
LostPenguinbluezone drivers are the #1 reason I do windows...00:00
bluezonedrivers and games xD00:00
Equanthomhello, please a little question, how I can view in terminal all the modules and kernel modules associated with audio? using ubuntu 10.1000:01
LostPenguinI got FFXI to run on wine, everything else I play is on console00:01
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LostPenguinEquanthom: lspci00:01
Equanthomoh thanks00:01
zatanHi I am having issues with SOUND i cant play two application at once ?00:02
Equanthomuseful ! problem solved thanks00:02
kxPudabudigada nope its still messed up00:02
Pudabudigadakx Yup?00:02
HilarieSo, .deb is what i am looking for when I am trying to find apps online?00:02
NoeltoriousHilarie: yes00:02
user1199when i minimize stuff i can't see it on the bottom bar.... i use alt-tab to get it back.. any idea how to get the titles on the bar??00:02
kxPudabudigada yeah i actually took a screen shot want to see it?00:02
LostPenguinHilarie use package manager to find games00:03
KM0201Hilarie: its best to use software center, but if the app is not in software center, and you can find an ubuntu .deb... then yes.00:03
HilarieI am looking for truecrypt00:03
Pudabudigadakx I think I may have had that problem before00:03
KM0201Hilarie: i think thats in software center00:03
HilarieThe only thing in the software center is a snazzy UI00:03
NoeltoriousHilarie: lol00:03
Hilariewhich sends you straight to the truecrypt website00:03
kxPudabudigada yeah? what do you thing it is and just if you didnt get the pic here it goes again http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/9504/screenshotkts.png00:04
Pudabudigadakx Yup?00:04
HilarieEasycrypt through the built in installer only makes things pretty00:04
KM0201Hilarie: sorry, i was thinking of crypt keeper00:04
user1199when i minimize stuff i can't see it on the bottom bar.... i use alt-tab to get it back.. any idea how to get the titles on the bar??00:05
alex__I've better than TrueCrypt \(-0-)/ ^^00:05
Pudabudigadakx, remove that eye thing, I think I can recall that causing issues.00:05
KM0201Hilarie: truecrypt can be usd to create an encrypted folder, and you can just enable/disable it at will.. it's pretty simple to use.... i'm not that familiar w/ truecrypt00:05
kxPudabudigada ok lets see00:05
Noeltorioususer1199: right click the panel choose add to panel and a window should pop up00:05
kxPudabudigada ok gones but its still messed up00:05
Noeltorioususer1199: i cant remember the exact name of the item but it should say window/s in it00:06
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Pudabudigadakx use 'top' in terminal00:06
alex__TrueCrypt uses a 128 -> 256 bits Encryption Algorithm00:06
Hilarie@alex I am looking for hidden partitions within the partition00:06
Pudabudigadapastebin me the output00:06
user1199Ahh, Window List..00:07
KM0201Hilarie: http://unixlab.blogspot.com/2011/01/how-to-install-truecrypt-on-ubuntu-1010.html00:07
alex__But A2DCrypt uses a 2048 Bits Encryption Algorithme, and OpenSource 4 Linux00:07
kxPudabudigada k i got it00:07
Noeltorioususer1199: you should be able to lock that to the panel so that it doesnt go disappearing on you again, if you want00:07
Hilarie@alex_ then why did you send me a .exe? I thought thats windows only, or wine00:08
Pudabudigadakx pastebin me the output00:08
user1199Noeltorious: Thanks, found it.  must have removed it by oops..00:08
user1199Noeltorious: All locked. thanks for the help..00:08
k0d3Hello all.00:08
Noeltorioususer1199: no prob!00:08
alex__@Hilarie Ok, so TrueCrypt is better. Do u now another software to do this ?00:09
linseoHas anyone here ever been so unlucky as to fry a motherboard or other innards via static electricity during a regular procedure?00:09
|ns|nR8seen it happen linseo00:09
Hilarie@linseo touch the metal case00:09
KM0201alex__: i doubt an app like that would run well in wine... regardless, trucrypt has a linux version, and there's some encryption program in the repositories..00:09
LostPenguinlinseo: every time I try and change a processor00:09
k0d3I dont suppose anyone here is familiar with ushare streaming to the 360 by chance?00:10
alex__@Hilarie, go to http://www.netnavis.hostoi.com/a2dcrypt/a2dcrypt-v1.2-unix.tar00:10
Pudabudigadalinseo, Or a radiator, or, better still, use an anti-static strap.00:10
KM0201linseo: built computers for about 13yrs, never fried one yet... and i never wear a wrist strap, and build on top of carpet..lol00:10
kxPudabudigada hold on00:10
AMT-IT-Guygreetings everyone, any Samba experts around to answer a quick question?00:10
kxPudabudigada its way distorted00:10
alex__for A2DCrypt under Linux, the Windows Version doesn't run with Wine =S only the linux Version is able to run under... Linux ^^00:11
Pudabudigadakx, I opened a dialogue window, use that00:11
|ns|nR8KM0201, you could of caused minute changes such as the sine wave in a ram chip, ,meaning it would never overclock as far as it could of00:11
k0d3Well, If anyone could help me get ushare to support streaming .avi files, id be eternally grateful. None of the guides explain how to edit or find the mime.c they keep talking about00:12
AMT-IT-Guydoes anyone know how to reload the smb.conf without killing the services?00:12
KM0201|ns|nR8: what can i say, i live on the edge... never a problem yet... i imagine given the # of PC's i've built over the years, if somethig was gonna cause a problem, i'd ahve found out by now.00:12
HilarieSo... I copied and pasted $ tar -xzvf  truecrypt-7.0a-linux-x86.tar.gz into the command prompt00:12
KM0201|ns|nR8: but i agree it's smart to take precautions, and iusually do at least discharge myself by touching something metal/grounded before handling components00:13
Hilarieand it said $ command not found00:13
gordonjcpKM0201: ESD doesn't always (or even particularly frequently) show up immediately00:13
KM0201gordonjcp: well surely it would have in 14yrs?00:13
KM0201Hilarie: did you download the file00:13
gordonjcpKM0201: same computer running for 14 years?00:13
HilarieYa, its on my desktop00:13
gordonjcpKM0201: never replaced any parts at all?00:13
KM0201Hilarie: put it in your home folder, then copy/paste the command again00:13
KM0201gordonjcp: do you just thrive on being dense?00:14
KM0201gordonjcp: this is the 3rd time today youv'e takensomethin totally out of context00:14
gordonjcpKM0201: I'm beginning to suspect you have trouble with reading comprehension00:14
HilarieStill said $ not found00:14
KM0201Hilarie: then you're not doing somethign right.00:14
gordonjcpKM0201: if you zap a part with static, it may well work perfectly well *now* but fail rather more quickly than it would if you hadn't zapped it00:14
KM0201Hilarie: hold on00:15
linseoI had never burnt one before, and then I just got my very first new laptop, and it seems that nothing else can be wrong... I must have fried it 23 hours after receiving it on first attempt opening, surrounded by wood and stone.... Static fucking electricity...00:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:15
bluezonegordonjcp, but KM0201 is a god :(00:15
KM0201gordonjcp: well, i'll take my experience over yours....00:15
itaylor57KM0201: I have to agree with you, I have never fried a computer working on it either00:15
gordonjcpKM0201: or, to put it another way, the DIMM you just picked up after walking across your acrylic carpet has been zapped, but won't actually fail for another year00:15
gordonjcpKM0201: <shrug>00:15
gordonjcpKM0201: it's actually my job to know about ESD in manufacturing and repair00:15
KM0201bluezone: you can do what you want... not really sure the reason for the satire.. just saying, some people love over-reacting00:16
PlainFlavoredif i add the backports repo to my software sources, will it automatically update codeblocks or will i have to reinstall?00:16
rwwKM0201, gordonjcp: Take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, please.00:16
PlainFlavoredi'm using 10.0400:16
gordonjcpKM0201: but in general PC stuff is chunky crude stuff that won't really suffer much00:16
bluezoneKM0201, not me , the other guy xD00:16
gordonjcprww: meh, I'm done here ;-)00:16
KM0201Hilarie: did you download the 32bit?00:17
HilarieFailing to compensate for the 64bit vs 32 bit00:17
HilarieI am really not this stupid irl, I promise00:17
KM0201Hilarie: it happens...00:17
gk__Good morning00:17
gk__any help on ltsp-build-client00:18
ice799if i have a bunch of static routes set up is there a way to get route to output the route commands i would need to enter00:19
ice799to replicate the set of static routes00:19
ice799on an idential system?00:19
bluezoneLostPenguin, humm i don't know if your experienced with this, but for some reason when i mount the diablo 2 expansion disk or when i burn it or when i copy it from a burned disk, and run the installer.exe, it says the disc is not in the tray, and the installer asks for it to be inserted, but the installer disc (for diablo classic) worked fine, any ideas?00:19
kxPudabudigada you still there?00:20
HilarieVictory is mine!00:20
LostPenguinbluezone configuration file in the installed diablo directory00:20
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LostPenguinyou're going to have to move the downloadedx disk in to the wine file system and point to it there00:20
bluezoneLostPenguin, no no i mean i can't install expansion period because it gives me a no-disc-inserted error on wine00:21
bluezoneLostPenguin, the same type of error you would get in diablo 2 on windows, just not when installing it from a cd because obviously it is inserted00:22
LostPenguinbluezone make a virtual disk out of the direcotry it is in00:22
wedwo-gk__, hello, just ask the real question00:22
mikeschtezio schwusinski?00:22
mikeschmizi banatus00:23
bluezoneLostPenguin, you mean like diablo_2_expansion_disc.iso ?00:23
gk__I am getting error while running ltsp-build-client. It builds the base system successfully and at the end fires the error00:23
mikeschanalato bezi man furz00:23
gmgDoes anybody have teamviewer? I would like to know how to set it so that I can login automaticly without waiting for the IP address00:23
Equanthomanother question, If it`s possible, how I can know the correct module name or the process name associated with "headphones hotpluging"? [when you plug the headphones, something automatically  (the thing that I want to know) disables the sound in speakers)00:23
gk__I: Configuring initramfs-tools...00:24
gk__I: Base system installed successfully.00:24
gk__error: LTSP client installation ended abnormally00:24
LostPenguinbluezone didn't you coppy it to your hdd for chmod?00:24
NoeltoriousLaurenceb: did you get a resolution?00:24
bluezoneLostPenguin, yes but i also have the official iso to install it, i did that because i thought it would fix this no disc error00:24
KM0201gmg: what do you mean "log in automatically"00:25
zulaxi am setting up ubuntu server, I am low on resources (hardware), should I use LVM during partition00:25
kxproblem with xwindow i think00:25
ice799if i have a bunch of static routes set up is there a way to get route to output the route commands i would need to enter on an identical system to replicate the routes?00:25
HilarieWhy would an x64 version of ubuntu only be seeing 3.6gb of my 4gb of ram?00:26
MaDSeNzulax: u have more disks?00:26
zulaxMaDSeN, no, i plan to use all that I have in the computer00:26
LostPenguinbluezone IDK how to make wine mount an IDO as a drive, only a place in the filesystem00:26
KM0201Hilarie: because static killed the other 400mb :)00:27
itaylor57Hilarie: probably used by the graphics chip00:27
HilarieI thought x64 had a limit of like 5 bajillion mb00:27
IdealienHello - Ran into an installer crash trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 from live cd to a partition on a 1tb external USB hard drive. First was a fatal error executing 'grub-install/dev/sdb' failed and second was full installer crash with recommend to open a bug report. Thought I'd ask here before doing that to see if anyone might be able to help?00:27
gmgI have a other machine without a keyboard, mouse or screen and would like to access it when i want to00:27
Noeltoriouszulax: depends on your needs i'd say, i dont use it on my server though00:27
HilarieOh, my ATI chip is jacking ram00:28
MaDSeNzulax: no need then00:28
bluezoneLostPenguin, oh so i would have to mount it in wine?00:28
KM0201Hilarie: but if your onboard graphics is using your system ram(quite possible) then it's only going to detect System Ram-Video ram00:28
zulaxMaDSeN, Noeltorious thanks :) I think I got my answer00:28
gk__hello wedwo-00:28
LostPenguinbluezone exactumundo00:28
bluezoneLostPenguin, so ill just try alcohol 52% then lol00:29
MaDSeNguys.. whos got the longest uptime ? :D00:29
wedwo-gk__, sorry, out of my league00:29
KM0201MadAGu: not me.. i only have about 9hrs on this box... but i think my freenas box has been up for about 22 days...00:29
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gk__i am getting following error while ltsp-build-client I: Configuring initramfs-tools...00:30
gk__I: Base system installed successfully.00:30
gk__error: LTSP client installation ended abnormally00:30
bluezoneLostPenguin, nope didn't work lol00:30
gk__ltsp-standalone-server is already installed00:30
HilarieDoes firefox on ubuntu have the same memory leaking problems as it does on windows?00:30
KM0201MaDSeN: well you can't ask that question w/o revealing yours..lol00:30
KM0201Hilarie: yeah, a little bit.00:31
k0d3I dont suppose anyone here uses ushare for a 360 do they? id LOVE to get it to stream divx, so i can then completely ditch my windows partition00:31
MaDSeN01:42:48 up 52 days,  8:38,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0000:31
MaDSeNrock solid00:31
HilarieNice load average00:31
KM0201MaDSeN: dude, you aren't updating your system.. there were a few updates today that required updating00:31
LostPenguinuptime ain't what it used to be, important updates make you reboot00:31
genii-aroundLostPenguin: Look into ksplice00:31
MaDSeNKM0201: bahh hahah00:32
KM0201!info chromium-browser | Hilarie download firefox-killer00:32
ubottuHilarie: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 8.0.552.237~r70801-0ubuntu0.10.10.1 (maverick), package size 14318 kB, installed size 49400 kB00:32
k0d3was that directed at me?00:32
momozhi all.. any apache experts out there? can't figure out how to get utf-8 issues fixed... apparently my server is sending xml encoded at utf-8 but server says US-ASCII :our feed appears to be encoded as "UTF-8", but your server is reporting "US-ASCII"00:32
LostPenguingenii-around my life is tough enough and I can't make shit work as it is, thanks anyway lol00:32
HilarieChrome doesn't have the addons I like yet00:32
KM0201Hilarie: like what?.. it's got an awesoem adblock... (better than FF i think)00:32
momozmay be an ubuntu problem as I have two very similar setups.. one works and one doesnt (rss xml feeds)00:32
genii-aroundk0d3: Whoever needs max uptime, if that includes yourself00:33
HilarieIt's milestone was getting the *same* ad block as FF00:33
k0d3ah kk.00:33
KM0201Hilarie: i think Chromes adbock is better.. at least for me.00:33
HilarieLast I checked, all the adblocks did on chrome was made the adds not get displayed00:34
KM0201Hilarie: but all i need is adblock, and youtube downloader, both of which work well w/ chrome00:34
HilarieAdblock Plus for FF actually doesn't download them00:34
Ademanhttp://georgia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10178534#post10178534 the first post is basically my problem, it sounds like the ubuntu installer *doesn't* support serial I/O ?00:34
KM0201Hilarie: you might be right, i never looked at ti that deep, i just know i don't see them.00:34
NoeltoriousHilarie: i didnt know that, thats pretty sweet00:34
HilarieI am on a kinda low bandwithe sitution00:34
skilzwhat software can I use to create a database/forum site where people can create profiles and upload images and update their status?00:35
HilarieOkay, so I uninstalled a program, and its still chilling next to my clock00:35
NoeltoriousHilarie: prob gotta reboost00:36
KM0201Hilarie: what program?00:36
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/00:36
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KM0201Hilarie: right click it and choose "quit"00:36
HilarieDoes nothing00:36
HilarieNeither does trying to open it or do anything with it00:36
gnewb!HTML | skilz00:36
ubottuskilz: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/00:36
genii-aroundAdeman: You may want to enquire in #ubuntu-virt00:37
layr89_hi. any Ricoh card reader / HDMI specialists here?00:37
aciculalayr89_: we are volunteers, best to just ask your questions00:37
skilzgnewb, I know how to write html, but is there some sort of progam I can use like vbulleten to make it easyer00:37
KM0201Hilarie: system/admin/system monitor ... click the processes tab, go through there, find it, right clcik, kill process00:37
gnewbskilz: There are other programs also, Moin Moin is a nice Wiki like pkg.00:38
skilzor that photo one, I forget what its called, used it years ago, you create photo albums00:38
HilarieFinally, the control alt delete window thingy00:38
KM0201Hilarie: lol00:38
KM0201Hilarie: you can actually add system monitor to your panel as well (right click, add to panel).. i find having it there is handy00:38
DarkStar1what channel do I go to to ask about iptables?00:38
layr89_acicula: my questions are rather complicated. Basically 2 major ones: 1. no sound via HDMI    2. Built-in card reader recognized, but doesn't work whatsoever00:39
NoeltoriousHilarie: lol, thats happened to me when i remove an app while its running. and yes having sys mon in the panel is awesome00:39
gnewbskilz: Bluefish is very reliable, I ported Arachnopelia and Ruby into one of my boxes for HTML stuff.00:39
jca1981can anyone please help me, my buntu box, i have to run ifup eth0 everytime i boot before i can get net.00:39
aciculalayr89_: the sound issue is rather common00:39
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smegzorHi.  I can install the latest kernel via a kernel ppa.  Is there any reason I should not install kernels via ppa?  Can it break my install?  If it does, can I just reboot and select an older kernel to get going again?00:40
HilarieGot another one... how can I make it so backspace in firefox is like hitting the back button?00:40
gnewbjcal981: What flavor or version are you on?00:40
cavalierprimejca1981: is network manager in your startup applications00:40
DarkStar1Anyone know?00:40
bluezoneLostPenguin, YES! i got it lol. you have to add your mountpoint to winecfg under drives00:40
smegzorI'm running 10.04 64bit and I'00:40
layr89_acicula: can't say how common. i've read and tried many ways. i can't get get my HDMI device recognised.00:41
aciculasmegzor: not if you have to ask, not likely,yes. PPA are unsupported versions00:41
smegzorI'm thinking about installing kernel 2.6.3800:41
KM0201jca1981: my first thought... right click network applet, edit connections, highlight your connection, click edit, make sure "connect automatically" and "available to all users" is checked for that connection00:41
jca1981gnewb, i think im on the newest stable 10. somthing00:41
jca1981cavalierprime,how do i check that?00:41
gnewbjcal981: Ok, did you see what the others said about the Network Manager?00:42
Varcguys, In the temrinal i write "inkscape" and this is working but i wanna finish the command or the funtion what is the command? is not exit, quit, q00:42
jca1981im using a static ip :)00:42
KM0201jca1981: my first thought... right click network applet, edit connections, highlight your connection, click edit, make sure "connect automatically" and "available to all users" is checked for that connection00:42
aciculasmegzor: unless know you need a particular feature i would not bother00:42
gnewbVarc: kill00:42
cavalierprimejac 1981:  system > preferences > startup apps00:42
KM0201jca1981: reallyhow you get our IP is irrelevant00:43
genii-aroundVarc: ctrl-Q00:43
gmggeees you guys are alot of help!00:43
VarcNo, dont work00:43
smegzoracicula: thanks.  I'll install it then :)  The particular feature I'm interested in is the performance improvement I read about.00:43
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Varckill or ctrl + Q don't work the way i think but is not the idea is closing the temrinal00:44
Noeltoriousgmg: lol what did you need help with?00:45
gmgWith teamviewer00:45
KM0201!attitude | gmg00:45
ubottugmg: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines00:45
VarcI think, this can't be closed. Hmmmm Any command work00:46
aciculasmegzor: ok, good luck00:46
gnewbVarc: Here,,and many others....http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-452082.html00:46
KM0201gmg: that's not a common app that everyone uses, if you have a quesiton that specific, take it up w/ teamviewer support00:46
gmgWhat attitude! monkey00:46
Hilarie!timebomb gmg00:46
HilarieWas worth a try :P00:46
jribVarc: ctrl-c00:46
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VarcI do it  ! :D00:47
gnewbVarc: This one is easier to read:> http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/kill-a-process-by-process-name-from-ubuntu-command-line/00:47
KM0201gmg: i quote  "geees you guys are alot of help!"00:47
VarcIs just closing the program00:47
jribVarc: well what did you want it to do?00:47
Noeltoriouswouldve helped i use tv all the time lol00:48
VarcIs you write "inkscape" this open the program but if you close it from the interzafe this close the program with the terminal00:48
jribVarc: yes, and?00:48
Noeltoriousbut youre right that was pretty rude00:48
a_rd_ywould it make sense that, if I have /var/spool mounted as a tmpfs in my fstab file, cron completely stops working?00:48
k0d3Perhaps this is a poor place to ask, but does anyone here know c++ vury well?00:48
VarcI am new men, xD I am seeying how to install programs with the terminal00:48
VarcAnd how run it00:48
jribk0d3: ##c++00:49
PudabudigadaVarc sudo apt-get install [name of program]00:49
PudabudigadaVarc e.g: sudo apt-get install Lynx00:49
jca1981cavalierprime,network manager was in startup applications and it was set to automatatic connect, hmm, i will try to reboot again to see if it sticks00:49
k0d3@jrib: Your quite proficcient?00:49
cavalierprimejca1981:  gl00:49
momozhi all.. any apache experts out there? can't figure out how to get utf-8 issues fixed... apparently my server is sending xml encoded at utf-8 but server says US-ASCII :our feed appears to be encoded as "UTF-8", but your server is reporting "US-ASCII"00:49
NoeltoriousVarc: and sometimes the package name differs from the program name itself00:50
jribk0d3: no, I mean the right place for you to get help with c++ is the ##c++ channel00:50
VarcPudabudigada: yes, yes, i know it now thanks.00:50
k0d3oh, ya. just didnt wann run there =P00:50
k0d3it can wait =P00:50
VarcNoeltorious: How can i know it?00:50
PudabudigadaVarc just type the programs name to run, glad to help00:50
gnewbVrac: It is a bit of a learning curve, but once learned you will ponder why,,,,,00:50
WeeJeWelCould someone please help me and check if wget says anything about certificates? "wget http://mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom/unread"00:51
k0d3bbiab. thanks all00:51
jribWeeJeWel: well you may want to pass --no-check-certificate...00:52
VCoolioVarc: dpkg-query -L package to see what a package installed; find the executable; most of the time it's rather obvious though00:52
Varcgnewb: I am new in Linux and i wanna work in it so i am reading  abook and work with Ubuntu for see options00:52
WeeJeWeljrib i just want to know the output00:52
KM0201WeeJeWel: says authorization failed00:52
WeeJeWellike this? ERROR: cannot verify mail.google.com's certificate, issued by `/C=ZA/O=Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd./CN=Thawte SGC CA':00:52
jca1981cavalierprime,still does not work00:52
HilarieBrought up a bunch of my emails from gmail00:52
KM0201WeeJeWel: http://pastebin.com/mQxughmD00:53
gnewbVarc: That is the way to do it, as always RTM, then read it again, and always make a backup.00:53
WeeJeWelthanks KM020100:53
HilarieYour posting a universal link for peoples own emails00:53
jca1981I was trying to get ipv6 to work earlyer mabe i screwed somthing up00:53
WeeJeWelweird response tho00:53
Hilariewell, gmails00:53
NoeltoriousVarc: and what i'll do somethimes is sudo apt-get *part of the program* and hit tab to see possibilites, downside is sometimes you get a ton of hits00:53
WeeJeWelbut I guess the problem's on my side00:53
FireblastoDoes ubuntu not play .avi files very well?00:53
KM0201Fireblasto: sure it does00:53
Varcgnewb: What is RTM ?00:54
NoeltoriousVarc: ex: sudo apt-get install chrom and hit tab, pulls up a bunch of chromium packages00:54
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cavalierprimejca1981: hmmm, you have it checked in your startup?  well...after starting it manually AGAIN, go back to the startup menu and click options>remember currently running apps00:54
FireblastoKM0201 I have no idea why banshee, media player, and even chromium are failing to play it00:54
KM0201Fireblasto: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras   let it install, then try to open the .avi again00:54
KM0201Fireblasto: well, duh.. none of those will play an .avi... you play .avi's w/ Totem00:55
VCoolio!avi | Fireblasto00:55
ubottuFireblasto: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:55
VarcNoeltorious: I see, if i put dpkg-query -L package How can i know what is the program to run? Are .exe like Windows?00:55
VCoolioVarc: executables are in /usr/bin or sometimes /usr/local/bin00:55
VarcVCoolio: But, if i have it in a package00:56
NoeltoriousVarc: are you wanting to install a package you dl'd or that is in the repositories?00:57
PiciVarc: Normally I do dpkg -L packagename | grep bin   to check what executables the package came with00:58
jca1981cavalierprime,yes it is checked, and ive pressed the remember curently running apps00:58
VCoolioVarc: a package is a combi of stuff; executables go to /usr/bin, configs to /etc, libs to /usr/lib and the rest to /usr/share/something00:58
VCooliomore or less00:58
VarcNoeltorious: Look, If i download a program, and i wanna install it from the terminal i write sudo apt-get intall application and the PackAge don't have the name of the program how can i find the executable?00:59
PudabudigadaVarc: Just type it's name into the terminal00:59
cavalierprimejca1981:  strange...you got all the latest greatest updates?  other than that i am outta ideas for now01:00
NoeltoriousVarc: okay i think im finally there with you, this is a .deb file youve downloaded?01:00
KM0201well if he used apt-get, then it's presumably in the repos01:00
VarcPici: thanks this work!..01:00
jca1981cavalierprime,can we check somthing in some of the etc/ config files?01:00
VarcI know pudabidigada but if i don't know the name01:00
VarcOr the name is not correct01:00
jca1981cavalierprime,mebe somthing is wrong there01:00
VarcNoeltorious: No, is just a example i don't have problems with software now01:01
VarcI wanna know more about how to install programs01:01
VarcJust that01:01
cavalierprimejca1981: possible, but have to research it a bit01:02
VCoolioVarc: you don't install downloaded stuff with apt-get, you do 'apt-get install blah' and it will download and install blah; if you download a deb you do 'sudo dpkg -i file.deb' and with a .tar.gz it's complex01:02
VarcWhat!? I can download and install with the terminal?01:03
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KM0201Varc: well yeah.01:03
VarcHmmm, Let me try !01:03
VCoolioVarc: that's the whole idea, let apt-get find it all, don't download first from some obscure website01:03
KM0201Varc: if your'e a newb, use the GUI tools(little easier)... system/admin/synaptic... or applications/software center01:03
rafaelsoaresbrHow to know the architecture of a process (32 or 64bits)?01:03
KM0201rafaelsoaresbr: a process, or your OS?01:04
VarcKM0201: No, no i wanna study the temrinal01:05
cavalierprimejca1981:  you can look at  sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces  and add these if missing:  auto eth0         iface eth0 inet dhcp01:05
maltonhi.  i am trying to install some new fonts that i have downloaded and i have no idea how, can anyone help?01:05
VarcVCoolio: I see, is a exellent idea. I will try01:05
VCooliomalton: extract to .fonts01:05
KM0201Varc: well thats fine, in due time.. you gotta learn how to use the OS...01:05
xanguamalton: double clic in the font01:06
rafaelsoaresbrKM0201, the same way Windows Task Manager.01:06
KM0201rafaelsoaresbr: huh?01:06
maltonVCoolio: do i have to update hte system somehow after i do that?01:06
VarcKM0201: I like design Programs and i am in the Bug Squad of Ubuntu but i really really wanna study the Terminal01:06
nerdy_kidwhat exactly does KMS do beside providing a nicer splash screen/bootup?  does it provide any performence boosts?  thanks01:06
KM0201Varc: you're in the bug squad and you didn't know how to use apt-get?01:06
maltonok, i see. when i double clicked it asked if i want to install it01:07
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VarcKM0201: I only find bugs01:07
rwwdon't bite the newbies01:07
maltonthanks VCoolio01:07
mellinHowdy all01:07
KM0201rafaelsoaresbr: system/admin/sytem monitor might be what you want01:07
_Synergy_What is the command to see what version of linux I am on (full details)   uname ? dash something?01:07
KM0201rww: trying not to, but that just strikes me as incredibly odd01:07
rww_Synergy_: uname -a01:07
Noeltoriousthat is odd but not impossible i guess lol01:07
Pici_Synergy_: lsb_release -a for the Distro version01:07
jca1981cavalierprime, interfaces looks like this: auto lo01:08
jca1981iface lo inet loopback01:08
jca1981iface eth0 inet static01:08
jca1981        address
jca1981        netmask
jca1981        gateway
FloodBot2jca1981: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:08
rwwKM0201: BugSquad doesn't have a lot of requirements.01:08
KM0201rww: i woud say "clearly" but that woud sound condescending....01:08
mellin_Synergy_: man uname will explain all you need to know above and beyond uname -a01:08
maltonVCoolio: it says that the install failed01:08
VarcThanks rww and KM0201 xD01:09
VCooliomalton: put in .fonts and then 'fc-cache -rv' or logout and back in; but how did you install and why did it fail? error message?01:10
VarcWell, i try and this work. I will to study more the Linux command's. Thansk a lot guys01:11
maltonVCoolio: when i clicked on the font in the .fonts folder (that i made) it opened a window with a preview of the font and a <install font> button on the bottom. when i clicked the button it greyed out and the text on the button changed to "font failed"01:12
VCooliomalton: just open openoffice or something and see if you can use the font01:12
jca1981cavalierprime,adding auto eth solved it :)01:13
VCooliomalton: if it's like /home/malton/.fonts/font.ttf it should be found01:13
cavalierprimejca1981:  sweet01:14
xilhi all, small question. I made a directory ~/bin that I want to put permission unneeded scripts into. How do I add the directory to my PATH?01:14
moses_is there a processing optimizer program for ubuntu?01:14
jribxil: just login again, and it will be in your path (the default ~/.profile has a clause for ~/bin)01:14
jca1981cavalierprime, Thanks01:16
cavalierprimejca1981: np01:17
xiljrib: oh lucky me for picking that directory then, haha, thanks01:18
quattleHave a system working, but every time it boots, I get ... (no X, no gdm) so I switch to tty1 and ''start gdm'' and it's fine.  Clues on where to look to get gdm to start automatically? (10.04, x64)01:19
ubottusvg is Scalable Vector Graphics, a language used for graphical applications in XML, and a W3 recommendation. SVG Editors: Inkscape, Karbon1401:20
NixGeekCJ23: hello01:23
ThOr101What is the name of the command to install ubuntu on the hard drive (I don't have a pen drive boot available, but want to do do a full install onto a thumb drive)?01:23
ThOr101not with casper, not live.  But a full install01:24
xanguaThOr101: just burn the image¿01:24
nataliehello my friend installed ubuntu for me but it looks like windows vista01:24
natalieis there anyway to change the theme?01:24
Pudabudigadanatalie, What?01:24
ThOr101I don't want to boot the ISO, I want to boot the OS, natively from the drive.01:24
xanguanatalie: system>prefs>appearence01:24
nataliemy friend was supposed to change my computer from xp to ubuntu because linux cant get viruss01:24
NixGeeknatalie: right click on the desktop and click change desktop backgound and then choose the theme tab01:25
LostPenguinMS not has free virus protection lol01:25
ThOr101natalie: actually that is incorrect.  OS/2 can't get viruses01:25
natalieNixGeek: i don't see that option01:25
ThOr101Linux CAN get viruses01:25
nataliei see personalize should i click that?01:25
NixGeekThOr101: but it doesn't...01:25
PudabudigadaTh0r101 Are you really suggesting OS/2?01:25
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natalielinux CAN get viruses?01:26
NixGeeknatalie: I think he actually installed vista (or you booted into vista)01:26
nataliemy friend said it was impossible01:26
ThOr101Pudabudigada: Dude, that was a nice OS at the time.  I just tossed my install disk last month.01:26
natalieNixGeek: no he said it was only a theme01:26
nerdy_kidnatalie: only if the end user is stupid01:26
ThOr101Pudabudigada: It was quirky, but a pretty stable OS.01:26
natalieplus my friend works for a software company so i got ubuntu for really cheap01:26
CJ23Will temoparily deleting my swap partiiton be okay to do if I somehow specify to allot a new partition as a swap01:26
PudabudigadaTh0r101 Really, why did everyone hate it?01:26
xanguanatalie: you can download ubuntu for free from ubuntu.com01:27
nataliexangua: i don't think so01:27
ThOr101So let me ask the question this way...  When someone boots a live version of ubuntu, an icon on the desktop will allow you to install to the hard drive.  What is the name of that application?01:27
mellinand really works hard at letting a virus hit it. I don't know the new count but there are only a handful of viruses that *could* affect linux in the wild01:27
natalieit's like $5001:27
ThOr101Pudabudigada: Because it wasn't windows, and windows is what they were used to01:27
nerdy_kidnatalie: nope, ubuntu is free01:27
Pudabudigadanatalie, You got ripped01:27
natalietrust me my friend is a computer genius i think he would know01:27
xanguaThOr101: are you refering to wubi¿¿ i don't like it01:27
nerdy_kidnatalie: if you payed for it, you got scammed01:27
NixGeeknatalie: 1, your friend can lie 2, ubunut is free 3, linux can get viruses, it's just noone targets linux, windows is a much easier and more succeptable target with many more users01:27
mellinActually OpenSource...but lets not split hairs here.01:28
Pudabudigadanatalie, I think he may have installed windows01:28
ThOr101xangua: Nope.  Boot a live version of Ubuntu (so you are using it) and on the desktop is an icon to "Install 10.10"01:28
Picinatalie: Please don't waste our time here.01:28
VarcHey, hey, Linux CAN'T have viruses right?01:28
dreamer000hey whats about?01:28
KM0201Varc: well, it can...01:29
j-invariantVarc: of course it can01:29
KM0201!virus | Varc01:29
j-invariantVarc: any computer system can01:29
ubottuVarc: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus01:29
Varcbut cant do nothing01:29
nerdy_kidVarc: Linux _can_ get viruses if you install untrusted software.01:29
PudabudigadaVarc in practicality, you'll probably never see one.01:29
ThOr101Technically, it is more likely that Linux/Ubuntu would get a trojan than a virus, but really, we're just splitting rabits at this point.01:29
KM0201Pudabudigada: exactly01:29
PudabudigadaThOr101, You'd better eat them!01:29
VarcSo, is possible but is very difficult have one right?01:29
aciculaVarc: not difficult, but unlikely01:30
ThOr101Pudabudigada: I've never had rabit (that I can recall) is it any good?01:30
dreamer000so what?01:30
KM0201Varc: you'd have to be pretty dumb.01:30
dreamer000america is stupid01:30
laesherhello world!01:30
nerdy_kidVarc: you can only get a virus by basically installing a malious package.  other then you are set.  all the packages in the software channels are safe, obviously01:30
PudabudigadaThOr101, I can't remember, We have one in the freezer, if I see you again, I'll let you know!01:30
dreamer000africa don't trust their systems :)01:31
aciculadreamer000: stop trolling01:31
laesherwat is irc?01:31
nerdy_kidlaesher: this01:31
KM0201!irc | laesher01:31
ubottulaesher: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines01:31
jribdreamer000: this channel is for the discussion of ubuntu support only, take that somewhere else01:31
* mellin wonders where in the heck some of these folks come from..sheesh01:31
VarcSo, this OS can have but this can do sometinhg like in windows?01:31
laesherso its kindda like multiplayer notepad  ?01:32
gordonjcpVarc: you can actually get Windows viruses to work in Linux01:32
gordonjcpVarc: it's more trouble than it's worth01:32
aciculalaesher: indeed01:32
nerdy_kidoh no, here we go...01:32
gordonjcpVarc: it's really funny though01:32
mellinVarc: Google is a wonderful search engine! If you want to learn more about viruses in linux then use it. This channel is really here to support each other and learn how to better use Ubuntu linux01:32
Guest9167B E S T   I R C  -  CHANNEL ?01:33
quattleso my PC boots into the ubuntu logo, no graphics, I then switch to tty1, and start gdm and all is cool.  Any idea how to get GDM to start itself?01:33
Varcmellin: true, sorry for that01:33
axisysi am failing to compile filebech.. missing libtecla.h  .. is there a pkg for available for that?01:33
KM0201!best > Guest916701:33
ubottuGuest9167, please see my private message01:33
ThOr101xangua: ubiquity was what I was/am looking for.01:34
laesheractually this seems like a cool channel looks like its even helpful at times >.<  /grin01:34
mellinahem oh yeah now remember the question I wanted to ask. I checked to see if Eclipse is installed which it is. I want to use it for web development, but don't know the name of the executable file? Anyone?01:35
KM0201laesher: we try.. :)01:35
mellinlaesher: heheh01:35
=== WXZ1 is now known as WXZ
aciculamellin: eclipse, but its also in the application menu01:36
WXZI added some custom application launchers, but for some reason everytime I reboot one of my custom application launcher doubles and one of them disappears01:36
ownercan anyone tell me how to get my printer to work from this system01:36
mellinacicula: That was what I tried, but alt+F2 didn't execute it. I checked the software center and it shows installed...hmmmm01:37
mellinand I don't see it in the menu??01:37
WXZowner: system > administration > printer01:37
KM0201mellin: what did you install?01:37
ownerwxz the diver will not load01:37
aciculamellin: odd, try opening a console and typing eclipse, hit tab and see what comes up01:38
WXZowner: you click add right?01:38
mellinKM0201: Nothing, I was asking after trying to execute Eclipse and it failed what name I should try to execute..which I had already done...it doesn't show in the menu either01:38
owneryes but when it starts the setup it says dianoes failure01:38
mellinacicula: Ok will do thanks all!01:39
KM0201mellin: eclipse  ?  it's case sensitive01:39
WXZowner: so you click add, select your printer, then click forward and it says "diagnosis failure"?01:40
mellinKM0201: Ok "find / name=eclipse" didn't match up anything..I'm just going to apt-get it and see what transpires....01:40
KM0201mellin: hmm. ok01:40
ThOr101i guess ubiquity only works from a live boot.01:41
ownerWXZ: Yes I can't get passed that point. I was told to add updates and it should work but it still does not01:41
WXZowner: what kind of printer do you have?01:41
AhrotahnteeGeneric question: is it possible to determine (from a program side) if the screen session that is active is looking at the screen session that the program's running on?01:41
mellinacicula: Also this didn't run the executable...01:41
ownerWXZ: HP deskjet 2050 all in one01:42
Ahrotahnteeactually; withdrawn.01:42
razieliyodoes the platypus have wings?01:43
bastidrazormellin: in a terminal type: dpkg -L eclipse    :that will list all the files it installed. something in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin .. probably has the bin for it01:43
hrobertsrazieliyo: NO01:43
mellinHow can I figure out why Ubuntu software center thought eclipse was installed. Because it wasn't. I just got it ;-)01:43
shmupany clue why bash won't tab complete everything? for example, if i want to unzip something that doesn't end in .zip.. say i wget it and its extensionaless01:43
shmupit wont let me tab complete the name01:43
WXZowner: did you install hplip?01:43
razieliyohroberts, what about... membranes?01:43
mellinbastidrazor: Ok thanks that is a new command for me to commit to memory. I will use that in the future to save bandwidth. Thanks a bunch!01:44
MrDudlerazieliyo: how does this relate to #ubuntu?01:44
quattleowner: for hp printer, apt-get install hplip01:44
hrobertsrazieliyo: what do you mean by membranes?01:44
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razieliyook, I got nothing01:44
ownerWXZ; what is hplip? I dont think so01:44
razieliyoI got in the wrong channel01:44
Diamondciteshmup: I thought tab completion only works for files already on your system locally.01:44
hrobertsis there anyone here who is good with grub2 who can help me with an issue?01:44
razieliyohroberts, just ask01:44
aciculashmup: it matches files based on extensions01:44
shmupacicula, i thought so. hm, i remember having a vps before, elsewhere..01:45
WXZowner: ot01:45
shmupand it'd tab complete these, though01:45
shmupno problem01:45
shmupi wonder if something could be configured in the bashrc01:45
WXZowner: it's a package which add support for HP printers01:45
aciculashmup: you can configure the behaviour01:45
Pudabudigadahroberts,  whats up?01:45
DarkStar1can I use SCP to grab a whole folder?01:45
razieliyohroberts, I have had several problems with grub2, so I may help01:45
danielload proxy01:45
WXZadds support*01:45
rwwdaniel: scp -r01:45
rwwDarkStar1: ^^01:45
HilarieWhat is the alt tab equivalent for the "workspace"01:45
DarkStar1rww: Thanks01:45
danielrww: what is that command for?01:46
hrobertswell I have tried this before:  here goes, I install ubuntu server 10.10 on an older compaq presario 1600 series running a hardware raid 5, I did an update and then an upgrade, rebooted the server at least 5 times, I then did a dist-upgrade to replace the kernel with a kernel, now no matter which kernel I select the server will not boot....01:47
ownerWXZ: Oh how do I do I get that?01:47
hrobertsnow for the fun part...01:47
rwwdaniel: sorry, i mistabbed01:47
WXZowner: system > administration > synaptic package manager01:47
mellinowner: I too have a hp 3 in one printer. Once hplip was installed and I went to add the printer after a short pause it found the printer on my network. I realize you may have it connected directly however, but it should work almost exactly the same01:47
WXZowner: then quick search hplip and check it off, then click the "apply" button (3rd button from the left)01:48
hrobertsIf I launch grub and while at the menu I select "c" and manually linux the vmlinuz-2.6.35-24 kernal and then I initrd the file, I can press esc and select the kernel and it loads everytime.  but I have to do this everytime the server reboots or it will not load01:48
razieliyohroberts, you can try to chroot your system within a live distribution01:49
razieliyoand grub-mkconfig creates your configuration file01:49
ownerWXZ: 10-4 trying that now01:49
razieliyoor grub-install --recheck /dev/sdX could work01:50
DatzHi, I want to move, or merge perhaps two directories of log files. folder A contains folders with log1 log2 and folder b contains log3 log4 etc.. Is there an easy way to merge everything into folder a?01:50
hrobertsany suggestions on how to modify grub so it will load.  I can pastebin the file, just let me know which is the correct file. There is no grub.conf in grub201:50
Pudabudigadahroberts, you could reinstall GRUB01:50
paul__I'm Chinese!01:51
jribDatz: move the contents of folder b into folder a?01:51
jribDatz: yes, do that...01:51
w1n5ton0is it possible to install ubuntu on a hard drive that's already formatted?01:51
Datzjrib: well, there are many folders within folders too01:52
razieliyow1n5ton0, it is01:52
* mellin appreciated the "dpkg -L" command ;-)01:52
w1n5ton0How would you partition it?01:52
WXZowner: how'd it go?01:52
mellinw1n5ton0: Of course01:52
Datzjrib: do what?01:52
w1n5ton0just swap and ext4?01:52
razieliyow1n5ton0, yes01:52
razieliyowith ubuntu installer you can do it01:53
w1n5ton0How much swap is recommended for a 750 gb hard drive?01:53
hrobertsrazieliyo: grub-install -recheck is not a part of grub 201:53
razieliyomaybe you should reformat again01:53
jribDatz: well in the example you gave, you can just move the contents of folder b into folder a since there is no overlap.01:53
hrobertsPudabudigada: what is the easiest way to reinstall grub?01:53
hrobertsrazieliyo: I have reloaded this machine 6 times now01:54
razieliyohroberts, I think it is01:54
quattlewinstone: It's a function of memory, not disk size.  How much memory do you have?01:54
jribDatz: but if there are folders within folders, possibly overlapping, then maybe you want to use rsync or cp01:54
Datzjrib: if I do "mv old/ new/"  and there are folders multiple folders of files in old/ and new/ if will merge them?01:54
ownerWXZ: got the hplip done now just got to check if the printer will load. Thanks a bunch!01:54
jribDatz: no, mv will not merge anything01:54
Datzjrib: so it is possible with cp?01:54
razieliyohroberts, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20201:54
jribDatz: sure01:54
razieliyohroberts, --recheck worked for me when I had problems with grub201:55
LewocoI right-clicked a .iso and popped a CD-R in my burner, but "Write to Disc" states "No disc available, Please replace the disc with a supported CD or DVD." What could be wrong?01:55
hrobertsthanks Ill try reinstalling01:55
Datzjrib: so just "cp old/ new/"01:55
quattlegdm doesn't start when I boot.  Any ideas?01:55
jribDatz: that's probably not what you want to do...01:55
jribDatz: that would give you new/old/01:56
Datzcp /old/* new/01:56
Datzidk :p01:56
FloodBot2Datz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:56
quattlelewoco:  Are you sure the drive is a burner, are you sure the medium wasn't already burned?01:56
jribDatz: except cp only operates on files01:56
Datzcp -R ?01:56
moses_so any tools to make ubuntu skim down the effects so the graphics card will go faster?01:56
subminuentischcp -r old new01:57
jribDatz: sure, I usually just use -a01:57
Datzok, I'll look into those options, thanks01:57
pickleddoes anyone know how to test if a device is mounted? (for the purposes of a bash script).. ?01:57
Lewocoquattle, 100% sure on both counts. I burnt a CD with the burner half an hour ago using media from the same reel as the current disc in the drive.01:57
Pudabudigadamoses_, You can use the display customisation options to turn off effects, or try a lighter environment such as xfce01:57
jribDatz: and you should probably use -i in case there happen to be files that do have the same name01:57
jribpickled: try #bash01:58
HilarieJust because one disk worked doesn't mean they are all good01:58
quattlelewoco: do you have two drives (maybe it's looking at the other one?)01:58
Lewocoquattle, Only 1 CD drive01:58
quattlelewoco, bad CD?01:59
Lewocoquattle, I tried a second CD, no difference.01:59
moses_Pudabudigada, is that a WM?02:00
DEAD_BEEFmoses_, Window manager?02:00
quattlelewoco: there is space to write on the HDD (not that it should need it if you're burning an ISO)02:00
DEAD_BEEFmoses_, nvm02:00
=== roaming is now known as INFURNO
DEAD_BEEFmoses_, I've had a long week02:01
themusicgod1i have a bazillion popups with "Out of Space" and a pictur eof the ubuntu cloud02:01
themusicgod1on upgrade to 10.1002:01
Lewocoquattle, hmm, I selected Brasero from the right-click menu instead of "Write to Disc...". The dialog that popped up looked the same, except that it now recognises the CD-R.02:01
themusicgod1they keep opening and closing02:01
themusicgod1how do i stop that02:01
Pudabudigadamoses_,  WM?02:01
Lewocoquattle, Probably just a bug.02:01
quattlelewoco:  I like brasero, what were you using before?02:01
w1n5ton0is there a way to ghost an entire filesystem to an external drive?02:01
themusicgod1dd ?02:02
jribw1n5ton0: partimage02:02
Datzjrib: doesn't seem to be working02:02
Lewocoquattle, Like I said, I selected "Write to Disc..." but the resulting dialog looked identical to brasero so I think it's just another right-click menu option that eventually runs the same software.02:02
jribDatz: pastebin commands and output that show that02:02
* Datz uses verbose option 02:02
quattlelewoco: ok, whatever works!02:03
momozhi all.. any apache experts out there? can't figure out how to get utf-8 issues fixed... apparently my server is sending xml encoded at utf-8 but server says US-ASCII :our feed appears to be encoded as "UTF-8", but your server is reporting "US-ASCII"02:03
gk__oin #ltsp02:03
w1n5ton0No ext4 support02:03
hrobertsI did sudo grub-update and now it loaded without an issue02:04
quattlew1n5ton0: what do you mean by "ghost"... you can copy the whole file hierarcy locally or remotely with rsync.02:05
hrobertsthanks guys for your help02:05
w1n5ton0say I just said cp / /dev/sdb02:05
Pudabudigadahroberts, I've been trying to find that command for ages!02:05
DEAD_BEEFquattle, what about using dd02:05
jribw1n5ton0: but partimage docs then point you to fsarchiver :)02:05
hrobertsPudabudigada: the correct command is sudo update-grub02:06
quattlew1n5ston0:  you would have to partition /dev/sdb, make a file system there, and then mount it somewhere, then cp would work. System/Administration/Disk Utility should guid you through it.02:06
Pudabudigadahroberts, I kept forgetting the hyphen02:06
w1n5ton0Screw it02:07
w1n5ton0I'll just back up my home folder and copy it to a fresh install02:07
Datzjrib: I should probably do something like: cp -ai folder1/* folder2/  , to indicate copying the contents of folder1, and not the folder itself, correct?02:07
quattleDEAD_BEEF: sure dd would make a copy, but what does he want to do with it?  With dd, he needs a destination of exactly the same size to place the file system there.02:07
jribDatz: yes02:07
Datzah, that's where I went wrong :p02:07
gk__ltsp-build-client error02:11
lee__hey ubuntu korean server where?02:12
Datzjrib: thanks for your help, worked. :)02:12
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko02:13
richard_Hi, any one please help me with my mic. I cant get it to work for some reason.02:13
hipitihopwhat is the correct way to killall a process which refuses to be killed02:14
Ramseizecan anyone help me, im getting this error  --->>13.14035 /build/buildd/linux-2.6.35/drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c: usb_submit_urb(ctrl) failed02:14
Prajwalany ubuntu hindi server?02:14
Pudabudigadahipitihop, sudo kill [PID]02:15
xangua!in > Prajwal02:15
ubottuPrajwal, please see my private message02:15
rwwPrajwal: try /msg ubottu !factoidname for exploring.02:15
rwwthe -in channel is in English, if I remember correctly.02:15
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Ramseizedoes anyone knows how to fix this error>? ---?13.14035 /build/buildd/linux-2.6.35/drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c: usb_submit_urb(ctrl) failed02:17
babaluanyone there02:18
babaluyo yo02:18
hrobertsyo yo02:18
babaluwho is this02:18
babaluso we all luv linux?02:18
aeon-ltdguys in #ubuntu02:18
babaluor just me?02:18
aeon-ltd!ot | babalu02:19
ubottubabalu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:19
Ramseize13.14035 /build/buildd/linux-2.6.35/drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c: usb_submit_urb(ctrl) failed  -->> how can i resolve this issue?02:19
cocolover76does anyone know how to make a server on this xchat02:19
babalunever used an icr channel b402:19
hrobertsirc not icr02:20
=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere
Pudabudigadacocolover76, /join #[channelname] will give you a channel02:20
richard_Any one got any ideas on why my line in (alc889a) / mic port doesnt work under linux ?02:21
hipitihopPudabudigada, I have tried that, but the process does not go away02:21
babaluguys can someone help me plz im new to the comunity and I dont know much about linux but i just luv it02:22
hipitihopPudabudigada, afaik, standard killall uses sigterm, should I use something else02:22
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Pudabudigadahipitihop, And now your beyond me, sorry.02:22
mellincocolover76: Do you mean a "channel"?02:24
mellincocolover76: If so the command would be as follows minus the quotes "/join #<unique channel name that doesn't exist>"02:25
babaludoes anyone speak spanish in here?02:26
Senixhow do i enable system speakers? i have xchat set to beep when my name is mentioned but it wont beep02:27
mellinAnyone here a user of Eclipse? If so is there a way to preview my html page during my coding? I figured this would be the best way to learn HTML4 without a GUI02:27
rwwbabalu: for spanish, /join #ubuntu-es02:27
PudabudigadaSenix do you mean the bleaper?02:27
mellinbabalu: I speak some it isn't my first language. However there are channels that have Ubuntu support in Spanish02:27
babaluhow do i do that ?02:27
SenixPudabudigada, i have no idea, i just want it to beep when my name is mentioned02:28
breadcrumbbabalu type /join #ubuntu-es02:28
mellinbabalu: you type without quotes "join #ubuntu-es02:28
babaluI have a big problem whit wow and unbuntu 10.10 6402:28
Varcbaalu: Yo si hablo español :D02:28
mellinVarc: That is Yo se hablar el espanol that is the grammatically correct way to say it ;-)02:29
themusicgod1nm i figured out how to get rid of the bazillion popups.02:29
PudabudigadaSenix check your volume control02:29
DEAD_BEEFis there an irc channel for gnu-readline?02:29
themusicgod1outside of the "basic troubleshooting steps" what else can I do to get my microphone working in 10.10 (that was working in 10.04)02:29
Varcmellin: sorry but i am from Venezuela you can't teach me xD02:29
sandkinganyone can recommend a tool for pdf cropping ?02:30
[ubuntufan]can someone tell me how this works with the ubuntu cd src 10:0402:31
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mellinVarc: Ok well then I assume a typo ;-)02:31
DEAD_BEEF[ubuntufan], how what works/02:31
Pudabudigada[ubuntufan], What do you mena?02:31
[ubuntufan]I have the cd src 10:04 and would have to ask you to install or how the proceeds02:32
DEAD_BEEF[ubuntufan], If you mean the live cd, just boot from it02:33
JesdiscipleIn Gnome/Bash, how could I send a window to the top of all the others?02:33
mellinsandking: go to the Applications menu at the bottom is the Ubuntu Software Center. Just type pdf and it will list programs that will fit your need02:33
Pudabudigada[ubuntufan],  is english not your first language02:33
sandkingmellin, oh, i tried pdf crop in synaptic02:35
DEAD_BEEF[ubuntufan], select your cd/dvd drive as the first boot device and you should be golden02:35
axisyswhat pkgs do I need to compile a something in ubuntu .. I already have build-essential ... but still saying inet/ip.h not found02:35
mylcdisfsckedHey to anyone looking for the solution to the problem i had earlier, the fix is pretty simple. Just go to fedoraproject.org, download the CD, and install it. Fixed all my problems ;-)02:35
mylcdisfsckeds/CD/CD image/02:36
mellinmylcdisfscked: OK good then join #fedora and leave us alone...02:36
mylcdisfsckedmellin: just thought the channel would want to know. spent ~10 hours trying to get ubuntu to work, fedora installed seamlessly :-)02:36
cweilemannAnyone set up nginx to run wordpress?02:39
Prajwalstop playing FloodBot3 :P02:39
earthmeLonIs there a way I can setup my linux firewall so that:  WAN requests are filtered while ALL ports are open over LAN?02:40
VarcHow can i change the color of my terminal?02:40
cocolover76does anyone know how to make a server02:40
jerrymanderingserver for what?02:40
PrajwalVarc: settings/preferences02:40
mellincocolover76: What kind of "server"?02:40
Prajwalof terminal02:41
Jesdisciplecocolover76: sudo apt-get isntall apache ?02:41
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cocolover76well, i cant get a room on freenode since im not 13 and i need a server02:41
DEAD_BEEFaxisys, what includes are you using?02:41
VarcPrajwal: Yep but where?02:41
jerrymanderingah irc server?02:41
Prajwalon the terminal02:42
axisysDEAD_BEEF: i just downloaded filebecnh and compiling it.. so whatever includes it has.. i am guessing the default ones02:42
JesdiscipleYou'll probably be happier long-term if you just wait to turn 13...02:42
axisysDEAD_BEEF: http://sourceforge.net/projects/filebench/ <-- trying to compile this02:42
master_does anyone know of an alternative to hulu.com that is truly free?02:42
VarcPrajwal: thansk you02:42
LostPenguinmaster_: www.thepiratebay.org02:43
jerrymanderingmaster_: netflix02:43
mellinLostPenguin: Mwahahahahahah02:43
JesdiscipleIn Gnome/Bash, how could I send a window to the top of all the others?02:43
master_i'm trying to watch House episodes9 and 1002:44
PrajwalJesdisciple: alt+tab02:44
mellinjerrymandering: Is there a workaround for using Netflix with linux?02:44
JesdisciplePrajwal: trying to build a Bash command ;)02:44
cocolover76master_: hulu.com IS TRULY free02:44
Prajwalahh ok :P02:44
PrajwalVK_KEYPRESS is something for firefox dont know whats it for ubuntu02:45
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KeypadCan some one help me with my Realtek ALC889A on 11.002:45
CamonZhi, how can I check the contents of a package installed trough apt?02:46
PrajwalCamonZ: open the synaptic02:46
mellinCamonZ: dpkg -L <installed program>02:46
mellinCamonZ: From the command line that is02:47
CamonZmellin: thanks :D02:47
mellinCamonZ: That will show you all the paths related to the installed program ;-) and your welcome02:47
oiaohmright anyone in here had anydealing with xubuntu 10.10 and ipw2200 driver and got it to work.  If so you did want.02:47
oiaohmI am getting frustrated02:48
CamonZmellin: now the question was triggered because somehow on a vps upgrade my gitosis installation got damaged02:48
timoharlingwhats the best compiler for learning c++02:49
CamonZit seems it's missing all the files in /usr/shared/pyshared/gitosis/*02:49
mellinoiaohm: Well you could join #xubuntu and they might better tell you how to do it if you aren't getting assistance here...02:49
Omen_20So why does UbuntuOne use Tomboy instead of the memo section of Evolution? Seems like that'd be a better place to keep notes.02:49
CamonZis there a way I can repair the install without loosing my repos02:50
mellinCamonZ: I would do a man apt-get and it should list an option to refresh or check for what is gone and re-install from that. I'm just guessing and not by any means a decent linux user02:50
axisysDEAD_BEEF: i am compiling it like this http://pastebin.com/yJxfSJCD02:51
axisysDEAD_BEEF: as suggested in INSTALL of filebench src02:51
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DEAD_BEEFaxisys, I don't have much experience compiling software, I think ip.h should be part of the kernel source though02:52
DEAD_BEEFaxisys, wish I could be of more help02:52
axisysDEAD_BEEF: may be I need to download the linux src... as part of the requirement before compiling anything.. I thought build-essential should have them02:53
adv0catehey i just upgraded my ubuntu to the latest version. Now my docking station below never shows up. Please help02:53
axisysDEAD_BEEF: thanks for your help02:53
DEAD_BEEFaxisys, do you know if you have linux-headers installed for your kernel?02:53
* russet doesn't like Ubuntu right now02:53
mellinCamonZ: Looks like you use -f with apt-get02:53
Jesdiscipleraising a Gnome window via Bash: http://superuser.com/questions/142945/bash-command-to-focus-a-specific-window02:54
Shadowjedi01Greetings and salutations, I was wondering if there was perhaps a knowledgeable guru in here willing to loan a  helping hand02:54
mellinrusset: Greetings02:54
Spirits-Sighthow can I get gxine to play in a seperate x screen?02:54
KM0201Shadowjedi01: with?02:54
JesdiscipleShadowjedi01: typically, yes02:54
Shadowjedi01My question is pertaining to avant window navagator I went to the IRC room for awn and no one would help02:54
mellinShadowjedi01: Best bet is just ask and perhaps someone can help :-)02:54
axisysDEAD_BEEF: i just checked.. I do have it..02:54
skyboundaxisys: /usr/include/linux/ip.h is part of linux-libc-dev on my box02:54
Shadowjedi01ok so my question is does anyone know how to enable the "stacks" feature in Avant Window Navigator?02:55
CamonZmellin: I actually feel more safe cp -r the missing dirs from /usr/share/python-support/gitosis to /usr/share/pyshare/02:55
axisysskybound: it is looking for inet/ip.h02:55
CamonZwhich are the missing files02:55
skyboundaxisys: sorry, my bad02:55
JesdiscipleShadowjedi01: since you tried the correct channel, I'm guessing you also searched?02:55
Shadowjedi01and also is there a way to change the startup screen for 10.04?02:55
mellinCamonZ: Ok unless something has upgraded and then when you copy the files it might break it...02:55
nixnewbie73just removed win 7 and now ubuntu   loving it so far02:55
bluezone_is there any way to disable using alt to move windows?02:55
Jesdisciplenixnewbie73: how long?02:56
adv0catedoes gnome-do have anything to do with the docking station?02:56
nixnewbie73yesterday i installed ubuntu02:56
mellinnixnewbie73: Congrats. Now stick with it and as you learn your appreciation will grow in leaps and bounds02:56
nixnewbie73only  thing  i cant do desktop effects :( lol guess i need a new card02:57
Jesdisciplenixnewbie73: the hardest part for me was getting used to the lack of all the superuser features I had learned, which I think is the most common problem actually02:57
Shadowjedi01Nix did you do an update right away02:57
nixnewbie73yes sir02:57
Shadowjedi01you may have to use propritary drivers?02:57
nixnewbie73its nvidia02:58
Shadowjedi01none come up in hardware devices02:58
nixnewbie73let me look02:58
KM0201most nvidia cards will work w/ ubuntus restricted driver02:58
mellinShadowjedi01: Well check in the Ubuntu Software Center...I found a developer version of the fglrx driver for my ATI card.02:58
nixnewbie73searchiong for driver..02:58
Spirits-SightI am trying to play gxine in serperate x screen, how can I do this?  I would like to have DVD play in the second screen and do ohter stuff in the main screen?02:58
nixnewbie73says no propieray drivers in use02:59
Shadowjedi01thats about all I got02:59
kthomas_vh_substitute for http://mirror.url.com/ubuntu/?02:59
Shadowjedi01perhaps someone more experienced can give you help nix02:59
KM0201nixnewbie73: are you sure its nvidia?   open a terminal and type  "lspci | grep VGA" w/o quotes and hit enter02:59
adv0catecan someone help me get my AWN working?02:59
Shadowjedi01whats the problem Adv?02:59
nixnewbie73one sec lemm open term03:00
Shadowjedi01command lspci03:00
Shadowjedi01to nix03:00
adv0cateshadowjed01, i had it on my previous version of ubuntu before i upgraded. Now it never shows up03:00
root_hi , i want to install something , how is the command ??    apt-.............?????03:00
CamonZmellin: true; got lucky this time though :)03:00
KM0201!rootirc | root_03:00
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)03:00
ubotturoot_: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.03:00
mellinroot_: Well it is sudo apt-get install03:00
subminuentischroot: sudo apt-get install03:00
nixnewbie73"lspci | grep VGA03:01
nixnewbie73nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 4000] (rev c103:01
subminuentischroot: but you should rather use the synaptic thingy03:01
KM0201nixnewbie73: ok.. and there's nothing in the system/admin/hardware drivers?03:01
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nixnewbie73i looked in additional drivers03:01
root_ty all ... and sorry for the rong room03:01
KM0201nixnewbie73: what version of ubuntu again?03:01
nixnewbie7310.10 mavarick03:02
bencahillhey guys, is there a quick way i could setup something like ics in windows over a crossover (from this desktop to a laptop)?03:02
HandyGandyAnyone know how I can disable edid?03:02
nixnewbie73You are using Ubuntu 11.0403:02
subminuentischroot: you should definately not go on irc as root03:02
nixnewbie73i lied lol03:02
nixnewbie73i dl 10.10 guess it updated lol03:02
KM0201nixnewbie73: well, maybe not.. in a terminal   lsb_release -a03:02
mellinbencahill: You are talking about internet connection sharing?03:02
bazhangnixnewbie73, thats #ubuntu+1 not here03:03
nixnewbie73You are using Ubuntu 11.0403:03
nixnewbie73                - the Natty Narwhal03:03
KM0201nixnewbie73: there's an error w/ 10.10, it pulls in 11.04's "about".. during a system update03:03
KM0201nixnewbie73: enter the terminal command i gave you above.. you may not be using 11.04(and probably aren't)03:03
=== HongChuan is now known as hongchuan
DEAD_BEEFaxisys, libnet1-dev might be worth a try03:03
nixnewbie73let me checl03:03
bencahillmellin: yes03:03
mellinbencahill: Ok03:03
bluezone_is there any way to disable using alt to move windows?03:03
axisysDEAD_BEEF: ok03:04
nixnewbie73Distributor ID:Ubuntu03:04
nixnewbie73Description:Ubuntu 10.1003:04
doobienNarwhals are cool03:04
FloodBot2nixnewbie73: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:04
nixnewbie73sorry flood03:04
nixnewbie7310.10 mav03:04
adv0catehow do i check which version of ubuntu i am running?03:04
KM0201nixnewbie73: ok.03:04
KM0201adv0cate: lsb_release -a   in a terminal03:04
nixnewbie73its a 128mb should handle basic effects huh03:05
Jesdisciplenixnewbie73: just FYI, 11.04 means released in April 201103:05
mellinbencahill: Try this -->  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing03:05
nixnewbie73oh ty jes03:05
nixnewbie7310.10 oct 10th lol03:05
* bencahill bangs head on wall03:05
bluezone_is there any way to disable using alt to move windows?03:05
nixnewbie73i love ubuntu  way better than win 7 besides vid card lol03:06
bencahillmellin: ok, that does it! i'm googlin' even for stuff like this :)03:06
bencahillmellin: ^^ thanks :D03:06
* doobien hopes wayland is in 11.403:06
mellinbencahill: NP yes an awful lot can be found about how to do thing with Ubuntu through google...;-)03:06
nixnewbie73how do i get propietrary driver so i can get basic effects03:06
bencahillmellin: woops, I just discovered that I had taken out the second nic it had, can i hotplug a nic (pci)? the computer's easy to get at, and i'd rather not shut down...03:07
KM0201!nvidia | nixnewbie73 there's instructions here i think03:07
ubottunixnewbie73 there's instructions here i think: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:07
snowrichardbe safer to shut it off03:07
mellinnixnewbie73: Well it depends on if your graphics card chipset is supported in the driver03:07
PhaseNoeltorious: Redownloaded the iso, verified the hashes (matched), burnt it again.. installed, and it failed at installing grub, so I skipped the bootloader installation and installed it manually from the livecd... The issue is still happening, though. This time, I'm still able to manipulate the terminal window, just not the Update Manager.03:07
bencahillsnowrichard: i know, but can it hurt?03:07
* Jesdisciple wonders how Ubuntu would handle versions after surviving all the way to year 210003:07
nixnewbie73ty ubottu03:08
snowrichardits possible to short something if you don't get it in straight right away03:08
KM0201!yourwelcome | nixnewbie7303:08
bencahillsnowrichard: yeah, what I was thinking...03:08
mellinIndeed I would not recommend doing it that way!03:08
KM0201!thanks | nixnewbie7303:08
ubottunixnewbie73: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)03:08
axisysDEAD_BEEF: did not help .. it does not have the inet/ip.h03:08
nixnewbie73lol i figured03:08
subminuentischthen its ubuntu zero o x03:09
subminuentischor x03:09
bencahillmellin: ;) well, since this is the computer in question, cya!03:09
mellincya later03:09
nixnewbie73!thanks | km020103:09
ubottukm0201: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)03:09
* bencahill quits to plug in nic03:09
DEAD_BEEFaxisys, /me shrugs sorry, I can't seem to find much info on ip.h03:09
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* DEAD_BEEF shrugs03:09
=== geeknode is now known as beepcode
nixnewbie73ok going to try and get drivers03:09
* KM0201 steals bencahill 's nic cable03:09
axisysDEAD_BEEF: me neither..03:09
mellinAlright folks I'm out for the night. Thanks to all that helped me, and helped me to learn something new and exciting!03:10
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babaludoes anyone plays world of warcraft on ubuntu 10.10 and wine 1.3?03:10
=== cigales_01 is now known as cigale1
LostPenguinI do FFXI and wine03:11
Jesdisciplebabalu: playonlinux03:11
HilarieEQ1 and wine work :)03:11
bluezone_is there any way to disable using alt to move windows?03:11
nixnewbie73additional Drivers does not find propietary drivers03:12
babaluworked fine b4 but now that I am using 64 bit is not03:12
KM0201nixnewbie73: i think you might have to install the driver from nvidia.com... not sure though03:12
LostPenguinsystem > prefrences > keyboard shortcuts03:12
nixnewbie73ok ill check nvida ty  guys03:12
babalumy screen has some nasty polygons03:13
bencahillaw man, i forgot to install the nic!03:13
LostPenguinwinehq has lots of info on how to run stuff in wine03:13
KM0201nixnewbie73: i think this is it...03:13
* bencahill bangs head against brick wall repeatedly03:14
bencahillcya'lls again03:14
kthomas_vh_lol 203:14
nixnewbie73found it03:14
Jesdisciplebabalue: have you heard of playonlinux before?03:14
Jesdisciplebabalue ^^03:15
Jesdisciplebabalu ^^ grr03:15
nixnewbie73i dl the nvida linux file its a pkg do i double click03:15
babalubut iam realy new into the linux community03:15
nixnewbie73or open in term03:15
babaluand dont know how to make it work in playonlinux03:15
HilarieSo... I installed google desktop... and now it wont go away, its not in the apps manager03:15
axisysDEAD_BEEF: may be I should change this #include <inet/ip.h> for linux03:16
Jesdiscipleto my knowledge, playonlinux will take care of common problems like x6403:16
KM0201nixnewbie73: you have to run it in the terminal... click "additional information" and it tells you the install instructions03:16
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axisysDEAD_BEEF: it is written by four sun guys.. may be opensolaris has the inet/ip.h that I can copy over here03:16
PhaseI'm having issues with a fresh install of 10.10 regarding the mouse and keyboard being virtually unusable. I've got a nice description of everything laid out here if anyone wouldn't mind taking a look: http://pastebin.com/MCpCpAm6 -- Thanks :\03:16
Jesdisciplebabalu: #playonlinux is available, probably more knowledgeable03:17
eross10.10 - where do i go to buy music03:17
Jesdisciplebabalu: or #wine03:17
babaluI use wine03:17
babaluiam going to try whit play on linux03:17
Hilariesudo dpkg -r google-desktop-linux  that gonna break anything?03:17
Jesdisciplebabalu: playonlinux runs on top of wine03:17
Jesdiscipleit's just a scripting engine and GUI interface for Wine rly03:18
DEAD_BEEFaxisys, it should have mentioned that in the INSTALL file though03:18
axisysDEAD_BEEF: yep... nothing there..03:18
timewriteranyone can tell me what to do in order to use my marvell sata controller on ubuntu 10.10 ?03:18
DEAD_BEEFaxisys, I managed to find this: http://www.linuxhq.com/kernel/v1.0/0/net/inet/ip.h03:18
subminuentischphase: is this an usb mouse?03:18
DEAD_BEEFaxisys, but that's for kernel version 103:19
axisysDEAD_BEEF: yep03:19
DEAD_BEEFaxisys, way old03:19
axisysDEAD_BEEF: heh03:19
Phasesubminuentisch: Yep03:19
subminuentischyou might consider trying a ps2 mouse03:19
DEAD_BEEFaxisys, and looking at a recent kernel I don't find a /net/inet/ directory03:19
Phasehmm let me see if I have one03:19
axisysDEAD_BEEF: yep03:19
subminuentischhad the same problem with my keyboard so^^03:20
erossrhythmbox keeps crashing03:20
DEAD_BEEFaxisys, been there already eh03:20
KM0201eross: cuz it sucks03:20
axisysDEAD_BEEF: heh03:20
LostPenguinvlc ftw03:20
erosscant buy music thru music player then?03:20
axisysDEAD_BEEF: this one might work03:20
axisysDEAD_BEEF: http://www.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu/~vass/filebench/03:20
axisysi will give that a try03:21
LostPenguinwhy would you buy music on a machine connected to the internet?03:21
erossumm.. convenience03:21
* DEAD_BEEF shrugs03:21
SamizdatAnyone know much about virtual drives?03:21
HilarieSupporting artists03:21
DEAD_BEEFaxisys, what have you got to lose?03:21
KM0201eross: banshee?03:21
LostPenguinyou can stream or pirate w/e though03:21
bencahillbluezone_, kthomas_vh_: not laughing now, i have 2 nics! mwahaha! :P03:21
Hilarie@samizdat the encryted kind03:21
DEAD_BEEFaxisys, SUN's version is not compilable on Linux/FreeBSD03:21
axisysDEAD_BEEF: yep..03:21
Hilarie@lostpenguin that's still not supporting an artist03:22
KM0201bluezone_: why would you want two nics?03:22
bluezone_its not me!!!! lol03:22
Samizdat@Hilarie I'm brand new at this and looking for some help w/something I screwed up.03:22
HilarieA kickass firewall to start03:22
LostPenguinbuy a CD, go to the show03:22
=== bluezone_ is now known as bluezone
Hilarie@samizdat what's going on?03:22
axisysDEAD_BEEF: yep.. that was it.. that compiled fine03:23
* KM0201 is deeply confused... ???03:23
DEAD_BEEFaxisys, glad you could help ><03:23
SamizdatI'm trying to install my old civ4 and have put all sorts of things on my desktop I cannot change03:23
* Hilarie is confused as to KM0201's confustions03:23
axisysDEAD_BEEF: you sure did.. thanks a lot03:23
KM0201Hilarie: lol there's no hope03:23
erossheh banshee crashes too03:23
KeyLimePiAnyone know a good place to get old versions of flash installer? Adobe's site doesnt seem to keep em but I think I need to roll back a few versions03:24
Samizdat@Hilarie I have a couple of mounted drives I can't remove03:24
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erossfreakin fatal error in mono code03:24
Hilarieare they there after reboot?03:24
bencahillhey guys, on this page (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing), it says "After restarting the computer you should now be able to plug in any computer into your other Ethernet port or share through your wireless card." could i just restart the networking service?03:24
Samizdathaven't gotten that far, that the place to start?03:24
HilarieBencahill there is only one way to find out03:25
HilarieThat would be the first thing I would do03:25
SamizdatI might catch you in a few.03:25
KM0201bencahill: i woudl probably follow the instructions03:25
KM0201but i've nver set up connection sharing03:25
ralliasMy ubuntu server won't accept any requests on HTTP, SMTP, or IMAP. Can someone help me out?03:27
bencahillKM0201: ok, cya :)03:27
subminuentischralias are the ports open?03:27
grkbloodi just updated to 10.10 and firefox is crashing03:28
grkbloodit wont open03:28
ralliassubminuentisch: I checked all the obvious issues, port forewarding doesn't seem to be an issue.03:28
FloodBot2Hilarie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:28
erosswow many issues with music store still.. checking out amazon :/03:28
KM0201Hilarie: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+use+google&l=103:29
subminuentischrallias can i have a look at the configfile03:29
HilarieHey, there's one I can send to more people!03:29
KM0201Hilarie: i love that site....03:30
ralliassubminuentisch: Which one?03:30
Hilarie@cmohan Hi03:30
bencahillKM0201: back :)03:31
Hilarie@KM0201 is there a way to filter the sign in/out?03:31
KM0201Hilarie: that would depend on the irc client you're using, but yeah, there usually is03:31
ralliassubminuentisch: This is the main apache httpd config: http://pastebin.com/xeAnC5p403:31
HilarieThe default one with 10.x03:31
ralliasit responds to requests on localhost (with files I forgot about), but nothing else03:32
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.03:32
grkbloodalso, after updating to 10.10 my sound doesnt work03:32
KM0201Hilarie: i don't know what the default one is.. id on't think there's one installed by default w/ 10.x03:32
JesdiscipleHilarie: Help About ?03:33
grkbloodmy sound is no longer in the top right corner03:33
JesdiscipleHelp > About*03:33
HilarieEmpathy Internet messaging03:33
grkbloodhow do i get that back03:33
KM0201Hilarie: ... i'm sure there's a way, but empathy SUCKS... install xchat.03:33
HilarieWill it support MSN Yahoo etc?03:33
asy2say hello me03:33
KM0201Hilarie: xchat is for IRC only03:33
nixnewbie73xchat is just irc03:33
Hilariehello asy203:34
asy2ok thx03:34
KM0201Hilarie: but empathy sucks for msn, yahoo, etc.. to.. isntall Pidgin.03:34
razz1how to get wingdings fonts in ubuntu openoffice calc. cannot find them??03:34
* KM0201 has never understood how empathy replaced pidgin as the default messaging program03:34
ralliasKM0201: When'd that happen?03:34
Hilarie@Razz1 what possible use for wingdings in calc?03:34
Jesdisciplerallias: I think 9.1003:34
* uRock agrees with KM020103:34
KM0201rallias:  a while ago... 9.10 maybe?.... definitely 10.04 and 10.1003:34
tatakhi all03:35
nixnewbie73im saying screw the nvida drivers to much headache lol03:35
ralliasdang... i didn't notice at all.03:35
KM0201nixnewbie73: what happened?03:35
asy2where have irc free on mac os x speedly 15 minute on snack03:35
nixnewbie73it ask to close x03:35
KM0201oh thats right.03:35
asy2why close x03:35
grkbloodhow do add the adjustable volume back to my panel?03:35
nixnewbie73i close x and it ask to log in but i try and ays invalid pass word03:35
razz1Hilarie: you are not going to give me the answer till I give you an explanation or what?03:35
Hilarie@razz1 oh, no, sorry03:35
HilarieI am just really curious03:35
asy2retur,n you password faq freenode03:36
Jesdisciplenixnewbie73: you're logging in via shell?03:36
KM0201nixnewbie73: lemme see if that driver is in the repos.03:36
ralliasAny help with my server?03:36
tatakwhat s going on with your server03:36
asy2in mac os x mùer03:36
KM0201nixnewbie73: what was the ver. number of that driver?03:36
nixnewbie73in term i did sh to run nvida but it says you need to close x or something03:36
razz1Hilarie: just kidding, I need special symbols like tick marks, which I use often03:36
earthmeLonIs there a way I can setup my linux firewall so that:  WAN requests are filtered while ALL ports are open over LAN?03:36
ralliasHTTP, SMTP, and IMAP won't respond to anything03:36
nixnewbie73lemme see03:36
tatakdid you install package03:37
ralliastatak: I've tried everything, http and email won't work.03:37
HilarieDo you have the .ttf you are trying to use?03:37
ralliastatak: yes.03:37
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tatakwhat abaout your localhost page said03:37
ralliasit lists 2 old files that I forgot about.03:37
razz1Hilarie: also I am curious as to why I cannot see them, when I have ttf-mscorefonts installed, I can get some from webdings,03:37
KM0201nixnewbie73: try sudo apt-get install nvidia-9603:38
ralliassame for when I try to connect via the localnet connection03:38
tatakdid you start your service03:38
KM0201nixnewbie73: it's int he repos03:38
ralliastatak: I know its alive, it responds to everyone but WAN.03:38
bastidrazornixnewbie73: you have a several step process. ctrl alt F1 to get to a TTY > login > sudo service gdm stop > run your sh file > sudo service gdm start > ctrl alt F703:38
HilarieNo idea how relevent this will be for you03:38
KM0201nixnewbie73: you'll probably have to restart after it installs03:39
ralliastatak: And ports are forewarded correctly03:39
Hilarie@km0201 pidgin pidgin-data pidgin-libnotify03:39
HilarieSo I can't install it, it says it doesn't trust that library03:39
KM0201Hilarie: what?... sure it does... where'd you read that?03:39
KM0201Hilarie: did you download it from pidgin.net?03:40
JesdiscipleHilarie: you can force it to trust, I believe03:40
KM0201or pidgin.im... sorry03:40
Hilarie@km0201 from the ubuntu software center03:40
uRocklet it install03:40
KM0201Hilarie: whats the current version?03:40
Hilarie@urock wont give me the options03:40
uRockpidgin = 8)03:40
Hilarie1:2.7.3-1ubuntu3.2 (pidgin)03:41
KM0201Hilarie: go there and follow those instructions03:41
nixnewbie73ok brb its done reboot03:41
uRocktell it to go sit in the corner until it changes its mind03:41
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KM0201Hilarie: after you install updates... like it says... type "sudo apt-get install pidgin"... then sit back and watch as the most awesome IM program on the planet is installed03:42
razz1Hilarie: thanks, already have ms corefonts03:42
razz1Hilarie: I will keep looking03:42
KM0201and for cryin out loud, then you need to install xchat... or at least, xchat-gnome (or as i heard it called... xchat-withallthefeaturesremoved) :)03:43
uRockxchat-gnome is much easier on the eyes03:43
KM0201uRock: yeah, but a lot less features, but so simple to use.03:43
asy2hello you03:43
earthmeLonuRock, xchat-gnome vs... xchat-kde?03:44
KM0201the only thing i don't like bout xchat, is the icon... people see it on my desktop, and they think its some sort of pornographic chat program, so i had to change the icons for it.03:44
KM0201nixnewbie73: ?03:44
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uRockthere is an xchat-kde?03:44
Hilarie  2. Select Open with: and GDebi Package Installer. Click OK. How do I do that?03:44
grkbloodwhat are some good alternative mixers other than the default? im looking for something that looks like a real mixer and can control apps03:44
HilarieIt's not showing up even on the open with thingamajig03:44
nixnewbie73ok it shows nvida  says its activated but not in use03:44
earthmeLonIono uRock.  I've only heard it called xchat, never xchat-gnome03:44
KM0201uRock: i don't think so.. there might be... KDE, i believe by default, uses Konversation or KVIRC as its irc client03:44
earthmeLonThat's what I was asking03:44
uRockI thought it was chat or xchat-gnome03:45
KM0201nixnewbie73: ok.. go to system/admin/nvidia-settings03:45
KM0201nixnewbie73: will it let you change yoru resolution, etc.. there?03:45
nixnewbie73says you dont apper to be using03:45
uRockubottu is get dumber03:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:45
nixnewbie73edit x config03:45
KM0201that doesn't make any sense03:45
nixnewbie73You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.03:45
tittnhow can i install intel gfx drivers for my laptop i think steam (wine) is crashing cos of that03:46
asy2hello new me03:46
nixnewbie73ill do iy03:46
asy2how are you well im suppose03:46
C_OkieHey jetole if I want to backup sda2 which is an extended partition containing sda5 ( windows ntfs partiiton with data) and sda6 linux swap, would I be able to recreat the swap and is it safe to delete the swap temporarily.  Would backing up with dd if of be better  or can  I evven take a cpy using dd if and mount that ?03:46
asy2dont use win03:46
nixnewbie73Unable to locate/open X configuration file.03:46
KM0201i believe you have to do that from console03:47
tittnim using ubuntu ? :D03:47
babalunixnewbie73 so you want to install the nvidia drivers from its website?03:47
nixnewbie73did sudo nvia-xconfig03:47
nixnewbie73no bab it lready installed03:47
nixnewbie73i just need to use03:47
uRocktittn, System> Administration> Hardware Drivers03:47
HilarieIt just keeps coming back as this requires using untrusted libraries, press okay03:47
KM0201babalu: he's got the nvidia-96 driver installed, from the repositories...03:47
HilarieYou press okay, and then nothing happens03:47
subminuentischralias only option i can think of that there is something wrong in ports.conf or that the port isnt open03:48
uRocktittn, System> Administration> Additional Drivers03:48
SDranyone knows how to hide kernel processes from top / ps?03:48
nixnewbie73You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.03:48
uRockdepending on the release03:48
nixnewbie73gives me that when i open nvidia server settings03:48
tittnits searching :D03:48
tittnbut doesnt find anything03:48
KM0201nixnewbie73: and what happens when you type sudo nvidia-xconfig03:48
nixnewbie73ARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file.03:48
subminuentischralias: only option i can think of that there is something wrong in ports.conf or that the port isnt open03:48
nixnewbie73gives warning03:48
KM0201Hilarie: install it from terminal03:48
uRockwhat graphics do you have? tittn03:48
KM0201nixnewbie73: yeah i think you'll have to go to console03:49
Hilarie:( how03:49
nixnewbie73im in terminal03:49
HilariePreferably with something I can copy and paste03:49
KM0201Hilarie: in a terminal sudo apt-get install pidgin03:49
tittni dont know some intel hd gfx from asus laptop03:49
tittnwith hdmi03:49
KM0201nixnewbie73: not terminal, console..03:49
nixnewbie73KM0201:  what console lol03:49
KM0201nixnewbie73: hod on03:49
nixnewbie73KM0201: thanks03:50
tittnwhat terminal :D03:50
nixnewbie73im a newb leave me alone lol03:50
Hilarie@km0201 looks like its working03:50
DaGeek247tittn the one that everyhing in ubuntu runs on.03:51
zulaxso i setup a DNS server, now how do i add entries (a good easy link)03:51
tittni guess it does :p03:52
uRockdoes anyone know the irc name for backtrack?03:52
babalunixnewbie73 do you have you problem solved?03:52
skyboundzulax: lol, what about http://tldp.org/HOWTO/DNS-HOWTO-5.html03:52
uRockif they even have one03:52
nixnewbie73bab km is helping me ty03:52
bazhang!backtrack > uRock03:52
ubottuuRock, please see my private message03:52
peyton_westlakeI was wondering if anyone knew how to find out what a computer display would be named as an output so that I can add a new resolution modeline to my xorg.conf using xrandr?03:52
uRockthank bazz03:52
uRockthank bazhang03:53
KM0201sorry about that03:53
HilarieIt worked!03:53
KM0201Hilarie: you had any doubts?03:53
nixnewbie73why do i not have x config lol03:53
HilarieI have doubts on anything that involves a MS-Dos like format03:53
rafaelsoaresbrwhat's the difference between icedtea and sun-java6-plugin? Does sun java have a 64bit version?03:54
KM0201nixnewbie73: http://linux.about.com/od/ubuntu_doc/a/ubudg24t8.htm03:54
nixnewbie73KM0201:  ill read03:54
KM0201nixnewbie73: that command it's telling you you need to run, run it from console03:54
KM0201nixnewbie73: you may well have to restart after you run it (remember, contro alt f7 to get back tot he GUI)03:55
nixnewbie73run nvidia-xconfig in consol03:55
KM0201sudo nvidia-xconfig (or whatever the command it told you to run was)03:55
HilarieAll that and it doesn't have Fbook chat03:55
nixnewbie73brb ill try it03:55
edwardo_whats the command to install adobe flash player/03:55
bashedAny tool to compare two files and pipe the similarity to another file?03:55
KM0201Hilarie: yes it does03:55
babaluyou need to logg as root first03:55
HilarieIs it possible I need to update then?03:56
KM0201Hilarie: sudo apt-get install pidgin-facebook-chat03:56
nixnewbie73says password i enter ubuntu password says invalid  KM020103:56
wn1zidhas to be root03:56
babaludo this03:56
babalusu passwd03:56
jay_why_beeWhat is the preferred IRC client?  This is my first time with Empathy.  Not bad, but wondering what you guys uesd.03:56
KM0201nixnewbie73: you ahve to log in again... so type your ubuntu user name, and then your password, then run the sudo command and type your sudo password03:56
babaluthen set your password for root user03:56
KM0201jay_why_bee: xchat or xchat-gnome03:57
HilarieE: Unable to locate package pidgin-facebook-chat03:57
nixnewbie73how do i set root password03:57
Flannelbabalu: There's no reason to do that, please don't recommend that here.03:57
nixnewbie73sudo su lol03:57
jorjE: Invalid operation pidgin-facebook-chat03:57
DaGeek247edwardo_ :  try the application manager and search for "restricted" its got the non-free software like flash mp3 etc.03:57
KM0201Hilarie: sorry, sudo apt-get install pidgin-facebookchat03:57
KM0201to many --03:57
KM0201!info pidgin-facebookchat03:57
ubottupidgin-facebookchat (source: pidgin-facebookchat): Facebook Chat plugin for Pidgin. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.67.1-1 (maverick), package size 37 kB, installed size 152 kB03:57
skyboundbashed: 'diff' comes to mind, though that prints the *difference* (more or less)... you want the lines(?) that are the same?03:58
DEAD_BEEFanyone know much about readline?03:58
bashedskybound: yeah, i want lines that are the same. Couldnt figure out how to do that with diff03:58
HilarieI would like to know the reason I can't copy and paste directly from IRC to the command prompt03:58
jorjgood nigth03:59
KM0201Hilarie: hat irc client again?03:59
nixnewbie73ok did it in console how to i restart x03:59
KM0201nixnewbie73: just restart your computer03:59
nixnewbie73freekin noob03:59
uRockHilarie, xchat-gnome can03:59
HilarieEmpathy 2.32.1 You can't copy and paste from here to command prompt03:59
uRockuse ctrl c03:59
DaGeek247Hilarie : cuz its harder that wy. try right clicking on the terminal and selcting paste.03:59
HilarieHave to use a text editor in between04:00
uRockuse the good old keyboard04:00
rafaelsoaresbrHilarie: right-click might work04:00
HilarieNope, its freakin wierd04:00
KM0201Hilarie: try highlighting what you want to copy/paste   then hit "Control + C"   then go to termina, right click and paste04:00
KM0201Hilarie: or live in the now, and install xchat04:01
DaGeek247i think its the source program..04:01
Hilarienope, again, its freakin wierd, workaround---> open text editor as a go between04:01
KM0201(what i said above works w/ xchat)04:01
skyboundbashed: from memory i would guess that diff can't do that, there might be some stuff to do that, but you have to define the problem a bit better. the same lines at the same offsets in the file, longish parts (paragraphs) that are in both files (no matter where in the files)...? out of curiosity: what exactly are you trying to do?04:01
HilarieI am not doing Xchat till you get my facebook working, its not showing up under accounts04:01
uRock ubuntu Rocks!04:01
KM0201Hilarie: i told you how to add facebook04:01
Hilarieaye, it went through, still not there04:01
KM0201Hilarie: did you restart pidgin?04:02
Hilarieit was hiding in the lil mail icon, I thought I did04:02
uRock Hilarie you will love xchat04:02
KM0201Hilarie: exit pidgin, make sure its actualy closed04:02
uRock Makes you wanna talk more04:02
KM0201then restart it04:02
DaGeek247xchat is complicated. :/04:02
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KM0201DaGeek247: complicated?04:03
KM0201DaGeek247: then xchat-gnome04:03
HilarieIt was hiding in the background04:03
DaGeek247for new users like me.04:03
uRock chat is easy04:03
jay_why_bee_I just did the xchat-gnme... all is great.  This was what I was expecting.04:03
uRock xchat is easy04:03
Out_Coldwhat would happen if i apt-get remove python??04:03
bigeyePlease recommend your favorite channel :) I want to add more channel.04:03
KM0201DaGeek247: it does have a gazillion features, which really aren't necessary for the most part04:03
HilarieDoes it have !timebomb feature?04:03
skyfiregood day04:04
KM0201whats a timebomb feature?...04:04
uRock !timebomb04:04
DaGeek247and it leaves the average new user wondering whats really needed04:04
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HilarieIt doesn't work here :(04:04
bashedskybound: I have two crash log files, no paragraphs just lines. I need to find out what resulted in the crash. For that I need to get rid of the non related operations.04:04
uRock<ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about timebomb04:04
Hilariethe !timebomb is a thing an op can have, which tells you there is a bomb04:04
uRock k04:05
KM0201Hilarie: well, if you're not an OP.. why would you care?04:05
Hilariewith a set number of wires, you choose which one to cut, if you cut the wrong one, or don't cut fast enough, you get kicked04:05
KM0201Hilarie: oh i've saw those04:05
skyfireguys why i can't install skype on ubuntu 10.10?04:05
uRock tock?04:05
KM0201Hilarie: another channel i'm in has "russian roulette"... if you lose, you get kicked04:05
FlannelDaGeek247: Stop that.04:05
uRock this channel is too busy for games04:06
KM0201nixnewbie has been gone a while04:06
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C_Okiecould I temporarily delete sda6 a logical drive in the extended partiton sda2? http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=4cjy9v0f2esyhjw&thumb=604:07
uRock C_Okie why would you wanna do that?04:08
|ritztech|anyone know if its possible to have 2 openvpn sessions active04:08
uRock C_Okie as long as you ran backup, you should be fine04:08
HilarieIs there a way to force ubuntu to take a less secure Pword? Its driving me nuts04:08
|ritztech|i have one working on kvpnc but wont let me connect to the othere one04:09
C_Okieto resize sda1 by backing up sda5 , deleting sda2 and enlargin sda204:09
uRock Hilarie use sudo -i04:09
awanti_I need your help... i want to build customized ubuntu (like Ultimate edition) for my college friends. So plz. tell me how to do this!04:09
HilarieIsn't it bad that I am now in root@mycomputername?04:09
uRockawanti_,  there are lots of howto pages on how to do that04:10
KeypadHey, does any one know how to change the default screen on a multi screen setup ?04:10
KeypadI have like three screens in eyefinity04:10
skyboundbashed: 'comm' (in coreutils) but that needs sorted input files; maybe take a look at 'sdiff'; finally you got write something in perl (or whatever script) language. should be rather easy (iterate through lines of A storing into a hash-map/set; then iterate through B and only print lines with a known hash)... sorry, no definite answer04:10
uRock awanti_,  there are lots of howto pages on how to do that04:11
KM0201Hilarie: you really shouldn't be root.. ubuntu uses sudo04:11
HilarieRequires installation of untrusted packages>>>   libsexy2 xchat xchat-common04:11
subminuentischKeypad: system setting screens04:11
HilarieNo option given to override04:11
KM0201Hilarie: i wonder why you keep getting these untrusted packages warning.04:11
uRock why does it show everything as being untrusted?04:11
sacarlson|ritztech|: yes I think you can they just need to be setup on different ports to prevent conflict04:11
HilarieYou are sekretly trying to hack me04:11
uRock yes04:12
DaGeek247Hilarie, the cmd gives you an option. try sudo apt-get install xcht04:12
KM0201Hilarie: negative ghostrider04:12
bashedskybound: thanks, I think i will go with a perl script04:12
|ritztech|but icant change the server of course ( i can access 2 openvpns on my company laptop/ windows box _04:12
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awanti_can u give me the links.. i am new to Ubuntu (i don't have in depth knowledge). plz04:12
DaGeek247ive had THAT hapn to me before. so annoying.04:13
Hilarieunable to locate the package x-chat04:13
Keypadsubminuentisch, I tryed that, I think the ATI CCC takes over that.04:13
Hilariewith an E first04:13
Hilarie@awanti_ whats going on?04:13
KM0201Hilarie: you probably don't have universe enabled04:13
KM0201!info xchat04:13
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 312 kB, installed size 840 kB04:13
KM0201Hilarie: go to system/admin/synaptic package manager04:14
awanti_Hilarie: I need your help... i want to build customized ubuntu (like Ultimate editon) for my college friends. So plz. tell me how to do this!04:14
DaGeek247oops; sudo apt-get install xchat04:14
DaGeek247no "-"04:14
KM0201oh i missed that, she typed x-chat     shoud be xchat04:14
uRock awanti_ google is your friend04:14
jay_why_beeis "xchat" a placeholder for "xchat-gnome"?04:14
HilarieYeah, thats the cmd I tried the first time04:15
Hilariealright, I am in synaptic package manager, what do I do?04:15
KM0201Hilarie: sudo apt-get install xchat   didn't work?04:15
KM0201jay_why_bee: no, totally separate programs04:15
uRockjay_why_bee no04:15
KM0201Hilarie: click settings/repositories04:15
Hilarie@km0201 Yar04:15
uRock they be diffy04:15
KM0201Hilarie: on the first tab.. check all the boxes at the top(source code might have just a ine beside it)04:16
KM0201Hilarie: then clcik the "Other software" tab.. and check all the boxes04:16
Ahrotahnteeanyone want to recommend a java runtime environment that isn't going to consume 90% of my resources?04:16
KM0201Hilarie: after you do that, click close, and you'll get a message to "reload"....04:17
HilarieDoesn't google have a JRE?04:17
KM0201click the reload button04:17
Hilarie@KM0201 K04:17
KM0201Hilarie: after it reloads04:17
uRockfluendo ftw04:17
Epidemichey guys, just got a second machine with 10.04 on it, got it hooked up to my tv over hdmi... only problem is, it's cutting off all 4 sides of the screen :( any ideas? i'm 90% positive the tv doesn't have a zoo mode enabled but I currently can't find the remote....04:17
KM0201Hilarie: after it reloads, in the upper right, search for xchat04:17
smwAhrotahntee, JREs tend to take alot of resources04:17
pooltableweb cam how to get it to work?04:18
Hilarie@epidemic sounds like a resolution problem04:18
KM0201Hilarie: and you shoud see a package there called "xchat".... right click it, and choose "Mark for installation"04:18
Ahrotahnteesmw: I noticed, but is there a widely accepted 'best' ?04:18
HilarieWhich one KM0201?04:18
KM0201Hilarie: just 'xchat'04:18
julia_23QUESTION: Is there a way that I can BOOT an encrypted virtualized copy of Ubuntu on a flash drive?04:18
EpidemicHilarie: yeah, but it's at 1080 and it's worked with another computer just fine before04:18
KM0201Hilarie: after you mark it, it will want you to mark some other packages04:18
KM0201mark those, and then click apply04:18
Hilarie@epidemic try 720 and see what happens04:19
JayPhill89what does this mean "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable"04:19
KM0201JayPhill89: means the program has a dependency, that is not available in the repositories04:20
EpidemicHilarie: in 720 everything gets a little bigger and I can see a little more of the borders, but still missing 3/4 of the bottem and top toolbars04:20
JayPhill89the dependency listed is libnautilus-extension1. i believe thats already installed04:20
chris_Hello, how do I uninstall #kubuntu so I can go back to pure gnome04:20
sacarlsonjulia_23: I havn't even figured out how to boot an unecrypted usb flash on virtualbox,  If you find a way I would love to know04:20
KM0201JayPhill89: i have libnautilus-extension1 installed04:21
KM0201chris_: kde is like a windows virus, it really never goes away04:21
julia_23sacarlson: what about with ESXi ?04:22
hilarie_bleh, /nick Hilarie isn't working04:22
chris_Ok, I guess I am reinstalling Ubuntu then I guess04:22
mintux I got this error http://codepad.org/AU4nLGEy  for run a software that I can't understand it.i mean it said the lib you used is X and you have X too . but I don't know why my software doesn't work04:22
bastidrazor!puregnome | chris_04:23
ubottuchris_: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome04:23
KM0201hilarie_: try "/ghost hilary"04:23
uRockHilarie is already in use04:23
czardozhow to disable the "someone has left" messeges??04:24
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents04:24
czardozin xchat04:24
pooltableweb cam view ?04:24
uRockpooltable, plug it in04:24
jay_why_beejulia_23: You have the USB key encrypted with something like truecrypt?04:25
czardozand use cheese04:25
sacarlsonjulia_23: never tried it,  I just read about it and still not quite sure04:25
uRock pooltable, cheese should get in working fine04:25
julia_23QUESTION: Anybody here know how to boot from a Virtualized copy of Ubuntu?  Doesn't necessarily need to be encrypted.  I have an empty USB key with nothing on it, no encryption or anything yet.04:25
pooltablei have it plug it use ing camorama like it go go faster or use another program ?04:26
czardozyou want ubuntu on the flash drive?04:26
hilarie_Julia you want a portable one, or virtualized?04:26
jay_why_beeSo you want to boot via a virtualdisk file?04:26
julia_23@czardoz On a portable flash drive that will function on any computer04:26
czardozyou need the ubuntu ISO04:26
czardozand ubuntu on a system04:26
hilarie_Are you going to be doing this from windows or linux to set it up?04:27
hilarie_You don't need ubuntu to start it czardoz04:27
czardoztoo make a portable pendrive you do04:27
|ritztech|i tried to find a place to change kvpnc port 2222 for the other session.04:27
uRock unetbootin can help get ubuntu onto the usb04:27
pooltablei have it plug it use ing camorama like it go go faster or use another program ?04:27
|ritztech|and if i disconnect openvpn Session A and start Session B it works fine04:28
jay_why_beejulia_23:  so booting up linux on a pendrive does not solve your problem?   You need to boot into a virtual machine?04:28
hilarie_Universal USB anywhere04:28
hilarie_Allows you to install the ISO onto a USB04:28
julia_23@hilarie_ from Ubuntu04:28
hilarie_from windows04:28
KeyLimePiAnyone here know of a storage place for older (outdated) packages for those who need to rollback ?04:29
czardozvat/cache/apt i think04:29
julia_23jay_why_bee: every system that I try boot from will try detect new hardware, no?04:29
jay_why_beeBut them so will the Host OS that will boot your VM04:29
asmalikKeyLimePi, var/cache/apt/archives04:30
julia_23I see04:30
hilarie_@Julia_23 are you doing this from Windows or Ubuntu?04:30
julia_23So there is no universal way to accomplish this?04:30
julia_23@hilarie ^04:30
czardozthen you can make a bootaable pendrive04:30
KeyLimePiasmalik: My machine kept these???? Wow! I never knew about this.  It is my hope that I can roll back to a flashplayer that is not insane04:31
julia_23czardoz: will this pendrive work on every computer I plug it into?04:31
czardozsystem>preferences>startup disk creator04:31
czardozyes it will04:31
hilarie_@julia_23 *most* computers at least04:31
czardoz^ thats more correct04:31
julia_23okay, most is better than some04:31
jay_why_bee@Julia_23, I think you need to create a ubuntu booting USB drive, they see how far that takes you.04:31
czardozbut you need the ISO04:31
jay_why_bee@julia_23 it may not detect all hardware on all systems, but it is really good for an OS that will run from a Live CD or USB drive.04:32
czardozwill work for most of your pusrposes04:33
julia_23wonderful, being it usb, then it will save anything I download and install, correct?04:33
czardozprovided you have space04:33
julia_23then I can fairly easily clone the USB thumb drive to other sticks?04:33
uRock I use Ubuntu on my thumby and love it04:33
jay_why_bee@julia_23 plus I can't imagine how slow a system will be that will boot its HOST oS and its GUEST OS from 1 USB flash device.04:33
uRock no prblems saving nor installing programs and files04:34
julia_23would there be a better choice than Ubuntu? I don't want to complicate things04:34
jay_why_bee@julia_23 :  Pretty sure Ubuntu has a USB drive creating app.04:34
czardoznimblex is good too04:34
julia_23that has access to the same sofware center, firefox, gwibber, pidgin..etc04:34
uRock Ubuntu is the best04:34
uRock I am biased04:34
czardozwill be faster04:34
julia_23xubuntu? okay04:35
uRock puppy04:35
julia_23will give it a test, thanks folkx you are bloody awesome shit04:35
czardozi know04:35
uRock fedora04:35
czardozno way04:35
=== hilarie_ is now known as Hillary
DaGeek247!ohmy <julia_2304:35
uRock OS X04:35
=== Hillary is now known as Hilarie_
Hilarie_Someone took Hillary :(04:36
JPShi everyone04:36
DaGeek247!ohmy < julia_2304:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:36
uRock hi04:36
JPSI need to know to how to secure home directory of each user logging as domain user04:36
uRock JPS, how do you mean?04:37
JPSI am having Linux Box which is on windows Domain04:37
uRockit is a broad subject04:37
JPSwhenever any user logs in to linux box using user@domain04:37
JPShe/she is able to see home directories of other users also04:37
JPSI want to prevent it04:37
uRockby default they can see all, but that is easily changed04:38
czardozremove the x permission from /home04:38
hilarie_Someone took my nick!04:38
KM0201hilarie_: flog them!04:38
uRockJPS, what czardoz said04:38
mevkurrayjps, or use samba to configure it04:38
uRockbilarie, it was me04:39
mevkurrayjps, but what czardoz said may be easier04:39
czardozuts just 1 command04:39
=== hilarie_ is now known as uRock_Sucks
uRockchmod -x nameofdirectory04:39
JPSokay let me try by removing x permission04:39
julia_23apt-get install DaGeek24704:39
czardozin ths case, /home04:39
DaGeek247i dont that program name resrved yet.04:40
JPScan you write chmod for removing x-permission04:41
bastidrazorczardoz: removing x bit will break things.. do chmod 700 instead04:41
JPSchmod 700 not working04:41
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uRock_SucksI don't even see Hilarie in the channel04:41
bastidrazorJPS: 'not working' is a bit vague04:41
uRockthey only have to be logged into freenode04:41
KM0201uRock_Sucks: jus cuz she's not in this channel, doesn't mean she isn't elsewhere on Freenode   Freenode has a lot more channels than just #ubuntu04:42
uRockyup, there is #fedora04:42
czardoz@bastidrazor: break?04:42
uRockbut they don't allow talking04:42
kerozenechmod o-x /home04:43
czardoz^ better still04:43
bastidrazorczardoz: if the owner not execute the directory then you have broken things04:43
=== uRock_Sucks is now known as Hilary
czardozbut if his server is suid, will make no difference04:43
KM0201Hilary: there you go, register it, quick..lol04:43
uRockty Hilary04:43
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:43
czardozhow to register?04:43
uRocklook up04:44
Hilaryits already registered04:44
uRockyou go girl04:44
KM0201did you register it, or someone else?04:44
Hilarysomeone else04:44
JPSchmod 700 do not allows any user to access home directory04:44
czardozyou can04:44
czardozyou are root04:44
bastidrazorJPS: isn't that the point?04:44
KM0201Hilary: what about two L's?04:44
=== Hilary is now known as Hillary
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bastidrazorJPS: that would allow only the owner to access it.04:45
KM0201Hillary: well, i'm out of ideas04:45
uRockbastidrazor, he/she was asking04:45
JPSsir ! i want that only that each user should be able to view his/her own home directory instead of having permission to view other users' files04:45
HillaryThe Hilarie wasn't registered, and I don't think I can register it w/o actually having that nickname04:45
KM0201Hillary: probably, but i thought you said when you tried to register, it said it was registered?04:46
jay_why_beeIs there a way in Xchat to watch two channels side by side, instead of the sidebar-thing?04:46
kerozeneis this #freenode now?04:46
JPSis there any way to achieve this?04:46
HillaryI hadn't tried to register Hilarie yet, but I didn't get a message saying it had been taken either, I just can't change my nick to Hilarie04:46
bastidrazorJPS:  each /home/user1 /home/user2 /home/user3 should be chmod 700 .. that will prevent user1 from viewing user2 and 3 from viewing..04:46
KM0201jay_why_bee: right click a channel and choose "detatch" and it will give it its own window04:46
bastidrazorJPS: i've told you twice and given you the exact command.04:47
SharpclawHello! If anyone has any questions about booting Ubuntu, I'm here!04:47
JPSi tried that command with sudo04:48
jay_why_beekm0201 I don't appear to have that choice when I right-click the channel in the sidebar04:48
uRockCan i boot by hitting the power button?04:48
JPSnow logged in user is having message that he/she can access the home dir04:48
=== Hillary is now known as The_Real_Hilarie
KM0201jay_why_bee: are you using xchat, or xchat-gnome ?04:48
uRockJPS, you can not run that one as root04:48
czardozhmm....me off04:49
JPSI just did it04:49
JPSany remedy now?04:49
uRocknow root owns the folders04:49
uRockinstead of the user04:49
KM0201jay_why_bee: hang on, i gave you instructions for xchat04:49
etafigAnyone have any idea why an ipod classic auto-ejects itself immediately after I plug it in?Lets say I have a 6 core processor, using a windows machine. Am I really going to be using all of the cores? The last I checked there was a limit to how many cores software (at the time) could use.04:49
bastidrazoruRock: chmod will not change the ownership.04:49
czardoznow you have to run choown on each directory04:49
czardozjust write a script04:50
angelslhi. how do I mount the 2nd partition of a multi-track DVD?04:50
JPSfor each ?04:50
czardozwrite a script04:50
czardozwill make it easier04:50
LoshkiAre there a lot of differences between xchat and xchat-gnome?04:50
JPSI have more than 2000 dirs04:50
uRockwith sudo it will04:50
uRockI think04:50
uRockLoshki, try both04:50
bastidrazorJPS: and your OS is Ubuntu?04:51
jay_why_beeLoshki:  Not sure...  just now trying xchat-gnome04:51
JPSYes , its ubuntu 10.0404:51
czardozwrite a script or use wildcars04:51
SharpclawCan I save files while running the trial of Ubuntu?04:52
bastidrazorJPS: 2000 directories or 2000 users?04:52
The_Real_HilarieWhere would I start looking to try and get my mic up and running04:52
jfvineyardjrhow do I download firefox thru terminal04:52
JPS2000 users as such04:52
czardoz2000 directories ====> 2000 users04:52
=== SquishyNotHere is now known as squishy
KM0201jay_why_bee: looks like that might be one of those features removed from xchat-gnome04:53
KM0201yup, looks that way04:53
jay_why_beekm0201: Thanks for the help.... I am installing the Xhat now to try04:53
KM0201jay_why_bee: ok.04:53
KM0201jay_why_bee: now you can be l33t, like everyone else that is here04:53
KM0201The_Real_Hilarie: probably sound preferences?04:54
LoshkiuRock: jay_why_bee: google says here http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/12239/ that the goal of xchat-gnome is to be simpler than xchat...04:54
The_Real_HilarieFrom looking at sound preferences ubuntu doesn't understand my sound card04:54
SharpclawI will now repeat my question: Can I save files while running the trial of Ubuntu?04:54
jay_why_beeKM0201: Great... anything to camo my N00b-ness04:54
The_Real_Hilarieits saying 2 outputs, in input, I have 2 outs, 2 ins04:54
KM0201Sharpclaw: save them where?04:54
KM0201The_Real_Hilarie: is this a laptop?04:55
The_Real_Hilarieaye, and an array mic04:55
KM0201The_Real_Hilarie: try on the input tab, changing the options in "connector" and seeing if the input level starts moving if you talk, as you change it04:56
=== jay is now known as Guest20110
bastidrazorJPS: you could cd /home then sudo chmod 700 * .. that will make all directories in /home rwx by the owner only. that will solve your issue.04:57
KM0201nixnewbie: i was getting concerned04:57
The_Real_Hilarie@KM0201 all I managed to do was lose my audio completely for a minute, the utility shows no input though04:59
The_Real_HilarieIt's all greyed out04:59
KM0201The_Real_Hilarie: hmm.04:59
nixnewbieim in live disk04:59
The_Real_HilarieI have line in, and microphone04:59
The_Real_Hilarienow, found it04:59
KM0201nixnewbie: ?... whast wrong04:59
The_Real_HilarieAnd neither of them work, it works in Vista04:59
=== Guest20110 is now known as jay_why_bee
kthomas_vh_is it safe to ln -s a directory inside a chroot jail to an external fs,  for instance,   a directory inside /var/www ?05:00
nixnewbiei do startx and it says no screens05:00
nixnewbiei cant get bvack into gui05:00
nixnewbiejust console05:00
nixnewbiewhen i boot it loads console and stop gui05:00
nixnewbiewhen i do startx  it says fatle server erro no screens05:01
jfvineyardjrhow to install firefox thru terminal05:01
nixnewbiewhen i hit ctrl alt f7 it does not load gui05:01
nixnewbiex server is fuged05:01
KM0201nixnewbie: can i pm you?05:01
nixnewbieyes KM020105:01
bastidrazorjfvineyardjr: sudo apt-get install firefox05:02
bastidrazorjfvineyardjr: although.. it should be installed already in Ubuntu by default05:02
schultzaIs there an Ubuntu-like release that uses rolling releases?05:04
jfvineyardjrwhen dl firefox I get the following Processing triggers for menu ...05:04
jfvineyardjrErrors were encountered while processing:05:04
jfvineyardjr firmware-b43-installer05:04
jfvineyardjrE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:04
=== mackmoron11 is now known as mm11zzzzzzzzzzzz
FloodBot2jfvineyardjr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:04
bastidrazorschultza: Ubuntu does not therefore it is outside the scope of this channel.05:05
Loshkikthomas_vh_: I think it should be safe. Since the symbolic link really just contains text, from inside the jail it should be as though you typed 'cd link-destination' i.e. it won't necessarily put you in the directory you want05:05
skyboundkthomas_vh_: i was under the impression that softlinks can't cross a chroot jail? hardlinks should, but that is one of the ways to break out of a root-jail; anyway "chroot is not and never has been a security tool" [http://kerneltrap.org/Linux/Abusing_chroot]05:05
=== Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja
kthomas_vh_Loshki, skybound Y,  it has to be a hardlink05:06
schultzaWow. Talk about a blatant off-topic. Thanks for the info.05:06
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest37259
breadcrumbschultza Linux Mint Debian Edition uses rolling releases, but its debian-based05:07
schultzaThank you.05:07
SamizdatDoes anyone know how to remove letterboxing from my display?05:07
SharpclawKM0201, have you recived my message?05:07
breadcrumbthe main Mint release is still Ubuntu-based, but they are moving towards Debian05:08
kthomas_vh_it is far better to link *into* the jail,  quite obviously05:08
KM0201Sharpclaw: yeah, sorry, got tied up with something else05:08
jfvineyardjrE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:08
Sharpclawkm0201, That's ok. As long as you got it. (Took eternety to type up.)05:09
bastidrazorschultza: you are welcome to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic05:09
schultzaI did not know that channel existed. Thank you, bastidrazor.05:09
jay_why_beekm0201: I think I like the stock "XChat" better than "xchat-gnome".  Thanks.05:09
KM0201jay_why_bee: yeah... even though its' got a gazillion features, you don't have to use them al.05:10
kthomas_vh_otherwise skybound,  my user will not have ability to use chroot from inside the jail05:10
maxxistjay_why_bee: i agree.05:10
jfvineyardjrI got this error while install E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:11
The_Real_HilarieHow do I install Tor05:11
SharpclawWhy does my WHOIS say that my server is bear.freenode.net in LONDON?!05:11
The_Real_Hilariehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tor I doth not understand05:11
jasonmchristoswhy willn't my touchpad tap work?05:11
breadcrumbSharpclaw, the irc server you are using is in london05:11
izinucsSharpclaw: 'cause maybe that's where you're connected through.05:12
SamizdatDoes anyone know how to remove letterboxing from my display?  Please?05:12
jasonmchristosit's enabled in settings but no tap05:12
SharpclawThat's lame...05:12
skyboundkthomas_vh_: not sure i understand that; are you aware of "mount --bind ..."? it might be better suited, but whatever works for you05:12
bastidrazorSharpclaw: ask in #freenode05:12
izinucsSharpclaw: my says jordan and I'm in Calif.05:12
jasonmchristosizinucs, its load balancing round robin05:13
willowaveanyone bored and like to help with fdisk issues?05:13
jasonmchristoswhy willn't my touchpad tap work even when its enabled in settings?05:13
mintuxhow can I find my usb path. suppose I connect a device to usb port. how can I know what is path of my that usb ? forexample /dev/tty.. what ?05:14
bastidrazormintux: look in dmesg, it will tell you.05:14
jfvineyardjrE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:14
jfvineyardjr I get this following firefox download and install05:14
SharpclawIRC says it's spoofing my IP.05:15
mintuxbastidrazor: dmesg | grep usb ?05:15
LoshkiSharpclaw: lame? There's so much bandwidth you can't even tell which country the server you're bouncing off is in? That isn't lame, it's miraculous...05:15
miguelcomo va todo?05:15
The_Real_HilarieThis is telling me I need to be root apt-get install tor tor-geoipdb05:15
willowavemintux I don't know the best answer but I've been using dmesg | tail after you hook the USB up, then /dev/sd* whatever you can figure out to be the usb05:15
jay_why_beemintux, You can use "df" or "mount" too in the commandline05:15
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SharpclawLoshki, What ever!05:15
bastidrazorLoshki: that is fairly amazing when you think about it.05:16
bastidrazormintux: more than likely you'll want to use the mount point it is using instead of the /dev05:17
=== Guest62023 is now known as iscar
mintuxwillowave: I got this http://codepad.org/eF9N6C5S what thing can in understand from it ? in lsusb I have http://codepad.org/YPPb9aHF and I need to know path of VOTI USBasp AVR Programmer05:18
Loshkiwillowave: mintux: that's what I do too (dmesg | tail). That seems to be the best you can do if you're not running a desktop...05:19
mintux Loshki: I try that and get this result  http://codepad.org/eF9N6C5S I need to know path of VOTI USBasp AVR Programmer in  http://codepad.org/YPPb9aHF05:19
singularitygreetings. any one here05:20
singularityi have a few questions05:20
mintuxalso I have /dev/bus/usb/002/005 that refer to Bus 002 Device 00505:20
spivwakhi all, any way to get amazonmp3 on 11.04?05:20
singularityhey is there anyway that a captacha image automatically fills up05:21
bastidrazorspivwak: 11.04 issues are in #ubuntu+105:22
Abhinav1singularity: captcha is for stopping spammer05:23
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singularityyes i know that05:23
singularityand i am not trying to spam or so05:23
snap_hey can anyone explain wha is going on here: i am ssh'd into an ubuntu box, forewarding x, and i open an application on the remote box, when i try to start an identical application (they are all firefox, in this example) on the local box, it instead opens another copy on the remote box, and will every time i try to open it until i close all the remote copies...then it will opn the local copy correctly...i am only getting this when i am goin ubuntu->ubun05:23
singularityits just and experimental project05:23
SamizdatWould anyone mind helping me with my display?05:24
spivwakok thanks05:24
KM0201nixnebie73: did you get it working?05:24
izinucsSamizdat: you need to ask a more specific question05:24
nixnebie73KM0201:  says unable to locate xerver xorgvideo05:25
SamizdatI ran a program in wine that letterboxed my screen.  after closing that, the letterboxes remain, even after restart.05:25
SamizdatI changed the resolution, but now it looks streched.05:26
LostPenguinalways set resolution to desktop resolution or that happens05:26
rafaelsoaresbrsingularity: what captcha? rapidshare, etc...?05:26
singularitysomething like that05:27
Samizdat@Lost How do I do that?05:27
willowavefdisk ninja? anyone?05:27
Loshkimintux: I found some stuff googling for 'VOTI USBasp AVR Programmer' but I don't know the answer to your question, sorry...05:27
HowardTheDuckhey all.  Will an ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 550v 1GB mobile video card work in Ubuntu 10.04?  Or is getting 3d enabled drivers to work still a nightmare05:27
LostPenguinSamizdat: in the settings for the program you launch with wine05:27
rafaelsoaresbrsingularity: are you trying do download anything?05:28
singularityits a experimental project we are running here05:28
Samizdat@Lost I've closed wine, how do I get my full screen back?05:28
singularityits a polling site about random stuff05:28
The_Real_HilarieSo I have a tar.gz what do i do with it now?05:28
xilI'm having some problems printing unicode. I have [print "\xE2\x96\x88"] and that works just fine but when I do [print """\xE2\x96\x8%x""" % (8)] it gives an error "invalid \x escape"05:28
snap_anyone have any clues for my problem with ssh?05:29
LostPenguinSamizdat: restart the gui05:29
Loshkisnap_: check out the -no-remote option to firefox...05:29
The_Real_Hilarielol, pwn floodbot1!05:29
singularity@rafeal can you help05:29
Samizdat@Lost  I just started with Linux two days ago, the GUI for wine?05:29
LostPenguinSamizdat: just restart the whole thing05:30
snap_Loshki: awesome, thanks that fixed it05:30
xiloh woops, wrong channel05:30
rafaelsoaresbrsingularity: no sorry05:30
Samizdat@Lost That's where I started, no dice, square screen.05:30
HowardTheDuckWhich would be better in Ubuntu, ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 550v 1GB or Integrated Intel Graphics?05:30
LostPenguinSamizdat ajust the resolution05:31
singularityhow about an autofill check box plugin?05:31
Samizdat@Lost I adjusted resolution, but that just streched my image.  Linux thinks I have asquare monitor.05:31
LostPenguinnow ajust it back05:32
SamizdatDid that.  Still square.05:33
singularityGreetings i am looking for an autofill check box app05:33
singularityis anyone aware of this kind of stuff05:33
LostPenguinajust the resolution to a setting apropriate for your minitor05:34
SamizdatLost It is either square or stretched.05:35
Ahrotahnteehmm, what would cause a 'who' to list the address of a conneting client as c-##-##-##-###:S.0 opposed to a qualified domain name or IP address?05:36
Clockwerks77Hey folks, can anyone recommend a really good video editing program for Ubuntu?05:36
EnigmaticCoderGood night all05:40
Clockwerks77Hey folks, can anyone recommend a really good video editing program for Ubuntu?05:40
abhijainhow can i change theme of my ubuntu apperance05:42
abhijainwant to change appearance05:42
bazhang!themes > abhijain05:42
ubottuabhijain, please see my private message05:42
ub-dadivhow do i add undernet05:43
abhijainbazhang: just want to change apperacne of pannel05:43
bazhangabhijain, check the themes sites in the link05:44
busybeehello can someone help me setup a dual monitor ? I tried changing the nvidia x server settings, but can;t get to activate both the monitors at the same time05:49
izinucsbusybee: is one a tv?05:51
Carsten-Hey guys... I removed a folder from /etc then later decided to re-install the same package, now when I choose to re-install it, it does so with a number of errors, I have run apt-get -f install to try fixing it but no avail, is there anyway to order apt to re-install a package 100% from scratch as if it never has been installed before?05:53
busybeeizinucs: its a lcd monitor05:53
izinucsbusybee: and the other is a laptop?05:54
LostPenguinCarsten-: package manager can mark a package for complete removal05:54
shmupwhere in freenode would i ask about htacess/htpasswd problems?05:54
Carsten-LostPenguin: How?05:54
busybeeizinucs: Yup05:54
shmupor could i just ask here?05:55
izinucsbusybee: are you using nvidia-settings?05:55
shmupi'm thinking apache if that exists ~.~05:55
Carsten-LostPenguin: I tried purge.. didn't work.05:55
LostPenguinifpackage manager gui05:55
busybeeizinucs: Yes I do05:55
LostPenguin*package manager gui05:55
Carsten-LostPenguin: I don't have gui, I'm on command line.05:55
jay_why_beeIs it not possible to connect to a windows share with the "Connect to server..." dialog and not use a password?  Just trying to setup a "guest" share.05:55
ZykoticK9Carsten-, I didn't see your issue - but be aware the purge / Complete Remove - will NOT touch settings in your home folder (if there are any)05:55
izinucsbusybee: is that what you've been using trying to activate the 2nd monitor?05:55
busybeeizinucs: Yes05:56
Carsten-ZykoticK9: So is there some method that removes **EVERYTHING**?05:56
ZykoticK9Carsten-, nothing will touch your home folder settings - you'd need to do that manually05:56
busybeeIzinucs: nvidia settings overwrites the xorg.conf file in /etc. Is there something else I am supposed to do ?05:57
izinucsbusybee: how did you install the nvidia driver with the one in System>Admin>hardware drivers or did you do it manually after downloading from nvidia?05:57
special_khey guys does anyone know much about busy box05:57
needlezCarsten: yes there is a command that removes everything but I'd avise to never do it... rm rf ~/*05:57
needlezor something like that05:57
needlezbut dont do it05:57
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busybeeizinucs: i believe i did it from  rpmfusion as a repo05:58
busybeenot the actual source05:58
Carsten-ZykoticK9: Okay, well I removed it manually, then decided I wanted the package back now when I try to re-install it, I get a series of errors, telling me it's missing some dependancies etc.05:58
ZykoticK9Carsten-, dependencies are unrelated to any home folder settings05:59
needlezCarsten: if you need dependancies install the dependancies first then install the package you want to reinstall05:59
ihack4funBusybox embedded programming right?05:59
needlezor if you have synaptic open it up and filter to broken if your getting a broken error with the packages youre tring to download05:59
izinucsbusybee: I don't know that repo.. personally I use a PPA designed for ubuntu.. x-swat .. nvidia-settings when done right *will* create entries in xorg.conf.. initially there isn't anything in there because of the neuvou (sp?) driver and xrandr..05:59
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busybeeizinucs: I just got the monitor yesterday. I will try installing from nvidia website06:01
Carsten-ZykoticK9: Ok, well the dep is a template text file.. The package in question is exim4, it's telling me  /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template is missing, when trying to install the package exim4-config06:01
izinucsbusybee: could be that repo didn't configure the install correctly by disabling the opensource driver correctly.. x-swat will.  you're in for a nightmare if you try from the nvidia website.. it's not like it was 2-3 releases ago when it was easy06:01
Carsten-I would be expecting that package would be the one to install that file.06:01
ZykoticK9Carsten-, sorry i have no idea what exim4 even is.  Best of luck man.06:01
Carsten-It's an alternate MTA.06:02
The_Real_HilarieHey, I was wondering if there is an easy way to defrag a ntfs file system from within ubuntu?06:02
needlezCarsten: cd to /etc/exim4 and create a blank file called exim4.conf that should allow you to install the program you need if not let me know06:02
ZykoticK9busybee, FYI RPMFusion is NOT for Ubuntu - don't try to use RPMs on Ubuntu (unless ABSOLUTELY necessary, and i doubt it ever would/should be)06:02
Carsten-needlez: Thanks I will try now06:02
needlezCarsten:  you may also have to create the folder for the file /etc/exim406:03
WolfgurrI got a question if someone has a min06:03
chrislustichey there!06:03
izinucsbusybee: here's a how to.. http://www.unixmen.com/software/1365-nvidia-2601926-driver-for-linux-is-released-installation-instructions-and-ppa-included06:03
needlezwolfgurr: speak06:04
chrislusticI have a wuestion aswell...06:04
chrislusticwhats your question wolfgurr06:04
WolfgurrI installed ubuntu along side windows 7 all was good till I ran the Ubuntu update and restarted, after that I no longer have internet in windows or ubuntu06:04
* special_k wants to know about busy box06:05
ZykoticK9Wolfgurr, updates in Ubuntu will not affect a Windows 7 install - are you sure your internet isn't just down?06:05
needlezWolfgurr: what is your version of ubuntu kernel image?? go to system and about and find kernel image it should be 2.6.35- something 23 , 24 or other06:05
Wolfgurrim on the internet now different computer06:06
chrislustic'  I have Ubuntu 10.10 Installed on a pariition of my HDD on my imac,  On my imac I run a fan control program that speeds up my fans to keep things cooler, without it the computer gets pretty hot, When I boot linux, the fan no longer runs so fast. or maybe possibly not at all, I want to use my linux, but Need to keep it cool, does anyone know about a fan speed controlling app I could use?06:06
Wolfgurrbox in question is right behind me06:06
Carsten-needlez: No dice... This is the output I get after creating an empy file: http://pastebin.com/MxZwzepJ06:06
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
busybeeizinucs: thanks for the link06:07
busybeeneed to restart machine will be back06:07
zuani am newbie here06:08
chrislustic I have Ubuntu 10.10 Installed on a pariition of my HDD on my imac,  On my imac I run a fan control program that speeds up my fans to keep things cooler, without it the computer gets pretty hot, When I boot linux, the fan no longer runs so fast. or maybe possibly not at all, I want to use my linux, but Need to keep it cool, does anyone know about a fan speed controlling app I could use?06:08
zuananybody help me06:08
needlezCarsten: from what I'm reading the last line is telling me that dpkg has something wrong with it. have you tried to go to synaptic and look  for broken packages??06:08
ZykoticK9!ask | zuan06:08
ubottuzuan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:08
special_kzuan come over here06:09
Carsten-needlez: No synaptic available... No gui.06:09
zuanmy desktop blurry how i can to be normal my ubuntu desktop06:09
chrislusticnobody here is running linux on an imac?06:09
Wolfgurrneedlez where do I check that at?06:10
chrislusticZUAN, I read about that some where, and it should be relatively easy to fix if you look it up,06:10
chrislusticyes @ the_real_hilarie.06:10
Carsten-needlez: I have run apt-get check, it didn't come up with any problems06:10
The_Real_HilarieThere is a built in app to derate your CPU on demand,06:10
special_kimac has very particular embedded system coding if you want it fixed you have to code it yourself06:10
The_Real_Hilarieon my PC its solved my heating issues06:10
abhijainCan anyone suggest me Twitter/Identi.ca desktop client for Linux? I am not interested in Adobe air applications.06:10
chrislusticthere is nothing wrong with the imac,06:11
zuanwhere can i fix this problem06:11
KM0201!info lm-sensors06:11
ubottulm-sensors (source: lm-sensors-3): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:3.1.2-6 (maverick), package size 114 kB, installed size 448 kB06:11
needlezWolfgurr: system monitor> about06:11
needlezCarsten: strange06:11
special_kyou need to look for particular drivers06:11
special_kif someone has made them06:11
bullgard4Synaptic: "ncmpc is a text-mode client for MPD, the Music Player Daemon. Its goal is to provide a keyboard oriented and consistent interface to MPD, without wasting resources. The DEB program package »ncmpc-lyrics« contains plugins to download lyrics."  - What is "lyrics"?06:11
chrislusticI'm particularily new to linux06:12
Carsten-needlez: So is there no way to tell apt or aptitude to reinstall a package from scratch as if it has never been installed before?06:12
needlezCarsten: well first you should remove the package thru purging it then reboot then install the package06:13
needlezCarsten: thats the only way I can think of to tell the package to install like it was never there, also you may try cleaning the area where that config file would be installed so it cleared and so that theres no folder either06:16
The_Real_HilarieWhat are the downsides of Xubuntu vs ubuntu06:17
rumpe1The_Real_Hilarie, gnome isn't installed automatically ^^06:17
=== jmad980 is now known as jmad
ZykoticK9The_Real_Hilarie, less support - and not much performance/requirement improvement over Gnome see http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux_desktop_vitals&num=106:18
=== Nisstyre is now known as umad980
The_Real_HilarieThanks for the link, will take a look06:18
kermitAre there any fast ubuntu mirrors?06:19
null-pointerexcusme, can any body here pointing me. Where i can find howto start developing gtk application in ubuntu ??06:20
null-pointeri mean a simple step by step guide :)06:20
The_Real_Hilarie@kermit torrent06:20
kermiti mean for updates06:20
AbhiJitnull-pointer, read gtk guide06:20
kermitbut thanks06:20
AbhiJitnull-pointer, #ubuntu-devel06:20
Carsten-needlez: Thanks.. I tried that, to no avail again... Thanks for your help however, I'll try the ubuntu forums.06:20
null-pointerAbhiJit, : owh ok thx06:20
The_Real_Hilarie@zykotick9 Hey, Which one of those is Ubuntu and which is xubuntu?06:21
ZykoticK9The_Real_Hilarie, xubuntu = xfce06:21
ZykoticK9The_Real_Hilarie, Ubuntu = gnome06:21
The_Real_Hilarieand ubuntu=gnome?06:21
The_Real_Hilariekk, ty06:21
needlezCarsten: kk06:22
needlezhope all goes ok06:22
The_Real_HilarieThanks for the visual representation of why I don't need to try out xubuntu06:22
glennerikhi there, in FreeBSD can anyone help me figure out how to have the command 'top' display memory usages in bytes, and not format the number in to human readable sizes such as 1MB (I'd rather like to see 1048576), or is there a better place to ask this question?06:22
ZykoticK9glennerik, this is NOT FreeBSD support - Ubuntu only here06:22
AbhiJitglennerik, #freebsd06:22
razz1I am trying to understand these two examples for setting up user-callback option in back in time application. http://paste.ubuntu.com/556748/06:23
razz1can someone help06:23
dextro_im using `mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /home/mc/server15/world` to make my map folder for a game server a ramdisk06:24
dextro_and `/usr/bin/rsync -a /home/mc/server15/world/ /home/mc/server15/world2` in crontab to keep it synced with hdd06:24
dextro_when i `ls /home/mc/server15` the world2 folder is green which means ramdisk is the rsync somehow making world2 folder a ramdisk? im not mounting it and can't afford to lose it upon reboot06:24
FloodBot2dextro_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:24
abhijainAbhiJit:can u tell me abt desktop application for twitter/facebook/idnetica06:24
AbhiJitabhijain, gwibber06:24
rhcssHi all06:24
abhijainAbhiJit: gwibber its not working . its buggy06:25
rhcssdoes any one have a Creative Labs CA0106 Soundblaster sound card.06:25
AbhiJitabhijain, dunno then i never needed one. there are a lot of addons for chromium and firefox.06:25
abhijainAbhiJit: I know but i want desktop application06:26
ZykoticK9abhijain, are you on 10.04?  I found the gwibber version there to by more problematic then on 10.10 (mind you, I've gone back to 10.04 anyways)06:26
AbhiJitabhijain, no idea06:26
linuxnewb73im back06:26
glennerikAbhiJit, I need an invite to join #freebsd, how can I get/request an invite?06:26
linuxnewb73reinstalled ubuntu :(06:26
ZykoticK9!register | glennerik06:26
ubottuglennerik: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode06:26
AbhiJit!register | glennerik06:26
abhijainZykoticK9: nop i am on 10.1006:26
ZykoticK9abhijain, i'm surprised... well best of luck.06:26
linuxnewb73empathy sucks for irc btw06:27
abhijainZykoticK9: any other application ?06:27
ZykoticK9abhijain, nope - i use gwibber myself06:27
abhijainlinuxnewb73: use pidgin06:27
KM0201abhijain: pidgi is just as bad06:27
linuxnewb73pidgin better than eopmathy06:27
ZykoticK9linuxnewb73, you should consider using a real irc client06:27
abhijainZykoticK9: gwibber sucks06:27
linuxnewb73i just installed06:28
abhijainKM0201: then xchat and chatzilla also konversation06:28
KM0201abhijain: use an IRC client.. pidgin/empathy are fine IM clients, but not good irc clients06:28
ZykoticK9abhijain, keep comments like that to yourself please06:28
linuxnewb73KM0201: what irc client u use06:28
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KM0201linuxnewb73: xchat06:28
=== jmad is now known as jmad980
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bullgard4Synaptic: "ncmpc is a text-mode client for MPD, the Music Player Daemon. Its goal is to provide a keyboard oriented and consistent interface to MPD, without wasting resources. The DEB program package »ncmpc-lyrics« contains plugins to download lyrics."  - What is "lyrics"?06:29
rhcssxchat is the best irc client06:29
KM0201rhcss: i'm not sure its the best, but it's a good cross betwen easy to use, and lots of features, and still has a GUI(unlike irssi)06:29
razz1I am trying to understand these two examples for setting up user-callback option in back in time application.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/556748/, I am trying to modify this to suit my needs, google does not offer much help. can someone help me with the syntax06:29
ZykoticK9rhcss, many would disagree with you - don't make statements about best - it starts flame wars ;)06:29
rhcssZykoticK9, ok :)06:30
linuxnewb73installig xchat if i have to reinstall im going back to windoze06:30
KM0201well, its bed time for me06:31
KM0201later fells06:31
KM02012am is enough service to ubuntu06:31
linuxnewb73later thanks for the help06:31
KM0201no problem06:31
KM0201glad it got resolved..06:31
=== rhcss is now known as ranjan
aksh1hi is their any package for finding shortest path or location tracking06:32
aksh1if we have source and destination location06:32
special_kwhat did you need06:33
aksh1special_k, i need to know path between to location06:34
wavekidsjp/msg nickserv identify wavekidsjp Aid7aiCh06:34
special_kexplain that a little more06:34
aksh1how to find path in particular campus or city06:34
juniourhey i have a prob please help me out06:34
aksh1like google map06:34
AbhiJitaksh1, in google map give source and dest address?06:35
aksh1special_k, google map is under gpl ?06:35
aksh1AbhiJit, it gives path betwenn 2 location06:36
special_kyes open source06:36
AbhiJitaksh1, then what do you want?06:36
juniourhey i waana to connect net via bluetooth06:36
StinkypantsIS there a program that can combine a incomplete HTTP downloaded file, with a incomplete torrent downloaded file? (basically fill the data needed to make the file, and skip what is already present)06:36
juniourcan any one help me06:37
aksh1similar any light weight other application06:37
AbhiJit!bluetooth | juniour06:37
ubottujuniour: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup06:37
aksh1juniour, do u hv bluetooth dongle or laptop06:37
juniouraksh1 i have laptop06:38
jay_why_beeHow can I connect to a windows share, using guest without a password.06:38
Stinkypants2 sources of a file.... both incomplete... both containing different sections of data of the file.... is there a way to combine them?06:39
special_kjunior: you will need a bluetooth compatible phone that can provide you with gprs or 3g06:39
special_kthen set up a serial for06:39
juniouraksh1 u know how to connect06:40
ZykoticK9jay_why_bee, i typically don't offer advice on Windows compatibility issues - but I think you need to setup Guest access on the Windows Machine, then Ubuntu will be able to connect without a password06:40
jay_why_beeIt is actually samba06:40
jay_why_beeI have the guest part setup.  and with smbclient it works fine.06:40
special_kjuniour the best bt client to use for this is blueman device manager06:41
jay_why_beeBut in Ubuntu when I try to "connect to server..." it will not let me proceed without a value in password.06:41
special_kit will do the work for you]06:41
ZykoticK9jay_why_bee, between two *nix boxes using SSH for file sharing is very easy to setup - samba, not so much sometime...  best of luck.06:42
asy2say hello06:43
asy2ok thx06:43
ZykoticK9root_, IRCing as root is a bad idea06:43
special_khe is correct06:43
asy2yes is it06:43
asy2it is06:44
bhaveshnow I have a boot problem06:44
bhaveshcan anyone help me?06:44
callum_How can I save a file to my Home directory?06:44
asy2grub or lilo06:44
asy2with editor06:45
bhaveshI installed ubuntu after windows 706:45
special_kcallum_ do you want to do that through terminal\06:45
bhaveshthe problem is06:45
asy2emacs vi vim a^^s editeur06:45
ZykoticK9callum_, "cp file ~" would copy "file" to your home dir - could you be more specific with your question?06:45
KipMacywill ZFS ever work in ubuntu?06:45
bhaveshwindows 7 boot files were on sda1 which I formatted but the actual windows 7 is on another drive. Now how can I boot windows 7?06:45
bhaveshformatted from ubuntu*06:45
ZykoticK9KipMacy, i believe there is a semi-working fuse implementation - not really native though...06:46
callum_I'm trying to follow http://www.bit-tech.net/bits/2007/06/05/build_your_own_server/706:46
special_kyou dont boot windows 7 ever again you will have to reinstall06:46
callum_I'm currently trying to install Torrentflux, and it's telling me to save the file to Home06:46
callum_Which I can't.06:46
special_kjust use torrentreactor06:46
=== moses^_^ is now known as moses_
KipMacyZykoticK9: sounds dodgy!06:47
bhaveshspecial_k: I cannot boot windows 7.... and I dont have a windows 7 CD to reinstall it06:47
special_kit is preinstalled on ubuntu06:47
ZykoticK9callum_, "sudo apt-get install torrentflux" would install it the Ubuntu way06:47
asy2calluim go to home application06:47
ZykoticK9KipMacy, my understanding as well ;)06:47
asy2utilitaire editeur06:47
callum_I wish I would have known that 45 minutes ago.06:47
callum_Thank you.06:47
bhaveshspecial_k what do u mean by you dont boot windows 7 ever again?06:48
special_kasy2 english is a good idea06:48
asy2pass root is neededed after save you file06:48
asy2is fr here06:48
ZykoticK9!fr | asy206:48
ubottuasy2: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.06:48
asy2english yes of course ok06:48
special_kyou have to reinstall win 706:49
asy2no zfs?06:49
bhaveshbut dont have the CD06:49
fmax30How do i change my interface from gnome to xfce ?06:49
bhaveshto reinstall06:49
bullgard4Synaptic: "ncmpc is a text-mode client for MPD, the Music Player Daemon. Its goal is to provide a keyboard oriented and consistent interface to MPD, without wasting resources. The DEB program package »ncmpc-lyrics« contains plugins to download lyrics."  - What is "lyrics"?06:49
ZykoticK9fmax30, "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" then choose Xubuntu at the GDM login screen06:49
special_kthen download a cracked one which i cannot recomend over this channel06:50
asy2bharersp spend your money to buy or pre installed cd rom06:50
bhaveshcant I change the boot location in grub from sda1( where my original booting files were ) to another HD partition ( where windows 7 is installed )06:50
asy2fmax in panel in menu of boot log out06:50
special_kyou said that you formated the win 7 boot files06:50
special_kyou can fix this with a win 7 repair but you still need the cd06:51
bhaveshyea only boot files not he windows 7.... actually the files were in another drive from where it used to boot to another partition06:51
asy2update grub so06:51
bhaveshhow can I edit grub to load another partition?06:52
bhaveshthe win7 partition06:52
asy2generated a new boot menu automatically for you06:52
ZykoticK9bhavesh, if you are using Grub2 - "sudo update-grub2" should find your Win7 automagically06:52
bhaveshif I do ( sudo update grub ) then it will find win 7?06:52
asy2bhavesh with editor06:53
bhaveshwith editor?06:53
asy2grub sub command tab06:53
ZykoticK9bhavesh, NOT with an editor!06:53
bhaveshu mean in terminal sudo update-grub206:53
ZykoticK9!grub2 > bhavesh06:53
ubottubhavesh, please see my private message06:53
asy2in command or editor menu home see hide this06:54
asy2i have already tell this06:54
asy2test that06:54
circlecrossdevpage fault on write access to 0x004013a0 in 32-bit code (0x68290115)..  PLEASE HELP ME HAVE WRITE ACCESS06:55
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ZykoticK9asy2, "in command or editor menu" i have no idea what you are even referring to, i doubt bhavesh does either06:55
bhaveshor grub command line with an  'e'06:55
ZykoticK9bhavesh, in a regular terminal, not grub command line06:55
abhijainhow to change folder icon colours06:56
bhaveshwell it did not find windows 706:56
=== mauricio is now known as Guest79439
abhijainbhavesh: Are you striggling with grub issue?06:57
bhaveshall it found it this06:57
bhaveshbhavesh@bhavesh:~$ sudo update-grub206:57
bhaveshGenerating grub.cfg ...06:57
FloodBot2bhavesh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:57
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ZykoticK9bhavesh, are you running from a LiveCD or the actual install?06:57
bhaveshactual install06:58
abhijainbhavesh: on ubuntu 10.10?06:58
ZykoticK9bhavesh, ? sorry i have no idea then.  good luck.06:58
abhijainbhavesh: i have solution06:58
bhaveshabhijain : the problem is06:58
bhaveshabhijain : I accidently deleted windows 7 boot files which were in another drive but the installed win7 is in another drive... so now I cannnoot boot win706:59
bhaveshabhijain : any solution?06:59
linuxnoob73xchat is way faster than empathy indeed06:59
Joey_may i know if linux supports online gaming?07:00
ZykoticK9bhavesh, if you deleted the Windows MBR that would explain why Grub cannot find it.  You might want to try ##windows to reinstall the Windows boot files (i think you'd need a CD for it though)07:00
classical_how can i save output of this command ? fping www.google.com -c 10 -p 60 -q07:00
linuxnoob73joey yes07:00
classical_>  thetxtfile does not work  with -q argument07:00
Abhinav1bhavesh: reistall win 707:00
kermitJoey_: like chess?07:00
linuxnoob73joey  playonlinux07:00
bhaveshI dont have the CD..07:00
bhaveshand what is ##windows ?07:00
Joey_some sort of EVE or international games xD07:00
linuxnoob73Joey_,  check out playonlinux yu can play wow etc07:01
Joey_yah i like chess07:01
linuxnoob73jerry_, hi there07:01
ZykoticK9bhavesh, ##windows is an IRC channel here on Freenode for windows issues07:02
Joey_where can i find the playonlinux?07:02
bhaveshill go there then07:02
bhaveshty for ur help :D07:02
linuxnoob73Joey_,  are you on linux?07:02
ZykoticK9Joey_, "sudo apt-get install playonlinux" would install it.  It's a GUI front end to wine.07:03
angelslthis is really frustrating07:03
linuxnoob73goto applications07:03
Joey_i use linux mint07:03
linuxnoob73ubuntu software center07:03
angelslmy hardware doesn't support my monitor's native resolution07:03
angelslwell, more like vesa doesn't07:03
ZykoticK9!mint | Joey_07:03
ubottuJoey_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org07:03
special_kplay on linux works better if you install the advanced packages07:03
linuxnoob73ty zy07:04
linuxnoob73get ubuntu its better07:04
linuxnoob73google playonlinux though07:04
Joey_so ubuntu i much better07:04
linuxnoob73wow, call of duty ecte ct07:04
linuxnoob73Joey_,  ubuntu is very nice indeed07:05
Joey_i tried linux because of nasty windows 7 bugs07:05
linuxnoob73Joey_,  i dropped win 7  its ok but nix is better07:05
angelslis there any way to get my plymouth splash and console ttys to be displayed at my monitor's native resolution (1600x900), just like before I activated the nvidia proprietary drivers?07:05
linuxnoob73angelsl,  what version of ubuntu07:06
ZykoticK9angelsl, yes a script from webupd8 will do it http://www.webupd8.org/2010/10/script-to-fix-ubuntu-plymouth-for.html07:06
angelslZykoticK9: plymouth is fixed, but it's not at the native res07:06
angelslwhich means my console ttys aren't either07:07
ZykoticK9angelsl, with that script you can set the native resolution07:07
linuxnoob73Joey_, you going to switch to ubuntu? ;)07:07
angelslZykoticK9: not if vesa doesn't support it07:07
csgeek2hello all.  I have an HP 1076nr netbook, with a broadcom chipset and i'm having some issues getting it working07:07
Joey_but i want to know more of the basics in linux07:08
Joey_im confused @_@07:08
ZykoticK9angelsl, script will install a frame buffer of some sort - i get 1600x1200 with Propriety Nvidia driver now.07:08
csgeek2its a BCM431207:08
linuxnoob73ubuntu is for noobs07:08
linuxnoob73and pros07:08
Joey_how about SUSE?07:08
Joey_i use linux mint :O07:08
linuxnoob73Joey_,  what are you confused about07:08
Joey_many things07:08
linuxnoob73ubuntu will reconize your hardware better than others07:08
linuxnoob73and its easier to use07:09
skilzvery true07:09
linuxnoob73ive done alot of research before ditching windows and installing ubuntu07:09
angelslZykoticK9: the script just tweaks grub/plymouth settings to use a framebuffer07:09
angelslit depends on whether your resolution is supported or not07:10
angelslin my case, it isn't07:10
angelslso i either deal with a horrible upscaled image, or try to fix it07:10
ZykoticK9angelsl, in that case, i have no idea...  works great for me, YMMV07:10
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saivinobahi, i have fedora on lvm partition, which is luks encrypted. ubuntu's grub does not recognise it. what can b done?07:11
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saivinobai have installed lvm2 and cryptsetup07:11
Joey_im just running Linux Mint in virtualbox :P07:12
meltingwaxif i want to have some type of shared accounts between a network of machines, is LDAP and NFS /home my best bet, or are there alternatives?07:12
linuxnoob73Joey_, lol try uubuntu live cd07:13
ZykoticK9meltingwax, only method that I'm personally aware of - I've never played with LDAP though, my basic research into it found it to be non-trivial that's for sure.  Best of luck.07:13
linuxnoob73what browser do all use?07:14
Joey_but i like the interface of linux mint07:14
linuxnoob73your choice man:)07:14
ZykoticK9linuxnoob73, this isn't the place for such "survey" like questions - you'll get 1000 different answers.  There is no best anything, see the !best factoid.07:15
Joey_but i want to play online game.. OMG.. whatta decision07:15
meltingwaxZykoticK9: thanks. i've been experimenting with it and am getting the same impression07:15
Joey_are you really a noob or a pro.. :O07:15
linuxnoob73ZykoticK9, i did not ay whats the best07:15
Joey_your very pro to me i guess07:15
linuxnoob73i just asked what are you using07:15
linuxnoob73lol Joey_  im a geek07:15
Joey_i guess i will try ubuntu.. :O07:16
linuxnoob73there is a substantial diffferance between hey whats the best browser to what browser you all use?????07:16
linuxnoob73Joey_, lol07:16
ZykoticK9Joey_, i'm sad to say this - but if gaming is you primary interest, stick to windows - or dual boot ;)07:16
Zaelyxfirefox...or w3m :D07:17
linuxnoob73w3m whats dat?07:17
Joey_ill stick to safari07:17
Zaelyxterminal-based browser07:17
linuxnoob73lol Joey_07:17
linuxnoob73chromium ftw07:17
Joey_itsa mac i guess ROFL07:17
saivinobahi, i have fedora on lvm partition, which is luks encrypted. ubuntu's grub does not recognise it. i also installed lvm2 and cryptsetup. no help. what can be done?07:17
abualijawadi do have xubuntu and sabily on my pc how to set grub for pardus07:18
linuxnoob73try the forums saivinoba07:18
Joey_im downloading ubuntu now :)07:18
linuxnoob73Joey_,  nice07:18
saivinobalinuxnoob73: ok.07:18
ZykoticK9!omg > Joey_07:19
Joey_what i like in Linux is the fact that its free07:19
ubottuJoey_, please see my private message07:19
linuxnoob73free and pretty07:19
doobienanyone testing wayland?07:19
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linuxnoob73Joey_, see private07:19
Yohkoanybody have any idea how I can make a partition that both windows and linux can share?07:20
ZykoticK9Yohko, format it NTFS or FAT07:20
linuxnoob73NTFS better than fat07:20
Zaelyxdepends on file system size :P07:21
linuxnoob73for the most part07:21
Yohko:( I was hoping to avoid that lol07:21
Yohkoi guess that's my only choice07:21
linuxnoob73ditch windoze07:21
ZykoticK9lol > linuxnoob7307:21
skybounddoobien: you like living on the bleeding edge? ;-)07:21
YohkoI need windows for my VPN's software07:21
ZaelyxJust dual boot, feels good man07:22
ZykoticK9!lol > linuxnoob7307:22
ubottulinuxnoob73, please see my private message07:22
Yohkoit needs a windows driver unfortunately07:22
Yohkoand the linux client leaves a lot to be desired -_-07:22
Yohkoso, is NTFS support on linux pretty complete now?07:24
linuxnoob73im a noob and know nothing :)07:24
linuxnoob73!lol > Yohko07:25
ubottuYohko, please see my private message07:25
ZykoticK9Yohko, yes - but i'm not a fan of NTFS at all (still not ideal compared with a native file system)07:25
ZykoticK9Yohko, BUT i understand your need07:26
Yohko<linuxnoob73> !lol > Yohko07:26
Yohko<ubottu> Yohko, please see my private message07:26
Yohko<linuxnoob73> rofl07:26
FloodBot2Yohko: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:26
bfreisX forwarding is not working for me when I ssh into my home PC. It works quite well with other servers tho. Maybe I've missed something? At my home PC I checked the sshd_config, it correctly specifies "X11Forwarding yes", and the "X11DisplayOffset" is 10, just like the other pcs with which I can do X11 forwarding. Then I try to connect to it with either ssh -X or ssh -Y, but it won't work!07:26
bfreisThe variable DISPLAY does not get set07:27
bullgard4Synaptic: "ncmpc is a text-mode client for MPD, the Music Player Daemon. Its goal is to provide a keyboard oriented and consistent interface to MPD, without wasting resources. The DEB program package »ncmpc-lyrics« contains plugins to download lyrics."  - What is "lyrics"?07:27
ashishtonce colur of folder is changed from orange to white . now i want default orange colour can i get in ubuntu 10.1007:27
bfreisAny ideas what I'm missing?07:27
ZykoticK9bfreis, i was having that issue 2 days ago - seems like doing some update and restart corrected it for me.  I'm using 10.04 as both client/server.07:27
bfreisZykoticK9, I'm with 10.10 for both07:27
bfreisI will try to update07:27
ashishhow to change folder colour07:28
bfreisZykoticK9, damn, I have no upgrades available, everything is up to date :p07:28
ZykoticK9bfreis, sorry - i just assumed it was an update - as it started working magically today (after some updates) -- good luck.07:29
bfreisZykoticK9, ok, thanks anyway!07:30
wmorriashish: go to system -> prefferences -> appearance, then you can change your colors.07:30
ZykoticK9bfreis, the best post i found online was from some Gentoo page, and talked about glibc as being the cause - but i couldn't translate it into anything usable for Ubuntu (though they where getting the exact same error message), not any help i realize.  Good luck man, hope you find the "real" solution.07:31
knoppiesMy graphics drivers seem to have crashed. I have a Radeon HD5470 and after rebooting with 3 monitors plugged in (including the built in laptop display) the drivers seems to have reverted back to the open source drivers. Opening ATI Catalyst brings up a 'please install or config your drivers' I tried reinstalling, Im not sure what to try next. Any suggestions? Please help.07:31
bfreisZykoticK9, ok, I will look for that page!07:32
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grkbloodi just loaded ubuntu studio and i have a hard connection to my ethernet port but it says my ethernet interface doesnt exist07:35
grkbloodunder connection properties07:36
HelpMeSambaHello everyone, I had a working samba setup until this afternoon, I changed my computer name and now I'm unable to connect to my samba shares even though I can see it on my other machines within the network. Can anyone tell me what is wrong or what can i do to fix this? I tried nmbd restart and nmbd restart and I can see my shares when i do a smbclient -L SERVERNAME07:37
knoppiesgrkblood, if your Ethernet is working, then it might be administered by another utility/config file.07:38
HelpMeSambao i meant smbd restart07:38
grkbloodif i type ifconfig eth0 up it still doesnt work07:38
knoppiesgrkblood, ifconfig shows eth0?07:39
grkbloodthis is a fresh load07:39
jezgvalsssup dudes07:40
HelpMeSambaOk nvm.. i fixed my samba by myself turns out the drives were not mounted. Can anyone tell me how I can set it to automount my external harddisks?07:40
bfreisHow can I kill the SSHD process? If I just kill it's PID it gets restarted automatically!07:41
ZykoticK9HelpMeSamba, add it to /etc/fstab07:41
obscurant1sthow to get the system name or host name of the systtem with known ipaddress07:41
ZykoticK9bfreis, "sudo service ssh stop" should work07:42
bfreisZykoticK9, hmm interesting. Do you know what exactly keeps restarting it?07:42
ZykoticK9bfreis, if it's running as a service it's a good thing that if it dies it gets restart - seems like a "working as designed" type thing07:43
HelpMeSamba<obscurant1st> is it a local network system or external07:43
obscurant1stHelpMeSamba: local07:43
obscurant1stHelpMeSamba: its a local network07:46
bfreisThis is bizarre: if I ssh -Y from my PC to my notebook, X11 forwarding works fine. The other way round it does not work! Both are running ubuntu 10.10, and both sshd_config are identical!07:47
razz1I am after a good notepad that always runs in the background, and keeps formatting unlike gedit. I use Lotus notes journal at work and want something similar. I like to keep adding notes to several test files. I am sure there will be some software around, any help07:49
grkbloodhow do i get the wicd package without installing it07:49
grkbloodjust the package07:49
razz1bfreis: you do not need -Y switch if you configured the sshd with X forwarding07:51
knoppiesRadeon Graphics card driver gave up on me. It seems to have reverted back to the default open source ones, I tried re-installing fglrx, no luck.07:51
ZykoticK9grkblood, http://packages.ubuntu.com/ perhaps?07:51
bfreisrazz1, I know, but I'm trying with both -X and -Y to see if I can get it to work07:51
bfreisrazz1, anyways, that's not the point. As I said: it works pc ==> notebook, but not the other way round.07:51
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bfreisrazz1, if it works with -Y one way, it should work with it the other way round07:52
bfreisI've started sshd with "-d" to show some output, and when I try to connect to it it says: "Failed to allocate internet-domain X11 display socket."07:52
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onatshey guys07:52
razz1knoppies: what GPU are you running, I am planning on getting a midrange 5XXX card and will be running myth tv, how is the video acceleration with the new  driver07:53
onatsis it possible to setup RAID 1 with a running/already installed system?07:53
razz1bfreis: i would not have a clue, but are you on a internal network or trying this over the net.07:54
knoppiesrazz1, 5470. Its good, I haven't had any problems, until now. I booted the laptop with 2 external displays and it crashed on me.07:54
bfreisrazz1, tried both, the results are always the same :/07:54
bfreisWhere should I set the variable SSHD_OPTS that gets passed to SSHD in the startup script?07:55
gobbebfreis: /etc/default/ssh07:55
bfreisgobbe, what is the format? simply SSHD_OPTS=my options?07:57
grkbloodjesus! ubuntu is REAALY ticking me off tonight, 10.10 upgrade screwed all this crap up and studio is acting a fool07:57
bfreisor do I need ""?07:57
grkbloodi cant even open my thumb drive now on 10.1007:57
gobbebfreis: i would go with ""07:57
bfreisgobbe, dammit, neither seem to work07:58
gobbebfreis: paste your line07:58
grkbloodyea, i feel like cursing to. im not though because this is freenode07:58
bfreisIf I stop the SSHD service, then start it manually with /usr/sbin/sshd -d -4, then I try to connect, it correctly X forwards07:58
gobbebfreis: do you have other options in /etc/ssh/sshd_config?07:59
bfreisIf I pass the "-4" option through the SSHD_OPTS in /etc/default/ssh, and then launches SSHD with service ssh start, it does not x forwards anymore07:59
bfreisgobbe, nothing else07:59
bfreisthe line is:07:59
bfreisI tried without "" as well07:59
gobbebfreis: -4 has nothing to do with x forwarding, but just to use only ipv408:00
bfreisgobbe, I know, but it allows me to use X forwarding08:01
bfreisIf I /usr/sbin/sshd, I cannot use X forwarding08:01
tntcanyone got multitouch working on the bcm5974 (Macbook Pro)?08:01
bfreisIf I /usr/sbin/sshd -4, I can use it08:01
gobbebfreis: upload your /etc/ssh/sshd_config to pastebin08:01
tntcall my searching tells me to install the mactel ppa drivers (which I did), but I only get two finger scroling, with no 4 finger stuff08:01
bfreisIt's exactly the same as the one in my notebook. And again: if I connect from my PC to my notebook, x forwarding works. The other way round, it doesnt :/08:04
gobbebfreis: are you running ubuntu server on your pc or desktop?08:05
gobbebfreis: and which version08:05
bfreisgobbe, no, both are Ubuntu Desktop 10.1008:05
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gobbebfreis: and how do you open your ssh-connection?08:06
bfreisssh -X, or ssh -Y
gobbebfreis: try ssh -X -Y, and give me error what you get when you try to start some apps08:07
bfreisgobbe, if I start gedit: (gedit:16569): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:08:08
bfreisgobbe, if I start xeyes: Error: Can't open display:08:08
bfreisgobbe, the variable DISPLAY does not get set08:08
bfreisgobbe, (obviously it does not work if I set it manually)08:09
bfreisI've noted something08:09
bfreisin my notebook I have an inet6 addr (altough I think it is something "local only", since we do not really have ipv6 in brazil)08:09
bfreisin my PC i have no ipv6 at all08:09
jongbergshi, i have problems with intalling lucid..my monitor goes out of range during boot process..however in 8.10 it was fine..neither 9.04 work..08:10
bfreisOh, something else:08:10
bfreisIf I start sshd with "service ssh start", the -4 option from /etc/default/ssh does not get passed to SSHD, but if I start it with "/etc/init.d/ssh start", then that option gets passed!08:11
danielhey does anyone know how to get the buttom dock back if u removed it to replace it with docky or cairo dock08:11
abhijainunable to change icon color in ubunu 10.1008:11
bfreis(how do I know? x forwarding works when I start sshd with /etc/init.d/ssh start, but not if I start it with service ssh start)08:11
jongbergs!panel | daniel08:13
jongbergshi, i have problems with intalling lucid..my monitor goes out of range during boot process..however in 8.10 it was fine..neither 9.04 work..08:14
rollmani've installed virtualbox and also guestadditions for virtualbox 3.0 my host OS is ubuntu and my guest OS is haiku i had the mouse working in haiku not sure how now i can't get back to getting the mouse to work in haiku BTW my image file was recorded on a cd-r  so i'm not able to record over the cd how can i get the mouse working in virtualbox?08:15
fluffyponyneed a bit of help with ufw on 8.04 LTS - it's ticking along nicely, but I see that it denies outgoing traffic by default...and I can't seem to disable that? if I go 'ufw default allow outgoing' it changes the default for both incoming and outgoing to allow08:16
fluffyponyso confused right now:/08:16
abhijaincan any body tell me whats the solution i am unable to change my icon color even i changed everthhing cutomized option only icon unable to change08:16
bfreisNow I see that my notebook has ipv6 enabled, and my PC has ipv6 disabled08:18
bfreis(I remember, a long time ago, I disabled it I don't know for what reason)08:18
abhijaincany any body solve08:20
ajwillhi all, I have a little problem... I'm running ubuntu 10.10 maverik, and when I set my panel to autohide, there's still 1 pixel left, I dont like this as it looks... messy, and would prefer to get rid of it, I've tried using gconf-editor to set the autohide_size to 0 but this doesnt work... help?08:21
bfreisgreat, I "solved" it08:22
bfreisActually I worked around something...08:22
bfreisI've added AddressFamily inet to my PC's sshd_config08:22
bfreisnow it forced sshd to use ipv4 only08:22
popeybullgard4: did you get an answer to your question?08:23
bullgard4popey: No.08:24
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popeybullgard4: lyrics are the words to songs08:24
bullgard4popey: Ah! Thank you for explaining.08:24
rollmanknew i should have bought cd-rw's08:27
ajwillhi all, I have a little problem... I'm running ubuntu 10.10 maverik, and when I set my panel to autohide, there's still 1 pixel left, I dont like this as it looks... messy, and would prefer to get rid of it, I've tried using gconf-editor to set the autohide_size to 0 but this doesnt work... help?08:28
rollmani've installed virtualbox and also guestadditions for virtualbox 3.0 my host OS is ubuntu and my guest OS is haiku i had the mouse working in haiku not sure how now i can't get back to getting the mouse to work in haiku BTW my image file was recorded on a cd-r  so i'm not able to record over the cd how can i get the mouse working in virtualbox?08:31
bazhangUser, dont spam here08:33
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szpunido anybody have idea about touchscreens in ubuntu? i mean Elo Touch screens?08:36
rollmani've installed virtualbox and also guestadditions for virtualbox 3.0 my host OS is ubuntu and my guest OS is haiku i had the mouse working in haiku not sure how now i can't get back to getting the mouse to work in haiku BTW my image file was recorded on a cd-r  so i'm not able to record over the cd how can i get the mouse working in virtualbox? i think it has something to do with the image/mount recording to my guestaddition not being rec08:36
rollmanorded to the cd?08:36
szpunii have one with inverted X and Y axis and I can seem to change this settings in 10.1008:37
mohanohii have broken my ubuntu08:37
mohanohiunable to install any of the software08:37
mohanohieverything is working fine08:37
mohanohii am getting "E: openshot: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 127" this error08:38
mohanohiplease anybody help08:38
mohanohii am unable to uninstall openshot program also08:39
mrcreativityis there anyway to backup my sources08:43
bazhangmrcreativity, your sources.list?08:43
mrcreativityu know all software sources ihve added08:44
mrcreativityall the ppas, the repos08:44
bazhangcat /etc/apt/sources.list   copy and paste to a text editor08:44
mrcreativitybut what if i need to restore it after a erinstall08:45
bazhang!clone | mrcreativity08:45
ubottumrcreativity: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate08:45
mrcreativitythose are packages...i use apton cd for that...im talking about the sources list08:46
cdavisDoes anyone know what the bookmark filename creation convention is within remmina? It seems to be random numbers?08:46
bazhangmrcreativity, then do what I suggested first08:46
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rollmanoh well try again later night all08:47
bazhangmohanohi, try updating your sources.list first08:48
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mohanohibazhang: ok.. i will ..08:49
arkanianyone has sudgestion? FGLRX makes screen flicker, open source driver makes laptop fan go nonstop at full power, any third way?08:50
vandemarwhy does ubuntu 10.10 log kernel messages to /var/log/kern.log AND /var/log/messages AND /var/log/syslog by default?08:52
abhijainneed a link for apple mac theme for ubuntu 10.1008:52
vandemarI had something causing a lot of kernel messages and it filled up my VM's partition very fast08:52
bazhangabhijain, check out gnome-look.org08:52
sveinseHow can I redownload a package and its dependencies. "apt-get --reinstall -d ubuntu-minimal" didn't work as expected (doesn't download anything), even if the apt cache is cleaned08:56
niting_I am connecting to the internet using by tunneling to a server on my LAN (thus I am setting up a SOCKS proxy on my localhost using putty). How I can share this internet with other people over another wireless adhoc netowork that I am a part of?08:56
mohanohibazhang: still now getting error :(08:56
bazhangmohanohi, paste.ubuntu.com with the exact error message and give us the url08:57
bazhangmohanohi, also paste.ubuntu.com with your /etc/apt/sources.list08:57
angelslit works!08:58
wmorrisveinse: did you try just apt-get --reinstall -d ?08:58
niting_I am connecting to the internet using by tunneling to a server on my LAN (thus I am setting up a SOCKS proxy on my localhost using putty). How I can share this internet with other people over another wireless adhoc netowork that I am a part of?09:01
ciphergothI'm using the 10.10 desktop install CD, and it seems to want to erase my entire disk; shouldn't it suggest shrinking my Windows partition?09:01
unsure_loserit feels pathetic that i am asking here, but i need real advice.  would you guys rather work in a job you dislike for 10 years and possibly be rich, or work for the rest of your life in a job you love, but knowing you have to work until you retire?09:01
bazhangciphergoth, it should offer a step to let you do it manually09:01
bazhangunsure_loser, offtopic here, nothing to do with ubuntu09:01
unsure_loserniting_: crossover09:02
ciphergothbazhang: I can select manual partitioning, but that doesn't seem to offer shrinking the disk09:02
wmorriciphergoth: what are all the options that it is giving you? You should have more than one?09:02
niting_unsure_loser: crossover?09:02
ciphergothwmorri: erase the entire disk, or manual partitioning09:02
unsure_loserbazhang: suggestions?09:02
bazhangunsure_loser, not in this channel09:02
unsure_loseroooo, good answer09:02
niting_unsure_loser: I dont get u09:03
wmorriciphergoth: hmm, not sure atm let me look something up09:03
ciphergothwmorri: thanks09:03
mohanohibazhang: http://pastebin.com/j8STqJea09:04
arkaniciphergoth: if you use w7 or wVista just shrink your partition using their tools09:04
ciphergothit's XP09:04
bazhangmohanohi, thats not what I asked you to paste09:04
ciphergothI had confidently imagined it would just detect that I had a Windows partition, and suggest shrinking it09:04
wmorriciphergoth: do you have any extra space available or is it all being used but XP?09:04
arkaniciphergoth: ugh.. then partition magic or some other partitioning tool09:05
wmorriciphergoth: if wost comes to worst we can walk you through partitioning it09:05
mohanohibazhang: it is the error which occurs while installing any software09:06
mohanohibazhang: http://pastebin.com/k6Wv4Hyx09:06
mohanohithis is my source list09:06
FloodBot2mohanohi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:06
bazhangmohanohi, sudo apt-get update  sudo apt-get upgrade (paste those results) and also your sources.list09:06
ciphergothwmorri: right now XP fills the disk09:07
mohanohibazhang: http://pastebin.com/FT1v8H0a09:07
ciphergothbut that partition is less than half full09:07
bazhangmohanohi, you have two different version CDs commented out in your sources.list, which version are you on09:07
ciphergoththe machine is around a decade old; the disk is around 20G09:07
bazhangmohanohi, and sudo apt-get upgrade , as well as the output of lsb_release -a09:08
wmorriciphergoth: do you want to use the entire disk or just part of it?09:08
bazhangciphergoth, gparted live cd to be 100% certain , its a 60mb iso download09:08
mohanohibazhang: http://pastebin.com/zSahH0dV09:09
ciphergothwmorri: I want to shrink the XP partition to half its size and use the other half for Ubuntu09:09
arkanicipergoth: 20 G ... just try making partition with partition magic09:09
ciphergothbazhang: I thought the Ubuntu installer ran gparted by default09:09
bazhangmohanohi, choose yes for the upgrade09:09
mohanohibazhang: http://pastebin.com/rB1nZq7E09:09
mohanohibazhang: oh , 300 mb?09:10
wmorri ciphergoth: I believe that gparted is on the livecd if you want to use that.09:10
ciphergothbut it's not wired in to the install process? How come? It was, once, wasn't it?09:10
mohanohibazhang: couldn't it be removed any other way, because i am not in such high speed connection. :(09:10
bazhangmohanohi, you appear to be in the middle of upgrading to Lucid 10.0409:10
wmorriciphergoth: yes it was and should be there. I am not sure why it isn't there now.09:10
ciphergothI'm guessing that it is there and some people see it, and there's something different about my system that's stopping it09:11
mohanohibazhang: Actually a package installation was requiring a package which was in lucid09:12
bazhangmohanohi, which one09:12
wmorriciphergoth: that shouldn't be the case as it is a livecd and they run off ram09:12
mohanohibazhang: for openshot09:12
mohanohibazhang: a library,09:12
bazhangmohanohi, you should never mix version repos.09:12
mohanohibazhang: i don't remember the exact name of the library09:12
mohanohibazhang: oh09:12
FloodBot2mohanohi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:13
arkanicipergoth: I think it's there... namend manual partition.. below "use entire disk"09:13
ciphergothwmorri: right, but it does examine my system to decide what to do09:13
bazhangmohanohi, so continue with the upgrade to 10.0409:13
mohanohibazhang: ok09:13
arkanianyone has sudgestion? FGLRX makes screen flicker, open source driver makes laptop fan go nonstop at full power, any third way?09:13
wmorriciphergoth: I understand what you are saying, but I also agree with arkani. you can manually set up the partition. it isn't too hard.09:14
wmorriciphergoth: have a look at this09:14
ciphergothwmorri: the manual partition editor doesn't have an option to shrink NTFS partitions09:14
sveinsewmorri: Yes, I tried apt-get --resinstall -d  but for some unexpected reason it doesnt download the deps09:15
ciphergothwmorri: ah, that helps: my question now becomes "why don't I see the install alongside other operating systems option?"09:15
abhijainhello can any body tell me why i unable to change my icon colours09:15
arkanicipergoth partition magic....09:15
bazhangabhijain, which icons09:15
wmorrisveinse: what program are you trying to reinstall?09:16
ciphergothI'm just trying the advanced install disk now to see if that helsp09:16
abhijainbazhang: Folder09:16
mohanohibazhang: http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/apt-get-how-to-fix-very-broken-packages/09:16
mohanohibazhang: does this works for me?09:16
bazhangmohanohi, no.09:16
bazhangmohanohi, your problem is mixing version repos.09:17
abhijainbazhang: folder icon in computer09:17
wmorriciphergoth: see what happens you might surprise yourself09:17
ciphergothwmorri: see what happens when what?09:17
mohanohibazhang: installing one library from another repo caused these problems?09:17
bazhangmohanohi, break your system, yes09:18
bazhangabhijain, you'd need a theme pack for that09:18
mohanohibazhang: hmmm..09:18
wmorriwhen you play with the advanced option. The worst that can happen is you have to restart your computer.09:18
abhijainbazhang: in customize option i am trying to enable icons oxygen but its not respoding09:19
ciphergoththe advanced option offers me resize, which fails, and the log says why09:19
ciphergothit's a bad sector09:19
bazhangabhijain, then install them? apt-cache search oxygen09:19
wmorriciphergoth: I C that is definitely a problem09:19
tutysraHi guys I found a typo in one of the software description page. whom should I report that so, that it is corrected or what should I do to correct hem myself?09:19
bazhang!bugs | tutysra09:20
ubottututysra: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:20
ciphergothThink it would be better if installer were to indicate in some way why it was unhappy...09:20
Jesdisciplejust started playing with xmodmap, how can I figure out which key currently invokes a known symname?09:20
abhijainbazhang: should need to sudo upgrade09:21
bazhangabhijain, then do so09:21
tutysraubottu: It is not a serious bug it is just a typo and even I can fix them if someone can give me little direction09:21
bazhangtutysra, better to still file a bug then offer a patch09:21
bazhangtutysra, that way it can be distributed to *all* users09:22
wmorriciphergoth: sorry we couldn't help you. You can report a bug here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs09:23
tutysraok. I will file a bug report and even I can work on the patch and correct it now if required09:23
wmorritutysra: is the typo in some of the documentation? I am on the docs team and can look at it in the next couple of days. I would need a link though.09:24
abhijainlinks for mac theme please for gnome desktop09:25
bazhanggnome-look.org abhijain09:25
Scott`eww >_>09:25
linux_probesuppose he wants a single button mouse also09:26
abhijainbazhang: in GDM menu09:26
wmorriabhijain: you can go here and it will help you to: http://www.socialblogr.com/2010/05/how-to-make-ubuntu-looks-like-mac-os-x.html09:26
EagleHi All  :)09:26
bazhangabhijain, please do some searching there on your own09:26
wmorriHi Eagle how can we help you this morning?09:27
bazhangwmorri, is that the macbuntu script?09:27
wmorribazhang: I don't really know. If you look at the site it talks about the Mac4Lin Gnome Mac theme package09:28
mecoAre thre any file and directory utilities that have a similar feel like Norton Commander for Ubuntu?09:28
AbhiJitmeco, what does norton commander do?09:28
fvilamidnight commander09:29
mecoAbhiJit: If you don't know, let someone else respond09:29
bazhangwmorri, it is, check out the commands they recommend to get it going09:29
mecofvila: OK, I'll try that09:29
AbhiJiti dont know how american banks works so that mean i should not do banking in india? wow09:29
bazhangwmorri, ie enable the root account, which we don't support here09:30
sveinsewmorri: I'm not reinstalling. I'm trying to get the debs for ubuntu-minimal09:30
bazhangAbhiJit, pardon?09:30
AbhiJitbazhang, nothing.09:30
=== Arkonova is now known as arkonova
wmorri bazhang: sorry I didn't read the whole howto. I will do better next time09:30
bazhangsveinse, the minimal iso?09:31
=== Zvrk is now known as xXx_hazard_
wmorri sveinse:  okay let me see what I can find.09:31
sveinsebazhang: No, I'm building a local apt repo for an embedded arm ubuntu target (for target installation). But I dont want to mirror the entire ubuntu repo nor use apt-proxy.09:33
bazhangsveinse, how big is the repo09:33
=== roman is now known as Guest62098
sveinsebazhang: The only thing missing is how to download the debs and their dependencies09:33
mecoIf I want to download midnight commander only the source is available. Does that preclude me from installing it or does it simply mean I must compile it (somehow) myself)09:34
sveinsebazhang: from what i've heard, the full armel repo for one version (like maverick) and without source is like 20-30 Gigs.  The files I need are like 100Meg or so09:34
wmorrimeco: you would just have to compile it yourself09:35
Dr_Willismeco:  mc is in the repos.. and theres ppa's for newer versions09:35
Dr_Willismeco:  the fact its int eh repos also makes compiling new versiopsn easier.09:35
mecoDr_Willis: I couldn't find it with Synaptic. It only displayed GNOME Commander.09:35
Dr_Willismeco:  you missed it then. Its defainatly in the repos09:36
Dr_Willis!info mc09:36
ubottumc (source: mc): Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3: (maverick), package size 2104 kB, installed size 6432 kB09:36
Dr_Willispackage name is 'mc'09:36
Dr_Willistip in mc the '#'s at eh bottom' are the F keys to do the action. the insert key can select files.09:37
tutysrabazhang : created a bug - Bug #70622109:37
bazhangtutysra, be sure to tell wmorri :)09:37
wmorriHey I will look at it right now09:38
vuoriHow can you read DocProps, like http://dpaste.com/342302/ ?09:38
fvilameco: have you checked the repos?09:38
tutysrawmorri it is not in the documentation. It is there in the package description that appears when we select more info from the package list09:38
mecofvila: I found it now09:38
abhijainhow to install team viewer09:38
ubottuping-pong, a fun game for all the family09:38
vuoriIs DocProps a Windows format?09:38
tutysrawmorri: not sure whether that comes under the documentation part09:39
bazhanghttps://launchpad.net/bugs/706221 wmorri09:39
Dr_Willisabhijain:  i went to the teamviewer web site abnd downloaded the .deb09:39
wmorriI am not sure either but I will bookmark it and ask about it later today in the docs channel09:39
bazhangvuori, /msg ubottu09:39
EagleCan some kind person assist me? I have a compaq laptop, intel core 2 duo, 1.83GHz-processor, 1GB Ram, 32bit with windows 7 installed. I want to put Ubuntu on it, 10.04 or 10.10? And will everything work, such as emals save in outlook, will they work on Evolution mail? And all other things that have been saved under a windows program, What im getting at is will something like stuff save in word, will that document work in ubuntu? and others etc.09:40
Eagle I must be sure that it dose before I install ubuntu.. sorry for the questioning....  :)09:40
jimmy_hey guys, new to ubuntu, attempting to figure out resolution issue on a monitor attached to laptop09:40
bazhangjimmy_, with xrandr ?09:40
bazhang!manual | Eagle please have a read09:41
ubottuEagle please have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:41
mecoI've installed midnight commander, but it doesn't show up in the apps menues. How can I run it?09:41
jimmy_what is xrandr?09:41
Dr_Willismeco:  its not a X app.. its a console ap.. run 'mc' in a terminal09:41
abhijainbazhang: from command line can we install team viewer?09:41
mecoDr_Willis: OK09:41
Dr_Willismeco:  you may want to check its homepage/manpage/docs also.. its powerfull.. but  old-skool09:41
fvilameco: from the terminal09:41
fvilatype mc09:41
FloodBot2fvila: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:41
bazhangabhijain, is it in the repos? apt-cache search for it09:42
mecoI got it... it's running09:42
fvilain fact you can create a shortcut09:42
fvilaxterm -e mc09:42
GarzookaI remember midnight comander09:42
mecofvila: OK09:42
korielhi ... i'm using ubuntu as a syslog server and i'm getting logs from another computers...how can I send those logs to various files...i.e everything from host server1 must go to file /var/log/server1.log09:43
arkanianyone has sudgestion? FGLRX makes screen flicker, open source driver makes laptop fan go nonstop at full power, any third way?09:44
Carsten-Hey guys... I'm trying to set a domain to be a FQDN, but having little luck, it is specified in my hosts file, which matches the set hostname of the machine... What am I missing here? when i use hotsname -f it replies with: hostname: Name or service not known09:45
fvilajimmy_: xrandr is an util to manipulate resolutions/screen positions/:..09:46
mecoHow do I post a screen capture here?09:46
jimmy_okay i got it from package manager, where do i find it to run it?09:46
bazhang!imagebin | meco09:47
ubottumeco: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.09:47
fvilajimmy_: it is a command line util09:47
jimmy_so, how do you run it from command?09:47
koolrewhat happen?09:49
tuxhackhi all.. suggest a sata pci raid card.. supported by ubuntu as raid09:50
mecofvila: http://imagebin.org/133830 is what midnight commander looks like when I run 'xterm -e mc'. It doesn't look right, surely?09:50
wmorrikoolre: we need a little more information09:50
MkaysiHow can I share my 3G connection with WLAN?09:50
fvilameco: sure09:50
fvilabut i think it is about the termcap configuration09:51
fvilayou can change xterm for gnome-terminal09:51
ShinjukuTechHi all - I'm quite new to Linux and am having some issues with auto-mounting a drive from my NAS, would anyone have any advice?09:51
mecofvila: All those gibberishy characters are confusing09:51
fvilachange xterm for gnome-terminal09:51
mecofvila: OK, I'll try that09:51
jimmy_from terminal, how do you run lxrandr?09:52
jim__Hello room09:52
jimmy_hi jim09:53
circlecrossdevoatmeal cream pies affect my teeth. ubuntu?>09:53
obscurant1sti have installed kde and changed the display manager to kdm. now i want to change it to gnaome and change the display manager to gdm back09:53
obscurant1sthow can do the changing to gdm part?09:53
wmorrijimmy_: all you have to do is install lxrandr, then type lxrandr into terminal and it will start the program.09:54
morphlesIs there some page where i can see updates by day? i.e. on 2011-01-11 these packages updates were released for lucid. Ditto for other versions and other dates. This could be helpfull to diagnose problems that migh appear after updates for frends who are less tech savy.09:54
jim__Hey Jimmy!!I have a computer which is not connected to the internet. How can I install all the security updates and softwares thats installed on my current computer. The motherboard config is also different on the other computer09:54
circlecrossdevhelp1 how to make ubuntu make me a sandwhich09:55
Scott`sudo makemeasandwich09:55
mecoDoes anyone know how I change to another partition in midnight commander?09:56
circlecrossdevdo motherboards make good sandwhiches09:56
Oermorphles, check them in http://www.ubuntu.com/usn09:56
meco...or I can read the help,,,,09:56
morphlesThank you Oer09:57
circlecrossdevthat looks like too many viruses for ubuntu to be linux09:57
circlecrossdevespecially just from 2010 to 201109:58
circlecrossdevthe other page i read on ubuntu said this wouldn't happen09:58
mecoDoes anyone know how I change to another partition in midnight commander?09:58
ShinjukuTechMy NAS drives only seem to mount if i manually do a 'sudo mount -a' any way I can invoke this automatically?09:58
Oercirclecrossdev, security updates has nothing to do with virus09:58
circlecrossdevi am reinstalling norton09:58
circlecrossdevviruse almost always work becauase of security exploits09:58
circlecrossdevdon't play games with me09:58
Scott`norton will probably give you a virus09:59
Scott`the user is the best antivirus09:59
circlecrossdevyou are just making that up09:59
arkaniuser with brain ...09:59
circlecrossdevnorton is a big respected antivirus09:59
Scott`which is full of bloat09:59
circlecrossdevnorton 360 4.0 will have me covered09:59
XVampireXI want to move from apache to lighttpd09:59
arkanidoes norton work on linux?10:00
XVampireXprobably made a mistake that I installed both before removing one10:00
Oercirclecrossdev, norton is not available on Ubuntu, so it is offtopic10:00
circlecrossdevscott' we receive more bload per day in updates10:00
circlecrossdevwindows updates doesn't update me as much as your synpatico k10:00
bazhangcirclecrossdev, lets move on please10:00
wmorrimeco: i am trying to find an answer for you.10:00
mecowmorri: great, I'm stuck10:00
JemtHello guys. About a year or two ago, someone told me that running Linux on a Mac computer would cause CPU overclocking, overheating the system, potentially causing damage. Is this a problem in Ubuntu 10.10 ?10:01
gordonjcpmeco: is your other partition mounted?10:01
mecogordonjcp: yes10:02
jimmy_okay guys, lxrandr only gives one possible resolution, what its currently at and auto. neither fix the screen posision10:02
gordonjcpmeco: then change directory to wherever it's mounted10:02
JemtCan I somehow read CPU info from the system, so I have a chance to confirm that everything is alright ? CPU speed, voltage, temperature etc.10:02
mecogordonjcp: how....?10:02
jim__circlecrossdev, I am a Norton employee...10:02
circlecrossdevubuntu has a freaking sudo vulnerability in 2011. that is supremely scary. i am tired of ubuntu crashing on me too. it is sort of rare, but i have less blue screens than the rare ubuntu crash that keeps happening repeatedly where i have to reboot10:02
gordonjcpmeco: how do you normally change directories?10:02
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:02
bazhangjim__, lets move on please10:02
jimmy_the system>prefrences>monitors menu says the monitor is unknown10:03
gordonjcpmeco: (I'm not being obtuse, I just haven't used mc for a decade or so)10:03
jim__circlecrossdev, No one is forcing you to use Ubuntu10:03
mecoO, I found the other partition!10:03
bazhangjim__, lets move on, its over10:03
Garzookajimmy_ mabe you need display drivers?10:03
jimmy_i have tried looking for some, it says there are no proprietary drivers needed or something10:04
jimmy_would i find them in the package manager?10:04
lazarus_you know if you want a group of backgrounds to auto change you need to use background-1.xml is there any other way to genarate it based on the images you choose10:04
Garzookajimmy_ you could try that if you want10:05
AbhiJitlazarus_, are you talking about desktop wallpaper?10:05
jim__bazhang, I was telling him the truth... I am a Norton employee10:05
gordonjcpmeco: solved?10:05
jim__I have a computer which is not connected to the internet. How can I install all the security updates and softwares thats installed on my current computer. The motherboard config is also different on the other computer10:06
bazhangjim__, thats fine lets get back to ubuntu support please10:06
gordonjcpo_O why are there three floodbots?10:06
bazhang!offline | jim__10:06
ubottujim__: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD10:06
jim__bazhang, Sure10:06
bazhangjim__, you might try aptoncd as well10:06
tittncan anybody help me with recent updates of ubuntu 10.10 my laptop microphone doesnt work altho it shos up in the sound settings10:06
jim__Am new to linux.. So in a learning process10:07
bazhangjim__, quite easy to use (aptoncd)10:07
lazarus_AbhiJit: yes10:07
sabetsuHey guys, I was wondering something about Ubuntu which is kind of weird. Whenever I change .mp3´s to open in VLC, it keeps opening them in the Movie Player. I have gone to "Open with..." and changed it to VLC and told it to remember this for that file type, but it doesn´t seem to be working after restarting and changing this many times. It is still set to that setting, but keeps opening with Movie Player. Any ideas?10:07
bazhang!aptoncd | jim__10:07
ubottujim__: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline10:07
AbhiJitlazarus_, try desktop drapes10:07
AbhiJit!manual | jim__10:07
ubottujim__: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/10:07
jimmy_where would be the best place to find the correct drivers for a monitor?10:08
bazhangjimmy_, hardly likely youd need them10:09
AbhiJitjimmy_,  linux-drivers.org10:09
jimmy_okay, any other ideas about the monitor issue?10:09
bazhangAbhiJit, for a monitor?10:09
AbhiJitbazhang, no idea. just found that site for hardware drivers10:09
sabetsuShouldn´t monitors be plug and play? Lol.10:10
jimmy_i have an 8 inch black bar on the right of the screen and a 4 inch on the bottom10:10
bazhangAbhiJit, most monitors have the edid10:10
sabetsuCan you resize your monitor using the monitor settings (the buttons on it)?10:10
AbhiJitbazhang, edid?10:10
jimmy_it was plug and play with winxp10:10
AbhiJitnvm got it10:10
sabetsuMaybe I am stupid but it sounds more like a graphics card compatibility issue than an actual monitor issue.10:11
jim__ubottu, I am okay with tasks on my computer cos its connected to the internet. But my friends computer doesnt have internet, and I have installed Ubuntu. So, for the applications to run and for the security updates it has to be updated.10:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:11
jimmy_so my graphics card needs a driver to support the monitor?10:11
bazhangjim__, aptoncd would work well for that10:11
bazhangjimmy_, more like a video card issue10:12
jim__bazhang, Even if the motherboard configuration is different?10:12
jimmy_yea, that would be more likely lol.10:12
jim__He is using a Intel board and am on Asus with AMD processor10:12
mecoIn midnight commander, how can I select a group of files?10:12
GarzookaI would agree with bazhang on that one10:13
sabetsuDo you have an nVidia card, Jimmy?10:14
sabetsuAnd are you using a very large monitor? Maybe a television/monitor combo?10:14
tutysraubottu is a bot?10:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:14
tutysragud job the responses are very nice10:15
jim__Sorry to bother you guys. One more doubt. Can I have the updates on a USB drive using aptoncd?10:15
arkaniwhats the name of some kind of laptop camera driver/utility ?10:15
AbhiJitarkani, cheese web cam booth10:16
=== root is now known as Guest74415
arkaniAbhiJit thanks10:17
Guest74415help me10:17
FloodBot1Guest74415: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:17
sabetsuWhat do you need hep with?10:17
sabetsuJust ask, don´t keep bugging for help10:17
neilWhat is the isssue Guest?10:17
Guest74415i cant understand this ubuntu10:17
Guest74415can any one explain me10:17
sabetsuWhat do you need help with exactly on Ubuntu?10:17
Guest74415means what is xchat10:18
test__language matsuura10:18
elkysabetsu, please don't.10:18
AbhiJit!manual | Guest7441510:18
ubottuGuest74415: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/10:18
sabetsuSo does anyone know what might be up with my issue?10:19
danielhow do i edit files in home10:19
sabetsuYou may need to open Nautilus10:19
jodlajodlahow to enable vsync in ubuntu 10.10?10:19
sabetsuopen Terminal > gksudo Nautilus10:19
danielsab u talkin to me right ?10:19
sabetsuLike if you can´t drag a file somewhere or whatever10:20
sabetsuIt opens this little window where it gives you permissions10:20
danieli want to create a fold in home10:20
sabetsuif you open Terminal and type in gksudo Nautilis10:20
sabetsuHmm, you should just be able to go there and right click and press New Folder10:20
danieli typed that into my terminal10:21
sabetsuYeah but if you want to make a new folder you should be able to just go to your home folder and right click and make a new folder10:21
arkaniI think he is making folder in /home not /home/username10:22
danieloh ok thanks :D i go tone mroe for ya i deleted my buttum dock and replaced it with cario dock how do i get my old one back10:22
sabetsuAh, yeah, then you need to use Nautilis10:22
jodlajodlahello, how to enable vsync at ati drivers?10:22
arkanijodlajodla you get flicker on destop too?10:23
jodlajodla@arkani: something like that ;)10:23
jodlajodlawith HD485010:23
arkaniI have ATI driver problems too10:24
sabetsuSo, yep, anyone know why my default program to open mp3´s isn´t working? It doesn´t revert when I right click on the mp3 and tell it to open with... It keeps it on VLC there. But if I open it in a folder, it keeps using Movie Player to open my mp3´s. Anyone know why?10:24
jimmy_can ubuntu tell me the manufature info for my video card?10:25
Calinoujimmy_: system monitor?10:26
test__jimmy_, lspci | grep -i vga10:26
abc321I am trying to console login but it is hanging after message like : fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2 /dev/sdb1: clean 380060/4259840 files, 7192759/8514442 blocks10:26
sabetsurawr! No one is helping me! Screw this!10:28
shubbarI have an admin that wants to use VNC to administer a remote ubuntu server. Isn't SSH enough?10:28
abc321is it bug or i am missing something?10:28
jimmy_test_: a little less cryptic?10:28
tittnplsss i need my microphone working again so i can use skype10:28
arkaniwhats wrong with microphone?10:29
ojayhello all10:29
tittnit doesnt capture sound anymore after recent updates10:29
ojayi have linux mint 10 and i need help http://paste.ubuntu.com/556761/10:30
tittnit still shows up in the sound settings menu10:30
tittnbut dont see the meter going up10:30
SyriaHow can I restore the panel settings pelase?10:30
arkanitittn system->preference->sound->input-> imput wolume level check10:30
Oer!resetpanels | Syria10:30
ubottuSyria: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »10:30
=== Zvrk is now known as xXx_hazard_
tittnyeh its at 100%10:31
danielhow do i create a new folder in the terminal10:31
tittnand not muted10:31
SyriaOer:  Thank you.10:31
oCeanshubbar: sure, ssh should be enough. If it's an ubuntu-server install, then the server has no gui at all.10:31
test__daniel, mkdir10:31
arkanitittn try different connectors maybe?10:31
tittnits a laptop :(10:31
tittnit used to work10:32
arkanitittn mine too but below input level there is "connector"10:32
danielthank you and also if i deleted the buttum tool bar how do i get it back?10:32
Oertittn try terminal: alsamixer ( anything muted ? )10:32
tittncan only select one10:33
tittni try that10:33
mecoDoes anyone know why the SCIM applet initiates itself and switches to RAW CODE for no good reason? It happens repeatedly and it is vey annoying.10:33
tittnthere is only master and pcm and then 2 spdifs10:34
tittnthink thats hdmy or those plugs10:34
tittndoh when i press f4 to go to capture it switches desktop :p10:35
amitwhen i want to record my voice headphone doesnot work but when i listen anyting from my comp throgh headphone it properly works?how to resolve this10:35
amitalso while voice chat my voice doesnot reaches to the opponent only the oppponent voices reaches to me?how to get rid of this?10:37
gordonjcpamit: maybe you need to select your microphone as the record input10:37
amitgordonjcp: i tried but same prob10:37
tittnnope nothings muted :(10:37
amittittn:not muted10:37
tittnpressed f5 to view all capture is at 100%10:38
blueskygood morning guys10:39
blueskyI wanted to download Skype on Oubuntu 10.04 LTS 64 Bit, but I got the error message: Error: Wrong architecture 'amd64'10:41
chrislusticHi there anyone there to lend some advice?10:42
psycho_oreos!ask| chrislustic10:43
ubottuchrislustic: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:43
gobbebluesky: where did you try to download it?10:43
gobbe!skype | bluesky10:43
ubottubluesky: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga10:43
rohitnikcoolhi , i am a new to ubuntu. i have installed google earth on ubuntu 10.04 but its not working plz help?10:44
blueskygobbe: by the package installer10:44
rohitnikcoolhi , i am a new to ubuntu. i have installed google earth on ubuntu 10.04 but its not working plz help?10:45
chrislusticI am on an IMAC,   I have partitioned my HDD and have Ubuntu 10.10 running perfectly on it,  when I run my mac I have a fan speed app that more than doubles my fan speed keeping it cooler,  but when I boot linux, the fan speed slows.. or doesnt run at all even... the computer gets quite hot without the increased fan speed,  my ubuntu has the  ls-sensor packages or whatever already installed,  I need to increase the fanspeed, lol10:45
gobbebluesky: please copy-paste what did you do and whole output to pastebin.ubuntu.com10:45
tittnbluesky http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43229510:45
rohitnikcoolhi , i am a new to ubuntu. i have installed google earth on ubuntu 10.04 but its not working plz help?10:45
blueskyubottu,:thankx I`ll try that10:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:45
chrislusticRohitnikcool, why not upgrade to 10.1010:45
tittnlol :)10:45
rohitnikcoolchrislustic: well friend gave me cd of 10.0410:46
tittnguess i have to wait till it updates again and hopefully fixes my mic10:46
mecoDoes anyone know why the SCIM applet initiates itself and switches to RAW CODE for no good reason? It happens repeatedly and it is vey annoying.10:46
rohitnikcoolchrislustic: can you help me for my problem10:46
arkanitittn maybe you hardvare section in sound options is bad configured?10:47
chrislusticrohitnikcool.  the ubuntu website can provide you with the latest version free and quickly.10:47
abc321I am trying to console login but it is hanging after message like : fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2 /dev/sdb1: clean 380060/4259840 files, 7192759/8514442 blocks10:47
tittnwel i havent changed anything but how can i check ?10:47
rohitnikcoolchrislustic: i have problem with google earth10:47
arkanichrislustic why update 10.04 LTS to 10.10?...10:47
chrislusticthere are many glitches and errors updates in the newer ubuntu10:47
rohitnikcoolhi , i am a new to ubuntu. i have installed google earth on ubuntu 10.04 but its not working plz help?10:48
oCeanrohitnikcool: chrislustic actually, there's nothing wrong with using the 10.04 version, it's LTS so it's going to be supported for almost another 2 years10:48
chrislustici am running 10.1010:48
tittnits set at analog stereo duplex al other modu dont give me the mic in input10:48
arkanitittn updates might have changed something? how to check? just poke around like I do, and hope you dont break something10:48
chrislustici did not say there was something wrong arkani10:48
rohitnikcoolhi , i am a new to ubuntu. i have installed google earth on ubuntu 10.04 but its not working plz help?10:48
chrislustici have my own problem10:48
oCeanrohitnikcool: you have to give the channel some details. "not working" is quite a statement10:49
rohitnikcooloCean: ya actually whenn i click on google earth nothing happens10:49
chrislustic am on an IMAC,  I have partitioned my HDD and have Ubuntu 10.10 running perfectly on it,  when I run my mac I have a fan speed app that more than doubles my fan speed keeping it cooler,  but when I boot linux, the fan speed slows.. or doesnt run at all even... the computer gets quite hot without the increased fan speed, I need to increase the fan speed10:50
mecoMy keyboard input is all screwed up in Epiphany due to SCIM somehow. How can I fix this?10:50
oCeanrohitnikcool: how did you install? There's a g-e package in the multiverse repos10:50
arkanichrislustic maybe you know if on 10.10 ati proprietary drivers dont flicker screen? or ati open source drivers don't use your fan at 110% power all the time?10:50
rohitnikcooloCean: i went to google earth site downloaded the .deb package and installed it10:51
chrislusticarkani are you trying to be a smart ass?10:51
mecoDoesn't anyone know how SCIM works?10:51
arkanichrislustic no thats my problem I am here with10:51
chrislusticreally I am not that advanced in linux, I could not tell you,10:52
oCeanrohitnikcool: well, there *is* a package in the (multiverse) repositories. You could try that one ofcourse. But first you can try running g-e from terminal, see if we get useful output10:52
chrislusticI simply need to increase my fan speed,10:52
AbhiJitcan we change the folder color in ubuntu now?10:52
arkaniseems me screen will flicker for a while... ^^10:53
oCeanrohitnikcool: open a terminal, and type googl, and hit <tab> a fewtimes. It should "autocomplete" to the googleearth executable10:53
ltibor65Hi! How can I find my default sound output device path? (xubuntu 10.10 HDA Intel with alsamixer and pulse audio)10:53
chrislusticMy screen doesn't flicker at all,  works good,10:53
rohitnikcooloCean: how to run it from terminal10:53
arkaniATI video card?10:53
ojayhmm is that the problem10:53
oCeanrohitnikcool: see my previous line. Terminal is in Menu > Accessoires > terminal10:54
ojayiwconfig says mode:managed and wicd says router has MASTER mode on10:54
AbhiJitchrislustic, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84648010:55
rohitnikcooloCean: no i just get lines "google-chrome  google-earth " one after other10:55
Cpt_Zyphhey guys i cant seem to get th video card to work on fresh install of ubuntu on my old HP dv6000 series laptop.10:55
oCeanrohitnikcool: that is fine, since the tab autocomplete shows you the available executable starting with googl. Just type google-earth and hit enter10:55
echomanhello, how to enable vsync at ati radeon drivers?10:56
Cpt_Zyphis there a version of the install media i can use that dosnt go to gui at boot...10:56
oCeanrohitnikcool: any lines of output that seem useful, you can share with us using http://paste.ubuntu.com10:56
chrislusticthank you abhijit:  but I am relatively new, and putting in that spaghetti code here looks dangerous to me lol10:56
arkaniechoman desktop flicker problem?10:56
ojaymy network is disabled and im still here :D good networkmanager10:57
chrislusticlol ojay10:57
rohitnikcooloCean: i got this "/usr/bin/google-earth: 43: ./googleearth-bin: not found" .10:57
echomansame as before, but the electricity was down here -.-"10:57
ojaythere is that icon. red cross and two peace of wire10:57
arkaniechoman me too! I found that using open source drivers makes screen not flicker, but on my system it makes fan go nonstop10:57
ojay*** networking disabled *** lol yeah10:58
chrislusticlol arkani.10:58
chrislusticI wish my fan would do that10:58
iflemaCpt_Zyph noX during install? or noX after install?10:58
blueskyubottu: thanx, it works, now I have got skype on my computer10:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:58
echomani installed additional drivers, but now i'm looking for vsync enabling -.-"10:58
iflema!nox | Cpt_Zyph10:59
ubottuCpt_Zyph: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode10:59
Cpt_Zyphiflema i had to use the ubunut 10.10 alt iso download to get te prompts to show up.. but anything that goes like a gui is all tweeked out10:59
ojaywhere i can find my wireless network CFG files...so i can test to switch mode managed to master10:59
echomanso anyone knows how to enable vsync at ati radeon drivers?=11:00
oCeanrohitnikcool: hmm :( It seems that the google-earth is a script calling googleearth-bin. This fails for some reason. We can try finding the -bin by running "sudo updatedb && locate googleearth-bin" (this will first build a location database of all your files)11:00
echomanepic bye :D11:00
greppyrohitnikcool: you could also try "find / -name googleearth-bin -print"11:00
rethussomeone here use glabes?11:01
rethushow can i edit a existing (maybe my own) template=11:02
rohitnikcooloCean: i got this "/opt/google/earth/free/googleearth-bin" after running "sudo updatedb && locate googleearth-bin"11:02
newusertrWell I have another question. Can I run windows base programs such as autocrat 3dmax11:03
oCeanrohitnikcool: aha, then that's the location of the actual executable. Now try running that in the terminal (/opt....-bin)11:03
FredGeekrethus, what is glabes? I can't find even on google11:03
tittni have a random hardware question where should i ask that ? :p11:04
rohitnikcooloCean: i got this "bash: /opt/google/earth/free/googleearth-bin: No such file or directory".11:04
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection11:05
Cpt_Zyphiflema is there some way i can set it up to get updates or something so the proper video drivers get installed and working?? basicly video just looks messed up and i cant read anything11:05
ojayi need now help of the linux GURU11:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:06
ojayof = from11:06
amalgamahow to edit the grub menu?? (new in grub2)11:06
oCeanrohitnikcool: hmm :( Something in that downloaded package seems to be a problem. You could try some more, like "cd /opt/google/earth/free" and do "file googleearth-bin" to see if that executable is really there, and what it is.11:07
Cpt_Zyphso i have tried installing on my laptop with usb.. .main iso file as well as the alt distro but i cant get the video problem to go away.. is there something i can type in or try at this point thats above my noobie haed here'11:07
oCeanrohitnikcool: I'm downloading the .dub currently, let's see if it works11:08
mash909I just installed 10.10 - last night it seemed fine, but this morning it will boot, but then crashes immediately11:08
ojayi can see all the wireless networks11:08
Renskihey, ive installed X and fluxbox on a machine, and want to remotely get access to a desktop session11:08
Renskihow do I do that?11:08
milen8204Hello, everyone11:09
Renskihello :)11:09
JemtDuring update, "update-initramfs" generates a new ramdisk for the kernel. How do I avoid that ? I need it to stay the same. I'm remastering Ubuntu, and I don't want the kernel, nor the ramdisk to change11:09
EagleWould ubuntu 10.10 work well on a core 2 duo 1.83Mhz processor-  1GB ram and instaled with windows 7?11:10
erUSULEagle: it should11:11
erUSULamalgama: depends on what you want to do ...11:11
oCeanrohitnikcool: I see.. same problem here.11:11
llutzEagle: more important would be to know what video- and audio-cards are used11:11
EagleerUSUL: Is that a yes or No11:11
FloodBot1Eagle: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:11
plutonashello, i am about to install ubuntu through wubi from my windows, the question is, are we sure it won't erase/overwrite anything windows related?11:11
rohitnikcooloCean: so now what to do ?11:11
erUSULEagle: yes; but no waranties. there is no such thing as bug free software11:12
Eaglellutz: Its a laptop. Will cheak.11:12
=== sjakoo is now known as joris
oCeanrohitnikcool: I looking into it, weird11:12
amalgamaerUSUL: check options, change stuff like default options, running without gnome, main goal is to see, learn and play :)11:12
llutzEagle: on a laptop the wifi-chipset is important too11:13
erUSULamalgama: you edit /etc/default/grub and then run « sudo update-grub »11:13
erUSUL!grub2 | amalgama11:13
ubottuamalgama: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub211:13
Ub3r-N00bhey guys could anyone tell me how can i extract files  in a destination folder via terminal ? ..tar.gz that is11:13
Eaglexandlom: Whats up :)11:14
erUSULUb3r-N00b: tar xf file.tar.gz -C destination/11:14
llutzUb3r-N00b: tar xzf foo.tar.gz -C /path/11:14
Ub3r-N00berUSUL, llutz thanks guys :)11:14
amalgamaerUSUL: thanx11:14
linux_probe>_> man tar and reading would be better( you may even learn something)11:14
Carsten-Are there any exim4 guru's here?11:14
erUSULno problem11:14
amalgamaubottu: thanx you not so intelligent bot:)11:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:14
oCeanrohitnikcool: this is really weird. Must be more users with this issue??11:14
orst3nis it me or it isnt possible yet to sync music to my iphone 4 with ubuntu yet11:15
Eagleorst3n:what up!!11:15
orst3namarok fails with the reason that the files i wanna sync are already there11:15
Abhinav1is it safe to delete .gconf folder to reset gnome conf?11:15
neilHey, can anyone help me with the CLICK PAD ISSUE, as I got the work around and was able to make the right click work but not able to STOP the eratic mouse movement.11:16
rohitnikcooloCean: there is no help at google earth site too.11:16
neilIt really annoys me to the core smtimes and I hate working on UBUNTU11:16
neiljust coz of the clickpad11:16
ubottuGoogle Earth is available as the package "googleearth-package" in !Multiverse. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth11:16
oCeanrohitnikcool: well, there is some info at http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/earth/thread?tid=5ab194cb364cc183&hl=en11:16
blueskygobbe: thanx for your support. I am new to Linux and therefore a bit slow. I got the problem solved. Have a nice weekend.11:16
oCeanerUSUL: we did, but still end up with errors11:17
VCoolioneil: ctrl+alt+numlock and use the numpad * for rightclick?11:17
encryptedHey how can I get java working in firefox?11:17
VCoolioor - , not sure11:17
bazhangencrypted, enable partner repo and install it11:18
mecoI'm trying to open Epiphany, but after a few seconds with "Starting Epiphany" in the system bar it goes away again and doesn't start up.11:18
bazhang!partner > encrypted11:18
ubottuencrypted, please see my private message11:18
bazhang!java | encrypted11:18
ubottuencrypted: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.11:18
Renskihow do I enable port 6000 on X?11:18
Renskiwheres the config file on 10.10?@11:18
g_hi, what can i use to convert videos suitable for an iphone?11:18
bazhangRenski, why would you want to11:18
VCooliomeco: try in a terminal, see if there's useful output11:18
erUSULg_: arista or winff come to mind11:18
Renskibazhang, to remotely access the machine of course11:18
bazhangg_,  handbrake11:18
mecoVCoolio: OK11:19
bazhang!handbrake > g_11:19
ubottug_, please see my private message11:19
encryptedThanks ubottu ! :-)11:19
g_erUSUL: bazhang do they have a ui?11:19
erUSULg_: yes both are gui;11:19
bazhangg_, yes, a very nice one, also a ppa for it11:19
serializedHi all, i have a problem.  when i log in to my xfce desktop I get a load of hardware drivers windows pop up.  Is there a way for this to stop?11:19
mecoVCoolio: The same happens when I try to start terminal11:20
g_ok thanks guys, i'll check them out11:20
iktserialized, got screenshot?11:20
erUSULg_: also it is recomended to have medibuntu enabled imho; so you have all the codecs enabled11:21
erUSUL!medibuntu | g_11:21
ubottug_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:21
serializednope, you know the hardware driver window that allows the proprietary drivers installation.  its just them11:21
VCooliomeco: that's not good; panel and everything are there like normal? and alt+f2 pops up a box? Try logout and back in11:21
g_i think i have erUSUL11:21
ylmfos安装的时候 卡在第三步11:21
bazhangylmfos, english here11:22
g_why doesn't handbrake just have a tar to dl?11:22
ylmfosinstall ubuntu11:22
bazhangg_, a ppa is better11:22
mecoVCoolio: Yes, they're there like normal. Alt-F2 does not pop up a box though...11:22
ylmfosi m11:22
bazhangylmfos, #ubuntu-cn11:22
ylmfosmy english if poor11:22
serializedno worries guys i stopped it via the startup programs11:22
psycho_oreos!cn| ylmfos11:23
ubottuylmfos: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk11:23
rohitnikcooloCean: if you find any solution plz let me know , my email id is coolstacy786@gmail.com11:23
bazhangylmfos, /join #ubuntu-cn11:23
mecoI'll try and re-login11:23
ylmfoscan i speak chinese11:23
bazhangylmfos, not here no11:23
ylmfosi m sorry11:24
mecoVCoolio: The system menu icon seems oblivious to the mouse, although the open apps' buttons seem to react11:24
husseyi need help in installing a software please help11:24
husseyits giving me errors11:25
Garzookawhat is a channel for emulators11:25
mecoVCoolio: Now the systems menu  icon disappeared11:25
Abhinav1hussey: which software is giving error?11:25
bazhanghussey, paste.ubuntu.com with the errors11:25
husseymake[2]: *** [/home/hasnain/2009_0525_RT3070_Linux_STA_v2.1.1.0/os/linux/../../os/linux/rt_linux.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [_module_/home/hasnain/2009_0525_RT3070_Linux_STA_v2.1.1.0/os/linux] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-24-generic-pae' make: *** [LINUX] Error 2 root@hasnain-OptiPlex-745:/home/hasnain/2009_0525_RT3070_Linux_STA_v2.1.1.0# make install make -C /home/hasnain/2009_0525_RT3070_Linux_STA_v11:25
bazhangGarzooka, /msg alis list *searchterm*11:25
VCooliomeco: alt+sysrq+k11:25
oCeanrohitnikcool: still there?11:25
husseyi need to install this wireless driver11:25
g_i had an apt-get install crash on me, and now i see: E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?11:26
rohitnikcooloCean: yes11:26
g_when i try to run it again11:26
Garzookabazhang that causes irc to crash11:26
bazhangG_ close other instances of apt11:26
g_bazhang: i have11:26
bazhangGarzooka, ask in #freenode not here11:26
psycho_oreoshussey, which version of ubuntu are you using?11:26
oCeanrohitnikcool: I did "sudo apt-get install lsb-core" (this runs for a minute) after that running "google-earth" from terminal, or from the menus runs just fine11:27
psycho_oreoshussey, why don't you use the rt2x00 driver that comes standard with almost every kernel there is?11:27
bazhangGarzooka, you are already there11:27
rohitnikcooloCean: i will try it11:27
xandlomHi all.11:29
g_how do i force a process to die?11:29
g_i've tried kill pid but it's still showing in top11:29
psycho_oreosg_, kill -9 (dangerous)11:29
husseyhow do i do hat please telll me11:29
g_psycho_oreos: interesting, it's still showing it top11:30
g_kill -9 dpkg11:30
psycho_oreosg_, it could be a zombie process or spawned by init11:30
g_uhm, where i used the pid11:30
g_psycho_oreos: top is showing 0 zombie processes?11:30
doodoomy laptop apparently comes with builtin wwan card. ghow do i chec its present or not?11:31
g_an apt-get update is showing: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)11:31
psycho_oreosg_, then exactly what is the status of dpkg? it might even be hung by process with a child, etc11:31
erUSULdoodoo: lshw -C Network ?11:31
g_doodoo: open it up and have a look!11:31
psycho_oreosdoodoo, lspci11:31
g_psycho_oreos: it crashed, so i closed the terminal it was open in. how do i find out the status?11:32
psycho_oreosg_, it might even be synaptic or update manager11:32
psycho_oreosg_, ps usually tells you11:32
g_neither are open11:32
g_nothing's showing in ps11:32
psycho_oreosps aux| grep dpkg11:32
psycho_oreospstree would give you a clear indication of how its all linked including child process that dpkg are linked to11:33
skyfireguys can you give me a command terminal tutorial?11:34
rohitnikcooloCean: i am enjoying google earth, thanks.11:34
g_i see two lines, one with /usr/bin/dpkg, that has a user pid 0.00 1.8 xxxxx xxxxx ? Ds 11:20 0:00 /usr/bin/dpkg ....11:34
g_where xxxxx are numbers11:34
oCeanrohitnikcool: great! :)11:34
psycho_oreosskyfire, I'd suggest bash-HOWTO which are available freely on the internet11:34
bazhang!terminal > skyfire11:34
ubottuskyfire, please see my private message11:34
skyfirepsycho_oreos, thanks11:35
skyfireubottu, thanks man11:35
g_psycho_oreos: pstree is showing dpkg on the left most branch11:35
psycho_oreosg_, not linked to init I presume? Ds states that its Uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)11:36
rohitnikcooloCean: thanks and bye.11:37
psycho_oreoswait.. try sudo kill -9 `pidof dpkg`11:37
jenni^I wonder if I dare to ask a question11:40
g_psycho_oreos: just tried it and nope, still there11:40
psycho_oreosg_, and there's no other processes attached to dpkg? i.e. child process?11:40
psycho_oreos!ask| jenni^11:41
ubottujenni^: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:41
g_psycho_oreos: nothing was shown linked in pstree11:41
jenni^psycho_oreos: hehe11:41
bicyclerepairmanI come from gentoo. for some reason su doesn't work in ubuntu so for now I use "sudo bash"11:41
bicyclerepairmanis there any way to get that working?11:41
llutzbicyclerepairman: use "sudo -i"11:41
psycho_oreosg_, weird, -9 is pretty much the highest level of kill if the process doesn't honour that it might even be mis-reported as a zombie process hmm..11:42
schnufflebicyclerepairman: the root passwd is disabled in default ubuntu o sudo -i or udo su -11:42
llutzbicyclerepairman: su would need root-password, which isnt available due to the disabled root-account. sudo works fine11:42
g_well it's preventing me for doing any work with apt-get11:42
g_in top, under the "S" column, it's showing "D" for dead?11:43
psycho_oreosironically apt-get is more or less a front-end to dpkg11:43
schnuffleg_: have you a updater applet in the panel11:43
jenni^[Question] I recently bought a new battery for my EEE PC 900, running Ubuntu Netbook Edition. The battery is 10400mAh, but acpi recognizes it only as 5200mAh. Any way to fix this?11:43
g_schnuffle: no, but a file copy11:43
psycho_oreosno D means its uninterrupted sleep, dead processes are marked as X and aren't usually visible, zombie process are marked as Z11:43
bicyclerepairmanI'm so confused...11:43
psycho_oreosunder man ps11:43
bicyclerepairmanhas the root acct been disabled for a good reason?11:44
obscurant1stwhats is the path for firefox profiles in ubuntu?11:44
psycho_oreos!root| bicyclerepairman11:44
ubottubicyclerepairman: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:44
oCeang_: D means uninterruptable sleep, the process will not receive any signals (such as kill)11:44
schnufflebicyclerepairman: it' not disabled, the root passwd is disbaled11:44
g_bah :(11:44
g_so how do i kill it and take control of my ocmputeR?11:44
bazhangbicyclerepairman, yes, use sudo -i for a root shell if you must, sudo is fine for most occasions11:44
oCeang_: reboot!11:44
g_it's like windows...all over again!11:45
psycho_oreosg_, you could try and remove the stale lock file but there's no guarantee that it'll work11:45
bazhang!aptfix | g_11:45
ubottug_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »11:45
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dbmany1 know any good tips & tricks for ubuntu 10.10 to improve my performance?11:46
bazhang!manual | dbm start here11:46
ubottudbm start here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/11:46
encryptedHey how do I upgrade from JRE version: 6.0_20-b20 to 6.0_23 - I'm trying to run Minecraft.jar without luck11:46
dbmbazhang: thanks11:47
JemtHow do I prevent update-initramfs from running when upgrading? I'm remastering Ubuntu, and I want to keep the original initrd11:47
psycho_oreosjenni^, no idea really, have you checked from proper sources that the battery is actually 10400mAh? not some marketing gimmick?11:47
bazhangJemt, remaster when you have it just as you want11:48
Jemtbazhang: Sorry, come again ?11:48
bazhangJemt, how are you remastering, btw11:48
jenni^psycho_oreos: well, it's one hell of a big block at least :P11:48
psycho_oreosjenni^, size doesn't always mean alot :)11:49
Jemtbazhang: Extracting Live CD ISO, extracting Squash FS, chrooting into file system, changing things, then packing it all into an ISO again11:49
Dekker3DHey all.. I have quite a problem11:49
g_interesting, when asked if i want to kill the process with the aptfix above, i'm told: dpkg: status database area is locked by another process11:49
jenni^psycho_oreos: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.1708311:50
bazhangJemt, thats not really the optimal method, but as you wish; remaster the iso and be done with it, not sure how updating comes into a live cd environment tbh11:50
bhaveshHow can I merge two or more partitions into one/11:50
bazhangbhavesh, with gparted11:50
schnuffleg_: have you some update applets running in the panel?11:50
bhaveshgparted is a software?11:50
Dekker3DMy computer won't even boot half the time, and when it does, Ubuntu gives me a kernel panic.. Can someone help me? I don't really know where to go11:50
bazhangbhavesh, yes11:50
oCeanJemt: you can "hold" a package using "echo pckgname hold | sudo dpkg --set-selections"11:50
Jemtbazhang: Why is it not the optimal way? I don't believe it can be done any "cleaner". I don't go with "easiest" way.11:50
gobbejenni^: it might be that your battery has two separate cells11:50
gobbejenni^: so 2x5200mAh11:51
JemtoCean: Thanks, I already do that to the kernel. Never the less, update-initramfs still executes during update (apt-get upgrade)11:51
encryptedHey guys I have "jre1.6.0_23" extracted in a folder in ~/Downloads - where do I move files etc, to make it installed on my system?11:52
JemtoCean: I also keep back "initscripts" - figured that might have something to do with it - but it didn't11:52
Dekker3DI'd suggest you download it with synaptic instead, encrypted11:52
Dekker3DIt'll install automatically11:52
bazhangencrypted, why would you need to do that? minecraft works fine on the latest from maverick11:52
encryptedDekker3D: How do I do that?11:52
psycho_oreosjenni^, weird, so ok its not proved to be a con item. Does the battery last longer than standard? I mean if it does I really don't see there's much need to worry about unless you're willing to muscle up for some command line debugging11:52
encryptedbazhang: I can't get minecraft to work! :-(11:52
Dekker3DGo to your administration menu and find the synaptic package manager11:52
encryptedbazhang: It keeps puking when it starts to load the terrain after you click, "empty"11:53
bazhangencrypted, well that has nothing to do with your maverick version of jre11:53
g_schnuffle: no i don't11:53
encryptedbazhang: Can you help me get it to work ?11:53
jenni^psycho_oreos: well, my old 4400mAh died in 20 mins, this has now lasted about 3 hrs and it says 50%11:53
oCeanJemt: ah, guess the update-initramfs is a "post" script in a package. Not sure how to prevent that (in rpm it's something like --noscripts)11:53
bazhangencrypted, you got the partner repo enabled in Maverick?11:53
bazhang!partner | encrypted11:54
ubottuencrypted: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »11:54
encryptedbazhang: Yes11:54
ThrAnChwhy in asterisk channel ???11:54
* FredGeek what?11:54
jenni^gobbe: that might be yes, it'd be nice to have an accurate reading though11:54
bazhangThrAnCh, try #asterisk11:54
g_gonna reboot, thanks anyway11:54
ThrAnChit is mode +r11:54
Dekker3DBut anyway.. could someone help me revive my pc?11:54
ThrAnCh=( bazhang ??? =(11:54
schnuffleg_: use lsof to find the process wich uses the file11:54
JemtoCean: I believe you are right, but the actual execution is deferred and executed later using a trigger.11:54
bazhangThrAnCh, then register, join #freenode for help with that11:54
JemtoCean: Probably to avoid having it run multiple times11:55
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ThrAnChwho register i ???11:55
bazhangThrAnCh, not here #freenode11:55
JemtAlright, so I have to figure out whether these packages can be hold back as well. Thanks, oCean11:55
oCeanJemt: I guess you are right. But now to find out..11:55
oCeanJemt: ..exactly :)11:55
ThrAnChok bazhang11:55
JemtoCean: :-)11:56
encryptedbazhang: So what should I do now to get minecraft to work?11:56
bhaveshok so I downloaded gparted11:56
bazhangbhavesh, so boot from it, and use it11:57
bhaveshmy sda4 is divided into 7 parts, how is that possible11:57
bazhangbhavesh, back up all important data first11:57
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JemtoCean: Do you happen to know anything about initramfs-tools? The configuration seems pretty generic, so it will probably run on any computer, even though build on my computer11:57
bhaveshwell my ubuntu is one on one of those parts11:57
lixinfishI get some errors about locale in my ubuntu sys11:57
lixinfishI paste it here :  http://paste.ubuntu.com/556786/11:57
oCeanJemt: I just found /etc/initramfs-tools/update-initramfs.conf11:58
bhaveshand what is linux-swap?11:58
bhaveshwait ill upload a scrn shot11:58
bazhangencrypted, please take this to #minecraft11:58
lixinfishI just can't set it to utf-811:58
JemtoCean: Yes. Mine says "most" to modules, which sounds pretty generic11:58
VCooliobhavesh: swap is hd space that can be used as RAM11:58
oCeanJemt: sorry, not familiair with initramfs, just guessing here11:59
JemtoCean: Okay, no problem. Thanks anyways :)11:59
erUSUL!swap | bhavesh12:01
ubottubhavesh: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info12:01
Dekker3DSo... I get a page-long call trace and no keys react12:03
schnufflelixinfish: open  /var/lib/locales/supported.d/en and check if en_US.UTF-8 i found when not add this en_US.UTF-8 UTF812:03
Dekker3DThe top line is the only one that's not part of the trace: [0.014908] Pid: 0, comm: swapper Tainted : G    D #4212:04
Dekker3DCan someone -please- help me identify the problem?12:04
wolfpackHI....I am not able to boot ubuntu10.04...When i try to boot I get a grub terminal....I had dual boot win7and ubuntu 10.04...Any help On this????12:04
schnuffleDekker3D: paste the trace12:04
bazhangwolfpack, fix grub2?12:04
bazhang!grub2 | wolfpack12:05
ubottuwolfpack: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:05
Dekker3DThe keyboard does not respond, schnuffle, so shall I make a photo and upload it somewhere or..12:05
Dekker3DBasically, it has a bunch of numbers and the words panic, do_exit, oops_end, no_context..12:05
bhaveshSO here is my screen shot : http://i.imgur.com/sBH5Z.png -- On the right side it shows file manager. I want to merge the 2nd 4th and 5th partition which are empty12:05
bhaveshwith gpartition -- shows on the left12:06
lixinfishschnuffle: it works, thank you!12:06
bhaveshhow can I know which drive is known as sda2 and which one is sda7?12:06
Dekker3D__bad_area_nosemaphore, ? setup_object, bad_area_nosemaphore... I'll make the photo12:06
schnuffleDekker3D: Can you repot your prob, you can't boot anymore?12:06
bhaveshbecause all are called as new volume12:07
Dekker3Dschnuffle, the exact problem is that my computer sometimes does not start the monitors.. sometimes it does, but hangs at a flashing underscore... sometimes it gets to grub and gives me this..12:08
jribbhavesh: by their contents? size?  UUID?  You should give them labels, then they'll get mounted with their labels12:08
Dekker3Dschnuffle, and sometimes it resets its bios due to having rebooted thrice, and tells me it finds no hard drives, then gives me a bios screen, and the bios just recognizes my hard drives12:09
bhaveshok how can I find uuid?12:09
bazhangbhavesh, sudo blkid12:09
jribbhavesh: sudo blkid12:09
rumpe1bhavesh, sudo blkid12:09
bhaveshok ok12:09
schnuffleDekker3D: CMOS battery rotten? f Bio get reset, check for new battery12:09
bazhangbhavesh, you probably want sudo fdisk -l   though12:10
bhaveshill try12:10
magellansudo blkid /dev/sda#of partition12:10
Dekker3Dschnuffle, is "f Bio get reset" a command I have to enter? I have no command line :P The motherboard was replaced only three days ago though, since the other one kinda melted12:10
bhaveshnvm ill go and try this12:10
Dekker3DWell... stopped working and gave a burning-plastic smell12:10
bhaveshgot everything. But cannot change the drive label :(12:11
jrib!label | bhavesh12:11
ubottubhavesh: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.12:11
schnuffleDekker3D: Okay then check your power supply. If the supply can't provide stable power problem like your happen12:12
bhaveshand what is -- Cannot unmount drive - deamon is inhibited?12:12
stanman246Dekker3D, any idea where the smell is located?12:12
schnuffleDekker3D: Most problem of that sort come from a corrupted power supply12:13
Dekker3Dschnuffle, the smell isn't there any longer. A month ago, my mobo died and smelled horrid, and I sent it in for replacement. With the PSU and CPU for good measure, since it could conceivably still be one of them12:13
Dekker3Dschnuffle, Anyway, how do I check my power supply? Just replace it with another, or is there something else I can do?12:13
schnuffleDekker3D: Try to find a replacement supply and check if the PC runs stable12:14
Dekker3DI'll take out the extra SLI card anyway12:14
Dekker3DShould lower its power consumption12:14
schnuffleDekker3D: Whats the power of your PSU?12:15
encryptedHow do I change my video driver in ubuntu?12:15
Dekker3D850w. And the next best replacement is 600w12:16
jubeiencrypted, change it from what to what?12:16
schnuffleDekker3D: Then just ripp the SLI of, connect the 650 to your Mobo and see f its stable12:16
encryptedWell, to get minecraft working I need to change my driver from the ATI catalyst one to something else.12:16
bhaveshwhy cant I unmount my drive? what does it mean by deamon inhibited?12:17
bhaveshgoogled it12:17
bhaveshcannot find ..12:17
Dekker3Dschnuffle, 600. And, that sounds like a plan. I'll try12:17
Jeff_Hello, I was wondering if anyone can help me with a little Nautilus issue.12:17
stanman246post the question Jeff_12:17
schnuffleDekker3D: I get unstable PC to check and 80% is PSU, te ret i mostly mobo and memory12:18
encryptedHow can I remeove the ati catalyst and go back to using the default video driver for ubuntu?12:18
Jeff_Well, I have alot of Gimp (XCF) files on my computer and Nautilus isn't auto thumbnailing them for me.12:18
Dekker3Dschnuffle, Ah, okay. Well, I'll be afk for a while. Transplanting PSUs takes a while12:19
Jeff_I have to open them each before it will generate a thumbnail for me.12:19
Dr_WillisJeff_:  nautilus i think has a setting to only tumbnail files below a specific size.12:19
Jeff_I set that to 1GB12:19
Dr_WillisJeff_:  thats.. scary. :)12:19
schnuffleDekker3D: I normally just use a second PC beside and just put the plugs in. But do that only if you're save with electrics12:20
jubeiencrypted, normally you should be able to remove the driver with apt-get12:20
jribJeff_: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=551995 probably12:20
stanman246Jeff_,  check this: http://my.opera.com/area42/blog/generating-thumbnails-using-gimp12:20
Dekker3Dschnuffle, I don't even have room for that :P12:20
schnuffleDekker3D: :)12:20
jubeiencrypted, but first ctl-alt-F1 and stop the gdm service.12:20
encryptedjubei: I installed it when it came up "proprietary drivers available"12:20
encryptedScrew this, I'm clean installing ubuntu again..12:21
jribencrypted: you should be able to use "Additional Drivers" in your system menu to disable it12:22
schnuffleencrypted: system>administration>additional driver an dibale it12:22
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encryptedschnuffle: and jrib Brilliant, thanks12:22
encrypted"systemerror: installarchives() failed" schnuffle  & jrib12:23
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jribencrypted: is that the full output?12:24
encryptedjrib: Yes, when I click remove thats all it says in the error box12:24
jribencrypted: use apt-get then, I don't know what causes that erro12:24
encryptedjrib: What is the comman for apt-get / how do I find the package to remove?12:25
[bean]apt-get remove12:25
freiform_hi, i need linux 2.6.37 because of missing hardware support in 10.10's  kernel. is there an easy way to achieve this including  fglrx drivers?  is there an easy way to use natty packages?12:26
bhaveshOMG when I label me drives it add some symbols in fron t of it . Like I renamed a drive from 'new volume' to Drive D, it changed its name to Drive D^_&12:26
bhaveshtried it again and the same thing happened12:26
soreaufreiform_: Use the open radeon driver that is included with the kernel12:26
bhaveshwith gparted.12:26
jribencrypted: fglrx maybe?  I don't have any experience with ati12:27
schnufflefreiform_: use a ppa12:27
Dr_Willisbhavesh:  what filesystem is the drive in question?12:27
freiform_soreau: i need fglrx as the included drievr prevents my laptop from using suspend/hibernate12:28
bhaveshfat 3212:28
Dekker3Dschnuffle... how the heck did you know that? I've been insisting that PSU is 600w and you keep talking about 650w... and it IS 650w. o.O12:28
bhaveshyup the problem is only with fat 32 Dr_Willis12:28
Dr_Willisbhavesh:  theres some cli tools to do that also. but i tend to just rename them when i put them on a qwindows box.12:28
Dr_WillisI like my disks properly named. :)12:28
Dr_Williswith NO spaces in the names either.12:28
bhaveshDr_Willis, I tried to name it with gparted12:29
soreaufreiform_: You should ask in #radeon about this problem and/or file a bug12:29
schnuffleDekker3D: just luck, thought I ha read that it i 650 W, start aking myself if I should start a religion? :)12:29
abhijain1how can i hide cario dock12:29
freiform_soreau: that is not teh issue, as i want to use the closed source driver.12:29
soreaufreiform_: Then you will always need older kernel and X12:30
abhijain1want to autohide cario dock when i am shifting pointer to ootherwhere12:30
bhaveshright click on cario dock and close or if u want to hide it when window comes on it you need to change the settings abhijain112:30
bazhangabhijain1, try in #cairo-dock12:30
Jeff_I installed the GNOME XCF thumbnailer but it still doesn't seem to auto generate thumbnails.12:30
bhaveshcheck cariodock properties - abhijain112:30
freiform_soreau: so fglrx is definitely incompatible with current kernels?12:30
schnufflefreiform_: http://www.mindwerks.net/2010/11/ubuntu-10-10-maverick-with-2-6-37-kernel/12:31
Dekker3Dschnuffle, you do that. The magical power-guesser!12:31
soreaufreiform_: It is *always* incompatible with latest kernels12:31
Dekker3DIn a few milleniae, you'll be known as the omniscient!12:31
Dekker3DWho predicted the technological singularity, even!12:31
freiform_schnuffle: thanks, but w/o fglrx it's not much use.12:32
soreaufreiform_: You will be better off investing time testing the gallium driver and report any bugs to the radeon developers12:33
freiform_soreau: i would be better off waitung another few months before using this notebook with gnu/linux. ;)12:34
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bhaveshnow does anyone know how can I merge my three partition (all ntfs) using gparted ?12:35
soreaufreiform_: Sure. ubuntu should have some of the newer work happening now for HD cards into natty12:35
amalgamahello... i have a problem with temperature.. any help?? i was talking to skype and it reached 83C! Now it runs at 60C, which seems still quite high12:35
soreaubhavesh: create an ext4 partition and cp -a everything to it ;)12:36
freiform_soreau: it's actually not just the gpu. i have problems with wifi, mic, jack-sensing, fan and that's just the ones i know about.12:36
soreauamaiman: You mean cpu temp? Are any processes using a lot of cpu?12:36
Jeff_Anyone know why GNOME XCF thumbnailer doesn't work?12:36
Dekker3Dschnuffle, well.. the different power supply does nothing12:37
Jeff_Does it require restart to work or something?12:37
jribJeff_: did you read the link I gave you?12:37
Jesdisciple(xmodmap) I tried to assign Alt (and not Meta) to my Alt keys (133 and 134) and Meta to my Windows key, and now Alt runs Meta+Super while the WIndows key runs Meta as intended =\ any help?12:37
bhaveshsoreau , if all those three partitions are empty can I just delete them?12:37
schnuffleDekker3D: So the same problems? Sometimes it boots sometimes not?12:37
Jeff_Yeas I think that's what GNOME XCF thumbnailer came from.12:37
Dekker3DOh, and when I searched for that kernel panic, I got a thread about someone with faulty memory.. so I guess that's it. But when I remove some of the memory, it won't boot at all.12:37
Jesdisciplexev hears them correctly12:37
soreaubhavesh: sure12:37
Dekker3Dschnuffle, well, this time it just auto-shutdown. I can try a few more times?12:37
amalgamasoreau: yeah, cpu temp... and no, no processes that use much of the cpu12:38
bhaveshsoreau and then create a new one(ntfs) later?12:38
gpcJeff_: how did you install it?12:38
jribJeff_: I can't find "gnome xfce thumbnailer" anywhere in that bug report12:39
[bean]Dekker3D: is it dual channel or triple channel ram?12:39
soreaubhavesh: whatever you want to do12:39
Jeff_Ubuntu Software center and then I tried reiinstalling it with snaptic12:39
[bean]if so it has to run i pairs or triplets12:39
Dekker3DSix sticks12:39
schnuffleDekker3D: No memory seems to be faulty, so tr to replace and test again12:39
soreauamaiman: maybe its misreporting the temp from the driver? Or does it really feel hot? Do you have it in well ventilated position?12:39
jribJeff_: or gnome xcf even12:39
bhaveshsoreau : just have a problem here.. All those ntfs drive are empty even then my gparted shows about 1Mb data in each of them :|12:39
Dekker3Dschnuffle, what do you mean "No memory seems to be faulty"?12:39
bhaveshspreau : I mean 17MB12:39
[bean]running a single triple channel ramstick wont getyou far12:40
Dr_Willisbhavesh:  i think that mey be due to wasted space for the blocks/tables/stuff12:40
soreaubhavesh: Its probably file system data that is useless to you12:40
schnuffleIt means that the problem is apparently clearly your memory12:40
Dr_Willisbhavesh:  and i think the ntfs-3g driver  does some work arounds also.12:40
Dekker3D[bean], but dual channel ramsticks will work alone too, right?12:40
bhaveshok then ill format them .. Dr_Wills : which work?12:40
jribJeff_: anyway, I think I read that it only works after you open the file once.  Check if that's true.12:40
Dr_Willisbhavesh:  i doubt if formating them will do anytjhing if they are allready empty12:41
[bean]they could yea, but it might not. they are made to be run a specific way12:41
bhaveshDr_willis ok12:41
amalgamasoreau: it feels hot, and i dont think its a problem of the place... with windows(blah!!!)  the temperature was ok.. now i run only ubuntu so i cant really check.. but the position is not the problem12:41
Dr_Willisbhavesh:  try it and see if you want. :)  you always have some lost space on any filesystem12:41
Jeff_Yes that's the issue I'm trying to fix.12:41
amalgamai believe at least12:41
[bean]yea, there will always be some lost space due to cluster size12:42
jribJeff_: well does the workaround given in the bug report I gave you exhibit the same behavior?12:42
soreauamaiman: Could be a hot gpu? Which graphics driver are you using?12:42
amalgamasoreau: nvidia 960012:43
Jesdiscipleno xmodmap help? =(  just thought to try #xorg and it seems they're all afk12:43
soreauamaiman: Are you using the proprietary driver then?12:44
bhaveshDr_Willis : It says Please unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than 712:44
soreauJesdisciple: What are you trying to do?12:44
bhaveshDr_Willis all of them are unmounted12:44
soreaubhavesh: You cant have them mounted12:44
bhaveshDr_Willis, I could delete just one of them12:45
bhaveshsoreau : I unmounted them12:45
amalgamasoreau: poor internet connection.... in case you didnt see nvidia 9600......12:45
soreauamaiman: Yes.. and you are using proprietary nvidia driver?12:46
mantas_Newbieanyone from ubuntu channel knows how to make different panels in each desktop for kubuntu?;)12:46
amalgamasoreau: yeah.. through the "additional drivers", the recommended one12:46
Jesdisciplesoreau: sorry, I tried to assign Alt (and not Meta) to my Alt keys (133 and 134) and Meta to my Windows key, and now Alt runs Meta+Super while the WIndows key runs Meta as intended12:46
bhaveshok I got the answer12:47
Jesdisciplesoreau: xev says they're fine12:47
bhaveshIts better to do them from a live ubuntu CD12:47
bhaveshbecoz none of them would be mounted then12:47
soreauJesdisciple: I think you can relogin and try again12:47
amalgamasoreau: and xsensors to check temp12:48
Jeff_Okay I just tried the work arounds and now it won't generate any thumbnail for XCFs12:48
amalgamasoreau: and my palm :)12:48
bhaveshand lol how will I get my gparted in live CD?12:48
Jesdisciplesoreau: do you mean to reset the modifiers?12:48
soreauJesdisciple: yea12:48
Jesdisciplesoreau: `setxkbmap us' is managing that (I've been searching around, otherwise I wouldn't have a clue)12:49
Jesdisciplesoreau: and for some reason, contrary to what the manpage and lots of pages say, Alt_L, Shift_R and such aren't valid keysyms on my machine12:51
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Jesdisciplesoreau: for the lvalue in assignment anyway12:51
Dekker3DHeh. It seems to boot.12:52
soreauJesdisciple: You have to look in the keysym.h header file for X12:52
Jesdisciplesoreau: which directory?12:52
Guest9394I can't start lubuntu 10.10 50% of the time12:52
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Guest9394(process:244): GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_rc (): failed due to unknown user id (0)12:53
amalgamaany suggestions about the temp problem??12:53
Dekker3Dschnuffle, thanks. I see the desktop now. Now.. I just need to gradually put ram back. Fun12:53
stanman246how do i use wake on lan? I set it in the BIOS but don't know how to send the wake up message. Can it be done from the command line?12:53
soreauJesdisciple: Its in the xmodmap man page IIRC.. freiform_: wait it out then12:54
Dr_Willisstanman246:  most everything can be done from the command line. :) If you know the commands. (i dont in this case, but i seemt o recall seeing a cli command do to it once ages ago)12:54
soreauJesdisciple: Its in the xmodmap man page IIRC.. /usr/include/X11/keysym.h12:54
strappingi'am a spanish student12:57
mecoWhenever the screensaver activates the scren goes black and the PC freezes up to the extent that I have to press ctrl-al-t-del about twenty times to make the machine restart12:57
mecoAny suggestions how I should deal with this issue?12:58
strappinganybody can help me in a small problem with C++ "developing"?12:58
zulaxso i install xinit and while running it, it gives me just a terminal like interface12:58
soreaumeco: Possible driver bug. Which graphics driver are you using?12:58
bazhangstrapping, try ##c++12:58
zulaxnow can in install firefox and just run it?12:58
LjLstrapping: probably best to try #c++ (or ##c++ whichever it's called)12:58
oCeanstrapping: and/or ##programming12:58
strapping0k thanks12:58
mecosoreau: there's a command for finding that out that I don't remember...12:59
zulaxI would only like wireless and firefox running on one of my ubuntu server, what is the minimal installation that i need to do12:59
soreaumeco: Try lspci|grep VGA12:59
mecosoreau: but I have an old Intel chipset12:59
strappingI search only "programación" (programming in spanish... and by this, ask here... sorry ;) UBUNTU UP!!! xD12:59
meco00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)12:59
soreaumeco: You could try booting with i915.modeset=0 to use to old intel driver code13:00
mecosoreau: where would I have to make a modification to do that?13:00
skilzsome dvd im trying to play wont work... could that be something to do with the region settings?13:00
bazhangskilz, doubtful13:00
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skilzif so, does that mean I have to do a firmware update of my dvdrw ?13:01
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bazhangskilz, install libdvdcss2 from medibuntu.org13:01
AbhiJit!restricted | skilz13:01
ubottuskilz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:01
soreaumeco: In the grub splash screen, highlight the entry and press e to edit then append it to the linux kernel line (eg. ro quiet splash i915.modeset=0) then Ctrl+X to boot it13:01
tucemiuxskilz, the DVD could also be scratched, if you can play other DVD's then its the DVD itself, it could also be the DVD rom13:02
soreaumeco: If this is favorable, you can make it permanent by editing a file in /etc13:02
mecosoreau: I don't know what a grub splash screen is.13:02
skilzit wont even load, when I press play it does nothing13:02
Jesdisciplesoreau: keysymdef.h does in fact define them, but `xmodmap:  .xmodmaprc:4:  bad keysym target keysym 'Super_R', no corresponding keycodes'13:02
bazhangmeco, hold shift at boot to get there13:02
mecobazhang: ok13:02
soreaumeco: When you boot your machine, it loads grub to boot ubuntu. The grub splash screen is where you select which OS you want to boot13:02
Jesdisciplesoreau: that would actually be ALt_L if it worked13:03
tucemiuxskilz, download the drivers like AbhiJit told you, without the driver DVD playback wont work13:03
soreauJesdisciple: I dont know then, keep experimenting13:03
h-deeHi...is there a way to export Excel spreadsheet data to SQL file, in Linux?13:03
skilzAll other dvds work13:03
p1727вечер добрый всем13:04
mecois grub something akin to a batch file for the booting sequence?13:04
bazhangp1727, #ubuntu-ru13:04
tucemiuxskilz, if all other DVDs work then the particular DVD that doesnt work is most likely scratched, like I told you before13:04
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Jesdisciplesoreau: (keysymdef.h is included from keysym.h)13:04
amalgamaany suggestions about temperature problem with 10.10??13:04
magellanDoes anyone use here the partclone or partimage software to backup or create an image of a linux system13:05
p1727господа, вопрос - как в 10.10 скопировать патч в директорию usr\src ?13:05
soreauJesdisciple: yea, /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h13:05
bazhang!ru | p172713:05
ubottup1727: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:05
tucemiuxamalgama, you could buy an aftermarket cpu and/or case air cooler, I bought myself an aftermarket air cooler and it does the trick13:05
h-deeHi...is there a way to export Excel spreadsheet data to SQL file, in Linux? Anyone?13:06
bazhangh-dee, open with the openoffice equivalent and try yet?13:06
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tucemiuxmagellan, i have used it, it works like a charm, but beware could you could be the unlucky one that has a problem with it, it worked on both my laptop and desktop13:06
gobbeh-dee: openoffice -> export with csv and edit it to sql13:06
h-deebazhang: I din't found any such option to export to SQL in OpenOffice13:07
h-deegobbe: Thanks! let me see13:07
zulaxwhat packages do i need to run wireless internet ?13:07
Jesdisciplesoreau: really I don't think the keysyms matter, I can tolerate using numbers - that was just a readability thing13:07
bazhang!wifi | zulax read this please13:07
ubottuzulax read this please: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:07
Jesdisciplesoreau: mostly I want to understand why Alt becomes Meta+Super13:07
bazhangzulax, what chipset, lspci in terminal to find out13:07
tucemiuxzulax, it can be tricky, you could read the guide like bazhang asked, or I could give you a few tips if you want13:08
skilztucemiux, the DVD looks fine to me..13:08
bazhangskilz, some new drm then13:09
bazhangskilz, you got the package from medibuntu ?13:09
magellantucemiux, did you use it while running linux or you just boot to the live cd and create an image. I want to use it while im running my linux system.13:09
zulaxbazhang, tucemiux - when i installed ubuntu-desktop, the wifi works out of box - but now i am on server and dont have a full blown GUI13:09
bazhangzulax, check ifconfig , is there a wlan0? if so try sudo dhclient wlan013:10
zulaxbazhang, ifconfig shows lo and eth013:10
tucemiuxmagellan, i did it both ways, but the live CD nowadays is so much easier i just did it with the live CD, I boot up to the live CD, get a graphical interface, connect my USB drive, then fire up gparted13:10
bazhangzulax, still need the output of lspci for chipset13:10
zulaxand iwconfig shows wlan0 but no AP and no data13:10
Kingsycan someone give me some advice, for some reason my ubuntu installed Namoroka its some kinda firefox pre release or something, I just want normal firefox... I have tried sudo apt-get remove namoroka but it says the package doesnt exist.. how do I get rid of it?13:10
bazhangKingsy, what version of ubuntu13:11
tucemiuxmagellan, i meant to say, fired up partimage13:11
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Kingsybazhang: well I upgraded so I am running 10.10 now13:12
Kingsybazhang: it was installed on 10.413:12
Jeff_Please, how do I undo what I did that gconf command that was recommended here: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55199513:12
brontoeeeis there a distro thats especially good at automagically supporting older hardware?13:12
bazhangkingsy thats odd13:12
Kingsybazhang: yup13:12
bazhangbrontoeee, ubuntu , as this is the ubuntu channel13:12
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magellantucemiux, good u clarify the gparted from partimage.hehe. im a little bit confused there.. by the way have u try it in inside the linux system. or the command line.creating an image.13:13
bazhangbrontoeee, if you want a linux wide search try ##linux13:13
tucemiuxzulax, linux journal has an article just for you, those ubuntu docs sometimes are overboated, this guide shows you exactly what to do and holds your hand: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/wi-fi-command-line13:13
Kingsybazhang: so, any advice as to how to proceed in getting rid of this?13:13
zulaxbazhang, i cant seem to find | on my server keyboard :( but its interl pro 100 i think13:13
Jeff_Please how do I undo a gconftool --set command?13:14
zulaxbazhang, intel co pro wireless 2200BG13:14
bazhangzulax, try sudo ifdown wlan0 sudo ifup wlan0 then check ifconfig again13:14
brontoeeebazhang, actually i was hoping for an ubuntu derivate, maybe even officialy supported one, but thanks13:14
bazhangzulax, also be sure there is not hardware switch for that13:14
kurohelo i have one problem with my hard drive he had one sector brek and i would like learn hor te repair this13:14
bazhangbrontoeee, here is only  officially supported ones, ubuntu would be the best (try a live cd)13:15
tucemiuxmagellan,  partimage has like a little somewhat GUI menu, it should be straight forward though, just make sure you know which partition is getting imaged and which partition is going to receive the back up, you dont want to mess those two up or youll have tragic consequences13:15
zulaxifdown says intercace wlan0 not configured bazhang13:15
magellanI planning to try it inside my running linux machine. i thought i won't work creating a image in inside a running machine13:15
magellantucemiux, I planning to try it inside my running linux machine. i thought i won't work creating a image in inside a running machine13:15
bazhangzulax, does it show in ifconfig now13:15
tucemiuxmagellan, make sure the partition isnt mounted though13:15
zulaxnop, i see eth0, eth1, lo bazhang13:15
brontoeeebazhang, tried lucid, now booting 10.10, i have a tiling screen13:15
bazhangzulax, bet its eth113:15
tucemiuxmagellan, i backed up my windows partition from inside linux, i suggest you use a live CD though13:16
Jeff_Can someone tell me where the graphical gconf app is?13:16
zulaxbazhang, yes, and its unassociated now, says ESSID:off/any13:16
bazhangJeff_, get there from alt f213:16
ubuntu_hello does any one know how to configure daloradius with mikrotik?13:16
kurodo any one know how to repair a hard drive broke by a electrycity failure?13:16
bazhangkuro, try ##hardware13:17
magellantucemiux, So its ok to run partimage inside a running linux machine even though the one i create or the source i want to create a image i the one running.13:17
rshi need to ask tech question13:17
bazhangzulax, the wifi link I gave you tells exactly how to do that13:17
ubuntu_can any one tell how can i configure daloradius with freeradius and mikrotik13:17
bazhangubuntu_, what is mikrotik13:18
Jeff_bazhang that opened the "Run Application" dialog.13:18
ubuntu_mikrotik is a router13:18
ubuntu_i want to authenticate users13:18
tucemiuxmagellan, again -- the partition youre going to work on needs to be unmounted -- but since you dont know what that means im going to tell you the safest thing to do --- from within linux it doesnt work(you can do it and prove me wrong) -- use a live CD13:18
ubuntu_but using a radius13:18
rshi want to connect BT device to my dongle on 8.0413:18
schnuffle1kuro: e2fsck is te tool to check patitions13:18
bazhangJeff_, yep, now type in the gconf tool command13:18
tseHello, Has anyone configured VPN IPSEC lan to lan?13:18
ubuntu_and the radius is daloradius13:18
ubuntu_conected with freeradius,mysql apacher13:18
Jeff_Could not open location 'file:///home/jeffrey/gconf%20tool'13:19
schnuffle1tse: yes, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPSecHowTo13:19
[bean]Jeff_: gconf-editor13:20
Jeff_[bean] thanks!13:20
JemtIs it possible to have a custom script run after upgrades? I need to ensure that a file is ALWAYS restored after upgrades13:21
jribJemt: what file?13:21
tseHello, I'm opening a VPN via IPsec - Network to Network VPN. I come to open the VPN client appears with the status of OPEN indicating that the connection was made. And that will be use to VPN I access port 22 from an FTP Released by them. But I can not telnet to that port. Direct via Shell Firewall I can ping the IP of the machine normally FTP but I can not telnet on that port and the machine13:21
tseon my network can not ping let alone do telnet.13:21
tse I'm doing the following:13:21
tse In the VPN option - I select IPsec - In Status and control of the link I click on ADD - Inside the connection type select NETWORK TO NETWORK VPN and click on Add - I do all the configuration and the connection is established with the client.13:21
tse My doubt is: After you open the VPN tunnel with my client as I do for a particular IP on my network that I access the VPN and can use FTP?13:21
FloodBot1tse: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:21
bazhangJemt, which file13:21
magellantucemiux, thanks you very much..may i ask again do you know similar to partimage that work inside a running linux by creating an image..i mean creating a image from a running linux machine..hope you know something alike13:21
bazhangtse, did you read that link?13:21
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FloodBot1Guest75253: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:22
Jemtjrib & bazhang: /initrd.img - I need to make sure the link ALWAYS points to the first ramdisk created13:22
tsebazhang: but after how do I configure the internal IP VPN created by the exit?13:23
Jemtjrib & bazhang: Or I need to be able to "protect" it agains being overwritten13:23
magellantucemiux, creating an image in which the source is the running linux machine with out umounting it. or you dont want to boot to live cd. to run it.13:23
tucemiuxmagellan, i heard of others but partimage is the one I tried and it worked, didnt bother testing the other ones, I suggest you use a live CD though, if you have questions about using a live CD go ahead and ask, live CD is the way to go13:23
jribJemt: I don't understand why though, might you not need to rebuild it with a new kernel?13:23
Jesdisciplesoreau: the main problem was my fault13:23
Jesdisciplesoreau: I was reassigning the Windows key but assuming that Alt just meant Alt13:24
ghufran_hi. i need to mount an iso image. but am unable to do so ..13:24
bazhang!iso | ghufran_13:24
ubottughufran_: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.13:24
Jesdisciplesoreau: somehow that confused xmodmap13:24
Renski2lol, im using vinagre for the first time and I cant escape the session13:24
Renski2is there a short cut to release the mouse?13:25
Jesdisciplesoreau: Meta apparently wasn't being generated by Alt, Emacs is just stubborn about interpreting an Alt signal as Meta *sigh*13:25
Renski2 /keyboard13:25
ghufran_mount -o loop /media/Data/Download/image\ file.iso /mnt/isodisk/ but it said i must specify a filesystem type13:25
Jemtjrib: Any package may force it to be regenerated, really. But I use the Live CD to boot Ubuntu installed onto a USB stick. I want to ensure that the kernel and initrd on the Live CD is the same used on the USB stick. Easy done with the kernel, I can just hold it back. But as mentioned, the initrd may be regenerated by any package13:25
m___hi all! Is there anyway to make a process keep running when I shut down the terminal? When I use & it spwans a new process but it doesn't carry on.13:25
magellantuceiux, ah ok thanks..i thought there some package that works creating an image in which the source is the running machine an dont need to boot to live cd everytime i want to create an image. i plannig to create an two image in background if my machine is in idle.13:25
ghufran_bazhang, that didnt work for me13:25
Idol_Mindcan someone help me write a backup script daemon? I know what I want to do, but I don't know how to accomplish it.13:25
smwm___, nohup13:25
Jemtjrib: Wait.. This doesn't make sense at all...13:26
m___smw: ?13:26
smwm___, google it :-)13:26
Jemtjrib: My initial problem was that I was unsure whether I could boot an updated Ubuntu 10.10 with the "old" Live CD which has an older kernel and older Initrd13:26
schnuffleIdol_Mind: There are already thousands of good scripts, why should it be a daemon?13:26
bazhangm___, append nohup13:26
Jemtjrib: Holding it back on the USB stick won't help :)13:26
smwm___, prepend nohup13:27
magellantucemiux, ah ok thanks..i thought there some package that works creating an image in which the source is the running machine an dont need to boot to live cd everytime i want to create an image. i plannig to create an two image in background if my machine is in idle.13:27
Idol_Mindschnuffle, because my wife is linux illiterate, so I want to make it a daemon (or just add the script to init.d)13:27
ghufran_i also tried installing a software.. its called gmount-iso but it gave me this: An error occured wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error. In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so13:27
smwbazhang, I don't think appending it works.13:27
Idol_Mindschnuffle, and I only want to backup one folder13:28
smwIdol_Mind, maybe you really want a cron job13:28
tucemiuxIdol_Mind,  and where is the problem with ubuntu here? Mmm..  I personall use unison to back up my stuff but here's a whole lot of options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem13:28
schnuffleIdol_Mind: What about a cron job?13:28
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tsei need helo about VPN13:28
smwIdol_Mind, or you can get a program made for backups ;-)13:28
bazhangsmw, quite right, my mistake13:28
smw!ask | tse13:28
ubottutse: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:28
Idol_Mindschnuffle, that would work... is it possible ro have it detect a program running (PID i believe)?13:28
schnuffleIdol_Mind: Have a look at duply, you only need ssh to your wifes PC13:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:29
Jeff_OK I somehow managed to get the auto thumbnailer to work for XCFs. By unseting some key off of /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/image@x-xcf/command in gconf13:29
jribJemt: well I don't know, but it sounds like there's likely a better way to accomplish what you are doing13:29
tucemiuxtse,  what problem are you having on your ubuntu machine?  All in --- one line ---13:29
Blackjesterhi all13:30
Idol_Mindtucemiux, thanx.. i did browse over that before, but it it a little much for what I need13:30
AbhiJitwolfpack_, may i have a word with you in pm?13:30
Jeff_It might also have to do with my installation of gloobus-preview but I'm not sure13:30
schnuffleIdol_Mind: I use t to backup a server with lvm snapshots13:30
Jemtjrib: Not sure. What I want is simply to be able to boot my Ubuntu on a USB stick, since all computers do not support USB boot. And replacing the kernel and initrd on the Live CD is not simple. The initrd on the USB stick does not contain Casper, so I can't just copy it to the Live CD (yes, I'm remastering it)13:30
tseI can not make my exit through the VPN network13:31
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tucemiuxIdol_Mind,  creating your own script for backups is overkill, i would use one of those utilities, I guess the trick is to have someone write the script for you13:32
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tsemy network does not go through VPN13:32
cisshi, i'm using screen sharing to control a media server. the downside is that this available only after a user has logged in. i'd like to know if it is possible to start a local gnome user session via ssh from the command line?13:32
Idol_Mindtucemiux, i do see the benefits... I just don't know which "method" I need to use13:32
schnuffletse: have you check your routing, to pass traffic through a vpn the routing has to be adapted13:32
Idol_Mindtucemiux, I would like something that will backup a folder right when a PID is created and again when the PID stops13:33
mecowhat is the linux kernel line in the grub edit screen?13:33
m___smw: thx!13:33
rshanybody please know abt  BT connectivity in 8.0413:33
tucemiuxIdol_Mind, good luck having someone write the script for you13:33
tseschnuffle: how do I add the route of only one IP?13:34
schnuffleIdol_Mind: But the pid won't always be the same13:34
smwm___, np13:34
Idol_Mindschnuffle, I think I saw a script that will start an app and assign it to a specific PID (kinda like a daemon)13:35
Idol_Mindkeep in mind, I'm still a bit new at linux... so I might get some stuff confused13:35
schnuffletse: route add -host <ip>  <ipsec device>13:35
wolfpack_AbhiJit: yes13:35
AbhiJitwolfpack_, hi this is AbhiJit from mumbai.13:36
schnuffleIdol_Mind: What is the app behind that PID13:36
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ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:36
tseschnuffle: route add -host ipsec0?13:36
smwIdol_Mind, backup is a solved problem. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel ;-)13:37
jribJemt: anyway the answer to your original question (whether you can always run something after apt-get is yes, you can use some dpkg:: option (look for post-install) in the apt configuration files (vague enough?).  I'll read some man pages if you aren't sure where to go13:37
Jeff_Well I uninstalled Gloobus and it still works.13:37
schnuffletse: put a sudo in front should do the trick13:37
tucemiuxright next to the arabian sea o_O13:37
Renskiany vinagre users here?13:37
Idol_Mindsmw, I'm not... i'm just trying to learn scripting and stuff like that...13:37
smwIdol_Mind, ah, it is a project ;-)13:38
Ryukibug dork pls13:38
smwIdol_Mind, I thought you actually wanted working backups :-P13:38
bazhangRyuki, pardon?13:38
Jeff_I think ubuntu might have some have previously messed with the gconf setting and I mess it up even worse. So unseting it might have been the only thing I needed to do.13:38
abhijainupdate team viewer and its work when it updated but after loosing connection once again its working with last version13:38
Idol_Mindsmw, cute :P13:38
schnuffleIdol_Mind: So if you want a backup right after a app running create a start script for that app with a backup after13:38
Jeff_That and installing Gnome XCF thumnailer13:39
Ryukiidol_mind pm pls13:39
skilzwhats the best way to copy a dvd to my hdd as avi?13:39
tseschnuffle: would be to remove route del -host ipsec0?13:39
rshBT connect13:39
bazhangRyuki, ask here13:39
thinkinganimalhello, I encounter problems when using alien convert rpm to deb13:39
schnuffletse: yep13:39
bazhangthinkinganimal, what package13:39
hilarieCould someone point me in the right direction to adding some startup programs in 10.x ubuntu?13:39
bazhangrsh, stop that13:39
FloodBot1rsh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:40
thinkinganimalbazang xchat for linux13:40
bazhangthinkinganimal, its in the repos13:40
Jeff_I'll try this on my other ubuntu partition to make sure.13:40
wolfpack_AbhiJit: yes continue ... what u want to ask ?13:40
smwthinkinganimal, as a general rule, alien is not supported.13:40
bazhangthinkinganimal, sudo apt-get install xchat13:40
bazhang!ot | wolfpack_ AbhiJit13:40
ubottuwolfpack_ AbhiJit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:40
tseschnuffle: so this command is that only one of my ip has to go to the VPN?13:40
thinkinganimalbazhang I have already install it using .deb package, but I want to know why the alien doesn't work?13:41
rshbazhang help me with this13:41
schnuffletse: The command will route all traffic to that IP through the tunnel13:41
Jemtjrib: Thanks alot for the tip. I'll look into it :)13:41
bazhangthinkinganimal, its not needed and hardly ever used. so not an issue13:41
bazhangrsh patience13:42
wolfpack_AbhiJit: join u ubuntu -offtopic13:42
AbhiJitwolfpack_, i sent you pm. look my pk13:42
smwthinkinganimal, because alien is not perfect or suggested13:42
wolfpack_its not coming here13:42
ghufran_can anyone help me with mounting an iso image? the "standard" way is failing for me ..13:42
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smwghufran_, what is the "standard way"13:42
soreaughufran_: What have you tried so far that isnt working?13:42
AbhiJitwolfpack_, come in ##devil13:42
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thinkinganimalbazhang&smw thank you all, maybe the alien tool is not a robust tool,ha13:43
schnuffleghufran_: sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /<mountpoint>13:43
bazhangthinkinganimal, indeed not, install from repos first (always)13:43
smwschnuffle, no, you need -o loop13:43
tseschnuffle: but does not go to stop my internet. this along with the VPN firewall?13:43
erUSUL!doesntwork | ghufran_13:43
ghufran_smw, soreau schnuffle i tried this : mount -o loop /media/Data/Download/image\ file.iso /mnt/isodisk/ but it said i must specify a filesystem type13:43
ubottughufran_: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.13:43
jribJemt: there's probably a better way though.  Do you know how initrd gets modified?  Is there some helper program that updates the links?13:43
erUSULghufran_: add -t iso966013:43
thinkinganimalbazhang, thank you for your suggestion, I am a newer of linux13:44
schnuffleAh, haven't seen that' an iso file13:44
ghufran_erUSUL, i've already described what doesnt work earlier. was repeating my question13:44
Jemtjrib: Yes, it is regenerated using the update-initramfs tool13:44
rshyes and i m new to everythng13:44
erUSULghufran_: what error do you get?13:44
rshincluding this confusion13:44
ghufran_so i should remove -o loop?13:44
bazhang!helpme | rsh13:44
ubottursh: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude13:44
thinkinganimalbazhang, I need to read the man page almost all day to learn how to use those command13:44
SengokuHey, I just updated my maverick, and when i rebooted it, nothing shows but white black squares13:45
soreauthinkinganimal: Its not that alien isnt robust, its just that its not designed to do what you think it does ;)13:45
bazhangthinkinganimal, check the ubuntu manual first13:45
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:45
bazhang!manual | thinkinganimal13:45
ubottuthinkinganimal: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:45
tseschnuffle: but does not go to stop my internet. this along with the VPN firewall?13:45
tucemiuxghufran_, try the GUI way: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/easy-way-of-mountunmount-iso-images-in-ubuntu.html13:45
jribJemt: hmm, in update-initramfs.conf what does setting update_initramfs=no do?13:45
Jemtjrib: But as mentioned, I realized that the actual problem, is packages DEPENDING on the new initrd (if that's somehow possible). The USB stick will in most situations be booted with the OLD initrd on the Live CD, so if packages depends on changes in initrd, we have a problem13:45
=== Dotted is now known as Dotoff
* Ryuki Anyone have a scan bug dork RFI?13:45
jribJemt: I see13:45
* Ryuki Anyone have a scan bug dork RFI?13:45
=== wolfpack_ is now known as wolfpack
smw!msgthebot > hilarie13:45
ubottuhilarie, please see my private message13:45
bazhangRyuki, please stop that13:45
soreauthinkinganimal: basically, you only want to use packages that are designed for whatever distro and version of that distro or else it probably will cause issues13:45
schnuffletse: no, if you keep your default gateway13:46
tucemiuxSengoku, you have an nvidia card ?13:46
ghufran_erUSUL this doesnt work eithe: mount -t iso9660 -o loop /media/Data/Download/Rosetta\ Stone\ French\ Level\ 1\ and\ 2/Rosetta\ Stone\ French\ Level\ 1\ and\ 2.iso /mnt/isodisk/13:46
Jemtjrib: Hmm, good question. Checking it out. If it is possible to disable update-initramfs, then packages can't depend on new functionality in this part of the system. It would break it13:46
Ryukihelp me plss13:46
Sengokutucemiux: ATI13:46
bazhangRyuki, ask a real question then13:46
erUSULghufran_: ok; again: what error you get?13:46
abhijainHow to update team viewer13:46
schnuffletse: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-add-permanent-static-routes-in-ubuntu.html13:46
ghufran_tucemiux, i installed gmount-iso. it jsut tells me to look dmesg13:47
tucemiuxSengoku, last time I had that problem it was my video drivers that got corrupt, can you access a terminal?13:47
Idol_Mindis there a moderator on?13:47
Sengokutucemiux: not sure.. how would i do that?13:47
Jemtjrib: "If set to no disables any update to initramfs beside kernel upgrade" - YES! Exactly what I need13:47
ghufran_erUSUL, mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error. In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so13:47
hilarieFound the startup applications program, how would I add xchat to it? I can't find it, what would its default install directory be?13:47
Jemtjrib: Seems you found the answer to my problems.13:47
skilzwhats the best way to copy a dvd to my hdd as avi?13:47
tucemiuxSengoku, "ctrl-alt-f*"  --- "cltr-alt-F7" is the GUI, any other should send you to a black screen requesting your login13:48
abhijainupdate tem viewer?13:48
thinkinganimalsoreau: you mean my version and distro of alien is not correct?13:48
erUSULghufran_: do « file image.iso » to make sure it is an iso image13:48
schnuffleskilz: ogmrip or handbrake13:48
bazhangskilz, handbrake though mp4 would be better13:48
tucemiuxghufran_,  at what point you get that message?13:48
Sengokutucemiux: tried t hose already.. no luck13:48
* Ryuki where can I get a bug dork RFI?13:48
schnuffleskilz: and mkv would be better than mp4 :)13:48
* Ryuki where can I get a bug dork RFI?13:48
thinkinganimalbazhang: thank you, maybe I still need to sink in the manual pages for a long time13:48
Pianistanerogood afternoon13:48
soreauthinkinganimal: No I mean you should only use packages that are designed for your distro version13:48
tucemiuxSengoku,  so you cant even login using a terminal???13:49
ghufran_erUSUL, you mean put "file <isoname>" in terminal?13:49
bazhangRyuki, you are making no sense13:49
erUSULghufran_: yes; file is a command that identifies filetypes13:49
hilarieXchat command Xchat?13:49
tseschnuffle: please repeat the command13:49
ghufran_tucemiux, when i try to mount the iso using mount -t iso9660 -o loop ... in terminal13:49
thinkinganimalsoreau: yep13:49
Sengokutucemiux: let me try sshing into it13:49
soreauhilarie: xchat13:49
gast__1hi everybody13:49
=== marc is now known as Guest36392
abhijainbazhang: how to update team viewer. actually i updated it but for a instance of time it work and then after loosing connection its again working on previous version13:49
bazhangabhijain, what will updating it do13:50
Ryukibazhang : mean?13:50
ksinkarhow do i edit the sudoers list?13:50
ghufran_erUSUL, it says data13:50
hilarie@soreau that's it, you don't need to know where its installed at?13:50
Sengokutucemiux: how would i login using terminal?13:50
erUSULghufran_: and you are sure it is actualy a iso image???13:50
abhijainbazhang: i updated it new version 6.13:50
schnuffletse: route add -host <ip addrress>  netmask dev ipsec013:50
ghufran_erUSUL, i'm not sure.. its a download13:50
tucemiuxghufran_, youre having serious issues using the command line, that's why I sent you the link on how to do it using the GUI, they showed you more than once on how to do it but youre still doint it wrong, if you want to do itusing the command line I highly suggest you use: man mount13:50
soreauhilarie: Nope, its already in your PATH13:50
JemtAnother question: Can I remove linux-headers-* packages ? Are they really used? I never build a custom kernel.13:51
erUSULghufran_: this is what i get with a real iso: ubuntu-10.10-alternate-amd64.iso:         # ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'Ubuntu 10.10 amd64             ' (bootable)13:51
hilarie@soreau Well that's so simple, it's complicated....13:51
bazhangabhijain, updated how13:51
soreauhilarie: for the record, you can see with this command: which xchat13:51
tucemiuxJemt, some appz might need those headers, do you use virtual box?13:51
Jemttucemiux: Nope, it's a "real" installation13:51
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ghufran_tucemiux, ok13:52
erUSULghufran_: well maybe is another type of cd-image? bin cue? Nero's cdr? ... who knows13:52
Jemttucemiux: But if they are required, I'd better leave them installed.13:52
ghufran_erUSUL, so means its not an iso then .. :D13:52
Sengokutucemiux: ugh, can i reinstall ubuntu without losing my data?13:52
hilarie@soreau /usr/bin/xchat That's where its installed, i can do that for any program?13:52
erUSULghufran_: doesn't looks like one13:52
ghufran_erUSUL, is there a way to find out ?13:52
abhijainbazhang: when i am trying to connect with partner then it gave me option . your  partner using new version would you want to update . i clicked for yes and then its updated. for lil time i used it . but after loosing connection once again its working for old version13:52
tucemiuxJemt, i mean, the headers are there for  a reason, some applications need them, virtualbox for example, will not work if the headers are not installed13:52
Sengokutucemiux: sweet, i got into terminal!13:52
soreauhilarie: Yes, as long as it is executable and in your PATH. See echo $PATH13:53
tucemiuxSengoku, if you reinstall you will lose everything13:53
abhijainbazhang: also created a desktop icon team viewer6. desktop13:53
Jemttucemiux: Oh, I see. Thanks. They are probably used for building kernel modules then13:53
tucemiuxSengoku, now reconfigure your X13:53
Sengokutucemiux: what should i be googling13:54
mecoI have a problem with the screensaver that is crashing the PC. When the screenasaver starts up, it runs (graphics are fine) for about one second, then the screen goes black, sound shuts off and the caps lock light is unchangable. In order to restart the PC I have to hold down ctrl-alt-del for several seconds, I got the advice to boot with an older graphics driver by appending i915.modeset=0 to the kernel line during bootup, but that didn't13:54
mecomake any difference. Now what?13:54
abhijainbazhang: when launching this icon then giving error: the app launcher team viewer6. desktop has not been marked as trusted. if u do not now the source of this file . launching it may be unsafe13:54
RyukiJemt> tucemiux: But if they are required, I'd better leave them installed.13:54
Ryuki<ghufran_> erUSUL, so means its not an iso then .. :D13:54
Ryuki<Sengoku> tucemiux: ugh, can i reinstall ubuntu without losing my data?13:54
=== Dotoff is now known as _Dotted
bazhangabhijain, upgraded from 3rd party source? from ubuntu repos?13:55
Niglopwhats a good gui virus scanner13:55
abhijainbazhang: now i explained everything . if there is no option then should i remove teamviewer. and how to remove its not avialable in software center .13:55
hilarie@Ryuki the installer will give you an option to create a new partition,13:56
bazhangNiglop, clamav13:56
tucemiuxSengoku, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+10.10+no+gui+after+upgrade13:56
jribNiglop: you know there's not much point in running a virus scanner on a personal linux desktop?13:56
abhijainbazhang: i told you how i updated . its automatic givem me msg for updated13:56
bazhangtucemiux, dont do that. its not ever welcome here.13:56
abhijainbazhang: leave tell me how to remove it from command line13:56
Niglopjrib› just doing something13:56
chalet16I have installed Ubuntu (netboot) using software raid (mdadm) to /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1 (RAID-1) but when I cat /dev/mdstat it tell me that it mirror /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, any workaround?13:57
ksmithhey guys13:57
ksmithI'm having trouble enabling my bluetooth receiver. it's telling me connection timed out.13:57
bazhangabhijain, installed from where. ubuntu repos or 3rd party13:57
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.13:57
tucemiuxthis is the first time i have heard you cant google for someone, is this coming from canonical?13:58
kot_4eshirskiyi am a new user=)13:58
abhijainbazhang: 3rd party13:58
jribtucemiux: huh?  That's not what it says13:58
schnuffle!ask | kot_4eshirskiy13:58
ubottukot_4eshirskiy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:58
bazhangtucemiux, its insulting. give a concrete link but dont do that13:58
kot_4eshirskiyi am russian13:59
Sengokutucemiux: "No gui" wasn't my issue though. I got no "UI" at all13:59
tucemiuxif you feel insulted then nobody can help you, if someone didnt do that for me my google-fu would've never improved13:59
bazhangkot_4eshirskiy, #ubuntu-ru for Russian help13:59
Kingsywhere is software sources on ubuntu? I cant find it in the menus13:59
ksmithis there a way to reset any bluetooth related settings?13:59
gpc!softsources | Kingsy14:00
ubottuKingsy: Looking for your Software Sources in Maverick/10.10? For a simple way to enable the menu item see http://tinyurl.com/24jxd6t - More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories14:00
bazhangKingsy, /etc/apt/sources.list14:00
soreauksmith: service bluethooth restart14:00
ron__is there a way to set ubuntu open up the same applicatons that were opened before a restart? fedora seems to have that inherently (though maybe it's a kde thing?)14:00
tucemiuxSengoku, the next thing I would try is booting up into safe mode but if that doesnt work then your best bet would be a thread in the forums14:01
mecoI have a problem with the screensaver that is crashing the PC. When the screenasaver starts up, it runs (graphics are fine) for about one second, then the screen goes black, sound shuts off and the caps lock light is unchangable. In order to restart the PC I have to hold down ctrl-alt-del for several seconds, I got the advice to boot with an older graphics driver by appending i915.modeset=0 to the kernel line during bootup, but that didn't14:01
mecomake any difference. I have only recently upgraded to 10.04.1. Now what do I do?14:01
ksmithit now is telling me, that the bluez service is not running or something. sorry, english is not my native language.14:01
thinkinganimalHi guys, do you have instructions of how to write .vm file for viewmail for emacs?14:01
jribthinkinganimal: try #emacs14:02
bazhangthinkinganimal, perhaps try #emacs channel14:02
edwardteachmeco, if guessing you disabled the screensaver  if your sure thats the problem !14:02
tucemiuxmeco, do you really need the screen saver?14:02
Sengokutucemiux: how do i get to that grub screen. Would safemode be there?14:02
thinkinganimalbazhang: o14:02
mecoAccessing the screensaver also crashes the PC..14:03
mecoSo I can't shut it off14:03
Kingsywhich deb package in sources.list is responsible for namoroka?14:03
tucemiuxSengoku, when you boot up you should see an option to boot up to safe mode, is your machine making it up to the point where it shows you a menu?14:03
hilarieDoes anyone have a suggestion on learning programs on then the BASIC-256 that came with the ubuntu software installer, it freezes every time I have a syntax error14:03
xgalacitcaxdavidwhat is the command to extract a tar.gz file14:03
Repgahrollwhat's the irc client that you guys are using?14:03
Sengokutucemiux: it shows "Ubuntu" with the four dots underneath then goes nuts.. so idon't see any menu14:03
FoxHeloksmith: bluez?14:04
gpc!best | Repgahroll14:04
ubottuRepgahroll: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:04
edwardteachmeco, using the gui to access the screensaver crashes it ?14:04
tucemiuxSengoku, the forums and google would be more helpful then, or you can try the room at another time and hope someone that has experienced the problem logs in, from my experience the forums and google have helped me solve issues like that14:05
FoxHeloxgalacitcaxdavid: tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz14:05
babaluhello there14:05
mecoedwardteach: Yes, that crashes the PC, not the screensaver14:05
xgalacitcaxdavidFoxHelo thank you14:05
babalucan anyone help me plz14:05
tucemiuxbabalu, wut up, lou14:05
Sengokutucemiux: at elast i gcan get into console. i've just gotta google my way to mounting a usb drive, then backup all my stuff14:05
FoxHelobabalu: what's up?14:06
schnuffle!ask | babalu14:06
ubottubabalu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:06
babaluI am trying to install this into wine but i dont  know how to do it (lib32-catalyst-utils)14:06
Sengokuor better yet figure out how to enable wireless14:06
tucemiuxSengoku, the usb drive should be mounted automatically, just hook up the USB drive then go to /media, there should be a folder for it, something funny looking like /media/XDFD1342SDF would be it14:06
sveinseI have a deb package downloaded to /var/cache/apt/archives. How can I find where it comes from (i.e. maverick vs. maverick-updates and main vs. universe)?14:07
Repgahrollhow are the bestbot statistics collected?14:07
Sengokutucemiux: no dice..14:07
tucemiuxSengoku, why you want to enable wireless???14:07
bazhangRepgahroll, in #ubuntu-bots ?14:07
edwardteachmeco, what did it say in the dmesg log ?14:07
Repgahrollbazhang, yep14:08
rshtucemiux hcitool scan fails14:08
hilarie@schnuffle where is the key to get the divider thing you are using? the straight up and down line14:08
Sengokutucemiux: so i can commit my uncommited code..14:08
Sengokui dont' care about the rest of my hard drive14:08
mecoedwardteach: I'm not familiar with that. Where can I find it?14:08
bazhangRepgahroll, popularity-contest iirc14:08
tucemiuxSengoku, you dont have a wired connection?14:08
gpcsveinse: apt-cache show packagename14:08
Sengokutucemiux: ethernet port is broke14:08
Repgahrollbazhang, can i participate too? how?14:08
schnufflehilarie: ALTGR + Y14:08
bazhangRepgahroll, sure in that channel14:09
tucemiuxSengoku, this thread shows you how to mount the USB drive: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB14:09
Repgahrollbazhang, which channel? #popularity-contest?14:10
soreaumeco: sys>admin>log file viewer>/var/log/messages14:10
tucemiuxSengoku, this thread show you how to turn on your wireless using the command line: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/wi-fi-command-line14:10
sveinsegpc: apt-cache show requires the pkg to be installed and for the same arch14:11
rshtucemiux hcitool scan fails  no forums describe wht to do14:11
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booleanmorning, is there anywhere I can find the configure(1) options used by the ubuntu team in order to recompile an updated version of openssh?14:12
mecoOK, I have the dmesg log, but I have no idea how to read it.... What do I look for?14:12
ksinkarhow do we start the gdm from the shell14:12
ksinkaror how can we know the init level that we are running in now14:12
gpcsveinse: apt-cache show doesn't require the package be installed14:12
edwardteachmeco, you should look error messages !14:12
mecoedwardteach: Near the top or the bottom? It's a very long list14:13
sveinsegpc: Can apt-cache handle other archs?14:13
BluefeverSo I'm sitting here, and nothings wrong, and out of nowhere my computer just restarts. I know theres some hardware issue, but I couldn't figure out what it was, so now I'm pretty convinced its the CMOS battery. any thoughts?14:13
gpcsveinse: what do you mean by archs?14:14
skorvanyone here knows/uses openssh14:14
sveinsegpc: i386 vs. amd6414:15
abhijainhow to update team viewer14:15
tucemiuxBluefever, I would open your machine and give it a good clean, make sure there's no shorts anywhere, also make sure the electronics are OK, inspect for blown electronics14:15
edwardteachmeco, i know i think there in 'from boot order'  so i think high numbers  im not exactly an expert unfortunately14:16
Jp-iehi all14:16
linuxinclusogenesis live14:16
skorvtrying to find how to kill all ssh sessions in i need to14:16
gpcsveinse: apt will search the repositories for whatever arch you have installed. you could use packages.ubuntu.com also but the package names are the same in 32bit or 64bit14:16
tucemiuxBluefever, check for bad capacitor in your motherboard: http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=19514:16
=== Nisstyre65 is now known as Nisstyre
Bluefever@tucemiux. Any in particular I should look at.14:17
gast__1is it possible to disable the mac chin at startup under ubuntu?14:17
tucemiuxBluefever, yes: http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=19514:17
Bluefeverwould it be corroded?14:17
Jp-iedoes anyone know if there is a installable deb package available for VOCP http://www.vocpsystem.com/ ?14:17
bazhangJp-ie, apt-cache seach vocp14:18
sveinsegpc: OK. I see if I can use apt-cache. What I'm really trying to do is to make a local mirror of maverick packages. And I only want a small list of packages, not the whole shebang14:18
edwardteachmeco, perhaps if you recreate the crash you may be able to see better not exactly  a perfect answerer i know but recreating the problem should throw up some messages!14:18
skilzis there any way to get vbulletin free or something similar free?14:18
tucemiuxBluefever, i cant see what youre seeing, only a physical inspection would let you know if there is a problem with it,  I've seen machines that had shorts on it and that's why it rebooted, cleaning it fixed the problem14:19
mecoedwardteach: you mean recreate the problem and then go look at the dmesg file?14:19
MTughan_laptopI'm trying to install an i386 package I downloaded on my Ubuntu 10.10 x86_64 system, but the package installer is saying "Wrong architecture: i386". I do have libc6-i386 installed. Why won't it let me install it?14:19
BluefeverChecking out the link you gave me. This is actually very very helpful @tucemiux14:19
JackStonerim using linux mint and there's no default .bash_aliases, will this work if i manually create one?14:19
edwardteachmeco,  after reboot check  the messages yes !14:19
BluefeverNow I know what to look for.14:19
mecoedwardteach: ok, I will do that14:20
xangua!mint | JackStoner14:20
ubottuJackStoner: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:20
xanguaMTughan_laptop: what package¿14:20
MTughan_laptopxangua: TigerVNC.14:20
BluefeverNow I'm almost afraid to look as I just heard my computer make some strange sound a minute after it restarted.14:20
ChriHHi, I need to watch a MPEG-4 Movie, but it says I need Xvid Codec. Is there a linux version of it? If not, a replacement?14:20
ChriHSomething tht can run mpeg-4 movies14:21
xanguaChriH: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:21
linuxman410unetbootin says 7z not found how do i fix that14:21
sveinsegpc: Yes, I'm aware of apt-mirror. However it seems to download *alot*. I tried to mirror maverick/main and it is going to download 30G. I just need 100Megs or so of packages14:21
gpc!aptoncd > sveinse14:22
ubottusveinse, please see my private message14:22
sveinsegpc: Well thanks, anyways14:22
gpcsveinse: maybe that will be what you need14:22
ChriHxangua : Won't that install all the non free softwares?14:22
xangualinuxman410: sudo apt-get install p7zip-full14:22
PhonicUKhey all, how do I navigate to the menu bar without the mouse?14:22
MTughan_laptopChriH: There's no free decoder for H.264.14:22
ChriHMTughan_laptop, xangua : ok, I will go with the restricted extras14:23
ChriHThanks :)14:23
PhonicUKah nm14:23
FoxHelohow to send a private message?14:23
MTughan_laptopxangua: Any clue about my package install?14:23
PhonicUKokay now I have another problem14:24
schnufflelinuxman410: udo aptitude install p7zip-full ( it in universe repository)14:24
MTughan_laptopFoxHelo: In IRC? "/msg <nick> PM", or you can open a separate window typically with "/quote <nick>", replacing <nick> both times with who you want to contact.14:24
PhonicUKmy netbooks touchpad was working, and after a reboot I can only use my bluetooth mouse14:24
xanguaMTughan_laptop: mmm nop, why don't you try a vnc that supports your architecture ¿14:24
xanguaPhonicUK: press the key combination con disable/enable touchpad14:25
MTughan_laptopxangua: I've tried a couple that are supported by Ubuntu in its repos, but I haven't found one I like nearly as much like TigerVNC I used in Fedora.14:25
PhonicUKwhat is that combination?14:25
mecoWhat does the dmesg log show? How far back does it go?14:25
PhonicUKI don't think my netbook has suck a combination14:25
PhonicUK(It's a HP Mini 311c)14:25
sebrockI have a disk with an ext4 partition and about 5GB of unallocated space. I tried to add this with GParted but I cant grow it, it seems to be "fixed". How do I do this?14:26
SengokuAnyone know how i can mount a usb stick (my phone plugged in via usb, with sdcard in it) via command line?14:26
MTughan_laptopsebrock: Are you booted into that partition now, or do you have it mounted somewhere?14:26
sebrockMTughan_laptop: I'm in a liveCD, nothing mounted14:27
MTughan_laptopSengoku: With the mount command. You'll need root, the /dev device it's at, and a mountpoint to mount it at.14:27
MTughan_laptopsebrock: You'll have to give me a second here. I seem to have missed gparted in my install here.14:28
SengokuMTughan_laptop: googling..14:28
PhonicUKokay now this is weird14:28
PhonicUKclicking "shut down" makes Ubuntu log me out14:28
PhonicUKinstead of shutting the machine down14:29
SengokuMTughan_laptop: i don't know what any of that is..i see the device i'm looking for in /dev/disk/by-id, not sur eif that'll help or not14:29
sebrockMTughan_laptop: problem is that it says 0 MB following the ext4. And then below is SWAP. Below that is the unallocated space.14:29
mecoHow is the dmesg log helpful in finding the reason for the crash of the previous session if it only logs the current session?14:30
MTughan_laptopSengoku: It will. Where would you like to see the SD card on your filesystem? In /mount, or somewhere else?14:30
sebrockbut I cant seem to use the unallocated space at all14:30
PhonicUKah it appears fine now after a reboot :)14:30
MTughan_laptopsebrock: Ah, well that could be a problem. You'll have to move the swap into the unallocated space, either by moving or deleting and readding, and then extend the ext4 partition. If you're in a LiveCD now, the swap shouldn't be in use.14:30
Repgahrolli found a bug on BestBot... if you ask him what's the bes ubuntu (expecting the version), it returns: The BESTEST Ubuntu is firefox14:30
BluesKajPhonicUK, yes that happens if you logged in with the cli14:31
PhonicUKi had a cli open to sort out grub xD14:31
SengokuMTughan_laptop: in /mount is fine, i tailed my messages, "new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 3", scsi3 : usb-storage 1-1:1.014:31
rshhcitool scan fails  says time out14:31
pabliii need to build a website for a t-shirt seller but i was long time out of webbuilding and I ask for help for build the website14:32
MTughan_laptopSengoku: All right. So you'll have to make a new folder/directory in /mount. You'll need to be in the CLI for all this. "sudo mkdir foldernametomountat" (change that at will), then "sudo mount /dev/disk/by-id foldernametomountat" and modify as needed.14:33
mecoMy screensaver crashes the pc and this also happens when I try to access it to turn it off. How can I deal with this?14:33
PhonicUKpablii, this isn't the place to ask for web development advice14:33
schnuffle!ot | paplii: use contao or joomla14:33
ubottupaplii: use contao or joomla: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:33
sebrockMTughan_laptop: this is how it looks in GParted: http://d.pr/Hvs014:33
sebrockMTughan_laptop: I've now formatted the space to ext414:33
skilzI need MySQL - version 5.0 or higher.. What package would that be? The client one?14:33
MTughan_laptopSengoku: When you're done, you can do "sudo umount /mount/foldertomountat" and then "sudo rmdir /mount/foldertomountat"14:33
MTughan_laptopsebrock: Okay, you have a bit more work to do then... You'd like to to extend /dev/sdb1?14:34
edwardteach!dmesg > meco14:34
ubottumeco, please see my private message14:34
sebrockMTughan_laptop: correct14:34
schnuffleskilz: mysql-server-5.114:34
MTughan_laptopsebrock: So delete the sdb3 you made, then delete the swap partition and the extended partition it's in.14:35
edwardteach!dmesg >  edwardteach14:35
ubottuedwardteach, please see my private message14:35
mecoedwardteach: It doesn't tell me what I need to know, unfortunately14:35
MTughan_laptopsebrock: Extend sdb1, leaving 274MiB at the end, then remake the extended partition and swap partition within it, in that order.14:35
sebrockMTughan_laptop: I got it. Thank you!14:35
MTughan_laptopYou don't really need the swap to be in an extended partition, but I'd remake it just to maintain the look from before.14:36
VagaStorm1I've been looking at some virtualisation solutions, and I was wondering how hard it is to migrate existing servers to a ubuntu entrrise cloud14:36
mecoI'm looking hard and long at the dmesg log without knowing what to look for or seeing anything that looks useful. I don't even know where to look for the last events before restart.14:36
RickyHarlineHey, gents!14:36
schnuffleVagaStorm1: Depends on your etup14:37
RickyHarlineCan anyone tell me what it means when the Ubuntu installer won't load?14:37
RickyHarlineIE I boot from CD, get a blank screen for ten seconds or so and then get a blinking cursor.14:37
RickyHarlineAnyone who helps me out gets one redeemable hi 5 over internet14:37
El-KodarHello, I try to boot on ubuntu 10.10 live cd but i have this problem : getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)14:38
SengokuMTughan_laptop:  Thanks a lot, all my stuff's backed up :) Now an i can mess around trying to fix ubuntu :(14:38
MTughan_laptopRickyHarline: Are you choosing the graphical install?14:38
MTughan_laptopSengoku: np14:38
El-KodarThere is a lot of same problem in internet but no solution14:38
MTughan_laptopRickyHarline: Almost sounds like X is failing to load. Have you tried a text install instead?14:38
RickyHarlineNo, I haven't.  How would I go about doing this?14:38
BluesKaj!alternate | RickyHarline14:39
ubottuRickyHarline: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal14:39
SengokuMTughan_laptop: you haven't had your screen ever turn into black and white checkerboard after boot after doing an update have you?14:39
RickyHarlineI shall try this.14:39
RickyHarline*hi 5s all around*14:39
MTughan_laptopSengoku: Nope, I haven't. I've had my computer lock at random times after updates though.14:39
edwardteachmeco,  dmesg | grep "error"14:40
pietroboHello, I am using ubuntu 10.10 on a MacBook. The update manager wants to perform a partial upgrade and remove grub-efi, which I require. How do I stop it from removing grub-efi?14:40
VagaStorm1schnuffle: I have a few servers running diffrent services, mainly (web/dns/mail) on centos or windows 2003. some of them dos a bit of work, and some, espechaly dns, dos hardly anything(it's still rater important that its runing smothly)14:40
rshhow do you connect BT to in 8.0414:40
mecoedwardteach: not found14:40
edwardteachmeco,  hmm!14:41
schnuffleVagaStorm1: With cloud you means some local virtualization setup?14:41
SengokuWhat's the advantage of installing Maverick, versus like Ubuntu 8.1014:41
=== piotr_ is now known as Davidoff
jellowI've transfer 93% of a very large file using scp However it Times out. How can i get the other 8% ?14:41
qnixanyone knows a tool to download ustream live streaming?14:41
schnuffleSengoku: better hardware support for newer stuff14:41
jellowI mean 7% .. opps14:41
Sengokuschnuffle: and crappier hw support for older hw?14:42
schnufflejellow: use rync over ssh, which can resume14:42
MTughan_laptopSengoku: Not typically.14:43
BluesKajqnix, streamripper?14:43
schnuffleSengoku: Normally not really, but graphics can be a problem14:44
schnufflejellow: http://joen.dk/wordpress/?p=3414:44
mecoAnyway, I finally succeeded in disabling the screensaver....14:44
VagaStorm1schnuffle: none of it is virtualized now, but I've been looking at a few diffrent solutions, but I'd prefer something that dosent mean I have to set up each server from scratch. Some sytems have the option to "grab" a physical server14:44
edwardteachmeco,  what did you do ?14:44
netwrkspiderhw to run osprey card driver on ubuntu14:45
jellowschnuffle: good idea , Looking at the man pages14:45
schnuffleVagaStorm1: so openvz is no option, have a look at http://www.montanalinux.org/physical-to-virtual.html14:46
netwrkspiderhw to run osprey card driver on ubuntu14:46
netwrkspiderhw to run osprey card driver on ubuntu14:46
skilzhmm, im using mobile broadband and running apache, my friend cant access my computer from the internet, what could it be? automatically blocked or portforwarding needed?14:46
netwrkspideri have opspery 23014:46
edwardteachmeco,  I  found link for screensaver      http://beopen.gr/blog/?p=1114:46
schnuffleskilz: missing portforwarding at your dsl router14:47
netwrkspideri have opspery 23014:47
Lint01Why doesnot ubuntu has SiS 3 video driver? years go, all the same14:47
BluesKajnetwrkspider, install v4l214:47
skyfirehow to mount cd in cd rom14:47
skyfireusing ubuntu10.1014:47
jellowschnuffle: better still :)14:48
schnuffleskyfire: it doesn't automount14:48
schnufflejellow: ? :)14:48
mecoedwardteach: I hurried to switch to another screensaver than the AntSpotlight one that seemed to be causing the problems before it got going.14:48
skilzschnuffle, I have no dsl router, just a USB Mobile broadband dongle with SIM card in it14:48
skyfireschnuffle, yes its not executable said?14:48
skilzconnected via ppp014:48
VagaStorm1schnuffle: I'll have a look at it, thanx :)14:49
schnuffleskyfire: sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /<mountpoint>14:49
edwardteachmeco,  well i hope all goes well with that one  good luck :-)14:50
schnuffleskilz: firewall running?14:50
skilzfirestarted, I have allowed 80 to all14:50
SengokuWhat's different in the netbook edition of ubuntu?14:50
mecoedwardteach: Yep, and I much appreciate your efforts and assistance!14:50
schnuffleskilz: what does the log says when your friend tries to connect14:50
edwardteachmeco, np14:51
schnuffleskilz: and did you make sure that apache is listening on
xanguaSengoku: unity, but next dektop edition will use unity too14:51
skyfireschnuffle, the <mountpoint> is this my file name right?14:51
Sengokuxangua: so you can install it on a desktop14:52
schnuffleskyfire: mountpoint is a directory where you want to mount it normally /media/cdrom14:52
Oer!resetpanels > Oer14:52
ubottuOer, please see my private message14:52
Lint01is sis hardware not kosher? tried ubuntu to install and it's 8--x600 always14:52
skyfireah.. i see14:52
skilzschnuffle, I can't find the option in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf14:53
ksmithhey again ...14:53
ksmithI'm still having trouble with my bluetooth.14:53
VarcHey guys,who know a good musci downloader ?14:53
ksmithwhen I open System -> Settings -> Bluetooth it tells me, Bluetooth is disabled.14:53
jellowVarc: download from where?14:54
schnuffleskilz: the apache2 conf is divided a moment i'll check14:54
ksmithThe indicator applet is telling me, bluetooth is enabled.14:54
Varcjellow: Like Ares in Windows, for download Music14:54
BluesKaj!curl | Varc14:54
jellowVarc: there is frostwire for limewire , deluge for p2p14:55
ksmithWhen I try to enable bluetooth via System -> Settings -> Bluetooth nothing happens14:55
* Lint01 is being ignored with evil people in channel14:55
Repgahrollwill unity replace gdm? Ot it's like a plugin?14:55
ksmithit stays deactivated.14:55
jellowVarc: There are lots of p2p clients for linux there is even ares14:55
schnuffleskilz: sudo netstat -tulpen | grep apache to see where apache is listening14:56
AJH101i have a problem with my video drivers i think14:56
Varcjellow: frostwire right?14:56
AJH101ust been chatting to paultag and he cannot help14:56
ksmithcan I somehow reset everything bluetooth related to it's default settings?14:56
edwardteachRepgahroll,  rummer is it can be  disabled !14:57
jellowVarc: ye that's it but to be honest I just use transmission14:57
skilztcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      0          43407       3623/apache214:58
skilzlooks good14:58
pepeswashhello. i am looking for widely accessible (cheap if possible) usb wifi adapters that run without ndiswrapper. (crashes here....)  What is yours?14:58
schnuffleksmith: apt-get --purge remove bluez-utils bluez-gnome && apt-get install bluez-utils bluez-gnome14:58
Varcjellow: Understand, Thanks you14:58
Lint01why no SiS 3 videodrivers in Ubuntu?? I had to get them from some  guys' blog last year14:58
skilzIn my firewall under Events and Blocked I can see a blocked connection with protocal ICMP, don't think thats it is it?14:59
ksmithvirtual packages like bluez-gnome can't be removed.14:59
schnuffleskilz: okay your apache s listening on all ports, so it seems it's your firewall not setup correclty14:59
Repgahrolledwardteach, but will it run "inside" gdm?14:59
BluesKajfrostwire is bad news , it dls all kinds of virus garbage on to your system that can then get into windows machines or partitions connected to your pc, Varc , be careful14:59
jribBluesKaj: source?15:00
skyfireschnuffle, mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only15:00
newi got dell vostro 1015 and it says my wireless is disabled can any one help me15:00
Lint01new had you pressed the button?15:00
schnuffleskyfire: normal cd/dvd is read only it should be mounted15:00
BluesKajjrib, personal experience , from my early days on linux ...unfortunately15:01
VarcBluesKaj: I think is better if i copy here my download Music in the other PC15:01
newthers no button in this laptop15:01
bahlinuxteu ngarti akh15:01
schnuffleskyfire: sudo mount to see were it' mounted15:01
skyfireschnuffle, ok wait i try it15:02
BluesKajVarc, look into a cli app called curl , you can dl directly from sites using the url , but for torrents ktorrent or transmission are good apps15:02
edwardteachRepgahroll,  not so sure about that just something i read somewhere!15:02
pietroboUpdate Manager wants to remove grub-efi but I need it. What should I do?15:02
syarican somebody help me15:02
schnuffle!ask | syari15:02
ubottusyari: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:03
VarcBluesKaj: Ok i will, thanks you15:03
newcan any one help me15:03
=== Shaded is now known as TR0LOLOLOLO
BluesKaj!ask | new15:04
ubottunew: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:04
syariwhat this mean Exploit completed, but no session was created.15:04
syari its out when i try to use metasploit15:04
=== TR0LOLOLOLO is now known as troIol
newi got dell vastro 1015 and it says wireless network is disabled i'm using ubuntu 10.10 and thers not button to turn the wirless on15:05
=== troIol is now known as Shaded
erUSULnew: what wifi chip does the machine have?15:05
schnufflesyari: metasploit is for people that have a already good knowledge about linux, have you?15:06
newhow can i know?15:06
skyfireschnuffle, http://pastebin.com/E5ignxwK look at this15:06
Lint01SiS. Video. What. The. Hell?15:06
skyfirei don't understand those code15:06
erUSULnew: lspci | grep -i net15:06
erUSULnew: in a terminal15:06
newok give me second15:06
sllidei pressed delelete on the keyboard shortcut move to workspace 215:06
sllideit sayd delete, so i pressed backspace to remove it15:06
schnuffleskyfire: so it's mounted 2times do sudo umount /media/cdrom15:07
skyfireschnuffle, sorry im a first timer on ubuntu15:07
sllidebut it still moves to workspace 2 when i press delte15:07
cocolover76is anyone going to go to #ubuntu_off_topic ?15:07
ksinkarwhen i try to run sudo apt-get install gtkterm i am getting error15:07
diligenthi all, i'm using symphony cms, that return 301 code for absent pages. Is there any way how to configure server (rewriting rules) to return exactly 404 for missed pages?15:07
schnuffleskyfire: and your cdrom is mounted under /media/OFFiCE15:07
new09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03)15:07
new0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)15:07
ksinkarsudo: must be setuid root15:07
juniourkisnakr wt the eeor u r getting?15:07
newerUSUL that is what i got15:08
ksinkarjuniour: sudo: must be setuid root15:08
ksmithits still not working ... I used the software center to uninstall bluez and everything else bluetooth related.15:08
BluesKajcocolover76, it's called #ubuntu-offtopic15:08
Lint01is there a file manager (not kde please) which does vista-style root prompts for file operations?15:08
skyfireschnuffle, what next after i sudo umount15:08
schnuffleskyfire: ls -l /media/OFFICE to see the content15:08
akhyarizsyari, it means exploit failed launched15:08
cocolover76blueskaj, no wonder it was empty15:08
newerUSUL ?15:08
erUSULnew: ok  a second15:08
BluesKajcocolover76, :)15:08
ksmiththen I reinstalled everything ... but still nothing. can't enable bluetooth. blueman is telling me "connection timed out" when I try to enable bluetooth.15:09
erUSULnew: are you connected to internet via cable and in ubuntu now?15:09
ksinkarhow do i set myself as a sudoer15:09
rolofhey there15:09
juniourkisnkar u try it again the command is right15:09
erUSULksinkar: add your user to admin group15:09
skyfireschnuffle, after that?15:09
erUSULnew: do « sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer »15:09
schnufflevksinkar: visudo15:09
edwardteachpietrobo,  apt shows grub-efi as a transitional package..   hmm  sure you still need it !15:10
schnuffleskyfire: what do you want to do?15:10
erUSULnew: when it finishes reboot the machine15:10
skyfirei want to install microsoft 2003 in wine15:10
pietroboedwardteach: is there a way to keep it during upgrade?15:10
erUSUL!appdb > skyfire15:11
ubottuskyfire, please see my private message15:11
newerusul: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:11
juniourskyfire use virtual box for that purpose15:11
erUSULnew: :/15:11
pepeswashhello. i am looking for widely accessible (cheap if possible) usb wifi adapters that run without ndiswrapper. (crashes here....)  What is yours?15:11
erUSULnew: can you paste the whole output in a pastebin?15:11
erUSUL!paste | new15:11
ubottunew: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:11
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echomanhello, how to enable vsync at ati radeon drivers?15:11
BluesKajpepeswash, what are you using?15:12
schnuffleskyfire: I don't recommend but http://www.junauza.com/2010/04/how-to-install-microsoft-office-on.html15:12
juniourechoman system->addministration->hardware drivers15:12
edwardteachpietrobo,  there is but off hand  i can't remember ! hmm15:13
echomani already enabled additional drivers15:13
skyfireschnuffle, ok because my son need msword 200315:13
skyfirefor his project15:13
newerusul: http://paste.ubuntu.com/556828/15:13
juniourechoman it will search the drivers and click on acivate15:13
schnuffleskyfire: use virtualzation and create a win xp vm15:13
pepeswashBluesKaj: trendnet TEW424UB on a 10.1015:14
echomanjuniour i already enabled additional drivers15:14
skyfireschnuffle, ok i do that15:14
pietroboedwardteach: maybe "aptitude hold" or apt-pinning? Any experience with that?15:15
erUSULnew: you are in maverick ? 10.10 ?15:15
pepeswashBluesKaj: it did not work out of the box and if i use ndiswrapper, it hands on modprobe15:15
echomananybody knows how to enable vsync at ati radeon drivers=15:15
newi'm usuing ubuntu 10.1015:16
pepeswashBluesKaj: hanGs15:16
erUSULnew: looks like for your specific chip we need a different package15:17
BluesKajpepeswash, http://sourceforge.net/projects/zd1211/15:17
erUSULnew: first remove the one you installed « sudo apt-get purge firmware-b43-installer »15:17
unnikkuttanhi.. got a question regarding compiz... is it possible to enable compiz effects on a intel 915 chipset ?15:18
erUSULnew: when that finishes do « sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-lpphy-installer »15:18
edwardteachpietrobo,  yes ! but i think you need a apt preferences file or something ....or is pinning it ?15:18
edwardteachpietrobo,  yes ! but i think you need a apt preferences file or something ....or is pin15:18
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erUSULnew: the new package is installed ?15:19
pietroboedwardteach: I'll read man apt_preferences and try with pinning.15:19
edwardteachpietrobo,  good luck! if you wait there maybe more help on the way !15:20
juniouris any one help i waana to connect my net via bluetooth15:20
pepeswashBluesKaj: weee.. i'll check that right now.. thanks. out of curiosity, how did you find about it? used it or made a proper search?15:20
newE: Unable to locate package firmware-b43-lpphy-insaller15:20
pietroboedwardteach: well, reading the man page takes a while :-) I'm still listening here...15:20
m_abdelfattahHello, I'm new to ubuntu and I'd installed it as dual boot with windows 7, I mounted windows partitions and saved downloaded some files to it using ubuntu, but when I switch to Windows, I can't fins these files !15:21
erUSULnew: typo; is installer no insaller15:21
erUSULnew: copy paste the command15:21
BluesKajpepeswash, google-linux is your friend :)15:21
juniour m_abdelfattah have u installed through wubi15:22
m_abdelfattahjuniour: No, just created new partitions, and installed it in normal way15:22
fratrikhi, i'm confused by what seems like it should be a simple permissions situation. pastebining below15:23
m_abdelfattahjuniour: So, what should I do to access files downloaded from Ubuntu, on windows ??15:23
pm2Hi - I apologize in advance that this is slight OT.  What domain name registrar is a good deal just for registering a domain name?  I'm not looking for web/email/dns hosting, just domain name registration.  Are there any favorites in the linux/OSS community?15:23
juniour m_abdelfattah i think u cant find find these file there in windows15:23
ravenany tool to convert scanned notes to midi files?15:23
juniouru have to acess these files in ubntu only15:23
juniourif u have installed using wubi u can acess in windows15:24
HenflinI want to use Linux for TV (dvb-t) , Internet (firefox) +flash,adobe,java , Office and dect_cli (for testing my dect) . Should I take ubuntu or xubuntu ??15:24
juniour m_abdelfattah u got it15:24
aeon-ltdHenflin: doesn't really matter, but what are the specifications of your pc?15:25
m_abdelfattahjuniour: hmm, weird !! but am saving files to different partition15:25
barshi everybody, does any one use 3Dmax on Ubuntu?15:25
Henflinaeon-ltd I use IBM T43 thinkpad.15:25
m_abdelfattahjuniour: Actually NTFS one !!15:25
schnuffleHenflin: Doesn't make any difference, take ubuntu you'll have more support15:25
aeon-ltdHenflin: ram, cpu, gpu, hdd?15:25
Henflin(1,8 ghz celeron , 1.5 gb ram)15:25
juniourk u have to enable NFTS15:26
Henflin(hdd 80 gb)15:26
newis done15:26
aeon-ltdHenflin: ubuntu's fine, but i'd make the decision based on preference (themes, look, application prefs)15:26
newit's done installing15:27
Henflinaeon-ltd Iam used to have a very clean desktop15:27
newerusul: ?15:27
erUSULnew: you installed the package?15:27
Henflinonly  the wastebasket and the start menu button and the clock is on my windows os15:27
aeon-ltdHenflin: check out 'openbox' its not a desktop environment, but stock its very clean - no icons on the desktop (leave a file manager to handle that), or panel (choose your own)15:28
erUSULnew: no errors? then reboot15:28
m_abdelfattahjuniour: it's enabled :) ! Look, let me tell u some details. I can access ALL OLD FILES on that partition from WINDOWS & UBUNTU, but when I create new files from Ubuntu. I can't access it from windows15:28
newok brb15:28
fratriki guess to rephrase, i cannot access my webserver's log directory, despite adding myself to the group. the permissions on the directory are drwxr-x---15:28
bartolhi all :)15:29
jribfratrik: you need to login again to update group membership15:29
bartolhi all15:29
Henflinis openbox within ubuntu?15:29
fratrikjrib, thanks15:30
erUSUL!info openbox15:30
ubottuopenbox (source: openbox): standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 279 kB, installed size 1472 kB15:30
edwardteachpietrobo,  found a link for aptitude  holding packages http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXOaI8Vwo0Q   maybe of interest!!15:30
aeon-ltdHenflin: no, you have to install it, or use lxde/lubuntu which is openbox plus some applications15:30
ravenany tool to convert scanned note papers into midi files?15:30
schnufflefratrik: have you acl enabled?15:30
juniourk the new one u have created in ubunt u cant acess in windows15:30
Henflinaeon-ltd ah I see. but I still can make different background pictures ye??15:30
pietroboedwardteach: tahnks, I'm checking it out. Do you have any info about "Lock version" feature in Synaptic?15:31
juniourvice versa u are able to acess15:31
fratrikschnuffle,  logging in again fixed it as jrib suggested, i guess it's like rebooting the env :)15:31
jesus_Does anyone know, what is the equivalent order in ubuntu to "net view"??15:31
schnufflefratrik: first logout/login to see if it works, acl http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/acl15:31
aeon-ltdHenflin: yes, but you'll need a manager/app for that :) ; yes it is very barebones15:31
V3XDoes anyone know how to dual boot Windows XP with Ubuntu? With Ubuntu already installed15:32
schnufflefratrik: okay to slow :)15:32
aeon-ltd!dualboot | V3X15:32
ubottuV3X: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot15:32
m_abdelfattahjuniour: Yes :), when I create files from windows, I can access it from Ubuntu15:32
xanguaV3X: next tiem install windows first, now prepate to restore grub15:32
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:32
mellinHey there all.. is it possible when using the option to install Ubuntu 10.10 inside windows to grow the size of the drive after initial install?15:32
juniourV3X u can do by virtual box15:32
V3Xalright, thanks guys15:32
xanguamellin: using wubi¿ no15:32
newerusul: ?15:33
skyfireschnuffle, if my son use openoffice.org can he still open file in ms word in other computer15:33
Henflinaeon-ltd would I have to install an app for showing me the time on the desktop too?? ^^15:33
aeon-ltdskyfire: yes, but remember to save it as .doc15:33
mellinxangua: Yes of course..however the max install size is 30GB my question is if it is possible to increase the size after using wubi?15:33
schnuffleskyfire: yes, when he saves in doc format15:33
aeon-ltdHenflin: no, a panel will do that15:33
Henflinwill lubuntu be updated at the same time ubuntu is updated?15:33
Henflinah ok15:33
aeon-ltdHenflin: usually15:33
skyfireschnuffle, ah.. ok wohhhh... thanks15:33
Henflinaeon-ltd ok so you would recommend me lubuntu ahead of xubuntu and ubuntu ^^15:34
Henflinand TV installation etc wont be thaaat dificult?? ^^15:34
schnuffleHenflin: I second that, lubuntu s nice and clean15:34
aeon-ltdHenflin: tv  installation will be the same method for all15:34
juniourVX3 u got it15:34
pabliii need help installing flahs pluing in 64 bits15:34
jesus_how can you see the local connected users15:35
iulhkhow to verify either firewall enabled or not in ubuntu?15:35
HenflinI think I get lubuntu15:35
HenflinTHank you very much15:35
mellinpablii: I don't think that is available in 64 bit15:35
xanguapablii: try this ppa if you want to install 64bit plugin https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash15:35
aeon-ltdHenflin: you're welcome15:35
schnuffleiulhk: sudo iptables -L15:35
pabliimaybe i ned to change my computer to a 3215:36
neware you there15:36
jesus_pablii it ist necessary15:36
shcherbakiulhk: start ssh-server and try to connect from different machine with in LAN, or man iptables, and man ufw15:36
jesus_you can install a 32-bit system in your 64-bit system15:36
nep0xplease can anybody tell me the meaning of the last part of this statement? tar xjvf $PACKAGE >> $LOG 2>&115:36
mellinpablii: No but you could consider installing the 32bit version of Ubuntu. You will find with 64bit some things are not available yet, or are in development15:36
edwardteachjesus_, arp-scan works from command line15:37
jesus_ok thx15:37
SwedeMikenep0x: it makes sure that all messages are sent to $LOG, not just stdio15:37
nep0xok thanks!!15:37
SwedeMikenep0x: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/818255/in-the-bash-shell-what-is-2115:37
schnufflenep0x: the last part means: first redirect sdterr to stdout and the redirectstdout to a file15:37
edwardteachjesus_, perhaps nmap !15:37
nep0xthank all15:38
jesus_mm nmap i think it doesn't give me all the users15:38
schnuffle!ask | Ohoho15:38
ubottuOhoho: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:38
AbuBadrالسلام عليكم15:38
mellin!ubottu wubi15:38
AbuBadrقصدي على من اتبع الهدى :)15:39
AbuBadrhi there15:39
jesus_arp-scan doesn't work well15:39
m_abdelfattahjuniour: So, what do yu think ?15:39
shcherbakjesus_: What do yuo want to do?15:39
jesus_i want to see the connected users in the local LAN15:40
AbuBadrwill you please guide me how to install flash player for chrome browser?15:40
newany one can help me?15:40
jesus_like in windows, the command line "NET VIEW"15:40
jesus_the equivalent in ubuntu15:40
shcherbakjesus_: nast, airodump, nmap15:40
juniour m_abdelfattah i dont have an idea abt that prob15:40
m_abdelfattahjuniour: Thanks a lot :)15:40
xanguaAbuBadr: flash comes integrated into google chrome15:40
shcherbakjesus_: any of above15:40
jesus_airodump, shows the MAC15:40
ravenany tool to convert scanned note papers into midi files?15:40
jesus_i want to see the name15:40
shcherbakjesus_: get arp cache to get ips15:41
juniour m_abdelfattah k if i am searching f that if i fix i will let u know15:41
V3Xjuniour, I'm pming you15:41
ksmithok, I'm going nuts ...15:42
schnufflejesus_: sudo nmap -P0 x.y.z.b/24 will scan your network.15:42
jesus_the same as when you're cracking a wlan15:42
iulhkhow to stop firewall in debian or ubuntu ?15:42
jesus_a ok15:42
newcan any one help me15:42
ksmithI know this damn bluetooth stick is working, because it used to work AND it's still running perfectly fine under win715:42
schnuffle!ask | new15:42
ubottunew: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:42
juniourVX3 wt u wanna to say15:42
newmy wirless is disbaled15:42
zs1otb_I have upgraded to 10.04 using upgrade manager. It crashed, but now the machine is running. However there is an X instead of the mouse pointer and there is only one desktop... Any ideas why this is so?15:42
AbuBadrxangua, i installed chromium browser but its asking for flash player when trying to open youtube.com or any flash website15:43
ksmithI can't enable bluetooth ... it just won't happen. I tried every single usb port, plugged it in and out in and out ... I ran /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart/start/stop several times15:43
ksmithwhat's wrong?15:43
abhijainhow to update  teamviewer15:43
schnufflezs1otb_: sudo aptitude dist-upgrade to see if all packages got upgraded15:43
xanguaAbuBadr: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer ; and next time specify if it's chromium or google chrome15:44
Senidi need help with backtrack15:44
jesus_schnuffle with that command line, i can see only the MAC15:44
newmy wireless network is disbaled15:44
zs1otb_thanks I'll go try that15:44
juniourVX3 wt u wanna to sy?15:44
AbuBadrxangua, thanks and sorry i thought they are the same15:44
sacarlsoniulhk: you might try sudo ufw disable15:45
Senidnew: sudo start-network15:45
Senidneed help with backtrack15:45
xangua!backtrack | Senid15:45
ubottuSenid: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition15:45
PKKid-HomeHey Guys, Something seems to have gone terribly wrong with my system.. :(15:45
ravenany tool to convert scanned note papers into midi files?15:45
xanguanew add Notification Area to the panel, if already there run: nm-applet15:45
PKKid-HomeIt started last week when a apt-get couldn't install XUL COM, now its staying it can't install "python2.6"15:46
newsudo: start-network: command not found15:46
juniourPKKid-Home wt the prob?15:46
schnufflejesus_: I get the IP's :)15:46
ravenany tool to convert scanned note papers into midi files?15:46
FloodBot1Ohoho: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:46
phillyjraven: How would that even work?15:46
PKKid-Homejuniour, The error I get on the command line is: dpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 11840 package 'python2.6':15:46
PKKid-Home missing version15:46
newsudo: start-network: command not found15:46
bluezone_this is NOT a joke, i'm playing an avi with vlc (or the default movie player) and everyone is blue!,  (which is not sopposed to be the case...)15:47
phillyjraven: are you taking about musical notes?15:47
zs1otb_<schnuffle>did that replied 0's to ugrade and update15:47
juniourwt u have done exectly before15:47
juniourgettint error15:47
PKKid-Homejuniour, Nothing really.. this is a fresh install from last week15:47
schnufflezs1otb_:  then sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop15:48
PKKid-HomeI am using virtualenv to install all my python libraries15:48
newsudo: start-network: command not found15:48
sacarlsonraven: I know they can turn midi into note sheets never seen any software that did the reverse but not that is doesn't exist15:48
schnufflezs1otb_: if that is okay as well you need to reconfigure Xorg15:48
PKKid-Homeso that shouldn't interfear, I am using pip as well.. but why would that break this?15:48
zs1otb_ok how do I reconfigure the xorg15:48
aeon-ltdzs1otb_: xorg --configure ; iirc15:49
V3Xjuniour, can you help me? I'm pming you15:49
abhijainhow to update ubuntu15:49
zs1otb_thanks will try and get back15:49
aeon-ltdabhijain: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade15:49
schnuffleI'm off have a nice time15:50
brontosaurusrexbluezone_, thats avatar, its supposed to be like that15:50
juniourVX3 if u tell the prob i will help u out15:50
V3Xhere on in pm? I told you in pm15:50
PKKid-Homejuniour, Wait.. python2.6 is no even installed according to Package Manager...!?15:50
jesus_hey net view in ubuntu?15:50
juniourJUST INSALL IT15:51
newmy wirless is disbaled15:51
PKKid-Homeit breaks..15:51
V3Xwhich one?15:51
hilarieWould it be possible using ubuntu server edition to create a firewall/NAT? I.E. Have ethernet in, and wifi out with a firewall and whatnot?15:51
PKKid-HomeI wish I could install it, thats why im here...15:51
juniourVX3 I am no tgetting u15:51
juniourcan u tell dtails of ur prob15:51
V3Xahh, nvm15:51
PKKid-HomeA package failed to install.  Trying to recover:15:51
PKKid-Homedpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 11840 package 'python2.6':15:51
PKKid-Home missing version15:51
zs1otb_ xorg --configure ; iirc15:52
mannyuelim havin trouble booting natty alpha 1 on a usb thumbdrive using Universal-USB-Installer- at the boot screen vesamenu.c32 no a com32r image15:52
abhijainhello please give me command line solution for update team viewer15:52
zs1otb_xorg --configure ; iirc15:52
aeon-ltdzs1otb_: what are you doing?15:53
jesus_what is the name of the package abhijain?15:53
zs1otb_<aeon-ltd>how does one reconfigure xorg... what is the command please15:53
xangua!natty | mannyuel15:53
ubottumannyuel: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.15:53
juniournew wt the prob u r getting?15:53
sacarlsonhilarie: I'm sure you could but I can't think how you could find out what was wifi and what was ethernet.  if it was on a secound nic card of this system?15:53
aeon-ltdzs1otb_: xorg --configure15:53
newmy wirless is disbaled how can i enable it?15:54
zs1otb_I'll try again15:54
PKKid-Homeawesome, so this problem is unique to me?15:54
juniournew earlier wireless is working15:54
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.15:54
whoopkynew; ifconfig <name of wireless interface> up15:54
newno i just install the package for it15:55
newnot how can i enable it15:55
juniour PKKid-Home python comes pre installes in ubuntu15:55
ksmithplease ... anyone. -.-15:55
zs1otb_<aeon-ltd>I get message no command xorg15:55
PKKid-Homejuniour, I know, which is why this is confusing me..15:55
aeon-ltdcapital X15:55
PKKid-Homejuniour, This is a fresh install.. I shouldn't be having these issues15:55
aeon-ltdzs1otb_: capital X, sorry15:56
hilarie@sacarlson found some stuff for it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router15:56
aeon-ltdzs1otb_: Xorg -configure15:56
edwardteachhilarie, i have that with standard ubuntu  only work though if nobody is logged in on the other box but its on !15:56
juniournew system->addministration->hardware drivers15:56
newit's enabled15:56
newi'm using ubunto 10.1015:56
newthers no hardware drivers15:56
juniournew it will seach for drivers and after that u have to activate these drivers that r present in list15:57
newonly addtional drivers15:57
hilarie@edwardteach ouch15:57
juniournew ya install it15:57
Henflinanother ques came to my mind : can I use this description to intsall lubuntu on my T43 or is ubuntu 6,06 too old and not similar to the installation with lubuntu 10.10 ?? http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_6.06_on_a_ThinkPad_T4315:57
newhow to install it?15:57
ikonia6.06 is EOL15:58
juniournew just click on activate on right bottom15:58
schnuffleHenflin: there were a lot of changes, will not work15:58
nimrod10`PKKid-Home, what does dpkg -C shows ?15:58
juniournw u got it?15:58
PKKid-Homejuniour, If I open "/var/lib/dpkg/status" and goto the line that it errors about, I see some binary data in there.. :-/15:58
newi did and it's activated15:58
ksmithI can't enable bluetooth ... the dongle itself is working perfectly fine, I just can't enable it under ubuntu.15:59
juniournew chek ur wireless is working15:59
edwardteachhilarie, what i meant to say is that it is possible but its not perfect !15:59
Henflinschnuffle What should I do? Isnt the installation automatic tho ?15:59
newis not is disbaled15:59
ksmithit always stays disabled, no matter what I do.15:59
juniourit not working15:59
=== themill is now known as grumpmill
jesus_does anyone know the command line "NET VIEW" in ubuntu16:00
PKKid-Homejuniour, http://pastie.org/148740916:00
aeon-ltd!bluetooth | ksmith16:00
ubottuksmith: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup16:00
hilarie@edwardteach a project for another day then16:00
juniour PKKid-Home k16:00
sacarlsonhilarie: on that it has 3 nics 2 ethernet 1 wifi,  In this example I see them use bridge utils I couldn't get that to work on my wifi nic16:00
zs1otb_<aeon-ltd>It gives me Server already active for display 016:00
PKKid-Homenimrod10`, dpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 11840 package 'python2.6':16:00
PKKid-Home missing version16:01
juniournew ur prob is solved or not16:01
PKKid-Homenimrod10`, That pastie shows the entry for python2.6 at that line.16:01
newnot it's still disabled16:01
PKKid-Homejuniour, Can I manually fix up this file?16:01
Henflinschnuffle would this tutorial be enough ???? http://thinkpad-wiki.org/Ubuntu_Schnelleinstieg#ThinkPad16:02
nimrod10`PKKid-Home, whas your processor architecture ?  x64 or i386 ?16:02
juniournew restart ur system16:02
nimrod10`PKKid-Home, uname -a to find out16:02
PKKid-Homenimrod10`, Im running amd6416:02
phillyjcan someone tell me what qmake-qt4 does?16:02
newi did and it's still disabled16:02
phillyjI need to install openSCAD and the instructions say to type in "qmake-qt4" but I think it's missing some parameters and I don't know which16:02
nimrod10`PKKid-Home, ok try reinstalling the python package16:02
nimrod10`PKKid-Home, with apt-get I mean16:02
hilarie@sacarlson Was hoping to use my desktop connected directly to the DSL modem, then use it as a wifi router to be able to run squid proxy and whatnot16:02
PKKid-Homenimrod10`, I get the same error as dpkg -C when I try that16:02
PKKid-Homeuname -a: Linux vbox-ubuntu 2.6.35-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 02:41:37 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:03
xangua!info qmake-qt4 | phillyj16:03
ubottuphillyj: Package qmake-qt4 does not exist in maverick16:03
Oer!info qmake-qt416:03
newcan we do remote dekstop?16:03
ksmithaeon-ltd: that doesn't really help.16:03
mellinI just tried an install to toshiba x505 laptop. I have a 23" external LCD display connected with HDMI. It booted to the disk, but the display was totally corrupted. Is there a fix for this?16:03
nimrod10`darn PKKid-Home , you got me , I've ran out of ideas :(16:03
HenflinI have another question16:03
xanguanew why don't you start by giving Usefull information like ubuntu version, wireless card model, etc¿16:04
Oerphillyj, qt4-qmake does exist. Qt 4 qmake Makefile generator tool16:04
Henflinwhere is the command       "     apt-get    " getting the software from? Is he connecting to a databse in internet and downloads it and then installs it ?????16:04
LedZeppelinhello, how format pendrive no detected16:04
PKKid-Homenimrod10`, Did you see the pastie?  Im thinking I can fix it manually.. ;-P16:04
juniourapt-get update; apt-get install python2.616:04
ikoniaLedZeppelin: you can't16:04
newevery thing is working but it's disabled i dont know why16:04
ikoniaLedZeppelin: you need it to be detected16:04
newi ready in fourm16:04
LedZeppelinjeje thanks16:04
PKKid-Homenimrod10`, Are you running Ubuntu-10.10?16:04
newto change this file gksu gedit /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state16:04
newbut when i open it i cant change any thing16:04
juniourPKKid-Home try this 6 down vote accepted16:05
juniourapt-get update; apt-get install python2.616:05
sacarlsonhilarie: ok that sounds like it would work, I setup my system as a ISP and make my customers become members and pay me money on a similar system16:05
peppe_hi at all16:05
mellinThe command goes out on the internet to a "repository" where Ubuntu has the files16:05
LedZeppelindetected with lsusb16:05
newthe wirless is false in this file and i cant make it true16:05
peppe_I've a problem, I'm a newbie of python16:05
PKKid-Homejuniour, I tried all that, same error16:05
juniourlet me see16:05
nimrod10`PKKid-Home, I'm on 10.04 i386, don't want to switch to 10.1016:05
peppe_Can I ask?16:05
schnuffleHenflin: /etc/apt/sources.lst  config tells where to find the repositories16:05
PKKid-Homenimrod10`, hmm, interesting. ;-P16:05
_AV_!ask | peppe_16:06
ubottupeppe_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:06
phillyjOer: when i use it, do I type qmake-qt4 -makefile {myfile}?16:06
mellinAnyone information on getting 10.10 booted for an install when using HDMI connection to external monitor?16:06
schnuffleHenflin: and /etc/apt/sources.lit.d16:06
peppe_I've a problem whit this file: http://nopaste.voric.com/paste.php?f=mk9so316:06
LedZeppelinis detected with lsusb and see in /dev/sdb16:06
ksmithafter following the instructions from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup I'm still not able to enable my bluetooth device.16:06
newi'm beginner16:06
Oerphilinux, yes, only if qmake-qt4 exist, wich does not. Read carefull the answer !16:06
juniourPKKid-Home type python in terminal an tell me wt u got?16:06
hilarie@sarcarlson did you have options to configure a firewall on the bridge and whatnot? or is it only setupable as a basic bridge with authentication?16:06
Henflinso comparing to windows it would be some kind of enter mashine were I jjust write I want (apt-get)  yahoo messenger and it would download an install the package ?????16:07
newhow to make my wirless enable16:07
PKKid-Homejuniour, Python 2.6.616:07
alkisgpeppe_: try asking in #python16:07
PKKid-HomePython 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 15 2010, 16:22:56)16:07
PKKid-Home[GCC 4.4.5] on linux216:07
_AV_peppe_: What kind of problem are you having?16:07
peppe_alkisg, I don't manage to join that channel16:07
schnuffleHenflin: yes if there's a packacke with that name16:07
Oerphillyj,  maybe you need to install it first?16:07
juniourPython 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:57:41)16:07
juniour[GCC 4.4.3] on linux216:07
juniourType "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.16:07
peppe_i type "/join #python"16:07
FloodBot1juniour: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:07
juniouru rgetting like this16:07
mellinHenflin: Not necessarily. Linux has other programs that will work like messenger, but you may not actually install the .exe file16:08
sacarlsonhilarie: I use iptables to enable and disable access,  they login at any point not dependent on wifi or wired16:08
brontosaurusrexHenflin, you can use graphical apps like ubuntu software center to install apps16:08
PKKid-HomeYes.. Python itself works fine16:08
LedZeppelinsomeone who speaks Spanish?16:08
phillyjOer: i don't understand; I do have qmake-qt4; only problem is that when I typed it in as per instructions, the man file shows up instead16:08
mellinHenflin: It is possible in some cases to install WINE in Ubuntu and it can allow some windows executables to run under Ubuntu16:08
schnuffleLedZeppelin: try #ubuntu-sp16:08
juniourPKKid-Home i thin python is working fine there16:08
phillyjOer, if it helps, i'm runny natty not maverick16:09
tsimpson!es | LedZeppelin16:09
ubottuLedZeppelin: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:09
newcan any one help me with my wirless16:09
HenflinIF I Want to install all those drivers for my Thinkpad . Where do I get them ??16:09
juniournew is that fix16:09
LedZeppelinok, gracias16:09
HenflinIn windows I just downloaded them and executed the exe FILE16:09
newwhat is fix man???16:09
newi told you it's still disbaled16:09
zs1mtbhi, I've upgraded to 10.04 via upgrade manager. Now I get a desktop with and X as mouse pointer and only one desktop... there is no X options at the top of the screens. Am I in safemode and if so how do I get out.....16:09
Romeo5khello.. i thought i installed gnome.. and well  i installed firefox too.. and now i used nxclient to remote into it.. and its saying, "cannot find gnome environment, please contact administrator" what can i do.. and im an intermediate to linux too btw ppl.. the way i installed gnome was sudo aptitude install gnome.16:09
PKKid-Homejuniour, Yea.. its this dpkg file thats messed up..16:10
Oerphillyj, natty is not yet supported here, join #Ubuntu+116:10
mellinHenflin: If you mean how to I install WINE?16:10
schnuffleHenflin: in linux, they come with kernel, if the kernel does not support your hardware it will get hard to get it running16:10
PKKid-Homejuniour, nimrod10`: Here is another pastie showing my working setup of 10.10 on Linode (Also setup last week)..  http://pastie.org/148740916:10
BluesKajzs1mtb, open a terminal , sudo apt-get update16:10
Henflinschnuffle OK But I guess IBM thinkpad t43 Is supported16:10
abstraktwill an ext3 compatible driver be able to read an ext4 disk?16:10
newhow can i enable my wireless?16:10
BluesKajzs1mtb, then sudo apt-get upgrade16:11
zs1mtbI<BluesKaj>  have done that16:11
Romeo5kHELP.. i thought i installed gnome.. and well  i installed firefox too.. and now i used nxclient to remote into it.. and its saying, "cannot find gnome environment, please contact administrator" what can i do.. and im an intermediate to linux too btw ppl.. the way i installed gnome was sudo aptitude install gnome.16:11
HenflinI know the advantage of Linux now16:11
mellin<new>Ummmm does it even see any wireless networks? In the upper right hand corner of your monitor screen you should have an icon if the wireless card is detected correctly16:11
zs1mtb<BluesKaj> I have done that and I also tried to restart the xorg16:11
schnuffleHenflin: http://thinkpad-wiki.org/Ubuntu_Schnelleinstieg#ThinkPad that will give you at leat a good start16:11
nimrod10`PKKid-Home, juniour  the only difference I can see is the architecture , and the installed size but that might be architecture specific16:12
newi said it's disbaled16:12
PKKid-Homenimrod10`, You see all those <NULL> characters?16:12
Henflinschnuffle thank you the link is verrry good16:12
Henflinschnuffle so I wont need more than there stand in that arcticle yee?16:12
newmy wirless led is on but in top right corner it says wirless is disabled16:12
nimrod10`PKKid-Home, yes I meant apart from those :)16:12
PKKid-Homenimrod10`, Im going to take them out.. cross fingers16:12
nimrod10`good luck16:12
newso how can i fix this?16:13
schnuffleHenflin: I don't know the article and our hardare well enough to give a promise :)16:13
nimrod10`let us know how it goes PKKid-Home16:13
zs1mtb<BluesKaj>During the upgrade the machine locked up and I had to restart.. and after that 10.04 is running bar this problem16:13
juniournew which version of ubuntu u r using16:13
sacarlsonnew: some laptops have a function key sequence or button to enable,  I have also seen a cli function that can work on some systems16:13
Henflinschnuffle ^^16:13
Romeo5kanyone wanna help me?16:13
Henflinschnuffle I will use LUbuntu 10.10 but that doesnt matter if ubuntu 10.10 or lubuntu 1010 yeee16:13
newin my laptop i dont have button to turn wilress on or off16:13
newand the wireless led is on16:14
DaGeek247!ask < Romeo5K16:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:14
newbut in top right corner of my screen it says wirless is disabled16:14
BluesKajzs1mtb, system/administration/hardware drivers ...choose the recommended graphics driver and install it16:14
zs1mtb<BluesKaj>will try that....16:14
schnuffleHenflin: not for the hardware support. The difference between the two is just the default install set. You can install ever thing you want afterwards16:14
newso how cna i enable it?16:14
PKKid-HomeAnyone know how to jump to a line in vim16:15
DaGeek247Romeo5K just ask. if any one knows the answer they will try to help.16:15
seethesI had some ext3 lossage. then I cant start 10.10 X -- var/log/Xorg.conf.0 shows "[dix] could not init font path element [EVERYPATH]", then "X fails to start with 'could not open default font `fixed'"16:15
schnufflePKKid-Home:  do :<line number>16:15
Romeo5k!ask  i thought i installed gnome.. and well  i installed firefox too.. and now i used nxclient to remote into it.. and its saying, "cannot find gnome environment, please contact administrator" what can i do? and im an intermediate to linux too btw ppl.. the way i installed gnome was sudo aptitude install gnome.16:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:15
zs1mtb<BluesKaj>it says no propriety software is in use by the system16:15
Henflinschnuffle ah Perfect so I will use that article for Lubuntu 10.1016:15
juniourPKKid-Home use j and k for up an down for lines16:15
Romeo5k!ask  i thought i installed gnome.. and well  i installed firefox too.. and now i used nxclient to remote into it.. and its saying, "cannot find gnome environment, please contact administrator" what can i do? and im an intermediate to linux too btw ppl.. the way i installed gnome was sudo aptitude install gnome.16:15
xangua!repeat | Romeo5k16:16
ubottuRomeo5k: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:16
zs1mtb<BluesKaj>this machine did well under 9.10 though16:16
edwardteachPKKid-Home, vimtutor16:16
BluesKajzs1mtb, which graphics card do you have ?16:16
xanguanew why don't you give Usefull info like the wireless card you use¿16:16
Romeo5khow do i fix that error or why wont gnome start in my ubuntu 10.1016:16
schnuffleRomeo5k: desktop is installed with aptitude install ubuntu-desktop16:16
DarsVaedahi, one of my panels crashed and is now stuck, does not autohide anymore and lays over the windows, how can i fix that?16:16
zs1mtb<BluesKaj>let me check16:16
PKKid-Homeschnuffle, Thanks. ;)16:16
xanguaRomeo5k: you installed gnome how¿16:16
newi'm begginer tell me how to do that16:16
PKKid-Homejuniour, Using up and down would suck for line 11840. ;)16:17
numbertoHow to run .hta files in ubuntu?16:17
gizmobayI don't have any dvd cdrom etc listed under my dev directory. How can I fix this?16:17
PKKid-Homejuniour, nimrod10` This appears to have worked like a charm! :-D16:17
xangua!panels | DarsVaeda16:17
Romeo5k i installed it wrong... ty schnuffle16:17
ubottuDarsVaeda: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »16:17
bluefrogPKKid-Home, <line number> <shift> <g>16:17
xanguanumberto: what is that supposed to be¿16:17
DarsVaedaah i dont want to reset it to default16:17
newhow can i edit NetworkManager.state16:17
schnufflegizmobay: what aout /dev/sr0?16:17
numbertoIt is a windows "Html application file"16:17
DarsVaedai want to keep everything thats on it16:17
brontosaurusrexnumberto, i think thats windows scripting related, so you cant16:17
gizmobayschnuffle: not listed16:18
numberto xangua: It is windows file, (Html application)16:18
juniourPKKid-Home u can use repeateation factor like 30k 0r 40j etc16:18
nimrod10`PKKid-Home, sweet , good to know in the future. How did you removed those NULL words ?16:18
numbertoI tried wine, but I guess I need some extra libraries16:18
schnufflegizmobay: ?16:18
juniourPKKid-Home it will goto specified line16:18
xanguanumberto: numberto that seems to only work with explorer http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/hta16:18
brontosaurusrexnumberto, check winetricks16:18
gizmobayI did have a bad time getting the dvd door to open don't know if that has anything to do with it16:18
ksmithhttp://pastie.org/1487464 <--- does that info help?16:18
seethesnumberto, i think you can unpack it with cabextract ?16:18
BluesKajzs1mtb, lspci | grep -i VGA16:19
gizmobayschnuffle: there isn't a /dev/sr0 listed in the directory16:19
PKKid-Homenimrod10`, I copied the working lines from the other machine (http://pastie.org/1487409), changed my Archtitecture to amd64, and saved the file.  Just deleted the broken line.16:19
DarsVaedaxangua: oh killall gnome-panel does it16:19
ksmithI really don't know what to do ... and I'd like to use my wireless devices with ubunto as well, would be very nice ...16:19
zs1mtb<BluesKaj>ProSavage PM133  vendor: S3 Inc.16:19
juniourPKKid-Home u try this 1180g16:19
edwardteachnew, have you tried ifconfig16:19
junioursr 1180G16:19
newedward can you pm me please16:19
ubutomgizmobay, check if the drive is connected correctly16:20
PKKid-Homejuniour, vim is crazy, I learned something new today16:20
schnufflegizmobay: sudo mount to see if your cd is maybe already mounted16:20
juniourPKKid-Home wt?16:20
PKKid-Homeok, so I have one more package issue, but it does't seem to be as bad as the Python2.6 one.16:20
schnufflePKKid-Home: vim is great, but you have to know your way around :)16:20
PKKid-HomeI can't for the life of me get "XUL + XPCOM application runner" updated.16:20
numbertoseethes:  I don't need to unpack it.  I have already edited, it and added some functionalities. Just don't want to go to windows to test them16:21
gizmobayIt's not listed16:21
gizmobayI'll try a reboot16:21
seethessorry not .hta, 7z can handle mshc16:21
PKKid-HomeHere is my XUL Error: http://pastie.org/148747116:22
brontosaurusrexseethes, hta is a text file, html renamed to hta basically16:22
seethesok, ah, then you use your favourite browser cant you16:22
PKKid-HomeIt keeps saying the tarfile is corrupted..16:22
zs1mtb<BluesKaj>ProSavage PM133  vendor: S3 Inc. Did you get that?16:23
brontosaurusrexseethes, if your favorite browser is ie, then i guess16:23
PKKid-Homemaybe I can just delete that file?16:23
seethesno, any browser16:23
seetheswell maybe not ff. i see the problem16:23
seethesff cant even open a file called foo.php16:24
schnufflePKKid-Home: clean your cache with sudo aptitude clean && aptitude update16:24
* seethes anyway planning to wipe out the ubuntu because of the `cant find default font fixed' X problem16:24
PKKid-Homeschnuffle, thanks.. I manually moved the file and it worked, but good to know there is a better way. ;)16:24
numbertoI have been advised to use Vim,  well, after a day of playing around - not very impressed.  I guess am don't use it right.16:25
schnufflePKKid-Home: you should not do that!! if you don't know your way you'll risk to run in a lot of trouble :)16:25
seethesi've tried defoma-reconfigure. X just removes each font path and then fails16:25
PKKid-Homeschnuffle, yea, I moved it to a .bak file just in case. ;)16:26
PKKid-Homeplus it was in a 'cache' directory. )16:26
schnufflePKKid-Home: oh, i see so you already fucked up once :)16:26
PKKid-Homeschnuffle, of course, who uses Linux and doesn't mess up. ;)16:27
schnufflePKKid-Home: if you want to learn it's alright16:27
PKKid-HomeMy system is working again! :-D16:27
schnufflePKKid-Home: that's true, I'm not satisfied as long as my PC runs normal16:27
PKKid-Homeno errors in aptitude, thanks guys. ;)16:27
zs1mtbIf my mouse pointer is an X does it mean I'm in safe mode?16:28
gpc!language | schnuffle16:28
ubottuschnuffle: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:28
PKKid-Homeschnuffle, The few things I learned using linux for a while is 'Never delete a file', 'read error messages carefully'. ;)16:28
Propelnever delete a file in linux?16:29
schnufflegpc: you see of offence taken :) so my language i alright16:29
user2312323Hello everyone16:30
gpcschnuffle: that language is not acceptable in here16:30
user2312323I am new to IRC chat16:30
schnufflePropel: as long as you don't know what you do16:30
schnufflegpc: okay, next time it will be goofed instead of f**ed16:30
gizmobayI rebooted and that didn't help16:30
Propellol, just make sure you file you want to delete is the one you delte :P16:30
gizmobayno dvd listed16:31
jesus_net view in ubuntu? nmap netstat andping doesn't get the user names16:31
ubutomgizmobay, you wrote you had a hard time opeing the drive, have you checked if the drive is connected correctly?16:31
ravenany tool to convert scanned note papers into midi files?16:32
schnufflejesus_:  users logged in can be found with sudo users, but you want to know whih users are conneted to a share?16:32
llutzjesus_: get users from linux-hosts in the network? maybe using "finger", but it should be disabled due to security reasons16:32
jesus_mm yes16:33
jesus_i want to know the name of the connected users16:33
jesus_to share and send message with talk16:33
jesus_and with "finger" i see only my computer name16:33
cryptodirais there a way to make a screen saver module run AS the background image?16:33
schnufflejesus_: check wbinfo16:34
josvukHello, How to add the volume slider to the panel16:34
sabinistacan anyone help me with desk checking??? please PM me, its urgent.!!16:35
Romeo5kty all16:35
Romeo5k that worked!!16:35
schnufflejesus_: or smbstatus -b 16:35
zs1mtbI'm trying to reconfigure xorg as it seems as if I'm in safe mode. I have an X instead of the normal mouse pointer16:35
jesus_with wbinfo i can see the samba users (me)16:36
jesus_and with smbstatus it doesnt appear anything16:36
FireblastoIs there any way to get teamspeak 3 on ubuntu ? I believe the original client is in the ubuntu software centre, but I need the latest build16:36
sacarlsonzs1mtb: are you in a terminal or can you open one?16:37
zs1mtb<sacarlson>can open one16:37
sacarlsonzs1mtb: with the command whoami  who do we see?16:37
hilarieIs there a way to force ubuntu to stop underclocking my processor, I have it set to performance, but it keeps dropping back down to 25%16:37
zs1mtb<sacarlson>I see the name of the main user16:38
sacarlsonzs1mtb: so the main user is a sudo user? what do we see with the command pwd16:38
=== erkan^2 is now known as erkan^
zs1mtb<sacarlson>the /home/name folder16:39
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
sacarlsonzs1mtb: so you still have normal grafics just a different mouse cusor?16:40
zs1mtb<sacarlson>I have normal graphics and an X for pointer and I cannot create more than one desktop16:40
=== Wasitrealy is now known as WasitNet
zs1mtb<sacarlson>my problem started during an upgrade to 10.04 when the machine locked up and I restarted16:41
zs1mtb<sacarlson>everything is working except my desktops and my pointer16:41
sacarlsonzs1mtb: I'm not sure what you may have changed in your themes but I would try create a new user and login to that and see if that comes up normal,  if so then you have messed up your themes some how16:42
ubutomhilarie, that depends much on what you do with your box, if you only use 25% with current applications, the cpu load will not go up to 100%. Have you added the applet that shows the actual Ghz to the panel?16:42
zs1mtb<sacarlson>will do that and get back soon thanks16:42
cryptodirais there a way to make a screen saver module run AS the background image?16:43
zs1mtb<sacarlson>how do I reset my themes then? I have no way to exit with an x on any program as it is not displayed..16:43
zs1mtb<sacarlson>have to close using the "file" exit option16:43
CJ23when you have to use ntfsresize in ocnjunction with gparted, how does the table point to all the blocks/clusters after shrinking the filesystem?16:43
sacarlsonzs1mtb: you can change themes from System>Appearance>select desired theme or modify the one you want16:44
zs1mtb<sacarlson> will try that thanks16:44
sllidecan i make gedit highlight the nasm syntax16:45
sacarlsonzs1mtb: but if you may have modified some /home/user/.* file that has changes something,  there are infinite number of settings sometimes easier to just reset to defaults16:46
abhijainAbhiJit: hello16:48
josvukHi, recently I soldered a astable multivibrator with quad schmidt-triger chip 74ls13. It has 3.1kHz.16:48
ubutomsllide, try saving as .nsm, I wrote some c++ code yesterday and as soon as I saved it as .c++ gedit higlighted the c++ keywords16:48
ubutomsllide, not sure if nsm is supported, but if it is that should work16:49
ubutomerm, nasm sllide16:49
mudit1141hi, I just started my ubuntu Hardy machine after few months and it is having booting issues16:49
sacarlsonjosvuk: old chips,  how can we use that in ubuntu?16:50
mudit1141it is stuck at vboxnetflt (3.0.14)16:50
mudit1141and the cursor keeps blinking,16:50
dotblankmudit1141, do you use virtual box?16:51
mudit1141yes I do16:51
mudit1141but it used to work perfectly fine16:51
dotblankmudit1141, try booting into the recovery console and reinstall virtualbox16:51
FireblastoAnyone know how to install teamspeak 3 ?16:52
dotblankyour VMs and settings should be preserved in .virtualbox (or something like it)16:52
elitedevi gotta question, just installed 4gb of ram in my notebook but ubuntu only shows 2.72gb? should it not show 4gb?16:52
elitedevi assume its an addressing issue since im running a 32bit version?16:53
dotblankelitedev, what does the command free -m say?16:53
blumaaanyone care to help with an ubuntu problem?16:53
FireblastoDon't ask to ask16:53
elitedev             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached16:54
elitedevMem:          2783       1479       1304          0         37       121416:54
elitedev-/+ buffers/cache:        227       255616:54
elitedevSwap:         2196          0       219616:54
FloodBot1elitedev: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:54
blumaaI am having problems with a locked filesystem16:54
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:54
blumaaand I have no idea why16:54
elitedevsorry, my mistake.16:54
ubutom!pae | elitedev16:54
ubottuelitedev: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info16:54
sllidegedit doesnt support nasm16:54
sllideany orther gui editor?16:54
Fireblastoblumaa Are you not root?16:54
brontoeeeelitedev, looks exactly as 32 bit addressing limit16:55
sacarlsonelitedev: you may have a video card that shares mem with what you have,16:55
blumaai have switched to root in terminal but thatt doesn't help16:55
dotblankblumaa, locked filesystem? please explain16:55
Fireblastoblumaa You need to auth as well, and what file is locked?16:55
blumaamy entire file system is read only16:55
elitedevi figured as much. thanks for the help, that link looks like it will help.16:55
blumaai cannot edit, or delete files or folders16:55
dotblankblumaa, It is possible your root fs was remounted readonly16:55
sacarlsonbrontoeee: elitedev: and that's true that's about as high as you can go with 32 bit16:55
blumaahow would i go about remounting?16:56
blumaaand what do i remount?16:56
dotblankone sec16:56
Fireblastoblumaa if its read only, right-click > permissions > can to write and read16:56
blumaayes, it says I do not have permission to change the permissions16:56
FireblastoAnyone know how to install teamspeak 3 ?16:56
grkbloodany ladish users around this morning?16:56
dotblankmount -n -o remount,defaults /16:57
dotblankblumaa, ^16:57
blumaathanks dotblank, let me try that16:57
coz_grkblood,   look here   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TeamSpeak16:58
blumaait says only root can do that16:58
dotblankblumaa, you arn't root?16:58
elitedev4gb is all im shooting for. im going to recompile kernel with PAE and see if that helps16:58
dotblankblumaa, do sudo -s16:58
blumaawhat do i type, sudo -s?16:58
dotblankbefore you remount try touch /test.test16:58
kernix360hi all16:59
dotblankbefore you do the remount command16:59
blumaaokay... i did both of those things...16:59
hikublumaa, yes, you need to run "sudo mount -o remount,defaults" /path/to/mount/point16:59
ubutomelitedev, nothing to compile, you just have to do "sudo aptitude install linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae" as it says in that link16:59
dotblankhiku, he has to have the -n option otherwise it will try to write to mtab in /etc16:59
blumaahow do i confirm it worked?16:59
dotblankblumaa, use mount17:00
ubutomelitedev, then reboot and choose the pae-kernel, should do the trick17:00
blumaathanks dotblank!  i can now copy and edit files on the main filesystem....17:00
blumaabut not on my external hard drive17:00
blumaathat is still locked17:00
dotblankblumaa, did you'r init process die?17:01
elitedevim using a custom kernel that has a bunch of specific mods i need, but ill make it work. just wasnt aware of pae.17:01
blumaawhat do you mean?17:01
dotblankblumaa, because I'd reccomen you simple restart17:01
blumaai've done that... but it doesn't change anything.17:01
dotblankcan you paste your /etc/fstab17:01
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:01
mudit1141dotblank: I am in recovery console, I got 4 options.. what to select ?17:02
blumaaall of it?17:02
dotblankis there an option to drop to a console?17:02
ubutomelitedev, ah, ok, that is another story :)17:02
dotblankblumaa, yes17:02
mudit1141drop to root ?17:02
mudit1141yes there is17:02
dotblankmudit1141, aye17:02
blumaa# /etc/fstab: static file system information.17:02
blumaa# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier17:02
blumaa# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name17:02
blumaa# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).17:02
FloodBot1blumaa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:02
elitedevubutom: haha yes it is. but thanks again for the help!17:02
mudit1141did it17:02
ubutomelitedev, glad to help17:03
mudit1141should I remove vbox from there ?17:03
blumaaokay i used that paste website17:03
blumaanow how do i share it?17:03
dotblankmudit1141, well you can use apt-get install --reinstall17:03
blumaathe url?17:03
pmjdebruijnhi, I'm fiddling with awn, but when shutting down, it seems compiz shuts down earlier than awn (avant), which makes it looks quite ugly... is there any way to influence this order?17:03
FireblastoAnyone know how to install teamspeak 3 ?17:04
dotblankmudit1141, make sure you have the currect package name tho17:04
dotblankmudit1141, can you paste the output of the mount command17:04
dotblankI mean blumaa17:05
AbhiJitabhijain, hi17:05
blumaathere was no output of the mount command dotblank17:05
dotblankblumaa, really?17:05
blumaait just went to the next line17:05
dotblankblumaa, you didn't pass any options to it did you?17:06
blumaai just typed in mount -n -o remount,defaults /17:06
=== root is now known as Guest32255
dotblankblumaa, it should output the current mounted filesystems17:07
dotblankblumaa, I mean just 'mount'17:07
blumaait didnt...17:07
dotblankno options17:07
blumaaokay... right...  how do i copy from a terminal window?17:07
FireblastoAnyone know how to install teamspeak 3 ? Is there a package that I can get from the terminal?17:07
dotblankblumaa, you can install pastebinit17:07
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com17:07
bonjoyeeFireblasto: i think its in the ubuntu repos?17:08
blumaaokay there it is17:08
lazyrobotFireblasto: type apt-cache search teamspeak into a shell and sudo apt-get install packagename to install it.17:08
Fireblastobonjoyee, that teamspeak 317:09
Fireblastowill do lazyrobot17:09
dotblankblumaa, its says "My Passport" is mounted in rw mode17:09
bonjoyeeFireblasto: then?17:09
blumaayeah... but it won't let me edit or modify anything...17:09
Fireblastobonjoyee Sorry kinda rushed that. It isn't the latest version of ts317:10
dotblankblumaa, can you do a touch "/media/My Passport/testfile.deletmelater"17:10
mudit1141dotblank: I am not sure about the name of the package17:10
dotblankmudit1141, try using dpkg -l | grep virtualbox17:10
meerapakayis here any one know about mero internet tv in ubuntu...i have some problem with that in downloading vedios17:10
dotblankmudit1141, the package on my pc is called virtualbox-ose-dkms17:11
blumaahere is the output of the touch - touch: cannot touch `/media/My Passport/testfile.deletmelater': Read-only file system17:11
cryptodirai am looking at installing the gnome-desktop with extras.... synaptic says that swfdec-mozilla and libswfdec-0.8-0 need to be installed first.... i already have adobe flash 'square' (64 bit) installed.... question: will installing the swfdec components cause problems.... shoudl adobe be nuked before starting?17:11
aeiouwhats the best way to install apache2 / php5.3 / mysql etc on ubuntu 10.04? is there a group install or do i need to install each bit of software seperately?17:11
dotblankmudit1141, the dkms is a build system designed to recompile the vbox module whenever you upgrade your kernel17:11
dotblankblumaa, od...17:11
subminuentisch mudit1141: its listed here http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=virtualbox-ose17:11
dotblankblumaa, odd.. can you try umount /dev/sdc117:12
blumaaokay, now what17:12
shcherbak!panelreset > shcherbak17:12
ubottushcherbak, please see my private message17:12
mudit1141dotblank: interestingly I have two virtualbox packages in my machine17:12
dotblankthen going through the gnome desktop mount your removable device again?17:12
dotblankmudit1141, with the same name17:13
blumaahow do i do that tthrough the gnome desktop?17:13
subminuentisch<mudit1141>  its listed here http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=virtualbox-ose17:13
dotblankblumaa, just goto places and see if it shows up17:13
dotblankblumaa, and click it17:13
blumaait showed up, i clicked it.  should i do a touch command again?17:14
dotblankmudit1141, do you have the non ose version and the ose version both installed?17:14
dotblankblumaa, yea17:14
KM0201mudit1141: just be advised the virtualbox in the repositories, doesn't support USB17:14
dotblank!lamp | aeiou17:14
ubottuaeiou: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:14
blumaaokay... touch command didn't have an output17:14
dotblankblumaa, looks like it worked then17:14
dotblankgo navigate their using your usual methods17:15
mudit1141dottblank:can I stop the vobx operation for now at the startup ?17:15
dotblankmudit1141, don't know let me see...17:15
blumaayep, except the files are still read only17:15
DaGeek247where are the serial cables file located? (eg /dev/com0)17:15
dotblankblumaa, does the file we "touched" exist?17:16
blumaayes sir!17:16
blumaaand I can delete it!17:17
blumaathat's great!  I can edit files... but when I right click on them and view permissions they still say read only17:17
mudit1141dotblank: apparently the issue is I get  >>>> vboxnetflt (3.0.14) ....                  [OK]17:17
jribblumaa: click "refresh" in nautilus17:17
jribblumaa: or "reload" maybe17:17
mudit1141and after that the cursor keeps blinking and blinking17:18
aeioudotblank, does tasksel lamp-server include php-cli?17:18
dotblankmudit1141, perhaps you can try recompiling the vbox module using dkms right now17:18
mneptokblumaa: or use the command-line for an always-accurate view17:18
dotblankaeiou, no but you can apt-get install php-cli17:18
blumaathanks you dotblank!17:19
mudit1141yes there is written >>> DKMS auto installation for kernel 2.6.24-27-generic17:19
aeioushould i use aptitude or apt-get btw?17:19
RichturdHow are you all17:19
RichturdI have a few questions that I'd like answered immediately17:20
mudit1141do i have to go to recovery mode again to build vbox for dkms?17:20
coz_Richturd,   well  best just to ask to see if anyone may have a solution17:20
ZykoticK9!ask | Richturd17:20
ubottuRichturd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:20
dotblankmudit1141, did you sue "sudo dkms status"17:20
dotblankmudit1141, you can goto recovery mode by selecting it from the boot menu17:21
newany one can help me enable my wirless17:21
KM0201new: do you know what your wireless device is?17:21
Richturdcoz_ ubottu zykotic you are all making me very angry17:21
RichturdI have a question about my eeepf17:21
coz_Richturd,   ok  what is the question?17:22
Richturdmy eeepc's webcam won't work and Ive had it up to here17:22
newno how can i know it? i'm beginner17:22
DaGeek247Richturd, this a free OS, and the help is also free. please be courtous, since we are all here of our own free will, and dont get paid to help you.17:22
KM0201new: in a terminal(application/accessories/terminal) type    "lspci | grep Ethernet" w/o quotes (assuming it is an interna wireless device)17:22
Richturddageeek247, I understand.  you idiot17:22
pksadiqcan I ask about ftp here?17:22
wildc4rdevenin all!17:22
mudit1141dotblank: yes i did, all i am getting is a list of vbox related packages and they all are "installed"17:22
coz_Richturd,   ok either ask a question or leave  ...17:23
Richturdmy Eeepc is a model 70117:23
dotblankmudit1141, ok can you try using the command "sudo dkms build -m virtualbox-ose -v 3.2.8"17:23
aeiouRichturd, seriously :/17:23
Richturdand it's webcam won't work17:23
dotblankmudit1141, you may need to change the version number to match your machine17:23
mneptokRichturd: be polite.17:23
Richturdaeiou, come over here and touch this shit17:23
ZykoticK9Richturd, calling people an idiot is NOT the way to get help in here17:23
KM0201lol, he's gonna get lots of help17:24
Richturdmneptok, I apologize17:24
ZykoticK9!language | Richturd17:24
ubottuRichturd: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:24
brontoeeenew, i'd do 'lspci' on command line, and then see if the device is there, after that google for an answer or ask here again17:24
dotblankalso mudit1141 if it has already been marked as installed you can still remove it then build it again17:24
mudit1141dotblank: one more thing, when i did "dkms status"17:24
rumpe1Richturd, i right now use a 701 4G... but i don't like your tone17:24
zs1mtbI did a distro upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 but the machine crashed and the kernel is still 9.10 and the rest of the upgrade is now 10.04... How do I get the 10.04 kernel loaded?17:24
Richturdhelp me17:24
mneptokRichturd: that was the last time you'll use profanity here. now *I'M* the one that is fed up.17:24
Richturdmneptok, huh17:24
mneptokRichturd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC/Fixes17:24
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:24
mudit1141it is listing the same package twice for 2.6.24-27-generic and 2.6.24-26-generic17:25
Richturdubottu, I am sorry17:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:25
new09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03)17:25
RichturdI am just stressed17:25
dotblankmudit1141, thats ok.. it means you ahve a module for each17:25
pksadiqin ftp command how can I copy a remote file to a remote directory in the same server?17:25
bobbyjanybody know how to share internet using an aircard ? over your router17:25
KM0201new: i'm pretty sure that is your wired controller, not yoru wireless... is there another one there?17:25
DeezeNutsCan someone please help me format a USB External Hard Drive to Fat32?17:26
brontoeeenew , thats lan, nothing about 'wireless'?17:26
dotblankmudit1141, when your computer gets updated with a new kernel it still keeps the old modules in the event the kernel update failed17:26
mneptokKM0201: if it's the wireless controller, i want gigabit 802.11, too!17:26
aeioulol someone is gonna get DDOSd
newthis is lap top17:26
zs1mtb<DeezeNuts>what version of ubuntu ?17:26
newand this is what i got17:26
DeezeNuts10.10 Ubuntu on Cr48 Google Laptop17:26
mudit1141dotblank: as far as I can remember I downloaded these packages, rather than using package manager17:27
DaGeek247Richturd what is the problem with the webcam, it jut doesn't do anything?17:27
sdahi all, i have a question, I love search\program graphic of ub11.04 and i want it on my normal gnome. How can I do? (this one http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/unity-2d-apps.png)17:27
dotblankDeezeNuts, you got ubuntu on the cr48 and you need help formatting a removable drive17:27
dotblankodd indeed17:27
zs1mtb<DeezeNuts>it should be able to do that with partition editor17:27
dotblankmudit1141, ok well I would nuke all of virtualbox then17:28
grkbloodis there a way to change the title of a progs window if you launch it from cli?17:28
dotblankmudit1141, apt-get remove all the vbox packages17:28
Hans_Henriksda: is it any different than the search function on ubuntu software center?17:28
newany one can do remote desktop with me to enable my wirless?17:28
DeezeNutsI need help formatting an external hard drive17:28
DeezeNutsI cannot  do it on WIndows 717:28
dotblankmudit1141, once your system is running again reinstall the ose version or the latest oracle ones17:28
zs1mtbI did a distro upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 but the machine crashed and the kernel is still 9.10 and the rest of the upgrade is now 10.04... How do I get the 10.04 kernel loaded?17:28
DeezeNutsbecause it only comes up for exFat and NTFS17:28
mneptokDeezeNuts: and how do you want to format it?17:28
Hans_HenrikDeezeNuts: you need to format an external hard drive, and you cant do it in windows because?17:29
sdaHans_Henrik, this work for installed programs, I want browse my program like that!17:29
mudit1141dotblank: okies, thanks17:29
zs1mtb<DeezeNuts>I did my formatting using the partition editor17:29
DeezeNutsHans_Henrik, because the only options in windows 7 come up as exFat and NTFS17:29
mneptokDeezeNuts: exFAT is FAT32, AFAIK17:29
DeezeNutsare you sure17:29
themusicgod1zs1mtb: run aptitude or synaptic, install the correct kernel, reboot? if that doesn't work there's a way to run grub to get it to detect what kernels you have installed17:29
mneptokDeezeNuts: but you can install gparted in Linux and format that wat17:29
dotblankno FAT32 is not exfat17:29
DeezeNutsIsn't it a different format17:29
WeemsHow do I mount my cd-drive? It's not in the fdisk -l list17:29
new0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 017:29
new        Subsystem: Dell Wireless 1397 WLAN Mini-Card17:29
new        Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 1717:29
new        Memory at f69fc000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]17:29
new        Capabilities: <access denied>17:29
FloodBot1new: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:29
new        Kernel driver in use: wl17:29
DeezeNutssee dotblank  said it too17:29
gracekellyme gustaria saber en que chat estoy, plis17:29
DeezeNutsi'll try gparted17:30
gracekellyestoy en terra??17:30
dotblankDeezeNuts, however it should be backwards compatible17:30
bobbyjany help using a aircard shared over a router...17:30
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mneptokgracekelly: /join #ubuntu-es pf17:30
DeezeNutsi see17:30
zs1mtb<themusicgod1>thanks i'll try it17:30
brontoeeenew, use pastebin17:30
gracekellyviva ubuntuuuuuuuuuuu xD!!!17:30
DeezeNutsI'll try GParted, thanks for the help17:30
themusicgod1what should I be reading about to get audio from my microphone-in?   It was working until 10.04, I upgraded to 10.10 and it's still not working...would it be useful to go to natty?17:30
newsome one help me with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/556879/17:31
brontoeeenew like http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/17:31
IanWizardI'm taking votes, I can try and work, or I can watch Takers.17:31
dotblankthemusicgod1, no You should only use stable releases unless you are crazy ubuntu geek17:31
fbc_Is there a seperate channel for ubuntu netbook edition support?17:31
Hans_HenrikDeezeNuts: at least on my Windows 7 Ultimate x64, updated full yesterday, the console-version of "format" supports Fat32 formatting with parameter /FS:FAT3217:31
dotblankthemusicgod1, but we can troubleshoot your audo here17:31
themusicgod1dotblank: i am a pretty crazy geek but lately i just haven't had time to devote to it :(17:32
IanWizardthemusicgod1, I had that same thing happer, I just use a headset when I Skype now, but I'd be interested to know if you find a fix.17:32
DeezeNutsOk Hans_Henrik17:32
themusicgod1although usually i use stable releases on *this* computer17:32
DeezeNutsI only tried using right click>format17:32
themusicgod1IanWizard: i think my problems may actually in part be due to skype, so I think you're right in that they are related17:32
dotblankthemusicgod1, well first thing first.. can you pastebin the output of "aplay -l"17:32
newsome one help me with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/556879/17:32
ZykoticK9mneptok, just FYI but exFat is Microsoft's NEW file system - i don't really know anything about it mind you - but it's not good ol' FAT that's for sure.17:32
fbc_How do you get the Sleep inhibit applet on ubuntu netbook edition?17:33
themusicgod1dotblank: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/62611020/AplayDevices.txt17:33
bobbyji tried firestarter but that doesn't work17:33
themusicgod1( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/706175 in general )17:33
bonjoyeenew: so whats the problem using the wireless? where are you stuck?17:33
grkbloodhow do i get my minimized windows to goto the panel when minized? when i open a prog i dont see it in the panel. it jsut opens. when i minized it its gone17:33
mudit1141dotblank: it appears to be still stuck at the boot :(17:33
mneptokZykoticK9: developments in the world of Microsoft and Windows interest me about as much as watching maggots hatch17:33
dotblankthemusicgod1, and this is with a usb mic?17:34
ksmithhey guys,  back again.17:34
dotblankmudit1141, oh man...17:34
ZykoticK9mneptok, same here ;)17:34
ksmithsometimes when I boot into ubuntu I'm missing the window decorations.17:34
mudit1141the box lines are gone17:34
coz_grkblood,  right click the panel...Add to panel... Window list17:34
themusicgod1dotblank: no -- i have 3-4 regular headphone-plug microphones17:34
mudit1141vbox lines*17:34
ksmiththe little x in the top left corner and the title bar ...17:34
Hans_Henrikmneptok: i suggest you read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExFAT#Disadvantages when your not busy :p17:35
ksmiththen I log out and log back in again and that fixes it most of the time.17:35
mudit1141now the cursor keeps blinking after >>> Running DKMS auto installation service17:35
meerapakayis there any software in ubuntu that is used to recovery the deleted files???17:35
themusicgod1last I checked, all 3 microphones worked.17:35
ksmithbut sometimes I have to login twice before everythings back to normal.17:35
mudit1141now the cursor keeps blinking after >>> Running DKMS auto installation service ................                                    [OK]17:35
bonjoyeemeerapakay: testdisk17:35
themusicgod1meerapakay: how deleted17:35
meerapakaybonjoyee, what is testdisk17:36
mneptokHans_Henrik: by the time i'm not busy enough to take an interest in MS filesystems, NTFS and exFAT will be things of the past.17:36
ZykoticK9meerapakay, testdisk is a partition recorvery program17:36
aeiouI've just read this: "The default virtual host when using name based virtual hosts is the first defined virtual host" - how do I make my virtualhost the default then?17:36
=== nan is now known as Guest4779
bonjoyee!testdisk | meerapakay17:36
aeiouubuntu seems to include "default" in the sitesavailable, which i presume is always loaded first17:36
newi cant enable my wireless17:36
aeioui would like it to look at my other vhost as the default instead17:36
dotblankmudit1141, maybe it wasn't vbos but was hanging on something else17:36
meerapakayZykoticK9, how can it helps me17:36
dotblankmudit1141, try checking dmesg for errors or the log files17:37
DeezeNutsIt says unable to find mount point17:37
dotblankmudit1141, problem seems to lie deeper17:37
DeezeNutsthis hard drive is formatted in ntfs17:37
meerapakaybonjoyee, will is restore my deleted files from trash also?17:37
ZykoticK9meerapakay, i doubt it can.  If you've deleted the files from an ext3 or ext4 partition, you are probably "out of luck" consider it gone for good.  I hope you find different info though (and if you do i'm sure the channel would love to get an update - i would)17:37
bonjoyeemeerapakay: testdisk recovers lost partitions and  comes with "photorec" that recovers various types of files17:37
newi cant enable my wirless http://paste.ubuntu.com/556882/17:37
mneptok!repeat | new17:38
ubottunew: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:38
DeezeNutsHans_Henrik, can you tell me how you did it in window17:38
Hans_HenrikDeezeNuts: ok with PM's?17:38
meerapakayZykoticK9, is there any link about relating to testdisk17:38
meerapakayZykoticK9, is there any link about relating to testdisk17:38
Hans_HenrikDeezeNuts: (some people on IRC gets really cranky when not asked for permission first :p)17:38
DeezeNutsYea i dont mind17:39
LjL!recover | meerapakay17:39
ubottumeerapakay: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel17:39
DeezeNutsI understand why though17:39
ZykoticK9meerapakay, http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk -- photorec is probably better suited (it's part of testdisk)17:39
ZykoticK9meerapakay, photorec claims to support ext2/3 - so that's good news, IF you are using ext317:40
ksmithis there a way to cycle through open windows of the currently focused application?17:40
alec__hi folks17:42
=== adam__ is now known as _babberz
alec__oh, i need some support, got an issue i couldn't fix while reading docs...17:43
meerapakayhow to close package installer it is not closing with buttonss...17:43
coz_meerapakay,   is it finished installing?17:44
=== Safty__ is now known as msafty
alec__for i'm a lucky freebsd user, my wife uses ubuntu, and her laptop crashed with some strange error messages17:44
mudit1141dotblank:should I look at the boot log ?17:44
themusicgod1dotblank: would it be easier to get a usb mic working?  I could try to get one if so.17:44
themusicgod1(mabye not today though)17:44
dotblankthemusicgod1, nah it should be easy witha  regular one17:45
dotblankmudit1141, yea17:45
meerapakaycoz_, no my internet  connection is slow thats y i  i gives me a warning that unable to download files due to slow connection17:45
IanWizardthemusicgod1, my external mic works just fine, it's just the internal that b0rked with the upgrade.17:45
dotblankIanWizard, themusicgod1 perhaps its because the profile in pulseaudio got changes17:45
alec__issue: laptop crashed, afer reboot, i got this errormsg: mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory17:46
alec__mount: mounting / sys/ on root/sys failed: No such file or directory17:46
alec__mount: mounting /proc on /root/proc failed: No such file or dirctory17:46
alec__Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init.17:46
alec__any ideas?17:46
FloodBot1alec__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:46
alec__No init found. Try passing init= boot arg17:46
babaluI have a problem similar to this https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=109619) I'm using ubuntu 10.10 64 bit , wine 1.3 and whit the ati's website driver does anyone have a clue?17:46
dotblankalec__, that sounds bad..17:46
IanWizarddotblank, themusicgod1, isn't this the point of obscuring things away with drivers?  So we don't have these issues?17:46
coz_meerapakay,  ok open a terminal.. type     xkil      the cursor will turn into a  crosshair  and click the window you want to kill17:46
dotblankalec__, how old is this laptop and are you sure the HD is good17:46
alec__lemme see17:47
coz_meerapakay,   it actually may turn into a skull and crossbones17:47
dotblankIanWizard, no not as much. It has more to do with proper regression testing17:47
mudit1141dotblank: "Nothing has been logged yet"17:47
alec__dotblank: ok, winxp sticker on the back, seems pretty old...17:47
mudit1141i think i need to enable logging ?17:47
dotblankmudit1141, try looking at kernel logs in /var/log17:48
meerapakaycoz, sorry it is not working17:48
dotblankalec__, it justs eems like this error you are getting is because to the root FS got currupt and the kernel is freaking out. I'm surprised you didn't get a VFS kernel panic17:48
themusicgod1i think the issues with internal vs. external audio not working and mine are related17:49
alec__dotblank: i have kernel panic after exiting busybox17:49
themusicgod1since there's 2 sets of plugs and even in aplay 2 sound devices detected17:49
alec__i wonder why apparmor starts up..17:49
themusicgod1one isn't hooked up to the motherboard17:49
dotblankalec__, does it say rootfs not found?17:49
meerapakaycoz,it is not working what u had said?17:49
alec__dotblank: jep17:49
coz_meerapakay,    did the cursor change?17:49
alec__as mentioned above17:49
themusicgod1something in pulseaudio could very well be recording off one when it needs to either be choosable or from the other17:49
IanWizardalec__, that's bad, you shouldn't scare it like that, it's might just scare you back.17:49
dotblankthemusicgod1, try using the command parec17:50
alec__same errormsg like this one: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163318317:50
dotblankand see if you can record the data from you'r mic17:50
dotblankare you from VA?17:51
coz_meerapakay,   did you click that window>?  if so  you can always  restart x  and it will die.....  ctrl+alt+F1     log in     sudo  restart  gdm    or if on kde     suido restart kdm17:51
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alec__dotblank IanWizard, so it seems the filesystem is fscked up and i should do a complete reinstall and backup..17:52
themusicgod1dotblank: i'm guessing that appears to pull data from somewhere(mic?)...in the past I could have catted it to /dev/dsp if it was a raw recording but I'm finding I don't have one of those anymore. How should I play it?17:52
dotblankalec__, try seeing if you can mount the partition within busyboxing or like the the forum post says checking the FS17:52
=== Guest71109 is now known as ghostrecon
davftHi all!17:53
dotblankthemusicgod1, you could cat it into paplay17:53
ghostrecontengo la distro 10.04 lts17:53
IanWizarddavft, HI! :D  ~waves!17:53
davftI've got a problem with Ubuntu_101017:53
dotblankparec | paplay17:53
alec__ok, thank for your help guys17:53
themusicgod1failed to open audio file17:54
ghostrecony no me inicia el centro de software ubuntu17:54
davftI want to remove all the programs i installed17:54
davftTo have a system like just installed17:54
dotblankthemusicgod1, yea i'm checking that too17:55
ZykoticK9davft, a fresh install would be the easiest way to accomplish that17:55
mudit1141dotblank: i read in the log "BIOS not found", eh ?17:55
davftIn what way I can do it?17:55
dotblankmudit1141, :( not really what we are looking for :(17:55
davftYeah but I don't want to loose all my personal data!17:55
mudit1141is that allright ?17:56
dotblankthemusicgod1, you could try loading a loopback module to hear the mic17:56
kuukicoz, but doing that my all programs is lost merapakaya17:56
coz_yo yo17:56
dotblankmudit1141, not too sure.. its not very specific17:56
brontoeeedavft, most of your data should be in /home/username, so backup that, reinstall, restore17:56
newany one can help me enable my wirless but i'm beginner17:57
dotblankthemusicgod1, pactl load-module module-loopback17:57
niteshadei installed proxychains, and it needs ld.so (looked where it should be - /lib/ld.so, and possibly /usr/lib/ld.so) and nothing.  Proxychains needs it, so i gotts ta have it, so where can i gt it?17:57
niteshade* get17:58
=== Newa2 is now known as NewaWrk
ghostreconuse the free proxy17:58
ghostreconof firefox17:58
themusicgod1i don't know what i just did17:58
mudit1141dotblank: at the end of it, there is a line >>> audit(XXXX) : type =1503 operation="inode_permission" requested_mask="a::" denied_mask="a::" .......17:58
niteshadeno, for command line stuff17:58
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=== |Omega| is now known as Omega
themusicgod1i went into alsamixer to turn the mic down17:58
mudit1141is that something we are looking for ?17:58
davftSomeone answered me? I left the irc chat and I didn't see17:58
themusicgod1and jumped from screen to screen and it started recording17:58
brontoeeedavft, most of your data should be in /home/username, so backup that, reinstall, restore17:59
themusicgod1dotblank: i owe you a beer17:59
dotblankthemusicgod1, so I take it the mic does indeed work now?17:59
niteshadejust don't ask questions about why i need proxychains alright?17:59
newany one can help me enable my wirless but i'm beginner17:59
kuukiis there any webbrowser other than firefox,chromium in ubuntui17:59
ghostreconat the free proxy addon foxyproxy17:59
ghostreconis good one17:59
themusicgod1at least it's on loopback17:59
niteshadejust don't ask questions about why i need proxychains alright?17:59
ayush_is it possible to install ubuntu software centre and ubuntu one on another ubuntu-based distro?17:59
kusanagiim trying to burn any of these bootabla images (cd and floppy) to run in a usb because i have no floppy disk nor cdrom  http://www.samsung.com/global/business/hdd/productmodel.do?group=72&type=94&subtype=98&model_cd=248&dType=G&mType=SW&tab=down&ppmi=121917:59
GuegsA friend of mine told me that you don't ever have to restart Ubuntu. Is this true?17:59
kusanagiany help?17:59
FloodBot1kusanagi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:59
ghostreconor if you want to learn more go to youtube18:00
davftThanks for answer! and in what way I can restore it?18:00
DaGeek247kuki : opera works on it. google chrome works18:00
gps23i am unable to start fingerd on my ubuntu box, made an entry for in.fingerd in /etc/inetd.conf but its not working. somebody please guide me a bit18:00
niteshadeoh, anyways, can i apt-get it somehow?18:00
brontoeeekuuki, opera ?18:00
dotblankthemusicgod1, well that means it should work with any recording system that uses pulse.. which means nothing is wrong with the mic18:00
chrislusticHi everyone18:00
dotblankmudit1141, try booting a earlier kernel18:00
kuukibrontoeee, other than that18:00
dotblankmudit1141, I saw you had one other kernel installed18:00
brontoeeeGuegs, not really18:00
ubutomGuegs, no, though many things can be done at runtime, loading a new kernel for example requires a reboot18:00
chrislusticI am running Ubuntu 10.10 on my imac,  I need to speed up my fan speed can anyone help me with that?18:00
ardianDo you know any good software to take school notes ?18:00
ghostreconits possible find the repository18:00
Guegsalright, thanks.18:01
ZykoticK9gps23, fingerd wow that's retro - i don't think i've ever seen someone asking about it in here.  Best of luck man, I've certainly never used it.18:01
newany one can help me enable my wirless18:01
brontoeeekuuki, lynx18:01
dotblank!wireless | new18:01
ubottunew: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:01
gps23ZykoticK9, i just wanted to see it working once, read about it on a paper18:01
mudit1141dotblank: I am looking at logs from 10 days ago, when I started my machine after 6 months..18:01
puppynew: explain ur question18:02
dotblankmudit1141, did you do anything recently that you think may have caused it?18:02
ayush_is it possible to install ubuntu software centre and ubuntu one on another ubuntu-based distro?18:02
mudit1141there are lines like >>> "RmInitAdapter Failed"18:02
newmy wirless is disabled and i can't enable it18:02
dotblankayush_, I suppose you could...18:02
chrislusticI am running Ubuntu 10.10 on my imac,  I need to speed up my fan speed can anyone help me with that?18:02
Garzookaahh a cute puppy18:02
ubottufan is Control the fan  on/off  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12058.html18:02
dotblankayush_, but it would come with ubuntu one and the like18:02
AbhiJitchrislustic, ^^^^18:02
kuukibrontoeee, how to install it18:02
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davftIn what way I can restore it?18:03
brontoeeekuuki, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsers18:03
puppywhy u leave that "new"18:03
AbhiJitayush_, yes18:03
chrislusticabhijit, yes im still struggling18:03
=== troll is now known as Guest46849
Garzookapuppy woof woof18:03
newleave what?18:03
AbhiJitno dear18:03
AbhiJit!fan | chrislustic18:03
ubottuchrislustic: fan is Control the fan  on/off  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12058.html18:03
chrislusticthats not my problem18:03
mudit1141dotbalnk, is it something to fo with nvidia ?18:03
puppynew: tell about ur system18:03
Jeruvygps23: what is the error?18:03
mudit1141to do*18:03
DaGeek247operais online .deb download from their website. so is google chrome. chrome.google.com18:03
ayush_AbhiJit: can you please tell me how18:03
chrislusticMy fan is on minimal18:03
dotblankmudit1141, oh very much so18:03
newubuntu 10.1018:04
chrislusticI need it on maximum,18:04
mudit1141rm_init_adapter(0) failed18:04
dotblankmudit1141, try taking a look at the xorg log files18:04
gps23Jeruvy, no error, but fingerd is not started by inetd when i remotely try to connect to it18:04
ayush_AbhiJit: through synaptic?18:04
mudit1141dotblank: i remember i used to build nvidia drivers everytime there is a kernel upgrade18:04
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may_psuHello from 1402, Thailand18:05
mudit1141but the X used to load with some ugly display18:05
themusicgod1dotblank: now pactl doesn't seem to want to let me remove the loopback....18:05
puppynew: click the additional drivers from system-administration-additional drivers-18:05
DrravenHi guys ;)18:05
dotblankmudit1141, yea thats why we reccomend the packaged ones.. because it uses DKMS18:05
AbhiJitayush_, may be18:05
Jeruvygps23: what error occurs when you try to start it?18:05
AbhiJitayush_, or just get the .deb18:05
chrislusticI am running Ubuntu 10.10 on my imac,  I need to speed up my fan speed can anyone help me with that, to speed it up, like it is when I boot mac OS around 350018:05
mudit1141okies I'll have a look a t xorg18:05
puppyrun it18:05
Guest46849i need some help w/ my wlan it used to work with ubuntu but stopped when i installed 10.10...i have an hp pavilio dv2000. is there anyplace i can download the fix? thx18:05
niteshadei installed proxychains, and it needs ld.so (looked where it should be - /lib/ld.so, and possibly /usr/lib/ld.so) and nothing.  Proxychains needs it, so i gotts ta have it, so where can i gt it?18:05
dotblankthemusicgod1, you have to remove by module index number which varies by platform18:05
themusicgod1yeah i figured so18:06
=== Ely is now known as [Eli]
themusicgod1that's probably good enough for now18:06
newthe driver is active and in use18:06
dotblankthemusicgod1, err I mean by module load order18:06
puppynew: is there no applet showing for wireless on panel18:06
themusicgod1thanks all!18:06
gps23Jeruvy, i am not starting fingerd directly doing that was giving error socket operation on non-socket, hence i installed inetd and made a entry for in.fingerd in /etc/inetd.conf and then restarted inetd. now in theory inetd should fire up fingerd when someone tried to connect to it but its not happening18:07
koriharringtonhaving issues with ubuntu not displaying properly, anyone want to help?18:07
lolzermy piklab crashes when I want to compile it18:07
newwhat do you mean puppy18:07
=== MuNk is now known as MuNk`
tbruff13hello i need to know how to change the sources list back to defult for 10.1018:08
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Guest46849can anyone help me18:08
ghostreconsomeone use kdenlive18:08
koriharringtonwhen i open ubuntu sw center, the window is blank18:09
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:09
brontoeeeghostrecon, i did once or twice18:09
puppynew: has on the panel any icon or pic related to wireless18:09
tbruff13how to I access my backup sources list i need a command if anyoine knows it18:09
Jeruvygps23: I'm not certain, I just installed it from repo's and its working.  check this link:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73603418:09
newyes on the top right corner but it says wirless is disbaled18:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:10
ghostrecondo you recomend it18:10
=== Guest46849 is now known as troll40
snarksteroem install will not move forward after partitioning.. how do i make it go forward??18:10
puppynew; right click on that and look18:10
brontoeeeghostrecon, yes in the context of open source software video editors18:10
t00sl0wneed to know how to fix the gnome power manager or whatever. using ubuntu 10.4. when i power up, it says gnome power installed incorrectly, see your admin.18:10
newits not active18:10
newi cant enable it18:10
troll40i need some help w/ my wlan it used to work with ubuntu but stopped when i installed 10.10...i have an hp pavilion dv2000. is there anyplace i can download the fix? thx18:10
niteshade!FloodBot3 blah18:11
niteshadeFloodBot3 blah18:11
snarksteroem install will not move forward after partitioning.. how do i make it go forward??18:11
niteshadeFloodBot3 flood muhahaha!!!18:11
puppynew: if u installed the proper wireless then it should active.18:11
newbut it's not18:12
puppynew: wireless driver18:12
snarksterbew: might be atheros18:12
tbruff13Can someone help me figure out why ubuntu will only do a partial upgrade with 10.1018:12
newthe wireless driver is installed18:12
=== troll40 is now known as _troll
_trolli need some help w/ my wlan it used to work with ubuntu but stopped when i installed 10.10...i have an hp pavilion dv2000. is there anyplace i can download the fix? thx18:12
gps23Jeruvy, in the forum OP is talking abt ffingerd but i am trying fingerd, i will remove fingerd and install ffinger and see what happens. thanks for the link!18:12
niteshadeFloodBot3 commands18:12
puppynew: ur pc brand18:12
niteshadeFloodBot3 help18:12
niteshade@FloodBot3 help18:12
ZykoticK9tbruff13, "partial" upgrade = going to break your system - don't do partial upgrade!18:12
dotblankniteshade, you should just msg floodbot18:12
newdell vostro 1015 laptop18:12
niteshadehow do i use it?18:13
snarksteroem install will not move forward after partitioning.. how do i make it go forward??18:13
DaGeek247!help FloodBot318:13
dotblankbut don't spam this channel please18:13
niteshade!help floodbot318:13
niteshadeaint workin18:13
YouKayCan anyone please point me to a guide to setup an ethernet connection (using a crossover cable alone) between two Ubuntus? One of them is 10.04, and the other is 10.10. :D18:13
puppynew: then it should be the broadcom wireless driver18:13
BluesKaj_troll, does the wifi  nm-applet icon show in the panel?18:13
snarksterIm trying not to spam.. i wait 1min or so between posts.18:13
tbruff13I need some help figureinng out why ubuntu will only do a partial upgrade please18:13
newyes it's and it's installed and active18:14
newbut the wireless option is not enabled18:14
dotblankYouKay, its easy... most modern computers don't even need a crossover cable anyways18:14
niteshadecan i download the bots?18:14
puppynew: then there might be some additional problem18:14
dotblankYouKay, you can achieve the functionality by using ICS18:14
dotblank!ics YouKay18:14
dotblank!ics | YouKay18:14
ubottuYouKay: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php18:14
tbruff13ZykoticK9,  can you please tell me how to fix this issue please18:14
newyes but what is it and how can i fix it18:14
erUSULYouKay: use network manager connection editor to set up static ip's on both ends18:14
_trollno it shows ether but not wifi18:15
BluesKajnew , try iwconfig , and paste the output18:15
dotblank!offtopic | niteshade18:15
ubottuniteshade: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:15
YouKayOh, thanks dotblank and erUSUL.18:15
YouKayerUSUL: Do I need to create a new connection for that? Or will I just configure autoeth0?18:15
erUSULYouKay: but if the purpose is sharing internet the ics factoid/guide is what you want18:15
dotblankYouKay, new connection18:15
ZykoticK9tbruff13, if you are seeing a partial upgrade as an option - install aptitude - the "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" will update what can be installed without breaking things.18:15
snarksteroem install will not move forward after partitioning.. how do i make it go forward??18:15
niteshadeanyways, i gotta get ld.so, how?18:16
YouKayerUSUL: I just want it for fire sharing, nothing else. I have independent net connections18:16
dotblanksnarkster, why are you using the OEM install?18:16
snarksterthe new user isnt here.18:16
YouKaydotblank: Oh, thanks.18:16
erUSULYouKay: ok18:16
tbruff13ZykoticK9,  can you please open a diolog i cant keep up with this many people18:16
YouKayThanks erUSUL and dotblank, most appreciated18:16
snarksteri wanted it to question him for username and password18:16
puppynew: try ur query here http://ubuntuforums.org18:16
mudit1141dotblank: i dont notice anything in xorg.log to suggest something is wrong18:16
KM0201new: what is your wireless device?18:16
ZykoticK9tbruff13, sorry - am an "in channel" type guy ;)18:17
edwardteachpuppy,  new has a Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY18:17
dotblankmudit1141, sounds like something is seriously borked18:17
_trolli have my puter set for duel boot and it works fine in win18:17
dotblankmudit1141, I wish I could be of more help18:17
edwardteachKM0201,   new has a Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY18:17
snarkstergot any advice dotblank18:17
niteshadekm0201's in indiana18:17
tbruff13ZykoticK9,  okay fine but i think it is a sources thing how do i make my sources list defult18:17
dotblanksnarkster, I don't understand your question18:17
KM0201edwardo_: yeah, that requires a special driver, because it's that "low power" nonsense... from broadcom, it's a PITA.. i've yet to get it to work, it does not work w/ the normal STA or b43 driver18:17
tbruff13ZykoticK9,  im not sure if my backup is still defult18:18
dotblankcould you explain it differently18:18
snarksterdotblank the oem install just stops and will not allow me to click forward18:18
ZykoticK9tbruff13, are you trying to upgrade from a different version to another?18:18
KM0201niteshade: indeed i am... :) you?18:18
snarksterdotblank but it says its ready to move on18:18
puppynew: stick here and somebody may help u and in the middle try in ubuntuforums also18:18
tbruff13ZykoticK9,  i dont know it just says update manager18:18
niteshadekentucky.  /dns me, then go here: http://www.geoiptool.com/en/?IP=18:18
Macg4Hi all, I need some help installign unbuntu on mac osx version 10.5 powerbook18:18
KM0201new: to my knowledge, that device will not work w/ the normal STA or b43 driver18:18
niteshadehow i found u18:18
Macg4Can anyone be of help?18:18
mudit1141dotblank: should i enable boot log and see for once ?18:18
tbruff13ZykoticK9,  and when i start the upgrade it says distrubution upgrade but never finishes calculating18:19
dotblankmudit1141, sure go for it18:19
mudit1141would that any different from kernel logs ?18:19
mudit1141stupid question18:19
ZykoticK9tbruff13, "sudo apt-get install aptitude && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade"18:19
niteshadedotblank is in kansas18:19
puppyMacg4: its ubuntu help channel...ask what help u need18:19
tbruff13k one sec18:19
dotblankmudit1141, it would give possibly more info on the init run levels18:19
grkbloodconfigure: error: Package requirements (glib-2.0 jack) were not met: No package 'glib-2.0 found18:19
nhckHello, can someone help me with playing music with mpc on ubuntu?18:19
grkbloodwhat gives?18:19
dotblanksnarkster, why are you using the OEM install to begin with18:20
nhckEverytime i use mpc I get the error "error: directory or file not found" when I try to add a file to mpds queue18:20
_trollsorry dont know what im doing18:20
=== toto is now known as Guest42072
dotblankgrkblood, try libglib-2.018:20
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snarksterdotblank because the new user isnt here to give me the user information..18:20
Macg4Can someone walk me through installing the ubuntu iso to a usb on a mac?18:21
dotblanksnarkster, Oh ok..18:21
=== administrator is now known as Guest19641
galamar update manager because it says "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources." is there a way to force it?18:21
grkblooddot-slaSh,  i have that, lilglibs2.0-018:21
tbruff13ZykoticK9,  that made the terminal do something weird like this <18:21
dotblanksnarkster, I don't know why :( perhaps you may wish to install normal then OEMify it after install18:21
tbruff13ZykoticK9, should i change aptitude to apt-get18:21
snarksterah ok, i dont know how to OEMify it. LOL18:22
ZykoticK9tbruff13, did you copy paste it?  It works fine on my computer.18:22
KM0201new: are you still here?18:22
ZykoticK9tbruff13, apt-get doesn't have the safe-upgrade option unfortunately18:22
dotblankgrkblood, do you have jack?18:22
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
dotblankgrkblood, also if its a configure error you need to have the -dev variants installed18:22
ghostreconhi i am back18:22
grkblooddot-slaSh, im running ubuntu-studio18:23
ZykoticK9tbruff13, ctrl+d or ctrl+c to get out of the > terminal18:23
dotblankgrkblood, ah k, do you know if you have the libglib2.0-0-dev installed18:23
ghostreconi have all the  discography of wow greatest hits18:23
tbruff13ZykoticK9, send me the command again please ill give it another shot then ill send a screen shot if it goes wrong18:23
puppygalamar: u have to add the ppa in the sortware sources18:23
grkblooddotblank, im actually isntalling that right now18:23
ZykoticK9tbruff13, "sudo apt-get install aptitude && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade"18:23
KM0201edwardteach: if he comes back...  http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1031459518:23
dotblankgrkblood, also get the jack variant as well18:24
ghostreconfrom  1996 to 201118:24
HenflinDo all those programs listed in this wikipedia article are within every lubuntu 10.10 iso installation CD ??? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubuntu#Applications18:24
ghostreconif someones need it18:24
ghostreconlet me know18:24
AviMarcusHi. My gui just crashed, and when I rebooted, nautilus looks like http://img529.imageshack.us/i/selection001j.png - even after going to appearance and everything else going back to normal, nautilus is still this way. How do I fix it?18:24
dotblankgrkblood, libjack-jackd2-dev18:24
dotblankgrkblood, possible18:24
ghostreconuse the terminal18:24
infectedbrainhello all18:24
grkblooddotblank, it was that gliv-dev18:24
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o18:25
puppymacg4: do u have a ubuntu live cd18:25
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ghostreconavimarcus u se the terminal18:25
tbruff13ZykoticK9, no quotes right18:25
ZykoticK9tbruff13, right, no quotes18:25
galamarthe package it has problems with is from the ubuntu source for restricted modules. its Nvidia binary something.18:25
infectedbrainanyone know where Lib and include files are located?18:25
AviMarcusghostrecon, use the terminal to.. what?18:25
infectedbrainlike fo sdl18:25
tbruff13ZykoticK9,  okay ill try it18:25
dotblankinfectedbrain, usually sdl includes are in /usr/include/sdl18:25
ghostreconare you here18:25
kuukigud nite guysssssssssssss18:25
infectedbraindotblank: and what about the libs18:26
dotblankinfectedbrain, and should just be in /usr/lib18:26
ghostreconto fix nautilus18:26
infectedbraindotblank: oh okay18:26
Macg4puppy no i dont18:26
AviMarcusok ghostrecon what command am I supposed to run?18:26
dotblankinfectedbrain, if you were using pkg-config you wouldn't need to manually specify the path in the linker / compilier18:26
puppyMacg4: then how u planned to create usb18:27
tbruff13ZykoticK9, okay its doing can you also do me one more favor and help me make my sources list defult i thing thats where that issue started18:27
HenflinDo all those programs listed in this wikipedia article are within every lubuntu 10.10 iso installation CD ??? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubuntu#Applications18:27
AbhiJithow to change folder color?18:27
Macg4Instal to usb from the iso file18:27
AbhiJitHenflin, #lubuntu18:27
dotblankHenflin, I would think so, yes18:27
Henflinthx abhijit18:27
ghostreconhere is a bug which causes the terminal to not launch properly if the18:28
ghostreconuser is using any non-bash shell.  This happens when users right-click18:28
ghostreconon the desktop and select "Open Terminal".18:28
ghostreconThis problem happens because nautilus-open-terminal launches18:28
ghostrecongnome-terminal via a shell command like this:18:28
FloodBot3ghostrecon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:28
Henflindotblank thx18:28
ghostrecon/usr/bin/gnome-terminal -x /bin/sh -c cd '/export/home/brianca' && exec18:28
ZykoticK9tbruff13, i don't use 10.10 (i'm on 10.04) so I don't know how you could reset your sources file i'm afraid...18:28
puppymacg4: if u have an Internet connection then download the ubuntu image from www.ubuntu.com18:28
Henflinare you guys all talking with Xchat ?? :)18:28
ghostrecontheres the solution18:28
AbhiJitHenflin, yes me18:28
galamarme too18:28
Henflinnice :)18:28
edwardteachKM0201,  new  pm me said its working now !! i dont think it will work after a restart though! i'll keep the link thanks!18:28
basix-does anyone know how to upload mp3s to a ipod touch 4g? i use banshee for my ipod classic but it wont let me upload the mp3s to the ipod touch since it does not support .mp3?18:28
puppymacg4: write the image on a cd and boot the system from it18:28
dotblankHenflin, I am but others may be using some other clients, like irssi18:28
tbruff13ZykoticK9,  can you give me a command to access my backup18:28
AviMarcusghostrecon, is that for me? I am using bash..18:29
KM0201edwardteach: ok.. would have been nice to know how he got it working18:29
cryptodiraare the swfdec* files going to co-exist peacefully with the adobe 'square' player ?  10.04 amd64.18:29
Macg4puppy i have the iso image-ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso18:29
erUSUL!ipod > basix-18:29
ubottubasix-, please see my private message18:29
h4mm3ris there a program that simply outputs joystick position to console18:29
Macg4I dont have a cd18:29
HenflinHow do you know he uses a diferent client ?18:29
ZykoticK9tbruff13, i don't know what you mean18:29
_trolli need some help w/ my wlan it used to work with ubuntu but stopped when i installed 10.10...i have an hp pavilion dv2000. is there anyplace i can download the fix? thx18:29
ghostrecona possible solution18:29
puppymacg4: then write it on a cd as image18:29
basix-thanks guys18:29
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:29
h4mm3rjstest outputs positions continuously ... i need it once!18:29
cryptodiraI am looking to add the gnome desktop extras and some swfdec* files are required to do so.18:30
=== Pinako is now known as AMERICA
=== AMERICA is now known as Pinako
AviMarcusuh ghostrecon that didn't seem to do anything18:30
ghostreconlet me see18:30
tbruff13ZykoticK9,  the sources list pointing ubuntu where to find its programs it has a backup i need a command to access that backup so that i can fix my sources.list18:30
ZykoticK9cryptodira, are you trying to install the "gnome" package by any chance?18:30
edwardteachKM0201,  yeah me to ! i was  going through iwconfig etc  i had to show him sudo so  he may be back!18:30
ghostreconi wil find a nice solution18:31
ZykoticK9tbruff13, i'm not aware of any backup sorry - good luck18:31
cryptodiraZykoticK9: yes, that is corret... on top of the standard install.18:31
AviMarcusHi. Something happened to my gui and now nautilus looks like http://img529.imageshack.us/i/selection001j.png even after changing appearances back to normal. Everything else got fixed though. Ideas?18:31
puppymacg4: u can create a live usb of ubuntu running a live ubuntu18:31
dotblankAviMarcus, did you try running some software as root./18:31
AviMarcusno. I just dragged a new video into the default video player and poof, back to the terminal pre-X18:32
ghostrecon theres someone who uses amule18:32
AviMarcusafter a reboot and resetting the appearance to normal ambiance on 10.04 , everything is back to normal except nautilus18:32
ZykoticK9cryptodira, "gnome" is a debian package and won't work on Ubuntu - you can install the "gnome-desktop-environment" package to get the regular Ubuntu Gnome (not sure why you wouldn't already have it though, I use this on Minimal installs)18:32
dotblankAviMarcus, try re-logging18:32
dotblankAviMarcus, nvm18:32
PudabudigadaHello, does anyone know how to get a serial graphics tablet working in Maverick?18:32
PudabudigadaIt is a Genius easypainter18:33
dotblankAviMarcus, odd.. try deleting your nautilus preferences18:33
AviMarcus.nautilus in my home is empty18:33
AviMarcusthere another place?18:33
dotblankAviMarcus, yea in .local or in gconf18:33
puppymacg4: boot the cd and do in try mode. And select System>Administration>additional Drivers.18:33
sspm_coehello, has any one tryed the micromax 611u USB datacard on Ubuntu?18:34
puppymacg4: sorry....System>Administration>Additional drivers18:34
dotblankAviMarcus, you could try using the find command to locate nautilus related files18:35
cryptodiraZykoticK9, yes, i have the regular desktop enviro,  was curious what the 'extras' were... synaptic complained about uninstalled depends (swfdec-mozilla for instance) which led to the question about adobe co-existing... perhaps i should leave well enough alone.18:35
AviMarcuswhat name am I searching for? a locate .nautilus only located the one in my home, dotblank18:35
puppymacg4: sorry....System>Administration>startup disk creator18:35
ZykoticK9cryptodira, probably18:35
Quantum_IonAviMarcus, Try which nautilus18:35
cryptodiraZykoticK9, :) thanks.18:36
dotblankAviMarcus, try find ~/ -name *nautilus*18:36
dotblankAviMarcus, if that doesn't work try gconf-editor18:36
AviMarcushmm, /home/avi/.gnome2/accels/nautilus18:37
sspm_coehello, I want to use my sim card with micromax 611U USB datacard.  on which version of Ubuntu this is known to work?18:37
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:38
ghostreconits easiest configure your network connection18:38
ravenrhythmbox plugin for party terminal?18:39
ghostreconi am using usb 3g modem18:39
ghostreconat network connections18:39
sspm_coeghostrecon: I had herd that mmx611u does not work.18:39
ghostreconplugin the usb modem18:40
PudabudigadaHello, does anyone know how to get a serial graphics tablet working in Maverick?18:40
ghostreconto my self work18:40
sspm_coeghostrecon: infact its on their home page18:40
sspm_coeghostrecon: I was supposed to buy one tomorrow for my new simcard18:41
nhckHi, installed mpc & mpd via apt on an ubuntu server. Strange enough I get "error: directory or file not found" everytime I try to add a file - even when I am root. I can't find out whats happening, but I need mpd to work for an external package (mpd-upnp) I use in order to make it a media server. Any ideas?18:41
galamarwhen i run update manager it says there are 35 packages (distro upgrade) but it says that they are from not authenticated sources. so how do i authenticate?18:41
xilhi all. How do I change my keyboard repeat delay/rate without using the Gnome GUI?18:41
ghostreconjust buy the usb modem 3g18:41
ghostreconand works in ubuntu18:42
fumblnoobxil: man xset18:42
dotblankgalamar, it means you don't have a corresponding pgp key for the repo18:42
sspm_coeghostrecon: but my card is not 3g its normal gprs18:42
ghostreconi am using ztemf18018:42
dotblankit should still install tho18:42
dotblankwell maybe not because its a dist-upgrade18:42
xilfumblnoob: why thank you, much appreciated18:42
dotblankI really wouldn't dist upgrade18:42
galamardotblank:  for what repo?18:42
sspm_coeghostrecon: in India micromax is what we are getting through reliable sources18:42
josh2How do I get a SD Card to mount on boot in xubuntu? I tried their channel and haven't gotten a response?18:42
Pudabudigadaxil, There may also be BIOS settings18:43
ghostrecon thats it18:43
bencahillKM0201: hey, I couldn't get the laptop working with fedora either, but I put arch on it, and it works great! :)18:43
dotblankubottu, fails me again18:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:43
ravenwhich software to build a music-wish terminal for parties?18:43
ghostreconarch is based on debian18:43
KM0201bencahill: did ubuntu not work18:43
ghostreconby that reason reason recognize you all18:44
dotblankraven, I find going to grooveshark to be the best for parties18:44
YouKayerUSUL: After creating a new connection, I edited it and went to IP4v tab, and set it to "Manual" , and added a new address with same gateway and netmask on both computers and different IPs. Is this the correct procedure?18:44
KM0201ghostrecon: are you sure arch is based on debian?18:44
Quantum_IonI like ubuntu18:44
Quantum_Ionit is easier to work with18:44
galamarwhy not install the dist upgrade packages?18:44
dotblankYouKay, yes18:44
mudit1141dotblank: can I livecd help ?18:44
KM0201ghostrecon: hmm, i thought it kinda did its own thing.18:44
erUSULYouKay: do not set gateaway; just ip and netmask18:44
sspm_coeghostrecon: basically I herd that micromax is a good brand, rather was surprised that it does not work on ubuntu untill you said it did.18:44
ZykoticK9 KM0201 i don't think Arch is based off of Debian18:45
xilpudabudigada: I was more looking for OS related options. I'm using Ubuntu but with the wmii window manager. Somehow it isn't carrying over the settings I put in Gnome and I just wanted to change those18:45
KM0201ZykoticK9: i dont either, i was trying to be diplomatic18:45
dotblankmudit1141, maybe18:45
mudit1141dotblank: also I enabled boot logging, but nothing is being logged18:45
ghostreconthats what i read18:45
YouKaydotblank: erUSUL:  Oh, thanks. But if I don't setup the gateway, if doesn't activate "apply" :(18:45
ghostreconbut let me read more18:46
dotblankYouKay, thats lame.. that should be a bug18:46
Pudabudigadaxil, that would have the advantage of being OS independent, but I've only seen the option in one BIOS I've seen.18:46
mudit1141edited /etc/default/bootlogd18:46
KM0201ZykoticK9: maybe he got the idea here... https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Compared_to_Other_Distributions#Debian_GNU.2FLinux18:46
dotblankI love FloodBot118:46
* KM0201 <3's Floodbot18:46
ravendotblank, the terminal only should provide a ability to queue music-wishes the guests can search on their own and play other music randomly18:47
erUSULYouKay: works here ( lucid )18:47
dotblankraven, have you looked at democratic voting with ampache18:48
ded0is there any gui for managing DNS?18:48
dotblankbrb guys got to walk the dog18:48
jeri'm on a mac (10.6.6) trying to build a bootable usb image following the instructions on ubuntu's website for doing so on a mac. image writes fine to the usb stick, even mounts; but won't boot off it. verified with 'file' that the image i wrote to the usb disk is bootable. not sure wtf is going on18:48
YouKayerUSUL: dotblank: Got it. I created a new connection and it worked. :) But how may I test the connection if it works?18:48
c0dewizhey guys, i have the following problem: when i start gnome on 10.04, the gnome-panel is not present. the only thing that helps is a "killall gnome-panel". yet, next boot its the same again. i tried deleting gnome config files, no success18:48
jeranyone have some other steps i might be able to try?18:48
xilhow do I know if my X server supports the XKB extension?18:49
erUSULYouKay: ping one computer from the other18:49
brontoeeejer, are you sure the machine is able to boot from usb?18:49
erUSULYouKay: ping put.ip.he.re18:49
jerbrontoeee, it is, that's how i've got every other OS i've ever had on it18:49
jerincluding ubuntu 10.04, now trying to put 10.10 on it, no go18:49
YouKayerUSUL: Oh, thanks. :)18:50
LoneShadowHi, I have Ubuntu 10.04 without any latest updates, can I download a 10.10 ISO image, and use it to upgrade without being connected to the net?18:50
mudit1141hi, I am having boot problems18:50
mudit1141on my ubuntu hardy18:51
mudit1141please help18:51
mudit1141where to enable boot logging ?18:51
jerbrontoeee, any other ideas?18:51
brontoeeejer, well, i would try to prepare the stick with some other os maybe, like linux or even windows18:52
jerbrontoeee, have a machine you'd like to donate?18:52
dotblankmudit1141, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4992518:52
brontoeeejer, i cant recall what i was using on mac or if that actually worked at the end...18:52
totesmuhgoatshey guys18:52
jerbrontoeee, i've done this no fewer than 3 other times, same procedure and it's worked. for some reason, the 10.10 netbook download iso on ubuntu.com isn't working with the steps it outlines even for mac18:53
brontoeeejer, maybe vbox + ubuntu and try to make the stick there....18:53
Jose_Cuervoi would like to ask you something18:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:53
Jose_Cuervook sorry18:53
totesmuhgoatsin the ubuntu 10.10 installer. there are 3 options, one to install ubuntu side by wide with existing systems, one to replace existing systems and one to partition manually. if i choose to let ubuntu install side by side with existing systems, but i have multiple disks. will it let me choose which disk to install to?18:53
dotblanktotesmuhgoats, yes it should18:54
Jose_Cuervoi ve install 10.10 on a sony vaio w and my cam doesnt work what i can do ?18:54
ravenany musicplayer with safe party mode with music-wish-function?18:54
mudit1141dotblank: i tried it earlier, but not working ?18:54
totesmuhgoatsdotblank: if it doesn't does it at least give a confirmation before doing anything?18:54
PudabudigadaJose_Cuervo, There are programs to control cameras in the repos18:54
dotblanktotesmuhgoats, yes it asks you how much you'd like to allocate for ubuntu in the side by side configuration18:55
totesmuhgoatsoh okay great18:55
dotblankyou will then be presented with a side by side diagram18:55
Jose_CuervoPudabudigada yeap i know that start workin for 1 sec and then black something is missing driver something like that18:55
LoneShadowOK found online tutorial on upgrading 10.04 to 10.10 using the Alt CD iso. Anyone know if I can upgrade without updating the current version of 10.04 to the latest?18:55
totesmuhgoatsdotblank: thanks18:55
dotblankIf it doesn't work out you can a=go back18:55
Jose_CuervoPudabudigada yeap i know that start workin for 1 sec and then black something is missing driver something like that18:56
dotblankLoneShadow, I'm a bit confused you wan't to upgrade without upgrading>18:56
PudabudigadaWill it work in vlc?18:56
ded0for using xbmc with ubuntu, having a NVIDIA card, should i rather go with the proprietary drivers or the new kernel built-in drivers (i think nuveau? wasnt on ubuntu since a while)?18:56
jeranyone know of a link to a working (prepared) 10.10 install image i can throw directly onto a usb disk?18:56
dotblankded0, go with the nvidia ones.. they have vdpau support and allow hardware decoding of HD18:57
KM0201jer: just download the 10.10 live ISO, and use unetbootin18:57
Jose_CuervoPudabudigada i using msn and skype i have problem18:57
ded0dotblank: thank you18:57
jerKM0201, unetbootin doesn't run on osx18:57
jerunless you know something i don't18:57
KM0201jer: then you should've mentioend that. most people don't use OSX18:57
jerKM0201, i did explicitly mention i'm on a mac several minutes ago18:58
KM0201jer: sorry, i wasn't following your every word18:58
bradgI just installed Ubuntu 10.10 (64 bit) alongside Windows 7 (64). I used automatic partioning and the installation went fine, but the boot loader isn't showing up on startup, e.g. it automatically boots into windows. Any suggestions?18:58
jerKM0201, no need to apologize (even sarcastically), but there's also no reason to be a dick about something if i've previously mentioned it18:59
KM0201jer: well, being a dick would have been telling you to "just google it"...18:59
ghostreconthanks i ll be back at night18:59
bantuHi. My Pentium 4 systems stopped freezing after switching from 2.6.35 back to 2.6.32. How would one try to find the cause of this? :-/18:59
fumblnoobxil: you can try 'grep LoadModule /var/log/Xorg.0.log' and see if you see your module being set to load18:59
KM0201jer: http://www.webupd8.org/2009/04/4-ways-to-create-bootable-live-usb.html18:59
KM0201jer: found that w/ minimum effort18:59
ghostreconbye and learn more an share it19:00
jerKM0201, yeah i can google too, and the #4 steps don't work19:00
KM0201jer: dunno.. i'd suspect user malfunction19:00
jerthey're the same steps on the ubuntu.com site which don't actually function. granted, those steps worked fine for 9.10 and 10.0419:00
bonjoyeebantu: may be 2.6.35 is a lot 'cooler' than 2.6.32!!;)19:00
jerKM0201, perhapsi t's unicorns then19:01
emwhen you install ubuntu and open rhythmbox for the first time and then go to Magnatune or Jamendo in the 'stores list' it gives you some information about them, but it times out and it goes away before you can read it. (1) Why? and (2) How can you get that information back to read it?19:01
frenkstainciao a tutti19:01
PudabudigadaJose_Cuervo, Go into vlc and then Media>Open capture device.19:01
mellinKM0201: What up?19:01
KM0201mellin: ? i dunno.. should something be?19:02
mellinKM0201: Nope, just getting ready to install 10.10 on my toshiba laptop.19:02
mellinKM0201: Do you know if I install now from the live system19:02
KM0201mellin: you can... do you need help or something?19:02
mellinKM0201: if it will transfer my drivers?19:02
KM0201mellin: no, it won't transfer your drivers, you'll have to do everything again after you install19:03
callaghanCurrently running Ubuntu9.04, would like to upgrade straight to Ubuntu10.10 (but update manager wants me to upgrade to 9.10 first, then probably 10.04, THEN to 10.10) -- can I skip those two middle steps and upgrade from 9.04 directly to 10.10?19:03
mellinKM0201: Ok my question then is how at boot do I edit grub to use the "nomodeset" option to be able to get into the system then update to nvidia drivers19:03
mudit1141dotblank: i tried enabling log, but nothing is being logged19:04
brontoeeecallaghan, clean install19:04
KM0201mellin: how did you do it w/ the live cd?19:04
xilhi all. I want to send a notification, like the nice ones I get from networkmanager, from a bash script. Is there a way to do that?19:04
callaghanbrontoeee: really? -- that's rather inconvenient.19:04
mellinKM0201: I used F6 and it was already there as a bootparm19:04
KM0201mellin: oh so you need to add that as a boot parameter... um, hang on a sec19:05
mudit1141hey guys how to enable boot log with ubuntu ?19:05
mellinKM0201: Inded after I install19:05
brontoeeecallaghan, really? or is it better to do a 3 step upgrade that will almost certainly ended borken...., your choice19:05
nit-witmudit1141, what is the problem?19:05
xilanyone know how to create one of those pop-up notifications from cli/bash script?19:05
callaghanbrontoeee: why does Ubuntu allow upgrading distributions if it will just break?19:06
HenflinSomeone uses MTPaint - graphics editor ?19:06
mellincallaghan: You know you can keep your home partition?19:06
brontoeeecallaghan, i'am just an average user, address the channek with this question19:06
KM0201mellin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160430519:06
mudit1141nit-wit: I am getting boot issues with my ubuntu hardy, I actually switched on my machine after 6 months19:06
Barnabascallaghan, take a backup of your files and try to do a direct upgrade - if that fails do a clean install19:06
mellinKM0201: K thanks dude!19:06
xgalacitcaxdavidok somehow on my top bar on ubuntu i deleted the little envelope that tells me that i have mail or ims how do i get that back19:07
callaghanmellin: I do; but one would still have to re-install apps, reconfigure, etc.  -- plus -- when you backup your home directly, do a clean install, it's not exactly clear if you can just "dump" your home dir into the clean install.  I always figured that files/params changed ...19:07
KM0201callaghan: it doesn't aways break.. but soemtimes it does.19:07
callaghanmellin: i.e. hidden folders19:07
nit-witmudit1141, can youdescribe this problem and any othe OS on the computer19:07
KM0201callaghan: just like the upgrade function w/ windows, sometiems breaks... more often than not though, it works19:07
callaghanKM0201; ok thalnsk, fair enough19:07
mellincallaghan: Whatever you have to reinstall would overwrite the contents of the hidden folders.19:08
HenflinSomeone uses MTPaint - graphics editor ?19:08
KM0201callaghan: i'd venture a guess most people that have upgrade problems(i never upgrade, always clean install) have 3rd party repositories that they do not disable before the upgrade, and they start pulling in upgrades, and BANG... busted19:08
mudit1141nit-wit: on the screen i get  >>> Running DKMS auto ........[OK], and after that the cursor blinks and blinks19:08
KM0201Henflin: why would someone do that, when there's gimp?19:08
mellincallaghan: It is a widely accepted option to put /home on a seperate partition for this reason. Then you don't lose everything ;D19:08
xgalacitcaxdavidi have accidently deleted the envelope on my top bar that tells me i have email or im's how do i get that back19:09
mellinHenflin: Checkout grokking the gimp in google19:09
ravenany musicplayer with safe party mode with music-wish-function?19:09
nit-witmudit1141, run this script and pastebin the text. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/  BRB19:09
HenflinIs GIMP similar to MS Paint ?19:09
kanussshi all, now am facing a problem...I bought one dell vostro 3500 laptop with ubuntu 9.10 preloaded..in that the hard disk size is 500 gb..but i can't able to view the hard disk parttions in the explorer like windows..pls help me out19:09
mellinHenflin: Nope more like Photoshop19:10
HenflinIs it free ?19:10
KM0201Henflin: no... if it ca be compared to anything, it's more like photoshop, but it has a steep learning curve19:10
ghostreconno its better19:10
HenflinOk good19:10
KM0201Henflin: why don't you try typing "sudo apt-get install gimp" and see :)19:10
BarnabasKM0201, so does photoshop19:10
HenflinTHx alot19:10
DiamondciteHenflin: GIMP is more powerful than gimp, yes it's free, you can find it in the software center.19:10
ghostreconis like photoshop19:10
SungSamMy problem: I'm using ubuntu on my laptop that has dual boot with windows. After grub upgrade I (ofcourse) had to tell ubuntu "where it is". After this success, I've lost windows... what should I do now? Simple fix mbr with win.cd would work?19:10
kanusssalso when i done du -sh at root ..i can see 12 gb only19:11
xgalacitcaxdavidcan someone please help me19:11
KM0201Barnabas: no dobut about that... but my point is, since most have experience w/ PS, they can't just translate that experience righ to gimp(much like those who have windows, can't just tranaslate that experience to Ubuntu, but you know how every new user is "computer literate")19:11
kanussspls help me19:11
BarnabasSungSam, better to add a windows entry to your grub19:11
Diamondcitexgalacitcaxdavid: Add "indicator applet' back to the panel.19:11
BarnabasSungSam, the boot manager for linux19:11
kanusssyes yes19:11
xgalacitcaxdavidDiamondcite, thank you19:12
SungSamBarnabas: so it's only about giving the path, then?19:12
ghostreconyou shoul be able to see the hidden files19:12
AviMarcusdotblank, I tried deleting all of nautilus's prefs but it still looks exactly the same.19:12
BarnabasSungSam, try to read this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120051319:13
kanusssyes i want to see my remianing space19:13
BarnabasSungSam, it depends a bit on your disk layout (partitioning)19:13
ghostreconuse samab19:13
ghostreconuse samba19:13
bonhofferhow do i use "ls" with a negation? i.e. list all files that don't have _eieio_ in them?19:13
mudit1141nit-wit: i think internet is broken on my ubuntu machine, not really sure how to get it to that machine19:13
SungSamBarnabas: what do you mean?19:13
bonhofferuse grep?19:13
=== kinks_ is now known as kinks
ghostreconor mount the partitions19:13
BarnabasSungSam, your disk is split into divisions called partitions - you have at least 3: a linux swap partion, a linux partition and a windows partition19:14
bonhofferhow do i do negated grep?19:14
delinquentmeHEY ALL! so im trying to do something a little BOLD here... im trying to setup a RAILS application on heroku or something .. that communicates back to a home server that i have at my apartment ... this server would be running ubuntu and be running as a socket server.. basically to act as conductor to a bunch of electronic gear in my house ... WHAT do i need to have setup on that ubuntu server to have it "talk" with an19:14
delinquentmeapplication online ?19:14
=== theswedes is now known as T0mmy
kanusssghostrecon , any help?19:15
bonhofferahh -- -v sorry19:15
T0mmyCentimeter by centimeter he watched his cock grow thicker,19:15
T0mmyspreading Christa's cunt ever wider in its wake.  Both of her hands came19:15
T0mmydown to grip the base of his cock as she looked down in disbelief.  At19:15
T0mmyleast six inches were outside of her now, and she had taken him nearly all19:15
T0mmythe way before.  Curt opened his eyes and stared in disbelief.  He was19:15
BarnabasSungSam, the order of these partitions is important in making grub understand how to boot linux / windows19:15
FloodBot2T0mmy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:15
T0mmygrowing even faster this time!  His cumming continued to make him buck19:15
callaghanmellin: yeah i do have it on a separate partition, but usually i delete all the "os config" stuff, and overwrite with the default versions from the clean install (i.e. .gnome2, .aptitude, .compiz, .gconf, etc.)19:15
brontoeeedelinquentme, php has a path to call command line for example, so that could be a web page ...19:16
VhozardIs there *any* way to make deluge skip hash checking?19:16
kanusss hi all, now am facing a problem...I bought one dell vostro 3500 laptop with ubuntu 9.10 preloaded..in that the hard disk size is 500 gb..but i can't able to view the hard disk parttions in the explorer like windows..pls help me out19:16
kanusssi want to see my whole hard disk size ..how?19:16
delinquentmebrontoeee, im no good w php .. rails and ruby is what ill be looking at19:17
penguin_kanuss.... you need to use Nautilus to view hard disk partitions19:17
KM0201kanusss: system/admin/partition editor  do you see that?19:17
brontoeeedelinquentme, i'am sure ruby has a way19:17
SungSamBarnabas: ok, I thought, you meant something more complicated. Thank you for the link. Please tell me, should I do this GRUB 2 chainload process? What is it? I'm using 7 year old laptop and I'm facing tons of problems with ubuntu recently (and I don't know why...).19:17
kanussswhen i cjheck in system monitor it shows a size of 500gb in /dev/sda319:17
nit-witmudit1141, DKMS is this hardy in a virtual? Is this at the booting of the OS, AND WHAT ELSE IS ON THE COMPUTER19:17
kanussswait i will check19:17
BarnabasSungSam, I use the chainload for my windows xp 64 on my laptop, I have my xp installation on the last partition on the disk19:18
BarnabasSungSam, that works fine19:18
kanusssyes yes..i can see it..but how can see the samei in my command line..?19:18
penguin_or type....  sudo /sbin/fdisk -l /dev/sda will show all the partitions19:19
mudit1141nit-wit: its not virtual, the hardy is the only oS on the machine19:19
SungSamok, thank you for now! Cheers!19:20
nit-witmudit1141, boot a hardy live cd or another Ubuntu and run this command and post it sudo fdisk -lu19:20
hd1my 1005ha lost its network connectivity. The Macs/other PC works fine with the same router and protocols, two wifi and one wired, the BluRay also works fine on both. so I'm thinking the problem is w/ something on the netbook. ifconfig shows all the interfaces, just not connecting out. dhclient times out when requesting an IP on both wired and wifi. Any ideas?19:20
ravenany musicplayer with safe party mode with music-wish-function?19:20
nit-witmudit1141, post it in a pastebin19:21
kanusssyes yes..i can see that..but how can view it in the explorer ..and how can a paste files into it?19:21
brontoeeeraven, maybe some sort of media center software?19:21
ravenbrontoeee, which one with such function?19:21
Barnabasraven, rythmbox has a basic party mode option19:22
brontoeeeraven, you will have to research19:22
Barnabasraven, no fancy stuff19:22
ravenBarnabas, rhythmbox party mode is not safe enouth19:22
useroneanyone know when kernal 2.6.32-x wil be released via update manager? it is apparently an easy quick fix for the problem with E620 usb modem?19:22
Barnabasraven, how do you define safe :-)19:22
ravenBarnabas, possible to access the desktop19:23
penguin_you said that u can see in Nautilus (which is equivalent of Windows Explorer)....19:23
Barnabasraven, if you want your stuff left alone just create a guestuser19:23
kanussspls help me .my previous problem19:23
penguin_and u can also see in command line... using fdisk command....19:24
pink_freudhi, i'm running Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS, and I'm trying to get some programs that work in wine to work in the 64 bit version, and I did some research and apparently i need 32 bit opengl libraries to make my wine games work in the 64 bit version... so i'm wondering what packages i need to install for 32 bit opengl functionality in 64 bit ubuntu lts?19:24
penguin_what seems to be the problem now?19:24
Barnabasraven, delete the guest user after the party19:24
ronr__Hi everyone. Is anyone familiar with a guide to completely eliminate pulseaudio and use pure alsa in ubuntu 10.10?19:24
okeeCan someone give me some honest feedback on the number of lockups with Ubuntu compared to SUSE?19:24
nit-witokee, not possible19:24
ZykoticK9ronr__, probably not a good idea actually19:25
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pink_freudwould anybody know what package i would need to install to get 32 bit compatibility drivers for openGL in LTS 10.04.1/x86_64?19:25
nit-witokee, to many variable s, starting with your hardware, what is it?19:25
ZykoticK9pink_freud, 32bit openGL?  could you give more detail on what you are doing?  I've never run into a problem with OpenGL 32/64bit.19:26
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okeeI am running a Thinkpad W510 with an Intel processor.  I hear the Intel doesn't work very well with SUSE 11.3, the latest.19:26
mudit1141nit-wit: i am trying to transfer the boot scrip through USB, the ubuntu is accepting the USB, but where do I copy from ?19:27
mudit1141i mean I dont know the directory etc19:27
pink_freudZykoticK9, i am trying to make WOW work in wine like it used to on my 32 bit install a while back19:27
tvwI am using Ubuntu 10.10 and Rhythmbox on my old Tecra 8000, which should serve as mp3player. Now I found out, that the playback of mp3s is totally slow with rhythmbox and costs a lot of cpu. Is this a known gstreamer problem?19:27
kanussspls have a look, when i opened places->admin->disk utility i can see my hdd partitions..but how can see the same as folders in the file system?19:27
kanusssam using ubuntu 9.1019:27
pink_freudfrom what i understand, i need some sort of 32 bit compatibility drivers19:27
ZykoticK9pink_freud, sorry i'm not a big wine guy - best of luck19:27
pink_freudk, thx19:27
penguin_type "nautilus &" in a terminal19:28
penguin_wihtout the quotes19:28
okeeDoes the wireless work in the latest Ubuntu?19:28
nit-witmudit1141, open the thumb drag the script to the desk top then run the command on the links page.19:28
ZykoticK9pink_freud, ia32-libs is the basic 32bit compatibility package - see getlibs script for specific 32bit library installs (very handy)19:28
ronr__ ZykoticK9: well, I have this weird issue. as long as pulseaudio is installed, I can't get sound from XBMC no matter what setting I try. when I remove it, I have great sound in xbmc but 'regular' sound doesn't play (like sound on youtube).19:28
pink_freudthx ZykoticK919:28
ZykoticK9ronr__, that's why i said probably not a good idea - it will kill "Ubuntu" sound.19:29
kanussspls help me19:29
okeeDoes the wireless connectoid work in the latest ubuntu?19:29
ZykoticK9ronr__, i had an emulator that wouldn't work with Pulse installed too - i stopped using it.19:29
pink_freudapparently i already have the ia32-libs package installed :-/19:29
arekkusuokee, yes it does19:30
ronr__ZykoticK9: but how can I solve the issue with xbmc otherwise? from what I understand, pulseaudio doesn't allow spdif passthrough audio.19:30
okeeI am switching.  The wireless doesn't work in SUSE.  Does Ubuntu currently support both gnome as well as KDE?19:30
ZykoticK9ronr__, have to tried starting xbmc with "padsp XBMC_BIN"? worth a shot.19:30
tvwWhen I have the same apps running (rhythmbox) but I do the playback with mplayer, the cpu usage is much slower.19:30
kanussspls have a look, when i opened places->admin->disk utility i can see my hdd partitions..but how can see the same as folders in the file system?19:31
mudit1141nit-wit: lol, i am not that dumb.. I am asking I am not able to locate the inserted disk on the ubuntu terminal19:31
magicianlordmudit1141: what disk? usb or dvd19:31
ZykoticK9ronr__, i don't know what the xbmc binary is called - replace with the proper executable19:31
ronr__ZykoticK9: what would that do? as it may already be obvious, I'm quite new to ubuntu and xbmc:)19:31
mudit1141magicianlord: well its an external flash HDD19:32
Barnabaspink_freud, try nvidia-glx-ia3219:32
ZykoticK9ronr__, padsp will try to emulate the old sound system for whatever command follows it19:32
pink_freudbarnabas: i'm using an ATI chipset19:32
Barnabaspink_freud, ok19:32
ksmithhey guys, back again.19:32
nit-witmudit1141, I to be honest can not tell what your talking about. As I understand you have a computer with hardy that will not boot, can you be  ,more exacting in the process your doing.19:33
ronr__ZykoticK9: yeah, just man'ed it. not sure it makes sense but is there a simila command with alsa?19:33
Barnabaspink_freud, you will need the same for ATI then, dont know the name of that pkg19:33
ZykoticK9ronr__, even better!  try pasuspender19:34
mudit1141nit-wit:I agree19:34
okeeWill single clikc mouse work in gnome?19:34
ksmithI'm still having trouble with my bluetooth adapter. So, basically I can't enable bluetooth. When I try to do it, just nothing happens. Thing is, when I put the USB bluetooth adapter into a "fresh" USB port, everything's working fine.19:34
nit-witmudit1141, we went from " i am trying to transfer the boot scrip through USB, the ubuntu is accepting the USB, but where do I copy from ?"o a disc19:34
ronr__ZykoticK9: great! I'll reinstall pulseaudio and give it a try. Thanks! :)19:34
ksmithuntil I reboot. after that bluetooth is disabled and I can't re-enable it after that.19:34
useronei have modemmanager installed but still no e620 modem listed by lsusb19:34
kanusss hi all, now am facing a problem...I bought one dell vostro 3500 laptop with ubuntu 9.10 preloaded..in that the hard disk size is 500 gb..but i can't able to view the hard disk parttions in the explorer like windows..pls help me out19:35
kanusss hi all, now am facing a problem...I bought one dell vostro 3500 laptop with ubuntu 9.10 preloaded..in that the hard disk size is 500 gb..but i can't able to view the hard disk parttions in the explorer like windows..pls help me out19:35
FloodBot2kanusss: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:35
nit-witkanusss, don't double post19:35
nonytengo una duda ubuntu19:35
ksmithI'm running out of USB ports, guys.19:35
Diamondcitekanusss: What do you mean view partitions? Where are you trying to get to?19:36
ZykoticK9kanusss, what are you looking for?  Linux mounts partitions anywhere under the root (/) partition, there are no drive letters like in windows.19:36
ZykoticK9!es | nony19:36
ubottunony: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:36
nit-witkanusss, install gparted in 9.10 and use it to look at the HD19:36
ronr__ZykoticK9: btw, do you have a suggestion for an alternative terminal app that would be good for my htpc? I've tried konsole (which I use at work) but it doesn't seem to have good zooming features like terminal-gnome has.19:36
mudit1141nit-wit: when I insert a USB into the ubuntu machine, it displays the info on the terminal,  but I am not sure from where to copy the "destination"19:36
bp7laxi do not have root access on my computer but i am an administrator.  How do i get root access?19:36
mudit1141 to copy/the "destination" *19:37
useronebp7lax: use sudo19:37
Diamondcitebp7lax: "sudo command_to_run" will let you run things as root.19:37
okeeDoes single clikc work on Ubuntu?19:37
ZykoticK9ronr__, ? i used gnome-terminal on former MythTV setup19:37
zs1mtbhow do I update grub loader after installing new kernel version?19:37
mudit1141i get on the terminal is "drive cache: drive through"19:38
Diamondcitezs1mtb: grub is automatically updated with an ubuntu provided kernel update.19:38
ZykoticK9zs1mtb, "sudo update-grub2"19:38
useronewhere can I find a release date for kernal 2.6.32-x?19:38
mudit1141" Assuming drive cache: drive through"19:38
ronr__ZykoticK9: Duh! I missed the tabs feature in it. nevermind ;)19:38
nit-witmudit1141, are you booted to a live cd and with a disc or the thumb19:38
Shinydanhow do I run e2fsck without killing my machine?19:38
charlesnowhen i am working through gnome-terminal, where is .bash_history located?19:39
mudit1141nit-wit: i am not booted to the live CD, I am in the recovery mode terminal and now I inserted the USB19:39
ksmithdoesn't anyone have even a little hint for me?19:39
ZykoticK9charlesno, your home directory --- ~/.bash_history19:39
arguedhi there - would it be a bad idea formating an external drive to ext4?19:39
Barnabascharlesno, your root19:39
Barnabascharlesno, probably /home/<username>19:39
charlesnoZykotickK9 and Barnabas: thanks, let me check19:39
ZykoticK9!tab > charlesno19:40
ubottucharlesno, please see my private message19:40
kanusss hi all, now am facing a problem...I bought one dell vostro 3500 laptop with ubuntu 9.10 preloaded..in that the hard disk size is 500 gb..but i can't able to view the hard disk parttions in the explorer like windows..pls help me out19:40
Diamondciteksmith: and switching back and forth between 2 USB ports don't work?19:40
charlesnoZykoticK9, thanks19:40
nit-witmudit1141, boot a live cd, use the thumb to transfer the bootscript to the desktop, then run the command on the link page. If you in the recovery have you tried getting in that way.19:40
Barnabaskanusss, unix like systems dont use drive letters19:40
ksmithDiamondcite: no, it seems as if it's somehow remembering the ports I used.19:40
Barnabaskanusss, / is the starting point for your file systems19:41
nonywhat is the dir of target wifi, into carpet /dev/ ?? thanks,(my english is very bad,m sorry)19:41
zs1mtb<ZykoticK9>I did an upgrade but the machine locked up. Had to restart and now 9.10 kernel is in grub loader. I installed kernel for 10.04 but did not update the loader.. will sudo update -grub2 work?19:41
Diamondciteksmith: Could you please pull out and re-insert the key into the SAME port and paste the last couple of lines from /var/log/messages ?19:41
kanusssyes..i know..how can i open my hdd19:41
Diamondciteksmith: Please use pastebin to paste.19:41
Jeruvykanusss: can you go to 'Ssytem-Administration-System Monitor' then view tab 'File Systems'19:42
ksmithok, wait a sec ...19:42
nit-witkanusss, why don't you install gparted as I suggested. I think y9ur being to vague here you can see the partitions in the home sidebar , and in the disc manager19:42
kanusssyes ..i can see it19:42
mudit1141nit-wit: can't the script be copied without the live CD ? wont the USB be detected ?19:42
ZykoticK9zs1mtb, do you know if you are using grub1 (legacy) or grub2?  The update-grub2 will only work on Grub2 obviously.19:42
Diamondcitekanusss: Why do you want to view partitions? Maybe we can help you find out some more?19:42
pink_freudwell seems that i'm using the free ATI driver, 32 bit version, so i'm installing the proprietary ati drivers now from the ubuntu software center... hopefully i can get that working so i can get back to the regularly scheduled killing of boars and murlocs :p19:42
kanusssno i can't see in the home folder19:42
kanusssit is sda319:42
kanusssi want to oopen the sda 319:43
nonykanusss is for me?19:43
ZykoticK9kanusss, you don't open devices (sda3), you open mount points19:43
nony what is the dir of target wifi, into carpet /dev/ ?? thanks,(my english is very bad,m sorry)19:43
Diamondcitekanusss: Click places and choose either Home Folder OR Compute19:43
arguedso once again - any cons/pros in formating external storage drive with ext4?19:43
zs1mtb<ZykoticK9> if i do uname -r i get the old kernel which is loaded.... how would I get the new one to load... sorry I'm a bit stu pid19:43
Barnabaskanusss, what is the output of "mount" in a terminal19:43
canercidamhello, i have a problem about my PyQt4 module. it turned out to be empty after trying to compile new version. so when i tried to go back to the old version, it didn't work to correct it. i also tried reinstalling every qt4 package, it doesn't work. can anybody help me?19:43
nit-witmudit1141, your making it more difficult then it needs to be, and personally I am losing any intrest to be honest. Just follow a standard protocol, or state why you can't19:43
ZykoticK9argued, i use ext4 on my external drives19:44
thauriswulfaQUESTION:when trying to update through update manager i  m gettin this::::::Requires installation of untrusted package .........what to do??????????19:44
okeeWould someone mind tell me whether or not Ubuntu has a single click mouse with gNome?19:44
arguedZykoticK9: any troubles?19:44
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ZykoticK9zs1mtb, sorry i don't really know, best of luck.19:44
ZykoticK9argued, no19:44
canercidamhello, i have a problem about my PyQt4 module. it turned out to be empty after trying to compile new version. so when i tried to go back to the old version, it didn't work to correct it. i also tried reinstalling every qt4 package, it doesn't work. can anybody help me?19:44
Diamondcitekanusss: In more detail.. Places(You can find this on the top left of your screen) -> Computer -> Filesystem -> /home    (This is sda3)19:44
mudit1141nit-wit: I dont have a live CD right now19:44
kanusssrenjithg@dell-desktop:/dev$ mount /dev/sda3 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro) proc on /proc type proc (rw) none on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) none on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw) none on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw) none on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw) udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755) none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=0620) none on /dev/shm type tmpfs (r19:44
bp7laxokee: yes i believe so19:44
McQueenhi: can you tell me sound editor for ubuntu like window sound forge?19:45
thauriswulfaQUESTION:when trying to update through update manager i m gettin this::::::Requires installation of untrusted package .........what to do??????????19:45
Diamondcitekanusss: Please use pastebin instead of puting it here.19:45
arguedMcQueen: audacity19:45
ZykoticK9McQueen, have you tried Audacity?  (I'm not familiar with Sound Forge)19:45
Diamondcitethauriswulfa: Did you add any additional repositories?19:45
canercidamhello, i have a problem about my PyQt4 module. it turned out to be empty after trying to compile new version. so when i tried to go back to the old version, it didn't work to correct it. i also tried reinstalling every qt4 package, it doesn't work. can anybody help me?19:45
McQueenthanks argued19:45
kanusssi didn't get u man..am newbie here in IRC19:45
kanussssoory if there any mistake19:45
thauriswulfayea its opera19:45
Barnabaskanusss, sda3 seems to be mounted on your root19:46
argueduw - audacity is far better than soundforge in many areas19:46
McQueenargued: thank you19:46
charlesnohow can I read my .bash_history file? I know where it is located but how do I look at its contents19:46
thauriswulfadiamondcite:its opera repo.19:46
kanusssok ok..then how can i open it and aste some films inside that?19:46
Diamondcitekanusss: Please use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/   and give us a link :)19:46
ZykoticK9charlesno, "cat ~/.bash_history" or type "history" at command prompt19:46
zs1mtb<Diamondcite>Iran the upgrade via upgrade manager but machine locked up. Noe it still loads the 9.10 kernel... how do I get it to load the new kernel?19:46
Diamondcitethauriswulfa: Then it should be fine to just say "yes" and continue.19:46
mudit1141nit-wit: so all I was asking was if the script can be copied from USB without the Live CD19:47
canercidamhello, i have a problem about my PyQt4 module. it turned out to be empty after trying to compile new version. so when i tried to go back to the old version, it didn't work to correct it. i also tried reinstalling every qt4 package, it doesn't work. can anybody help me?19:47
thauriswulfadiamondcite:but there is nothing like yes19:47
gpccharlesno: nano ~/.bash_history or gedit ~/.bash_history19:47
Barnabaskanusss, im afraid I do not really understand the question19:47
thauriswulfadiamondcite:there is only close option19:47
Diamondcitezs1mtb: if it locked up.. maybe the kernel didn't install fully, choose recovery mode of an odler kernel and try again to update19:47
charlesnoZykoticK9, thanks very much. how can I copy the .bash_history to another folder?19:47
thefinn93I can't get my system to recognize blank disks in my optical drive. wat do19:47
Barnabaskanusss, just use your home folder19:47
nit-witmudit1141, get the correct tools, you should always have a cd. You might try a supergrub disc to get it to boot.  With Hardy you have grub-legacy.http://www.supergrubdisk.org/19:47
charlesnogpc, thanks19:47
ZykoticK9charlesno, "cp ~/.bash_history DESTINATION"19:47
gpccharlesno: cp ~/.bash_history ~/.bash_history_copy19:47
kanusssbut when i done du -sh in home it shows 6 Gb19:48
Diamondcitethauriswulfa: Err disable the opera repo for now then? I haven't had that happen before, you can udpate opera manually in synaptic19:48
charlesnoZykoticK9, gpc, thanks19:48
kanussshow can i view my entire 500 gb in / or home?19:48
thefinn93I can't get my system to recognize blank disks in my optical drive. wat do19:48
gpc!cli > charlesno19:48
ubottucharlesno, please see my private message19:48
zs1mtb<Diamondcite>the new kernel installed but when it asked to keep the current settings I said yes instead of no and now I need to update the loader. It tells me the latest j19:48
Diamondcitekanusss: Please note du -shc shows disk USAGE, not free space, check space left with "df -h"19:48
charlesnoyeah I'm starting to use the terminal19:48
zs1mtbkernel is installed but the loader sees the old one19:48
charlesnotrying to learn19:49
NecavitHi there! I'm having troublw with my GUI: it stopped working after installing official Nvidia GPU drivers. Could anyone help me, please? =)19:49
gpccharlesno: the link ubottu sent you will help learn some19:49
ronr__ZykoticK9: hi again. tried both commands you suggested but then there's no sound in xbmc's menu and when I try to play a video, the whole application halts :-/19:49
ZykoticK9ronr__, sorry i don't have any other suggestion - sorry man, best of luck. (i don't use xbmc so don't have any personal experience)19:50
kanusssdu -h is not showing the free space19:50
NecavitHi there! I'm having troublw with my GUI: it stopped working after installing official Nvidia GPU drivers. Could anyone help me, please? =)19:50
ZykoticK9kanusss, "df -h"19:50
magicianlordNecavit: did you install from the nvidia site?19:50
thefinn93I can't get my system to recognize blank disks in my optical drive. any suggestions?19:50
Diamondcitekanusss: I said df not du19:50
ZykoticK9kanusss, df = disk free, du = disk usage19:51
kanusssrenjithg@dell-desktop:/home$ df -h Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda3             454G   12G  420G   3% / udev                  1.9G  292K  1.9G   1% /dev none                  1.9G  1.2M  1.9G   1% /dev/shm none                  1.9G  128K  1.9G   1% /var/run none                  1.9G     0  1.9G   0% /var/lock none                  1.9G     0  1.9G   0% /lib/init/rw19:51
ronr__ZykoticK9: that's ok, thanks for trying to help19:51
Necavitmagicianlord: hi, thanks! ... no. I installed it through Ubuntu (don't remember which application)19:51
gpc!paste | kanusss19:51
ubottukanusss: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:51
Diamondcitekanusss: Please pastebin that hurst to read, but all your space IS there, and very little is used.19:52
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kanusssthanks all..i will surely follow the same19:52
charlesnoif i connect to a cluster on the terminal (ssh), how do i disconnect?19:53
Necavitmagicianlord: I also tried startx in the shell, but there was no luck: it says there's no screen19:53
chovynzI have ubuntu-server, how do I rip my music onto it so that it can serve music to the network?19:53
Diamondcitecharlesno: Just type exit, or ctrl+d or logout19:53
magicianlordNecavit: through jockey (hardware installer). ok. start up the computer and hold shift while it boots. at the grub menu, select recovery mode, then at hte next window, drop to root without networking. from there, type nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf. then go to hte bottom of the file and add "blacklist nouveau" without quotes. then hit control+o and control+x to exit.19:53
kanusssthat means when i paste one film 5GB to /home will point the same into /dev/sda3 right?19:53
charlesnoDiamondcite, thanks19:53
Diamondcitekanusss: Yes, your /home and / are using the SAME space.19:54
magicianlordthen reboot19:54
kanusssok ok19:54
kanusssnow i understood..19:54
magicianlordNecavit: also, type nvidia-xconfig19:54
magicianlordonce in the terminal19:54
magicianlordsudo nvidia-xconfig19:54
Necavitmagicianlord: ok, thanks! I'll try it and see how is it =D19:55
birdman_lol.. funny i just got done getting my nvidia setup going19:55
kanussstahts why the dell guy has mounted /dev/sd3 to /  right?19:55
magicianlordi have no problem with nvidia in jockey usually, but i know how to install it manually and fix things19:55
Seven_Six_Twomy desktop has been running 10.10 for a while, with 2x512 pc333 and I just removed it and put in 3x512 pc400. My motherboard supports up to pc400. I put in each stick of pc400 alone and did memtest (no fails) then put in all 3 and rebooted. now I am getting kernel panic. nothing else has changed. I can't give error verbatim, because I'm doing another memtest with all 3 sticks. any other ideas???19:55
birdman_anyone flash a bios in linux?19:55
charlesnowhen i look at man pages for something, how do i exit it and go back to where i was on the terminal?19:55
magicianlordcharlesno: press q on keyboard19:56
charlesnoahhh awesome19:56
Diamondcitekanusss: From a technical standpoint. sda3 is the first usable extended parition for a system. This is done so that in the event you want to install say.. Windows you can do so without too much mass interruption.19:56
ZykoticK9birdman_, i just updated my ASUS BIOS which supported using a USB key with the file on it and doing it directly from BIOS19:56
Diamondcitekanusss: As for putting everything in sda3 instead of splitting it up, it give you more useable space instead of seperating system VS personal19:56
thefinn93my system isn't recognizing blank optical discs that I put in the drive19:57
thefinn93can someone help?19:57
Barnabasthefinn93, try to open the system log viewer and reinsert the disk19:57
ZykoticK9thefinn93, what are you trying to do?  what do you expect the system to do with a blank disk?  or is this from a burning software?19:57
Barnabasthefinn93, some of the log file names should turn into bold typeface19:58
kanussswhy not sda,sda1 and sda2 ?19:58
kanussssda is the first boot sector?19:58
ZykoticK9kanusss, sda = the drive itself19:58
thefinn93ZykoticK9: I'm trying to burn an ISO, but nothing indicates that there is a disc in the drive19:58
kanusssmeans the mbr section..first 52 bytes19:59
ZykoticK9thefinn93, do non-blank disks mount properly?19:59
ZykoticK9kanusss, sda is NOT the MBR19:59
Diamondcitekanusss: sda1 is the only place windows will install into.19:59
kanusssthen whre the MBR resides?19:59
magicianlordkanusss: usually it's sda1. sda (the a is disk #1, and the 1 is the first partition)19:59
thefinn93Barnabas: Ok i did that. nothing showed up in bold19:59
Diamondcitekanusss: MBR is inside sda (no numbers) and isn't normally reachable in a filemanager.19:59
kanusssyes yes i know..means hd0,019:59
magicianlordkanusss: ubuntu installs to two partitions by default19:59
ZykoticK9kanusss, it's on sda - but you seem to be confusing the drive with the MBR19:59
Necavitmagicianlord: hi there again! After having done all you told me, I shall restart the computer, is it right?20:00
kanusssthen, can u pls give me the flow of GRUB ,Kernel and free soace?20:00
kanusssin partition wise20:00
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Diamondcitekanusss: Everything your system resides in sda3. GRUB isn't inside the MBR, instead the MBR points to where grub is stored.20:01
ZykoticK9kanusss, Grub installs in two places - the MBR and point to /boot/grub for it's config stuff.  You won't see MBR anywhere20:01
kanusssyes yes20:01
kanusssMBR resides in the first boot sector of hdd , in 512 bytes20:02
kanusssit point to the GRUB location and after executing the GRUB it points for the Kernel image20:02
magicianlordthe mbr is where companies can store information about your computer20:02
magicianlordwithout the user knowing20:03
sketcherhello... exist any method with apt-get to "undo" all installed packages after clean install?20:03
bmeasei'm trying to get a Wacom Bamboo CTH-460 to work on Ubuntu 10.04, but when I do lsmod | grep wacom I'm not getting back any results.  I'm following this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9496609&postcount=120:03
geirhasketcher: undo?20:03
sketchersomething like remove all these packages20:04
sketcherand keep the system as fresh install20:04
magicianlordsketcher: apt-get clean and apt-get clean all20:04
magicianlordsketcher: sorry. sudo apt-get clean all. and sudo apt-get autoclean20:05
magicianlordsketcher: there is also an option in synaptic package manager to automatically delete pacakges after upgrading.20:05
Necavitmagicianlord: still not working. When I run "startx" it gives me back an error: "no screens found"20:05
sketchermagical it doesn't work... i just want to remove all programs installed after a Fresh Install.. just keep the packages that comes with the system20:06
ZykoticK9sketcher, i don't think that's possible really - you could manually remove everything you've installed, but there isn't a "return to default" as far as I'm aware20:07
Dr_Willissketcher:  never really seen a way to do that either.20:07
Dr_Willissketcher:  ive heard it may be a featuer some day however.20:07
Dr_Willistheres no real way for the system to 'tell' its back to defaults or not. I could remaster a cd/dvd/version with different defaults...20:08
magicianlordsketcher: what is your qs20:09
kanusssthanks all for the great help..keep in touch..20:09
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sketchermagical thats my qs20:09
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Necavitmagicianlord: still not working. When I run "startx" it gives me back an error: "no screens found"20:09
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julio_Hi, i've updated to 10.10 last night and today attemted to burn an ISO20:10
problciao a tutti20:10
sketcherhow can i tell to apt-get to remove all dirs/libs installed by a package? apt-get remove.. ?20:10
julio_brasero has been "generating checksum" on 100% for 40 minutes now20:10
magicianlordNecavit: did you run nvidia-xconfig? ok. try uninstall nvidia from the command line. it's in usr/bin20:10
problthere channel in italy?20:10
ZykoticK9!it | probl20:10
ubottuprobl: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:10
x_I have a 1tb partition, 10gb for ubuntu some swap. PROBLEM: 900gb of it is in a partition that I cannot seem to make a file system on. I have tried whiping the whole drives partition table before but it didn't help. o20:10
magicianlordNecavit: you could then try to install using the driver from the nvidia site20:10
Dr_Willissketcher:  its possivle other programs depend on the same libs/packages. so even then it wont remove them all.20:11
magicianlorddoes anyone know what sure why the screen error comes up sometimes for people with nvdiia?20:11
sketcherDr_Willis what about for example Apache2.. ?20:11
endrienI'm trying to install Ati Cataclyst drivers(ver 10.12, 32bit) and when I try to install via terminal it says the checksum is different. I've downloaded multiple times from multiple websites20:11
ZykoticK9x_, FYI you a limited to 4 primary partitions20:11
sketcherDr_Willis after apt-get remove apache2 it keeps the /var/www20:11
Necavitmagicianlord: alrigth... how do I uninstall it through the shell? (i'm quite newbie XD)20:11
Dr_Willissketcher:  theres some orphan tools/features of the package system. but ive rarely needed them20:11
mudit1141hi, I am having booting issues20:11
sketcheri see20:12
probli have problem20:12
mudit1141I made boot info script here >> http://pastie.org/1488017 , please have a look20:12
x_ZykoticK9, I have 320:12
Dr_Willissketcher:  thats what the 'purge' optuion is all about.. in most cases you would want to keep anything you have customized like the www dir.20:12
problwhit ubuntu o usb for netbook20:12
chovynznewbie here : what can I do with command line?20:12
chovynzhow do I learn it (other than trying things of course :) )20:13
Dr_Willis!bash | chovynz20:13
ubottuchovynz: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:13
Dr_Willischovynz:  read books on it/guides/howtos20:13
julianchovynz, i think you can do everything ^^20:13
mudit1141dotblank: you still around ?20:13
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julianguys i looked there its a mmoprg for ubuntu o.o20:13
chovynzthanks Dr_Willis20:14
endrienI'm trying to install Ati Cataclyst drivers(ver 10.12, 32bit) and when I try to install via terminal it says the checksum is different. I've downloaded multiple times from multiple websites20:14
julianVendetta online, its called...20:14
vltmudit1141: What's your question here?20:14
julianbut isn't GNU opne20:14
mister_mcan I see a list of available wirless networks from the command line?20:14
mudit1141hi I am having some issues with booting ubuntu hardy, can anyone help  ?20:14
x_ZykoticK9, it would be the fourth one and gparted only wants to let me select primary.20:14
staszek20hi! I open website on local server and i get information "ErrorException [ 2 ]: mkdir(): Permission denied ~ SYSPATH/classes/kohana/log/file.php [ 57 ] ", i set chmod 777 for file file.php20:14
N2Deepchovynz: For example, I burn CD's and DVD's with the command line.20:14
vlt!details | mudit114120:14
ubottumudit1141: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:14
ZykoticK9x_, sorry i don't know then, best of luck20:15
RoDiMuS-XI ran upgrade-manager -d and now I am using Natty Alpha which is not too stable, is there any way to go back?20:15
probli get initramfs unable to find a medium containing a live file system20:15
julianrodimus, did you maked any backud?20:15
mudit1141vlt : I switched on ubuntu hardy machine after 6 months,20:15
julianso... you are ****ed my friend xD20:16
mudit1141now whenever I try to start it the booting is stuck at >> Running DKMS auto installation .... [ok]20:16
TheDokIs someone about to possibly help out with installing rtorrent + rutorrent?20:16
mudit1141and the cursor blinks and blinks20:16
RoDiMuS-Xnot really just wanted to see if I could reverse this mistake, I can always fresh install20:16
juliantry to save your stuff on an external HDD, and them install ubuntu 10.10 fresh20:16
chovynzN2Deep what app do you use to do so? and what is an example of the commands you use?20:16
RoDiMuS-Xmy home directory is on a different partition20:17
gpcRoDiMuS-X: there is no way to roll back. fresh install.20:17
x_ZykoticK9, k thanks for the info.20:17
mudit1141vlt: someone asked me to run a boot info script, this is what I get >>> http://pastie.org/148801720:17
RoDiMuS-Xyes thank you we have established this20:17
julianbut try to do whai i told...20:17
Zaibach333hello, I just installed ubuntu 10.10 on a 2006 dell laptop with 1gig ram and it runs reaallly slow I cant even get it to update its sortof locking up20:18
bastidrazor!synaptic | TheDok20:18
ubottuTheDok: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto20:18
juliandoes you dont have an external HDD?20:18
vltmudit1141: Ok, then it's not GRUB related. The kernel boots and seems to load your initrd.img. I think DKMS is for loading additional kernel modules.20:18
TheDokZaibach333, I did that once and I got that I needed xmlrpc-c higher than v 1.11 or something like that anyway20:18
karenhola hay alguien que hable espa;ol_20:18
keyhan_is there any body from iran?20:18
julianZaibach333, you should try Xubuntu, not ubuntu.20:18
gpc!es | karen20:19
ubottukaren: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:19
mudit1141vlt: can this be Xorg related ?20:19
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smwhow do you add a user to a group?20:19
mudit1141i mean X related20:19
TheDokerrr I meant bastidrazor20:19
Zaibach333I tried installing xubuntu actually it ran worse20:19
smwthe only way I know how involves editing the groups file :-\20:19
keyhan_a question20:20
keyhan_suse or ubuntu?20:20
smwubuntu of course20:20
bastidrazorTheDok: you need the exact error.20:20
ZykoticK9keyhan_, not a question for this channel.  #ubuntu-offtopic if you wish.20:20
TheDokerr sec20:21
magicianlordZykoticK9: xubuntu has no value. use default, or openbox with base install20:21
Omegamagicianlord: Why do you put down the works of others?20:21
ZykoticK9magicianlord, ? sorry - where is this coming from?20:21
TheDokbastidrazor, You must have rtorrent complied with the same version libraries as your installed xml-rpc and a least version 1.06, but rutorrent needs 1.11 or newer.20:21
juliananyone here knows about Transmageddon?20:21
TheDokthat is the error I was gettng20:22
h4mm3rIm looking for a command tool to display the position status of a joystick device20:22
h4mm3ranyone !?20:22
CG`Hey, anyone familiar with using Moovida media center?20:22
Zaibach333magicianlord were you talking to me?20:22
HenflinHow do I start GIMP in the SHELL TERMINAL ?20:22
juliansudo gimp (?)20:22
Henflinwhy does it need sudo?20:22
ZykoticK9julian, NOT sudo!20:22
j0nnymoejust type20:22
gpcHenflin: just type gimp20:22
bastidrazorTheDok: are you using Ubuntu?20:23
gpcjulian: running GUI apps with sudo is a bad idea20:23
juliandamn i everytime tipe sudo.... XD20:23
gpcjulian: if you must, use gksudo20:23
TheDokyep, 10.1020:23
Viper92Zwhat is the apt get for skype ?20:23
Henflinwhat advantage will I have when I start GIMP with gksudo ???20:23
charlesnogpc: why is running GUI apps with sudo a bad idea? just curious20:23
Viper92ZLatest one20:23
julianthanks gpc20:23
KM0201julian: there's no reason to run normal applications with sudo or gksudo20:23
ZykoticK9!partner | Viper92Z20:23
ubottuViper92Z: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »20:23
Henflingpc :)20:23
TheDokjust get it from the site Viper92Z?20:23
chovynzanyone know if my network setup would work as I intend? More information to the person who responds.20:24
KM0201!gksudo | charlesno i believe its explained here20:24
ubottucharlesno i believe its explained here: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:24
magicianlordwhy does ubuntu never shutdown when the battery is low, when set to do so? it lets the battery drain completely. thi is on several laptops. is this broken or how to fix ti via backend20:24
Viper92ZOk Thanks, I thought it is easier to get it by apt20:24
ZykoticK9Viper92Z, if you add the partner repo - then just "sudo apt-get install skype"20:24
brontoeeeHenflin, there is no need to run gimp with sudo or gksudo as far as i know20:24
gpccharlesno: there is no need for one. You are giving root privs to an application which 99.9% of the time does not need it.20:24
Viper92ZOh alright then, that's what I wanted20:24
Henflinbrontoeee Ok thx20:24
Viper92ZThanks again :)20:24
charlesnomakes sense, thanks20:24
HenflinSo why there is GKSudo ?? What could it give me advantages in other situations ???20:24
KM0201gpc: i dunno about that, sometimes its handy to run nautilus as root... but most of the time, i'd agree w/ you20:24
ZykoticK9!gksudo | Henflin20:25
ubottuHenflin: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:25
julianhom to UNinstall apps with terminal?20:25
magicianlordHenflin: gksudo is for running application with sudo that are graphical, and without keeping terminal open.20:25
ZykoticK9julian, "sudo apt-get remove foo"20:25
gpcKM0201: like I said when you do need sudo privs use gksudo GUIAPP20:25
KM0201julian: sudo apt-get remove packagename20:25
KM0201gpc: oh i thought you said it shoud never be necessary... must have misunderstood20:25
juliani m crappy idiot... xD was tipping uninstall...20:25
bastidrazorTheDok: what is rutorrent?20:26
HenflinThank you20:26
KM0201!manual | julian20:26
ubottujulian: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:26
mudit1141vlt: whenever I try to stop the booting when it is stuck20:26
h4mm3rdoes anyone know a commandline tool to display current joystick positions!?20:26
mudit1141it says "Stopping GNome display manager"20:26
brontoeeeZykoticK9, hmm, that page really doesnt explain anything, maybe only that sudo command is buggy20:27
ldz420hd1: did you ever get that connection issue worked out?20:27
julianOMG ubottu THANKS!!!20:27
ZykoticK9brontoeee, using sudo will put files owned by root in your home directory, NOT what you want - breaks things.20:27
Sorbo_G'day to you all :)20:28
magicianlordZykoticK9: like sudo rm -r /boot? ;)20:28
gpccybercaffe: do you have a Ubuntu support question?20:28
TheDokbastidrazor, it's the webui for rtorrent?20:28
ZykoticK9magicianlord, that not cool to write that in this channel20:28
brontoeeeZykoticK9, yeah, but sudo isnt supposed to be root right? its supposed to make a user with temporarily elevated privilegies, right ?20:28
ZykoticK9cybercaffe, please stop20:28
jribcybercaffe: please stop.  Do you have an ubuntu-related support question?20:28
ZykoticK9brontoeee, sudo = root20:28
bastidrazor!find rutorrent20:29
cybercaffewhy there is no viruses for ubuntu?20:29
ubottuPackage/file rutorrent does not exist in maverick20:29
evancorboi have a question. how do i change the resolution on my monitor20:29
ZykoticK9!virus | cybercaffe20:29
ubottucybercaffe: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus20:29
x_I can format my drives 900gb partition but cannot create any file systems on it ( stops at near the same block every time ) how do I fix this ?20:29
jrib!resolution | evancorbo20:29
Sorbo_Anyone here willing to help me fix my ubuntu install, it won't boot after i've installed it20:29
ubottuevancorbo: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:29
julianI've hear that GIMP can have extencions... (like chromium), how do i install/download them?20:29
bastidrazorTheDok: rutorrent does not exist. are you trying to compile rtorent or ?20:29
jribevancorbo: there's a "Display Properties" program in your System menu that you should try first20:29
chovynz-option is a variable, but what is --word? I've seen this in a few things. e.g. command -h or command --help20:29
mister_mcan I see a list of available wireless networks from the command line?20:29
ldz420Sorbo_: you too20:29
gpcjulian: #gimp can help you with that20:30
julianomg... thanks20:30
mister_mpossibly a wireless connection manager that I can run from a terminal window?20:30
cybercaffewhy on windows a lot viruses and for ubuntu 0 viruses?20:30
TheDokwhat do you mean it doesn't exist bastidrazor ? o.020:30
erUSULmister_m: sudo iw dev wlan0 scan20:30
bastidrazormister_m: sudo iwlist scan20:30
jribjulian: http://registry.gimp.org/ and read http://docs.gimp.org/2.6/en/gimp-scripting.html#gimp-concepts-plugins20:30
bastidrazor!find rutorrent | TheDok20:30
erUSULmister_m: or sudo iwlist wlan0 scan20:30
ubottuTheDok: Package/file rutorrent does not exist in maverick20:30
ZykoticK9cybercaffe, see the link Ubottu gave you20:30
Sorbo_ldz420 yes, it seems that the grub bootloader won't start, even though it's located on the first boot disk/same disk as ubuntu20:30
gpccybercaffe: read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus it explains why20:31
TheDokright, and that's why you use wget?20:31
chovynzwhat is the difference between a single dash and a double dash? e.g -h or --help?20:31
jribchovynz: usually short (one-letter) options have a single '-'20:31
cybercaffeso what'20:31
ZykoticK9chovynz, single dash usually has a single letter after it, while -- usually has a word.  They both do the same thing.20:31
brontoeeeZykoticK9, ok then i dont understant..., i thought sudo is current-user with some temporary magic powers20:31
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ZykoticK9brontoeee, sudo means "run as root"20:32
mister_mbastidrazor, ok, after I scan the list, how do I pick one to connect to?20:32
ldz420sorbo_: I am not the greatest at this but let's take a look.. does it give an error message? or just hangs?20:32
chovynzjrib ZykoticK9 so if you were explaining something to a newbie you would use --word because most commands are self-explanatory?20:32
h4mm3rdoes anyone know a cmdlinetool for disülaying the current joystick position20:32
brontoeeeZykoticK9, sudo = substitude user do no?20:32
jribchovynz: if your goal is to have the command seem less mysterious, then yes, you should use long options20:33
ZykoticK9brontoeee, su is switch user, sudo is switch user for one program20:33
gpc!language | cybercaffe20:33
ubottucybercaffe: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:33
jodlajodlahello, i have problem with compiz - i remove it by mistake and then installed it after that, but when i want to enable visual effects is nothing happened20:33
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ldz420sorbo_: also if error message is long you might want to put it in a paste bin20:33
chovynzjrib and if I wanted to learn it the command lines properly, it would be best for me to use --words instead of short terms, for now, until I learn what they do and the short version?20:34
Sorbo_Anyone here with knowledge on how to kick GRUB in the face and make it boot ubuntu, cause after a day of trying endlessly i'm starting to get a bit sick of it :P20:34
chovynzSorbo_: I've recently had to do this. what's up?20:34
gpch4mm3r: take a look at the joystick package in Synaptic20:35
jribchovynz: I don't know.  Personally, I mostly use short options because they are faster to type (just look them up to know what they do)20:35
charlesnoif i want to create a file, "touch test", how do I make it so this file contains the word "hello"20:35
jribcharlesno: echo hello > test20:35
bastidrazormister_m: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "theEssid"   (replace wlan0 with your wireless device) and sudo dhclient wlan020:36
charlesnojrib, thanks20:36
chovynzjrib : also one last Q. There are so many cmds how should I proceed with learning them? do I print them out? Seems like a huge man print to me.20:36
jribcharlesno: check out a bash tutorial and read the section on redirection20:36
jrib!bash > charlesno20:36
ubottucharlesno, please see my private message20:36
jribchovynz: nope, you'll learn them as you use them20:36
Sorbo_chovynz: I've installed ubuntu (livecd and usb, several tries), restarted my pc and now ubuntu won't start. It seems that Grub doesn't work, since it just runs through POST, and does absolutely nothing but display a flashing underscore/line after that20:37
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chovynzSorbo_: Ok, so, I'll go back to basics ... is your bios detecting your HD?20:37
grkbloodhow do i turn off pass authentication at the log in screen?20:37
chovynzjrib ok thanks man20:37
Sorbo_chovynz: Perfectly. It contained windows before this, has been formatted in ext4 through the installer20:38
Sorbo_chovynz: it is selected as the primary boot device as well20:38
ZykoticK9grkblood, System / Admin / Login Screen - to set autologin (you'll probably still have to type a password for keyring though)20:38
jodlajodlahello, i have problem with compiz - i remove it by mistake and then installed it after that, but when i want to enable visual effects is nothing happened20:38
itaylor57chovynz: http://ss64.com/bash/20:38
linuxnoob73can i make so when pc boots i dont havr to press num lock everytime?20:39
magicianlordSorbo_: what is your graphic card20:39
grkbloodZykoticK9, theres no autologin option there for me20:39
mudit1141hi all, I am having issues "starting up" ubuntu hardy20:39
Sorbo_magicianlord: HD4870, cannot type xstart20:40
jodlajodlahello, i have problem with compiz - i remove it by mistake and then installed it after that, but when i want to enable visual effects is nothing happened20:40
chrislusticHI there, I need to increase my fanspeed, I have the fancontrol installed from synaptic,  but I don't know how to acess the fan control app20:40
ZykoticK9linuxnoob73, you might want to see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock20:40
linuxnoob73ZykoticK9,  ty20:40
chovynzSorbo_: alright. have you moved an hd from one computer to another? (I did this after installing server onto another HD and it screwed up my bootloader and displayed ... guess what...a flashing underscore. :) )20:40
mudit1141nit-wit: i have the boot info log here >> http://pastie.org/148801720:40
ZykoticK9grkblood, "Log in as X automatically" isn't there?  are you on ubuntu?20:40
chrislusticHI there, I need to increase my fanspeed, I have the fancontrol installed from synaptic, but I don't know how to acess the fan control app20:40
nit-witmudit1141, cool hold on20:40
grkbloodyes im on ubuntu20:40
grkbloodi updated to 10.10 last night20:41
birdman_ 20:41
magicianlordSorbo_: ubuntu comes with an opensource graphic driver that should work by itself.20:41
* Garzooka is still here20:41
grkbloodZykoticK9, thats there20:41
jodlajodlahello, i have problem with compiz - i remove it by mistake and then installed it after that, but when i want to enable visual effects is nothing happened20:41
grkbloodlogin automatically20:41
MAthescome on20:41
grkbloodbut it still asks me for a PW20:41
Sorbo_magicianlord: it does, i'm typing this from a ubuntu livecd, works like a charm20:41
chovynzSorbo_: have you tried following this? http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide20:41
chrislusticHI there, I need to increase my fanspeed, I have the fancontrol installed from synaptic, but I don't know how to acess the fan control app im running ubuntu 10.1020:41
MAthesirc.siberortam.net   come on everybody here20:41
Sorbo_chovynz: both hdd's havent been swapped20:41
erUSULjodlajodla: if you run « compiz --replace » in a terminal what happens?20:41
DJonesMAthes: Please don't spam20:42
aleiexhi i want to modify an .bin file; but don't know how to open it20:42
aleiexany idea?20:42
jodlajodlaerUSUL plz wait20:42
chovynzthank you itaylor5720:42
erUSULaleiex: what type of *.bin ?20:42
Cipher-0vi opens everything.20:42
ZykoticK9aleiex, .bin usually means binary - not something you'd be able to "open" usually20:42
chrislusticHI there, I need to increase my fanspeed, I have the fancontrol installed from synaptic, but I don't know how to acess the fan control app im running ubuntu 10.1020:42
Sorbo_chovynz: checking out your link now.20:42
jodlajodlaerUSUL it works!!! thanks :):):)20:43
aleiexIsn't a .bin from ubuntu20:43
aleiexis from a DS game20:43
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aleiexi need to open to change button config20:43
VarcWhat is the command for be out the root terminal in the normal terminal20:43
MAthesDJones: How are you?20:43
chrislusticHI there, I need to increase my fanspeed, I have the fancontrol installed from synaptic, but I don't know how to acess the fan control app im running ubuntu 10.1020:43
LjLaleiex: then i guess what you want is a hex editor..20:44
ZykoticK9!repeat | chrislustic20:44
ubottuchrislustic: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:44
erUSUL!rootshell | Varc20:44
ubottuVarc: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)20:44
aleiexLjL thnx20:44
Sorbo_Chovynz: Looks like that might help, thanks for the tip. Trying that now20:44
chrislustici dooon tcare20:44
chovynzSorbo_: np. I was tearing my hair out too :)20:45
chrislusticit should be relatively simple for some one who is well integrated  with linux to do what I need to do,20:45
VarcerUSUL: But how can i be out? I mind write with Victor@PC20:45
erUSULVarc: type « exit » hit enter or do crtl + D20:45
chovynzHow do I access the web or an internet page, from the command line?20:46
Varc-.-... I can't believe thanks20:46
erUSULchovynz: you can use lynx w3c links2 etc ...20:46
erUSUL!info w3c | chovynz20:46
ubottuchovynz: Package w3c does not exist in maverick20:46
erUSUL!info w3m | chovynz20:46
ubottuchovynz: w3m (source: w3m): WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/frames support. In component main, is standard. Version 0.5.2-6 (maverick), package size 1077 kB, installed size 1860 kB20:46
erUSULsorry typo20:47
linuxnoob73i have no sound in empathy any suggestions20:47
guntbert!attitude | chrislustic20:47
ubottuchrislustic: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:47
chovynzerUSUL: so I'd have to install a text browser?20:47
chrislusticperhaps you should under stand free speech guntbert20:47
chrislusticI merely stated my opinion20:47
erUSULchovynz: w3m is installed in all ubuntu installs20:47
chrislusticI am free to express how I feel, in any circumstance,20:48
guntbertchrislustic: if you want support you better adhere to the rules of this channel20:48
magicianlordchrislustic: how so?20:48
nit-witmudit1141, I'm not as familiar with grub-legacy as grub2, if it was me I would just download the supergrub disc and see if you can get in. You could also psot a thread at the ubuntu forums and probably get it fixed post the script in its whole just the full text in continuous stanzas in code tags.20:48
chrislusticoh so the rules contradict peoples rights?20:48
Barnabaschrislustic, only technical opinions matter in here - the rest is best done in the #chat channel20:49
chrislusticyes best20:49
chrislusticI do have a matter20:49
endrienI'm trying to install Ati Catalyst drivers(ver 10.12, 32bit) and when I try to install via terminal it says the checksum is different. I've downloaded multiple times from multiple websites20:49
[lan3y]christlustic, then state your matter, and wait for a response, not difficult or breaching any rights is it?20:49
chovynzI think you guys have missed chrislustic's matter, and are now being a little unfair.20:50
mudit1141nit-wit: okies, I will post on the ubuntu forums. Thanks ! :)20:50
chrislusticmy matter is,20:50
chrislusticthat I need to increase my fanspeed,  I have the fan control sensor package installed correctly,  I am new to ubuntu linux in general and I do not know how to access it20:51
chrislusticor where it has gone after I have installed it,20:51
[lan3y]chrislustic, take a look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4273720:52
guntbertchrislustic: how did you install it (what package was it)?20:52
chrislusticit's called fan control from synaptic,20:52
disappearedng_hey i need help urgently how do I get ubuntu to output to projector?20:52
sudiptahi guys :=)20:53
LuretryneAfter installing ntop how to I enable it an run it like top20:53
endrienI'm trying to install Ati Catalyst drivers(ver 10.12, 32bit) and when I try to install via terminal it says the checksum is different and won't install. I've downloaded multiple times from multiple websites20:53
chrislusticas for whoever sent me that link, I am new to ubuntu, I understand the concept of most, but sudo this and sudo that is still beyond my certainty20:53
chovynzinsteresting. itaylor57 erUSUL : Why would w3m display "Can't load urladdressthat i typed in"20:53
magicianlordis ubuntu faster than debian?20:53
erUSULchovynz: dunno... can you ping the site?20:53
fribananadisappearedng_: Shutdown. Connect the cable. Boot. (The Ctrl Alt Delete combo doesn't work anymore...)20:54
brontoeeedisappearedng, i played with twinview and selected clone i think, depends on if nvidia is present, dunno about noveau20:54
chovynzum, just by ping http://ss64.com/bash/ ?20:54
guntbertchrislustic: open a terminal and type fancontrol20:54
chrislusticfor some reason this keeps me from trying20:54
endrienis there anyway to bypass checksum resilys?20:54
chrislusticHOWTO: Fancontrol20:54
chrislusticControlling the speed (and sound!) of your CPU fan is easy!20:54
chrislusticDisclaimer: this can ruin your hardware. A CPU fan is needed to cool your CPU and in this howto it will be turned off for a couple of seconds. If you are not comfortable with doing this, don't!20:54
fribananadisappearedng_: Yep, if you've got the nvidia software installed, check there20:54
FloodBot2chrislustic: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:54
chrislusticokay terminal open20:54
MAthesbaksana az20:54
chovynzerUSUL: says unknown host20:55
chrislusticone sec20:55
chrislusticbacon bruning20:55
erUSULchovynz: dns problem ? can you ping an ip?20:55
linxehwhat do I need to install on ubunut 10.10 to be able to play an avi file that contains dv format video (mpeg2 I guess) ?20:56
chovynzwould pinging itself work?20:56
erUSULchovynz: for example « ping » (is a google server )20:56
magicianlordlinxeh: no20:56
magicianlordlinxeh: install vlc20:56
linxehmagicianlord: no ? :p20:56
chovynzerUSUL:  connect: Network is unreachable20:57
chrislusticOKay fan control wasnt installed I guess, it told me the command to install it now apparently its installed20:57
magicianlorddoes anyone have a good listing of radio music stations to use in vlc, now that shoutcast doesnt work in vlc anymore?20:57
erUSULchovynz: looks like you are not connected to internet ...20:57
chovynzhow else can I test that?20:57
chovynz(or enable that)20:58
erUSULchovynz: depends on the setup you have for connecting to internet20:58
guntbert!who | chrislustic20:58
ubottuchrislustic: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:58
brontoeeelinxeh, no dv is not mpeg2 and yes vlc will play that, or mplayer20:59
erUSULchovynz: wifi + router; usb *dsl modem? 3g modem? cable + router? cable modem?20:59
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:59
chovynzerUSUL: obviously I'm connected on this computer, but not the computer next to me that I'm trying these commands on. from the hardware setup it all looks the same and connected so it must be a router / software prob.21:00
vinceHi, is there a french ubuntu channel around here ?21:00
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ZykoticK9!fr | vince21:00
ubottuvince: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:00
endrienMy ipod classic 80gb shows up in lsusb, but It doesn't show up in Nautilus or anywhere else?21:00
gpcvince: #ubuntu-fr21:00
vincethanks a lot :)21:00
erUSULchovynz: compare the output of this two commands in both computers « ip a » and « ip route »21:00
linxehbrontoeee: vlc fails to play it properly (I get alsorts of random audio noises) but it did suffice for what I wanted - identifying the video files21:00
erUSUL!ipod | endrien21:01
ubottuendrien: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod21:01
chrislusticchrislustic@chrislustic-iMac:~$ sudo apt-get install toshutils21:01
weebitI just have a simple question hopefully someone can answer.  I was thinking about getting Ubuntu Studio.  Because I use graphics, video, etc a lot.  Is there really a advatage to getting this?  Or am I better off just getting the regular ubuntu?21:01
chrislustic[sudo] password for chrislustic:21:01
chrislusticReading package lists... Done21:01
chrislusticBuilding dependency tree21:01
FloodBot2chrislustic: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:01
chrislusticReading state information... Done21:01
guntbertchrislustic: you will have to configure fancontrol before using it - for this type sudo pwmconfig and answer the questions (take care: it will temporarily stop your fans, make sure to check that they are running again afterwwards)21:02
chovynzweebit: likely. lots of config already done for you21:02
zs1mtbhow do I reinstall a corrupt gnome desktop21:02
chovynzerUSUL: anything in particular im looking for?21:02
erUSULchovynz: default gateaway in « ip route » oputput could be the problem21:03
chrislusticdid anyone read that?21:03
zs1mtbhow do I reinstall a corrupt gnome desktop21:03
erUSULchovynz: the line that says « default via $someip dev $iface ... »21:03
janethi there - something is amiss with one of my ubuntu installs - its a windows install so it looks like ubuntu sits inside a loopback FS inside the main ntfs filesystem - after rebooting, windows boot manager does its stuff and when i get to grub it goes straight to a grub promt. apart from learning how to use grub, anything i should know about before troubleshooting?21:04
bp7laxzs1mtb: make a startup disk21:04
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CG`Has anyone here every set up an Ubuntu media center with live television? I'm having a lot of trouble getting it to run, having tried Moovida and XBMC21:04
zs1mtb<bp7lax>is there no way of reinstalling the gnome desktop via terminal?21:05
chovynzerUSUL: Have no such line on either of these computers21:05
bp7laxzs1mtb: no21:05
erUSUL!wubi | janet this wiki has troubleshooting section on wubi installs21:05
ubottujanet this wiki has troubleshooting section on wubi installs: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe21:05
BarnabasCG`, what about myth server ?21:05
adil__hello allo21:05
erUSULchovynz: are you sure?21:05
bp7laxzs1mtb: there might be, but that would be rare21:05
janetubottu - thanks i'll take a look21:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:05
euriskosomeone here uses ubuntu on a macbook 3,1 ?21:05
adil__i need help but my english is so poor21:05
raveninstalled bootloader to mbr of three hdds - now computer stucks at reading bootloader - how to repair?21:06
adil__how can post a node to facebook please21:06
chovynzerUSUL: Sorry, I missed it. yes there is on this one only.21:06
erUSULadil__: maybe you can go to your native language channel ?21:06
chovynzerUSUL: perhaps my dhcp is screwed up?21:06
erUSULchovynz: then that's the problem. the other nees a default gateaway too ( the same as the first one if they connect to the same router )21:07
zs1mtb<bp7lax>I have a situation where my desktop does not show screen correctly and only gives ,e one desktop. However if I logout and back in then it seems to be working fine.... just that when the displays are correct the machine tend to lock up21:07
chovynzerUSUL: can I pm you privately my setup?21:07
erUSULchovynz: dunno; how did you configured the connection ?21:07
erUSULchovynz: i prefer a pastebin21:07
bp7laxzs1mtb: you might just want to reinstall it21:07
erUSUL!paste | chovynz21:07
ubottuchovynz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:07
zs1mtbreinstall the desktop or the distro?21:08
erUSULchovynz: even if you want to send the url only to me for whatever reason21:08
bp7laxzs1mtb: desktop21:08
chovynzerUSUL: just so I don't broadcast my setup to teh entire world :)21:08
zs1mtbok I'm a bit stu pid... how doe I reinstall the desktop?21:09
bp7laxzs1mtb: i had the same problem as you but on my netbook so i just reinstalled21:09
gtklockerwhere can I find a live cd which supports BCM (broadcom) wifi drivers?21:09
bp7laxzs1mtb: so am i lol.  are you using ubuntu right now?21:09
zs1mtb<bp7lax>yes 10.0421:09
erUSULgtklocker: out of the box? it is impossible for legal reasons21:10
erUSULgtklocker: noone can distribute the firmware of the cards legally except Broadcom21:10
zs1mtb<bp7lax>i upgraded from 9.10 and the machine locked up.. had to restart and then the problem started21:10
bp7laxzs1mtb: im going to private message you, to hard to see here21:10
erUSULgtklocker: that's why no linux distro supports them out of the box;21:11
gtklockererUSUL: k21:11
ravenmachine stucks at "searching for boot record from ide0 ok" - whats going on there?21:11
magicianlorddoes anyone know when the next debian release will be?21:12
magicianlordraven: did you add new hard drive?21:12
erUSULmagicianlord: #debian should know better21:12
magicianlorderUSUL: :( that makes me cry21:12
ActionParsnipgtklocker: you could remaster the CD possibly21:12
ravenmagicianlord, its with four hdds on three machines21:12
ge2xHey guys! What package does the command "which" belong to?21:13
ActionParsnipge2x: try:   dpkg -S which21:13
erUSULge2x: dpkg -s $(type -P which)21:13
erUSULge2x: dpkg -S $(type -P which)21:13
ravenmagicianlord, its with four hdds on three machines21:13
Dr_WillisHmm.. If i scanned a film negative.. and well.. now i need to Un-negetive it. :) cant seem to find a item in GIMP to do that.. or am i looking for the wrong thing?21:14
chovynzerUSUL: here's a start21:14
ActionParsniperUSUL: show off21:14
craigbass1976My screen has gone wonky.  Without rebooting, what else can I do?  I tried restarting x11-common... no love21:14
ravenmachine stucks at "searching for boot record from ide0 ok" - whats going on there?21:15
ActionParsnipraven_: is the drive healthy?21:15
magicianlordno one is answering in #debian.21:15
magicianlordwhat is this21:15
erUSULchovynz: how did you configured the connection in the ubuntu server machine? using /etc/network/interfaces ?21:15
Dr_Willismagicianlord:  i would say chefk the debian homepage.21:15
craigbass1976magicianlord: you might be lucky; #debian can get a little rowdy, last I knew21:16
ge2xerUSUL: I'm running Linux without a package manager21:16
ActionParsnipge2x: ubuntu uses a package manager21:16
ActionParsnipge2x: so you MUSThave one21:17
ge2xActionParsnip: I'm not running Ubuntu21:17
erUSULDr_Willis: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1104096.html <<< google found this21:17
craigbass1976Dr_Willis: /etc/init.d/x11-common will restart x, yes?  What's the ubuntu equivalent of RH's init 3 ?21:17
chovynzerUSUL: I haven't configured anything yet, however, when I had the server HD on THIS machine I could access, and it could access the server (only there was no info on it.) I then moved my server HD to another box, so that I could have the server and this machine running at the same time. TBC21:17
guntbert!nox | craigbass197621:17
ubottucraigbass1976: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode21:17
Dr_WilliserUSUL:  been googling also. seems i might of scanned as a slide insteda of a negative. :) the scanner software is supposd to do the conversion.21:17
ActionParsnipge2x: i see, then your support for your OS isn't here. This is Ubuntu support only21:17
erUSULge2x: then how are we supposed to know in which package ( you have no package manager so no packages ) would you find it?21:18
Dr_Williscraigbass1976:  i do 'sudo service gdm restart' the init,d/stuff is rather outdated21:18
StrangeCharmhow fast is nfs over ssh (compared to sftp, for instance)21:18
chovynzerUSUL: I fixed up teh probs that moving teh HD caused and now I have two running machines. one desktop, one server. Only this time, the server doesn't seem to work the way It was setup from a blank server install.21:18
ge2xerUSUL: well I need to find out which package I should compile to get that command21:19
erUSULchovynz: what i am asking is how do you set up the connection in the server ... you use /etc/network/interfaces ?21:19
craigbass1976Dr_Willis: but it does the same thing, yes?  I got used to service when I was running fedora, but ubuntu (dapper I think) didn't have that, so I got "un-used" to it21:19
Dr_WilliserUSUL:  yea.. it looks a lot better if i learned to use the scanenr software. :)21:19
chovynzerUSUL: Nope. I haven't done anything like that yet.21:19
Dr_Williscraigbass1976:  service command has been around for quite a few releases of ubuntu now.21:19
Dr_Williscraigbass1976:  its not identcial to rh's but its close.21:19
ActionParsnip!info debianutils | ge2x21:19
ubottuge2x: debianutils (source: debianutils): Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian. In component main, is required. Version 3.2.3 (maverick), package size 47 kB, installed size 224 kB21:19
ge2xerUSUL: maybe U could see which package it belongs to on You system21:19
erUSULge2x: which is a highly nonstandar command that each distro code themselves in ubuntu is in debian-utils21:20
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erUSULge2x: you should be using bash's type -P or hash21:20
ActionParsnipge2x: in ubuntu, the package debianutils gives it, now please head to the channel for your distro as this is ONLY ubuntu support. If you aren't using Ubuntu then you should not be requesting support here21:20
Frijoliehow do you add the JDBC/ODBC driver to your path (environment variable)?21:21
Frijolieevery article you read tells you to put it somewhere's else21:21
erUSULchovynz: so how did the machine got his ip? did you manually did a « sudo dhclient eth0 » or something?21:22
ActionParsnipFrijolie: in ~/.bashrc    add:   export PATH=$PATH:/new/folder21:22
chovynzapparently it was set automatically by dhcp in teh setup.21:22
FrijolieActionParsnip, where is the recommeded path for the executables /usr/bin?21:22
ActionParsnipFrijolie: anywhere in $PATH is fine21:23
chovynzerUSUL: am I getting a conflict here of the router trying to set a server ip?21:23
erUSULchovynz: paste the contents of your /etc/network/interfaces file, please21:23
chovynzof this machine or the server?21:23
FrijolieActionParsnip, so create a new folder (somewhere in the path) and add the new line to ~/.bashrc ?21:23
erUSULthe server21:23
FrijolieActionParsnip, after copying the executable into the "new folder"21:24
Garzookaactionparsnip its been ages since we met last21:24
ActionParsnipFrijolie: if you make a new folder ANYWHERE, then add the folder to $PATH it will be fine21:24
erUSULStrangeCharm: nfs can not work over ssh21:24
hd1ldz: no21:24
ActionParsnipGarzooka: not rememberig, sorry :(21:24
tizrOn openbsd I can use ktrace and kdump to find where files are that a process accesses.  What is the linux method for doing this?21:24
hd1tizr: lsof?21:25
StrangeCharmerUSUL, not according to http://www.linuxsecurity.com/content/view/117705/49/ . why won't it?21:25
tizrhd1: thank you21:25
linuxnoob73empathy is to simple for me is kopete any better?21:25
hd1tizr: just a guess, though, I use FreeBSD, haven't used open in many years21:25
erUSULtizr: ktrace == strace21:25
ActionParsniplinuxnoob73: try it and see21:25
mongyAbout fglrx... I thought there was no need for an xorg.conf, yet with fglrx installed there is one, and if I remove it, my system boots up and goes absolutely crazy.  I only removed it as part of troubleshooting the stuttering I'm seeing in videos and my zsnes/mame games.21:25
linuxnoob73im installing21:26
linuxnoob73ActionParsnip, how did you whisper?21:27
chovynzerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/556948/21:27
erUSULStrangeCharm: i stand corrected21:27
ActionParsniplinuxnoob73: I didn't. I just wrote your nick to address the text to you21:28
eccive followed steps perfectly according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/T101MT and touchscreen calibration is still not working, read through forum thread, no help21:28
linuxnoob73ActionParsnip, oh it shows red lol21:28
erUSULchovynz: should just work ... try  « sudo restart networking »21:29
ActionParsniplinuxnoob73: yes, the channel has 1524 users in so randomly just typing isn't really practical21:29
FrijolieActionParsnip, you have to log off/in once you've saved the changes to .bashrc?21:29
ravenmachine stucks at "searching for boot record from ide0 ok" - whats going on there?21:29
ActionParsnipFrijolie: no, it is read next time you open a new terminal, or you can run:   source ~/.bashrc    to re-read the config21:29
zachlrI'm trying to install ubuntu from a disc, but it hangs at they keyboard layout (step 3/7) screen. Help!21:29
ActionParsnipFrijolie: you can test using:  echo $PATH21:30
magicianlordzachlr: reburn the disc21:30
magicianlordslow speed21:30
ActionParsnipzachlr: did you test the CD for defects?21:30
kanupatar_hai all, how can i install a *.bin file in ubuntu21:30
erUSULkanupatar_: what *.bin file?21:30
zachlrmagicianlordm ActionParsnip, It worked a while ago on another machine.  it's worth reburning I guess.21:30
prelleri have a 100% correct configured wireless network but it isn't working (10.10 32bit, netinstall) anyone wants to help?21:30
ActionParsnipkanupatar_: chmod +x /path/to/filename; /path/to/filename21:30
zachlrActionParsnip, not sure how to test it.21:30
ravenmachine stucks at "searching for boot record from ide0 ok" - whats going on there?21:31
ActionParsnippreller: can you ping ?21:31
prellerActionParsnip: nope21:31
chovynzi typed view interfaces, how do i exit view?21:31
magicianlordraven: fstab may not pointing to the right disk partition21:31
guntbert!md5sum | zachlr21:31
ubottuzachlr: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:31
ActionParsnipzachlr: when the CD starts to boot, press SPACE and you will get the old menu, you can test the CD and the RAM from there21:31
KM0201is there a program you can use to make sure all metadata of a photo is erased?21:31
ActionParsnippreller: if you run:  sudo iwlist scan   do you see SSIDs?21:31
StrangeCharmhow do i mount an encrypted drive on 10.10 server?21:32
zachlrActionParsnip, I'll try that.  thanks.21:32
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ravenmagicianlord, as i said with 4 hdds on 3 different machines - possible?21:32
realubotWhen trying to open files using different kind of software the "Nautilus" like window doesn't let me choose the right file? I get another file than the file I choose. What is happening?21:32
chovynzStrangeCharm: it would be something like mount /dev/sda1 wouldn't it?21:32
prellerActionParsnip: yes, im connected to one.21:32
kanupatar_chmod: missing operand after `+x'21:32
FrijolieActionParsnip, thanks, I think it's working!21:32
Jordan_Uraven: Do you see any more output if you hold shift during boot?21:32
ActionParsnipkanupatar_: you need to specify the filename, it will mark it as executable21:33
ravenJordan_U, no21:34
magicianlordraven: did you reburn it21:34
magicianlordor try usb21:34
StrangeCharmchovynz, mount complains 'unknown fulesystem 'crypto_LUKS'21:34
kanupatar_getting this error  http://paste.ubuntu.com/556951/21:35
Jordan_Uraven: That message is coming from your BIOS, and GRUB would normally print "GRUB" to the screen very early (basically the first thing it does), so it sounds like your BIOS isn't getting that far.21:35
Jordan_Uraven: Has any other OS worked on this machine recently?21:35
ravenJordan_U, yes ubuntu21:36
ravenJordan_U, and i have this problem with 4 hdds on 3 different machines21:36
Jordan_Uraven: What version? When did you start having this problem?21:36
kanupatar_any idea?21:36
ravenJordan_U, 10.4 just now21:36
Jordan_Uraven: So 10.04 worked previously but 10.04 does not work now?21:37
skiwithpetewhen I type startx at prompt it logs into LXDE - and I want it to log into XFCE21:37
kanupatar_any idea?21:37
kanupatar_getting this error  http://paste.ubuntu.com/556951/21:37
ravenJordan_U, right21:37
chovynzStrangeCharm: does this help? http://www.rasyid.net/2008/07/07/mounting-hard-disk-on-ubuntu/21:37
skiwithpetehow do I change what opens?21:37
Jordan_Uraven: Has any other OS booted on this machine (from a hard drive) since Ubuntu stopped being able to boot?21:38
guntbertkanupatar_: do as they suggest: type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow dash21:38
StrangeCharmchovynz, no, that was what i was looking at. it turns out that i needed to use mount.crypt, not mount21:38
ravenJordan_U, no i never installed any other sys on this machine21:38
chovynzok. I'm glad you found it StrangeCharm21:38
Jordan_Uraven: Are these three machines the same brand / model?21:39
skiwithpeteis there some kind of script or log file that decides what startx is?21:39
greyfiendwhat tv tuner cards are best for use with ubuntu?21:39
ravenJordan_U, no21:39
guntbert!best | greyfiend21:39
ubottugreyfiend: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:39
Jordan_U!hardware | greyfiend21:39
ubottugreyfiend: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection21:39
Besogonskiwithpete, Did you try to start the program with #bash ./arm-2010.09-50-arm-none-linux-gnueabi.bin21:40
chovynzerUSUL: I'm going to go now. thanks for your help21:40
skiwithpeteBesogon, eh?21:40
Jordan_Uraven: Can you boot from a LiveCD, run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?21:40
Besogonskiwithpete, sorry it was not for you21:41
ravenJordan_U, yes i just reinstall the system and hope that it "resets" the hdd now21:41
Quantum_IonWhat is the file that has start up programs in it ?21:42
skiwithpeteI just want startx to start XFCE instead of LXDE21:42
leonidas-270selam millet21:42
skiwithpetesurely that's straight forward no?21:43
erUSULchovynz: no problem21:43
=== twig is now known as twig`
plaidhatanyone know a quick and easy way to capture the sound from swf files via http? I need to listen to some videos during my long commute to work.21:43
Besogonskiwithpete, Doesn't sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start work?21:44
crischanthere are newer packages in "http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security main" which my apt wont pick up even after a apt-get update... what could be the problem?21:44
skiwithpeteI don't have gdm installed21:44
guntbertskiwithpete: try: man startx21:44
your_favorite_niis their a pph repository file for google chrome21:45
sgillethey guys, i tried "sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer"21:45
skiwithpeteguntbert, man startx -bash man: command not found21:45
twig`any one know where i can find up to date info on getting 2 dual output vid cards running? everything i'm searching is coming up at least a year and a half old21:45
sgilletbut get "Unable to locate package mozilla-mplayer"21:45
tripelbhi channel, It's a beautiful warm day here and I dont need help. (Wish me luck on my soon-to-be-done repartition of the ext4 partition all my Ubuntu is on. Any last words of advice or wisdom?21:45
crischanyour_favorite_ni: have you tried chromium-browser?21:46
guntbertskiwithpete: what system are you running?21:46
tripelbtwig`, is 2 dual output cards a total of 4 outputs?21:46
twig`tripleb: yes21:46
skiwithpete10.04 minimal install21:46
skiwithpeteI then installed LXDE21:46
skiwithpeteand now XFCE21:47
tripelbsgillet, you say you did  "sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer" -- and so??21:47
Besogonskiwithpete, startx lxde ?21:47
sgillettripelb, it doesn't seem to install: I get get "Unable to locate package mozilla-mplayer"21:47
iDopehi, I have a Xubuntu system which I want to slimdown to just CLI with absolutely no xorg or gui packages? Can anyone guide me on what to remove and in what order to achieve this. Re installing the system with ubuntu server is NOT an option for me right now.21:47
sorbo_Chovynz: Worked like a charm, thanks for your help :)21:47
guntbertskiwithpete: you can serach the internet for 'ubuntu man startx'21:48
guntbertskiwithpete: or you install man-db21:48
Besogonskiwithpete, there is something about it http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/slackware-linux/149819-slax-lxde-how-start-lxde.html21:48
Besogonactually there is only a link for search21:48
skiwithpeteBesogon, you got me wrong, I want to start XFCE21:49
chovynzsorbo_ your welcome21:49
skiwithpeteit autostarts LXDE and I want to stop it...21:49
tripelbhi sgillet - tell me more. what's your distro? Mine came with mplayer, yours? let me look up the repository, if I can figure out how to.21:50
twig`ive got two geforce fx5200's i can get dual head up wether xinerama or twinview, but when i try and get the second card up, even on the seperate X server, i lose all stability21:51
twig`the best ive gotten was 5 minutes with 3 screens21:51
linuxnoob73whats a fast bittorrent app for linux21:51
mVariabledeluge is great21:52
mVariablelinuxnoob73, deluge21:52
linuxnoob73ok ty guys21:52
monteithcan anyone point me to a permissions/ownership scheme of an apache webserver?21:53
greyfiendanyone know of a DVB-T2 TV tuner card that's working with ubuntu?21:53
tripelbsgillet, see if this helps. (report back to me cause I'd like to know how it worked) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu#Adding the Repository21:53
erUSUL!hcl | greyfiend21:53
ubottugreyfiend: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection21:53
thesheff17monteith: everything is www-data:www-data owned21:53
monteithok, so i shouldn't mess with that?21:53
thesheff17monteith: so chown -R www-data:www-data21:53
tripelbsgillet, all programs that you want to install are in libraries called repositories.  (I think all, maybe not)21:54
thesheff17monteith: chown -R * www-data:www-data yea I wouldn't mess with unless you are having problems.21:54
iDopeskiwithpete: You might want to take a look at /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc21:55
brontoeeethesheff17, that basically means that any silly php script can destroy entire www folder thought, but yes i keep reading that as well...21:55
iDopeSo back to my issue, I have a Xubuntu system which I want to slimdown to just CLI with absolutely no xorg or gui packages? Can anyone guide me on what to remove and in what order to achieve this. Re installing the system with ubuntu server is NOT an option for me right now.21:56
mVariableiDope, should be able to change your runtime21:57
coz_iDope,   just install the server then...if you really dont want a desktop environment... perhaps   apt-get  autoremove --purge xubuntu-desktop?  I dont I have not done it21:57
mVariableiDope, run level21:58
skiwithpeteiDope, I've looked at that - but no hints as to how to change it... I don't see LXDE or XFCE21:59
mVariableiDope, I am wrong apparently debian and ubuntu do not treat run level 3 as console only21:59
sgillettripelb, doesn't work.. here's what i did:22:00
sgilletsudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update22:00
sgilletsudo apt-get --yes install app-install-data-medibuntu apport-hooks-medibuntu22:00
FloodBot2sgillet: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:00
sllidehow can i make ubuntu not open partitions automaticly?22:01
x_have you mooed today22:01
iDopemVariable: I am already in runlevel 1 and yes in Ubuntu/latest Debians runlevels 2-5 are practically the samee22:01
brontoeeesllide, it should not22:01
sllideit does22:01
sllidei mean, open  the root directory of the usb22:01
sllidein the gue22:02
iDopeI am talking about uninstalling (deleting) all desktop related packages22:02
iDopewith apt-get remove22:02
iDopecoz_: I've already removed xubuntu-desktop completely, im having trouble removing the gtk2.0 libraries and stuff related to them. If I uninstall them using apt it adds a ton of kde stuff to be installed.22:03
brontoeeeiDope, i'd just figure out a way to not start x/gnome, its easy to break things with heavy uninstalls22:03
tobiaszHow do I install Ubuntu on a old computer with terrible bios which doesn't for some reason allow me to boot from CD (tried to drives, 3 cds), I can only boot from floppy win 98 :E22:03
user1199hello, just installed ubuntu in windows. when i boot into OS all i get is GRUB>  why not loading? hasn't even done the finish install bit yet..22:03
erUSUL!install | tobiasz22:04
ubottutobiasz: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:04
user1199hello, just installed ubuntu 10.10 in windows. when i boot into OS all i get is GRUB> why not loading? hasn't even done the finish install bit yet.. any ideas what i do from here?22:04
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coz_iDope,   mm  as I said I never did this but seems to me the easiest way is just to install the server edition  or   you could download the minimal install cd  and if you choose nothing when it asks  it just i nstalls the base system22:04
iDopebrontoeee: I've already done that much. And I am pretty sure I wont break anything (or wont care even if I break a GUI component) which is critical to what my system is doing right now (acting as a transparent proxy and my home gateway)22:04
coz_iDope,    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:05
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Guest42730why am I able to connect to my wireless network with the gnome network manager, but not with wicd?22:05
iDopecoz_: the whole point is that I don't want to reinstall as that would take up more time than just doing a set of apt-get removes22:05
=== Guest42730 is now known as mister_m
mister_mwhy am I able to connect to my wireless network with the gnome network manager, but not with wicd?22:06
genuHey, when I plug in my usb flash drive, it won't mount it...22:06
brontoeeesllide, 'file management preferences' under media tab untick the last checkbox22:06
iDopeskiwithpete: how do you start your sessions? Are you using gdm (or xdm) or any other login manager or are you using startx to start the session from commandline?22:06
sllidethanks :)22:06
genuI don't think it even detects it...what can I do?22:06
coz_iDope,  then let me ask..."why"   you want to do this and what will you use the system for?22:06
x_iDope, sudo apt-get remove a2ps abiword abiword-common abiword-plugin-grammar abiword-plugin-mathview aumix aumix-common browser-plugin-parole catfish elementary-icon-theme exaile exo-utils fortune-mod fortunes-min gdebi gdebi-core gigolo gimp gimp-data gnumeric gnumeric-common gnumeric-doc gtk2-engines-xfce gvfs-bin hal hal-info imagemagick libabiword-2.8 libaiksaurus-1.2-0c2a libaiksaurus-1.2-data libaiksaurusgtk-1.2-0c2a libbabl-0.0-0 libcd22:07
x_t4 libexo-0.3-0 libexo-common libgdome2-0 libgdome2-cpp-smart0c2a libgegl-0.0-0 libgimp2.0 libgoffice-0.8-8 libgoffice-0.8-8-common libgraph4 libgsf-1-114 libgsf-1-common libgtkmathview0c2a libgvc5 libhal-storage1 libhal1 libilmbase6 libjpeg-progs libjpeg8 liblink-grammar4 libloudmouth1-0 libmagickcore3-extra libmng1 libnetpbm10 libopenexr6 libotr2 libots0 libpathplan4 libpsiconv6 librecode0 libsexy2 libtagc0 libthunar-vfs-1-2 libwv-1.2-3 libx22:07
x_cb-keysyms1 libxdot4 libxfce4menu-0.1-0 libxfce4util-bin libxfce4util-common libxfce4util4 libxfcegui4-4 libxfconf-0-2 link-grammar-dictionaries-en mousepad murrine-themes netpbm orage oss-compat parole pidgin pidgin-data pidgin-libnotify pidgin-otr plymouth-theme-xubuntu-logo psutils python-cddb python-mmkeys python-mutagen ristretto smartdimmer tango-icon-theme tango-icon-theme-common thunar thunar-archive-plugin thunar-data thunar-media-tag22:07
FloodBot2x_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:07
user1199hello, just installed ubuntu 10.10 in windows. when i boot into OS all i get is GRUB> why not loading? hasn't even done the finish install bit yet.. any ideas what i do from here?22:07
sllidebrontoeee, i cant seem to find it..22:08
LoshkiiDope: 1) make a backup in case it all goes horribly wrong. 2) reinstall may be slower but the result will be more reliable 3) unless you're desperately short of disk space, why bother removing the gui stuff?22:08
mellinHi all I'm having an issue with my GeForce 360GM on a toshiba x505. I have the nvidia drivers installed. Already ran nvidia-xconfig. I don't get any video output to my external lcd monitor using HDMI cable22:08
x_iDope, if you can still hear me http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome22:09
brontoeeesllide, system > preferences >22:09
iDopecoz and Loshki: Yes I am desperately short of diskspace, and thank you x_22:09
sllidebrontoeee, yeah i'm looking there22:09
iDopethat is pretty much the type of resource I was looking for22:09
=== poo is now known as whoopky
sllideits not there22:09
x_iDope, found it on google pretty easy but np hope it helps ya.22:09
brontoeeesllide, let me snapshot, hold on22:10
sllidesorry for the trouble22:10
mellinI checked the nvidia settings and it shows both displays. I can't figure out how to get the 23"lcd to work? On boot I do see output booting with grub. Up to the point where I get a 10.10 splash with the dots. It stays there for a second then disappears. I hear the audio on the sytem. Just not video. How do I disable the laptop display and enable the other?22:10
jenkaHi ! What chmod numbers should i use if I want thw owner of the directory to have full permission but permission denied to everyone else?22:11
mister_mwhy am I able to connect to my wireless network with the gnome network manager, but not with wicd?22:11
x_mellin, on ur laptop do you have an fn button ?22:11
jrib!permissions > jenka22:11
ubottujenka, please see my private message22:11
x_mellin, well idk what it looks like on ur pc button on the top part do you have a button for changing to an external monitor22:12
iDopex_: yeah the removal part is all I need.22:12
ubnoobHello everyone, does anyone know how to remove this ">" form evolution when forwarding mail?22:12
mellinx_: Yes...what keystroke do I need to try? They are listed as DFP-0 and DFP-1 in nvidia settings22:12
x_mellin, hold that fn key and find the monitor button22:13
guntbertjenka: it'd be 70022:13
brontoeeesllide, snap http://imagebin.org/13390522:13
mellinx_: Ah so you think there is a monitor button on the keyboard?22:13
sllidebrontoeee, err, its not there for me 0.o22:14
x_mellin, idk. thats what mine has22:14
brontoeeesllide, shrug :)22:14
mellinx_: Yes I found it...F5 but still no joy...22:14
gnewbIs there a pkg or source for CometBird browser?22:14
x_mellin, hold fn and hit it you might have to hit it several times and how are you connecting this ?22:14
brontoeeesllide, no idea then.22:15
mellinx_: HDMI cable22:15
sllidei can live with it22:15
jenkaguntbert: thanks22:15
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x_mellin, does the tv show the manufacturer info and such in the nvidia area22:15
sllide:o brontoeee it was unchecked in the menu configure thingy22:15
sllidegot it now ^_^22:15
user1199hello, just installed ubuntu 10.10 in windows. when i boot into OS all i get is GRUB> why not loading? hasn't even done the finish install bit yet.. any ideas what i do from here?22:16
TheDokhey guys, any idea how I would go about using the scgi_local setting in apache2? for rutorrent ofc22:16
mellinx_: Yes it recognizes it is there.22:16
beretahello can anyone tell me how to change that apache2 port please?22:16
saliakI've gotten AuthBasic authentication to work on my site, but am trying to get AuthDigest to work.  when i do htdigest, the "realm" parameter needs to match the "AuthName"?22:16
JDuke128hi all22:16
mellinx_: Actually a LCD computer monitor22:16
JDuke128someone tried to run Lineage 2 on ubuntu ?22:16
x_mellin, idk then check everything in nvidia settings and check ur ubuntu settings.22:17
mellinx_: LG E235022:17
charlesnodoes Ubuntu use the X Window system?22:17
erUSULcharlesno: yes22:17
mellinx_: Ok thanks for the assist22:18
beretais there another ubuntu irc chanal that will deal with the server22:19
NytekHey guys can anyone help me out with a dell 1397 wireless card installation issue? I cant get internet working on my dell laptop in latest Ubuntu, i installed the bcmwl-kernel-source but still i cant connect to any wireless connections22:19
erUSULbereta: #ubuntu-server22:19
erUSUL!broadcom | Nytek22:19
ubottuNytek: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:19
brontoeeesaliak, nope, realm is just some name, metadata i think22:19
beretaerUSUL: thanks22:20
saliakbrontoeee - poo.  is there somewhere that the reason my logins don't work would be logged?22:20
Nytekubottu thanks bro will try22:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:20
sosaitedI just formatted a 1.5tb drive into multiple ext4 partitions, but whenever I mount/open any of them in Nautilus, I don't get write access to it.22:21
brontoeeesaliak, usually misconfigured server, dunno what logs you need to check22:21
user1199hello, just installed ubuntu 10.10 in windows. when i boot into OS all i get is GRUB> why not loading? hasn't even done the finish install bit yet.. any ideas what i do from here?22:22
saliakbrontoeee - yeah, it's kinda annoying since the basic authentication works.  have you gotten digest authentication to work before?22:22
brontoeeesaliak, i dont remember, try in #ubuntu-server ?22:23
brontoeeesaliak, or better #httpd22:24
monteithwhat files AREN'T included if you exclude -a from the ls command22:27
erUSULmonteith: hidden files/dir22:27
monteithokay, and a file would be classified as hidden by...22:28
erUSULmonteith: btw hidden files/dirs in unix are the ones which names begin with a dot22:28
monteithokay, that's exactly what i was looking for22:29
erUSUL!addingfs | sosaited22:29
ubottusosaited: If you are adding space to your Ubuntu installation mounting a newly created unix filesystem (ext3, xfs, jfs, etc) you can not set permissions (read, write, etc) filesystem-wide like you do when mounting filesystems that do not support unix permissions (vfat, ntfs, hfs, etc).  See !permissions and !fstab22:29
sosaitederUSUL: I don't want to set any permissions, I just want to be able to write to the partitions when I click and automount them22:32
erUSULsosaited: not how things work in unix. you can set open permissions in th mont point so anyone can read writte execute in it ( setting fstab to mount allways in the same place )22:33
plaidhathow can I capture audio data from my soundcard and convert it to mp3?22:33
sosaitederUSUL: But none of my other partitions on other drives have permanent entries in Fstab, and I can open/mount them in nautilus and then write to them easily.22:35
sosaitederUSUL: I would rather not have fstab entries for this drive either, but automount and use it whenever I need in Nautilus22:36
erUSULsosaited: that's becouse they are windows/ntfs/fat partitions. they do not support unix permissions model so the system cheats to make life easier to casual users22:36
charlesnohow can i view information about my computer, like processor and graphics card22:38
nikocharlesno: lshw22:38
sosaitederUSUL: I have 4 other ext3/ext4 partitions that mount just fine. The problem seems to be that when I click/mount the newer partitions, their mount points that are created based on the partition labels have the owner set as root22:39
KM0201charlesno: lspci will show you anything on the pci bus22:39
KM0201niko: isn't lshw supposed to ran as sudo?22:39
erUSULsosaited: that's why i said that you have to ( i quote ) « set open permissions in th mont point so anyone can read writte execute in it  ( setting fstab to mount allways in the same place )22:40
nikoyou got less information without sudo yes22:40
HeTaLAnyone have any idea how to get gtk-extra on 10.10? I can never generate a make file22:41
suqaHi, anyone who uses ubuntu on a Acer Aspire 1362. The VIA chipset dont work for me.22:41
suqaCant even access the xorg file.22:42
derek_hey, I need some help getting a wifi card to work22:42
derek_A friend got it off ebay, and it doesn't say a model number, just "Wifi Wireless USB Adapter, MADE IN CHINA"22:43
KM0201derek_: try plugging it in and lsusb22:43
derek_would this be it? Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8191S WLAN Adapter22:43
KM0201derek_: i would say so22:43
derek_ubuntu somehow knows that there is a wireless card available, but it doesn't list any wireless networks. It just says it's disconnected.22:44
chovynzhow would I find out how secure my machine is?22:45
linuxnoob73KM0201, what up22:45
suqaHow to check witch drivers who is working and those who isnt working?22:45
derek_any idea how to make this adapter work?22:45
chovynzwhere have all the cowboys gone?22:45
KM0201linuxnoob73: :) not much22:45
HeTaLDoes anyone know if it's possible to get gtk extra on 10.10? Or at least where i can ask this question?22:46
linuxnoob73<--wishes his back button would work in chromium22:46
linuxnoob73whats with the backspace button being disabled ugh22:46
KM0201derek_: i think you're going to have to get the drivers from realtek22:47
ubutomlinuxnoob73, try ctrl leftarrow22:47
KM0201!realtek | derek_22:47
ubottuderek_: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b22:47
chovynzHeTaL: http://gtkextra.sourceforge.net/ ?22:47
suqaPlease help a noob. Im using Ubuntu @ my 10" laptop and i love it. But i wont get it working at acpire 1362...22:47
linuxnoob73backspace is easier22:47
ubutomlinuxnoob73, make that alt leftarrow :)22:47
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ubutom(at least in firefox)22:48
IceCasisnt it alt + left arrow22:48
KM0201derek_: never mind, thats for the 818722:48
derek_ok, so I followed the instructions on this page: http://wiki.debian.org/rtl819x and ran modprobe r8192s_usb, but it still isn't detecting networks22:48
Diamondcitesuqa: How is it NOT working?22:48
kbrosnanlinuxnoob73: it can be re-enabled22:48
kbrosnanlinuxnoob73: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Browser.backspace_action22:49
linuxnoob73kbrosnan,  ty22:49
HeTaLchovynz: It errs on making. I'll ask them, I suppose.22:49
derek_iwconfig shows "wlan0", but the adapter isn't listing any APs22:49
KM0201derek_: did you run it as root?22:49
derek_the kernel module seems to be installed.22:50
julio_hi guys, i'm getting an insuficient privileges while trying to edit a conection on network manager22:50
KM0201derek_: what version of ubuntu are you using?22:50
suqaDiamondcite: It is very slow, so I assume that the VIA chipset dont work. But the resolution is OK and the sound is OK to. But I think that it is something as doesn't work. Do u have any ideas?22:50
KM0201derek_: how much of those instructions did you install?22:51
linuxnoob73brb changing nic22:51
Diamondcitesuqa: I looked up the specs of Acer Aspire 1362.. it's an AMD Sempron XP 2800+, is that correct?22:51
chovynzHeTaL: are these of any help? http://dries.ulyssis.org/ayo/packages/gtkextra/info.html , http://sourceforge.net/projects/gtkextra/develop/22:51
Diamondcitesuqa: If not I need a more proper modem number to find out what you have.22:51
derek_KM0201: I substituted the debian specific parts of the instructions22:52
Diamondcitesuqa: Also when you say slow.. slow to draw or to load?22:52
derek_there were no errors when I compiled the drivers22:52
mellinKM0201: What is the channel name for the developers?22:52
charlesnohow can i enable compiz22:52
suqaDiamondcite: Yes, thats the model! 2800+ sempron AMD.22:52
g0thwhen I watch a flash movie with firefox, the following can happen: whenever I switch to a different desktop I see a frame of the mentioned flash movie for about 2 seconds then the normal desktop "image" comes...22:52
g0thany idea how I can fix that?22:52
KM0201mellin: i think its #ubuntu-dev   but i think you have to be invited there... don't hold me to it.22:52
suqaAspire 1362LC22:53
YodaRULZAnyone up for a support question?22:53
Jordan_Umellin: What do you need exactly?22:53
KM0201derek_: were you able to install firmware-realtek?22:53
markosook now im identifyed22:54
derek_I only installed build-essential and linux-headers-generic22:54
derek_there weren't any errors whough22:54
KM0201derek_: well... i'd say a pretty big part of that, is the firmware-realtek package... did you not see that part of the instructions?22:54
mellinKM0201: Ok thanks...however I am having issues with not being able to use my external monitor with a HDMI connection. First off the power settings don't have a "do nothing" option for when the lappie lid is closed. And secondly my nvidia drivers are installed, but I don't get any video output to the 23" monitor. I have tried Fn F5 which is for display switching on my laptop22:54
YodaRULZI'm running Ubuntu Server 10.10, and run level 5 doesn't have a gui.22:54
KM0201and wireless-tools22:54
derek_KM0201: it's not in the ubuntu repositories.22:54
nenecalla cabron22:54
nenemamon de mierda22:55
KM0201derek_: thats my point.22:55
twig`anybody have any experience with msi 870-g45 mobo with 10.04 or 10.10?22:55
derek_I don't think adding the lenny repos is a good idea.22:55
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nene* iGadget_ (~matthijs@dhcp-077-250-010-055.chello.nl) ha entrado en #ubuntu22:55
nene<nene> mamon de mierda22:55
nene* lance_ (~lance@c-98-208-110-27.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) ha entrado en #ubuntu22:55
nene* hsyn (~hsyn@dslb-094-216-066-154.pools.arcor-ip.net) ha entrado en #ubuntu22:55
nene<KM0201> derek_: thats my point.22:55
nene<nene> capullo22:55
FloodBot2nene: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:55
KM0201derek_: i'd agree22:55
KM0201nene: ?22:55
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:55
g0thwhen I watch a flash movie with firefox, the following can happen: whenever I switch to a different desktop I see a frame of the mentioned flash movie for about 2 seconds then the normal desktop "image" comes...22:55
g0thhow can I set individual backgrounds for each desktop instead of one background for all desktops?22:56
iGadget_anyone familiar with the Ubuntu situation in Sri Lanka?22:56
mellinAnd on top of that don't use foul language even if it Spanish22:56
YodaRULZI've confirmed that I'm on run level 5, and I have xfce installed.22:56
derek_doesn't ubuntu support most wireless adapters out of the box? I thought there should be no need to compile and install drivers manually22:56
mellinYodaRULZ: What does startx yield?22:57
yehudahrunning mint 10 using maverick kernel, can i upgrade kernel with natty kernel?22:57
KM0201derek_: *most* but not *all*22:57
mellinyehudah: This is Ubuntu not Mint...22:57
iGadget_yehudah: #mint?22:57
yehudahyes mint, just try to find different answers22:58
YodaRULZIt worked!22:58
iGadget_ohwell... guess I'm off to bed. Cheers guys & galls, have a great sunday22:59
mellinYodaRULZ: NP just be aware you can edit the init file and change the runlevel so it will start X automatically22:59
Pauliaxhoe to connect x3 nokia to pc?22:59
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guntbert!runlevel | mellin23:00
ubottumellin: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.23:00
mellinPauliax:: Huh...with a cable23:00
mellinguntbert:: Thanks for the update :D23:00
guntbertmellin: :)23:01
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mellinPauliax:: Have you attached the phone to your computer yet?23:01
alfredI uploaded a Virtual Machine as image to my server, how can I run it?23:02
imokanyone think its worth upgrading to 10?23:03
mellinPauliax:: Use the Ubuntu Software Center and search for "phone" without quotes. There you will find applications for use with your phone23:03
KM0201derek_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1620923&page=623:03
alfredI uploaded a Virtual Machine as image to my server, how can I run it?23:03
itaylor57imok: which version are you running now?23:03
the_studentalfred: What software are you using?23:04
imokXunbuntu 9.1023:04
mellinAnyone in here running a lappie with nvidial GeForce 360GM connected to external monitor by way of HDMI?23:04
imok2.6.3I-14 gen kernal23:04
alfredthe_student, virtualBox on ubuntu23:04
alfredthe_student, I created an image, uploaded it to my server, now I want to start working on it23:04
the_studentalfred: Try vboxmanage --help23:05
itaylor57imok: yes you need security patches23:05
imokyeah I think I should, 249 packages to install23:06
imokHow big is the download for 10 I might ask? The packages I need alone are 187mb.23:07
bencahillKM0201: sorry wasn't here earlier :) nope, ubuntu never even booted, even with the many boot options i tried23:07
mellinI have to admit Maverick runs like a raped ape on my Qosmio X505-860!23:07
KM0201imok: the ISO is like 695mb23:07
KM0201bencahill: hmm, interesting23:07
imokTo Update?23:07
Nytekhey guys my laptop finally finds the wireless but when i connect to it, it asks me for the password and i put it in (i know its the right one double checked,) but it tries to connect then asks me again for the pasword whast can be wrong??23:07
KM0201imok: oh to update, i have no idea.. are you using 10.04?23:08
imok9.10 I believe23:08
metrixdoes anyone know of a linux backup distro that fits on a flash/CD?  My goal is to have an automatic image of a hard drive to an external drive23:08
bencahillKM0201: oh well, it's running arch, and is much slimmer than a ubuntu install would have been, due to installing only what you need...23:08
mellinKM0201:: I saw someone earlier today that was asking about having to upgrade from 10.04 that it breaks things. Don't know how accurate that information is.23:08
kanupatar_how to install qemu in ubuntu 9.10?23:09
kanupatar_is there any installer available?23:09
KM0201mellin: any update/upgrade, is a risk.... i would say by and large, upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10, does not cause a problem (or at least ive not noticed a widespread problem)23:09
KM0201mellin: unfortunately to many people think because they have a problem, it's always a problem, and most the time, the issue comes back to the knucklehead beating on the keyboard23:10
imokIm starting the update and it says there are two files, doesn't allow me to view size23:10
mellinKM0201:: Ok not a problem this person was saying it will bork the system due to having to do an intermediate upgrade from .04 to .1023:10
mellinKM0201:: :-D23:10
KM0201mellin: i've never heard such a thing... what "intermediate" release is there between 10.04 and 10.10?...23:10
mellinkanupatar_:: Search the software center for qemu23:11
=== guntbert is now known as whoelse
imok24/42 @ 33.3kb/s23:11
itaylor57I remember teaching unix/c back in 79 running unix on a vax, oh the good ol non gui days23:11
imokIf the total packages are huge this is going to be fun23:11
mellinKM0201:: OOps sorry this knucklehead neglected to mention this particular case started out at 9.XX23:11
derek_KM0201: I have the driver installed, but sudo lshw -c network lists the card as disabled.23:12
KM0201mellin: there you go... now going from 9.04(or 9.10) directly to 10.10, will definitely cause a problem23:12
Pici!apt | kanupatar_23:12
ubottukanupatar_: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)23:12
ubutomNytek, had similar behaviour with usb w-lan sticks, sometimes they would not connect to the router, waiting a little bit or restarting the wlan router did the trick for me then23:12
Leelatoday i installed 10.10 on my new laptop. it had no wireless driver installed, so i had to get on wired connection to get the driver. do you think when the 11.4 comes and i am not upgrading but making a new install, i have to reinstall the driver too?23:12
Leelastupid question, i know, but not completely clear for me23:13
KM0201derek_: open a terminal and type "rfikill list" no quotes, and hit enter23:13
Nytekubutom i tried that its weird, it finally sees my network and once i connect and put in password it loads forever and then asksm e password again, finally it says wireless disconnected and im back where i started....23:13
mellinLeela:: You should be able to install your windows driver using ndiswrapper. Not sure since I haven't done it in a while if this method has changed or not ;-D23:13
imokLeela: No you shouldn't23:14
the_studentLeela: Unless the new kernel includes the driver then yes23:14
ubutomLeela, depends whether or not the drivers for your hardware will be part of 11.423:14
KM0201derek_: does that show wireless lan blocked?23:14
Leelai see23:14
derek_rfikill not found23:14
Leelathanks guys23:14
derek_did you mean rfkill?23:14
imokAre the b43 drivers apart of 10?23:14
derek_rfkill list doesn't show anything23:15
KM0201derek_: yes, i thought i said rfkill23:15
KM0201Leela: what is your wireless device that didn't work?23:15
ubutomNytek, well, don't really know what the problem was in my case, sometimes they connected and sometimes it took several minutes, I have a laptop with integrated w-lan now and that works like a charm23:15
Leelait worked on win. KM0201 but linux kinda didn't see that i have a wireless card23:15
derek_no output at all23:15
ubutomNytek, so could be chipset-related or whatever23:16
KM0201imok: not really.. the STA driver is slowly being integrated... but the b43, because its restricted, will always be a bit of a hassle23:16
KM0201Leela: i don't care that it worke don windows.. kind of irrelevant.... what is the wireless card.23:16
KM0201derek_: did you type rfkil list23:16
KM0201*rfkill list23:16
Leeladunno. i just hit the driver available when i had wired connection KM020123:16
imokOkay thanks as I thought so with the issue of copyright and only being able to get an official copy23:17
KM0201Leela: ok, so is your wireless working now, or is it still not working?23:17
PiciLeela: So you were able to get your wifi working by going to the Hardware Drivers tool?23:17
mellinKM0201:: She isn't sure since she chose to use a wired connection I think...23:17
imokI better find the files I need for when I upgrade though, its not a horrible fix once you figure out how to do it. Just annoying thats all23:17
Leelaits working. i was just asking out of interest if it would stay on the next version somehow if i dont upgrade23:17
KM0201mellin: even if a laptop is wired to a connection... it will still pick up broadcasting ESSIDs, if the wireless is working23:18
PiciLeela: It matters *how* you got it to work though.23:18
RickyHarlineHey, gents23:18
derek_KM0201: what does rfkill do anyways?23:18
LeelaPici i had to connect wired. went to additional drivers and clicked the driver that was available there23:18
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jimcooncat_need a howto -- make gmail the default for a stock ubuntu install23:18
Leelain my case "broadcom sta wireless driver"23:19
Nytekubutom its weird because if i enable /disable using laptop toggle if its disabled, my wireless shows up in programs like network managers and wifi radar, but at the top built-in network manager ubuntu has it shows my wirlress driver as off.... if i turn it on, it does the opposite no program can detect my driver/wirlress networks in my area but the built-in ubuntu one can see my wirlress...23:19
KM0201derek_:  it just lists devices... sometimes it will show devices that are "blocked" and you can unblock them.23:19
mellinKM0201:: Well if that is the case then my Qosmio is fscked. I see nothing on the top taskbar that shows an option to connect since I have a wired connection plugged in. Now If I go look for the setup for the wireless then I WILL see the ESSID's :-D23:19
itaylor57jimcooncat evolution can connect to gmail23:19
markosois mysql installed on ubuntu ?23:19
PiciLeela: Okay, so that means you're using a proprietary driver that is not open source, that is why it cannot be included on the CD, you'll likely have the same issue in 11.04 if there isn't an open source replacement by then.23:19
Picimarkoso: Not by default, but it is in the repositories.23:19
markosook ty pici23:20
jimcooncat_itaylor57: I'd rather not go that route, I belive there's a way to do it ith a browser23:20
RickyHarlineIf anyone could lend me some advice I would be much obliged: I have a new laptop which wasn't bringing up the install screen for Ubuntu 10.10 x64, so I got the alternate version.  It loads up the install screen, but after I select "Install Ubuntu" the screen goes black.23:20
KM0201mellin: that is strange, cuz i see networks even if i'm wired to my router.23:20
derek_KM0201: so since it didn't list anything, what does that mean?23:20
KM0201derek_: nothing most likely... i was just curious if you woud see anything23:20
Leelai see. well as i know it beforehand this time, it wont be a big deal. thanks pici23:20
ubutomNytek, hm, strange, maybe the guys here can help if you give details about the chipset and so on23:20
PiciLeela: You're welcome23:20
RickyHarlineAnyone know why I can't even get the installer to work properly?23:20
yeatsRickyHarline: you've checked the disk integrity?23:20
RickyHarlineIn the past, installing Linux has been easier than cooking a poptart for me.23:21
RickyHarlineUm no.23:21
RickyHarlineHow do you mean?23:21
ubutomNytek, does it say in hardware-jockey that it is using resricted drivers for your wireless?23:21
imok593mb for package upgrades..23:21
mellinKM0201:: I do have a bluetooth icon...not wireless icon like on my older fujitsu.23:21
yeatsRickyHarline: did you md5sum the disk image after downloading? (first of all)23:21
imok1hr 51mins on my connection.... NO WAY. 33kb/s will not finish that in an hour23:21
KM0201mellin: hmm, what is your wireless device?23:21
mellinKM0201:: Just a sec and I'll tell you. My laptop is really used as a dekstop usually so I don't use wireless.23:22
imokAny idea why 10 removes wine?23:22
KM0201mellin: oh ok...23:22
Piciimok: 10.what?23:22
KM0201derek_: unfortunately i'm at a loss as to your problem.... i would try the forums...23:23
Nytekubutom how do i check what it says in hardware jockey?23:23
imokUnbuntu 10..23:23
imokI would imagine its 10.4 or something like that23:23
ubutomNytek, it's under system administration hardware drivers23:23
yeatsimok: the upgrade program disables extra repos (including the wine repo if you've added that)23:24
ubutomit autodetects drivers23:24
yeatsimok: is that what you mean?23:24
imokYes, thanks.23:24
Nytekubutom oh yea that, it shows broadcom STA wirlress driver as activated and in use23:24
imokBut still a 593mb download, thats definetly for tonight23:24
ubutomNytek, then it should work. hm23:25
alfredI uploaded a Virtual Machine as image to my server, how can I run it?23:25
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Nytekubutom i know i followed everything on the ubuntu site for broadcom wirlress drivers but still not working, sucks big time cant do aynthing23:25
alfredHow can I start my VM hosted in my dedicated server ?23:25
LinuxGuy2009Hi guys I have a pair of matching 500GB SATA drives but I currently have only one physically installed on the system. Is there a way to hook both up to combine free space or boost boot and speed performance? I already know that I can choose to use one as my home folder. I was wondering if there is a better use scenario.23:25
imokNytek... the b43?23:25
=== Guest95499 is now known as RickyH
RickyHBy check disk integrity you mean the CD?23:26
imokIf so the stuff on their site never helped me23:26
DatzLinuxGuy2009: you could look into RAID23:26
sam___hi everyone23:26
sam___i need some help please23:26
yeatsRickyH: yes23:26
Datz!raid | LinuxGuy200923:26
ubottuLinuxGuy2009: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:26
imokI could link you to what I used and it did the job, very easy23:26
|Long|•Error404NotFound• the symbol 'grub_getcharwidth' not found, uninstalled and re-installed, still same isssue can someone plz help?23:26
yeats!md5sum | RickyH23:26
RickyHyeats: yes23:26
ubottuRickyH: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:26
sam___i installed LAMP on my server but for some reason i cant login to anything that is running php23:26
RickyHSorry, for some reason I thought you meant the HDD.23:27
sam___it shows a blank page23:27
RickyHYes, my CD is good.23:27
ubutomNytek, yeah, such things suck, some wlan hardware does not work well together23:27
mellinKM0201:: Intel PM55 mobile chipset23:27
LinuxGuy2009Datz: Thanks!23:27
alfredHow can I start my VM hosted in my dedicated server ?23:27
sam___can anyone help?23:27
KM0201mellin: thats the wireless chipset?23:27
yeatsRickyH: you said the black screen happens on the alternate and on the regular install CD?23:27
Nytekubutom my wirlress card is listed as supported on ubuntu site but tried everything thanks anywyas gonna give up now wasted too much time on this23:27
|Long|will paypal for remote support23:27
mellinKM0201:: Yes according to Toshiba specs page. Other than that it just says wireless G-N band23:28
sam___i didnt install with cd, it is ubuntu server23:28
DEAD_BEEFI've got this in my ~/.profile : http://pastie.org/148848723:28
ubutomNytek, maybe it will work after a reboot or when you try tomorrow, good luck anyways23:28
KM0201mellin: pastebin your lspci23:28
DEAD_BEEFBut I need to do: source .profile for it to work? shouldn't it be 'sourced' automatically?23:28
imokWorth a shot, that is if Im thinking of the correct one23:28
sam___anyone want to help please?23:29
=== whoelse is now known as guntbert
ed_moultonI'm looking for a very simple crm; haven't found anything in the repos that look promising.  I need to have a list of customers, and then be able to make notes about those customers.23:29
ed_moultonsam___, what's the issue?23:29
|Long|ed_moulton, can you help me plz?23:30
sam___ed_moulton how do i pm you?23:30
ed_moulton|Long|, not sure; what's your problem?23:30
ed_moultonsam___, just talk here23:30
|Long|scrow up ed_moulton23:30
adamorjamesHello people23:30
jose__hola, alguien sabe que hacer para ver vídeos en los navegadores con ubuntu 10.1023:31
ed_moulton|Long|, meh?23:31
adamorjamesAnyone used AirPlay plugin for #totem?23:31
Pici!es | jose__23:31
ubottujose__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:31
sam___i installed lamp server on ubuntu 10.10 it worked fine last night but today no one can login to my forum and also anything i try to login to that runs php doesnt login it just shows a blank page23:31
|Long|the symbol 'grub_getcharwidth' not found, uninstalled and re-installed, still same isssue can someone plz help?23:31
ed_moultonbrb (birthday cake)23:31
gnewb|Long|: Fresh ISO?23:33
sam___ed are you there?23:33
arch_is_awesomeHey, anyone know why ubuntu one syncs a contact twice to the iPhone (I have two of each contact)23:34
RickyHarlineSorry, I have a terrible internet connection23:34
RickyHarlineBut if you have any idea what the hell is going on with my computer, I'd really appreciate any input.23:35
sam___can anyone help me please...23:35
bazhangarch_is_awesome, try #ubuntuone23:35
|Long|gnewb, no i used livecd23:36
edbian_sam___, What's the issue?23:36
arch_is_awesomeThey refuse to help and say it is 0:00 in the morning in Europe23:36
adamorjamesAnyone used AirPlay plugin for Totem? I can't get it to work.23:36
edbian_RickyHarline, What is your issue?23:36
zatanCan i resize my partitions without formating or removing my all files ?23:36
bazhangarch_is_awesome, you're not in there23:36
|Long|gnewb, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/101299 i followed this guide it doesnt work23:36
markosowhere do i acess sqlite on ubuntu23:37
arch_is_awesomeI was in there23:37
|Long|gnewb, can i pm real quick plz?23:37
hanswarch_is_awesome, it is 0:00+ over in europe23:37
KM0201zatan: of course you ca23:37
LinuxGuy2009Ive seen directions when installing the nvidia drivers from nvidia website that you need to blacklist the nauveau driver. But Im wondering does removing the xserver-xorg-video-nauveau accomplish the same thing or not? Ive tried removing that package in the past and installing the nvidia drivers but I end up with a corrupted TTY if I remember correctly?23:38
zatanKM0201,  I am going to try to move my /home to different partition but i have some questions23:38
edbian_LinuxGuy2009, blacklisting and removing the package will have the same affect23:38
gnewb|Long|: Sure23:38
erUSUL!separatehome | zatan23:38
ubottuzatan: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome23:38
KM0201zatan: i probably wono't be much use in that.. i've never put home on a separate partition... i think its over-rated23:38
arch_is_awesomebazhang: I am now.23:39
edbian_zatan, I have.  What are your questions?23:39
* arch_is_awesome is frustrated23:39
rjcmtanyone around that can answer questions re: 32-bit vs. 64-bit?23:39
=== Ricky__ is now known as Guest79506
edbian_rjcmt, I can23:39
edbian_Would people please start stating their problems instead of asking for help?23:39
zatanedbian_,  I am going to do freh install of ubuntu but my question is than i am choosing parition for example if i choose /dev/sda1 and i will label it with "/" do i need to choose this partition as primary or logical ?23:40
KM0201edbian_: lol, good luck w/ that... that will happen forever23:40
edbian_zatan, primary23:40
edbian_zatan, is the short answer23:41
zatanedbian_,  so /home going to be logical?23:41
markosowhats a good gui for MYSQL23:41
edbian_zatan, both primary.  Would you like the long explanation?23:41
rjcmton the desktop edition download page (http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download) it says 32-bit is recommended, but at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit it says 64-bit is recommended.  why the discrepancy?23:41
zatanedbian_,  no I think I am good ;)23:41
edbian_zatan, ok23:41
hanswmarkoso, , there is both a mysqladmin as mysql query tool in ubuntu23:41
edbian_zatan, that's too bad though! :(23:42
KM0201rjcmt: 32bit will generally have better hardware support... if you don't have more than 3.5gigs of ram.. you probably won't get much out of 64bit23:42
markosohansw, ty23:42
Derek_RobertsMy Atheros card does not work It is an ar5007 but ubuntu shows it as an ar5001 lshw -C shows it as disabled Any ideas23:42
tom453642356hello can you help with problem? unbuntu seems to force a user logoff when there is no activity for a period of time. when you get back to pc you are at the initial logon screen (not the screensaver logon screen) this crashes firefox etc and is annoying. can someone help please?23:42
zatanedbian_,  for home directory is better /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda2 or it doesnt really matter ?23:42
edbian_zatan, Doesn't matter23:42
KM0201Derek_Roberts: ar5001 ?  that device works otu of the box.. what version of ubuntu are you using?23:43
zatanok let make bootable usb ;]23:43
hanswmarkoso, I think you only need to install mysql-gui-tools-common - Architecture independent files for MySQL GUI Tools23:43
markosohow do i get mysql on ubuntu23:43
rjcmtwith 6gb of ram would 64-bit be recommended on an amd turion 2?23:43
Derek_RobertsKM0201: i am using kubuntu 10.04.23:43
smwrjcmt, yes23:43
Picirjcmt: yes23:43
josephseraosHi there23:43
hanswmarkoso, apt-get install mysql-server23:43
KM0201Derek_Roberts: do you have a button or something that turns wireless on/off, that you have turned off?23:43
rjcmtthx :)23:43
erUSULmarkoso: installing it. sudo apt-get install mysql-server23:44
josephseraosI was updating the programs in my system23:44
Derek_RobertsKM0201: it is always blue like it is on and i cant turn it off (orange)23:44
Galindarhello all, what program is ice authority part of? i installed and now forget. it's giving me a problem at login. looking to remove.23:44
josephseraosit was downloaded23:44
markosoerUSUL,  thanks23:44
josephseraoswhen ware installing, i canceled23:44
josephseraosusing ctr+c23:45
KM0201Derek_Roberts: hmm, i hae that device on 2 laptops, and it has worked out of the box, since probably 9.0423:45
josephseraosbut I didn't want to do this23:45
bastidrazor!enter | josephseraos23:45
ubottujosephseraos: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:45
josephseraosis there how to continue configurations?23:45
Derek_RobertsKM0201: i have tried 9.04 - 10.10 and nothing. it is working perfectly in Windows Vista and 7.23:45
bastidrazorjosephseraos: try sudo apt-get install -f23:45
okeeI am trying to install Ubuntu for the first time.  I am in the screen that says allocate drive space.  I previously had a 100gb partition for SUSE, but decided to delete SUSE and install Ubuntu in the same area.  If I select the 100gb partition and delete it, and then try and install Ubuntu, I get an error indicating that "no root file system" is defined.  How do I fix this problem?23:46
=== BROKEN is now known as Fed
KM0201Derek_Roberts: how it works in windows is pretty irrelevant, all that shows is it's not a hardware problem23:46
KM0201Derek_Roberts: you using 32 or 64bit23:46
sagaciAssign it to /23:46
=== Fed is now known as Fedtothecrows
Derek_RobertsKM0201: x6423:46
edbian_okee, You're not telling it where to install.  That's what no root file system means.23:46
=== magn3ts|twisted is now known as magn3ts
edbian_okee, Select that area and use the drop down menu to choose /23:47
KM0201Derek_Roberts: hmm, wonder if thats the problem, cuz i use 32bit.23:47
josephseraosbastidrazor, sorry23:47
josephseraosI was updating the programs in my system. Download is finish. when ware installing, i canceled using ctr+c. but I didn't want to do this. is there how to continue configurations?23:47
Derek_RobertsKM0201: I have also tried 10.04 x86 and still notta23:48
hanswjosephseraos, just enter the previous command, if it is downloaded it will continue23:48
erUSULjosephseraos: sudo dpgk --reconfigure -a23:48
KM0201Derek_Roberts: then i don't think you have an ar5001.. cuz i know that device works w/ 10.04 and 10.10 x8623:48
josephseraosbastidrazor, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6 not upgraded.23:48
halcan someone help me to type accented characters using an English keyboard on Ubuntu 9.10 please?23:48
bastidrazorjosephseraos: erUSUL's command will do the trick then.23:48
Derek_RobertsKM0201: i have wondered if i need the compat-wireless23:48
KM0201Derek_Roberts: what does lspci | grep Wireless23:49
KM0201Derek_Roberts: no, you need to correctly identify yoru device23:49
Derek_RobertsKM0201: last time i ran it i got Ar500723:49
PsPhaKeR_Is there a command to revert the permissions to default? I made a lot of stupid chowns and I want the file permissions back to default23:49
Pauliaxwhat soft connects  nokia to a pc?23:49
KM0201Derek_Roberts: well, i'd try running it again..see what it says.. cuz i'm telling you, 5001 works perfectly23:49
GalindarWhat program is ice authority part of? i installed and now forget. it's giving me a problem at login. looking to remove.23:49
=== Phase_ is now known as Phase
LinuxGuy2009So i just removed the package xserver-xorg-video-neaveau, and now when I switch to a TTY in order to stop GDM and begin the nvidia driver installation, I get a corrupted TTY with random charqacters and colors. What am I doing wrong?23:50
erUSULPauliax: no; there is none; unless you have a backup23:50
PsPhaKeR_KM0201:  Is there a command to revert the permissions to default? I made a lot of stupid chowns and I want the file permissions back to default23:50
Derek_RobertsKM0201: Well when i look at it in windows it says that i have a AR500723:50
edbian_LinuxGuy2009, type reset and hit enter23:50
edbian_LinuxGuy2009, You won't be able to make sense of the typing23:50
erUSULPauliax: sorry not for you23:50
erUSULPsPhaKeR_: no; there is none; unless you have a backup23:50
KM0201Derek_Roberts: i don't care what windows says... i told you that...... type "lspci" no quotes, in a terminal... and find yoru wireless device and see how its identified23:51
=== llimypmurg is now known as themill
KM0201PsPhaKeR_: i'm honestly not very sure on that one... pici probably knows23:51
freddis the remastersys still available ?23:51
PsPhaKeR_Pici:  Is there a command to revert the permissions to default? I made a lot of stupid chowns and I want the file permissions back to default23:51
LinuxGuy2009edbian_: K ill try that23:52
mkf00does anybody know a good tutorial for using wildcards with grep or a similiar programm?23:52
Derek_RobertsKM0201:  i am running in 7 right now it would take me a while to get to where i could use a lan connection as i am traveling right now.23:52
josephseraosis dpgk = dpkg?23:52
Pauliax what soft connects  nokia to a pc? i am using linux not on this computer23:52
NoeltoriousPhase: hey23:52
NoeltoriousPhase: gotta go get grocies pm me23:52
josephseraosdpkg: unknown option --reconfigure23:52
LinuxGuy2009edbian_: Didnt do anything.23:52
KM0201Derek_Roberts: wel, i'll guarantee you it's not 5007 under Linux... i'd bet a buffalo nickel, its ar928x23:52
ZykoticK9mkf00, be careful not to confuse file globbing charaters with regular expressions (used by grep)23:52
KM0201Derek_Roberts: sorry, 5001...23:53
erUSULmkf00: grep does not use wildcars/globs it uses regexes23:53
ZykoticK9mkf00, research "regular expressions" for grep23:53
erUSULmkf00: man 7 regex23:53
josephseraosbastidrazor, erUSUL it returns: dpkg: unknown option --reconfigure23:53
Pauliaxplease help23:53
mkf00thats usefull info23:53
bastidrazorjosephseraos: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a23:53
Derek_RobertsKM0201: would ath5k or ath9k be a better choice.23:53
Pauliaxplease help23:53
zatanedbian_,  one more question : do i nee to set up just one swap partition or two ?23:53
erUSULjosephseraos: drop the re is dpkg --configure -a23:53
bazhang!helpme | Pauliax23:53
ubottuPauliax: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude23:53
edbian_zatan, one23:53
okeeMy installer crashed.23:54
mkf00Pauliax thats a very uncommon think you have done ^^ :)23:54
Cpt_Zyphhey guys i have a dv6000 hp and i cant seem to install because the video drivers are not working.. its all lines and garbage, i have both the desktop 10.10 and the alt desktop 10.10 and both produce the same results.. what do i do / what other install do i try23:54
erUSULjosephseraos: sorry for the typo23:54
KM0201Derek_Roberts: you need to figure out the device first... if its an ar928x, which i suspect... there's somewhere on the internet to get instructions, but you'll need LAN access.23:54
zatanedbian_,  thanks23:54
Priteshneed help with shared folder virtualbox 4.0, has anybody tried before ?23:54
edbian_zatan, no problem23:54
notagainwhere can i find hardware requirements for server?23:54
Derek_RobertsKM0201:  alright i will google and see if i can find it. Thanks.23:55
halcan someone help me to type accented characters using an English keyboard on Ubuntu 9.10 please?23:55
josephseraoserUSUL, nothing was returned23:55
PsPhaKeR_Pici:  Is there a command to revert the permissions to default? I made a lot of stupid chowns and I want the file permissions back to default23:55
erUSULnotagain: should be the same or even less demanding than the desktop version23:55
markosowhat app can i create databases and tables for mysql  gui23:55
erUSULjosephseraos: then there is nothing half configured or stale you can just run the update manager again23:55
hd1squirrel, among others, markoso23:56
josephseraosI'm afraid restart the system and no turn on23:56
Pauliaxneed help! how to connect nokia x3 to pc?23:56
markososquirrel is the name lol23:56
Cpt_Zyphhey guys i have a dv6000 hp and i cant seem to install because the video drivers are not working.. its all lines and garbage, i have both the desktop 10.10 and the alt desktop 10.10 and both produce the same results.. what do i do / what other install do i try23:56
FraxtilI've mapped caps lock to another key, but there are some very rare cases where I want to turn it on. Is there a terminal application that toggles it?23:56
hd1squirrel is one of the names, toad is another, there are a number of them23:56
Cpt_Zyphi have installed but first boot is nothing but garbage and im not sure what to do here..23:56
josephseraoserUSUL, I'm afraid to restart and the kernel has some panic...23:57
Cpt_Zyphcan i boot in repair console and siable or change an x11 setting or something?23:57
markosowhat is one can install from ubuntu softwae center23:57
erUSULjosephseraos: why do you think that could happen?23:57
KeenanPHow do you get started creating a derivative?23:57
erUSULjosephseraos: run « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install -f » if that and the previous command run without errors then all is all right23:58
josephseraoserUSUL, the system do not connect, turn on, ...23:58
josephseraosis upgrade others packs23:59
ShapeShifter499guys I got tightvncserver working but when I connect I don't see my currently running applications23:59
josephseraoserUSUL, is upgrading others programs23:59
ShapeShifter499how do I fix this?23:59
erUSULjosephseraos: ok23:59
josephseraosafter, I'll try to restart23:59

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