
Red-Ravenholstein, sry about that. dinner, chores, etc. :P i can be here for a while now. (i think). so what do i do now?00:11
=== gpc is now known as Gulfstream
=== Gulfstream is now known as gpc
Unguidedhello all. quick question. I was given a p4 2.4ghz laptop with 512meg of ram and a 40hd with dvd rom drive. will this system run ubuntu 10.1000:51
Red-Ravenit should.00:51
Unguidedi thought so but wasnt sure. i love linux and ubuntu00:51
MrChrisDruifUnguided: If it doesn't you could also try Lubuntu :)00:52
Unguidedlubuntu? whats the difference?00:53
Red-Raveni run a rig with 512 RAM, 40GB is plenty (each disto only takes like 3 GB or something like that i think) and  DVD rom drives work with ubuntu, and are great for making live CDs/DVDs. idk about the processor, but it should work.00:53
=== steemed is now known as st33med
Red-RavenLubuntu is an environment that stands for light ubuntu.00:54
MrChrisDruifAlmost, Lubuntu uses LXDE...but the effect is the same00:54
Unguidedok. so it is not using gnome? if not what does it use?00:54
MrChrisDruifUnguided: ^00:54
Red-Ravenits small than the typical ubuntu, and will run even faster on you 512 MB RAM. i have both ubuntu and Lubuntu on my 512 Mb rig.00:55
Red-Ravenubuntu runs fine, but Lubuntu is faster in my experience.00:56
MrChrisDruifRed-Raven: It should, LXDE is lighter then Gnome :)00:56
Unguidedok. got it. i found the lubuntu page. looking at it now. thanks.00:57
UnguidedHolstein: you are right now i want my own system00:57
MrChrisDruifUnguided: If you've got any questions about Lubuntu, please come to #lubuntu :)00:59
Red-Ravenhave you installed ubuntu before Unguided?01:00
UnguidedCool. thanks a lot for your help. You guys are always awesome for newbies.01:00
Unguidednope. I believe I need thre partitions. one for the os (root) one for swap and one for home01:00
UnguidedI have used wubi01:01
Unguidedshoot. that laptop has windows xp on it right now. i could try wubi with it and that way i would know for sure01:01
Red-RavenUnguided, i canhelp you there. im sort of new too, but i've installed ubuntu twice as well as Lubuntu (that last one is easy)01:01
Red-Ravenor virtual box :P01:02
Unguidedtrue. i didnt think of vbox either01:02
Red-Raveni wuv Vbox.01:02
MrChrisDruifUnguided: I wouldn't suggest Wubi :)01:02
Unguidedok. i think vbox would probably be better to test with01:03
Red-Ravenit is.01:03
Unguidedok. i will go that route. thanks again.01:04
Red-Ravenhow does wubi work? i've heard about it, but im only familiar with Live CD, and Live USB installs.01:04
MrChrisDruifRed-Raven: As far as I'm concerned it doesn't work ;) Other then that I don't know :)01:05
Red-Ravenok then... Hey i might be disconnecting/reconnecting in a minute. im trying to connect to my SSH server.01:05
MrChrisDruifGood luck, I'll be off to bed :)01:06
Red-Ravenalright. cya tommorow then :P01:06
MrChrisDruifYeah, prolly :)01:06
Unguidedred-raven: it basically works in windows. it makes an entry into the boot settings allowing you to, in a sense, dual boot but it uses a file to boot from like vbox does. i think of it as vbox meets a partial dual boot system01:12
Red-Ravenhm. interesting.01:13
Red-Ravenanyone here know about ssh servers on ubuntu? i think im connected but im  not sure it gave me a command line into the server when i connected.01:14
Unguidedthe boot menu gives you the option to boot windows or ubuntu if you choose ubuntu it boots using the file if you choose windows it boots the windows partition.01:14
Red-Ravenoh. so its like the GRUB menu then?01:16
Unguidedsimilar yes. but when you uninstall it removes the entry from the boot menu and removes the file all at once. kind of a poor mans way to test/try out ubuntu/linux. i used it to test and become some what familiar with ubuuntu01:17
Unguidedanyway off to eat talk to all of you later01:29
Red-Ravenok i've figured out now that i am connected to it. do i want to make it forward/tunnel my traffic or set it up to be an encrypted proxy? (im trying to bypass my school's web filter)01:31
earthling^How do I start ubuntu with metacity, but still have the option to switch?02:03
Red-Raventhis is an archive, but it should still help: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-121750.html02:08
earthling^I installed compiz fusion icon, which allows me to switch, but when I reboot it always starts with compiz02:10
Red-Ravenlog out. there should be a drop up (as opposed to down) box in the bar at the bottem. pick the manager you want, then log back in.02:11
Red-Ravenoh sry i get it now. you may have to set it to default some how.02:11
earthling^I like that option of setting at login screen02:13
earthling^but yeah, am looking for default set02:13
earthling^do you use compiz?02:14
earthling^its fun sometimes, but it uses alot of memory02:17
earthling^compared to metacity02:17
Red-Raveni think you can just pick one at login, and then that will stay you windows manager untill you change it again.02:17
earthling^I'll check that when I logout02:18
Red-Raveni have 2 GB RAM and don't (usually) run memory-heavy stuff, so i'm good there.02:18
earthling^do you use ubuntu or other varients?02:19
earthling^I'm always looking to speed things up02:20
Red-Raveni run ubuntu on this machine and Lubuntu and ubuntu on my desktop.02:20
earthling^ok, will try it now, thanks02:21
earthling^After installing compiz, its being used as the default window manager. I want to use metacity as default, but do not want to remove compiz. How can I set metacity as default?03:36
jon8_Does laptop battery management still work without Gnome running?? Is there a command line, command, that i can use to check battery usage?05:53
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=== Janes147 is now known as sre-su
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
=== AbhiJit is now known as OptimusPrime
Red-Ravenhey guys. anyone know how to tunnel trafic through ssh in ubuntu?12:29
Red-Ravenanyone please?12:38
MrChrisDruifRed-Raven: Sorry, I (still) haven't got any experience with SSH :)12:44
MrChrisDruifHai Silver_Fox_ :)13:55
Silver_Fox_Hello MrChrisDruif13:55
MrChrisDruifI'll be back in about an hour or two at most14:01
M0hiHello Silver_Fox_14:15
Silver_Fox_Hello moh14:15
Silver_Fox_Hello M0hi14:15
M0hiSilver_Fox_, sowwi for that. mohi will do (=14:15
M0hihow are Silver_Fox_ ?14:16
Silver_Fox_I am fine thank you M0hi . How are you ?14:23
M0hiI am doing good. ty and brb14:23
aveilleuxnhandler: Ping15:37
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Red-Ravenhey. anyone got a good site to learn python that explains everything for beginners? like with examples and explanations of what arguments, strings, objects, etc. are? im trying to learn it but most tutorials throw around words and consepts like that and don't explain it.17:51
aveilleuxRed-Raven: This might help a little http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Polymorphic_Data_Structures_in_C/Glossary17:53
aveilleuxRed-Raven: It's for C, but it has some of the terms you're looking for17:54
holsteini plan on using http://docs.python.org/tutorial/17:54
holsteini found http://www.upriss.org.uk/python/PythonCourse.html googleing around17:54
kaushalplease guide me about http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/557773/18:33
kaushalIts oracle on Ubuntu Server18:34
kaushalanyone around here ?18:41
bioterrorkaushal, oracle database is not a beginner related thing18:42
bioterrorkaushal, Mon20:42 Freenode :: #oracle(74): Ask your question, stick around if someone doesn't respond right away. Use this channel for general Oracle/Sun questions, If18:43
bioterror                     busy here Use ##oracledb for Oracle DB related problems.18:43
kaushalbioterror: is there a Mailing list where i can seek help ?18:45
bioterrorI dunno, go to #oracledb18:46
holsteinor #ubuntu-server maybe18:47
holsteinthis channel tends to be more desktop users18:48
bioterrormore beginners :D18:48
holsteinyeah, that too ;)18:48
holsteinkaushal: sometimes your loco team can be a great resource18:49
kaushalholstein: ok18:50
=== MrAnthrope is now known as Geocosm
ereotavI cant get VirtualBox OSE to detect a usb anyhelp?19:49
aveilleuxereotav: That would be because VirtualBox OSE doesn't have USB support.19:51
ereotavOh Thats would probally do it. So what version of Virtualbox does have usb support? And does it also have the shared folders ability19:52
holsteinthe proprietary one19:53
aveilleuxereotav: The OSE has shared folder support. The PUEL version ( http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads ) has USB device support.19:53
ereotavso essentially I need to pick whitch on i need correct? Either usb detecting on PUEL or shared on OSE. So neither have both?19:55
aveilleuxereotav: No. The PUEL has shared folders as well.19:55
ereotavoh ok19:55
aveilleuxereotav: The PUEL is basically the more "complete" version, but it's not fully open-source.19:55
ereotavOk i understand now! It seems evertime im in here needing help u are too and always on point. Thanks a bunch!19:56
ereotavI am running 10.10 on a HP dv9000 but whenever i turn off the builtin keypad the keyboard stops working. I have tried to pick the closest keyboard layout (dv5) any fixes?20:10
Red-Ravenhey guys.21:08
Red-Ravengot another (hopefully) quick SSH question. can i connect to the server with the remote address even if the client is local to the server? or do you have to use the local IP (
MrChrisDruifI think he means that both the client and the server are on the same network and I think the answer would be yes, the traffic will be routed through the router and even out....would be faster I think to use the local address ofc :)21:18
Red-Raveni have the client and server on the same network. do i have to connect the client with the local address (192.168.8.XXX) or can i use the remote address? the one that changes every time (unless its static)(XX.XXX.XXX.XX)21:19
Red-Ravenyah i know. i want to make sure this one works though.21:19
MrChrisDruifRed-Raven: You can always try ofc :)21:19
MrChrisDruifBut again, local address would be faster because it doesn't go out the network :)21:21
Red-RavenI know local is faster. i need to make sure remote address works. im asking are you supposed to be able to use the remote IP even if you are local? because as of now i always get a timed out error with the remote IP.21:22
MrChrisDruifI don't know for sure :)21:23
Red-Ravenok. well the local address still works...21:24
aveilleuxRed-Raven: Yes, if the port forwarding is set up properly.21:25
Red-Ravenhm. weird. i know the port is set correctly. ive triple checked it.21:26
aveilleuxRed-Raven: You sure you're using the correct remot IP?21:27
Red-Ravenyah. i used a website called IP chicken on the server.21:27
aveilleuxRed-Raven: Assuming you're on the same router, your remote IP and the server's remote IP is the same thing. Use http://whatismyip.com/21:28
Red-Raventhe cammand is "ssh <user name on server>@<remote IP>" right?21:30
aveilleuxRed-Raven: you need the -p option if you're using an IP that's not 2221:31
aveilleuxRed-Raven: Did you change the SSH port?21:31
Red-Ravenno. the port is 22/21:31
aveilleuxRed-Raven: You opened port 22 to the world? D:21:32
st33medLemme rape that port for ya21:32
aveilleux!language | st33med21:32
ubot2st33med: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:32
st33medOh sorry21:32
st33medI'm forgetful21:32
Red-Ravenok. but if i changed it then wouldn't i have to go messing around with IPtables?21:33
aveilleuxRed-Raven: No21:34
aveilleuxRed-Raven: I change the SSH on all my servers. It's the first thing I do and it's a very simple way to protect yourself from non-determined crackers21:35
Red-Ravenjust change the config file, change the port in the router, and restart SSH?21:35
aveilleuxRed-Raven: yes21:37
Red-Ravencool thx! unfortunately that still leads the problem of the remote IP.21:38
Red-Ravenok the port is changed. so the new command is "SSH -p <port> <user>@<remoteIP>"?21:42
Red-Ravenor "SSH -p <port> <user>@<localIP>"?21:42
aveilleuxRed-Raven: yes but in lowercase, not caps.21:42
Red-Ravenok thx. local worked. now i'll try remote.21:43
Red-Ravenit didn't work.21:45
nhandleraveilleux: Pong22:02
Red-Ravenhey. can you help me with the remote IP? its still giving me that connection timed out error.22:08
Red-Ravenhey nit-wit. have you ever used SSH?22:21
Red-Ravenor anyone for that matter. i'm still getting a connection time out error whenever i connect via remote IP.22:24
MrChrisDruifRed-Raven: ssh -p <port> <user>@<remoteIP> doesn't work?22:24
Red-Ravennope. ^22:24
nit-witRed-Raven, no not really22:24
Red-Ravenoh ok. im setting one up to use as a proxy in school. mainly for fun.22:25
Red-Ravenoccasionally for youtube. but mainly for fun.22:25
MrChrisDruifRed-Raven: You've followed all the steps from here > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH ?22:25
MrChrisDruifRed-Raven: There is an alternative to OpenSSH, which isn't very Linux ofc....TeamViewer...22:27
MrChrisDruifYou can use that till you've got SSH set up properly...22:27
Red-Raveni dont need it that bad. OFC=?22:28
MrChrisDruifOf course22:29
Red-Ravenoh ok. wiki sort of was a dead end on that/22:29
Red-RavenMrChrisDruif, ive done all that. but do i need to run one of the commands from this page of that article? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/PortForwarding22:42
MrChrisDruifAfaik/scimmed the page: no it doesn't...but I've heard others on this very channel saying if you did your port-forwarding good it should work :-/22:44
MrChrisDruifaveilleux said it :)22:45
Red-Raveni just checked. its good.22:47
=== tenach1 is now known as tenach
Red-Ravenugh. its ssh -p ## username@remote IP     and the #s are the port right?22:56
Red-Ravenis there something i have to do to allow remote connections? like change a config file or security setting or something in IPtables?22:57
Red-Raveni think i found it! in the ruter settings, "block anonamous internet traffic" is checked. the description is: By enabling the Block WAN Request feature, you can prevent your network from being "pinged," or detected, by other Internet users. The Block WAN Request feature also reinforces your network security by hiding your network ports. Both functions of the Block WAN Request feature make it more difficult for outside use23:00
Red-Ravenrs to work their way into your network.23:00
Red-Raven(sry for so many posts)23:01
MrChrisDruifIt's alright :)23:01
MrChrisDruifAs long as we can learn from it :)23:01
Red-Ravenso do you think that could be it? i can still ping it even though its checked for some reason/23:04
MrChrisDruifMaybe you can change the timeout time somewhere?23:04
Red-Ravenon the server, client, or router?23:05
MrChrisDruifClient or server, I don't know which sets the timeout...I would think client..23:07
MrChrisDruifWhen pinging the server, you get back what the ping is...23:07
Red-Raveni was pinging the router.23:08
MrChrisDruifYes, but I mean you get back how long it took :)23:08
Red-Ravenmax while pinging the server was 12 ms, and that was only the first one. the rest were all like 2 ms.23:09
MrChrisDruifThat should be within the timeout threshold...23:11
Red-Raventhink it could be that firewall setting i posted?23:12
MrChrisDruifWell, could be...I haven't seen it, but if I would be checking down: localIP works, so it must be some setting in the router or firewall...23:14
Red-RavenLOL:  ConnectTimeout 0  found that nice little line in my ssh config file on the client. weird thing is, it displays the error after about 15 seconds, not 0.23:15
Red-Raveni also found a port 22 line in the same file. should i make it to my custom port as well?23:15
MrChrisDruifI believe so....not sure...23:16
MrChrisDruifThe timeout you could try on say 5 or 15 secs and the port change to your port....but I'm not sure, never done SSH myself :)23:18
Red-Ravenoh ok. ill give it a shot.23:19
ereotavI am running 10.10 on a hp dv9000. When i shut off the builtin keypad the keyboard stops working. Any idea how to fix this?23:41
Red-Ravenby key pad you mean the number pad off on one side?23:42
ereotavoh i mean the trackpad23:42
Red-Ravenoh. thats weird.23:43
MrChrisDruifThat's weird indeed....23:43
ereotavi went to keyboard layout and the closest thing is the hp dv523:44
Red-Ravenwhy do you want to shut off the trackpad? you don't need to to use an external mouse.23:45
ereotavI like to use a external mouse. Also when typing  I hit the trackpad. Plus it bothers me23:46
MrChrisDruifRed-Raven: It's a function some people like :)23:46
Red-Raveni get it.23:47
Red-Ravenim a lot more OCD about other things.23:47
ereotavyup haha23:47

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