[09:13] morning [09:13] is anyone here?? [14:21] anyone here?? [14:22] gtriderxc: hi [14:23] hi [14:23] the question is: [14:23] Please insert the command used to encode the audio data. The command has to read raw little endian ( [14:23] how should I understand a command [14:23] it is all about ripping the video in K3B [14:24] is command some kond of codec?? [14:24] *kind [14:25] likely, for example you want to use ffmpeg to encode the audio data, you put a command with parameters there [14:26] You mean from terminal?? [14:27] without x-windows [14:27] ?? [14:27] no [14:27] there would be a window of k3b, and a place where let you input a command, that is what "command used to encode". [14:28] ok now i get it [14:28] thanx [14:28] there would be variables (e.g. %s) to represent the file name, and the command might be "ffmpeg --some-parameters %s" [14:28] :)