
valorieapachelogger: music was lacking in Orlando, for sure00:15
apacheloggervalorie: skype?00:15
valoriesorry, it's still not fixed00:16
apacheloggervalorie: was it broken?00:17
valorieit has been, yeah00:17
valorieI can't hear anyone00:17
valoriewhich is a bit lacking, I think you would agree00:17
valorieright now I need to finish my final readthrough of the Insider00:18
valorieso it can publish00:18
claydohskype is more fun than watching football :)00:25
valoriewell, for sure -- esp. with harald and markey!00:32
markeyvalorie: wre are skyping right now00:43
markeyit's nice00:43
markeyjoin us :)00:43
valorieskype still teh broken00:45
claydohvalorie: :( I had to uninstall pulse in Natty for it to work easily with my usb headset, shoulda just bought an analog set01:22
valorieclaydoh, PA keeps youtube *and* Amarok working02:07
valorieso I'm not gonna uninstall02:07
macoclaydoh_: do you have pavucontrol installed? you need it to change between audio devices (such as onboard & usb)02:12
claydoh_maco: not atm   I just removed pa and set the device settings manually until i can sit down and see what i  needed to do 02:14
claydoh_just a quick workaround really02:15
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
claydohi don't use sound on this old laptop much02:15
* claydoh loves pa actually, my htpc /hdmi audio setup "just works" :)02:18
valorieclaydoh: it's worked well for me for quite awhile02:49
valoriebut it sure doesn't work for everyone02:49
claydohvalorie: we just got the headset the other day, didn't even know if it would work lol 02:51
valorieI have a headset, but haven't tried it out with skype yet02:52
valorieI should; maybe it would work!02:52
DarkwingDuckjjesse: ping04:49
Daskreechjjesse: secondary ping if ( ACK(ping) == true )04:50
DarkwingDuckI should be back to 100% at the end of the week...04:51
DarkwingDuckI got a new laptop donated.04:51
DarkwingDuckshould arrive this week.04:51
DarkwingDuckWell, not new but... a nice one.04:51
DaskreechG4 Macbook Pro!04:58
DarkwingDuckLenovo W70005:02
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
=== sre-su is now known as Janes147
=== Janes147 is now known as sre-su
RiddellQuintasan: dare I ask what the status of sip is?09:23
QuintasanRiddell: Dunno, POX said he commited the damn thing and it should be uploaded shortly09:34
QuintasanRiddell: Can you add me to ~kubuntu-dev?09:35
Riddellyou already are in ~kubuntu-dev :)09:35
RiddellLatest members Michał Zając09:35
QuintasanThanks :)09:36
* Quintasan couldn't handle two hours of german instead of math at school so he skipped school today09:36
QuintasanRiddell: can you nuke stuff in REVU?09:36
RiddellQuintasan: I can archive it09:45
Quintasanoh, well, I checked the wrong release for package and I yofel pointed me out that there is already such package in Debian and it only needs update09:47
QuintasanRiddell: I'll be counting on you to sync sip later today09:49
Riddellooh, that's promising09:49
QuintasanUnless  bzed has something negative to say about uploading09:50
QuintasanThough I haven't seen him mention anything09:50
Quintasanshadeslayer: Apparently, they will be mailing selected speakers for conf.kde.in shortly, check your mail  :P09:51
QuintasanAwesome, POX says09:54
Quintasan I consider dh_python3 related stuff ready (and some basic tests with python3 didn't fail)09:55
QuintasanRiddell: We can sync it as soon as it gets trough NEW right?09:55
Riddellor very shortly thereafter anyway09:55
QuintasanRiddell: the package name will be changed to sip409:58
Riddellthat's a big improvement :)09:58
valorietime to start thinking.....http://community.kde.org/GSoC/2011/Ideas09:58
Quintasan-qt3 is a little bit our of date :D09:58
* Quintasan could use any breakfast10:00
* Riddell packages new akonadi, phonon, attica10:11
Riddellah, all phonon backends seem to be separarely packaged now10:17
Riddellapachelogger: what's the binary compatibility there?10:17
Riddellapachelogger: hmm, usr/share/phonon-buildsystem/ isn't the normal place to put cmake modules11:16
markeyshadeslayer: ok, I've sent the mail11:20
markeyregarding NEON11:21
Riddellapachelogger: how wise is it to have /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/phonon_backend/phonon_gstreamer.so but /usr/share/kde4/services/phononbackends/gstreamer.desktop11:30
Riddelli.e. one in qt4 and one in kde4 ?11:30
RiddellScottK: we don't need -mimplicit-it=thumb for arm these days do we? (looking at phonon)11:45
debfxRiddell: while you are working on phonon, make sure to change the default backend in phonon Depends11:54
Riddellmm, yes, good idea11:55
afiestasagateau_: ping12:00
freinhardjust noted some kind of bug on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/12:01
freinhardthe css class span.urgent is not defined12:01
freinhardwhich makes the warning about the oversized mac build invisible for day-to-day users12:02
debfxhm, why does dragonplayer depend on xine?12:12
Riddellhi freinhard12:12
Riddellfreinhard: fancy making a diff?12:12
freeflyingRiddell: should scripts under /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ be run when kde start?12:17
Riddellfreeflying: yes, that'll be fixed with the 4.6 upload on wednesday12:18
Riddellalready is in ninjas12:18
freeflyingRiddell: included in ~kubuntu-members/kdebase-workspace/ubuntu/ ?12:20
Riddellfreeflying: yes12:20
freeflyingRiddell: saw commit log in revision 471, but doesn't work with today's ppa on maverick12:23
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=471&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 471 | Coolo: Since the current kdebase can't compile without -ljscript I removed the test for it12:24
Riddellfreeflying: no it's not in ppa or maverick yet12:24
freinhardRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/557622/12:37
Riddelllovely thanks freinhard12:37
freinhardRiddell: remformated, used tabs for indention12:38
freinhardthat tab-space mixture wasn't that nice.12:38
nigelbRiddell: You're coming to India?12:40
Riddellnigelb: hope so, still waiting on the visa12:40
nigelbRiddell: Awesome! I'm definitely going for the KDE conf then.12:41
nigelbShould be fun having a gnome user at a KDE conf :p12:41
ScottKRiddell: We shouldn't need that, no.12:53
Riddell"PyQt v4.8.3 and SIP v4.12.1 Released"  just in time for Quintasan_ to package them :)13:00
Riddellfregl: new attica isn't on ktown?13:01
freinhardwho is working on the installer gui?13:05
tazzkde apps failing randomly! I think i have b0rked my install :'-(13:11
tazz<unknown program name>(6008)/: Communication problem with  "rekonq" , it probably crashed. 13:11
tazzError message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown" : " "The name net.sourceforge.rekonq was not provided by any .service files" "13:11
apacheloggerRiddell: backends are plugins thus not affecting binary compability13:22
apacheloggerRiddell: IIRC our phonon_gstreamer.so in qt is only a link to the KDE one13:22
apacheloggerwhich is just fine13:22
apacheloggerRiddell: about kipi on the cd ... we could just make a kipi plugin that installs the actual kipi plugins13:26
apacheloggerso it would show up where usually the plugins woudl show up13:26
apacheloggerprobably a good solution there, still we probably ought to make space for kipi, I think it is somewhat important that nowadays you can share stuff easily with people on the intarwebs13:27
jussiIs there a PPA with Calligra in it? 13:31
jussiapachelogger: I like that "kipi plugin to install kipi plugins"13:31
Riddelljussi: calligra hasn't made a release13:46
Riddellapachelogger: we set -DPLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/lib/qt4/ so it goes into /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/ (while the .desktop file goes into /usr/share/kde4/) 13:47
Riddellapachelogger: the plugins will depend on an ABI of phonon, and I don't know what the stability of that is, if it changes each point release or not13:48
Riddellfreinhard: nobody is currently working on the installer GUI although there's a bug for the most pressing problems13:48
Riddellbug 70591513:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 705915 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "kde frontend layout breakage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70591513:49
Riddelltazz: dbus broken?13:50
* tazz goes to check.13:52
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
QuintasanRiddell: You kidding me? :O13:54
tazztrying to start kate gives me "Floating point exception"13:56
QuintasanRiddell: I can give a go to SIP, but I'm not touching PyQt anywhere this week13:56
tazzso yes basically trying to start any kde app gives me one of the 2 above mentioned errors. :s dbus is installed though.13:56
ari-tczewQuintasan: do you want to have waheela reviewed as well?13:59
Riddellfreinhard: kubuntu.css updated, it'll take some time to mirror though14:06
Quintasanari-tczew: no, it has licensing issues and upstream probably abandoned the project14:10
Quintasanari-tczew: aqemu turns out to be in debian and I upgraded it there14:10
freinhardRiddell: yay! :)14:16
Quintasanapachelogger: Is it normal for Phonon Audio Setup not to spew out any sound at the Speaker Setup page?14:29
QuintasanRiddell: You sure are getting a new SIP today or tomorrow14:34
apacheloggerI do not touch the kde bits of phonon14:34
Quintasanherp derp14:34
apacheloggerway too shitty14:34
Quintasanapachelogger: You should14:34
apacheloggernot thread protecting KIO and stuff14:34
* Quintasan would love to finally hear sound from all 4 speakers14:35
RiddellQuintasan: excellent14:35
QuintasanRiddell: Updating should be easy since I've done all the tedious work, POX is at work now so he isn't able to upload now but he will probably do it later.14:35
RiddellQuintasan: is he doing the one that got released today?14:36
QuintasanI just sent him diff from packaging for the new version14:36
* Quintasan needs to improve his crappy coding skills14:38
tazzhow do i reinstall dbus in kubuntu? apt-get remove -y dbus && apt-get install -y dbus 14:40
apacheloggerinstall --reinstall15:19
tazzso i was able to fix the problem. I think...15:27
tazzi had to rm /tmp/var/kdecache-<user>15:28
tazzand it started working... :s15:28
tazzand now all my kde settings are gone. But stuff works.15:28
tazzRiddell i figured out the problem.15:45
tazz<tazz> i had to rm /tmp/var/kdecache-<user>15:45
tazz<tazz> and it started working... :s15:45
tazz<tazz> and now all my kde settings are gone. But stuff works.15:45
Riddellyou figured out a workaround, not quite the same as figuring out what caused the problem in the first place alas15:45
tazzriddell right... but i dont know how to proceed forward, to figure out what was causing the problem.15:48
Riddellno, I'm afraid I wouldn't know where to start either15:48
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
* apachelogger goes after main functions in classes16:48
markeyRiddell: apachelogger said that you are working on this new Phonon package. is it already finished? could I test it?16:54
markeyI need that for building Phonon-VLC16:54
shadeslayerRiddell: w00t ..... can i expect you to be here  now? :P16:55
markeyshadeslayer: you got some nice feedback on our list, regarding NEON16:55
shadeslayeroh ...16:55
Riddellmarkey: yes, I have packages for natty, although didn't someone say a patch was needed?16:55
markeyshadeslayer: http://lists.kde.org/?l=amarok&m=129587043126396&w=216:55
shadeslayermarkey: i just clicked the amarok insider link :P16:55
Riddellshadeslayer: expect me there?  where there?16:56
markeyRiddell: ah, I think I know what you mean. basically, we have already fixed this issue, in Amarok itself16:56
shadeslayerRiddell: conf.kde.in 16:56
shadeslayerthe talk list is out16:56
markeyRiddell: anyway, I only have Maverick16:56
markeyRiddell: regarding that Amarok fix, you could push it as an update, it's safe. consists of two tiny commits16:56
markeyfixes crashing on exit with Phonon-VLC16:57
markeyor, wait for Amarok 2.4.116:57
markeythat would work too16:57
shadeslayermarkey: not working doesnt help ... but yeah ... neon is expected to be broken right now :D16:57
markeyshadeslayer: well :)16:57
markeyif it doesn't work at all, then it's hard to test ;)16:57
shadeslayermarkey: afaik the bug with kwin not starting up was fixed16:58
apacheloggerRiddell: https://projects.kde.org/projects/kdesupport/phonon/phonon-gstreamer/repository/revisions/3784b33b487a7db3f526a59a384d9a978be745fd17:00
apacheloggerRiddell: also see one of the mails I sent to kde-packager17:00
Riddellah, if only I had working e-mail17:05
Riddellmarkey: maverick ppackages coming today or tomorrow17:06
Riddellapachelogger: do you have an opinion on the value of gstreamer recommending gvfs?  see #ubuntu-devel17:09
apacheloggerRiddell: it is foobar in a phonon usecase as 4.5 will use kio streaming all and everywhere, rendering the gvfs stuff completely useless17:10
* shadeslayer helps Riddell get KDE 4.6.0 done for maverick17:14
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
shadeslayeryofel: see the other channel17:18
markeyRiddell: great, thanks!17:27
markeyshadeslayer: is 4.6.0 tagged?17:28
markeyoh cool :)17:29
markeyRC2 was already very good17:29
markeystable and all17:29
markeyonly Plasma has issues with two screens...17:29
markeyjust because Aseigo refuses to buy a second display17:30
shadeslayermarkey: im expecting kdewebkit fixes17:30
markeyI will never understand that...17:30
shadeslayerso in turn rekonq can comment on LP17:30
shadeslayerhoepfully 17:30
shadeslayer*hopefully ....17:30
markeyshadeslayer: I use Chromium, hardcore fan of that app17:30
markeyI love the Daily Builds17:30
markeybeen using them for ages17:30
markeystable and good17:30
shadeslayermarkey: im thinking of putting some work into chromium + KDE integration17:30
* yofel is a hardcore firefox-4.0 daily builds fan :P17:31
markeyshadeslayer: that would be nice. but I have to say, with the new GTK theme, it already looks *a lot* better17:31
shadeslayeri use whatever works at that particular moment17:31
markeythe old theme was ugly as all hell17:31
shadeslayermarkey: the oxygen gtk stuff?17:31
markeynot sure, apachelogger said it's not that, but it's the new Ubuntu style17:31
markeybut it looks kinda like Oxygen17:31
markeyvery similar17:31
markeyit came with the RC1 update, I think17:32
markeyor RC217:32
yofelit's oxygen-gtk, and it's an universe of improvement over qtcurve17:32
markeyyofel: yeah, it looks really great17:32
markeyand works fine17:32
apacheloggerwhat did I say? :O17:32
shadeslayerthats what you said17:33
apacheloggerdont mock the java17:33
markeyyofel: anyway, with that new style, Kubuntu appears a lot nicer now17:33
* shadeslayer mocks the Java17:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: i wish java was dead17:33
markeyI use very few GTK apps, but I need e.g. Gwibber17:33
markeyand that looks nice now17:33
yofelchoqok that bad?17:33
shadeslayery u no use choqok17:34
apacheloggershadeslayer: you are a loosy java user17:34
yofel(not that I cound gwibber as bad)17:34
apacheloggeryou must luv it17:34
markeyyofel: Choqok is not bad. problem is: it's very very buggy17:34
markeyalways was buggy17:34
apacheloggeryou must want to have children with it17:34
apacheloggeryou must be like totally in luv and stuff17:34
markeyGwibber is hands down like 5 times betteer17:34
yofelah, works fine for my simple needs, not that I post often17:34
markeyyou can't go back after trying it17:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: you mean have more main()'s with it17:34
markeyyofel: and Ryan Paul is working on a Qt port of Gwibber, he's fed up with GTK17:34
yofelyeah, I read that, great news :D17:35
shadeslayermarkey: i saw a awesome QML port of gwibber at UDS17:35
markeyshadeslayer: cool17:35
shadeslayermy jaw dropped17:35
markeyRyan Paul rocks hard17:35
shadeslayersame thing for rtorrent17:35
markeyI talk to him often, on the Ars Technica IRC server17:35
markeyhe's funny, and smart17:35
shadeslayerok i didnt know Ars had a irc server o_o17:35
markeygreat journalist17:35
shadeslayermust join17:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: mains ware awesome17:35
markeyshadeslayer: joing the channel #linux there, the rest is boring17:36
apacheloggerone just needs to see the use17:36
apacheloggerand the use is component testing17:36
apacheloggeryou do not need to walk through the whole app to test your new ui17:36
apacheloggerbut you just hook the main with some fake data and run the file17:36
apacheloggerway awesome17:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: Java is evil and eats up ponies17:37
shadeslayerand unicorns17:37
shadeslayermarkey: do they have a SSL port?17:38
shadeslayeri just see 666717:38
markeyshadeslayer: not sure17:38
markeyI use 666717:39
markeydunno, you can ask them there17:39
markeyonce you are logged in17:39
markeythey are pretty nerdy, but nice overall17:39
markeyand Peter Bright is cool (DrPizza), he's also a journalist17:40
markeyhe makes the silliest jokes ever :p17:40
shadeslayerlooks like a fun place17:40
markeyit is17:40
yofelshadeslayer: what's the server url? 17:41
shadeslayeryofel: irc.arstechnica.com17:41
Riddellcould someone send me a test e-mail?17:49
ari-tczewRiddell: adresS?17:50
Riddelljr @jriddell.org17:50
Riddelljriddell@ ubuntu.com17:50
ari-tczewRiddell: done17:51
shadeslayerRiddell: you just replied to a insanely old email17:51
shadeslayerERROR: the installed kdelibs version 4.5.95 is too old, at least version 4.6.0 is required17:52
Riddellshadeslayer: these russian hackers have got me to clear out my inbox17:58
afiestashttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeatureFreeze <-- means that we should publish BlueDevil 1.1 before that day, right?18:04
Riddellafiestas: preferably yes.  you could have a feature frozen beta by then and have the final one after18:06
afiestasRiddell: okiz18:07
afiestasRiddell: I know that we already talked about that but, is really that hard push 1.0.2 into 10.10 ?18:07
DarkwingDuckrbelem: ping18:19
rbelemDarkwingDuck, pong18:19
DarkwingDuckrbelem: did you get a quick howto for installing kubuntu-mobile on the milestone?18:19
DarkwingDuckI got a Droid2 for christmas and so my Droid is laying around.18:20
DarkwingDuckand I LOVE to get Kubuntu-mobile running on her18:20
jjesseDarkwingDuck how are the docs coming :P18:20
DarkwingDuckjjesse: I'll be committing soon. 18:20
jjessei'm just being a jerk :)18:20
DarkwingDuckMy comp is still not up to par and my new one should ship today or tomorrow18:21
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: Kubuntu mobile on a Droid?18:21
DarkwingDuckOh I know jjesse 18:21
jjesseooo that would be cool :)18:21
DarkwingDuckshadeslayer: Yeah... i've seen it run on the milestone18:21
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: how the heck did you manage that? 18:21
DarkwingDuckshadeslayer: I think it was using kexec18:21
rbelemDarkwingDuck, hum... shadeslayer send a link to me some time ago about installing ubuntu on nexus one18:21
shadeslayeryup ^^18:21
* DarkwingDuck ponders18:22
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: basically you can boot a chroot of a rooted android phone18:22
DarkwingDuckOh I know.18:22
shadeslayerbut it was available for the nexus one .... dunno about droid18:22
DarkwingDuckBeen running Gingerbread on my Droid for a bit now.18:22
shadeslayeryeah ... so i was thinking since it can boot ubuntu, i can install plasma packages and run plasma-mobile18:23
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: likewise on my desire18:23
DarkwingDuckWho was it that had kubuntu-mobile on the milestone at UDS?18:23
rbelemDarkwingDuck, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=63138918:23
* DarkwingDuck is really bad with names18:23
rbelemi think this is the link18:23
rbelemmeeting at office18:23
shadeslayerrbelem would know :P18:23
DarkwingDuckI'll use this with kubuntu-mobile18:25
debfxRiddell: could you sponsor http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/docbook-xsl_1.75.2+dfsg-5ubuntu1.debdiff18:26
debfxit saves us a bit more cd space18:27
shadeslayersaving CD Space++18:27
Riddelldebfx: yep18:28
DarkwingDuckHey Riddell 18:28
DarkwingDuckLong time no talk18:28
Riddellhola DarkwingDuck 18:29
afiestasRiddell: what was the last sentence I sent? 18:29
shadeslayerafiestas: <afiestas> Riddell: I know that we already talked about that but, is really that hard push 1.0.2 into 10.10 ?18:30
afiestasit contains only bug fixes, some of them quite critical18:31
afiestaslike proper support for Bluetooth 2.1, o handle obex-data-server crashes (which happens quite often)18:31
afiestasit contains only bug fixes, some of them quite critical18:31
afiestaslike proper support for Bluetooth 2.1, o handle obex-data-server crashes (which happens quite often)18:31
afiestas(I think I've lost connection again)18:32
shadeslayerafiestas: no your loud and clear :D18:32
Riddellafiestas: it can go into backports no question, into updates it needs bugs files and people convinced that the bugs are serious enough18:32
afiestasif update directly to 1.0.2 is not possible or difficult I can provide patches to the kubuntu package18:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: the rekonq crash seemed to be because of a bad install18:32
afiestasbut I don't know what is the process for that18:33
shadeslayeri had 2 libkdeinit4_rekonq.so's for some reason18:33
afiestasRiddell: the bugs can be in kde bugtrack?18:33
afiestasor in launchpad/kubuntu ?18:33
Riddelldebfx: docbook-xsl uploaded thanks, please file bug at debian18:34
debfxRiddell: I've already filed one :)18:34
Riddellafiestas: they need to be at launchpad, but launchpad can link to bugs.kde, so best thing to do would be to track down the relevent bugs then we'll file them on launchpad and do a package18:35
afiestashttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluedevil/+bug/698241 <--fixed (with the obex-data-server thing I said)18:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 698241 in bluedevil (Ubuntu) "cannot recieve files" [Undecided,New]18:35
afiestasand the  "pair with pin" not sure what the user means18:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: do you have a upstream KDE bug for that?18:36
shadeslayeri can link the 2 together then18:36
afiestashttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/686433 <--fixed too in 1.0.2 (Do not pair devices that doesn't require pairing)18:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 686433 in bluez (Ubuntu) "MS IntelliMouse Explorer doesn't pair" [Undecided,New]18:36
debfxgeoip-database is another package that is wasting cd space18:38
debfxit's pulled in by ktorrent -> libgeoip18:38
shadeslayererm ... libgeoip is needed18:38
shadeslayerand ktorrent isnt available by default i think18:39
afiestasRiddell: So I should find out what bugs have been closed since1.0RC4 to 1.0.2 and link them to launchpad?18:39
Riddellshadeslayer: why is libgeoip needed?18:39
shadeslayers/available/on the cd18:39
Riddellktorrent is on the CD18:39
shadeslayerRiddell: it needs them to display the flags and resolve the dns names to show those flags18:39
Riddellthat sounds like a feature I can live without really18:40
shadeslayerwell .. yes .. but then it might cause unexpected behaviour ... so id say ask upstream18:40
apacheloggershadeslayer: you always have 2 libkdeinits18:41
debfxdo we really need a torrent client on the cd?18:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: o_o18:42
apacheloggeryou had that in summer too18:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: you mean that stupid issue18:42
apacheloggerback then your rekonq was just all messed up if not started from a terminal or something18:42
ScottKAnyone doing the new digikam (1.8)?18:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: i run CMake with different args all the time18:42
ScottKLooks like kdegraphcis in 4.6 is new enough for it.18:42
shadeslayerScottK: im free ... so i can do it18:42
ScottKshadeslayer: Great.18:43
shadeslayeri was waiting for kdelib4.6 in maverick, since thats going to take some time ... ill do this18:43
ScottKshadeslayer: It might be better to wait to upload it until after 4.6.0 final is uploaded.18:43
shadeslayerScottK: will upload to ninjas18:43
ScottKIt can be packaged now, but not uploaded to the archive until after
ScottK(just to make sure on BC)18:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: get yerself an alias18:44
* apachelogger haz kmake18:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah .. thats what i setup in my zshrc now :P18:44
ScottKI checked it's CMakeLists.txt and our kdegraphics provides sufficient version of the relevant libs.18:44
DarkwingDuckthat was rbelem who had kubuntu-mobile running on the Milestone at UDS wasn't it?18:48
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: he had a N900 iirc18:48
DarkwingDuckBy the end of week I thought he had a milestone too with it.18:49
shadeslayerok didnt know that18:50
debfxRiddell: is it possible to blacklist geoip-database? libgeoip only recommends it18:51
Riddelldebfx: that would be a way to do it18:52
Riddelldebfx: done18:52
DarkwingDucki'll wait till rbelem gets back18:53
* rbelem is back :-)18:53
rbelemDarkwingDuck, ping18:54
DarkwingDuckrbelem: pong18:54
shadeslayer  phonon-backend-gstreamer: Depends: libphonon4 (= 4:4.7.0really4.4.3-0ubuntu4) but 4:4.7.0really4.4.4-0ubuntu1~ppa1 is to be installed.18:57
yofelbackends failed to build18:58
shadeslayeryofel: i see them in the ninja ppa18:58
yofelah right... odd18:59
=== hunger__ is now known as hunger
shadeslayerand  when i try downloading the debian.tar.gz i get "No Such Resource"19:01
debfxScottK: what's the right way to fix bug #703779 ?19:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 703779 in python-qt4 (Ubuntu) "python-qt4 should not depend on python 2.6 at Natty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70377919:01
ScottKLet me have a look.19:02
debfxshould the package only be built against python2.7?19:02
ScottKNo it should build against both, but only require one.19:02
ScottKdebfx: The bug is the depends on libpython2.6 (>= 2.6).19:04
Riddellthis adds several MB to the CD by the way :(19:04
Riddellhola sheytan 19:05
sheytanHey Riddell19:07
Riddellshadeslayer: phonon-backend-gstreamer needs it's version changed to 4.7.0really4.4.419:07
RiddellI'll do that now19:07
shadeslayerRiddell: i cant seem to download stuff from the ppa tho19:08
shadeslayerkeeps giving me a 40419:08
Riddellshadeslayer: from the web page?19:08
Riddelldunno, blame launchpad19:08
Riddellsheytan: how do you fancy working on a new wiki theme at some point?19:09
sheytanRiddell for ku?19:09
Riddellsheytan: yes19:09
shadeslayerQtWebkit guys seem pissed off  :(19:09
Riddellshadeslayer: oh?19:09
sheytanRiddell link to current one?19:10
Riddellsheytan: wiki.kubuntu.org :)19:10
debfxScottK: the problems seems to be /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/designer/libpythonplugin.so19:10
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah ... this came up at the last rekonq meeting as well, according to benjamin, we dont participate in helping out qtwebkit19:10
shadeslayerwe as in the linux community 19:10
shadeslayerand now there's http://paste.kde.org/3238/19:11
sheytanRiddell will take a look ;)19:11
shadeslayerline 5 is of particular interest19:11
Riddellshadeslayer: wibble19:12
shadeslayerthere was this discussion that qtwebkit might look at just targetting the mobile platform in the future19:12
sheytanRiddell did you speak to ofir?19:13
sheytanas far as i know w're still waiting for server to host the page19:13
sheytanwe can't wait forever ;(19:13
Riddellsheytan: the ticket got an update on friday from the top guy saying it would get done on monday, so hopefully today19:14
Riddellsheytan: but is it ready to go into testing?19:14
sheytanRiddell i think ofir already have some code. In other case he wouldn't want to continue developing on the server19:15
shadeslayerim getting 404's all over the place in LP19:24
davmor2Riddell: you don't blag us no pants on your head or pencils up your nose19:27
davmor2wibble indeed19:27
ScottKQuintasan: Congratulations (I see SIP is uploaded to Debian).19:33
sheytanRiddell ready for first impression? :D19:58
sheytanRiddell http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/17/szot2.png19:59
shadeslayerScottK: ive finished digikam, will upload tomorrow :)20:07
* afiestas wants QtGstreamer so kamoso can be updated :$20:11
afiestaskamoso 2.0 is rock solid compared to 1.X :p20:11
shadeslayernight all20:12
sheytannight shadeslayer20:14
sheytanafiestas any screenshots/casts?20:14
sheytanapachelogger pong ping etc20:14
afiestassheytan: http://www.afiestas.org/kamoso-is-alive/20:15
sheytanRiddell http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/7835/baseg.jpg20:20
sheytanafiestas can't play the video. It take to loooong to load/download20:31
sheytanany other source?20:31
afiestassheytan: http://www.afiestas.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/kamoso2.ogv ?20:34
Riddellsheytan: ooh, lovely20:35
sheytanRiddell thank you :)20:35
sheytanRiddell this blue button will take users to kubuntu.org/support, what do you think?20:36
Riddellsheytan: there you're changing the content of the wiki pages, and while our content could very likely do with some tidy up it's a different job than the template theme20:37
Riddellsheytan: can you join #ubuntu-website  there's a guy there who can help us turn designs into whatever the wiki needs20:38
sheytanRiddell well, it's only a one new feature, that will not need lots of work to add. The rest will stay as is now ;)20:41
Riddellsheytan: what's the new feature?20:42
sheytanRiddell the button which will link to kubuntu.org/support20:42
sheytannow, you have only info that wiki isn't for users20:42
freinhardhmm who's packaging pyqt?20:44
sheytanafiestas: doesn't work (TM)20:45
Riddellsheytan: I'm told that this needs to be turned into html and python to become a theme and there will be people in the web team who can help with that20:47
afiestassheytan: :/20:47
Riddellfreinhard: nobody currently, we're waiting on sip first which Quintasan has been seeing to20:48
afiestaswget http://www.afiestas.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/kamoso2.ogv :/?20:48
sheytanRiddell sure, when i finish the theme, we will think about all that stuff ;)20:48
freinhardRiddell, Quintasan if you do so, make sure PyQt4.QtHelp does not get lost, which seems to be the case for maverick and natty atm.20:49
sheytanafiestas the problem is, it downloads with 1kbps speed or even less 20:49
freinhardRiddell, Quintasan: karmic was the last one working bug #69282220:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 692822 in eric (Ubuntu) "Eric fails to start: No module named QtHelp" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69282220:49
afiestassheytan: youtube working ok for you?20:50
sheytanafiestas it should ;)20:51
Riddellfreinhard: ok I tagged and milestoned the bug20:51
apacheloggersheytan: phonon site?21:10
* apachelogger has no idea what he was pingponging about21:11
sheytanapachelogger work in progress, you were pingponging about kubuntu wiki :D21:11
apacheloggersheytan: we needs new theme21:11
apacheloggerI suppose21:11
apacheloggercrappy wiki software goes perfectly fine with crappy wiki theme21:12
sheytanapachelogger http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/7835/baseg.jpg21:12
yofelmake a nice theme for the 500 error, I think many would appreciate it21:13
afiestassheytan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBmXv06heyY21:13
* yofel continues to think what to put into a first blog post21:13
sheytanafiestas, thank you! keep working on it. ;)21:14
sheytansleep time. work tomorrow.21:22
sheytanbye all21:22
yofelJontheEchidna: you didn't set the text color to black in muon by chance? http://yofel.dyndns.org/pics/ext/muon_black.png21:50
yofelhm, I'll try it with a different color scheme then21:51
JontheEchidnaThe only hardcoded colors are blue/green/red/yellow for the status columns21:52
JontheEchidnain the main package view21:52
afiestasI'm wondering, what package manager will have 11.04 ?21:57
apacheloggerI'm a lumberjack and I am ok...22:00
Riddellafiestas: still kpackagekit, muon will be on the dvd22:08
afiestasRiddell: both rock, will be difficult decide for 11.10 :p22:09
yofelJontheEchidna: it IS black though no matter what theme I use http://yofel.dyndns.org/pics/ext/muon_black2.png22:11
Riddellafiestas: I seem to be getting distracted with mortgage applications, I'd like to say that I'd look at the bluedevil update tomorrow but wednesday is 4.6 release so tomorrow might be busy22:11
Riddellbut it's on my TODO now22:12
JontheEchidnaweird. The paint function seems totally normal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/557870/22:13
afiestasRiddell: 1.0.2 will be released next Saturday, we had a mess with the i18n and we gave 5 days to the i18n ppl to check the current status of their translations22:14
afiestasso no hurry22:14
JontheEchidnahmm, unless the default pen is hardcoded black...22:14
JontheEchidna"The default pen is a solid black brush with 0 width, square cap style (Qt::SquareCap), and bevel join style (Qt::BevelJoin)."22:15
afiestasfor 11.04 I will try to get 1.1 in 22:15
afiestasRiddell: kde partition manager is included in the cd but not installed by default?22:18
JontheEchidnayofel: fixed it: http://i.imgur.com/40d5U.png22:20
yofelthanks :D22:20
Riddellafiestas: on CD and installed22:20
Riddell(in natty)22:21
afiestasmmm I don't have it22:21
afiestasI installed alpha2 and upgraded22:21
Riddellafiestas: alpha two is next month, you must be in the future :)22:22
afiestasalpha1 then :$22:22
Riddellafiestas: apt-cache policy partitionmanager22:22
JontheEchidnaman, backporting things is super easy with git22:22
JontheEchidnamore convenient than even the svnbackport script in kdesdk22:23
afiestasInstalled: (none) ?22:23
Riddellafiestas: does  apt-get install kubuntu-desktop  bring it in?22:24
RiddellFrom: RRH <rrh@op.pl>  anyone know this guy?  "Wojtek"  says he's doing artwork with sheytan22:26
afiestashttp://paste.kde.org/3258/ <--lsb-release22:27
Riddellafiestas: well kubuntu-desktop certainly recommends partitionmanager so I guess it's a facet of the way apt wanted to upgrade, it'll certainly be on the alpha 2 CD next month22:28
afiestasbefore start to develop the usb thing I asked to the parititonmanager author if we can collaborate and share code between both applications, and one of the solutions he offer me was develop the usb-formatter within partitionmanager22:30
afiestasso, since kubuntu is already including partitionmanager, that could be a good solution to avoid code-duplication, right?22:30
debfxfreinhard: re bug #692822: what doesn't work on maverick? eric starts just fine for me22:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 692822 in python-qt4 (Ubuntu) "Eric fails to start: No module named QtHelp" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69282222:33
Riddellafiestas: yes that would seem like a good solution22:34
debfxI can take care of python-qt once Quintasan has updated sip :)22:49
RiddellQuintasan did sip and gave it to the debian guy I believe22:50
Riddellbut it's stuck in Debian new queue22:51
Riddellso maybe we can just get a copy off Quintasan and we can upload it directly so we don't have to wait22:52
debfxyeah we could just get it from Debian's svn repository22:57
Riddellor that23:00
* Riddell snoozes23:00
freinharddebfx: haven't tried eric, but that's just a sympthom. PyQt4 is missing QtHelp, that's the real bug.23:08
jtechidnaapachelogger: you must have this book in your possession: http://i.imgur.com/X773s.jpg23:13
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: herp derp -26C when I woke up this morning23:15
JontheEchidnasince you seem to beat us on snow, how cold does it get up in Poland?23:15
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: uhhhh23:17
apacheloggerwell my birthday is in july....23:17
JontheEchidnaIt's a fake book :(23:18
apacheloggerwhy did you show it to me making me look forward to it23:19
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: today +1 during day and now -2 in the night23:19
apacheloggeryou are the most cruel person I have ever met23:19
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: http://www.oreillymaker.com/link/38458/holy-java/23:20
apacheloggeremit yawn(Yawn::Lion);23:20
apacheloggersomeone could introspect me at some point23:20
JontheEchidnaari-tczew: ow. It did get up to around -14 around noon time here23:20
apacheloggerI am all over java23:20
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: where do you live?23:20
apacheloggertoday I found out that it was making out with pyth0rn behind me back23:21
JontheEchidnaari-tczew: Northeastern U.S.23:21
apacheloggerI ended our relationship :(23:21
apacheloggerI am back with BETA now23:21
apacheloggerwe should rewrite kubuntu in beta23:22
JontheEchidnahere specifically: http://i.imgur.com/HrspG.png23:22
apacheloggerhold on23:25
apacheloggervermont actually exists?23:25
apacheloggerI always thought that was a place people make up at times23:25
JontheEchidnaNew Hampshire basically spoons with it23:25
JontheEchidnabut it's mostly just a forest23:25
apacheloggerI'm a lumberjack and I'm ok, I sleep all night and I work all day23:26
apacheloggerto the youtoube!23:26
JontheEchidnaI guess Vermont is famous for Ben and Jerry's icecream23:27
JontheEchidnawhich is probably the least healthy icecream on the planet23:27
* DarkwingDuck does the happy dance23:29

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