
=== apachelogger is now known as releaselogger
=== doko_ is now known as doko
micahghi, I wanted to ask about bug 705734 regarding the lucid proposed freeze14:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 705734 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu-docs for lucid are out-dated (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70573414:43
cjwatsondocs are easy to validate, go ahead with that one14:47
micahgcjwatson: thanks14:47
cjwatson(haven't looked at the patch though, but in principle)14:47
micahgcjwatson: does it have to be today or is by Monday ok?14:48
cjwatsonit would really help to have it today14:48
cjwatsonI suppose Monday would be just about doable14:49
micahgcjwatson: ok, will endeavour for today14:49
seb128cjwatson, what about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/697112?14:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 697112 in gdm (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "Backport fix for broken XDMCP login to Lucid (affects: 1) (heat: 186)" [Low,Triaged]14:49
seb128cjwatson, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/61826337/xdmcpfill_length.debdiff14:49
cjwatsoncan that wait for 10.04.3?14:49
cjwatsonI'm drawing lines based on validation effort that's likely required14:50
cjwatsonwould rather only make exceptions for things that are (a) trivial or (b) emergencies14:50
seb128cjwatson, yes, it's fine with me, I was just checking because I'm not sure how much we care about xdmcp and the fix seemed easy14:50
cjwatsonright, just need to stop somewhere or the QA team are going to burst14:51
cjwatsonit's fine for lucid in general14:51
micahgcjwatson: can I quote you in the bug for the ACK and trivial validation14:52
marjocjwatson: appreciate your discipline and thoughtfulness14:53
seb128cjwatson, ok, thanks14:59
cjwatsonmicahg: yes15:01
micahgcjwatson: thanks15:01
micahgnow I just need codehosting up to be able to look at it :)15:02
cjwatsonmarjo: one heads-up though, Clint and James would like to insert at least a partial fix for bug 672177, since the longer we leave that the more general risk there is of filesystem corruption15:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 672177 in upstart (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 9 other projects) "libc6 upgrade causes umount to fail on shutdown because init cannot be restarted (affects: 16) (heat: 90)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67217715:02
cjwatsonmarjo: I've asked them to get it uploaded today15:02
marjocjwatson: +1 (risk of filesystem corruption)15:02
seb128cjwatson, can we queue lucid sru updates during the freeze or do you prefer to keep the queue clean?16:23
cjwatsonI don't mind queueing them16:24
seb128cjwatson, ok thanks16:26
=== releaselogger is now known as apachelogger
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]

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