
ftadpm, hi08:47
ftadpm, hi, i realized while testing chromium in some langs that i can't test it properly. i see some (few) untranslated strings but looking at the code, they come straight from gtk. obviously, i don't have all the locales installed. so i'd like some help finding issues.09:07
ftayou mentioned a wiki page is the way to go. do you have a template or an example in mind?09:08
dpmhi fta, I don't have a template in mind. What I had in mind for a wiki page was to have: a general explanation on how to translate Chromium, the requirements for a language to be included, and any other info that would be of interest to translators. We could certainly add info on how to test the locales. That's the idea I had. I'd put the page somewhere outside the Ubuntu wiki, since it should be info that is not specific to Ubuntu, but right now,09:12
dpm I don't know where the best place would be. The Chromium wiki seemed a bit too restrictive the last time I looked at it, or at least I could not figure out how to edit it09:12
ftadpm, yep, it seems they recently restricted the creation of new pages09:12
ftai wonder how i can add libgles2-mesa to Depends without breaking the backports...12:34
micahgfta: control.in, add it in d/rules for select releases only14:57
ftamicahg, well, i'm not sure i really want to do that. gl could be problematic depending on your h/w14:58
ftasame thing with vdpau14:59
micahgjdstrand: I use the apparmor-notify package, maybe it's worth adding to suggests for Firefox?15:30
jdstrandmicahg: my inclination is 'no'. people who don't know about apparmor might install it, then see the notifications about other parts of the system. apparmor-notify is intended as a developer tool only15:32
jdstrandmicahg: it only reports without giving a method to fix anything15:32
micahgjdstrand: ah, but the only time I get deny messages is from Firefox, so I guess the rest of the profiles are either doing their job15:32
jdstrandmicahg: perhaps one day we can have a tool that would do more, but the last thing we want is what we see on fedora, where people are prompted for selinux denials all the time15:33
jdstrandmicahg: true. it is useful. perhaps we could update documentation surrounding enabling the firefox profile-- if you do, you might be interested in the apparmor-notify package15:34
jdstrand"if you do, you might be interested in the apparmor-notify package"15:34
jdstrand(ie, I wasn't saying if *you*, micahg, do15:34
micahgjdstrand: i know :), I'll look into updating it15:35
jdstrandmicahg: great, thanks! :)15:36
jdstrandmicahg: you could also mention aa-update-browser and the local/ directory in the same area too, if it isn't already mentioned15:36
micahgjdstrand: can we update the AA profile after feature freeze?15:37
jdstrandmicahg: sure. those are bug fixes, not features15:37
micahgjdstrand: cool, thanks15:37
* fta is installing apparmor-notify...15:51
* chrisccoulson_ is installing apparmor-notify too16:20
chrisccoulson_don't want to miss out :)16:21
ftagrrr, we really need a dh_tweak_deps_and_builddeps_for_this_dist_please16:40
micahgchrisccoulson: hi, do you have Fennec done, or just the build system?19:41
ftadoh, bad for us: http://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.0#Iconvertedmypackagebutitfailstobuildorfailstounpackonallbuildds19:44
micahgerr, they should defuzz automatically19:46
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, fennec is pretty much done19:47
micahgalmost all buildds are belong to us21:14
asachey gents. so firefox 4.0 crashing... if i hit restart firefox 4.0 in that dialog it _never_ restarts ;) ... known bug (id?)21:16
* micahg noticed that too :)21:16
asacfta: what is chromium using gles for?21:17
micahgasac: the version in natty also or just the dailies?21:17
asacdailies maverick21:17
asacdont have the luxury atm to upgrade ;)21:17
ftaasac, some 2D canvas features iirc, maybe webgl too21:17
micahgasac: same as me :)21:17
asacfta: is it using gles on x86 too? nice21:18
ftaasac, still watching my patches? ;)21:18
asacfta: whenever i get to those they are usually quite old so i dont spend as much time on them as i would21:19
asacfta: doesnt chromium ship binaries for linux? what are they doing there wrt gles?21:22
asacchrisccoulson: this reminds me: whats the webgl/gles status for ffox21:22
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team (Chromium too!): | Firefox 4.0b9 in Firefox Beta PPA 9.10-10.10 http://is.gd/f6TM4 | Firefox 3.6.14/Thunderbird 3.1.8/Seamonkey 2.0.12 in http://is.gd/dsudW need testing | Firefox 3.6.13 in Hardy-Maverick | Thunderbird 3.1.7 in Lucid-Natty and Stable PPA | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/hdZc1
ftaasac, i was quite happy to see my translation power plant finally done, but the lp guys killed me21:22
asacfta: huh? wth happened?21:23
ftaasac, you should read my blog :)21:23
ftafor gles, they just dlopen the libs if they are installed21:23
ftaasac, http://ftagada.wordpress.com/2011/01/23/chromium-translations-explained-part-2/21:28
asacfta: yeah... from upstream vs. contributions feels buggy as you describe it21:28
asacfta: do you know why the improved translations suddenly became "from upstream" ?21:29
asacfta: do you reimport from your side with all the changes included?21:30
ftaasac, no. i feed lp just with the upstream stuff21:31
ftait put a link to the lp announcement21:31
ftaasac, https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-translators/msg00256.html21:32
ftai'm in touch with danilo, but he told me Deryck Hodge will take over to solve this21:34
asackk ... seems its maybe a one time problem and that folks are taking care of that. makes me happy21:38
ftai wanted a low maintenance translation system, but i've spent way too much time on this already21:40
ftaasac, did you like my article? :)21:43
ftaasac, you asked me so many times to start a blog21:43
asacfta: i retweeted it ;)21:46
ftaasac, rate it :)21:46
asacfta: its really awesome content ... not much to add there ;)21:46
ftathe indicators are still broken22:08
ftaand i still can't use unity22:09
chrisccoulson hi asac22:56
chrisccoulsonhow are you?22:56
chrisccoulsonffox has gles support AFAICT, but we don't actually build it22:56
asacchrisccoulson: could you please try that?22:58
asacat least on arm ...22:58
asacat best some builds for intel would be nice as well22:58
asacwith gallium etc. you can have accelerated gles for some x86 video chips22:59
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, i could try that. i think i'd need to do a build system hack for that though. it currently selects gles automatically only for maemo and android builds23:00
chrisccoulson(from what i can see from the makefile anyway)23:00
asacchrisccoulson: yeah. that needs to be improved ;)23:02
asacshould select that for linux/arm/gnu in general23:02
chrisccoulsonwe could probably make it do that ;)23:03
chrisccoulsonit wouldn't be difficult to fix23:03
chrisccoulsonheh, it's going to be a fun night tonight, my daughter keeps waking up23:04
asacchrisccoulson: good time to continue working then i guess23:10
chrisccoulsonheh :)23:14
chrisccoulsonthis moonlight crasher is really bugging me now23:16
chrisccoulsonfta - do you still see that in chromium too?23:16
ftachrisccoulson, i don't use moonlight, but i still see people reporting bugs about it23:17
ftait's when you have both icetea and libmoon23:18
chrisccoulsonfta - yeah, i can still recreate it sometimes, but i still don't fully understand why it's crashing23:19
chrisccoulsonfta - http://is.gd/AANWKL23:20
chrisccoulsonthere's quite a few now23:21
ftai should probably work on integrating breakpad too23:23
ubot2icedtea.classpath.org bug 472 in Plugin "Update of icedtea crashes epiphany" [Normal,New]23:24
ftamix of malloc and tcmalloc? (last comment)23:25
chrisccoulsonfta - interesting. the second link there seems to show a different crash23:30

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