
=== DebMal-log1 is now known as DebMal-log
wisevoyagerkemana pergi nya website jomlinux?08:46
wisevoyagerdah tutup? asalak?08:46
=== Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty
rshhello can anyone help with my tech prob08:52
wisevoyagerrsh: tech prob?09:03
wisevoyagerasalak ni?09:04
wisevoyagerjust to KatieKitty ek..09:04
wisevoyagerask her plse..09:04
wisevoyagercoz she is very smart!09:05
=== KatieKitty is now known as Katie-Offline
=== Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty
=== KatieKitty is now known as Katie-Offline
=== Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty
=== KatieKitty is now known as Katie-Offline
=== Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty
=== KatieKitty is now known as Katie-Offline
wisevoyagerUbuntu is an immensely popular Debian-based distro..18:50

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