
jjidoif I copy a live CD to disk, how do I boot it? Just add the kernel in the Grub menu or do I need loadlin00:02
jjidodo I need initrd00:09
mhall119jjido: 196MB is pretty low00:10
mhall119if you have a standalone video card, you can probably get Qimo or Xubuntu running00:10
mhall119but most apps will still be very slow00:10
jjidomhall119: Gnome in Ubuntu 6 is quite slow00:11
mhall119jjido: I think it's more complicated than that00:11
HedgeMagejjido: if you don't know what you are doing, just use the ubuntu usb startup disk creator: it does it all for you00:11
jjidoHedgeMage: I think I know what I am doing ;)00:13
mhall119famous last words00:13
bluefrogis nanny working correctly on edubuntu 10.10? on my "normal" ubuntu 10.10 it dosn't prevent a user to log in.08:25
mhall119highvoltage: how long ago did you apply to join the ubuntu derivative team?13:36
mhall119nevermind, I see it13:37
bluefrogis nanny working correctly on edubuntu 10.10? on my "normal" ubuntu 10.10 it dosn't prevent a user to log in.14:00
highvoltagebluefrog: it should work the same on both14:16
highvoltagebluefrog: but to play it safe, I suggest you file a bug on https://launchpad.net/nanny so that we'll look into it14:17
highvoltage(well, we or some other team that might care about nanny)14:17
highvoltageour version still matches upstream, at least.14:18
bluefrogI filed a bug 2 days. what puzzles me is that I see a lot about the same stuff on the web since a long time and I was the first to file in a report. ok ty. wait and see14:19
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: 2 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/2)14:19
bluefrogand I tried it on 2 differetnt machines with the same results14:20
highvoltagebluefrog: against nanny? I can't see it on https://bugs.launchpad.net/nanny14:20
highvoltage(there's just 4 bugs)14:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 706269 in nanny (Ubuntu) "nanny does not prevent user loging" [Undecided,New]14:21
highvoltagebluefrog: I can't promise to fix it, but I'll look at it this week and can help at poking upstream about it, I think it might be related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/nanny/+bug/58373914:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 583739 in Nanny "Daemon does not start" [Undecided,New]14:23
bluefroghum think the daemon is up. anyway might have a look in the source. I may be lucky and understand something even though I am no programmer.14:24
bluefrogusing nanny from the universe repository apparently if it does a difference14:24
highvoltageunfortunately nanny isn't very much extensively tested, so any feedback or fixes you can contribute will be appreciated14:25
bluefrogty for anwsering me. have a nice day14:25
highvoltageyou too!14:26
bluefrogok no problem I will test cause so far the idea is good14:26
bluefrogI can prevent user to log in with time.conf but it's a pain in the ass for me to script a user kick out14:26
bluefroggoing to install edubuntu and I will try to find some differences14:27
highvoltageok, it's the exact same package so there shouldn't be a difference, but then again anything is possible :)14:33
bluefrogthen must be something in the OS conf. zsync right now. bye14:44
highvoltageanyone here used gelemental before?15:07
highvoltagepity there's so many nice programs out there that works nice for a while and then just crashes15:43
highvoltageAlan Bell: Edubuntu at BETT 2011: http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/01/24/edubuntu-at-bett-201115:56
AlanBellum, yeah15:58
AlanBellthat is me :)15:58
highvoltagejust shared it on identica/facebook/twitter as well :)16:00
AlanBellnice :)16:01
highvoltageI'm only 2 minutes in but it's really nice, I'll favoutire it on the Edubuntu youtube channel too16:02
* stgraber still need to watch it16:09
highvoltagestgraber: is there a way we can have two urls in drupal go to the same page? I just got to a slide where he showed the edubuntu.org/vmmanager link and I think it would be nice having /weblive linked to that as well16:10
stgraberhighvoltage: I'm pretty sure "there's a module for that" (after the "there's an app for that") :)16:25
stgraberwow, unity really works well for heavy multi-tasking16:28
stgrabercurrently have something like 30 different windows open and it's still quite easy to find the right one :)16:28
highvoltagecool. I guess that's more compiz coolness though. the move to compiz was the best decision the unity have made up to date imho16:29
stgraberyep, but having the "scale" effect per software is really quite nice16:30
stgraberso if I click twice on something in the unity dock, it'll show me all open windows of that software and not all the windows I've opened16:31
mhall119stgraber: nice16:31
highvoltagebbl (crappy)16:32
stgraberhighvoltage: hehe, enjoy !17:12
highvoltagethis is still kind of funny: http://www.youtube.com/user/edubuntuproject?feature=mhum#p/f/28/CFcQpKAcahQ18:16
highvoltage665 people now like Edubuntu on facebook, nice progress there :)18:49
alkisgOh. I'm 666 :(19:14
highvoltageunfortunately we can't afford to give you an iPad for that19:15
mhall119alkisg: yay! you win a vial of Holy Water!19:32
mhall119careful, it burns19:33
highvoltagewe still haven't made a decision regarding kstars vs stellarium19:40
highvoltagestellarium is very slick but is certainly a lot bigger and doesn't work on unaccellerated hardware19:41
highvoltageI don't know where to draw the line and I'm busy editing seed files :)19:41
highvoltageI guess we could just go with Stellarium, and if people want to run on older hardware they can just uninstall it and install kstars?19:43
alkisgDoes kstars run with usual LTSP clients?19:44
highvoltagealkisg: yep19:44
alkisg(usual == no 3D acceleration...)19:44
highvoltagealkisg: it even runs on weblive!19:44
alkisgOooh cool19:44
mhall119I think both are good, if kstars runs unaccelerated and over LTSP, that's certainly a plus in it's favor19:55
mhall119IIRC, stellarium will run unaccelerated, but it's frustratingly slow19:55
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