
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
Ursinhahello launchpad02:33
StevenKUrsinha: Hi! How was your flight?02:33
spmheya Ursinha02:33
UrsinhaStevenK, was nice, it was delayed 50 minutes but I got home at last :)02:33
Ursinhaand yours?02:33
Ursinhaspm, hey :)02:33
StevenKUrsinha: Both of mine were okay, apart from the food.02:33
Ursinhaah, food02:33
UrsinhaStevenK, I'm not taking food into account :P02:33
huwshimiUrsinha: Well to take it into account, first you actually have to classify it as food.02:44
Ursinhahuwshimi, good point02:44
StevenKhuwshimi: Haha. How were your flights?02:46
huwshimiStevenK: Better than on the way to Dallas. My flight into Sydney was even 30 min early.02:47
huwshimiStevenK: How about you?02:49
StevenKTransisting via SFO is annoying, since the walk from domestic to international should be measured in kilometres.02:50
huwshimiStevenK: Ouch.02:50
StevenKHowever, both flights were on time, fairly smooth. The only let down was food on the SFO-SYD leg.02:50
jorjosohello people¡¡02:59
UrsinhaI'm glad you're all home and fine :) I'll try to sleep to minimize jet lag02:59
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
huwshimiUrsinha-afk: Night02:59
jorjosoI would like to  create a background for ubuntu narwhal do you know the deadline ?03:01
lifelessno idea; I suggest asking in an Ubuntu channel03:01
lifelessperhaps #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-desktop03:02
jorjosolifeless: thankyou03:03
huwshimijorjoso: I believe the date is something like the 13th of March. But if you ask in #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-desktop someone might be able to tell you for certain03:04
* wgrant wanders in.04:22
huwshimiwgrant: Afternoon04:23
wgrantFirst leg late, second leg bumpy. Yay, I love airlines.04:24
spmbetter bumpy than a short sharp crash.04:25
wgrantIt wasn't an A380 this time, so I was safe.04:25
StevenKMy flight wasn't an A380. I was hopeful.04:31
wgrantYou didn't check beforehand?04:31
StevenKI did -- when I booked it :_)04:32
wgrantI think QF12 (LAX->SYD, not long before mine) was an A380.04:32
StevenKI suspect all of the SFO flights won't be A380s04:33
wgranthuwshimi: Is the plan still to have you on the green squad call?05:01
huwshimiwgrant: Erm, possibly. Does Curtis lead that team?05:04
wgranthuwshimi: That's the one.05:06
huwshimiwgrant: Yeah I think I'm supposed to be a part of those calls, but I haven't heard any details yet.05:06
wgranthuwshimi: We've scheduled them for around 9am AEDT, for now.05:07
huwshimiwgrant: ah ok05:07
wgrantWhich is a bit of an improvement from my previous 20:30 call :/05:08
wgrantStevenK: When's yours now?05:08
huwshimiwgrant: yeah that would have been horrible05:08
StevenKwgrant: 8am05:09
wgrantStevenK: Ah, not too bad.05:10
spmshockingly mine was just adjusted from 7am to 9am. it's horrible I tell you.05:13
huwshimiWe have a public holiday on Wednesday right?05:16
wgrantHave you applied for it?05:16
wgrantIf not... you'd better hope canonicaladmin unbreaks!05:16
huwshimiwgrant: No-one told me I needed to apply for it :)05:16
StevenKThey can be put in afterwards, HR prefers if they're done before.05:17
wgrantYou need to enter leave on canonicaladmin.com, I believe.05:17
huwshimiAh right05:17
wgrantIs is at the moment, however, less than up.05:17
huwshimiwgrant: Would be funny to miss out on a public holiday because a website wasn't working.05:20
pooliehi wgrant, huwshimi06:15
wgrantEvening poolie.06:16
huwshimipoolie: Hey there.06:16
* huwshimi is heading off... to sleep06:47
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
mrevellGood morning09:03
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
jmlgood morning10:51
deryckMorning, all.12:00
adeuringgood morning12:34
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
leonardri have a question for anyone interested in launchpad bugs13:12
leonardrmy web_link code generally gives the results i would expect, but the web_link for a bug watch has a hostname of launchpad.dev, not bugs.launchpad.dev13:12
leonardris that expected/okay?13:12
leonardri see that either url works, i'm just wondering what's correct and if this is a problem i should look into13:13
* jml doesn't know13:16
deryckleonardr, as you say, either should work.  But the bugs domain would be the correct one.13:16
leonardrderyck, do you want to help me figure this out?13:17
deryckleonardr, not really :-)  I'm sooooo done with bugs. ;)13:18
* deryck is kidding13:18
leonardrderyck: give me a minute to re-learn what i wrote last week, and i'll explain it to you13:18
deryckleonardr, sure, that works13:18
leonardrthe lazr.restful branch is https://code.launchpad.net/~leonardr/lazr.restful/web-link/+merge/4699213:19
* deryck looks13:19
deryckleonardr, is it just for a bug watch that the bugs domain is omitted?  I assume other resources are in the correct domain?13:26
leonardrderyck: yes, for a bug you get bugs.launchpad.dev13:28
deryckleonardr, and paste me an example url of the watch, please.13:28
leonardrderyck: to explain the branch briefly, we look for a registered function capable of converting a web service request into a website request13:28
leonardrweb_link: u'http://launchpad.dev/bugs/1/+watch/2'13:29
_mup_Bug #1: Microsoft has a majority market share <iso-testing> <ubuntu> <Clubdistro:Confirmed> <Computer Science Ubuntu:Invalid by compscibuntu-bugs> <EasyPeasy Overview:Invalid by ramvi> <GNOME Screensaver:Won't Fix> <Ichthux:Invalid by raphink> <JAK LINUX:Invalid> <The Linux OS Project:In Progress> <metacity:In Progress> <OpenOffice:In Progress by lh-maviya> <Tabuntu:Invalid by tinarussell> <Tivion:Invalid by shakaran> <Tv-Player:New> <Ubuntu:I13:29
leonardras it happens, launchpad has defined such a function already, for the librarian13:29
leonardras you can see in https://code.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpad/web-link/+merge/47258 once it's scanned13:30
leonardrwe are using absoluteURL to generate the url to the object, passing in the object + the fake website request13:32
deryckok, just looking over a few things here13:34
deryckleonardr, so this seems to me it's on the lp side, not lazr.restful that this is going wrong, yes?13:40
leonardrderyck: i agree13:41
deryckI'm wondering if we just need a "rootsite" attribute in the zcml for bug watches.  i.e. if it's just omission of this, not by design, that we have both urls for watches.13:42
leonardrderyck: i think that's the piece i was looking for13:42
leonardr        <browser:url13:42
leonardr            for="lp.bugs.interfaces.bugwatch.IBugWatch"13:42
leonardr            path_expression="string:+watch/${id}"13:42
leonardr            attribute_to_parent="bug"/>13:42
leonardrof course, fixing that might cause all sorts of other test failures13:43
leonardri'll fix the other stuff first and come back to this13:43
deryckleonardr, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/557658/13:43
deryckleonardr, and yeah, just see what sorts of failures we get in tests.13:43
deryckleonardr, grep turns up on test using the non-bugs url.  xx-bugwatch-comments.txt13:44
leonardrall right, thanks for your help13:45
leonardrderyck: same problem with CVE, actually13:47
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
deryckabentley, adeuring, henninge -- stand up in mumble now, if we all remembered and are here. :)14:00
abentleyderyck, ack14:00
henningederyck: I am here but have to see if mumble likes me14:00
deryckhenninge, ok, we have an orange room now14:03
leonardrok, here's another problem--not sure who can help, but i'll spell it out14:09
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | PQM is open | firefighting: - | Get the code: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​Getting || On call: henninge | reviewing: | queue: [] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
leonardrthe HWDB resources have a web_link and they shouldn't14:10
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | PQM is open | firefighting: - | Get the code: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​Getting || On call reviewer: henninge | reviewing: | queue: [] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
leonardrif the attempt to navigate to the HWDB web_link raised an exception, i could deal with that easily14:12
leonardrbut it gives me a url that's not really present14:13
leonardri'm going to leave it alone for now, but the current solutions i have in my head are ugly, so i would like some help14:13
jmlsinzui: we're down to talk today. Do you still want to?14:16
leonardradeuring, cr3 says you're the one to talk to about this14:16
sinzuijml: I do not have anything for today...but we are keeping this slot right?14:17
jmlsinzui: I'm happy to if you think it will help you.14:17
adeuringleonardr: can you explain the the problem a bit? What is the wrong link?14:18
sinzuijml: I want to keep it.14:18
jmlsinzui: cool. consider it kept, but cancelled for today14:18
leonardradeuring: sure.14:18
jmlsinzui: btw, can you please send Huw details about your team's standup?14:18
leonardrif you GET http://api.launchpad.dev/beta/+hwdb, you get back a response including this:14:18
leonardrweb_link: u'http://launchpad.dev/+hwdb'14:18
leonardrwhich would be accurate if the hwdb were published on the website, but it's not14:19
adeuringah, I see. The problem is that we don't want the HWDB to be publicly avaiable14:19
leonardradeuring: yes, but i'm not sure how to determine that ahead of time14:20
leonardri think the best solution would be to have the traversal code raise an exception unless the request is a web service request?14:21
adeuringleonardr: sounds reasonable. The other option would be to raise Unauthorzied for users who are not in the group "hwb-team" or somesuch14:22
adeuringerm, hwdb-team14:23
leonardradeuring: i don't understand. would that url work if i were in the right group?14:23
=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: henninge | reviewing: | queue: [] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
adeuringleonardr: at least formally. OTOH, the is no real content to show on the web.14:23
adeuringso, raising an exception for any non-webservice requests is probably more reasonable14:24
leonardradeuring: do you know where to put that code? i have no idea except maybe there's a traversal method somewhere in services/hwdb14:25
leonardradeuring: just out of curiosity, what about a link like http://launchpad.dev/+hwdb/+driver/10 ? would that nominally work on the website?14:26
adeuringleonardr: no, the HWDB is only exposed via the webservice14:26
leonardradeuring: in that case, we should definitely raise an exception during traversal14:27
adeuringleonardr: right. regarding the right place for the exception: I have no real clue. Maybe gary_poster has a suggestion?14:27
* gary_poster reads back14:27
* gary_poster wonders how far to read back14:28
adeuringgary_poster: ca 10 minutes14:28
leonardrgary: to 9:1214:28
gary_posterok thanks14:28
leonardri guess i'm thinking that we should *traverse* the url after it's generated and see if it raises an exception. but there must be a better way14:29
leonardrfwiw, my alternative is to add a lazr.restful declaration @no_web_link and apply it to the hwdb resources. but that feels like duplication of information14:29
gary_posterleonardr: making sure I understand.  You want to have lazr.restful know a quick way to determine whether a given url (hwdb in this case) will fail.  You don't really want this to happen when someone clicks on the url--that's too late.  You want to never render it.  Traversal is not a natural place for this in the current scheme of things, because we don't traverse urls when we generate them.  Do I understand prop14:33
leonardrgary: yes14:33
leonardri was initially surprised that we could generate urls that wouldn't work, but now i understand that the code is different14:33
gary_posterOK.  using traversal would be expensive and unpleasant.  Can we look at what is generating URLs instead, and make that complain?14:34
leonardrgary: we can sure try14:35
gary_posterleonardr: ok.  Would you like me to dig into that code briefly, or do you want to do it and report back?14:36
gary_posterIf you want me to dig, you'll need to get me started14:36
leonardrgary: i'm going to look up one thing and maybe we can go from there14:36
gary_posterok cool14:36
leonardrthis would be lib/lp/hardwaredb/browser/configure.zcml14:36
leonardr    <browser:url14:36
leonardr        for="lp.hardwaredb.interfaces.hwdb.IHWDBApplication"14:36
leonardr        path_expression="string:+hwdb"14:36
leonardr        parent_utility="canonical.launchpad.webapp.interfaces.ILaunchpadRoot"/>14:36
leonardrwhat's the code that runs that? the zope IAbsoluteURL implementation?14:37
cr3leonardr: my concern with raising an exception is that the hwdb still gets published in the wadl, I would much prefer to have a way to extend the wadl dynamically for other selfish reasons :)14:37
leonardrcr3: you make a good point. ideally the web_link would show up in the wadl definition for other resources but not for the hwdb14:38
leonardrthat implies we need some way of knowing that hwdb resources don't have web_link, without access to any particular hwdb resource14:39
leonardrthat argues for @no_web_link14:39
leonardrgary, before you go hunting, what do you think of that? -^14:39
gary_posterleonardr: it makes sense to me, tbh.  It's not ideal that you have to make the same logical declaration twice, but I think other frameworks also require separate configuration of url generation and url parsing.14:41
leonardrall right, i will land my existing lazr.restful branch and then add no_web_link14:41
leonardri'll just skim the test failures to see if there are any other obvious problems14:42
tiagoscdi would like to get more informations about ReportingAPI (https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/Specs/ReportingAPI)14:45
danilostiagoscd, hey-hey, welcome to the right place (fwiw, I might be the right person to help out about that topic, but development discussions usually happen here)14:46
tiagoscdDavid tell me that I can found help here14:46
tiagoscdok danilos14:46
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
danilostiagoscd, so, the story there is quite complicated, and I am not sure where it's well written down (if anywhere)14:48
tiagoscdwhen I try to access the page https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/translations-reporting-api, that are divulgated in dev.launchpad.net, i got the "Page not found" error14:49
tiagoscdso, where I can found the currently source code?14:49
leonardrok, the only other problem i see is that the web_link for a wiki_name keeps the api vhost. probably we can fix that at the same time as the bug watch and CVE.14:50
danilostiagoscd, well, it's all in LP tree... however, the problem is that it'd be ugly to expose the existing LP API because it's broken... we have implemented new ITranslateLanguage interface which is much nicer and we'd want to export that instead of IRosettaStats, but one would first have to switch DistroSeriesLanguage and POFile to use it14:53
danilostiagoscd, see also bug 583979 and bug 58393414:54
danilostiagoscd, discarded branch from Adi on https://code.launchpad.net/~adiroiban/launchpad/bug-583934/+merge/26965 might help you get a better understanding about how it all works14:54
dpmtiagoscd, just for reference, the link to the blueprint is https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-m-launchpad-translations-reporting-api - I've updated the wiki page that had the broken link (I'll leave Danilo take it from there)14:54
tiagoscddanilos, i'll take a look,14:56
tiagoscddpm, thanks for the link14:56
salgadosinzui, should a product's driver be the default release manager (called driver in the code) of a series?14:57
sinzuisalgado: no. We do not want to auto-populate that value. Th user who creates the series should be the release manager (consider the experimental series case), or the project owner should set it14:58
sinzuisalgado: we expect the release manager to be a smaller group of people than project drivers14:59
sinzuilifeless: where are you?15:00
salgadosinzui, that makes sense.  I asked because people seemed to be expecting that and got surprised when being product driver didn't give them RM rights15:00
lifelessat home15:00
lifelessits 4am15:00
=== bac` is now known as bac
* lifeless is feeling the jetlag 15:01
sinzuilifeless: :(15:01
bigjoolsgood morning all15:01
sinzuisalgado: so the user registered a series and did not get RM?15:01
lifelesssinzui: it could be worse; I'm reasonably alert, just at a whacky time of day15:02
bacmorning bigjools15:02
bigjoolsHello Bradders15:02
lifelesshi bigjools15:02
bigjoolshey jetlagged man15:02
bacbigjools: how's austin?15:02
salgadosinzui, I'm not sure who registered the series (can't seem to find that information), but the user was a driver of the product and was expecting to be able to create milestones15:02
bigjoolsbac: Sunny and not cold.  \o/15:03
lifelessallenap: hi; how would we qa Bug 227334 ?15:03
_mup_Bug #227334: checkwatches should raise a BugTrackerConnectError when Mantis doesn't set a return path <bugwatch> <lp-bugs> <oops> <qa-needstesting> <story-reliable-bug-syncing> <trivial> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by allenap> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/227334 >15:03
sinzuisalgado: understood.15:03
bigjoolslifeless: are you staying up or heading back to bed?15:07
lifelessbigjools: staying up15:07
lifelessbigjools: I'm terrible at getting back to sleep once awake15:07
bigjoolslifeless: ah ok, I am going to take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/618395 later, I might need to grab you for ideas.15:08
_mup_Bug #618395: DistroArchSeries:+index timing out ~ 7% of the time <lp-soyuz> <timeout> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/618395 >15:08
bigjoolsit's a general search issue15:08
bigjoolsusing LIKE on a binarypackagename causes a seq scan :(15:08
* bigjools 's sarcasm alarm goes off15:09
lifelessI'd be delighted to help15:09
lifelessI'm not going to pay much attention to work until a more reasonable time, but I'll drop my the laptop every 10-15 and check for pings15:10
bigjoolslifeless: I'll probably ping you in a couple of hours then15:10
=== mbarnett` is now known as mbarnett
bacsinzui: you're still my manager according to canonicaladmin.  you mind signing my expense report for dallas?15:15
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
sinzuibac: I do not see the request.15:20
bacsinzui: doing it now.  i wanted to confirm you were ok with it before i entered15:21
bigjoolssinzui: what bugs are your guys working on?  I am a one man band until Wednesday, where I become 2 and then 3 on Thursday.  We should co-ordinate a bit.15:22
sinzuibigjools: http://launchpad.leankitkanban.com/Boards/Show/1402860915:23
jcsackettbigjools: i think everyone on sinzui's team (all three of us) are just grabbing whichever critical grabs our eye.15:23
bigjoolsyeah that's what I was going to do :)15:23
bigjoolsmakes it important that we set in-progress15:23
* jcsackett nods. i agree.15:23
sinzuibigjools: I will take bug 700724 in an hour15:23
_mup_Bug #700724: Subscription policy inherited from parent team member <disclosure> <teams> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/700724 >15:23
bigjoolssinzui: I think maybe we need a maintenance kanban board instead of 2 sqauds' ones.15:24
sinzuibigjools: since there are so many bugs in critical, it is not possible to know what jumps the queue. The bug I am taking is actually the most important bug to take next.15:24
bigjoolssinzui: yeah we just need to whittle them down, it will be random until there's a sensible number of them left.15:25
sinzuibigjools: lifeless directed us to prefer bugs in the appearing in the current oops reports. I think we need to assign the bug when we get it ready-to-code so someone else does not duplicate the work15:27
bacsinzui: and there is another for ec2 expenses15:27
bigjoolssinzui: the oops reports include everything - I presume you mean the top timeouts15:28
bigjoolsI agree anyway15:28
=== henninge_ is now known as henninge
sinzuiLooking at the critical bugs, I think some have not appeared in months or years.15:28
bigjoolsyes, I invalidated some15:30
tiagoscdwhich IDE do you recommend to develop in Launchpad?15:32
bigjoolsmost of us use vim/emacs in a terminal15:33
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: henninge, abentley | reviewing: -,- | queue: [] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
lifelesssinzui: bigjools: any critical bug is a good one to do :); I agree about in-progress mattering. The ready-to-code angle - I tend to flesh out bugs in the description etc such that the knowledge is captured, perhaps that is sufficient?15:34
bigjoolslifeless: yeah, I think writing the investigation details in the bug is critical15:35
tiagoscdhmm, nice15:35
jcsackettlifeless, bigjools: critical, and a good indication that someone else might be getting started (without setting in-progress). i know if i see notes from the last day or so from someone, i'm going to ask if they're working on it.15:36
sinzuilifeless: Not every engineer can read the conversation and come to the sam conclusion. The engineer needs to be familiar with the area of code15:36
marsinteresting: http://initd.org/psycopg/articles/2011/01/24/psycopg2-porting-python-3-report/15:45
mars<mfoord> another of our dependencies now on python 315:45
lifelesssinzui: thats true15:46
lifelesssinzui: otoh I think if it needs that much context, perhaps set it in-progress when you realise that even if the investigation isn't complete15:47
sinzuilifeless: I do that a lot.15:50
lifelessseems like we're in vigorous agreement ;)15:50
lifelesssinzui: a thought on the team membership thing15:51
lifelesssinzui: perhaps we need two separate knobs15:51
lifeless'direct membership is restricted/moderated/open' and 'prevent teams which are members (directly or indirectly) from being open'15:53
lifelesswith a note on the second one that this is required if assets with significant privileges are wanted15:54
lifelesssinzui: I've no idea if this is a jetlagged toenail smoking thing, or a good idea.15:54
sinzuilifeless: That sounds like feature development15:55
sinzuiAnd I think that will be harder to convey to users15:55
sinzuiSince we are supporting a handful of teams, I think we should look for an expedient solution. Add ing a nob to control permission probably requires reinventing team participation and inTeam()15:58
lifelesssinzui: The conveyance to users is the primary thing15:58
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
lifelesssinzui: in terms of size of development, it could go either way15:58
lifelesshmmm, and we don't want the cross product anyway15:59
lifelessso if we did use a separate knob we'd need to constrain the settings too15:59
sinzuiI see a nob as extensive work to clean up a lot of cases. Adding an enum and setting a handful of team to use id nice because little code is needed to support the case16:00
abentleylifeless, it appears that the landing you rolled back was due to an unrelated intermittent failure.  I plan to land it again.  Cool?16:00
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
abentleyabel, translation-fixing2 etc. depend on translation-fixing, but translation-fixing was rolled back, so don't land them until I've re-landed translation-fixing.16:08
abentleyabel, I expect to re-land translation-fixing today.16:09
jmljelmer: which version of bzr-builder did you say you needed on the slaves?16:12
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
jelmerjml: trunk tip and a newer bzr16:18
jmljelmer: yikes.16:19
jmljelmer: so we need a release first, basically.16:20
jmljelmer: this is to get quilt3 support, right?16:20
lifelessabentley: cool16:21
jelmerjml: it's for two things16:22
lifelessabentley: it would be great if you could also file a critical bug about the intermittent failure16:22
jelmerjml: For quilt3 support you'd just need bzr-builder trunk16:22
jelmerjml: To fix most of the memory issues that the buildds are running into you need bzr-builder trunk and a newer bzr16:22
jelmerjml: Do you mean a release of bzr ?16:23
jmljelmer: I mean a release of bzr-builder.16:26
* jelmer wasn't aware bzr-builder had releases :-)16:27
jmlit has releases16:27
jml0.6, for example.16:27
jelmerjml: what is necessary in particular, a tarball?16:28
jmljelmer: I don't know. I was going to ask lamont once you told me what you needed :)16:28
jelmerheh, ok16:28
jmljelmer: but perhaps I can cut out the middle-man :)16:28
abentleylifeless, filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/70699216:29
_mup_Bug #706992: intermittant test failures: test_404 test_oldurl <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/706992 >16:29
lifelessabentley: thank you16:29
jmljelmer: could you please file RTs for what you need and point lamont at them, CCing me?16:31
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
bigjoolslifeless: hi16:41
bigjoolslifeless: https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1846A140116:43
bigjoolsthe top long query is the batchnav's count, but it's issuing it three times (one is coming from the view code which I can eliminate)16:44
jelmerjml: ok16:44
lifelessmmm lp-oops is on a go-slow for me16:46
lifelessam in now16:46
bigjoolsyeah it's very slow16:46
lifelessok, so lets see16:47
lifeless2.5 seconds doing an ilike count16:48
lifeless1.9 getting the batch hits16:48
bigjoolslifeless: repeated 4 times, 3 of which are from batchnav16:48
bigjoolsI've re-created it locally16:48
lifelessso, if its coming from batch navigator 4 times16:50
lifelessand the hits 3 times16:50
bigjoolsone is from the view code16:50
bigjoolsI was going to make the template use batch/total instead of re-calculating it in the view16:51
lifelessso I don't know if you noticed16:51
bigjoolsbut then I saw the three queries from the nav16:51
lifelessthis is the query - '%%'16:51
bigjoolsyeah, blank16:51
lifelesspostgres doesn't optimise that out16:51
jmljelmer: thanks.16:55
jmlisn't '%%' literal '%'?16:55
bigjoolsBinaryPackageName.name ILIKE '%' || '' || '%'16:56
bigjoolsthe query is issued when it calls "return len(results)" at the bottom of _Batch._get_length()16:57
bigjoolsrather than the cached .listlength16:57
bigjoolslifeless: ^16:57
bigjoolswhich means the _Batch object is getting re-instantiated16:58
lifelessbigjools: thats a good thing to fix16:59
lifelessperhaps a pdb statement in the constructor and get the backtrace for each instance locally?16:59
bigjoolsI have the backtrace alreayd17:00
bigjoolsLP_DEBUG_SQL_EXTRA ftw17:00
lifelesson staging17:00
lifeless 5424917:00
lifeless(1 row)17:00
lifelessTime: 7986.742 ms17:00
lifeless 5424917:00
lifeless(1 row)17:00
lifelessTime: 2156.876 ms17:00
lifelessremoving the ftq and ilike when the query is for ''17:00
bigjoolsyes that's one thing to do but we can do better17:01
lifelessI was just checking that the optimisation was significant, in case of my memory failing :)17:01
lifelessbigjools: so where is it being instantiated?17:01
bigjoolsI am looking right now17:01
bigjoolssomewhere in zope17:01
bigjoolstell a lie17:02
lifelessI'm going to go cook some breakfast17:04
lifelessback with you soon17:04
bigjoolsthis rabbit hole is very twisty17:05
jmlg'night all. be around tomorrow.17:10
* bigjools headdesks17:11
lifelessjml: night17:16
lifelessbigjools: ?17:16
bigjoolslifeless: see lib/lp/soyuz/browser/packagesearch.py and tell me what's wrong with the batchnav property17:16
bigjoolsgiven that the template uses that property 3 times17:17
lifelesshaven't opened it yet17:17
lifelessbut I imagine not cached17:17
lifelesssounds like two easy fixes then17:20
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: henninge, abentley | reviewing: -,- | queue: [] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
abentleylifeless, fsvo "Tuesday".17:32
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
lifelessabentley: the joys of a spherical earth17:34
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
lifelesssinzui: are you familiar with defaultdict ?17:47
sinzuilifeless: to initialise a dict with a sensible value to make code easier to type and read?17:48
sinzuiwe do not use in in Lp very often17:49
sinzuiWe should17:49
sinzuilifeless: pause a moment if you have a message for me...just broke my keyboard or window manager17:51
* sinzui hopes a reboot will fix this17:51
* sinzui hopes someone see this17:51
* beuno does not see that17:52
leonardrhenninge or abentley, i'd like a review of https://code.launchpad.net/~leonardr/lazr.restful/publish_web_link/+merge/4728017:53
henningeleonardr: looking17:54
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: henninge, abentley | reviewing: leonardr,- | queue: [] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
lifelessflacoste: random idea; do we have a graph of open timeout bugs?17:56
jcsackettooo. that would be nice.17:56
bigjoolsdid you look at lpstats?17:57
lifelesseven without a trend line it would be a useful eyeball thing17:57
lifelessI was last week,17:57
lifelessIIRC there was a todo to set one up.17:57
lifelessnothing with 'timeout' in the graphs17:58
lifelessand the only oops ones are the frequency graphs like https://lpstats.canonical.com/graphs/OopsLpnetHourly/17:58
lifelesswhich seems borked17:58
lifelessah, works on monthly17:59
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-lunch
lifelesssinzui: hi18:18
lifelesssinzui: is your machine happier ?18:19
lifelessbigjools: you might find the analysis in bug 706200 interesting18:19
_mup_Bug #706200: Archive:EntryResource:getPublishedBinaries timeouts <timeout> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/706200 >18:19
jcsackettleonardr: hi, have a sec to talk about webservice_error ?18:20
salgadolifeless, I'm getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/557770/ when running lp-propose.  have you seen anything like this before?  I've granted full access to bzr, btw18:25
leonardrjcsackett, sure18:25
jcsackettleonardr: i'm trying to get one exception to work across the webservice. in the past, i just add to add the webservice_error thing to it, and all was well.18:26
jcsacketti'm encountering a situation now where in tests it is still returning a 500 error code, rather than the appropriate webservice_error.18:26
lifelessNotFound: Object: <canonical.launchpad.systemhomes.WebServiceApplication object at 0x7b377d0>, name: u'1.0'18:26
lifelesssalgado: ^ thats a little concerning :)18:26
jcsackettleonardr: relevant code bits for above: https://pastebin.canonical.com/42220/18:27
jcsacketti'm not sure if i'm missing something in my setup that i did in the past, or if there's some edge case thing cropping up here i'm unaware of.18:27
lifelessleonardr: ^ perhaps you could eyeball salgado's backtrace. As I read it we've managed to turn off the 1.0 API, but surely thats not correct.18:27
lifelesssalgado: we get an OOPS18:28
leonardrsalgado, lifeless: what's the host here? it's not edge, is it?18:30
salgadoI don't know; just ran bzr lp-propose18:30
leonardrthe stacktrace says it's production18:31
leonardrwhen i hit api.launchpad.net/1.0 in my browser i get some json18:32
leonardrsalgado: please add import httplib2\nhttplib2.debuglevel = 1 to the beginning of the script you're running18:33
leonardrlet's see what request it's making18:33
bigjoolslifeless: totally not surprised, debversion_sort_key is horrendously slow18:33
lifelessbigjools: 2ms per call18:34
lifelessbigjools: but the killer is doing it on huge data sets18:34
bigjools2ms is not quick when you think about it18:34
leonardrjcsackett: look at a stacktrace to see where the CannotDeleteBranch is raised18:35
lifelessbigjools: bah, bad math. 0.5ms per18:35
lifelessstill not brilliant18:35
bigjoolscompared to pulling data out of a column, no :)18:35
salgadoleonardr, https://pastebin.canonical.com/42223/18:36
salgadoauthorizing now18:36
lifelessbe better to let the thing be ordered directly from an index18:36
bigjoolsnow, why is ec2 test telling me I don't have an ssh agent when I certainly do18:36
lifelessthat way it wouldn't ned to materialise everything18:36
sinzuilifeless: Store.flush() did not, and still does not work...18:36
jcsackettleonardr: the stacktrace passed back when the 500 is raised in the test shows it's in the destroySelf method in the paste i sent you.18:36
lifelesssinzui: what are the symptoms18:36
jcsackettleoanrdr: i'm doublechecking again, but pretty sure that's what i saw.18:36
leonardrsalgado: that's not the request that's failing. maybe there are two scripts running?18:37
sinzuilifeless: mailinglistset is not use Store.of(self), it is using getUtility(IStoreSelector).get(MAIN_STORE, SLAVE_FLAVOR)18:37
salgadoleonardr, this is the one that fails: https://pastebin.canonical.com/42224/18:37
leonardryou also shouldn't be getting that request if you've already authorized the app18:37
sinzuiI think we are not using the store we think we are18:37
lifelesssinzui: ah!18:37
salgadoleonardr, looks like it's failing to get the authorization18:37
leonardrsalgado: GET /beta/1.0/18:37
leonardrthat's the problem18:37
lifelesssinzui: so I'm ok with doing a commit if we need to, but I don't understand why we'd need to18:37
salgadolifeless, ^18:38
leonardrprobably there's some code somewhere that hardcodes /beta/ or http://api.launchpad.net/beta/18:38
lifelesssalgado: thats pretty bong :>18:38
sinzuilifeless: I want to change the store to self because the ml object uses self. I do not think there is a legitimate readon to do what it dies18:38
lifelesssalgado: time to file a bug18:38
lifelesssinzui: agreed18:38
flacostelifeless: i have an open task for me to set that up18:38
flacostelifeless: as well as one for OOPS and for regression18:38
lifelessflacoste: +4000 on doing it18:38
leonardrjcsackett: can i see the whole stack trace?18:39
jcsackettleonardr: https://pastebin.canonical.com/42226/18:40
jcsackettso, i see breakreferences in there, but not sure why that would make the webservice_error magic break.18:42
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
salgadolifeless, bug 70707518:44
_mup_Bug #707075: lp-propose fails with a 404 error <Bazaar:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/707075 >18:44
lifelesssinzui: quick UI comment - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux - doesn't say what the big list at the top is18:45
lifelesssinzui: is there any reason we wouldn't explain whats there a little?18:46
sinzuilifeless: That is a pathological case. That *is* the description of what the source is18:51
sinzuilifeless: we are making the description from the binary package decriptions...just like packages.ubuntu.com18:51
lifelessperhaps a18:51
lifeless'Package description:' header?18:52
sinzuiI am not sure what to do heere18:52
sinzuiWe do not do there else where. We give the name then just show the description18:52
lifelessso I'll file a bug18:52
lifelessI don't know what to do either.18:52
sinzuiI should not make an exception for this case. We need to think about how to make sane descriptions18:53
lifelessits not a description18:53
lifelessits a collection of binary package->description tuples18:53
sinzuiThis is too long an not informative18:53
lifelessdescriptions require prose18:53
lifelesssinzui: bug 707081 FYI18:56
_mup_Bug #707081: source package homepage descriptions can be confusing <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/707081 >18:56
sinzuiyeah. this is not much better: http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/natty/linux18:57
* sinzui wonders is software center offer something better18:57
lifelesssc works on binary packages19:01
lifelessone at a time, and only shows applications not plumbing19:02
sinzuiI see the MailingList object use IMasterStore(<self|class>) in a few methods, but in other Lp examples, those calls are in static or class methods19:02
lifeless-> it has an easier domain19:02
=== gary-lunch is now known as gary_poster
lifelessbigjools: I'm very glad I bother to file that depwait bug :)19:04
bigjoolslifeless: why?19:04
bigjoolsI would have seen the reports and checked :)19:04
jcsackettleonardr: any thoughts re: my stacktrace on webservice_error stuff?19:05
leonardrjcsackett: i'm looking at it, i'll have to come back after lunch19:11
jcsackettleonardr: ah, dig.19:11
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-brb
=== leonardr is now known as leonardr-afk
bachi sinzui19:22
sinzuihi bac19:23
bacsinzui: hey, in product-indext.pt there is a LP.use for lp.registry.pillar....which doesn't appear to exist19:23
* sinzui looks19:24
bacsinzui: thanks19:24
bacsinzui: i'm trying to add new JS stuff to that template but would like to see it load cleanly before i pollute it19:24
sinzuibac: yes, deryck's recent changes make that BAD code19:25
baci'm unsure what is meant to be collapsible19:25
sinzuibac: huw fixed the license widget by updating a similar line19:26
sinzuibac: huwshimi changed LPS.use to YUI().use which creates a separate instance. We do not always want to create a new instance though19:27
sinzuijcsackett: where did you register lp.registry.pillar19:29
bacsinzui: the string 'lp.registry.pillar' exists nowhere else in the code base but that template.19:30
sinzuibac: I understand that. I did not write it. I think jcsackett did19:31
jcsackettsinzui, bac: i think you can safely move that. it predates when all the consolidation happened and was cargo culted.19:31
bacjcsackett, sinzui: that JS is bad but doesn't seem to be doing any harm.  can it wait to land with the branch i'm working on...which may be a while?19:36
bac"it" is the removal of the lp.registry.pillar stuff19:36
jcsackettbac, sinzui: when did that JS become bad?19:37
jcsackettthe collapsible bit that i created (seemingly ages ago) seems to work when i'm looking at it.19:37
bacjcsackett: it is bad b/c lp.registry.pillar does not exist.19:37
bacjcsackett:  load launchpad.dev/firefox in a browser and look at the error console19:37
bacjcsackett: what is supposed to be collapsing?19:38
jcsackettbac: there's a collapsible on the configuration links for projects you can set usage enums on.19:39
jcsackettso that once you've configured everything, they default to hidden.19:40
* jcsackett is looking for relevant bug.19:40
bacjcsackett: ok, i wasn't logged in so i didn't see that part and had forgotten about it19:42
bacjcsackett: but, the collapsible stuff from lp.registry.pillar does not exist and thus has no bearing19:43
jcsackettbac: dig. so yes, i remember adding that in the JS, but it got whacked at some point. my $.20 is that it can wait till you land this branch.19:43
bacyour twenty cents, huh?  had best listen!19:43
* jcsackett laughs.19:44
jcsackettbit of a typo there, yes. :-P19:44
bacwhen dumb stores advertice 0.50¢ can you hold them to it?19:44
jcsackettprobably not. :-p19:46
jcsackettif only because they ultimately control the transaction, and tell you go to get bent.19:46
=== jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: henninge, abentley | reviewing: leonardr,- | queue: [jcsackett] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
jcsacketthenninge, abentley (or anyone else) can i get a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/launchpad/i-hate-storm-base-storm-705197/+merge/47269?19:49
abentleyjcsackett, sure, looking.19:50
jcsackettabentley: thanks.19:50
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: abentley | reviewing: jcsackett | queue: [] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
abentleyjcsackett, does your lint header mean there was no lint?19:51
jcsackettabentley: no, it means i apparently didn't save after adding lint. one sec.19:52
jcsackettabentley: mp updated.19:55
abentleyjcsackett, thanks.19:55
abentleyjcsackett, r=me.19:56
jcsackettabentley: thanks.19:56
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: abentley | reviewing: - | queue: [] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
james_wthe help for lp.net/launchpad's +filebug should probably be updated20:05
james_wit talks about other projects20:05
deryckjames_w, wiki help page?20:06
deryckor bug reporting guidelines?20:07
james_wthe latter20:07
james_w"This is the main Launchpad bug queue, if you don't know which component of Launchpad you found the bug, this is the right place to file it."20:07
=== leonardr-afk is now known as leonardr
deryckah, right20:07
james_wI guess it's still somewhat true with lazr.* etc.20:08
deryckgary_poster, I think you tried to do this ^^ and couldn't.  and I was going to use you as my test that it wouldn't OOPS now. :-)20:08
deryckgary_poster, re: updating bug reporting guidelines20:08
gary_posterderyck: right! ok, I'll try20:08
deryckgary_poster, thanks120:09
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: henninge, abentley | reviewing: -, - | queue: [] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
henningeleonardr: done. Sorry for the delay.20:09
leonardrhenninge: thanks20:09
gary_posterderyck: success.  I didn't receive a confirmation notification of the change--it just redirected me to the main project bug page--but it worked.  So, QA OK as far as that bug is concerned. :-)20:11
deryckgary_poster, excellent.  thanks.20:11
gary_posterjames_w: Now, "This is the Launchpad bug queue. Please include the exact URL of a page where you had the problem..."  Thank you for reminding us20:12
bigjoolsgary_poster: do you know if I need to do anything special to generate an OOPS when logging an error in a test?20:14
abentleyhenninge, you are still OCR?20:14
leonardrjcsackett: is this existing code that stopped working, or new code?20:14
jcsackettleonardr: the addition of webservice and the tests are new.20:15
henningeabentley: yes, or did we already chaange it?20:15
leonardrjcsackett: can you point me to some place in launchpad where you do something similar but it works?20:15
henningeabentley: I am west of you this and next week, remember?20:15
gary_posterbigjools: the error reporting utility needs to be alerted of the error somehow.  The Zope publisher usually is responsible for this.  If you are outside of the publishing loop, you need to get the utility and call...whatever the method is.  We have a subclass in the tree you can look at; I'll help dig it up if you like.20:15
abentleyhenninge, no, I forgot.20:15
jcsackettleonardr: as far as exporting an error by using webservice_error? yeah, one sec.20:16
henningenp ;)20:16
abentleybac, ping20:16
bigjoolsgary_poster: I thought the logger did all that?20:16
bachi abentley20:16
bigjoolsthis is in a script, sorry if that wasn't clear20:16
gary_posterbigjools: what logger?  The Python logger?  If so, no.20:16
abentleyhenninge and I are OCR on Monday, and we are now in the same squad.  We'd like to change schedules so that we aren't OCR on the same day.20:17
gary_posterI think the error reporting utility is responsible for the log, IIRC20:17
bacabentley: ok.  let me look at the schedule20:17
gary_postererrors in the log, that is20:17
bigjoolsyeah, the python logger.  I am testing for a new oops after using logger.error() and there isn't one.20:17
gary_posterwon't work20:18
gary_posteryou need to tickle the error reporting utility20:18
bigjoolswhere does it like to be tickled?20:18
bacabentley: would you like to move to wednesday?20:18
bigjoolsI don't want to make it wee20:18
abentleybac, sure.20:18
bigjoolsor point me at an example :)20:19
abentleybac, starting next week?20:19
bacabentley: ok, i'll move you as i've got the wiki page open20:19
bacabentley: sure20:19
gary_posterbigjools: bzr grep IErrorReportingUtility shows you some usages...lib/canonical/launchpad/webapp/errorlog.py has our subclass ... still looking about20:19
abentleybac, thanks!20:19
henningebac, abentley: thanks20:20
gary_posterbigjools: .raising, looks like20:20
gary_posterdef raising(self, info, request=None, now=None):20:20
leonardrjcsackett: i think there might be a bug such that the normal error view lookup doesn't happen on a DELETE request20:20
lifelessgary_poster: how do you feel about including a 'and if you saw an OOPS please include the OOPS number' in those guidelines?20:20
gary_posterwhere info is output of sys.exc_info()20:21
gary_poster(==nonsense syllable)20:21
gary_posterwhich guidelines?20:21
lifelessgary_poster: stub added logging->oops glue20:21
bigjoolsgary_poster: I'm confused - I thought the logger auto-oopsed on level > info20:21
lifelessit does20:21
lifelessin scripts20:21
bigjoolsbut not in tests?20:21
gary_posterI was not aware he did it that way20:22
lifelessa test per se doesn't know if its a) a script or b) for the webapp20:22
bigjoolsok - meh20:22
gary_posterbigjools: the webapp still does stuff the way I said, I expect20:22
bigjoolsright, makes sense20:22
lifelessgary_poster: see %(asctime)s %(levelname)-7s %(message)s'20:22
gary_posterlifeless: oh! I got your original question now20:22
lifelessbah, the second line :)20:22
gary_posteryeah, good idea to ask for an oops20:23
jcsackettleonardr: so that prevents the webservice_error stuff from happening? b/c the code path raising the exception is clearly happening.20:23
gary_posterI'll add it20:23
bigjoolslifeless: in that case, do you have any suggestions on how to test this change to not crash but to log and oops?20:23
lifelessbigjools: sure, is the code a) script only, b) both, c) webapp20:23
jcsackettleonardr: an example of this working is with the JoinNotAllowed error in lp.registry.errors, tested in lp.registry.tests.test_team_webservice.20:23
lifelessI've sligtly different suggestions for each20:23
jcsacketti can throw together a paste, if you like.20:23
bigjoolslifeless: there's a unit test for the method that's used in the script20:23
leonardrjcsackett: look in lazr.restful src/lazr/restful/_resource.py, ReadWriteResource.__call__20:23
gary_posterlifeless: it is already there: "If the bug you found generated an OOPS id, please include it here as well."20:24
leonardrthat's the code that catches exceptions20:24
leonardrthat's the code that should be running20:24
jcsackettleonardr: looking now.20:24
lifelessgary_poster: sweet20:24
bigjoolslifeless: this is the change so far but the test isn't working http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/557822/20:24
lifelessgary_poster: I was going off th econversation here only20:24
leonardri suggest you put a breakpoint in that 'except' clause and see how it's being handled20:24
gary_posterunderstood, np20:24
lifelessbigjools: I would be inclined to:20:25
lifeless - put the logging call at the point where we loop20:25
lifeless - change the AssertionError to a custom exception (eg. UnparsableDependencies)20:26
bigjoolsdid you not look at the diff? :)(20:26
lifelessbigjools: the test then can be direct (doesn't care about oopses), and the loop should be in the script specific code which has a test helper that wires it all up20:26
bigjoolsbut go on20:26
lifelessbigjools: I am looking at it20:26
lifelessbigjools: perhaps I'm confused20:26
bigjoolsI really, really hate this auto-oops logging thing20:27
lifelessbigjools: clearly I'm confused20:28
bigjoolslifeless: I don't really understand what you mean about script-specific code.  This is a very straightforward unit test.  Sure, we can test that it throws a custom exception but that doesn't test that we've logged an oops.  I suspect that I need to Popen the script, which is nasty.20:29
lifelessbigjools: you don't20:29
lifelesshang a sec and I'll dig up the test infrastructure20:29
bigjoolsok, thanks20:30
lifelesswhat I mean by script specific code is this:20:30
lifeless - code in the webapp can assume some stuff, like transactions-around-requests, auto-oops creation etc20:30
lifeless - code in scripts cannot assume that stuff - it doesn't have a proper request context, so everything related to that (including the webapp adapter) becomes tricky20:30
bigjoolsok. this, I know. :)20:31
lifelessso code that is shared between them needs to communicate (probably via exceptions) up to a layer which is script only20:32
lifelessotherwise we'll log to the log file and *not* generate an OOPS in the webapp20:32
bigjoolsthis method is only ever called from a script20:32
lifelessI've looked a bit now and it looks to me like retryDepWaiting is script specific20:32
lifelessone sec ELOCAL20:33
bigjoolsupdateDependencies you mean20:33
* bigjools also brb, biological emergency20:33
lifelessbigjools: no, I mean retryDepWaiting20:36
lifelesswhich calls updateDependencies20:36
lifelessboth appear script only20:37
lifelessso - its a huge shrug and whatever looks cleanest to you20:37
lifelesslets answer your question20:37
lifelessrev 11637 added the feature20:38
lifelessbigjools: ok, so anything that calls (in process) LaunchpadScript as a whole thing will add an OopsHandler to logging on the fly20:41
lifelessbigjools: I can see two options20:41
lifelessbigjools: just check for an error level log message20:42
lifelessbigjools: or install OopsHandler manually and then check for an oops20:42
lifelessbigjools: personally, if I was making the change, I'd change the raised exception and catch it in retryDepWaiting:20:43
lifeless    build.updateDependencies()20:43
lifelessexcept <.>:20:43
lifeless    continue20:43
lifelessbigjools: just looking at it it seems tricky to actually skip it otherwise20:44
jcsackettsinzui: did we decide 5 or 5:30 EST for group mumble?20:47
sinzuijcsackett: 5:30 EST20:49
jcsackettcool. thanks.20:49
pooliehi jc, sinzui20:53
sinzuia stealth greeting20:54
sinzuihi poolie20:54
lifelesssinzui: hey, disabled users 404 right ?20:57
lifelessso bug 283830 is perhaps obsolete ?20:58
_mup_Bug #283830: Don't allow crawlers to index the top-level user pages on lp subdomains if the user is deactivated <lp-foundations> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/283830 >20:58
pooliehi lifeless20:58
lifelesshi poolie20:58
sinzuilifeless: It is still legit20:58
poolielifeless, i tried out a twisted client along the lines of my rfc, and i liked it20:58
* sinzui saw that some pages are still being indexed20:59
lifelessflacoste: should we make official bugtags for all LEP's ?20:59
lifelessflacoste: e.g. issuetracker20:59
flacostelifeless: in the sense of making the existing bug tags official?21:00
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
lifelessflacoste: yeah, so they autocomplete.21:00
lifelessflacoste: only 'official' bug tags autocomplete21:00
flacostelifeless: i think it's a good idea21:00
pooliehi flacoste21:01
flacostehi poolie21:01
pooliei think we normally catch up in 90m,; i'm ready whenever you are21:01
flacostepoolie: i thought we were skipping this week, as i didn't thought you'd be around21:02
flacostepoolie: but i could do a call in 60 minutes21:02
pooliejust a brief call could be good21:02
flacostepoolie: i have to watch over the babies while Amelie picks up Jules in 30 minutes, it's -21C over here, so she's not getting them out21:03
flacosteand that's after the sun warmed things up21:04
flacosteit was -27C this morning21:05
flacostebeen years since it wasn't so cold21:05
flacostewe usually never cross -2321:05
flacosteand that's real temperature21:05
thumperhigh of 23C here today21:05
flacostenot inflated with wind factor and such bs21:05
flacostethumper: want to trade place?21:06
thumperflacoste: nope21:06
lifelessflacoste: I need to take Lynne to the hospital today; I think we're all caught up though. So perhaps we skip today?21:06
poolie35C here yesterday when i was walking around21:06
flacostelifeless: yep, that was the plan21:06
=== Ursinha-brb is now known as Ursinha
pooliefelt weird after last week21:06
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: builds are not retrying at the moment | On call reviewer: henninge, abentley | reviewing: -, - | queue: [] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
poolieare recipes still in beta? https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/GettingStarted says they are21:13
poolies//closed beta21:13
lifelessI don't think it was ever /closed/21:15
lifelessits a beta and folk can participate21:15
pooliebut you don't need to be in a special team?21:16
pooliethen i'll edit it21:16
lifelessyou do have to be in the special team21:16
lifelessthats how you participate21:16
poolieah, but it's an open team21:17
lifelessand the main beta team is in it21:18
thumperStevenK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/68379821:30
_mup_Bug #683798: Recipes for merged team still showing up in +recipes page <404> <lp-code> <recipe> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/683798 >21:30
thumperStevenK: mumble is being crackful21:33
thumperStevenK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/66928821:35
_mup_Bug #669288: person merge code needs to handle colliding recipes <lp-code> <recipe> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/669288 >21:35
StevenKthumper: Oh, awesome21:36
StevenKthumper: And yes21:36
thumperStevenK: you get to kill two bugs with one branch21:36
thumperStevenK: I've left mumble21:36
thumpernothing as frustrating as not being able to hear properly21:37
Ursinhawgrant, morning22:17
jmlhuwshimi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/32598222:18
_mup_Bug #325982: Search URL is long and hard to paste <lp-bugs> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/325982 >22:18
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
wgrantMorning wallyworld.22:21
wgrantYou got home OK?22:21
wallyworldwgrant: yeah, to find a 10000 jobs waiting for me to to, like mowing the lawn etc.22:22
wallyworldwgrant: i missed the shared shuttle cause there was a shooting on the DART and the train was delayed22:22
wallyworldthere were cops everywhere22:22
wallyworldnot on mt train but further up the line or so i was told22:23
wgrantwallyworld: Ah, you were out somewhere on the DART?22:24
wallyworldwgrant: went with stub and jtv to a Fry's to see if there were any Kindles for jtv. rather large but uninspiring store. prices no better than here22:25
wgrantAhh :(22:25
wallyworldthere were about 6 different Ubuntu books on the shelf though :-)22:25
wallyworldwe got photos :-)22:25
sinzuiwgrant: mumble in Launchpad/Green22:29
wgrantsinzui: Give me a sec.22:30
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
wallyworldthumper: ping23:03
thumperwallyworld: hi23:03
wallyworldcan you give me a clue as to what broke that required the show related branches rollback?23:04
thumperwallyworld: yeah, but I'm starving23:04
thumperwasting away to nothing23:04
* thumper needs food badly23:04
thumperwallyworld: skype or mumble?23:05
wallyworldping me when you're fat again23:05
wallyworldthumper: mumble when you have eaten23:05
thumperwallyworld: lets do it now23:05
wallyworldthumper: ok23:05
wgrantmaxb: Hi.23:33

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