
pitti_good morning05:58
=== doko__ is now known as doko
pitti_cjwatson, slangasek: do you still see any need for cocoplum's publish-queue cronjob? you can just download the unapproved stuff straight from LP, after all10:21
cjwatsonif you want to delete it, please fix ubuntu-release-bot in lp:ubuntu-archive-tools first. :-)10:23
cjwatsonit doesn't know how to work with queue listings from LP10:23
pitti_ah, that was my question really; thanks10:28
pittiyay, non-overflown CDs11:16
cjwatsonoverflowed :-)11:17
cjwatsonour marvellously regular English language11:17
pittigah, English is hard11:17
cjwatson(mind you, I think an exact analogue of that pair of irregular verbs exists in German with very similar confusion)11:18
pittioh, that was "fly", not "flow"11:18
cjwatsonyeah, fliegen vs. fliessen11:18
cjwatsonso is libreoffice-filter-binfilter off the CDs now?11:19
pitticjwatson: no, not yet; doko will do the change in bzr, but it won't land for a211:19
pittiI killed an amd64 langpack, and due to the pending seed cleanup we got enough extra space11:20
cjwatsonso we'll actually end up 8MB inside?11:20
pittias padding for a311:20
cjwatsonI guess 8MB will last us about a week or so11:21
pitticjwatson: the 3.5 MB ghostscript growth was apparently justified (discussed with Till)11:22
pittiI hope there's something we can do about the 10 MB libreoffice-core growth, though11:22
pittiT minus one week until we get a LibO maintainer \o/11:23
pittiso, that ubuntu live smoke test went well here14:50
* jdstrand pokes at NEW15:19
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=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
* jdstrand is done15:59
pittiRiddell: any idea what we could take off the current Kubuntu alternates (amd64 5 MB oversized) and desktops (i386 1 MB, amd64 17 MB)? there are no more langpacks to chop off16:24
Riddellpitti: I only just uploaded the seeds to change openoffice to libreoffice, so the size could well change tomorrow16:25
pittiRiddell: that should only buy 1 MB or so; does it pull in more bits than it should? /me checks16:25
pittino JRE or -base16:27
pittiRiddell: I don't think it's a serious blocker to be oversized for a2 (most folks install from USB anyway), but I guess discussing early can't hurt16:28
Riddellkdebase-workspace 4.6 upload on wednesday will drop a KDM theme which will be a few MB16:28
pittipython-qt4 (Δ 3.0 MB - 4.7.4-0ubuntu1: 2.9 MB   4.8.1-0ubuntu3: 6.0 MB)16:29
Riddellif we need space after that oxygen-icon-theme-complete can go on i386 (already not on amd64)16:29
pittiRiddell: ^ that might be worth checking? it's the only changed package whose size diff sticks out (and hasn't already been verified yet)16:29
pittiRiddell: btw, the -writer recommends to libreoffice-filter-binfilter will be dropped after a2, that'll buy 8.4 MB16:30
pittis/buy/get back/16:30
pittiRiddell: oh, curent CD has libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 (6.9 MB) -- that looks like a bug?16:31
Riddellpython-qt4 is build for both python 2.6 and 2.7, that's what adds the extra16:32
pittiah, right16:32
Riddellare we aiming to drop one of those at some point?16:33
pittiRiddell: i don't think dropping 2.6 support for natty is planned right now16:35
pittiit'd certainly buy some 10 MB on the CD16:35
Riddelllibwebkitgtk-1.0-0                  | webkit                          | libproxy0 (Recommends)16:36
pittiright, just found the same16:36
pittithat sounds wrong16:36
pittiRiddell: I'll drop it to suggests, ok?16:37
Riddellyes please16:37
pittiRiddell: ok, done16:38
seb128pitti, hum, but that's nothing new and libproxy should recommends it16:39
Riddellgstreamer0.10-plugins-base brings in gvfs which brings in a load of gnomey stuff onto the kubuntu CD16:39
pittiRiddell: so that will fix both i386 and amd64 alternate16:40
RiddellI could drop the gstreamer0.10-plugins-base recommends on gvfs to a suggest16:40
seb128Riddell, we are on sync with debian for it could you talk to slomo rather about doing that in debian?16:40
pittiRiddell: please forward that to Debian, as we are currently in sync16:40
pittislomo is on IRC, perhaps you can coordinate with him?16:40
pittibut otherwise this sounds fine16:41

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