
sagaciahh, I don't know. fwik, i don't think there is00:06
sagacilca ubuntians00:37
sagaciwhat's happening00:39
dns53cloud miniconf00:39
sagacipitivi, transmageddon00:39
sagacitaking it from an ubuntu perspective00:40
blahdeblahso, which miniconfs are the Ubuntu-AU team in?01:38
blahdeblahI'm in "southern plumbers", which is kernel & toolchain stuff01:44
bradmI'm at home :(01:46
dns53i wonder if they will have online streams of the conf01:47
blahdeblahdns53: I'm pretty sure they will, but delayed01:48
blahdeblahWhat do i have to do to get "!lca2011" tags working on identi.ca?01:49
blahdeblahnisshh, O identi.ca guru - any tips?01:52
sagacihey, uh. I know this afternoon is more of a social event but is there anyone attend the pancake place that does much ubuntu packaging01:57
blahdeblahsagaci: if they do, i would be interested in talking to them, too!01:58
sagacii've tried a billion times to package some C source code program, and I get totally lost at random points01:59
blahdeblahsagaci: I've done a bit of packaging, but not with C code - mostly perl/bash. The packaging side seems to be relatively straightforward for me, but sticking it into a working repository was where i went astray.02:08
sagacii get totally lost with the makefile02:08
sagacianyone on ubuntu 10.10 right this moment02:35
sagacican you go to system > About Ubuntu02:37
sagacidoes it say welcome to 11.04, Natty Narwhal,etc?02:37
sagaciwell it does for me02:37
sagacion 10.1002:37
head_ you didnt dist upgrade did you?02:37
iflemasagaci in a terminal     lsb_release -a       to check version02:38
sagaciDistributor ID:Ubuntu02:38
sagaciDescription:Ubuntu 10.1002:38
sagaciDistributor ID:Ubuntu02:38
sagaciDescription:Ubuntu 10.1002:38
sagaciwhoops sorry02:38
sagacinope, no backports or proposed02:38
sagacinot a big deal but thought it was just a mistake02:38
head_vKeep dropping out :/03:03
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci
sagacidoes the pancake manor have wifi03:09
sagacijust fired off an email to aarnet to mirror the ubuntu/kubuntu daily isos03:10
sagacithey mirror xubuntu atm but not the regular crop03:10
head_vNo idea about the wireless at the pancake manor sorry03:13
iktsagaci, that issue you had with 11.04 showing in 10.10 is a known bug04:28
sagaciyeah, thought that was the situation04:28
head_laptopConfirmed - sorry no wifi at the pancake manor04:40
head_laptop(Also sorry for the join spam - it seems my mobile can hold a connection on this wifi here)04:41
=== head_laptop is now known as head_
blahdeblahWe probably should get the pancake manor listed on the BoF page - any objections before i just do it?05:45
blahdeblahhead_victim: Where are you today?  Haven't even seen you...05:45
quail_laptopis there a lca2011 channel?05:48
sagacihead_victim: still got room?07:24
head_vYes sitting in the air con near the registration desk now 07:27
dns53off to pancaces07:27
blahdeblahWhat time are you meeting at pancake manor07:28
blahdeblahquail_laptop: #linux.conf.au07:28
dns53i'll head out there07:28
head_vWell just waiting to find gorilla and sagaci it seems no one else needs a lift07:28
blahdeblahSo what time?07:29
sagaciwhere are you?07:29
sagacithe rego room right07:29
blahdeblahI have my car here07:29
blahdeblahNo, opposite end07:29
sagacioh, in the foyer?07:29
blahdeblahOpposite end of the campus07:30
head_vYes sitting alone currently typing into my phone07:30
blahdeblahhead_v: where are you going to park in the city?07:30
dns53when is it? as soon as we get there?07:31
bradmpancake manor is awesome07:31
head_vPretty much it is booked under ubuntu australia07:31
bradmthe classic is always good07:32
head_vCome in brad 07:32
bradmbit far :)07:32
bradmI'm about 800km north or so07:33
bradmactually, more like 650km, but anyway07:33
bradmotherwise I would head in, always up for an excuse to visit pancake manor07:34
blahdeblahhead_v: So where are you going to park?07:35
head_vOpen to ideas want to meet here at foyer?07:35
blahdeblahhead_v: As long as you're happy to wait - i don't know what time we're going to get out of here07:36
nisshhblahdeblah, heh, im no identi.ca guru :)07:47
nisshhbut its simple07:47
blahdeblahI worked it out: you must join the group before using the ! tag07:48
nisshhno you dont have to07:48
blahdeblahs/worked it out/was pointed in the right direction/07:48
nisshhyou dont have to be in that group to use that tag07:48
blahdeblahI did07:48
nisshhoh ok07:48
nisshhblahdeblah, do you know about hashtags?07:48
blahdeblahI thought they were only on Twitter07:49
nisshhheh no07:49
nisshhidentica has them as well07:49
dns-streakPu t07:49
nisshhto use them just use # instead of !07:49
blahdeblahsigning off now07:49
dns-streakPut a !lca2010 with your msg07:50
head_victimWell that was fun11:51
head_victimUnfortunately I forgot to take photos. blahdeblah had a camera and so did the OMGubuntu guy11:51
nisshhhead_victim, the OMGubuntu guy is Benjamin, i work with him on a project11:56
nisshhhead_victim, the social gathering was tonight wasnt it?11:57
dns53hmm i don't think anyone took photo's11:57
head_victimYep just got home12:00
head_victimAnd on that note heading off12:00
nisshhlol, ok12:10
head_victimdns53: I thought the OMG guy did. I did mention to him that I cringe everytime I hear their website name12:16
dns53it has an ! in the name12:19
head_victimHey hey12:23
head_victimI just remembered I ahve to be here a bit longer to get some CDs sorted.12:24
head_victimjfer: missed some good pancakes12:40
jferthat is ok12:41
jferit took long enough to get home as it was12:42
head_victimOh you only just made it? 12:42
head_victimSorry mate I didn't think it was that far away :/12:43
sagaciGood night overall12:51
head_victimSounds like a few of us will be in the Sys admin one for most of tomorrow12:57
jferyer. that sounds good13:01
head_victimNight all, see you alter13:12

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