuDebian bug 605833 in gpsd "symbols file lists symbols from qt libs" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/60583316:01
buxydoko: true, but MoDaX has done such work there that it gets more common...16:02
dokobuxy: which work?16:03
SpamapScjwatson: right, I think at some point we have to accept that if you install the new upstart and somehow force the old postinst to run.. you have broken your system, not dpkg/apt/ubuntu devs.16:03
buxydoko: the possibility to map symbols by their demangled name16:04
SpamapSI'd say with a Breaks: line, that shold be sufficient, but I am certainly not an authority on how breaks works in the real world.. only how its worded. :p16:04
buxyand other similar stuff16:04
cjwatsonSpamapS: in practice the thing I care about is that if you say 'apt-get install sysvinit' it'll upgrade upstart and libc6 tooo16:05
cjwatsonConflicts is likely far too invasive16:05
dokoScottK, buxy: so if we agree that these thunks don't belong the interface, then maybe make them optional by default?16:07
SpamapScjwatson: I'll test for that scenario right now.. :)16:09
* SpamapS thinks it would be wise to always have a libc6 tree with the build step completed lying around.16:10
buxydoko: I have no idea whether they belong to the interface or not, and I don't think that I want to have lots of special-cases in dpkg-gensymbols, in particular when these are difficult to identify (I don't want to always run c++filt)16:10
buxyI rather suggest that the affected package uses the (c++) tag to match this symbol in arch-neutral way16:11
dokobuxy: well, these "special cases" are defined. http://www.codesourcery.com/public/cxx-abi/abi.html#mangling16:11
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bcurtiswxcjwatson, remember the empathy build issues from yesterday?16:18
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cjwatsonbcurtiswx: yes16:19
bcurtiswxcjwatson, i have a new error i'd like to share with you and get some advice on16:19
cjwatsonbest share it with somebody else16:20
cjwatsonI'm in a meeting and about to finish for the week after that16:20
bcurtiswxcjwatson, OK ignore email then16:20
cjwatsondesktop people would be better16:20
bcurtiswxseb mentioned to talk to you if I could16:21
bcurtiswxi appreciate your time tho, have a good rest of day and weekend16:21
cjwatsonoh, any particular reason?16:21
cjwatsonI mean, I know the autotools, but lots of people do :)16:21
bcurtiswxcjwatson, src/Makefile.am: object `empathy-accounts-dialog.$(OBJEXT)' created both with libtool and without16:22
bcurtiswxseems one of the binaries added to empathy_chat_SOURCES causes autoreconf to complain16:23
cjwatsonthere's a section on that in 'info automake'16:23
* bcurtiswx looks16:23
cjwatsonexplains it better than I can16:23
SpamapSI notice that upstart was uploaded to lucid-proposed as an SRU back in August with the version 0.6.5-7 instead of 0.6.5-6.1  ...16:24
SpamapSshould this SRU be -8 or -7.1 ?16:24
ScottKdoko: I don't know enough to have an opinion of if they should be optional by default.  I just know it's a lot more effort to maintain symbols files if they vary per arch.16:24
cjwatsoneither is fine - it just needs to not clash with maverick, and maverick went from 0.6.5-6 to 0.6.6-116:25
cjwatsonSpamapS: ^-16:25
cjwatsonsee https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+publishinghistory16:25
cjwatsonif it were me, I would follow the pattern and use -816:25
seb128bcurtiswx, just built with --no-as-needed for now16:25
dokoScottK: sure, but you have to live with it16:25
seb128bcurtiswx, it will be easier16:25
SpamapSless confusing then to use -8 :)16:25
ScottKdoko: Why?  I didn't have to live with it with gcc4.4.16:25
SpamapScjwatson: ty16:26
seb128seems weird that to add new files to _source we need to list all the other files it uses to land in that issue16:26
bcurtiswxseb128, the info cjwatson gave says to add a empathy_chat_CFLAGS=$(AM_CFLAGS) i will try that16:26
dokoScottK: because types of parameters are mangled too16:26
cjwatsonyou've always had to list everything you use in _SOURCES, unless there's an internal library or something16:26
dokoseb128: what has something missing in _SOURCES to do with the linker flag?16:28
ScottKdoko: I'll add this discussion to the bug then.16:28
seb128cjwatson, ok, we have a new file from a distro patch, I though that we used to include only that one16:28
seb128not that one and all the files this source is using16:28
seb128in the right order16:28
cjwatsonordering may be new, but I doubt the rest is16:28
cjwatsonthe linker has never magically found symbols for you16:28
seb128doko, the initial issue was it complains about non found symbols16:28
seb128ok, not sure why bcurtiswx gets that error then after adding the sources in order16:29
zygampt, hi, do you have a moment?16:29
mptzyga, yep16:29
dokoseb128: is there a report open? imo, there should be for every case, where we use a workaround16:30
seb128bcurtiswx, I will try to debug that the day I've a config with the GNOME3 ppa to do test builds16:30
zygampt, what do you think of an idea to put "rate this application" or "go to software center" in the help menu of applications linked with launchpadintegration?16:30
seb128doko, no, it's for a ppa with unstable version, not for natty16:30
seb128which is what makes debugging hard, nobody but bcurtiswx has the packages installed to build it16:30
bcurtiswxseb128, i can share my .pbuilderrc as I have it working with GNOME3 PPA whenever you want.. that way its as "simple" as pbuilder-dist16:31
seb128bcurtiswx, I know how to set up a pbuilder or a vm thanks, I just don't have the bandwith to do a full GNOME install in a pbuilder right now16:32
bcurtiswxseb128, i figured you knew how to pbuilder/VM :P just offered my rc file16:33
seb128or rather it would slow down my internet enough and I'm using it for other things I work on16:33
bcurtiswxwell good news so far, is it didn't fail at autoreconf16:33
mptzyga, "Rate This Application" in an application's Help menu is plausible (though it isn't really anything to do with help), but that has nothing to do with whether the application is in the Ubuntu archive, and therefore I don't think it belongs in launchpad-integration. (I think launchpad-integration should die in a fire, but that's irrelevant for that reason.)16:33
zygampt, technical bits are not interesting to me, I just wonder how you'd think we can encourage (or if we should in the first place) users to rate applications16:34
zygampt, or allow them to install additional content16:34
mptzyga, so, "Rate This Application" in the "Help" menu I'm ok with16:37
mptavoiding the technical bits :-)16:37
zygampt, what kind of UI would you like there?16:38
mptzyga, opening USC to the application's screen and automatically opening the review dialog, I guess16:38
zygampt, a dedicated rate window or direct hop to the software center?16:38
mptmaybe it wouldn't be necessary to open the main USC window16:39
zygampt, I'm not familiar with that part, does the user need to be signed in to write comments? (think about the very-first-time-to-rate-anything)16:39
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mptzyga, yes they do. So going through <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter/RatingsAndReviews#reviews-reviewing> from the beginning.16:40
zygampt, great, that's the window I was thinking of16:41
SpamapSdoko: are you working on the eglibc SRU to lucid btw? I did test it yesterday and it works well.16:41
zygampt, now to technical bits, who should I talk to?16:41
dokoSpamapS: just that what I did prepare on p.c.c  or should the change about the restart issue backed out?16:42
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mptzyga, mvo or tremolux to start with, to add a command line or d-bus signal or something for "please start the review process for X"16:44
mptto USC16:44
SpamapSdoko: the one you had on p.c.c needs to go in before the upstart change.16:45
SpamapSdoko: or at least, simultaneously now that I've added a breaks << that version16:45
SpamapSdoko: the change to postinst to disable telinit u on upgrade is vital.16:49
dokoSpamapS: are you ok with the eglibc upload during the freeze?16:49
dokocjwatson: ^^^16:49
cjwatsonyes, per mail (were you cced on that?)16:49
cjwatsonmarjo has acked it16:49
cjwatsonwell, wait, what else is in the eglibc upload?16:50
* SpamapS hears the ominous change in the music16:51
cjwatsonmostly I just realised I didn't quite know what all I was acking16:52
SpamapS  * Fix issue #12077, __strncmp_ssse3 can segfault when it over-reads16:52
SpamapS    its buffer.  LP: #702190.16:52
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TribaalHi folk, I'm trying to get uic to generate an implementation for my header file, but can't. I'm using "uic -impl myheader.h" and expect output to stdout (as the manpage suggests), but uic complains by giving me the usage text...16:56
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cjwatsondoko,SpamapS: bug 702190 is OK if you can provide a test case so that the QA team have some hope of validating it16:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 702190 in eglibc (Ubuntu Lucid) "__strncmp_ssse3 can segfault when it over-reads its buffer" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70219016:57
zygampt, thanks16:57
dokocjwatson: a test was added in the fix, so a rebuild on this hardware should show it17:03
cjwatsoncan we guarantee building on the appropriate hardware?17:04
cjwatsonperhaps the test can be extracted such that QA can run it externally17:04
dokook, will do17:06
SpamapSdoko: let me know if you need anything.17:07
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seb128barry, doko, do you think you could review bug #695005 (sponsoring request)?17:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 695005 in python-numpy (Ubuntu) "Merge python-numpy 1.5.1 (main) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69500517:22
seb128doko, especially since you had some concerns about it and the update seems non trivial17:23
seb128so gdm has a deluser call in its postrm, which fails when gdm is running...17:36
seb128is there a standard way to deal with those issues?17:36
seb128seem quite some users try to uninstall gdm from a session started by gdm and report bugs17:36
seb128well apport report bugs because the postrm fails17:36
ScottKlamont: Can haz postfix 2.8 for Natty?17:38
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* SpamapS thinks upstart-dummy needs to be packaged and maybe even integrated with schroot/sbuild... :-D17:50
cjwatsonso "not planned to be fixed soon" is mistaken17:55
Lopiogra: ping17:56
SpamapScjwatson: as excited as I am for that bit of news, I doubt it will be backportable to lucid, and I have to wonder how we'll use it from a lucid chroot -> a newer upstart .. do we need to shim in a session-aware initctl?18:00
cjwatsondunno, I imagine a dummy thing is a reasonable stopgap for such environments18:02
cjwatsonthat problem will go away eventually18:02
slangasekbdrung: I wonder why libkibi needs a -dbg package in the archive18:04
bdrungslangasek: because libkibi in ubuntu is identical with the version for debian and IIRC debian does not have ddebs18:06
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slangasekit does not, but why does this library need a -dbg package in Debian either?18:06
slangasekit seems to have few moving parts :)18:07
bdrungslangasek: to help debugging problems in the library. every program has at least one bug (or is outdated). ;)18:07
slangasekbdrung: yes, but -dbg libraries come with a cost to mirrors; I would hope the Debian ftp team would not accept such a -dbg package (but experience suggests to me they probably will)18:08
micahgI have a question about versioning for an SRU, I have xubuntu-docs at 9.10.1 in karmic and lucid, I'm about to upload to lucid, I was going to use 9.10.1+really10.04.1, but then karmic will be left with a version that can't be updated, I was originally going to use, but that looked ugly, any ideas?18:50
dokocjwatson: are you ok with upstrart changes from SpamapS ?18:53
SpamapSmicahg: wouldn't it be updatable as  9.10.1+really10.04.1.1 ?18:58
micahgSpamapS: which?18:58
SpamapSmicahg: you said it wouldn't be updatable with the +really10.04.1 tag .. but you could of course add things onto that.18:58
micahgSpamapS: no, I mean to update karmic, I'd have to do 9.10.1+really09.10.118:59
cjwatsondoko: the last version I saw was fine19:00
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cjwatsondoko: assuming that the libc6 version matches, which I haven't checked19:01
micahgcjwatson: any ideas about my versioning conundrum?19:02
cjwatsonmicahg: mm, you don't have a lot of room since maverick and natty are still on 9.10.x (!)19:03
micahgright :)19:03
cjwatsonI think you're stuck with inventing something ugly that gives you enough space19:04
micahgcjwatson: the package has no depends, so maybe I should just bump to 10.04.1, updates are planned for maverick and natty later, but the changes in maverick even were not version specific19:05
micahgand the relavent changes were included in this update for lucid19:05
cjwatsonyou could update natty, then maverick, then lucid, then karmic19:05
cjwatsonso that everyone's comfortable that version increase will be preserved19:05
cjwatsonI'd be nervous of bumping lucid beyond maverick's version; it's all too easy to forget to clean up later19:06
micahgso I guess so that there's room to update karmic and it's pre-maverick19:07
micahgcjwatson: thanks19:08
dokocjwatson, SpamapS: eglibc and upstart uploaded19:21
dokoSpamapS: same game for maverick?19:21
SpamapScjwatson: oo, I just saw that your plymouth change to listen for upstart events came through. Very cool. :)19:21
SpamapSdoko: yes I'll push that one momentarily19:22
dokoplymouth ftbfs19:22
cjwatsondoko: fixed a moment ago in ubuntu1219:23
cjwatsonSpamapS: hope it works :)19:24
cjwatsondoko: thanks, I'll review them a bit later this evening19:24
cjwatsonSpamapS: it becomes fairly obvious that there hasn't been a terribly consistent policy on upstart job descriptions, mind you19:25
cjwatsonwe may have to revise some of them, or revise the bridge code19:25
cjwatsonanyway, out for a bit19:25
SpamapSdoko: do you happen to know the maverick eglibc version you'll be uploading?19:27
dokoSpamapS: http://people.canonical.com/~doko/tmp/  2.12.1-0ubuntu10.219:27
SpamapSdoko: cool, will start a test build now19:29
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anwarwhere can i find projects to contribute ? using Python ?19:58
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bcurtiswxwhere would I search to see if XSendEvent is deprecated ?21:20
bcurtiswxand what to replace it with21:20
bcurtiswxim looking at http://paste.ubuntu.com/556660/21:22
janimo_bcurtiswx, what suggests that it is deprecated21:26
bcurtiswxjanimo_, nothing.. just a guess21:26
bcurtiswxhttp://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2010-September/msg00025.html im looking there at an XSendEvent21:26
janimo_there XSendEvent is not replaced by something else21:29
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slangasekjames_w: whoo, habemus ramās!  Is that you fixing things so the udd branches work again? :)21:56
james_wslangasek, never!21:57
slangasekoh, well, /someone/ just fixed the import of the gourmet package :)21:57
jelmerslangasek: jam should be the target of your gratitude :-)21:58
slangasekjam: thank you :)21:59
jamslangasek: happy to22:00
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manjosuperm1, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Testing/UbuntuUEFI23:06
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ebroderwow. somebody put a lot of work into the sponsor queue today. kudos to whoever it was23:52

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