
=== gpc is now known as Gulfstream
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* pedro_ waves15:56
* charlie-tca waves, too15:57
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
* ara waves16:00
victorpI am apparently running the meeting today!16:02
victorplucky me16:02
victorpready to go?16:03
MootBotMeeting started at 10:03. The chair is victorp.16:03
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:03
victorpagenda is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2011-01-17-SR?action=show&redirect=ReleaseTeam%2FMeeting%2FStableReleaseAgenda16:03
victorptoday as it is a "in between" meeting16:04
victorpwe will try to keep it short16:04
victorpbasically status on current SRU and preparation for 10.04.2 candidate16:04
victorp[TOPIC] Current SRU - Regression testing16:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Current SRU - Regression testing16:04
victorpsconklin - so both kernels are now uploaded?16:05
sconklinvictorp: yes16:05
sconklinLucid had no reverts or changes16:05
victorpso Lucid is the same kernel from the validation week16:05
sconklinMaverick had one revert of an upstream stable patch that caused regressions for Radeon.16:05
victorpjibel - are we doing the QA testing already ?16:06
marjovictorp: i can give status16:06
victorpok - go ahead please16:06
jibelmarjo, go ahead then16:06
marjolucid is almost done16:06
marjoamd64 testing in progress16:06
marjoec2 - hggdh will sync up w/ smoser today and start testing ASAP16:06
hggdhI am preparing to start the ec2 tests16:07
marjohggdh: thx16:07
victorpmarjo - what sort of test targets are we using for Lucid (real hw or vms?)16:07
marjovictorp: real HW w/ VMs as backup16:08
victorpmarjo - so are you still ok for completing all tests by 27th?16:08
marjovictorp: yes16:08
victorpmarjo - any else from QA ?16:09
marjovictorp: no, that's it for now16:09
victorpAra - can you give us an update on HWCert testing?16:09
araon Friday we started testing the SRU for Lucid, but the results are not valid, as we are aiming to use the new SRU test suite16:10
araand those were not run16:10
arabut hopefully that will be fixed today and we will be able to run the suite for Lucid, we will update on those tomorrow at the kernel meeting16:11
araas for Maverick, we were waiting for the new kernel to be uploaded16:11
arawe hope to be able to finish by Thursday, but right now it is going to be a best effort situation16:11
arasconklin, what time do you expect the results on Thursday?16:12
victorpAra - but no later than Mon 31st right?16:12
sconklinI'm confused.16:12
victorpsconklin ?16:12
aravictorp, right, no later than 31st16:13
sconklinWe have no further testing except to double check that the revert fixed the radeon problem, and I expect to have that today16:13
sconklinnot sure what results Ara refers to16:13
arasconklin, the certification results16:13
victorpsconklin - I think Ara is referring to the regression testing that certification runs16:13
sconklinoh, that's up to the people who run them. I don't have any tasks dependent on them16:14
arasconklin, OK16:15
aravictorp, that's all from me16:15
victorppitti - when are we taking the decision to release the SRUs on the 27th?16:15
pittivictorp: it entirely depends on verification feedback16:15
pittithe packages which don't get verified will just slip16:15
pittiwe want to switch over to building CDs from -updates only around start of Februrary AFAIUI16:16
pittiright now the dailies build with -proposed16:16
victorpok - so any delays on releasing the SRUs will impact the builds of CDs for 10.04.2 ?16:16
pittiunfortunately we only get very little community feedback on maverick16:16
arapitti, any reason why we don't have a i386 daily?16:16
pittiara: how do you mean?16:17
MootBotLINK received:  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lucid/daily-live/20110124.1/lucid-desktop-i386.iso16:17
arapitti, alternate16:17
* victorp is closing off the SRU topic and moving to 10.04.2 - ready everyone?16:17
pittiara: ah, will check16:18
pittiara: we certainly mean to have one16:18
victorp[TOPIC] Getting ready for 10.04.216:18
MootBotNew Topic:  Getting ready for 10.04.216:18
victorpskaet plan says:16:18
victorp1/27 - Martin provides 10.04.2 image candidate built from -updates16:18
victorp1/28-2/10 - HW Cert does full certification run on 10.04.2 image16:18
victorppitti are we still on track for the first item?16:19
pittivictorp: we have dailies with -proposed enabled16:19
pittivictorp: I think we want that for now, as there is the new kernel etc.16:19
pittiit's not _that_ critical when exactly we switch to -updates only16:19
pittionce we do, -proposed gets unfrozen16:19
pittibut we don't have a pressing need for that right now16:19
victorpAra , sconklin - does that impact you?16:20
pittihowever, if we have packages on the CDs which we don't get feedback for, we need to do it way before we do the final cert run16:20
victorppitti - the manual cert run is schedule to start next week16:20
sconklinvictorp: no, we'll continue to make kernels, and when things unfreeze can copy from the PPA at that time if needed.16:20
arapitti, the thing is that we were aiming to do a very likely cert run next week16:20
arapitti, so we need the cds from -updates16:21
pittiara: the final one?16:21
pittiara: ok, but I think we need at least the kernel and d-i in -updates for that, plus a few SRUs which were milestoned16:21
arapitti, sure, sure, at  least the kernel, that's for sure16:21
victorppitti - we cant start cert testing of 10.04.02 until we finish the SRU testing (same people & same systems doing the test)16:22
marjopitti: ditto for QA team16:22
araso the idea was to have CDs from -updates as soon as the most hw related packages were in -updates16:22
pittivictorp: right, so makes sense to verify the current SRUs first16:22
marjopitti: +116:23
pittiara: right; from then on we need to take care to only let stuff into -updates which isn't hw specific and can be tested independently16:23
victorpto summarise - we need to have the current SRU kernel moved to -updates before we can create a CD that HW cert & QA can start doing the testing for 10.04.216:23
* victorp looking for anyone that don't agrees16:23
victorppitti +!16:24
hggdhdoesn't that mean that you cannot test the SRU until it is approved?16:24
victorphggdh - we can test the SRU now16:25
victorpWe shouldn't build the 10.04.2 CDs from -update until the SRU is approved16:25
hggdhvictorp: ah, sorry16:25
victorphggdh - no worries16:25
victorp[TOPIC] Any other business?16:26
MootBotNew Topic:  Any other business?16:26
victorpgoing once16:26
victorpgoing twice16:27
pittithanks everyone16:27
marjothx victorp!16:27
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:27.16:27
arathanks victorp16:27
victorpthanks to all for participating!16:27
MrChrisDruifI just quietly observed :)16:27
pedro_thanks all16:28
MrChrisDruifJust a small question....what is SRU16:28
hggdhMrChrisDruif: Stable Release Update16:28
MrChrisDruifThanks :)16:28
jibelMrChrisDruif, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates , and you are very welcome if you want to help to verify the fixes at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html16:30
MrChrisDruifSRU is like the next dot-release?16:32
hggdhMrChrisDruif: no SRU is any update to a stable release. a dot-release is basically a new sync point: all SRUs applicable are woven in a dot-release16:34
hggdhso installing a dot-release is equivalent to installing the base relase PLUS all SRUs up to the dot-release16:35
MrChrisDruifAlright, makes sense then :)16:35
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=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
mdeslaurjdstrand, sbeattie, kees, jjohansen: meeting?18:03
keesmdeslaur: \o/18:05
* sbeattie waves18:06
mdeslaurwho's first?18:06
keesmdeslaur: you! :)18:06
mdeslaurSo I'm on community this week18:07
mdeslaurand I'm working on hplip updates18:07
mdeslaurwill also be testing dovecot and subversion18:07
mdeslaurhopefully releasing them all this week18:07
mdeslaurand will go down the list after that18:07
mdeslaurthat's it!18:08
keesme me18:08
keesI'm auditing this week18:08
mdeslaurkees: tag, you're it!18:08
keesI've got a few from IS I need to do, and I'm probably going to report a few things on freerdp. found some non-exploitable crashes due to integer overflow, etc18:08
keesgoing to see about refreshing our CVE pool for 201118:09
keesthat's it from me18:09
keessbeattie: you're it!18:09
mdeslaurwhoops..that was for the cve pool, not for you being done :)18:09
sbeattieI'm on triage this week.18:11
sbeattieAlso, I've got openjdk, but am *still* waiting on one build.18:11
mdeslaursbeattie: wow...just...wow18:11
sbeattieother than that, I may poke at a few apparmor things this week.18:12
sbeattiethat's it from me.18:12
keesgood patch in over the weekend on network logprof updates18:13
jjohansenyeah, I was just looking at those18:13
sbeattieheh, I was also looking at that this morning.18:13
sbeattie(as well as slowly going through jeffm's other patches)18:14
jjohansensbeattie: oh thanks, I have been meaning to get to that18:14
sbeattiejjohansen: yeah, sorry, I didn't more visibly announce that, but it's been a slow process.18:14
jjohansensbeattie: np, its not like I've been looking at it, just had a vague intention to get to it some day18:15
sbeattieanyway, that's it from me.18:17
sbeattiedoes anyone else have anything for the security team? jjohansen?18:17
* jdstrand hasn't gone yet18:18
sbeattiejdstrand: doh!18:18
jdstrandno worries :)18:18
jdstrandI am working on dbus-glib this week. after that I plan to talk with jj about confining dbus/applications that use dbus18:19
jdstranddepending on how those work out, I'll likely work on moodle18:19
jjohansenhehe, and here I was going to say skipping jdstrand just means he doesn't need to talk to me this week about dbus :)18:19
jdstrandthat's it from me18:19
jdstrandoh, it seems a firefox and tbird update is imminent-- I might have to work on that18:20
jjohansenouch, I have a feeling I am going to be preempted again18:20
jdstrandjjohansen: probably not. I just have to look at a couple of things18:22
jjohansenjdstrand: sure, sure ... :)18:22
chrisccoulson_jdstrand, it's not due until 8th feb ;)18:22
chrisccoulson_you've got a little bit of time yet18:22
jdstrandjjohansen: actually, I thought of a way to do it all without messing with ipc, but need an api in libapparmor1 and an extremely fast implementation of that call18:23
jdstrandjjohansen: let me look at things though18:23
jjohansenjdstrand: hrmm, okay /me is interested to discuss18:24
jjohansenjdstrand: /me is concerned about the extremely fast part18:24
* jjohansen is thinking we will have to do some caching in userspace for "extremely fast", context switches just aren't fast18:25
jdstrandyeah, we'd need to talk about it18:25
jjohansenyep, later then :)18:26
jdstrandis there anything else for the security team?18:26
jdstrandalrighty then :)18:27
jdstrandthanks everyone!18:27
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-brb
=== Ursinha-brb is now known as Ursinha
=== JamieBen1ett is now known as JamieBennett
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk

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