
airurandoping slashtom10:04
airurandomorning all10:04
slashtomgood morning10:08
airurandoHowdy, just wondering when you'll be calling the bowling place.10:19
airurandois it worth a final plug on identi.ca and mailing list?10:19
slashtomi did the mailing list on saturday10:21
slashtomand i have no idea what identi.ca is10:21
slashtomwas planning to do the booking this evening10:21
ebelident.ca is an open source twitter clone.10:22
slashtomgood morning10:22
airurandoyeah I saw the your mailing list mail.  I replied to it :) .10:23
ebelNotably ubuntuie is on indetica and twitter. If you update the indetica status, then it magically updates the twitter. So less work :)10:23
airurandoHi ebel, and yes you did set that up well.10:24
airurandoI'll blast off final call prods.10:25
ebelI think it was czajkowski suggestion/idea to do the twitter/identica :)10:25
airurandogood morning czajkowski (didn't see your aloha until now)10:26
airurandomy congrats must go to czajkowski so on that idea.10:27
czajkowskiI need to go and sort out our domai as well today10:28
czajkowskiis back16:56
slashtomwell done16:56
slashtomon auto-renew?16:56
czajkowskithre was a glitch16:57
czajkowskiit will be set up in fuutre16:57
czajkowskifor it plus the other 20016:57
ebelthanks czajkowski17:02
czajkowskiregularly have to do that for teams17:04

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