
RoastedHow does Kubuntu 10.10 fair on standard netbook hardware? Meaning single core atom 1.6ghz etc?00:04
james147Roasted: works fine on my eee pc :)00:04
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Roastedjames147, good deal. I havent used kubuntu since kde 4.2, which was still kind of.. well let's not go there. Willing to give it another shot though :P00:05
james147kde has improved ALLOT since 4.200:05
Roasteddoing the liveusb thing now, just waiting for it to complete00:05
Roastedyeah, but at the time so many people talked up 4.2 to be amazing, when it uh. wasn't. at all.00:06
Roastedhas me semi skeptical :P00:06
james147Roasted: ^^ i mean when compaired to kde 4.2, 4.5 is allot better00:06
Roastedis 4.5 on 10.10?00:06
Roastedor are you using a PPA?00:06
Roastedgood deal00:06
Roasted4.6 is the new guy then?00:06
james1474.6rc2 is in a ppa as well00:07
Roastedah k.00:07
Roastedyeah I'm curious. I made an image backup of Ubuntu 10.10 just in case with clonezilla. Never know :P00:07
Roastedsince this netbook is a screw around toy I figured I would utilize it to see what other netbook distros out there fair well.00:07
RoastedI just tried jolicloud but the whole cloud thing is pretty laughable in my opinion, but it was such a nice interface though.00:07
* james147 notes that you can install kubuntu-desktop inside ubuntu and efficivly have both on one partition00:07
Roastedbeen there, done that00:08
Roastedmaaaaaaajor mess.00:08
Roastedmuch easier to just have two independent partitions, one ubuntu, one kubuntu, that share the same home directory.00:08
Roastedseems as if kubuntu has frozen in the process of booting it up in a live environment. not a good start...00:11
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Roastedfroze again...00:14
Roastedformatted the flash drive, installed kubuntu 10.10 onto flash drive again, third time attempting boot - froze again00:20
Roastedsuch a shame I can't even try kubuntu on a netbook. IT won't fricken boot.00:20
Roastedwell, I tried kubuntu. you failed me again. Bye guys. :(00:23
isaiashi, kubuntu 10.10 has a good Dock?00:24
james147isaias: what do you mean by dock?00:25
isaiaslike the avant windows navigator that i used to have in ubuntu00:25
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james147isaias: dont use ubuntu so i dont know what that is...00:26
bhargavaHi can some one help use the ctags plugin that comes with kate00:26
bhargavait does create the tags file but does not load the tags in the tags tab in the ctags window00:27
Goliath i exracted a 7z archive withe right click extract here option. Can i be sure it was extracted without errors?00:49
rtdosis there a way to open windows' *.url files in firefox that are located on a network drive? everytime i try to open them with firefox, firefox wants to download them.00:59
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Ash-Foxrtdos, I think theres a handler for that included in crossover from codeweavers01:03
james147hello randomperson835601:43
randomperson8356how do i find different networks to connect to?01:44
randomperson8356no chat networks01:45
randomperson8356pretty new to irc and linux01:45
james147not sure about networks :) would need to look on google for irc networks...01:45
randomperson8356ok thanks01:45
james147randomperson8356: /list   however will list all channels on the network01:46
* james147 should have started with that one01:46
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PomeroyHi guys02:16
james147Hello Pomeroy02:16
PomeroyI typed "init 5" in command.exe, and it looks to me like it's broken my colour capsules or something, any ideas?02:16
PomeroySomebody on 4chan told me to do it.02:17
PomeroyMaybe it was terminal.ini...I'm not exactly sure.02:17
james147dont listen to anyone on 4chan...02:17
* james147 is disappointed in quality trolls today....02:21
* rtdos laughs ex-hub-er-ently03:00
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Daskreechrtdos: aspell?03:06
egossettjoin ubuntu-us04:49
juankrlosi need help for to limit cpu frequency in kubuntu 10.0405:19
james147juankrlos: why limit it?05:26
setuidHow do I stop users from being listed in kdm?05:28
setuidI've tried dozens of themes, but it always shows a list, even though I've unchecked "Show list" in the KDM config screen under the "Users" tab05:28
juankrlosbecause the temperature is  high (sometimes)05:28
yofelyou can use cpufreq-selector to set governor and frequency05:29
yofel(needs to be done seperately for every core)05:30
setuidyofel, s/separately/independently/05:30
yofeler, right05:30
yofelthough I think cpufreq-set can also do all at once, but I never tried that05:31
* james147 suggest looking into getting better cooling ^^05:32
james147(as well)05:32
yofelwon't help if it's a notebook ;) (though yes, that too if possible)05:32
* setuid uses a little script to overclock the fan on his Thinkpads05:32
james147yofel: yeah :(  ...05:32
setuid# head -2 /proc/acpi/ibm/fan05:33
setuidstatus:         enabled05:33
setuidspeed:          506805:33
james147yofel: still worth a look, nothing worst then underclocking your computer05:33
james147(well, except maby it melting ... )05:33
setuidundervolting your laptop on the other hand, has HUGE advantages05:33
yofelsetuid: how would you do that? (if there's no bios setting)05:34
setuidyofel, I do it on all of my Thinkpads... it's straightforward05:34
setuidSome info here: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Pentium_M_undervolting_and_underclocking05:34
setuidThere's probably others for other laptop models as well (assuming Intel and/or AMD cpus, of course)05:35
setuidNot sure about netbooks, ATOM processors and the link05:35
james147though atoms have a decent power consumption so there is les sof an advantage :)05:35
setuidRight, and that's where the other tricks come into play (disable usb wakeup, etc.)05:36
setuidpowertop can help there05:36
yofelyeah, but you can't really underclock atoms, that's pretty much shutting them down05:36
setuidunderclock != undervolt05:36
setuidThey're very different05:36
yofelI know, undervolt might be possible05:37
setuidYou can run your CPU at 5V, 2.4Ghz, or 3.8V, 2.4Ghz05:37
yofeland powertop *is* useful05:37
* setuid fights with kdm, and refuses to give up 05:37
yofelthe kdm kcm doesn't work for that?05:37
setuidit's ignoring most of what I choose for settings, they appear selected/checked or unselected/unchecked in the config, so they SHOULD be working, but they're not05:38
setuidCould be an Ubuntu 11.04 buglet, one of about 3 dozen I've found and documented in the last 8 hours05:38
juankrlos:) oki, cpufreq-selector05:39
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* setuid is an idiot... why would I be looking in the 'Users' tab for user-specific configuration options, of COURSE it's in the "Convenience" tab, where it's completely unrelated... *smacks forehead* 05:43
setuidwoop, found a bug there too... damn05:44
setuidIf you pass a username and incorrect password, it recycles the login dialog, but now the username is cached there05:45
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anihilathey, anyone know something how to handel with k3b wodim error while burning ISO on CD ?08:56
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iulianhi all09:10
naftilos76hi everyone, i have an IP camera which i can access through its' web interface and configure it to save still images when motion is detected to an ftp server etc. I have been able to get a video preview through vlc by accessing the camera's ip like this: . The video stream is compressed in MJPEG according to vlc video properties menu. I want to save that video stream to a hd but i don't know how. Can09:18
naftilos76anyone help?09:18
valorienaftilos76: you might find more knowledgeable people in #videolan , which is the VLC channel09:22
naftilos76valorie: thanks09:22
valoriegood luck!09:29
dennisterhey there, anyone awake?09:40
james147dennister: there are many people awake09:41
dennisterwonderful...middle of night here and I'm frustrated like there's no tomorrow :) 2 problems: my geforce 210 card and network dying too often09:43
dennisterlast night all of a sudden xorg didn't work, and while I did install proprietary drivers for this card once before, I can't find how to do it anymore?09:44
james147dennister: run "hardware driver" (or launch jockey-kde from terminal) that is the best way to install them09:45
dennisternor can I find the link I used before  by googling...09:46
valoriedennister: http://www.nvidia.com/object/product_geforce_210_us.html ?09:46
dennistervalorie: ty09:46
valorieoh, sorry09:46
valoriejames147 is much more knowledgeable than I am09:46
dennisterjames147: i think your advice is for a newer version than mine...I'm using hardy09:47
james147why are you useing hardy?09:47
dennisterjames147: do you have all night? long story09:47
james147its almost 10am here :p09:48
dennisterheheh...4:48 am here, and if I start on the hardy-v-newer versions I'll never get anything else done09:48
james147well, i cant help you with that version, its far to old for me to remember what it was like09:49
dennisterjames147: k, gotcha, thx for your willingness09:50
dennisteranyone elseknow how do i install newer proprietary nvidia drivers for this geforce 210 card on hardy?09:50
dennister800 x 600 resolution isn't going to cut it here09:51
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:02
dennisteranyone know how to actually run the nvidia....run file?10:07
james147^^ might need sudo10:08
james147probally does10:08
* james147 also think you have to stop X first10:08
dennisteryes...to install anything10:08
dennisterthat's right...now it's coming back to me...I think10:08
chiiiiizsmall problem: when logging in, the plasma desktop waits for my kwallet password to display the desktop. I think it appeared after an update..10:25
chiiiiizBefore, I only needed the kwallet password for Kontact or Amarok...10:26
chiiiiizany idea?10:26
james147chiiiiiz: do you have any widgets taht might store a password?10:26
chiiiiizHi, James1410:26
rorkchiiiiiz: any drives automatically mounting?10:27
chiiiiizI have on the desktop the Trash, a widget that displays the free space available for my mount points and disks, the Google Translator, the Plasmacon terminal, and 2 folderviews10:28
chiiiiizYes, I modified my fstab a long time ago, long before the problem appeared...10:29
chiiiiizEverytyhing was configured like it is now long before this problem appeared...10:29
chiiiiizsome network mountpoints use the cifs filesystem, since the folder to be mounted are on a W2003 Server machine.10:31
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chiiiiizOn the right click on Plasma there is a command I do not understand... Between "Execute a command" and "lock/unlock the plamoids"... In french it is called "Agencements", arrangements in english10:33
chiiiiizI have 3 of them, not named... that I do not know about... maybe this locks Plasma somewhere... Where can I remove them, what is their use?10:34
valoriechiiiiiz: maybe those are the Activities?10:37
valoriethat's new, you can organize your different desktops into different activities10:38
chiiiiizI guess so. What is their use? I never used them, but I may have browsed into them, and changed things that require the password.10:38
valorieNews is the only one that comes to mind10:38
chiiiiizI have 3 of them... but I do not see the use. How can I remove them?10:39
valorieso you could group activities that you normally do, all together10:39
valorieI just ignore them, until i put them to use10:39
valoriehow are they in the way of anything?10:39
chiiiiizI must add, I am most used to work under Gnome... KDE is quite recen,t for me...10:39
valoriesorry, I don't know anything about gnome10:39
chiiiiizSorry, I did not understand your last post?10:39
valoriedrives me nuts to have to work in it10:40
valoriewhy get rid of them? what harm are they doing?10:40
hammeranyone who nows a console tool to display current joystick positions!?10:40
chiiiiizNo, that okay, just to add that KDE is not my cup of tea so far... lost of things I still do not know about it...10:40
valorieit isn't for everyone, that's true10:41
valorieeveryone should use what they like10:41
chiiiiizah, I thought maybe these"Activities" require a kwallet password... and explain the fact that I have this password asked before Plasma starts, which recent... and annoying10:41
valorieno, I don't think so10:41
valoriethey might be lockable, such as a Business activity, which you would want passworded10:42
valorieor Banking10:42
chiiiiizand so thought I may have to erase them in order to retrieve my former desktop conf... and no password before I start Kontact or Amarok10:42
valoriewell, the reason you want a pw for Amarok is to access the web services10:42
valoriesuch as Last.fm, Magnatunes, etc.10:43
valorieif you don't use any web services, then you need no pw10:43
chiiiiizagreed... I use them, and a mysql database also.10:51
valorieoh, an external db?10:53
valoriethen yes, you have to give a PW one way or another10:53
valorieI prefer kwallet, since it's just once instead of over and over10:53
chiiiiizI understand that Amarok, or Kontact may need the Kwallet passwd, but I still do not see why Plasma required it... Thanks anyway11:01
valoriechiiiiiz: it isn't that plasma requires it, but security11:10
valorieI believe you can set up your login to be without password, although I don't know how to do that11:11
valorieand since I have a laptop, I wouldn't do it11:11
valoriebut that's up to you11:11
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JohnFluxI did a normal apt-get upgrade   and now I have screen corruption etc11:22
JohnFluxIt's mostly minor, but for example the colors in the toolbox thing in the bottom right are all wrong11:22
chiiiiizunderstood... but I won't. THanks11:25
iulian_maybe something on sytem settings there you can change password and other options11:31
davourI have a problem adding contacts to my address book in kmail, since I have more than one std.vcf file. Akonadi tray applet say so, kmail say so. Looking in the .kde/share/apps/kabc  I claim it isn't so. Any idea how to make all parts agree?11:49
ecinxhow do i play an AVI file from the web?11:58
mndoecinx, mplayer http://www.cs.stanford.edu/cslibrary/PointerFunPreview.avi12:03
ecinxok, thanks.. how do i pause apt-get dist-upgrade so i can download mplayer?12:05
ecinxis it safe to do ctrl -c?12:05
t3rminat0rhow may I copy an already pre-configured eclipse from one other box to my machine?12:06
t3rminat0r[it came already with a distribution]12:06
davourecinx: You wait12:13
mndoecinx, unless you're still downloading it's better to wait12:20
mndoecinx, but you don't really need mplayer, you can use kaffeine or totem or whatever media player you use12:21
ecinxit opened with totem but no video, like a codec issue i guess12:21
mndoecinx, you can use vlc or do an apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras12:23
ecinxthanks mndo, i have to go now12:31
mndoecinx, sure, no problem12:31
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metRo_with the last update12:36
metRo_my device notifier never stop showing networks folders12:36
metRo_how can i stop it!?12:36
BluesKajHi folks12:49
dsemblanoHi folks, anyone has experienced all maximized windows go bellow the panel? Behave like Visibility - Windows go bellow. Using KDE 4.6 RC213:08
dsemblanoif so, is there any workaround?13:08
pucko-``why are mounted disks added as /media/disk-1 instead of /media/<label> ? this is very confusing when I occasionaly access different disks in different order. Anyone know how to change this behavior?13:25
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stealthcis there a way to probe for the mount folder generically in linux?13:26
stealthcI need something cleaner than this: sudo blkid -o list | awk "/SubWeb/"' { print $4 }' | cut -d'/' -f213:26
pucko-good question.13:27
Koliaanyone knows if it's possible to set a picture as desktop background from gwenview?13:54
BluesKajKolia, open desktop settings by right clicking on the desktop and choosing it in the dialog box then plasma desktop settings will open, then choose the open tab , then choose the path to the file you want13:57
KoliaBluesKaj: thanks, I know this way, but i wonder about doing it from gwenview13:58
KoliaBluesKaj: usecase: i'm watching a nice diaporama and suddenly find a good pic and want to use it as background13:58
Kolia(and too lazy to minimize, check the name of pic, open the dialo from desktop..) :)13:58
BluesKajgwenview is merely the vehicle to open those files13:58
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Koliaa right-click on a pic from gwenview slideshow -> set as background picture would be nice for me though :p13:59
bullium_Running kubuntu 10.04 and the panel crashed but I still have programs running and can issue an ALT+F2 to run apps and have a terminal open. How can I start the panel back up without restarting X?14:02
Koliabullium_: try plasma-desktop from krunner14:03
bullium_Kolia: awesome! that did it...I've been using gnome to long :)14:04
Koliabullium_: :))14:05
bullium_Kolia: KDE simply handles multiple monitors better than gnome right now; not to mention it's prettier and works well with docky :)14:06
Koliareally? you find it better with multiple monitors?14:07
BluesKajgnome is ok , but they are having transition to gnome 3 probs due to a lack of attention to the the existing desktop's probs14:07
Koliai've been happy with it but only because of the nvidia tool to handle the screen settings. I found the handling of multiple screens in KDE generally tricky.14:08
Koliabut maybe it changed lately14:08
BluesKajgnome works better with some graphics cards than others , kde seems to work better with nvidia than ati atm14:09
Koliayeah that's what i found, but even with nvidia, the native kde tool for monitor settings didn't work well14:09
Kolia(for me)14:10
bullium_Kolia: well I used the nvidia tool for in gnome...but I decided to try KDE by installing the kde4-destkop package. So maybe some of my nvidia configs bleed over, but I was able to do more with multiple monitors with kcmshell414:10
BluesKajwell. rather than multiple monitors i just use my plasma tv as a monitor14:12
Koliagood news then14:12
KoliaBluesKaj: resolution is ok?14:12
BluesKajthis pc is our media server as well14:12
BluesKajnvidia dvi to hdmi14:13
bullium_Kolia: thanks for the help14:13
BluesKajKolia, yes, 1920x108014:13
Koliabullium_: np14:13
KoliaBluesKaj: how big is the screen?14:13
BluesKajnot too large , 42"14:14
BluesKajI'm about 3M away from the scrn, the fonts have to be above 12 or so ...chromium browser toolbar and bookmark fonts don't link to kde settings tho, so I'm forced to use FF14:16
BluesKajusing wireless KG and mouse from my easychair14:18
BluesKajer KB14:18
KoliaBluesKaj: stop, i hate you already14:18
Koliai'm sitting on a nice chair, but in front of a netbook14:19
BluesKajwell, I'm an old retired guy ,14:19
JohnFluxI have drawing corruption..  was there a recent update that caused this?15:08
jhohnThere was a xorg update recently15:10
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pulaskiHello, I have an amd64 box on which I run kubuntu 10.10 and kde 4.5.95. The default amarok package is 2.3.90. When I run amarok it does not recognize and will not play an audio cd from my drive. Has anyone else had this experience and offer a comment?16:55
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kuruminola td bem com vcs18:03
dsemblano<kurumin> vc é do amapá é?18:05
Mamarok!en | kurumin18:08
ubottukurumin: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:08
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
ubuntu_hi , can tell me somone who i can use divx webstreams in kubuntu 10.10 ?18:38
ubuntu_hello somone here ?18:39
Peace-what did you mean ?18:41
Peace-webstrem ?18:41
ubuntu_yes divx webstream18:41
Peace-which browser?18:42
Peace-i guess you have to install mozzilla-mplayer18:42
ubuntu_yes but , no plugins like ffmpeg ,18:42
Peace-ubuntu_: wait a moment i fnd out the packages18:43
ubuntu_do i need this plugins ?18:43
Peace-ubuntu_: have you medibuntu ?18:43
ubuntu_i don know this , i have kubunto 10.1018:43
ubuntu_64 bit18:43
Peace-ubuntu_: medibuntu are repository for codecs...18:43
Peace-without that the most of videos doesn't work well because you have not all codecs...18:44
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:44
ubuntu_yes thats my problem , i think i schould install this18:44
Peace-ubuntu_: so read the documentation about medibuntu18:44
Peace-ubuntu_: basically you have to copy and paste two command line18:45
Peace-on konsole18:45
ubuntu_yes i do this18:45
ubuntu_do you know the commands ?18:45
Peace-ubuntu_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu#Adding the Repository18:46
ubuntu_i have installed the mplayer for firefox , but i think the player dosent find the divx codec18:46
Peace-sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update18:46
Peace-sudo apt-get --yes install app-install-data-medibuntu apport-hooks-medibuntu18:46
ubuntu_ok i will read it , thanks for your quick help , sorry for the bad englisch iam german18:46
Peace-ubuntu_: ... so18:47
Peace-!de | ubuntu_18:47
ubottuubuntu_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:47
DarthFrogPeace-: Geshundheit!18:47
Peace-DarthFrog: lol18:47
Peace-DarthFrog: xD nope man i am italian18:47
DarthFrogPeace-:  I was making a joke about your wget gibberish. :-)18:47
ubuntu_in the worldwar we was friends :-)18:47
Peace-i didn't like remember that...18:47
ubuntu_yes its better18:48
Peace-stupid wars for stupid peple18:48
DarthFrogPeace-:  In English, we say that after someone sneezes. :-)18:48
Peace-DarthFrog: i know something about german language18:48
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!18:49
ubuntu_an what you know ??18:49
Peace-!offtopic | ubuntu_18:49
ubottuubuntu_: please see above18:49
ubuntu_i have seen , i am a irc noob18:49
ubuntu_ok i musste reboot see you later thx18:51
bhargavaHi can someone help me installing themes in kubuntu19:06
james147bhargava: themes for what?19:06
bhargavaIs there a theme manager where I can just browse for themes and install what I like19:06
bhargavadesktop themes19:06
james147bhargava: easiest way is to: System settings > workspace appearence > Desktop themes > Get new themes19:07
bhargava@james147: there is no workspace appearence option in the system settings, only appearence and there is no desktop themes option in that (Using kubuntu 10.04)19:09
james147bhargava: what version of kubuntu/kde?19:10
bhargava@james147: using kubuntu 10.0419:10
* james147 cant remember what system settings looked like back then.... tis so old now19:11
bhargava@james147: kde version is 4.4.5 Qt: 4.6.219:12
james147bhargava: well ^^ as far as i can remember the dialog is about the same in 4.4, though I have no clue where it is in that version :)19:13
bhargava@james147: Thanks for your time. I'll look for it19:14
james147although, if i recall... it dident work as well in the past, 4.5, and 4.6 had it working much better, you might want to consider upgrading (there are many other bug fixes and they are much more responsive as well)19:14
bhargava@james147: Sure, but for now I'll look around a bit for the option, look if it works and then install the new versions if required. The bugs have not bothered me till now so...19:16
james147its not only bugs, but i found 4.5 much more resposive, and so nicer to use in general19:17
bhargavajames147: Oh is that then I would definitely give it a try19:18
Peace-james147: to me 4.5 nope19:18
Peace-james147: 4.4.2 for me was the best19:19
Peace-speed i mean19:19
james147Peace-: heh, each version just keeps getting faster for me :S19:19
james147Peace-: how much ram do you ahve?19:20
* BluesKaj can't tell the diff , kde 4 has been fast for me perios :)19:20
BluesKajer period19:20
* DarthFrog even liked KDE 4.0. :-)19:20
Peace-james147: 1 gb19:20
Peace-james147: xD yea shame on me19:21
james147:) 1gig should be enough, though i tend to have at leat 2,19:21
james147Peace-: what graphics card?19:22
Peace-hahaha intel 945gm19:22
Peace-shame on me 2 xD19:22
james147:d my net books has that one... or a similar one... cant remember the numebrs, and it runs fine :D19:22
Peace-yea infact it runs fine19:23
* Peace- on 11.04 no :(19:23
james147:D ... thats what you get on alpha though19:23
james147^^ the installer crashed for me the last time i tryed it (in a vm though)19:23
* Peace- (use alternate always)19:24
YuraDocHello. I go one pb. After some work in kununtu I got grub rescue19:31
YuraDocand message "grub rescue"19:31
YuraDocwhat i need to do to get in Xes again19:32
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ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:35
YuraDocI launch kubuntu through wmware19:35
YuraDocis it possible to restore?19:36
YuraDoci had set set prefix=(hdX,Y)/boot/grub19:39
YuraDocthen insmod (hdX,Y)/boot/grub/linux.mod19:40
YuraDocit wrote me no such disk19:40
moussaaidez moi19:59
moussajariv pa a telecharger chrome sur kubuntu20:00
genii-around!fr | moussa20:03
ubottumoussa: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:03
moussawhere can i download chrom for kubuntu20:06
james147moussa: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu20:07
DarthFrogmoussa:  sudo apt-get install chromium-browser20:08
Snowhogmoussa: Or http://distrowatch.com/20:08
james147hello jsaw20:36
jsawhi james147 :)20:36
jsawI'm lost once again: I'd like to file a bug report on launchpad about the pager behavior, package is plasma-desktop, but does not seem to exist...????20:36
jsawjames147: thanks for the pointer.  I ended up in #kontact and got some quite useful hints20:37
james147jsaw: why not https://bugs.kde.org/ ?20:37
jsawhmmm, ...20:38
jsawjames147: I'm still used to my work style when I was working on the T2-Project...20:39
james147btw, whats wrong with its behaviour?20:39
jsawjames147: (ppl informed me about problems with the packages I maintained, then, I contacted the devs...)20:40
jsawpager doesn't like '1 row', it displays it correctly as one row, but key bindings (Next/Prev) do not20:41
jsawfor shortcuts it behaves as n rows, where n is the number of virtual desktops...20:42
jsaw(to be more exact, it works when changing the configuration, but after next start this '1 versus n rows' appears)20:43
=== MOM4Evr is now known as Daxar
bhargavajames147: do I compile kde 4.5/4.6 from source or is it available in the repositories21:35
bhargavadoes someone use kate for C development here21:36
james147bhargava: on 10.04 its avaible in the backs ports repo (if i remember correctly) "ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports"  (kde 4.5 that is)21:36
james147bhargava: 4.6rc wont be added to 10.04, but is in the beta ppa for 10.1021:36
* james147 suggest upgrading to 10.10 ...21:37
bhargavajames147: I just read somewhere that backports usually have software still in test state.... So does it cause any problems21:37
james147backports has stable programs of a newer major version, beta has prerelease software in it21:38
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
FloridaGuyi right click on a panel icon...click icon settings....change the icon...to want i want...but it dosent change21:40
moseswhat program does KDE use to config networks?21:40
james147moses: "network-manager"   << you can control it through the network managment widget21:41
FloridaGuymoses: system settings.... and you will see network settings in there21:41
mosesit didnt open21:41
mosesim trying to run it from the CLI21:41
mosesany ideas21:41
bhargavajames147: Thanks for the answer. Also where can I get info regarding the kate editor. I have a problem using the CTags plugin that came along with Kate editor.21:42
james147moses: there was a commandline version, but as far as i know it required X anyway ... :p21:43
mosesi have x installed21:43
mosesim just trying to run it so it pops up21:43
james147moses: pops up?21:43
mosesyea like on my blank desktop21:43
james147bhargava: you could try assking in #kde21:43
james147moses: if you have plasma-desktop running, then add the entwork managemnt widget to the deskop or panel21:44
Rioting_Pacifistdo word documents support a <hr> or what is the best way to put lines into a text document (i'm using abiword but can switch to libre/etc if required)21:44
mosesi cant21:44
mosesi can only run the programs21:44
moseswhats the widgit program name?21:45
FloridaGuymoses: the wiget is on your panel21:45
mosesi have a different wm running21:46
james147moses: alt+f2: Network managment    i think will launch the widget in a window... though i think it might only work with kde 4.6 or possibally 4.521:46
FloridaGuymine looks like a network cable plug21:46
james147moses: do you have plasma-desktop running?21:46
mosesnope different WM21:46
mosesbut i want to run KDE stuff21:46
james147moses: its not a window manager...21:46
mosesbasically all i have is a black background and a terminal open21:47
FloridaGuyalt f2 brings up run screen or search witch ever it is21:47
james147why are you not running plasma-desktop? and if you dont want to then i suggest using the gnome applet (nm-applet)21:47
=== MuzerAway is now known as Muzer
yofelor knetworkmanager (install network-manager-kde)21:48
yofelbut I think both knm and nm-applet require some kind of panel running (or systray/notification area rather)21:49
mosesso theres no straight up program?21:50
yofelmoses: you can always use wpa_supplicant from the command line for wireless connections21:50
yofelread the documentation on how to use it21:50
Darothanehey guys, I'm trying to get java installed under ubuntu 10.04 x64 but i can't find the package name anywhere to install, can anyone help?22:09
james147openjdk-jre  i think22:11
Darothanecouldn't find it :(22:12
Darothanethanks for trying though22:12
yofelDarothane: openjdk-6-jre22:13
yofelDarothane: and icedtea6-plugin for the webbrowser plugin22:13
* Darothane loves yofel22:13
komputesWhere does kmail store its contacts?22:36
Snowhogkomputes: What version of Kubuntu and KDE are you running?22:37
komputesSnowhog: before nepomuk and the database thing. Just looking where in my home dir kmail is looking/storing the contacts22:38
Snowhogkomputes: ~/.local/share/contacts/22:39
komputesSnowhog: cheers22:39
komputesSnowhog: nope, anywhere else you can think of?22:41
komputesi see an akonadi folder in share, don't see a contacts folder in my backup which was before nepomuk tried to update it22:41
komputesbtw, kaddressbook cant see the contacts but kmail can22:42
komputesSnowhog: my backup is from 8.04, where were contacts located back then?22:45
Snowhogkomputes: Open Kmail. Click on Contacts. In the pane that shows the contacts, right-click on the folder and click on folder properties.22:46
komputes~/.strigi/clucene_8o2.cfs is about 34MB this may be it...22:47
komputesok i will so as you say22:47
komputesSnowhog: Click on Contacts <- don't see this, I have to write an email and click "Select..."22:49
komputesSnowhog: opening kaddressbook is buggy - show no contacts at all, but all my contacts can be seen in the "Select..." window22:50
Snowhogkomputes:  $HOME/Mail contains your actual mail messages. $HOME/.kde/share/config/kmailrc and $HOME/.kde/share/apps/kmail/ contain your KMail account and filter information. $HOME/.kde/share/apps/kabc/std.vcf contains the addressbook entries.22:51
komputesSnowhog: looking, fingers crossed22:51
komputesSnowhog: thanks, I think they have been found. Lifesaver that's what you are!22:54
komputesheres lots of 'em22:54
Snowhogkomputes: :)22:54
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PasNoxhello i'm looking for how i can use squashfs with lzma support in kubuntu 10.10 ?23:13
PasNoxany idea ?23:13
PasNoxit seem squashfs tools of kubuntu only has zlib support23:13
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james147Hello nicklas_23:38
nicklas_you know if there is some way to get pulse in wine? not the oss way23:39
james147try asking #winehq23:40
nicklas_ty, done that23:40
nicklas_will kde 4.6 hit the kubuntu updates repos or backports when its released in 2 days?23:41
yofelin backports23:43
nicklas_hm ok, then i will probably have to reconfigure alot23:43
nicklas_there are alot of new functions, phew23:43
nicklas_like kwallet will be removed in favor for some other app, dont remember the name23:44
nicklas_ive just gotten it as i want, have to empty my home and reconfigure again, argh23:44
* james147 dident think kwallet was being replaced in 4.6...23:46
nicklas_james147: http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.6-beta1.php/ and http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.6_Feature_Plan23:47
yofelhm, I don't think that made it for 4.6 - or I didn't notice it23:49
Spaztic_Oneshould kubuntu be running a little sluggishly on a 2 ghz dual core with 3 gb of ram?23:49
james147nicklas_: no mention of it in the first one23:49
james147and the second still says in progress, suggesting it wont make it23:49
nicklas_james147: yeah, your probably right23:49
james147^^ also i still seem to ahve kwallet, on the rc223:50
nicklas_james147: ok23:50
yofelSpaztic_One: define 'sluggish' - is it still sluggish without compositing on?23:50
james147although, that means it will probally be ready and polished for 4.7 :D23:50
yofelI have kwallet too 4.6.023:50
* james147 is looking forward to seeing if the new system will be better then kwallet though :D23:51
nicklas_how can you be running 4.6.0 when its not released?23:51
james147^^ when it finaly comes23:51
james147nicklas_: rc223:51
Spaztic_Oneyofel: Don't know what compositing is. Gnome (ubuntu) runs fine though.23:51
james147its in the beta repos23:51
yofelnicklas_: I'm a packager, so I already have the tars23:51
james147(if i remember correctly)23:52
yofelSpaztic_One: go to systemsettings -> desktop effects and turn them off23:52
Spaztic_Oneyofel: one moment, switching back to kde23:53
nicklas_but composoting shouldnt be sluggish with those specs that he has?23:53
yofeldepends on graphics card / driver in that case23:54
james147^^ could be if the processing is done on the cpu23:54
yofelbut 'sluggissh' is very vagure23:54
nicklas_what card do you have spaz ?23:54
james147yeah ^^ and very subjective23:54
james147he quit23:54
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
nicklas_ah, have join/leave and status change deactivated23:55
nicklas_bartek: swedish?23:58
yofelpolish from the hostmask23:59
nicklas_hej is swedish for hi23:59
yofelgood to know ^23:59
Spaztic_Oneyofel: Hey, back, and I checked. Compositing is off.23:59

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