
ActionParsniperghezi: you can extract it using:  unzip /path/to/filename.zip    or right click it in Nautilus00:00
KM0201Anom_: i believe in /usr/share/ati   you should have a fglrx-uninstall.sh      so you should be able to cd to that directory then run sudo sh ./fglrx-uninstall.sh00:00
V3XI need help...00:00
erghezi‎ActionParsnip: zipinfo:  cannot find zipfile directory in one of Ostad_Mohammad_Reza_Shajarian.zip or00:00
V3XHow do I make a exe file "Executable"00:01
BlueBomber7General question:  ls on a directory gives me lines like "d?????????   ? ?       ?            ?                ? <folder name>"  Why?  Is there anyway to recover that subdirectory?00:01
erghezi‎ActionParsnip: i test unzip and peazip00:01
sum1nilhi, is it very hard to get mono 2.8 after removing 2.600:01
Hilariev3x right click on it00:01
ZaelyxHilarie: you can also use Mediatomb to stream uPnP00:01
rusty149BlueBomber7: Try sudo ls -la00:01
HilarieAnd that would allow the user on the other side to access the media on the ubuntu system?00:02
BlueBomber7rusty149: That's the command I use.00:02
MagusOTBdoes gnome-term save bash history anywhere other than ~/.bash_history? I just did something dumb and need to get rid of it.00:02
ZaelyxHilarie: It's like media player in windows 7 sharing, shows up and you can access the shared files, I've used it in the past, it works well.00:02
HilarieThat's awesome, 2 solutions to try00:02
V3Xgot it00:03
rusty149BlueBomber7: whats the folder path? your home, network drive, removable storage, system folder?00:03
ActionParsnipMagusOTB: thats all, if you delete the file and close all terminals, you will make a new file00:03
ZaelyxHilarie: I use it to stream to my PS3, which I couldnt figure out how to do any other way.00:03
MagusOTBActionParsnip: Okay, cool. Thanks.00:03
ActionParsnipMagusOTB: or if you edit the file you can delete the line, your call00:04
gmgOh Oh allmost forgot...where can I get software so that my 3G voice modem can receive calls?00:04
Hilariedoes it use SIP?00:04
sum1nilHas anyone successfully installed mono 2.8?00:04
gmg? SIP does it have a sim card?00:04
HilarieMediatomb UI is disableed, check your configuration00:05
Hilarieany suggestions?00:06
HilarieI can't even find install directories yet00:06
sum1nilwhat are you looking for Hilarie00:06
moseswhats the best pdf viewer to install?00:07
VarcHey ! anyone here use Mangler?00:07
HilarieI am trying to use mediatomb but when I click on it from the applications menu, it tells me Mediatomb UI is disabled and to check my configuration00:07
ActionParsnipmoses: there is no single best application for ANY task00:08
gmgHow can I receive call to my USB 3G modem using a sim card?00:08
moseswhat is a good one to use then?00:08
sysop3hi is it normal for sshd to be running evern after I do a ./etc/init.d/ssh stop?00:08
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)00:08
xilanyone know what the default battery monitor is for ubuntu? I'm trying to get cli output regarding my remaining battery life00:08
sysop3it gets a new pid so it does something,00:08
sum1nilmmm... not familiar with it. what does whereis say?00:08
jribsysop3: if there are open connections, I believe so00:08
rusty149sysop3: yes00:08
sysop3how can I kill all open connections?00:08
rusty149sysop3: use /sshd stop00:08
sysop3/etc/init.d/sshd stop?00:09
sum1nilthere is a 'killall XXXX' command should close connections00:09
sysop3I do but it reopens with a new id00:09
sum1nillike 'killall smuxi'00:09
sysop3I had a hacker crack a password on a non privledged account and was running perl.00:10
sysop3I deleted the user and home files but I cant get this sshd to stop running.00:10
sysop3am I paranoid or is it just me. I stopped ssh at the firewall they arent getting in that way.00:11
sum1nilkill -9  and the pid00:11
sysop3i do but a new pid gets created.00:11
gmgDoes anyone now how to receive calls to a USB 3G modem with sim card?00:11
ActionParsnipsysop3: use sudo to kill it00:11
ActionParsnipgmg: run:  lsusb   websearch the 8 character hex ID to find guides00:12
sysop3I do. its gets a new pid because its getting killed and restarting. killing it more wont help00:12
sum1nilsounds good, kill -9 pid00:12
sum1nilopps sudo kill -900:12
ActionParsnipsysop3: remove it from rc.d and then reboot00:12
jribkill -9 sounds like a horrible idea.00:12
tyler_dI am running 10.10 64bit and am trying to configure openvpn, however need to set a static ip for my connection, where is the config file please?00:12
ActionParsniptyler_d: is it the IP for the VPN link?00:12
xilsomeone know a battery monitor for Ubuntu 10.10? The default one is fine, I just need to know it's cli name00:13
jribsysop3: kill the user's shell that's using ssh00:13
KM0201tyler_d: wouldn't it be eaier to set that through your router?00:13
ActionParsnipxil: acpi -v   or maybe   acpi -V00:13
sysop3I rebooted he is not on the box any more.00:13
tyler_dActionParsnip: its not the gateway, I have been assigned a static ip by the admin00:13
sysop3he was connecting from china and romina00:13
furiJordan_U: tried aoss to no avail00:13
xilactionparsnip: don't have acpi. I can get, should I?00:13
sysop3but my question is, is it normal for ssh to restart like that automatically after I kill or stop it?00:14
ActionParsniptyler_d: if you right click nm-applet -> edit connections    you can edit the link and set a static IP00:14
steven_hi - i m a complete moron can any1 tell me how to run a printer driver i have downloaded from terminal using the sudo command?00:14
jribsysop3: if you don't want ssh to start automatically, you can create a "/etc/ssh/sshd_not-To_be_run" file (the init script says this)00:14
sysop3or is some left over hacker stuff?00:14
ActionParsnipxil: sudo apt-get install acpi00:14
tyler_dActionParsnip: greyed out00:14
ActionParsnipsysop3: i recommend you install rkhunter and scan your system00:14
jribsysop3: my ssh does not continue if I run "sudo service ssh stop".  But if I have open connections, they will persist.00:14
sysop3I dont want ssh not run. I just want to know if its normal.00:14
ActionParsniptyler_d: is it currently connected?00:14
tyler_dActionParsnip: no00:15
sysop3ok so its not normal.00:15
benccwhere can I submit an issue wit gedit syntax highlighting of erlang code?00:15
sysop3I will try what you said ActionParsnip thanks.00:15
jribsysop3: if your system was compromised, I recommend you reinstall and restore from safe backups...00:15
ZykoticK9bencc, "ubuntu-bug gedit" if you want to submit to Ubuntu00:15
ActionParsniptyler_d: hmm, weird. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/536400:15
xilactionparsnip: well it definitely is simple for what I'm doing with it, thanks00:16
ActionParsnipxil: np man00:16
steven_hi - i m a complete moron can any1 tell me how to run a printer driver i have downloaded from terminal using the sudo command?00:16
ActionParsnipsteven_: what make / model printer?00:17
steven_samsung ml166500:17
benccZykoticK9: what is "ubuntu-bug gedit"  ?00:17
ActionParsnipsteven_: ok and what filename/s do you have?00:17
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ZykoticK9bencc, ubuntu-bug is the program to report bugs/issues to Ubuntu.  It requires the package name after it, in this case gedit00:18
bencahillokay, i have a laptop that ubuntu does not like :( can anyone help me troubleshoot it?00:18
steven_the files called autorun00:18
sysop3ok did a apt-get remove openssh-server and the process went away00:18
sysop3going to reinstall and see that fixes things00:18
ActionParsnipsteven_: that will most likely be the windows driver which is of no use to you00:18
steven_i downloaded it from samsung its supposed 2 b the linux driver00:18
benccZykoticK9: is it ok to sumbit to ubuntu or do I need to submit to gedit directly?00:18
tyler_dActionParsnip: no,  I can configure a static ip if I need to, however its only openvpn that requires the static, I should be able to configure it... if not through gui through cli at least00:19
steven_maybe i downloaded the wrong dirver00:19
melow01gparted: how do you launch it from the command line without the GUI?00:19
ZykoticK9bencc, ? either is probably fine, if it's a bug - it should move upstream00:19
Zaelyxsysop3: you might want to purge, to remove all the config files too if you're starting anew00:19
ActionParsnipsteven_: http://www.bchemnet.com/suldr/00:19
melow01I've tried: gksu gparted /dev/sdc100:20
melow01but it still launches the gui00:20
benccZykoticK9: thanks00:20
ActionParsniptyler_d: could add an entry for it in /etc/network/interfaces00:20
ActionParsnipmelow01: gparted is the gui to parted00:21
tyler_dActionParsnip: that doesn't make sense though...00:21
melow01ActionParsnip, doh! thanks00:21
tyler_dActionParsnip: do you know where the config file is for the client?00:21
ActionParsnipmelow01: so the gui will obviously run....  If you run:   sudo parted /dev/diskname   it will use the CLI interface00:22
WiesshundHmm, what have i done? LOL i did the 10.10 upgrade (or so i thought) but instead i went to 11.04, guess i'm an over achiever00:22
ActionParsniptyler_d: not sure, possibly in ~/.config   maybe00:22
Zaelyxmelow01: Also, use gksu for graphics programs and sudo for command-line00:22
ActionParsnipWiesshund: you probably run: sudo update-manager -d00:22
rwwWiesshund: If you're looking at the About Ubuntu page, it shows 11.04 on 10.10 too. Known bug.00:23
jribWiesshund: what does « lsb_release -c » say?00:23
ZykoticK9Wiesshund, did you use -d to update?  that brings you to Development, thus 11.0400:23
ActionParsnipZaelyx: s/he was using gksudo which is fine00:23
tyler_dActionParsnip: no joy00:23
WiesshundActionParsnip i just clicked the big fat upgrade button in update manager. i had been holding off due to the 10.10 issues with ati video, and my nic driver00:23
melow01ActionParsnip, I'm still learning00:23
ActionParsnipmelow01: we all are :)00:24
melow01ActionParsnip, Zaelyx thanks, good to know00:24
rwwI'm not. My brain is full.00:24
ActionParsniprww: every day is a school day :)00:24
jribrww: you could still be overwriting existing knowledge :)00:24
tyler_dActionParsnip: grepping in my ~ for it00:24
furiJordan_U: on aoss, instead of saying that /dev/dsp doesn't exist, it says "/dev/dsp: invalid argument \ could not mmap /dev/dsp"00:25
Zaelyxmelow01: A great book to get more into the linux commands is Ubuntu Linux Toolbox, I've found it very helpful00:25
Jordan_Ufuri: Unfortunately you can't emulate mmap :(00:25
strgllhI can't remember if I told xubuntu to only include open source software during the install. Is there an easy way to go in afterwards and remove any non-free software?00:25
WiesshundActionParsnip never mind, the about ubuntu file says 11.04 but it's incorrect system says its using 10.10, darn i was kind of excited for a second00:25
furiJordan_U: so i'm pretty much stuck without any in-game audio whatsoever?00:26
rusty149Hi, When connecting a VGA cable to my Sony VGN-NS20S Ubuntu freezes. I can still see the whole screen but it does not respond to trackpad, keyboard inc. Ctrl+Alt+F1 and SysRq. If I connect before boot it works fine. Any help please?00:26
Wiesshundrusty149 is that a laptop?00:26
xilwhere can I got some help with scripting wmii, anyone know? I know there is a #suckless channel on another server but I'm wondering if there is a place on freenode?00:27
rusty149Wiesshund: Yes00:27
Jordan_Ufuri: You can try "pasuspender".00:27
ramatanhi, every body00:27
furiJordan_U: well... i already did, but all it does is mute my sound completely until i close it00:27
melow01Zaelyx, I actually have that book! I should open it up more often00:28
rusty149Wiesshund: Sony Vaio VGN-NS20S00:28
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Wiesshundrusty149 the craptastic laptop i have will do the same thing, X doesnt seem to like it changing outputs like that00:29
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rusty149Wiesshund: hmm, have you found a workaround00:30
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ramatancan anyone with good exp., guide me, what best DB for desktop application on ubuntu00:30
Wiesshundrusty149 aside from docking it before hand no, since the graphics adapter wouldnt allow it to run in multi monitor mode00:31
rusty149Wiesshund: I can run the internal and the external after boot but internal freezes and external does nothing if connected after00:32
amdkhey guys i am wondering there is this xmbc programe like for windows its like for internet tv but it dont show up correctly00:32
amdkhttp://img20.imageshack.us/img20/5585/snimakekrana.png <-- this is the pic00:32
ActionParsnipamdk: windows support is in ##windows00:33
amdkdude i am useing wine on ubuntu00:33
amdki would not be here if i needed window help00:33
jribamdk: you need help installing something in wine?00:33
ActionParsnipamdk: you'd be suprised what gets asked in here00:33
bencahillamdk: try #winehq00:34
amdki would00:34
amdkbasicly i installed it but its not right00:34
amdkand it crashes00:34
Wiesshundrusty149 yea, if you open up terminal before hand, after it freezes, i think youll find you can actualy issue it a restart or shutdown command. for some reason it just ceases sending the video. But i could not find any info on a solution at all00:34
jribamdk: if you need help with a windows program through wine, ask #winehq, they're the experts on wine00:34
ActionParsnipamdk: do you mean XBMC, not xmbc?00:34
gmgwith which program can I create a product brochure with linux?00:35
ActionParsnipgmg: scribus, writer00:35
gmgIs is free?00:35
amdkyes i do00:35
rusty149Wiesshund: I can't even do that. Like I said I can't switch tty, or even do sysrq+alt commands (which should be last resort. It is more like a kernel crask but I do not see any panic??00:36
Wiesshundgmg like in prdf format or?00:36
bencahillamdk: i believe there's a native version of that...00:36
Wiesshunder pdf00:36
amdkbasicly the programme that i have is the same as it00:36
ActionParsnipamdk: why not use the native XBMC? why use the windows one?00:36
gmgWell i would like to have my end product in dpf00:36
gmgsorry PDF00:36
amdkok this is the stoy i pay for a subscription to nettvplus.com00:36
ActionParsnipamdk: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install xbmc00:37
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Wiesshundgmg yes there are toold to make pdf files in linux, if you gimme a min i will find them for you00:37
amdkand they only have the windows version on there they call it nttv player pro00:37
sysop3hey where can I find the md5 of sshd?00:37
ActionParsnipamdk: i see00:37
Wiesshundugh tools* i cant type today00:37
gmgShould I beusing scribus then?00:37
ActionParsnipsysop3: are you using lucid?00:38
sysop3yes 10.10 kubuntu but that shouldnt matter00:38
=== SwianX is now known as Swian
ActionParsnipsysop3: 10.10 is maverick, not lucid00:38
honeypotis there a compiled VLC with MP3 and x264???00:38
sysop3sorry maverick00:38
sidewalkcan ubuntu desktop run on hardware raided disks?00:38
ActionParsnipsysop3: otherwise I'd generate the MD5 here and give it00:38
sysop3oh I thought they were listed somewhere.00:39
Wiesshundgmg openoffice can export as PDF00:39
ActionParsnipsysop3: not sure, would make sense though00:39
amdkproblem is that these guys dont have linux verion00:39
sysop3ActionParsnip, thanks anyway. I appreciate the attempt00:39
bencahillmy 10.10 now doesn't boot (hangs after fsck) after getting updates, any help?00:39
amdkand no addys to add my self00:39
ActionParsnipWiesshund: you can print to the pdf printer and get a pdf of your file00:39
gmgCAn openoffice create nice product brochures?00:39
ActionParsnipsysop3: if you can provide the full filename, maybe someone will play with you :)00:40
Wiesshundgmg just as nice as MS Office00:40
ActionParsnipgmg: sure00:40
gmgDoes ithave 3D effect?00:40
ActionParsnipgmg: i'd imagine so00:40
mrbluessbbWhat program would I use to record from a capture card on Ubuntu?00:40
sysop3sure.  /usr/sbin/sshd on 10.10 can anyone give me a md5 digest of it?00:40
Wiesshundgmg 3d effect?00:40
gmglike shade and twist00:41
Wiesshundgmg sorry to sound dumb, but i dont know exactly what those are, least by name00:41
Wiesshundgmg is that a kind of word art function?00:42
Flare183gmg: Are you talking about Compiz?00:42
Flare183!compiz | gmg00:42
ubottugmg: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz00:42
gmgNo...it's functions you can use with images00:42
Wiesshundgmg like bending and shaping text, and having drop shadows etc?00:42
ActionParsnipgmg: i believe it can add shadows to text00:43
gmgYes but with images in a document...without editing it in a graphics editor00:43
Op3yanyone play with a hp pocket pc that stop have way in the load i can see it hooked up to the USB in linux but thats about all00:43
WiesshundOh, to be honest, i do not know what kind of internal image editing capabilities openoffice has, if you mean manipulating existing graphics?00:43
mrbluessbbDoes anyone have an answer to my question?00:44
WiesshundI always edit images outside, i can take a look and see though00:44
masai47what is the difference between a logical and primary partition?00:45
ActionParsnipmrbluessbb: tvtime and such have record functionality00:45
VarcHey guys mrbluessbb need a answer00:45
tsukasahey guys - i'm using the bcm drivers on a 5,7 macbookpro and the wifi usually works fine - except for wpa2 enterprise networks. It will work initially for a while, and then disconnect and be unable to reconnect without rmmod and insmodding wl.ko. Any ideas?00:46
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ActionParsnipmasai47: primary is a partition as yuo expect. You can only have 4 primary partitions. If you need more you create an EXTENDD partition, this can then hold 1 or more LOGICAL partitions00:46
mrbluessbbthank you00:46
ActionParsniptsukasa: when it drops, run:  dmesg | tail    it may give clues00:46
Timecophwllo all00:46
ActionParsnipmasai47: extendd == extended00:46
tsukasaActionParsnip: i'm pretty sure since wpa2 enterprise rotates the encryption key it's just missing the subsequent rotations00:47
rusty149Hi, When connecting a VGA cable to my Sony VGN-NS20S Ubuntu freezes (internal display). I can still see the whole screen but it does not respond to trackpad, keyboard inc. Ctrl+Alt+F1 and SysRq. If I connect before boot it works fine. Any help please?00:47
tsukasaActionParsnip: i turned powersaving off through iwconfig and no dice. I can try the dmesg though if you're out of ideas00:48
ActionParsniptsukasa: possibly, its not something Ive used but the dmesg may be helpful00:48
Timecopim looking for same help add domain name to my extoral ip00:48
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ActionParsniptsukasa: pretty much00:48
luxurymodehi all. whats the easiest way to format a usb flash drive?00:48
Wiesshundgmg openoffice has some graphic editing abilities, but i dont think it does what you are asking, not that i can see offhand, but there may be plugins or add ons to do it00:48
amdkhave you guys given up on me00:48
gliderHey, I am having trouble with my belkin N wireless adapter.00:48
masai47ActionParsnip: I have 3x 500gb and was thinking of installing it as RAID, 300mb partion for /boot as ext2, 2GB swap, and the rest on each for a RAID5 partition for the ext4 / partition.  Thoughts?00:49
luxurymodeglider: thats not a question ;)00:49
ActionParsnipmasai47: ive not used a seperate /boot partition. I always use 10Gb for / 1xRAM for swap and the rest for /home00:49
gmgthanks for your help, I guess I should do this on Windows then DAMM00:49
gliderIt randomly disconnects... and so I unplug it and plug it back in to get it to work again.00:50
jetoleHey guys. I have access to a printer driver/app deb from Brother that is compiled for i386 and I run amd64 however they have (old) instructions on their site saying I should install ia32-libs and lib32stdc++ and then run dpkg -i --force-all on the deb but I want to know, how safe is it really to force an install of an i386 deb file on a amd64 install?00:50
selamcan i ask?00:50
ActionParsnipglider: if you run:  sudo lshw -C network   you will see the chip. Belkin don't make the chips and you need to know the  chi00:50
jetoleselam: no00:50
jetoleselam: you're not allowed to ask questions on IRC00:50
masai47ActionParsnip: thats what I have always done, but I have no experience with RAID but with 3 identical 500GB drives I thought it might make sense00:50
jetoleselam: it's a golden rule00:51
gmgHe he he just ask00:51
selamdetermine the average accel of a car starting from rest reaches a velocity of 60km/h-1 due north in 5.01?00:51
ActionParsnipmasai47: can't hurt. Ive only used hard raid when i've used raid in linux00:51
jetoleselam: if it's multi choice, pick answer b00:51
gmg234 blue apples00:51
selamna not multi choice00:52
rww!ot | selam00:52
ubottuselam: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:52
jetoleselam: is that your real question?00:52
rwwselam: you may also like #math.00:52
jetoleI was gonna say #math if that really was his question00:52
Wiesshundrusty149 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/599626 sounds like your issue?00:52
selamwhat u mean real question?00:52
jetoleselam: you came into #ubuntu to ask a math question?00:52
gliderActionParsnip, I have a 88E8053 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller00:52
selamits physics question00:52
selamnot math00:52
jetolethats like me going into the ##c room and asking which car has the the best miles per gallon00:53
selamso whats unÁ¿buntu?00:53
jetoleisn't physics math?00:53
Timecopim looking for same help add domain name to my external ip00:53
DEAD_BEEFcalculus isnt it00:53
jetoleselam: it's a operating system00:53
tsukasacat iwconfig00:53
selamil leave then00:53
gmgis their a application to improve netbooks power handling?00:53
jetoleTimecop: you can't add a domain to an IP. Can you be a little more specific in your question?00:53
selami feel unwelcomed here00:53
jetolegmg: laptop-mode00:54
jetoleselam: it's just off-topic00:54
jetoleyou're welcome to discuss ubuntu and porn00:54
jetolewell, maybe not porn but I won't mind00:54
go^hi! :>00:54
gmgyesfor laptops00:54
jetolegmg: laptop-mode00:54
jetolegmg: thats the package00:54
gliderActionParsni, sorry, bad copypasta its  AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter00:55
rwwjetole: please try to be polite and professional in here :(00:55
Wiesshundrusty149 at the bottom of the bug report is a possible work around00:55
luxurymodehey guys, im trying to format my flash drive in GParted. I unmounted the drive, but can't format bc its unable to find mount point. GParted says I need dosfstools and mtools packages, which I have...00:55
gmgdo i just download the laptop-mode from software centre?00:55
jetolerww: what did I say that was impolite?00:55
rusty149thanks Wiesshund00:55
craigbass1976is there some way to REALLY restart apache?  i try a config change, /etc/init.d/apache2 restart, and don't see the change.  Reboot the computer though, and I see it.00:56
jetolegmg: I guess. I use apt-get but other people push aptitude but software center, afaik, does the same thing00:56
jetolecraigbass1976: /etc/init.d/apache restart00:56
mellinluxurymode: mtools package will have what you need to format if you want windows filesystem00:56
Timecopi what host web site ubuntu server with domain name00:56
jribjetole: restart really restarts apache... though usually you only want a to do a "reload"00:56
luxurymodemellin: right, but i have that package installed already...00:56
craigbass1976jetole, like I said, changes to the config file aren't taking effect until I reboot.00:56
jetolejrib: yes it does00:56
jribcraigbass1976: restart really restarts apache... though usually you only want a to do a "reload" (sorry jetole :P)00:56
Wiesshundgmg in software center i believe it is package name laptop-mode-tools00:56
mellinluxurymode: Ok so do you want a windows filesytem or not?00:57
jetolecraigbass1976: if you want to be really sure, run: ps -A -o pid,cmd | grep apache00:57
luxurymodemellin: guess so.00:57
jetolecraigbass1976: kill all the pid you find then run that command again and make sure they are dead00:57
jetolecraigbass1976: then run /etc/init.d/apache start00:57
gmgI found it thanks00:57
jetolecraigbass1976: however /etc/init.d/apache restart should do it00:57
MrUnagihow do you compare values in bash?00:58
jribMrUnagi: try #bash00:58
MrUnagiif 1 = 1; then echo yes; fi00:58
jetolejrib: what did you say sorry for?00:58
jribjetole: I meant to send it to craigbass197600:58
m0ngr31any grep experts in here?00:58
mellinluxurymode: Ok then what I am saying is you need to use mtools to do the format not Gparted. Although I am sure someone else knows how to get gparted to use mtools with an option to format windows00:58
jetolejrib: oh cool00:58
Op3ylol no one like this dis do you :P00:58
mellinluxurymode: do a man mtools00:58
jribm0ngr31: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)00:58
jetoleis rww a bot?00:58
rwwjetole: no00:58
luxurymodemellin: how do i pull up mtools?00:58
xanguajetole: he is a super robot00:59
gliderDoes anyone have any idea why my  AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter might be randomly disconnecting?00:59
mrbluessbbHow do I record with Tvtime?  Do I need a separate program?00:59
Kangarooom0ngr31: vlc -help | grep speed               will show line of vlc -help containing speed mentioned00:59
Op3ytype iwconfig00:59
luxurymodemellin: can i just use system > admin > disk utility and delete the partition?00:59
mellinluxurymode: Well you will have to open up a terminal then issue the "man mtools" without quotes it will detail how and what commands to use to format your device00:59
jetolelol. rww: if you have 5 apples and your remove two then what col or is the mooon?00:59
mellinluxurymode: You could00:59
rwwjetole: sleeping furiously01:00
tummyacidhello all! I am trying to setup a RAID1.  I have done this before but I am a little fuzzy on the details.  The tough part is I already have a disk with 100GB of data I wish to keep, I just want to add an additional hard drive to mirror the data already on the first w/o losing data01:00
luxurymodemellin: select FAT if i want it to be windows? i need my xbox to be able to read media on it...01:00
gmgI found a problem with Ubuntu 10.10...when I plug out my monitor...wait 1 hour...plug it back then my screen stalls but everything els still works01:00
jetoleI said the p o r n word in a joking manner and got called impolite so I assumed it was a bot01:00
m0ngr31ok, i'm using a python script to get info from amazon about products. the script returns a bunch of 10 digit numbers. i'm trying to trim the output, but it's not really working... anyone know what i would grep/cut?01:00
mellinluxurymode: Indeed that is what you want01:01
Op3yntfs luxurymode01:01
luxurymodemellin: thanks for your help.01:01
mellinluxurymode: that too01:01
jribm0ngr31: paste a sample line, otherwise it's impossible to help you01:01
Op3yluxurymode or fat3201:01
luxurymodeOp3y: it doesnt say NTFS... just "FAT"01:01
rwwjetole: try to be less funny and more helpful. the humor in telling people that they can't ask questions often fails to reach the other person when they don't speak English as their first language.01:01
mellinluxurymode: NP I don't know much just a little that is why I'm here too!01:01
Op3yfor your xbox01:01
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, have you tried using regular expressions?01:01
m0ngr31jrib: this is what i have so far (it's in a bash script): search1=$(python asin_search.py "$title" "$author" | grep B0 | cut -d' ' -f1)01:02
Op3yi was able to do it then i setup a server with it01:02
jetolerww: well he asked anyways?01:02
Op3yoh well do fat01:02
jetoleer, s/?//01:02
ghostnik11trying to install wintricks it says that its not authenticated and won't let me install it, how can i install it01:02
jribm0ngr31: if we have no clue what the output of asin_search.py is, we can't really help you01:02
luxurymodemellin: oh man, getting errors. its telling me to add "Add mtools_skip_check=1" to my .mtoolsrc file to skip some test....01:02
m0ngr31jrib: B000FA5QEK B000Q9INTK B000FC1VUQ01:02
jribm0ngr31: and what do you want it to looko like afterwards?01:02
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, and its hex even01:02
luxurymodeOp3y: my bad there is NTFS -- that worked.01:03
Op3yluxurymode if its for a xbox you need th hd code that the xbox sets as well01:03
gliderIs anyone familiar with belkin N wireless adapters?01:03
mellinluxurymode: Just a sec and let me see if I have it installed and I will try to tell you the path to get to that file for editing01:03
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, just use cut the way you have it01:03
rwwjetole: perhaps you missed the part where he said he felt unwelcome and left :(01:03
Op3yluxurymode but your good if its working :)01:03
luxurymodemellin: no need. NTFS worked01:03
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, without grep01:03
m0ngr31jrib: i just want the first number01:03
craigbass1976glider, from any network, or one in particular?  I'm noticing (over the course of a year or two) that my belkin wirleess router sucks; any high traffic on it and the wireless hoses hard; the rest of the network (wired) is fine, but anything in the house runing on wireless (other laptops, the wii) won't get on until I power down the router01:03
mrbluessbbIll ask again, how do I record with TvTime?01:04
jetolebtw, rww I helped 4 people including selem who I told can't ask in the 15 minutes I have been in here without having my question answered and all you have said is that I am unprofessional and impolite so perhaps you should better analyze the situation... ah yes, rww, and I answered by saying he is welcome to ask about ubuntu. Sorry if you missed that01:04
gmgI just installed APTONCD from the software centre but it's nowhere to be seen01:04
luxurymodeOp3y: copying video now. gonna see if it works fine on xbox01:04
Op3yluxurymode when you get all of this setup you need to get a PSP for your all in one cuntroler01:04
Kangaroooglider: i assume it doesnt work. if it new then maybe driver isnt in kernel so ull need to google to find it and manually install it01:04
jetolebbiab. Going for a smoke01:04
jribm0ngr31: use cut or awk then01:04
luxurymodeOp3y: whaddya mean?01:04
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Op3ymod the PSP01:04
Kangarooojetole: dont talk about that here and me too ;)01:04
glidercraigbass1976: The problem I am having is with my adapter... it randomly decides to disconnect... especially if I am using apt01:04
m0ngr31jrib: i'm using cut in my command, but i guess i'm doing it wrong. do you know what switch(es) i would use?01:05
Op3yyou will see if you look around01:05
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, I think you01:05
luxurymodeOp3y: ah, gotcha. i got so many things going on, that is not a top priority. everything in my life is modded and hacked and rooted, bla bla01:05
Op3yyou can link the PSP to wifi and ssh to linux01:05
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, cut right01:05
mellinluxurymode: Ok cool01:05
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, just leave grep out01:05
jribm0ngr31: cut -d' ' -f1  does what you want01:05
luxurymodeOp3y: that sounds sick. link me to some more info?01:05
Op3yits all what i know from doing it01:06
Op3yno links i would have to put something togeather01:06
mrbluessbbIs this the wrong place for my question?01:06
Kangarooomrbluessbb: !ask01:06
Wiesshundmrbluessbb what is the question? :)01:06
DEAD_BEEFjrib, can you see this?01:06
Op3yi need help with my pocketPC right now its stop loading half way01:06
luxurymodehe asked earlier...01:06
jribDEAD_BEEF: yes?01:06
mrbluessbbHow do I record with TvTime?01:07
DEAD_BEEFjrib, OK, I always feel like people can't see what I'm typing.01:07
gliderKangaroo: It does work... I am connected right now through the router.. it just seems to give out when I am browsing or using APT01:07
DEAD_BEEFjrib, or like I'm being ignored.01:07
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: still does the same thing.01:07
mellinEveryone I have created a file named mountg then did chmod +x mountg. At this point it has set file permissions rwx for root. So should I also chgroup the file to like adm or admin or another for extra security?01:07
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, what's the output01:08
DEAD_BEEFpaste it01:08
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: search1=$(python asin_search.py "$title" "$author" | cut -d' ' -f1)01:08
mrbluessbb!ask how do I record with TvTime?01:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:08
Wiesshundmrbluessbb i have no idea, i'm afraid. i have never used it01:08
m0ngr31out puts lots of stuff, but this is one line: B000FA5QEK B000Q9INTK B000FC1VUQ01:08
luxurymodeOp3y: mellin: damn it, xbox isnt even recognizing the drive now ..not mounting...01:08
Kangaroooglider: write in forum this maybe some interesting bug01:08
xangua!repeat > mrbluessbb01:08
ubottumrbluessbb, please see my private message01:08
glidermellin: well, is anyone else using your machine?01:09
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, and you only want the first block from that one line?01:09
luxurymodeop3y: mellin: please dont tell me i need to go into windows...01:09
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: yeah, that's right01:09
Kangaroooglider: so someone who knows can read about it when he wates up. www.ubuntuforums.org01:09
Op3yluxurymode you need to set the key for the HD01:09
ramatanhi, every body01:09
DEAD_BEEFcan you paste the output in it's entirety to pastbin01:09
Op3ygoogle how to setup a xbox HD key01:09
Wiesshundmrbluessbb tvtime does not support recording, so says thier website01:09
Op3ythougt you know all this01:09
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: sure, just one sec01:10
ramatanany one here develop for ubuntu01:10
Op3yyou did read all the info you where able to find i hope :)01:10
Kangaroooglider: asctually go to friend and try your router on his maching with ur wifi also .. maybe router has strange settings01:10
poggleis tehre some way of getting an update if an important update has been installed which requires rebooting01:10
mrbluessbbI need a program that records from a capture card so I can record video game tournament matches.01:10
pogglebut you dont reboot for a month or two01:10
poggleand have no idea if youre vulnerable01:10
Wiesshundmrbluessbb http://tvtime.sourceforge.net/help.html#recording has some suggestions01:10
mellinglider:  No, however I could conceivably create a big security flaw messing about when I'm just learnin' ;-) I guess in a multi-user situation yes use groups as well?01:10
Op3ythere is two files one for format and one to make the HD KEY01:11
gliderKangaroo: I have seen this in the forums http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-935575.html but it does not look like anyone has answered.01:11
qbbhi. what's the preferred way of manually stopping and starting squid on ubuntu? the init script mentioned in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Squid doesn't exist01:11
Op3ygoogle spydermod01:11
mellinWiesshund: Does that translate to white hound into English?01:11
gliderKangaroo: I have had this problem on three different routers now.01:11
mellinWiesshund: your nick that is01:11
Wiesshundmellin not really no, but its mistaken for white dog alot01:12
jribqbb: try « sudo service squid START|STOP|RESTART »01:12
qbbjrib: unrecognized service01:12
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: http://pastebin.com/sPTTz0Wn01:12
jribqbb: how did you install squid?01:12
mellinWiesshund: Guess I'll be googlin then...lol01:12
Wiesshundweißhund is correct spelling01:12
qbbjrib: synaptic, took the default squid package and accepted to install the dependencies01:13
jribqbb: what ubuntu version?01:13
Wiesshundwith out the silly english I before E rule :)01:13
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: some items only have one block, but others have more results so i need to get it to the most relevant (the first)01:13
qbbjrib: 10.1001:13
jdoe_Is Ubuntu designed to be easy to use?01:13
jribqbb: do you have /etc/init/squid.conf?01:13
m0ngr31jdoe_: it's one of the easiest ;)01:13
qbbjrib: yes, and squid itself works fine too01:13
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, so you want the first block from every line that has three, or from every line that has a block starting with B001:14
jribqbb: try "squid3" instead of "squid" in my previous command01:14
qbbjrib: same error01:14
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: the first block of every line that starts with B001:14
jribqbb: can you pastebin /etc/init/squid.conf ?01:14
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, have you considered using the python regular expression module?01:15
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, I mean, you'd still have the problem, but it'd be solved inside the script01:15
jetoleSo does anyone know how unsafe it is to do a dpkg --force-all to install a 32 bit deb on a 64 bit system. This is the printer setup for a brother printer and they only have 32 bit and they also recommend doing this if you have a 64 bit system but I don't trust them01:15
terminhellany idea why the ubuntu install would fail to resize an ntfs partition with sufficient room01:15
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: no, i'm no good at python. do you want to see my python script?01:16
rusty149Hi, When connecting a VGA cable to my Sony VGN-NS20S Ubuntu completely freezes (internal display). I can still see the whole screen but it does not respond to trackpad, keyboard inc. Ctrl+Alt+F1 and SysRq. If I connect before boot it works fine. Any help please?01:16
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, sure. Not sure I'll be able to help I'll sure try though01:16
nwidgeris anyone else running into a kernel oops 'BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at ffffffffa0e238aa' when trying to use the nvidia-current driver?01:16
jetolerusty149: what type of video card? What driver are you using?01:17
CJ23I know there are e extensive checks you should make before using gparted but not sure what; do these include some sort of possible pretest you have to use the command version of gparted?01:17
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: http://pastebin.com/i1B70XNX01:17
jetoleCJ23: what are you trying to do?01:17
rusty149jetole: intel mobile 4 series chipset integrated01:18
jetolerusty149: what driver are you using?01:18
rusty149sorry, how do I check, I dn;t know much about displays01:18
jetolerusty149: have you configured /etc/X11/xorg.conf or are you using the default setup that came with ubuntu? This also sounds like a driver bug to me01:19
Guest81956I have just set ub UBUNTU 10.4 LUCID, I am now trying to run a command in the terminal window that uses the bashshell, I am trying to setup some environment variables looking for ~/.bashrc  but it is not finding any bash shell, I think I missed setting something up.01:19
qbbjrib: http://pastebin.com/9SWDHWGQ without the comments. it's the default squid.conf, haven't modified it at all yet01:19
rusty149jetole: it is all default. How do I check drivers01:19
jetolerusty149: open a terminal and run: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf and then post it to pastebin.com or another site like that01:19
glider So, does anyone know a solution to this bug? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-935575.html01:19
CJ23shrink a windows partition on which is for xp , but I have not deleted temp files or update recovery figles or regisdtries or defraged not sure if I should for xp like this says http://gparted-forum.surf4.info/viewtopic.php?id=289201:19
CJ23^ jetole sorry forgot to01:20
nwidgeris anyone else running into this bug and have a fix? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/60739901:20
jetoleCJ23: you don't need to do any of that for shrinking a windows XP partition but instead you need to shrink the filesystem first01:20
CJ23the filesystem?01:20
rusty149jetole: file does not exist01:20
jetoleCJ23: I caught it but try to rememeber that since it makes sure the person you are talking to sees the highlighted version01:20
jribqbb: nah, I meant /etc/init/squid, but one sec while I check something01:21
jetoleCJ23: yes, if you shrink the partition and not the filesystem then you will destroy it01:21
jetoledjuggler: one sec01:21
FireblastoSorry to interrupt the conversation, but: UBUNTU IS AWESOME!01:21
CJ23oh crap01:21
WiesshundHey what happens when we get to ubuntu Zany Zebra ? what do they become named then?01:21
CJ23good thing I asked01:21
jetolerusty149: then I am not sure how you check the driver but try asking in #xorg01:21
Guest81956what did I not so in setting up my 10.4 Unbuntu so that it does not find .bashrc01:21
jetoleCJ23: hold on one second01:21
xanguaWiesshund: AA01:21
rusty149jetole: thanks01:21
jetolerusty149: np01:21
gmgis their a way I can manage my internet cost...I would like to track so that I don't go over my monthly downlaods01:21
jetoleCJ23: I'm assuming this is ntfs01:22
CJ23jetole:  yep01:22
xanguagmg: i have seen some app for that, but i don't remember if it was on omg!ubuntu! or webupd8 blog01:22
jribqbb: nah, I meant /etc/init/squid.conf (oops), but one sec while I check something01:22
CJ23gparted wont automatically shrink the partition and your sure defrag isn't a bad idea01:23
ruben_hoodHi. I need some help, please. I have a network with a windows 2003 server (is a domain controller) , an windows xp client, and a ubuntu 10.10 client. In windows server 2003, i can type the character "$" on the end of the folder name to hide (but not to unshare) the folder to windows xp. but ubuntu can see the folder, and i do not want the ubuntu client to see them. anybody knows a way to hide  windows shared folders to ubuntu machines? than01:23
ruben_hoodks! (i know that maybe this is a hard question, i am learning)01:23
CJ23* ah  jetole01:23
jetoleCJ23: I just did a reinstall on this system and I don't have the tool to resize ntfs which I have used many times before so I am googling it but I found one site which says gparted can do this but the other tool I know from personal experience works well so hang in there01:23
jribqbb: do you know of the "squid3" package's relationship to the "squid" package?01:24
xanguaruben_hood: just add a "."  at start of the name of the file/directory01:24
qbbjrib: not really, but I reckon it's some sort of unstable version, if squid 2 is still the default squid package?01:24
gmgThat is just other Ubuntu support sites01:25
CJ23jetole:  it's ntfs but it is nto C: it is data01:25
CJ23but I will need to also resize C: jetole01:25
jetoleCJ23: the format you want to do, say you want to shrink windows xp from 20 Gb to 15 GB, you would shrink the ntfs filesystem to as small as you can, you then shrink the partition to the prefered size, you then grow the ntfs file system to as large as you can which is limited by the size of the parittion. If you resize the partition, you want it to start on the same blocks. I typically use fdisk for this. If I print the parition and it says that the current ...01:25
jribqbb: I see. I'm inclined to say that the missing file in /etc/init.d is a bug (if you see things like gdm, they have the upstart script and then a compatibility script in /etc/init.d)01:25
jetole... partition starts on block 100 and ends on block 123456 then I delete the partition and recreate it, I make sure the partition starts on the same block (100) and specify the new size01:25
jetoleCJ23: yes01:26
jetoleCJ23: I have done that many times. I work in IT01:26
ruben_hoodxangua: oh thanks! that maybe work!01:26
jetoleCJ23: deleting a partition does not delete data so you can delete a partition and create a new one, as long as it starts on the same block, you're data is intact...01:26
qbbjrib: yea, the others do. what are the files in /etc/init for? they're all .conf files but look more like init scripts to me01:26
jetoleCJ23: but it's very important that you make sure you do not shrink the parition or delete then create a new partition smaller then the filesystem01:27
RoDiMuS-Xjetole: are you sure about that?01:27
jribqbb: they're used by upstart (replaced sysv init)01:27
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: sure about what?01:27
RoDiMuS-Xjetole: deleting a partition and recreating it on the same block will not remove the data01:28
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: very sure01:28
jetoleRoDiMuS-X and CJ23: but...01:28
upgrdmangnome is responding to my IR remote's button presses. how do i tell gnome to ignore them? i only want specific programs like mythtv to repsond to my remote.01:28
ruben_hoodxangua: with  adding a "." at start of the folder, will the folder become invisible even if "view hidden folder/files on ubuntu is activated?01:28
jribqbb: does « start squid » work?01:28
CaneToadARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH it would be nice to have an operating system with a stable desktop.  Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 [with closed source Nvidia driver] both suffer from screen lockups (unrecoverable X grabs) about 3 times a day for me...the open source driver isn't usable because the machine gets so hot that it shuts down after a while when I use it.01:28
RoDiMuS-Xjetole: Hmm I must of done something wrong then cause all my stuff was gone01:28
jetoleRoDiMuS-X and CJ23: be careful not to use a tool that will also remove the file system. a partition only tool such as fdisk only works on the partition table01:29
=== Guest16008 is now known as RaNdY
Guest81956I don't seem to have a bashrc file in my home directory, did I miss someting when I install UBUNTU01:29
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: If you use fdisk, you delete a partition and then create one on the same blocks and write it and the partition types are identical then nothing is lost01:29
CJ23why is this jetole ? Whats the difference from partition and a filesystem and the table?01:29
xanguaGuest81956: create one then01:29
CJ23*what is01:29
=== RaNdY is now known as Guest93486
RoDiMuS-Xjetole: yeah I did that, all my data was gone01:29
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: you did something wrong01:29
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: I have done this many times01:30
rwwGuest81956: it's .bashrc, and it's not shown by default in file manager or ls. Use Ctrl-h in the GUI or ls -a in the CLI.01:30
ruben_hoodii can't write "." before the file on windows, it is not allowed01:30
RoDiMuS-Xjetole: are you allowed to reboot after deleting the partition?01:30
kopper1108I selected the option to install ubuntu alongside windows.  In the future, how can I delete windows?01:30
jetoleCJ23: a partition table exists in the first part of a disk and is just a format of where one partition ends and another begins. It's just a simple mapping and is very small. A file system exists inside a partition and says where each file is located and what blocks it's mapped to01:30
gliderCaneToad: Sorry you are having issues...01:31
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, this is what I've come up with so far: re.match('B0.{8,}\s+', mystring)01:31
jribqbb: and « stop squid » of course too :)  I think these should work for pure upstart jobs01:31
CJ23a block isn't always a physical location on a track of a plate on the hdd01:31
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: yes and no. If you delete the partition and then reboot then it won't see the partition. If you launch an OS that expects that partition then it should fail. No Linux OS should attempt any type of automatic repair or repartitioning but windows may if it knows about and expects a partition table01:32
jetoleCJ23: pardon?01:32
j00kerhi there01:32
DEAD_BEEFthe main bit being: B0.{8,}\s+01:32
jetoleCJ23: run: sudo fdisk -l01:32
jetoleCJ23: you will see where it says start and end01:32
jetoleCJ23: if it's a MSDOS style partition table when it will have an exact start and end01:33
jetolefor each partition01:33
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: i get a syntax error when i try that. maybe because I'm on a mac?01:33
jetoleyou can also backup the partition table using... sfdisk I think it's called... one sec01:33
jetoleyes: sfdisk01:33
RoDiMuS-Xjetole: so when I ran the fdisk and deleted the partition, rebooted, booted in linux bash shell, ran fdisk, created partition, <same ftype>,<same blocks> and all my stuff was gone01:34
jetoleCJ23: there is also a newer type of partition table, I forget what it's called but it does not rely on the start/end block01:34
CJ23that's not gonna save you from all fuckery if you resize the partition to a smaller size than the filesystem though right?01:34
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: I don't know what happened but you did something wrong01:34
Jordan_U!language | CJ2301:34
ubottuCJ23: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:34
RoDiMuS-Xjetole: so you dont think it was the reboot which cause the actual deletion of the partition table01:34
jetoleCJ23: you can resize the partition table smaller then the FS and nothing will be broken as long as you don't boot into the OS using that filesystem. After that, if you do boot into it then you will likely be up the creek without a paddle01:35
ArMo3I installed Xubuntu via WUBI . When I reboot into Xubuntu, it first says "Press ESC to add advanced boot options" and after some time (that is after the loading is complete) "Out of Sync / 67.5 kHz" .01:35
jetoleCJ23: the tools I was trying to remember is called ntfsresize and is in the package ntfsprogs01:35
Jordan_URoDiMuS-X: Try restoring the partition with testdisk, in case you did not in fact use the same start and end blocks when you tried to recover it manually.01:36
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, did you: import re01:36
CJ23oh ok but why would it screw stuff up after you ran the boot loader for the os?01:36
RoDiMuS-XJordan_U: alright I will give that a go, thanks01:36
=== vmjose is now known as Baunder
jetoleCJ23: so for example, if you want to go from 20GB to 15GB, resize the ntfs partition to 12GB, resize the partition to 15GB, resize the NTFS partition to max size01:37
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: no, i told you i was worthless at python ;)01:37
Jordan_URoDiMuS-X: You're welcome.01:37
velcroshoozhow do i go about setting up sharing so another HD on my ubuntu machine that mounts as /media/Video is available to my other machines via samba? right clicking does not give me a sharing option01:37
jetoleCJ23: ntfsresize will ask you to first boot into windows and allow it to run required checks on your disk. You can get around having to do this but you shouldn't01:37
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, but I think that re is close to getting at what you want01:38
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: ok, i'll give it a shot01:38
eccwhat is the name of the program for "Calibrate Touchscreen "?01:38
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: is there reputation or anything on this channel so i can uprank you?01:39
ruben_hoodsomebody knows how to hide a windows folder to ubuntu machines? $ at end of file works on windows, but not on ubuntu. anybody knows?01:39
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: because i've gtg01:39
CJ23wait what does the os if you screw up the filesystem by resizing the partition smaller than the fs and booting up then. What driver does what to the fs01:39
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, idk... me too. I'll be around,01:39
rwwm0ngr31: no01:39
jribruben_hood: why do you wish to hide it?01:39
gmgIs their a way I can monitor my internet brandwith monthly?01:40
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: ok, well thanks for the help01:40
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, I'll keep trying to hash it out01:40
CJ23jetole:  could it work on linux after you wrecked it or is your point it's wrecked once you shrink part01:40
ruben_hoodjrib cause i want to hide the user profile from a domain to avoid users screwing it01:40
xanguagmg: happy that someone google it for you¿ http://tinyurl.com/2bv3s5n01:40
ruben_hoodjrib is a security concern01:40
w1n5ton0Is there a maximum hard drive size for a netbook?01:40
charlesnodoes anyone know how i can get firefox in 9.10 to work like google chrome, that is, it can open PDF files within the browser01:41
=== cory is now known as Guest74591
Guest74591new install, no sound, AC97, any ideas?01:42
jribruben_hood: hiding on linux is really "get out of my way because I don't want to see it".  Putting a '.' in front of a filename (or using .hidden) is not for security.  If you want something secure, you need to encrypt it.  Is there a way to encrypt the file on windows?01:42
zhangzq71Is it possible to use xserver run in windows to connect ubuntu 10.10?01:42
Wiesshundjrib yes, depending on the windows version01:43
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: so you know, the partition table is in no way linked to a file system or any data inside that file system. It's the other way around, that data relies on the partition table. If you delete the partition table and re create an identical one, then the file system and the data inside of it don't know you made a change. The partition table exists at the start of the disk and is very small. It exists on a part of the disk that is outside of a ...01:43
jribzhangzq71: you could use vnc, that's probably what you want01:43
jetole... partition, the first 512 bytes with a MSDOS style partition (which despite the name is the common and popular format used for most all OS's for the last ~20 years until recently) and therefor if you change it within the allowable means then it will not cause harm to your data and if you delete and create a new one that is identical to the old one then there is no way an OS would know you made changes to it in the first place. If you delete it and ...01:43
jrib!vnc | zhangzq7101:43
jetole... create a smaller one but first you have resized your filesystem and you do not create a smaller one then the filesystem and it starts on the same location as the old one then your OS fille be fine so I don't know what you did but something was done wrong01:43
ruben_hoodjrib i can't type a "." at a start of a windows folder, windows don't allow it01:43
kfizzI think the linux kernel release candidate may have the drivers for my friends laptop's touchpad. (It's currently only recognized as a PS/2 mouse) but he already has Ubuntu installed. Is there anyway to merge just part of the rc kernel with his current kernel?01:43
w1n5ton0Can you put a 750gb hard drive in a netbook?01:43
jribruben_hood: you missed my point :)01:44
dustin yalls  ...01:44
RoDiMuS-XWritten like a Kaplan Data Forensics student thanks for the info jetole01:44
ruben_hoodjrib i only want that users don't manipulate their self-profile allocated on the windows 2003 server domain01:44
Guest74591i have no sound, AC97, can someone help?01:44
jribruben_hood: do you need to mount the ntfs partition at all (and give regular users permission to write to it)?01:45
zhangzq71but I can use xming to connect ubuntu7.1 before01:45
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: I don't know anything about Kaplan but I have been done data forensics before myself and I have worked at the byte level with partions before and I have been doing this for a very very long time01:45
ruben_hoodno i do not need to, because that partition is on the network01:45
jribruben_hood: then don't give it to them01:45
zhangzq71I can't find the XDMCP enable option in ubuntu 10.10 now, why?01:45
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: run: sudo sfdisk -d01:46
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: That will show you all and everything inside the partition table.01:46
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Varcbye all, good morning/night01:46
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: The partition table doesn't know anything about filesystems and data and it shouldn't. Like I said it's the other way around where the file system needs to know about the partition table01:46
ruben_hoodjrib but i need to give full permission to users to change their self profile, because when they close their windows machine, their profile will upload to the windows 2003 server01:46
gmgone last thing...howcan I create OPML files? Rhythmbox needs these filesto import if I want to create a favorite radio stations list01:47
ruben_hoodjrib the problem is: is a user joins to the profile and creates files, they can screw it, but i need that users to join ubuntu01:47
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: you can copy a partition table verbatim between disks by running, for example: sfdisk -d /dev/sda | sfdisk /dev/sdb01:47
bird_turdis there a Windows channel?01:47
bastidrazorbird_turd: #windows01:47
ruben_hoodjrib *if a user01:47
jetoleso sfdisk -d /dev/sda shows everything in the partition table on /dev/sda01:47
chovynzI need help reinstalling Grub2. I'm on a Live CD to be able to access my computer.01:47
bird_turdis it with this server?01:48
rwwbird_turd: yes01:48
velcroshoozhow do i go about setting up sharing so another HD on my ubuntu machine that mounts as /media/Video is available to my other machines via samba? right clicking does not give me a sharing option01:48
RoDiMuS-Xjetole: so possibly using swap space on the drive where the partition was deleted couldn't make it disappear?01:48
jribruben_hood: heh now I'm just confused.  A couple of lines ago you said "i only want that users don't manipulate their self-profile" but now you say " i need to give full permission to users to change their self profile" :/01:48
beretado the user you sign in with samba have the same permissions as when you ssh in to the server I log in with the root user and cant create or write any thing when logd in with samba with the root user01:48
chovynzI've read a few manuals on installing grub2 but I would like some hands on help if someone has about 10 minutes please.01:48
ruben_hoodjrib i need that users manipulate their profile but from windows, not from ubuntu01:49
gmgexcuse me...one last thing...howcan I create OPML files? Rhythmbox needs these filesto import if I want to create a favorite radio stations list01:49
jribruben_hood: right, so I asked why are you mounting the partition in ubuntu at all?01:49
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: no but if you created swap space in a partition and that partition was set to overwrite space where an old partition was the swap is overwriting data because the filesystem was not resized to be within the bounds of the new partition size then that can do it01:49
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jetoleRoDiMuS-X: thats why it's important to resize the filesystem before the partition. You can also test it by doing a read only mount before you crate a new partition and populate it01:50
nozendoq: installing a wacom CTL-460 on Ubuntu 10.10 (xorg 1.9), do i build and install both input-wacom and xf86-input-wacom?01:50
RoDiMuS-Xjetole: Test cameback got a bad drive01:50
ruben_hoodjrib the partition is mounted each time a domain user logins with ubuntu.01:50
leachim6is there a way to map keys on my laptop to keys that don't exist on my laptop's keyboard?01:50
leachim6like pgup and pgdown for isntance01:51
Guest74591i have no sound, intel AC97, can anyone help?01:51
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: over a decade ago I learned how not to resize a partition table and lost data. resizing is a simple process after you have done it a couple times you know it inside out but none the less, you need to be very delicate still and thurough about testing it01:51
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: ha. Well yeah, that can happen01:51
jribruben_hood: so does it have to be?  Seems like you don't want it to be, am I right?01:51
ruben_hoodjrib i don't know how a user from my domain can login with ubuntu without , at least, viewing some especific folders01:51
gmgDoes anyone know how to  create an OPML file? Rhythmbox needs these filesto import if I want to create a favorite radio stations list01:51
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: meet my friends RAID 1, RAID 10, RAID 5 and RAID 601:52
RoDiMuS-Xjetole: I knew I didn't screw up01:52
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: well like I said, that can happen01:52
jribruben_hood: I don't really understand your setup.  But you could certainly give them only read access and not write access.  Is that a possibility?01:52
RoDiMuS-Xjetole: Do you know how to recover data on a bad drive or is that a hopeless mission?01:52
jetolehard drives are the quickest thing to fail on a computer since they have moving parts. Even SSD which doesn't, it still does have a limited life on write capability01:52
CJ23so jetole  if my fdisk info's http://pastebin.com/1vXFj78A ( http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=4cjy9v0f2esyhjw&thumb=6 image ) and I want to resize sda2 the extended , I would just first use ntfs to resize the filesystem down to what?01:54
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: depends. I don't do it physically and if someone does, it usually costs a fortune but you can try booting from rescue media, in my case I use the ubuntu live cd and run ddrescue (the gnu version which is in the package gddrescue) and copy it to a new drive01:54
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: ddrescue is like dd but designed to recover as much as possible from failed drives01:54
ruben_hoodjrib it could be a possibility if i could make windows 2003 server difference ubuntu from windows01:54
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: http://www.atlas-tuesday.com/using-gddrescue-to-save-your-data-part-101:55
RoDiMuS-Xjetole: ahh thats what I am going to try01:55
ruben_hoodjrib i think i have the perfect explanaition01:55
RoDiMuS-Xjetole: Thanks much01:55
leachim6jetole, I have an SSD, what can I do to prolong it's life01:55
leachim6do you know?01:55
jetoleRoDiMuS-X: you're welcome. I'm going for a smoke so be back in 10 minutes01:55
RoDiMuS-Xha me too01:55
leachim6Isn't there a program that allows you to save your logs to ram?01:55
jetoleleachim6: nope. I don't own one yet but try http://www.google.com/linux?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=prolong+a+ssd+life01:56
jetoleleachim6: you can't save anything to ram01:56
jetolebe back in 10 mins01:56
leachim6jetole, I beg to differ.01:56
ruben_hoodjrib: imagine a folder "x". maybe you want to share that folder to a especific user when it is login on a windows machine, but not  when it is logged with ubuntu. really, this is more a windows 2003 server config concern...01:56
leachim6nevermind,I found it01:56
CJ23anyone else know how to use ntfsresize to shrink donw a filesystem as much a possible before shrinking a partition in gparted and then enlarging the filesystem as much as you can?01:58
LostPenguinhow do you force linux to try a driver?01:58
ruben_hoodjrib i would try to deny access to a especific machine, but that machine (the ubuntu one) does not appear on the list...that is my problem. thanks for the help anyway, great community01:59
jribruben_hood: no problem.  I don't really know of a solution for you01:59
oddtodhow would I change the permissions on my tap device. I have seen examples with a 'sudo chmod 0666 /dev/tap' I get an error saying no such device02:00
LostPenguinmy DVB-S usb device is not recognised (I think) and I want to force opera 102:01
leachim6how can I bind  mod4+down to pagedown?02:03
leachim6my laptop doesn't have pagedown keys02:03
notaguestno sound on ubuntu 10.04, ac97, can anyone help?02:04
Gnealeachim6: how can you bind something to a key that doesn't exist?02:05
jeatonhow do I go about installing the linux-image-2.6.31-10-rt kernel02:06
jeatonwhich is an older version02:07
leachim6Gnea, that's why I'm here.02:10
jetoleleachim6: I'm glad you bed to differ but you cannot save anything to RAM and the intro for the page you posted that just read pretty much confirms that it saves it to do disk. RAM is volatile stoage meaning once you lose power then you lose everything in RAM so ramlog is using RAM as a cache/buffer only and I don't know why it does but it's good to know it has that option though I would like to know why you want to since, if your system crashes then the ...02:10
jetole... logs are gone which will also include anything saved from dmesg which may help explain the crash after you reboot02:10
Gnealeachim6: well if you don't have the key, you can't bind to it, simple as that. or is it a fn?02:10
notaguestubuntu 10.04 no sound, AC97, can anyone help?02:11
leachim6Gnea, is a google Cr-4802:11
leachim6and there's no pagedown, and I'd like one.02:11
dustini accentently removed bottem panel and the programs when minamized  doesnt show up , but the system task manger says its running. then time to time , it frezzes when i shutdown / restart.02:11
bastidrazor!panels | dustin : put it back?02:11
ubottudustin : put it back?: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:11
Gnealeachim6: oh, their new netbook that they're letting people check out?02:12
jetoledustin: as per the bottom panel, create a new panel and add the widget task manager02:12
jetoleubottu: how did you type the mini double <<02:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:13
jetoleubottu: good girl02:13
LostPenguindid anyone respond to my question? my internet didn't let me see...02:13
macojetole: its a spanish quote. i use right-alt + [ to type « using the "us international (altgr dead keys)" layou02:14
LostPenguinhow do you force linux to try a driver on a USB device?02:14
bastidrazorjetole: those are not meant to be used. ignore those when typing the command in terminal02:14
dustinyes , i did that , but the programs  dont show  up when i went to click up02:14
jeatonhow do I add linux-image-2.6.31-10-rt to the grub menu?02:14
kannan_hi guys, i would like some help with configuring my "Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 5000" with ubuntu 10.10 x86_64.02:14
jetolebastidrazor: I know that very well. I think it's useful when typing to a person02:15
kannan_i have two issues: 1. middle button copy/paste does not work in terminal. 2. the scroll button and the side buttons don't work.02:16
hyliani know this is technically not the place for this, but I couldn't find a channel for nano the editor.. is there a time date stamp for nano?02:16
kannan_my xorg.conf settings are the default: Section "InputDevice"02:16
kannan_    # generated from default02:16
kannan_    Identifier     "Mouse0"02:16
kannan_    Driver         "mouse"02:16
kannan_    Option         "Protocol" "auto"02:16
kannan_    Option         "Device" "/dev/psaux"02:16
FloodBot2kannan_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:16
rwwbut xorg.conf doesn't exist by default :\02:17
jetolekannan_: FloodBot2 is right. Paste it to another site like pastebin.com and then paste the link in here02:17
=== Thomas___ is now known as Ripp__
leachim6jetole, was that "i told you so" really worth it?02:17
jetolerww: it doesn't but some of us do need it for example I use nvidia cards and nouveau isn't mature yet IMHO02:17
rwwjetole: I know. I was commenting on the concept of default xorg.conf settings :\02:18
kannan_jetole: sorry about that. i don't use irc that often and there were only 5 or 6 lines.02:18
jetolerww: I see02:18
=== Pinako is now known as Katrin16Iceland
kannan_rww: i don't understand. what do you mean xorg.conf does not exist? i have a /etc/x11/xorg.conf file.02:19
jetoleleachim6: it wasn't an I told you so. You were wrong that you can save anything to RAM and I gave you a good reason why you shouldn't use it as a cache / buffer for your logs plus I asked you why you would want to. Please don't be so defensive02:19
=== Katrin16Iceland is now known as Pinako
jetolekannan_: understood02:19
rwwkannan_: by default, Ubuntu doesn't generate an xorg.conf file. If you have one, and you don't have a reason (as jetole mentioned) for having one, you might try moving it (say, to xorg.conf.old) and seeing if that helps.02:19
jetolekannan_: since, well at least 10.04 and maybe even 9.10, ubuntu doesn't create one when you log install it02:19
leachim6jetole, it's not saved, it's just stored in a ramdisk until the computer is turned off, it limits disk writes to make an SSD last longr02:19
=== Prodego is now known as administrivia
leachim6I know how ram works02:20
jetoleleachim6: I see02:20
jetoleleachim6: well that doesn't seem like a bad idea02:20
tyler_dif you configure openvpn with nm-applet where is the config file stored?02:20
kannan_rww: thanks. i think i got the /etc/x11/xorg.conf file because i have  a nvidia card and use the nvidia binary driver.02:20
jetoleleachim6: I know also if you use laptop-mode, it caches disk writes longer so it performs longer writes less often instead of shorter writes more often02:20
rwwkannan_: ah02:21
dustini accentently removed bottem panel and the programs when minamized  doesnt show up , but the system task manger says its running. then time to time , it frezzes when i shutdown / restart.02:21
jetolekannan_: I forgot your original question but try taking a look at the progeam nvidia-settings02:21
rwwkannan_: well, you may want to look into changing the InputDevice section. Most mice just use evdev now, not the mouse driver, and that might be throwing things off.02:21
kannan_jetole: but that does only monitor settings and i am good. I want to change my mouse settings.02:21
rwwI don't know much about the subject, though, because both of my computers work fine out of the box (ati and intel).02:22
jetolekannan_: ah yeah right. Now I remember02:22
jetolekannan_: I mean I remember your question. Don't remember the mouse specifics but try reading: man xorg.conf02:22
kannan_rww: thanks. i did some google research and did come across evdev driver but all the references were from 2008 or older.02:22
jetolerww: do you have any experience with dual screens on ati? I did years ago and it was !@#$ but I haven't tried in a while and am hoping it has since improved02:23
Wiesshundjetole i have ati and dual screens02:23
rwwjetole: nope, sorry. i keep meaning to try it (my card has two outputs), but don't have anything handy to test02:23
kannan_jetole: is there some howtos about the mouse settings?02:24
kannan_jetole: i use a dual screen with ati at work but it is on CentOS with the default ATI catalyst driver.02:24
dustingoogle it , i heard it of being done, jetole02:25
jeatonim needing to add another kernel to grub, any ideas how I do this?02:25
xyzi have orgasm to/from ubuntu. i hate it. take/get back my sperms.02:26
dustindoing what now ? i have never heard of this02:26
=== ogra is now known as Guest96093
psusijeaton, run update-grub, which happens automatically when you install a kernel package02:26
Wiesshundxyz say what?02:27
gnewbjeaton: Yes, what psusi said.02:27
rwwWiesshund: they're gone02:27
Wiesshundrww thats probably a good thing02:27
jeatonhow do I go about accessing the grub menu now, or will it now show them?02:27
Wiesshundjeaton as opposed to grub1?02:28
jetoleWiesshund: How does that work out for you @ ATI w/ dual screens?02:28
jeatonone sec, let me try rebooting now02:28
edbianjeaton, press shift while booting02:28
ZykoticK9jeaton, "hold" shift might be an easier direction02:28
Wiesshundjetole, basicly plug in other monitor, boot up, set it how you like in catalyst control panel02:29
gnewbjeaton: At or on boot press Ctrl, there are many ways, sometimes is Shift, depends on the system and such.02:29
=== nozendo_ is now known as jimsoul
Wiesshundjetole it pretty much works as expected now02:29
^Mike\bHow can I find out what package provides /usr/bin/jar?02:29
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gnewb^Mike\b: Java?02:32
nozendois there any way to customise the hit zone on window borders for resizing stuff in 10.10? it feels way too narrow on my netbook02:33
nozendoneed to hunt around to hit the spot02:33
HowardTheDuckdoes someone know if Compiz 3d effects will work on a laptop with integrated Intel HM57 graphics?02:34
GneaHowardTheDuck: as long as the system can keep up, sure02:34
HowardTheDuckGnea, well, im in the market for a laptop and i can either get amd with ati graphics, or intel core i-X with intel graphics02:35
leachim6is it possible to use xmodmap to map a function to a key that's not on your keyboard?02:35
HowardTheDucki'd like to know whats better and more supported in Ubuntu02:35
nexesHowardTheDuck: Compiz should work on just about any hardware.02:36
GneaHowardTheDuck: historically and recently, intel wins in that department, but nvidia reigns king02:36
HowardTheDuckGnea, yeah see, I only use Nvidia02:36
HowardTheDuckI'm dissapointed to see no Nvidia offerings in the laptop market02:36
GneaHowardTheDuck: perhaps you haven't looked at all laptops then02:36
ZykoticK9HowardTheDuck, there are portables with Nvidia - they usually cost about twice as much ;)02:37
leachim6or better02:37
DiamondciteION2 is supposed to be for laptops isn't it? (Though I don't know if it's supported)02:37
leachim6what's xmodmap's name for the Page Down fucntion?02:37
HowardTheDuckZykoticK9, well, I dont have a high price range02:37
^Mike\bgnewb: sure, but there are many java packages...02:37
nexesHowardTheDuck: You should realize, by the way, that Intel IGP's are just that: integrated. There's a huge difference between an Intel IGP and an AMD/Nvidia discrete card.02:37
ZykoticK9HowardTheDuck, personally I'd go with Intel over ATI any day - but don't expect amazing graphics performance is all02:38
jonthuequestion how will this internet ID that obama is proposing affect ubuntu02:38
HowardTheDucknexes, well these are laptops, none of them are a discreet card.  the ATI ones even use sys ram02:38
rww!ot | jonthue02:38
ubottujonthue: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:38
HowardTheDuckZykoticK9, Nah, I run a 9500 GT on my desktop so I don't think I have high expectations02:38
HowardTheDuckit plays fallout 3 in 1366x768 just fine, thats all i care about02:38
GneaHowardTheDuck: not sure where you're getting your infos from... http://3btech.net/hppag615nowi2.html02:38
nexesHowardTheDuck: Ah, interesting. I only tend to go Intel in my notebooks, so perhaps that's why I haven't seen it.02:39
GneaHowardTheDuck: unless you're looking for something newer02:39
DiamondciteHowardTheDuck: Personally I don't think laptops are for gaming.. but when choosing a laptop, you should avoid switchable graphics for now.02:39
jPuffmy internet keeps getting disconnected from my router to my adapter02:39
HowardTheDuckGnea, yeah I am looking for core-i3 or amd equivalent02:39
nexesHowardTheDuck: And for what it's worth, Intel's mobile stuff is excellent in Ubuntu. If you haven't used it before, check out their powertop tool.02:39
GneaHowardTheDuck: but I have a netbook with intel graphics on it, but it is a netbook and not built for power, but even still it does what I need it to do - could likely do better02:40
jPuffhow do i make my internet stable there?02:40
lee__i don't know02:40
HowardTheDucknexes, sweet thanks02:40
HowardTheDucki've heard bad things about amd's mobile offerings lately02:40
DiamondcitejPuff: Has your connection ever been stable with anything else?02:40
bencahillhey guys, i've been trying all day to get this laptop to work, with no luck :( it won't boot, hangs after /scripts/init-bottom, any help?02:40
dustinreally? what about it?02:41
jPuffyeah, windows 702:41
GneaHowardTheDuck: like this?  http://www.jr.com/msi-microstar/pe/MSR_FX400063US/02:41
lee__ubuntu is good02:41
dustinwhats amd mobile thing02:41
nexesIn general, Intel seems to have excellent power management, and specifically good power management in Linux.02:41
jPuffi got this adapter specifically for linux\02:41
DiamondcitejPuff: Were you the one with the belkin adapter by chance?02:41
GoodMourningSo I'm used to using mIRC and having chat channels listed. How do I find chat channels here?02:41
HowardTheDucknexes, so will the 3d Compiz effects like scale, cube, etc. work with the current intel graphics laptop cards?02:41
ZykoticK9GoodMourning, what client are you using?02:41
jPuffi have a belkin adapter02:42
=== gosppie is now known as pumuky
chovynzI have a machine here that needs it's grub2 reinstalled or something. I'm currently booting off a Live CD to be able to access the machine. I've looked at a few manuals but I need some hands on help here. If I boot normally it says black screen and grub-rescue>02:42
GoodMourningZyotick, xchat.02:42
lee__도데체 뭐라는건지...사람들이...02:42
chovynzwhere do I start?02:42
Diamondcite!kr | lee02:42
rww!ko | lee02:42
ubottulee: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko02:42
jetoleWiesshund: thanks for the info02:42
ZykoticK9!tab > GoodMourning02:42
ubottuGoodMourning, please see my private message02:42
ZykoticK9GoodMourning, then you should have the channel on the left side02:42
bencahilldustin what about what?02:42
GoodMourningThanks guys.02:42
DiamondcitejPuff: I thought someone already tried to help you with that yesterday....02:43
jPuffyeah i installed wicd02:43
GneaHowardTheDuck: honestly, I didn't even know that one existed until now, that looks like a sweet portable system02:43
nexesHowardTheDuck: I have an ASUS UL30A with an Intel GMA 4500MHD and it performs great.02:43
HowardTheDuckGnea, sweet!02:43
dustinamd moblie grapic02:43
lee__한국 사람이 한명도 없다니!!!02:44
GneaHowardTheDuck: www.pricewatch.com, it's indispensable. :)02:44
HowardTheDuckGnea, that's a great laptop but a little expensive :(  I wish though!02:44
nexesHowardTheDuck: And fyi, Intel finally added VA-API support in Ubuntu 10.10, so there's GPU accelerated video.02:44
dustinwwhats the battery life on the note book02:44
lee__도데체...한국사람은 왜 접속을 안하는건가요!!!02:44
GneaHowardTheDuck: aah02:44
HowardTheDucknexes, ah thanks for the heads up, I run 10.04 on my machines02:44
nexesHowardTheDuck: Well, they added it in their new drivers, which are included in 10.10.02:45
lee__뭐라는 거예요!...ㅠㅠㅠ02:45
Diamondcitelee__ 리, 이것은 입력하십시오 영어 사용하거나 채널을, 말하기 채널 영어는 ... #ubuntu-ko02:45
nexesHowardTheDuck: Yeah, I have 10.04 at the moment, but the release driver update might be backportable..and I may upgrade if not. :)02:45
HowardTheDuckill probably download them separately im trying to stick with LTS releases02:45
manmountainJust installed Ubuntu 10.10 via VirtualBox on my Windows 7 machine - I'm loving compiz :)02:45
h00k!ko | lee__02:45
ubottulee__: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko02:45
h00klee__: /join #ubuntu-ko02:45
jongbergshi, i need to install lethe in 10.04 but i could not install because the required deps such as AUFS are not installable..lethe is like deepfreeze program in windows..02:46
jPuffanyways its workin fine now02:46
jeatonok, that shift works02:46
Diamondcitelee__: 해당 채널에 이것에 대한 한국의 친절한 채널입니다.  (That channel is a korean friendly channel for this.)02:46
Gnealee__: 우리는 존경을 이리로 영어02:46
jeatonhow do I go about making a certain kernel the default one?02:46
HowardTheDuckGnea, did ya see anything w/ a geforce in the 500 dollar range by chance02:46
dustin당신에 대한 리 무슨 이야기를 아르02:46
Diamondcite(By chance, is everyone using a translator?)02:47
bencahillhas this transformed into spam?02:47
DiamondciteNo, we are just trying to guide someone into the right channel.02:47
rambamDiamondcite: no, we all know korean02:47
HowardTheDuckthis laptop is on sale for 399 free shipping02:48
manmountainIs it possible to have favourite programs added to desktop as a quick launch?02:48
cj23jetole:  are you back02:48
rambamHowardTheDuck: without windows?02:48
GneaHowardTheDuck: nope, that's the cheapest02:48
HowardTheDuckrambam, no it comes with windows soemthing or other that is getting formatted first thing02:48
cj23oh yep02:49
manmountainFor example, to have XChat have a quick launch icon on panel?02:49
HowardTheDuckthe pentium 2 isn't very speedy though, i'd want i3 hehe02:49
nexesmanmountain: Yeah, you can actually drag them from the Applications menu onto the desktop (they won't disappear from the app menu like in Windows)02:49
rambamHowardTheDuck: buy from some other place then, why pay for windows?02:49
lee__it's cold...02:49
Frijoliehow do you fix a non scrolling mouse wheel (it was working prior to the last round of updates)?02:49
jetolecj23: sorta02:49
jetolebusy with other stuff02:49
HowardTheDuckrambam, recommendations?02:49
lee__oh my...god!02:49
h00kmanmountain: you can just click-and-drag it from the menu to the top panel02:49
manmountainlol - so simple! Cheers :)02:49
rambamHowardTheDuck: no, im in sweden, so.. unless you're here.. but im sure others know, if not, just google02:50
h00kmanmountain: :)02:50
DiamondciteHowardTheDuck: A compatability wiki for the posted linked you had... http://www.linlap.com/wiki/lenovo+g56002:50
WiesshundHowardTheDuck 399 ofr a P2 laptop?02:50
ZykoticK9Frijolie, if you use an xorg.conf file verify you have the following under InputDevice/for Mouse:    Option         "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"02:50
Frijoliethe mouse works on another computer so I know it's not the mouse. is there a configuration setting that changed or somewhere I can start looking?02:50
cj23oh ok you think you'll be free some time in the next couple of days02:50
HowardTheDuckWiesshund, yes02:50
jetolecj23: what do you need?02:50
cj23are you sure02:50
WiesshundHowardTheDuck that seems kind of steep for a used or old stock laptop. you said pentium 2 right?02:51
FrijolieZykoticK9, how do I know if I use xorg.conf? I'm on Ubuntu 10.1002:51
Brad__Is there any way I can stop ubuntu from locking the computer after a certain amount of time.02:51
HowardTheDucki didnt mean p2 i meant dual core sorry02:51
dustinmanmountain, yes , just find it in the menu , and click and hold drap to desired spot02:51
rambamBrad__: Screensaver?02:51
h00klee__: This is the support channel, do you have any support related questions?02:51
HowardTheDuck2.00 ghz02:51
WiesshundBrad__ you can change that in the screen saver setting02:51
ZykoticK9Frijolie, do you have a file /etc/X11/xorg.conf?  If you do, then you are using it - if it's not there, you aren't.02:51
WiesshundHowardTheDuck oh ok, ignore me then :) sorry02:52
HowardTheDuckits a newegg 48 hour sale, not as powerful as I want, but at that price still very tempting!02:52
HowardTheDuckWiesshund, no I misspoke I"m sorry :)02:52
FrijolieZykoticK9, opened a blank file so I guess I'm not using it.02:52
=== michael is now known as Guest38472
ZykoticK9Frijolie, sorry i have no idea where the mouse settings are stored if it's using the automatic settings - best of luck.02:53
FrijolieZykoticK9, hmm...well thanks for trying02:53
WiesshundHowardTheDuck whats your intentions for it? If got one of those cheap 200 dollar asus eeepc's and for what i use it for, youd never no that it was a weak little crap box02:53
WiesshundIf = Iv'e02:53
HowardTheDuckWiesshund, I want to be able to do video encoding02:54
* Wiesshund is having a bad typing day and a total failure at english02:54
HowardTheDuckMencoder's one of my favorite apps02:54
WiesshundHowardTheDuck Ah, ok, yea you dont want an eeepc then hehe02:54
HowardTheDuckI build my gf a athlon x4 quad core but I've been hogging it heh02:55
HowardTheDuckso I decided to get my own laptop02:55
HowardTheDuckan athlon02:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:55
rambamHowardTheDuck: check this maybe: http://www.linucity.com/02:55
Frijolieanyone know how to fix a non-scrolling mouse wheel? Ubuntu 10.10 non xorg.conf?02:55
HowardTheDuckbut we both like ubuntu so i want to make sure i get the best laptop for the OS02:55
HowardTheDuckim usually chatting in -offtopic02:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:56
GoodMourningWhere can I chat about music?02:56
GoodMourningOh wait, I'll go to ubuntu off topic02:56
WiesshundGoodMourning i dont think ubuntu-offtopic is heavily music related02:56
eshiraA general security question: I want to POST to a server, but I want to authenticate the person doing the POST. I'm thinking of encrypting the content with the user's private key, and then the sever will decrypt it using the user's public key. What's the best way of doing this? GPG?02:56
k0d3g3ar_eshira, and what does this have to do with Ubuntu?02:57
cj23jestole I was just wondering if I have a partition like http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=4cjy9v0f2esyhjw&thumb=6  and my fdisk -i results were http://pastebin.com/qRLzS6da if I want to shrink sda2 and then expand sda1 should I just  use ntfsresize -s and tell how big in megabytes or do it by starting blocks02:57
HowardTheDuckI have a laptop now that has integrated Intel video, pretty old, and compiz doesn't work on it02:57
lee__oh my..02:57
bencahillHi guys, i still can't get this new 10.10 install to boot, any help? :( i've tried rw /bin/bash, rw /init/sbin, noapic, vga=791, irqpoll, noacpi, and nolapic, to no avail :(02:57
HowardTheDuckI just want to make sure I don't get a new core-i3 and can't even use compiz on it02:57
lee__im victim!..02:57
eshirak0d3g3ar_: it doesn't. I just have no idea what IRC channel to go to.02:57
k0d3g3ar_not here02:58
Gnealee__: what?02:58
h00klee__: Do you have any Ubuntu support related questions?02:58
macoHowardTheDuck: new intels handle compiz just fine02:58
HowardTheDuckthanks!   now to see if they will handle fallout 3 lol02:58
Picieshira: ##web perhaps, or ##programming, #freenode might have a better suggestion.02:58
macoHowardTheDuck: i *only* use intel, and my computers from 2002, 2006, 2008, and 2010 can all do compiz02:58
eshiraPici: thanks, i'll try them.02:58
manmountainLove the wobbly windows :)02:58
KM0201maco: mine (915) despite complains about it, handles compiz fine... i just hate it, so i use "NONE"... :)02:59
HowardTheDuckmaco,  thanks man.  I may get Intel HM5502:59
ActionParsnipmanmountain: it gets old real fast02:59
manmountainI'm temped to see how well Ubuntu runs on my real hardware.02:59
craigbass1976Howard, I don't know where you're getting a new laptop, but the last two times I've been in Staples, they let me buy the laptop and try ubuntu on it, then would have let me return it if I wasn't satisfied.  I tried both right in the store, but they were both acers with amd chips...03:00
cj23oops jetole  I spelled your name wrong when asking you sorry03:00
WiesshundHowardTheDuck for what its forth, the little atom powered eeepc with cheap video even runs compiz with a reasonable amount of effects03:00
bencahill!tab | cj23303:00
ubottucj233: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:00
bencahill!tab | cj2303:00
ubottucj23: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:00
jetolecj23: what?03:00
jetolecj23: oh I see03:00
jPuffi wanna set up a dual boot where vista can access ubuntu's files and ubuntu vista's03:01
macoKM0201: i think i have 845, 945, 965, and whatevers on an atom n45003:01
jetolecj23: one sec03:01
HowardTheDuckWiesshund, really?  so you can do the cube and all that on an eeepc?03:01
WiesshundjPuff vista is going to have a hard time reading ext4 fs03:01
bencahillI suppose ubuntu is simply not up to supporting my hardware? sad. :-(03:01
KM0201bencahill: what gives you that idea?03:01
cj23ok jetole, i guess it's in mega giga or kilo bytes03:02
ActionParsnipbencahill: blame the manufacturers of the hardware03:02
jetolecj23: you can't really shrink sda2 and expand sda one because sda2 needs to have the same start and as I can see from your fdisk post, sda2 starts where sda1 ends03:02
Wiesshundbencahill you migh try a previous version of ubuntu, or if your hardware is kind of old, you might try puppy which is built from ubuntu03:02
bencahillKM0201, ActionParsnip: I know, I'm just desparate, because I haven't got this thing to work yet :(03:02
KM0201bencahill: if it's a new install, why not just reinstal, and see if its something you did on the install?03:02
jPuffso maybe i could have th' ubuntu move th' files to th' vista partition? ^^03:02
ActionParsnipbencahill: or try Lubuntu03:02
jetolecj23: so in your case, you can't really grow sda1 using the traditional / tested by me method.03:02
bencahillKM0201: it never booted once, installed fine...03:02
KM0201ActionParsnip: is this an old laptop?03:02
KM0201bencahill: just cuz it apparently installed fine, doesn't mean something didn't go fubar...03:03
WiesshundHowardTheDuck I have the rotating cube, and one of the alt tab mods running, alot of the other eye candy annoys me03:03
ActionParsnipKM0201: no idea, I just love Lubuntu03:03
jetolecj23: what is on /dev/sda2?03:03
bencahillActionParsnip: that's the last thing i put on it, it doesn't boot either, hangs at /scripts/init-bottom, same as ubuntu03:03
jPuffhow do i delete shortcuts on my apps menu?03:03
ActionParsnipKM0201: runs on pretty much anything03:03
KM0201ActionParsnip: lol.. oh ok.. i got the impression it ws a really new aptop.03:03
cj23data and linux swap03:03
KM0201ActionParsnip: i agree, i like it.. i'm not in love w/ it like you are, but i do like ti03:03
bencahillKM0201: yes, but not too...athlon 3200+ 512mb ram03:03
ActionParsnipbencahill: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?03:03
IdleOnejPuff: right click > Edit menu03:03
ralliasIs it possible to install a UPnP server on Ubuntu?03:03
michael_ibook g4 powerpc, anything in fullscreen leads to weird changing colors screen03:03
bencahillActionParsnip: yes, has nothing to do with that :)03:03
ActionParsnipKM0201: also loving xpud :D03:04
cj23I could just wipe out the entire data and linux swap after03:04
cj23backing up03:04
HowardTheDuckWiesshund, yeah cool.  im probably now going to do the cube, but plug in a monitor and have a dual screen setup if possible.  i'm pretty sure all new laptops do that though?03:04
HowardTheDuckcna you have dual monitor in ubuntu from a laptop?03:04
ActionParsnipbencahill: try some boot options then is all I can suggest03:04
WiesshundjPuff yes ubuntu can read/write the ntfs partitions fine providing they arent encrypted or compressed. and to delete shortcuts right click menu and pick edit03:04
bencahillActionParsnip: the machine never ran the ubuntu livecd, although the lubuntu livecd did work (i used the alt when installing ubuntu)03:04
jetolecj23: what is you remove the partition. You can remove the swap and backup the data. Completely remove sda2, grow sda1 then re create a new sd2 from scratch using the free space03:04
HowardTheDuckwell dual screen, laptop + one monitor03:04
KM0201HowardTheDuck: as long as the lapto GPU supports dual head under Linux(nvidia is real easy)03:04
nexesbencahill: Ubuntu won't run well with 512MB of RAM. You should really consider something lighter, at minimum Xubuntu.03:04
jPuffIdleOne thank you :D03:04
bencahillActionParsnip: i've tried rw /bin/bash, rw /init/sbin, noapic, vga=791, irqpoll, noacpi, and nolapic, to no avail :(03:04
jPuffWiesshund thank you :D03:04
KM0201nexes: ubuntu will run fine w/ 512mb of ram, it just sucks using the live cd...03:05
jetolecj23: you can also put swap into a flat file which is not a bad idea despite the urban legend surrounding it which is based on old kernels where partition swap was better some 10 years ago03:05
WiesshundHowardTheDuck dual monitors on laptop depends alot on the laptops video hardware03:05
leachim6I ran it on 12803:05
bencahillnexes: i know, but it should boot, and i have lubuntu on it now, still doesn't boot03:05
leachim6w/  openbox mind you03:05
HowardTheDuckIntel HM55?03:05
bencahillKM0201: right :)03:05
ActionParsnipbencahill: hmm, got latest BIOS?03:05
nexesKM0201: My previous desktop really struggled with 1GB plus Firefox and Flash.03:05
jetolecj23: for example you create a swap file called /swap.img that is whatever size you like and then list that as your swap space in /etc/fstab03:05
cj23jetole:  the problem is people said my os stuff where dlls and that stuff goes needs to be no mroe than 9 or 10 gigs and i did that.. I have no program files on there and hardly anything but yet I have only a gig to spare and microsoft visual C++ wants to donwload its crap on C: ( this sda1 where the os is at and the dlls as mentioned )03:05
ActionParsnipbencahill: tested RAM health?03:05
KM0201bencahill: i would just try a clean nstall of 10.10, see if it still fails w/ the same prob.03:05
nexesKM0201: I love Ubuntu, but it's a wee bit bloated.03:05
cj23that's why I want to enlarge it basically03:05
bencahillActionParsnip: haven't checked...grub2 works fine, as does the start of the boot process03:05
Euthanatosim on lucid but there's a package for maverick i'd like to use how can i grab that package?03:05
KM0201nexes: then you had some other issue... i admit ubuntu is bloated, but it will run just fine w/ 512mb of ram.. but the live CD will suck...03:06
bencahillKM0201: these are all clean installs, they have never booted once :)03:06
KM0201bencahill: so i take it you have already tried to reinstall03:06
jetolecj23: you got some pretty bad advice there03:06
ActionParsnipbencahill: worth a check, also disable as much of the BIOS functionality as you can to make the hardware limited nd basic03:06
bencahillKM0201: or i.e. i never got it to boot03:06
manmountainSpeaking of bloat, I'm thinking of installing Ubuntu for real, whats a comfortable partition size?03:06
bencahillKM0201: yes, several times03:06
jetolecj23: what is on sda2 besides swap?03:06
=== administrator is now known as Guest89207
KM0201bencahill: ok, so that likely rules that out.... how exactly are you trying to set up your system03:06
bencahillActionParsnip: it doesn't have anything like that, only boot order, hdd test, and showing what you've got :)03:07
ActionParsnipjetole: you can't store data in swap partitions03:07
cj23my data03:07
jetoleActionParsnip: what?03:07
GoodMourningHow do I find good channels?03:07
ActionParsnipbencahill: well it has to be something so simply dismissing suggestions like that is ridficulous03:07
bencahillKM0201: it's a 32gb ssd ide (:P) laptop, and i just want to use it for web browsing, video viewing...03:07
cj23microsofts freaking part fo the problem for forcing there massive visual C++ on C:03:07
Zvrkcj23, where is your ubuntu?03:07
bencahillActionParsnip: ridficulous? :D03:07
KM0201bencahill: ok, how did you partition the ssd for ubuntu?03:07
ActionParsnipjetole: there can be no user data or OS data stored in a partiton used as swap03:07
bencahillActionParsnip: what did i dismiss?03:07
jetoleActionParsnip: you can store whatever you like in any kind of partition you like. a partition type is just a byte long string which the OS can choose to treat however you like03:07
bencahillKM0201: ubuntu/lubuntu default03:08
cj23why would MS do that03:08
h00k!cn | Guest8920703:08
ubottuGuest89207: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk03:08
ActionParsnipbencahill: you know what I mean. I'm on my 4 day so I'm flagging a bit03:08
Wiesshundcj23 you could install visual C on another drive03:08
cj23zyv sda 3 and 403:08
HowardTheDuckWell there you have it.  https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/msg44640.html    LOL no dual screen03:08
jetoleActionParsnip: don't know where you read that but you are wrong and cj23 said there is data and swap so I want to be sure that he doesn't accidently delete something important03:08
KM0201bencahill: strange, so you'ev tried Ubuntu and Lubuntu, both w/o success?03:08
bencahillActionParsnip: i was saying that the bios doesn't have anything for turning off features, it's quite old :)03:08
lee__do you speak korean?03:08
bencahillKM0201: yes, that is correct03:09
jetoleActionParsnip: for all you know this is a partition containing a swap flat file and a directory of other files03:09
manmountainOnly running Ubuntu in virtualbox just now. I have 7 1tb hard drives, what's the simplest method to install Ubuntu without trashing my Windows 7 install?03:09
KM0201bencahill: ok, there's definitely some sort of hardware issue there then03:09
h00k!ko | lee__03:09
ubottulee__: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko03:09
bencahillKM0201: hw, or driver/hal?03:09
jetolecj23: what specifically do you have on sda2?03:09
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, did you get it figured out yet?03:09
KM0201bencahill: hardware03:09
bencahillKM0201: o_o03:09
lee__이미 조인했슴다... 사람들이 말을 안겁니다..03:09
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: actually, i just got it!03:09
Wiesshundmanmountain are all 7 drives used by stuff?03:09
KM0201wel, driver/hal... i'm assuming it's something ubuntu isn't picking up03:09
ActionParsnipbencahill: sure it does, you can disable USB and onboard audio etc. I have a P200 backup server where you can turn hardware off and on03:09
cj23a little bit of college stuff and just nothing besides cough mame emulators03:10
bencahillKM0201: worked fine on windows (before the hdd died) :-/03:10
KM0201bencahill: is windows booting ok?03:10
ActionParsnipbencahill: its probably older than you03:10
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, nice, did you use python re?03:10
h00klee__: This channel is English only.03:10
jetolecj23: please say my name before each line otherwise I may miss your comment. Thats common IRC ettiquete03:10
cj23Wiesshund:  msC++ 2008 express demands it be on C:03:10
m0ngr31no, i ended up doing this: echo $search1 | awk '{ print $1 }'03:10
KM0201bencahill: i'm jus surprisd you have a machine that old, thats booting SSD.03:10
Wiesshundbencahill this is the old athlon 3200+ machine?03:10
jetolecj23: Can you back up the data you have on sda2 and delete the partition?03:10
Wiesshundcj23 thats odd mine is installed to drive E03:10
gnewbbencahill: join #lubuntu please, I may have a solution.03:11
ActionParsnipDEAD_BEEF: nice nick ;)03:11
bencahillKM0201: i got an ssd for the purpose of running linux to have a quiet(er) and more shock-resistant system03:11
manmountainUnfortunately yes. I'm thinking of just repartitioning one of my drives. If I did that and allocated the space, would the Ubuntu installer install a bootloader that wont break my windows 7 install?03:11
bencahillgnewb: in there already :)03:11
KM0201bencahill: hmm,03:11
jetolecj23: run: fdisk -l03:11
DEAD_BEEFActionParsnip, :003:11
bencahillWiesshund: yes03:11
jetolecj23: and paste the whole thing to pastebin03:11
cj23Wiesshund:  how03:11
shentinoas in 0xdeadbeef03:11
cj23jetole:  yeah I could back it up03:11
bencahillKM0201: and this is a slow(er) ssd, windows wouldn't run well on it03:11
mobius55hey guys, i keep losing video when trying to install ubuntu, how can I work around that?03:11
cj23jetole:  ok one sec please03:11
KM0201bencahill: hmm.03:11
Euthanatosim on lucid but there's a package for maverick i'd like to use how can i grab that package?03:12
Wiesshundcj23 i just picked the location from the custom install03:12
manmountainJust worried that I go through a real install and have some hardware problems / compatibility issues.03:12
manmountainAs I'm a super newbie03:13
Wiesshundmanmountain can you see query window/tab ?03:13
cj23a partition or a drive03:13
jetolecj23: back up all data on sda2. delete the partition sda2, expand sda1 to be whatever size you like, and then exapnd ntfs on sda1 to fit the size of the partition (ntfsresize has an option to expand to maximum size which fits the partition size)03:13
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, This is what I was playing around with: http://pastebin.com/0DJAFttP03:13
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, your solution was much simpler03:13
jetolecj23: expand the partition to be whatever size you like that is not so big you overwrite sda3 I mean03:13
Wiesshundcj23 E is a drive for me (separate physical) but i doubt that matters03:13
svdaseinI'm having some trouble seeing past the initrd load when installing via a serial console - does anyone here have experience w/ that or know a better forum to ask in?03:14
rusivimanmountain: Your best bet is to plunk around in a Live CD environment see how your hardware reacts, Ubuntu's pretty good about OEM interop. If your crutched to Windows 7 that just image it then do a native install. The native install doesn't work, re-image your disk to Windows 7, no harm, no foul.03:14
cj23I used a external could that matter03:14
cj23oops Wiesshund03:14
jetolesvdasein: #ubuntu-server03:14
svdaseinjetole: thanks03:14
Wiesshundcj23 i would not think so03:15
cj23jetole do you need the fdisk post still03:15
jetolecj23: I'm gonna be afk for hours so good luck on this and it seems Wiesshund can help03:15
Senixhow to i view the "Standard.dic" that open office uses?03:15
bencahillActionParsnip: not this, the only things you can change are: time/date, a few passwords, boot order and floppy/cd enable/disable, f10 delay, parallel port mode, and hdd self-test (that is from looking at every single page and option right now) :)03:15
jetolecj23: ... nope03:15
jetolecj23: good luck03:15
cj23thank you so much03:15
Wiesshundmanmountain can you see your query window?03:15
ActionParsnipbencahill: wow thats pretty poor03:16
bencahillActionParsnip: you should see the laptop i made into a picture frame, it had nothing but boot order :D03:16
mobius55when trying to install ubuntu, after it starts loading the install I lose video, anyone know how to work around this?03:16
rusivimobius55: Are you using Natty to install?03:17
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cj23Wiesshund:  it splits the download on the internet download for the 8 parts you download and install into two : 245 or something mbs for my external and 2 gigs for C: I put in the ext hdd location and it still dows it.03:17
mobius55rusivi: Natty?03:17
mobius55im trying to installl of a flash drive03:17
rusivimobius55: What version of Ubuntu are you trying to install?03:17
ZykoticK9mobius55, natty is the upcoming 11.04 release name03:17
mobius55thx Zyko03:18
rusivimobius55: 32 or 64-bit?03:18
bencahillKM0201, ActionParsnip: okay, I will run a memtest86+ overnight (about to go to bed), and if that passes, will try out fedora and see how it goes03:18
mobius55running an AMD card03:18
rusivimobius55: Part & parcel w/ 64-bit.03:18
KM0201bencahill: good luck w/ it03:18
mobius55I mean ATI03:18
mobius55AMD-ATI setup03:19
bencahillKM0201: ;) cya03:19
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: that looks pretty good!03:19
mobius55can you elaborate rusivi?03:19
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: my way is a little simpler though. thanks for the help!03:19
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, pretty sure it even works. I just saved what you had pasted to a file and search it using the script.03:20
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, you might be able to patch it into your script03:20
m0ngr31DEAD_BEEF: i think i will thanks!03:20
melfyhow do i check in a bash script if [ `netstat -l | grep *:3000` ] is empty or not :/03:20
DEAD_BEEFm0ngr31, np03:20
michael_is dead beef good?03:20
DEAD_BEEFmichael_, the best03:21
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DEAD_BEEFmichael_, I wouldn't eat it any other way03:21
HaPK_PerCarPeople, I'm trying to mount an iso with executable bit enabled, but I'm sure on how to do it with the mount command on the terminal. Does anyone know?03:21
mobius55I was told once that there was a command for computers with display issues03:21
rusivimobius55: Basically, 64-bit in general across all distro's is not as heavily developed for & tested against in comparison to 32-bit, I could crash a Windows 64-bit fresh install installing only MSFT provided software. If you have some need for 64-bit than may want to redirect to Lucid 64-bit.03:21
m4xx|worki'm trying to compile the linuxtv drivers, the wiki says to use git, how do i get an older media_build?03:21
cj23wiesshund if I am deleting a partition with program files do I need to uninstall them?03:21
m4xx|workthe current ones wont compile03:22
nemovHello I am running ubuntu 4.10 and I need to install Samba so this super old computer can be used as a file sharing PC anyone know the terminal install command to install samba?03:22
AhrotahnteeWhat is the terminal command for viewing free HDD space?03:22
Wiesshundcj23 in windows? yes if theres installed programs there, or windows may have a hissy fit03:22
KM0201nemov: lol, its gonna have to be upgraded, sorry03:22
PiciAhrotahntee: df03:22
AhrotahnteePici: thank you kindly03:22
KM0201nemov: congrats though, i've not saw 4.10 mentioned in about 4-5yrs... you win03:22
ActionParsnipnemov: 4.10?03:22
michael_i wonder why someone would use an old version03:23
KM0201ActionParsnip: pretty impressive huh? lol03:23
nemovArg... lol I know03:23
AhrotahnteePici: I for three days have been using 'free' - and I couldn't figure out why it wasn't making any sense, heheh03:23
kfizzI think the linux kernel release candidate may have the drivers for my friends laptop's touchpad. (It's currently only recognized as a PS/2 mouse) but he already has Ubuntu installed. Is there anyway to merge just part of the rc kernel with his current kernel?03:23
mobius55so you recommend switching to the 32 bit?03:23
nemovThe computer specs 533 mhtz 128 sdram03:23
ActionParsnipKM0201: yeah, thats a blast from the past03:23
rusivimobius55: If you have 4GB of RAM or less absolutely.03:23
KM0201nemov: use a lubuntu alt. install cd, and install lubuntu on it.03:23
ActionParsnipnemov: 4.10 has been dead for ages, its nearly 7 years old03:24
xanderhi guys i'm a bit of a Linux noob (but seasoned in windows and mac). i want to know is there a way to stop users opening multiple sessions? ie can i make it so that it takes them to their already open session.03:24
nemovhence the old version... maverick wouldn't even boot up03:24
KM0201nemov: did you try lubuntu?03:24
ActionParsnipnemov: or install puppy03:24
rusivimobius55: Now I'm being highly presumtuous that your not in the mood to debug 64-bit libraries :)03:24
KM0201yeah, puppy might work03:24
mobius55rusivi, its a new higher end build03:24
nemovnever heard of it. lubuntu03:24
HaPK_PerCarPeople, I'm trying to mount an iso with executable bit enabled, but I'm sure on how to do it with the mount command on the terminal. Does anyone know?03:25
michael_try lubuntu03:25
HaPK_PerCarI'm not sure03:25
rusivi!lubuntu | nemov03:25
ubottunemov: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.03:25
KM0201nemov: google.. it's an ubuntu spin for PC's w/ very ow resources03:25
nemovI will search it out03:25
ActionParsnipnemov: its ubuntu derivative using light apps and LXDE desktop, its light03:25
m4xx|workanyone? i cant even watch tv anymore  ;[03:25
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels03:25
rusivi!google | KM020103:25
ubottuKM0201: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.03:25
nemovsweet that's what I need thank you03:26
KM0201!myob | rusivi03:26
mobius55rusivi, wasnt there a command code you could modify to work around the display issue? I hear people use it to go around laptop screens03:26
nemovlol KM03:26
cj23and one more thing Wiesshund, beofre I enlarge the partition and then the filesystem, I should backup the ntfs table like you would with shrinking03:27
jgruberHaPK_PerCar: What do you mean with "executible bit"?03:27
HaPK_PerCarjgruber, so that programs can be executed without the need of superuser permissions03:28
Wiesshundcj23 any time you are going to change something important backing up is a good idea03:28
jimisrvroxhey guys could someone explain to me why it is that even though I have a wired connection, when I turn my box off and back on again that I have to powercycle my router for my connection to be seen? When I did ifconfig it told me that the nic was not config'd and when I tried to do ifdown/ifup it tells me that it failed to bring up the iface. However, powercycle the router and works like a...03:28
jimisrvrox...charm. Any suggestions?03:28
hrobertscan someone help me with an upgrade issue?  I just did an apt-get dist-upgrade, it installed the new kernel.  When I did a reboot, I get GRUBs menu, but no matter which option I choose the server will not boot03:28
HaPK_PerCarjgruber, basicly to install stuff under Wine :)03:28
nemovI'm going to see about Lubuntu and hopefully I will beable to get this pc some use :) thanks Km Rus  and Action Pars03:28
ActionParsniphroberts: if you boot to live cd, you can chroot to the installed system and run: sudo update-grub03:29
jgruberI see, I'm sorry I can't help03:29
ZykoticK9HaPK_PerCar, to install things with wine from a cd - just use "wine /media/CDROM/PROGRAM.EXE" to get around the Gnome executable issue.03:29
cj23So backing up the entire partition using dd if = dev/sda2/ of = output will backup the table as well03:30
georgedefunkCould anybody help me setup wireless on my samsung qx410?03:30
HaPK_PerCarZykoticK9, thing is, I'm instaling from an .ISO03:30
ZykoticK9HaPK_PerCar, shouldn't matter see !iso to mount ISOs03:30
hrobertscan someone help me with an upgrade issue?  I just did an apt-get dist-upgrade, it installed the new kernel.  When I did a reboot, I get GRUBs menu, but no matter which option I choose the server will not boot03:30
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.03:30
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georgedefunkCould anybody help me setup wireless on my samsung qx410?03:31
HaPK_PerCarZykoticK9, I wouldn't know where to mount the ISO03:31
ZykoticK9HaPK_PerCar, you could always use /mnt03:31
hrobertscan someone help me with an upgrade issue?  I just did an apt-get dist-upgrade, it installed the new kernel.  When I did a reboot, I get GRUBs menu, but no matter which option I choose the server will not boot03:31
HaPK_PerCarZykoticK9, O I see, thanks03:31
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hrobertsidleone: are you around?03:32
KM0201georgedefunk: do you know which wireless device you have?03:33
toaQuick question - I'm trying to copy a directory recursively with a hard drive that has bad sectors and I don't want it to stop and retry copying a dozen times at errors.  I didn't see a cp switch that would allow this.  Would dd be a better option?  I've never used it.03:33
georgedefunkNot sure, it's a broadcom though03:33
georgedefunkI've never had to install wireless drivers on ubuntu before03:33
mevkurraytoa: maybe rsync --ignore-errors ??? not sure03:33
KM0201georgedefunk: in a terminal type "lspci" no quotes, hit enter, and find your wireless device to see which broadcom it is03:34
hrobertsgeorgedefunk:  Broadcom is a different puppy though03:34
IdleOnehroberts: select the previous kernel at boot to get the server up and you can also try #ubuntu-server and see if there is any help there03:34
KM0201hroberts: not really, broadcom is pretty easy nowdays...03:34
hrobertsKM0201: i haven't had any luck with them without using proprietary drivers03:34
jgrubertoa: dd will just quit at an I/O error like a bad sector03:35
hrobertsIdleone: thanks Ill try over there. The prvious kernel did not work03:35
mobius55I how do I set special boot parameters to go around me losing video when I try to install?03:35
KM0201hroberts: the b43 or the STA driver, usually work quite well.. i don't know if they're proprietary or not... andhe didn't indicate whether he cared of the driver was propreitary or not03:35
toajgruber, ah.  Would rsync be a better choice?03:35
jgrubertoa: and it's just for one file (or other block of data)03:35
nhealdI'm using Ubuntu 11.04, my ~$ prompt has disappeared from the terminal and the terminal window will not accept commands, there is only a blinking cursor.03:36
IdleOnehroberts: select which ever kernel did work :)03:36
jgrubertoa: the directory has bad sectors or just somewhere on the disk?03:36
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ZykoticK9nheald, you should ask in #ubuntu+1 if you're using 11.0403:36
mobius55Hey guys, I keep losing video after I select install ubuntu from the installation menu, any ideas?03:37
KM0201georgedefunk: did you figure it out?03:37
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toajgruber, Just a few places on the disk.  I've tried a normal copy and it'll just retry with an i/o error indefinitely.  It's a fat32 partition so files are scattered everywhere.03:37
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meganINthehouseim back03:38
ethicalwhat are you doing03:38
jon_athonmy fan runs a LOT more with linux than it did with windows. HOw ca I change that?03:38
nemovcrap... ubuntu 4.10 doesn't have CD burner.03:38
jon_athonhey meganINthehouse03:39
bird_turdi didn't know 11 was out03:39
mevkurraytoa: give rsync a try, rsync -rvvi --ignore-errors /dir /tmp/dir. just for sh*ts and giggles, see if it works03:39
meganINthehousehey jon03:39
jon_athonmeganINthehouse, how are you?03:39
rusivijon_athon: Try GNOME Sensors Applet03:39
KM0201!11.04 | bird_turd03:39
ubottubird_turd: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.03:39
toamevkurray, thanks :)03:39
meganINthehouseim good how you doing?03:39
jon_athonpretty well, what brings you to this neighborhood?03:39
jon_athonrusivi, built in?03:39
meganINthehouseI'm stuck trying to install windows 7 on this pc03:40
nowimprovedHas anyone seen like an aura type of thing around the outside of their monitor before?03:40
jgrubertoa: If it were me I'd be tempted to just try to copy around the bad file. Or, if you have a copy of the bad files (ones with bad sectors) you could copy the backup onto the bad files. The hard drive will assign the newly copied file to new sectors to work around the problem. (The drives firmware notices bad sectors and tries not to reuse them)03:40
meganINthehousehow do i go back to the linux mint server chat thingy03:40
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org03:40
rusivijon_athon: You have to install it, the package name is sensors-applet03:41
jon_athonmeganINthehouse, where are you stuck?03:41
jon_athonrusivi, thanks03:41
jgrubermevkurray: cool. never tried that03:41
meganINthehouseurm with everything lol03:41
meganINthehousei was getting step by step help doing it03:41
nemovanybody here know of  webpage that gives good information on using the terminal commands for ubuntu?03:41
h00k!mist | meganINthehouse, jon_athon03:41
jon_athonmeganINthehouse, O_o03:41
h00k!mint | meganINthehouse jon_athon03:42
ubottumeganINthehouse jon_athon: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org03:42
mevkurrayjgruber, toa: nor have i, just the first thing that came into my mind. i know it handles CIFS errors gracefully though03:42
m4xx|homeanyone familiar with git?03:42
Wiesshundnowimproved eh could you try to descibe that in a bit more detail? otherwise i am picturing the monitor messiah03:42
IdleOnemeganINthehouse: type: /server irc.spotchat.org and then /join #linuxmint-help03:42
nowimprovedWiesshund, like orange green and red colors that encircled the monitor, when i turned it off and turned it back on, it went away instantly.03:43
nowimprovedI wasn't on the computer though. I noticed it from the couch.03:43
meganINthehousewhere do i type that in idleone03:43
Wiesshundnowimproved as in like outside the monotors caseing?03:43
IdleOnein here03:43
jon_athonmeganINthehouse, in the chat text box03:43
nowimprovedWiesshund, right.03:43
hrobertsIdleOne: no one on #ubuntu-server is awake.  No one answers my question, any ideas on another group?03:43
Wiesshundnowimproved CRT or LCD screen?03:43
IdleOnehroberts: explain the issue in here and if someone can help they will03:44
nowimprovedyou'd think it would have to do with magnets.03:44
nowimprovedI asked in two other computer channels and they both told me to see a doctor or a shrink.03:44
IXNS3I cant get any spdif output on ubuntu. tried everything. and no one ever seems to help here.03:44
Wiesshundnowimproved hmm possibly reflection etc from the flourescent tubes used to illuminate the lcd display, they do glow for a bit when turned off03:44
nowimprovedBut I know this phenomena exists.03:44
jgruberm4xx: a little familiar with git03:44
chibihogoshinoam i going to have to update to 10.10 to install xfce4.8 ?03:44
nowimprovedIt wasn't turned off though, it was on, I turned it off after it wouldn't go away and turned it back on.03:45
Wiesshundnowimproved magnets dont affect an LCD like they do a CRT03:45
nowimprovedWiesshund, right that is what I was saying.03:45
nowimprovedthat makes sense though a reflection type of deal.03:45
Wiesshundnowimproved your monitor have a clear bezel ?03:45
nowimprovedOf course. I'm never going to able to recreate the effect.03:45
etzHello all03:46
nowimprovedWiesshund, no03:46
jgruberm4xx: is it an easy git question?03:46
nowimprovedIt was 6:30 in the morning slightly light out and the shades were open. It's actually gray.03:46
etzWhen the new version of ubuntu will be release?03:47
Wiesshundnowimproved probably a bit of dust static plasma type thing. nothing high voltage in an LCD monitor or highly magnetic03:47
rwwetz: April03:47
IdleOneetz: April03:47
hrobertsI am loading a server that will be a print server, I loaded 10.10 32 bit (it is an older Compaq Proliant 1600 Series) I do an apt-get update and then an apt-get upgrade.  I then reboot the server and everything works fine.  I then do an apt-get dist-upgrade and my kernal goes from to, it re-writes grub and now no matter which selection I choose either 22 or 24, or either recovery 03:47
nowimproveddust that makes sense03:47
emIf you plug a mouse into a laptop will it disable the touchpad (hopefully)?03:48
nowimprovedJust don't understand why when I shut it off and turned it back on it went away.03:48
rwwnowimproved, Wiesshund: This isn't an Ubuntu support question. Can you take it to PM or #ubuntu-offtopic, please?03:48
toamevkurray, jgruber, I'm trying the rsync string now, but it's still grinding over and over.  It eventually skips the file, but not after grinding on it for 3 minutes.03:48
ActionParsnipem: no, both will work at same time03:48
nowimprovedrww, sorry but I can't get an answer anywhere else. I'll stop.03:48
ActionParsnipem: in the majority of cases03:48
mister_mthe mv command works for directories right?03:48
Wiesshundnowimproved at a guess, turning it off collapsed the weak electrical field and then it was gone03:48
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nowimprovedmisha680_, yes03:48
toamister_m, yes03:49
ActionParsnipmister_m: yes03:49
mister_mtoa, hooray03:49
mevkurraytoa: well its a step in the right directio at least03:49
hrobertscan anyone help me with that dist-upgrade issue?03:50
hrobertsI have loaded the server 4 times and it happens everytime03:50
nowimprovedWiesshund, that's a great answer. I was seriously thinking about asking a doctor.03:50
nowimprovedIF I got one more recommendation to see one.03:50
toamevkurray, yes.  It'll take well over three days at this speed, though.03:51
h00knowimproved, Wiesshund: It needs to stop, please.03:51
Wiesshundh00k hmm? i didnt say anything03:51
wedwo-hroberts, you got cut off - are you saying you can't boot with either kernel?03:52
mevkurraytoa, oh wow, that slow. better find a faster way then *googles*.03:52
jgrubertoa: Sorry to hear that. Must be one bad disk03:53
mevkurraytoa, its a fat23 device yes?03:53
jota-hey, I have a partition that shows te following on df -h: /dev/sdb1             163G  153G  1.3G 100% /mnt/data303:53
jota-I have rebooted the server and the situation does not change03:53
kriscoltcan someone point me in the right direction: I'm trying to get my shiny new 10.10 install to play nice with my HDPVR-1250 capture card.  I am able to see video in tvtime, but i can't get any sound03:54
michael_i'm using an ibook g4 with powerpc, radeon, when i try to do anything fullscreen i get the whole screen changing random colors slowly03:54
jgruberkriscolt: Are you trying to get analog or a digital signal in?03:56
kriscoltjgruber, i'm running a coax from my cable box to the capture card... so i'm not really sure.03:57
hrobertswedwo" that is correct03:57
mevkurraytoa, got a windows box hanging around?03:58
hrobertswedwo-: that is correct03:58
mevkurraytoa, try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18078603:58
grumeteUbuntu 10.10 64 bits, and this problem of authenticate windows with buttons that do not respond, do you know how to correct this?03:58
jgruberkriscolt: What country are you in?03:58
HaPK_PerCargrumete, just close the window after authentication03:59
wedwo-hroberts, use a live CD to apt-get install Startup-Manager and use it to fix grub04:00
jgruberkriscolt: If it's a coax coming from the fios box itself, and not from the pole (or an outside antenna) probably analog. What channel number, and can you tune different channels by entering different channel numbers?04:00
kriscoltjgruber, if i tune to channell 3 i can see video04:01
kriscoltbut i have to use the cable box remote to change the channels04:01
jgruberkriscolt: ok--almost certainly analog. ...04:01
hrobertswedwo-: use the live cd on the server?  i have tried this, how do I get it to load the HD image to be able to install startup manager04:02
jgruberkriscolt: When you plug in the device I think a new alsa device should show up, eg. in the sound menu--I'd start by looking for that.04:02
wedwo-hroberts, install Startup-Manager on the live CD04:02
GoodMourningWhere can I find active channels of certain topics?04:03
Pici!alis | GoodMourning04:03
ubottuGoodMourning: Looking for a channel? /msg alis list *searchterm*     More help in #freenode04:03
wildheart812I can not get ubuntu to install or boot from CD. I need help04:03
jgruberkriscolt: sound preferences hardware tab, maybe04:03
GoodMourningWhat's alis?04:03
wildheart812this is the message that I get when I try to install in windows04:04
HaPK_PerCarwildheart812, do you have an old BIOS?04:04
wildheart81201-20 22:00 INFO   root: === wubi 10.10 rev197 ===04:04
wildheart81201-20 22:00 DEBUG  root: Logfile is c:\users\wildhe~1\appdata\local\temp\wubi-10.10-rev197.log04:04
wildheart81201-20 22:00 DEBUG  root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="D:\\wubi.exe"', '--cdmenu']04:04
wildheart81201-20 22:00 DEBUG  CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\Users\WILDHE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl204E.tmp\data04:04
wildheart81201-20 22:00 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\Users\WILDHE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl204E.tmp\bin\7z.exe04:04
wildheart81201-20 22:00 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...04:04
KM0201GoodMourning: did you read the message? it tells you what ti is.04:04
FloodBot2wildheart812: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:04
wildheart81201-20 22:00 DEBUG  CommonBackend: original_exe=D:\wubi.exe04:04
rwwGoodMourning: a channel listing bot04:04
ActionParsnipwildheart812: did you MD5 test the ISO you burned? Did you burn it slowly? Did you check the CD for defects once initially booted to?04:04
ubottuLooking for a channel? /msg alis list *searchterm*     More help in #freenode04:04
wildheart81201-20 22:00 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\Users\WILDHE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl204E.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD04:04
wildheart81201-20 22:00 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\Users\WILDHE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl204E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs04:04
wildheart81201-20 22:00 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\Users\WILDHE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl204E.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD04:04
wildheart81201-20 22:00 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\Users\WILDHE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl204E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs04:04
wildheart81201-20 22:00 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\Users\WILDHE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl204E.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD04:04
wildheart81201-20 22:00 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\Users\WILDHE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl204E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs04:04
wildheart81201-20 22:00 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\Users\WILDHE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl204E.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD04:04
FloodBot2wildheart812: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:04
kriscoltjgruber, tried alsamixer, and hardware prefs to no avail...04:04
humanbean /msg alis list *friendly*04:05
jgruberkriscolt: but do you see a sound device get added when you add the card or device?04:05
kriscoltthe card came preinstalled into the box...04:06
Freeaqingme_Can I use a nvidia card together with an ati card? I dont have to drag windows from one card to another, but I would like to use them simultaneously04:06
kriscoltso there's no way to unplug it04:06
kriscoltno... i can disconnect the coax...04:07
kriscoltwhat's the command to see what's been plugged in and unplugged?04:07
jgruberkriscolt: oh dear. If I were you I would look at /var/log/syslog for startup messages for the video device and then around that point for error messages about the audio device04:07
kriscolti used to know a command... but it escapes me at the moment, that i used to us when i plugged in those little usb wifi dongles04:08
buckykriscolt, lsusb ?04:08
kriscolthmm... that's it... that wouldn't work here though04:09
kriscoltlspci is the one i would probably need04:09
jgruberkriscolt: I don't know of a special command. you could use lspci for a capture board, but that will just tell you the board is installed, and you know that because you get video04:09
ubnoobanyone know how to open a .p7s file04:10
kriscoltthis is true...04:10
kriscolti get sound from every other application...04:10
kriscoltmaybe it's just 'tvtime'04:10
ActionParsnipubnoob: install p7zip-full and p7zip-rar and unp04:10
kriscoltdo you know of another tv-capture app that i could try?04:10
jgruberkriscolt: you mean you get sound from the capture card from other applications04:10
kriscolti mean i can play a wav file04:10
buckykriscolt, maybe it has to do with pulseaudio if it's a sound problem04:11
emActionParsnip: ahh. I wonder then if there's any way to just disable the trackpad while keeping the mouse. I really don't like the trackpad on this laptop since Ubuntu doesnt let me use the right click, so how can I use it without a right click?04:11
jgruberkriscolt: i've used vlc and mplayer with my 950Q04:11
ActionParsnipem: if you run:  lsmod    you may be able to see a module which runs the pad, then run:  sudo modprobe -r name    to disable it04:11
ubnoobActionParsnip, thanks you guys are like family! I love ubuntu.04:12
ActionParsnipem: if its wrong or things misbehave then just reboot04:12
jgruberkriscolt: I've tested just the audio by using arecord from the alsa device my 950q adds and pipe it to aplay04:12
ActionParsnipubnoob: i'm not sure it'll definately work, but it makes sense04:12
kriscoltjgruber, do i need any sort of additional plugin to have vlc work the way i want to or just apt-get install vlc04:13
ubnoobActionParsnip: i'll be back to let you know04:13
* ActionParsnip loves unp :)04:13
emActionParsnip: and how do you undo a move like that?04:14
emActionParsnip: in case I ever wanted to turn it back on?04:14
jgruberkriscolt: I didn't need a plugin, just vlc04:15
kriscoltjgruber, ok... i'm sort of there...04:16
ActionParsnipem: sudo modprobe name04:16
kriscoltbut i'm not sure how to set up the capture device...04:16
jgruberkriscolt: it took me a little time to figure out how to set it up, vlc has been changing04:16
kriscoltit's under DVB...04:16
emActionParsnip: you just type sudo modprobe name and it activates it again?04:16
jgruberdvb may be for digital tv04:17
dextro_im trying to cron a rsync but there is no password param04:17
_jesse_blah, how can I tell gnome-terminal to stop intercepting my function keys?04:17
kriscolthmm... ok no dice then04:17
dextro_the remote ssh host only accepts a password login (no keys)04:17
dextro_am i effed?04:17
ActionParsnipdextro_: you can mount sshfs04:18
dextro_the remote host also closes idle ssh connectinos04:18
dextro_its a webhost04:18
dextro_im just using it for storage04:18
_jesse_never mind, I think I've figured it out04:19
jgruberkriscolt: under capture, then video for linux 2 -- you'll need the name of the video and audio devices04:19
Tempus_Fugithey all04:19
toamevkurray, haha funny to go to windows for a solution.  I'll give it a shot.04:20
kriscoltjgruber, is there a simple way to find the path to the vid/aud devs?04:20
jgruberkriscolt: video would probably be your only /dev/videox device (maybe /dev/video0)04:21
bc81i tried to install a game (an old windows game) by mounting the iso with gmountiso.  now i have an entry in the nautilus places that wont go away, and isn't in fstab/mtab.  any way to get rid of this?04:21
jgruberkriscolt: audio is tougher. alsa uses funny names and you probably have other audio input on your computer to confuse things (if you have a sound card)04:22
kriscoltin my dev folder i've got video0, video1, video204:22
jgruberkriscolt: you could try trial and error for audio devices once you find them04:22
gnewbbc81: I think so, but make a backup first, then rm04:22
kriscolt:) nice... of course the audio would be the fun part04:22
DaGeek247bc81 :  tried unmounting it?04:22
jgruberkriscolt: I don't know why you would have more than one video capture device. multiple formats of the same picture, maybe???04:23
bc81hi gnewb i did remove the mount directory (/media/iso1) but its still there. here's a screenshot:  http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/581/screenshotcomputer.png yes, DaGeek247 i did unmount it now when i go to mount it it says "Unable to mount JAZZCDError mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,04:24
bc81       missing codepage or helper program, or other error04:24
bc81       (could this be the IDE device where you in fact use04:24
bc81       ide-scsi so that sr0 or sda or so is needed?)04:24
meganINthehouse /server irc.spotchat.org04:24
jgruberkriscolt: before you go to far, is the device listed as one that works for video on the linux-tv web site?04:24
bc81       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try04:24
FloodBot2bc81: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:24
bc81       dmesg | tail  or so"04:24
paq7512would there be an advantage of formatting my drives ext4 instead of leaving them ntfs?04:24
paq7512i have 3 internal ntfs drives04:24
kriscoltwell there's the coax inputs on the back of the tower, composite inputs in the front, a couple of svideo inputs, there's a webcam plugged in...04:24
ActionParsnippaq7512: windows cannot access ext4 currently so if you need windows to access the data, keep it ntfs, the partitions are ntfs, not the drives04:25
bc81sorry for flooding, i didn't know it would make line breaks04:25
kriscoltok, video2 is definitely the webcam.04:25
kriscoltvideo1 crashes vlc04:25
paq7512ok i am just running ubuntu solely04:25
kriscoltand video0 comes in all scrambled04:25
jgruberkriscolt: the tv app you are using is almost certainly using one of them if it sees video04:26
DaGeek247bc81 cant help, sorry. my best thoughts are that you try it as root to make you have full access.04:26
feydwindow show 404:27
kriscoltjgruber, ok, it's definitely video004:27
ActionParsnippaq7512: then ext4 should be more stable due to journalisation04:28
kriscoltbut vlc pulls it in funny... i think i need to tweak some settings04:28
kerozenehow do I deal with: 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.04:28
paq7512<ActionParsnip>how can in configure it to write and copy to those drives? it was giving me permission errors04:29
kerozenehow do I find out which package upgrade was blocked?04:30
gnewbkerozene: Look in the logs04:30
SuperMiguelany of you guys running ubuntu on the alienware m11x?04:31
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ubnoobJust installed p7zip but cant find the program to open, anyone know were it installs/04:31
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gnewbubnoob: CLI, I think04:32
ubnoobgnewb: sorry what's CLI?04:32
jgruberkerozene: if you bring up synaptics, you can click on installed (upgradeable) and then individually try marking packages for upgrade. The response can tell you about complications from installing a particular package04:32
gs|Dr_Wormanyone I can ask an istall question?04:32
pearlbearhey all. I need to disable the RTL8192 driver in 10.10. It's not in lsmod, but it definitely is loading (it's in dmesg). Anyone know how to do that?04:33
kerozenegnewb: aha. [HOLD] sudo. thanks04:33
jgruberkerozene: you probably shouldn't go through with the upgrades, though, unless you are sure04:33
rusiviSuperMiguel: Ubuntu community members note Ubuntu works on it for them -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1396552&page=1804:33
pearlbearcan I just blacklist it?04:33
BiohAzard`I need help with an eggdrop (im newbie and i cant connect it to irc). anyone who can help?04:34
ubnoobgs|Dr_Worm: yes go ahead04:34
rusivi!cli | ubnoob04:34
ubottuubnoob: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro04:34
BiohAzard`I run my eggdrop04:34
BiohAzard`And it doesnt appear on irc04:34
WiesshundBiohAzard` this would be the wrong channel for eggdrop bot help04:34
BiohAzard`Log file: Failed connect to   chat.freenode.net (DNS lookup failed)04:34
dewwubnoob: the archiver tool should open 7z files now04:34
kerozenejgruber: I don't have synaptic, or a gui :)04:34
gs|Dr_Wormi'm in the middle of installing Ubuntu and it says "bootloader install failed".  when i try any of the options it does nothing...i'm afraid to cancel the install because it will probably brick my netbook04:34
BiohAzard`I am asking at egghelp but nobody answer04:34
bc81_DaGeek247, gnewb - i'm back..fixed it with "sudo touch /forcefsck" it must have been a bad block or something04:35
WiesshundBiohAzard` try maybe #irc or #irchelp ?04:35
DaGeek247bc81 :  nice to know you fixed it.04:35
jgruberkerozene: aptitude can tell you about impediments to upgrades and give you choices. I was just looking at that tonight on a server I'm trying to fix04:35
rusivigs|Dr_Worm: It's highly unlikely a failed install will brick your netbook.04:35
ubnoobok, thanks i learned a new command CLI04:36
kerozenejgruber: I'll look around. thanks04:36
gs|Dr_Wormreally?  if it deleted the old boot record it won't be able to boot, correct?04:36
bc81_DaGeek247: whoa it says i quit, but i'm still here lol!04:36
BiohAzard`Wiesshund: #irc -> invite only, #irchelp -> empty :P04:36
rusivigs|Dr_Worm: I beg your pardon, I thought you meant hardware brick.04:36
gs|Dr_Wormnp.  any suggestions?04:37
rusivigs|Dr_Worm: If the install failed, does it at least run as a Live CD?04:37
gs|Dr_Wormwell, there's no cd drive...its installing froma live usb drive.  and i'm kind of afraid to restart it because that's when i think the bricking will take place04:38
dewwBiohAzard`: can you connect to irc from that same machine you have the bot on?04:38
BiohAzard`Deww the machine is a shell too far away from me :P04:39
Romeo5k i cant get tcl installed04:39
dewwBiohAzard`: what's that have to do with what i asked?04:39
BiohAzard`I dont know if i can connect04:40
BiohAzard`How can i test it?04:40
dewwdoes it have an irc client like irssi, epic, ircii, bitchx?04:40
Wiesshundgs|Dr_Worm does your laptop have its recovery partition intact?04:40
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BiohAzard`No it doesnt04:41
gs|Dr_Wormof course not.04:41
kriscoltjgruber, i feel like i may have made some progress... "tvtime" is defaulting to '/dev/mixer:line' ...which does not exist04:41
kriscoltjgruber, i just need to find my audio device04:41
gs|Dr_Worm:-)  its a windows machine natively...windows is long gone04:41
Wiesshundgs|Dr_Worm you will still be able to restart it fromt he live USB drive04:41
Romeo5kim trying to runn my eggbot and it keeps giving me an error saying i dont have tcl installed..04:41
dewwBiohAzard`: on the shell, type: host chat.freenode.net or dig chat.freenode.net or nslookup chat.freenode.net or ping chat.freenode.net04:41
Romeo5kand ivee installed almost every tcl i can think of.. can someone pls help me with installing it04:42
gs|Dr_Wormok...giving it a hard reboot now....04:42
jgruberkriscolt: arecord -l command will give you a list--I forgot about that04:42
kerozenejgruber: 'aptitude why-not sudo' just shows a conflict with sudo-ldap, which isn't installed04:42
bc81_good luck gs|Dr_Worm04:42
donvitohow to put down sit0 guys04:42
gs|Dr_Wormthanks....i'll keep you posted04:43
Wiesshundgs|Dr_Worm it wont "brick" the machine, os install may have failed, but no permanant harm.04:43
jgruberkerozene: I don't know, I'm afraid04:43
danyayuda con totem04:43
gs|Dr_Wormi dunno...i've had failed os installs brick me in the past04:43
kerozeneanyone else know why the system would put a hold on upgrading sudo?04:43
gs|Dr_Wormok.  its letting me live boot at least...04:43
BiohAzard`Deww: --- chat.freenode.net ping statistics ---04:43
BiohAzard`59 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss04:43
bc81_kerozene: what do you mean by "hold", how are you trying to update?04:44
Romeo5kcan someone please help me with istalling tcl on 1010 x6404:44
Wiesshundgs|Dr_Worm a failed install should not brick the machine, not in a hardware sense04:44
Na_Klar59 packets lost .. *lol*04:44
dewwBiohAzard`: any of them return an IP address?04:44
kriscoltjgruber, arecord -l spits out three "devices" --> "card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC1200 Analog [ALC1200 Analog]", "card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: ALC1200 Digital [ALC1200 Digital]", and "card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 2: ALC1200 Analog [ALC1200 Analog]"04:44
kriscoltjgruber: but it doesn't give paths to the dev files04:45
donvitohow to put down sit0 guys04:46
BiohAzard`Yes, host chat.freenode.net returns ips04:46
jgruberkriscolt: devices are referred to in alsa by a syntax like hw0:1,2 or something like that, and it changes depending on the application, I'm afraid. The numbers in the list for the 1250 should at least give you hint about what's what04:46
BiohAzard`And nslookup returns ips04:46
olek23chi, any idea why 'su - user' does not set proper environment?04:47
kriscoltjgruber, lspci ==> 03:00.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. Hauppauge Inc. HDPVR-1250 model 1196 (rev 0f)04:47
Chilaquileshello, somebody knows how can I get the panel on the bottom of the screen? I delete it by accident04:47
=== DaGeek247 is now known as liny_man
Romeo5kanyone  wanna help me with tcl on ubuntu04:48
jgruberIt's the arecord -l list that will tell you what to plug into the hw: ....   syntax, not the lspci04:48
BiohAzard`Deww ?04:48
ice799I installed a package with apt. How can I find out what files were in that package and where they were installed to? I ask because I cant figure out where all the configuration files went for this thing...04:48
dewwBiohAzard`: make sure your eggdrop conf settings for the servername doesn't contain extra characters or spaces04:49
buckyice799, dpkg -L <package_name>04:49
gnewbChilaquailes: What version?04:49
gnewbChilaquiles: What version?04:50
ubnoobanyone know how to open p7zip from command line?04:50
andrewfreeIs there a version of this for ubuntu none of them look like they are for ubuntu http://www.rarlab.com/rar_add.htm04:50
BiohAzard`Deww thanks a lot04:50
BiohAzard`That was the problem04:51
deww ubnoob: p7zip -d file.7z or just double click on a 7z file04:51
liny_manubnoob :  try the name of the program04:51
Romeo5ki cannot get tcl to work n ubuntu 10.1004:51
Romeo5kcan someone pls help me04:51
Romeo5k ive tried everything04:51
gs|Dr_Wormhrm....its now going slower than shit...04:52
buckyandrewfree, you have a choice between two in synaptic - unrar-free or unrar04:52
ubnoobdeww: i installed the program but i'v been looking for over an hour for the program, i never had this problem before04:52
dewwubnoob: it uses the archiver tool04:53
Wiesshundgs|Dr_Worm live cd generaly is kind of slow since its running from a virtual drive in ram04:53
dewwubnoob: if you're using gui, just double click a 7z file04:53
gs|Dr_Wormyeah...it wasn't this bad before though04:53
ubnoobdeww: i cant find the file04:54
andrewfreebucky:  mmk, I just keep getting this error. http://snapplr.com/9407 so I wasnt sure04:54
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gnewbChilaquiles: Here: > http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man8/lspci.8.html04:54
dewwubnoob: the p7zip tool or the actual 7z compressed file you wanted to extract?04:54
ice799bucky: thank you04:54
gs|Dr_Wormi'm talking like 5 minutes of loading on the main menu04:55
gnewbChilaquiles: Whoops, sryy, here:>> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man8/lspci.8.html04:55
ubnoobdeww: what do i do to find the program04:55
dewwdouble click on your .7z compressed file ;)04:56
ubnoobi'm trying to open a .p7s file04:56
dewwhmm isn't that some certificate?04:56
gnewbubnoob: Kinda old, but here>http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12556004:57
mister_mhow can I pipe the output of klillall compiz && awesome to a file04:57
ubnoobgnewb: thanks, i'm still trying to open a .p7s file- any ideas?04:59
gnewbubnoob: Looks there is now a GUI for that, still looking...04:59
kerozenehow can I find out why there's a hold on sudo? aptitude why-not doesn't show any conflicts04:59
smwmister_m, append &> the_file.txt05:00
gnewbubnoob: Did you see my last two posts to you?05:00
ubnoobgnewb: yes05:00
Gneakerozene: can you pastebin the exact 'hold' error?05:00
smwhi dany05:01
Chilaquiles|2why it seems like my CPU is working at 99% and the swap memory doesn't have anything there?05:01
Chilaquiles|2is there anything I can do about it?05:01
mister_msmw, so, killall compiz && awesome &> file.txt ?05:02
danyme pueden ayudar con totem,en ubuntu?05:02
=== Chilaquiles|2 is now known as Chilaquiles
gabrielukhi.what would be the advantages of having a web server based on debian instead of ubuntu lts?05:02
dewwubnoob: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/File%20Roller but i dont think p7s is a 7zip file05:02
Chilaquilesthe swap has 0 bytes and my ubuntu keeps restarting !!!05:02
Chilaquilessomebody can help me?05:03
smwmister_m, yes. The & in &> sends stderr there too05:03
WiesshundChilaquiles|2 swap wont show anything if it isnt being needed. as for your CPU have you looked in top to see whats running?05:03
gnewbubnoob: This is a nice walk through site: > http://www.brighthub.com/hubfolio/matthew-casperson/articles/82095.aspx05:03
mister_msmw, cool05:03
ChilaquilesWiesshund: but I think thats why my ubuntu freezes after some time05:03
smwmister_m, you can also do > stout.log 2> stderr.log05:04
WiesshundChilaquiles well like i said, swap will show 0 usage if nothing is actualy using it. but your high CPU use, i would look in top and see whats eating so much cpu time05:04
Chilaquileswll Im playing a video on youtube05:05
Chilaquilesand that seems like is eating a lot of CPU usage05:05
gs|Dr_Wormok...tried formatting first.....we'll see if that made the difference.  installing now05:05
danyel reproductor totem no reproduce dvd original,que tengo que instalar?05:05
Chilaquilesbut it wasnt doing it before05:05
WiesshundChilaquiles stuff only pages to swap if it needs to, if you have enough ram, most times it just sits there doing nothing05:05
sdferfxHello. Is there an easy way to download needed deb and all its dependencies on not-Ubuntu? A script that will do it for me or something?05:06
sdferfxBecause I need to install some stuff on a ubuntu machine without net05:06
WiesshundChilaquiles if you stop playing youtube (close firefox?) whats your cpu use go to?05:06
sdferfxand want to copy all needed stuff over so I don't have to deal with it05:06
kerozenegabrieluk: lenny comes with php 5.2, lts lucid: 5.3.2. that should give you some idea05:06
DaGeek247sdferfx i want an answer to that too.05:06
ChilaquilesWiesshund: 37%05:06
kerozenegabrieluk: 5.2.6, at that05:07
WiesshundChilaquiles 37%? what else you got running?05:07
Chilaquilesonly the video on youtube05:07
dany el reproductor totem no reproduce dvd original,que tengo que instalar?05:07
WiesshundChilaquiles so with only irc running your cpu is at 37% ?05:08
kerozenegabrieluk: ?05:08
rww!es | dany05:08
ubottudany: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:08
gabrielukkerozene,i tough i were brazilian05:08
rww!dvd | dany05:08
ubottudany: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:08
gabrieluk,you were*05:08
ChilaquilesWiesshund: I have the files explorer files in gedit05:09
WiesshundChilaquiles shut everything off but irc for a minute05:10
sdferfxSo is there any way for me to put a bunch of stuff I want to install on a USB stick and have that work without attempting to download all the deps individually?05:10
ChilaquilesWiesshund: I did, but I dont think is gonna work, I already restarted 2 times05:11
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ChilaquilesWiesshund: and also my computer freezed05:11
kerozenehow can I find out why there's a hold on sudo? aptitude why-not doesn't show any conflicts05:11
Wiesshundsdferfx yea you can manualy download the debs, trying to remember ubotto's help file on it05:12
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD05:12
jgrubersdferfx: maybe someone else will come up with another idea, but it seems to me that what you need depends on both what you want and what package versions are already on a particular system. ...05:12
jgrubersdferfx: maybe the closest is to take a distribution cd to the disconnected computer to get as close as you can to what you need and iterate from there. I hope someone else has a better idea05:13
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Wiesshund!offline > sdferfx05:13
ubottusdferfx, please see my private message05:13
ytaewsJust a question, what is the name for the messages that appear in the top right of screen that you get when Rhythmbox changes songs, etc. ?05:13
DaGeek247!offline > DaGeek24705:13
ubottuDaGeek247, please see my private message05:13
jgrubersdferfx: outsmarted by a robot. that's my day :)05:14
WiesshundChilaquiles whats the specs on this machine your having trouble with, and what ubuntu revision is on it?05:14
sdferfxok, thanks guys, that website is nice but it makes it hard to download all packages again05:14
sdferfxI will just boot live and use synaptics generate script feature05:14
Wiesshundsdferfx the script feature is probably the handiest05:15
sdferfxI wish it was more available online, if that site gave me an easy way (like a list of wget commands) to download all that I would be good05:15
ytaewsNever mind, I worked it out.05:19
C3Dwhat it bootstrap.log used for?05:19
dyingprismI somehow disabled use of my desktop, so I only can access it in a file manager, does anyone know how to change this back in gnome?05:19
Wiesshunddyingprism you mean you dont see items in user/desktop ?05:22
C3Dprity quiet in here tonight05:22
dyingprismWiesshund: no i mean my physical desktop can not be interacted with, i can only use the folder /user/desktop to manage my 'desktop' files05:23
Wiesshundso you see the stuff but cant do anythign with it?05:23
dyingprismI did this because I was trying to use multiple wallpapers for a desktop cube in compiz but I forget how I disabled it05:23
dyingprismNo I don't see the stuff at all, I can't do anything on the desktop except look at it.05:23
BeHerohow does this work?05:24
Wiesshunddyingprism if you right click desktop you still get the normal popup menu?05:24
DEAD_BEEFdyingprism, like no icons on the desktop05:24
DEAD_BEEFlike nautilius isn't managing the desktop?05:24
dyingprismWiesshund: no, DEAD_BEEF no DEAD_BEEF yes05:25
dyingprismDEAD_BEEF: so that is my new question, how can i set nautalius to manage the desktop again05:25
DEAD_BEEFprobably just logout and back in05:25
soreauI have a problem with my P311 stereo headset device using Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode). It works fine but when in a2dp mode and there is no audio output, the device goes into a sleep mode then when there is audio again, a2dp stutters until I set it to Telephony Duplex and back to A2DP (or set it from the onboard audio back to the p311 device)05:25
crossedeyefreakHello, I need help.05:26
gs|Dr_Wormoh shit.05:26
gs|Dr_Wormit installed and rebooted fine!  awesome!05:26
crossedeyefreakI'm trying to install Windows.05:26
soreaucrossedeyefreak: Then you're asking in the wrong channel. Try #windows05:27
Wiesshunddyingprism Within gconf-editor ensure the "/apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop" option is unchecked <-- that disables desktop, did you do that?05:27
crossedeyefreakNo, this isn't a windows related questing05:27
gpcgs|Dr_Worm: happy for you. please keep the language clean.05:27
Wiesshundgs|Dr_Worm Super!05:27
gs|Dr_Wormsorry man.  heh05:28
jetoleDoes anyone know how to purge a package you installed with dpkg -i ?05:28
crossedeyefreakI get a error when installing it, it won't let me format the drive (which is ext4 right now). How would I change it?05:28
soreaujetole: apt-get remove --purge ?05:28
soreaucrossedeyefreak: boot ubuntu live cd and use gparted or dd to wipe the drive05:28
crossedeyefreakThanks! :D05:29
jetolesoreau: nope. http://pastebin.com/hbXFyCQ105:29
crossedeyefreaknow I need to find it :P05:29
brukutuany1 here has any lucky with empathy and skype?05:29
gs|Dr_Wormawesome!  wireless and flash are working out of the box.  thank god.  wireless sucked last time i did this...had to write the driver myself05:29
jetolebrukutu: I don't really like empathy and almost never use skype but you know you can install the skype program on it's own05:30
soreaujetole: What is the output of 'dpkg -l|grep brmfc7440nlpr'?05:30
crossedeyefreakI have skype05:30
parohmy friend use firesheep to capture my session05:31
jetolesoreau: ii  brmfc7440nlpr                         2.0.2-1                                           Brother MFC-7440N LPR driver05:31
parohto demostratwe me05:31
soreaujetole: try dpkg -r05:31
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crossedeyefreakSometimes, I ask myself why I have a Windows 3.11 disk >.>05:32
jetolesoreau: does that do the same as purge or is that the same as apt-get remove?05:32
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jetolesoreau: I kinda want to get rid of everything it installed05:32
DEAD_BEEFdyingprism, did it work?05:32
soreaujetole: It uses dpkg to remove the package.05:33
jetoleright. but is that more like apt-get remove or apt-get purge ?05:33
jetole@ soreau05:33
soreaujetole: If the package is listed in synaptic, you can let the GUI take care of it05:33
kerozenehow can I find out why there's a hold on sudo upgrade? aptitude why-not doesn't show any conflicts05:33
* jetole checks05:33
soreaujetole: Otherwise see dpkg --help05:33
soreaukerozene: A hold?05:34
rollmanwhat's sudo update do now?05:34
soreaurly :p05:34
kerozenesoreau: an upgrade hold in aptitude05:35
Wiesshundcrossedeyefreak what happened to the other 7 disks?05:35
dyingprismDEAD_BEEF: Wiesshund yes it worked, thanks very much :)05:35
soreaukerozene: that makes no sense05:36
kerozenerollman: you asking me?05:36
dyingprismgoing to restart gdm now05:36
Wiesshunddyingprism no problem :) glad that was all it was05:36
crossedeyefreakFound the ubuntu disk!05:36
DEAD_BEEFnp there's also: /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop05:36
DEAD_BEEFin gconf-editor05:36
rollmananyone what does sudo update do?05:36
kerozenesoreau: you know 'aptitude hold' yes?05:36
soreaukerozene: no05:36
dyingprismi'm glad you guys knew these things05:36
brukutuhey guys. when trying to install traceroute, it gets stuck for a really long time on "Unpacking replacement traceroute ...05:37
brukutu" ......tried to even remove it, it tells me its in a real bad state and i should reinstall it first....what must i do ?05:37
Wiesshunddyingprism i dont remember everything off top of my head, i cheat and look it up05:38
Wiesshundgotta do something useful with openoffices db app ;)05:38
kerozenerollman: thank you. you gave me the clue I needed05:38
kerozeneaptitude can't upgrade 'sudo' because I'm doing sudo safe-upgrade. doing it as root worked05:39
dustinhow do you remote connet an android htc evo 4g to ubuntu 10.04 amd 6405:44
dustinhow do you remote connet an android htc evo 4g to ubuntu 10.04 amd 6405:47
ezyhi everyone. The command 'eclipse >> log &' starts eclipse well and good for me however it doesnt write output to log file instead it throws it on the terminal. can anyone tell me what Im doing wrong ? Thanks05:47
amageeezy: maybe it's writing standard error, not standard output?  try eclipse 2>>log ?05:48
sdferfxAnyone know an easy way to install a VPN server? I don't like to configure things today.05:48
dustinim not good or familar with it , but tell me/teach whhat your trying to do?05:49
ezyamagee, what does the 2 stand for ?05:49
amageeezy: 2 is the code for "standard error"05:49
kieronhow do i go to linux mint help05:50
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org05:50
ezyamagee, so if I want stdout to write to log shouldnt I be using different number than 2 ?05:50
rww/server irc.spotchat.org, then /join #linuxmint-help05:50
maw-83 #help05:50
amageeezy: if you want stdout to write to log, then your command was correct; i was just guessing maybe it was writing to stderr instead since you said it wasn't working.05:51
nunyais there someway to see what command is happening underneath something I do in GNOME? Like I use my function keys to volume up and volume down, and I would like to see the command line command that is happening underneath... if that makes sense05:51
maw-83Why my external hard drives are left on when closing ubuntu?05:51
ezyamagee, I tried it with 2 as you suggested and now it seems to be writing to the log file...could 2 be actually stdout ?05:52
amageei don't think so05:52
ezyamagee, so far it seems to be performing what I expects with 2 :-) Thanks for your help bro05:53
nunyadustin: what's up?05:53
dustinwell what is it your tryin to do?05:54
dustinhow do you remote connet an android htc evo 4g to ubuntu 10.04 amd 6405:55
nunyadustin: you are in luck05:57
twiztidwell dispite many trial and error, my screen still flickers... can anyone help? I am runnin ubuntu 10.10 on a ati radeon x1300  512mb   AGP card. everything is flawless except the screen flicker every 5 to 10 seconds...   X.Org Video Driver, version 8.0  KMS enabled05:57
dustinreally ?05:57
nunyadustin: i happen to have said phone, you can SSH with quicksshd app in market05:57
twiztidany other details needed, let me know!05:58
dustinnunya pm me05:58
twiztidive also disabled power saving05:59
nunyadustin: not sure how to do that.... actually05:59
nunyadustin: just get quicksshd in market it's self explanatory if you know how to use ssh06:00
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dustintwiztid, retart and unplug everything for 3 mins , it a long shot  but i did on my lowend graghic onlaptop and some how fix it, first look for update06:01
dustinthen if found do in06:02
jadariteHello, I am trying to install Edubuntu, but the problem might be the same as trying to install Ubuntu.  I go through the installation process and then it tries to skip installation files.  After that it just shuts off and doesn't restart.  I have already tried obvious things like disconnecting and checking the DVD to make sure it's ok.  Could it be a partition problem?06:02
made2shredanyone here good with samba? need help with file sharing with mac os x 10.4 and 10.506:04
ben__anybody online?06:04
juniourben_ ya06:05
ben__i just got xubuntu06:05
dustinnunya , i said i need a "ubuntu " remote connect06:05
twiztiddustin: ok, like e v e r y t h i n g? all cords, everything?  :-/06:05
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juniourthen wt?06:05
dustinjust power ,06:06
Blue1made2shred: this might help -- YMMV applies -- http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/1060-how-to-configure-samba-using-a-graphical-interface-in-ubuntu06:06
made2shredBlue1: cheers06:06
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
twiztiddustin: k ill give it a shot06:08
dustintwiztid , just power , tower and moniter, , but first you need that you need an update by the sounds of it , my was getting unstable so06:08
dustintwiztid, hey06:08
twiztiddustin: im fully updated.... except, someone from radeon is saying my kernel is too old to use the poll option workaround06:09
wookienzhi, i have a rsync cron script that logs into my commercial webserver to downlod the nightly backups. For some reason every night when the script runs, it always fails after downloading 4 of the 30 .tar files. Where would i even start to for reasons why?06:09
dustinjadarite, do you have enough ram ?06:09
nunyadustin: my bad, you could use vnc?06:09
made2shredBlue1: thanks i didn' know about a GUI for samba. i've been using the config file. do you know how to get my computer to show up on the network tab of mac os x (10.4 and .5) and ubuntu? (10.10)06:09
Spaztic_OneI have a question that may or may not be relevant to this channel... Can rhythmbox open protected mp3 files, even though technically it shouldn't be able to? Reason why I'm asking is cause audacity cannot open a file that I can play in rhythmbox with no problems whatsoever.06:10
jadaritedustin, maybe not, what is the minimum?06:10
nunyais there someway to see what command is happening underneath something I do in GNOME? Like I use my function keys to volume up and volume down, and I would like to see the command line command that is happening underneath... if that makes sense06:10
Gneaokay, perhaps someone here can help shed some light on the subject, since #ubuntu-server is full of limited users that don't seem to know the difference between a whole disk and a partition06:10
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dustinnunya , pm  me the how to , yes i have that , dont know jow to use it06:11
nunyadustin: I'm ussing irssi for the first time and I don't know how to PM06:12
dustin!help # minamal requirements for ubuntu06:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:12
twiztidso, what kernel has the polling option and how do i install it?06:12
shcherbaknunya: menu > System > Preferencies > Keyboard Shortcut, to see "button code" an command triggered.06:12
GneaI'm trying to install ubuntu server 10.04 amd64 via USB drive (don't have network on the target computer or ability to make a cd, so don't ask) and it absolutely refuses to detect the USB drive as a CDROM drive in order to make the installation complete.  I used unetbootin because usb-creator-gtk is broken.  How can I get the USB drive to be accepted as a CDROM device?06:12
jadarite!help # minimal requirements for ubuntu06:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:12
made2shredis there a way to set a custom icon for a samba share?06:12
jadarite!help #minimal requirements for ubuntu06:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:12
dustinno fooling06:12
dustinno flooding06:13
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shcherbakubottu: tell jadarite about minimal06:14
ubottujadarite, please see my private message06:14
nunyashcherbak: thanks, I'll give it a shot06:14
GneaI went as far as disconnecting the CDROM drive itself and that prompted the installer to ask if I wanted to detect it manually - it scanned everything, but didn't list /dev/sdb1 as an option, although it did attempt to use /dev/sdb. what is wrong with this?06:14
twiztidwhats the most stable kernel that has the polling option? so i can use this workaround drm_kms_helper.poll=006:15
dustinnunya, right click  on my name(menu) / open dialog window.......06:15
Spaztic_Onegnea: can the computer for install boot off of a USB device? I would assume yes. You should be able to go into the BIOS and set USB as a bootable medium. You may have to change the order that it checks though. ...unless I'm misunderstanding what you're asking for.06:15
GneaSpaztic_One: AFAIK yes, it's a dell precision 390 and I just hit F12 to set it as the device to boot from06:16
Spaztic_OneGnea: And it still isn't booting off of the USB?06:16
dustintwiztid, google it , system update , hardware update , look in blogs06:17
GneaSpaztic_One: it BOOTS off of the USB, but Ubuntu *itself* refuses to accept the fact that the USB device itself is considered the CDROM device, so it never gets to the actual installation phase.06:17
twiztiddustin: have been :-(06:17
GneaSpaztic_One: it goes to detect the CDROM and it comes up and says "you don't have anything to install from, you are screwed."06:17
Gneaand yet, that's not supposed to be the case, and I know the files are there06:18
dustingnea,  true be threres others ways of doing it , your doing it the hardest way , and i have looked around alot06:18
rollmanis their a time limit (in years) a person can still have still be able to use a usb dvd rom drive that's never been used? i mean do drives fail and go bad after long periods of no usage?06:18
Spaztic_Onegnea: So, do you have an ISO or other image on the usb drive? (and just to clarify, this is an external drive, not a flash memory stick, correct?)06:19
shcherbakrollman: dust? Did you try to clean it?06:20
ilonhow well are ubunto on handeling several PCIe gfx?06:20
Gneadustin, Spaztic_One: I've physically disconnected the actual cdrom drive and that was able to get the installer to at least recognize the fact that it couldn't find anything via UDEV, and gave me the option to manually set it. When it went to scan, it scanned everything except the partition on the usb device itself. Tell me, what's wrong with this picture?06:20
GneaSpaztic_One: Yes, the ISO is on the usb drive, no, it's a flash memory stick.06:20
GneaSpaztic_One: USB drive is a sandisk cruser06:20
rollmannever opened it just wondering if it's been a couple years or longer i never opened the box06:20
GneaSpaztic_One: I tried on a sandisk cruzer blade as well, same deal06:21
Spaztic_OneGnea: Heh, not entirely sure whats going on. But you could try to mount the ISO to /media/disk or something and then have the installer query for drives, perhaps?06:21
dustingnea, just a min im going through my library,06:21
Gneailon: in my experience, pretty well06:21
GneaSpaztic_One: haven't tried that, one sec...06:21
Spaztic_OneGnea: I have no idea if that will work, though.06:21
nunyashcherbak: it doesn't tell me the exact command for the shortcut it just says XF86AudioLowerVolume06:22
rollmanit's got plastic seal wrapped around it06:22
ilonGnea: was thinking about using a 3gfx setup to enable the use of 3-6 monitors, just havent had any experience with multiple gfx in ubuntu so far06:23
Gneailon: 3gfx?! what's that?06:23
GneaSpaztic_One: negative, tried it on /media/disk and then on /media by itself, it's full of fail.06:24
shcherbaknunya: amixer let you control volume lever from cli.06:24
ilonGnea: well, need more than two monitors, and i found a rather cheap 3gfx SLI rigg that i'm thinking about buying06:24
dustingnea, how big is your flash dirve , what brand is it?06:24
Spaztic_OneGnea: Eh, was worth a shot I guess...06:24
Gneailon: ah I see, nvidia is tested and true, ati leaves something to be desired06:24
Gneadustin: as I said, it's a sandisk... 2gb06:25
GneaSpaztic_One: indeed06:25
dustinsorry very busy , missed that06:25
ilonGnea: oh, well, guess i'll go with the idea on nvidia then, never actually bought myself an ATI card, ever. due to the properitary drivers for linux06:25
ilonGnea: but the xorg handles separte videocards for multiple monitors quite well then i suppose?06:26
Spaztic_OneGnea: Wait, I think for it to be recognized as a cdrom drive, it needs to be /media/cdrom0 (or some other number, but 0 is a safe bet I think)06:26
Gneailon: as I understand it, getting more than 2 monitors to work on multiple ati cards in linux is simply impossible, and if it isn't, it isn't well documented at all06:26
GneaSpaztic_One: k I'll give that a shot06:27
Spaztic_OneGnea: doing /media/drive was just putting it on the filesystem in that spot, but the cdrom0 should actually make it think its a drive. Again, I could be wrong....06:27
Spaztic_OneGnea: Sorry if I'm not so good at this help thing. xD06:27
ilonGnea: well, will yet have to see about nvidia cards then :D06:28
GneaSpaztic_One: from what I've observed on tty4, it actually tries to mount anything except for that one partition06:28
GneaSpaztic_One: and no, /media/cdrom0 didn't work either :)06:28
Gneayeah, I'm about set to give up for the night06:29
Spaztic_Oneyeah, I should probably go to bed. its 130 am for me06:29
Gnealol 12:30 here06:29
Gneaanyway, thanks for the attempted help fellas, it's appreciated06:30
brukutuapt-get stuck on Unpacking replacement...any ideas?06:31
Spaztic_OneNo problem. Sorry it was merely attempts and not successful help.06:31
brukutuon any packages i try, gets stuck on unpacking06:31
khaimegood to all06:31
khaimei just installed the ubuntu 10.10, and so far i am loving it...have not been on ubuntu in a while !06:31
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GneaSpaztic_One: well, finding what else doesn't work helps determine what else might ;) later!06:32
dustingood for you06:32
Spaztic_Onehaha, true that06:32
dustinbye gnea06:32
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dustinsorry i couldnt help you fast enough06:32
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dustinnunya.? you still there?06:35
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ksinkar_on my ubuntu sofware center there are two versions of wine. which one should i install?06:39
txdvmaybe the one with the higher version?06:39
dustintake care ,06:39
dustinto all useing wine , beware ,06:40
Prodigy007I just tried to install ubuntu on a spare pc and it hangs on boot. also tried to make a usb installer from the dvd and cd and it hangs fter the syslinux text msg. ?06:40
dustinthe version depend on what your diong06:40
Prodigy007i suppose im the only one with this sort of problem06:41
dustin007, did you wait 7 to 10 mins , some times it seems to hangs, or could be bad copy/ cd06:42
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Prodigy007well the dvd did install onto hd, but it hung at boot as well with no msg06:42
Prodigy007but the usb hangs indefinatly06:42
madmncan anyone help me network an ubuntu box to get in from the outside world06:43
csw840915Hey everyone. Looking for some help please if anyone can assist.06:44
madmnand any information on how to setup a ftp server in ubuntu would be great06:44
dustinmadmn, i would see, but i got more then i can handle06:44
madmnis there anywhere you can point me to get help06:44
csw840915try use filezilla06:44
csw840915for ftp06:44
dustinmadmn i would like o know yself06:44
miidiAny one know a software that can be used to videocast desktop while on webcam06:44
Prodigy007i just want a good install :/06:45
jgalmadmn 'connect from the outside world' - is SSH good enough for you?06:45
greppymadmn: sudo apt-get install proftpd will get you an FTP server.06:45
dustinvlc , maybe ???06:45
madmni need to setup ftp server in ubunto so i can ftp in06:45
madmnproftp keeps disconnecting06:45
greppymadmn: do you need ftp, or do you need to transfer files to it?06:45
jgalmadmn is scp ok as an alternative?06:46
madmni need to transfer files from say a windows 7 machine06:46
miidimadmn : you can use fillezilla server edition06:46
rumpe1madmn, just install openssh-server and you can login with your user/password via sftp06:46
madmnhow would i get proftpd to start automatically06:46
tensorpuddingwinscp is a windows scp client06:46
red2kicsftp = ftp over ssh. :o06:46
tensorpuddingwhich might be helpful06:46
miidiAny one know a software that can be used to videocast desktop while on webcam??06:47
greppymadmn: you should look at getting ssh server running, sudo apt-get install openssh-server06:47
greppythat will let you get in on console and transfer files, securely.06:47
dustinnanya, you there06:47
csw840915Anyone knowledgable about Ubuntu and WIndows Mobile devices?06:48
madmnokay i have openssh installed now06:48
madmni am using leetchftp06:48
madmnwill that work06:48
greppymadmn: you can use something line winscp or filezilla from windows to transfer files to it.06:48
dustinwell the purpose is what ,csw840915im not much but i learn  with you,06:49
madmni will try filezilla thanks06:49
gusgI'm installing "XVidCap" and in order to do so I need to remove "libavcodec52" and "libavutil50" What kind of anti-dependency is this? How can I find out?06:49
csw840915hi looking for help with ubuntu 10.10 and connecting to windows mobile phone06:49
gusgalso how can I see which packages depend on these libraries that need to be removed06:50
csw840915the opensync available in the repositories dont work, when you try open synce tray icon nothing happens06:50
dustinksinkar_ hey you got it?06:50
Ahrotahnteeto use X11 forwarding; I need a Windows client, right? what is the most popular client?06:50
red2kicgusg: lib* are libraries. It's probably anti because those files are similar and resides in same file path.06:50
csw840915Problems with Ubuntu 10.10 opensync06:51
csw840915hey guys06:51
csw840915anyone know that 10.10 got problems with opensync06:51
csw840915it dont work06:51
csw840915anyone know what to do about it06:51
greppyAhrotahntee: you can use cygwin X1106:51
red2kicgusg: I can06:51
gusgred2kic: thanks. I left the Ubuntu Free Software whatever and am in Synaptic. It appears that it's replacing these libraries with "-extra" versions06:51
dustinProdigy007, do you met the requirements for ubuntu06:51
Ahrotahnteegreppy: I see that, but between that and XMing, which would you say is more popular/reliable06:51
red2kicgusg: I can't remember the command -- but I'm thinking if you tried to remove the files using apt-remove -- It would prompt that certain apps need those dependencies -- One way to find out.06:51
csw840915hey guys, think you can help me06:52
greppyAhrotahntee: I've never used xming, the only free one I have used is cygwin.06:52
Loshkigusg: also, have a look at apt-cache depends/rdepends'06:53
ksinkar_dustin: no06:53
csw840915Hey guys, if anyone is willing, I am having trouble with Ubuntu 10.10 and trying to connect an HTC windows mobile phone. Cannot pick up the device and the opensync problem just does not work properly for some reason06:53
greppycsw840915: if anyone knew or could help, they would.06:54
csw840915thats why I keep asking06:54
madmni still cannot ftp into the box06:54
greppy*nod* might just want to wait more than 2 minutes :)06:54
csw840915so should I just report a bug then06:54
greppymadmn: sorry, have filezilla use sftp instead of ftp06:54
greppymadmn: that should let you in.06:54
shcherbakcsw840915: Does gammu (wammu) works with this type of dev?06:55
madmnuse sftp instead of filezilla ?06:55
csw840915never heard of gammu, checking it out on google06:55
rollmanwindows phone is relatively new i don't think have any sync programs available for that yet?06:56
made2shredhow do i stop mounted truecrypt volumes showing on the desktop?06:57
csw840915actually Ubuntu Lucid works perfectly for the same windows mobile phone06:57
csw840915just they changed the branch of the opensync version06:57
csw840915in Ubuntu 10.1006:57
shcherbakmade2shred: gconf-editor (in Apps>nautilus>desktop)?06:58
csw840915I will be looking into gwammy thanks geppy06:58
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greppycsw840915: ?06:58
dustinksinkar_, http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2008/11/20/flashmagic-on-linux-using-wine/06:58
made2shredshcherbak: thanks06:58
csw840915I said thanks i am looking into this gammu wammu06:58
csw840915do you gammu for your mobile needs on Ubuntu06:59
rollmancsw840915 so you can't sync the phone in 10.10 but can in lucid?06:59
csw840915I know even why07:00
GulfStreamI don't think OpenOffice.org was installed during installation. How can I quickly check?07:00
shcherbakcsw840915: http://wammu.eu/phones/htc/ list of supported HTC07:00
JackyAlcineGulfStream: distro?07:00
csw840915they changed the version and the libraries of the opensync and synce packages in the latest release from a stable to a development unstable release of the synce package07:01
ksinkar_dustin: i know that link07:01
JackyAlcineGulfStream: And open a terminal window and type in "openoffice.org-writer"07:01
ksinkar_dustin: i have done that before07:01
GulfStreamJackyAlcine: Ubuntu 10.04.1 or Ubuntu 10.04.207:01
JackyAlcineGulfStream: It should be installed upon a good clean one.07:01
JackyAlcineGulfStream: Can check by "sudo apt-get install openoffice*"07:02
csw840915thanks guys for the help07:02
GulfStreamlooks like I don't have openoffice.07:02
dustinksinkar_ , did you see the caption below the pic< opensus linux07:02
csw840915I will take it from there07:02
ksinkar_dustin: what i want to know is that my ubuntu software managers shows two wine software versions07:03
ksinkar_dummy and beta release07:03
domnukaluHi. Is it possible to have ubuntu installed on a usb stick, and use it on multiple computers? By that meaning all the changes made to the os to be remembered, like programs installs, or documents, etc... ? Thanks!07:03
ksinkar_i want the stable and tested version07:03
ksinkar_which one should i install07:03
GulfStreamksinkar_, I think you want the beta package07:04
dustinone is for the uesr (stable) and ""dev)elop" unstable07:05
shcherbak!usb | domnukalu07:05
ubottudomnukalu: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:05
domnukaluI don t want to install it, but to use it, like the live cd. I ve managed to install from usb stick, but dunno how to use it. Like I said above.07:06
madmncan i network ubuntu from behind a router07:07
dustinksinkar_for games it matter , early on it seemed you need to choose , but10.04 and higher doesnt so much, just what "flavor" and verion07:07
greppymadmn: you can configure your router to forward ports to your ubuntu server07:07
madmnand how would i do that exactly07:08
greppymadmn: if you forward TCP 22 to your server, that should work.07:08
dustinksinkar_,for games it matter , early on it seemed you need to choose , but10.04 and higher doesnt so much, just what "flavor" and verion07:08
greppymadmn: that is specific to your router, you may want to hit up google with the model and 'port forward' :)07:08
madmnright now i have to connect to like
madmni want to be able to use my static ip07:09
greppymadmn: you need to configure your router to forward the port to your server.07:09
JackyAlcineGulfStream: Go to LibreOffice. ;)07:09
GulfStreamJackyAlcine: What is the difference between  them?07:10
madmnso once i port forward then how do i do it07:10
ksinkar_dustin: the application i want to run is not a game, so should i use the beta version without any problems?07:10
JackyAlcineGulfStream: LibreOffice's a fork of OOo and it's the version that plans to not only *remain* free and for the community, but it's expected to have way more of a plugin system and more integration for *unix systems.07:11
greppyGulfStream: libre office is pretty much the future of openoffice, due to issues after oracle aquired sun07:11
shcherbakdomnukalu: yes, any machine (almost).07:14
GHHAny harm if i remove plymouth?07:14
nicofsI want a script to be run at startup... where can i put the command so that this works?07:15
shcherbakGHH: you can disable it no boot, usually it ask to remove ubuntu-desktop on removal.07:15
dustinksinkar_ sure , but as soon as you start that program your computer will be a litlle jiddery, MAKE TOLTALL sURE YOU MET requirements, for wine will think it windows . then will act like it, good and bad , yes07:16
shcherbaknicofs: crontab for example, is it user script, or system-wide?07:16
GHHshcherbak, How ? and did not say me to remove ubuntu-desktop.07:16
shcherbak!boot | GHH07:17
ubottuGHH: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:17
GHHshcherbak, I was deleted /lib/plymouth/themes manually lol but when i reboot it is just hanging07:18
dustinksinkar_ but i got it from the web sit07:18
nicofsshcherbak, for a start, i would like to run something like "PATH=$PATH:/another/folder" as there is only one user on this machine, user-wide would be enough, but if you tell me both, i learned something...07:18
dustinksinkar_, http://www.winehq.org/download/07:18
shcherbakGHH: wrong, remove splash and eventually add noplymouth (press shift at boot and edit)07:19
shcherbaknicofs: You can add path in bashrc07:19
GHHshcherbak, How to remove splash?07:19
nicofsshcherbak, but doesn't that get executed as soon as i start a terminal? every time?07:20
shcherbakGHH: Boot, hold shift, in grub go to edit (press e) you will see line with all options, chnage them and Ctrl-x07:21
GHHshcherbak, But i want to edit it manually(from exactly location)07:21
shcherbak!grub | GHH07:22
ubottuGHH: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.07:22
GHHshcherbak, I know these but do not find the real thing07:22
shcherbaknicofs: if it is ~/.bashrc it is for user only07:22
dustin!vnc| GHH07:23
ubottuGHH: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX07:23
jPuff!ot jPuff07:23
GHHdustin, lol learning?07:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:23
dustini thought your name was a command..07:24
dustinlol sorry07:24
dustin!vnc| dustin07:24
ubottudustin, please see my private message07:24
GHHshcherbak, If i uninstall plymouth then will boot splash disable ?07:25
puppyhow to connect to openvpn07:25
nicofsshcherbak, that's what i did until now... and as long as it is only the "PATH" thing, that's ok... but i'd rather have something executed once and user-/system-wide after login/at startup... it's not exactly efficient programming to start it again and again with every terminal i start...07:25
cornaljoehi can any1 help me?07:25
shcherbakGHH: edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg, and update grub, it looks logical, if you can remove plymouth.07:25
ngrstanfuckin grub07:26
ksinkar_i accidentaly tried to format my pendrive while it was mounted, is the damage irreparable?07:26
ngrstani spent 12hrs messing with it until dasei helped me fix it07:26
ksinkar_Can the pendrive ever be used?07:26
cornaljoeim trying to install win7 from ubuntu on my laptop07:26
greppy!ask | cornaljoe07:26
ubottucornaljoe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:26
dustinghh, i like your  name cuz its short to type , no one else has it else, wish names was like that07:26
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shcherbaknicofs: ok, trontab -e (with sudo for root/whole system), and07:27
GHHngrstan, DesHi is good man.. However what was your problem?07:27
GHHdustin, thanks . I like short thing07:27
ngrstanGHH: i created a new ntfs partition, installed xp onto it, and it knackered my mbr07:27
cornaljoe!ask how do I install/use windows from ubuntu07:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:28
shcherbaknicofs: that nice: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto07:28
ngrstanspent a solid 10 or 12 hours (obviously multitasking though) going through tutorials and things, could not fix it for the life of me07:28
Loshkidustin: check out tab-completion in your client...07:28
greppy!virtualbox | cornaljoe07:28
ubottucornaljoe: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox07:28
shcherbaknicofs: do you think of graphical applications?07:28
boxxydollar cab?07:29
dustinLoshki huh meanin what?07:29
puppyhow to connect to openvpn07:29
nicofsshcherbak, the will eventually get run by the script i will call...07:29
ubottuOpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!07:29
shcherbaknicofs: You also may want to look at Upstart07:30
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/07:30
Loshkidustin: hitting tab will autocomplete names if you just type the first few letters of the name. Takes the sting out of long usernames...07:30
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nicofsshcherbak, thanks, mate - will have a look at it all...07:30
ngrstanoh man, 1lb of lean turkey despite being quite nutritionally sound, creates one hell of a food baby07:30
puppyand I need only a login username and password to connect07:31
GHHdustin, I am trying to sitting it so that do not show any ubuntu logo or wallpaper when pc is booting and shuting down....07:31
greppy!ot | ngrstan07:31
ubottungrstan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:31
dustinLoshki, help me understand what your saying?07:31
nicofsmoving on... While trying to compile a kernel (ARM, natively), I get "ld: no machine record defined". What does that mean?07:32
Loshkidustin: type 'Lo' then hit <tab>. It should fill in the rest of the name...07:32
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dustindoes not for me Loshki,  the copy and paste is all i got07:33
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dustinLoshki, ??07:33
shcherbakdustin: What if you press <TAB>?07:33
Loshkidustin: wow. In my client, it shows all the completions of names beginning lo... I guess you need a better client07:34
greppyLoshki: he has xchat07:34
Loshkigreppy: then why doesn't his tab autocomplete?07:34
dustinim in xchat, dont know about you guys07:34
greppyLoshki: I don't know.07:34
nicofsdustin, try "los" + [tab]07:35
dustinLoshki, , works07:35
dustin..)   yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! i hate spelling names out! im so happy!!!!07:36
Loshkidustin: cool..07:36
Shadowjedi01Hello everyone07:36
shcherbakHi, Luke07:36
Shadowjedi01I just updated to 10.04 and I am having a boatload of issues07:36
dustini can finally speed up when talking to many ppl or crow07:36
GHHshcherbak, update-alternatives --config default.plymouth  and the output: There is only one alternative in link group default.plymouth: /lib/plymouth/themes/simple/simple.plymouth Nothing to configure.07:36
Shadowjedi01anyone care to share07:37
GHHshcherbak, Is it working well?07:37
greppyShadowjedi01: "boatload of issues" doesn't tell us what is broken, what specifically do you need help with?07:37
dustinShadowjedi01, how did you do it?07:37
Shadowjedi01update manager07:37
Shadowjedi01my awn is not working correctly07:37
Shadowjedi01also I'd like to know if I can change the spash screen and how07:38
dustinShadowjedi01,  from 10.04  to 10.10 right ? to cd ,07:38
greppyShadowjedi01: awn?07:38
dustinShadowjedi01, no cd ? just the destop way?07:38
Shadowjedi019.04 to 10.0407:38
shcherbakGHH: I do not think that command did anything.07:38
Shadowjedi01yes desktop07:38
dustinShadowjedi01,  ouch,,07:38
Shadowjedi01avant window navigator07:38
FloodBot2Shadowjedi01: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:38
Shadowjedi01is that bad?07:39
abhinav_singh1how do i list all users07:40
GHHshcherbak, I was some problem after deleting plymouth themes . And i set it manually but i got this output and not understanding07:40
dustinwell little as known to that bug , i personally got that one when was first starting , "test" the everthing of linux and ran into that , i would make the bug report but i dont have a comuter like your07:41
LoshkiShadowjedi01: I think there's an #awn -- you might try there too...07:41
greppyShadowjedi01: what is not working correctly?07:41
Shadowjedi01I would like to know if I can change my spash screen07:42
dustin well i dont know exactly but i ,seen tomnotes get me stuck , cuz of dependencey07:43
GHHShadowjedi01, customize/remastering?07:43
dustin9-04 to 9.1007:43
Shadowjedi01correct GHH07:44
psycoseHi all, i got problem to activate port forwarding, on one of my box, the same script work well on anothers boxes, could someone check my forwarding script see http://pastie.org/1483455 ? thanks07:44
dustinShadowjedi01, the only what i know is find what os your happy with and go for it , or dual boot07:45
GHHShadowjedi01, how far?07:45
GHHShadowjedi01, how far is done ?07:45
dustinShadowjedi01, so be for you get all polished , you need to reinstall,07:46
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puppyi have installed openvpn and visited openvpn.net but its  all so confusing.Its very easy to connect in windows as just entering the gateway address and login data.07:48
greppypuppy: what are you using to configure your openvpn client?07:48
shcherbakGHH: once more, disable plymouth at boot (option onsplash), and install themes from synaptic, reboot with "normal" options. One second linky is coming...07:49
dustinShadowjedi01 , so all that work is for nothing , and it will on occation frezee up , non responsive programs dont work , or futyre ones dont , and a while list of stuff (32 bit 64 bit dependent)07:49
puppyit is showing there in my internet connection status "confugure vpn"07:50
shcherbakGHH: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9034192&postcount=51007:50
dustinpuppy,? do you know ,since your workin on this , how do i get my address so my htc evo 4g works07:51
Zaca12good morning folks, would anyone be able to help? I need to securely format a drive and make 100% certain that data will not be able to be retrieved, what would you say is the best method of doing this under ubuntu/debian?07:51
greppypuppy: I haven't seen anyone get openvpn to work using the connection manager.07:51
puppyI just click there and put the login details07:51
cornaljoewhats the channel for virtualbox?07:51
puppyso what should I do07:51
greppypuppy: create an /etc/openvpn/client.conf file like you would for windows, and use sudo service openvpn start client07:51
mattalexxWhat's the "General chat" channel on Freenode?07:51
ubottupuppy: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox07:51
puppyits all new to me07:52
greppypuppy: if you use a different file name than "client.conf", like "private.conf" you would use "sudo service openvpn start private"07:52
rigvedmattalexx: you can join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat with ubuntu users07:52
dustincornaljoe, its on the website07:53
shcherbakZaca12: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Hardware/Clean_Hard_Drive_zero_fill07:53
puppyok...I am not so expert but would try my best07:53
greppypuppy: one sec07:54
shcherbakmattalexx: seek on irc.netplit.de, all info, and channel search.07:55
puppyif u please give me any link where I can see the details,then its so helpful07:55
dustincornaljoe,#vbox is what you lookin for07:56
greppypuppy: http://pastebin.com/87wCwhF707:56
greppypuppy: that is my /etc/openvpn/client.conf file, you will need to generate the keys on your server and copy them to your client.07:56
JudeHyoesopcast runs bad on ubuntu, any idea?07:57
jhattarais 10.04.1 only 10.04 with certain patches applied prior to install ?07:57
HugoKuoHi all07:58
JudeHyoewhen press f key to the full screen mode the visual gone.07:58
HugoKuoI got a question ~07:58
HugoKuohow to attach a patch file to netcfg07:58
GHHshcherbak, I got this output after update command update-initramfs -u: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-22-generic, cryptsetup: WARNING: could not determine root device from /etc/fstab07:59
JudeHyoeHow to report to Ubuntu community when I have bug related to hardware recognition?07:59
greppy!bug | JudeHyoe08:00
ubottuJudeHyoe: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots08:00
shcherbakGHH: mate, What did you do before?08:00
dustinJudeHyoe,  google it,08:01
GHHshcherbak, 1. update-alternatives --install /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/mytheme/mytheme.plymouth 10008:01
JudeHyoeMy trackpad scrolling dosn't work what kind of bug is this and what kind of package is this one related to?08:01
GHHshcherbak, 2. update-alternatives --config default.plymouth08:01
JudeHyoedustin: what do u think?08:02
GHHshcherbak, 3. update-initramfs -u08:02
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ubottuJudeHyoe: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots08:03
ZilibobaAnd for somebody speaks Russian?08:03
shcherbakGHH: what is step 2 output?08:03
greppy!ru | Ziliboba08:04
ubottuZiliboba: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:04
JudeHyoeThere is a instant button of my laptop when press it the default browser of the system will run automatically and it won't work on ubuntu now any fix apply to this?08:04
dustinZiliboba, , are you asking who speaks it or how to install packes for it?08:05
GHHshcherbak, i am using my own plymouth and it worked perfectly before08:05
shcherbakGHH: Just googled this err...08:06
galanakisI don't have a xorg.conf file in /X11/, how can i make a new resolution option?08:06
GHHshcherbak, I have another directory for custom plymouth called "simple" However the output There is only one alternative in link group default.plymouth: /lib/plymouth/themes/simple/simple.plymouth08:06
dustinJudeHyoe, no cuz those are assioated with micosoft, just find the app/ or whatever you need to make these work and tell me about it...08:06
dustinJudeHyoe, when you done so i can do it08:07
greppyJudeHyoe: what kind of laptop? make and model?08:07
JudeHyoedustin: I wanna make firefox to work08:07
JudeHyoegreppy: It's Hasee F237R.08:08
shcherbakGHH: ok, first /etc/fstab is it ok?08:08
ubottujudehyoe: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.508:08
dustintry this , JudeHyoe08:08
greppydustin: that's not what he is asking about.  please be a little more selective on invoking the bot.08:09
GHHshcherbak, it is blank /etc/fstab08:09
dustinwell its a start and i needed it, anyways08:09
JudeHyoegreppy: It's a button situated next to FAN button and power button.08:09
greppyJudeHyoe: *nod*08:09
GHHshcherbak, if it is blank /etc/fstab then is it OK?08:10
greppyJudeHyoe: unfortunately, I think you are going to need to dig through google for how to get that to work.08:11
JudeHyoegreppy: It has a i and a circle symbol which means Internet instant access.08:11
greppyJudeHyoe: you'll need to figure out what it is sending when you hit that hardware key.08:11
JudeHyoegreppy: How the hell to do that?08:12
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts08:12
root_how to connect old tata indicom CDMA datacard in ubuntu08:12
JudeHyoeactionparsnip: How to add a Internet browser quick open shortcut?08:14
ActionParsnipRoot_: i hope you haven't launched your irc client as root08:14
abhinav_singhi created the user using useradduser(i login as a root)....now when i run the command cd ~user(in the root shell) ..it is giving me error " bash: cd: /root/user: No such file or directory"08:15
ActionParsnipJudeHyoe: the factoid will tell you08:15
shcherbakGHH: one second08:15
nicofsWhile compiling a kernel i get "ld: no machine record defined". What does that mean and what can i do?08:15
JudeHyoeactionparsnip: factoid?08:15
GHHshcherbak, You are trying to help me for long time ........ Can i pm you?08:16
ActionParsnipabhinav_singh: logging in as root isn't advised nor supported08:16
razz11what is the command to get a detailed output of hardware?08:17
ActionParsnipJudeHyoe: when ubottu speaks, she is giving you a factoid08:17
rigved!brain | JudeHyoe08:17
ubottuJudeHyoe: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots08:17
ActionParsniprazz11: sudo lshw | less08:18
vectorocguys, why my ubuntu tries to open places from start menu in gedit ? how do I stop it ?08:19
ActionParsniprazz11: there is also lshw-gtk if command line scares you08:20
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MoL0ToVi have a problem: if i do a: ps -ef  only root and system usernames in the 1st column are printed, for the daily user, with id=1000, only id is printed. howto fix?08:20
JudeHyoeWhat kind of streaming live tv app is good to go with ubuntu?08:20
harpalI am trying to install vpn client on ubuntu 10.10 machine08:20
razz11ActionParsnip: forgot, thank you.08:21
harpalwhen I do vpn_install it compiles modules and throws exception08:21
shcherbakGHH: go on08:21
ActionParsnipvectoroc: websearch for: ubuntu places opens rhythmbox ,same fix08:21
harpalabout linux/autoconf.h file not found08:21
rigvedvectoroc: open Terminal. type - nautilus Documents08:21
razz11harpal: go with hamachi, dead easy08:21
harpaldo I need to compile kernel for that to work?08:21
shcherbakGHH: do you have liveCD, just in case?08:22
harpalI have kernel-header already installer08:22
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GHHshcherbak, yeah ... see pm08:22
harpalrazz11: does hamachi work with cisco client08:22
rigvedvectoroc: like ActionParsnip said ^^. you need to specify that the default action to perform is to use nautilus to open the places menu items08:22
Richie086hey all, i am having an issue with apt-get.  I am getting stuck in a loop where apt-get is telling me to do sudo apt-get -f install to fix the issue, but when i do that it throws me an error.  Is there an apt-get command to tell apt-get to forget about trying to install the packages with dependency issues?08:22
ActionParsnipHarpal: are there any bugs logged which sound similar08:23
matt__sup everyone08:23
JudeHyoeActionparsnip: Hi, dude. Any idea there is a red light coming out of SPDIF OUT jack?08:23
vectorocActionParsnip, rigved: thanks!08:24
harpalActionParsnip: bugs logged in cisco site?08:24
ActionParsnipJudeHyoe: no idea08:24
rigvedRichie086: is aptitute giving the same problems?08:24
Richie086rigved: hmm, let me try didnt think of that brb08:24
rigvedvectoroc: you are welcome08:24
ActionParsnipharpal: no, for ubuntu08:24
JudeHyoeAction parsnip: I got a temporary fix by stroke amixer set IEC958 off. Any better fix?08:25
JudeHyoewhat does amixer set IEC 958 off mean?08:26
Richie086 rigved looks like that may have fixed it08:26
ActionParsnipJudeHyoe: if it works then i'd use it08:26
dustinJudeHyoe, hey08:26
dustin i found out08:26
JudeHyoedustin, hey08:26
rigvedRichie086: aptitute has better dependency resolving feature08:26
JudeHyoedustin: what?08:27
ActionParsnipJudeHyoe: could read: man amixer08:27
JudeHyoedustin: what did u find out?08:27
dustinJudeHyoe, im stop typing your name but i will only be talkin to you08:27
Richie086rigved: yeah i see that, now i know, and knowing his half the battle08:27
Richie086rigved: thanks for the tip08:27
JudeHyoedustin: OK08:27
rigvedRichie086: you are welcome08:28
brontosaurusrexdustin: use pm08:28
JudeHyoedustin: what did u find actuall?y08:28
ActionParsnipRigved: not true ,aptitude has also been removed from a default install08:28
Richie086rigved: do you have any idea WHY it seems to work better?   it is essentially working with the same command08:28
dustinbrontosaurusrex, why ? is it too crowded ?08:28
rigvedActionParsnip: you mean from 11.04?08:29
ActionParsnipRigved: and maverick afaik08:29
rigvedRichie086: sorry, don't know how it does so exactly..you can google it08:29
Richie086regardless, a million thanks08:30
rigvedActionParsnip: i have found that aptitute performs better when apt-get tries to uninstall a lot of packages...i'm using 10.0408:30
rigvedActionParsnip: thanx for the info!08:30
ActionParsnipRigved: both will install the deps needed (if available) in any install command08:30
rigvedlorenzo: try /list08:31
lorenzoxdcc send08:31
soreauanyone know how to get secondlife to go fullscreen?08:31
lorenzoxdcc send08:31
Tm_T!list | lorenzo08:32
ubottulorenzo: This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »08:32
rigvedActionParsnip: hmmm...ok08:32
piyushmishramy question isn't directly related to ubuntu but is a close one. I am gonna buy a new motherboard and processor. shuld I go for 64 bit 8mb cache intel i5? I'll run 10.04 or 10.10 on it. also can I keep my current settings and applications by apt on cd? am on a 32 bit system now. also what other options do I have?08:33
puppywhenever I click any folder under places, Movie player opens and says "an error occured". And the main thing that I cannot close that movie player window08:33
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rigvedpiyushmishra: it'll work without problems08:34
ActionParsnipRigved: if aptitude is outright better why is it dropped? In fact, why would the Linux experts at Canonical eve08:34
ActionParsnipN include it?08:34
puppyso to open a folder like Downloads I have to open any usb drive or ext hdd mounte on from desktop and then select the folder08:35
razz11harpal: not sure it works like a breeze. hardly any config, though no GUI08:35
ActionParsnipRigved: why do about 90% of the official docs use apt-get?08:36
rigvedActionParsnip: actually i'm wondering the same thing...maybe apt-get is better...it maybe telling me to uninstall stuff so that there are no issues, as compared to aptitude which did not uninstall...no uninstall was my opinion then...i have not had any problems yet08:37
piyushmishrarigved: I can't decide which processor and motherboard to get. any hardware tht works good with ubuntu?08:37
Scott`not really08:37
Scott`ubuntu is pretty average with all hardware08:37
Scott`windows does it better really08:37
rigvedpiyushmishra: afaik, almost all work08:38
Flannelrigved, ActionParsnip: please take this to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.08:38
piyushmishrahmm then which one do I buy? I got 20k inr for my processor, mother board and ram if needed08:38
piyushmishraflannel I guess that's for me too08:39
ActionParsnipRigved: its not better. Its just different. I have never use aptitude and i've never had an issue with dependency08:39
rigvedpiyushmishra: decide based on what you want...like will you be running virtual machines and stuff, then go for a VT enabled processor with a higher L2 cache...08:39
dustinpiyushmishra, just a though , if your going for windows go for the power (wine too acts like it, via giuld wars as an exterme) when using linux , its just a monsster truck ,windows a car..08:39
shcherbakScott`: my FPS (cs) is 10% up in wine that win (apart of smoke sections)08:39
rigvedActionParsnip: ok. point noted08:39
razz11ActionParsnip: whats the best way to grab files from the the remote system, I am using SSH, can I use SCP to pull files from the server end08:40
ActionParsniprazz11: totally08:40
greppyrazz11: yes.08:40
Scott`shcherbak: if your cpu is a bottleneck then yeah that makes sense08:40
Scott`windows is heavier than ubuntu08:40
ActionParsniprazz11: nautilus can also mount sshfs :-)08:41
piyushmishraI am a php developer, will be running apache and running some tests and cron not a lot actually. on windows, I'll be playing games like starcraft 2. any suggestions?08:41
JudeHyoea noob question: what is the default keystroke of toggle magnifier?08:41
razz11ActionParsnip: greppy: what is the command syntax08:41
greppyrazz11: take a look at the man page for scp, but in general scp user@remoteserver:/path/to/remote/file /path/to/local/dir08:42
ice799hi there08:44
ice799is it possible to modify sudoers to allow a user to run a specific command with sudo without needing a password?08:44
ice799for example i want user X to be able to run sudo /usr/bin/blah without needing a password08:44
JackyAlcineice799: add them to the root group.08:45
razz11greppy: silly, so All I had to do was swap the destination and source around08:45
ice799JackyAlcine: i thought there was a way to tell sudo08:45
KeypadHi, I have a realtek alc889a and I cant get my mic working for some reason.08:45
ice799"let this dude wrun just this one thing with no password sudo"08:46
ice799i THOUGHT08:46
JackyAlcineice799: I mean, if you run sudo at least 3 times in the same terminal; it stops asking for a password.08:46
JackyAlcineice799: Within a five-or-so minute period. Then it asks again.08:46
ice799JackyAlcine: no this is for an automated script08:47
ice799that will have no tty08:47
abhinav_singhhow to create a user in ubuntu with home directory08:47
JackyAlcineice799: If you run the script as "sudo", then it'll run as a super user08:47
EagleHi All :)08:47
ice799JackyAlcine: i know08:47
ice799i want that to happen08:47
ice799but i dont want to have to enter a password.08:48
ice799just for this one script.08:48
greppy!adduser | abhinav_singh08:48
ubottuabhinav_singh: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo08:48
Carsten-Hello :) seems i have some broken repositories, I get an error as listed in this pastebin: http://pastebin.com/P3Lb6Qux What's the best way to fix this?08:48
HugoKuohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netcfg/+bug/218965       preseeding hostname doesn't work in a network install08:49
EagleCould some kind person inform me to weather ubuntu has a Download Accelerator?08:49
HugoKuothis annoying issue is still exist in Maverick08:49
KeypadHi, Can any one help me with my mic. Its not working for some reason :-(08:51
frybyeHi - how can I fix it so that to open evoloution a pw is necessary.. I have a pw-protected login but do not want to have to shut down the op.system ever time I leave my desk while not wanting my emails generally available...?08:51
greppyfrybye: you could lock your screen when you leave your desk08:52
frybyeof fine - hang on...08:52
wycliffrybye: XScreensaver will take care of that for you08:52
frybyegreat - that is the soloution for sure.. fine - thanks a lot..08:53
galanakishi, how can i change my resolution? the resolution i want isn't avalible from the list08:55
dostokhanEagle, use aria2 download accelerator with flashgot addon08:55
Eagledostokhan: Is there an addon for firefox? An accelerator for it?08:57
ua638202757эни бади спик рашин?08:57
KeypadMan AMD's binary driver md5 is currupt on there site.08:57
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dostokhanEagle, there are several download accelerator for ubuntu. to integrate that with firefox you'll need flashgot addon.08:58
Carsten-Hello :) seems i have some broken repositories, I get an error as listed in this pastebin: http://pastebin.com/P3Lb6Qux What's the best way to fix this?08:58
madmndoes anyone know how to fix this error when trying to share a folder from your home directory08:59
madmn'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: failed to add share pictures. Error was Operation not permitted08:59
snap_hey can anyone explain wha is going on here: i am ssh'd into an ubuntu box, forewarding x, and i open an application on the remote box, when i try to start an identical application (they are all firefox, in this example) on the local box, it instead opens another copy on the remote box, and will every time i try to open it until i close all the remote copies...then it will opn the local copy correctly...i am only getting this when i am goin ubuntu->ubun08:59
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Eagledostokhan: How can I download this?09:00
madmndoes anyone know how to fix this error when trying to share a folder from your home directory09:00
madmn'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: failed to add share pictures. Error was Operation not permitted09:00
bootninjaI'm having trouble printing to my ubuntu printer from windows vista.  it's telling me access denied09:01
bootninjaI've already added the vista user as a user in ubuntu with the same username and password.  any ideas?09:02
kerozenecould someone estimate roughly how much fun it is to upgrade 8.04 lts to 10.04 on a basic web server type system?09:03
dostokhanEagle,  you can install the download accelerator from synaptic or software center.09:03
made2shredkerozene: alot09:03
bootninjakero, I'd reinstall from scratch rather than updating09:03
ice799JackyAlcine: I got it.09:03
ice799ok next question09:04
ice799is there a way to ask apt which package a specific file on the filesystem belongs to?09:04
JackyAlcineice799: How? And would you mind posting your results on Ubuntu Forums so others can benefits?09:04
ice799say I have /usr/bin/x and i want to know which package /usr/bin/x came from?09:04
kerozenemade2shred, bootninja: what kind of problems emerge?09:04
JackyAlcineice799: Check the apt man pages.09:04
ice799JackyAlcine: you can set /etc/sudoers such that it will allow you to run specific scripts using sudo with no password or tty attached and nothing else09:05
madmn'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: failed to add share pictures. Error was Operation not permitted09:05
ice799so this specific user can run one thing09:05
ice799with sudo09:05
ice799and no password09:05
ice799but nothing else.09:05
madmnanyone know how to fix that error09:05
FloodBot2ice799: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:05
made2shredkerozene: my advice is to backup config files and stuff you need and start from scratch09:05
ice799FloodBot2: fuck you09:05
kerozenemade2shred: noted, definitely :) I'm just trying to understand what might happen09:05
ice799JackyAlcine: yeah i'll read the man page i was just hoping some one would know so i didnt have to09:05
madmni am trying to fileshare and i get this message09:05
madmn'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: failed to add share pictures. Error was Operation not permitted09:05
made2shredkerozene: anything can happen. shouldn't be that much trouble09:05
JackyAlcineice799: heh09:06
bootninjakero, generally just package inconsistencies and stability problems09:06
Carsten-Hello :) seems i have some broken repositories, I get an error as listed in this pastebin: http://pastebin.com/P3Lb6Qux What's the best way to fix this?09:06
kerozenemade2shred, bootninja: are problems likely to appear straight away or could they hide for a few weeks?09:06
Eagleice799:  FloodBot2: A  Chill!  Take it easy :-))09:07
bootninjaprobably right away, it just depends on how often you use any affected software09:07
made2shredkerozene: straight away. and others will be in old software09:07
madmncan anyone help me with a file sharing question ?09:07
kerozeneok, thanks :)09:07
dostokhanmadmn,  you're sharing files over local network(lan)?09:08
dostokhanmadmn,  have you installed samba?09:08
madmni get this error09:08
madmn'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: failed to add share pictures. Error was Operation not permitted09:08
madmnyes i am trying to share folders in my home directory09:08
bootninjaanybody know why I might get an access denied error when trying to print to linux from vista?09:09
madmni can do it from one user09:09
madmnbut not another09:09
kbrosnansnap_: you can only run one instance of Firefox at the same time. if you need more than one instance use "firefox -P -no-remote"09:10
madmnyou still there09:10
dostokhanmadmn,  you mean, you can share with one user but not another from the same machine?09:11
madmnokay i have a bill home directory and have shared files from that home directory09:11
madmnbut when i do it from my madmn home it comes up with that error09:11
madmnand both users are on this ubuntu box09:12
bootninjadoes the madmn user have all the same permissions/group ownerships as the other user?09:12
madmni think so09:12
madmnnot sure where to check though09:13
madmnwhat should i be checking for in general09:13
dostokhanmadmn, both user administrator?09:13
madmnno one is user the other is admin09:14
GHHHow to enable root so that i can Login gdm interface?09:14
Carsten-I have some PPA's that have not cleanly been removed. Where can I find the repository text file so I may remove them manually... for the record, it's not /etc/apt/sources.list09:15
Carsten-Is not present in that file.09:15
thauriswulfaQUESTION:how to give some user the permissions equivalent to root?09:15
madmndo i have to do it as a user not admin ?09:15
madmngoing to check some settings09:16
thauriswulfaQUESTION:how to give some user the permissions equivalent to root?09:18
ilonare there any development doing in the direction of making it easier to enable multiple monitor setups, i.e. more than 2 monitors09:18
DThoughtthauriswulfa: add him to the admin group - then he can do "sudo"09:19
madmnso now i am getting this error09:19
GHHHow to enable root so that i can Login GUI as General user?09:19
madmn'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied09:19
madmnYou do not have permission to create a usershare. Ask your administrator to grant you permissions to create a share.09:19
madmnwhats that mean09:19
madmnor how do i allow a user to create a user share09:20
dostokhanmadmn,  that means current user doesn't have permission.09:20
DThoughtmadmn: i suspect adding the user to group sambashare would help09:21
sacarlsonmadmn: you can change your sudoer of a user to require no password,  that's my method of giving a user root ability without presence09:21
Carsten-I have some PPA's that have not cleanly been removed. Where can I find the repository text file so I may remove them manually... for the record, it's not /etc/apt/sources.list   ?09:21
madmni should be able to just give that user permission or a usershare somehow09:22
Carsten-guys ive been asking my questions for 10 mins, I understand if you dont know or just dont want to answer it, but could you please acknowledge the question atleast if you cant?09:23
redPanda Carsten- There are ppa purge if you haven't tried that. It's the only thing off my head.09:24
dostokhanmadmn,  let me check something. brb.09:24
sacarlsonmadmn: it could be that you are trying to share an ntfs file system that has no permisions to change,  the only way to change that in that case would be at mount time09:24
Carsten-ppa purge did not work. its what started the problem09:24
Carsten-i mainly just need to know where the database text file is for ppa's so I can remove it09:25
madmnis there no way i can do it then09:26
madmnis was so easy for the first user09:26
sacarlsonmadmn: who owns the files you are trying to share?09:27
madmnthere are in the users home directory09:27
madmnthis one - madmn has like a pictures directory09:27
sacarlsonmadmn: it maters not where they are who owns them?09:27
sacarlsonmadmn: and who is trying to share them?09:28
madmnif there in the home directory then i would assume that user owns them09:28
madmni am doing it with that user09:28
lee__my computer GPU die!...09:28
madmnso trying to share madmn's folder pictures logged in as madmn09:29
dostokhanmadmn, run this command without the quotes "id madmn"09:29
madmnbut in my users bill home i can share that pictures directory and it works fine09:29
madmnshane@madmn-desktop:~$ id madmn09:30
madmnuid=1000(madmn) gid=1000(madmn) groups=1000(madmn),4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),105(lpadmin),119(admin),122(sambashare)09:30
madmni should log back in as madmn and do that right09:31
madmnright now i am logged in as shane09:31
madmnid shane says the same thing though09:31
ronr__Hi everyone. Fairly new to Ubuntu here. I've installed it on my media center, and using it on my TV. Is there any simlpe way to make all the fonts bigger saw that I could actually read from the sofa?09:32
sacarlsonmadmn: you won't be able to share madmn files from the shane account09:32
madmni understand that won't work09:33
madmnright now i am in the shane account09:33
elkyronr__, try pressing the control key and the + key at the same time. It's a common shortcut.09:33
madmnand when i try it in the shane account it does not work either09:33
sacarlsonmadmn: then maybe try share one of shanes directorys09:33
madmni did09:34
madmnsame error09:34
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madmnnet usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: failed to add share pictures. Error was Operation not permitted09:34
dostokhanmadmn, the file/folder your'e trying to share, what's it's permission say? which group and user it belongs to?09:34
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madmnhow do i tell that09:35
dostokhanmadmn, right click on it and from properties you can see.09:35
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lillobyte91salvee a tutti09:36
madmnowner shane-Shane09:36
lillobyte91c'è qualche utente italiano?09:36
greppy!it | lillobyte9109:36
ubottulillobyte91: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:36
dostokhanmadmn,  and you're having problem sharing this file/folder from your "shane" account. but you can share files/folders when you're logged in as another user?09:37
madmnyes but i got something to work09:38
madmni made a new folder and it lets me share that new folder09:38
madmnbut not the pictures one the system made when the user was created09:38
made2shredmadmn: chmod?09:39
sacarlsonmadmn: try go into System>administration>user & groups>manage gruops>properties  then check all the boxes and see if it works then09:39
barabashkahi . I want invisible background in terminal-screenlets. How I do it?09:39
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ronr__elky: wasn't talking about the browser zoom-in. I'm familiar with that. I'm talking about all the system fonts.09:40
JackyAlcineronr_: what's the issue?09:40
sacarlsonmadmn: just because you own the directory doesn't mean you own the files in it09:40
elkyronr__, oooh. sorry. system>appearances>customise iirc09:40
elkyer, system>preferences>appearances09:41
madmnso how can i change that09:41
madmnhow do i stop users from using a certain directory09:42
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dostokhanmadmn,  try this "chown -R madmn:madmn /home/madmn/Pictures"09:42
wyclifmadmn: lock them out of the directory in question using permissions: chmod09:42
madmnas what user ?09:42
sacarlsonmadmn: did adding yourself to the groups not fix it?09:42
barabashkaCan you halp me?09:43
Dice-Manbarabashka: sure what is the problem ?09:43
barabashkaDice-Man: litle problem09:43
sacarlsonmadmn: the user you plan to use to share the files,  mater not what user as long as they are a member of the group09:44
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shumCan someone help with this? I'm running ubuntu with awesome window manager and programs that use opengl are running like shit. What packages do I need to install/what to a need to change to enable hardware acceleration?09:45
madmnbut right now bill sees all folders in windows 7 no matter what user makes the share09:45
shum*do I09:45
Dice-Manbarabashka: come on ask your question09:45
Dice-Manbarabashka: no need spend more time in useless words09:45
sacarlsonmadmn: I was afread of that windows 7 come into the picture so it's probly an ntfs file system09:45
Dice-Manbarabashka: let's go the thing directly09:45
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madmnyeah but i should be able to let him see certain folders and not others correct09:46
originsI want to record the total volumn of in and out traffic on a net interface (specifically a mobile broadband connection) over a period of days. Anyone know a simple tool?09:46
shumorigins: wireshark can probably do that09:46
sacarlsonmadmn: that a different problem,  one problem at a time please09:47
llutzorigins: vnstat09:47
madmnok sorry09:47
madmnso should i log back into the madmn account09:47
madmnor should i stay in shane ?09:47
originsshum, llutz: thanks. i looks now.09:47
classical_what software can i use to record my desktop ?  i want lighter one :)))09:47
llutzorigins: just the volumn or the content too?09:47
originsllutz: Just volume. Think I.m getting screwed on my allowance.09:48
sacarlsonmadmn: I would use a user that is part of the sudo group09:48
llutzorigins: so forget wireshark09:48
barabashkaI can't chang option background in terminal-screenlets. I want invisible background in terminal-screenlets. sorry i bad understend en.09:48
madmnokay brb09:48
dustinclassical_, recocdmydesktop09:48
originsvnstat looks just right. Thanks,09:49
madmnokay i am back in as madmn09:49
ronr__elky: thanks. do you know how I can change the font that is used in nautilus? it seems that all the changes I've made don't affect it.09:49
madmnso what should i do09:49
shumcan anyone help me with my graphics problem?09:49
HugoKuohow to attach a patch to netcfg ?09:50
madmnwhat command do i type again09:51
madmnthe chmod one09:51
razz11which one is the preferred rsync frontend, back in time or lucky backup09:51
barabashkaDice-Man: how I do it?09:51
paranoidirunning ubuntu server, it seems that the latest kernel packages boot in non-text mode (1024x768) .. how can I stop this? My 8" TFT does NOT support it :(09:51
dostokhanmadmn,  try this two commands one after another: "sudo chown -R madmn:madmn /home/madmn/Pictures" and "sudo chmod -R u+rwX /home/madmn/Pictures"09:51
sacarlsonmadmn: madmn: try go into System>administration>user & groups>manage gruops>properties  then check all the boxes and see if it works then09:52
Dice-Manbarabashka: look at the screenlet properties ?09:52
elkyronr__, hrm, application font does but it might take a while, or you might need to logout and log back in again09:52
Dice-Manright clik on it ?09:52
shumHugoKuo: if you have the netcfg source and a .patch file generally you'd open a terminal, go into the source directory and type something like 'patch -p1 < name-of-patch.patch09:52
dostokhanmadmn,  go to System>09:52
HugoKuothanks let me try it shum09:53
elkyronr__, the application font change will take quite a lot of time to hit all the applications open09:53
ronr__elky: I see. ok, I'll wait and see if it changes :)09:53
madmnits still not doing the pictures directory09:53
madmni think cause it was created when the user was created right?09:54
dostokhanmadmn,  go to System>Administration>Samba and preferences>samba user. see if madmn is there or not.09:54
sacarlsondostokhan: madmn: dostokhan method might also work if it's not an ntfs file system09:54
ronr__elky: ah, it works in a new window, great. thanks.09:54
barabashkaDice-Man: yes, I chang properties of colours but don't work it09:54
elkyronr__, yeah, nautilus is annoying :P09:54
madmni don't see samba in there09:54
dustinDOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO REMOTE DESKTOP SETUP,, from htc evo 4g?09:55
razz11anyone use rsync, just need a good front end, any suggestions. I am looking at backintime or luckybackup09:55
madmnunder preferences09:55
sacarlsonmadmn: just check all the boxes as instructed and you will also be a part of samba09:55
ronr__elky: well, I'm still trying to get the hang of it. at work I use Fedora, and the rest of my computers are windows. it's just that htpc's require special tweaking :)09:56
dustin!remote desktop|dustin09:56
dostokhanmadmn,  in samba go to preferences>samba user.09:56
dostokhansacarlson, i believe he's already part of samba.09:56
madmni see no samba at all09:57
sacarlsondostokhan: yes I do too but I think he attepts to share files the don't belong to him in the dir he tries to share09:57
madmnbut all the users have check marks in them all three users09:57
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sacarlsondostokhan: the other posibility is he tries to share files that don't belong to anyone or root since they are monted from an ntfs system they won't be changeable09:58
madmni don't see anything for samba at all but i do believe its installed09:58
ronr__elky: no doubt, font size 18 does the trick :p09:59
elkyronr__, :D09:59
dostokhanmadmn,  two ques. tell me the directory you're trying to share. you can't find system>administration>samba?09:59
ronr__now I need to find out how to change the clock to work in 24hour mode and not 12hour mode.09:59
madmni see nothing there09:59
bullgard4Is there an English IT term "to telephone home" meaning a computer program is reporting back to the program manufacturer some usage details of the user of the program? Or what is the technical term for this?09:59
madmnno samba09:59
elkyronr__, right click it > preferences09:59
sacarlsonmadmn: maybe this user isn't in the samba group10:00
madmni think when i did id madmn it was10:00
snimavatcan any one pl look at my this thread10:00
snimavatDedicated Grub partition : Two HDD - Dual boot with windows10:00
dostokhanmadmn,  are your trying to share a file/folder which is in a mounted ntfs partition>10:00
snimavatI have two seperate HDD10:01
snimavatHDD 1 : 160 GB (dedicated to windows, already working)10:01
snimavatHDD 2 : 500 GB Will be using dedicated to ubuntu (not partitioned yet) 10:01
snimavatI want to use the HDD to only for linux and this HDD is not partitioned yet. 10:01
snimavatWhat I want to do is 10:01
snimavat- A dedicated Grub partition (/boot) on HDD 2 (Do I really need it when I am using just two os?)10:01
snimavat- / root partition10:01
FloodBot2snimavat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:01
opc_0deHi, Can anyone please tell me how to determine whether the CPU is 32-bit or 64-bit, I am running Ubuntu 10.10.10:01
madmnno these files are on the ubuntu server which i am on right now10:01
ronr__elky: ok, that's just embarassing :)10:01
madmnin the home directory10:01
elkyronr__, you're used to fighting for this stuff ;)10:01
madmnthere is a pictures directory10:01
madmni want to share that with certain users10:02
dostokhanmadmn, did you try the command chmod and chown i wrote before?10:02
sacarlsonmadmn: I think my original quick dirty method to verfy you are not in some needed group and just become a part of all of them would take secounds10:02
madmncan you do it again i am in the sudo account now10:02
ronr__elky: probably :) now, I may ask for blasphemy, but is there a way to avoid being asked for my password every time I want to install updates?10:02
snimavatCan any one help me partitioning my new HDD10:02
madmnwhats the command again10:03
shumopc_0de: uname -a will tell you whether you have 32bit or 64bit ubuntu installed, it'll either have x86 or x86_6410:03
dostokhanmadmn, follow sacarlson10:03
elkyronr__, no sorry.10:03
sacarlsonmadmn: if you want to share with cirtain users maybe ssh share would be easier10:03
ronr__maybe I should change my password to something simpler then :p10:03
madmnokay tell me how then10:03
madmni don't care what method i use10:03
multiplatinumhello, i tried a command to change my computer name but now it's defaulting to "localhost" instead of the name i wanted, any help?10:04
opc_0deshum: hmm, but it's possible that you can have a 32 bit OS running on a 64-bit system right? So i was asking if there was a more like a hardware info I can read somewhere10:04
sacarlsonmadmn: but you want to share with windows I"m not sure what they support in ssh10:04
ronr__I also have his annoying issue with VLC where sometimes I get a second-pause in sound, but I guess this is not the right place to ask about it.10:04
sacarlsonmadmn: for ssh share it's as simple as sudo apt-get install ssh10:05
multiplatinumhello, i tried a command to change my computer name but now it's defaulting to "localhost" instead of the name i wanted, any help?10:05
madmni can see the ubuntu server in the network list and then i see this box i double click on the server and up pops the folders i have shared10:05
Dice-Manbarabashka: check out opacity10:05
opc_0demultiplatinum: you mean hostname? edit /etc/hostname and update it with the new name.10:05
ronr__elky: what about not asking me for my password every time I come back frmo idle? is that possible?10:05
elkyronr__, you can try. i recommend first turning off the blingy stuff in appearances10:05
madmndone i installed ssh10:06
multiplatinumopc_0de,  i've done that but it got messed up somehow? :S10:06
sacarlsonmadmn: so it works now?10:06
elkyronr__, sure, make screensaver not lock the screen10:06
madmnnope same error10:06
ronr__elky: blingy stuff?10:06
RovanionCan you recommend a good 2D CAD pragram?10:06
madmndo i have to log out and log back in ?10:06
elkyronr__, visual effects10:06
madmni just installed what you told me too10:06
sacarlsonmadmn: so you are now a part of all groups?10:06
hceylanHello I have two problems with ubuntu 10.10 on Sony viao VPCF110:07
made2shredhceylan: they are?10:07
hceylan1. The alps touch pad is not recognized by the kernel10:07
elkyronr__, it'll be set to the middle option, you'll want to put it on the top options. it's under system>preferences>appearance>visual effects10:07
madmnmadmn@madmn-desktop:~$ id madmn10:07
madmnuid=1000(madmn) gid=1000(madmn) groups=1000(madmn),4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),105(lpadmin),119(admin),122(sambashare),1003(samba)10:07
madmnthat what it returns10:07
hceylan2. The screen brightness is not reponding from the keyboard or from the config screens10:07
henrik__hi! will i lose my data if i do "sudo do-release-upgrade"? from 8.10 to 9.0410:07
hceylancan anyone help me?10:07
elkymadmn, please use the pastebin next time, ok? :)10:07
made2shredmadmn: use a pastebin is your copying lines from a terminal10:07
opc_0demultiplatinum, : These are the only two things I do when I want to change the hostname - 1) run "hostname <new_name>", 2)update /etc/hostname 3)reboot10:07
sacarlsonmadmn: I don't think that's all the groups so I assume you didn't follow my instructions10:08
made2shredelky: lol we both said about pastebins at the same time10:08
barabashkaDice-Man: I chang opacity but no effect (0-255)10:08
multiplatinumopc_0de,  i did this command: gksudo gedit /etc/hosts /etc/hostname10:08
ronr__elky: I've already set it to 'None' before. Not sure what that has to do with the sound pauses though (unless you weren't referring to that).10:08
madmni did the ssh install10:08
multiplatinumopc_0de,  i changed every old name to the new one, rebooted, and now it's messed up :S10:09
madmnlike you told me too10:09
opc_0deMessedup how? what's changed?10:09
elkyronr__, well i don't know what your processor or anything is like, it was just a guess.10:09
ronr__hmm, what's the default irc client in gnome? at work I use kde.10:09
puppywhy movie player get opening when clicking folder under "palces"10:10
sacarlsonmadmn: if you want to move to ssh share you won't be using samba any more,  you would (from another ubuntu)  go to Places>Connect to sever>ssh10:10
ronr__elky: it's atom :p10:10
henrik__will i lose my data if i do "sudo do-release-upgrade"? from 8.10 to 9.0410:10
madmni would rather use samba share if i could10:10
elkyronr__, it's the one in empathy. i recommend either installing konversation or kopete if you want the ones you have at work already, or xchat if you want to try something new10:10
madmnif there is a way to get to to do what i want10:10
abhinav_singhhow to assign sudo privileges to other users10:10
sacarlsonmadmn: then you would have to continue with adding you user to all groups10:10
multiplatinumopc_0de,  when i log in, it says "Ubuntu 10.10" instead of a computer name (old or new), and when i open a terminal for example, it says @localhost instead of the new name, also, when i delete something, i can only empty the trash via the applet on my panel, nautilus blocks access :S10:10
ronr__elky: konversation it is then. fairly comfortable with it by now.10:11
madmnis there a fast way to add myself to all the groups then ?10:11
elkyronr__, yeah, atoms can have some fun with decoding HD stuff on the fly if it's not the one with the fancy nvidia stuff10:11
sacarlsonmadmn: secounds as I instructed you before10:12
ronr__elky: obviously, it is an ION based machine otherwise I wouldn't even try running HD on it.10:12
ronr__is there a shortcut to open a terminal window?10:12
sacarlsonmadmn: should I send it a third time?10:12
oCeanabhinav_singh: it's on the wiki http://goo.gl/TZfPX10:12
elkyronr__, then im not sure what it is, sorry10:12
ronr__sorry, really a newbie here :p10:12
IchGuckLiveHi all i Generated yesterday a packege from a SVN Trunk, Cmake ,make mackage sudo install! -> now today there are changes to the SVN do i have to remove the packet from synaptic first and delete the packet in the generated Folder AND then generate new by cmake10:12
madmni must have missed the post in this window10:12
llutzabhinav_singh: adjust /etc/suoders or add them to "admin" group for full sudo-access10:12
elkyronr__, nah, you're doing well10:12
ronr__elky: that's ok. it may be the alsa drivers I've installed. there was an update last night, so it may have fixed the pause issues.10:13
galanakisI'm looking for a tiling window manager, what's easy to get working?10:13
opc_0demultiplatinum: hmm, Yeah that's messed up!!, Can you paste following data - 1) new hostname, 2)content of { /etc/hostname , /etc/hosts} on pastebin and paste the link here?10:13
sacarlsonmadmn: this is the third and last time I'm sending this: go to System>Administration>Samba and preferences>samba user. see if madmn is there or not.10:13
multiplatinumok opc_0de10:14
ronr__assuming I'm not confusing alsa with something else :p10:14
madmni dont have a samba under preferences10:14
sacarlsonmadmn: sorry wrong line10:14
elkyronr__, alsa is sound stuff, yes10:14
sacarlsonmadmn: I have to backup and find the correct line this time10:14
multiplatinumopc_0de,  how do i retrieve "new hostname"? or are you just asking for the new name it should display?10:15
ronr__elky: good, I'm getting the hang of things. there's so much more tweaking that needs to be done.10:15
mrintegrityhi, when i print a file with numbers in it, some numbers are printed as a null character []. It doesn't matter if the file is in pdf format or plain text. Nor does it seem to matter if I save it with ASCII or utf encoding. How can i fix this?10:16
tassehow can i open port 443?10:16
elkyronr__, meh, you're talking about computers, the tweaking is /never/ done :D10:16
jmkgreenSo a few of our servers display this "System information disabled due to load higher than 1" upon login despite their load being 0.4 (etc). Any ideas?10:16
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ronr__elky: true dat ;)10:16
opc_0demultiplatinum: "new hostname" is the name the new hostname you want your computer to be updated to10:16
sacarlsonmadmn: try go into System>administration>user & groups>manage gruops>properties  then check all the boxes and see if it works then10:16
multiplatinumok opc_0de ill pm you for that10:16
ronr__I need to setup firefox nightly builds, and copy the profile from the other computer.10:16
mrintegritytasse: on ubuntu, it's open by default just like all other ports10:16
opc_0demultiplatinum, : ok10:16
lestati'd like to limit the bandwidth used by apt, any idea how to achieve that ?10:17
ronr__and I want to set up XBMC which seems to have loads of options in it as well.10:17
tassei just tried to use ubuntu one but it does not synchronise, its always "Synchronising..."10:17
tassebut nothing happens10:17
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tasseand i read, that i have to open port 443..10:18
mrintegritytasse: ubuntu one is exceptionally slow. try dropbox instead for now, it works better untill they fix uone10:19
sacarlsonmadmn: did you get it this time the THIRD time?10:19
tassesame issue with dropbox10:19
madmnyes going through them right now10:19
madmnalmost done10:19
tassethats point, why i tried ubunto one ;)10:19
mrintegritytasse: oh ok10:19
DThoughtlestat: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-20342.html10:19
tassecouldnt establish a secure connection with dropbox, so i thought ill try ubuntoone instead..10:19
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ronr__elky: anyways, I think I'm gonna have lunch now. thanks for all the help and I may bug you again later ;)10:20
elkyronr__, cya, good luck :)10:20
jmkgreenis there a server version of this channel?10:21
tassegot any idea mrintegrity ? i'm behind a vpn .10:21
DThoughtlestat: the apt.conf way seems the cleanest to me10:21
DJonesjmkgreen: #ubuntu-server10:21
mrintegritytasse: probably your vpn service blocks it... ?10:21
sacarlsonmadmn: ok and I also found you can share in window 7 with ssh http://superuser.com/questions/67551/mounting-ssh-sftp-shares-on-windows-710:21
jmkgreenDJones: ta10:22
jetoleHey guys. I use gnubiff to check for new email and it lets you pick any icon you want for read mail and new mail. I picked the following two icons which are included in ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10: /usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-dark/status/24/indicator-messages-new.svg and /usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-dark/status/24/indicator-messages.svg. In ubuntu 10.04 these worked fine with the default gnome dark theme that comes with ubuntu however in 10.10 the transparent ...10:22
numbfalli removed my ubuntu drive manually, now i cant boot into windows from other drive, grub goes rescue "no such device".. any idea how i can boot into windows10:22
jetole... part of the icon is appearing white on the gnome panel. Does anyone know how I can fix this or if I even can? Should I file a bug report with ubuntu?10:22
tasseyeah thats why i installed windows to try it - and there it works [same vpn]10:22
mrintegritynumbfall: boot the windows install cd and reinstall the windows bootloader. alternatively reinstall grub configuration from the ubuntu cd10:22
tasseand my mate, that uses the same vpn next to me and also ubuntu 10.04 doesnt have the problem10:23
mrintegritytasse: ok, sorry but i don't know10:23
sacarlsonmadmn: so that's the solution for your secound problem with ssh you can only share with a user you have an account with10:23
tassehm ok thanks..10:23
mrintegritytasse: check your firewall policy (iptables if you have it set up)10:23
jetoletasse: I missed your original question. What VPN are you using?10:23
tassedont use a firewall10:23
tasseusing the vpn of my university10:24
madmnokay all the boxes are checked now10:24
madmnshould i restart10:24
madmnor log out and back in ?10:24
sacarlsonmadmn: it should work now without reboot10:24
sacarlsonmadmn: did you get my message about ssh and windows 7?10:25
abhinav_singhi created the user with out assigning the password ...how can i set the password from him now ?10:25
vincentwhat exactly is this new sudo security update all about?10:25
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madmnyes i will try that if all else fails10:25
Guest35488oh no, I'm Guest 35488!10:25
madmnbut i want to try this first if i can and it works10:25
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madmnshould i need to log out and back in after checking all those boxes10:26
Zvrkabhinav_singh, gnome ?10:26
sacarlsonmadmn: I don't think so it should work you are now a part of all those groups10:27
tasseand iptables -L just gives Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)10:27
tassetarget     prot opt source               destination   [same for INPUT/FORWARD] @ mrintegrity10:27
Zvrkabhinav_singh, using  gnome ?10:27
madmnokay its still not working so i must be doing something else wrong10:27
numbfallmrintegrity: thanks .. i'll use the live ubuntu usb to reconfigure grub.10:27
madmnstill the same error10:27
sacarlsonmadmn: if it still fails then it was my other thought it's an ntfs file system10:27
madmni should see samba under system somewhere though right ?10:27
madmnthe files are on the linux box though10:28
madmnbut yeah i could be10:28
sacarlsonmadmn: try pastbinit the command sudo mount10:28
snimavatcan any one plz hlp me with partitioning10:28
snimavatfor dual boot and 2 HDD10:28
made2shredwhats a good RSS feed reader?10:28
madmnhow does pastebin work10:29
madmnnever used it10:29
sacarlson!pastebin | madmn10:29
ubottumadmn: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:29
erUSULmade2shred: google reader  ;P10:29
made2shrederUSUL: i mean desktop feed reader10:29
erUSULmade2shred: lifearea?10:30
made2shrederUSUL: any others?10:30
madmnokay done10:30
madmnhow do you get it now ?10:30
erUSULmade2shred: Aplications>Ubuntu software center. Section internet10:30
snimavathttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1672613 aNY ONE?10:31
made2shrederUSUL: im in there now10:31
tasseno clue mrintegrity or jetole? ://10:32
sacarlsonmadmn: get what?   sudo mount ?10:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:32
erUSULmadmn: Make sure you give us the URL for your paste <<<10:32
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sacarlsonmadmn: yes I got it, I don't see any ntfs mount here10:35
aLeSDhi all10:35
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aLeSDI have a problem with my laptop: the fn key is always pressed. Could u help me ?10:35
madmnsorry i am back10:35
snimavatgrub partition on second HDD ?10:36
snimavatis it possible?10:36
snimavatfirst HDD has win installed..10:36
sacarlsonmadmn: but this line gvfs-fuse-daemon on /home/madmn/.gvfs type fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=madmn)   what is that?10:36
RovanionCan you recommend a good 2D CAD pragram?10:36
madmnnot sure i just might have accidently included that10:37
snimavatHey, any one.. pl help me10:38
erUSUL!info qcad | Rovanion10:38
ubottuRovanion: qcad (source: qcad): professional CAD system. In component universe, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 1241 kB, installed size 4016 kB10:38
erUSULsnimavat: in a dual boot system grub will be installed in the boot hd ( the windows one )10:39
madmnanyways i am not sure what to do10:39
erUSUL!dualboot | snimavat10:39
ubottusnimavat: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:39
madmni am lost now10:39
bullgard4Is there an English IT term "to telephone home" meaning a computer program is reporting back to the program manufacturer some usage details of the user of the program? Or what is the proper technical term describing this?10:39
snimavatIs it must, to install in first HD ?10:40
snimavatCan i change bios setting to boot from second disk? where I would install the /grub partition10:40
madmnis that all sacarlson?10:40
llutzbullgard4: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoning_home10:40
snimavatand still have both win (existing) and ubuntu work ?10:40
madmnam i at the end of the problem ?10:40
snimavaterUSUL ?10:41
sacarlsonmadmn: I have to read more about that type of user mount system,  maybe try ssh10:41
madmnwell i am going to do this another time its late here and i have to get to sleep10:42
madmni tried and thanks for you help very much appreciated10:42
erUSULsnimavat: boot/grub will be installed in the second disk where you install ubuntu.10:42
beginerhey what is this showing??10:42
erUSULsnimavat: if you really want you can install the grub loader in the second disk and use bios to choose what disk to boot10:42
madmnsnimavat, you probably want to install windows first then install ubuntu10:42
erUSULsnimavat: i do ot see the point of it though10:43
sacarlsonmadmn: I guess we could see  sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit10:43
snimavatI want a seperate grub partition10:43
madmnthats the way i did mine and it multi boots for you10:43
bullgard4llutz: Excellent! --  Thank you very much for your help.10:43
erUSULsnimavat: first: there is no such thing as "seperate grub partition"; you mean separate /boot/ partition; second: why?10:44
snimavathere;s my thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167261310:44
snimavatI may want to install more os later like centos10:44
snimavatyes, seperate /boot partition of 60 MB10:45
madmnsacarlson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/556477/10:45
snimavatso that i can uninstall and install any os without disturbing grub10:45
sacarlsonmadmn: I got it10:45
kaushalis there a way like notifier in gmail10:45
snimavaterUSUL you get my point?10:45
kaushalwherein i get notified if someone has responded to my email10:46
kaushalin ubuntu 10.1010:46
sacarlsonmadmn: so I assume what you try to share is the files that were in the windows partition sda1?10:46
abhinav_singhZvrk yes10:46
erUSULsnimavat: then do it; use a separate boot partition10:46
kaushalI get bombarded with 1000 of emails in my gmail account10:46
kaushalso the only one which is addressed to me10:47
snimavaterUSUL: but, will /boot partition work in second HDD ?10:47
kaushalI get notified10:47
madmnsacarlson nope i don't think so10:47
erUSULsnimavat: yes; why not?10:47
snimavaterUSUL: i already have win on first HDD10:47
madmnwhen i putty into my box i see my files here on my ubuntu server10:47
snimavaterUSUL: will I have to change the bios to boot from second drive?10:47
snimavatand if i change bios, will win work?10:48
sacarlsonmadmn: well last thing to look at cd into the dir you plan to share and ls -l | pastebinit10:48
madmnsnimavat: i am pretty sure that windows has to be on the first partition10:48
snimavatits in the c drive of first HDD10:48
erUSULsnimavat: if you install the grub loader in the first drive you do not have to touch the bios10:48
snimavatthe second HDD isnt partitioned yet10:49
ox3ai am getting plymouth error10:49
erUSULsnimavat: in case it is not clear by now; the grub loader can be in the first disk and the boot partition in the second one10:49
snimavatgrub loaded and boot partition, arent both same?10:50
madmnsacarlson : http://paste.ubuntu.com/556479/10:50
liquidlovemonsteare you using two operating systems on two seperate HD's?10:50
Zvrkabhinav_singh, go to  System -- Administration --users and groups --10:50
sacarlsonmadmn: there are no files in it so how can it share it?10:50
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Zvrkabhinav_singh, select your user and set pass10:51
snimavatyes, planning to use two os on two hdd10:51
madmnthe other folders i shared had nothing in them10:51
snimavatheres my thread which will make things clear10:51
madmni was moving my stuff from windows into these directories10:51
abhinav_singhi am on server ..no GUI....but i have found the way :) Zvrk10:51
madmnthrough filezilla10:51
liquidlovemonsteI use to just boot up then at the bios goto boot options to select what hd you want10:51
snimavatcan u pl have a look at my thread10:52
snimavatthts not the issue..10:52
liquidlovemonsteok sorry10:52
liquidlovemonstejust logged in10:52
liquidlovemonstenot used irc for a long while10:53
Zvrkabhinav_singh, su sudo addpass user10:53
sacarlsonmadmn: ok then lest look at ls -l ~/Pictures10:53
madmnif i make a new folder called temp i can share it with nothing in it10:53
abhinav_singhhmmm brother Zvrk10:53
madmnsame result10:54
OOWWEEZZIIRROla ikonia bruder10:54
madmnthere is no files in this folder yet10:54
madmni want to put the windows files on this folder as a backup10:54
Zvrkabhinav_singh, no problems10:54
erUSULsnimavat: i do not now what the question is. what you want to do is possible. where is the problem then? go ahead and do it. ( althought maybe 60 MiB for boot is too small )10:54
madmnthat way i have them10:54
nickcvhi guys, got a problem… i have web server with sftp, everything is working file… i have two usergroups who use sftp: sftponly and sftpslave… i want to change the umask of just the users of sftpslave so that they always upload file with 775 permissions, there's a way to do that? i found a lot of tutorial to change all the users umask, but nothing to apply just to the match in the sshd_config10:54
sacarlsonmadmn: same result won't it return the owner and group of the dir?10:54
madmnnot the way you told me to type it10:54
erUSULsnimavat: and btw; you do not need a separate fat partition for file sharing. linux supports ntfs just fine10:55
sacarlsonmadmn: ok my mistake ls-l -d ~/Pictures10:55
nickcvsetting specific umask just for a directory would solve the problem as well10:56
sacarlsonmadmn: ls -l -d ~/Pictures  I missed the space there10:56
madmncommand not found10:56
snimavaterUSUL: thnx10:57
snimavatis /boot and grub loader different ?10:57
madmnsacarlson : http://paste.ubuntu.com/556482/10:58
snimavaterUSUL: /boot partition = dedicated grub partition, isnt it?10:58
ne2ksnimavat: /boot doesn't have to be a dedicated partition10:58
erUSULsnimavat: yes; grub loader gets installed in the disk mbr ( a tiny 512 bytes area ) once it runs it goes and look in the /boot/grub/ partition for what it needs to continue booting the machine10:58
FrozenKnightWhat could I install to transform a *.mod file in an *.ogg, *.mp3 or a *.wav file?10:58
FrozenKnight(what should)10:59
sacarlsonmadmn: I see no resoon you can't share that directory from that account10:59
nickcvi guess no one can help me :P10:59
madmnyeah neither do i10:59
madmnbut its not letting me for some reason10:59
multiplatinumopc_0de,  hey10:59
ne2kFrozenKnight: you need a MOD player, if we're talking about the ancient, pre-midi computer music format from Amiga land10:59
FrozenKnightne2k: you gave me a great idea...11:00
zetherooanyone else finding that while watching a flash video will sometimes cause the plugin (Flash) to start eating up CPU and then drop for a bit before spiking again ...?11:00
sacarlsonmadmn: mabe now that your a memeber of more groups you can create a new dir and share that new one?11:00
FrozenKnightne2k: yeah, but it's not that antient :)11:00
bencchow do I restart an app like gedit so it will use new config files?11:00
madmnyeah i can do it that way i just tried11:01
erUSULbencc: close it; run it again11:01
sacarlsonmadmn: then just delete the dir and recreate it or just start sharing from your new dir11:01
zetheroothis seems to be the issue with Flash in my case ... heavy-duty CPU spiking ...11:01
madmnthat works too never thought of that lol11:02
madmnnow for logging in with filezilla11:02
ne2kFrozenKnight: timidity is worth a look11:02
benccerUSUL: if I have several instances of it, a new one will use new config?11:02
madmni use my router address 192.168..... i want to use my actual ip how do i do that11:02
FrozenKnightne2k: that should be good but I think it's more for the midi files.11:03
erUSULbencc: do not think so11:03
FrozenKnightne2k: you made me remember milkytracker :)11:03
sacarlsonmadmn: I guess some security setting in samba prevents shareing folders that have access to all users11:03
ne2kmadmn: what are you trying to do?11:03
etidhorreturned I said yoda master11:03
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benccerUSUL: thanks11:04
madmni want to log into my box through my actual static ip11:05
etidhori installed google earth but it doesnt work  why11:05
madmnright now i log into the box through my router ip11:05
bazhang!work | etidhor11:05
ubottuetidhor: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.11:05
etidhori installed it via syn.pack man11:05
madmnits a 192.168...... address11:05
madmnand my static ip is like 207.216.11:06
ne2kmadmn: need... more... detail. where is your box, what is its IP, what is this "actual static IP" of which you speak, where are you trying to connect to it from?11:06
murlidharwhy is that we can change gtk themes without having gnome installed and we can't can't change qt4 apps without kde ?11:06
sacarlsonmadmn: do you mean from outside your network or when you are inside on lan?11:07
madmnthe router ip is
madmnoutside the network11:07
madmni am doing it from the lan right now11:07
ne2kmadmn: a router with one IP address wouldn't be very useful11:07
madmnbut i want to be able to do it from the outside11:07
madmni only want it for my use11:07
ksinkar_how long does it take rootstock to build an image?11:08
madmnnot to share with anyone else11:08
bazhangksinkar_, what is rootstock11:08
sacarlsonmadmn: if you want to have access to your system from outside you need to setup your router to forward ports to your system ip,  you should setup your system on your lan as static if that's your plan11:08
ne2kmadmn: stop using carriage return as punctuation. describe succinctly in one line what you actually want to do, with details, including from where, to where, what.11:08
madmnwhat would you suggest is my best step sacarlson11:09
madmnwhatever way will work the best11:09
itguruDoes anyone have a handly link that I forward onto a friend, how to setup your ubuntu server to dial a pptp connection to your office :)11:09
sacarlsonmadmn: from outside I would only use ssh so forward port 22 to your static system ip11:09
madmnhow do i tell my system ip is that my static ip ?11:09
madmnok will try that thanks for all your help11:10
itgurusacarlson: don't use a standard ssh port - use a high port, like 12322, and forward that port to ssh port 22 internally11:10
madmni really appreciate it11:10
itgurusorry madmn, that last comment was at you11:10
raviepic3people, whats the shortcut key to push the active window to another desktop ? i searched manual and not able to find, am running gnome 10.04 v of ubuntu 64 bit11:10
grigoriadeshow to install on ubuntu  all backtrack tools?11:10
puppyIn 10.04 all function keys working on my Compaq Notebook,but in 10.10 the brightness key does not work.Why it so11:10
raviepic3first of all is this possible ?11:10
bazhanggrigoriades, get a list of them then install11:10
sacarlsonitguru: good point madmn: don't use standard ssh port11:10
madmnokay will try something higher11:11
ne2kitguru: install pptp-linux then use: pppd noauth nobsdcomp nodeflate require-mppe-128 name $USERNAME password $PASSWORD remotename PPTP pty "pptp $PPTP_SERVER_IP --nolaunchpppd"11:11
itgurune2k: SWEET!11:11
grigoriades<bazhang> how to find them and get a list of them?11:11
* itguru realises that he has to figure it out, to be able to explain it to person in need!11:11
bazhanggrigoriades, check the backtrack channel or their support forums etc11:11
ne2kitguru: you may have to use route add -net $DESTINATION dev ppp0 after that too11:11
bazhang#backtrack-linux grigoriades11:11
ne2kitguru: depending on what the pptp server hands off to you automagically11:12
grigoriades<bazhang>me let me try11:12
ne2kitguru: there may be a GUIish way but that's what I use because I'm comfortable with it. it doesn't do keepalive or anything though so it's not perfect11:12
itgurune2k: So, I guess a script will be handy to use11:13
puppyIn 10.04 all function keys working on my Compaq Notebook,but in 10.10 the brightness key does not work.Why it so11:16
ksinkar_has anybody used rootstock over here11:16
nickcvcan i setup a specific umask for a group?11:18
ericPi'm getting a pretty reliable crash whenever i suspend (and about 20% of the time when i hibernate) with the proprietary NVidia driver11:19
ericP pm-suspend log shows that the after the "performing suspend" log line, i just don't get an "Awake."11:20
ericPscreen is dark, no capslock response11:20
BlaDe^hey, how can I make chrome use the open jdk instead of sun ? I have icedtea6-plugin installed but it isn't using it11:21
JackyAlcineBlaDe^: Idt that's possible as of yet.11:24
bazhangksinkar_, you still havent said what rootstock is11:24
BlaDe^ah okay11:24
ksinkar_bazhang: sorry11:24
ksinkar_bazhang: actually even i haven't understood it well, but it is supposed to create root fs with ubuntu  on it. can you explain the meaning of that to me?11:25
bazhangksinkar_, never heard of it11:26
sanjoythis there any soft like methmetica in ubuntu?11:26
bazhang!equivalents > sanjoy11:27
ubottusanjoy, please see my private message11:27
abualijawadhow to set up grub when i install desktopbsd  on my dal pc11:27
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ksinkar_bazhang: forget it11:29
grigoriadeshow to install backtrack tools on ubuntu?11:31
AnthLeegrigoriades, http://micksmix.wordpress.com/2009/10/28/install-backtrack-4-tools-in-ubuntu/11:32
cdavisis it possible to reserve an area of the desktop so that nautilus won't display icons there? like behind conky11:34
mkf00what should the file permissions of /bin/sudo /usr/bin/logger /bin/mount /bin/more /bin/dmesg  .. look like?11:34
mkf00cause they recently changed and RKHUNTER warned me about that11:34
mkf00and i can't imagine that i changed em11:34
mkf00so im worried that i might got hacked..11:34
raviepic3people, whats the shortcut key to push the active window to another desktop ? i searched manual and not able to find, am running gnome 10.04 v of ubuntu 64 bit11:35
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mkf00raviepic3 str+f5 ?11:36
mkf00something like this i think11:36
mkf00but dont trust me11:36
raviepic3str ?11:36
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raviepic3mkf00, str ?11:36
ne2kraviepic3: system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts->window management->move window to workspace... you need to assign something if it's not assigned already11:36
abualijawadhow to set up grub for dbsd together on ubunbtu on pc11:36
ne2kraviepic3: by default it's shift-control-alt-left/right/up/down11:37
mkf00fillllle permissions!11:38
mkf00i need support doods :>11:38
raviepic3ne2k, yes thank you very much11:38
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions mkf0011:39
abualijawadgrub for dbsd on a multi boot pc11:39
bazhangabualijawad, patience11:39
g_hey everyone, i'm having a problem that just started today after upgrading 9.10 that appeared in the update manager...11:40
mkf00bazhang thanks, but i know how they work..11:40
mkf00but i dont know what they look like when installed freshly11:40
g_whenever i insert my wacom bamboo x restarts. it never used to do this, how do i fix it?11:40
mkf00how does, for example look your permissions for /bin/sudo at the moment bazhang?11:41
bazhangmkf00, this is because of something rkhunter alerted you to? its well known for generating false positives11:41
raviepic3ne2k, when it says xf86Explorer which keys does it mean ?11:42
bazhang!grub2 | abualijawad read this first11:42
ubottuabualijawad read this first: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub211:42
mkf00bazhang yes rkhunter alerted me, that the file permissions on such things like whereis, sudo, dsmesg, more, mount have changed11:43
mkf00and i cant imagine why11:43
ne2kraviepic3: on "multimedia" keyboards, there is a key to open a file browser (which is so called because the file browser on windows is called Explorer). it probably looks like a computer11:43
mkf00now i wanted to check what they usualy look like11:43
abualijawadubottu> thank you11:43
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:43
raviepic3ne2k, oh ok ok11:44
raviepic3thank you11:44
sveinseHi. I'm about to write an CLI application that needs audio output (outside of X). Should I use ALSA or should I rather use PulseAudio?11:44
mecoSince I upgraded to 10.0.4 LTS a few days ago, the PC crashes frequently. What should I do?11:45
sveinseMy app will also need USB and BT audio in/out, so that is my main reason for considering PA11:45
wwwyzzerddjust read a forum thread stating that setting swappiness to 'zero' should increase system performance. i have a swap partition and two gigs of ram, is this advisable?11:46
ne2kmeco: describe your crashing symptoms in more detail11:46
ne2kwwwyzzerdd: what is "swappiness"?11:46
Gryllidawwwyzzerdd: swap is usually half size of ram, only used if you're out of ram at some point11:46
mkf00wwyzzerdd not really11:46
mkf00the swap only is useds for the least used file operations when normal ram doesnt do it11:47
ne2kGryllida: swap is normally twice the size of RAM the way Ubuntu installs things, I think11:47
mkf00the unix memory managedment is considered very effective11:47
llutzne2k: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq     see the part "What is swappiness and how do I change it?"11:47
mkf00even better:11:47
mecone2k: I'm unsure about the exact circumstances as I'm not the only user of the machine, but the machine freezes up, no response on the caps lock light, the screen goes black, but the monitor power light is lit. I've been able to reboot some times by repeatedly hitting ctrl-alt-del11:48
ne2kwwwyzzerdd: I did not know that swappiness was configurable!11:48
wufeihello   i am a new user of ubuntu  could  a can get sme help form here11:48
mkf00wufei yes11:48
mecone2k:Personally I expreienced a crash when I tried to enter the screen svaer app11:48
mkf00bazhang still there?11:49
linuxmani need an advice about a book11:49
linuxmani need a ubuntu server book11:49
linuxmana good one to study11:49
wwwyzzerddne2k: indeed11:49
razz11do  I still need the ntfs-3g driver, i have had it for a long time and the fsab entries say ntfs-3g, I heard that it is no longer required11:49
dmdevoteehi. i know this is a weird question and it's more about windows. but somebody knows how to hide folders in windows to ubuntu?. i want to hide folders like "$ at end of folder name" works in windows. thanks!11:49
ne2kmeco: if you have no caps lock response, it tends to imply a complete hardware crash. try running memtest11:49
wufeii need a book  about ubuntu11:50
llutz!manual > wufei11:50
ubottuwufei, please see my private message11:50
mecone2k: ok, I'll start there11:50
ne2kdmdevotee: your question doesn't make sense11:50
linuxmanwho can recommend me a good ubuntu server book11:50
razz11how to get the UUID of a drive11:51
llutzdmdevotee: don't share them if you don't want them being seen11:51
dmdevoteenek2: do you know what does in windows a "$" at the end of a folder name?11:51
bazhangrazz11, sudo blkid11:51
llutzrazz11: sudo blkid11:51
xyz_anyone can help me with custom DSDT load?11:51
dmdevoteellutz that is not a solution for me11:51
ne2kdmdevotee: no, I don't know much about Windows. just ask your question stating what you actually want to do11:52
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bazhangxyz_, elaborate please11:52
dmdevoteene2k: it's a looooong to explain story11:53
STPIEREHello, is there any small simple POP3 mail server (only LOCALHOST) for testing PHP applications ?11:53
xyz_i want to load on boot a fixed DSDT11:53
dmdevoteene2k sorry11:53
xyz_seems support was dropped on newer kernels11:53
xyz_any other way?11:53
ne2kdmdevotee: you will only get help if you explain what you are actually trying to do11:53
jubeican somebody tell me how I can downgrade to 10.11 from 11.4?11:53
bazhangjubei, fresh reinstall11:53
dmdevoteene2k ok i will try11:53
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ne2kjubei: a fresh install is by far the easiest way. you will run into all sorts of problems if you try to downgrade in place11:54
xyz_bazhang any idea?11:54
jubeiic guys. thank you.11:54
ne2kxyz_: you might have better luck in ##inux11:55
ne2kxyz_: ##linux, sorry typo11:55
dmdevoteei want to to this on a windows 2003 server promoted to domain controller: i want to share a folder to a specific user if the user connects on a windows xp machine, but BLOCK the folder is that user connects on a ubuntu machone11:55
xyz_ok i'll try thx11:55
dmdevotee*if that user11:56
stpiereis there any simple mail server for ubuntu? i only want to test some php app's on localhost11:56
llutzstpiere: msmtp/ssmtp11:56
jubeiI'm trying to install the latest nvidia driver because docky is very very slow11:56
stpierethanks llutz11:56
dmdevoteei will repeat the question correctly again11:57
jubeican somebody tell me where I can find info on WHAT is the latest nvidia driver for 11.4 and how to install ilt?11:57
llutzjubei: #ubuntu+1 for 11.0411:57
bazhangjubei, #ubuntu+1 for the alpha11:57
demos4everwhere are you from11:58
bazhang!gr | demos4ever11:58
ubottudemos4ever: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes11:58
razz11bazhang: llutz: thanks, could you please check the fstab entry, trying to automount ntfs partition - UUID=941284181284020A /media/mpoint ntfs-3g defaults 0 011:59
demos4evergt grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr11:59
llutz!ntfs-3g| razz11  i'm not sure about the options (i don't use ntfs)12:00
ubotturazz11  i'm not sure about the options (i don't use ntfs): ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions12:00
irfan_how can i share my file from my computer to laptop ?12:00
dmdevoteesomebody knows how to do this on a windows 2003 server promoted to domain controller? : I want to share a folder to a user of my domain if ONLY it connects with windows machine, but unshare it when it is connected with a UBUNTU machine12:00
irfan_using Ubuntu in both sides12:00
llutzirfan_: sshfs, sftp, nfs, samba - lots of ways12:01
irfan_i'll try it12:01
irfan_can you tell me some configurations ?12:01
llutzirfan_: easiest thing would be using ssh, install openssh-server and connect using nautilus12:02
mkf00can anybody12:03
mkf00give me his/her output of "$ls -l" in "/bin/" please?!12:04
mkf00cause some of my permissions might be fucked up12:04
mkf00and i want to know what they should usually look like12:04
MowgliBookhi all, anyone can tell me how to load a custom DSDT using Grub2 ? I tried adding acpi -e /DSDT.aml to te default flags, but I have an error, malformed early option 'acpi'12:04
llutzmkf00: http://sprunge.us/jbgK12:05
bazhangmkf00, watch the language12:05
mkf00<broken> @ bazhang12:06
playerhallo alls goed12:06
bazhang!nl | player12:07
ubottuplayer: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl12:07
mkf00llutz thx12:09
sveinseHow can I list the attributes (native samplerate, format and # channels) from the ALSA soundcards?12:10
mecone2k: I did the memory test, no problems there12:11
bullgard4Banshee 1.8.0 > Miro Guide writes in its top line: "Miro Guide - Video Podcast Directory" although I did not install the DEB program package »miro«. What is the relationship between "Miro Guide - Video Podcast Directory" and the DEB program package »miro«?12:12
made2shredis anyone here good at RSS 2.0?12:13
UserX7how do i get my sh script to cd to a directory and run a command, and then return?12:13
sveinseHow can I start the pulseaudio daemon from bash (not running X11)?12:14
made2shredUserX7: cd into the first directory then cd into the second one12:14
bazhangbullgard4, miro is a video player that apparently works in conjunction with Banshee12:14
razz11llutz: I know that the newer versions come with a ntfs module, was not sure whether I need to use ntfs-3g or ntfs12:14
bullgard4bazhang: Right. And what is "Miro Guide - Video Podcast Directory"?12:14
bazhangbullgard4, ie searches for and plays podcasts, but of the video variety, amongst others12:15
UserX7made2shred, yeah, isn't working. trying to grep it after i cd, and it wont find the file12:15
bazhangbullgard4, a guide within miro12:15
made2shredUserX7: gimme a look at your code12:15
llutzUserX7: cd /wherever; do something; cd $OLDPWD12:15
llutzUserX7: make no sense, but should work12:15
bullgard4bazhang: How can I have a guide wsithin miro as miro is not installed?12:15
bullgard4bazhang: How can I have a guide within miro as miro is not installed?12:16
edwardteachUserX7,    you dont need to cd into the dir to run a script just use the hole file path12:16
bazhangbullgard4, I've not used banshee, but apparently they work in conjunction; ie banshee plays audio podcasts, and relies on miro for video podcasts12:16
ne2kUserX7: scripts that rely on being run from a particular directory are bad practice12:17
rami1983how to change the brightness on my laptop? it is too dark12:17
UserX7ne2k, ~/logs/dirs though. i'm running the script from ~/logs?12:17
fixxxermetI have two video cards in my box -  one nvidia, one ATI.  The Nvidia shows my desktop on the monitor, the ATI is blank.  Is this supported?12:18
ne2kUserX7: that's not a sentence12:18
llutzUserX7: what exactly do you want to do?12:18
llutzUserX7: grep <pattern> /path/file12:18
ne2kfixxxermet: I do not believe you will be able to have an extended desktop across two different graphics cards, but I may be wrong. you should be able, however, to run two X screens12:19
UserX7MadAGu, llutz ne2k http://pastebin.com/SF17ATBd12:19
ne2kUserX7: what in the name of good grief are you doing piping the output of cd to grep?!12:19
fixxxermetne2k: That sounds good enough for me.12:19
llutzUserX7: grep -e 'Number of files' -e 'Total transferred file size' beacon1/$now > beacon1/testgrep.txt12:20
ne2kfixxxermet: you may have to do manual editing of Xorg.conf12:20
mecoI'm having problems with the PC freezing up since I installed 10.04.1 LTS a few days ago. I've run memtest with no errors. Any suggestions?12:21
llutzUserX7: and it's #!/bin/sh12:21
ne2kmeco: you're not overclocking, are you?12:22
EagleOn ram, what dose PC3 mean? I think i need more ram for ubuntu,12:22
mecone2k:Nope, and it's a very old machine, a 2GHz P412:22
UserX7llutz, grep: beacon1/20110121: No such file or directory :/12:23
llutzUserX7: use full absolute path then12:23
ne2kmeco: that's not very old! that's moderately recent ;-)12:23
UserX7llutz, nvm, typo12:23
ne2kmeco: anyway, what did you have on it before?12:23
mecone2k: 8.0412:24
ne2kmeco: it's either a hardware problem, in which case any OS would fail at some point, or it's a kernel/hardware incompatibility/instability, in which case it may be able to be fixed by tweaking kernel parameters and/or using a different kernel12:24
ne2kmeco: the trouble is finding out what the actual problem is12:24
llutzUserX7: http://pastebin.com/zLhRRivU12:24
ne2kmeco: you could see if there is a BIOS upgrade from the BIOS manufacturer as the first port of call?12:25
ne2kmeco: you could try turning off various things in the kernel parameters like acpi,12:25
Eaglene2k:  On ram, what dose PC3 mean? I think i need more ram for ubuntu,?12:25
llutzEagle: DDR3 afaik12:25
ne2kmeco: I mix up apic and acpi... I had to turn off one of those on an old machine to mak eit work12:25
mecone2k: I don't have the BIOS password. I guess that precludes making any BIOS changes?12:26
ne2kmeco: not if you don't mind doing a hard reset on the BIOS -- there's usually a jumper you can put on a pair of pins to wipe it12:26
Eaglellutz: Thanks  ;-)       ;-)        ;-)12:26
tevmeco .. sigh .. jumper .. reset ... oldest useless password in the world.12:26
UserX7llutz, not sure. was going to run this through several dirs12:26
llutzUserX7: then let "mypath" use $1 and call your script with desired pathes12:27
mecone2k: OK, that sounds feasible, except it's still a bit scary...12:27
WobblyWindowhello there! I'm learning python, and i'm stuck trying to "integrate" two programs (in two files)... i need to launch the second through the first, passing parameters to it (variables). Is there a good tutorial on how to work with multiple files? thanks12:28
sipiorWobblyWindow: the folks in #python should be able to set you straight12:28
shaggy2anyone know what is needed to setup a DNS Server? like how I register it or what I need to do to enable people to acutaly find the DNS to resolve the Domain?12:28
ArchmeHi. Want to check. Does ubuntu support hdmi audio n dolby digital sound?12:28
tevshaggy2: :/ you needs to read up alot12:28
llutzshaggy2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto12:29
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WobblyWindowsipior: i couldn't find a way to chat there... there is some kind of registration that i can't do.12:29
tevllutz I think he needs alot more then that12:29
bazhangWobblyWindow, #freenode to register12:29
llutzshaggy2: and don't use that in public until you are very sure about how that stuff works12:29
sipior!register > WobblyWindow12:29
ubottuWobblyWindow, please see my private message12:29
llutztev: right you are12:30
WobblyWindowok. thank you very much guys!12:30
ArchmeWondering anyone replied or not12:32
harpalI have gnome installed and in network manager I have removed my wired connection, now when I try to add it then on both interface it takes same ipaddress12:32
harpalhow to specify a configuration is for eth0 and for eth1 other configuration12:32
harpalthrough network-manager12:32
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greenbithey guys, noob q here...12:35
psycho_oreos!ask| greenbit12:35
ubottugreenbit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:35
greenbito ok12:35
greenbithow do i run a task in the background on a server i have ssh'ed to? my tasks die when i close the console window on my client12:36
DJones!screen | greenbit12:36
ubottugreenbit: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen12:36
greenbitid rather keep it console for security reasons12:36
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sipiorgreenbit: you might try reading that link first.12:37
psycho_oreosscreen is still technically part of console :) it just another shell prompt inside the program12:37
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greenbitoh i see, thankyou. reading now...12:37
ct529greenbit: redirect the output to a file and then close the command with &, for example: #command &> /dev/command.log &12:37
ct529greenbit: that way the command is moved to background but both standard output and error output are redirected to command.log ....12:38
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psycho_oreosthere's also nohup12:38
sipiorct529: you would still need to prefix that with nohup or the like.12:38
ct529greenbit: sorry /dev/command.log means in reality /path-to-wherever you like/command.log12:38
D4V|DEwho help me for videochat with amsn?12:39
greenbiti see. ye  :) im running a mongo server that does its own logging. whats the command without stdout redirection?12:39
bullgard4bazhang: I have tried to sort that out but have not been successful. To me it appears that Banshee 1.8.0 is still in development and the documentation too. --  Thank you for commenting.12:39
ct529sipior: only if you actually log out .... so you do #nohup command &> /dev/command.log &12:40
ct529sipior: but if you want to keep working in the same terminal it is ok without nohup12:40
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sipiorct529: obviously. but he specifically mentions closing his terminal in the original question.12:40
ct529greenbit: #nohup command & if you do not want redirection12:40
greenbiti see, could i ask what the nohup command does? does it fork a new process on the server?12:41
sipiorgreenbit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nohup12:42
aeon-ltdgreenbit: type 'man nohup' to read all about12:42
ronnyim a bit at loss - where do i configure the services for startup, i'd like to disable autostarting some12:42
ct529greenbit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nohup is not bad12:42
greenbitbrilliant, thats exactly what i wanted12:43
ct529greenbit: the standard output (file descriptor 1) and the standard error output (file descriptor 2) can be redirected separately or together using &>12:43
ct529greenbit: I normally redirect them together ;)12:43
greenbitalthough i have realized that this is pretty silly, since if my server reboots id have to run it again. how do i edit the list of startup processes via ssh?12:44
ct529greenbit: do you mean using upstart and services?12:44
ct529greenbit: or using /etc/rc.xx12:45
ct529ronny: could you please elaborate12:46
wolkarix_i have problem after upgrading to 10.1012:46
dustinwolkarix_, really want help?12:46
greenbitct529: i guess i need a recommendation? i have a mongo server that needs to always be running on the server for my web app.12:46
aeon-ltd!details | wolkarix_12:46
ubottuwolkarix_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:46
ronnyct529: i got a few services installed i only want to start when i need them, not at startup12:47
greenbitct529: the command is a simple /opt/mongo/bin/mongod12:47
ronny(postgres, mysql, apache, ...12:47
dustinwolkarix_, really want help?12:47
iceswordwhat mongo?12:47
wolkarix_i was running 10.4 yesterday i upgraded to 10.10 after that i m unable to make adhoc wireless network12:47
dustinwolkarix_ ubuntu has been like this for a while , 9.04 as far as i know12:48
wolkarix_it is shown in my system but others cannot connect to it12:48
ct529!details | ronny12:48
ubotturonny: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:48
wolkarix_wat to do now12:48
iceswordwhat's mongo ?12:49
ct529greenbit: I am sorry, but do not know mongo at all .... can you start it using inetd?12:49
dustinwolkarix_, how much work have you put into the so?12:49
ronnyct529: basically i have no idea how to configure what services to start in ubuntus init system12:49
xxxxxxxanyone had any luck swapping the fn and control keys on a macbook pro running ubuntu ?12:49
xxxxxxxi've looked everywhere and can't find a way to do it12:50
wolkarix_nothing just tried from other systems and created many others t cross check abt the problem12:50
ct529ronny: I use the /etc/rc.xxxx method which is completely out of date, so I suggest you read the upstart documentation, sorry .... :-(12:51
walkkennI just installed 10.4 netbook on my ASUS and can't get the ethernet cable to work12:51
ct529walkkenn: please post the output of lspci | grep -i eth12:51
amaretto4uHi everyone!12:52
ct529ronny: there is documenation here http://upstart.ubuntu.com/12:52
galanakiswhich tiling window manager, would be good for a linux beginner to try out?12:52
dustinwalkkenn, , is it the bios?12:52
wolkarix_any help for adhoc n/w12:53
ronnyct529: they completely seem to lack any docs on configuring it that way12:53
greenbitct529: im not entirely sure, but can i maybe put the command to run it in a startup script?12:53
razz11what does fmask and umask option in fstab mean?12:53
ct529greenbit: I wouldn't ....12:53
amaretto4ui need help guys. There is problem with broken package libc6-dev after "apt-get upgrade" and -f option won't help12:54
psycho_oreoswolkarix_, which chipset/driver? fyi upgrading isn't really recommended as it may leave traces of old setup that may cause conflicts, etc12:54
ct529greenbit: well, you could build a wrapper and put it into the /etc/rc.level you want, that would work12:54
ct529greenbit: a wrapper would be your script.sh12:54
psycho_oreoswolkarix_, hmm that's not particularly helpful, is the wireless device connected via USB?12:55
wolkarix_no its inbuilt12:55
greenbitct529: is that really the simplest ?12:56
psycho_oreoswolkarix_, ok, I need you to pastebin (not paste) me the output of your lspci -nnk12:56
walkkennHow do you post?12:56
fenrigafter doing 'make install_modules' and long waiting I discovered that there was no new dir in /lib/modules when putting the 2.6.32-28 kernel together :o12:56
fenrigwhere dit it go ? source directory?12:56
wolkarix_where to pastebin12:57
greenbithttp://kalmbach.wordpress.com/2010/10/25/ubuntu-start-up-script-for-mongo-db-server/ looks like thats what i need?12:57
khem_If I want to run and switch between two keyboard layouts, let's say Thai and English. What is the most efficent way to do that?12:57
psycho_oreos!pastebin| wolkarix_12:57
ubottuwolkarix_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:57
ct529greenbit: well, it works well .... but that sayd there is the new upstart / service combination which possibly works better12:57
greenbitct529: will read up on that12:57
ct529greenbit: yes, this is exactly what I am telling you12:58
ct529greenbit: the link you sent me12:58
ct529greenbit: does the same thing12:58
psycho_oreosfenrig, I think usually if successful the modules goes into /lib/modules/`uname -r` directory but I think in your case there might have been errors with modules or there's no devices drivers set as module12:58
dustinwolkarix_,  well heres the thing , i think this is a bug unforeseen , and its been around for 9.04 that i have personally  known of , easisy way is to reinstall12:59
fenrigpsycho_oreos :o o yeah that could be :o thx :)12:59
howoriginalAUHi everyone12:59
ct529greenbit: what does the mongo server do, by the way?12:59
greenbitmongo is a database that uses high performance key value stores in json13:00
greenbitused it for my web app, seems decent13:00
fenrigpsycho_oreos: first the modules get compiled and after a succesfull compilation it goes in /var/lib/... ?13:00
wolkarix_psycho_oreos : http://paste.ubuntu.com/556503/13:00
ct529greenbit: http://www.ghacks.net/2009/04/04/get-to-know-linux-the-etcinitd-directory/ that can help you a bit13:00
ct529ronny: by the way, http://www.ghacks.net/2009/04/04/get-to-know-linux-the-etcinitd-directory/ could help you a bit as well!13:01
psycho_oreosfenrig, compile modules stays in the same directory as the source kernel13:01
fenrigpsycho_oreos: then what goes in /var/lib/... ?13:02
psycho_oreoswolkarix_, yup I picked up that link before you reposted it, hmm13:02
walkkennPaste from walkkenn at Fri, 21 Jan 2011 08:00:39 +000013:02
psycho_oreosfenrig, have a check yourself, it seems like a mixture of various libraries13:03
induzhello how can I : Make sure the Universe repositories are enabled in your repositories list for gdebi will look for WordNet which is available only in the Universe.13:03
bazhanginduz, check software sources in synaptic package manager13:03
induzso How can I add Universe  Repo for Artha?13:04
psycho_oreoswolkarix_, have you tried a livecd/liveusb version of the same ubuntu as you now have upgraded? it might be the issue that dustin faced13:04
bazhanginduz, for what?13:04
=== FredGeek_ is now known as FredGeek
fenrigpsycho_oreos: thx I'll retry ;) I'll be back13:04
wolkarix_no i have installed 10.4 from live cd and upgraded it to 10.10 after 10 days13:05
induzfor Artha is a handy English thesaurus having distinct features like13:05
bazhanginduz, check in synaptic package manager, as I said13:06
induzArtha=off-line thesaurus based on WordNet13:06
greenbiti have another ruby script that i need running continuously. it has a .sh wrapper, should i just run it from within /etc/rc.local?13:06
psycho_oreoswolkarix_, well I guess ideally its best to get 10.10 image and see if the issue exists. If not then you may need to re-setup your ubuntu again13:06
shashi859Artha is a very nice application, & past13:06
ramshow can i install autoconf?13:07
induzbazhang, Artha is installed but version is OLD so i want a new version...how can i do that?13:07
ct529walkkenn: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1507090.html look at that13:07
walkkenngrep -i eth   doesn't seem to produce an output13:07
ct529walkkenn: lspci | grep -i eth13:08
ct529greenbit: either that or one of the others ....13:08
jribrams: same way you install everything else: use APT.  But why do you want to?13:09
ct529greenbit: (like /etc/init.d)13:09
shashi859induz: get source from the artha website & install using ./configure, make, make install13:09
HilarieWho feels like a stupid question!13:09
Hilarie$HOME/.Oolite/AddOns where can I find that :(13:09
Jean1I'm trying to install xfce on top of ubuntu server, just to be sure I've tried 2 times, but it installs gnome! This is crazy :) I use these commands: 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core' and then 'sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop'. I can see it installing xfce things too but alot of gnome too and after startx I have gnome.13:09
ct529uh oh I have to go13:10
ct529enjoy the rest of your day13:10
jribHilarie: $HOME means /home/YOUR_USERNAME.  ".Oolite" is a hidden directory (press ctrl-h, or view -> hidden in nautilus)13:10
=== Marin is now known as Marin`
shcherbakJean1: startxfce4 ?13:10
Jean1will try13:10
Hilarie@jrib Your a pretty lady you know that?13:10
ra2011hi all, my Ubuntu 10.10 is unable to resolve names. I can ping a direct internet IP but not a servername. how can I fix that?13:10
jetscreamerhey so jockey didn't amend xorg.conf to enable the restricted nvidia driver, i had to do it manually13:10
DeadPandaJean1, wild guess, but you need to tell aptitude not to install recommended packages by default, or by the time it's traversed recommended packages for all that you're installing you have half of gnome13:10
jetscreamerdid i miss something?13:11
jribJean1: you don't use gdm?  Why are you using "startx"?13:11
Jean1yeah I'v got a full gnome install now, i don't want that13:11
ramsjrib, i wanted to run some script, that on entering ./autogen.sh gave an error that autoconf is not found13:11
jribrams: what script?13:11
ramsjrib, i got it , its apt-get install autoconf13:11
Jean1i assume best way to get rid of all the gnome stuff is to just install ubuntu server again?13:11
Franks-BRfinally i ported the voodoo sound to the I9000B Latin!!! :D13:11
Franks-BRthe sound is great!!!!!13:12
jribrams: yes, but if you're compiling something, there's probably a better way.  We have to know what the "something" is to tell though13:12
ramsjrib, that is a X11 pluging13:12
jetscreamerapt-get remove --purge gnome* libgnome* or so.. debian has a factoind on it13:12
jetscreameri forget exactly13:12
ramsjrib, that is a X11 plugin13:12
DeadPandaJean1, try aptitude -R install xubuntu-desktop13:12
wolkarix_can any one tell me which package is responsible for wirelless connection like wireless adhoc server13:12
jribrams: just say what it is exactly, don't be vague :/13:12
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »13:12
shcherbakJean1: no, remove gdm gnome-core and autoremove13:12
frznlogicra2011: cat /etc/resolv.conf13:12
Jean1DeadPanda i tried that13:12
DeadPandaJean1, still wound up with half of gnome?13:13
DeadPandaJean1, pita - any reason you can't use the xubuntu installer?13:13
Jean1ok shcherbak ill try that13:13
ra2011frznlogic:its empty!13:13
Jean1i want ubuntu server first because the lamp13:13
frznlogicra2011: if you are using dhcp, you need to  either set up your dhcp to give out a dns, otherwise, set up one manually in the network-manager13:13
smudgyhi all - anyone know how to configure ubuntu to use traditional ifup instead of network manager ui?13:13
Jean1it sets it up13:13
wolkarix_can any one tell me which package is responsible for wirelless connection like wireless adhoc server13:13
shcherbakJean1: Also there may be "clean" xfce ppa13:14
ra2011frznlogic:I'm not using dhcp13:14
unreturn1dpeoples, who setting up the InterView Board on Ubuntu 10.04? How to install IRpads?13:14
ramsjrib, see this: http://brej.org/blog/?p=15813:15
jribJean1: you can use the xubuntu install and setup lamp just as easy (use tasksel), or you can install server and then install the "xubuntu-desktop" package to get xubuntu.  Probably the only difference will be that with one you end up with the -generic kernel and with the other the -server kernel13:15
ra2011frznlogic:I already configured my internal ip addr...13:15
Jean1remove gdm gnome-core does not work, i guess i'll install ubuntu server again13:15
frznlogicra2011: right click the network-manager, configure network connections, choose your connection, go to settings, go ipv4 settings, set dns servers13:15
frznlogicapply and test it13:15
Jean1ok jrib13:15
Hilarieif there is no $HOME/.Oolite/AddOns do I just create one?13:15
wolkarix_can any one tell me which package is responsible for wirelless connection like wireless adhoc server13:16
jribHilarie: yeah13:16
jribrams: ok13:16
Jean1I'm going to try the xubuntu way, thanks folks13:16
jrib!compile > rams13:16
ubotturams, please see my private message13:16
Hilariebest game ver btw13:16
mkf00wolkarix_ nm-applet ?13:16
ra2011frznlogic:ok, I'll try that...13:17
Jean1jrib i tried installing xubuntu, it just keeps on installing gnome13:17
frznlogicra2011: a tip, is a dns server for public use by google :)13:17
jribJean1: that can't be true13:17
Hilarieand thanks13:17
abhinav_singh-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 19080 Apr 1 18:26 /bin/login  what does the "1" mean here after permission bits13:17
Jean1yues it is13:17
ramsjrib, do you mean that using !compile i don't need autoconf to run the script?13:17
Jean1i didn't believe it myself13:17
jribJean1: you never answered my original question.  Why aren't you using a desktop manager and instead using startx?13:18
jribrams: no, !compile just has the bot send you a useful link with information about compiling13:18
jribabhinav_singh: hard links13:18
Jean1jrib I use these commands that i read on a support site: 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core' and then 'sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop', 'sudo startx'13:19
ramsjrib, ok, thank you:-)13:19
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:19
jribabhinav_singh: (you can read « info ls »), man page doesn't have the information13:19
Jean1jrib I use these commands that i read on a support site: 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core' and then 'sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop', 'sudo startx'13:19
jribJean1: use a desktop manager13:19
Jean1but it runs gnome13:19
abhinav_singhok jrib13:20
PowerTuxtuxfrw, squid and msn-proxy in the same server, anyone knows how to redirect port 1863 ?13:20
Jean1oh well, i ll just download xubuntu and then a lamp install13:20
ra2011frznlogic: thanks for this tip13:20
jribJean1: that's just a waste of time.  You likely have xfce AND gnome for whatever reason.  But you aren't telling startx what you want so it picks gnome.  If you use a desktop manager then, you can just select "xfce" at the login screen13:21
nothingspecialJean1: xubuntu has a lot of gnome dependencies13:21
Jean1jrib what command do i use13:22
leejongwook[Q] How do I open port 22 ?13:22
jrib!ssh > leejongwook13:22
ubottuleejongwook, please see my private message13:22
wolkarix_plz can any one tell me which package is responsible for wirelless connection like wireless adhoc server13:22
jribJean1: for example, install gdm with: sudo apt-get install gdm .  Then when you reboot next you'll be presented with a login screen.  Look for the dropdown to select your session, and select xfce before entering your login credentials13:22
Jean1ok jrib thanks, and the best way to get rid of all the gnome stuff?13:23
angelslhi, how do I make the path editable in Nautilus?13:23
leejongwookjrib: Default firewall value == enabled ?13:23
diecastartsHailz all // had 2 odd things.. one just started .. its really cool that it does this but nop idea how this started to happen... I can now fully controll my mouse with my gamepad .. is there a hotkey or something i may have hit by mistake???????13:24
shcherbakangelsl: Ctrl-l13:24
angelslshcherbak: how do I make that permanent?13:24
ra2011frznlogic: Now its working, thank you very much!13:24
leejongwookport 22 is not responding13:24
shcherbakangelsl: no clue, maybe setting, maybe gconf-editor.13:25
coreCtrl-l ? nice, but how to make it unvisible ?13:25
shcherbakleejongwook: sudo netstat -tulp13:25
frznlogicra2011: np :)13:25
leejongwookshcherbak: Not listening13:25
nothingspecialcore Esc13:25
Jean1thanks, bye13:26
leejongwookshcherbak: Sorry listening13:26
coreok, thanx13:26
shcherbakleejongwook: so, no post open, run ssh and you will have it13:26
angelslhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreNautilusLocationBar <- found it.13:26
jribleejongwook: firewall has no rules by default.  Did you install openssh-server like ubottu's link instructed?13:26
coredoes anyone learning java programing?13:26
ra2011frznlogic: do you know how can I get Remote Desktop Viewer working for a new session?13:27
jribcore: ##java can help you with that13:27
leejongwookjrib: Yes, and I didn't reboot my system yet.13:27
leejongwookSSHD is on.13:27
jribleejongwook: can you « ssh localhost » successfully?13:27
ra2011frznlogic: I mean start a session true it...13:27
leejongwookjrib: Yes13:27
phoenix_chrome menu dosent turn up on nautilus, is it a bug ???13:28
jribleejongwook: where are you trying to ssh from that it fails?  If there's some sort of router or firewall in between you need to take care to forward port 22 to the right computer (and not have the firewall block it)13:28
Shin-LaCmy boss installed ubuntu desktop on our server instead of ubuntu server13:28
_alex__hi all13:28
Shin-LaCshould I delete it ans install ubuntu server instead?13:28
jribShin-LaC: if that's what you want13:29
aeon-ltdShin-LaC: are you ever gonna need a GUI? if not then yes to save space13:29
leejongwookjrib: From Debian->Ubuntu == OK, From Ubuntu->Debian == Failed.13:29
shcherbakShin-LaC: best way.13:29
diecastartshas anyone ever have this happen .. the gamepad controlling the mouse pointer???? i have full controll right click ectect13:29
Shin-LaCI guess he prefers having a GUI for administration13:29
Shin-LaCspace is not that much of an issue13:29
Shin-LaCI use ssh, of course13:29
Shin-LaCbut you know13:29
angelslwhy is it so hard to access a password-protected samba share that does not have a domain...13:30
jribShin-LaC: then leave ubuntu-desktop :/13:30
Shin-LaCit seems that the server has a different kernel, though13:30
jribShin-LaC: so install that kernel13:30
Shin-LaCmaybe I should install the server and add the gui?13:30
aeon-ltdShin-LaC: yeah i'd keep it, then just remove the useless stuff under work hours :) hehhehhehe13:30
Zaca12how do i mount a hard drive when i don't know the file system of the drive?13:30
Shin-LaCI guess what I'm asking is what I'm missing if I start from ubuntu desktop and add server components piecemeal13:30
Shin-LaCand if there are any security issues13:30
leejongwookjrib: No sorry, Ubuntu->Debian == OK, Debian->Ubuntu == Failed13:30
jribShin-LaC: just the server kernel, and you can install that and uninstall -generic if you wish13:31
aeon-ltdShin-LaC: ubuntu doesn't have a firewall configured by default anyway, so you'd need that either way13:31
shcherbakShin-LaC: Have you checked hardware, ram cpu, etc, all works nice?13:31
phoenix_guys, does anyone know QT programming ?13:31
aeon-ltdShin-LaC: my advice for max security use a bsd, its what they're knwon for13:31
jribleejongwook: if « ssh localhost » works on the ubuntu machine, then it's likely a port/forwarding problem or firewall issue on the router.  Have you ruled that out?13:31
spidernethai evry 1 i want sendmail via konsole13:31
aeon-ltdphoenix_: ask in #qt ?13:31
netratZaca12 have you tried just mounting the drive? it usually autodetects13:32
Shin-LaCthanks, guys13:32
diecastartsNow how come the last 5 or 6 times i ask anything in here no one responds at all .. Big Middle FINGER13:32
leejongwookjrib: Yes, There's no block between.13:32
Shin-LaCaeon-ltd: ah, that's good to know13:32
phoenix_m a newbie to xchat13:33
phoenix_someone plz guide me13:33
bazhangphoenix_, #xchat13:33
jribleejongwook: are you on the ubuntu machine now?13:33
aeon-ltdphoenix_: type '/join #qt' to join the qt channel13:33
phoenix_'/join #qt'13:33
Shin-LaCshcherbak: well, the motd mentions that "your CPU appears to be lacking expected security protections"13:33
leejongwookjrib: Yes, Ubuntu and Debian are right in front of me.13:33
aeon-ltdphoenix_: no quotes13:33
Shin-LaCI should look into that13:33
jribleejongwook: are they on the same local network?13:34
leejongwookjrib: Yes.13:34
Shin-LaCaeon-ltd: hm, which bsd would you recommend then?13:34
jribleejongwook: how are you attempting to ssh to the ubuntu machine?13:34
skyfire1182hello people13:34
leejongwookjrib: ssh leejongwook@192168.0.413:35
ehsan_thrHi I need an antifulter13:35
ehsan_thrtor is blocked in iran13:35
=== Nick is now known as Guest59095
aeon-ltdShin-LaC: freebsd, though there are ports, you may have to compile a lot of the software you use13:35
jribleejongwook: you forget the '.' after 192? or just here?13:35
ehsan_thrcan anybody hellp me?13:35
leejongwookjrib: leejongwook@
sipiorehsan_thr: look into a vpn service, witopia or the like.13:35
shcherbakShin-LaC: you said it is server, so it supposed to rock-solid, test desktop, if cannot cope install server, I would recommend reinstall in such case.13:35
jribleejongwook: and what output do you get?13:35
leejongwookjrib: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out13:36
netratleejongwook do you have sshd installed?13:36
ehsan_thrI don't have vpn13:36
leejongwooknetrat: openssh-server, yes13:36
jribleejongwook: go to your ubuntu machine.  Check that the ip is correct with « ifconfig ».  Then run « sudo iptables -L », are there any rules set?13:36
sipiorehsan_thr: that's what the service provider will help you with :-)13:36
ehsan_thrI must pay for it13:37
leejongwookjrib: I didn't touch iptables rules and I already checked that. No rules there.13:37
sipiorehsan_thr: yes, generally13:37
netratleejongwook is the service running and listening on port 22? run "netstat -natp"13:37
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ehsan_thrsomething free like tor13:37
jribnetrat: he can « ssh localhost » on the ubuntu machine it seems13:37
ehsan_thrcan i use13:37
ehsan_thrinstead of it?13:37
=== RaNdY is now known as Guest67805
leejongwooknetrat: tcp 0   0*    listen    -13:38
netratleejongwook is a typo? i thought you said it's 192.16813:38
leejongwookubuntu machine : debian machine :
netratleejongwook, can you ping the box from the other machine? try running nmap and see what you find, "nmap -sV -p22"13:38
nonahow can i restore my gnome-panel?13:38
jrib!resetpanel | nona13:39
ubottunona: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:39
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:39
nimrod10has anyone succeeded in using Xnest  over a multiple hops in which just the first hop and last hop have a X server running ?13:39
abhinav_singhi have a file which i created by touch file1..now i want to add owner execution bit...so is this the right command? chmod 100 file113:39
Zaca12netrat: yes i have, i just get told that i must specify a file system13:40
Zaca12is there an option like mount -t auto ?13:40
Zaca12i thought that was it but it doesn't seem to work13:40
leejongwooknetrat: http://pastebin.com/KxThGM2S13:40
ehsan_thranyone from iran?13:40
skyfire1182guys can you give me the link of compiz fusion for Ubuntu 10.1013:40
jrib!permissions > abhinav_singh13:40
ubottuabhinav_singh, please see my private message13:40
zambaehsan_thr: 67 million, according to wikipedia13:41
bazhangehsan_thr, #ubuntu-ir13:41
netratleejongwook, that's strange... have you restarted the service or tried reinstalling the package?13:41
netratZaca12, does fdisk give you any information on what filesystem it might be?13:42
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leejongwooknetrat: No, I'm going to do that now in Ubuntu-10.10x8613:42
bazhang!ccsm | skyfire118213:42
ubottuskyfire1182: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz13:42
abhinav_singhya thats wht I am sking..is my command is correct jrib?13:42
ronr__elky: still around? :)13:42
=== anomie is now known as Guest10913
elkyronr__, for a bit, 'sup?13:43
Zaca12netrat: fdisk just says Linux under system13:43
Zaca12nothing more than that13:43
jribabhinav_singh: it's not, take a few minutes to read the tutorial ubottu sent you13:43
skyfire1182ubottu, is that on terminal?13:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:43
abhinav_singhok jrib13:43
netratZaca12, run "sudo blkid /dev/sd??" replace sd?? with whatever the drive is13:44
ronr__elky: I got this new keyboard this week which have all those htpc-like keys (play, stop, pause...). any way to generally enable them on ubuntu?13:44
leejongwookjrib, netrat : Thank you :) restart --> solved13:44
jribleejongwook: weird13:45
netratleejongwook, awesome13:45
netratand weird13:45
danst_hello guys, I've installed 10.10 and key repeat doesn't work for me13:45
danst_I've tried to check and uncheck option in preferences, but it doesn't seem to help13:45
Zaca12netrat: ahh shows nothing13:45
netratZaca12, what command did you run?13:46
skyfire1182guys im new in  ubuntu do you think i need antivirus on this?13:46
jribskyfire1182: no13:46
netratskyfire1182, no13:46
skyfire1182ok thnaks13:46
BetziI'll just ask my questions, maybe someone can help me: The power supply of my ubuntu pc doesn't work anymore, but I need the thunderbird folder to save my emails13:46
aeon-ltdskyfire1182: no, but a firewall is reccommended13:47
netratBetzi, so you have a hardware problem?13:47
shcherbakskyfire1182: and rootkit13:47
Betziso I put the linux hdd in an external usb-case13:47
skyfire1182aeon-ltd, how to set that firewall13:47
aeon-ltd!firewall | skyfire118213:47
ubottuskyfire1182: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.13:47
Betziand booted with it with my win7pc13:47
elkyronr__, im not really sure. maybe try see if it's listed in system>preferences>keyboard>layouts. if not there then there's a program called 'xed' which might help you figure what to put into the system>preferences>keyboard shortcuts table13:48
Betzibut I don't know how to mount the win7 hdd now13:48
tyler_dproblem with openvpn through nm-applet, any help would be great, got this from tailing the syslog.... http://paste.ubuntu.com/556516/13:48
Zaca12sudo blkid /dev/sdb113:48
ronr__elky: okay, will look into it. again, thanks for the help :)13:48
elkyronr__, erm, i meant "xev"13:48
skyfire1182thanks guys13:48
Betzinetrat, did you get my problem? :)13:49
netratZaca12, are you sure this hard drive has a filesystem on it?13:49
=== ubuntu_ is now known as roxdragon2
Betzibasicly I want to mount an internal win7 hdd in ubuntu which is booted from an external hdd13:50
netratBetzi, do you have gnome running?13:50
Betzibut it just displays the floppy, the cd drive and the ubuntu hdd13:50
netratBetzi, click places and you should see you win7 HD in there somewhere13:51
Travis-42Most of the time when I press the "back" button on my mouse, the browser (firefox or chrome) jumps back two pages. Anyone know how to fix this?13:51
netratBetzi, does it not show?13:51
Betzijust the external hdd and all cd/floppy drives show up13:51
netratBetzi, run the following command "ls /dev/sd?"13:51
erossif i apt-get install geany 2.0, and later the repos bring in 2.0, will that mess me up, will it skip that update, do i need to worry?13:52
harpalTravis-42: may be mouse problem. it got double clicked when you click13:52
Betzinetrat, :~$ ls /dev/sd?13:52
Betzi/dev/sda  /dev/sdb  /dev/sdc13:52
jenkaHi I have a problem with my vsftpd server. I can not log in using FTPS. I can only login if I already is logged in thru ssh. Whats wrong?!13:53
oCeanTravis-42: try system > prefs > mouse, you can test and set your doubleclick speed13:53
netratBetzi, okay run the mount command and see what device is mounted on /13:53
Travis-42harpal, maybe, there are lots of reports of this problem with logitech mice, but I can't find a solution. oCean, tried that although I'm pretty sure I'm only clicking once13:54
Betzinetrat, /dev/sdc1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)13:54
skyfire1182how about the genie effect where can i find that?13:54
sunrainwhere are here?13:55
netratBetzi, okay run the following "sudo fdisk /dev/sda", once fdisk opens up type "p" and then hit enter. that will print the partition table, copy that into pastebin and send me the link, type q to exit fdisk13:55
netratBetzi, also do the same for /dev/sdb13:55
jribjenka: do you have encrypted home directories?13:56
unluckieri'm lost - how do i get aes ni support in 10.10?13:56
harpalTravis-42: Ya, There is problem with click switch I think, thats why its problem13:56
sunrainwho come from chinese?13:57
oCean!cn | sunrain13:57
ubottusunrain: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk13:57
jenkajrib: dont think so. does ubuntu-server edition automativly encrypt the home folders?13:57
Travis-42harpal, that would make sense. guess I'll just use other ways to go back until I get a new mouse13:57
jribjenka: you're offered the option during install and I believe the default is yes (don't quote me)13:57
harpalTravis-42: You are sure you clicking only once, but mouse treat it as double click, due to bad switch,13:57
Travis-42jenka, it does not. it asks you when you install if you want it13:57
harpalTravis-42: I have lots of mouse with same problem :)13:58
mintuxI have usbasp programmer that I can use it in windows.but my os is linux and I would like to use it here.i installed avrdude but I got this error >> avrdude: error: could not find USB device "USBasp" with vid=0x16c0 pid=0x5dc <<         but in lsusb I have this >> Bus 002 Device 003: ID 16c0:05dc VOTI USBasp AVR Programmer  <<  also I made a file in /etc/udev/rules.d/usbasp.rules with this content >> SYSFS{idVendor}=="16c0",  SYSFS{idProduct}=="05dc", MODE13:58
Travis-42harpal, heh. ok13:58
jribjenka: anyway, you should check if you are are or not13:58
unluckieroh, yes, i said yes to that "encrypt home" question, but it wasn't encrypted..13:58
harpalTravis-42: Get another mouse, of replace that click switch13:58
Betzinetrat, seems like sda 1 and 2 are NTFS13:59
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jenkajrib: how could i check it?13:59
jribjenka: do you have multiple users on the system?13:59
netratBetzi, can you take it from here or do you need further assistance?13:59
jenkajrib: yes13:59
jribjenka: ls the home directory of one that's not logged in13:59
jenkajrib: ok13:59
jribjenka: actually, you should check if the troublesome user has an encrypted home in particular14:00
Betzinetrat, since I know the name of the hdd now, I'll search for some information to mount it. if it doesn't work, I'll ask again :)14:00
BetziThanks you! :)14:00
netratBetzi, you're welcome14:00
=== ricco is now known as Guest65468
secretary_linuxApparently /etc/profile is not being sourced when users login via sshfs. I've tried changing the users' mount options to umask=... but it's still being ignored. Is there a workaround?14:02
jribsecretary_linux: why do you care if /etc/profile is sourced?14:02
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secretary_linuxjrib: I need to set the umask14:03
jribsecretary_linux: ah14:03
secretary_linuxjrib: with Samba the umask is set on a per-share basis14:03
erossif i sudo make install geany 2.0, and later the repos bring in 2.0, will that mess me up, will it skip that update, do i need to worry?14:03
jenkajrib: i can ls the directory14:04
jribjenka: then it's not what I thought14:04
Struhevolhow do i fix modprobe: FATAL14:04
masai47I am way over my head on this.  I have been asked to set up a server at a school that will act as fileserver, internet proxy, and a LTSP server.  I am hoping to use Edubuntu 10.10 and maybe the clients as Fat clients as they have very reasonable hardware in comparison to the server.  Thing is, I dont really know how to get started.  I got bogged down after trying to follow up on a suggestion of installing it on RAID5.  Now I just want to get the start of 14:04
itaylor57eross: are there any ppa's for geany?14:04
jenkajrib: ok could it some auth problems with pam?14:05
llutzStruhevol: full error please t pastebin including your commandline14:05
erossdon't know, not advertised on website14:05
Jay45Good Morning all14:05
jribsecretary_linux: http://osdir.com/ml/file-systems.fuse.sshfs/2008-09/msg00006.html probably points you in the right direction.  Try to look for more recent and official related documents14:05
erossok i found the ppa14:05
OnryoIs Ubuntu a true GNU/Linux copyleft disto that is 100% free of blobs in the kernel?14:06
netratOnryo, no14:06
DJones!checkinstall | eross If you do need to manually install, have a look at makeinstall, that create's a deb file that you can remove relatively easily14:06
ubottueross If you do need to manually install, have a look at makeinstall, that create's a deb file that you can remove relatively easily: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO N14:06
Struhevolmodprobe: FATAL: could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-22generic/modules.dep:no such file14:07
llutzStruhevol: as answer to what command/action?14:07
Jay45is there a way to clean up the "open with" list in nautilus14:07
ngrstanso i'm not sure if this is a crazy idea, but is there a way for me to shut ubuntu down but have it open up all my same programs / sessions etc upon reboot?14:07
llutzStruhevol: sudo depmod -a14:07
Struhevolno when i boot up14:08
Struhevoli get that14:08
Struhevoli cant do that14:08
Struhevolit takes me to intramfs command14:08
ngrstani.e. make it behave like it's coming out of sleep, but from a full power down (and booting of other OS)14:08
Onryonetrat so the closet Ill get is gNewSense or Trisquel I take it. Quite like the look and feel of Trisquel.14:09
sipiorngrstan: you can use gnome-session to start up the same programs, but they will be in an initial state, not the one you left them in.14:09
Struhevoli do sudo command in initramfs command14:09
ngrstansipior: so is that my only option? no way to convince it to treat shutdown the same as hibernate/sleep?14:10
Jay45is there a way to clean up the "open with" list in nautilus14:10
sipiorngrstan: why should there be? a reboot clears memory, by definition.14:10
JustMozzyhey guys. I am having a weird problem and for several weeks I've been searching for a solution. after I upgraded to the latest ubuntu version my headphone jacks, the microphone jack, the integrated microphone and the webcam stopped working. can anyone help me out?14:10
ngrstansipior: i want to be able to jump into my other OS without dumping my ubuntu session14:10
sipiorngrstan: you might consider running the other os as a VM under ubuntu14:11
sipiorngrstan: or vice-versa of course14:11
ngrstansipior: but short of that, no way?14:11
Oli``ngrstan: why don't you hibernate?14:11
ngrstanOli``: because what i want to do involves the system rebooting - i have winxp on a separate partition14:12
Oli``ngrstan: yes. hibernate writes the contents of RAM to disk and loads them up on the next boot14:12
netratngrstan, that doesn't make any sense, hibernate instead of reboot14:12
ngrstanso if i hibernate ubuntu, boot into winxp, reboot back into ubuntu, my session should persist?14:12
netratngrstan, yes14:13
Oli``ngrstan: pretty much14:13
frznlogicif hibernate works, yes14:13
sipiornetrat: unless he hibernates in winxp as well.14:13
HilarieAny here play oolite with a keyboard?14:13
Oli``sipior: ? that's not true. You can hibernate both systems just fine14:13
Hilariemy pitch and roll get slightly off randomly and was wondering if there was a fix14:13
netratsipior, he can hibernate in winxp too, that won't matter. the ram is stored on the filsystem, ubuntu and winxp will have seperate filesystems14:13
sipiorOli``: perhaps i'14:13
sipiorOli``: perhaps i'm mistaken.14:13
sipiorthat would be nice.14:14
netrati meant to say the RAM is copied to the filesystem14:14
Onryonetrat the reason I asked was that under System ->  Administration I was asked if I wanted to install Nvidia drivers (not open) code. This made me wonder.14:14
Oli``sipior: You are. Ubuntu writes to its swap, XP to its filesystem. There's no crossover.14:14
Blackjesteri cant get sound from the headphone?14:14
sipiorOli``: fair enough.14:14
Betzinetrat, seems like I'm still to noob to solve my problem... : /14:15
netratOnryo, yes ubuntu will warn you when installing copyright drivers14:15
llutzOli``: trouble starts if you modify data in common access (win-data from linux or vice versa) and resume then14:15
RinsmasterI have a question about cronjobs: Is it enough for me to just throw an executable bash script in /etc/cron.hourly/? Or do I need to notify cron of the new script somehow?14:15
netratBetzi, okay no problem. copy the output from fdisk on the sda drive to pastebin and send me the link14:16
sipiorllutz: yes, i imagine that would lead to a great deal of excitement14:17
JustMozzyBlackjester, same here. did it happen with you also after upgrading to the latest ubuntu version?14:17
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm14:17
ascheelquick question about installation. Can I take a live CD, throw it in on a completed Ubuntu installation, install it to a Compact Flash drive and move that CF drive to a new PC for its boot device?14:17
llutzRinsmaster: no further action required, just make sure the scriptname contains no "." dots14:17
Betzinetrat, http://pastebin.com/yNuJ21vE14:18
Rinsmasterllutz: Ah! So that was my problem, thanks!14:18
llutzhibernation + dual-boot can be tricky and shouldn't be used. imho14:18
llutzRinsmaster: they were called by run-parts, which cannot handle files with some special characters in their names14:18
netratBetzi, "sudo mkdir /mnt/win7"14:19
netratBetzi, "sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/win7"14:19
llutzRinsmaster: "man run-parts" for more info14:19
H0lyD4wgi'm trying to play TouHou games under wine. with wine 1.0 i get no sound (but it's fast enough to be playable), and with wine 1.2 i get abysmal performance (~18 fps). anyone knows a way to solve either of the problems?14:19
Betzinetrat, $ sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/win714:20
Betzimount: unbekannter Dateisystemtyp „isw_raid_member“14:20
Betzi"unbekannter Dateisystemtyp" = "unkown filesystemtype"14:20
netratBetzi, are you running a RAID?14:20
Betziraid 014:20
Betziso 2 hdd share work14:21
Guest59095Hey I want to use Ubuntu as my default OS...need help14:21
Betziis that a problem :S ?14:21
skyfire1182is this good security for ubuntu called bastille..14:21
Onryonetrat I am kind of wondering if anybody has tried to drop in a 2.6.35-libre2 kernel into Maverick, I could then write my armor profiles as needed...idk. You think it would work? Sry for the lame questions. I am from the world of OpenBSD.14:21
netratBetzi, so you are running a striped array... not a problem, but i would've been nice to know LOL14:21
Betzioh, sorry :/14:22
Guest59095Hey I want to use Ubuntu as my default OS...need help14:22
Onryoskyfire1182 bastille is more or less dead but if you want some killer apps from that project I would look at PSAD and FWSnort for IPTs14:22
Guest59095Hey I want to use Ubuntu as my default OS...need help14:22
netratBetzi, see if ubuntu automatically found the raid, ld /dev/md?14:22
netratBetzi, ls /dev/md?14:22
sipiorGuest59095: i think we're waiting to hear a question.14:22
hrobertscan someone who is good with grub help me with this wierd issue.  WHen booting my server ubuntu 10.10 with kernel, the server will not boot.  If I rebbot and go to the grub menu, press c for the command and then manually linux the vmlinuz-2.6.35-24-generic-pae file, and then initrd the same file, I can press esc, and select the kernel and it boots every time.  Is there something I can add to grub to resolve this?14:23
Onryohroberts are you using FakeRAID?14:23
Guest59095I got 2 OS windows and Ubuntu....windows starts automatically.....but need ubuntu to start auto.....14:23
skyfire1182Onryo, ok14:23
Betzinetrat, no: ls /dev/md?14:23
Betzils: Zugriff auf /dev/md? nicht möglich: No such file or directory14:23
spid3rneth evry 1 how to sendmail via konsole14:24
hrobertsno a hardware raid on an older compaq proliant 1600 series14:24
adrin_jalalihi, in my ubuntu box, my network manager can not manage wireless networks, Enable Wireless is disabled from the menu in network manager applet14:24
dr_Willis!grub2 | Guest5909514:24
ubottuGuest59095: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:24
netratBetzi, okay we have to find out how to mount this RAID array.. you don't have a memory stick do you? that would make things much easier14:24
Betzinetrat, I have, but just a 1GB one14:25
Betzii do have a ubuntu live cd14:25
Onryohroberts RAIDS can be a problem at times. I use mdadm but had to set up the boot to hit one disk and not the super block.14:25
Betzinetrat, but I couldn't get access to the thinderbird folder with it14:25
hrobertsOnryo: so I should redo the raid eliminating one drive, and use it seperately, and then raid the other 4 drives?14:26
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adrin_jalalihow can I tell network manager to be able to manage my wireless card?14:26
spid3rnetdr_Willis how to send message using by konsole14:27
user1a 19 pupus!!!14:27
ShootEmUpHello Everyone!14:27
netratBetzi, just a sec14:28
dr_Willisspid3rnet:  what kind.  Check the repository for a console apparently.14:28
ronr__If VLC gives me this error: "Please update alsa-lib to version 1.0.23-2-g8d80d5f or higher to try to fix this issue." How do I fix it?14:28
Betzinetrat, oops, I'll try to save the thunderbird folder on the ubs stick first14:28
sipiorronr__: "Please update alsa-lib to version 1.0.23-2-g8d80d5f or higher to try to fix this issue." :-)14:28
dr_WillisSilly auto correction. On my client14:28
Onryohroberts are you using a RAID 1+0 or 0+1 setup? If they are all stripped then life will be a little easier.14:28
=== cherva is now known as TestingAsterisk
Betzinetrat, haven't thought of this simple option... sorry. D:14:29
ronr__sipior: cute ;) but how do I do that?14:29
hrobertsRaid 5 hardware, system only sees 1 drive14:29
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netratBetzi, okay14:29
sipiorronr__: have you done an apt-get update, upgrade lately?14:29
ronr__sipior: yup. last night.14:30
sipiorronr__: and what is the current version of alsa-lib?14:30
Onryohrobets what kind of card you using?14:30
j-invariantI have this process in top:14:30
j-invariant 3355 quantum   20   0     0    0    0 Z  100  0.0   4:59.36 transmission <defunct>14:30
ronr__sipior: I don't even know how to check that :-/14:30
j-invarianthow do I kill it? I tried kill -9 3355 and killall transmission but neither worked14:30
sipiorronr__: dpkg -l | grep -i alsa14:30
skilzhow to upscale dvds?14:31
Onryoj-invariant just see what top is showing and kill the PIDS as needed. I quite like htop.14:31
netratj-invariant, you try running "sudo kill -9 3355"14:31
j-invariantthat'st what I tried14:32
j-invariantyes I even tried with sudo14:32
netratj-invariant, does it have a parent process?14:32
j-invariantI don't know14:32
ronr__sipior: there's no alsa-lib in that list.14:32
frznlogicj-invariant j-invariant, kill the parnet14:33
jdeslaur_Is there a way to stop the terminal session app from auto reconnecting?14:33
frznlogicpstree -H 335514:33
sipiorronr__: probably called "libasound" or the like.14:33
j-invariantfrznlogic: interesting command it says:      ├─transmission───{transmission}14:33
frznlogicpstree -p -H 335514:33
j-invariantah         ├─transmission(3355)───{transmission}(3356)14:33
frznlogicit shows the process tree14:33
ronr__sipior: right. all those are 1.0.23-lubuntu2.114:34
ronr__sipior: it looks like there's an extra fix that isn't downloaded (1.0.23-2)14:34
Onryoj-invariant try sudo service transmission-daemon reload14:34
=== lcasey is now known as Dink
sipiorronr__: are you running the latest vlc, by the way?14:35
j-invariantOnryo: it says unrecognized service14:35
ronr__sipior: the latest from the ubuntu repo, which is not the latest from the vlc site.14:35
j-invariantby the way I tried killing -9 3356 but that didn't work14:35
sipiorronr__: and you see this error consistently?14:35
jubeiguys I'm building some libraries and am wondering. Where should I install them?14:36
sipiorjubei: /usr/local/lib is traditional.14:36
jubeisipior, thank you.14:36
ronr__sipior: probably since the last update I did. I can hear sound, but only stereo.14:36
jubeisipior, i'd really like to know what the difference between /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib is14:36
sipiorjubei: /usr/lib is reserved for the operating system as installed, whilst /usr/local/lib is intended for local modifications, like yours.14:37
j-invariantill just reboot: Thanks for showing me these commands though!14:37
sipiorjubei: in other words, don't touch anything in /usr/lib :-)14:37
jubeisipior, ^^ roger. thanks for the explanation.14:37
=== Guest67805 is now known as RaNdY
shaggy2I just got a port scan from freenode then 4 DOS Attacks logged with IP somewere in China, would the 2 be ralated?14:38
=== RaNdY is now known as Guest15336
mbeierlcan anyone help troubleshoot GPU hang and other X lockups on intel i915?14:39
jribshaggy2: no, but maybe the fact you logon to irc without a cloak could be :)14:39
erUSULshaggy2: is normal http://freenode.net/policy.shtml14:39
hrobertshere is the link to my grub.cfg file : here is the link: http://pastebin.com/1fyh1eif14:39
erUSULshaggy2: the motd when you connect also explains it14:39
shaggy2ok how do I get a cloak?14:39
jrib!cloak | shaggy214:39
ubottushaggy2: Want to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks - More information available in #freenode14:39
shaggy2thank you14:40
Onryoj-invariant ps aux | grep transmission   then try kill -9 xxxxx14:40
ronr__sipior: sorry to bother you but do you happen to have any other suggestions?14:41
=== silas is now known as Guest17371
skyfire1182how to download a mac themes for ubuntu 10.1014:42
sipiorronr__: i'm afraid i don't, sorry. if you're running the latest vlc and ancillary software, probably worth filing a bug report (check first to see if someone already has done)14:42
ronr__sipior: a bug report where though? is this a vlc issue? alsa? ubuntu?14:43
alexbobPshaggy2: just so you know, freenode will still portscan you if you have a cloak14:43
sipiorronr__: the error comes up when you run vlc, so start there.14:43
alexbobPshaggy2: but they're basically just looking for open proxies trying to make sure you're not a compromised host letting spammers on the network14:44
ronr__sipior: alright, thanks for the help :)14:44
sipiorronr__: the bug should be submitted for the vlc package under ubuntu, to be clear14:44
sipiorronr__: the vlc maintainers will just send you back to the ubuntu folks14:44
alexbobPso everybody should of course ban freenode from their open proxy with iptables14:44
gambiarraweb1alguem br aqui ?14:44
genii-around!br | gambiarraweb114:45
ubottugambiarraweb1: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:45
RoastedHas anybody here installed FreeRadius? I'm debating between running it on Ubuntu or Debian and I'm also curious if anybody could guide me to a proper guide to install it, because it seems each guide I run into is so different from the next.14:48
jubeianybody know how I can make CLANG the default compiler in ubuntu?14:49
jubeiand if it's a good idea?14:49
shaggy2jrib: where can I get a cloak from14:49
jribshaggy2: read the link ubottu told you about14:49
=== poggle is now known as oracle
naruto01- -#   人家英文不好。。14:52
lixinfishnaruto01: 不知道。。中文去 ubuntu-cn14:52
naruto01so I'll change the channel..14:53
shcherbaknaruto01: or speak english.14:53
naruto01thank you14:55
=== marc is now known as Guest51705
luoluoluoDoes anybody know where is the $PATH of "echo $PATH" from?15:01
jribluoluoluo: why?15:01
luoluoluoI am puzzled by /etc/profile15:01
mbeierlluoluoluo: you mean where does it get set?15:02
jribluoluoluo: why?15:02
luoluoluoprofile= something + stuffs in /etc/profile.d, right?15:02
luoluoluo:jrib am I right?15:02
jribluoluoluo: that's a really vague statement.15:03
jribluoluoluo: just tell us what you want to accomplish15:03
luoluoluoi type "echo $PATH" after the $15:03
jribluoluoluo: do you want to know... how to modify that for your user?15:04
luoluoluoit shows "/home/luo/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/opt/lampp/htdocs/wmk/cake/console:/opt/lampp/bin:/opt/real/RealPlayer15:04
luoluoluoI want to know where is the part before "/opt/lampp..." from.15:04
luoluoluosince I sort of know that the part beginning from "/opt/lampp..." is get from /etc/profile.d15:05
jribluoluoluo: anything your shell sources can modify the PATH.  The usual places are /etc/environment, /etc/profile*, /etc/bash*, and user files like ~/.profile, ~/.bash*...15:05
danst_wtf, why does latest ubuntu audacious looks like totally shit15:05
gpc!language | danst_15:06
ubottudanst_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:06
danst_you'd better answer me what should I do to get old look of audacious than pointing on my rudeness15:06
sipiordanst_: or what, exactly? you'll bang your rattle on the floor?15:07
luoluoluoyeah, I get it.  Thanks jrib.  Is the part before "/opt/lampp..." from /etc/environment?15:07
mdpatrickI'm trying to make a backup of a commercial DVD I own. Someone suggest k9copy but on two different ubuntu machines it crashes as I'm using the wizard. Anyone know how to fix this or have another application to recommend?15:07
jribluoluoluo: look and see15:07
luoluoluolook the same15:07
mbeierldanst_: become a developer and make some improvements.  if all you can do is complain, that does not help15:07
RoastedHas anybody successfully ran vsphere client on Ubuntu?15:08
danst_huh, why should I become a developer when I just want to know where could I get old audacious package15:08
luoluoluothanks jrib15:08
bicyclerepairmaney up.15:09
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bicyclerepairmanwhat is the state of the nouveau drivers under ubuntu?15:09
rubbshow do you change the default editor. I would like vim instead of nano to be the default please.15:09
mbeierldanst_: you didn't ask that - you just burst out that it was bad.15:09
danst_oh, sorry for that15:09
llutzrubbs: update-alternatives .... editor15:09
Ph03b3I need the sun jre... how to get it?15:10
mbeierldanst_: np.  just wanted to say that complaining is quite different than the question you just asked.  gimme a moment - I think there is an easy enough way to get old packages15:10
jrib!java | Ph03b315:10
ubottuPh03b3: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.15:10
danst_mbeierl: thank you15:10
erUSULrubbs: set EDITOR in your envoirment?15:10
erUSULrubbs: sudo update-alternatives --config editor ?15:11
anwari'm a developer and i work on windows environment..  and i want to develop on ubuntu, i mean i want to contribute in ubuntu applications .. where do i have to start ? there are alot of resources in the wiki page and it's a bit confusing for me because i'm a regular user to ubuntu .. can u tell me where to start ?15:11
rubbsllutz: erUSUL thanks. update-alternatives worked15:12
llutzrubbs: just remember, thats done systemwide15:12
rubbsllutz: that's desirable in this case ;) thanks.15:12
mbeierldanst_: you can get the older .deb from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/amd64/audacious/download15:13
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mbeierldanst_: sorry - that's if you're 64 bit.  The parent site is here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/audacious where the link to 32 and 64 are at the bottom of the page15:14
jeracan anyone help me with an auto update problem? (wireless not working)15:14
danst_okay, I'll try that, thank you15:14
hwilde_hello I have a headless 10.10 machine and it frequently fails to boot by itself.  it sits at grub waiting for a keyboard input.  any suggestions?  I've already check /etc/grub.d/00_header setting the timeout to -115:16
mbeierldanst_: but you do need to pin that version or it'll attempt to be upgraded every time you do an update.  Can someone help on pinning packages?  It's been a while since I've done that15:17
compdocboots itself when it loses power? or when?15:17
mbeierl!pin | danst15:17
ubottudanst: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto15:17
hwilde_compdoc, after any failure.  after "recordfail"15:18
hwilde_compdoc, somewhat related to this report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/66948115:19
hwilde_I thought overriding if (recordfail) grubtimeout=-1  in /etc/grub.d/00_header would cause it to boot, but that is apparently not enough because it still fails15:20
adalalheya all, i was wondering if anyone here has experience using get_iplayer15:20
danst_mbeierl: oh, that audacious is the same one15:20
hwilde_my next guess is to override recordfail altogether in  /etc/grub.d/10_linux15:20
mbeierldanst_: what ubuntu are you on then?  I thought maverick as you said "latest"... no?15:20
danst_mbeierl: yes, I'm on maverick15:21
mbeierldanst_: either that or it's not audacious that has the problem, but some sort of display layer that has changed15:21
danst_I've added repository of lucid into sources.list, updated and installed audacious from lucid15:21
jeracan anyone help me with an auto update problem? (wireless not working after update)15:21
mbeierldanst_: you selected the specific version (2.3-1ubuntu4) instead of the most recent ?15:22
danst_mbeierl: I remember that I was using this one http://ubuntudays.ru/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/audacious2-1.png15:22
adrin_jalalihi there15:22
adrin_jalaliI have a problem with my network manager15:22
adrin_jalaliit's enable wireless is disabled :(15:22
nikolamjera, what ubuntu release and can you connect alternatively to internet and report bug with ubuntu-bug linux15:22
fenrigHi I've got a serieus problem compiling the kernel :o15:23
adrin_jalalibut iwlist scan shows wireless networks arround15:23
danst_mbeierl: well, actually I've downloaded .deb package from link you gave me, removed my audacious from maverick, added lucid repository, did dpkg -i and then install -f15:23
Sunsp0tWhy do I get a permission denied from Bash when I try to run a script at the command line?15:23
jodlajodlahello - i have big problems with my graphic card ati radeon hd4850. when i want to watch any video with default video player, there is screen tearing. i also de-installed special driver for ati cards, but the problem is always on. problem is also when i move some  window from one position to other. i have disabled compiz too. thanks-115:23
erUSULSunsp0t: the script has not executable permissions15:23
erUSUL!permissions | Sunsp0t15:23
ubottuSunsp0t: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:23
fenrigwhen i execute 'make modules_install' (kernel 2.6.32-28) xorg crashes after about 1.5hour15:23
mbeierldanst_: oh, ok.  I don't know what version that is in the link you sent.  Actually I've never used audacious before :)15:23
adrin_jalalican anybody help me?15:23
Sunsp0terUSUL, thanks, that may just be it!!15:23
vici0us_Hello, I just plugged in a Vodafone usb(proximus sim), I configured it through the "broadband option" you see in network manager. The configuration doesn't seem to work. How do I reconfigure it?15:24
chef-so many people in here15:24
danst_mbeierl: thank you anyway, I'll try to search by myself then15:24
hwilde_adrin_jalali, is it a laptop?  is the wireless switch disabled on the side of the laptop15:24
jodlajodlahello - i have big problems with my graphic card ati radeon hd4850. when i want to watch any video with default video player, there is screen tearing. i also de-installed special driver for ati cards, but the problem is always on. problem is also when i move some  window from one position to other. i have disabled compiz too. thanks-115:24
jeranikolam, i think it is 10.4 the fancy one (multimedia like edition) that comes with dell 101815:24
mbeierldanst_: best of luck.  sorry I couldn't actually help then15:24
adrin_jalalihwilde: it's enabled15:24
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adrin_jalalihwild: and the LED is on, the iwlist finds out the card is working well15:24
adrin_jalalihwild: but network manager think it has not the permission to manage the card15:25
hwilde_adrin_jalali, how committed are you to your current network settings?   you can restart networking with sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart15:27
vici0us_Hello, I just plugged in a Vodafone wireless broadband usb(proximus sim), I configured it through the "wireless broadband" option you see in network manager. The configuration doesn't seem to work. How do I reconfigure it?15:27
hwilde_but that might disconnect you15:27
adrin_jalalihwilde_: I restarted the whole system a couple of times :D15:28
nikolamjera, I dont know what fancy one is. I can only think it might be ubuntu with medibuntu repository or kubuntu and working fancy. If it came with Dell, it may me under Dell support contract or Canonical one. Might try that, but eather way, try to update connecting alternatively via LAN and then do update and if wireless problem persist, use ubuntu-bug linux to describe and report upgrade bug (you would need launchapd account)15:29
hwilde_adrin_jalali, you rebooted and still no good?15:29
yunoshhi, i used to get notifications about upgradeable packages and required system restarts after logging in to ubuntu server on the console. these have dispappeared ever since i upgraded to 10.10. how do i get those back?15:29
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hwilde_yunosh, system -> admin -> update manager -> settings15:29
itaylor57danst_: its probably he skin for audacious you are missing15:30
yunoshhwilde_: ubuntu server15:30
fluffyponyola - what preceded update-motd in 8.04? I'm getting hints after my motd/last login and it's driving me insane...there's no update-motd.d for me to stop it.15:30
fluffyponyyunosh: probably an update-motd thing, check what was in /etc/update-motd.d/15:31
dwarderhow do i flash dns in ubuntu15:31
dwarderwasnt able to find/etc/rc.d/init.d/nscd restart15:31
yunoshfluffypony: thanks, that was i what i was looking for15:31
hwilde_adrin_jalali, this might sound ridiculous but if you boot from a livecd does wireless work?15:32
vici0us_Hello, I just plugged in a Vodafone wireless broadband usb(proximus sim), I configured it through the "wireless broadband" option you see in network manager. The configuration doesn't seem to work. How do I reconfigure it? Somebody any experience with ubuntu and mobile broadband?15:32
dwardernm googling helped15:32
adrin_jalalihwilde_: the card is a broadcom and it needs 3d party drivers, though I didn't try15:32
me2reshhi, any way i can get the time that ubuntu was installed on the machine ?15:33
adrin_jalalihwilde_:might is be a  driver problem?15:33
hwilde_adrin_jalali, it used to work?  or it never worked15:33
adrin_jalaliactually using ubuntu 8.04 it was working15:34
hwilde_me2resh, /var/log/installer   (but it is local system time and my not be right)15:34
danst_oh my god where do I get libmowgli115:34
danst_there's no sucg package for 10.10 at all?15:34
fluffyponyanyone? - what preceded update-motd in 8.04? I'm getting hints after my motd and last login msg and it's driving me insane...there's no update-motd.d for me to stop it.15:34
hwilde_!find libmowgli lucid15:34
ubottuFound: libmowgli-dev, libmowgli1, libmowgli1-dbg15:35
hwilde_danst_, ^15:35
danst_!find libmowgli maverick15:35
ubottuFound: libmowgli-dev, libmowgli2, libmowgli2-dbg15:35
danst_huh, how do I get them then?15:35
danst_I've uncommented all repos and updated lists15:35
hwilde_danst_, sudo apt-get install......15:35
danst_hwilde_: E: no install candidate or something like that15:36
itaylor57danst_: you can configure audacios via its skin to look like your previous post15:36
danst_I'm running russian ubuntu, so I'd better don't copy logs here15:36
danst_itaylor57: but how, I can't find any opportunity to use skins15:37
dwarderam i understand right, if i don't have ncsd installed, my dns wont be cached?15:37
dwarderdns requests15:37
made2shredhow do i make and run an IRC bot?15:37
adrin_jalalihwilde_: any idea?15:37
danst_made2shred: google for irc via telnet15:38
danst_made2shred: I hope that will help you15:38
h00kubottu: tell made2shred about bot15:38
ubottumade2shred, please see my private message15:38
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hwilde_adrin_jalali, download the driver and insmod it ?15:39
made2shredh00k: what command do i use?15:39
h00kmade2shred: er...for what?15:39
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made2shredh00k: how to make an IRC bot15:40
adrin_jalalihwilde_: I just clicked the option in "Additional Drivers"15:40
h00kmade2shred: your question isn't really ubuntu-specific, perhaps you should check out a programming channel15:40
made2shredh00k: whats a popular channel?15:40
itaylor57danst_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60430815:40
adrin_jalalihwilde_: sorry that I don't understand some logics in ubuntu, it doesn't have any problem in fedora15:41
h00kmade2shred: I'm not sure, perhaps check #freenode15:41
made2shredh00k: will do15:41
KrzysiekCan any one tell me why when I try to access webmin it is prompting me to download a bin file?15:43
adalalheya, anyone here knows how to make get_iplayer globally available instead of just per user?15:43
danst_itaylor57: well, I can see skins in /usr/share/audacious/Skins/, but how do I apply them15:43
aspiditesi have a game dvd that i can't read from when mounted, even as root. i tried dd'ing the disc and that didn't work either. help?15:43
danst_itaylor57: I suppose that there's no plugin or something like that in maverick audacious package15:43
danst_or I'm just blind15:43
itaylor57danst_: right click in preferences in audacious15:44
shazzrMy wireless connection has died all of a sudden. The tick box "Enable wireless" is greyed out. I used the computer, when it suddenly decided to "cut the cord". Testet on different wifi, but since the tick box is grey, I can't do anything. Any info on this issue would be wonderful!15:45
djungelkraemwhy are my xbmc packages held back?15:45
danst_itaylor57: http://touhou.ru/upload/735398028976efb4253e4e6ef6de8c27.png15:46
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itaylor57danst_: checking now15:47
shazzrDoes anything here mean that my WIFI should be disabled: http://pastebin.com/9wECUtAM ?15:49
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danst_shazzr: what do you mean by disabled15:49
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danst_shazzr: power saving?15:50
okletsgohi can someone help me in running Siemens LOGOComfort with Ubuntu 10.10?15:50
tyler_dwhy does nm-applet's openvpn not allow for configuring static ip's? mine are greyed out?15:50
shazzrdanst_: No...I have lost all connection. And the grey tick box on the top line of gnome, saying "Enable wireless" is greyer out.15:51
sunrainoh on15:51
sunrainso slow15:51
okletsgomaybe JRE doesn't start need help please15:51
danst_shazzr: maybe you put your machine into sleep and then it stopped working15:52
danst_shazzr: try doing ifconfig wlan0 up and then iwlist scan15:52
NfNitLoopHow does one set an application to start when logging in to X?15:53
NfNitLoop(in this case, Pidgin).  :)15:53
shazzrdanst_: No. I never put my machine to sleep. Will try out your advise though. Also downloaded rfkill and gonna try that...15:53
BancOMatciao ^^15:53
erUSULNfNitLoop: System>Preferences>starup apps15:53
metallicoguys, i installed kubuntu-dekstop and whanted to ask how can i get the desktop cube?15:54
danst_shazzr: maybe some network manager issue15:54
NfNitLooperUSUL: Oh, duh.  Thanks!15:54
erUSULNfNitLoop: np15:54
erUSULmetallico: i do not know if kwin supports that; ask in #kubuntu15:55
danst_itaylor57: I hope you didn't forget about me!15:55
shazzrdanst_: What I can't figure out, is how it can do this without any action from my part. I was just sitting there surfing the web when it totally gave up. :(15:55
danst_shazzr: what wireless adaptor are you using15:56
danst_I think you can just reload kernel module15:56
danst_do ifconfig wlan0 up15:56
danst_and everything will be fine15:56
itaylor57danst_: nope, but simply putting the new skin in /usr/share/audacious/Skins should automatically load the skin15:56
danst_itaylor57: but there are multiple of them15:57
metallicook, i asked :)15:57
danst_shazzr: check your lspci there should be something like hurr durr wireless15:58
shazzrdanst_: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN15:58
danst_rmmod iwlagn15:58
danst_modprobe iwlagn15:58
danst_ifconfig wlan0 up15:59
Darth_Roothi all15:59
sacarlsonmetallico: that sounds like compiz15:59
ra2011hi all! how can I open a graphical remote login ?15:59
nicofshow do i search for a file named "filename" with find? man find is just too complicated for me...15:59
danst_shazzr: actually I have almost no expirience using network-manager but I suppose that after reloading module you can do something like /etc/init.d/network-manager restart and everything will be fine15:59
danst_nicofs: find /dir | grep -i filename16:00
erUSULdanst_: !??16:00
erUSULnicofs: find dir/ -name "filename"16:00
Darth_Rooti've upgraded recently from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 and now any file i make has -rw-r--r-- permissions and on ntfs -rw-------. on 10.04 this problem hadn't appeared. what should i do to gain full access to ntfs and set default permissions for new file?16:00
ra2011hi all! how can I open a graphical remote login ? any tips?16:01
danst_ra2011: you can use freenx server16:01
erUSUL!vnc | ra201116:01
ubottura2011: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX16:01
danst_ra2011: or x11vnc package16:02
metallicosacarlson if i run compiz, i get ubuntu-desktop window borders and effects16:02
danst_depends on your needs if you want to access existing X session or to create a new one remotely16:02
alexHi everybody!16:02
sam16how can in speed up ma booting in ubuntu 10.10?16:02
Darth_Rooti've upgraded recently from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 and now any file i make has -rw-r--r-- permissions and on ntfs -rw-------. on 10.04 this problem hadn't appeared. what should i do to gain full access to ntfs and set default permissions for new file?16:03
alexI'm new to Ubuntu, and I would like to know if I can access files that are on the Windows partition of my hardrive.16:03
ra2011ok, I will try these... thank you all!16:03
erUSULalex: yes you can16:03
Darth_Rootplaces > drive16:03
Darth_Rootthis was at alex16:03
alexI don't see a drive.16:04
Darth_Rootsystem > administration > disk utility16:04
itaylor57danst_: do View -> Interace you should be able to change there16:04
Darth_Rootand if you have some ntfs disks, you'll have'em here16:04
Darth_Root any file i make has -rw-r--r-- permissions and on ntfs -rw-------. on 10.04 this problem hadn't appeared. what should i do to gain full access to ntfs and set default permissions for new file?16:04
velcroshoozis anyone here good with 'cut'? im trying to setup conky with some temp info from /usr/bin/sensors and having some trouble16:05
compdoclm sensors?16:05
alexHey Darth_Root, after I open that, what do I do?16:05
sam16how can i speed up booting in ubuntu 10.10?16:05
alexI need to get some files from Windows over to UBuntu.16:05
llutzDarthGandalf: check umask-value of your ntfs-mounts16:07
luxurymodeCan I simply use GEdit to create a new .rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d?16:07
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okletsgoHi someone know how i can handle the OpenHantek sw with the DSO-2090 scope16:09
itaylor57danst_: I had to download audacious to figure it out, but you can set your look via View -> interface16:09
royale1223does 11.04 support gnome 3?16:10
Darth_Rootalex: you should see the disks, you have in disk utility16:10
itaylor57royale1223: ask in ubuntu+116:10
Darth_Rootcould somebody help me with the permissions? how can i set default permissions so that every file i create will have thesse16:10
llutzDarth_Root: : check umask-value of your ntfs-mounts16:11
Darth_Rootand where is that?16:11
Darth_Rootin the fstab?16:11
BoloI am trying to install drivers using tar -xjvf compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz216:12
Bolo  using :  sudo apt-get update16:12
Bolosudo apt-get install build-essential16:12
Bolocd ~/Desktop16:12
Bolotar -xjvf compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz216:12
FloodBot2Bolo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:12
Bolocd compat-wireless*16:12
Darth_Rootllutz: where is the umask-value?16:12
llutzDarth_Root: /etc/fstab16:12
Darth_Rootthx, will check16:12
RaidSoftI am trying to install xrdp 0.4.2 (there isn't a package for it) and I have no idea how I go about doing this manually without a package for it... anyone that could guide me through it?16:12
Darth_Rootin my fstab i got only my ubuntu ext4 drive and swap. i mount my ntfs drives manually, from places16:13
Darth_Rootand i see now umask-value16:14
Darth_Root*i see no umask-value16:14
Darth_Rootllutz: here's my fstab: http://paste.ubuntu.com/556557/16:15
BoloI am trying to get my etherport working using instructions from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=944949016:15
sacarlsonsam16: first find out what takes time to boot with : http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/measure-your-ubuntu-systems-boot-performance-with-boot-chart/16:16
luxurymodehow do i install a .bin?16:16
michael__how to install skype in ubuntu 10.1016:16
KeyLimePiAnyone here having Flash Player issues on 64-bit when it comes to webcam?16:16
llutzDarth_Root: then add them to your /etc/fstab. no idea how to change nautilus mount-options, i don't use that16:16
itaylor57Darth_Root: if you are manually mounting then it is using the umask of your user16:16
h00kluxurymode: you don't really "install" it, but you can run it from a terminal: ./filename.bin16:16
h00kluxurymode: and it will execute it and do whatever the .bin does.16:17
luxurymodeh00k: thanks a lot16:17
luxurymodeits an installer, so yea...16:17
kukmanHi. I have problem with install image of Ubuntu 10.10. I've wrote it on USB stick. But if I try boot it, I get error "mounting aufs on root failed invalid argument". I've tried on another laptop, and it works fine16:17
danst_itaylor57: oh my god, thank you very much16:17
kukmanalso I've checked md5sums of all files on usb stick16:17
itaylor57danst_: sorry my russian isnot so good (russian orthodox) :>)16:18
Darth_Rootand do you know how to set default permissions for a file, so that if the default are -rwxrwxrwx, the new file will have permissions -rwxrwxrwx, so that i will not have to change'em manually?16:18
h00kitaylor57: there is a Russian channel16:18
h00k!ru | itaylor5716:18
ubottuitaylor57: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:18
luxurymodeh00k: its telling me command not found for the .bin, but thats for sure the path and filename16:18
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kukmanя тоже знаю русский16:18
KeyLimePiAnyone know a good program that can help tell Flash Player 10 to broadcast a webcam in 640x480?  My camera can do 1280x800 natively but I know it should at least be able to broadcast 640x480 over the web16:19
h00kluxurymode: make sure to have the . before the /, too:  ./path/to/filename.bin16:19
Darth_Roothow to set default permissions?16:19
h00kluxurymode: you might need to make it executable first: chmod +x filename.bin16:20
luxurymodeh00k i've cd'd to the folder and then did ./filename.bin16:20
luxurymodeh00k: ah ok16:20
RaidSoftI am trying to follow these installation instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/556560/ but I get stuck at "run make" and "run make install" and have no idea wtf to do... help?16:21
hwilde_type "make" and hit enter.16:22
share!cn > share16:22
ubottushare, please see my private message16:22
luxurymodeh00k: that worked. thanks a bunch16:22
booleanmorning ... is there a way to rebuild the database responsible for installed packages ( ubuntu 9.04 )16:22
tyler_dwhy does nm-applet's openvpn not allow for configuring static ip's? mine are greyed out?16:22
___XDconectate :(16:22
FloodBot2___XD: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:22
itaylor57Darth_Root: the default umask is set in /etc/profile you can overide it by putting it in your local profile16:22
booleani ahve install sun-java6-jdk but it keeps stating to install it when I try to run javac16:23
h00kluxurymode: :)16:23
RaidSofthwilde_: that was meant for me?16:23
michael__anyone please help me how to install skype on ubuntu 10.10 its not in the packgae software16:24
sacarlsonmetallico: yes compiz has an infinite number of effects and eye candy16:24
itaylor57boolean: how did you install the sun-java6 /?16:24
booleanstandard way: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk16:25
Matt-_-i've just installed ubuntu 10.10, but it doesn't get any wireless connection (i can't see the icon either). With the help of a friend i was able to activate bluetooth, but wireless seems unlockable, even if it worked correctly on live cd... help?16:25
booleanitaylor57: sun-java6-jdk is already the newest version.16:25
oCean!skype | michael__16:25
ubottumichael__: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga16:25
KM0201Matt-_-: your networking icon is gone?16:25
booleanand yet i get he program 'javac' can be found in the following packages:16:25
Matt-_-KM, hi!16:25
Darth_Rootthanks, itaylor5716:25
itaylor57boolean: what does java -version show in terminal?16:25
Matt-_-my networking icon has disappeared (as yesterday)16:26
itaylor57Darth_Root: np16:26
booleanitaylor57: java version "1.6.0_18"16:26
KM0201Matt-_-: do you still have the sound applet?16:26
Bolo I have been trying to get my ethernet port working using instruction found on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9449490   http://paste.ubuntu.com/556556/   I have been working on this problem for a couple of days, but I just don't have the expertise to work it out.  I have an asus with netbook 10.4 and the ether port doesn't work. Every time I try to install the patch, it asks me if I want to continue and I say Yes and it aborts.16:26
booleanwhereis javac -> javac: /usr/bin/javac16:26
Matt-_-yes, the sound is working ok, the icon is ok, when i touch my volume bar on the notebook i can see the volume bar on ubuntu16:27
Matt-_-it's just the networking icon16:27
booleans -l `whereis javac|cut -d: -f 2`16:27
booleanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 2010-02-11 08:40 /usr/bin/javac -> /etc/alternatives/javac16:27
Darth_Rootmichael_: you can add a repository called ppa:tualatrix/ppa, install ubuntu-tweak, and there you can add skype repository with one click16:27
h00kmichael__, Darth_Root: Also, note PPA's are not supported here :)16:28
abstraktok, serious issues... I did an ubuntu system update and now my system is fucked16:28
KM0201Matt-_-: yeah, but the network icon, is stored in notification area.... did you accidentally remove notification area from the panel?16:28
abstraktI can still boot in to windows, but Ubuntu is giving me error messages16:28
h00k!language | abstrakt16:28
ubottuabstrakt: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:28
SA-Geoffabstrakt, how far does the boot process get?16:28
abstraktubottu: well, depends on which kernel I select16:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:28
abstraktderp, whoops16:28
abstraktSA-Geoff: depends on which kernel I select16:28
booleanhmm ...16:28
Matt-_-no, it wasn't there the 1st time i booted ubuntu16:29
booleanls -l /etc/alternatives/javac16:29
booleanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 37 2010-02-11 08:40 /etc/alternatives/javac -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/bin/javac16:29
SA-Geoffabstrakt, if you select the previous kernel does it boot all the way?16:29
KM0201Matt-_-: networking applet wasn't?16:29
okletsgoPlease can someone say me what's wrong there? http://paste.ubuntu.com/556562/16:29
booleanso the issue is somewhere in the sun-java6-jdk package16:29
roger_padactoris there an xmbc channel?16:29
abstraktSA-Geoff: atually no, that's what's so concerning, it dumps me to the (initramfs) prompt16:29
abstraktand I didn't even select recovery mode16:29
Matt-_-i neither had my bluetooth icon, which now i have (thanks to you)16:29
michael__ok thanks16:29
abstraktI just selected what I think is the previous kernel, but I can't actually be 100% positive if there was even a kernel update cuz I don't remember what kernel version I was on and I didn't check the list of updates to see if there was a kernel update16:30
SA-Geoffabstrakt, are you running stock ubuntu or are you running one that requires a different kernel such as ubuntu studio or perhaps running xen vm?16:30
cyphaselol, i just realized vino now stores it's password in the gnome keyring. it was having problems and i couldnt figure out why the gconf setting for the password was empty16:30
abstraktSA-Geoff: stock16:30
abstraktSA-Geoff: I run Ardour and stuff but I don't have linux-rt16:30
abstraktSA-Geoff: I don't bother with installing "Studio" or "K-Ubuntu" I just install vanilla Ubuntu and then install other packages if I want them16:30
abstraktok, so on 2.6.35-24-generic16:31
abstraktI'll tell you the error message, one moment16:31
itaylor57boolean: are you invoking javac from terminal or via an ide?16:31
Darth_Roothow can i change permissions on ntfs?16:31
BluesKajabstrakt, K-Ubuntu ?16:31
booleanitaylor: cli16:31
abstraktBluesKaj: A) god not and B) I already said I use vanilla ubuntu16:32
llutzDarth_Root: Since it is a non-unix-fs you can't, use mount-options.16:32
abstraktmeaning NOT kubuntu, NOT xubuntu, not ubuntu-studio etc16:32
abstrakts/god not/god no/16:32
* abstrakt stabs KDE16:32
Darth_Rootllutz: thx16:32
abstrakthmm, ok well apparently the error message is now approximately the same as before16:32
abstraktit's saying...16:32
abstraktmount: mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/SOMELONGHEXNUMBERHERE on /root failed: invalid argument16:33
cyphaseis it still possible to allow connections to vino from localhost only?16:33
abstraktalso says16:33
abstraktTarget filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init16:33
okletsgoKM0201_| you know whats wrong there, right?16:33
abstraktNot init found. Try passing init= bootarg16:33
itaylor57boolean: what is the error when you run javac?16:33
abstraktthat happens regardless of what kernel I select in grub16:33
SA-Geoffabstrakt, is there any way you can access /etc/fstab ?16:33
BluesKajkubuntu isn't gnome app, it's an OS that runs without gnome , vanilla or otherwise )16:34
abstraktomfg, this is horrible - wtf did Ubuntu just do... seriously!?! did system update just fuck my disk!?16:34
abstraktBluesKaj: dude I know what KDE is16:34
SA-Geoffabstrakt, i doubt it16:34
abstraktBluesKaj: I don't use KDE16:34
sipiorabstrakt: we say "made love to the disk" nowadays.16:34
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h00k!language | abstrakt16:34
ubottuabstrakt: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:34
abstraktsipior: I would lol at that if this wasn't so serious16:34
rumpe1sipior, lol16:34
abstraktgiven that this is my work machine - or rather, this is the work half of this machine, my windows half of this dual boot still boots fine, so ultimately my overall HD must be ok I guess16:35
abstraktbut I only use that for games/netflix16:35
SA-Geoffabstrakt, can you access /etc/fstab ?16:35
abstraktok so I'm at the (initramfs) prompt... SA-Geoff what options do I have there? is this a normal bash type shell?16:35
rumpe1abstrakt, i still wait for default btrfs-snapshots before each upgrade with integration in grub, so you can boot into the pre-upgrade system...16:36
abstraktcat /etc/fstab16:36
abstraktcat: can't open '/etc/fstab': No such file or directory16:36
danst_why does compiz eats 100% of cpu?16:36
manddhello, i have a usb network device which keeps on disconnecting, on ubutnu 10.04 running in vmware player, manual tells me to make some changes to 85-ifupdown.rules, but ubuntu 10.04 does not seem to have that file16:36
abstraktdanst_: because that's compiz... stay away from compiz16:36
rumpe1abstrakt, how did you install ubuntu? maybe wubi?16:36
manddis there a newer alternative config?16:36
abstraktrumpe1: no, I installed from a USB stick16:37
abstraktrumpe1: roughly identical to install from CD, just faster is all16:37
cyphaseoh duh, to make vino accept only connections from localhost, set /desktop/gnome/remote_access/network_interface to lo16:37
abstraktrumpe1: this is 10.10 and it has been working for months16:37
undecimAny way to set a default layout of regions in .screenrc?16:37
abstraktomg, this is so amazingly bad... :(16:37
cyphasein case someone is searching irc logs :P16:37
rumpe1abstrakt, hmm... ok. Never happened for me but it seems to happen sometimes. For these problems a separate /home-partition is recommended.16:38
RaidSoftThis program I am trying to install tells me in the installation instructions that I need to have "gcc and make, Header files for pam, Header files for openssl" installed but I don't know how to get those or what some of them are... (this is what I am trying to follow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/556560/ )16:38
abstraktrumpe1: I highly doubt that would fix anything16:38
galamarwhat is the best place to talk about installing ubuntu on an ipod touch?16:38
=== tommi is now known as tommis
rumpe1abstrakt, no... but a reinstall is much simpler :)16:38
abstraktrumpe1: oh, sure cuz of not having to deal with backup16:39
abstraktonly problem being I have more to backup than just home... /var/www/vhosts for example16:39
undecimgalamar: AFAIK, Ubuntu won't install on an Ipod. There are other Linux distros that will though16:39
sacarlsondanst_: unless you have 2 or more core cpu and can afford 100% of one or more of them16:39
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danst_sacarlson: well I've just figured out that there was unusable compiz --replace process running16:40
=== RaNdY is now known as Guest54877
danst_just killed it with -9 and everything got alright16:40
sacarlsondanst_: good to know16:40
galamarokay im fine with another distro and i was just thinking ubuntu bcus of .deb packages installed by cydia16:40
Bolo I have been trying to get my ethernet port working using instruction found on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9449490   http://paste.ubuntu.com/556556/   I have been working on this problem for a couple of days, but I just don't have the expertise to work it out.  I have an asus with netbook 10.4 and the ether port doesn't work. Every time I try to install the patch, it asks me if I want to continue and I say Yes and it aborts.16:40
alexIs there any way I can enlarge the Ubuntu partition?16:41
cellardooralex, Gparted16:41
undecimgalamar: There is even at least one distro designed to be put on Ipods. It has the cryptic name "Ipod Linux" I believe16:41
technikfreakhello where i can get the XForms librarys?16:41
undecimalex: You need to use GParted from a Live CD16:41
BluesKajBolo, in the terminal : sudo lshw -C network ..we need to know the wifi chip make and model16:42
alexWhat's Gparted?16:42
pksadiq!gparted | alex16:42
h00k!info gparted | alex16:42
ubottualex: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:42
ubottualex: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.2-1ubuntu1.1 (maverick), package size 463 kB, installed size 1380 kB16:42
BoloThe wifi is working fine16:42
undecimtechnikfreak: libforms2 it seems.16:42
alexWait so where do I get it?16:43
technikfreakthxd you are very cool ubuntu guru undecim16:43
undecimalex: Do you have an Ubuntu CD?16:43
BluesKajBolo, oh sorry , usally it's the ethernet that works fine and not the wifi16:43
undecimalex: You need an Ubunut CD (or another CD with GParted)16:43
alexI did a windows installation, because the download was taking too long.16:44
galamarand with the terminal programs the ipod doesnt have build programs needed to install the debs i want. so can i build them over ssh?16:44
technikfreaklibforms2 not avialable via apt-get16:44
technikfreaki try the libforms116:44
BluesKajBolo, run sudo ifconfig16:44
undecimtechnikfreak: Maybe I have that from a non-default ppa or repo...16:45
abstraktSA-Geoff: ok well my previous nix still boots... I've been running 10.10 for a month or two now16:45
abstraktand I still have my old 10.04 partition and that boots fine16:45
technikfreakmh the code that i would like to compile is from 199816:45
undecimtechnikfreak: No, it's in universe....16:45
abstraktSA-Geoff: so I'm in 10.04 and I have access to the 10.10 partition, so how should I go about diagnosing this?16:46
SA-Geoffabstrakt, are you using ext4?16:46
undecimtechnikfreak: make sure you typed it right16:46
michael__guys why skype not authenticated16:46
abstraktSA-Geoff: hrm, not absolutely sure16:46
michael__on ubunto 10.1016:46
undecimmichael__: What do you mean?16:46
abstraktSA-Geoff: actually don't think so, but it's possible... I'm using whatever the default was for 10.1016:46
michael__undecim, in ubuntu tweak16:46
SA-Geoffabstrakt, i'd back up your files onto the 10.04 and reinstall.  something horrible has happened on that system16:46
michael__and i try to download it from software package16:46
BluesKajBolo, eth0=dhcp , then sudo dhclient eth016:47
SA-Geoffabstrakt, the time it would take to recover it will be much longer than backing up and reinstalling16:47
SengokuHey, can I make my 'capslock' key function like left click?16:47
okletsgoBolo | you know that you MAC adr. is unique?16:47
abstraktsunnuva fuc|<16:47
undecimmichael__: It's probably referring to the lack of a signing key.16:47
michael__undecim, what do you mean?16:47
abstraktSA-Geoff: tripple sunnuva... either amount of time is time I don't have :(16:48
undecimmichael__: Ubuntu's package manager uses cryptographic keys to "sign" packages. If you have a public key, you can make sure a package is who it says it's from.16:48
undecimmichael__: You're adding the Skype repository via Ubuntu Tweak?16:48
abstraktwow... ok so I'm pretty much absolutely screwed16:49
michael__but i can't install it16:49
undecimmichael__: Or are you doing the actual install right now?16:49
abstraktI can't even mount my 10.10 partition from within 10.0416:49
moon-struckWhenever I run Firefox and then Chrome or other browsers ... I have problems with one or the other as if they interfere with each other ... anyone else have this problem ??16:49
michael__undecim, how to do it?16:49
SengokuAnyone know how to remap keys on the keyboard, so that my Capslock works like left-clicking16:50
jenkaHi, how do I fix so vsftpd and encrypted home folders will work together?! :)16:50
BoloI knew it was something like that  http://paste.ubuntu.com/556569/16:50
BoloBut don't know how to fix it16:50
abstrakt"error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda5, missing codepage or helper program, or other error. In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so"16:51
FoolsRunHi. Is there a way to add my user to the xauth list for another user?16:51
abstraktany idea what that is or how to fix it?16:51
BluesKaj!who | Bolo16:51
ubottuBolo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:51
undecimjenka: Haven't worked with vsftpd much, but is there a PAM file for it?16:51
jenkaundecim: yes16:51
undecimmichael__: Hmm... I Can't even seem to get the repos...16:52
undecimmichael__: I think maybe skype doesn't have repos for 64-bit16:52
* Garzooka starts humming the a team16:52
michael__ah ok16:52
undecimjenka: K, gimme a minute, I'll install it and take a look at it myself.16:52
michael__undecim, thanks16:52
jenkaundecim: Ok :)16:52
BluesKajBolo, sudo /etc/inti.d/networking restart16:52
okletsgomichael_ | skype runs und 64 bit, too16:53
undecimmichael__: You might be able to find the .deb files on Skypes website and download it directly16:53
BoloSorry all16:53
Garzookalust run rm -a and all your problems will be gone16:53
Tribaalhi folks, can anybody explain to be why "uic -impl my_header.h" fails on ubuntu? the man page lists -impl as a valid command, but it doesn't work in practice16:53
BluesKajnd Bolo , you can't run wifi and ethernet at the same time , I have to say that16:53
michael__undecim, yeah im downloading it right now16:54
okletsgoundecim | can you help me?16:54
undecimjenka: It looks to me like it should unlock the directory just like a login16:54
undecimokletsgo: What's up?16:54
okletsgoyou can say me what's wrong there? http://paste.ubuntu.com/556562/16:55
BoloBluesKaj  yes I know but only have one cable -  I have to disconnect one to check the other  answer to last   sudo: /etc/inti.d/networking: command not found16:55
Shubuntuhey guys, how do i make sure that poptop is listening on port 1723?16:55
Shubuntui've installed it and set it up according to simple set ups added the iptable exception but still can't connect to it16:56
Shubuntuany help is appreciated16:56
jenkaundecim: hmm ok, Because I can login with one of my user that ive created after the install but not the one I created under installation.16:56
BluesKajBolo, the command is: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart16:57
FoolsRunCan someone explain briefly how export works? I need to run something which requires a display. X is installed, but :0 is in use by an auto-logged in user running something on the screen so :0 isn't available. CAn I create my own display and use it?16:57
jenkaundecim: When i try to connect I gets this: 331 Please specify the password. then PASS ***.. And then its trying to reconnect..16:57
undecimokletsgo: Sorry... Can you translate to English the last words of line 7?16:57
undecimjenka: So Users with encrypted home dirs can't login?16:58
Anom_I have an ATI 200M which is not supported by the fglrx drivers, I was considering installing XUBUNTU 8.10 because I heard it has the version of Xorg that is supported16:58
Anom_has anyone done this or know if it is possible to get the ATI fglrx drivers to work if I install Ubuntu 8.10 ?16:58
jenkaundecim: Dosnt seems so :/16:59
okletsgoundecim | data or directory not aviable16:59
BluesKajAnom_, yes , Iirc the x200m is supported up to 9,04 with fglrx drivers16:59
KM0201Anom_: why would you install 8.10?16:59
okletsgoundecim | ..not found16:59
booleanwow .. what a mess16:59
woozlywhich default font for terminal in last ubuntus?16:59
VCoolioFoolsRun: try Xnest or else from console "startx -- :1" or "xinit /path/to/wm/or/maybe/executable -- :1"17:00
woozlyMonospace ?17:00
BoloBluesKaj   * Reconfiguring network interfaces... Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.  Should I try it again now?17:00
FoolsRunVCoolio: thanks, I'll try that!17:00
undecimokletsgo: Sounds like you're missing some files in that source directory.17:00
xilhi all. iwconfig question. I want to reduce the amount of power that my wireless device is using. I know iwconfig has a 'power saving' option but the man pages don't explain what the value you give that option does. Does anyone know?17:00
BluesKajBolo, yes17:00
okletsgoundecim | can you see what files are missing?17:00
undecimjenka: Does vsftpd store files in the users home directory that it depends on for connection?17:00
VCoolioFoolsRun: you can then switch by ctrl+alt+f7/817:00
undecimokletsgo: Apparantly some translation files.17:01
Anom_Blaize, ok so Ubuntu 9.04 works  !?17:01
BluesKajxil, the power used by wifi is insignificant , reducing it won't make you "greener" :)17:01
woozlywhich default font for terminal in last ubuntu? Monospace??17:01
woozlyWhat name of this font?17:01
Anom_er BluesKaj 9.04 works as well ?17:01
BlaizeAnom_, idk, does it?17:01
undecimjenka: Sorry, no experience with vsftpd... I'm great with encrypted home dirs though :P17:01
Anom_Blaize, sorry17:01
okletsgoundecim | or where i can get those missing files?17:01
undecimokletsgo: I have no idea17:01
Anom_KM0201, well I guess go with 9.0417:01
booleanitaylor57: the whole setup with thew java installation is a mess ... all the bins point to /etc/alternatives/jav*  who in turn point to different verions of java ( sun 5 sun6 openjdk ... )17:02
Anom_KM0201, because I just can't get these fglrx drivers to work,17:02
Anom_but do I need them ?17:02
KM0201Anom_: why would you go w/ 9.04?  it's EOL also17:02
jenkaundecim: hmm dont think so. But I can login to that account if I logged in via ssh first :S17:02
BlaizeAnom_, nps :)17:02
KM0201Anom_: i guess my question is, why don't you go w/ 10.04 or 10.10?17:02
technikfreakwhere i can find on which place ubunut is installed files ?17:02
undecimjenka: Then in that case, it is definitely looking for a file in the home dir17:02
Anom_one prob I've had KM0201 is that google earth is not working with Ubuntu 10.04 and ATI drivers17:02
okletsgosomeone know how i can install something like QColorDialog ?17:02
undecimjenka: I have no idea what it would be though17:02
jenkaundecim: ok :S17:02
Anom_KM0201, ATI 200M radeon17:03
undecimjenka: I'll consult the man pages though17:03
woozlywhich default font for terminal in last ubuntu? HELLOOOOOO?!!!17:03
BluesKajAnom_, my memory isn't the greatest , but I think so...I used the x200m for a while til I bought an nvidia pci17:03
woozlywhich default font for terminal in last ubuntu? HELLOOOOOO?!!!17:03
KM0201Anom_: so did you try 10.10?17:03
woozlywhich default font for terminal in last ubuntu? HELLOOOOOO?!!!17:03
FloodBot2woozly: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:03
Anom_KM0201, laptop ...17:03
KM0201Anom_: what does using 10.10, have to do w/ it being a laptop?17:03
xilblueskaj: I see, haha. Well thanks, guess I won't change it then, not worth the effort17:03
gordonjcpokletsgo: isn't that part of Qt?17:03
KM0201Anom_: and are you sure the problem is related to your graphics chipset, why google earth isn't running?17:04
Anom_KM0201, well the ATI drivers work, but fglrx doesnt, and there is no configuration for the driver for that card (which i can't change because its in a laptop)17:04
jenkaundecim: ok, but maybe it looks for .ecryptfs ??17:04
okletsgomaybe  QT4 is needed for Open Hantek for compile http://paste.ubuntu.com/556562/17:04
undecimjenka: What do you mean?17:04
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undecimokletsgo: Perhaps17:04
okletsgogordonjcp | you have any ideas ?17:04
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
walkkenn_BluesKaj  -  didn't work  I restarted and still didn't work17:05
undecimokletsgo: Try isntalling libqt4-dev17:05
Anom_KM0201, yeah well it was strange because I had google earth working, and it was showing lines all over the screen. But then I installed / tried adding edgers for that Gallium stuff, and now google earth does not work, and glxgears does not work either.17:05
jenkaundecim: to get to the files thats decrypt the folder ? :S Dosnt really know im kinda new to ftp server and ubuntu :)17:05
walkkenn_Should I check my MAC address?17:05
walkkenn_BluesKaj  should I check my mac address17:05
undecimjenka: Well, ecryptfs stores encrypted files at /home/.ecryptfs/user/.Private17:05
Anom_KM0201, I was just asking about installing ubuntu 8.04 because someone told me that is the only way to get the binary drivers (fglrx) to work for that card.17:05
KM0201Anom_: i have no iea what gallium is... but it sounds like it wonked up something.17:05
undecimjenka: When a user logs in, a PAM module mounts ecrypfs to /home/user/17:06
Anom_KM0201, but if you insist that the drivers that are open source and working for Ubuntu 9.04 / 9.10, then I will keep i installed...17:06
mantas_Newbiecan anyone tell me what kind of problem i have here? Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908) The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module by executing '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'17:06
mantas_Newbieas root. Users of Ubuntu, Fedora or Mandriva should install the DKMS package first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary.17:06
KM0201Anom_: i dunno.. that seems like trying to change your oil by buying a ew car17:06
Anom_KM0201, yeah I was told to do a pps purge to fix it.17:06
undecimjenka: So vsftpd is trying to get a file from the home directory before going through PAM authentication17:06
undecimjenka: I just can't figure out what that file is17:06
Anom_KM0201, (to undo whatever adding it to the sources, and upgrading does).17:06
jenkaundecim: ok17:07
KM0201Anom_: you uninstalled the PPA, did you uninstall and purge the program?17:07
Anom_KM0201, I am probably going to reinstall and forget that edgers / gallium stuff.17:07
KM0201Anom_: what is gallium anyway?17:08
mantas_Newbieanyone free and could help me with virtualbox?17:08
okletsgomantas_Newbie | watch this http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/IRC17:08
jeracan anyone help me with an auto update problem? (wireless not working after update)17:08
undecimjenka: Though it seems odd to me that it would fail on an otherwise empty home dir...17:08
Anom_KM0201, not sure its a part of edgers, it does something to try and improve the drivers (open source ati drivers).17:08
KM0201Anom_: well it sure improved them17:08
znejkAny1 know a visualizer u can run with spotify fullscreen?17:09
undecimjenka: or....17:09
Anom_KM0201, I guess people are sick of not having good support for this graphics card, considering it is in practically every 3-4 year old laptop that was on the market.17:09
walkkenn_Still looking for help getting my ethernet port working A17:09
KM0201Anom_: i would probably follow your gut, and clean install 10.04 or 10.10, before i clean installed 8.04 or 8.10.. which just seems ridiculous to me17:09
undecimjenka: Can you tell me the permissions on one of the users locked home directories?17:09
Anom_KM0201, people are switching them from Windows to Linux but only to find 3d hardly works.17:10
undecimjenka: I.e. when the user is logged in nowhere17:10
mrx_how i can install smartvoip in ubuntu 1017:10
KM0201Anom_: yeah, i don't use/care for 3D.. so i guess i just don't care.17:10
jenkaundecim: how to check or what you mean?17:10
Anom_KM0201, yeah what would it be used for anyway ?17:10
gordonjcpokletsgo: any ideas about what?17:10
Anom_KM0201, games ?17:10
KM0201Anom_: to show off to people, is the only thing i can imagine... it got pretty old to me after about 10min17:11
KM0201Anom_: yeah, i guess some games need good 3D support, but only game i play is pokerstars via wine, and it certainly doesn't need 3D17:11
undecimjenka: Run "stat /home/user" when that user is not logged in and has an encrypted home dir.17:11
Anom_KM0201, Im sure as time goes on support will get better, or do you think it will get worse eventually until that computer doesnt even display anything anymore.. ?17:11
undecimjenka: Or better yet: "stat /home/user | grep Access"17:11
gordonjcpKM0201: graphics acceleration is required for pretty much any GUI to not totally suck17:12
bearly230Hey all, I hope a quick question. I have a 10.10 server running with the 3 clients using the graphic ssh. We are able to access the folders well enough. But it appears as though the premissions are being set by the remote user. Instead of the user on the server. IE not inhearting premissions. If user1:remote1 creates a folder and a file it is automaticly set to read only by the others. Instead of being read/write by everyone in the group on the server. Any i17:12
undecimjenka: I don't have a way of checking the default of this myself without logging out :P17:12
KM0201Anom_: that seems unlikely, i would think the generic VGA device will always support the device17:12
KM0201gordonjcp: i guess thats a matter of opinion, i tend to disagree17:12
OerAnom_, your ATI 200M is more than 4 years old, over 7 years. sorry for no 3d support17:12
okletsgoundecim or gordonjcp | http://paste.ubuntu.com/556577/ i'ts going on :)17:12
Pwnnais there any reason to install ubuntu 64bit given that I have 4Gb of memory and ubuntu only utilizes 2.43GB in 32bit?17:12
undecimAnom_: You will always be able to use Vesa drivers17:12
gordonjcpKM0201: you don't write widget toolkits, presumably17:12
Anom_Oer, well the laptop is perfect shape though ?!?17:12
KM0201gordonjcp: i'm guessing a majority of people don't...17:12
undecimAnom_: The reason older cards aren't supported is because ATI dropped support for them so people would buy more cards17:13
gordonjcpKM0201: you prefer each pixel to be hand-drawn by the CPU?17:13
gordonjcpKM0201: 'cos, it's considerably quicker if you can dump all that nonsense onto the GPU17:13
llutzbearly230: you need to set the sgid-flag on the directories17:13
undecimAnom_: So now it's up to people who know nothing about the cards internal workings to develop open source drivers for them17:13
usr13gordonjcp: CPUs don't have hands.  (Sorry, couldn't resist.)17:13
okletsgowhat do i need now?17:13
gordonjcpusr13: none that you've seen ;-)17:13
jenkaundecim: I gets: Access: (0500/dr-x------)  Uid: ( 1000/    jens)   Gid: ( 1000/    jens) Access: 2010-12-26 15:03:32.900339986 +010017:13
jenkaIf I run the command from another user17:13
KM0201undecim: that's the crux of the issue... Linux isn't the problem, ATI is the problem... but people blame linux, because it works fine in Windows (where ATI still supports it)17:14
bearly230llutz: I'm still a novice at ubuntu. How do I set it via term?17:14
Anom_well thanks guys17:14
usr13gordonjcp: touche17:14
undecimjenka: Excellent17:14
avohey guise I've got an Lunix DOS floppy and my EXE isn't compiling... i think the calvin cycle might be broken. how can I clear the cash?17:14
JustinChromeBuilHow can I open git17:14
llutzbearly230: make sure the  dir is owned by a group all your users are member of and change "sudo chmod g+s /path/to/dir"17:15
undecimjenka: Alright, while the user is not logged in run "sudo chmod 700 /home/jens" and see if that fixes it.17:15
Anom_so gordonjcp, KM0201 , usr13, should I install Ubuntu 8.04, Ubuntu 10.04, or a different Linux distro alltogether ?17:15
itaylor57JustinChromeBuil: download and install it17:15
gordonjcpavo: you can give any excess cash to me, I'll ensure it is disposed of safely17:15
JustinChromeBuili did17:15
llutzbearly230: that will make all created files being owned by that group too17:15
gordonjcpAnom_: depends what you want to do17:15
JustinChromeBuili cant find git on my system17:15
avogordonjcp: why don't you have a seat over there?17:15
undecimjenka: If that doesn't, then try "sudo chmod 755 /home/jens"17:15
gordonjcpJustinChromeBuil: git-core ?17:15
Anom_gordonjcp, have the 3d working17:15
jenkaundecim: ok :)17:15
usr13Anom_: 10.0417:15
gordonjcpAnom_: which graphics card have you got?17:15
KM0201Anom_: well i'll tell you now.. i woudln't install 8.04  no more than i'd tell a windows user to install windows 9517:16
Anom_gordonjcp, ati radeon 200M17:16
undecimjenka: But it has to be while the user's home directory is locked, otherwise it will just be setting the mode on /home/.ecryptfs/jens/.Private17:16
=== avo is now known as richie_stalls
Anom_KM0201, thanks17:16
Anom_Im gonna check some other distros I think17:16
usr13Anom_: What are you looking for?17:16
JustinChromeBuilcan i have the file patch to git please!!!!17:17
gordonjcpAnom_: reasonably recent, then17:17
gordonjcpAnom_: I thought ATI were supposed to be well supported?17:17
crasshas anyone noticed ubuntu connecting to a wireless network when it comes out of sleep (but it was disconnected when it went to sleep)?17:17
KM0201gordonjcp: not all of them.17:17
gordonjcpAnom_: there's not really any point in swapping distros; all distros are basically the same17:17
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: have you tried 'whereis git-core' ?17:17
itaylor57JustinChromeBuil: mine is in /usr/bin/git17:18
gordonjcpJustinChromeBuil: "which git"17:18
KM0201gordonjcp: now thats a ridiculous statement17:18
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: whereis and which commands will tell you where git is.17:18
bearly230Thanks )17:18
sidd_makis it possible to find MAC of another host by a host in a same local network17:18
gordonjcpJustinChromeBuil: the package you want to install for git is git-core17:18
usr13Anom_: We all have basically the same applications, same kernel etc, it's just that Ubuntu is user friendly, or a bit more user friendly than others in varing degrees depending on which ones you compare to.17:18
Anom_gordonjcp, yeah its working pretty well, but certain things are not (google earth). Videos play good17:18
gordonjcpKM0201: what's ridiculous about it?17:19
JustinChromeBuili got gitcore17:19
llutzsidd_mak: try arp17:19
gordonjcpAnom_: sounds like you may not have 3D acceleration enabled, in which case you want to check the wiki for instructions17:19
sidd_makllutz : arp17:19
KM0201gordonjcp: because not all distros are about the same17:19
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: whereis git-core outputs: git-core: /usr/lib/git-core /usr/lib64/git-core /usr/share/git-core17:19
gordonjcpKM0201: yes, they are17:19
okletsgohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/556577/ can it be that fftw has something to do with that? what should i install to solve this problem?17:19
sidd_makllutz : man page confusing17:19
KM0201gordonjcp: some distros put "restricted drivers" in the kernel, so you don't have to compile drivers.. broadcom is a perfect example of this, they don't work out of the box w/ Ubuntu, but do w/ quite a few other distros17:20
gordonjcpKM0201: that's a trivial detail17:20
usr13Anom_: Differences are in package management and in the set of applications installed by defualt on a new install.17:20
KM0201gordonjcp: i have no idea where you got that idea, but you mjight want to spread your wings a little17:20
KM0201gordonjcp: lol, if broadcom was his problemm, it would not be trivial17:20
KM0201jesus, don't be so dense17:20
undecim /help17:21
undecimHow to view irssi docs from irssi?17:21
gordonjcpokletsgo: "./src/hantekdsoio.h:23: fatal error: usb.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden"17:21
researcher1is it possible to transport aptoncd installation on a not internet connected PC?17:21
gordonjcpokletsgo: that suggests that you are missing the libusb headers, try installing libusb-dev or something similar17:22
undecimokletsgo: What gordonjcp said :P17:22
Anom_gordonjcp, ohh k17:22
velcroshoozhow do i turn icons on the desktop off?17:22
Anom_gordonjcp, so there is 3d options for the open source driver..17:22
gordonjcpAnom_: possibly, check the wiki - I only use NVidia if I can possibly help it ;-)17:23
gordonjcpokletsgo: what are you trying to do?17:23
KM0201Anom_: i thought you said yesterday you tried the open source driver?17:23
kevin123i bought a laptop with ATI graphics. it happened once and will never happen again17:23
usr13Anom_: Speaking from experience, (as a Linux user);  It is best to use hardware that is well supported.17:23
gordonjcpkevin123: indeed17:24
KM0201kevin123: yup...17:24
jimleehi all. How do I install wine n Hardy.17:24
undecimjimlee: See winehq.org17:24
gordonjcpAnom_: I had an oldish ATI card that I wanted to use with hardware acceleration and TV out; not going to happen.  ATI dropped support for the card because it was more than two years old, and the open-source drivers don't work17:24
KM0201jimlee: sudo apt-get install wine17:24
gordonjcpyou can have acceleration, *or* you can have TV-out, but not both17:25
gordonjcpor at least you could at the time17:25
undecimjimlee: There are instructions there on installing the latest version, which usually works better than the default Ubuntu version17:25
jimleeThanks KM020117:25
gordonjcpso I gave the card to a friend of mine who is into OO-scale marine modelling, in case he wanted to moor a very small boat17:25
gordonjcpand I spend £30 on a shiny new NVidia card17:25
okletsgogordonjcp | i am trying to install my DOS-2090 Scope under Ubuntu10.10 .  i have to be possible with OpenHantek and this i'm trying to install at the moment :) http://how-to.wikia.com/wiki/How_to_use_the_Hantek_DSO-2100_USB_oscilloscope_in_Linux this is the only usable tutorial if found on google.17:26
jenkaundecim: it didnt help :(17:26
gordonjcpokletsgo: awesome17:26
undecimjenka: :(17:26
kevin123things like the dark mod (www.thedarkmod.com) won't run on the open drivers though17:26
jimleeThanks. But this is what I got in trying to install wine- Package wine has no installation candidate17:26
gordonjcpokletsgo: right, how far have you got?17:27
JustinChromeBuilim trying to install git thorh software center and it says Check if you are using third party repositories. If so disable them, since they are a common source of problems. Furthermore run the following command in a Terminal: apt-get install -f17:27
okletsgogordonjcp | fatal error: fftw3.h what should i do?17:28
abhijainhow to install htm5 in ubuntu17:28
undecimjenka: You tried the 755 as well?17:28
jenkaundecim: yes17:28
jimleeHi all, please how do i sort out the problem of installing wine-Package wine has no installation candidate17:28
walkkenn_Still trying to get some help on my ethernet port  ASUS  netbook 10.4  can't seem to get it to work  http://paste.ubuntu.com/556585/17:28
gordonjcpokletsgo: sounds like you're missing libfftw, too17:28
rumpe1jimlee, check, if "universe" is activated in the package-sources17:28
gordonjcpokletsgo: give me a few minutes to grab the sources17:29
jimleeok thanks17:29
rumpe1jimlee, after activation, do "sudo apt-get update". Then try again.17:29
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: what exactly is your question?17:30
undecimjenka: See if there is anything interesting in /var/log/vsftpd.log17:30
jimleerumpe1, yes universe is activated.17:30
JustinChromeBuilI cant install anything please help17:30
JustinChromeBuilshould i reboot?17:30
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: rebooting likely will not help17:30
Tyrnisplop all17:31
JustinChromeBuilplease help17:31
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: what is the output of sudo apt-get update?17:31
rubbs!paste | JustinChromeBuil17:31
ubottuJustinChromeBuil: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:31
gordonjcpokay, how do I stop the annoying update manager popup thing?17:31
jimleei tried to update but I got-The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/hhtp could not be found.17:32
BoloNeed some help getting my ethernet port to work ASUS 10.4 netbook http://paste.ubuntu.com/556585/17:32
undecimgordonjcp: Go change the update settings in software sources17:32
JustinChromeBuilHit http://archive.canonical.com lucid Release.gpg Ign http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ lucid/partner Translation-en_US Hit http://archive.canonical.com lucid Release                                  Hit http://security.ubuntu.com lucid-security Release.gpg                       Ign http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-security/main Translation-en_US    Ign http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-security/restricte17:32
rubbs!paste | JustinChromeBuil17:32
Oergordonjcp, one way is to update. then the anoying update manager will go away.17:32
jenkaundecim: ok17:32
gordonjcpOer: not really an option right now17:33
gordonjcpOer: I believe that updating requires web access ;-)17:33
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: thanks. I'm looking now17:33
jimleerumpe1, pls help I got-The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/hhtp could not be found.17:33
rumpe1jimlee, hm... put your /etc/apt/sources.list in pastebin17:34
gordonjcpjimlee: "hhtp"?17:34
jimleeYes, that was displayed in terminal17:34
rumpe1jimlee, if this was the exact error message, you have a typo in your sources list17:34
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: nothing wrong there... what software are you trying to install? Maybe I can find out why it's giving you grief.17:35
rumpe1hhtp doesn't exist, http does17:35
jimleerumpe1, pls help me out17:35
gordonjcpokletsgo: looking good so far17:35
JustinChromeBuilgit and skype17:35
jenkaundecim: cant find anything :S " Fri Jan 21 18:32:37 2011 [pid 2] CONNECT: Client "ip.." " is what i get when trying to log in..17:35
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: also, helps if you type my name at the beginning of the line. it highlights for me. You can start by doing ru<tab> and it will likely complete my name for you.17:35
JustinChromeBuilupdate manager said locate the broken packae fixer or sometihng like that17:36
jimleerumpe1, how do I correct the error,pls17:36
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: k, I'm looking into it now. I've got both on my system, so I can check on some things.17:36
edwardoi havent used mirc in years how do you message a user in private17:36
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: thanks17:36
llutzjimlee: check your sources.lists17:36
hwilde_ /msg17:36
rumpe1jimlee,  you have to read my answers17:36
undecimjenka: What client are you using?17:36
gordonjcpedwardo: same as any other IRC client I'd assume17:36
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: np. brb. I'm checking17:36
gordonjcpokletsgo: ping?17:36
jenkaundecim: filezilla17:37
jimleeam reading but new to ubuntu17:37
llutzjimlee: fgrep -r hhtp /etc/apt/*17:37
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: im using wubi on windows FYI17:37
undecimjenka: Do you have the CLI ftp client available on the client machine (ubuntu I think has it by default)17:37
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: k. that shouldn't matter, but I'll keep that in mind. thanks.17:37
jimleethanks, llutz17:37
jimleellutz, pls I got permission denied, help17:38
jenkaundecim: No, right now I am on a windows machine17:38
gordonjcpokletsgo: I got OpenHantek to compile, after installing qt4-make, libqt4-dev and libusb-dev17:38
joel135where can the log be found?17:38
llutzjimlee: sudo fgrep -r hhtp /etc/apt/*17:38
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: can you pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get install skype git-core' please?17:38
gordonjcpokletsgo: it may also require libfftw3-dev but I already had that17:38
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: ok17:38
Bolo Need some help getting my ethernet port to work ASUS netbook 10.4 http://paste.ubuntu.com/556585/17:39
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: thnx17:39
llutz!manual > jimlee i recommend to read this to learn some basics17:39
ubottujimlee, please see my private message17:39
jenkaundecim: or btw I could connect via ssh and use it..17:39
gordonjcpokletsgo: I have to go out for a while, but give that a shot and let me know how you get on ;-)17:39
=== Guest54877 is now known as RaNdY
VerithHow do I start up a graphical program over ssh so that it starts on the remote co17:40
undecimjenka: As long as you are not doing this with the same user that you are logging into FTP with17:40
=== RaNdY is now known as Guest45218
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/556589/17:41
smwVerith, -x when connecting17:41
smwVerith, maybe capital X.17:41
jenkaundecim: ok17:41
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: k. looking now17:41
undecimVerith: How do you mean? Do you want to see the program on your screen or the remote screen?17:42
VerithRemote screen undecim17:42
undecimVerith: You need to know the DISPLAY variable of the remote screen17:42
smwVerith, ssh -X user@host17:42
smwwait, you want it to show up on the remote screen?17:42
undecimVerith: From SSH, type "w" and look in the FROM column17:43
smwVerith, export DISPLAY=':0'17:43
edwardoi have a 32 bit system and i need to use virtual box but it wont let me install because i dont have a 64 bit system is their anything i can do?17:43
VarcHello All17:43
undecimVerith: You should notice something like ":0" or ":1" on one of the lines17:43
Bolo Need some help getting my ethernet port to work ASUS netbook 10.4 http://paste.ubuntu.com/556585/17:43
llutzedwardo: get 32bit vbox17:43
undecimVerith: Then you can type "export DISPLAY=':0'" or "export DISPLAY=':1'"17:43
edwardoall i saw was 64 bit for ubuntu 10.1017:44
undecimVerith: and then any graphical programs you run will show up on the remote screen17:44
Verithundecim: Okay, I type that after the command to run the application?17:44
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: try again but like this... 'sudo apt-get -y install git-core skype'17:44
jenkaundecim: ahh! I will take a break with this for now ! :P Thanks alot for your time :)17:44
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: also paste the output so I can see what's going on ;)17:44
llutzedwardo: look again carefully http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads17:44
JustinChromeBuilthats the output17:44
undecimVerith: No, type the export command first17:45
undecimVerith: And if you want to close SSH without closing the program, you can add " & disown" to the end of it17:45
meganINthehousewho can help me17:45
undecimVerith: For example, "gedit & disown"17:45
edwardoit says To install VirtualBox anyway you need to setup a 64-bit chroot environment.17:45
Verithundecim: Thanks17:46
undecimVerith: If all you're using this SSH connection for is starting the program, you could even include all this on the SSH command17:46
VarcHey, Ubuntu 10.10 have any option to Shut down automatic?17:46
undecimVerith: For example: ssh user@remotehost "DISPLAY=:0 gedit & disown"17:47
undecimVerith: That will run gedit on display :0 and then disconnect17:47
djslurpAnybody else get a firefox crash every time they exit?17:47
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: ok17:48
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: :)17:48
softwarehi everyone17:48
BoloCan't seem to get Ubuntu 10.4 netbook to recognize my ethernet port  http://paste.ubuntu.com/556585/17:48
Verithundecim: That's perfect thanks.17:48
alex88Bolo, a lspci would help more17:49
undecimVerith: If you setup private key authentication, you wont even have to type your password17:49
edwardohow do i set up a 64bit chroot17:49
saliakbolo - is this a fresh install?17:49
undecimBolo: Can you run "sudo lshw -C network"?17:49
underHello everyone. I have a serious problem: I find it very difficult to read the characters, which does not happen on windows. I state that I use the same resolution and frequency of the monitor even in the operating system. Thanks so much for the answers.17:49
alex88edwardo, chroot for? just sudo chroot17:49
edwardoi have 32 bit and i need to use virtual box17:50
undecimunder: A screenshot would be quite helpful17:50
undecimedwardo: 32-bit will run on VirtualBox just fine17:50
alex88edwardo, so? install from synaptic17:50
undecimedwardo: You just won't be able to run it in 64-bit mode17:50
yaaarhey guys. just poking around logs and i see my /var/log/messages is full of call traces and such. that's not normal is it? i don't understand the output at all...can somebody help point me to what might be wrong? http://pastebin.com/dFvs8GFt17:50
edwardoi downloaded it for ubuntu 10.10 and it wont install17:51
alex88edwardo, do sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose17:51
ddt_Hi. Anybody familiar with Grub2? Need hide and show partitions in menu entries and make them active by choice. Commands from Grub1 somehow not working for me. Pastebin from 40_custom: http://pastebin.com/sqGVVJET  Thank you for answer.17:51
alex88if i remember that's the name of the package17:51
edwardoin the terminal?17:51
underHello everyone. I have a serious problem: I find it very difficult to read the characters, which does not happen on windows. I state that I use the same resolution and frequency of the monitor even in the operating system. Thanks so much for the answers. -> http://i.imgur.com/CFMVz.png17:51
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: almost done17:51
danny_What is wrong with this script? -> http://pastebin.com/MJz0qYwX17:51
undecimunder: Again: A screenshot would be quite helpful17:52
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: np :)17:52
underundecim: I posted it.17:52
edwardoworking thank you alex8817:52
undecimunder: Oh, silly me.... I Missed that bit :P17:52
underno problem, undecim17:52
undecimunder: Can you repost that when I log back in here in a moment?17:53
llutzedwardo: just keep in mind, that the -ose version won't have USB-support17:53
VarcHey guys, i leave my PC ON in the night and, in the morning, it's is off Ubuntu have any option about it?17:53
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/556593/17:53
djslurpVarc, look in power management17:53
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: k. thx looking now.17:53
undecimunder: Back17:54
underok, undecim : I see the characters as if they were steamed.17:54
alex88edwardo, glad to help17:54
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: k, looks like git-core and skype both installed there. can you try to see if they work please?17:54
undecimunder: Post the link to the image again, please17:54
edwardowhat does the sudo command do?17:55
undecimedwardo: It gives you root privileges17:55
djslurpedwardo, it lets you execute commands as root17:55
undecimedwardo: So that you can do administrative tasks without logging in as the root user, which is dangerous17:55
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: where can i find them :/17:55
underundecim: http://i.imgur.com/CFMVz.png17:55
Varcdjslurp: I think all is correct here, i don't know if the problme is Ubuntu or th ePC17:55
=== guampa is now known as guampafk
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: skype should be under your Applications -> Internet category17:56
undecimunder: The screenshot is perfectly clear. It has to be a problem with your monitor or video drivers17:56
edwardowhen it comes back to the terminal input its done installing?17:56
wildc4rdevenin all!17:56
djslurpyeah, looks clear from here17:56
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: it worked17:56
mbeierlok, this i915 problem is ridiculous!  I can't even let a screensaver start without totally messing up my display17:56
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: git-core has no gui, to install a gui do this 'sudo apt-get -y install git-gui'17:56
underundecim: yes, I think so.17:56
VarcAnyone here know a good Design of Software, images, videos programs?17:56
undecimunder: I see you're using an NV card.17:56
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: :D17:56
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: :D, ive been looking for a gui all day for git LOL17:57
underundecim: NV? Btw, I dont think the monitor is the problem becouse I thought it was the monitor then I changed it but I've got the problem anyway17:57
undecimunder: NV = Nvidia17:57
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: you can also try git-cola instead of git-gui. It may work better for you.17:58
underundecim: Sì17:58
underops, yes17:58
okletsgogordonjcp and undecim | thanks a lot it works fine now :)17:58
undecimunder: Do the colors seem distorted?17:58
saliakwhere would i find the alternate install cd for ubuntu netbook remix?17:58
underundecim: no17:58
undecimunder: Or is it blurry?17:58
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underundecim: what?17:58
JustinChromeBuilrubbs:  cola?17:58
undecimundecim: Blurry... like you forgot to wear your glasses17:59
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JustinChromeBuilrubbs: where is git located :/17:59
underundecim: yes, a bit18:00
FrozenFire[work]I need to edit a WLMP file (Windows Live Movie Maker Project), or at least convert it into something that AVIDemux can edit. Any recommendations?18:00
saliakor is the netbook bits just a UI wrapper around ubuntu desktop?18:00
undecimunder: I don't know what would fix it18:01
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underundecim: can you help me to remove nvidia driver?18:01
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: you there?18:02
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: by default you can only use git on the command line. you wont see it in your applications list18:02
undecimunder: It looks like youre running Fedora... Sorry, I don't know the procedure for removing the nvidia driver from fedora18:02
shazzrI got some computers which do not have a internet connection. I need to install ubuntu-restricted-extras on them. What would be the best plan of attack?18:02
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: if you install git-cola that will come up on your applications list 'sudo apt-get -y install git-cola'18:02
undecimunder: Perhaps #fedora can help you with that.18:02
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: ok18:03
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wedwo-under, have you tried alternate settings in System >> Preferences >> Appearance?18:03
djslurpwedwo, it's gotta be his drivers/monitor18:04
djslurphe doesnt have the problem in windows18:04
PlughI'm running Ubuntu 9.10 and and a button in the top right corner of the keyboard will put my computer to sleep. It is too easy to push the button so I want to disable it from putting the machine to sleep and just use it for something else.18:04
=== Calinou_ is now known as Calinou
ra2011hi all! does anyone knows how to make grub2 themes work?18:05
djslurpPlugh System > Preferences > Power management18:05
djslurpgo to the General tab18:05
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: FYI, I"m still around, but I have to work on a few things. from now on I may be a little slow to respond, but not too slow. no more than a few minutes usually.18:05
djslurpand you can disable it from there18:05
Plughdjslurp: I've already looked there. There isn't anything about the keyboard in there.18:06
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: how do i install this with git http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/install-depot-tools18:06
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: looking18:06
djslurphm, i just checked as well. there's no "do nothing" option! :(18:07
djslurpPlugh maybe your BIOS has an option to disable it?18:07
Newbuntucannot reserve MMIO region??18:08
Plughdjslurp: hm... that's an idea. I'll have to look there next time I restart the computer.18:08
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ActionParsniphey guys, is there an app which will read answer.launchpad.net/ubuntu and give a kind of folder view of each question / allow easy replies etc? Thanks18:08
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: so you want to check out a branch using git?18:08
userparty hard18:09
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: i want to install18:09
djslurpHit Alt+F2 and type gconf-editor. Then go to apps -> gnome-power-manager -> buttons. Edit the value for the suspend button and type "nothing". The sleep key should stop working now.18:09
djslurpsomeone else had your problem and posted on the forums :D18:10
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: to build the depot_tools, you need to do this in a terminal 'git svn clone svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome -T trunk/tools/depot_tools' then follow step two.18:10
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: oh ok thank you18:10
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: np18:10
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: it said did you mean one of these fsck or show18:11
mongyII have set up a netbook for me and another user, both encrypted homes, but I accidentally (ok I didnt know it would futz it up) enabled auto login on one user and now it tries to auto login but because its encrypted it NEEDS to get a pass but it doesnt ask for one so I fail to get to a desktop session.. How can I disable the auto login from a console?18:11
ra2011no ideas or a good tutorial link?18:12
SilivrenionI know that my monitor supports 1280x1024, but it's not appearing in the monitors panel. how can I force the display?18:12
Plughdjslurp: ok, great. Thanks. I tried a search of the net but hadn't found anything useful. This isn't what you would call "easily discoverable". :-)18:12
PlughIf I log out, you know it didn't work. I should have the button configured to just lock the screen.18:12
rbilI'm running Ubuntu 9.10 and when I switch to a different desktop and return, sometimes my Miro window goes white with nothing displayed within it. Any fix for this?18:12
* Plugh reaches for the sleep button on the keyboard...18:13
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: k. one sec.18:13
JustinChromeBuilrubbs:  it said did you mean one of these fsck or show18:13
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: oh ok18:13
PlughGreat. Pushed the button and it didn't lock the screen but it didn't put the machine to sleep either which is the important thing.18:13
Darothanecan someone tell me how I stop a window being dragged when i alt-click on it?18:13
Plughdjslurp: Thanks!18:13
djslurpno problem18:14
trijntjemongy, hmm, I did that once, ill try to find a link18:14
quiescensmongy: it should be something in /etc/gdm/custom.conf18:14
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rubbsJustinChromeBuil: try installing everything for git with : sudo apt-get -y install git-all   Then try that command again.18:14
PlughI just put reconfigured keyboard shortcuts to make the button lock my screen and its working now. Much more useful to me than making the machine go to sleep by mistake.18:16
shoutpci am trying to setup my proftpd default dirs ... can somebody help me ?18:17
Morbus[13:17]  <Morbus> anyone know how i get information on the upgrades available to an ubuntu server? i just have a list of packages now, but i want to know why they're being updated.18:17
rbilI'm running Ubuntu 9.10 and when I switch to a different desktop and return, sometimes my Miro window goes white with nothing displayed within it. Any fix for this?18:17
PiciMorbus: Install apt-listchanges, although that will only give you the change lists after the packages have been downloaded.18:18
MorbusPici: hrm. is there an update stream online i could look at or something?18:18
mongytrijntje, quentusrex I Cant see anything like that18:19
Bolosaliak yes  http://paste.ubuntu.com/556599/  and  http://paste.ubuntu.com/556585/18:19
PiciMorbus: Not that I know of, but there may be something.18:19
PiciMorbus: Note, that apt-listchanges will prompt you if you still want to install your updates after the package downloads are complete.  It sits in the middle of the apt-get upgrade process.18:20
MorbusPici: oh, that's handy.18:20
djslurpMorbus, you can try aptitude -s update18:20
djslurp-s simulates without doing anything18:20
Bolosaliak  the wifi is working fine - but I think I have a problem with a driver  its an ASUS 1001pxd-mu1718:21
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: it cant find the pacage18:21
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: can you paste the output of what it said?18:21
mongytrijntje, quentusrex ok very odd, I can now see that file......I swear it was not there 2 mins ago...18:22
shazzrI got some computers which do not have an internet connection. I need to install ubuntu-restricted-extras on them. What would be the best plan of attack?18:23
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/556602/18:23
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: k. looking18:23
xangua!offline | shazzr18:23
ubottushazzr: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD18:23
rbilOK, another question then. :-)  Ubuntu 9.10 and ATI 7200 - is it possible to get special effects?18:24
Darothanenvm i worked it out18:24
trijntjemongy, weird, maybe wrong command18:24
usr13rbil: Not sure but you should do distro upgrade to 10.0418:25
rbilusr13: heard from friends that 10.04 breaks things that we rely on. so not rushing to upgade18:26
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: do you know how to check to see if your universe repo is enabled?18:26
mustafajcan anyone help out with that pastebin ^^ please18:26
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: ??18:26
shazzrubottu: Hey! Thanks very handy. Didn't know about that. :)18:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:26
usr13rbil: What exactly does it supposedly break?18:27
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu ?18:28
rbilusr13: can't remember off hand. but too serious to consider upgrading now18:28
Oerrbil 10.04 is just fine, upgrade can break things, but not allways18:28
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: yes. make sure to enable the Universe repository18:28
usr13rbil: If you can not remember, I suggest to you that it is time to upgrade.18:28
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: ok18:28
rbilOer: would 10.04 support ATI 7200 if 9.10 doesn't?18:29
GraphicHhey I need help with NSF18:29
mongytrijntje, nah I tab completed to see and I looked directly, it was not there.... very odd.18:29
GraphicHwhen I try to mount on a remote computer I get:18:30
GraphicHmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on komodo:/jim,18:30
GraphicH       missing codepage or helper program, or other error18:30
Jimmy__I require assistance with trying to dual boot windows 7 and Ubuntu.18:30
GraphicHwhats the problem Jimmy__18:30
Jimmy__I have been trying to dual boot it for the past two days, but I simply can't figure out what I am doing wrong.18:31
Oerrbil ati 7200 is supported18:31
Jimmy__The problem is that18:31
rbilI'm used to a more thorough xorg file then what I'm getting  now with 9.10.  Can I still edit  that file?18:31
gordonjcprbil: isn't the ATI 7200 a little over ten years old now?18:31
rbilOer: where would I get the drivers to allow me to have special effects?18:31
Jimmy__Whenever I go to into Ubuntu installation, it never detects my windows 7 partition, it tells me to use the entire disk.18:31
usr13rbil: 10.04 will do as good a job if not better of running the ATI 7200. I see a thread that is 4 months old, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1565562 and is probably not relevant any more.18:32
Oerrbil see > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver18:32
Out_Coldi want to buy18:32
jenkaDoes any one know how to get vsftpd working with encrypted home folders?!18:32
GraphicHJimmy__ what version of ubuntu are you trying to install 10.10?18:32
Jimmy__Yes, 10.1018:32
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usr13rbil: Speaking from experience, (as a Linux user);  It is best to use hardware that is well supported.18:33
Jimmy__I tried formatting the partition to extend, ntfs, fat32, etc..., but still no luck.18:33
earthmeLonI have dual monitor setup.  I have them on separate screens (which is what I want).  Im trying to learn how to open a program on the second screen (screen:1).18:33
GraphicHJimmy__: when you install do you leave free space for the other os you plan to install? also doing win7 then ubuntu is the recommended order of operations18:33
Jimmy__I already have windows 7 installed18:34
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GraphicHOk, does it take the entire disk?18:34
leachim6so....I have ubuntu 10.10....and my suspend used to work (on a laptop) but now it doesn't....18:34
KM0201Jimmy__: so you have windows installed, and ubuntu doesn't see your hard drive?18:35
leachim6I think it might have something to do with laptop-mode-tools, I found info on the net about that18:35
leachim6so I uninstalled laptop-mode-tools, but I still can't suspend18:35
leachim6anyone know ?18:35
Jimmy__I have 250 GB, 200GB is used for windows7, and the rest is another partition where i want to install Ubuntu.18:35
usr13rbil: As to your original question;  Probably no one here is still using 9.10 and so getting someone with experience on your particular goal is more than likely not gonna happen.  Your best bet is to upgrade.18:35
Jimmy__Yes, Ubuntu does noe see that I have already have installed Windows 7 on part of the disk.18:35
KM0201Jimmy__: ok?.. so why not install ubuntu there?18:35
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: Note: In Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) and later, the main, universe, restricted and multiverse repositories are enabled by default. :/18:35
KM0201Jimmy__: or was that your question, how to do that?18:36
Jimmy__That is what I am trying to do, but when i go into the installation, it tells me to use the entire HDD.18:36
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: do a 'sudo apt-get update' then try installing the git-all again.18:36
earthmeLonI have dual monitor setup.  I have them on separate screens (which is what I want).  Im trying to learn how to open a program on the second screen (screen:1).18:36
KM0201Jimmy__: ok.. can i PM you?18:36
sinisterstufJimmy__, do advanced install18:37
leachim6when I press the power button "Failed to suspend, Failure was reported as: Cannot Suspend", anyone know how to fix it?18:37
rbilusr13: unfortunately those links were not helpful18:37
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HexLaTorhi, what's the equivalent of YAST on Ubuntu ?18:38
sinisterstufleachim6, did you set your power button to suspend instead of shut down?18:38
usr13leachim6: Yes, don't push the power button.  (Sorry, couldn't reist.)18:38
usr13rbil: What links?18:38
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Jimmy__Advanced install: same thing, tells me to use entire disk and say all of HDD is unallocated,18:38
sinisterstufHexLaTor, maybe it's Ubiquity?18:38
xanguaHexLaTor: apt, aptitude18:39
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: Done18:39
yaaarhey guys. just poking around logs and i see my /var/log/messages is full of call traces and such. that's not normal is it? i don't understand the output at all...can somebody help point me to what might be wrong? http://pastebin.com/dFvs8GFt18:39
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leachim6usr13, .....yes....I set the power button to suspend.....18:39
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: did you get git-all installed too?18:39
leachim6sinisterstuf, yes.....I did18:39
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: it asked the same thing again.....18:40
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: and yes18:40
rbiluser13: u sent me a link as did Oer18:40
sinisterstufxangua, that was going to be my guess but google said yast was a setup tool not a package manager18:40
HexLaTorsinisterstuf, xangua "18:40
HexLaTorUbuntu doesn't have it because they use apt and variety of18:40
HexLaTorconfiguration applications..."18:40
HexLaTorit's apt18:40
FloodBot2HexLaTor: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:40
HexLaTorthanks !18:40
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leachim6sinisterstuf, usr13 , do you have any suggestions on how to fix it? I already uninstalled latop-mode-tools and I still can't suspend18:41
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usr13rbil: How about this one?: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver18:41
erUSULyaaar: not good; no. report it as a kernel bug18:41
sinisterstufHexLaTor, thanks, interesting to know18:41
leachim6acpi -s suspends sucessfully18:41
erUSUL!bugs | yaaar18:41
ubottuyaaar: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:41
leachim6but not the power button or closing the lid18:41
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: it said it can't find the package?18:41
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earthmeLonHey guys.  I have two monitors with separate x screens.  I am trying to figure out how to open a program within a specific window and create launchers on the desktop of that screen.18:41
jenkaDoes any one know how to get vsftpd working with encrypted home folders?18:41
sinisterstufleachim6, can you write a script to execute that command when the power button is pressed? i know it's a round about solution but it would work18:41
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: I'm confused then. can you show me what it said?18:41
AbhiJit!dualhead | earthmeLon18:41
ubottuearthmeLon: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama18:41
JustinChromeBuildid you mean fsck or show :/18:42
leachim6sinisterstuf, the power button?18:42
sinisterstufleachim6, yes?18:42
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: oh, I c. k. one sec.18:42
earthmeLonAbhiJit, I want it to be separate xscreens. I just need to know how to open programs within specific screens and how to create launchers on their desktop.  I do NOT want twinview/xinerama18:43
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rubbsJustinChromeBuil: ok, instead of git you're going to use subversion. It's easier to install and I'm guessing you aren't commiting back to the trunk, (doing development).18:44
leachim6sinisterstuf, I found the culprit, installing laptop-mode-tools removes something else, I didn't realize18:44
leachim6sinisterstuf, when I click the power button on the panel, I get two options "Shutdown" and "Restart"18:44
leachim6hibernate and suspend are gone18:44
leachim6sinisterstuf, which package provides these functions?18:44
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: can you do it for me :/ http://www.teamviewer.com/download/index.aspx18:44
KakwaearthmeLon: two separate X servers?18:44
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: 'sudo apt-get -y install subversion'18:44
secretary_linuxanyone know any web-interface file indexers/search engines?18:45
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: can't. I'm at work, and I'm remoted into my own machine ;)18:45
djslurpleachim6, type gconf-editor in terminal18:45
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: oh18:45
djslurpleachim6, in gconf-editor go to apps > gnome-power-management > buttons18:45
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: once you isntall subversion ( sudo apt-get -y install subversion ) then run this command: svn co http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/tools/depot_tools18:45
leachim6you're missing the point18:46
sinisterstufleachim6, pm-utils18:46
djslurpand edit the strings to your desired functions18:46
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: then go on to step 2 on that page18:46
leachim6sinisterstuf, but pm-utils is already installed :/18:46
Bolo_Can't seem to get my ethernet port to work 10.4 netbook  http://paste.ubuntu.com/556585/  http://paste.ubuntu.com/556599/  been at this for 10 hours now and just can't get it to work18:46
mustafajdoes anyone know why There are problems and -y was used without --force-yes18:46
djslurpwhoops XD i thought you were talking about your physical power button18:46
mustafajthat comes up when installing?18:46
sinisterstufleachim6, can you sudo apt-get install suspend?18:46
djslurpignore me18:46
qwebastionhi. i have a question. is there any thing like autohotkey for ubuntu?18:47
sinisterstufleachim6, or hibernate for that matter?18:47
leachim6sinisterstuf, that's not a real package name.....18:47
DaGeek247qwebasion autohotkey?18:47
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: Just to let you know, I've got a meeting in about 10 minutes I have to go to. If you have more questions, ask the channel. someone else will help pick up the slack :)18:47
sinisterstufleachim6, did you try?18:47
djslurpAutoHotKey is a macro program18:47
leachim6sinisterstuf, yes.18:47
sinisterstufleachim6, crap, maybe it's something else18:47
JustinChromeBuilrubbs: ok thank you so mutch18:47
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leachim6sinisterstuf, yeah, s2ram is one18:48
DaGeek247autotyper macro?18:48
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: np. good luck I hope you get everything figured out!18:48
txafkhello, need some help in routing public ips, someone around?18:48
DaGeek247qwebastion is it an autoper?18:49
usr13txafk: Yea, ask away18:49
earthmeLonHey guys.  I have two monitors with separate x screens.  I am trying to figure out how to open a program within a specific window and create launchers on the desktop of that screen.  For example.  How would I open chromium-browser on screen 1 vs screen 018:49
txafki have 16 ips attached to another public ip18:49
txafki put that ip on eth0 and one of the other 16 on eth118:49
qwebastionit's a windows program that has scriptable macros. the macros can automate tasks for you. anything from clicking, to typing, to simulating keyboard input.18:49
DaGeek247im making an auotyper for linux.18:50
txafkand i'd like all my lan computers to be able to have it's own public ips18:50
DaGeek247but nothing that complicated. :/18:50
txafkusr13 how can i do that?18:51
earthmeLonAbhiJit I think I need to set the DISPLAY variable.18:51
DaGeek247i actcualy researche this whenn i firt go ubuntu, but nothing came up. yourbest freind here is google.18:51
usr13txafk: iptables rules18:51
txafkcould you help me please?18:52
shoutpci am trying to setup my proftpd default dirs ... can somebody help me ?18:52
Kakwatxafk: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/home-router-howto.xml18:52
DaGeek247if ll else fails you could run it in wine.18:52
usr13txafk: but you have eth1 using aliasis for them?  Right18:52
JustinChromeBuilhow do i install depot_tools (http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/install-depot-tools) i did step one how do i do step 218:52
usr13txafk: pastebin ifconfig18:53
Otacon22how can i convert a xvid video to h264? It seems that it's not possibile to have ffmpeg with h264 support un ubuntu18:54
txafkdid you received my notice usr13 ?18:54
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: create a file called .profile in your homedirectory with gedit. put this in the bottom: export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME"/depot_tools18:55
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: then close all terminals, and open them up again. tools should be there.18:55
rubbsJustinChromeBuil: k... really gtg now. good luck!18:55
DaGeek247are you thre?18:55
MrUnagican rsync re arrange dir structure if the file already exists on the destination?i e source: /path/to/file      dest:/path/file      becomes dest:/path/to/file without transferring?18:56
brontoeeeOtacon22, gui way: probably handbrake, cli way: ask in #x264 whats the current fashion18:56
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JustinChromeBuilCan someone tell me where the homederictory is (sorry for beeing stupid :/)18:58
rumpe1JustinChromeBuil, /home18:58
erUSULJustinChromeBuil: /home/yourusername18:58
txafkusr13 still here?18:59
JustinChromeBuilThanl you18:59
erUSULJustinChromeBuil: echo $HOME18:59
JustinChromeBuilThank You18:59
psychonhi, one of my packages failed to built on natty, is there some box with natty where I could get an account and check what's going on?18:59
psychon( https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oocairo/1.3-1/+buildjob/2040957 )18:59
PhoenixzAnybody here who might know why the flash plugin is so incredibly unstable under ubuntu? Specially when viewing videos, it crashes about every other 5 minutes.. When I have multiple youtube pages open, closing one will make all crash, etc.. Anything known about this (besides "flash sucks", I already knew that)..19:00
PudabudigadaHello, Parole Media Player is causing a freeze that I have to reset to fix.19:00
jenkaDoes any one know how to get vsftpd working with encrypted home folders? :)19:01
DJonespsychon: Probably best raising that in #ubuntu+1, thats the support channel for natty while its being developed19:01
usr13txafk: Sorry, was away for a few...19:01
tdnI have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on a Lenovo workstation. I have dual boot between Vista and Ubuntu. For some reason the Vista GRUB menu item boots the Lenovo Thinkvantage Rescue partition instead of the Vista partition. How do I fix this? I really hope you can help.19:02
txafkusr13 did you received my notice?19:02
psychonDJones: thanks, will ask19:02
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
* dr-v touches his penis19:02
usr13txafk: no19:02
dr-vi feel it getting stuff19:02
dr-vanyone want to touch it?19:02
rlinuxguy2dr-v that's quite disgusting friend19:02
rlinuxguy2please reframe19:02
BluesKaj!language | dr-v19:02
ubottudr-v: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:03
dr-vlets have a online group masturbation contest19:03
JustinChromeBuilhow can i do step two on http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/install-depot-tools19:03
DaGeek247!ohmy > dr-v19:03
ubottudr-v, please see my private message19:03
DJonesdr-v: Please don't do that in here, this is a support channel19:03
dr-v!language | eat_a_big_dick19:03
ubottueat_a_big_dick: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:03
DJones!ops | dr-v19:03
ubottudr-v: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!19:03
JustinChromeBuilidk what it mean by bash ya yada yda19:03
Pudabudigada Phoenixz  If it's any constellation, the windows one is just as bad.19:03
dr-v!ops | i need help masturbating19:03
ubottui need help masturbating: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!19:03
YouKayIs it possible to link my Ubuntu terminal to that of another user, over internet, so that we can talk and chat with terminals, and send commands in each others' terminals?19:03
tdnHow do I edit GRUB boot menu?19:04
aciculaYouKay: yes19:04
aciculaYouKay: you can use screen for this19:04
erUSUL!grub2 | tdn19:04
ubottutdn: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:04
wedwo-tdn, install Startup-Manager and fix it from there. You'll find it in System >> Admin19:04
aciculaYouKay: you may have to login as the same user for this to work19:04
rumpe1YouKay, with "screen" you can19:04
Pudabudigadatdn There are programs in the repo for that, I had a bad experiance with one, however.19:04
YouKayrumpe1: acicula: Oh, thanks. But it isn't the same as GNU screen, is it?19:05
yaaarscreen rules19:05
ubottuScreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen19:05
MrUnagican rsync re arrange dir structure if the file already exists on the destination?i e source: /path/to/file      dest:/path/file      becomes dest:/path/to/file without transferring?19:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:05
rumpe1YouKay, it's the same... screen -x (i guess) to join another attached screen session (like via ssh on a remote pc)19:06
rumpe1YouKay, but i don't know exactly.. just look it up in man screen19:06
YouKayrumpe1: Oh, thanks. :)19:06
tdnwedwo-, I only have access via SSH. This is a remote computer at my parent's.19:06
tdnPudabudigada, which one bad? And what do you recommend?19:06
Rufas!ops help i am a worthless irc bot on an autistic irc network!19:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:07
mettao87hi guys... I have a problem with a new partition that I've just created. I added it in the fstab but I can't write on it. this is the fstab: http://pastebin.com/D168Rg6s How can I solve? thank you.19:07
mettao87the partition is the sda419:07
tdnHow do I edit GRUB boot menu from SSH/console?19:07
wedwo-tdn, then follow the links ubottu gave you19:07
Pudabudigadatdn, I uninstalled it, I'll look in the software manger, gimme, oh, about six months? :P19:07
erUSULtdn: it depends on what you want to do19:08
galanakisis there a way to downgrade to karmic koala?19:08
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.19:08
tdnPudabudigada, if it is X then I cannot use it.19:08
Pudabudigadatdn It was startup manager, It broke GRUB and I had to reinstall it, It did make the changes I wanted though.19:08
Pudabudigadatdn You want a cli program?19:09
aciculatdn: grub is configured by the values in /etc/defaults/grub and /etc/grub.d19:09
tdnerUSUL, for some reason the Vista menu item no longer boots Vista. Instead it boots the wrong partition  --  The IBM rescue partition.19:09
blue_pearlhow do i disable ipv6 on ubuntu 10.04 i cant find the file   /etc/modprobe.d/aliases19:09
aciculablue_pearl: you can just untick it in network applet19:09
tdnPudabudigada, CLI yes19:09
YankDownUndermettao87, Mate, simply cd to the /media folder, and do a "sudo chmod -R 777 sda4" => then you'll be able to read/write to it with the right perms for ya19:10
aciculablue_pearl: or set it via sysctl to be disable19:10
ata-execI'm having keyboard issues how do you troubleshoot a keyboard? it's a ell rt7d4019:11
ata-execcan't find a driver19:11
mettao87YankDownUnder: perfect, it functions. thank you.19:11
tdnacicula, yeah, I have looked there. This is /etc/default/grub: http://paste.adora.dk/P1917.txt and this is fdisk -l: http://paste.adora.dk/P1918.txt   What to do? I see nothing related in the grub config.19:11
YankDownUndermettao87, Great mate, have a great day!19:11
blue_pearlacicula, thanx19:11
Pudabudigadatdn, sorry, don't know anything for that, you could prolly use emacs...19:12
aciculatdn: sorry i must have missed it, but what are you trying to configure?19:12
tdnPudabudigada, ok. Nevermind then.19:12
genii-aroundThe trackpad on my Acer is pretty good, even does multi-touch19:12
Pudabudigadatdn, I'm no guru, there may be something.19:12
coz_tdn,  if your issue is grub related you may also want to go to the #grub channel19:13
aciculaata-exec: whats not working, and why do you think you need a driver?19:13
coz_tdn there you might be able to determine if it is in fact a grub issue19:13
gamla_kossanhey people19:13
tdnacicula, the problem is that my mum has a Lenovo workstation with dualboot between Vista and Ubuntu. It used to work just fine. But then suddenly she tells me that she cannot boot Vista. When she selects Vista in GRUB it boots IBM Rescue System instead. (a separate partition)19:13
gamla_kossanI was just about to do an apt-get upgrade, and I got this: WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! xserver-common xserver-xorg-core19:13
ata-execacicula: because the keyboard doesn't work19:13
gamla_kossancould anyone help me udnerstand why?19:14
ata-execI have to plug in another one to write this19:14
ata-execthe mouse works off the same wireless dongle but only mouse works not keyboard19:14
ata-execI figure i'm jus screwed19:14
niko-nojoHi room - When I start Rhythmbox 0.12.8 it always stays minimised and I have to click on the panel to open it up. Any idea ? I'm using Ubuntu 10.04. I've checked the preferences - but not seeing the option19:14
aciculatdn: hmmm and what if you edit the line at boot to explicitly boot the proper partition?19:15
aciculatdn grub tends to fail os detection when windows is not cleanly shutdown and right after that grub update is ran19:15
tdnacicula, I haven't tried. I live ~500 miles away from her, so I have only access via SSH.19:15
tdnacicula, hmm.. Really.19:15
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tdnacicula, So if she had a problem shutting down Vista and then after that booted Ubuntu, installed updates and then rebooted, that could be the problem?19:16
tdnacicula, is there any way to fix this?19:16
aciculatdn: that be my first guess yes19:16
tdnacicula, wow, hadn't thought of that.19:16
aciculatdn: boot vista, shutdown cleanly, boot ubuntu and run the grub update19:16
gamla_kossancould anyone help me out here?19:16
tdnacicula, but I cannot boot Vista ATM.19:17
gamla_kossanwould greatly appreciate it.19:17
mosesis there software for like taking notes via a touchscreen notebook19:17
tdngamla_kossan, do you use PPA sources?19:17
moseswhats the formal name for these notebooks?19:17
aciculatdn: right. im looking if you van override the bootsequence19:17
tdnmoses, tablets I guess.19:17
mosesyeah there you go19:17
coz_moses,   mm I believe so   I used one  a while back hold on19:17
mosesi need good tablet software19:18
tdnmoses, not sure what you can use though.19:18
gamla_kossantdn: no, I don't think so19:18
mosesi need like a really decked out program19:18
tdngamla_kossan, pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*19:18
aciculatdn: from what i can gather the grub file is /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:18
gamla_kossantdn: k19:18
coz_moses,   take a look here for some of the ones available and check out any screenshots you can fine    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Free_notetaking_software19:19
Necavithi there! I've had some problem with my GUI and some Nvidia drivers... could anyone help me? (I'm quite newbie)19:19
aciculatdn: its normally autogenerated from the scripts, you should be able to check there if and how the configuration is currently set19:19
tdnacicula, http://paste.adora.dk/P1919.txt19:19
tdnacicula, that is grub.cfg19:19
ata-execso if the keyboard just doesn't work but the mouse doesn, then I'm just screwed?19:19
gamla_kossantdn: http://fpaste.org/ubeq/19:19
coz_moses,   although not strickly for note taking .. a really "decked out"  application would be lyx19:19
tdnacicula, yeah, I search for vista and get hd(0,1)19:19
PhoenixzPudabudigada: Gottit, so flash is ... well, bad.. by the way, I guess you meant to say consolation19:19
coz_moses,  however  lyx is at minmal 3 gigs  install19:19
aciculatdn: is that correct?19:20
BluesKajNecavit, the nvidia gui x server settings ?19:20
tdnacicula, I amnot sure. Is that sda1?19:20
mosesXjournal is cool19:20
tdnI think Vista is on sda2.19:20
tdnacicula, did you see my pastebin with fdisk -l?19:20
aciculatdn: eh sda2 i think, you can try mounting the disk19:20
coz_moses,   xournal is the one I used  with my wacom tablet19:20
mosesdid you like it?19:20
Necavithi! ... eeerh. no, i don't think so19:20
gamla_kossantdn: and this one: http://fpaste.org/fhvh/19:20
aciculatdn: yeah but i already closed it19:21
Necavitit's just i installed them and reboot19:21
tdnacicula, ok. I think Vista is on sda2.19:21
Necavitthen there was no more gui19:21
tdnacicula, and it probably boots sda1 now.19:21
aciculatdn no it numbers starting from 019:21
aciculaso hd0,0 is sda1, hd0,1 is sda2 , etc19:21
aciculaso that means grub is booting vista correctly19:21
aciculaor as best i can tell19:21
tdnacicula, acicula it is just that the menu item text says sda119:21
BluesKajNecavit, did you install the recommended driver in the nvidia gui ?19:22
coz_moses,   sudo apt-get install xournal      not  xjournal19:22
aciculatdn: heu19:22
tdnmenuentry "Windows Vista (loader) (on /dev/sda1)" {19:22
ajaxErrorhi, I have a question regarding mouting my usb drive (weird that this channel is also talking about sda1, sda2 - co-incidence? :S)19:22
tdnacicula, but then later:         set root='(hd0,1)'19:22
aciculatdn: ah, yeah thats not right then19:22
ajaxErrorit is mounted as HP v165w19:22
NecavitBluesKaj: yep. I installed the one Ubuntu told me (in the installation assistant)19:22
tdnacicula, http://paste.adora.dk/P1920.txt this is the relevant section of grub.cfg19:22
rebirthi'm having trouble with my wifi card, how can i make sure i have the driver installed?19:23
ajaxErrorI need to #1 change that to just /media/hp/ and #2 mount with 755 permissions19:23
ajaxErrorit is currently mounted19:23
tdngamla_kossan, you run karmic?19:23
BluesKajok Necavit , what seems to be the problem then ?19:23
gamla_kossantdn: no lucid actually19:23
JustinChromeBuilhow do i use repo19:24
tdngamla_kossan, there is something wrong. You have buth karmic and lucid sources.19:24
gamla_kossantdn: well, I did do do-release-upgrade many months ago from karmic19:24
BluesKaj!repository | JustinChromeBuil19:24
ubottuJustinChromeBuil: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:24
aciculatdn: yeah it has something confused then, sda1 is hd0,0. does sda2 or hd0,0 appear anywhere?19:24
NecavitBluesKaj: don't really know... it told me to restart the system. Now ubuntu has no GUI =S19:24
coz_moses,  there is another one neame    ejourn    older application with ecryption19:24
tdnacicula, there is this: menuentry "Windows Recovery Environment (loader) (on /dev/sda2)" {19:25
tdnacicula, but it says:         set root='(hd0,2)'19:25
BluesKajNecavit, nvidia gui or no login?19:25
tdnacicula, something looks off by one if hd0,0 is actually sda1?19:25
ajaxErrorQuestion again: how do I unmount /dev/sdb/ (which is currently mounted as (/media/HP\ v165w/) and remount it as /media/hp/ along with permissions 755 ?19:26
ajaxErrorits a USB drive19:26
tdngamla_kossan, sorry, I don't know what is going on then. I have never had any luck upgrading. Something always fails when upgrading.19:26
v0lksmanI need to recompile a package and would prefer to keep it as a package.  so I downloaded the source (apt-get source) but how do I tell it to just recompile based on its existing rules?19:26
aciculatdn: actually, no its not, i just checked it, those do correspond. so thats correct19:26
tdnacicula, ok.19:27
gamla_kossantdn: anyway, I moved the sources.list.distupgrade to /tmp, and did a apt-get update:19:27
gamla_kossantdn: I got this: W: GPG error: http://se.archive.ubuntu.com lucid-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>19:27
NecavitBluesKaj: sorry... I don't know what you mean... Ubuntu does work, I can login as usually, only that it has no kind of grafic anything: it's all bash-like stuff (>.<)19:27
tdngamla_kossan, try using the Danish mirror instead. s/se/dk/19:27
aciculatdn: the entries look fine even. so its not that they are improperly detected, what happens if you try to boot the recovery entry option?19:28
rumpe1Necavit, try "startx"19:28
gamla_kossantdn: oh, it's just a matter of changing the tld?19:28
gamla_kossanerr url :)19:28
tdnacicula, ok. Problem is: there is only the following items: Various Ubuntu kernel versions; 2 x memtest; The Vista entry (that fails)19:28
tdngamla_kossan, yes.19:28
NecavitBluesKaj: ok, thank you! That will "open" the XDM, am I wrong? then... I think I'll keep stuck there, sorry U.U19:29
BluesKajNecavit, ok the bash is the tty or shell , so you type: sudo nvidia-xconfig , then startx , or sudo reboot19:29
aciculatdn: hmm what if you purge some of the older kernel entries.19:29
gamla_kossantdn: :/19:29
gamla_kossantdn: I get W: GPG error: http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com lucid-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>19:30
tdnacicula, can I just uninstall the kernel images to do that?19:30
gralcohi can someone please help, I've tried many different distributions and tried checking logs but can't find a fix, my machine freezes with random simple processes, please help.19:30
aciculatdn: yup19:30
rebirthcan anyone help me with wifi problems?19:30
tdnacicula, running aptitude purge linux-image-2.6.32-21-generic linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic linux-image-2.6.32-25-generic, will see if that helps19:30
NecavitBluesKaj: ok, thanks! I'll try it and see how it works =D greatings! (is this correct? I'm not english XD)19:31
tdnacicula, this rebuilds grub :)19:31
splnetrebirth: just state your problem. Someone may be able to help19:31
BluesKajrebirth, laptop or ?19:31
aciculatdn: thats normal after a kernel update19:31
bolti accidentally removed the config file for smoothwall, and now it wont uninstall with apt-get/aptitude because it can't find the config file19:31
bolthow can I get that file back from the package?19:32
=== astra05 is now known as astra-x
rebirthlaptop yes, i can sometimes connect to unsecured networks but usually can't connect to networks with WPA, or it will connect and work for a few minutes and then not19:32
splnetgralco: check kernel logs after reboot19:32
distaticaOn my netbook I've got a program that won't maximize, and is too big for the screen. Whenever I try to click on anything it just moves the window so if top left was showing, its hidden now and bottom left is showing. Any idea how I can deal with this? Makes it impossible to use the app.19:32
madmni cam19:32
ajaxErrorSELF-RESOLVED using System->Administration->Disk Utility (thanks for ignoring my question =( - just kidding =) )19:32
gralcosplnet: Where are they located?19:32
madmni can't ftp into proftp what could be my problem19:33
madmnit does not connect19:33
splnetgralco: /var/log/kern.log19:33
gralcoawesome thank you19:33
ajaxErrormadmn:  and the error message you see is?19:33
aciculamadmn: if you cant connect that either means its not running, or you can not reach it19:34
splnetrebirth: what driver?19:34
madmnhow can i fix this19:34
rebirthsplnet: how can i tell?19:34
madmnits running19:34
splnetrebirth: lspci -v usually does the trick19:34
madmni can ftp locally19:34
mosesgood call19:34
j_ayen_greenI just went through about 40 posts about getting googletalk working in pidgin, and tried all the permutations, and NOTHING works :(19:34
mosesxournal seems to be a robust program19:34
mosesi like it19:35
jenkaDoes any one know how to get vsftpd working with encrypted home folders? :)19:35
ajaxErrormadmn: Are you sure your firewall port 25 is open?19:35
coz_moses,  yep its pretty cool... as I said there is also  ejourn   but I dont know if it will compile on19:35
splnetajaxError: don't you mean 21?19:35
aciculajenka: the way it works is that it requiers a user to be logged in19:35
whoopkyCould anyone help me with a very simple bashscript that is returning errors19:35
ajaxErroryeah 21 - sorry, I recently resolved a smtp issue =(19:35
h00kwhoopky: you should probably check in #bash19:36
BluesKajrebirth, and you are using the gnome nm-applet wifi ?19:36
splnetmadmn: check your firewall19:36
whoopkythanks h00k19:36
linseoQuick question: is FAT32 a form of FAT, or is FAT something different than FAT32 and FAT16?19:36
mosescoz_: this suits my needs19:36
jenkaacicula: Yeah but i try to log in with my client but i cant :S19:36
erUSULlinseo: the former19:36
mosesyou know kubuntu/ubuntu hasnt let me down yet19:36
linseoSo if I have to format my USB drive to "FAT" according to some instructions, then it's fine if it's FAT32?19:36
mosesim shocked at how much i am enjoying this IS19:37
aciculalinseo: yeah19:37
ajaxErrorlinseo: yes19:37
rebirthsplnet: here is the output http://pastebin.com/kvQ6Zxbe19:38
coz_moses,   yep :)  I think its a pretty nice application  for  tablet pc's  or wacom tablets19:38
rebirthBluesKaj: i don't know19:38
coz_even just typing for that matter19:38
sllideis there a simmilar command to pause in windows?19:38
madmni did port forward19:38
BluesKajrebirth the wifi icon in the panel19:38
tdnacicula, I will have to wait until she is at home before she can reboot the computer and check if it works.19:38
ajaxErrormadmn: are you able to ping to the host?19:38
tdnacicula, thanks for helping.19:38
madmnping from where19:39
tdngamla_kossan, have you tried googling the error?19:39
rebirthBluesKaj: i installed it when i first installed ubuntu, i don't remember what it's called19:39
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ajaxErrorfrom wherever you are tried connecting to that ftp server.  try pinging using that hostname19:39
splnetrebirth: looks like an intel 5100 wifi . do you have the latest driver?19:40
splnetrebirth: check kernel logs. "dmesg" when it happens again19:40
rebirthsplnet: according to this http://intellinuxwireless.org/ i should have the driver19:40
gamla_kossantdn: yes, reading up on it now - might be a bug19:41
gamla_kossantdn: a really old one..19:41
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BluesKajok , rebirth that's it , the default networkmanager , open a terminal and do: ifconfig ..pastebin the output19:42
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splnetmadmn: try to connect to port 21 remotely : telnet host 21  will attempt to connect to port 21 remotely. If that fails most likely a firewall especially if it times out. If a port unreachable error its something else19:43
galanakisI'm trying to install karmic koala, but i get the error "unkown keyword gfxboot", help?19:43
rebirthBluesKaj: output http://pastebin.com/R670a1mr19:43
madmncan someone there try to connect19:43
madmnto see if they get anything19:43
madmni get a ping reply when i do it19:43
splnetmadmn: not ping. you need to connect with netcat or telnet19:44
ajaxErroralso try what splnet suggested recently19:44
usr13madmn: What address?19:44
madmni can get on locally using filezilla19:44
roccity_madmn, if that is your ip address it maybe best to no display it19:45
madmnbut i want to be able to access it from outside19:45
rwwroccity_: not like it matters. IP addresses are usually public on IRC anyway19:45
BluesKajrebirth, everything looks fine there , looks like you're connected19:46
usr13madmn: What port?19:46
roccity_rww, true but why invite someone into your box19:46
rebirthBluesKaj: i'm also plugged into ethernet19:46
ajaxErrorrww, roccity, a related question: Is the default ubuntu installation say( Lucid ) fully secure?19:46
FunkyDudecan anyone recommend a good open source software to convert .wmv to .flv?19:47
roccity_ajaxError, no system is fully secure19:47
ajaxErrorat-least firewall wise?19:47
rwwajaxError: unless your computer is turned off and in a safe at the bottom of the ocean, there is no such thing as "fully secure". Ubuntu's default configuration is secure enough, in my opinion.19:47
BluesKajrebirth, well, you have to decide which you are going to use ...can't run both at once19:47
splnetFunkyDude: have you tried ffmpeg?19:47
ajaxError`secure enough` sounds good19:47
FunkyDudeno, lemme see19:47
rwwajaxError: Ubuntu's firewall is disabled by default. Since it doesn't have any services running and opening ports to the world, this is irrelevant. You can enable it with "sudo ufw enable".19:47
usr13madmn: 21/tcp filtered ftp19:48
madmnwhat does that mean19:48
usr13madmn: Possibly being blocked by your ISP19:48
ajaxErrorrww: oh, what if I installed remote desktop for trying to see what that was and forgot to try and got busy with other things?19:49
circlecrossdevUnhandled page fault on read access to 0xffffffff at address 0x4013a4 (thread 0009), starting debugger...19:49
SuperMiguelany of you guys running ubuntu on a macbook pro?19:49
ajaxErroror HTTP Server for that matter (I recently installed Apache2 :S )19:49
madmnokay so it won't work then usr1319:49
rwwajaxError: then that would be user error. What if we shipped with ufw enabled and you turned it off and forgot... ;P19:49
madmnin ubuntu i am using proftpd19:50
madmnis that the best one to use ?19:50
usr13madmn: http://www.t1shopper.com/tools/port-scan/19:50
rebirthBluesKaj: i'm connected to ethernet because wifi disconnects me all the time so i couldn't be chattin on irc on wifi!19:51
ezra-smadmm, proftpd is cool for me19:51
splnetmadmn: its blocked by a firewall. what does iptables --list show?19:51
ajaxErrorrww: if someone knows about apache and does not about firewall in ubuntu, then it is natural that they install apache and leave the firewall open.. say for testing php apps locally..19:51
TecnicoDPCjoin/ #linuxjournal19:51
madmnhow do i do that splnet19:51
ajaxErrorrww: but if someone knows about firewall - only then they turn it off19:51
SnowmanX11Can somebody help me to configure 5.1 sound on my fresh 10.10 install?19:51
ajaxErrorso forgetting after turning off causes no harm19:52
circlecrossdevhelp? =>0 0x004013a4 in main (+0x13a4) (0x0060fe70)19:52
ajaxErrorSnookie1: I have a similar issue19:52
madmnit says it not responding on port 21 (ftp)19:52
splnetmadmn: "/sbin/iptables --list"19:52
ajaxErrorDo you have Creative Soundblaster?  CA0160 ?19:52
ddt_Hi. I want to to hide NTFS partition in GRUB2 - but it is not working. Is any error in it? Look at: http://pastebin.com/RKaScgpq Thank you.19:52
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SnowmanX11ajaxError: Realtek on the mainboard19:53
madmnthat command never worked splnet19:53
ajaxErrorThe original install of 10.04 worked - after some sw updates and restart - it is now giving white-noise :S19:53
usr13madmn: netstat -taupn19:54
ajaxErrorSnowmanX11: do you have a similar issue?19:54
StealthViperaneed help, i make channel, but dont can change topic (problem: You're not channel operator)(i use linux 3 deys))))19:54
madmnusr13 http://paste.ubuntu.com/556645/19:55
rwwStealthVipera: ask in #freenode19:55
ajaxErrorStealthVipera: ask in #help or #freenode channel - this channel is reserved only for ubuntu related topic19:55
irishman2020anyone know of the channel for evolution mail?19:56
splnetmadmn: proftpd is not listening on port 2119:56
madmnhow do i get it too ?19:56
splnethow do you connect to it now?19:56
usr13madmn: So, is proftpd really installed and running?19:57
robbleshas anyone here successfully run a Sugar activity on ubuntu?19:57
anwarwhere can i find projects to contribute ? using Python ?19:57
madmni believe so yes usr1319:57
robblesI've heard it's possible, but I was wondering whether anyone's actually had some success doing it19:57
madmni went into package manager and added it19:57
circlecrossdevHow to print pixel in ubuntu?19:58
=== robbles is now known as robtmr
usr13madmn: You should have seen a line like:19:58
usr13tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN19:58
=== sandstrom_ is now known as sandstrom
splnetI like vsftpd my self. never used proftpd19:59
madmnis there a way to get it to listen to that port so i can use the ftp server19:59
usr13madmn: So it's not installed or not configured or not running.19:59
ajaxErrorusr13: I think madmn once said it works for him from FileZilla locally19:59
=== KM0201_ is now known as KM0201
usr13ajaxError: http://paste.ubuntu.com/556645/20:00
tim167hello, my microphone isn't working, can someone help ?20:00
ToxicsgzI know it is off topic but I am desperate for some help choosing a PSU, please share your experiences to help me out?20:00
ajaxErrortcp 0 0 LISTEN makes sense - I think that should tell that has bound to ALL addresses20:00
ddt_Hi. Anybody help me with the grub?20:01
ezra-sToxicsgz, if you want a very good PSU I can suggest you one20:01
usr13ajaxError: Yea, for a generic install, that would be the way it looks but he has no address/service listening on port 21 so.....20:01
ajaxErrorI see20:01
ToxicsgzAll advice welcome.20:01
ajaxErrorsaw pastebin - hmmm20:01
ajaxErrormadmn: Can you try again using FileZilla locally?20:02
tim167can anyon help me with audio > microphone doesn't work, thanks !20:02
usr13madmn: Was that pastebin from the computer that you've installed proftpd on ?20:02
ajaxErrorWhats the hostname / server you were using in FileZilla locally?20:02
ezra-sToxicsgz, I got an Enermax Modu 87+20:02
ezra-sperfect, ultra silent20:02
ezra-sno complains at all20:03
splnetusr13: right I'm still waiting for him to tell us how he connects to it from filezilla..20:03
KM0201tim167: are you still working on that?... i'd say it's probablly time to give up and accept it doesn't work w/ ubuntu.. hasn't it been like 3 weeks?20:03
Repgahrhey guys... do you know any good IRC program that has convenient features like the ability to insert the nick of someone with a single click, good highlighting, etc? i'm using xchat but i it's a pain to type the nick of everybody to reply'em. thanks20:03
bazhangRepgahr, learn tab complete20:03
KM0201Repgahr: tab auto completes20:03
roccity_Repgahr, just type part of the name and hit tab20:03
tim167KM0201: no, well, yes and no...it's the internal sound that's acting out, but i need to record something now without external soundcards...that's why i need to get that internal mic working20:04
landstalkeris this a good channel to ask about scripting?20:04
ajaxErrorlandstalker:  which 120:04
KM0201tim167: i understand.. but.. i mean, you'd think after several weeks if it's not working, you'd accept you need to figure something else out.20:04
Repgahrthanks guys.... but i want something simpler... like just clicking the nick.20:04
ToxicsgzWill take a look20:05
Repgahrif there isn't, then it's okay20:05
landstalkeris this a good channel to ask about scripting??20:05
landstalkererm, sorry20:05
landstalkerbash, specifically if I'm scripting up some steps and one of them is running a program which the next step relies on its output, anyway to not enter the program so that it carries on the script?20:05
KM0201Repgahr: i'm not aware of anything more simple than auto complete w/ tab.20:05
tim167KM0201: there's many things i spent weeks getting working, but spending weeks equals 'trying to figure it out once every so many days"...20:06
splnetlandstalker: you can run it in the background  like: command &20:06
RepgahrKM0201: okay. thanks20:06
landstalkerthats what I had written20:06
bazhanglandstalker, #bash20:06
roccity_landstalker, tldp.org has 2 good bash guides as well20:06
Repgahrxchat is a good irc client right?20:06
KM0201tim167: i guess20:06
landstalkersplnet, I thought that, but won't it then continue onto the next command in the script?20:06
KM0201Repgahr: i think the best.. as long as you're using xchat and not xchat-gnome20:06
landstalkerRepgahr, it is on Linux, Windows has a paid version20:07
landstalkerychat for Mac is similar20:07
splnetlandstalker: it will run in the background20:07
tim167can anyone help me get my internal microphone working ? the speakers work but the microphone doesn't...thanks20:07
Repgahris xchat (non gnome) on repos?20:07
ajaxErrortim167: did you see if it was muted under sound mixer?20:08
splnetAnyone know of a version of MS Office that works with Wine?20:08
brontoeeeRepgahr, its usefull, not good imho20:08
landstalkersplnet, basically the program processes a text file, which the next step has to then process. It takes quite a while to process the text file. I guess I could just try it20:08
tim167ajaxError: I tried in alsamixer, every setting i can think of20:08
Repgahrbrontoeee: so what's a "good" one?20:08
tim167ajaxError: how would i see if it is muted?20:08
landstalkersplnet, Office 2003, Office 200720:09
ajaxErrortim167: checking in alsamixer is a good way to know if it was muted or not20:09
brontoeeeRepgahr, no idea, i didnt bother that much20:09
KM0201!info xchat | Repgahr20:09
ubottuRepgahr: xchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 312 kB, installed size 840 kB20:09
xanguasplnet: what's wrong with Open/Libre Office¿ did you check wine's !appdb20:09
brontoeeeah there is a good one: AmIRC, unfortunatelly that was amiga only20:10
Repgahrbrontoeee: how can you say that it's not good if you don't know anything better? :) heheh20:10
splnetlandstalker: 2007 works? I'll have to check it out20:10
KM0201!best | Repgahr20:10
ubottuRepgahr: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:10
tim167ajaxError: in alsamixer i set the 'L R CAPTURE' to <Mic>, but still it doesn't work, audio programs just record silence20:10
brontoeeeRelampago, i ment for ubuntu20:10
landstalkersplnet, yes, but it depends how well you need it to run.20:10
Repgahrhmmm xchat isn't officially supported? ;(20:10
tsimbohey guys!20:10
KM0201Repgahr: what do you mean by that?.. #xchat has always been helpful to me20:10
landstalkerRepgahr, officially supported by who?20:10
roccity_tim167, what are you using for sound pulse or alsa?20:11
splnetxangua: I know.. but for things like powerpoint, the openoffice stuff is just not up to par20:11
Repgahrby canonical i mena20:11
Relampagobrontoeee ?20:11
tim167roccity_: alsa20:11
shcherbakRepgahr: irssi - client of the future20:11
brontoeeeRelampago, never mind we are offtopic20:11
roccity_tim167, if you f6 I think it is it should show all of your settings20:11
Repgahr=/ okay guys... i'm gonna stick with xchat... better than using webchat20:11
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tim167roccity_: ...that i know of... however, pulseaudio gives: E: pid.c: Daemon already running.20:12
The_CogRepgahr: I'm just trying out pidgin - seems to work OK20:12
tim167roccity_: i meant 'i'm using alsa, ...for all i know'... because pulseaudio seems to be running20:12
roccity_tim167, so if you open a terminal and type alsamixer what does it say?20:13
tim167roccity_: it opens alsamixer20:13
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tsimbodoes anyone know how to make JACk work? I'm new to ubuntu and i can't get it to connect to server. thanks20:13
dacresniwhy does my clock app listening on port 80?20:13
ajaxErrortry F6 there and check if all channels are unmuted on all cards20:13
BlueBomber7tsimbo: My JACK works.  What have you done?20:14
tsimboi installed it20:14
roccity_tim167, and along the bottom it's all green? or does it show 00 anywhere?20:14
tsimbobut when i try to run it it says it cannot connect to server20:14
BlueBomber7tsimbo:  Did you run it, yet?20:14
RepgahrThe_Cog: gonna try, thanks20:14
tsimboi am getting that: Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory Cannot connect to server socket jack server is not running or cannot be started20:15
ajaxErrortim167: try F6 in alsamixer, as roccity_ suggested - got to go20:15
cli4lifeHow do I turn off the ubuntu firewall of my Turnkey Linux LAMP install?20:15
BlueBomber7tsimbo:  I'm PMing you.20:15
cli4lifevia the CLI20:16
dacresniwhy does my clock app listening on port 80?20:16
dacresnior how do i stop it from doing so20:16
dacresniits gnome clock app20:16
modrootdoes anyone know abotu skyrail20:17
ikoniawhat about it20:17
modrootdo you know the actual system requirment for skyrails20:17
ikoniamodroot: what does it say on the website20:18
modrootikonia, it is fukin information on the website20:18
shcherbakcli4life: flush iptables? Do you run ufw?20:18
shcherbakcli4life: man iptables20:18
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ikoniamodroot: drop the language20:19
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modrootikonia, okay20:19
ikoniamodroot: what does the website say20:19
dacresniI"ll ask on a less crowded channel20:19
modrootikonia,  there is no specific information about the system requirment for the skyrail20:20
cli4lifeshcherbak: Im not sure if it uses ufw or iptables i cant find either20:20
ikoniamodroot: what is the website url20:20
budoinbatuhello all20:20
modrootikonia,  just hold on a movemnet20:20
budoinbatui need some big help20:20
shcherbakcli4life: Do you have firewall then?20:21
ubuntu_bmwere i can find a sample configuration of bind for multiple domain names on  one ip address20:21
budoinbatuI just installed some updates, and now the GNU GRUB doesn't boot, it cannot find the kernel20:21
modrootikonia,  here is the website url for skyrail ,,, http://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~wyos/skyrails/20:21
miniuserubuntu_bm, pardon me ..? what?20:22
cli4lifeshcherbak: Im guessing it does.  Whats the command to turn of ubuntu's firewall? service iptables stop doesnt work, nor does ufw stop20:22
dacresnisorry for leaving20:22
ikoniamodroot: there is a contact form to contact the developer/maintainer if you want to ask specifics20:22
mbeierlwhenever my display is turned off due to powersave, when it comes back, my second monitor's image is shifted to the left about 20 pixels.  the actual objects are not, so I need to click 20 pixels to the left of any object to reach it now.  how can I troubleshoot this?20:23
shcherbakubuntu_bm: google apache virtual hosts, one good how to is from debian20:23
ezra-subuntu_bm, there are many bind or named examples if you find through google, lazy one :P20:23
AhrotahnteeI'm thinking of a linux system profiling tool, it's got a short name, embeds on the desktop20:23
wedwo-budoinbatu, reboot and choose your old kernel in grub. then use synaptic to remove the new kernel20:23
Ahrotahnteehas stats and very configuarable profiles.20:23
Ahrotahnteeanyone know what I'm on about?20:24
modrootikonia, do you reply for pms20:24
coraxxI'm having problems with playing videos with Totem-player ...the audio is missing when the sound-format is in WMA Version 8 ...does anybody know how to fix that ?20:24
IsmAvatarA few days ago, firefox wouldn't start (but Konquerer worked). Then, Ubuntu wouldn't start (WinXP worked fine). Then grub wouldn't start (LiveCD worked fine), and now I'm not finding my primary hard drive (SDA1). I'd like to at least find that to fetch the data since my last backup.20:24
timhi all. My apt cache and a bunch of folders related to apt are much larger than expected20:24
* miniuser feels sad for mbeierl 20:24
dacresniAhrotahntee: perf?20:24
budoinbatuthanks jim, where do I choose the olde kernel?20:24
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The_CogAhrotahntee: conky?20:24
budoinbatufor give my noobness20:24
AhrotahnteeThe_Cog: !20:24
Ahrotahnteedacresni: sorry, it was conky20:24
AhrotahnteeThe_Cog: thank you kindly20:24
shcherbakcli4life: iptables you need to flush, but in both cases (also ufw) read man, iptables have full info... linky in sec20:24
MagizianCheck out this picture... http://magizian.hopto.org  ~ it's a screenshot of a new OS that runs Win, dos, unix, and mac software simultaniously in parallel ActiveX, Xroot, and AppleX windows..20:24
mbeierlminiuser: thanks... :)20:25
redneck05i am looking for a cd dvd label maker does ubuntu have one20:25
dacresniconky's a profillin gtool?20:25
coraxx...also doesn't work with VLC, Kaffeine, MPlayer (Gnome mplayer)20:25
dacresnii can see it as a status tool20:25
earthmeLonI am trying to create a desktop launcher on the desktop of screen :0:1.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1038386820:25
dacresnia monitoring tool20:25
dacresnibut profiling?20:25
Ahrotahnteedacresni: I meant monitoring/status20:25
Ahrotahnteeprofiling was my mistake20:25
redneck05i am looking for a cd dvd label maker does ubuntu have one20:25
mbeierlredneck05: glabels?20:25
redneck05where would i find that at20:26
budoinbatuI'll see what I can do thanks20:26
mbeierlit's in the repos.  aptitude install glabels20:26
modrootare you all login from xchat20:26
mbeierlredneck05: ^ .  provided you're on gnome20:26
shcherbakcli4life: http://articles.sitepoint.com/article/secure-server-iptables20:26
ubuntu_bmi want to host 2 domain name server on a single ip public adress..20:26
landstalkerearthmeLon, have you opened the launchers in gedit?20:27
earthmeLonlandstalker, nope.  Let me do that20:27
xibalba_hey guys, if i just want to have a MTA on my box just for PHP to be able to send emails out, what package do you think i should use?20:27
oldsmoky2Hi... I am having several issues after running a software update a few hours ago. Using 10.04 on Dell Inspiron 1750. I ran the last security update, just a small one, something to do with sudo. Then I turned computer off and left for a few hours. Came back, turned it on and had no sound, then started hearing fan more than usual, checked system monitor and saw one cpu running at 100 percent. Tried to shutdown and restart but it20:27
oldsmoky2won't let me. It just goes back to login screen. Never had a problem with updates before, been running Ubuntu on here almost a year. Not a techie, btw.20:27
xibalba_i was thinking about sendmail, but i see there are a number of sendmial packages20:28
landstalkerxibalba_, there are lots, exim, sendmail20:28
IsmAvataroldsmoky2: run the `top` command from the terminal, see if some process is using it all.20:28
xibalba_i'll probably use sendmail since i know that best20:28
shcherbakubuntu_bm: google apache virtual hosts, one good how to is from debian20:28
xibalba_but there are multiple sendmail packages20:28
xibalba_sendmail sendmail-bin sendmail-base20:29
landstalkerwhich distro? ubuntu 10.10?20:29
oldsmoky2root appears to be using 100 percent20:29
earthmeLonlandstalker, I dont see anything in the .desktop file that would let me change which screen it shows up on.20:29
xibalba_10.04 LTS20:29
IsmAvataroldsmoky2: root is the user. The rightmost column should tell you the process name.20:30
kibotsomeone please get me maverick iso20:30
landstalkerearthmeLon, is there nothing on the other desktop?20:30
oldsmoky2it says usr/bin/python /us20:30
krsbwhat is the difference between /quit and /exit in irssi? If I only want to close one channel-window, how do i do it?20:31
earthmeLonlandstalker, When I create the "application launcher" it creates a .desktop file in ~/Desktop20:31
coraxxdo any of you watch videos from the internet ?20:31
earthmeLonlandstalker, All of my .desktop files show on screen :0:0.  I would like to create some on screen :0:120:31
shcherbakkibot: ? you can download it20:31
compumanI recently installed ubuntu studio on my GateWay. I've been booting Linux on this machine for about 9 months without any problems. I use truecrypt and the problem I'm having is my truecrypt bootloader can't find where its data is stored. i have a decrypt ISO, but its on the encrypted HDD. My live USB disros boot, but dont have a picture coming through on the screen. i have tried an external screen.20:31
kibotwhere xactly?20:31
shcherbakkibot: want linky? ubuntu.com20:31
bazhangkibot, torrent?20:31
bazhang!torrents | kibot20:32
ubottukibot: Maverick can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/maverick/desktop/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/maverick/server/ubuntu-10.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/20:32
kibotdomo origato20:32
compumanI'm over at #ubuntu-beginners20:33
IsmAvataroldsmoky2: that shouldn't be running by default, unless it's something you set up or one of your programs set up.20:33
devinhaving trouble with with recent fresh install20:33
IsmAvataroldsmoky2: I'm not familiar with /us, as I don't have one, and I can't tell you what python would want with it.20:33
oldsmoky2not sure... was running fine when I did update and then shut down.... didn't do anything else... is there a way to shut it down?20:34
devinnvidia kernel module doesn't load correctly20:34
devinmouse is frozen20:34
FloodBot3kibot: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:34
FloodBot1kibot: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:34
FloodBot2kibot: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:34
devinanyone can help with this problem20:35
coraxxdevin: are you using a dual-mode video card ...something that its i.e. both an Intel card _AND_ an NVidia card ?20:35
devinnot sure20:35
IsmAvataroldsmoky2: the first column, PID, tells you the process ID. You can kill it with that. e.g. if the PID is 1234, `kill 1234` is a good start. If that doesn't kill it, up the stakes with `kill -9 1234`20:35
IsmAvataroldsmoky2: if you're still in `top` mode, you can just type `k 1234`20:36
devincoraxx, think it has something to so with the kernels not matching20:36
mbeierlcoraxx: how can a card be both nVidia and Intel?20:36
IsmAvataror rather `k1234`20:36
coraxxdevin: you can install the package gnome-device-manager and look at the video graphics adapter(s) ...if you find both Intel(drm) and NVidia Corp on the devices...then the answer to my question is 'yes'20:37
devincoraxx, it comes up with the normal low-graphics mode, then the mouse is frozen20:37
modrootdoes anyone know skyrail for linux20:37
landstalkerearthmeLon, not sure, sorry20:37
devinCoraxx, my computer is unresponsive after boot20:37
=== Th0r is now known as Guest25103
IsmAvatarHelp. A few days ago, firefox wouldn't start (but Konquerer worked). Then, Ubuntu wouldn't start (WinXP worked fine). Then grub wouldn't start (LiveCD worked fine), and now I'm not finding my primary hard drive (SDA1). I'd like to at least find that to fetch the data since my last backup.20:37
devincoraxx, mouse is frozen at low-graphics screen20:37
devinevery time20:37
PudabudigadaHello, Parole Media Player is causing a freeze that I have to reset to fix.20:38
kibothow do y0u do a dual boot w/ ubuntu and windows w/out windows bsod-ing you?20:38
coraxxmbeierl: the Asus UX50V-series for an example has a very strange setup ....it has to graphics controllers ....google it...and you will see that many have had issues with it in Ubuntu.20:38
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soreauIsmAvatar: Where are you looking for it? Make sure its enabled in your bios20:38
irishman2020I am looking to get either evolution or thunderbird to access exchange emails, and I'm having a few problems.  Does anyone have any resources that they would recommmend? (i've tried using davmail for thunderbird, and evolution works sort of... it connects but many of the emails dont get the email subject, from, etc in the inbox)20:39
IsmAvatarsoreau: it worked yesterday, and has been working for months. I don't see how it would suddenly disable itself.20:39
oldsmoky2it doesn't seem to want me to kill it... tried several times with both commands and get 'operation not permitted'20:39
ikoniairishman2020: thunderbird will never access exchange20:39
IsmAvataroldsmoky2: sudo20:39
kibothow do y0u do a dual boot w/ ubuntu and windows w/out windows bsod-ing you?20:39
mbeierlcoraxx: that is odd.  I'm sure there are issues with it!20:39
soreauIsmAvatar: Could be your hard drive just went out20:39
tech_hello. do any of you guys have experience with recovering files from a RAID hdd using linux?20:39
ikoniatech_: yes20:39
kibotsup gleddy20:40
Bipul`how to run c++ programe in ubuntu? gcc is not working20:40
kibotby fooly20:40
IsmAvatarsoreau: I'd like to believe that, but this is a new-ish hard drive, purchased to replace another brand of hard drive that was also new-ish that went out.20:40
ikoniaBipul`: gcc is for compiling c programs, not running them20:40
tech_ikonia, hi and ty. im trying to recover files from a hdd that was using RAID 020:40
kibothow do y0u do a dual boot w/ ubuntu and windows w/out windows bsod-ing you?20:40
irishman2020ikonia: just put in what I've tried, and davmail is said to work.  I'll give up on that if I can get evolution to get the subject lines etc20:40
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coraxxdevin: ok ...here is an advanced trick ... you have to boot you PC up from an Ubuntu CD ....then mount you harddisk ....enter the folder /etc/X11 and rename the file xorg.conf to i.e. xorg.conf_bad20:40
soreauBipul`: You compile c++, not run it. Ask in ##c++20:40
ikoniatech_: that's not going to happen20:40
tech_ikonia, srsly?20:40
ikoniatech_: yes20:40
soreau! compile | Bipul`20:40
ubottuBipul`: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:40
ikoniatech_: what happened to make you lose the file20:40
kiboti'm runnin' that right now, and it works20:41
coraxxdevin: then reboot ...and the instllation should be set to default ...and you can the enter Ubuntu to clean it up ...and .i.e. install the device manager20:41
kibothow do y0u do a dual boot w/ ubuntu and windows w/out windows bsod-ing you?20:41
tech_ikonia, if i take the HDD out and connect it to a laptop i have using a sata to usb adapter i can see the partitions but i cannot mount it. it is a customers computer btw20:41
Bipul`But just like in windows there is turbo c++ how about ubuntu? does it has any such things20:41
Bipul`some one told me about g++20:41
oldsmoky2sorry, but it won't let me sudo for some reason.20:42
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ikoniatech_: raid 0 is 2 disks striped, you will only be able to use it on that computer, what happened to lose the data20:42
irishman2020kibot: how did you install?  best practice is to set your partitions before you install windows/ubuntu.20:42
devincoraxx: for some reason the pc is not recognizing cd/dvds/ usb20:42
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itaylor57Bipul`: gcc has to beinstalled, it does not come with normal install20:42
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kiboti'll vipe the lin20:42
coraxxmbeierl: yes...its always annoying when hardware manugactures goes on some strange tangent, that requires customized drivers ...not a viable solution...especially for linux.20:43
devincoraxx: it just skips all other boots and jumps into the Ubuntu OS, then gives nvidia kernel error20:43
irishman2020Does anyone know why evolution would not always display the subject/from information in the inbox but show fine in the actual email?20:43
kibotit was going all kilimanjaro whenever i mucked wiff it.20:43
tech_ikonia, im not sure they brought it in to us after the fact. upon boot, after BIOS, it says that one of the RAID disks has failed and that is about it. i am booted into that desktop right now with partedmagic20:43
devincoraxx: have been using linux for 6 months never seen this error with the mouse freezing20:44
ikoniatech_: game over20:44
kibotshould be good now20:44
mbeierlcoraxx: I'm having troubles just getting my standard intel graphics to work reliably - never mind convoluted configurations!20:44
kiboti'll try20:44
Bipul`itaylor57,  yes i know but my issue is with c++ programe i need something so that i can compile and run c++ programme in my ubuntu20:44
tech_ikonia, ic well ty for the help20:44
jenkaHi! Does anyone know what to do with vsftpd+encrypted home folders? :)20:44
ikoniatech_: sorry to be negative, just realistic, it's dead20:44
tech_no prob20:44
tech_its not my data so i dont really care rofl20:44
kibotdon't call me name fernando20:44
ikoniakibot: can you stop messing around please.20:45
coraxxdevin: you might have a boot-menu key to press when you start you computer ... its probably "F12" ... this might give you the option to choose your DVD/CD drive as your temporary boot drive20:45
itaylor57Bipul`: type gcc --version in terminal, what do you get?20:45
lousygaruaBipul`: if you are trying to compile a c++ program you wrote try g++ instead of gcc20:46
devincoraxx: I have manually changed the boot order to CD/DVD only and it still skips it after a few seconds.20:46
panchohai peeps20:46
devincoraxx: this is a very weird problem20:46
pancholaptop 10.10 user here, having ir remote issues20:46
devincoraxx: never seen anything like this before20:46
panchowhen i use remote control properties it works20:47
Pudabudigadapancho; Is it something that comes with windows drivers?20:47
panchobut that's the only application that i can use it on20:47
oldsmoky2ok, I got out of the 'top' program, back to terminal prompt, ran sudo, then tried to kill the process and even as sudo it says 'operation not permitted'... also when I switch to sudo, I get a string of lines I've never seen before.... as I said, the security update had to do with sudo.20:47
vex7dd if=ubuntu-10.10-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb breaks my flash drive. why?20:47
panchono openoffice impress :D20:47
panchoi mean20:47
cristian_hi! I've a problem with xrdp... i'm able to connect to the pc on which is installed, in my office, I can see the remote desktop, but when i press the "d" key on the keyboard instead of typing "d" the pc shows me the desktop... how is it possible? how to solve this issue?20:48
ikoniavex7: because you can't do that20:48
coraxxdevlin: as more an more developers contribute to maintaining the open-source drivers ...and as the get better and better ...the use for the Propertary ones becomes redundant ...and may at times conflict with the already operating open-source ones.20:48
pancho@Pudabudigada: actually it worked pretty well on fedora20:48
IsmAvatarhelp. I'm not seeing my primary hd, which has Ubuntu and WinXP on it, SDA, although I do see a 'sda' in /dev, but can't mount it because it doesn't know its type. I do see my secondary hd, sdb1. However, when I try to install Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, it shows SDA, but not SDB...20:48
vex7ikonia: it works for achlinux and fedora20:48
cristian_hi! I've a problem with xrdp... i'm able to connect to the pc on which is installed, in my office, I can see the remote desktop, but when i press the "d" key on the keyboard instead of typing "d" the pc shows me the desktop... how is it possible? how to solve this issue?20:48
ikoniavex7: it doesn't20:48
PudabudigadaMaybe your applicatios are not compatible20:48
vex7ikonia: but why20:49
ikoniavex7: because your disk needs a partition table and a file system, and you're overwriting them with that command20:49
Pudabudigada<Pudabudigada> Maybe your applicatios are not compatible20:49
cma`when I click system->about it says "You are using Ubuntu 11.04  - the Natty Narwhal - released in April 2011 and supported until October 2012." but it isn't the future, and I'm not..20:49
jonsainthi all. i used to have ubuntu a while ago and now come back to it but what i want to do is burn a dvd. ive downloaded the film but i cant remember what programme it is to convert it and burn it20:49
hghitzawho could install adobe cs5 on ubuntu 10.10?20:49
jenkaHi! Does anyone know what to do with vsftpd+encrypted home folders? :)20:50
vex7ikonia: well it works for archlinux and fedora, like i said. ubuntu should probably do the same because it is hell making a live-cd without usb-creator-gtk20:50
ikoniajenka: works the same as non-encypted home20:50
cma`does anyone else get that in maverick?20:50
coraxxmbeierl: yup... Intel have had some weird implementation of their on-board video controllers ... Linux seems to have gradualy adapt to this, but its still a hazzle.20:50
ikoniavex7: it won't work with other distros, you're mistaken20:50
pancho@Pudabudigada: how so?20:50
itaylor57cma`: know bug in the documentation20:50
jenkaikonia: no I cant connect20:50
pancho@Pudabudigada no, that's not possible, i have used it on openoffice impress on fedora20:50
ikoniajenka: what is the problem20:50
vex7ikonia: don't tell me it doesn't work when i have done it myself. wth20:50
devincoraxx: I have looked in all similar problems in forums, and everyone else can click ok at this screen but my mouse is frozen20:50
vex7good lord https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Putting_installation_media_on_a_USB_key20:50
pancho@Pudabudigada it worked like a charm20:51
Pudabudigadapancho, what sort of remote is it?20:51
panchoa built in one20:51
jenkaikonia: I cant login with my user thats got an encrypted home folder.. but i can with my other that does not.20:51
coraxxdevin: what computer are you using ?20:51
IsmAvatarhelp, my primary HD (sda) seems to have lost its partition table.20:51
coraxxdevin: MSI ?20:51
Pudabudigadapancho, I mean is it a media remote or what, can you link me to a product page?20:52
ikoniajenka: ahh, you've encypted the whole of /home, rather than the home directory of the user20:52
jenkaikonia: hmm ok20:52
devincoraxx: e-machine305220:52
devincoraxx: 2305220:52
devincoraxx: scratch that e-machine w350220:53
pancho@Pudabudigada it's this one20:53
pancho@Pudabudigada http://images.amazon.com/images/G/01/electronics/detail-page/Remote_dv4_Lg.jpg20:53
secretary_linuxWhere do I report a bug in the configuration script for the mnogosearch-common and mnogosearch-mysql packages in ubuntu 10.10?20:53
Pudabudigadapancho; 0.o20:53
Pudabudigadapancho; I'm assuming that windows button is meta?20:54
coraxxdevin: well you have to figure out how to boot from your CD/DVD-drive ...otherwise its almost hopeless to fix the issue.20:54
devincoraxx: scrath that sorry typo today e-machine w305220:54
kibotanyone know what a cassiopeia is?20:54
panchoPudabudigada, i won't be using that button XD20:54
devincoraxx: yes, I have not found a fix for this, but what could be causing this error20:54
cristian_hi! I've a problem with xrdp... i'm able to connect to the pc on which is installed, in my office, I can see the remote desktop, but when i press the "d" key on the keyboard instead of typing "d" the pc shows me the desktop... how is it possible? how to solve this issue?20:55
Pudabudigadapancho; Get a tux sticker!20:55
mylcdisfsckedHey, i'm trying to format my HD from an ubuntu 10.0 Live CD, and the disk tool crashes when i select a drive. additionally, the gnome toolbars appear to crash randomly20:55
coraxxdevin: and you can install the device manager in the Ubuntu Live session ...just to check out the hardware.20:55
jenkaikonia: how does I fix it? :)20:55
panchoPudabudigada, lol, any help?20:55
ikoniajenka: you'll need to unencypt20:55
mylcdisfsckedLast time i tried i got "daemon is being inhibited" when i tried to actually format the drive, so i restarted and now i can't even open the disk manager20:56
devincoraxx: there are plenty of ways to fix from live CD, but I just can't seem to get it to boot up from drive. have been at it for an hour now20:56
IsmAvatarHelp, GParted isn't seeing SDA, but Ubuntu 10.04 LTS install seems to know it's there....20:56
Pudabudigadapancho; Check for ir daemons with  'top' that run when you use the config util that it works with, see if they are killed when you close it.20:56
coraxxdein: can't answer you until you do the test.  If it is the Intel/nVidia issue ...then its because of a driver conflict ...which is usually resolved with just using the Intel-driver20:56
mylcdisfsckedgnome toolbars just crashed again, this is insane20:57
jenkaikonia: you mean decrpyt, when login in the ftp?20:57
coraxxdevin: if you can't get a boot-menu ...then you will have to entger the BIOS setup menu ...20:57
ikoniajenka: basically the vsftpd daemon will need to see an unencypted directory before you try to login20:57
Jordan_UIsmAvatar: So sda isn't listed in the drop down menu of drives?20:57
coraxxdevin: that is usually done by pressing F2 or Del during startup20:57
IsmAvatarJordan_U: correct20:57
devincoraxx: thank you, I will continue to trobleshoot. Is there any way to uninstall ubuntu from BIOS20:58
Jordan_UIsmAvatar: Is it listed in "sudo parted -l"?20:58
devincoraxx: that would be nice20:58
jenkaikonia: ok..? Im pretty new to vsftpd :P20:58
coraxxdevin: in there you should be able to find a section that has to do with Boot priority ...an the DVD/CD should be the 1st20:58
mylcdisfsckedokay the toolbar crashes when i mouse over applications -> accessories20:58
coraxxdevin: no20:58
devincoraxx: well, that blows20:58
IsmAvatarJordan_U: Error: /dev/sda: unrecognized disk label20:58
coraxxdevin: but worse case scenario ...you can detach your harddsik drive ...thereby forcing it to boot on some other device20:59
devincoraxx: spectacular idea20:59
panchoPudabudigada nope :S21:00
devincoraxx: swithcing HDD might work then. I can do that21:00
Pudabudigadapancho, No daemon starts?21:00
Jordan_UIsmAvatar: Do you have any data on sda currently?21:00
coraxxdevin: this manuveur does help in fixing your problem ...only diagnosing it21:00
* mylcdisfscked will restart again. this is about my 50th restart and i'm getting very sick of ubuntu very fast21:00
devincoraxx: ok, thank you for helping me today21:01
coraxxdevin: *doesn't   ...damn I'm typing bad today also21:01
panchoPudabudigada i suppose the ir daemon is already up21:01
Pudabudigadapancho, Try system monitor21:01
kibot anyone know what a cassiopeia is?21:01
devincoraxx: kudos21:01
coraxxdevin: you're welcome :-)21:01
bazhang!ot | kibot21:01
ubottukibot: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:01
IsmAvatarJordan_U: Quite a lot. I've got Ubuntu 10.10 and WinXP installed on it, have been using it for a while. I have backups, but obviously some info is not backed up and I'd like to get it back.21:01
kibotand if it's feasible to install linux on it21:01
tevAnyone know how I can get libmysqlclient.so.15, 16 won't work for ts3 server21:01
Pudabudigadapancho, Have it organise them by status (sleeping etc). See if it appears at the top of the list when you run the config util.21:02
bazhangkibot, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic21:02
Jordan_UIsmAvatar: Did you do anything recently to the partition table?21:02
jumhat1BiohAzard`, heya21:02
jumhat1how do I allow encryption on hdd?21:03
kibothow is that offtopic?21:04
kibotwhat SHOULD i be saying?21:04
ikoniakibot: this channel is for ubuntu support questions only21:05
kibot...and i was asking a perfectly plausible question then.21:05
ikoniakibot: the question was nothing to do with ubuntu, this channel is for ubuntu questions only21:06
Pudabudigadakibot, are you going to run Ubuntu on it?21:06
IsmAvatarJordan_U: not that I know of. I didn't do anything to it, and I'm going to guess that Updates don't usually touch it21:06
ata-execboy it's busy in here21:06
ikoniakibot: ok, you cannot run ubuntu on it.21:06
Pudabudigadaikonia, see?21:06
ikoniaPudabudigada: what ?21:06
ata-execanyone hlep with my keyboard issue?21:06
ikoniaPudabudigada: see what ?21:07
Jordan_UIsmAvatar: Correct, updates should not touch the partition table. Can you still otherwise use this drive?21:07
Pudabudigadaikonia, They were asking an Ubuntu question.21:07
ianmurraysHi, anyone knows how to mount a hfs+ external disk read/write? It's not journaled and it doesn't work :(21:07
ikoniaPudabudigada: and it's been responded to21:07
kibotataexec: what is ti exaclty?21:07
ata-execsame wireless dongle for both mouse & keyboard, mouse works but not keyboard21:07
Chillancehey, is there a great tool for ubuntu to create textures? or anything like that to use like for instance some kind of background for a webpage?21:07
OerPudabudigada, i think kibot is reffering to Casio Cassiopeia EM-500, een Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)21:08
kibotand ikonia, cool off a bit.21:08
PudabudigadaChillance, GIMP21:08
kibotyus ah was.21:08
IsmAvatarJordan_U: no. It's got my boot information (grub), and computer booting stops when it would normally reach the Grub screen. I can boot to liveCD (as I am currently). I can't mount the drive. However, Install sees it and says it has no partition table, but lets me partition it if I wanted (tho I won't)21:08
kibotty Oer21:08
brontoeeeChillance, if you are asking about seamless x,y tiling, then i dont know, otherwise gimp21:08
Chillancehm, GIMP you say.. interesting.. I guess there are a few plugins for that actually... gotta checl..21:08
Chillanceyea, seamless would be nice21:08
=== tom__ is now known as tdahlstrom
ianmurraysHi, anyone knows how to mount a hfs+ external disk read/write? It's not journaled and it doesn't work :(21:09
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ikoniaianmurrays: write support is not possible I believe21:09
Jordan_Uikonia: With journaling disabled it is.21:09
ianmurraysi've read everywhere that it is, on unjournaled hfs+ partitions21:09
ianmurraysbut it still doesn't work21:09
skriteianmurrays: does it show up when you do sudo fdisk -ls21:09
ianmurraysit only mounts as readonly21:09
Jordan_Uianmurrays: How did you disable journaling?21:10
ianmurraysJordan_U: on a mac21:10
ikoniaJordan_U: that's cool21:10
ianmurraysi formatted it hfs+ without journaling21:10
Jordan_UIsmAvatar: Can you check the drive's SMART status in System > Administration > Disk Utility?21:10
navaladilibvtk5-dev installing broken Ubuntu 10.10 any fix? http://pastebin.com/2BnDmiYt21:11
ianmurraysskrite: it does show on fdisk21:11
brontoeeeChillance, the manual way is to use offset filter to move borders and then try to paint over ..., at least that works with naked photoshop21:11
ianmurraysthe furthest i've been able to go it to mount it read/write, but only with sudo21:11
ianmurraysi can do stuff like sudo touch test.txt21:11
Jordan_Uianmurrays: Can you pastebin the output (if any) from mount when you try to mount it, and the output of "dmesg" after running mount?21:11
ianmurraysbut from nautilus can't21:11
ianmurrayshang on21:12
IsmAvatarJordan_U: SMART status: not supported (I think this is normal, as my other HD, which is the same brand, etc also says that)21:12
ianmurraysJordan_U: pastebin.com/9kEaesE221:14
spydmobileHello folks, building a VM under Qemu/kvm using a 10.10 server ISO as an install source. when I press f4 at the boot prompt, I do not get anything except STANDARD and the option for JeOS (minimal installation" does not appear to exist even though book and current documentation on this subject say it does. Can anyone tell me how to get 10.10 jeos?21:14
ata-execsorry running around office helping others too21:14
Ademananyone have an opinion on where I should put my qemu virtual machine image? (it's being managed by libvirt)21:14
ikoniaAdeman: where you want21:14
castora firewall is only be needed for windows systems cause they are unsecure by default so people need a firewall21:15
ikoniacastor: that's nonsense, a firewall is just as valid on linux and unix21:15
rwwSome versions of Windows come with world-accessible open ports by default. Ubuntu does not.21:15
unlockfirewall is also enabled at linux21:15
thmsjoin #kielce21:15
Ademanikonia: so /var/log then?21:16
rwwunlock: not by default21:16
ikoniaAdeman: if you want21:16
compdocAdeman, you can create a folder, or use the defualt path. needs to be on a ext3 or ext4 partition, unless youre doing a block device21:16
Ademanikonia: my point was some places are clearly better than others, so that non-answer wasn't very helpful...21:17
ikoniaAdeman: my point is it depends on your system and where you want them, so the answer is very valid21:17
navaladihi all some one help me to install. i have the following  error "http://pastebin.com/2BnDmiYt"21:17
compdocdo you know the default path?21:17
navaladiinstalling "libvtk5-dev" gives me error21:17
IsmAvatarJordan_U: http://img200.imageshack.us/i/sdag.png/ and http://img69.imageshack.us/i/sdbz.png/21:18
Jordan_UIsmAvatar: Wow, that would be the first internal drive I've seen that doesn't support SMART in a long time.21:20
spydmobileFor the logs, the solution was to reboot and try again. thanks all - peace out.21:21
ArchTangentHey, I need to force this monitor to 60HZ for it to stop freaking out, can anyone help me out?21:21
AmapeleI'm running Lucid and trying to convert from Thunderbird to Evolution.  I wish to continue using IMAP, but Evolution does not even attempt to connect to my Gmail account.  Ideas?21:21
jenkaHi! Does anyone know what to do with vsftpd+encrypted home folders? :)21:21
Ademanikonia: lol21:22
Jordan_UIsmAvatar: Are you using some type of "full disk" encryption?21:23
ata-execany know how to troubleshoot wireless keyboard issues?21:24
IsmAvatarJordan_U: no, only the secondary drive is encrypted21:24
StavaHow do I move the server list tree from the left side to the right in xchat?21:25
ata-execmouse works but keyboard doesn't on same dongle21:26
julio__buenas noches e la primera vez de chat21:26
Jordan_UIsmAvatar: I would use testdisk to try to recover the partition table, then if that works treat the drive as being unreliable because it sounds like this problem was likely caused by hardware failure.21:26
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dugupukanyone know why ssh is asking for a passphrase when its blank (and hitting enter works)? - it's screwing up all of my bash scripts atm21:28
bluezonedoes anyone recall where to get the newest kernels, i remember ubuntu having it on an ftp or something21:29
ArchTangentHey, I need to force this monitor to 60HZ for it to stop freaking out, can anyone help me out? I have tried to find stff in the xorg.conf but it doesn't seem to do anything21:29
xanguabluezone:  you mean http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ ¿21:30
bluezoneyes thank you. xangua21:30
julio__que tal21:30
xanguajulio__: some problem with ubuntu¿ english here only21:30
Guest94519ciao a tutti21:30
julio__bien soy nuebo en esto del chat21:31
Guest94519come andiamo21:31
xangua!it > Guest9451921:31
ubottuGuest94519, please see my private message21:31
Ademanto rephrase my question in a (hopefully) troll-proof way, is there a good reason *not* to put my system-wide qemu image in /var/lib/qemu ?21:32
George234hey guys anyone about?21:32
SR71BlackBird-Nohey i'm noob here any body help me how to uninstall programs21:32
Ademanor maybe /var/lib/libvirt/qemu since that already exists21:33
George234use software manager and uninstall21:33
George234the sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade21:33
c3lhow can I specify what interpreter to run, if the first choice doesnt exist? conceptually #!/usr/bin/foo "else" /usr/local/bin/foo21:34
bazhang!software | SR71BlackBird-No21:34
ubottuSR71BlackBird-No: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents21:34
George234or sudo apt-get autoremove " " theres loadsa stuff21:34
bazhang!manual | SR71BlackBird-No please have a read21:34
ubottuSR71BlackBird-No please have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/21:34
George234guys now i need some help...21:34
Ademanc3l: you might just specify foo, and assume the correct foo is somewhere in the user's $PATH21:34
i_is_brokei am running my whole house on linux21:35
Picic3l: iirc theres no way to do that, thats why for some things /usr/bin/env is used. i.e.: #!/usr/bin/env python21:35
George234i just broke my laptop...i got loadsa stuff i need on it...i own a very similar laptop and thought i would have just swapped the hdd's and all would be good21:35
George234well its not21:35
traceback0Is there a command that will remove all packages on a system?21:35
c3lAdeman: ooh, ofc. thanks21:35
traceback0Remove all installed packages / sort of a fresh reset of the system?21:35
George234how can i repair the installation without loosing data?if anyway is possible21:35
ata-execgeorge: lol21:36
ata-execnice try21:36
George234facepalm moment21:36
Ademanc3l: I second what Pici said though #! /usr/bin/env python is the preferred shebang line, and will work if python is in $PATH as well21:36
ata-execuse anothe disk and mount old one21:36
jenkaHi! Does anyone know what to do with vsftpd+encrypted home folder? :)21:36
ata-execanother disk21:36
compdocsystem-wide qemu image ?21:36
c3lAdeman, Pici: thanks a lot guys =)21:36
ata-execlooking for help with my keyboard... I'm having to use this wired one becaue the wireless one won't work after I installed 10.10 but the mouse still works21:37
traceback0Is there a command that will remove all packages on a system?21:38
ikoniatraceback0: that's not possible21:38
ScaevolusI enabled a binary graphics driver and now X won't start. How do I disable it?21:39
morbidwarhello is there a way to find out the uuid of the eth0 from cli ?21:39
=== JoFo__ is now known as JoFo
FillScaevolus did you try 'startx' to at least try to initialize the graphical interface?21:40
ikoniamorbidwar: it won't have a uuid21:40
ata-execuuid is for hard drives21:40
sharehello ubunters21:40
rlinuxguy3hi share how are you today21:40
sharei am good and you21:41
rlinuxguy3doing ok thanks :)21:41
morbidwarikonia: when you set manualy from NetworkManager the eth0 will have a uuid21:41
ikoniamorbidwar: it will have a mac address, not a uuid21:41
ScaevolusFill: yes, it failed21:41
morbidwarikonia: thanks21:41
Fillso I have no idea how to help you, sorry, I'm not used to deal with gui on linux21:42
ata-execso no keyboard help in here bummmer :( lol21:42
Scaevolusspecifically, I have a netbook with nvidia optimus hybrid graphics and ubuntu doesn't know what to do with it21:42
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rachoScaevolus do you get to X at all or just console?21:42
Scaevolusjust console21:43
ScaevolusI just need to disable whatever driver got enabled21:43
ScaevolusX was working fine without it21:43
=== RaNdY is now known as Guest91478
guntbertata-exec: please try to rephrase your question - I cannot understand what you need at all21:44
KM0201Scaevolus: did you enable the restricted driver?21:45
KM0201or did you download one from the internet, or what?21:45
Scaevolusyes, I need to disable it21:45
Scaevolusjust enabled, no download21:45
ata-execI'm trying to use this keyboard that I have that goes with this mouse I have.21:45
KM0201Scaevolus: try sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current21:46
ata-execthe mouse works fine but the keyboard doesn't work at all21:46
rachosudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:46
rachotry disabling trough there21:46
castorokay ikonia know you scared me and i switched on ufw21:46
rlinuxguy3good advicee21:46
KM0201racho: 10.04 and 10.10, dont have xorg.conf by default do they?21:47
guntbertata-exec: you said something about a wireless keyboard?21:47
ata-execguntbert: yes it's a dell rt7dt4021:48
KM0201castor: what scared you into switching it on?21:48
ata-execit uses a dongle to recieve the wireless from the mouse and keyboard21:48
castor@KM0201 i thought ubuntu is save by default for attacks21:49
guntbertata-exec: so you have troubles getting the wireless keyboard to work but a wired works fine?21:49
KM0201castor: do you have a router that is behind a firewall?21:49
tammyIm having trouble installing nvidia drivers installed21:49
FishsceneI'm looking to setup a bittorrent tracker in Ubuntu server, does anyone have suggestions for what I can use?21:49
tammyit keeps giving me errors21:50
KM0201castor: ?21:50
=== Nobody- is now known as Guest91098
Scaevolusis there a command I can use to auto reconfigure X?21:50
guntbertata-exec: the either the battery of the keyboard has failed or it has to be "connected" with the receiver, or one of them is defective  - to the OS there is no difference between a wired and a wireless keyboard21:50
Michal31337how can i use libs in C in eclipse?21:51
shazzrWhat RSS aggregator is there for use in the console?21:51
rwwshazzr: newsbeuter21:52
tacomasterif i do a "sudo grub-update" ubuntu will it detect other os's on anther harddrive connected to the same computer or do i have to manually have to update grub and tell its to look on another hdd?21:52
jribshazzr: newsbeuter is a popular one.  I also like canto21:52
phantomcircuittacomaster, why not try it and see?21:53
shazzrrww: can I sync with Google Reader?21:53
tacomasterphantomcircuit: because i am choosing weather to buy a cheap laptop or get another hdd21:54
phantomcircuittacomaster, based on how hard it is to setup grub? wat21:54
FishsceneGreetings. I'm looking to set up a bittorrent tracker. however, I'm having trouble finding a package that works. Does anyone have a suggestion on what to use?21:55
rwwshazzr: I think so. I haven't tried.21:55
tammyCan anyone help me please ?21:56
|ns|nR8sup tammy21:56
FishsceneTammy: Do you have any logs?21:56
tammywhat are logs ?21:56
phantomcircuitFishscene, did you consider mainline bittorrent?21:56
rachoScaevolus,  why not try -> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:56
ikoniabecause it won't work21:56
phantomcircuitFishscene, ie, the bittorrent package21:56
FishscenePhantomcircuit: Nope, I'll look for that.21:56
Fishscenewait.. .that's only a bittorrent client21:57
Jordan_Utacomaster: Yes, update-grub will detect OSs on other drives.21:57
phantomcircuitFishscene, nope21:57
tammyFishscene, i need help with drivers21:57
tacomasterJordan_U: ty21:57
Jordan_Utacomaster: You're welcome.21:57
phantomcircuitFishscene, i think it's both a gui client and a console tracker21:57
FishsceneTammy: Logs might help someone figure out the issue. I was wondering if you knew how to get logs, but I don't know which ones to get either =\21:57
hamed :(21:58
tammyFishscene, i need someone to help me with drivers21:58
ikoniatammy: how are you trying to install the nvidia drivers ?21:58
Fishscenephantomcircuit: In that case, how would I find information on configuring it? It is incredibly difficult to dig up any information on how to configure that.21:58
tammyikonia, threw the hardware drivers thing21:58
ikoniatammy: ok, and what happens when you try21:58
normalI need help with wvdial. I keep getting "no carrier. trying again" all the time until it just decides to work. Am I missing something? This time it took more more than 30 minutes and probably about 100 tries.21:58
phantomcircuitFishscene, hmm maybe im wrong, one sec21:58
tammyikonia, ill try again now21:58
Jeruvy Fishscene: you can check log file viewer in administration, that should show you the important logs..21:59
tammyikonia, it downloads the driver then gives me this error21:59
rachoScaevolus, did you try it out?21:59
tammyikonia, brb it wants me to restart21:59
FishsceneI ran "aptitude search bittorrent" and found the client and tracker called "bittorrent". however, I haven't been able to dig up ANY information on this package in Google :(21:59
ikoniatammy: what error ?21:59
FishsceneJeruvy: where is Administration?22:00
phantomcircuitFishscene, what kind of features do you need from thetracker?22:00
Jeruvynormal: wow this takes me back some :)  Silly question, do you actually have a carrier?22:00
FishscenePhantomcircuit: Pretty basic actually.22:00
JeruvyFishscene: System - Administration - Log File Viewer22:00
Jordan_UHow can I configure rhythmbox so that when I double click a song it plays only that one song, only once (rather than continuing down the list automatically)?22:00
FishsceneJeruvy: ah yes. Sorry about the confusion. I was thinking in terminal, but I didn't communicate that =\22:01
phantomcircuitFishscene, opentracker seems workable, it's not available as a package though22:01
JeruvyFishscene: no worry, I just wanted to see if that would help.22:01
tammyikonia, im back22:01
ikoniatammy: so I see22:01
Fishscenephantomcircuit: Yea. I'm looking to host an internal tracker - the less requests that go out to the internet, the better.22:01
normalJeruvy, i am using USB Internet Stick.22:01
tammyikonia, thats odd now it works22:02
ikoniano surprise22:03
Jeruvynormal: sorry I'm not really clear on what you are doing.   NO carrier can me NO carrier.  Check your line.22:03
phantomcircuitdoes anybody know if it's possible to create a bootable environment on a flash drive which can be updated?22:03
Jeruvynormal: s/me/mean/22:03
ikoniaphantomcircuit: a flash drive is just a disk, so you can update it fine22:03
tammyikonia, and btw my card is nvidia geforce 9100m g. dont know if its good22:03
Fishscenephantomcircuit: Do you mean where it can store persistant user-data?22:03
Jordan_Uphantomcircuit: If it's large enough you can just do a normal install, as you would to an internal drive.22:03
phantomcircuitFishscene, nope i mean where i can upgrade the packages22:04
rachophantomcircuit: that's how i'm running openSuse btw...through a flash drive22:04
phantomcircuitJordan_U, how would i do that22:04
tammyikonia, should be good enough ?22:04
Jordan_Uphantomcircuit: Have you ever installed Ubuntu to an internal drive?22:04
ikoniatammy: good enough for what ?22:04
normalJeruvy, http://pastebin.com/EpvUx8R0, i hope everything is fine22:04
tammyikonia, for effects22:04
phantomcircuitJordan_U, yeah it's installed now (btw im a pretty advanced user i just normally setup flash drives with initramfs)22:04
ikoniatammy: depends on what effects, just try what you want22:05
Jordan_Uphantomcircuit: Then do exactly what you did to install to the internal drive, but select the flash drive instead.22:05
tammyikonia, right now i got the normal wobbly windows22:05
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phantomcircuitJordan_U, oh alright then22:05
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phantomcircuitJordan_U, damn a full install seems to be > 2GB22:06
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rachophantomcircuit: get a bigger flashdisk :)22:06
Jeruvynormal: have you reviewed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto ?22:06
ojayhello all22:08
ojayi need help22:08
Jordan_Uphantomcircuit: Yes :(. You have a few options, none of them ideal. 1: Do a minimal install that will take up less space, 2: Try a very experimental install to compressed btrfs 3: Make a "persistant" install that will allow you to save settings and install simple programs but not do normal upgrades (the biggest factor is that kernel upgrades won't work).22:08
ojayi have linux mint 10 and with ubuntu my wireless atheros card worked22:08
Jordan_U!mint | ojay22:09
ubottuojay: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:09
phantomcircuitJordan_U, 4) go to bestbuy and get a larger flash drive because you have a job xD22:09
ojayso how hard it can be to get it work22:09
normalJeruvy, i cannot believe i forgot to check the manual, i will read it carefully and try to set up the easier way, thank you22:10
Jeruvynormal: let us know how you made out.  Your welcome.22:10
bluezonewhat is the latest, gui runnable, kernel?22:10
normalJeruvy, will do22:11
rachoojay: try reading this -> http://bit.ly/fPPKtA22:11
FishsceneThe only information I can find is located here ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BitTorrent ) (Under the last picture). But that only has information for downloading a torrent- not tracking one.22:11
erUSULbluezone: gui runnable?22:12
bluezoneerUSUL, when i run really recent ones i get a command line and not a login screen in gui22:12
erUSULbluezone: well that's looks like a bug specific to your setup. all kernels should be able to run the gui22:13
ccwHi all.  I've got /home on an old HDD, and I want to set up a new user's home directory to include something like /home/newuser/storage/  that points to /media/newHDD/storage so that anything put in the first directory in fact exists only in the second, on the new disk.  What's the best way to do that?22:13
bluezoneerUSUL, :(22:13
erUSULbluezone: you should to try to fix the issue you are having22:13
bluezoneerUSUL, which issue22:14
Encr9Hi, is there a way to simulate a restart? Earlier I wasn't able to get my external HD mounted, said something bout wrong filesystem, it works now some how, I want to see if it remounts without me actually rebooting computer22:14
normalhere goes nothing!22:15
PiciEncr9: You can use mount -a to attempt to automatically mount all the devices specified in /etc/fstab22:15
Encr9mounted it with pmount I think22:15
erUSULbluezone: well i do not know. no enough info. can you give any error messages you got if any? check the logs? /var/log/Xorg.0.log /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog after a failed boot?22:15
Encr9ohhh pici i don't think it's in fstab yet, let me look22:15
kbpI just simply want to remove some entries in grub2 menu. Could anyone please help? Googled a lot but hopeless :(22:15
acamiloHello, Does anyone know how i can get gcc4.2 on my 10.4 install?22:16
erUSULkbp: remove the kernels you do not use from synaptic22:16
genii-aroundFishscene: http://erdgeist.org/arts/software/opentracker/ looks promising22:16
KM0201oracle: what wireless adapter are you trying to get working?22:17
kbperUSUL: I have other OS as well22:17
erUSULkbp: and you want to remove that other OS from the menu too?22:17
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have ubuntu loaded on my system dual boot, but I would like to take my native windows vista and boot that up with virtual style, but be able to reboot into it nativly if I need to, to this end I am doing this to reduce the number of reboots I need to do.  Any suggestions or guides?22:17
Arugood evening22:18
kbperUSUL: 1 Ubuntu (2 lines), another Ubuntu (6 lines, 3 kernels) + 1 WinXP. All I want is just 3 lines22:18
KM0201ojay: ?22:18
Fishscenegenii-around: Actually, I would LOVE to ahve that. The problem is, the very first command fails... "cvs (checkout aborted) : end of file from server (consult above messages if any)22:18
Arucan someone tell me, how to share my usb hardisk automaticaly?22:18
robert11Hi i'm setting up a linux kiosk, just wondering how can i prevent users who are using the kiosk from running their own shell scripts they can't get to the terminal because i've removed gnome-terminal but if they created a new file and put someone shell commands in their and then piped it out to another file that will work i don't want them to be able to do this how can i stop people executing shell scripts on ubuntu?22:19
Pici!lockdown | robert1122:19
ubotturobert11: Looking to lockdown your users' GNOME environment? Check out http://library.gnome.org/admin/deployment-guide/ - GNOME's Sysadmin guide may also be helpful: http://library.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/22:19
genii-aroundFishscene: Ah :(22:19
Picirobert11: You may want to look at the utilities that those articles mention22:19
erUSULkbp: 1) configure grub to not generate the rescue entries so you only get 1 line per kernel ( not sure it is a good idea rescue mode is usefull) 2) remove the 2 kernels you do not want in the 2nd ubuntu install22:20
Fishscenegenii-around: They do have this: https://erdgeist.org/cvsweb/opentracker/ But I have no clue how to use it22:20
bluezoneerUSUL, hmm... well i am having the same wifi issue as awhile ago, slow wireless 5x slower than on windows/wired, if you remember that correctly, and sam-_- recommeneded my a kernel and when i upgraded it worked22:20
LostPenguinso how do you add a driver to the kernel?22:21
erUSULLostPenguin: depends on the driver ...22:22
bluezoneLostPenguin, i believe you have to use modprobe, but don't take it from me im not sure :P22:22
erUSULbluezone: i thought that the problem is that you do not get a gui ...22:22
LostPenguinUSB DVB cature device22:22
bluezoneerUSUL, yeah i can't, but i remember one kernel that did lead me to gui and my wireless was fixed22:22
bluezoneerUSUL, but i guess if i can try fixing this... one sec22:23
LostPenguinI think I've managed to compile the correct driver, but it tried to put it in a WAY ot of date kernel version22:23
bluezoneerUSUL, is it possible it does that because i have restricted drivers?22:23
ejvhi everybody, i have a pretty standard, default installation of apache2 and a site that is non https, i want to enable secure connections for those who want to use it, i have a virtual host called ejv that begins with <Virtualhost *:80> and then all the arguments... do I need to copy the entire block and change 80 to 443, then insert the SSLEngine on and all the other parameters?22:23
erUSULbluezone: i am a bit lost ... " i remember one kernel that did lead me to gui and my wireless was fixed " you mean that one of the kernels you can choose frm in grub menu works and the others don't?22:24
erUSULejv: maybe better --> /join #httpd22:24
LostPenguinthis would be a whole lot easer if system functions were managed in the gui....22:25
MarcusMaximus04would this be the right place to ask for help with 11.04 alpha 1?22:25
erUSULMarcusMaximus04: #ubnutu+122:26
bluezoneerUSUL, before i formatted about 1 week ago i upgraded to a kernel, 2.36... etc... and the GUI worked on that, no when i try to upgrade kernel, the new kernel will not load GUI, only the initial one, (the one i am on now) will load GUI22:26
genii-aroundFishscene: cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@cvs.erdgeist.org:/home/cvsroot co opentracker                                 worked alright here22:26
erUSULbluezone: what graphic card do you have?22:27
Fishscenegenii: You gave me an idea actually. It might be blocked by our web filter... let me check there.22:27
bluezoneerUSUL, 8400M GS NVIDIA22:27
erUSULbluezone: and how did you installed the drivers for your card?22:27
kbperUSUL: ty gonna restart now to test22:27
bluezoneerUSUL, with the supported reccomended option in additional drivers22:28
Fishscenegenii-around: Yep. Our webfilter is blocking it. Thanks for the heads-up!22:28
genii-aroundFishscene: np22:28
* erUSUL hopes kbp ran « sudo update-grub » before restarting22:28
ecantohello gruys22:29
LostPenguinso I think I have a good .ko file, but I need to put it in to the kernel with the device IDS22:29
DaGeek247ecanto :  #ubuntu-offtopic22:29
LostPenguinat least I think, this command line stuff is way too cryptic22:29
erUSULbluezone: :( it looks like you hitted a kernel regression. the driver should work after the kernel upgrade22:30
meshuggahhiya ecanto how are you man?22:30
ecantosomebody use notebook dell inspiron 1440?22:30
=== oracle is now known as poggle
bluezoneerUSUL, i dont understand the meaning of regression in the context :(22:30
ecantomeshuggah, cool.22:30
DaGeek247hi ecanto!22:30
ecantoDaGeek247, hi.22:31
LostPenguinso no ideas?22:31
erUSULbluezone: the driver worked with the old versin ( you got gui ) and it stopped working with the new one ...22:31
bluezoneerUSUL, corrupted kernel?22:31
bluezoneerUSUL, yeah22:31
erUSULLostPenguin: ko files go in /lib/modules/kernelversion/somewhere22:32
erUSULLostPenguin: but kkernel drivers you compile should have a « make install » that just do the right thing (tm)22:32
robert11hi is there anyway to stop desktop users executing shell commands whether it's from a terminal or shell script on the desktop that they run?22:32
jodlajodlahello, i have problem with additional driver for graphic card - i installed drivers from ati page, but then i delete it and i can't get additional drivers back, pls help, thanks!22:33
LostPenguinI know, but I need to put in the device ID for it in all the modules.usbmap22:33
ben225need a cpanel guy to help me with a record directs22:33
ben225i have a client sending a subdomain to my server22:33
erUSULrobert11: can not think of anything... why would you want to do that?22:33
ben225he set the a record to my servers ip22:33
jodlajodlaanyone know which packet i need to enable in synaptic???22:34
ben225what do i need to do in my cpanel to accept the a record direction?22:34
robert11erUSUL because i am setting up a linux kiosk and i don't want users to do anything in the command line22:34
ejverUSUL: i have already, nobody is saying a word :p22:34
LostPenguinerUSUL: I did sudo make install but that put the files in 2.6.28-11 generic22:34
jodlajodlahello, i have problem with additional driver for graphic card - i installed drivers from ati page, but then i delete it and i can't get additional drivers back, pls help, thanks!22:34
ejverUSUL: i went there first before coming here :P22:34
erUSULLostPenguin: and why is that a problem?22:34
domin_you can restore graphic driver from ati web site22:35
LostPenguin2.6.32-27 has stuff that overwrites that22:35
erUSULrobert11: hide the terminal emulator and disable the run dialog... that may be enough22:35
DaGeek247isnt there a linux kiosk os?22:35
jodlajodlai know, but is this driver same that additional driver?22:35
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domin_in many cases they will be better than oryginal22:36
erUSULLostPenguin: all the drivers i've compiled over the years put the ko files in the directory of the kernel you are running ( they use uname -r to get it )22:36
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domin_for ex. 3d graphic22:36
jodlajodlaok, thanks :)22:36
domin_no problem22:37
LostPenguinyou want a link to the files I'm trying?22:37
zlatanMy friend has problem on Mint enabling wireless...Anyone know so we can help Mint friends ;)22:37
jrib!mint | zlatan22:37
ubottuzlatan: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:37
erUSUL!mint | zlatan22:37
z00d_Hello. How can I automatically select "Try Ubuntu" at live boot ?22:38
KM0201zlatan: yes, tell him to install ubuntu22:38
robert11erUSUL no it's not really enougth to be honest because a user can still create a text file on the desktop put in a few commands and then pipe the output to a different text file, then save the file and edit the permissions and allow execute and then when they double click on the file again it'll ask do you wish to "display, run ..." this file22:38
domin_could you tell something more about wifi ?22:38
KeyLimePiAnyone here use Ubuntu 10.04 in 64-bit?22:38
jribrobert11: check out the admin guides at http://library.gnome.org (especially the parts about locking down gnome)22:38
KeyLimePiHave you had any issues with the flash player when using a browser?22:38
robert11jrib i've already read those i've used pessaulus i've changed the gconf values etc but users can still execute commands22:39
zlatanKM0201:hahaha...I told22:39
erUSULKeyLimePi: nothing out of the ordinary. we all know flash is buggy in linux ...22:39
DaGeek247robert11 : kiosk.mozdev.org22:39
KM0201zlatan: well, then tell him to seek out mint support.... when the tumbleweeds stop rolling, he can install ubuntu and come here for help22:39
domin_10.1 works fine on 10.04 32bit - chromium browser22:39
KeyLimePiYeah.  Im having issues using webcam in flash based chat rooms.  It seems that even though my camera is good, I get this sort of strange interlacing on it22:40
robert11DaGeek247 thanks but i've programmed my own version22:40
robert11my own kiosk application22:40
KeyLimePibut when I use the camera function in Google Talk (also through the browser but through thier tech), the pic is  great22:40
mongyKeyLimePi, Im 10.10 64bit and use flash (32bit) with no real problems.. there is a 64bit flash plugin if you google 64bit flash ppa, but its not final.22:40
AmaranthKeyLimePi: Sounds like a flash bug22:40
jribrobert11: execute commands how exactly?22:40
KeyLimePiYeah, I tried version and non solve the problem (64-bit)22:40
domin_you can add ppa via ubuntu tweak22:41
robert11by putting shell scripts on the desktop then double clicking them and selecting the run option22:41
jribrobert11: and you can't stop them from doing that?22:41
mongyKeyLimePi, what problems?22:41
KeyLimePiI have the thread I put in this morning.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167230922:41
KeyLimePifunny is that I did not have this kind of problem 2 weeks ago but then, I have done some package updates since then.22:42
erUSULLostPenguin: what is the exact model of your dvb card/dongle22:42
SambaTouristAnyone have time/patience for a noob?22:43
ilovefairuzSambaTourist: hello22:43
ilovefairuz!details | SambaTourist22:43
ubottuSambaTourist: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:43
bazhangSambaTourist, just ask here, if someone knows they will answer22:43
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sveinseI'm setting up my own apt repositories, where parts of it will be mirror/copy from Ubuntu of the debs my system needs. Which tool can I use to download a package (for another architecture) and its dependencies?22:44
leejongwook[Q] How do I remove grub from live-cd ?22:44
SambaTouristSweet. Thank you fairuz22:44
mongyKeyLimePi, sorry, Im not really the person to ask I guess...  I only use flash when I have to...22:44
=== RaNdY is now known as Guest58739
KeyLimePiYeah.  Same here but I was hoping to get my quality back up to par22:44
LostPenguin1f4d:2000 Satbox mini (box says mygica but the manufacturer goes by many similar ones)22:45
KeyLimePibecause sadly, I rely on a site which has chosen flash for the browser interface. I wish I knew what Gtalk's in-browser cam tool uses since my webcam image quality is so much better22:45
ubottuapt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy22:45
robert11jrib no i can't22:45
rlinuxguy3what's wrong with flash?22:45
rlinuxguy3has served the web well over a decade22:45
FishsceneI'm getting an error, here's the end of it: "../libowfat -lowfat -pthread -lpthread -lz22:45
Fishscene/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz"   does anyone know what lz is? could it be referring to lzip?22:45
jribrobert11: well what do your users need to do?  Do they need to put stuff on the Desktop at all?22:45
bazhangkofeman, #ubuntu-ru22:46
erUSULFishscene: probably plain libzip-dev22:46
FishsceneI'll install it. Thanks22:46
robert11jrib i'm letting them save things to the desktop that they downloaded using a web browser, but i have used apparmor to secure nautilus so that they can't browse the whole filesystem they're confied to their home dir22:46
KeyLimePiany idea where I might find previous versions of flash player which work with Lucid (10.04) and 64-bit.  My only guess is that I need to roll back a few sub versions22:47
erUSULuse separate home; mount it as noexec ?22:47
erUSULrobert11: ^22:47
LostPenguinthe driver it's trying to replace is ~/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvb-usb-cxusb.ko22:47
FishsceneerUSUL: It worked! Thanks Mate.22:47
erUSULFishscene: no problem22:48
jribrobert11: would not allowing +x on the Desktop be sufficient?22:48
erUSULLostPenguin: why do you need to replace it?22:48
robert11also a lot articles say that when u want to lockdown gnome desktop environment use gconf but the user can easily go back and change the gconf settings using a shell script if they really wanted couldn't they would changing the .gconf dir owner to root and 700 permison on it prevent users from changing it ? will that work ? or do they need to have permission to change otherwise gnome won't work properly22:48
VarcHey community what is the normal command for install a Nvidia ?22:49
bazhang!nvidia > Varc22:49
ubottuVarc, please see my private message22:49
erUSULVarc: system>admin...>hardware drivers22:49
LostPenguinthis device isn;t defined in the kernel, IDK if it's the same one, how can I make it try?22:49
morbidwarhello, i created a file in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/MyNET but when i restart the network NetworkManager doesn't load the file22:49
robert11jrib that could be enougth i'll try that22:49
coz_Varc,     or in terminal    jockey-gtk  or if on kde   jockey-kde22:49
KeyLimePimongy: what version of flash player do you have?22:49
SambaTouristI'm installing 10.04 on an old HD with data that I'd rather not lose. Step 4 of the install gives two options; Erase disk or specify partition (advanced). What settings should I use when setting partitions?22:49
mongyKeyLimePi, latest 32bit from repo22:50
VarcIs not form my, is fora friend he is trying with the terminal but can't22:50
jribrobert11: I believe you can achieve that using ACLs22:50
robert11jrib also what about if they mount their usb drive and then try and execute shell script from the drive would that work or will i have to remove +x on the usb drive22:50
KeyLimePimongy: do you have a 64-bit system?22:50
robert11jrib the gconf stuff?22:50
mongyKeyLimePi, I only use it when its really needed.  html5 for youtube when it can, and I guess crappy flash for everything else22:50
VarcThansk you bazhang and erUSUL22:50
mongyKeyLimePi, yes22:50
KeyLimePiah, so how  did you install it. I tried downloading the latest 32-BIT one from Adobe but it wouldnt let me. "wrong architecture"22:51
MarcusMaximusI'm trying to get pulseaudio to use a specific alsa device(hw:0,8), anyone know how to do that?22:52
jribrobert11: Access Control Lists (man setfacl, man getfacl; all that's required is the "acl" option in fstab for the partition)   I don't know if there's a way for you to prevent users from modifying permissions at all in nautilus, that may be possible.  Regarding the usb, I suppose you could set it up so they get mounted noexec.  Also, you have to be careful that they can't re-associate default applications22:52
jribin nautilus (since they could have text files get sourced through bash I suppose)22:52
erUSULLostPenguin: have you tried this method for adding a usb id? http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/zd1211rw/AddID22:52
erUSULLostPenguin: in the web page is for a wifi driver but for the dvb should be pretty similar22:53
iNTERNEThttp://roc.ly/name/iNTERNET - Sign up at ruinsofchaos.com and play!22:53
iNTERNEThttp://roc.ly/name/iNTERNET - Sign up at ruinsofchaos.com and play!22:53
iNTERNEThttp://roc.ly/name/iNTERNET - Sign up at ruinsofchaos.com and play!22:53
FloodBot2iNTERNET: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:53
gordonjcpoh nice one Ubuntu22:53
gordonjcp/dev/sda7 on /media/c6ddd33e-8d6c-4bc1-9eac-4c73fd5c47d8 type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks)22:53
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.22:53
KeyLimePianyone know of a good place to get outdated flash players? I think I need to roll back about 3 or so sub-versions22:54
gordonjcplovely user-friendly partition names there22:54
LostPenguinlet me stare at it a second and I'll figure it out and give it a shot, thanks22:54
smw!msgthebot > bluezone22:54
ubottubluezone, please see my private message22:54
isoneedhelpThe Ubuntu installer  corrupted my ntfs drive, making partition smaller that filesystem, so windows and linux cannot use it? How do I resize it?22:54
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:55
Freeaqingme_I have a file. what command can I use to get one line in specific, and the few lines before, and after that line?22:55
jribrobert11: you should try the #gnome channel (here on freenode and on gimpnet too)22:55
robert11cheers jrib i'll look into that, so you think i should use ACL's for stopping users from executing shell scripts etc?22:55
robert11jrib ok will do22:56
jribrobert11: that's just one way that should work.  But maybe there is some gconf/pessulus/sabayon, more gnome-y way of doing it22:56
morbidwarhello, i created a file in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/MyNET but when i restart the network NetworkManager doesn't load the file, what else do i need to activate to use my custom settings?22:56
aciculaFreeaqingme_: grep perhaps22:57
Freeaqingme_acicula, browsing through hte man pages22:57
Freeaqingme_but nothing so far22:58
robert11jrib well pessulus sabayon just modify gconf anyway, but users can change their gconf settings can't they if they manager to execute shell scripts, should i set to the owner of the .gconf directory for the user to root do you think that would preven them from chaning the gconf values and i could set it so that other and group members on have read access22:58
aciculaFreeaqingme_: google unix or linux text tools22:58
jribrobert11: you can set mandatory gconf keys (it's in the admin docs at library.gnome.org)22:58
aciculaFreeaqingme_: maybe that will turn up something usefull about the blackart of linux text tools22:58
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gordonjcpacicula: "linux text tools"?22:58
craigbass1976I've got a lucid laptop.  How do I save a wireless network so that I don't have to type the passwrod whenever I want to get on it?  In addition to the wireless network password, I'm asked about some login keyring.  My password isn't taking there.  Meh?22:58
echomanhello; i have a problem with graphic card hd4850, i installed additional driver, but problem is also here. i have some screen tearing with opened windows, when i moving it and screen tearing when i watching videos. can you help me? thanks! :)22:59
VarcHey, this page: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi are only bots commands?23:00
aciculagordonjcp: all the stuff you can manipulate and process text with which each have a small function, you know, cat,sed,ed,awk,grep etcetc23:00
jribrobert11: by the way, you should see if a way to circumvent your setup is to create a .desktop file (I think these don't have to be executable, but I haven't used gnome in a while)23:00
erUSULVarc: they are the bot factoids23:00
PhaseJust installed 10.10, for some reason I can't click anything.. and with the keyboard I can only get the Run Application dialog to come up.. but once it's open I can't type anything in it. (and the cursor is 'active')23:00
PhaseAny ideas? :|23:00
echomanhelp plz -.-"23:00
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VarcerUSUL: factoids?23:01
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots23:01
robert11jrib what do .desktop files23:01
echomanhello; i have a problem with graphic card hd4850, i installed additional driver, but problem is also here. i have some screen tearing with opened windows, when i moving it and screen tearing when i watching videos. can you help me? thanks! :)23:01
robert11jrib what do .desktop files do?23:01
erUSULFreeaqingme_: depends on how you would choose the line ...23:01
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:01
sveinseerUSUL: Thanks. However, apt-proxy isn't exactly the thing I'm looking for. I need to download the packages, which I later will scan with dpkg-scanpackages, but I need to learn how to download them first.23:01
rwwjrib: I think they do have to be now.23:01
sveinseDo you know of other tools?23:01
erUSULno sorry23:02
sveinsethanks anyways23:02
jribrobert11: they launch applications (they're what make up the menu, and show up as "launchers" on the desktop and panel).  But rww says they have to be executable now, so you should be safe23:02
Freeaqingme_erUSUL, well, I have a huge sql file, and I know there's a syntax error on line 758700, so I want to see the few lines before and after it to determine what goes wrong23:02
robert11jrib nah that's fine anyway because when the session ends for the user the whole home directory is replaced with a backup copy23:03
Phaseand when I push the power button the dialog comes up, and I can navigate it (and shutdown), but the problem still occurs after a reboot.23:03
echomanhello; i have a problem with graphic card hd4850, i installed additional driver, but problem is also here. i have some screen tearing with opened windows, when i moving it and screen tearing when i watching videos. can you help me? thanks! :)23:03
jribrobert11: ok23:03
jribFreeaqingme_: do you just want to see those lines?23:04
erUSULFreeaqingme_: i would use sed23:04
robert11jrib my application runs as the user using gnome so in theory the user could find a way to kill my app, do you i should run my kiosk application as a different user ?23:04
jribFreeaqingme_: you can use sed: sed -n 'START,ENDp'23:04
Jordan_UI'm looking for a media player and I really only have two requirements 1: Needs to be able to be configured to play only one song when you double click it (not going on to the next song automatically) 2: Needs to be able to relatively efficiently search a large media library. Any player which match these criterion?23:04
Freeaqingme_jrib, cool. tnx23:04
erUSULFreeaqingme_: sed -n '758690,758710p' file | less23:04
robert11jrib to preven them from killing it? however if they do manager to kill it then X restarts and their session ends and the desktop starts backup again23:05
Freeaqingme_erUSUL, works. tnx23:05
echomanhello; i have a problem with graphic card hd4850, i installed additional driver, but problem is also here. i have some screen tearing with opened windows, when i moving it and screen tearing when i watching videos. can you help me? thanks! :)23:05
jribrobert11: I don't know, I don't think I can give you a good reason either way.  From your description, it sounds like you're ok23:05
erUSUL!patience | echoman23:05
ubottuechoman: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:05
echomani also post this question on forums23:06
echomanbut no any anwser -.-"23:06
jgcampbell300hello, ubuntu 10.10 server ... I am looking for a way to get the system to auto mount any usb Hard drives i plug into it ... have several that get pluged in from time to time23:06
jribjgcampbell300: I use halevt23:07
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jgcampbell300jrib: ill look into it now. Thanks23:07
monoid_Anyway, I need to define square brackets as a unique and special bit of syntax. Is this possible?23:08
jribmonoid_: wrong channel?23:08
monoid_I thought this was #scheme23:09
leo-1982anyone linux expert here?23:10
soerenbnoergaardHi, does anybody know how to start Gnome Disk Utility using a command in the terminal? gnome-disk-utility isn't it it seems23:10
Pudabudigadaleo-1982, Whatya need?23:10
Pudabudigadaleo-1982, Prolly not me,but still.23:10
erUSULsoerenbnoergaard: palimsest23:10
erUSULsoerenbnoergaard: sorry typo --> palimpsest23:11
soerenbnoergaarderUSUL: THANK YOU! I would have never figured that out!23:11
* erUSUL who choosed that name Grrrr23:11
leo-1982not very "legal" stuff...23:12
bazhangleo-1982, what?23:12
sw0rdfishhey guys whats a good sftp server?23:12
sw0rdfishthat i can install quickly and start transfering files to23:13
PhaseJordan_U: Why not do some googling?23:13
jgcampbell300ya open ssh works great23:13
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leo-1982i want to phish password from my girlfriend's account23:13
jgcampbell300sudo apt-get install ssh23:13
Jordan_UPhase: I have.23:13
Phasesorry I was scrolled up, I thought you repeated it :|23:13
bazhangleo-1982, you're right, that's illegal. dont ask again23:13
ChrisBuchholz00:02 -!- ecanto [~edson@unaffiliated/ecanto] has joined #ubuntu-server23:13
erUSUL!sshd | sw0rdfish23:13
ChrisBuchholz00:02 -!- ecanto [~edson@unaffiliated/ecanto] has joined #ubuntu-server23:13
ubottusw0rdfish: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)23:13
PhaseJordan_U: Tried Banshee?23:13
Jordan_UPhase: Not yet.23:14
ChrisBuchholzHey guys. I have a problem on my 10.04.1 server where some of the users cannot ssh in. If i use the -vv argument,  i get no errors, outputs just stops right before it goes to "logged in"-output with the users that does work. I  have tried setting the loglevel of sshd to debug3, but didnt tell me more. I have noticed that the users where it23:14
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ChrisBuchholz works's user i and group id (looking in /etc/passwd) is eq ual to each other, whereas the ones that doesnt work,  has a user id and group id that is not the same. Could that be a reason to why it doesnt work?23:14
PhaseI think it can do what you want :P23:14
ecantoChrisBuchholz, ?23:14
Jordan_UPhase: I have a very slow internet connection, and would like to prefferably have somthing I can use in a few hours, so trying many apps isn't possible.23:14
PhaseJordan_U: Try Banshee23:14
ChrisBuchholzecanto: what? You dont understand my question?23:15
Pudabudigadaleo-1982, I'm not telling you how to do that.23:15
bazhangChrisBuchholz, you copypasted his entry message23:15
ChrisBuchholzbazhang: did i ? :)23:16
LostPenguinerUSUL: Tried the link you gave me, modprobe dvb-usb-cxusb didn't put anything into /sys/bus/usb so that I could add ids23:16
erUSULLostPenguin: :/23:16
ChrisBuchholzbazhang: well that was a mistake .... ecanto23:16
KimLarouxOKay so I changed my user's password but ecryptfs's passphrase didn't change. That's lame.23:17
julia_23QUESTION: I am looking for an integrated messaging program for UBUNTU, other than Gwibber and Pidgin,  that integrates YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, TWITTER,  and all sorts of applications into one integrated program.  Any ideas?23:17
KimLarouxI can't figure how to change ecryptfs's passphrase, anyone knows how?23:18
[bean]julia_23: centerim maybe but its console based23:18
sw0rdfishis the ssh server automatically running after i install openssh-server23:19
aciculaif there is a network interface available yes23:19
LostPenguinsw0rdfishL ps -aux23:19
Jordan_UPhase: While there is a one time option "Stop when finished" I can't find a way to make that the default.23:20
jitakiI cant change my visual effects settings, and my transparencies have all gone to pseudo-transparency...23:21
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bazhangjitaki, tried #compiz ?23:22
jitakii will try, ty23:23
JeruvyKimLaroux: does this help? http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/Ecryptfs/#Password23:23
jitakialso, is there any way i can see verbose or anything? when i do try to make a change,23:24
jitakiinstead of just "Unable to"23:24
KimLarouxJeruvy, no, cause I did that and it doesn't work23:24
JeruvyKimLaroux: can you explain the situation, and what errors you got?23:26
KM0201!info muine | Jordan_U i tink that will do what you want.23:26
ubottuJordan_U: muine (source: muine): Simple playlist based music player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.11-4ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 428 kB, installed size 1820 kB23:26
PhaseMy mouse and keyboard seem to stop functioning (I can move the mouse, but can't click anything), there seems to be an invisible item on the taskbar at the bottom left. The system is responsive, and if I hit the power button I can navigate the Shutdown dialog with the keyboard, but that's about all I can do. I've got an ATI Radeon card.. this is happening on both the open source drivers and the fglrx drivers. Any ideas?23:26
NoeltoriousPhase does this happen at random or when performing a certian operation?23:27
phantomcircuitis there an easy way to switch from normal ubuntu to thenetbook version w/o reinstalling?23:27
KimLarouxI didn't get any errors, the username password is changed and works on everything but ecryptfs. That means I can't log in cause my login password wont mount my home folder... I have to manual mount it with the old password before I login23:27
LostPenguinso there is no way at all to handle drivers with the GUI?23:27
Jordan_UKM0201: Have you tried it yourself?23:27
Noeltoriousphantomcircuit: you can run both side by side23:27
KM0201Jordan_U: using it right now.23:27
PhaseNoeltorious: When I first boot into it it seems to be fine.. I can login (enter my password), move through the various menus, etc.. but if I click that 'invisible' taskbar item I mentioned it starts the above behavior23:28
Jordan_UKM0201: OK, thank you.23:28
phantomcircuitNoeltorious, ah i see that it's just a DE  selection23:28
KM0201Jordan_U: it has a easy search feature, and it will easily only play one song at a time (it hink that was your requirement)23:28
PhaseNoeltorious: Also, whenever I open something, it's in the first slot on the taskbar.. where that 'invisible' item is23:28
Noeltoriousphantomcircuit: you got it23:29
TylerMcMasterHow do I change the screen resolution of Ubuntu 10.10/10.04?23:29
Noeltoriousphantomcircuit: is this phantom slot removable via the right click menu? or does right click lock up the peripherals as well?23:29
Noeltoriousphantomcircuit: that was meant for phase oops23:29
NoeltoriousPhase: is this phantom slot removable via the right click menu? or does right click lock up the peripherals as well?23:29
PhaseNoeltorious: Rebooting now, let me check23:30
PhaseNoeltorious: I right clicked it, clicked off the right click menu, and it still worked. I right clicked again, and hit the 'Remove' option, and it still worked. I leftclicked that area and it messes up again.23:31
Phasemmk then23:31
TylerMcMasterHow do I change the screen resolution on Ubuntu 10.10/10.04?23:31
Phasewb Noeltorious :P23:31
Jordan_UKM0201: Is there a way to keep the search box up permanently?23:32
KM0201Jordan_U: now that i'm not sure... i don't think so.23:32
NoeltoriousPhase: this is the taskbar eh?23:32
PhaseNoeltorious: The bottom bar where running applications show up, like the Windows startbar, yeah23:32
Jordan_UKM0201: It's the closest to what I want so far, and will do if I can't find anything else. Thank you.23:32
KM0201Jordan_U: no prob.. i'll keep my eyebals open for something else, but i agree, thus far, it's the closest i've saw also.23:33
PhaseNoeltorious: I read something about a graphics safe mode? I'm not sure how to boot into that.. I was thinking if I could boot into that and it still worked then it probably isn't a graphics card issue (though I'm at a loss at this point)23:33
NoeltoriousPhase: this is probably not the best solution, but try deleting that whole panel then readding all the items23:33
PhaseNoeltorious: alright23:33
VCoolioTylerMcMaster: system > preferences > monitors23:33
NoeltoriousPhase: yeah idt its a graphics issue at all23:33
LostPenguinso no one has any experience with drivers besides erUSUL?23:34
TylerMcMasterThanks VCoolio23:34
kxhello anybody out there?23:36
PhaseNoeltorious: Are the only two things on that panel the running applictions and workspace switcher?23:37
Pudabudigadakx; what'ya ned?23:37
kxhey i have a problem with  X23:37
kxwhats it called23:37
grkblood13is it true in the latest version of ubuntu you can control audio by apps like win7?23:37
NoeltoriousPhase: depends theres also the show desktop recycle bin as well usually23:37
kxit has to do with graphical user interface23:37
Noeltoriousgrkblood13: afaik you can do this in the sound menu in the last tab23:38
KM0201grkblood13: i really dont know what you mean, i've used several apps to control the volume just for that app over the years.23:38
kxmy net book runs fine for a bit then the screen starts distorting23:38
grkblood13im talking about via the system volume control23:38
grkblood13versus doing it by devices23:38
garrettbis 11.04 the "current version" ... went to ubuntu.com, clicked the download, thought I get 10.10 (like the dropdown said) but after fighting with odd behavior for house decided to look at the about and I actually installed 11.04 ?23:38
PhaseNoeltorious: Hmm, I think it locked up for a minute when I tried to add the System Monitor applet, but so far everything's still working23:39
garrettbEverything I can find says it's alpha23:39
erUSULgarrettb: what does « lsb_release -a » says?23:39
KM0201grkblood13: then yes, you can clcik on sound pref and applications tab, and adjust everything there (if it's a fast sound though, you'll have to be quick, cuz it disappears once the sound goes off)23:39
LostPenguinso no one has any idea how to add device ids to the kernel?23:39
NoeltoriousPhase: totally unrelated but i love having that in my taskbar, always change the colors though. i wonder what that blank space was, did you add anything recently?23:39
garrettbNo LSB modules are available.23:39
garrettbDistributor ID:Ubuntu23:39
garrettbDescription:Ubuntu 10.1023:39
FloodBot2garrettb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:39
PhaseNoeltorious: Nope, 100% fresh install23:40
KM0201garrettb: you're using 10.10... somehow the "about" for 11.04 got into a 10.10 update23:40
Pudabudigadakx, put the name of the person helping you in your post, else it will get lost23:40
Pudabudigadakx, Is it affected by moving the screen physically, different resolutions, or other OSs?23:41
PhaseNoeltorious: Ok, it locked up again when I opened the System Monitor window23:41
Noeltoriousgrkblood13: you mean by clicking the indicator or by going into the sound menu? i coulda sworn there was a tab for per app volume23:41
kxPudabudigada i do nothing23:41
PhaseNoeltorious: Just for shits and giggles I'm going to burn another 10.10 disc.. though this one should be fine.23:42
KM0201Noeltorious: it's the application tab... it has a volume meter for each appt hat is currently running sound23:42
kxPudabudigada sometimes when im on facebook it does it23:42
PudabudigadaAre you using it now?23:42
LostPenguinis there some other place I can go for help more specific to my needs of trying to get this driver to work?23:42
kxPudabudigada: its running ok though23:42
NoeltoriousKM0201: thanks, grkblood13 does that sound like what youre looking for?23:43
Pudabudigadakx Try moving the screen23:43
NoeltoriousPhase: yeah im sorry about that, honestly never seen of heard of that23:43
Pudabudigadakx you may be doing it w/o realising23:43
kxPudabudigada: the settings?23:43
grkblood13ill try in a sec23:44
Pudabudigadakx, No, I mean grab it23:44
grkblood13im running aroudn right now23:44
PhaseNoeltorious: Me either :|, I just figured it might be a graphics card issue because this is the first time I've had a computer with a non-intel integrated chip :P23:44
grkblood13im sure it is though23:44
KM0201Phase: what is your integrated chipset?... if it's ATI or Nvidia, it's probably OK.. that one.. SiS or something, is kinda wonky23:44
NoeltoriousPhase: the more you describe the issue the more im starting to wonder if thats it myself, you said you were unaware how to do safe graphics mode right?23:44
PhaseNoeltorious: Right23:45
kxPudabudigada yeah i grab it then the cube kicks in23:45
PhaseKM0201: I'm not sure, I know the card is an ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro AGP23:45
LostPenguinso no one knows anything about drivers in here?23:45
KM0201Phase: and its freezing up?.. did you install the ATI driver?23:45
Pudabudigadakx What?23:46
PhaseKM0201: I had fglx (sp) drivers.. and brb just a second. Pizza's here.23:46
kxPudabudigada i dont understand what you mean by grab the screen, you mean physically?23:46
Pudabudigadakx Yes!23:46
Pudabudigadakx Did you think I meant prnt scrn? Srry!23:47
kxPudabudigada k nothing happens23:47
Pudabudigadakx Now try a resolution change23:47
laurHello! Is here anyone familiar with HP computers and Ubuntu?23:48
HilarieStupid question incoming!23:48
Pudabudigadakx if everything disappears, just leave it for 15 seconds23:48
kxPudabudigada k23:48
HilarieDid I install 32bit or 64 bit? how can I find this out?23:48
bluezonewould it be possible to run an .EXE file using wine on a read-only cd, (checking the allow execution in properties cannot be done)23:48
Hilarieby process of elimation!23:48
Hilarie"Wrong architecture 'i386' "23:49
Laurenceb_im getting page load errors in firefox23:49
NoeltoriousLaurenceb_: hey23:49
LostPenguinbluezone: yeah, that's how I installed FFXI23:49
kxPudabudigada ok i did it, when it was changing the resolution it distorted and then grabbed the config23:49
bluezoneLostPenguin, how would you do it?23:49
genii-aroundHilarie: uname -p              also tells you23:49
KM0201Laurenceb: download firefox killer... Chrome :)23:49
Laurenceb_it seems that firefox is never getting responses back from the webserver23:50
bluezoneLostPenguin, because it tells me that it cannot be opened, you the "the file... is not marked as executable"23:50
Laurenceb_about 20% of occasions23:50
kxPudabudigada: ill try to see if it happens and if it still happens then ill move those settings around see if it gets better, thank you very much your help is greatly appreciated23:50
Hilariehttp://picasa.google.com/linux/thanks-deb64.html Do I already have those listed requirements?23:50
LostPenguinbluezone chmod23:50
FloodBot2kx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:50
Hilarieon a ubuntu 10.1 64bit system23:50
bluezoneLostPenguin, :( forgot about that23:50
joefozmansHilarie: Try uname -u (in terminal)23:50
goddardis there an offical place to read about ubuntu updates to verify them?23:51
terry_How do i install a usb wireless antenna Linux driver from a disc to Ubuntu 10.04. Step by step guide please23:51
HilarieWhere do I find the terminal?23:51
Pudabudigadakx, 'k I'll be here for a while longer if you need more23:51
zulaxi am burning a ubuntu server to a cd, does it harm to check the option " leave the disc open to add files later" ?23:51
laurgoddard: www.ubuntu.com seems pretty official :)23:51
KM0201Hilarie: if you don't, when you double click on the .deb file... software manager will download them... if there's a dependency it cannot download, it will show an error before you install it23:51
bluezonejoefozmans, i think he is trolling :(23:51
PhaseKM0201: Back now, wouldn't 10.10 install the opensource drivers by default? (I never did check to see specifically before I switch to the propertiery ones)23:51
HilarieThank you!23:51
Laurenceb_so, about 20% of the time when i try to load a page, i never get a response back from the server. The problem then repeats itself and i have to try F5 about 20 times before it works23:51
gaurav__i am using ubuntu server 10.10 in my vbox .. i installed Ubuntu desktop in ubuntu server when i boot it directly go to Gnome screen i want to switch back to console screen23:52
KM0201Phase: i'm really not sure to be truthful... i don't use ATI.. i just know a lot of people use the driver from ATI.com cuz they are not happy w/ the one ubuntu provides23:52
PudabudigadaHilarie, Applications>Accessories>Terminal23:52
gaurav__what i do23:52
bluezoneLostPenguin, +777 ?23:52
Laurenceb_this seems to have been occuring since i updated to 10.04LTS23:52
PhaseKM0201: Ahh, I'll try that then. Thanks for the help :)23:52
LostPenguinbluezone IDK, I use the gui lol23:52
Laurenceb_firefox 3.6.1323:52
bluezoneLostPenguin, :O theres a gui?23:52
NoeltoriousLaurenceb_: whats the exact message23:53
laurDoes anyone have experience with HDMI configuring in Ubuntu?23:53
gaurav__i am using ubuntu server 10.10 in my vbox .. i installed Ubuntu desktop in ubuntu server when i boot it directly go to Gnome screen i want to switch back to console screen how i do tat23:53
LostPenguinbluezone right click the exe in file manager23:53
PhaseNoeltorious: Thanks for your help earlier, too. After dinner I'm going to go see what I can find on ati.com as far as drivers go23:53
bluezoneLostPenguin, yeah it wont let me modify that, it is a cd23:54
NoeltoriousPhase: yw def let us know how you make out23:54
Laurenceb_Noetorious: there is no message23:54
LostPenguinbluezone copy the cd to the hdd and then chmod23:54
Laurenceb_its just timing out waiting for a response23:55
PhaseNoeltorious: Sure thing23:55
bluezoneLostPenguin, right :(23:55
NoeltoriousLaurenceb_: ff isnt telling you anything? ah gotcha23:55
bluezoneLostPenguin, i am stupid23:55
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LostPenguinbluezone you're forgetful, I don't know anyone who isn't23:56
NoeltoriousLaurenceb_: make any changes recently? proxy or anything like that?23:56
bluezoneLostPenguin, yeah but i probably have alzeimers compared to others on this channel lol23:56
Ademanugh, anyone who's set up ubuntu server in a qemu vm, I'm trying to use virt-install to set it up, my current command line looks like sudo virt-install --connect qemu:///system --name server --ram 256 --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/ubuntu-server-10.04.qcow2 --nographics --os-type linux --accelerate -c /home/dan/Downloads/ubuntu-10.04.1-server-i386.iso --extra-args="text console=ttyS0,9600,n8" but no matter what I've done I can't g23:57
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LostPenguinbluezone at least you got a shot, can't no one help me with rivers lol23:57
bluezoneLostPenguin, why whats wrong with your drivers23:57
=== guest51 is now known as Guest8197
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LostPenguinI need to add device ID to current KO to try nd make it work, if it doesn't, I'll have to replace t with the one my hw provider had me compile23:58
NoeltoriousLaurenceb_: all other apps connect no issue right?23:59
bluezoneLostPenguin, i dunno, when i have driver problems i reformat, it is called the bluezone method lol23:59

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