
=== AfC1 is now known as AfC
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
jelmerhey peitschie04:24
pooliehi all04:56
mkanatHey poolie.04:57
pooliehi max04:58
mkanatpoolie: Can I /msg you?04:59
peitschiehiya jelmer :)05:43
peitschiehi poolie05:43
vilahi all !07:46
* fullermd waves.07:48
vilajelmer: ping09:32
catphishis there anywhere i can find a list of wireprotocol commands?10:28
catphishspecifically i want to know which ones constitute a write request10:28
Nazcafanhow do I get color diffs with bzr diff?10:41
Nazcafanah, found it10:43
Nazcafantake care10:43
Pengcatphish: You'd probably have to read the source dode.10:50
catphishPeng: thanks, I thought that might be the case, was just hoping to same some time :)10:50
fullermdWell, you could just build a list of all of 'em, then script up running them all against something you don't have write access to, and see what blows up   ;)10:52
m4rku5hey, is it possible to "abuse" signed commits for authentication? i.e. only allow commits from certain users (and only if they signed them)?11:02
fullermdConceptually?  Sure.  I don't think anybody's implemented such a thing though.11:02
fullermdI'm not sure that qualifies as abuse, though; sounds like something that's Just Fittin'.11:04
m4rku5yeah it fits, but it sure was not the original purpose of signed commits11:04
m4rku5I'm still thinking about how to implement per project authorization for a shared smart-server (i.e. it is hosting multiple projects and I don't feel like giving everyone ssh access)11:05
fullermdAre you trying to prevent malice or stupidity?11:05
catphishm4rku5: i'd say the easiest way is with ssh keys and a wrapper script11:11
catphishrather than signed commits11:11
catphishim implementing a shared repo with ssh and http ACLs11:12
m4rku5catphish, i was thinking about that, how would you do that ? match the part of the url before .bzr/smart?11:35
m4rku5oh what ssh and http?11:36
catphishm4rku5: on ssh you need a wrapper that knows what access you have and runs the appropriate bzr serve commands11:37
catphishwith http, yes, you detect the string before .bzr/smart and inject that as the branch name11:38
catphishi spent a whole day figuring that part out11:38
m4rku5yeah but with https only (which is what i am planning) you would need to use different auth. backend depending on the path before .bzr/smart11:39
catphishwith http you use http basic auth11:40
m4rku5yeah ive got it setup to use basic auth via htpasswd atm11:40
m4rku5and i was thinking about ways to have per project access11:41
catphishwell that's fine isn't it?11:41
catphishyou can use htpasswd like that11:41
m4rku5yeah well at the moment it is: you have access everywhere or nowhere11:41
catphishyou can use htaccess filesto set that up11:42
m4rku5if i had used apache i could ;) using lighttpd right now, which I think might be a problem11:42
catphishi don't know11:43
catphishnever used acl in it11:43
catphishmy implementation is based on a custom ruby server11:43
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ccxCZa question about hooks if I may, I want to do equivalent of push_and_update, only for specific repository and on a server side preferably14:31
ccxCZis post_change_branch_tip the right hook for that?14:32
ccxCZdid anybody implement this yet?14:32
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jammorning vila15:03
vilamorning jam !15:04
* vila lower volume damn it15:04
=== jam changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: jam | 2.2.3 is frozen, time to build the installers ! (rm vila)
ccxCZwould you guys help me writing a hook for bzr?15:07
ccxCZI want to update (lightweight) checkout upon a commit to specific branch, serverside15:10
ccxCZnow first thing that would be handy would be some good API docs. So far I googled this: http://naesten.dyndns.org:8080/bzrlib-docs/bzrlib.html15:11
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ccxCZhow do I get some useable object from the checkout's path?15:16
vilaccxCZ: have a look into builtins.py, best source of examples15:16
ccxCZah, checkout == WorkingTree in bzr lingo15:19
pickscrape___Hi, a colleague of mine just encountered bug 400351 using bzr 2.2.2. Should I reopen the bug, and what is the best way for him to recreate his dirstate? (Oh, and bzr check --tree triggers the same error).15:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 400351 in Bazaar "bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AssertionError: Could not find target parent in wt: reports" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40035115:44
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ccxCZwhen using b.c.Config / BranchConfig, do I have to flush changes somehow?16:33
ccxCZor use locking, for that matter16:33
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=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
lifelessvila: around?18:42
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-brb
=== pickscrape___ is now known as pickscrape
pickscrapeHi, a colleague of mine just encountered bug 400351 using bzr 2.2.2. Should I reopen the bug, and what is the best way for him to recreate his dirstate? (Oh, and bzr check --tree triggers the same error).19:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 400351 in Bazaar "bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AssertionError: Could not find target parent in wt: reports" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40035119:24
jelmerpickscrape: just getting rid of the .bzr/checkout directory and then running 'bzr co' IIRC19:25
pickscrapejelmer: thanks, I'll get him to give that a try tomorrow.19:26
maxbjelmer: Hi. I seem to be experiencing some odd test failures with bzr-git (maverick and below) and dulwich (karmic) in ~bzr/proposed. Do you think you could eyeball the buildlogs and see if they are at all meaningful to you?19:27
jelmermaxb: looking19:28
jelmermaxb: is this based on the packaging in debian or completely independent?19:29
maxbit is based on debian, the changes are few, if any19:29
maxbNone for bzr-git, just some minor tweaks for dulwich/karmic19:30
jelmermaxb: the version of C git used is too old I think19:30
jelmerno, that's not it19:31
jelmermaxb: sorry, I don't know what's happening there. I haven't those errors before, either.19:32
maxbOk :-)19:32
maxbThe bzr-git problem doesn't reproduce on my local maverick box, which could make debugging "interesting"19:33
jelmerhave you tried on a karmic vm?19:34
maxbI don't have VMs conveniently to hand, perhaps I'll try in a pbuilder chroot19:58
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RcartHello. I've pushed a branch to lp:~id/ubuntu/etc/etc, and i want to remove the quilt patch that i applied to that branch. So, i follow these steps to try to make it: get the branch, cd the branch, quilt pop thepatch.patch, but here says: "No patches deleted" and the patched files still keep patched. Sorry if this isn't the correct place to ask.22:14
RcartAny suggestion trying to unpatch the files?22:15
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maxbRcart: The quilt metadata in the branch may be incorrect, is my best guess22:19
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
Rcartmaxb: Ok, i have another branch (of the same package) that would like to replace the pushed branch on lp, can i do that?22:22
maxbreplace it completely, including history? (quite a major/destructive change?)22:23
Rcartno, just replace the patch in the branch22:24
maxbThen I don't understand what you're saying, sorry, because your two last lines appear to imply different things22:25
maxbIt might be easier if you gave links to the two branches on Launchpad to illustrate the situation22:26
RcartOk, here's the branch: lp:~rcart/ubuntu/natty/bittornado/fix-42038722:27
Rcarti want to remove the las patch that i aplied before pushing the branch22:28
Rcartwhen i get my branch i LP, i cannot remove the patch (quilt pop patchname.patch) and says: "no patches deleted"22:28
Rcartbecause i cannot remove the patch, i get an original branch from bittornado: bzr branch lp:/ubuntu/bittornado22:29
Rcartand the, created a patch that would replace the patch in the LP branch22:30
maxberm, why are you creating .dpatch files in a quilt-managed project?22:34
maxbupdating Standards-Version in an Ubuntu package is wrong22:35
maxboh, sorry, ok, the packaging in debian is a bit mad, and uses .dpatch naming22:36
Rcartyeah yeah, the reviewer in the branch told me that too, that's why i've worked in a new patch to fix the corrections22:36
Rcarti just followed the naming, the patch i quilt format (:22:37
maxbYou should not remove the CVS directory, it does no harm, and unnecessary deviation from debian is to be avoided22:37
maxbYou certainly shouldn't only remove one CVS directory of the many throughout the tree22:38
maxbSo, am I understanding right that you now have a replacement change in a fresh branch off lp:ubuntu/bittornado, and you wish to blow away the existing contents of lp:~rcart/ubuntu/natty/bittornado/fix-420387, replacing it with your new fresh branch?22:39
maxbIf so, bzr push --overwrite is what you're looking for22:39
Rcartyeah, i got that correction from the comments of users in the branch22:39
Rcartany consequences replacing the branch in LP ?22:41
maxbIf there was any likelyhood your existing changes had been merged anywhere or others were basing changes of their own on them, it would be undesirable22:42
maxbIn this case it should be fine22:43
Rcartthe branch is proposing for merge, but needs fixes, so i think according to what you say that there's no problem (:22:44
Rcartmaxb: btw, i removed the CVS directory because when trying to use debcommit command, it was complaining about .cvs directory22:47
Rcartso, taking advantage of the occasion, what's the difference between bzr commit and debcommit?22:48
maxbdebcommit wraps bzr commit, providing a commit message suggested from the changes to debian/changelog22:52
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
Rcartmaxb: but when i was trying to use debcommit, this was complaining about the CVS directoy and just worked when i removed it, but when i used bzr commit there was no problem, what do you think was the problem?22:56
maxbdebcommit does not *only* work for bzr, it aims to detect the version control system in use and behave appropriately23:04
Rcartmaxb: Ok, thanks a lot for your help.23:06
jammorning poolie23:12
jamthat is, if you've recovered from your flight back by now23:13
lifelessjam: we was around earlier23:18
pooliehi jam, i am back and i'm doing ok23:38
jampoolie: good to hear23:42

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