=== Amaranth__ is now known as Amaranth === Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth === Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth [04:32] http://rww.name/pisg/ubuntu.html [04:32] can I nominate ubottu for Ubuntu membership through IRC contributions ;)? === nhandler is now known as Guest18627 === nhandler_ is now known as nhandler [04:44] !oneko-#ubuntu-offtopic is oneko is the cat of cats, the loler with minions, the sudo apt-get installable one, the cat of our times, but not the cat of the command line! [04:44] I'll remember that, rww [04:44] !forget oneko [04:44] I'll forget that, rww [05:21] Pici: looks like ignoring Guest nicks isn't working for me either with the default /set stalker_guest_nick_regex value. Using ^Guest.* instead seems to work. [06:54] evilvish called the ops in #ubuntu-devel () [06:58] did the owls take you [06:58] did the owls take you [06:58] 6 white owls [06:58] did they! [06:58] after 6 white owls showed a solar beam should of came across your street [06:59] cromblight, did you wish to discuss something here today? [06:59] r u a girl [07:00] cromblight, the purpose of this channel is to resolve bans etc in the ubuntu channels [07:00] we must start by determining if you are a mate. [07:01] cromblight, if you do not wish to discuss such matters then please exit the channel [07:01] don't worry bazhang, no such thing as backsies. so are you willing to tell me if you are a girl [07:01] my heart won't be broken. i have others to talk to [07:02] cromblight, no idea what that means. did you wish to discuss your various bans here, or not. [07:02] yeah [07:02] how do we fix them all [07:02] cromblight, do you know why you were banned and/or muted in the various channels ? [07:03] because i have no friends [07:03] cromblight, that's not correct. [07:04] actually it is. i have no friends at all [07:04] i have more than 5 years [07:04] no friends [07:04] cromblight, the problem is that you were unwilling to follow the code of conduct and guidelines for the ubuntu channels [07:05] !coc > cromblight [07:05] cromblight, please see my private message [07:05] maybe i am a leader. i informed you about the owls [07:05] !guidelines | cromblight [07:05] cromblight: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [07:05] this is good stuff bazhang. please allow me to get a oatmeal cream pie and read it [07:08] after reviewing these two documents our nation has agreed to abide by its terms for teh good of our people [07:10] what now? should we hold a festival [07:10] we can have sandwhiches to raise money or hot dogs [07:11] cromblight, I'm sorry but I won't be removing your mute / ban at this time. [07:11] bazhang but will there be a water event at a later date [07:11] remind our community to wear light clothing so that we don't overheat at our location [07:11] cromblight, no idea what that means. Please part the channel. [07:12] bazhang, i am a country not Poseidon. respectfully yours, hoober [07:13] there are water channels btw [07:14] hoober. huh. another connection to draw, I see. [07:17] hi, anyone watching #ubuntu-devel ? [07:17] rww, that was odd. lots of comments in bt about hoober [07:18] bazhang: hoober is a known troll, yes. [07:18] is acting up there.. [07:18] bazhang: on review of hostnames, it appears cromblight is him. [07:18] ah.. he quit.. [07:19] evilvish: probably not, since most of us can't do anything there anyway [07:19] evilvish, seems to be gone [07:50] #ubuntu, -ot, and -women ops, please note BT #36814. I'd strongly recommend banning on sight, based on the characteristics I note there. [07:50] Are you seriously going to make me look it up? :( [07:51] @btlogin [07:52] Yes. Trolls can't read BT, they do read here ;P [07:52] rww, nice catch [07:53] rww: Do we have good ways of identifying them, since there are multiple nicks/IPs? Or just behavioral stuff? [07:53] the second one [07:53] k [07:54] tonyyarusso: behavior, and the things I used to match them in the first place. I'll go through and compile a list if I get time. [08:11] back in -devel now [08:14] heh, sabdfl noticed him. he's now more famous than me ;( [08:17] sabdfl is up? [08:17] apparently. irclogs.ubuntu.com ticked over, I was reading cromblight's first foray into there. [08:23] that was insane [08:26] IRC trolls have the notable ability to be at the same time both insane and inane. [09:26] weird. the bot msg'd me about an alleged ban I set on athiest_monk in here [09:27] it thinks that @marks are bans. [09:27] ah right [09:38] bazhang: athiest_monk is jungli [09:38] incase you didn't know [09:43] rww: we can't ban on site, that's against the policy, I've been asking for a long term problem user process for months now, and nothing has happened with it. It's very frustrating for me [09:44] ikonia: Yes we can. He's banned from all three of those channels, and would thus be ban-evading. [09:44] rww: ah, so it's evading, [09:44] that makes it not a problem [09:45] (incidentally, it appears he's banned from all three at least three times over, once for each of the personas :\ ) [10:10] ikonia, right [10:23] please wait a moment while I state the emergency [10:24] fail. i am doing us a favor by leaving the server. i will not return again. [10:24] i am ashamed as a ubuntu member [10:24] !ops | hoober again, please ban [10:24] hoober again, please ban: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler! [10:24] ikonia called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (hoober again, please ban) [10:24] Human nature. The function of men is to provide the environment and the means by which women can nurture the race. In order to do this efficiently women need to be kept out of the way because they have a tendency to fuck shit up. That's all there is to it. The irony is that everything men do is meant to benefit women. Civilization itself is product of the masculine instinct to provide for... [10:24] ...females. Thus, keeping females out of the activities of males was actually to the benefit of women more then it was to men, who carried all the responsibilities, and did all of the work. Feminism just twisted the whole thing around and actually convinced women they were being "oppressed" and kept out of "fulfilling" corporate careers and dangerous military ventures just out of spite,... [10:24] ...because men are just evil like that. Riiiiiight... [10:24] thank you good bye [10:25] whois peronni [10:25] good, he's gone [12:47] jungli trying to train the bot in ##english to say stuff about bazhang === imortal is now known as ` === ` is now known as Guest66846 [13:26] ikonia: his promise to stop trolling had a great value, it seems [14:25] In #ubuntu, manas said: ubottu: it is UEC issue [14:40] hey ikonia, did you see my PM earlier? [14:40] no [14:41] Just gave it again... [14:41] got it [16:40] tuxampol: can we help you ? you've joined a few times [16:43] no thanks [16:43] tuxampol: ok, why do you keep joining here ? [16:44] do i have to leave ? [16:45] is there a reason you're joining ? [16:45] the channel has a no idle policy, unless you have something to discuss with the Ubuntu IRC operator team [18:21] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1589 users, 7 overflows, 1596 limit)) [18:21] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1590 users, 5 overflows, 1595 limit)) [18:21] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1590 users, 5 overflows, 1595 limit)) [18:53] !shells is [REPLY] Is your shell provider banned in Ubuntu channels? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ShellPolicy for shell provider requirements and how to resolve the situation with your provider. [18:53] I'll remember that, topyli [18:54] need aliases with that? [18:56] !shells [18:56] shells is [REPLY] Is your shell provider banned in Ubuntu channels? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ShellPolicy for shell provider requirements and how to resolve the situation with your provider. [18:56] topyli: != [REPLY] [18:56] it's not mootbot ;) [18:56] :( [18:57] !no shells is Is your shell provider banned in Ubuntu channels? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ShellPolicy for shell provider requirements and how to resolve the situation with your provider. [18:57] I'll remember that tsimpson [18:57] still, my first time and i enjoyed it! [18:58] * Tm_T huggles topyli [18:58] <3 [18:58] !encyclopedia | topyli ;) [18:58] topyli ;): See http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins#Encyclopedia for usage information on the Encyclopedia plugin [18:59] !shell-policy is shells [18:59] I'll remember that, tsimpson [21:44] ubottu: tell ryaxnb7 about enter [21:48] rww: I've told him about enter like four times already this year. [21:50] I think my opinion of his presence in -ot is rather clear at this point. [21:57] * tonyyarusso sees if a human explanation will help more than the bot [22:16] good job:) [23:13] ubottu: forget greet [23:13] I'll forget that, Pici