
charlie-tcamicahg: Lucid 10.04 docs are ready - bug 70573415:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 705734 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu Lucid) "Xubuntu-docs for lucid are out-dated" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70573415:25
micahgcharlie-tca: already grabbed them, it's a day late though, but I got a release ACK15:25
charlie-tcathank you15:26
micahgproblem is codehosting is down at the moment15:26
charlie-tcayeah, I see bzr is down for at least an hour now15:26
micahgcharlie-tca: why did you mark the devel task triaged on the docs bug?  I thought since it was targeted for lucid, that should be invalid15:40
charlie-tcalost my head15:44
charlie-tcaSo, I should mark it invalid?15:44
charlie-tcamicahg: it looks like I missed your updates on the bug15:48
charlie-tcafixed it now, though15:48
micahgok, thanks15:48
charlie-tcasorry, I should have refreshed it first, I guess,.15:49
micahgcharlie-tca: no worries15:49
Book_em_Danocharlie-tca, how did you push xubuntu-docs for 10.04.2?15:56
charlie-tcamicahg is doing it15:56
micahgBook_em_Dano: so, I'll be proposing a merge to your branch with the timestamp, pocket, and version changed, but otherwise I think it's ok, I have to do a test build still, but codehosting is down15:57
charlie-tcaWe were just waiting to make sure they were ready15:57
micahgBook_em_Dano: are there any updates for maverick and natty?15:57
Book_em_Danoyes, there are some other commits for both that I can submit today15:59
micahgBook_em_Dano: no rush, but how many updates do you intend for Maverick?16:00
Book_em_DanoI don't have an exact number but I have updated the changelog at lp:xubuntu-docs/maverick16:02
Book_em_DanoI was hoping to do all of the corrections and upload them all at once if possile16:04
micahgBook_em_Dano: yep, go ahead and wait for that16:04
micahgBook_em_Dano: I meant uploads, not individual changes :)16:05
Book_em_Danomicahg: I don't think I have permission to upload to ubuntu-branches, I would need someone to sponsor the upload; I imagine just one upload once I've finished the commits16:08
micahgBook_em_Dano: I'm happy to sponsor :)16:09
charlie-tcaBook_em_Dano: Thank you very much for the hard work on the documentation. It will be great to have them updated!16:09
Book_em_Danomicahg: is the procedure to target a package for a milestone different than requesting a SRU for a package?16:10
micahgnope, usually you don't need a milestone unless it needs to get in, so for this, it's needed for 10.04.216:11
charlie-tcaBook_em_Dano: maverick has no milestones left, so it is just an update to it16:12
micahgcharlie-tca: technically not true, there should be an -updates milestone16:13
charlie-tcaMaybe my terminology is wrong then. There won't be another image published for it16:14
micahgright :)16:14
Book_em_Danocan anyone explain the difference between lp:xubuntu-docs/lucid and lp:ubuntu/lucid/xubuntu-docs?16:16
micahgBook_em_Dano: the lp:ubuntu branch was the release branch, lp:xubuntu-docs is an "upstream" devel branch16:17
Book_em_Danocan anyone explain how the version numbers for xubuntu-docs will be addressed? The version for the lucid version currently is 9.10.1, and with an update I assume the version would change to 9.10.2, but the version number is already utilized by the maverick version.16:25
charlie-tcaEach release should have it's own version of docs16:25
micahgBook_em_Dano: no, I'm going to change it to
charlie-tcamaverick should be changed to 10.10.116:25
charlie-tcanatty should become 11.04.116:26
micahgcharlie-tca: err, I'd make maverick 9.10.2+really10.1016:27
micahgafter natty is updated of course to 11.0416:27
micahgmaybe I should make lucid 9.10.1+really10.04.116:27
charlie-tcathe numbers correspond to the release itself. 9.10 is there because we never got the docs updated after karmic16:28
micahgright, but we don't want to break upgrades16:28
micahgso if natty and maverick were already updated, I could bump lucid16:28
* charlie-tca goes to hide again. micahg and Book_em_Dano can decide how to do it, as long as the final versions are right.16:29
Book_em_Danois it critical to change the version numbers in the changelogs?16:31
micahgBook_em_Dano: no, but it just confuses people when they see a version 9.10 for karmic and up16:32
micahgBook_em_Dano: did you get the 9.10.2 fixes in for lucid as well?16:33
Book_em_DanoI put the fixes for 9.10.2 (maverick version) in lp:xubuntu-docs/maverick, is that what you're asking?16:37
micahgno, are the appropriate ones in xubuntu-docs/lucid as well?16:38
Book_em_DanoAll of the fixes pertinent to Xubuntu 10.04 are in lp:xubuntu-docs/lucid16:40
micahgBook_em_Dano: great, thanks16:41
Book_em_Danobut in terms of packaging, do the version numbers come from the changelogs or elsewhere?16:41
micahgBook_em_Dano: changelogs16:41
micahgBook_em_Dano: uploaded and merge proposed with changelog fixes19:15

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