
Legendarioany hint here: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/EJ3dPfKT ?????????00:45
stevecrozzmicahg: have you had a chance to look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/uwsgi again?02:01
micahgstevecrozz: you still need to run update-maintainer, but I'd like to chat with the ITP person a little more02:04
stevecrozzmicahg: i did run update-maintainer, does still look like I haven't?02:05
micahgstevecrozz: ah, maybe w/out an internet connection?02:05
micahgoh, hmm02:05
stevecrozzhm, i don't think so... is something wrong with it?02:06
micahgnm, it's because it's not in the archive yet02:06
stevecrozzmicahg: I'll let leonid know you want to talk with him, maybe i can get him to pop in here again02:08
micahgstevecrozz: he's got almost everything02:09
stevecrozzmicahg: is there anything I can do to help?02:11
micahgI just don't see the need for dynamic build-deps02:12
stevecrozzi have no strong feelings on that, i guess we'll see if leo can convince you02:15
stevecrozzhey micahg: leo just arrived, he's onehundredthirty02:28
micahghi again onehundredthirty02:29
micahgI saw your modifications, why the need for build-deps being variable?02:29
* micahg sees no evidence in control.in02:29
onehundredthirtyyes, I didn't put it into control.in. but could you please try to clone repository and build it? it will fail because of Build-Depends02:31
micahgonehundredthirty: sure, but do you know what needs to be changed?02:32
ebroderonehundredthirty: by the way, i was wrong yesterday when i said that other packages didn't support multiple interpreters. libapache2-mod-wsgi actually builds both a py2.6 and py2.7 module in the same package02:33
pabelangerSo, if I had a Ubuntu package, could I recompile it twice? Once for <package> and another time for <package-dbg>?   There are some specific compile time flags I would need to set for a -dbg version of the package02:36
onehundredthirtyebroder: yes, i see it. yesterday I talk with member of Debian Python Modules Team on #debian-python and he pointed out this package. it was after I posted comment on REVU. and now I think to change the uWSGI package in something like mod_wsgi02:36
ebroderonehundredthirty: excellent. sounds much better than a bunch of dynamically generated packages02:36
pabelangersorry, wrong channel02:37
onehundredthirtymicahg: d/rules looks into d/control and invokes different Python interpreter for different uwsgi-python* packages. and some of these Python interpreters aren't in Build-Depends02:38
micahgonehundredthirty: python-all-dev doesn't pull them in?02:38
onehundredthirtymicahg: yeah. the same thought comes into my mind now. python-all-dev it really must pull all Python interprestes in. well, maybe my comment on REVU was wrong. but before posting it i tried to build 'control.in' branch on Maverick and it fails on wrong Build-Depends02:41
ebroderonehundredthirty: you should be able to build-dep on python-all-dev, then use pyversions to figure out what to build against02:42
onehundredthirtyebroder: yeah, I saw pyversions usage in mod_wsgi package. I'll use it too.02:45
ebroderonehundredthirty: awesome. sounds like you have things under control02:45
onehundredthirtyebroder: but there is one disadvantage in packing all pythonX.Y-related executables in package uwsgi-pythonX. Package will contain executables linked to different libpythonX.Y, but the package will Depends only on one libpython02:47
onehundredthirtyebroder: when user will  try to invoke executable with missing libpython, it wil fails02:47
ebroderonehundredthirty: that's not true. you should have a ${shlibs:Depends} in your depends: line, and call dh_shlibdeps in your rules file (or if you're using the %: dh $@ rules file, it'll do it for you)02:47
ebroderdh_shlibdeps finds all of the executables and makes sure the libraries they link are substituted for ${shlibs:Depends}02:48
onehundredthirtyebroder: but then my package will pull-in ALL python interpreters. say, I 'apt-get uwsgi-python2' and it pulls in python2.6 and python2.7. is it good idea? mod_wsgi didn't so this02:49
ebroderonehundredthirty: they don't pull in python2.6 and python2.7, just libpython2.6 and libpython2.702:49
ebroderand yes, mod_wsgi does do this02:50
ebroderin fact, it would be a bug in your package if you did *not* depend on the libraries needed to link the executables in the package02:50
onehundredthirtyebroder: libpythonX.Y Depends on pythonX.Y02:50
ebroderhuh. so they do. hadn't noticed that02:50
ebroderin any case, yes, that's what mod_wsgi does as well02:51
onehundredthirtyand mod_wsgi Depends on (only python-related): libpython2.6 (>= 2.6), python (>= 2.5), python (<< 2.7)02:51
ebroderonehundredthirty: you're looking at maverick, not natty02:51
onehundredthirtyebroder: no I'm looking at Debian Unstable :)02:52
ebroderonehundredthirty: unstable doesn't even have py2.7 yet, does it?02:52
onehundredthirtyyeah, but nevertheless, mod_wsgi doesn't depends on all libpython02:52
ebroderit does in natty02:53
onehundredthirtyebroder: just on libpython for default Python02:53
onehundredthirtyebroder: I see. it really depends on all available libpython in natty. well,02:55
ebroderthat's odd that it doesn't in sid, though, and seems like a bug02:55
ebroderor possibly a change in how linking in an interpreter works between py2.5 and py2.6?02:55
ebroderthe mod-wsgi in experimental depends libpython2.6 and libpython2.7 but not libpython2.502:56
ebroderi guess that's probably because there is no libpython2.502:56
onehundredthirtyebroder: I see. yes there is definitely no libpython2.5, so this is the reason.02:58
onehundredthirtyso, I will try to change my package to something like mod_wsgi with uwsgi-python2 and uwsgi-python3.03:00
micahg \o/03:01
micahgthanks onehundredthirty03:01
onehundredthirtyguess, it takes away need for separate packages for Debian and Ubuntu03:01
onehundredthirtywill see03:01
micahgonehundredthirty: if you run into issues, please come back, we'll be glad to help03:02
onehundredthirtymicahg: thanks, I'll do03:02
slangasekwho manages revu these days?  I've tried to use it for the first time today, and it seems to think I'm not a MOTU?06:04
slangasekah, wiki says contact an admin to be marked as a reviewer06:04
slangasekpersia: can I be a REVUer?06:05
persiaAbsolutely.  Please log into REVU to make sure your account is initialised so I can grant you rights.06:06
persiaBasic guidelines: be picky, so save the archive-admins work, be helpful, so folks can get it right.  Everyone appreciates a licensing review.06:08
persiaOK.  All set.  Please review.  Be sure to advocate that which warrants it.  Best to get two pairs of eyes on things: everyone makes mistakes.06:10
persiaOh, and REVU doesn't run lintian against binaries: if you want those results, run a test-build.06:11
dholbachgood morning06:54
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ari-tczewmr_pouit: I guess you might be interested in bug 70573413:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 705734 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu-docs for lucid are out-dated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70573413:24
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ari-tczewmicahg: ping13:46
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pabelangerDaviey: ping?14:07
micahgari-tczew: [ong14:36
ari-tczewmicahg: do you running natty?14:37
micahgari-tczew: not yet14:37
Davieypabelanger, o/14:37
ari-tczewmicahg: :( I have a problem with java on natty and I'd like to get in touch with someone who has a knowledge.14:37
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micahgari-tczew: have you tried #ubuntu+1?14:41
ari-tczewmicahg: perhaps in the past, but no response14:41
micahgari-tczew: do you want to talk about it in there?14:47
micahgbdrung: ping14:47
ari-tczewmicahg: place doesn't matter, I just would like to fix problem14:47
bdrungmicahg: pong14:47
micahgbdrung: so, I missed the e-mail about upstream vlc EOLing the 1.0 branch, doesn't this cause an issue for us with Security support for Lucid?14:48
bdrungmicahg: probably no, because backporting the fixes from the 1.1 branch used to be easy.14:49
micahgbdrung: ok, so we should let this go?14:49
micahgI guess 1.1 will stay around for a while for squeeze?14:50
bdrungmicahg: upstream will EOLing 1.1 probably before squeeze EOL14:50
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dholbachjdong, is the backporters team still looking for help?15:19
dholbachScottK too: ^15:20
ScottKdholbach: Yes.15:20
dholbachScottK, I was reaching out to some new contributors and asked about their experience - there was one who put a lot of work into backporting applications. Would it be OK if I passed him on to the team mailing list?15:21
ScottKdholbach: We don't have a team mailing list.15:21
dholbachoh, I thought that was what ubuntu-backports@lists.u.c was for?15:21
ScottKIt may be.  I'm not subscribed to it though.15:22
ScottKI'll clarify and say we aren't using a mailing lists.15:22
ScottKdholbach: You can suggest he give me a ping on irc or email me.15:22
dholbachsweet, thanks a lot Scott!15:22
Legendariodoes anyone know the answer for this error: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/EJ3dPfKT15:36
tumbleweedLegendario: you mustn't install to /usr/bin, the package build happens as non-root (fakeroot) and the install should happen into debian/$packagename. You can achieve this via DESTDIR15:41
pabelangerDaviey: howdy! Figured I'd try and ping you about getting more active with the Asterisk packaging.15:51
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pmjdebruijnhi I'm trying to package a cmake project with debhelper 717:11
pmjdebruijnexcept that it has no CMakeList in it's package root, but only in one of the subdirectories17:11
pmjdebruijnhow can I point debhelper to that subdirectory17:11
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tumbleweedpmjdebruijn: see --sourcedirectory in debhelper(7)17:15
pmjdebruijnok thanks17:16
tumbleweedyou might need --buildsystem too (without the CMakeList it won't autodetect cmake{17:17
pmjdebruijnbut to which db_audo ?17:20
pmjdebruijnI've only override configure thus far17:20
tumbleweedto all of them. DH_OPTIONS can make that easier17:21
tumbleweedwell, to all of the dh_auto_*17:21
* Laney thought it was to 'dh'17:21
Laneydh $@ --buildsystem=blah --sourcedirectory=bleh17:21
jpdsdh, duh.17:22
tumbleweedLaney: yes, but if he's overridding some of them17:22
tumbleweedor does it pass it through? I've always passed it to dh and dh_auto_x17:22
Laneyit does17:22
Laneysee man dh17:22
pmjdebruijnLaney: that seems to work17:25
tumbleweedLaney: aah, it exports DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS. Nice to know17:28
LaneyI think that using DH_OPTIONS can be problematic in compat 8 mode17:29
pmjdebruijntumbleweed: see, now we've both learned something17:29
* pmjdebruijn giggles17:29
tumbleweedLaney: yes I can see that would be an issue17:30
tumbleweedpmjdebruijn: that's one of the reasons this is fun :)17:30
bdrungtumbleweed: hi, do you have time to review release-info?17:32
tumbleweedbdrung: sure, I'll look in 10 mins17:32
bdrungtumbleweed: pushed17:32
hakermaniaHello guys17:52
pmjdebruijnLaney, tumbleweed thank again!17:53
micahgerr, I how do I build a native package from bzr?17:55
tumbleweedmicahg: easiest way is to tell bzr-builddeb that it's native. echo -e '[BUILDDEB]\nnative = True' > .bzr-builddeb/default.conf17:59
micahgno go18:01
micahgstill trying to run get-orig-source18:01
tumbleweedmicahg: add that file and commit it first18:02
micahgtumbleweed: works, thanks18:04
bdrungtumbleweed: pushed.18:20
tumbleweedbdrung: thanks, just busy reading it18:21
bdrungtumbleweed: bug #70601018:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 706010 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "[backportpackage] upload fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70601018:24
bdrungtumbleweed: i'll be away for some hours. cul8r18:39
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c2tarunbesides bug triaging and fixing how else can we contribute to ubuntu development?20:35
Davieypabelanger, still around?20:39
tumbleweedc2tarun: what do you have in mind? there are a lot of bugs to fix... Areas: FTBFSs, important fixes to sync/merge from debian, security issues, upstream develompent of packages, etc.20:41
c2taruntumbleweed: actually I was wondering that by learning packaging how can i contribute?20:42
tumbleweedunderstanding packaging is important to solving many bugs20:43
tumbleweedand obviously rather necessary for packaging up new software20:43
c2taruntumbleweed: solving bugs often requires good programming skills. I am not familiar with GTK programming, so most of the time I m not able to fix bugs.21:01
tumbleweedc2tarun: I'm not very familiar with GTK either (haven't written any in years). Most of the bugs I deal with day to day are either packaging issues, build failures, or simple bugs that I can fix without knowing too much about the codebase I'm fixing.21:05
tumbleweedc2tarun: harvest.ubuntu.com has a good set of things to look at21:06
c2taruntumbleweed: Can you please give me example of any packaging issue? I really want to understand how everything works.21:06
tumbleweedc2tarun: follow the natty-changes list, see what people are doing. In natty we've had some big toolchain changes that make many packages fail to build, the fixes generally involve explicitly linking to libraries.21:12
c2taruntumbleweed: sorry to say :( but I didn't understand most of what you said. I think I'll go through various source codes and do the fixing :)21:14
c2taruntumbleweed: gotta go. Thanks for you help :)21:20
pabelangerDaviey: Yup21:58
matttbeI'm looking for a sponsoring about this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cairo-dock-plug-ins/+bug/70403223:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 704032 in cairo-dock-plug-ins (Ubuntu) "Please update cairo-dock-plug-ins and cairo-dock metapackage to depend on libwebkitgtk-1.0-0" [Undecided,Fix committed]23:20
matttbeI've proposed my branch for merging into lp:ubuntu/cairo-dock-plug-ins => https://code.launchpad.net/~cairo-dock-team/cairo-dock-plug-ins/ubuntu/+merge/4666823:20
matttbeAnd the (short) debdiff is available there: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/62602053/cairo-dock-plug-ins_2.2.0~4-0ubuntu4.debdiff23:21
matttbeCurrently, cairo-dock won't start on Natty. It's due to libwebkit, just need to be recompiled with libwebkitgtk.23:22
matttbeAnyone can help me? :)23:22
tumbleweedmatttbe: about to go to bed, so can't help you, but don't mark a bug as committed if you want anyone to look at it.23:23
matttbetumbleweed: ok thank you23:24
matttbetumbleweed: but which status?23:24
tumbleweedtriaged is probably best23:25
happyaronanyone knows about CMake?23:25
matttbetumbleweed: thank you23:25
matttbetumbleweed: (except that I can't change this status :) )23:25
matttbe(to this status)23:25
tumbleweedmatttbe: that merge is massive for just a rebuild23:26
matttbetumbleweed: yes, it seems there was a problem with the branch23:26
tumbleweedok, I recommend you delete the merge proposal then23:27
matttbeabout the bug with the branch https://bugs.launchpad.net/udd/+bug/70469423:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 704694 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "import has failed with cairo-dock-plug-ins" [High,Confirmed]23:27
tumbleweedunfortunatly there are a few of those...23:28
tumbleweedmatttbe: ok, a quick rebuild I can help with23:32
matttbetumbleweed: thank you for your help ;)23:33
tumbleweedmatttbe: editing your changelog entry to "Build-Depend on libwebkitgtk-dev instead of libwebkit-dev (LP: #704032)"23:34
matttbetumbleweed: thank you :)23:35
matttbetumbleweed: just another question: why can't the cairo-dock team change the importance of all bugs from "cairo-dock (Ubuntu)" and "cairo-dock-plug-ins (Ubuntu)" projects?23:36
tumbleweedmatttbe: only ubuntu bugcontrol members can, distribution wide23:37
matttbehow ok :)23:37
tumbleweedmatttbe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl23:40
pabelangerSo, I'm trying to setup schroot, following: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto23:43
pabelanger$ mk-sbuild --vg=storagevg lucid ; fails because I don't have a LVM called storagevg23:44
pabelangerif I use my local LVM, I get back the following error:23:44
pabelanger  Insufficient free extents (4) in volume group astpkglucid64: 1280 required23:44
pabelangerI don't understand what a extents is23:45
ebroderpabelanger: that means you don't have any unallocated space in the volume group23:45
ebroderit's all allocated to logical volumes23:45
ebroderit may be easier to use the aufs support - don't pass --vg, just do "mk-sbuild lucid"23:45
ebroderit'll create the chroot in /var/lib/schroot/chroots23:46
pabelangerebroder: Okay, that looks better23:46
pabelangerThanks, let me read up on the differences between LVM and aufs23:46
matttbetumbleweed: thank you for your help! ;)23:54

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