
=== kiall is now known as kiall|AFK
=== kiall|AFK is now known as Guest56225
areayhi all -- i'm using bash scripts for cloud-init, and essentially including files from within (cat << EOF > file)... it didn't take long before i hit the 16k limit. guides online suggest storing any auxiliary files in S3, but i've never used S3 and i'm unsure of how to access it from within an instance... is that even the best way of doing it?02:25
flaccidareay: i guess in your script used for cloud-init, do bash < <( curl -s https://mybucket.s3.amazonaws.com:443/myscript.bash ) 2>&1 | tee /var/log/install.log02:34
areayflaccid, thanks man :) i just realized i meant WS3 and not S3 tho... but just the url you've given me there tells me a lot about Walrus in general and i understand a lot more now02:42
areayam i right in assuming i can use the same kind of url to access a walrus bucket?02:42
flaccidi assume so02:42
areayawesome, i'll get on it,... thanks02:43
areayhi all -- i've set MAX_CORES="16" in eucalyptus.conf on my node, and restarted both eucalyptus-nc and eucalyptus-cc but euca-describe-availability-zones verbose still shows the same number of available instances... i haven't yet reached the limit but i'm assuming this means that my MAX_CORES setting didn't work :/07:19
TeTeTareay: did you try a $ sudo restart eucalyptus-nc CLEAN=1 on the NC?07:29
areayTeTeT, yup... and when that didn't work i did a sudo restart eucalyptus-cc on the CC :/07:31
areaynot sure if that would have made any difference... i also tried adding it to the eucalyptus.conf on the CC which didn't work either07:32
TeTeTareay: that's weird, if you do a 'grep MAX_CORES /etc/eucalyptus/*' what is the result?07:33
TeTeTon the NC07:33
areayTeTeT, just one result: /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf:MAX_CORES="16"07:34
areayshould i try it without the quotes maybe?07:39
TeTeTareay: let me check my host07:40
areaykk thx07:40
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TeTeTareay: nope, I have it in quotes as well, see /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf:MAX_CORES="32"07:43
areayi'm using lucid -- does that make any difference to any of this?07:43
TeTeTareay: i'm with this cloud on maverick, but I have others running on Lucid and it worked for me07:44
TeTeTareay: are you positively sure that you changed the MAX_CORES on the right NC? just to be 100% certain07:45
areayyeah definitely -- i just have one NC (i will add more if and when i get this working ;)07:47
TeTeTareay: the only remaining restart that came to my mind would 'sudo restart eucalyptus CLEAN=1' on the front-end, but it should not be needed07:54
TeTeTareay: and are you sure you have enough disk and RAM on the NC, so it can hold the 16 VMs? UEC will use the lowest of that number, e.g. I have a NC with MAX_COFES="32" but I see only 30 available instances, as I don't have enough disk space07:55
areayah fair enough, i'll investigate..  i even restarted both machines so i'm guessing it's to do with RAM or disk space07:56
areayi would have expected it to change at least slightly though07:56
TeTeTareay: note that 'sudo restart eucalyptus CLEAN=1' is more thorough than a cold reboot!08:04
areayTeTeT, tried it, no luck :/ i'm still being told i can only have 3 m1.small instances (i'm guessing that's because the host is using one of the four available physical cores)08:09
TeTeTareay: weird, what's your memory and diskspace on the NC? 3 is an odd number, if you have a quad core it should be 408:17
areayTeTeT, disk space is 291gb, memory is a measly 1gb08:18
TeTeTareay: what's the mem size of m1.small? 256 or 312 mb? Try to change that to 64 in the web console and see if suddenly you have more instances08:21
areayTeTeT, m1.small is 192mb -- i'll change it now though to see what i get08:22
areayTeTeT, ahhh it was RAM... lol - just got 11 available instances :)08:23
TeTeTareay: ah! finally :)08:27
areayTeTeT, thx :)08:30
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=== Guest56225 is now known as Kiall
=== Kiall is now known as Kiall|AFK
=== Kiall|AFK is now known as Kiall
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
mathiazsmoser: hi!18:00
mathiazdo the latest ec2 images for 10.04 support kernel upgrade?18:01
smoserif launched with proper pv-grub kernel18:02
smoserand the latest dailies have pv-grub by default18:03
mathiazsmoser: great - thanks!18:04
smosermathiaz, if you run with pv-grub and find bugs, please, please let me know.18:05
smoseri'm about to pull the trigger on pv-grub by default18:05
mathiazsmoser: sure!18:05
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== Kiall is now known as Kiall|AFK
=== Kiall|AFK is now known as Kiall
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== Kiall is now known as Kiall|AFK
terjehi, I'm having an issue with an ec2 instance I've built23:19
terjeor image, rather23:20
terjeI can't really find an aws or ec2 channel - so I thought I'd drop by here and ask.23:20
terjewhen I launch my instance, and specify the key to use, nothing ends up in my /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file.23:20
flaccidhow did you check that?23:21
terjeI have a user account I created23:29
terjeand gave that user sudo access23:30
flaccidthere should be a service in init that fetch the public key and puts it in authorized_keys. the ami is not designed for plain password authentication with ssh, you'd have to change sshd_config23:32
terjewell, I did that.23:45
terjeI thought that when you start an AMI, it asks which keys you wish to start it with23:45
flaccidi don't even know what ami you are using.23:45
terjeand it some how injected those keys into your authorized_keys file23:46
terjeI'm using an AMI that I created myself.23:46
flaccidyes and you keep the private key, aws/ec2 doesn't store that for you23:46
flaccidwell thats why...23:46
terjeyes, I have that key.23:46
terjeso I have to do something when the thing boots, curl from 169...23:46
terje> authorized_keys23:46
flaccidpretty much23:46
terjegot it, thanks.23:46
flaccidi wrote an lsb compliant script i'll get a link23:47
flaccidvmbuilder essentially does this which is what they build the official images with23:47
flaccidterje: https://rightscale-services.s3.amazonaws.com:443/scripts%2Finit%2Fgetsshkey.rc.debian.bash23:49

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