
kklimondahmm.. how can I disable screen dimming on desktop changing? I can't find  it in ccsm anywhere00:03
kklimondawell, it's really a "desktop dimming", the launcher stays the same00:03
coz_kklimonda,  is it possible to screenshot that?00:06
kklimondacoz_: let me try00:07
kklimondacoz_: something like that: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kklimonda/dimmed.png00:09
coz_kklimonda,   oooo00:09
coz_kklimonda,  let me check in Unity's  ccsm hold on00:10
coz_kklimonda,   open  ccsm   General options.. Display settings tab00:11
coz_kklimonda,   no00:11
coz_damn I just had it hold on00:11
coz_ah  rather click the Opengl plugin00:12
coz_and disable  Lighting00:12
coz_see if that does it00:12
kklimondaah, thanks00:12
AbsintheSyringewhat is going to be unity icon theme?00:13
AbsintheSyringeit looks a lot like faenza00:13
coz_AbsintheSyringe,  good question...  I have the theme for ccsm including the Unity plugin icon.... faenza?00:14
coz_AbsintheSyringe,   but  apparenlty the unity icon in ccsm right now ...not mine... was shuttleworths  and he asked for another00:14
AbsintheSyringeit looks like faenza, and if it is faenza, good choice if you ask me :)00:14
coz_AbsintheSyringe,  you mean the entire theme?00:14
AbsintheSyringeno idea ... that's why I'm asking00:14
AbsintheSyringeI mean icon theme, but am curious about rest of it as well00:15
RAOFIt's the same icon theme as Maverick.00:15
coz_AbsintheSyringe,   actually I used Tango as the base for it ... creating the icon theme on tango colours and shapes00:15
AbsintheSyringegood, cuz I just made light-themes work on Debian, and intend to make unity work on debian, so for me it wouldn't be good if it's all different :)00:16
coz_It shouldnt be taking on the system icon theme00:16
AbsintheSyringehowever I am using faenza for default with light-themes for debian00:16
AbsintheSyringecoz_, they look awesome :)00:16
coz_AbsintheSyringe,  I can look into that.. I made several themes    tango like.... elementary like and oxygen00:16
AbsintheSyringecoz_, will you make package out of it?00:16
coz_AbsintheSyringe,  but it was tango that was chosen since the original icon theme   was loosely based on tango00:17
coz_AbsintheSyringe,   I have a package for that theme  as it stands...but I have to make several changes and if sam inlcudes  more plugins then I have to make icons for them as well00:17
coz_AbsintheSyringe,   so hopefully the entire final theme will be there before it is release...fingers crossed:)00:18
AbsintheSyringecoz_, :)00:18
AbsintheSyringeyou do your think and hope for the best :)00:18
coz_the outstanding issue is the Unity plugin icon as it stands right now00:18
coz_I dont like it ...it is not even related to the current theme00:18
coz_so that has to be changed00:19
coz_AbsintheSyringe,   ah faenza  .. yeah those are somewhat cool00:20
coz_AbsintheSyringe,   I am not sure they would well in ccsm only because it would take a few weeks to create them :)00:20
coz_AbsintheSyringe,  I can work on a separate set based on faenza at some point00:21
AbsintheSyringecoz_, dunno, they are my favorite icons for quite some time now00:21
coz_AbsintheSyringe,  well let me find the most current  revision of them and take a look00:22
coz_AbsintheSyringe,  ok I see that on gnome-look00:22
AbsintheSyringecoz_, http://tiheum.deviantart.com/art/Faenza-Icons-17332322800:23
AbsintheSyringeI can give you my build of 0.8 for debian, about to push it in right now00:23
coz_AbsintheSyringe,  the ones on deviant art are giving corrupted zip00:23
coz_mm i see ithas a dark faenza as well00:24
AbsintheSyringeit does00:25
AbsintheSyringeboth are in there00:25
AbsintheSyringewell get them wherever you want, just know that 0.8 is the latest one00:25
coz_ok thanks00:27
coz_ok forrth attemtp at download  failed  .. has to be on their end00:28
coz_AbsintheSyringe,   I think I got the conversation a bit twisted01:09
coz_AbsintheSyringe,    I see what you are talking about... I was  automatically assumed  ccsm when  you said "unity"01:09
coz_AbsintheSyringe,   I do the ccsm icons not the icons in  the launcher01:09
coz_with that I have to break... bit embarrassed with my bad reading skills01:10
coz_so pardon my "doof" ness  on that topic01:10
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MacSlowhey folks!07:54
kvalohi MacSlow07:55
MacSlowhey kvalo07:55
didrocksgood morning08:15
MacSlowdidrocks, salut here too :)08:16
didrockshey MacSlow too ;)08:16
KaleoMacSlow: salut08:54
MacSlowsalut Kaleo, ca va?08:56
MacSlowhey njpatel09:05
njpatelhey hey MacSlow09:10
dbarthseb128: hi, about https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/705801 i can't reproduce that, is it still the case for you?09:55
seb128urg, wrong click09:56
didrocksdbarth: seb128: you can reproduce it if you kill bamf-daemon for instance09:56
seb128didrocks, will not be respwaned?09:57
seb128still happening, I did restart the session like 5 times since and it happens every time09:57
didrocksseb128: it will respawn, but you'll get duplicated entry09:57
seb128it's only happening with the run a command dialog though09:57
dbarthso it's more a question of getting duplicates once bamf restarts and can't figure out who's who09:57
didrocksok, this one is different, I stopped on the title "duplicated entry"09:57
seb128those a fresh session with no crash09:58
didrocksseb128: would you mean if I change the title slightely?09:58
didrocksthere is another similar bug, but with real "duplicate" when bamf is crashing09:58
seb128didrocks, you can retitles things as you want09:59
didrocksseb128: thanks :-)10:00
seb128the cucrent title is not great but I was not sure in what other cases it was happening and I didn't want to set the title to be specific to "run a command"10:00
kamstrupKaleo: so hows it looking with unity-2d on top of the new place daemons?10:00
didrocksseb128: I set it specifically for now with some additional info. I can have a look this week if nobody starts on that (adding it to my "opened tabs" WI ;))10:01
seb128didrocks, ok, it might be a very specific corner case10:01
didrocksseb128: better to ensure if we have some more worrying things underneath… what's weird is that I have gnome-panel there and it doesn't show in the launcher10:02
seb128i.e gnome-panel is filtered out of the processes to list since that's a dock but the dialog to run the command is not10:02
seb128didrocks, right, but if you do alt-f2 it still doesn't?10:02
seb128it used to be get one icon until last week updates now it get 2 of those10:02
didrocksseb128: oh right, alt-f2 shows 2 of them. you have nothing without it10:02
didrockswaow :)10:02
seb128ok, you just confirmed the bug ;-)10:02
didrocksright ;)10:03
Kaleokamstrup: pretty good, not working quite yet, but very soon10:11
kamstrupKaleo: this is just *really* cool: http://paste.ubuntu.com/557576/10:13
kamstrupnice work man10:13
kamstrupKaleo: or I mean, s/display_name/column_1/ until we get to the named columns thing :-)10:13
kamstrupIs it me or does the latest unity swallow mouse clicks a lot?10:15
seb128kamstrup, which clicks?10:15
kamstrupseb128: mouse clicks in general... in FF, devhelp, gnome-terminal, anywhere ...10:16
seb128kamstrup, the dash blocks events on the corner until you click on it10:16
kamstrupseb128: then clicking like a madman for a bit and it suddenly works10:16
seb128otherwise not clicking issue that I know about10:16
kamstrupseb128: not using the dash10:16
seb128bug #70567210:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 705672 in unity (Ubuntu) "invisible window with geometry 320x200+100+100 on the top layer" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70567210:17
seb128kamstrup, ^10:17
kamstrupseb128: ah... now I get it :-) thanks!10:17
seb128kamstrup, well that's the issue, until you click on it it's eating events on this rectangle10:17
seb128kamstrup, yw10:17
Kaleokamstrup: yep, it's cool :=)10:18
Kaleokamstrup: thanks10:18
nerochiaroKaleo: this is the bug i was talking about saturday night: 70415010:29
nerochiaroKaleo: shouldn't the same thing happen with workspaces too ? (when there's only one)10:29
Kaleonerochiaro: agreed10:32
nerochiaroKaleo: should the workspace switcher button in launcher be grayed out or hidden when there's only 1 workspace ?10:33
dbarthKaleo: already up or up very late? anyway, could you comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/70156910:36
dbarthi'd like to finish triaging this bug and know where we stand10:36
MacSlowhm... since the last update the first tab in chromium isn't never reacting to mouse-clicks (on the tab itself) inside the web-page mouse-clicks do work though... anyone else seen this?10:38
didrocksMacSlow: not related to the "dead zone" square? (the one you fix by clicking in the dash and go out of it then)10:40
ograKaleo, so looking at the -default-settings merge, wouldnt you think having a completely unified unity-2d package would make sense (merge panel, launcher, spread and places into the same single binary package too)10:45
ograi think thats what unity does10:45
Kaleoogra: no, we do not want that10:47
Kaleoogra: for a few reasons10:47
Kaleoogra: one is flexibility10:47
Kaleoogra: another one is stability10:48
Kaleoogra: unity does it because of OpenGL related issues10:48
ograwell, i'm happy if i dont have to do that (lots less transition work) just wanted to ask10:48
Kaleoogra: thanks for asking10:49
nerochiaroKaleo: in case you missed it: "11:33 <nerochiaro> Kaleo: should the workspace switcher button in launcher be grayed out or hidden when there's only 1 workspace ?"10:58
Kaleonerochiaro: I missed it11:03
Kaleodbarth: already up actually :)11:03
Kaleodbarth: let me see11:03
Kaleodbarth: what sort of comment would you like? (note I already replied to kamstrup's question)11:04
Kaleonerochiaro: so the answer is that it probably should not be there but as I said during our talks, don't bother with it11:05
Kaleonerochiaro: (unless it's quick to do)11:05
nerochiaroKaleo: ok11:05
Kaleonerochiaro: nonetheless add it to the list at the bottom11:05
nerochiaroKaleo: document updated11:09
Kaleonerochiaro: chees11:10
dbarthKaleo: ah ok, that should be enough then11:16
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andersonsry for the noob question15:42
andersonwere do i go to report a unity bug?15:42
evfoolare you running unity?15:48
andersonsry to bother again, but15:48
anderson were do i go to report a unity bug?15:48
evfoolare you running unity?15:48
andersonin gnome now15:49
andersongut i was15:49
andersonhave it installed15:49
evfoolstart a Terminal and type ubuntu-bug unity, press Enter, a browser will open for you, where you'll be asked to enter the short summary and the description of the bug15:49
evfoolthis is the best way, because this way version information will be attached to the report15:50
andersonok then15:52
andersonneed to go onto unity?15:52
andersonor can i do it from gnome?15:52
ronocanderson, if you mean classic desktop - yes you can15:54
andersondoing it now15:54
andersonreally good work with unity15:55
andersonreally easy to use15:55
and471Hi, what is the ppa for maverick where I can get dbusmenu-gtk-0.4?17:00
and471kvalo, hey, I just re-did my branch, so there are no conflicts now, and I also fixed the issues you highlighted. https://code.launchpad.net/~and471/indicator-network/indicator-network/+merge/4727617:18
and471kvalo, do you know if there is a ppa for dbusmenu-gtk-0.4 for maverick? Otherwise I can't compile indicator-network :/17:19
DanRabbitivanka: ping17:25
ivankahey DanRabbit good morning17:25
DanRabbitivanka: how's it going?17:26
kvalohi and47117:31
kvaloand471: thanks for fixing the branch, I'll take a look at it first thing tomorrow morning17:32
kvaloand471: about dbusmenu 0.4 for maverick. that's a challenge, I'm not aware of any backports maverick. tedg, any tips?17:33
kvaloand471: one option is that you create schroot for natty17:33
kvaloand471: you would just compile indicator-network in natty, but you would be able to run the settings app still in maverick17:34
kvaloand471: I can send you instructions how to create schroot for natty if you want. but I have to go now, back later.17:36
and471kvalo, no it is fine, I just modified the versions in configure.ac so I could autogen, and now I can cd into the settings directory and make it in there :)17:45
kvaloand471: cool :)17:46
kvaloand471: but I'll send you the schroot notes I have, just in case you need them at some point :)17:46
and471hehe cool :)17:46
and471kvalo, do you have any idea when you will start getting the backend for vala in?17:47
and471kvalo, and how are you doing with vala? :)17:47
kvaloand471: I have the vala bindings now working, which was a bit of challenge17:47
and471nice :)17:47
kvaloand471: so next step is to add the missing functionality to libconnman and then add calls to your code. that should be easy17:48
and471yay :)17:48
kvalounless vala gives me surprises, of course :)17:49
JackstersonAnybody around?17:54
om26erapplications like tomboy or gtk-recordmydesktop no longer show their indicator menus in quicklist, was this feature removed on purpose or its a bug?18:36
tedgom26er, A bug, we're transitioning APIs.  BAMF hasn't migrated quite yet.18:47
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