
wrstno activation for linux chris4585 :)00:02
pace_t_zuluwrst, the ubuntu logo in the top left of unity does something now00:02
wrstoh goodness cool pace_t_zulu what does it do? :)00:02
* wrst thinks he will need to update things again tonight00:03
chris4585wrst, this http://www.webupd8.org/2011/01/unity-gets-places-tile-view-more-natty.html00:03
pace_t_zuluwrst: http://i51.tinypic.com/jtq5up.png00:04
pace_t_zuluwrst: funny story ... each one of those image tiles opens up that same applications folder00:06
wrstwell you know rome wasn't built in a day :D00:06
pace_t_zuluwrst: but you can now reorder the icons in the sidebar00:07
wrstahh now that i have been waiting for... pace_t_zulu you talked me into it going to get my laptop :)00:07
pace_t_zulucorrection:the bottom four image tiles open up what you'd expect... firefox, shotwell, evolution, and banshee00:09
pace_t_zuluthe top four still open the applications folder00:09
wrstok i don't think i've noticed banshee coming in yet either00:09
chris4585pace_t_zulu, I thought you could have been able to do that for a while now?00:09
pace_t_zuluchris4585: i hadn't noticed it00:10
pace_t_zuluwrst, you been able to reorder?00:10
wrstme either generally first thing i try after and update00:10
chris4585you should have been able to reorder maybe a week ago? I do regular updates every night00:11
pace_t_zuluchris4585: i do too... are you using a ppa version of unity?00:11
chris4585pace_t_zulu, nope, on natty you mean?00:12
pace_t_zuluchris4585: yea... i guess i just missed it00:12
wrstchris4585: i can too just didn't work as i was expecting00:14
wrsthad to move to the right before reordering00:14
wrsti still want wobbly windows :\00:15
chris4585yeah, you drag them out then reorder, I thought that was obvious lol00:15
wrsti just wanted to drag down or up00:15
wrstso not obvious for some of us lesser people chris4585 :P00:15
chris4585I was actually surprised to see when you move a window it becomes slightly transparent00:17
chris4585one thing I would really love though is when you move a window to the top panel, I'd like to see it maximize like in win7, I love that feature00:17
wrstkde does that really nicely also chris458500:19
wrstyes chris4585 i like that transparent moving by default00:19
chris4585I actually didn't even know compiz could do that, I never noticed a setting for that before00:19
wrstyes pretty sure i have seen it00:22
wrsti think at least00:22
wrstreboot here i come00:33
wrstchibihogoshino: my dock is now full01:36
wrstsorry chibihogoshino, wrong autocomplete :)01:36
chibihogoshinoheh.. n/p01:37
wrstchris4585: my dock is now full01:37
chris4585wrst, did you hear how the unity dock may get an api for docky applets or something?01:38
wrstno i had not that's cool01:38
wrstcool chris458501:40
* orangeninja waves Hello02:22
wrsthello orangeninja02:30
orangeninjawhat's going on tonight?02:31
wrstnot much orangeninja just been playing with natty some02:34
orangeninjayeah, I'm messing around and watching Preds vs Avalanche02:36
linuxman410wrst u here15:05
linuxman410cyberanger u here15:06
linuxman410anyone here15:06
netritiousgood morning locotn16:17
XpistosGOOD MORNING!16:17
netritiousmorning Xpistos16:19
netritiousis it cold out your way?16:19
netritioussnow on the ground and ice in the streets here...wife and daughter home today16:20
netritiousMemphis/Mid-south (Western Region) area LoCo TN Meetup tomorrow around 3:30 PM at Midsouth Makers hackerspace... details on the http://ubuntu-tennessee.org home page including maps.16:22
Xpistosmy family too16:22
Xpistosthis is an example of why it is bad to have a job so close to the house16:23
Xpistosthe show this week really messed me up. I am just getting back to normal now16:23
netritious...and Thanks in advance to Midsouth Makers Svpernova09 and Dan9186[MM] for allowing us to use the space.16:24
netritiousXpistos: ouch16:24
Xpistoswell maybe I will get lucky and make money out of this16:25
Xpistoswhen your new server goes online, are you going to have round mail on it or something else or no mail?16:25
netritioussquirrel mail probably16:26
netritiousI need to update round cube16:26
XpistosI would go like zarafa16:26
netritioussquirrel mail is the standard although round cube is better16:27
netritiousmore features16:28
XpistosI though round cube was out of dev?16:28
Xpistosthat is cool16:28
=== Xpistos is now known as Xpistos|afk
netritiouseveryone soooo quiet17:06
Xpistos|afkit has been like tat lately'17:38
wrsthey netritious, Xpistos|afk woo hoo let the party start!!!17:59
=== Xpistos|afk is now known as Xpistos
Xpistoswrst: turd17:59
XpistosI knew you guys party when I am not around!18:00
wrsthow did you know Xpistos?18:00
wrstwb netritious :)20:03
netritiousty wrst20:03
wrstchris4585, pace_t_zulu , i tried the new natty stuff I am starting to like it.20:04
netritioushey cyberanger20:26
chibihogoshinoanyone doing anything interesting ?20:28
wrstchibihogoshino: payroll reports?20:33
wrstnot really interesting i don't suppose20:34
chibihogoshinomore so than nothing20:45
chibihogoshinowitch is what i am doing20:51
chibihogoshinocant wait for xfce4.8 to be released20:51
vychuneanybody home20:56
netritioushowdy vychune20:59
netritioushi chibihogoshino20:59
vychunei need to know what could be a possible name for a usb port?21:00
netritiousnot sure I exactly understand your question?21:01
netritiousif detected in Ubuntu should be under /dev/sdxN, where x=letters a-z, and N=numbers 0-921:02
vychuneim installing a printer and cant find its port21:02
netritiousin Ubuntu?21:02
vychunein winblows21:02
vychuneWindows XP21:03
netritiousoh lol...i have no idea21:03
netritiousthat should be the port21:03
netritiouswait you said USB lol21:03
vychuneyeah USB21:03
vychunealso why cant i edit the Members page21:06
netritiousapologies vychune, was distracted with update notifications21:12
cyberangerchibihogoshino: sc-fi convention21:16
cyberangerhijacking dns?21:16
vychunehello again21:30
chibihogoshinowhos hijacking dns ?21:39
chibihogoshinoscifi what ?21:39

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