
virtusabstrakt: There's no ogre package at all =/00:00
CJacki really need help00:00
abstraktvirtus, but still, if there's not a package for your distro, you're supposed to compile from source, if you're compiling from source, you're supposed to just build a package and then use dpkg to install it00:00
Craig`h-dee: no that's the wrong one..totally.00:00
abstraktvirtus, i.e. just build a .deb, and or all the .deb files that you might need00:00
virtusI'm using Ubuntu. And, there's no ogre package *atall*00:00
abstraktvirtus, hence why you should make one00:00
h-deeCraig: sorry, i missed on that one... let me see00:00
virtusabstrakt: Ahh.00:00
abstraktvirtus, anyway you can start just by compiling from source00:01
botcity!panel | Craig`00:01
Craig`..crickets chirp00:01
LucaseCJack: What's up ?00:02
splnetabstrakt: what is libogre?00:02
abstraktsplnet, 3D graphics framework for OpenGL00:02
virtusabstrakt: Odd. There's a libogre in synaptic. But, it doesn't instll well.00:02
h-deeCraig: please try this...hit Alt + F2 and type 'nm-applet', and see if it shows up or not?00:02
mehdidchi everybody00:02
LucaseJust received a 50'' touch screen. gonna test it with ubuntu, giving news.00:02
abstraktvirtus, libogre != libogre-dev00:03
Craig`h-dee: there is an app named nm-applet..but it doesnt appear00:03
CJack<Lucase> when i turn on my pc i cant get to my desktop any more, Ubuntu 10.10 loads up , and im stuck, its like terminal, black screen, and i can only use commands, i had to login too. i would like to get on desktop again please :)00:03
h-deeCraig: so that didn't work out I guess?00:03
virtusabstrakt: I have libogre-dev.00:04
virtusSay's it's installed.00:04
virtusBut, for some reason I can't locate the libogre files.00:04
binarysimCJack, Try startx00:04
abstraktvirtus, using what00:04
binarysimdo yo got some error messages00:04
Craig`h-dee: nope00:04
abstraktvirtus, in syntaptic, you should be able to right click on the package and then inspect the files it installs00:05
virtusabstrakt: using locate00:05
AurielMy computer is stuck on Grub Rescue. Can somebody help me? RIght now I'm booting off the Ubuntu live CD00:05
LucaseCjack: You see anything about ''GRUB'' in that terminal ?00:05
abstraktvirtus, did you run sudo updatedb after installing ogre?00:05
botcity!panels | Craig`00:05
ubottuCraig`: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:05
virtusabstrakt: No. do you *need* to?00:05
CJack<Lucase> fatal server error : no screens found00:05
splnetvirtus: try dpkg -L libogre00:05
h-deeCraig: did you try adding the "Notification Applet" btw?00:06
danst_CJack: after nvidia driver installation?00:06
Clockwerks77Hey folks, can anyone recommend a decent video editor for Ubuntu?00:06
CJack<Lucase> yes, i had to reboot00:06
gpcClockwerks77: pitivi00:06
Craig`yes thank you! that worked00:06
CJack<Lucase> failed to load nvidia kernel module00:06
Clockwerks77GPC Pitivi, the one that comes iwth the system?00:06
Clockwerks77is it robust?00:06
virtusOkay. I've got the ogre stuff. But, the game's looking for an ogre library that's not included00:07
gpcClockwerks77: not sure how robust it is.00:07
LucaseCJack: you are gonna type this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:07
gpcClockwerks77: you could also try openshot00:07
andrewaxvirtus: file can be in another location. try create a symbolic link00:07
Clockwerks77Ok. Thanks GPC.00:07
virtusandrewax: I'm meaning libOgreMain.so.1 doesn't exist.00:07
virtuslibOgreMain.so does.00:07
AurielMy computer is stuck on Grub Rescue. Can somebody help me? RIght now I'm booting off the Ubuntu live CD00:08
andrewaxvirtus: case is right?00:08
andrewaxlinux is case sensitive00:08
virtusandrewax: case is right.00:08
danst_CJack: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf -w00:09
danst_CJack: change Driver "nvidia" to Driver "nv"00:09
danst_CJack: Ctrl+O, Ctrl+X, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart00:09
Loshkivirtus: try planting a symbolic link in /usr/lib from libOgreMail.so to libOgreMain.so.100:09
danst_CJack: after that you should install another driver00:09
h-deeAuriel: See if this helps http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin700:10
danst_CJack: at least you'd get graphics00:10
question0i noticed that iotop need "CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT in kernel"  and running on 2.6.32-27-server it is not the case ... does someone know what for ?00:10
virtusLoshki: I might have an 'later' version of Ogre than I need.00:10
Lucasedanst_: thanks. i thought it was something else.00:10
danst_Lucase: well, installed from repos driver does not support his old video adapter00:11
virtusln -s fileiwanttosymbolic /usr/lib00:11
danst_Lucase: in such cases I usually install build-essential and download old stuff from nvidia site00:11
Lucasedanst_: yeah that's a good idea.00:12
binarysim /clear00:13
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Gaming4JC*cough* anyone know how to get a debug flag turned on in open-jdk6 *cough* @_@00:13
Gaming4JC?.. :)00:13
Aurielh-dee: this happened after I ran Ubuntu update last night00:14
h-deeAuriel: yeah no matter what the reason is...your GRUB2 is corrupted. So, you need to fix it. read point no.2 from that link or better read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD00:15
TashiaIS it possible to do a network login? I have a ubuntu server but I need to know how to setup net login, I want everything stored on the server00:16
danst_Tashia: there are a lot of ways of making a net login, that depends on what you exactly need00:16
CJackdanst_ i have a problem00:17
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danst_CJack: yes?00:17
Tashiadanst_: I need to be able to set a client to login to the server i have, Also their user account stored on the server if possible00:17
CJackdanst_ right now i am in xorg.conf i dont see where i should change nvidia to nv00:18
virtusNow I installed libois-dev -- And, it didn't even come with a .so00:18
CJackdanst_ oops sry im blind, now i see it00:19
a_p3rsoncan someone help me with networking windows to ubuntu?00:21
danst_Tashia: ssh? netboot? storing /home on server, while using system on local?00:22
tucemiuxanyone knows how to manually check an entire hard drive for errors ?00:23
CJackdanst_ sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart this command not found00:23
danst_Tashia: sorry, I don't clearly understand the target you're aiming :(00:23
danst_CJack: oh00:23
a_p3rsonanyone have expericence with networking ubuntu to a windows network for file/printer sharing?00:23
danst_CJack: what distro are you running?00:23
virtusWhat happens if my network connection dialog thing dissapears from my panal00:24
Tashiadanst_ Storing /home on the server while using client as local.   And how do I get the ubuntu-desktop to link to the server for this, if even possible to do?00:24
xanguavirtus: add notification area to the pane, run: nm-appler00:24
CJackdanst_ gnome?00:24
danst_CJack: hm00:25
stuffatucemiux - i use "badblocks" to check the disk00:25
danst_CJack: wait I'll login to remote ubuntu box to check how to restart gdm00:25
danst_Tashia: I suppose you can use NFS00:25
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danst_Tashia: install to your server nfs-kernel-server00:26
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devininstalled ubuntu 10.10 and now desktop is not mapped correctly, first time this issue has ever happened to me. Not a resolution problem.00:26
danst_Tashia: prepare home directory for your user, and mention it in /etc/exports00:26
smecahi, i'm having problems accessing/playing videos on my mobile when it's plugged in00:27
smeca*from mobile00:27
danst_03:23:07 < CJack> danst_ sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart this command not found < are you sure you didn't make any mistakes while typing that00:28
danst_CJack: if you're running ubuntu with gnome, I suppose there should be gdm00:28
misreckoninghello... I'm trying to "turn on" my laptop's subwoofer, and had no luck... any ideas how to make it?00:28
virtusnm-applet can't find the picmap image.00:28
danst_CJack: well actually you can just reboot lol00:28
virtusAnd then removes itself from the notification area.00:28
virtusHow do I fix this?00:29
a_p3rsoncan someone help me with samba networking to windows?00:30
CJackdanst_ command not found.00:30
danst_Tashia: I recomment to put into brackets stuff like I have here /home/wificrusher         192.168.74.*(rw,no_root_squash,async)00:30
danst_Tashia: when editing exports00:30
splnetCJack: sudo pkill -HUP gdm00:31
danst_CJack: shift+reset lol00:31
CJackdanst_ i got my screen back, its looks crazy, so now i need older drivers? maybe you know where i could get them?00:32
devinanyone can help with screen error, desktop has left part cut off and put on right edge, and the mouse is mapped centimeter above area I want to click00:32
maswhats meaning indirect rendering and loose binding in compiz?00:32
danst_Tashia: I remember having troubles with permissions, so somehow these options saved me and I'm running a few machines with nfs root booting from network00:32
danst_CJack: http://www.nvidia.co.uk/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-uk00:34
Tashiadanst_ Is it possible for ubuntu-server to run wirelessly?00:35
danst_oh my god00:36
danst_but how00:36
danst_wireless power?00:36
Tashiano, Wireless network00:36
danst_host a wireless network?00:36
danst_or use an existing00:36
Venemohi guys00:36
smecasamsung connection issues anyone?00:37
Venemodoes Ubuntu support GDM themes?00:37
Tashiadanst_ I mean for the server to be able to connect to the wireless network00:37
danst_Tashia: then you should have a wireless adapter there!00:38
theLEdoes anyone have any experience using an iPod/iPhone with Banshee that I could ask some questions to00:38
splnetTashia: sure it works fine00:38
danst_Tashia: you need wireless-tools package00:39
danst_Tashia: and optionally wpa supplicant if your wireless network is wpa encrypted00:39
FloatingGoatI have a question about this. okay. I installed 10.04 and Nvidea drivers where working and stuff and they showed up in the additional drivers app. but now that im in 10.10 nothing is there. it's really unmanageable without the drivers is there any way to get them?00:40
theLEdoes anyone know if ratings are preserved during syncing from an iPhone to Banshee and back? So for instance if I rate a song on my iPhone and sync it with Banshee, does that rating show up correctly? Will the song be rated in my library?00:40
revdbmaybe u can try 10.10 to see if they hav new drivers00:41
Tashiadanst_ What would the wpa package name be?00:41
danst_Tashia: wpa-supplicant or wpasupplicant or wpa_supplicant, don't remember exactpy00:41
FloatingGoatI am in 10.1000:41
FloatingGoatthe drivers where there in 10.04 now they are not00:41
danst_Tashia: do "apt-cache search wpa supplicant" it will show you00:41
revdbthats strange00:41
KeyLimePiHey there.  Anyone here use a webcam on your Ubuntu 64-bit  system?00:42
revdbdid you use the original drivers that came with 10.04 or closed source ones?00:42
FloatingGoatproprietary it said00:43
tucemiuxanyone knows how to upgrade karmic using the command line?00:44
revdbthen you might have to reinstall the drivers00:44
revdbsince those drivers arent the ubuntu drivers00:45
KeyLimePiAnyone finding flash player 10 to be slightly buggy on 10.04 (64-bit)?00:46
xangua!upgrade | tucemiux00:46
ubottutucemiux: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:46
Venemoare the instructions on this page still valid? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-gdm-gnome-display-manager-theme-in-ubuntu.html00:46
revdbperhaps all of you that aren't using 10.10 should upgrade to see if they fixed some issues with driver support00:47
xanguaKeyLimePi: try thee 64 bit plugin via this PPA https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash00:47
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:47
KeyLimePixangua: I tried upgrading to that and the problem still persisted00:48
Goliathi exracted a 7z archive withe right click extract here option. Can i be sure it was extracted without errors?00:48
revdbdo u have the newest version of flash? refer to the adobe website to check00:50
KeyLimePirevdb: Yes. I  do00:51
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KeyLimePirevdb: Honestly, it doesnt completely malfunction.  Its only when Im trying to use my webcam in a flash based chatroom. Everything shows up pixely whereas other non-flash webcam  tools show things crystal clear  (such as Google Talk's in-browser webcam chat)00:52
tucemiuxanyone knows how to upgrade just one application using the command line??00:52
danst_tucemiux: sudo apt-get install name00:52
revdbhmm... sorry i have no idea of what it could be00:52
danst_tucemiux: if it's already installed it will upgrade it if there's a newer version in your sources00:53
KeyLimePirevdb: Well, I figure it is something with Flash but I dont know what.  I have tried 10.3 d162 and 10.1 r53 with no success.00:53
tucemiuxdanst_,  im trying to upgrade unison on my ubuntu server but no dice, the version on my laptop is newer than the version on my LTS ubuntu server00:53
linmediaCan anyone tell me how to get synergy to start at the login screen, not after someone logs in??00:54
linmediaOr point me towards a How-To?00:54
danst_tucemiux: well, get the repos from your laptop into your server's sources.list, update them, try installing package00:55
danst_tucemiux: I always do that00:55
danst_tucemiux: but don't forget to remove repos after that and update again00:56
danst_tucemiux: and read carefully the output of apt stuff, care about your dependency tree00:56
tucemiuxdanst_, ill just reinstall from CD then o_O00:58
KeyLimePiAnyone know how to install from this site (i see no download link for the deb file)? https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash?field.series_filter=00:58
theLEdoes anyone know if ratings are preserved during syncing from an iPhone to Banshee and back? So for instance if I rate a song on my iPhone and sync it with Banshee, does that rating show up correctly? Will the song be rated in my library?00:58
danst_tucemiux: just read what apt says lol00:58
danst_theLE: maybe there's some kind of database in your iphone00:59
danst_theLE: try backuping it, then try syncing01:00
theLEdanst_: well the reason I ask is because I'm seriously considering moving away from Windows but this is the last thing that I need Windows for. If I can get this to work then I'm jumping ship. I was hoping to hear from someone who has actually tried this.01:01
danst_theLE: I remember only using gtkPod a couple of years ago with my nano 4g01:01
cablopi have a weird issue... i changed the hard disk of my netbook for a bigger one, the new is working nicely, feels faster, but... it has a sound... like a whip from time to time... not too frequent... but i onder if this is a damage or something... how can i check it on linux? SMART says it is ok... dunno what else to do01:01
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theLEdanst_: do you remember if it was successful in syncing ratings back and forth?01:02
danst_theLE: actually not lol01:02
Guest25017anyone have any clues on how to run a script on the event of network (wifi) gets a connection?01:02
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itaylor57theLE: i have never been able to sync back or forth01:03
danst_theLE: I remember putting ipodlinux on ipod and watching movies in horrible quality on a tiny display of my ipod nano01:03
danst_good times01:03
theLEitaylor57: OK, so how do you use it then? Just manage all of your music on the PC and use the device as purely a listening device?01:03
theLEdanst_: sounds like more effort than it was worth01:03
itaylor57theLE: i don't01:03
jribGuest25017: yes read networkmanager documentation.  Here is an example, setting up a firewall when an interface comes up: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo#Configuration%20on%20Startup%20for%20NetworkManager01:04
danst_theLE: sorry that I can't help you much except keeping up the conversation01:04
theLEdanst_: no worries. thanks anyway01:04
SecretsRevealed_WEIGT l0ss SECRET discovered by SIGNAL Mom: THING dermatolists and goverment do'nt wannt to know you! Click here to collect your free subscription sample! http://5z8.info/warez_g4o8v_xxx01:04
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Guest25017thanks jrib01:04
Dakravi'm changing partition sizes on my laptop, and was wondering which one i should change to increase the room for ubuntu, it says 'sda2' and 'sda3'01:05
jribGuest25017: « man NetworkManager » describes it; that iptables example though is probably helpful :)  There might also be some gui way to do it, but I'm not aware of it01:05
KM0201theLE: depending on the speed of your PC.. have you considered putting windows in a small Virtualbox, when you want to sync your iphone, boot the virtual windows, sync the phone, then shut it down... you won't even have to restart Linux... this is all i came up w/ in how to sync my zune.01:05
danst_Dakrav: why don't you mount them and check which one you need01:06
danst_KM0201: theLE: try looking on gtkpod01:07
KM0201danst_: w/ a Zune?  lol, that won't happen01:07
Dakravdanst_: i'm installing ubuntu, and i chose to specify partitions manually. i have win7 on here already, and it took the whole hard drive, so i decreased that, but i'm not sure which one to increase for ubuntu01:07
KM0201danst_: i used gtkpod a long time ago for an old nano i had.. it worked fine01:08
theLEKM0201: yes but that seems rather ridiculous. I have a very managed music library, I'd rather not have to boot a VM just to curate and listen to my music01:08
danst_KM0201: sorry, I thought you were talking about similar devices01:08
jscn_Would anyone know why I'm getting 'error: unknown option: --vrdpport' when I do 'VBoxManage modifyvm "winxp" --vrdpport 5010' ?01:08
KM0201theLE: you don't have to boot it to listen to it.01:08
KM0201if you do it correctly01:08
echosystmhow do i add a directory to my path?01:08
echosystmadding it to my .profile doesnt seem to do anything01:08
itaylor57theLE: i haven't been able to sync with any apple device with 4.X os01:09
KM0201theLE: unless you're wanting to listen to your ipod, through windows.01:09
cablopi have a weird issue... i changed the hard disk of my netbook for a bigger one, the new is working nicely, feels faster, but... it has a sound... like a whip from time to time... not too frequent... but i onder if this is a damage or something... how can i check it on linux? SMART says it is ok... dunno what else to do01:09
jribjscn_: because there's no such option most likely01:09
jscn_can't seem to find anything much on google01:09
danst_jscn_: try -vrdpport, not "--01:09
theLEKM0201: then how do I get the ratings from the VM to a native player like Banshee?01:09
jscn_danst_, same message01:09
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theLEitaylor57: you can if you install the newest version of the libraries (or so I'm told). There's a PPA somewhere01:09
jscn_jrib, :p01:09
KM0201theLE: i dunno01:09
danst_jscn_: maybe it depends on place where you put it01:10
jscn_the VirtualBox docs tell me to use that command, and I haven't managed to find any hints on google01:10
danst_jscn_: try before machine name01:10
Dakravcan some one tell me what partition i should increase to increase the room for ubuntu on my laptop please? it says there is 'sda1' (win7), 'sda2' ntfs 104.9 mb, and 'sda3' ntfs 11.1 gb01:10
jribjscn_: here are my guesses: 1) that option is deprecated  2) that option is too new for the version in ubuntu  3) that option is not in the version in ubuntu (need the special version with usb and stuff)01:11
jribjscn_: you should probably ask #vbox :)01:11
cablopDakrav: i think you had to make the partitions before installing any OS... at this point you need something to partition from Windows... to avoid breaking the way Windows recognizes the partitions01:11
jscn_danst_, it complains it can't find the machine '--vrdrpport' :p01:11
jscn_jrib, kk, thx anyways01:12
jribjscn_: here you go: http://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=24606 (seems it was my guess (3))01:12
cabloptry paragon partition manager or mmm i forgot the name of the one i suse, Dakrav give me a sec01:12
Dakravcablop, i already decreased the win 7 partition size from the ubuntu installer, is that a bad thing?01:12
cablopDakrav: as long as the ubuntuinstaller didn't changed the partition number this is not an issue01:13
jscn_jrib, ah, well, looks like I better install the non-free version :(01:13
cablopbut your Windows will chkdsk the disk before using that Windows normally01:13
jscn_jrib, thanks muchly01:13
Dakravcablop, what does that mean?01:14
cablopDakrav: try EASEUS Partition Manager and move some partitions up01:14
cablopDakrav: some services and the booting itself depend on the partition number, if they expect for Windows to be on the second partition it won't boot if it is now in the third partition01:14
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cablopDakrav: partitions are not stored in the partition table in the way they are in the disk, the first could be allocated at the end the second at the beginning and the third in the space in between01:15
Dakravcablop, it's the same number, just different size, i just want to increase ubuntu's now, but i'm not sure which one to do01:15
jc0694trying to mount an external network drive but i keep getting an error messaage...01:17
danst_jc0694: which protocol are you using01:17
cablopDakrav: my suggestion would be: 1st partition, /boot; 2nd, the Win 7 boot; 3rd partition, Windows 7, 4th, an extended partition... then place inside the extended partition new partitions... that ntfs you said, and one or more for linux01:17
induzi use Thunderbird and One of my gmail came out as white space...I checked that email on Outlook and i could read that email on MS comp. why is so??01:18
induzAlso, one attachement came as broken .pdf file01:18
cablopDakrav: you have a problem there, and it is you only have room left for one partition, and you need at least 2 if not willing to face some problems... dunno if your board or bios is able to reach the latest partition... and because if you use only one the boot will be on it...01:19
jc0694here's the input:  sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=XXXXX //geoscdom.geosc.uh.edu/jepps /mnt/jepps/01:19
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jc0694and the error i get says:  mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //geoscdom.geosc.uh.edu/jepps01:19
cablopDakrav: some boards and bios cannot boot a system if it is placed beyond some disk sector, cylinder or sixze01:19
Dakravcablop, i have 3 partitions, one for win7 and two others01:19
jc0694can anybody help?01:20
glenpA friend and I are at a loss.01:20
glenpServer 10.1001:20
glenpWe have created a group xxxx on the server, and both of us are members of the group.01:20
FloodBot3glenp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:20
glenpNow in the home directory we created a directory of xxxx. With user1 as owner and group xxxx.01:20
induzI am thinking some of the files can not be downloaded on thunderbird01:20
induzor its caz of Lucid01:20
HimHi guys. I recently installed a game that either uses OpenAL or QF for sound. With qf, the sound is horrible, so I want to try OpenAL. Unfortunately, I don't know what I need to get from the repos for openal.01:20
danst_jc0694: sudo apt-get install smbfc01:20
HimCan anyone help?01:20
danst_jc0694: sudo apt-get install smbfs01:20
danst_jc0694: mistyped01:20
cablopDakrav: yes, Windows 7 creates a small partition of about 100 MB to hold thngs it needs for booting... and you have an extra one... 10 GB maybe? so that would be the recovery partition of your computer01:20
splnetI have a winxp hd mounted within ubuntu. How do I run an XP application from the winxp hd   like regedit ?01:21
jc0694what does smbfs do?01:21
jc0694danst_: what does smbfs do?01:21
Dakravcablop, okay, i get it now01:21
danst_jc0694: gives you samba power01:22
cablopDakrav:  no matter what operative system you use, and what do geeks or the microsoft staff says... i *highly* recommend to use at least three partitions for an Operative System, one for the boot partition, the system partition and the users and data partition, that would really ease your life when doing performance or recovery01:22
jc0694will do01:22
Dakravcablop, okay, i can make new partitions in the ubuntu install thing, could i just make the 3 with that?01:24
cablopDakrav: (well, Win XP or Vista does not use a boot partition, so just two for them, but still 3 parts for Win7)01:24
jc0694danst_: awww.... yaaaaa... SAMBA Power did it!01:25
jc0694danst_: muchas gracias01:25
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danst_jc0694: good job!01:25
jc0694it works now...01:25
jc0694should that be automatically mounted or will i have to reboot?01:25
cablopDakrav: yes you can, but... you'll face a problem... by design the partition table has only room for up to 4 partitions in a disk01:25
Dakravcablop, can i user the ubuntu installer to make the boot, user, and data partitions for ubuntu?01:25
Dakravcablop, oh01:25
jc0694danst_: do i have to reboot in order for the drive to mount01:26
danst_jc0694: after reboot it won't be mounted01:26
Dakravcablop, so should i use one of the ones you specified?01:26
cablopDakrav: with a trick, you convert one partition into an extended partition, that has it's own virtual partition table allowing you to extend the number of partitions, but... you cannot make a partition inside an extended partition booteable01:26
jc0694danst_: how do i automount that at bootup?01:26
cablopDakrav: just cause some boards or bios cannot read the extended partition info, that's why01:27
macocablop: thankfully, only windows cares about the bootable flag01:27
HimGuys, how would I install the OpenAL sound modules?01:27
kikohi, is it possible to read the heap size using C language?01:27
cablopbut... you need to find a way to make the grub of the ubuntu booteble from the bios01:27
danst_jc0694: well, usulally people edit their /etc/fstab files for such purposes, but I add everything into /etc/rc.local01:27
macocablop: if grub's on the mbr it shouldn't care about the rest01:28
Dakravcablop, is there any way you could walk me through this? i'm a noob and barely know what your saying. but i don't know how to do01:28
danst_jc0694: add the command with full path to mount binary to /etc/rc.local before exit 0 line01:28
danst_jc0694: or google for /etc/fstab syntax for samba stuff01:29
cablopmmmm well... maco... this is the part... i barely rely on the mbr of a windows 7 machine, hehe01:29
danst_jc0694: editing fstab is more like PRO-way then I usually do01:29
cablopok, Dakrav, you have the scenario of the mandatory win7 boot partition, the windows 7 partition and an extra partition... can you say what's in that third partition?01:29
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danst_Him: try doing "apt-cache search openal sound"01:30
Dakravcablop, no idea what you said01:30
cablopi dislike your system is saying the Windows 7 partition is sda1 and the boot one sda2... are you on a live cd?01:30
danst_Him: I hope there would be something useful01:30
cablopDakrav: are you installing from a live cd or the alternate install or usb?01:30
prezidenthello ppl ?01:31
prezidenti have a dell xps one i wanted to know if their is anyway i can get the n screen buttons to work ?01:31
Dakravi'm installing ubuntu, i burned an ios image to a cd, is that a live cd?01:31
jc0694danst_: actually, when i entered the command at the promt it didnt give an error but i don't see the drive mounted?01:31
nucc1how do i get awstats viewable in a browser?01:31
danst_jc0694: type "mount" without any options01:32
LaurenKdo i need a different kernel to take advangae of a core duo processor?01:32
danst_jc0694: and check if it's there01:32
jc0694danst_: shouldnt' that drive show up as an icon on my desktop?01:32
cablopDakrav: if it leads you to a full ubuntu with the install icon on the desktop, yup, a live cd01:32
maconucc1: go to http://yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/awstats.pl01:32
Himdanst_: Thanks, but I've already done that. From what I see when I search for openal, I don't know what it is that I need to install. We have a few libs, a few java libs, a few docs, and a programming environment for 3d games.01:32
danst_jc0694: it shouldn't %)01:32
macoLaurenK: no01:32
Dakravcablop, then yeah, it's a live cd01:32
cablopok, what are you installing ubuntu for?01:32
LaurenKthe i386 is as fast as it's going to go?01:32
nucc1maco, like thanks. how did you get that info?01:32
jc0694danst_: ya it shows up... but i don't see it on my desktop like things usually mount01:33
maconucc1: i use awstats on my server01:33
nucc1maco, like where is the config located? so i can change the location :)01:33
Dakravcablop, i'm going to use ubuntu almost every time i start my laptop01:33
danst_jc0694: oh well, show me the command you fed into computor01:33
cablopok, so Wubi is not an option...01:33
jc0694here's the input:  sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=XXXXX //geoscdom.geosc.uh.edu/jepps /mnt/jepps/01:33
cablopah, sigh... you need one more partition!!!! you are in a laptop, so it is better for you to have a swap partition...01:34
prezidentis there a way to get the on screen buttons to work on a dell xps one ?01:34
nucc1maco, now i have permission issues, it can't access the log in /var/log/apache201:34
jc0694danst_:  sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=XXXXX //geoscdom.geosc.uh.edu/jepps /mnt/jepps/01:34
danst_jc0694: you can add at the end of this command " && ln -s /mnt/jepps/ /home/jepps/Desktop/sambapowah"01:34
LaurenKI've already found some bugs in the software, do i report them anywhere?01:35
cablopDakrav: according to maco you can install it on an extended pertition... i never placed all in the extended partition, so i cannot say it would work as expected01:35
SicNarfmsg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER SicNarf vhrvlamsnpjg01:35
danst_jc0694: oh wait, bad idea01:35
maconucc1: oh if you're using apache2, make sure you change in /etc/awstats/awstats.conf the LogFormat= line to be LogFormat=101:35
danst_jc0694: that was stupid, sorry lol01:35
Dakravcablop, i clicked to create partition, and it says 'Use as:' and one option is 'swap area' should i do that?01:35
cablopok, Dakrav go to the System Menu, then Administration, then Gparted o Partition Editor, if it is not  there then the Disk tility on that menu01:35
macocablop: i recall someone installing 63 distros on one machine using only 4 or 5 hard disks because they had a bajillion extended partitions.01:36
macoLaurenK: ubuntu-bug packagename01:36
cablopmaco, i remembered that in a blog... they had a real partition for the /boot one01:36
macosidewalk: time to change passwords?01:36
jc0694danst_: ?!?!? are u trying to help me or tease me?01:36
Dakravcablop, i got gparted01:36
danst_jc0694: actually I have no idea how to put a link to it on your desktop01:37
danst_jc0694: make a icon there with "nautilus /mnt/jepps" command01:37
cablopok, Dakrav it will show you the partitions of your hard disk, also their labels and what formats do they have01:37
nucc1maco, that's done, but do you have any suggestion as to what to do aabout the permission issue?01:37
macocablop: mmmmk... i dont play much with using separate /boot partitions, i'm just sure that the bootable flag doesnt matter if grub's on the mbr (because ive seen someone demo this -- no bootable partition = windows wont boot, linux will)01:37
maconucc1: looking01:37
Dakravcablop, yeah, what should i do now?01:38
cablopwell, Dakrav then tell me what the partitions are01:38
maconucc1: my /var/log/apache2/access.log is permissions 640 root:adm01:38
__Steven__hi there. stupid noobquestion: when accessing through ssh i shouldn't use the user root right? how can i add a different user which is bound to a specific domain. i have plesk 9.5 if that helps01:38
nucc1maco, adm is a group you created yourself?01:39
maconucc1: no01:39
cablopmaco: mmm... well, i just never did it... but i don't have a real reason to think it wouldn't work01:39
edbian__Steven__, You are correct that you should not log in as root.  What do you mean a user that is 'bound to a domain' ?01:39
nucc1maco, hmmm, mine is the same permissions too.01:39
r3inhow long does it generally take gparted to resize a partition (I assume it depends on size, amount of files, and how they are placed on the hdd?"01:40
timescoderI have a question I just started Linux and I use to use mIRC how can I use Linux to make a custom script?01:40
Dakravunallocated - unallocated - 1 MiB;   /dev/sda1 - ext4 - 46.57 GiB;   unallocated - unallocated - 408.79 GiB;   /dev/sda2 - ntfs - 100 MiB;   /dev/sda3 - ntfs - 10.31 GiB01:40
edbianr3in, On the order of 10 minutes01:40
__Steven__edbian like in the folder vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs. isn't that the normal usage of creating a user?01:40
Dakravcablop, unallocated - unallocated - 1 MiB;   /dev/sda1 - ext4 - 46.57 GiB;   unallocated - unallocated - 408.79 GiB;   /dev/sda2 - ntfs - 100 MiB;   /dev/sda3 - ntfs - 10.31 GiB01:40
edbianr3in, Sometimes it gets as high as 100 - 150 minutes01:41
macor3in: you got all the variables01:41
r3inhow big were your disks ebian?01:41
__Steven__edbian or what is the common use of creating a differnt user? is there any guide online or can you help me with this?01:41
r3inits been running here for about... 3=401:41
edbian__Steven__, That is absolutely not the normal way to make a user.  New users are made user the adduser command01:41
edbianr3in, I have a 40 Gb and an 80Gb.  3, 4 minutes?  What are you trying to do again?01:42
edbian__Steven__, I'll look one up, hang on01:42
__Steven__edbian thank you very very much. i'm pretty new to shell01:42
edbian__Steven__, There is a gui and cli method.  This link shows both: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto01:42
nucc1maco, i'll just change the file to world-readable01:42
cablopDakrav: mmm wait a second, it does not make sense...01:42
edbian__Steven__, no problem!  How do you normally log into this server?  It is an Ubuntu server right?01:42
r3in3-4 hours, but is 1tb, and has to make a 1-200gb partiton, with approx 700gb of data01:43
cablopDakrav: except if the 10 GB partition is Win7... but i barely believe Win7 will sit on that small disk01:43
__Steven__edbian i normally log in through either plesk or shell via root or via ftp01:43
jfehi all.01:43
edbian__Steven__, Is this an Ubuntu server?01:43
Dakravsda1 is win7, but i made that 50 gb instead of taking up all of my hard drive01:44
edbian__Steven__, You should not be sshing as the root user01:44
Dakravcablop, sda1 is win7, but i made that 50 gb instead of taking up all of my hard drive01:44
__Steven__edbian i just have a problem that the user has to be a specific user in order to install drupal properly. yes it's ubuntu01:44
edbian__Steven__, what is plesk?01:44
__Steven__parallels plesk panel01:44
edbian__Steven__, You can be any user and you'll be able to install things using sudo01:44
windyonemy home folder  " file not found"01:44
edbian__Steven__, on an Ubuntu machine you don't ever log in as root.01:45
edbian!root | __Steven__01:45
ubottu__Steven__: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:45
cablopDakrav... erm... well... that is an ext4 partition... that seems to be that you didn't resized the partition but deleted it instead...01:45
edbian__Steven__, Did you set up this server?01:45
KM0201Dakrav: sda1 can't be Win7, because according to your output, sda1 is ext401:45
__Steven__there is an autoinstall to it01:45
edbian__Steven__, perhaps, I guarantee root can do it. (or some user using sudo)01:45
Luvz2drvplesk - used for hosting environments - automates and simplifies hosting tasks and provides a front end for end users to create accounts and manage there stuff on the server01:45
xivenWhich (free) hosting control panel  works the best with Apache2 (and maybe nGinx!?) on Ubuntu 10.10 (VPS)?01:46
cablopDakrav: if you had important data there then you need to stop now and recover it01:46
cablopif not,, then you can go ahead, and deal with installing Windows 7 again01:47
edbianLuvz2drv, Thanks01:47
Dakravi have nothing on my laptop, i just installed win7 about 20 minutes ago, and now i'm trying to install ubuntu01:47
Dakravshould i reinstall win701:47
cablopok, then that Windows 7 is not there anymore01:47
cablopok, then,. before anything plan how are you going to use the partitions01:47
cablopwhat is on the 10 GB partition?01:47
cablopDakrav: what is on the 10 GB partition?01:48
__Steven__funny. says the user already exists01:48
windyonemy home folder is saying " file not found" when I click on it.  Can someone help me get it back?01:48
edbian__Steven__, what user?01:48
__Steven__the one i wanted to create01:48
skyfirehow to remove application on ubuntu 101.1001:48
edbianwindyone, I can! :)  can you pastebin the output of df -h and sudo fdisk -l  ?01:48
cablopwindyone: in gnome? maybe it is a permissions issue01:48
danst_skyfire: sudo apt-get remove packagename01:48
edbianskyfire, sudo apt-get remove <packageName>01:48
edbian__Steven__, i know that, what was the name of it??01:49
con-manhow do I tell what my dns address is? cant tell with ifconfig?01:49
edbiandanst_, You beat me to it!01:49
cablopskyfire you can also use the Software Manager on the Applications menu01:49
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nucc1windyone, try logout, login01:49
edbian__Steven__, Well, it must be one you created!  (perhaps at install time?)01:49
cablopskyfire: "Ubuntu Software Center"01:49
cablopDakrav: are you therE?01:49
Dakravcablop, i have no idea what is on anything, i just installed win7 turned off, boot to the ubuntu live cd and said, try, then i guess i deleted win7, and now i'm here. i'm going to use ubuntu for everything.01:49
edbianwindyone, I'm assuming you tried rebooting and logging out / in01:49
__Steven__edbian could be. yes. but i don't know the pw for that one ^^01:49
xivenShould Ubuntu recognize a LinkSys WUSB100 Wireless Network Adapter out-of-the-box?01:50
kyrixis there a way to disable the "close" button on certain applications?01:50
edbian__Steven__, well if you know the root password you can change other user's passwords.  (Again I have no idea how / why you have a root password)01:50
windyoneyes I have logged out and in.. I have auto log in.01:50
nucc1maco, what does a "visit" mean? pardon me :)01:50
edbiankyrix, You could edit the source code!01:50
cablopok Dakrav open a nautilus, yopu should see the partition there, mount it and see if it has a recovery folder or something01:50
edbianwindyone, can I get that stuff in pastebin ?01:50
Luvz2drv_Steven_ are you a user on the machine or the server admin?01:50
__Steven__edbian cuz it's my server. why shouldn't there be one?01:50
cablopor just check in the gparted if the partition is named recovery01:50
edbianLuvz2drv, He's logging in as root01:50
cablopDakrav: or sth like that01:50
maconucc1: someone coming to your site. each site visit may involve one or more page views01:51
edbian!root | __Steven__,01:51
ubottu__Steven__,: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:51
kyrixedbian, thanks, was looking maybe for some hidden config ;)01:51
Dakravcablop, where do i find nautilus?01:51
edbian__Steven__, by default Ubuntu users sudo, not a root account.01:51
bigeyeHi, Where can I move self-installed file such as android-sdk.tar.gz or google-appengine.tar.gz?    /usr/lib? /usr/share? or /usr/bin?01:51
nucc1maco, ok, so it's just a unique IP address?01:51
edbiankyrix, None exists :)01:51
cablopDakrav: this is the file explorer on ubuntu01:51
maconucc1: yep, though i suppose with a timeout since return visitors are also measured01:51
cablopDakrav: just open the computer or desktop or home place  in the places menu01:51
edbianbigeye, First look in those packages for uninstall scripts.  If they have them that's the easiest way01:52
Dakravcablop, k, what do i do now?01:52
Luvz2drv_Steven_ Who installed the machine yourself or a datacenter01:52
marcelohow channel?01:52
nucc1maco, thanks.01:52
edbianwindyone, got it, reading, please start your posts with my name to catch my attention01:52
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windyoneedbian ok01:52
__Steven__edbian problem is: i already have everything running on my website. what if i change the pw now and everythings f... up?01:52
edbianwindyone, I have df -h from you.  I need sudo fdisk -l  :)01:52
__Steven__i installed through webinterface from my provider01:52
edbianwindyone, and since you need to make another pastebin anyway please put the output of dmesg in it too :)01:53
cablopDakrav: well, tell me what's inside it... or if you don't care and are unwilling to use the recovery of the laptop (cause is another windows or the previous vista before you upgrade, then you can delete that partition...01:53
edbian__Steven__, Change the password of what?  Of moya the user?  I doubt it will affect anything01:53
edbian__Steven__, in fact, I would be amazed since you've never logged in as that user01:53
__Steven__hmmm ok01:53
windyoneedbian http://pastebin.com/7Kg1PX6Q01:53
edbian__Steven__, btw, the best way to learn linux / ubuntu is to tinker and mess with stuff.  Don't be afraid of breaking it.  Besides deleting files everything can be fixed01:54
edbianwindyone, reading...01:54
windyoneedbian the message is simply file not found01:54
cablopDakrav: so the cleanest way is to start with an empty disk, then plan your partitions... do you plan to install more systems than ubuntu and windows in the future?01:54
edbianwindyone, mmm, this is odd.  I expected you'd have a separate /home partition but I don't see that here.  Can you see your home in a terminal?01:55
Dakravcablop, there was no previous vista, it came with win 7 and i put ubuntu on it not wanting win7 to be on it, but i have to put win7 on it acording to my mom,01:55
Dakravcablop, just ubuntu and win701:55
kyrixedbian, seems like there is way, using devilspie :)01:55
windyonehow would I??01:55
cablopDakrav: haha, ok, then you face a user req there :P01:55
windyoneedbian woops  how would I see the home01:55
kyrixcode is old.... though lets see how it goes01:55
bigeyeedbian, thanks. so if there doesn't exist, Should I make own uninstall script and copy to /usr/lib directory?01:55
edbiankyrix, That won't change if applications have close buttons would it?01:55
cablopDakrav: so, your mother would be the windows user and you the linux one...01:55
edbianwindyone, open the terminal, type ls01:55
Guest49157I'm having problems in updating my ubuntu, this message appears when going to calculate the space for installation01:56
Guest49157E: Error, pkgProblemResolver:: Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages (hold). update01:56
kyrixedbian, can change decorations01:56
edbianwindyone, the terminal by default is in the home folder.  ls lists everything in the current folder01:56
nucc1edbian, i don't think windyone has a separate home partition. it would have shown in 'df -h'01:56
Dakravcablop, yes, but she only needs about 10 gb01:56
edbiankyrix, It's referring to the closer, minimum, and maximize title bar thingy01:56
windyoneedbian yes there is stuff in different colors01:56
cablopDakrav: ok, something so special that you will need the Windows for?01:56
edbiannucc1, yeah, he does not.01:56
cablopDakrav: something not replaceable?01:56
Dakravcablop, sure01:56
edbianwindyone, Are those your files / folders?01:56
Dakravsounds interesting01:56
TashiaHow can I connect to a wireless network from ubuntu -server CLI? This is a fresh install and has no desktop.01:57
windyoneedbian folders I think01:57
edbiannucc1, It also does not show up in sudo fdisk -l01:57
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edbianwindyone, Are they YOUR'S? Your home folder?01:57
cablopDakrav: ok, Win 7 would eat 50 GB if you will use it for usage and minimal file storage... 100 GB if she is going to save her music and other stuff01:57
nucc1edbian, windyone a shot in the dark here, try re-installing 'ubuntu-desktop'01:58
Dakravcablop, just 5001:58
nucc1windyone, are you on ubuntu 10.04?01:58
edbiannucc1, Umm, how is that going to help?01:58
cablopDakrav: remember this thing, if this is a mechanical disk, not a SSD, the farer from the beginning of the disk the slower the disk is01:58
windyoneedbian strangely it says windyone@windyone-Satelite which is my computer01:58
nucc1edbian, it's probably a problem with gnome01:58
edbianwindyone, how is that strange?01:59
edbiannucc1, alright I'm game01:59
ineedhelp_I'm having problems in updating my ubuntu, this message appears when going to calculate the space for installation01:59
ineedhelp_E: Error, pkgProblemResolver:: Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages (hold). update01:59
zulaxisnt ofris availavle in repo? (i m in 10.04)01:59
zulaxits for deep freeze01:59
cablopDakrav: but the farer from the beginning the hardest to boot it on some bios,01:59
edbianwindyone, It actually says windyone@windyone-Satellite-A205:~$   ;)01:59
Dakravcablop, not sure what tha means lol, sorry01:59
cablopyou need, one linux partition, one swap partition, one windows partition, and an extended partition for extra stuff01:59
edbiancablop, fyi windows likes to be the first partition02:00
Dakravcablop, okay02:00
Dakravwhat do i do?02:00
nucc1edbian, windyone we should try adjusting the ownership of your home folder.02:00
edbiannucc1, he was able to ls in it02:00
nucc1edbian, it could be just a specific file needed by nautilus02:01
edbiannucc1, also, he didn't get a permissions error02:01
cablopok Dakrav long story short, because some limit you cannot put a booteable partition beyond some cylinder or block or wathever on the disk, it simply becomes unreacheable for the bios, linux can survive to it, but windows cannot02:01
nucc1edbian, i had such wierdness when i was on lucid, running a chown on my homefolder used to fix it.02:01
Dakravcablop, okay, makes sense02:01
edbianwindyone, Can I see a screenshot with the error message on it?  I wanna see what causes the error and where the error shows up02:01
cablopDakrav: the swap partition is going to be the virtual memory equivalent, so don't put it at the end of the disk...02:01
edbiannucc1, alright :)02:01
cablopDakrav: it would be slower02:02
zulaxis there an ofris like deep freeze software in the repos on 10.0402:02
nucc1edbian, but you're right, let's see a screenshot02:02
Dakravokay, should i delete all other partitions before i start doing this?02:02
Dakravcablop, okay, should i delete all other partitions before i start doing this?02:02
cablopyes, Dakrav, delete them, and make you sure no one is left02:02
cablopDakrav: one partition left and you cannot guarantee if the partitions would be ok02:03
Dakravcablop, is it okay to do it from gparted?02:03
victhormy rhythmbox displays those errors on the terminal if I try to load some plugins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/557482/ I use ubuntu 10.1002:03
edbianwindyone, nucc1 and I are on board.  Are you still here?02:03
cablopyes, it is ok02:03
cablopDakrav: but delettte all before02:03
Dakravk, i'll do that now02:03
nucc1windyone, press 'prt scr' when the error is visible, then uploade it to imagebin02:03
Dakravcablop, delete each and every one right?02:03
windyoneTHE error is simply File not found when I click on home folder02:03
cablopDakrav: if you can use the windows in a virtual machine that would be nice for you :P02:03
Delphiouswould one say it would be good to keep my /usr directory fairly large?02:04
Dakravcablop, i don't know what that is, i'm using a desktop for this chat, and have my laptop on my lap02:04
PomeroyIs there really any major advantage to me installying Windows XP over Windows 2000?02:04
nucc1windyone, if you right-click the folder and view properties, what does it say?02:04
cablopDakrav: yes, don't leave one left, if you have the Windows 7 installer of your computer on a disk you won't gface a problem02:04
TashiaCan someone tell me how to connect and scan for a wireless network from Terminal? I'm using a fresh install of ubuntu-server02:04
gmgHi, where can I get a power managment program to manage my laptop power? I want it to go into standby automaticly when the power is disconected02:04
special_kis there a unix channel in free node02:04
cablopok, Dakrav just wait a second... did you installed the Win7 froma CD right?02:05
Dakravcablop, i have win7 on a cd02:05
windyonenuccl It says File not found02:05
zulaxspecial_k, ##linux02:05
jgcampbell300hi, i am looking for suggestions, I am looking for a way to have a gui interface for iptables on my headless ubuntu server, something thats not real hard to use im just learning about the networking in linux02:05
zulaxany deep freeze software for ubuntu?02:05
edbianwindyone, screenshot please.  Do you know how to do that02:05
Dakravcablop, yes, i have the cd right here02:05
PomeroyI've just downloaded Ubuntu, and I can't seem to find Minesweeper.02:05
windyonedoing it now02:05
edbianjgcampbell300, firestarter02:05
PomeroyDoes anybody know where I can find it?02:05
jgcampbell300edbian; can i use firestarter over ssh ?02:05
ineedhelp_i need help with upgrade the 10.04 to 10.1002:05
nucc1windyone, ok, let's just try this. in the terminal, run 'sudo chown windyone.windyone -R ./'02:05
cablopDakrav: ok, perfect, then you don't need the recovery installer... anyway... we can trust on it after changig the partitions as it would expect them to be02:05
edbianjgcampbell300, is you use the -x flag when you start ssh02:05
Benkinoobymy ubuntu 10.10 (minimal) installation always freezes, unitl i press any key, then it goes on... same thing on virtual machen on my computer. but then, suddenly, install goes smoothly on VM. any ideas what could be the cause?02:06
nucc1windyone, in your home folder. it will take a while to run though02:06
cablopDakrav: so go ahead and delete the partitions02:06
Pomeroyineedhelp_: You can't upgrade to 10.10 anymore from 10.04, you will need to downgrade to 10.02 first.02:06
edbianjgcampbell300, put firestarter is a graphical app so it's probably going to want to install ubuntu-desktop or something02:06
cablopDakrav: i'll think for a second a nice layout...02:06
ericPi installed a 10.10 x64 box and the mouse driver knows nothing of its touchpad-ness02:06
ericPthere are lots of two-finger activites i'd like to be engaging in if only i had the touch02:06
Dakravcablop, k, all done02:06
PomeroyericP is the x64 box cardboard or plastic?02:06
edbianPomeroy, Please stop trolling.02:06
ineedhelp_Pomeroy,  how do this?02:06
jgcampbell300edbian; hmm is there a way to keep from installing desktop i really dont want the wasted resources02:06
paq7512i just formatted an internet hdd as ext4 how can i get write permission to the drive?02:06
edbianjgcampbell300, I'm sure there is but I don't know how :(02:07
ericPPomeroy, you know that cardboard lined with plastic characteristic of to-go cups?02:07
edbianpaq7512, sudo chown -R <you> /path/to/drive02:07
jgcampbell300edbian: ok thank you02:07
Delphiouspomeroy, open the software centre or synaptic and search for gnomine or kmines02:07
windyoneSORRY for the disconnect.. You wanted me to do something in the terminal02:07
edbianjgcampbell300, sorry I can't help more!02:07
lilithanybody know if changing a kernel might impove wirelss issues?02:07
edbianwindyone, we want a screenshot of the error.  Do you know how to do that?02:07
edbianlilith, It sometimes does :)02:07
nucc1paq7512, best is to create a folder on it, then give yourself r/w permissions in that folder02:08
windyonenot really, i was learning when i got disconnected02:08
lilithedbian: Iĺl try that thanks02:08
Benkinoobyjgcampbell300, has the OS to be ubuntu?02:08
cablopDakrav: how much ram does your laptop have? are you planning to increase it?02:08
edbianwindyone, Applications -> Accessories -> Screenshot.  Just mess with it a bit you'll figure it out.02:08
edbianlilith, yep02:08
windyoneedbian I have scrshot     now what do I do with it?02:08
ineedhelp_i need help with upgrade the 10.04 to 10.10?02:08
Dakravcablop, it has a 500 gb hard drive i believe, and i don't plan on increasing it02:09
windyonecopy to clipboard or save??02:09
nucc1windyone, go to www.imagebin.org02:09
nucc1windyone, save02:09
cablopDakrav: i mean ram02:09
edbianwindyone, put it here: http://imageshack.us/02:09
edbianwindyone, It's pastebin for images02:09
edbianwindyone, save it so you can upload it to a site02:09
cablopwindyone: or use imgur02:09
nucc1cablop, this is not the time for options02:10
Dakravcablop, i think it has 4, 4-6 i think02:10
jgcampbell300benkinooby: i am running ubuntu 10.10 server02:10
cablopok 4 gb...02:10
windyonewhere does it save to????02:10
windyoneall my stuff is file not found'02:10
nucc1windyone, the folder you chose02:10
nucc1windyone, you can just take a new one and make sure to choose desktop02:10
edbianwindyone, put it on the desktop, does that work?02:10
windyoneplaces pictures file not found02:10
edbianwindyone, yeah yeah, put in on the desktop02:11
windyoneill try again02:11
windyoneok...  its on desktop02:11
edbiangod speed windyone02:11
nucc1windyone, go to imageshack.us and upload it02:12
Benkinoobyjgcampbell300, i often saw, from other (firewall-)distros, that they were configured thourgh a webinterface. i'm sure you'll find something similar for ubuntu... i you like the idea02:12
windyoneedbian http://img171.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img171/2790/screenshotdut.png02:12
edbianwindyone, good job02:13
cablopDakrav: ok bios has a 1024 cylinder booteable boundary and can affect some linux distros also02:13
windyonesorry it took so lond02:13
edbianwindyone, what caused the error to show up?02:13
edbianwindyone, no worries02:13
Dakravcablop, k02:13
__Steven__edbian i did it. thank you for your help. really appreciate it02:13
edbianwindyone, sudo aptitude reinstall nautilus02:13
edbian__Steven__, no problem! :)02:13
victhormy rhythmbox displays those errors on the terminal if I try to load some plugins(they won't load): http://paste.ubuntu.com/557482/ I use ubuntu 10.10.02:13
edbian__Steven__, Glad I could help02:13
Delphiouscan someone explain what is meant by a "logical" partition?02:14
nucc1edbian, he probably doesn't have aptitude installed02:14
nucc1Delphious, google it02:14
cablopDakrav: so, to be sure well place a small boot partition at the beginning... 100 MB or 255 MB would be enough02:14
jgcampbell300benkinooby: ty02:14
edbiannucc1, It's installed by default02:14
__Steven__edbian btw: http://www.formitopia.com/02:14
Dakravcablop, k02:14
edbian__Steven__, a plug??!02:14
cablopDakrav: well 50 MB, but hard to tweak if you want to play around02:14
edbian__Steven__, j/k  neat.  I'll check it out.02:14
__Steven__edbian what i wanted to create the user for. ^^^02:14
cablopDakrav: i'll recommend 255 MB02:15
windyoneedbian sudo aptitude: command not found02:15
edbiannucc1, you're right :)02:15
nucc1windyone, sudo apt-get install nautilus02:15
Travis-42According to my gnome system monitor, 96% of my 6gb of memory is in use by programs, but when I click processes, I can only add up about 1gb worth of memory in use. How do I find out what's using the rest?02:15
nucc1edbian, :)02:15
edbiannucc1, I don't think that reinstalls it02:15
windyonesudo apt-get install nautilus02:15
edbianwindyone, sudo apt-get install --reinstall nautilus02:15
Dakravcablop, k02:15
windyoneok ill try it02:15
cablopDakrav: 2nd partition, Win 7 50 GB, format as ntfs02:15
nucc1windyone, sudo apt-get install aptitude02:15
ineedhelp_i need help with upgrade the 10.04 to 10.10?02:15
MuelliTravis-42: that's complicated. Could be caches, for example. Check "free".02:16
edbiannucc1, That won't re-install it02:16
nucc1edbian, yea, that was better :p02:16
Dakravcablop, wait, should i be making these already?02:16
edbianwindyone, stop typing command02:16
windyoneedbian doing it.. it is installing02:16
edbianwindyone, what command did you run?02:16
MuelliTravis-42: cmp http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html for starters02:16
Travis-42Muelli, no it's not the caches02:16
Travis-42Muelli, 4% in use as cache... and free seems to confirm this02:17
nucc1xuanbin, !cn02:17
windyoneedbian sudo apt-get install aptitude02:17
cablopDakrav: 3rd partition, swap 1.5~2.5 times your RAM size, if you plan to increase it's RAM then use the desired RAM amount, not the current02:17
r3ineh, sorry02:17
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk02:17
edbianwindyone, did it fix the problem?02:17
windyoneedbian it is installed02:17
nucc1windyone, now you can run sudo aptitude reinstall nautilus02:17
windyoneedbian no it didnt02:17
cablopDakrav: that is, for example, in my netbook it came with 1 GB but i plan to increase to 2 GB, then i use a 5GB swap02:17
Dakravcablop, okay, should i start making these partitions?02:17
edbianwindyone, sudo apt-get install --reinstall nautilus02:18
Travis-42Muelli, I don't think it's inaccurate, for example I have 3gb allocated to a virtual machine, but what I'm wondering if how to get a program to display everything that is using it02:18
Dakravcablop, gotya02:18
edbianwindyone, that will re-install it.  I think just install alone might have just saw that it was already installed and done nothing02:18
MuelliTravis-42: can be that the processes use much memory, but when it comes to the physical RAM usage, it's not so much because many pages are shared.02:18
cablopDakrav: swap aize will be important you need it to be able to hibernate02:18
x0xHello... Can i play Windows Games on my Ubuntu??02:18
windyoneedbian ok.. I am --re02:18
Delphiouswine, or a windows virtual machine02:18
KM0201x0x: sometimes02:18
Dakravcablop, i never use hibernate02:18
edbianwindyone, lemme know how it goes02:18
x0xDelphious: Wine Sucks... maybe you can open soft program's like mirc and couple more.. but you cant play games.02:19
edbiannucc1, what command did you used to run?  Did you have this problem exactly?02:19
windyoneedbian done and still cannot find files    no change02:19
nucc1edbian, nah, mine was different. login used to fail due to permission issues.02:19
Hilikushow do i restore alsa to the ubuntu default state? i was trying to update some kernel  snd modules and broke it02:19
nucc1windyone, sudo killall nautilus02:19
KM0201x0x: well, yu can't play "all" games would be more accurate02:19
sacarlson Travis-42: I have a similar problem did you try top?  even top seems to not show me were much of my mem has gone02:20
cablopDakrav: then 4rth partition, you can set it for whole linux or use an extended with many smaller inside... one recommendation is to set one for root / and other for /home, ubuntu will work well with 25 GB for root partition ( / )02:20
Delphiousi've ran guild wars and wow in wine without a problem02:20
windyoneedbian ok02:20
edbianwindyone, Can you look at other folders besides /home ?02:20
Travis-42Muelli, and I know the system keeps hitting swap pretty heavily because the memory is used up02:20
nucc1edbian, he should kill and re-run nautilus02:20
edbiannucc1, agreed02:20
Travis-42sacarlson, top and htop are similarly unhelpful. according to top, less than 10% of mem is used up by programs02:21
x0xim curentlly with dual boot. my primary HD have Winxp and the secondary have Ubuntu, ive gived 20gb with gparted on my ubuntu, is there any way to "Transfer my ubuntu" on my primary Hard disk after i format and give all space to my ubuntu without loose my data etc?02:21
jonthuefreeciv keeps crashing everytime i try to build my base02:21
nucc1so windyone run 'sudo killall nautilus'02:21
x0xi hope my pharsing helo you english its not my main lang.02:21
windyoneedbian I cannot see anything in places..  I can use files02:21
cablopDakrav: it is a laptop... you'll need hibernation... not all the time you have energy supply or you cannot just lose work in the event of changing the battery02:21
nucc1windyone, just to be sure, have you logged out and back in since the problem started?02:21
windyoneedbian I did        sudo killall nautilus02:21
m2mggo to www.winehq.org/ and see if the game you want to play is listed02:21
sacarlsonTravis-42: sounds like what I see also and I run out of mem to us virtualbox unless I reboot and it goes back to about 900meg in use for a few hours or days02:22
nucc1windyone, you can run nautilus again by just typing nautilus02:22
windyonenucci yes I did.. I have auto loggin  all I do is restart02:22
edbianwindyone, and now nautilus02:22
Dakravcablop, okay02:22
edbianwindyone, yes, restart nautilus02:22
jonthuewhat freeciv?02:22
cablopDakrav: create the partitions in the ordr they should look in the disk... old-school but will save you of headaches02:22
jonthueit justs shuts off everytime i press b02:22
pnormanI'm installing ubuntu 10.10 server from a USB flash drive onto a new computer, but get an error partway through install with "Failed to copy file from CD-ROM. Retry?" Any suggestions?02:23
nucc1windyone, what's the status?02:23
windyoneedbian  a window opened up      root    with the desktop folder in it.. i closed it and tried to open the places home and got the same result    file not found02:23
nucc1windyone, open any folder and navigate to /home02:23
cablopthat is they'll sould look like sda1, sda2, sda3, sda4... sda2 sda2, sda3 or sda1, sda2, sda4 would lead to trouble... some windows tools, like an antivirus will "fix" a messy partition table, but you'll face a headache in linux if that hapens02:24
windyoneedbian (nautilus:3149): WARNING **: Failed to get the current CK session: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GeneralError: Unable to lookup session information for process '3149'02:24
cablopthat is they'll sould look like sda1, sda2, sda3, sda4... sda2 sda2, sda3 or sda1, sda2, sda4 would lead to trouble... some windows tools, like an antivirus will "fix" a messy partition table, but you'll face a headache in linux if that hapens, Dakrav02:24
nucc1windyone, edbian this is a permission issue.02:24
x0xim curentlly with dual boot. my primary HD have Winxp and the secondary have Ubuntu, ive gived 20gb with gparted on my ubuntu, is there any way to "Transfer my ubuntu" on my primary Hard disk after i format and give all space to my ubuntu without loose my data etc? i hope my pharsing not be to bad..02:24
windyonethere is more02:24
edbianwindyone, where did you get this error?02:24
nucc1windyone, wanna paste it?02:24
cablopDakrav: next, install Win 7 first, don't delete or change partitions, don tlet it create anything else02:24
edbiannucc1, yes paste it02:25
windyoneedbian  ok hold on02:25
m2mgyou can also go to www.cedega.com/ and see if your game  is listed but cedega takes money for the program02:25
Dakravcablop, k02:25
skyfireguys how to install electricsheep on ubuntu10.1002:25
windyoneedbian http://pastebin.com/HKysj4Dj02:25
edbianwindyone, reading02:26
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xanguaskyfire: sudo apt-get install electricsheep02:26
edbianwindyone, in a terminal: sudo chown -R windyone /home/windyone02:26
vychunehello everyone software center wont open this the output02:26
cablopdakrav, so summary, create all 4 partititions before, all 4, /boot (suggested ext3) 255MiB, Windows NTFS 7 50 GiB, SWAP 2.5x your amount of ram in GiB, / for linux or extended (with at least one / and one /home partition)02:26
windyoneedbian ok02:27
edbianwindyone, try again.  Is it fixed?02:27
cablopDakrav: then restart and install Windows in the 50 GiB partition, allow it to format it, but not delete or create an additional one... that way we are forcing it to put the booteable stuff into the same partition, and your mother will see just one C:disk02:27
windyoneedbian ok..  this is what i got      chown: cannot access `/home/windyone/.gvfs': Permission denied02:28
mernilioHi all! :-)02:28
edbianwindyone, did you run sudo with it?02:28
nucc1windyone, that will take a while to complete02:28
edbianwindyone, sudo chown -R windyone /home/windyone     ?02:28
edbiannucc1, windyone, We have found the problem02:29
cablopDakrav: then back to linux and use the partitions... remember, the first one should have /boot at the mounting point, the system one /... if you use another for the user files then /home is the mounting point02:29
windyoneedbian Yes I ran sudo chown -R windyone /home/windyone02:29
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x0xanyone Ubuntu expert to help me?02:29
nucc1edbian, which is what i suggested :p02:29
nucc1windyone, it's still running eh?02:29
edbiannucc1, :)02:29
paq7512sudo chown -R paul /dev/sde02:29
cablopDakrav: that's all02:29
edbianwindyone, what is the output of sudo ls -l /home/windyone/.gvfs02:29
paq7512is that correct permission to read and write to a drive?02:29
windyonenucci windyone@windyone-Satellite-A205:~$ sudo chown -R windyone /home/windyone02:29
windyonechown: cannot access `/home/windyone/.gvfs': Permission denied02:29
x0xGuys yo yo yo yo02:30
x0xnoone knows? :S02:30
nucc1windyone, you need to be logged out. sadly.02:30
Benkinoobywhat did you do?02:30
Benkinoobywhat did you do? x0x02:30
x0xGangBuntu nation02:30
nucc1windyone, you need to logout, then alt+ctrl + f1, login and run the command from there02:30
nucc1windyone, then alt+ctrl+f7 and login.02:33
x0xBenkinooby: im curentlly with dual boot. my primary HD have Winxp and the secondary have Ubuntu, ive gived 20gb with gparted on my ubuntu, is there any way to "Transfer my ubuntu" on my primary Hard disk after i format and give all space to my ubuntu without loose my data etc? i hope my pharsing not be to bad..02:33
edbianwindyone, yeah, I know.  What is the output of sudo ls -l /home/windyone/.gvfs02:33
windyonenuccl windyone@windyone-Satellite-A205:~$ sudo ls -l /home/windyone/.gvfs02:33
windyonels: cannot access /home/windyone/.gvfs: Permission denied02:33
x0xit will be nice if i keep a backup of my windowsxp for the vmware on the ubuntu02:33
cablopDakrav: if you install linux before windows, windows will overwrite the linux loader and then you'll have to rebuild it... not a nice thing on some systems02:33
edbianwindyone, ls -l /home/windyone/.gvfs ?02:33
windyoneedbian windyone@windyone-Satellite-A205:~$ sudo ls -l /home/windyone/.gvfs02:33
windyonels: cannot access /home/windyone/.gvfs: Permission denied02:33
nucc1edbian, windyone we may find useful info in the xsession errors...02:33
Benkinoobyx0x, at chance do you speak german02:33
windyonehow do I logout???  I just start the computer and it goes to my desktop02:33
nucc1windyone, run 'tail .xsession-errors02:33
Dakravcablop, yeah, i already had that happen once02:33
nucc1windyone, tail xsession-errors02:33
x0xBenkinooby: i need take my ubuntu transfer on the primary hard drive.02:33
windyonenuccl windyone@windyone-Satellite-A205:~$ tail .xsessions-errors02:33
windyonetail: cannot open `.xsessions-errors' for reading: No such file or directory02:33
x0xBenkinooby: transfer from secondary drive = slave.. to primary hard disk C:02:33
windyoneedbian windyone@windyone-Satellite-A205:~$ tail .xsessions-errors02:33
windyonetail: cannot open `.xsessions-errors' for reading: No such file or directory02:33
nucc1edbian, windyone you need to logout, and run the chmod command.02:33
edbiannucc1, who the hell owns .gvfs ??02:33
n-iCeany way to broadcast from linux? a internet radio?02:33
nucc1edbian, it's some wierdness in glib i think.02:33
edbianthat root can't read it?02:33
Benkinoobyx0x, and you totally want to erase windows? no data there to save?02:33
drakeneed help changing data directory to another disk for mysql02:34
nucc1edbian, it works fine, it's a combination of gnome-session and consolekit and glib, the error comes from one of them. it's what i experienced02:34
edbiannucc1, I see02:34
nucc1edbian, if he logs out and runs the command from a VT, it should work. mine worked.02:34
edbiannucc1, awesome02:35
nucc1edbian, in fact, it was so wierd i though my hard drive was faulty02:35
x0xBenkinooby: maybe to keep a backup or something so i can restore configurations on the VMware on my ubuntu.02:35
windyonenuccl I logged out...  how do I run the command without being loggin in??02:35
nucc1windyone, alt+ctrl+f102:35
x0xbut to transfer my Ubuntu on the primary driver.02:35
edbianwindyone, shutdown button -> logout, then press ctrl + alt + F1, then login there, then run sudo chown -R windyone /home/windyone02:35
x0xis that possible?02:35
nucc1windyone, also, run this command02:35
edbianwindyone, I'm not typing that again so don't ask me to.02:35
nucc1windyone, sudo chown windyone.windyone -R /home/windyone02:36
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tripelblet's say, I have a file in .avi and I want to burn it to a dvd in a form in which I can play it on a dvd player hooked to a Tv. -- correction, I have several files and want to burn them all on a disk. (can I have a menu controller too or do I have to fast forward to get to the next one?)02:36
nucc1windyone, i hope your home folder is actually 'windyone' ?02:36
cablopDakrav: yup, nowadays some CDs can recover your linux loader... but hard for some special configurations... like having an encrypted disk or LVM partitions... or a raid array.. so you must know about mounting those special filesystems, chrooting and thinks like what sda and hd0 are... hehe02:36
sagaciis anyone using ubuntu 10.10 right this moment02:36
Benkinoobyx0x, to be hosten, i am not 100% sure about your plans/settings: you have 2 hard discs. one is used for windows, one is used for ubunut. now you want to use both harddsiks for ubuntu. is that correct?02:36
tripelbhi crazydiamond, lol02:36
Dakravcablop, lol, i'm no where near knowing those02:37
n-iCeany way to broadcast from linux? a internet radio?02:38
x0xBenkinooby: yes the hdd0 using winxp the second i dont know if is important who is second and who first using ubuntu. now i want erase my winxp and transfer to the primary the ubuntu and give all space to them.. dunno if im making any mistake..02:38
windyoneedbian  I dont get it how can I check something in terminal mode and then get back here02:38
x0xor i can keep it on the hd i have them now and make it primary or something dunno thats why im asking..02:38
nucc1windyone, you have to finish running the command before you log back in.02:38
nucc1windyone, unless you have two computers.02:39
windyonenucci how do I get back in02:39
nucc1alt+ctrl+f7 or f8 or f9 one of those02:39
edbianwindyone, ctrl + alt + F1 to switch into terminal mode. ctrl + alt + F7 to switch back.02:39
edbianwindyone, sorry I forgot that part :)02:39
windyoneedbian   thx'02:39
sparcOur of curiosity, does anything happen with the archive mirrors on Fridays?02:39
windyoneso what was it You want to check in terminal mode??  chmod??02:40
edbianwindyone, haha, sure02:40
sparcI had an awful time, with the installer, failing to find packages02:40
Benkinoobyx0x, there is no need to copy ubuntu fomr hdd1 to hdd0. just keep ubuntu the way it is and format hdd0 so that i can be used by ubuntu. there is no practical difference in having the OS at hdd0 or hdd102:40
edwardteachn-iCe,  vlc can do it02:40
edbianwindyone, the command is sudo chmod -R windyone /home/windyone02:40
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:40
edbianwindyone, It gives you ownership of your home and everything in it02:40
nucc1edbian, you keep leaving out the group part.02:40
windyoneedbian  ok hold on02:40
sanal_madatheth hello all02:40
sanal_madatheth when upgraded my virtual console font changes to Latin when left alt pressed02:40
Benkinoobyx0x, the only thing you might have to consider is the booting progess. but i guess that you use grub to start windows too so everything should be fine02:41
edbiannucc1, who cares about the group part?02:41
x0xBenkinooby: thanks.. now second question. i have gived i remember 40gb on my ubuntu with gparted when i was installed them, how i can give them full space on the hd ?02:41
sanal_madatheth really idont need that font in virtual console02:41
nucc1edbian, oh well.02:41
x0xBenkinooby: i have formated twice my hd and reinstalled grub, i dont want grub i dont want second OS i will install vmware.02:42
sanal_madathethhow to change virtual console font or remove one permanently?02:42
edbiannucc1, haha02:42
windyoneedbian invalid mode windyone02:42
edbianwindyone, what?02:42
edbianwindyone, You typed it wrong I think02:42
edbiansudo chmod -R windyone:windyone /home/windyone02:43
nofrillznot edian02:43
nucc1edbian, it should be chown, not chmod02:43
edbiannofrillz, You talking to me?02:43
edbiannucc1, oh thanks02:43
windyoneedbian  yea,,  I didnt see the   :   Ill try again02:43
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edbianwindyone, stop02:43
edbianwindyone, don't type anything02:43
edbianwindyone, are you there?02:43
nofrillzinner spelling nazi coming out02:43
edbiannofrillz, My name is Ed :)02:43
windyoneedbian,,,   hahaha  ok  yes02:43
paq7512edbian - genius thanks !02:43
edbianpaq7512, ha, no problem02:43
nofrillzmy names debian02:44
edbianwindyone, sudo chown -R windyone:windyone /home/windyone02:44
Dakravcablop, i have to go, i'm sorry02:44
Benkinoobyx0x, i understand that. the only thing i wanted to say, that in a very strange case the removal of windows might influence your ubuntu install. formating cna not be undone, so now mistakes are allowed. now, the best thing you can do is to use the gparted live cd. boot from that cd and you will be able to change the partitioning02:44
cablopDakrav: same here02:44
windyoneedbian   ok  i am going to try it now02:44
edbiannofrillz, ha, good one02:44
Dakravsorry about htat02:44
nofrillzi sense sarcasm02:44
nucc1windyone, sudo chown windyone -R /home/windyone02:44
nofrillz216 mb of updates to install02:44
edbiannucc1, does it matter?02:45
nofrillzthen i gotta verify a personal pgp key with launchpad02:45
windyoneIm back.. and didnt try yet.. which one02:45
nucc1edbian, no idea, i just use one when changing ownership and the other when changing permissions02:45
nucc1edbian, your call02:45
windyoneedbian ok to try your way?02:46
x0xBenkinooby: i have formated twice or 3 times the "windows" hd. i have know that trick with live CD with gparted, ill read some on ubuntu wiki so i will not do mistakes.02:46
nofrillzx0x what is your native language?02:46
x0xnofrillz: Albanian.02:46
windyoneedbian  or nuccl??02:46
x0xi speak 4 langs :P02:46
nofrillzwhich ones?02:46
nofrillzbesides eng and alb02:46
x0xGreek, Bulgarian, Italian02:47
nofrillzyou speak greek?02:47
edbianwindyone, ugh02:47
nofrillzholy shit02:47
x0xvery well..02:47
cablopwindyone: is the .gvfs file your unique error?02:47
x0xwhois me.. i live to greece.02:47
edbianwindyone, I'm typing this one last time ok.  sudo chown -R windyone:windyone /home/windyone02:47
x0x» Hostmask: ~Traveler@
mernilioNow shut the fuck upp! windyone -- This song is for you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q04_ClDxRsk02:47
Benkinoobyx0x, ok, good luck. the gparted cd is not very big, so i can be downloaded fast. so the main message: no need to reinstall ubuntu. jsut leave it as it is, becuase it doesn't amtter on what hard disk it is02:47
nofrillzbrb gotta reboot02:48
mernilioNot for you gay men.. only for Vindy! :-)02:48
x0xnofrillz: greek is easy lang.02:48
windyoneedbian  invalid mode windyone:windyone02:48
x0xBenkinooby: thanks, i just need gparted cd right ? not ubuntu live ?02:48
x0xnofrillz: that's why my write/pharsing is to bad :P02:49
nucc1ok, windyone, use this: sudo chown windyone -R /home/windyone02:49
edbianwindyone, invalid mode?  I don't know what you're doing wrong02:49
windyonenuccl  that is the first one I tried and I got invalid mode windyone02:49
m2mgxOx yes just to format your HD but to instal you will need the Ubuntu cd or dvd02:50
windyonenuccl its  like its not there or something??02:50
nucc1windyone, "chown" not "chmod"02:50
Benkinoobyx0x, gparted cd can only be used for making partitions. it can not be used for installing ubuntu. but because it is only for partitioning, it is small and faster than the ubuntu live cd. of course you can use the ubuntu live cd too, if you allready have one. i think the live cd has gparted on it02:50
windyonenuccl  i think i did but I will try again02:50
x0xyes it have :)02:50
edbianwindyone, yes, chown NOT chmod02:50
cablopwindyone: gvfs is a virtual file system... you'll have a bad time trying to modify it's permissions or the owner02:51
edbiancablop, what do you suggest for windyone's problem?02:51
x0xBenkinooby: so when i format the windows hd it will start on ubuntu right?.. also a guy gived me a code and my windows HD is automount and i can see all windows files can be that create an error when i format?02:52
cablopfirst he must check if it is getting mounted02:52
windyonenuccl cannot access /home/windyone/ .gvfs  permission denied02:52
cablopjust mount at the terminal02:52
edbianwindyone, I think nucc1 already knows that02:52
nucc1windyone, i said you have to log out.02:52
cablopmine says02:52
m2mgxOx no you will have to reinstall or repair the grub02:52
cablopgvfs-fuse-daemon on /data/home/cablop/.gvfs type fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=cablop)02:52
nucc1windyone, its a 'one' not an 'l' in nucc1 :)02:53
windyonenuccl  i ctrl alt f1  then f702:53
m2mgthat is if the grub is on your xp drive02:53
windyonenucc1  oh god,,  sorry02:53
nucc1windyone, logout of your system right now, then alt+ctrl+f1, run the command, when it's done, then alt+ctrl+f7 and login02:53
cablopso, windyone  type "mount" in the terminal02:54
windyonenucc1  I have done this several times..02:54
cablopcheck if .gvfs is mounted ad its options02:54
edbiancablop, do you know what the problem is?02:54
cablopafaik, not even root is able to reach the gvfs of another user02:54
nucc1cablop, the rest of the files are working.02:54
windyonecablop  i will pastebin02:54
nucc1cablop, even .xsession-errors is unreadable02:54
cablopafaik he is unable to reach that file02:54
nucc1windyone, can you boot into recovery mode?02:54
windyone cablop http://pastebin.com/FZFhsT4002:55
cablopok, but, don't worry about the .gvfs, it is pretty normal you cannot access it with root02:55
windyonenucc1 http://pastebin.com/FZFhsT4002:55
windyoneedbian http://pastebin.com/FZFhsT4002:55
cablopso don't waste time  with the .gvfs02:55
sacarlsonTravis-42: seems my problem was cache that I clear with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=589975 using sudo sync; sudo echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches , not sure why virtualbox couldn't clear it and use it02:56
windyonenucc1 i dont know.. never tried02:56
windyoneTRING to boot to recovery02:56
DatzHi, I want to mv some folders back a directory, when I "mv -f * .."  it errors and says that it cannot move, Directory not empty how can I force it to overwrite?02:56
cablopwindyone: are you able to reach any file?02:56
nucc1windyone, you are chatting from a different computer?02:57
rusty149Datz: mv -R . ..02:57
Datzthanks rusty14902:57
cablopwindyone: what is your problem?02:58
Datzhumm, says invalid option02:58
nucc1cablop, home folder says "not found" when he tries to open it.02:58
windyone_Gentlemen.. I am sorry for taking all this time from you..  I do not have windoze duel boot so therefore the computer boots directly to the ubuntu desktop.. I dont know how to go into recovery mode with no grub02:58
rusty149Datz: well replace . with the directories you want to mv02:58
overdubDatz, use find02:59
QuikNikhey guys, is there anything available for Ubuntu that emulates the media-server capabilities of something like Windows Home Server, Media centre etc ?02:59
macowindyone_: hold down shift to make grub's menu appear02:59
DatzI want to move all the folders back one folder mv -R * ..02:59
chris2kn5Datz: "man mv" and "mv --help" should explain everything. Manuals are quite useful tools. What are you trying to move? What files? Where to where?02:59
cablopwindyone_: hold shift key after boot03:00
m2mgwindyone u have a grub u just dont see it03:00
rusty149Datz: and file?03:00
macoQuikNik: could setup mythtv. it has all that plus DVR and movie theatre listings and bunches else03:00
overdubDatz, find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec mv {} .. \;03:00
windyone_ok all.. I boot "and" hold shift as it is booting??03:00
chris2kn5QuikNik: XBMC?03:00
overdubDatz, find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec mv {} .. \;03:00
QuikNikmaco: so it does have media server capabilities too? and not just DVR ?03:00
overdubtype d, not f03:00
Datzthanks overdub03:00
rusty149Datz: All the folders and files? then, mv -R ./ ../03:01
windyone_I am holding shift and no grub menu is coming up03:01
QuikNikchris2kn5, never heard of it... it's a media server too?03:01
Datzah, ok thank, that's easier  :)03:01
=== RobotCow is now known as JRobo
macoQuikNik: yes, mythtv is a server-client system. ive only used it with a single machine, but it does allow you to install the mythtv client on one system and the server on another and just let them know each others' IP addresses03:01
macoDatz: XBMC = XBox Media Center03:01
m2mgwindyone u have to have one or the computer will not boot03:01
chris2kn5QuikNik: Well, we're talking about linux. You can set up any unix machine to be a media server. XBMC is a quite nice media player.03:02
nucc1windyone_, in terminal, type 'sudo init 6'03:02
cablopwindyone_: you have to hold one key at booting, you can also modify and rebuild the grub203:02
Datzrusty149: I have no idea why I'm getting an error that -R is invalid option03:02
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cabloplet me remember if it is shift... now i'm in doubt03:02
rusty149Datz: Paste your command and the output03:02
chris2kn5rusty149, Datz: The "-R" does not exist for mv.03:03
DatzI'll try overdub's option :)03:03
overdubfind . -maxdepth 1 -type d -not -name '.' -exec mv {} .. \;03:03
overdubthat works03:03
cablopwindyone_: yes it is to hold he shift key at boot03:04
QuikNikmaco: thanks03:04
rusty149chris2kn5: Datz: Oh ofcoarse, sorry. It is just mv ./* ../03:04
QuikNikchris2kn5: cool, thanks man03:04
cablopbut at the very very boot, just before your bios start loading the mbr03:04
grandmasterhow do u open compizconfig?03:05
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Datzrusty149, well I know the command, but it doesn't overwrite the preexisting folders03:05
Datzoverdub: same as above problem with your command ^03:05
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
ubuntuJHey - I am trying to create a bootable cd for ubuntu from USB HDD using (mmunity/BootFromUSB) and having issue locating stage2_eltorito on ubuntu 10.10 live cd. Wondering if anyone can help me out?03:05
xivenWhat's the best free hosting management software for Ubuntu, which -does not- force encapsulation of site files such as XAMPP would?03:05
Datzoverdub: http://pastebin.com/V7WGJKsY03:06
rusty149Datz: It should overwrite by default. What does it do instead?03:06
Datzsee the above pastebin03:07
Datzsame error03:07
rusty149 Datz: overdub: That find wont work because you are moving the current directory (which you are using) and not jusr the contents03:07
grandmasterhow do u open compizconfig?03:08
rusty149Datz: You said mv is not overwriting? What does it do instead?03:08
grandmasteri had it all set up and when i rebooted it went away03:08
rusty149Datz: Are you sure the names are the same?03:08
IrreducibilisHow do you stop a network from auto-connecting once you've connected to it once?03:09
Datzdid you look at the pastebin?03:09
Datzrusty149: ^03:09
windyoneWOW  ok  it still didnt work.. This is what I did.  logged out restarted and held shift.  grub came up and I hit recovery mode and signed in.. then i did sudo chown -R windyone:windyone /home/windyone and restarted.. it still sayes "file not found" when I go to places home folder03:09
IrreducibilisLike, I want wlan0 to stop trying to connect to a certain SSID automatically03:09
DatzI guess I can manually delete the old dirs03:09
IrreducibilisGoogle has been unhelpful in finding this on my own03:09
emwhy is nc doing this -- http://i.imgur.com/fq0hk.png03:09
emis nc installed correctly on ubuntu?03:09
nucc1windyone, the last trick in my bag. sudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-desktop03:09
rusty149Datz: Yes that does not have the mv command, mv ./* ../03:10
overdubDatz, you might be having an issue with the directory names starting with the # character03:10
nucc1windyone, then log out and log back in.03:10
windyonenucc1 will that remove my pictures03:10
Datzoverdub: ok, that's what I was thinking too03:10
nucc1windyone, it won't remove anything.03:10
windyonenucc1 ok Ill try it.03:10
prezidenthello people i have a ubuntu that duel boots with windows 7 but my ubuntu is running on 29gb is their anyway i can expand this and lower my windows 7 without uninstalling03:11
Datzrusty149: http://pastebin.com/Km6VfV0803:11
overdubDatz, find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -not -name '.' -exec mv {} .. \; <-- that works here even for files named with leading #03:12
Datzok thanks I'll try it :)03:12
Datzoverdub: humm, same problem here though03:12
ubuntuJI see the /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/ folder, but it does not have stage2_eltorito to be able to copy to create bootable cd.03:12
macoprezident: you can boot from a live cd and use gparted to resize the partitions03:12
rusty149Datz: It is because of the contents of the dest folders03:13
prezidentok i can't use gparted that can be downloaded from ubuntu software03:13
IrreducibilisHow do you stop a network from auto-connecting once you've connected to it once?03:13
rusty149Datz: Try rsync03:13
IrreducibilisLike, I want wlan0 to stop trying to connect to a certain SSID automatically03:13
windyonenucc1  it didnt work.. would it help if i told you the   /home partition may be its own partition???  I saw a utube about partitioning and tried it for the first time but I think I got into home before03:13
emwhy is nc doing this -- http://i.imgur.com/fq0hk.png03:13
grandmasterhow do u open compizconfig after installing?03:13
emis nc installed correctly on ubuntu?03:13
lilithis installing a module from a deb for a module that already exists the kernel lead to problems?03:14
Datzis there a way to remove multiple dirs at once: rm this/ that/ theother/ ?03:14
sacarlsonubuntuJ: there is a tool to create a bootable cd from an install called remastersys http://geekconnection.org/remastersys/03:14
nucc1windyone, yes, it would help to say how it happened03:14
ubunturockshi friends03:14
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* Datz will look into rsync03:14
nucc1windyone, you tried partitioning while the system was running?03:14
rusty149Datz: Yes but I think rsync will work better for this. I can give you the command in a sec03:14
windyonenucc1 I have 3 seperate partitions..    swap   another one for the os and another one for /home03:14
nucc1windyone, your earlier pasts did not suggest that.03:15
edwardteachgrandmaster,   it should be in you menu's perhaps prefferences!03:15
grandmasteri know but its not03:15
nucc1windyone, so what exactly happened?03:15
windyonenucc1 didnt think it needed to03:15
windyonenucc1 what do you mean what happened?   I set up the harddrive with 3 partitions and all was well03:16
nucc1windyone, yes, then you did what before the problem started?03:16
windyonenucc1 I think so anyway.. I am going to check gparted to see if it was in fact this comp03:16
nucc1windyone, don't mess with gparted03:17
m2mgprezident go here and  dl this small cd and u will be able to do just about any thing to your hd's http://www.sysresccd.org/03:17
nucc1windyone, did you try partitioning again after you installed?03:17
overdubDatz, what is it exactly that you're trying to do?03:17
windyonenucc1   nope..  that was on my desktop03:17
rusty149Datz: rsync -r --remove-source-files --delete ./ ../03:17
windyonethis laptop has one large partition03:17
nucc1windyone, so do you recall what caused the error to start hapening?03:18
LoshkiDatz: 'rm -rf this that theother' will do it. Just be sure you have it correct before you hit return since there's no undelete...03:18
windyonenucc1 false alarm...  the error started tonight..03:18
edwardteachgrandmaster,   try typing  in a terminal compizconfig-settings-manager  it may start03:18
windyonenucc1 I clicked on places then home folder.. that was the start of it and it started tonight03:18
ramsi installed ubunut10.04 inside window, now when i start ubuntu it says "cannot find GRLDE in any drive" what shall i do?03:19
infested999Switched from Intel integrated graphics to an ATI Rage Pro 128. I just took the HDD out and put it in another computer. I am running the r128 driver, but I cannot get my resolution higer than 800x600. Any way I can force a high resolution?03:19
rusty149Datz: rsync should be faster if the folders are similar as well03:19
grandmasteris it going to stay on after i restart?03:19
ericneuI'm having a GRUB issue, can anyone help?03:19
ramsi installed ubunut10.04 inside window, now when i start ubuntu it says "cannot find GRLDE in any drive" what shall i do?03:20
rusty149!details | ericneu03:20
ubottuericneu: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:20
edwardteachgrandmaster,   did it start?03:20
windyonenucc1 I noticed when going into recovery that the system stated it didnt see some security precautions and I dont know what to do about that.. is it talking about clamav or something?03:20
grandmasterit wont start03:20
windyonenucc1 I dont rem the exact comment on the black screen03:20
ubuntuJericneu: Can't help but I'm having issues creating a grub bootable cd - related problem atleast ;/03:20
nucc1windyone, no, not clamav,03:21
ramsi installed ubunut10.04 inside window, now when i start ubuntu it says "cannot find GRLDE in any drive" what shall i do?03:21
windyonenucc1 anyway, that is another issue.. I am concerned about getting into home for now03:21
xangua!repeat | rams03:21
ubotturams: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:21
rusty149ubuntuJ: GRUB doesn't boot cds, just use the BIOS option for that03:21
edwardteach sudo apt-get  install compizconfig-settings-manager     may help03:21
ericneuI woke up to a blinking underbar, through multiple restarts. I realized GRUB must have gotten hosed. I tried using an SGD LiveCD to restore it, but that didn't work. I ended up installed a second copy of Ubuntu alongside my original.03:21
nucc1windyone, you could try the following: sudo aptitude reinstall gnome-desktop03:21
windyonenucc1 ok i will03:22
nucc1windyone, i strongly think it's a permission thing, or some messed up configuration, i just don't know how to get at it03:22
ramsxangua, what is meant by !repeat?03:22
nucc1windyone, you should be running these commands in a VT (alt+ctrl+f1)03:22
nucc1windyone, especially since you have a second computer from which to chat03:23
ericneuThat worked, but now I'd like to clean up my HDD and I can't re-expand my original install's partition. There is a non-movable "bios_grub" flagged 1 MiB partition in the way, which I'm assuming is where GRUB was reinstalled to.03:23
m2mgthe command to start your CompizConfig Settings Manager is ccsm03:23
infested999What ever happened to xorg.conf? It is not in /etc/X11/ anymore, did it move?03:23
rusty149ericneu: Can you boot the original Ubuntu?03:23
windyonenucc1 oh.. I have been in reg terminal.. your past post didnt mention that03:23
ericneuYes, I can boot both.03:23
windyonenucc1 Ill try it hold on03:23
ubuntuJsacarlson - Thx for link. I don't want a full-backup of the install - just a cd that will allow my USB install to be bootable (which my bios won't handle by default). Would remastersys help with that?03:23
ericneuWell, technically, I can't boot both anymore. I just wiped the "second" install, as I can easily get into my original now.03:23
rusty149ericneu: Do you want to remove new one and resize original partition?03:24
ericneu(running from a LiveCD now)03:24
nucc1m2mg, ccsm03:24
ericneuYes, but the GRUB partition is in the way.03:24
m2mgCompizConfig Settings Manager03:24
rusty149ericneu: OK mount the Ubuntu partition.03:24
m2mgit will start it03:24
ubuntuJrusty149 - Not able to use my bios to boot to USB HDD. Docs on Ubuntu wiki lead me to believe a bootable cd with the linux kernel on it was next best option. Yes? No? Completely wrong?03:25
rusty149ericneu: Your Ubuntu partition03:25
edwardteachgrandmaster,  sudo apt-get  install compizconfig-settings-manager     may help03:25
ericneuIt is mounted03:25
gQuigsI'm trying to debug a crash that I get while playing Counter Strike Source, I'm trying to use linux-crashdump to do so.. it's not outputing anything in /var/crash in fact /var/crash doesn't even exist03:25
rusty149ubuntuJ: Yeah that should work. But you still need to change the bios boot order. Or press something like F12 to see boot options03:26
gQuigsthe last line in kern.log is hda-intel: IRQ timing workaround is activated for card #1. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj. , but I don't think I have an intel components in my pc03:27
rusty149ericneu: What is the mount path and the device i.e, /mnt and /dev/sda1??03:27
edbiancablop, did windyone get that issue fixed?03:27
sacarlsonubuntuJ: if you already have a bootable usb flash and your bios won't support boot from usb then you need to look at plop http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager.html03:28
windyonenucc1 I tried everything and I get permission error also.. I dont know what to do.. I can access my programs but not my home folder03:28
ubuntuJbios boot order lets me boot from CD - which then loads rest of persistent install from usb hdd. But 10.10 does not seem to have stage2_eltorito to copy to the disk image. or atleast I can't find it.03:28
ericneuI've just mounted it to /tmp/ and the device is /dev/sda703:28
rusty149ericneu: Run, sudo grub-install --root-directory=/tmp /dev/sda03:28
nucc1windyone, the programs aren't installed in the home folder, that's why.03:28
ubuntuJsacarlson - Thanks. Not a bootable usb flash - a usb hdd.03:28
windyonenucc1 Thats right..03:28
edbiannucc1, windyone did we fix that issue?03:28
nucc1edbian, nope03:29
sacarlsonubuntuJ: yes it supports that too include pxe and boot support add and more03:29
edbiannucc1, what have we tried?03:29
grandmasterok i got compizconfig to work but when i enable cube and rotate and hit the keys it goes between workspace 1 2 3 4 no cube?03:29
rusty149ubuntuJ: Sorry, what are you trying to do with GRUB then?03:29
ericneuInstallation finished, no error reported!03:29
windyonenucc1 no.  places/homefolder   file not found03:29
nucc1edbian, booting into recovery mode and running the commands. successfully, apparently, but to no effect03:29
jenniferwhats the best method to store and share photos between to users on on pc03:29
ubuntuJsacarlson - Thanks, will check that out.03:29
nucc1windyone, edbian i'm thinking its time to ask in a gnome-centric channel03:30
nucc1perhaps on irc.gimp.net03:30
sacarlsonubuntuJ: I assume it's a bootable usb hdd03:30
ubuntuJrusty149: Following the wiki instructions that said to copy /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito03:30
edbiannucc1, worth a shot03:30
edbianwindyone, What did you do that spurred this issue?03:30
emis there a bug in 'nc' in ubuntu 10.1003:30
nucc1edbian, if you could guide windyone to do that... i gotta get some sleep now :)03:30
jenniferany suggestions?03:30
ubuntuJsacarlson - I have that assumption as well. When I setup the partition for the install, it showed as bootable flag on.03:30
m2mggrandmaster turn off the desktop wallpaper03:30
mauriciodevHas anyone experienced problems installing firefox extensions?03:30
edbiannucc1, cya03:30
emWhy is nc doing this -- http://i.imgur.com/fq0hk.png03:30
emis nc broken?03:30
edbianwindyone, run this: /join #irc.gimp.net03:30
windyoneedbian Nothing.  I just went to the folder and got file not found03:31
edbianwindyone, I mean this: /server #irc.gimp.net03:31
grandmasterhow do i do that?03:31
grandmasteri was doing it before while having a custom wallpaper03:31
windyoneedbian run as in alt ctrl f1?03:31
fluvvellem, man nc03:31
windyonenucc1 thanks for tring03:31
gQuigsanyone have any experience using linux-crashdump ?  any good recently done guides?03:31
jenniferwhats the best method to store and share photos between to users on on pc03:31
edbianwindyone, no, you need to go to the gnome channel on a different server in irc chat03:32
Irreducibiliswlan0 issue anyone?03:32
emfluvvell: why?03:32
m2mgstart your CompizConfig Settings Manager and uncheck it and check the cube or just check thecube and it will prompt u03:32
windyoneedbian ok thx for tring03:32
edbianwindyone, yeah03:32
IrreducibilisNevermind, I figured it out myself!03:33
edwardteach!ask | Irreducibilis,03:33
ubottuIrreducibilis,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:33
IrreducibilisI guess I didn't need help :)03:33
rusty149jennifer: It depends, but if you just want to allow access to files. Then change the permissions for the photos folder. Assuming they are on the same pc.03:33
grandmasterevery time i change apperance to extra which i think i need to do to cube and x out it goes back to none03:33
fluvvellem, to get the nuances of the usage03:34
jennifersame pc i just want central loacation rather than 2 picture location03:34
grandmastercan someone please help me set up compizconfig?03:34
m2mggrandmaster that sounds like your video card will not handle it....what type of card do u have03:34
grandmasteri already ran it today03:35
jennifercan i make a public directory where both of us can access and add photos03:35
sacarlsonubuntuJ: maybe you should try your iso cd image in virtualbox that should support it to at least verify that it's bootable03:35
m2mgdid u start your CompizConfig Settings Manager03:35
edbianjennifer, yes03:36
rusty149jennifer: sudo mkdir -p /media/Photos && sudo chmod 777 /media/Photos && sudo mv /path/to/photos /media/Photos03:36
edbianjennifer, just change the perimssions on the folder03:36
m2mgand if u check the box besind cube does it let u do it03:36
jenniferwhere do i create a folder in file system?03:36
edbianjennifer, do what rusty149 said03:36
mauriciodevOk, i read in a forum (the 3rd possible solution) that to be able to install add-ons on ubuntu's firefox I had to change ipv6 value on the about:config to disabled.03:36
jenniferok brb ill try03:36
edbianjennifer, doesn't really matter but /media is good.  Or you home03:36
mauriciodevPretty tricky if you ask me.03:36
m2mgdid u also check the rotate cube?03:36
mauriciodevHow could a regular user install ubuntu and not be able to install firefox addons?03:37
jenniferjennifer is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.03:37
ruconseSome guys know how to setup syslog to achieve this: "a syslog server A collect the logs of node [1-4], and forward this log to server B"03:37
grandmasterwhen i hit the buttons it switches to the other workspaces but no cube03:37
m2mgfor default setting under rotate cube is cel+alt_button103:37
jennifercan i use other sudo person or do i have to log in03:37
jenniferlike run as03:37
rusty149jennifer: You need sudo to mkdir so yes just switch users is the best thing.03:38
edbianjennifer, other sudo person?03:38
jenniferperson with sudo power03:38
m2mgjennifer sudo is only for temp right to root03:38
grandmasterwhats is button 1??03:39
jenniferrusty149,  will this create in a central location for easy back up03:39
m2mggrandmaster did u get it03:39
m2mgmouse 103:39
rusty149jennifer: Yeah03:39
m2mghold those 3 buttons at the same time03:39
jenniferrusty149, thanks :)03:40
grandmasterit does it but it does workplace 1 2 3 4 no cube03:40
grandmasterthis is driving me nuts03:40
m2mgyea i know what u mean i have had some problems before03:41
m2mgu should see mine with dual montiors03:41
grandmasterhours i have spent on this i got it to work then lost it then got it to work again then restart then boom gone03:41
grandmasterif i have to do this everytime i wont bother03:41
m2mgok u have desktop cube and rotate cube both checked correct03:42
jenniferlinux is hard since there is no c: to set files in03:42
sambagirli have a problem with my places location.   for some reason all of my normal places have been stored under bookmarks.  how can i restore them to their original layoue?03:42
rusty149jennifer: / (pronounced root) is the equivalent03:42
sambagirlwhat could have caused my dilema?03:42
mister_mis there a way to restrict the number of messages alpine grabs from a newsgroup to like the 500 newest?03:42
edbianjennifer, / is c03:43
edwardteachgrandmaster, m2mg  compiz  usually  flags up when key bindings clash ! or am i mislead?03:43
sambagirlwhat is this linux elementary class?03:43
jenniferi had c: pictures then shared much easier lol03:43
grandmasteri donno03:43
jenniferhey im a noob so stfu03:43
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
sambagirlyou sure are a noob so stfu03:44
gpc!language | jennifer03:44
ubottujennifer: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:44
jennifersambagirl,  s.t.f.03:44
mister_msambagirl, alt+f4 and don't come back03:44
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines03:44
sambagirljennifer kma03:44
xanguasambagirl jennifer stop that03:44
jenniferyes sir!03:45
lucas_I am trying to boot a squashfs from usb-stick directly. Any suggestions for grub2 entries on the stick?03:45
sambagirlseveas are you here???03:45
jennifereveryone starts noob so whateva03:45
m2mgok one thing have u restarted since u installed compiz and what type of video card do u have ATI or nvida03:45
bastidrazor!filesystem | jennifer ::check this page out it'll help:03:46
sambagirlwell your the one who said you were a noob so i just reinforced the notion to satisfy your statement jennifer.03:46
ubottujennifer ::check this page out it'll help:: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier03:46
m2mgone screen ?03:46
mister_msambagirl, blah blah03:46
jennifersambagirl, whateva03:46
rusty149lucas_: squashfs is the compresed filesystem. Not an OS. What are you trying to do/achieve?03:46
m2mgdid u make your xconf?03:46
sambagirlwhat would cause the places locations to be moved to bookmarks?03:46
m2mgnvida drivers?03:47
Rafa652I think places and bookmarks are the same03:47
rusty149lucas_: So you can't boot the squashfs. If you want to access it you can unsquash it from an Ubuntu system03:48
macosambagirl: open up nautilus. are they in teh bookmarks section in the left sidebar? if so, that. you can move them around03:48
lucas_rusty149: I made a remastersys backup of my install. Now it gives me the files to put on a bootable iso. Just thought if it were possible03:48
m2mgedwardteach no i dont think that is happening but it could be03:48
bastidrazorsambagirl: press F9 .. that'll bring the sidebar back03:48
sambagirljust a sec03:49
rusty149lucas_: OK, then I think you need to do growisofs and burn it. What are the foder names you have?03:49
rusty149lucas_: Do you have casper?03:49
ShapeShifter499hi      how do I have a command run as root right after I log in?03:50
m2mggrandmaster u still there??03:50
x0xi will use Gparted live CD to give more space to my ubuntu,, here at their site says "Editing partitions has the potential to cause LOSS of DATA. You are advised to BACKUP your DATA before using gparted."03:50
x0xcan i loose my data using gparted?03:50
gpcx0x: yes, backup your data03:51
m2mgxOx yes back up your data before hand03:51
x0xgpc: how i can do that? :)03:51
Ethinex0x: Backup everything you love!03:51
x0xguys i will log into my ubuntu and ask you how to do it03:51
x0xbrb :D03:51
sambagirlumm i cant figure out what happened. do i need gksudo natulis to fix things back the way they were?03:51
lucas_rusty149: yes. the squash is inside the casper folder. there is also preseed and isolinux. Is it possible to do some loop mount in grub2?03:51
gpcx0x: backup to cd/dvd, another partition, online storage....03:51
Ethinex0x: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508703:52
m2mgboot and write cd's or use live and copy to usb or cd03:52
edwardteachShapeShifter499,  sound like you need to run  a cron  job!03:52
ShapeShifter499edwardteach, how?03:52
rattyzI installed ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa but now I want to revert back to the official packages. I ran "sudo ppa-purge xorg-edgers" but it will not revert any packages.03:52
ShapeShifter499edwardteach, never used cron before03:52
rusty149lucas_: Do you want to burn a cd now or create an iso or just browse the squashfs file??03:52
earthling^After installing compiz, its being used as the default window manager. I want to use metacity as default, but do not want to remove compiz. How can I set metacity as default?03:52
edwardteachShapeShifter499,  what command you looking to run !03:53
sambagirli wish i could determine what happened. here is a question. i have a product called journal that evidently reads the logs and keeps track of activites it should be listed in a log somewhere what occured maybe?03:53
grandmasterAAAAHHH how do u get the cube?03:53
ShapeShifter499edwardteach, I just want to run icecast and darkice03:53
Moral_Evening, I need some help, I cant get firefox to die. And it's raping my computer...03:53
sacarlsonlucas_: you want to boot your iso with an added grub2 entry? yes you can http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860403:53
Moral_ 20:53:52 up 21 min,  4 users,  load average: 22.50, 20.47, 13.3303:53
Moral_i have a 22.50 load average03:53
gpcsambagirl: /var/log03:54
tensorpudding!language | Moral_03:54
ubottuMoral_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:54
m2mggrandmaster what ?? start your compiz settings03:54
Moral_rape isnt a bad word, idiot03:54
sambagirlmoral_ kill the process03:54
Moral_sambagirl, I cant03:54
sambagirluse htop or03:54
gpc!guidelines > Moral_03:54
ubottuMoral_, please see my private message03:54
EthineMoral_: Terminal > ps aux > find the pid for firefox > kill pid#03:54
Moral_sambagirl, htop wont load, it hangs03:54
Moral_ps aux hangs03:54
RoastedDoes anybody know if it's possible to install the compiz plugin of "Ubuntu Unity Plugin" that comes with 11.04, but on 10.10?03:54
Moral_kill -9  hangs03:54
macoMoral_: killall -9 firefox03:55
Moral_maco hangs.03:55
FloatingGoathow do i get my nvidea driver installed? it was in the additional drivers list for 10.04 but it's gone for 10.1003:55
macoMoral_: reboot03:55
Moral_also ive tried that already, along with killall -9 firefox-bin03:55
Moral_ill reboot03:55
tensorpuddingkill -9 hangs?03:55
tensorpuddingthat's pretty amazing03:55
Moral_scotty@SuperDinosaur:~$ kill -9 `pidof firefox-bin`03:55
RoastedWhat's the channel for future ubuntu releases that aren't out yet?03:55
Moral_that is hung right now03:55
edwardteach!cron >  edwardteach03:55
ubottuedwardteach, please see my private message03:55
FloodBot2Moral_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:55
Moral_I typed that command like 5 min ago.03:55
tensorpuddingRoasted: #ubuntu+103:55
jscn_Can anyone give me a clue as to why I'm getting 'connection refused' when I try to connect to a VirtualBox vm with rdesktop? Fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04 with VirtualBox 4. Have followed instructions as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/RDP Am I missing something obvious?03:55
Roastedtensorpudding, thanks, bro03:55
macoMoral_: i suspect it's pidof that's hanging03:55
tensorpuddingfor discussion of 11.0403:56
Moral_ 20:56:01 up 23 min,  4 users,  load average: 22.28, 21.08, 14.4903:56
lucas_rusty149: I once created a custom iso and could boot from it using loopmount in grub2. I just dumped all the files on a ext4 partition on my usb drive and don't know how to set the correct root (btw, thanks for your link, it is very helpful)03:56
Moral_maco and other thing I can do?03:56
Moral_aside from reboot, ill do it if required.03:56
gpcwith a load like that you need to reboot03:56
MattyNZHi :)03:56
macoyeah i think thats about it03:56
sambagirlmoral_ i would reboot and the use chrome03:56
edwardteach!cron >  ShapeShifter49903:56
ubottuShapeShifter499, please see my private message03:56
Moral_Lol, chrome03:56
FloatingGoatcan someone help?03:56
Moral_Alright, reboot03:56
Moral_Thanks, boys/girls.03:56
sambagirlyour welcome03:56
RoastedDoes anybody know if it's possible to install the compiz plugin of "Ubuntu Unity Plugin" that comes with 11.04, but on 10.10?03:57
bastidrazorsambagirl: you're03:57
edwardteach!icecast  >  edwardteach03:57
grandmasteranybody good with compizconfig?03:57
gpcgrandmaster: /join #compiz03:57
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
sambagirli have compiz working most certainly03:58
sambagirli can even rotate03:58
rusty149lucas_: So does it load as a Live image each time? And do you mean the root directory/environment or root user?03:58
ShapeShifter499edwardteach, and I can run commands as root?03:58
sambagirli cant figure out how to make the globe or cube with the fish aquarium though.03:58
jscn_I'm assuming the problem is on the OS side since it doesn't seem to matter what authtype I set for the VM... Anyone?03:58
edwardteachShapeShifter499,  yes03:59
ShapeShifter499edwardteach, hmmm  seems http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm    not active03:59
FloatingGoatmy driver was in the jockey drivers list in 10.04 but now that I have installed (not upgraded) to 10.10 on the same computer it is no longer there. what do i do?03:59
sambagirlthere must have been some kind of update that caused the places locations to be moved to bookmarks.03:59
lucas_rusty149: btw... I can't burn it to disk because the squash is bigger than 4GB. That's why I am trying to find this kind of solution03:59
rattyzI installed ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa but now I want to revert back to the official packages. I ran "sudo ppa-purge xorg-edgers" but it will not revert any packages.04:00
lucas_rusty149: I don't know what to say for set root on grub204:00
rusty149lucas_: I advise using usb disk creator04:00
xanguarattyz: sudo ppa-purge ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa04:00
FloatingGoatmy driver was in the drivers list in 10.04 but now that I have installed (not upgraded) to 10.10 on the same computer it is no longer there. what do i do?04:01
rattyzxangua: I'll try that.04:01
rusty149lucas_: It will then act in the same way a dvd would.04:01
sacarlsonlucas_:  set isofile="/boot/isos/ubuntu.iso"04:01
lucas_sacarlson: couldn't even create the iso... squashfs is 4,5GB04:02
macosambagirl: your places settings are stored per user. updates never touch user settings04:02
edwardteachShapeShifter499,    : /   guess those gremlins are not just in here!04:02
macosambagirl: and if it were an update's fault, don't you think it'd affect more than just you?04:02
rusty149lucas_: Just use Brasero to create a Data iso image.04:03
sacarlsonlucas_: wrong file system?  can't make files that big?04:03
RoastedDoes anybody know if it's possible to install the compiz plugin of "Ubuntu Unity Plugin" that comes with 11.04, but on 10.10?04:03
asdfasdfasdfasdfhello is there an irc channel for decibel audio player?04:03
bastidrazorsambagirl: bookmarks 'should' contain the content of Places.. you're not really giving enough detail to help.04:03
sambagirlmaco i just said i didnt know what had occured and was just speculating on update only because i have had to support windows systems and networks and i know what happens with their updates. i didnt say it was the culprit and i am sure it would affect more than just me most certainly.04:03
FloatingGoatBRING IT ON HOME04:04
cryptodirawhat are my options for a hardware reporting tool on an amd64 system ... 10.04 ?04:04
sambagirlok the drop down menu for places lists video music documents etc... well those 3 locations are now not listed in the dropdown but are now subsets under bookmarks.04:04
sambagirland not just those 3 but all of the locations (folders/directories) are bookmarks now.04:05
edwardteachcryptodira,  have you a hardware isue ?04:05
edwardteachcryptodira,  issue ?04:05
bastidrazorsambagirl: post a screenshot.04:05
sambagirli am ashamed i dont know how to do a print screen04:06
Captainkrtekthere is a built in screenshot tool04:06
Captainkrteklook in accessorites04:06
sambagirlok thanks04:07
Cpt_Zyphi dont get it window7 in virtualbox knows my battery levels but my normal install of ubuntu only says estimating.. whats wrong here?04:07
FloatingGoathow do i bring it on home in ubuntu?04:07
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=== issa is now known as issi
FloatingGoatthumbs up if you are using pidgin right now04:07
Benkinoobycan someome recommend me an "application starter" like gnome-do, kupfer,... i saw that kupfer has 30MB dependencies... that's too much!04:07
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cryptodiraedwardteach, not specifically, tho, i do not believe i am getting the screen resolution that i could be04:07
earthling^how do I set metacity as default window manager, its set to compiz now?04:08
bastidrazorFloatingGoat: from what i've seen 10.10 dropped the ball with nvidia support. get the drive from the nvidia site and install04:08
gsp2009hello folks.04:08
cryptodiraedwardteach, aside from the screen res, i am unable to make the microphone work, nor have a backlight on the keyboard beyond POST.04:08
FloatingGoatbastidrazor: ill try that home dawg. thanks. i must have asked like 4 times and you are the only onme that answered04:08
edwardteachcryptodira,  terminal     lshw04:09
xanguaearthling^: run: metacity --replace04:09
gsp2009so, anyone have any issues with nautilus since the last update for 10.10?04:09
sambagirlfor images do you use pastebin as well?04:09
earthling^xangua, I tried metacity --replace, but the windows were all messed up, no x to close04:09
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.04:09
ShapeShifter499edwardteach,  still here?   is this good for a cron file?     http://pastebin.com/QWFNvtZw04:09
rusty149lucas_: Have you tried increasing the blocksize for squashfs. This will give slightly higher compression at the cost of compression time04:09
earthling^xangua, does it get fixed after reboot?04:09
bastidrazorFloatingGoat: its a group of volunteers.04:09
rusty149lucas_: It may fit on a dvd or the usb-creator option if not.04:10
bastidrazorearthling^: System > Preference > Appearance > Visual Effects > None   ..that will use metacity and will stick through reboots04:11
earthling^bastidrazor, yes, I already have none checked, it still loads up compiz after reboot04:11
cryptodiraedwardteach, Thank You for the lshw command.... nice piece of kit that.04:11
speedrunnerG55hey guys04:12
rollmandoes ubuntu have a point and click OS builder like SuSe not that important but if so i'd like name of that package to download?04:13
earthling^hmm now no options are checked04:13
m2mgrollman u mean like suse studio ?04:13
rollmanis that an Operating system builder?04:14
lahwrananyone know of a page that describes all the fields possible in a Packages.(gz|bz2) file in an apt repo?04:14
gsp2009when I try to browse my local network in with nautilus, it crashes. Can mount the share with programs like pyNeigbourhood thought. Anyone ever seen this? Seems like this was only since the last update.04:14
grandmastercan someone PLEASE help me with comizconfig?04:14
earthling^ok, now it seems to work, I'll see if it remembers it04:14
goldpaperIs there something like camfrog for ubuntu?04:14
rollmanm2mg: sorry is that an operating system builder04:14
earthling^thanks bastidrazor, xangua04:14
m2mgyes for openSUSE but it will pull in some other packages04:15
gsp2009grandmaster.. what you need?04:15
grandmastercan i im u ?04:15
ShapeShifter499edwardteach,  I'm going to test this....   if it doesn't work I'll be back lolz04:15
rwwlahwran: Is http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/ubuntu-policy/policy.html/ch-controlfields.html#s-controlfieldslist what you're looking for?04:15
ShapeShifter499bye all04:15
rollmanm2mg: is that available for ubuntu?04:15
gsp2009grandmaster: just post your question.. that way if I can't help, you won't have to type it again.04:15
grandmasteri installed compizconfig earlier got cube to work then it didnt then i got it to work again and rebooted and it didnt work04:16
xanguasambagirl: that happens when you put too many bookmarks04:16
grandmasteri am a total linux noob and this is literally my first day on ubuntu04:16
sambagirlxangua i see04:16
grandmasternow i have changed a bunch of stuff and i cant get it to work04:16
m2mg@rollman no i dont tnik so04:17
gsp2009grandmaster: well. it sounds like you are doing well then. did you install compiz config manager?04:17
lahwranrww: yes, thank you04:17
edbiangrandmaster, it might be easier if you use simple-ccsm04:17
sambagirlxangua then in theory if i remove some of the book marks u.mmm..bookmarks for the browser of the operating system?04:17
edbiangrandmaster, It's easier to figure out at first04:17
grandmasteri have both04:17
gsp2009grandmaster: I agree with edbian04:17
sambagirlwhere is the bookmarks folder path?04:17
OptimaDhey how do i list all usernames ?04:17
OptimaDin root shell04:17
grandmasterwhen i hit the buttons to cube it switches to workplace 1 2 3 4 no cube04:17
edbianOptimaD, installed on the system or logged in right now?04:18
edbiangrandmaster, use simple-ccsm04:18
bastidrazorsambagirl: you can remove them in nautilus, simply right click and remove04:18
gpcgrandmaster: compiz --replace04:18
xivenHow large are the free UbuntuOne accounts?04:18
sambagirli suppose i can live with it like this but i dont especially prefer it.04:18
gpcxiven: 2GB04:18
grandmasterwhat in the terminal?04:18
OptimaDedbian its my old linux box and im root in it right now but not sure what my login was so wanted to see my logins and then change my pass04:18
xanguaxiven: 2gb i believe, you can pay for more04:18
gpcgrandmaster: alt-F204:19
rollmanm2mg: k thx not that important just be nice to see as a package for ubuntu04:19
sambagirlbastidrazor if i do will they return to original locaion under places or will i need to do that as well to reinstall them there?04:19
starkiller p2p in ubuntu?04:19
OptimaDedbian, i did passwd user but i get "unknown user" so is there a command to see a list of existing users?04:19
grandmasternow what04:19
xivenThat is not within my budget right now, and 2GB is not sufficient for what I had in mind.04:19
edbianOptimaD, you can see all the users by looking at the /etc/passwd file.  cat /etc/passwd.  Keep in mind that many of them are added their for the system's use.  User added ones should be at the bottom04:19
=== Daniel__ is now known as Drone4four
gpcgrandmaster: in the box type: compiz --replace04:19
macosambagirl: once you get it below likw 5 or 6 bookmarks, they'll go back to normal04:19
RoastedDoes anybody know if it's possible to install the compiz plugin of "Ubuntu Unity Plugin" that comes with 11.04, but on 10.10?04:19
gsp2009starkiller: what is your question?04:20
m2mgrollman take a look at it it might pull in the packages you need they have done alot with it04:20
gpcRoasted: I don't think so04:20
grandmasterok it like blanked for a second04:20
bastidrazorsambagirl: they are only a symlink. the folder/file never left its original location04:20
sambagirlok thanks. btw do they use growl in ubuntu like in osx?04:20
gpcRoasted: I believe there is a #ubuntu-unity04:20
OptimaDedbian i tried and found two usernames at bottom that are mine but if i do "password <user>" i get an error saying "unknown user <user>" ?04:20
sambagirli see bastidrazor04:20
macosambagirl: growl is only for osx04:20
xanguasambagirl: is called notify-osd04:20
rwwgpc: "#ubuntu-unity: No such nick/channel" ;P04:20
sambagirlahh i see04:20
edbianOptimaD, are you making a typo?04:20
edbianOptimaD, can you su into those users?04:20
grandmastercan i get it back to all of its defaults?04:20
gpcrww: thanks04:20
* rww ponders alis output04:21
rollmanm2mg: i will later im being lazy :P04:21
gpcrww: so where should people go to get unitied?04:21
m2mglol ok04:21
gpcI mean unified04:21
rwwgpc: I don't see a channel for it, and didn't last time I looked either :\04:21
Roastedgpc, nobody there. so. Im here. since its 10.10 related :)04:21
rwwgpc: I think #ubuntu+1 has just been dealing with it.04:21
sambagirli think iwill leave it like it is. i kinda like it.04:21
OptimaDedbian nvm it works, if i do cat /etc/passwd/ and then do passwd it works but before i tried doing passwd in root without doing cat and it didnt work... weird..?04:21
gpcRoasted: yeah like I said Unity in 10.10 is different from 11.0404:21
rwwRoasted: Last I heard, Unity stuff was too hard to backport to 10.10, hence them not doing it.04:22
edbianOptimaD, very weird04:22
edbianOptimaD, glad it works :)04:22
OptimaDedbian thanks :)04:22
rwwRoasted: They were originally planning to make a 10.10 PPA, and decided not to because it'd take large amounts of work that'd be better spent just making 11.04 better.04:22
Roastedrww, Im running unity in 10.10. I'm just curious about auto hide feature. unless that's what you were referring to.04:22
edbianOptimaD, no problem!  Glad I could help04:22
rwwRoasted: 10.10 Unity is completely different from 11.04 Unity in everything except name and layout.04:22
rwwRoasted: It's a complete rewrite.04:22
Roastedrww, makes sense. It's just a real shame, because 11.04 fails to laod for me on my netbook. I just get a incompatible hardware error :(04:22
Roastedrww, hence me trying to make 10.10 work :P04:23
Roastedwhich, I did, aside from auto hide.04:23
Roastedauto hide would be NICE on a 9 inch laptop screen.04:23
rwwRoasted: I know, you've mentioned. I'd recommend figuring out your graphics hardware and filing a bug report if it usually works with Compiz instead ;)04:23
Roastedrww, well I spoke to a developer earlier who was aware of the issue and said theyre already on it, but eh. I like this unity thing. I'm just trying to make it work better.04:23
rwwRoasted: Which one, out of interest?04:24
deathanatosHi all. I'm experiencing kernel panics while trying it I/O a disk with `dd`. Is there a logfile of the kernel panic somewhere I can use to get more info?04:24
Roastedrww, oh man, lol. I have no idea. I've spent several hours talking to people about this. I wouldn't be able to place who said what.04:24
grandmastercan someone please help me with compiz config?04:25
rwwRoasted: lol. But yeah, it's still rather a mess, and I bailed out and switched to KDE so I can't play with it for you. I'd just wait for things to settle down a bit and see. Trying to get it running on 10.10 probably is a dead end.04:25
edbiangrandmaster, I can help.  Install simple-ccsm04:25
edbiangrandmaster, :)04:25
TashiaCan someone help me with ubuntu-server wireless config?04:25
derklempnerTashia, what's the problem?04:25
grandmasteri already installed it i think i messed it all up everything i try i cannot get it to work anymore04:25
xnixanHi, i have created to ACLs one for allowed_sites and one for allowed_hosts then in squid.conf i added04:25
Roastedrww, well, I HAVE unity on 10.10. In fact it runs quite good (but I'm running a 2D PPA, not the 3D PPA). the auto hide is literally the only thing there I wish I had.04:25
gpcgrandmaster: you need to follow instruction. in #compiz they can help you.04:25
xnixanhttp_access allow allowed_hosts allowed_sites04:26
xnixanbut i still get access denied!04:26
gbear14275hey guys... I just tried inserting an pcmcia wireless card but nothing seems to be happening and lspci is registering no changes...  is there a command I have to run to refresh?04:26
grandmasterhow do i get there?04:26
Roastedrww, I can see in youtube videos theres a plugin in compiz which enables this, so I was like, well, I'm on compiz, maybe I can get the plugin and just install it???04:26
gpcgrandmaster: type /join #compiz04:26
Tashiaderklempner, I cant get connected to any wireless networks. I can scan but not connect. This is all CLI no desktop04:26
rwwRoasted: by "unity", I meant the 3D version that's in 11.04 ;)04:26
edbiangrandmaster, the simple ccsm is in System -> preferences farther down (simple-ccsm)04:26
rwwRoasted: The one in 10.10 is too crap for me to bother with it, tbh.04:26
edbiangrandmaster, You don't have to switch channels.  I'll help you04:27
Roastedrww, I didnt notice a difference in 2d vs 3d at all, besides the fact 2d wasnt dog slow.04:27
xomphiyah, how do I copy one folder and all it's contents into another folder? command line only?04:27
edbiangrandmaster, If we need to reset everything to the defaults we can do so by removing the hidden .compiz folder.  rm -r ~/.compiz04:27
chaospsychexwhat is unity?04:27
rwwRoasted: The default one in 10.10 uses mutter for 3D and is unusably slow. The default one in 11.04 uses Compiz for 3D and was nice and fast for me before it broke. I haven't tried the 2D ones04:27
xompis it cp -R /folder1 /folder2 ?04:27
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity04:27
gmachine_24Tashia, do you have an account/password for these wireless networks?04:28
Roastedbreadcrumb_, yes. we know. thank you.04:28
breadcrumb_no prob04:28
edbiangrandmaster, how's it going?04:28
derklempnerTashia, do you have a copy of your /etc/networking/interfaces file I can see?04:28
grandmasteri have only used linux for today i have no idea how to do that04:28
grandmasterlol sorry04:28
edbiangrandmaster, tha'ts ok.  What part are you confused about?04:28
edbiangrandmaster, first answer me this.  Do you have a simple-ccsm in System-> preferences   ?04:29
xivenWould allowing remote desktop client access for Gnome cause a performance or bandwidth hit on my 512RAM VPS?04:29
grandmasterlets set compiz config to default04:29
Tashiatheres nothing in it04:29
grandmasteryes i do04:29
edbiangrandmaster, if you use simple-ccsm does it work? (we'll get to resetting the defaults after this)04:29
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grandmasteri have simple and the other one04:29
grandmasteri had the cube running earlier04:30
gmachine_24does anyone know of a program that will erase/overwrite all unused portions of my hard drive?04:30
edbiangrandmaster, turn the cube on using simple-ccsm04:30
edbiangrandmaster, does that not work?04:30
gmachine_24I want to scrub it every so often04:30
Tashiaderklempner, Theres nothing in my interfaces file, I just looked04:30
derklempnerTashia, you need to set up your wireless adapter by configuring /etc/network/interfaces to connect to a network.04:30
grandmasterdoes not work04:30
grandmastershould probably reset to default i have been messing around with everything04:30
Tashiaderklempner, Any tutorials on setting that up?04:30
derklempnerTashia, sorry, it's /etc/network/interfaces, not /etc/networking/interfaces04:31
edbiangrandmaster, ok.  open a terminal and run this command in it to reset compiz.  It deletes a folder04:31
edbiangrandmaster, the command: rm -r ~/.compiz04:31
anirvanahi, where should I download ubuntu 64 bit for intel hardware?04:31
grandmastercan i just cut and paste that?04:31
Tashiaderklempner, Only lo is configured in that04:31
rwwanirvana: use the amd64 iso, it works fine04:32
anirvanarww , thanks04:32
derklempnerTashia, okay, look at this site: http://www.linuxconfig.org/etcnetworkinterfacesto-connect-ubuntu-to-a-wireless-network04:32
goldpaperAnyone successfully runs Camfrog with ubuntu?04:32
derklempnerTashia, but make sure you know the name of your wireless adapter by running the ifconfig command before you edit that file.  Your adapter may not be named "wlan0".04:33
Tashiaderklempner, I know its eth104:33
derklempnerTashia, I thought you said it was wireless?04:34
deathanatosIs there a log left after kernel panics?04:34
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gmachine_24just the one that floats in the .... nm04:35
Tashiaderklempner, IT is04:35
gsp2009hey... I like your nick... dick. :P04:35
Cpt_Zyphwell im stuck.. i cant get my better meter to work correctly ( i dont know quite how to fix it04:35
Tashiaderklempner, For some reason its eth104:35
gsp2009i guess04:35
edwardteachgmachine_24,   you could use  the command     shred04:35
gmachine_24edwardteach, thank you.04:36
derklempnerTashia, how many adapters and what are their names show up when you type the command ifconfig?04:36
gmachine_24somewhere I knew that........... getting old blows04:36
derklempnerTashia, how about if you type the command iwconfig?04:36
derklempnerTashia, then I think your wireless device isn't being recognized.  Do you know what brand it is?  Is it USB or a PCI card?04:37
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Tashiaderklempner, internal if that helps04:38
derklempnerTashia, what brand?04:38
gmachine_24wlan0 would be good04:38
Tashiaderklempner, i dont know what brand it is04:38
gsp2009so can anyone help troubleshoot a problem with nautilus not browsing samba shares?04:38
derklempnerTashia, use the command lspci and try to find the corresponding info for the card.04:39
Tashiaderklempner, intel04:39
derklempnerTashia, more info, please04:39
gmachine_24My lspci says, e.g., 02:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)04:40
Tashiaderklempner, Intel Pro Wireless [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05)?04:40
gmachine_24ok all thanks for the help. have a good night/day depending on your longitude and lassitude (yes, I know that's incorrect, it's a joke)04:41
folklore2don't get the joke04:42
derklempnerTashia, try 'iwlist wlan0 scanning' at a command prompt.04:43
chalcedonyi get to a point and then i get an error: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-skype-in-ubuntu-from-skype-repository.html - at: Now you need to install GPG key - i get: http://chalcedony.pastebin.com/azJFx01E04:43
derklempnerTashia, or just 'iwlist wlan0 scan'.04:44
Cpt_Zyphwell atleast i know its not just me.. but i cant seem to find any solutions either *( hoping its cuz i suck at looking through bug reports..04:45
Cpt_Zyphanyways im pretty sure thats the exact problem but.. 8( darn04:45
Tashiaderklempner, Interface doesnt support scanning04:45
edwardteachTashia,  terminal type    lshw | grep -iA 7 "network"04:45
Cpt_Zyphit was reported in 04 so i figured something has to have been fixed by now....04:46
m2mgchalcedony: do u have Ubutnu Tweaks its in they for you to install04:46
chalcedonym2mg, hmmm hadn't thought about it04:46
chalcedonym2mg, how do i do that, it's 10.0404:46
edwardteachTashia,  for your network card !!04:46
m2mgwhat get Ubuntu Tweaks?04:47
rwwchalcedony: That error message is about another repository you added for Opera, not about Skype. Ubuntu Tweak wouldn't fix it.04:47
chalcedonyrww, i see .. so now what?04:47
Tashiaderklempner, Network:1, product: PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection04:47
rwwchalcedony: I'm trying to find the right key. one sec.04:48
trojan_spikeoff topic channel some1 plz04:48
deathanatosHow do I debug a kernel panic?04:48
rwwtrojan_spike: #ubuntu-offtopic04:48
m2mgchalcedony http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-tweak-in-ubuntu-10-04lucid-lynx.html04:48
Tashiaderklempner, logicalname: eth104:48
chalcedonyrww, thanks04:48
chalcedonym2mg, ok ill save that for after i solve skype .. thanks :)04:48
derklempnerTashia, okay, then go back to the web site I directed to you earlier, but for every instance of 'wlan0' you see in the example, substitute 'eth1' for your wireless network card.04:49
m2mgUbuntu tweaks has skype in there for you to install the program04:49
m2mgif thats what your trying to do04:49
pradyumnahow to install flash for chrome?04:50
Chipzzzderklempner, I'll bet she doesn't have the drivers installed (ipw2200)04:50
DaGeek247pradyumna doesnt google chrome have flash built-in?04:50
m2mg3 commands and u have Ubutnu Tweaks04:51
pradyumnait is saying to upgrade flash for youtube04:51
derklempnerChipzzz, you may be correct, or the computer may have just given it a different designation because it's a PCI device.04:51
rwwchalcedony: there's instructions at http://deb.opera.com/ for adding the new key04:51
DaGeek247is chrome fully updated?04:51
pradyumnayes i think04:51
chalcedonyrww thanks :)04:51
pradyumnai have installed flash from the software center04:52
Tashiaderklempner, The instructions say to put wireless-essid linuxconfig.org? What do i put?04:52
sambagirlwhich is preferred to kill a process or end a process?04:52
pradyumnaand also tried the terminal install04:52
chalcedonyW: GPG error: http://deb.opera.com stable Release: The following signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 1295781467 KEYEXPIRED 1295781467 KEYEXPIRED 129578146704:53
DaGeek247then the "restricted" package in the ubuntu software center should update flash, and give you other file support as well.04:53
derklempnerTashia, for 'wireless-essid' put your network's SSID instead; for 'wireless-key' put your own wireless key instead; you can ignore the 'wireless-mode' line or include it, it doesn't matter.04:53
chalcedonysambagirl, try 'top'  then press 'k' put the process id in, hit enter, then 1504:54
DaGeek247pradyumna ?04:54
edwardteachTashia,  derklempner, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96583704:54
clavin12Hey, I have a problem with the g++ package04:55
sambagirlchalcedony i actually use htop but i know what your referring to i was just curious which is preferred to kill or end a process?04:55
chalcedonyrww, i wonder if i need to unistall the old key?04:55
clavin12it depends on a package that depends on it04:55
chalcedonysambagirl, 'dead' .. used to be killall pid .. or kill 9 name ..04:55
pradyumnatrying it04:55
red2kicSometimes I find myself doing this -- "kill -9 $(pidof firefox)"04:56
red2kicI kill it nice and slow. :)04:56
sambagirlok thanks chalcedony04:56
DaGeek247pradyumna ok. tell me if it works.04:56
chalcedonyred2kic, isn't it lovely?04:56
rwwchalcedony: ugh. apparently they used the old key to sign the Release file on the repository you're using. The issue's on their side, not yours >.>04:56
red2kicchalcedony: Ha. killall seems to be excessive act.04:57
chalcedonyrww, oh ok.. umm .. so...04:57
sambagirli was just curious the difference of killing a process and ending a process? one is like pulling the plug on the device (kil), and end a process is like turning off the switch?04:57
clavin12and thus i cannot install either04:57
rwwchalcedony: you could temporarily disable the repository and then try again in a few days. Add a # at the start of the line in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opera.list that doesn't have one, or uncheck the relevant line in Software Sources04:58
rwwchalcedony: (and when it's disabled, it won't interfere with Skype install)04:58
derklempneredwardteach, thanks for the info!04:58
sam-_-sambagirl: man kill  you will find a list there of all the different signals04:58
red2kicWhat is the usual proper way to rename Terminal when you're in irssi? I'm guessing alias + gnome-terminal -options?04:59
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!04:59
Tashiaderklempner, I'll download that package and see if that fixes anything04:59
sacarlsondeathanatos: from this post http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-kernel-70/kernel-panic-not-syncing-attempted-to-kill-init-313273/  sounds like you might have bad mem hardware problem,  try run memtest04:59
charasn00b question: Can I install both Nginx and Apache on my VPS Ubuntu?04:59
UnderSampledHow do I get audio in ubuntu server?05:00
sambagirlsam-_- i am really just couious the difference in functioinality with kill and end  a process :D05:00
chalcedonyrww, that file says it's read only and won't let me save & exit05:00
UnderSampledonly from the command line, no X1105:00
bastidrazorchalcedony: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:00
derklempnerTashia, I would definitely look into wicd, because if you're not using a laptop then it could be the solution you're looking for.05:00
Flare183UnderSampled: Depends on what your using to play the music with05:00
sam-_-sambagirl: term can be blocked by the process whereas kill can not.05:00
edwardteachderklempner, okaly dokaly !05:00
pradyumnathak you very much it worked05:00
sambagirloh ok sam-_-05:01
charasCan I install both Nginx and Apache on my Ubuntu server?05:01
DaGeek247pradyumna nice to know. good luck with ubuntu!05:01
UnderSampledFlare183: I have a program that's just trying to load /dev/dsp05:01
sam-_-charas: yes05:01
Flare183charas: I would think so, but you'd have to use different ports between them05:01
pradyumnatill now its a good experience05:01
Tashiaderklempner, cant download it. The computer that needs it cant get internet right now and thats my only ubuntu machine05:01
sam-_-charas: Flare183 is correct05:01
Flare183UnderSampled: well if your doing it that way, its giong to be difficult05:02
maxbotsHey folks, hopefully easy question.... Will the USB Stick Installer also work from a SD card?05:02
charasFlare183: Thanks. That's exactly what I wanted to know05:02
UnderSampledFlare183: ?05:02
Flare183normally if you going to do that, you'd need pulseaudio05:02
Flare183Which requires X11 I think05:02
derklempnerTashia, is the computer a laptop?05:02
Flare183I'm nto sure05:02
rwwchalcedony: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opera.list, or gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opera.list05:02
DaGeek247maxbots i the machin can boot from the sd card, yes.05:03
Tashiaderklempner, yes. I hope it doesnt make too much a difference05:03
rwwchalcedony: (nano is a command-line editor, gedit is a GUI one. you'd run either of those commands in the terminal)05:03
maxbotsDaGeek247: Cool, thx05:03
sambagirlcharas why would you want to install both?05:03
UnderSampledFlare183: ok, but does it need X running?05:04
clavin12What do I do to install a package that is dependant on a package that is dependent on the first package, on a computer with no internet?05:04
UnderSampledI am fine with having it installed05:04
derklempnerTashia, it could because every laptop has a way to disable the wireless network card via a hardware switch or a key combination.  And if it's disabled, then it might explain why it's showing up as 'eth1' instead of 'wlan0'.05:04
UnderSampledI just don't want to run more than I need05:04
chalcedonyrww, thank you - i like vi(m) . gedit is ok.05:04
Flare183UnderSampled: I'm not sure05:04
TashiaI dont see a switch05:04
Flare183UnderSampled: in fact let me try it out, on my debian server05:04
rwwclavin12: sudo dpkg -i package1.deb package2.deb05:04
sambagirlvi? yucko05:04
derklempnerTashia, what brand and model laptop?05:04
Flare183sambagirl: I know right? xD05:04
clavin12thanks, I'll try it05:05
chalcedonysambagirl, don't knock it till you've tried it05:05
sambagirli have05:05
charassambagirl: Just wondering. I just got my first VPS and want to go freaky with it :)05:05
Flare183chalcedony: I have :@05:05
Tashiaderklempner, Fujitsu laptop05:05
sambagirlahh i see charas05:05
derklempnerTashia, model number?05:05
chalcedonyFlare183, :)05:05
edwardteachTashia,  derklempner, did you check the kill switch ?05:05
derklempneredwardteach, I was just telling her about that...05:05
Tashiaderklempner, Product number?05:06
sambagirlflare183 vi is evil05:07
Flare183UnderSampled: give me a minute, I'm going to try this out on my debian server05:07
derklempnerTashia, no, model number.  Usually on the bottom of the computer, or maybe just near the keyboard or around the screen somewhere...05:07
mxwhen watching longer flash videos (especially youtube), my laptop suddenly and instantly powers down. not a software shutdown, a hardware shutdown. what's going on?05:07
UnderSampledFlare183: ok05:07
Flare183sambagirl: I'm sorry, I'm an email fan05:07
sam-_-Tashia: sudo dmidecode will help as well05:07
derklempnerTashia, but give me the product number as well...05:08
Chipzzzmx what make & model laptop?05:08
mxChipzzz: lenovo t50005:08
pepeehi. can someone help me? I had a problem: randomly after browsing a while, I can't open google. solved changing my router's mtu (I know nothing about networks, someone told me to do it)05:08
pepeewell, I can't open some other websites... like this one: http://forums.pentaho.com/showthread.php?60913-javascript-long-datatype-issues05:09
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Tashiaderklempner, PN, FPC04117AK05:09
pepeewhat bothers me is: if I reboot, all will work fine again...05:10
derklempnerTashia, I need a model number, that didn't work05:10
sambagirli work for lenovo05:10
sambagirlmx the problem is a system problem05:11
Tashiaderklempner, I really cant find it05:11
sambagirlmx call support and they weill replace the motherboard in the t50005:11
pepeetried pinging: ping -s 1468 -c5 forums.pentaho.com     and the remote machine is responding just fine05:11
Chipzzzmx, are you using the proprietary video drivers?05:11
mxsambagirl: this laptop is a rare example of a poor laptop from the thinkpad family05:11
mxChipzzz: nope.05:12
cr215hi.   i need help with the pulseaudio-equalizer...  i installed it but i cant find it anywhere05:12
derklempnerTashia, it should be SOMEWHERE on the computer.  An L series or an M series...05:12
Flare183UnderSampled: I still can get stuff to work without X11 I think05:12
sambagirlmx lenovo is a chinese company not american and therefore OA is non-existant. if ibm still mfg the QA would be there but Lenovo is pure profits.05:12
UnderSampledFlare183: ok05:12
UnderSampledtell me how05:12
Flare183UnderSampled: I know that x11-common doesn't really run x05:12
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Flare183UnderSampled: I'm working on it05:12
sambagirlthey will give you a new motherboard for the t50005:13
Tashiaderklempner, S Series05:13
jfehi all.05:13
derklempnerTas Lifebook S Series?05:13
UnderSampledFlare183: I had just installed mplayer, which installs several X-related things05:13
Flare183I've got a G500 Lenovo if that helps anyone05:13
mxsambagirl: i've looked at some other lenovo laptops before since they have taken over the thinkpad line and the quality is still pretty consistent but this particular one i have is rather troublesome05:13
sambagirlthey are the same basicallly t500 and g500 different specs05:13
Tashiaderklempner, Yes, Lifebook S Series05:14
sambagirlit is a bad one mx05:14
jfeis there a certain way to change hostnames on ubuntu or do i just edit /etc/hostname?05:14
Flare183I only had a real problem with my graphics05:14
derklempnerTashia, okay, a Lifebook S Series, what specific model number?05:14
sambagirljuet get a new motherboard05:14
Flare183So I got another kernel (rc) that works fine on it05:14
Chipzzzsambagirl, it has a radeon video section and he's not using the proprietary drivers... are you sure it's broken hardware?05:14
rww!hostname | jfe05:14
ubottujfe: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.05:14
mxsambagirl: should i mention you at all? is there a secret password i should mention?05:14
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Tashiaderklempner, Is there a command that can get me it because i do not see the model number05:15
sambagirlthe only ones we use at ibm are t60-t61 r60-r61 all the others are suspect unfortunatly.05:15
sambagirlmx you call the 800 support in atlanta and they will take care of your problem for you.05:15
mxsambagirl: thanks05:15
derklempnerTashia, you can try 'sudo dmidecode' but that's a lot of output to sift through.05:15
mxChipzzz: i orginally suspected overheating but... this is just youtube. it also happens on a literal cold start05:16
sambagirlbad motherboard mx05:16
derklempnerTashia,  but the model number will be Sxxxx with perhaps a few letters after the four digits.05:16
sambagirlmx 800-426-737805:16
mxsambagirl: i will, just giving extra details in case05:16
SamualHmm, i'm trying to make a key for infinoted (It needs a .pem, 2048bit ssl key)  -- It's taking a REALLY long time, should I just wait it out or?... I mean, it's been 30 minutes :P05:17
ChipzzzI have a tower with a radeon video board & they are extremely troublesome, but it sounds like sambagirl has inside info on this05:17
chdwhat's the difference between kubuntu and ubuntu?05:17
sambagirlmy system here is freezing05:17
SamualIt's just stuck at "Generating 2048 bit RSA private key..."05:17
Flare183chd: Enviroments05:17
chdthat's it?05:17
KM0201Chipzzz: i believe some of the radeons work well w/ the nvidia driver05:17
edwardteachTashia,  derklempner, sudo dmidecode | grep -iA 12 "system information"05:17
pepeechd, kubuntu uses kde05:17
sam-_-Samual: does it still run. check top or "ps aux"05:17
sambagirlchipzzz is it a lenovpo?05:17
pepeechd, ubuntu uses gnome05:18
Samualsam-_-: Yeah it's running, but no CPU usage05:18
Tashiaderklempner, S621005:18
sambagirlif so chipzzz they will do a onsite to replace video card and motherboard if they are individual devices. same number.05:18
sam-_-Samual: y. that's what i meant.05:18
derklempnerTashia, okay now we're getting somewhere!05:18
sam-_-Samual: probably broken then05:18
Samualsam-_-: Oh yay :P05:19
ChipzzzKM0201, Thanks, I didn't try that, I just reverted to the open source drivers & reboot occasionaly when it starts acting up... then it's ok for a day or two05:19
sam-_-Samual: unless.05:19
sam-_-Samual: it doesn't get enough random data05:19
Chipzzzsambagirl, no it's a mongrel... parts from Newegg & Tigerdirect, mostly05:19
KM0201Chipzzz: i dunno, i believe ATI's website has a halfway decent driver, but I've never had to use it, just helped some download/install it... but Nvidia is way easier.05:19
sambagirloh ok chipzzz.05:19
Samualsam-_-: Any way to fix it?05:20
sam-_-Samual: dunno: cat /dev/random   is it doing anything?05:20
clavin12rww, thanks that worked05:20
Samualsam-_-: Hmm no, I see nothing05:20
sam-_-Samual: wait a little while.05:21
Flare183UnderSampled: pulseaudio requires x1105:21
Samualsam-_-: Note: This is on a server through ssh, if that counts for anything05:21
SamualDebian server05:21
ChipzzzKB0201, When I get ambitious about it, I'll probably save myself a lot of trouble and replace the board with a nVidia, but in the meanwhile, thanks for the info05:21
UnderSampledFlare183: ok.... does it require X11 running?05:21
sam-_-Samual: should still work05:21
Flare183UnderSampled: I'm not sure05:21
ankit88how can  i install .tar.gz  extension in ubuntu05:21
Samualsam-_-: Alright, *waits* :P05:21
sam-_-Samual: if it takes more than 2 min. something is wrong05:22
SamualOh, it outputted one thing05:22
sam-_-Samual: well then it's just really really slow...05:22
marcelo_ i need help to upgrade my ubuntu 10.04 to ubuntu 10.1005:22
windowshasyouankit88: tar -xmf name && cd untareddir && ./configure && make && make install05:22
Samualsam-_-: Any way to increase the speed? :X05:22
UnderSampledFlare183: so, how do I get it set up?05:23
sam-_-Samual: for comparison. on my machine it outputs sth. every 5 seconds.05:23
derklempnerTashia, look at the front edge of the laptop, all the way to the left.  Do you see a switch there?05:23
Vixieankit88: there's also usually a README you can consult05:23
sam-_-Samual: roundabout05:23
sam-_-Samual: i have no idea what you can do about it though05:23
Samualsam-_-: Ah.... so I should basically just let it sit for several hours? :P05:23
Chipzzzwindowshasyou, did you 'sudo do-release-upgrade'?05:24
sam-_-Samual: if you have the time05:24
Tashiaderklempner, no i dont see it05:24
Samualsam-_-: *sigh* Alright :P Well, thanks.. i'll see if I can't find anything online about this05:24
windowshasyouChipzzz: Why would I? my distro is built on tar.bz2 stuff05:24
derklempnerTashia, okay, hang on...05:24
Chipzzzwindowshasyou, sorry... I meant that for marcelo_05:25
sam-_-Samual: maybe you can tell it to use urandom (unsafe random)05:25
ankit88Vixie: dont have readme05:25
Chipzzzmarcelo_, did you try the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades ?05:27
needhelp1can you reinstall ubuntu from within ubuntu ?05:28
AbhiJitneedhelp1, no05:28
AbhiJitrecovery option is there05:28
AbhiJitbut not the reinstall05:29
marcelo_Chipzzz yes05:29
needhelp1AbhiJit, i installed with my real name, so now my home folder and other things all show my real name, which i want to change05:29
Chipzzzmarcelo_, what went wrong?05:29
marcelo_Chipzzz but is a error, i paste the log05:29
AbhiJitneedhelp1, create another admin with full previledge from there delete this account and then recreate this accoutn and then delete that second tmp account05:29
* AbhiJit hopes he understood my english!!!05:30
needhelp1AbhiJit, i didnt lol05:30
jake__Trying to put Ubuntu 10.10 on a net book please walk me threw?05:30
needhelp1AbhiJit, create a new admin account, then delete my old one ?05:30
needhelp1oh i see05:31
marcelo_when calculating teh changes occur a error05:31
needhelp1AbhiJit, create a new admin account, delete the original, regreate, then delete the new one05:31
AbhiJitneedhelp1, your current account is called A. now loginto A. now create another admin account called B wich has full admin rights. now logoff A. now login B. now delete. A. now create new account named C (your desired name which you want to change to) now logoff B now login C now delte B05:31
AbhiJitand done!!!05:31
* AbhiJit hopes now!!!!05:31
FloodBot2AbhiJit: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:31
jake__Does any one know how i can put Ubuntu 10.10 one a netbook05:31
Vixiejake__: burn the .iso onto a flash drive05:32
Samualsam-_-: I just ended up generating the key on my local computer and then scping it to the server05:32
AbhiJitneedhelp1, got it? or not yet!!! :P05:32
Samualsam-_-: Took my PC like 5 seconds to do it :P05:32
pepeejake__, use unetbootin05:32
Vixieand then boot from USB05:32
Chipzzzmarcelo_, have you pasted the log somewhere?05:32
sam-_-Samual: ah. good thinking :-)05:32
jake__Where can i get that at i have searched and found one but it didn't  work correctly05:33
marcelo_Chipzzz yes05:33
Chipzzzmarcelo_ where?05:33
AbhiJitneedhelp1, thr?05:33
Vixiejake__: 'sudo apt-get install unetbootin' in a terminal05:34
marcelo_Chipzzz paste.ubuntu.com/55752205:34
* AbhiJit hopes that he is not gone mad due to my english!!!05:34
ShapeShifter499can someone here test and tell me if their web browser plays music from this address?      http://shapeshifter499.dyndns.org:8000/home05:35
FloatingGoatim trying to install an nvidea driver in 10.10 but it says that i have to run without x05:35
FloatingGoatwhat do i do?05:35
ShapeShifter499I'm trying to configure and make it so I can access my computer form another place05:35
pepeeFloatingGoat, no need to do it that way...05:35
FloatingGoatShapeShifter499:  try team viewer :)05:35
jake__Its for a computer that i am not using its a computer that has windows 7 starter and i am trying to put Ubuntu 10.10 on it. But I found on that it should have worked but it didn't and it was for a flash drive05:35
FloatingGoatpepee:  how?05:35
ShapeShifter499FloatingGoat, also on my ipod05:36
pepeeFloatingGoat, install it from your package manager, or use jockey-gtk05:36
ShapeShifter499FloatingGoat, and teamviewer costs money on the ipod D;05:36
ShapeShifter499well the better version with audio05:36
NewpidginuserI am experiencing an interesting and funny problem about my laptop's audio. Working very around during the last 2 months jeje. But first I will search the web deeper. I hope somebody can help me if I have no success. please.05:36
FloatingGoathow do i get it from the package manager? it doesnt show up in jockey like it did in 10.0405:36
horseatingweedsApplications seem kind of big to me - I mean, they look large on the screen. For example, openoffice.org aps look like their at a lower resolution on Ubuntu than on Windows. Am I crazy?05:37
marcelo_Chipzzz you can see?05:37
jake__Its for a computer that i am not using its a computer that has windows 7 starter and i am trying to put Ubuntu 10.10 on it. But I found on that it should have worked but it didn't and it was for a flash drive05:37
pepeeFloatingGoat, ok, do it without X. to install a package execute: sudo dpkg -i package.deb05:38
pepeewhere 'package' is the package name...05:38
Chipzzzmarcelo_, yes, do you have any packages with locked versions?05:38
marcelo_i guess not Chipzzz05:39
chaospsychexhow do i find a wireless printer?05:39
marcelo_Chipzzz i install ubuntu 9.04, and upgrade to 10.04.2 and now a want upgrade to 10.1005:39
pepeeFloatingGoat, if you don't want the X, just logout...05:39
chelzin System Monitor it has a "Virtual Memory" column with a bunch of values. when i turn off swap, all of those values are way more than zero, several hundred megabytes sometimes. if "Virtual Memory" isn't stuff in swap, what is it?05:42
chaospsychexhow do i configure cups?05:42
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:42
iasovhello all.  so I stupidly upGRADED instead of upDATING.... and I've apparently time-traveled into April 2011 where i downloaded Ubuntu 11.04  - the Natty Narwhal - released in April 2011 and supported until October 2012.05:43
Chipzzzmarcelo_, did you try to update to the latest 10.04 packages before the upgrade?05:43
iasovAnd I'd like to go back.... without RTFM'ing anything, is there a qucik and simple way to revert these changes i just made?05:43
dev2hi ,  I can't seem to ping from my untuntu 10.04 box.  However I can open firefox and browse the internet without any trouble.  Any help getting ping (and other command line utils to access the network)05:43
rwwiasov: does the output of "lsb_release -a" in the terminal mention 'maverick' or 'natty'?05:43
iasovrww, well, it's maverick apparently.05:44
iasovDid I jump to conclusions?05:44
rwwiasov: there's a bug in the About Ubuntu box where it says 11.04 on 10.10 >.>05:44
rwwiasov: lsb_release's output is the correct version05:45
marcelo_Chipzzz yes, i did two ways of updating the packages before the upgrande and without update packages05:45
iasovAhh... thank you rww.  I am glad that you informed me of that before I panicked and did real damage. :P05:45
cr215hi..  i figured it out...  lol what i was sayin before about the pulseaudio-equalizer..  after installationyou just have to restart.  i would deff recommend it!  thats al i wanted to say..   bye all!05:47
pnormanI'm installing ubuntu 10.10 server on a new computer with two drives which I want to set up in software raid 1. I'm trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID but run into a problem where I can't set the bootable flag to on05:48
Chipzzzmarcelo-, The log says you are upadating from linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic, but the latest is (line 37 of the log)05:48
pnormanAm I doing something wrong?05:50
fool_anyone awaken ?05:51
marcelo_Chipzzz when i click on check, nothing appears to upgrade05:52
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fool_does anyone know what the command for hibernating in lucid is ?05:52
chelzpnorman: what happens when you try?05:52
pnormanIt won't toggle from off to on05:53
rwwfool_: pm-hibernate. may need sudo, I forget.05:53
jon8_Does laptop battery management still work without Gnome running?? Is there a command line, command, that i can use to check battery usage?05:53
fool_rww: i'm looking for the one w/o sudo05:53
sam-_-pnorman: are you sure it is a primary partition then?05:53
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chelzfool_: i personally use  dbus-send --print-reply         --system         --dest=org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Power         /org/freedesktop/DeviceKit/Power         org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Power.Suspend05:54
Chipzzzmarcelo_, check your software sources... maybe something happened to them05:54
chelzfool_: that's for sleep though05:54
pnormansam-_-: It says SCSCI2 (0,0,0) (sdb) - 1.0 TB ATA Hitachi HSD7210105:55
fool_chelz: just came across this http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=813387&page=205:55
fool_lolz :)05:55
pnorman#1 primary 988.8 GB        ext405:55
fool_chelz: i think you're dead on05:55
sam-_-pnorman: and you are selecting the #1?05:55
pnormansam-_-: yes05:56
chelzfool_: it's always worked great for me. and i especially like using stuff that comes installed :)05:56
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sam-_-pnorman: how did you try toggeling?05:56
fool_chelz: thanks05:56
pnormanselecting Bootable flag: off and hitting enter05:56
sam-_-pnorman: space, +, o, etc.?05:56
fool_chelz: i'm gonna try to assign a kb shortcut to it now and try05:56
chelzfool_: alright. good luck.05:57
pnormanIT then says computing the new state of the partition table (very briefly) and looks like it did before05:57
user_dctv gh05:57
user_всем привет05:57
sam-_-pnorman: maybe it's toggled in another way.05:57
Loshki!ru | user_05:57
ubottuuser_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke05:57
chelzis the bootable flag actually used by stuff other than dos these days?05:58
FloodBot2user_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:58
pnormanI don't know, I'm just following the instructions. I could try skipping that step05:58
chelzpnorman: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140768205:58
fool_chelz: do you know how to use Fn key in the keyboard shortcuts window ?05:58
chelzpnorman: sounds like you can safely ignore that step05:58
chelzfool_: with most keyboards, the OS never sees a signal from Fn. Fn modifies what signal the actual keyboard sends.05:59
marcelo_Chipzzz how i remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau?05:59
chalcedonyi was told to 'redownload opera' i don't want to lose my settings.. how do i do this?05:59
fool_chelz: on my dell fn+f1 suspends.  i would like to do fn+f2 to hibernate06:00
pnormanAh - thanks06:00
fool_chelz: currently fn+f2 does nothing.06:00
fool_any suggestion how i should do it ?06:00
Madpilotchalcedony, if you reinstall Opera over an existing version, it shouldn't eat your bookmarks and settings06:00
chelzfool_: check what you get out of fn+f2 as a signal. not sure how'd you'd run something when pressing it though06:00
Madpilotchalcedony, mind you, it's been at least a couple of years since I last used Opera. It didn't used to have any bad habits like that, though.06:01
fool_chelz: how would i check that ?06:01
fool_syslog ?06:01
chelzfool_: there is a program i forget the name of06:01
Chipzzzmarcelo_, it might be safer to reboot, hold down the shift key and bring the machine up with the failsafe video driver06:02
chelzfool_: xev06:03
Chipzzz(the grub menu will give you that option)06:03
chelzhuh. apparently my fn+f4 is set to make a new firefox window. wild.06:03
fool_chelz: no candidate found for xev06:03
fool_chelz: i do see this is syslog though when i press fn+F2 : dell-wmi: Unknown key 22f pressed06:04
chelzfool_: x11-utils has xev06:04
chalcedonyMadpilot, hmmm maybe there is a 'settings'folder that could be saved06:07
Madpilotchalcedony, .opera probably06:07
Madpilotchalcedony, UI settings used to be in opera6.ini, but that's likely changed. As I said, I'm about two years out of date WRT Opera.06:08
chelzstuff is usually in dotfiles or dotfolders in ~ or ~/.config06:08
chelzsometimes those weird .gnome2 and .gnome folders for gnome things06:08
kneauxHallo. New screenscaver/screen lock behavior: When I log in, I get my display for a second, then my screensaver locks me out again and I have to log in a second time.06:10
chalcedonyi know how i got opera recently.. i moved my old opera to this drive and downloaded opera_11.00.1156_amd64.deb -- but to redownload that?06:14
chelzchalcedony: sure, do that06:14
thauriswulfaQUESTION:whenever i login as root at login window, settings like "system>preferences>sound" and system>administration>users and groups            not working they kind of hangs on starting them never start and on opening sound setting it keep displaying "Waiting for sound system to respond"06:15
pnormanLooks like I'm onto the next step of installation. Wish I had the drives to make this as a raid 10 array though06:15
fool_chelz: pm ?06:16
chelzfool_: eh rather not, it's quiet in here anyway06:16
chelzpnorman: you can shrink/grow some raid stuff, so you might be able to transition to another raid type once you get those drives06:16
marcelo_how remove a directory?06:16
sysop3hi. has anyone suceeded in booting a boxee firmware in qemu?06:16
pnormanchelz: Ya, from what I read it is possible but slow06:16
Madpilotthauriswulfa, why on earth have you enabled graphical root login?06:17
fool_chelz: do you know what this is Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Power was not provided by any .service files06:17
sysop3I found where I guy go the busybox.  but no futher.06:17
chelzpnorman: i figure i'm going to go from a raid6 on dm-crypt to encrypted btrfs, once btrfs is all stable, someday06:17
sysop3is it possible to setup a virtual device that will report a dir on the hdd as a Glob_Spectraa Device06:17
chelzfool_: that is a strange one. i have not seen that.06:17
pnormanchelz: From my fakeraid windows raid 1 -> raid 10 rebuild and watching the openstreetmap raid rebuild, I expect slow to be somewhat of an understatement06:17
sysop3sorry wrong channel.06:18
thauriswulfaMadpilot: because i can't edit things on files system in other user accounts06:18
pnormanMy fakeraid wasn't too bad, but I think OSM has been migrating drives for over a month now06:19
Madpilotthauriswulfa, you do know about sudo, right?06:19
Madpilotubottu, tell thauriswulfa about sudo06:19
ubottuthauriswulfa, please see my private message06:19
chelzpnorman: oh i wasn't even thinking of automatic rebuilds. that'd be great if software does that now. i was thinking more resizing the existing raid down like 2 GiB, making a 2 GiB new raid, copying over 2 GiB of files, then verifying the copy, then deleting the original; then shrinking/growing/copying/verifying/deleting until it's done06:19
Madpilotthauriswulfa, see the URLs the bot just sent you. They'll explain better than I can why graphical root login is Not Recommended.06:20
thauriswulfamadpilot: ok06:20
Chipzzzmarcelo_ rmdir06:20
Madpilotthauriswulfa, mostly the 1st URL, the RootSudo one.06:20
thauriswulfamadpilot: thanks a lot06:21
Blueleafcan anyone here help with mutt?06:21
chelzthauriswulfa: gksudo for gfx things06:21
Madpilotchelz, well, if he breaks it through graphical root login, he can keep all the pieces, at least... :|06:21
bigbrotherBonsoir tout le monde06:23
bigbrotherest ce qu'il y a quelqu'un ici qui s'est parle en français au moins merci d'avance :D06:24
Datz!fr | bigbrother06:24
ubottubigbrother: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.06:24
marcelo_Chipzzz help Installation CD does not recognize my video card, so I can not install the cd.06:25
chalcedony*now* i'm frustrated.. i got the new opera opera_11.00.1176_amd64.deb and i got a new error:06:25
chalcedonyW: GPG error: http://deb.opera.com stable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F9A2F76A9D1A006106:25
bigbrothersorry i dont speack english just french and arabic (little English )06:25
Datz!fr | bigbrother06:26
Datzubottu hates me now06:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:26
Datzoh, I don't think so06:26
chalcedonyDatz, he's only a bot :)06:26
bigbrotheri have a  problem with my httpd.conf06:26
rwwDatz: she doesn't like repeating herself06:26
Datzah she bot eh06:26
bigbrotheri want to change my www but my http is clean :s06:26
maco!gender | Datz06:26
ubottuDatz: yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)06:26
derklempnerbigbrother, go to #ubuntu-fr channel06:27
bigbrotherokay okay06:27
bigbrotherthanks for all06:27
Chipzzzmarcelo_ did you uninstall the nouveau drivers?06:27
chalcedonyrww, opera irc support isn't up to ubuntu standards06:27
dylan_noktum my pppoe dsl connection that i set up with the network wiget keeps disconecting then reconecting with this msg  pppd[5420]: No response to 3 echo-requests and pppd[2406]: Terminating on signal 15 any one know why06:30
Blueleafno one??06:30
derklempnerBlueleaf, if nobody here can help you, you might want to try the #mutt channel06:31
marcelo_shit the SO06:32
Blueleafderklempner: tried, they dont seem to want to help either06:33
marcelo_my windows, never problem with my upgrades06:33
selig5Blueleaf: What was the question? I missed it.06:33
fool_chelz: i just come across powermanagement-interface, which works great btw :)06:34
Blueleafselig5: trying to get mutt to run properly06:34
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selig5Blueleaf: You need to write a .muttrc file06:35
blackplague1347"If a network has a Round Trip Time (RTT) of T ms (millisecond) between the sender and receiver, and a bandwidth of B bps (bits per second), what exactly does T x B represent?" This is a homework "thought experiment" question and I can't wrap my head around it. Can anyone help?06:35
Blueleafin what directory06:36
selig5Blueleaf: In your home directory. It needs to be labeled ".muttrc"06:37
macoblackplague1347: not an ubuntu question so try #ubuntu-offtopic, but be warned they'll probably refuse to do your hw for you. just think about what you're multiplying together..06:37
Blueleafis there a gerneric on to get me started??06:38
blackplague1347maco: Hm, alright. Thanks.06:38
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selig5Blueleaf: I copied one from the internet and just changed the parts so I could connect to Gmail...06:38
Chipzzzblackplague1347, the amount of data?06:38
nawkHow do you guys find the adobe 10.2 ("square") 64-bit flashplayer on Ubuntu?06:38
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Blueleafselig5: where's  a good place to find one?06:39
Blueleafselig5: also i can get it to read my imap but i haveto enter all info every time06:39
Blueleafselig5: it wont remember it06:40
Blueleafselig5: do i need a seperate send mail? -o06:40
sam-_-nawk: https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash06:40
selig5Blueleaf: I don't know a specific site offhand. Imap works fine, your login stuff is saved in .muttrc06:40
Blueleafselig5: i have to change mail box and enter it all every time though06:41
pinoyoragonHi, i loaded the debian 5.0.7 amd64 cd1.iso to my USB and used it as a bootable installer... why is that it keeps on asking for a  cdrom? Can i get around with this one and continue installing?06:41
selig5Blueleaf: all the stuff you need is included when you install mutt in Ubuntu.06:41
marcelo_how I see the bits and the version of my ubuntu?06:41
blackplague1347Chipzzz: Hm. Perhaps.06:42
jgcampbell300can anyone help me please ... i have been trying to get deluged to run on my headless server for 2 days now with no luck06:42
Blueleafselig5: i used synaptic to install it and i still cant send mail06:43
sam-_-jgcampbell300: may i suggest you use rtorrent or transmission?06:43
marcelo_jgcampbell300 change your SO to windows06:43
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jgcampbell300really those are the responces i get ... change my os to windows and use something else06:44
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selig5Blueleaf: You have to have '.muttrc' set up right. I just seached for an example on the web and changed the parts that pertain to the user.06:44
sam-_-jgcampbell300: well it was just a suggestion. what are your problems specifically?06:45
Blueleafselig5: i will try and come back06:45
OptimaDjgcampbell300 hey man i think if its too hard for you then why try and be frustrated? i use linux and had so man questions gave up on so many times cause not a lotta ppl help its because not a lot ppl know everything and some problems are always unique06:45
sam-_-jgcampbell300: transmission is in the main repos. that's why i was suggesting it.06:45
Chipzzzmarcelo_, uname -a06:45
jgcampbell300i keep getting connection refused ... from what i can see the deluged is trying to use insted of its ip address06:46
marcelo_Chipzzz this is my kernel, but dont see my version of ubuntu and bits this version06:47
jgcampbell300when i try to change the config files it still says port 58864 is listening on
=== Shaded is now known as Aardvark
MikeChelenany way to permanently set the resolution with ATI proprietary drivers? it keeps resetting after reboot06:47
sam-_-jgcampbell300: output of sudo netstat -tulpen06:48
sam-_-jgcampbell300: post to pastebin06:48
sam-_-MikeChelen: /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:48
red2kicjgcampbell300: I guess you didn't create user/password in deluged config file. I remember messing around with deluged. I use transmission currently.06:49
ice799OK, so.06:51
ice799mock on ubuntu doesn't work. there is a bug against it.06:51
ice799the work around listed in the bug report doesnt work06:51
ice799and i dont know anything about python.06:51
ice799Any ideas on how to get this working?06:51
jgcampbell300ya i have the u/p in auth file ... hmm that brings up antoher question if when i switched to 1.3.1 if the auth file moved .. pastebin installing06:51
Chipzzzmarcelo_, lsb_release -a06:52
MikeChelensam-_-: should the default resolution go in the screen or device section? there is no resolution set there so far06:52
cryptodirahardware drivers reports: ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver is activated and currently in use...Catalyst control center reports:No Ati graphics driver is installed, or the ATI driver is not functioning properly..... what are my options?? .06:52
MikeChelencryptodira: have you run aticonfig yet?06:53
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:53
MikeChelencryptodira: maybe try: sudo aticonfig --initial06:54
red2kicjgcampbell300: What command does that? I used lsof in the past for internet stuffs but yeah. I'm curious. :)06:54
sam-_-MikeChelen: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg#Monitor_settings here is an example06:54
jgcampbell300red2kic: pastbinit06:54
jgcampbell300sudo apt-get install pastbinit ... command | pastbinit06:55
red2kicjgcampbell300: Configuration files generally are left alone in ~/. -- However, as for /etc/ -- It depends the options you included when removing/adding packages.06:55
red2kicjgcampbell300: I mean the command, not pastebinit.06:55
MikeChelensam-_-: ah ok, in the screen section, let me try that06:55
jgcampbell300oh ... netstat -tulpen06:56
cryptodiraMikeChelen,  tried that...i get 'failed to create empty configuration file'06:56
jgcampbell300channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused thats the exact error im getting when i try to connect client to server06:56
jgcampbell300i just know its something easy im missing ... i set the same system up a few weeks ago on a diff computer .... but it was desktop running deluged not server06:57
jgcampbell300and there are 3 nic's in the server i thought that my be causing some confusion06:58
red2kicjgcampbell300: I know transmission have /etc/default/* -- You sure the daemon is running? If you're using Ubuntu, then the daemon are likely to have its own username, not your username.06:59
jgcampbell300ya its running07:01
red2kicjgcampbell300: "ps -aux | grep deluge" -- What does it say?07:01
marcelo_WIndows =]07:02
red2kicjgcampbell300: You used "ps -aux" ? The output looks different.07:04
jgcampbell300oh ya sorry07:04
NordicPenguingood evening07:05
windkidsgood evening07:06
red2kicjgcampbell300: Perfect. The problem is that the daemon is running/owned by username: deluge (first column).07:06
red2kicjgcampbell300: I imagine you can find the configuration file for deluge, maybe in /etc/default/deluge* or /etc/deluge* -- It depends, really.07:06
red2kicjgcampbell300: One way is to run "dpkg -L $package" -- It'll list all files installed by the $package. This way, you can find out where the configuration file is.07:09
jgcampbell300ahhh .... very nice .... wish i would have thought about looking for that command sooner07:10
red2kicjgcampbell300: You're learning. ;)07:10
cryptodirahardware drivers reports: ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver is activated and currently in use...Catalyst control center reports:No Ati graphics driver is installed, or the ATI driver is not functioning properly..... what are my options?? ... aticonfig fails to create the empty configuration file...can this be done manually?.07:11
taransvarhey guys07:12
=== taransvar is now known as franzce
jgcampbell300how would i go about restarting that process ... would i kill 771 ? or is there a better way to get it to restart07:13
red2kicjgcampbell300: "sudo service $daemon restart"07:13
franzcedoes anyone know how to setup spamassassin?07:13
franzceits realy very complicated07:14
jgcampbell300ahh cool07:14
red2kicjgcampbell300: Run "ps -aux | grep deluge" -- See if it's still owned by deluge or you.07:14
red2kicSometimes it is very simple to fix -- By replacing username. This was my case in transmission.07:14
jgcampbell300ya still deluge and its not restarting07:15
skylord5816Are there any secure ubuntu/linux/whatever VMs out there (running viruses within it  won't infect the computer)07:16
red2kicMeh. Paste dpkg -L thing.07:16
red2kicjgcampbell300: ^^07:16
skylord5816hopefully high-performance (not much of a speed difference between inside and outside), running on Windows.07:17
jgcampbell300isnt there a way to make pasebinit do the same address every time07:18
red2kicjgcampbell300: No. Unique address for unique spam. You could look at pastebinit --help for some options. "cat /etc/init.d/delu<tab,tab>" -- It should have some options. Change the username.07:20
red2kicjgcampbell300: Progress?07:26
jgcampbell300think we may have it .. did a reboot becouse it wasnt reloading the daemon07:26
red2kicjgcampbell300: Probably should had stopped the daemon first before any configuration occurs. :o07:26
jgcampbell300lol ya ... http://pastebin.com/tTUSmfvK07:28
red2kicjgcampbell300: Useless information except 1000, but I guess it's working now?07:28
red2kicjgcampbell300: "ps -aux | grep deluge" -- And you could learn how to tab in IRC. :D07:29
red2kic!tab | jgcampbell30007:29
ubottujgcampbell300: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.07:29
jgcampbell300red2kic, oh cool07:29
red2kicjgcampbell300: That way, you hilight people. Lucky the conversation is slow right now.07:29
jgcampbell300red2kic, oh cool http://pastebin.com/EJR5EG4007:30
red2kicjgcampbell300: "ps -aux | grep deluge" -- What command are you using anyway?07:31
jgcampbell300 ps -aux | grep deluge07:31
pravishcan i know how to lauch a scirpt at startup07:31
red2kicjgcampbell300: Are you able to connect to deluged now?07:31
gotwake88I just took 5 face shots for abottle of whiskey07:32
red2kic!autostart | pravish07:32
ubottupravish: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot07:32
red2kicjgcampbell300: Same error messages?07:32
red2kicjgcampbell300: I need to know if the daemon are running under your username.07:32
jgcampbell300its not even runing now i dont think07:33
red2kicjgcampbell300: "sudo service $DAEMON start"07:33
red2kicjgcampbell300: You made a typo, maybe?07:34
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:34
jgcampbell300red2kic, checking07:34
pravishno i need to lauch a script at startup07:34
shai__Hello :) I'm trying to upgrade my Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 and I have a problem upgrading openssh-client while getting permission denied. Can someone have a look at the error and help me out? http://pastebin.com/8zm8c4NB ; thanks in advance!07:35
pravishhello my networks from crclient07:35
red2kicpravish: You can add a script to Gnome Startup Apps under System --> Preferences. Or if your script does not use X11, then you could use /etc/rc.local or ~/.xinitrc (.Xsession).07:36
kvahello, all anyone here?07:37
red2kicshai__: What does "ls -lR /etc/ssh" print?07:37
kindlebiti am not able to install curl07:38
kindlebitcan any body help me in this07:38
red2kicshai__: Paste it in http://paste.ubuntu.com/07:38
jgcampbell300red2kic, well its not running at all thats for sure i dont see any typo's maybe theres a way to reset it to defaults07:38
red2kicjgcampbell300: Try starting it manually. Did it spew out anything?07:39
jgcampbell300well deluge spitts out the normal no gui stuff but deluged the daemon never says anything07:39
red2kickindlebit: "apt-get install curl"07:40
shai__red2kic: http://paste.ubuntu.com/557545/07:40
shai__red2kic: needless to say, I'm as root right now07:41
jgcampbell300red2kic, think i may have broken something ... i should try to remove everything deluge and reinstall maybe ?07:41
red2kicjgcampbell300: There probably are deluge channel if you really want to get deluge work. Yeah, you could do that too.07:41
jgcampbell300red2kic, you know of some super command to clean up my mess or sould i just uninstall and start cleaning ;)07:42
kindlebitred2kic: let me try07:42
red2kicshai__: How about "ls -ld /etc/ssh"07:42
kindlebitred2kic: got this "Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)"07:43
kindlebitwhat to do now ?07:43
red2kicjgcampbell300: There are no super command. You're responsible for everything. :)07:43
red2kickindlebit: "sudo apt-get install curl"07:43
shai__red2kic: http://paste.ubuntu.com/557546/07:43
red2kickindlebit: There are GUI that can do this for you if you're new to GNU/linux.07:43
jgcampbell300red2kic, kk thanks much for the help07:43
zach32help installing osx-Leopard theme. downloaded the theme from gnome-look.org when i go to system>prefrences>appearance>install i get an error saying "the was an error installing the selected file osx-leopard does not appear to be a vaild theme" HELP anyone07:44
kindlebitred2kic: i think your given command works out..07:45
kindlebitred2kic: thanks , let me try once again07:45
jo-erlendI "need" to get Devil's Pie configured properly. I'm attempting to set some rules for gnome-terminal, but I'm having difficulties with it. If anyone has experience with it?07:46
angelslhey guys07:46
angelslout of 200gb, 3gb taken for swap; how much should I allocate for /home, and how much for everything else?07:47
red2kicshai__: Meh07:47
shai__red2kic: ?07:48
red2kicshai__: "sudo aptitude purge openssh-server" -- That'll purge it. Then reinstall. See if the problem goes away. :\07:48
soreauangelsl: It depends on how much stuff youre planning on installing vs how much data you might store in /home07:48
shai__red2kic: I won't have SSH to the machine if I do that :) It is a remote server...07:49
red2kicjo-erlend: If I remember it correctly, there are an app (GUI) for that.07:49
shai__red2kic: How can I tell apt to ignore this upgrade request... so that I can install telnetd for a while and then telnet and remote the ssh server07:50
red2kicshai__: Ah.07:50
red2kic!pin | shai__07:50
ubottushai__: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto07:50
red2kicshai__: You probably could skip installing that package?07:51
gimox /join #ubuntu-it07:51
red2kicshai__: If it ask you -- Say no.07:51
gimoxoops, sorry07:51
shai__red2kic: http://paste.ubuntu.com/557548/07:51
bhavesh_my GTA SA still lags with wine on ubuntu when I make it full screen, I have kept the pixel shader and vertex shader off, searched a lot but still it lags.07:52
angelslsoreau: well, right now my homedir is 31gb out of 36gb used by everything07:52
angelslso i'm going for 25gb rootfs, 3gb swap, 172gb home07:52
Jordan_Uangelsl: I would recommend not keeping a separate /home. You do *not* need a separate /home to be able to preserve /home when re-installing Ubuntu.07:52
jo-erlendred2kic, using a GUI doesn't simplify at all.07:53
bhavesh_so I always have to emulate virtual desktop to 800x600 or 900x80007:53
dubeyI am using ubuntu 10.10. Due to some reason my WiFi is disabled. How can i enable it. I tried it using Network Manager but couldn't succeed07:53
angelslJordan_U: ubuntu may not be the only distro i will use07:53
angelslif ubuntu proves to branch off from something I like, i'll move to debian, or even something else07:53
angelslopenSUSE, possibly?07:54
bhavesh_anyone could ever run windows game without lag with wine on ubuntu?07:54
red2kicangelsl: You should use external or separate hard drive for your personal file -- Keep it separate from your main system.07:54
bhavesh_especially GTA AS07:54
angelslred2kic: i only have one hdd07:54
angelslunless you'd like to sponsor me one?07:55
red2kicshai__: Well. Do what you have to. I think the openssh-server configuration will go wrong still.07:55
soreauangelsl: Its not a great idea to try and use the same /home directory across distributions07:55
red2kicangelsl: I would not. Rip out your Xbox360's HDD if you have one. :)07:55
angelslsoreau: i don't plan to use many distros at once, it's just when i eventually decide to leave Ubuntu07:55
soreauangelsl: In that case, just leave it all as one partition and cp /home if/when that time comes07:56
=== sre-su is now known as Janes147
LoshkiAnother reason to prefer a separate /home is for easier backups...07:57
red2kicjo-erlend: Do you use compiz?07:57
jo-erlendred2kic, yes.07:57
=== Janes147 is now known as sre-su
jo-erlendred2kic, well, mostly. Not all the time.07:57
cnpuppy_4b7677anybody is chinese?07:57
Loshki!cn | cnpuppy_4b767707:58
ubottucnpuppy_4b7677: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk07:58
red2kicjo-erlend: Install compiz setting manager if you haven't yet. There are "Windows Rules" plugin. It's similar to devilspie, I would imagine. http://wiki.compiz.org/WindowMatching07:58
red2kicjo-erlend: Good luck. :)07:58
jo-erlendred2kic, I've used that. It isn't sufficient.07:58
shai__red2kic: so odd! http://paste.ubuntu.com/557550/07:58
shai__I can't even move it ...07:58
red2kicshai__: You used chattr?07:59
shai__Not that I recall08:00
shai__red2kic: I just did "chattr -R +i /etc/ssh" but that didn't help ...08:01
red2kicshai__: Try to connect with telnet so you can work with your issues.08:01
shai__red2kic: http://paste.ubuntu.com/557551/08:01
shai__red2kic: already am :)08:02
shai__I'm doing all this via telnet ...08:02
red2kicshai__: Ah. Stop the daemon.08:02
red2kicshai__: And "chown -R root:root /etc/ssh" -- See if that did the trick.08:02
pinoyoragonHi, why would a debian 507 amd64 netinst iso and a debian 508 amd64 businesscard iso ask for CDROM? I'm stuck in this installation step08:03
Loshkishai__: why did you use +i instead of -i ?08:03
shai__red2kic: Nope. http://paste.ubuntu.com/557552/08:03
shai__There was a /usr/sbin/sshd process, but I killed it and it still won't work..08:04
red2kicshai__: Loshki is right. You gave it immunity. :P "chattr -R -i /etc/ssh" to undo.08:05
shai__red2kic: success!08:06
red2kicshai__: Everything is working again?08:06
gd1000uhey guys... i used to have internet which ddin't require username and p/w and ubuntu would connect fine. New internet connection needs username and p/w (cable internet) and though windows 7 connects fine with a single click Ubuntu network mananager requires me to literally click around  tp 10 times to connect to work.. what is the problem you think?08:07
RaymondHi All, I am running Ununtu 10 Netbook edition and would like to "Map a network drive". Can someone let me know how to do this so the next time i log in, it's already there on my desktop.08:07
red2kic!fstab | Raymond08:07
ubottuRaymond: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions08:07
RaymondOK, thanks.08:08
stealthchi all, I'm fiddling around with bash scripts, went into super user mode in the script, how do I downgrade back to the regular user?08:08
stealthcI'm trying to run sh scripts from a thumbdrive, it returns permission denied if I run them08:08
shai__red2kic: yes :) It was indeed chattr that I guess I had set at some point due to some Amazon EC2 changes that effect that directory when an instance is taken down... and you were right to point me to using -i and not +i on chattr. Thanks for the great support dude :) appreciate it a lot!08:09
stealthcthat's why I spawn them with sudo and gksudo, the reason is NTFS partition... weird... any ideas how I can tidy things up?08:09
twiztidhello all, i have a very peculiar problem... My ubuntu 10.10 installation causes my screen to flicker... so going to hell and back, i tried ubuntu 11 alpha out from a live usb and my screen didnt flicker! but trying to install it failed... so now im re-installing ubuntu 10.10 and even right now, as its installing, the screen flickers... what does this mean?08:09
red2kicshai__: No problem.08:10
Loshkitwiztid: it means to try 10.04 which seems to be much more stable...08:10
red2kicshai__: I'm glad to help you out. Now you can move on. :)08:10
twiztid...i would naturally assume a problem with my downloaded .iso of 10.10 but the weird thing is i used the exact same .iso to install 10.10 on my laptop and it doesnt flicker08:10
zach32help installing osx-Leopard theme. downloaded the theme from gnome-look.org when i go to system>prefrences>appearance>install i get an error saying "the was an error installing the selected file osx-leopard does not appear to be a vaild theme" HELP anyone08:10
red2kiczach32: Buy a Macbook. :O08:11
red2kiczach32: Maybe the theme you downloaded isn't for Gnome. Is it at least gtk2?08:11
tripelblet's say, I have a file in .avi and I want to burn it to a dvd in a form in which I can play it on a dvd player hooked to a Tv. -- correction, I have several files and want to burn them all on a disk. (can I have a menu controller too or do I have to fast forward to get to the next one?)08:11
GneaHi all, I'm looking for a fellow wubi user, I need to know the exact directory structure that your C:\ubuntu\ directory contains please08:12
tripelb<-- wants to copy a dvd to HD -- HOW?08:12
tripelbGnea, it's not there. I can explain.08:12
gd1000uhey guys... i used to have internet which ddin't require username and p/w and ubuntu would connect fine. New internet connection needs username and p/w (cable internet) and though windows 7 connects fine with a single click Ubuntu network mananager requires me to literally click around tp 10 times to connect to work.. what is the problem you think08:12
red2kictripelb: devede-3.16.9-2 can convert AVI to DVD.08:12
Gneatripelb: it would be preferred if you didn't toy with my request.08:12
tripelbgnea sadly you can ONLY get to your WUBI with you BOOT in that wubi. ONLY(sic) sadly (sic)08:12
tripelbgnea, I am not toying.08:13
twiztidloshki: ...ok, well i really love 10.10 and have no problems with it on my laptop, but the weird thing is when i run 11 from live usb, it dont flicker...08:13
tripelbgnea, what you have stored in there does not exist from a windows perspective08:13
Gneatripelb: I asked for constructive help, not banter.08:13
tripelbgood luck08:13
Gneatripelb: there is much you assume.08:13
zach32<red2kic> gtk2? i just went to gnome-look.org and downloaded http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Mac+OSX+Leopard+10.5+Full+pack?content=7242508:13
twiztidim just so stumped that i flickers WHILE its installing even08:13
tripelbgnea, I've used wubi and that is what I discovered. Perhaps someon else has more that can help you.08:14
Gneaagain, I just need to know what your directory structure of c:\ubuntu\ consists of08:14
Gneatripelb: it is possible, yes, that someone else might understand what it is I'm asking for without jumping to an incorrect conclusion.08:14
Gneabasically, I had to run chkdsk /r and it recovered a directory into c:\found.000\dir0000.chk\ but I have no idea where it belongs, and Ubuntu simply will not boot ever since.08:15
Gneaif I knew someone's working directory structure, I might be able to fix it08:16
tripelbred2kic, am googling devede-3.16.9-208:16
GD1000uguys.... can someone help me with the network issue I asked before?08:16
twiztid---> why does ubuntu 11 have no flickering problem? is it using a newer kernel? and if thats the case how could i go about updating to a newer kernel... preferably one with drm_kms_helper.poll=0   support08:16
Gnea!info devede08:16
ubottudevede (source: devede): simple application to create Video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.16.9-0ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 1976 kB, installed size 3936 kB08:16
Gnea!11.04 | twiztid08:16
ubottutwiztid: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.08:16
franzcedoes anyone know how to setup smapassassin08:16
Gneafranzce: probably the people in #spamassassin08:17
franzceok tnx08:17
twiztidgnea: ok thank you for that, but i was simply troublshooting a 10.10 flicker problem and it turns out that 11 doesnt flicker at all...08:17
red2kiczach32: Meh. Pick a different theme if the file won't work. The user set it up differently than he should have. Furthurmore, it's only a theme. You're recommended to install themes from packages. These are more clean and organized. I like shiki. "apt-cache search shiki" Try that.08:17
twiztidgnea: so i figured it is a valid clue that even DURING install of 10.10, my screen flickers08:18
Gneatwiztid: do you use a KVM?08:18
red2kictwiztid: I experience flickers and to this day, I think it's my monitor or at least, DVI cable acting up. :(08:18
twiztidbut never once have i had 10.10 flicker on my laptop08:18
twiztidgnea: what is KVM?08:18
Gneatwiztid: it's a device that allows you to connect multiple computers together and control them all with a single keyboard, mouse and monitor08:19
twiztidred2kic: hurmm... i thought the same thing but the weird part is 11 doesnt flicker08:19
franzceGnea: no ones replying there08:19
franzceGnea: tsk2.08:19
twiztidgnea: ah ok, then no... tottally seperate08:19
red2kictwiztid: You may assume too early. Just give it a week and see if that occurs. If not, then oh well, good for you then. :)08:19
Gneafranzce: it's the kind of place that requires you to be patient and give as much up-front information as you can.08:19
zach32<red2kic> whats the difference between GDM and GTK i downloaded a GDM theme08:19
franzceGnea: tnx again..08:20
twiztidred2kic: its been ever since 10.10 came out08:20
Gneafranzce: good luck08:20
red2kiczach32: GDM is for login. GTK2 is theme stuffs. toolkit.08:20
GD1000ucould network issues happen with default ubuntu instal? can an update help?08:21
zach32<red2kic> thx08:21
tripelbgnea (FYI - my hard drive with wubi is not on the computer at this time so I cant look)08:21
red2kiczach32: GDM --> http://geubuntu.wikispaces.com/file/view/gdm.jpg/31941005/gdm.jpg08:21
Gneatripelb: no problem08:21
GneaGD1000u: it's possible08:21
twiztidgnea: someone suggested using  drm_kms_helper.poll=0  as a workaround to stop flickering, but they said my kernel was too old and doesnt support it... but as far as i knew, i was using the latest kernel for 10.10... so how could i utilize that workaround?08:21
red2kiczach32: Its responsilibity is nothing more than graphical login. GTk2 is what GNOME Apps use. Windows, border, icons, etc. GTK3 is coming. :)08:22
GD1000ucould network issues happen with default ubuntu instal? can an update help? my internet download has almost run out and that's why i got to make sure wats the best update to use if this is the case08:22
Gneatwiztid: either by using it at boottime or editting your grub.cfg and adding it to the kernel line there08:22
FloodBot2starkiller_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:22
GD1000uGnea, so any tips how i can find network related updates gnea?08:22
starkiller_sorry accident08:23
red2kicGD1000u: Network issues can happen at or before ubuntu installation, mostly with wifi. Are you still running LiveCD, that seems like it.08:23
GneaGD1000u: how does your download "run out"? are you limited as to how much bandwidth you can use per month?08:23
GD1000ured2kic, not at all... it's a proper install.. Just haven't installed any updates yet because of my little limttied download running out.. got to wait till a week more until I can fully update08:23
franzceGnea: gnea08:24
franzceGnea: do you know about ip tables?08:24
Jordan_UGnea: The output of "find /mnt/ubuntu" on a machine with wubi: http://pastebin.com/3pByFyS408:24
Gneafranzce: just ask your question08:24
GD1000ubeing from india... speeds are not that great.. 2MBPS gives you unlimited.. I am using 4mbps for 20GB limited Gnea08:24
twiztidgnea: ok, ill try that... (even though i was told my kernel dont support it)   one last question::: why do you suppose ubuntu 11 doesnt flicker? whats different between the two, besides the fact that its alpha08:24
red2kicGD1000u: Oh. Bandwidth Limitation. Meh. Ubuntu will be fine if you updated or not -- but do update your system whenever you can. You might want to consider using LTS in the future if you really can't download much.08:24
Datz!virtual image08:25
GneaJordan_U: thank you :)08:25
Jordan_UGnea: Why do you want to know the directory structure?08:25
Jordan_UGnea: You're welcome.08:25
red2kic!virtual | Datz08:25
ubottuDatz: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications08:25
bluefrogis nanny working correctly on 10.10? it doesn't prevent a user to log in as it should08:25
Datzis there a special version of ubuntu server for virtual installs?08:26
GneaJordan_U: because something's foobared on my wubi install and it won't even boot grub, something's stuck in c:\found.000\chk0000.dsk\ and I can't identify it08:26
DatzI thought there was08:26
GD1000uwell... red2kic  the 6months version would be fine.. after all.. just a 2GB usage for the whole system to get updated in a month.. 18GB still left for me :P it's just that my lil bro finished up the dl's without me k nowing.. as of now. what bugs me is having to click 'connect' 20times everytime i start my pc to just do normal browsing08:26
red2kicGD1000u: You're on wifi?08:26
GD1000unope.. wired internet from cable tv guy08:26
GD1000uso it's a LAN wire from pc out to some common modem i assume08:27
Jordan_UGnea: What happens when you try to boot? Is the ubuntu directory on the same partition as "C:"? And how large is the found file?08:27
red2kicGD1000u: Don't know. If you're not using Wifi, then it is not keyring. Some people dislike them.08:27
DatzI see "linux-image-2.6.32-27-virtual" kernel, but iso download anywhere08:27
red2kicGD1000u: When I turn on my machine/laptop, I don't have to do anything. What is this "Connect" button you're talking about? Can you send screenshot?08:28
GneaJordan_U: the found file is a directory.... it looks like nothing is amiss... when I boot, NTLDR comes up like normal, when I choose Ubuntu, it's supposed to present me with the grub menu, but it never does, instead flashing an error message that I canNOT pause the system at in order to fully read it, and it goes back to the NTLDR menu08:29
GD1000uwell.. basically red2kic  when i right lcick on NETWORK CONNECTIONS and EDIT CONNECTIONS the first tab WIRED with the default setting doesn't work. I have to add anew coonection in the DSL tab with my uername and p.w and service name.. and that connection works sometimes on first try but most times aftert rying for loads and loads of times08:29
GD1000ui have no such problem with that username and pw/ on windows 708:29
tripelbI want to copy a DVD onto my hard drive. How do I do that? ((then I will want to find the video file and change it to something else, maybe smaller in .avi)08:30
dean__I have a really strange problem on my ubuntu work PC. When I come back to work on a monday morning I can't login via the lockscreen. I have to click "Switch user", click my username and log in that way. And then until I reboot I have to keep doing that whenever I lock my workstaton08:31
iflematripelb mount it      mount -o loop /path/to/iso /path/to/mount08:31
dean__Any ideas? Note: it only happens over the weekend. It could be weekend-related or the fact it's the only time my workstation is locked for more than 24hrs08:31
red2kicGD1000u: You want India channel. I can't help. :\08:32
juniourhey i have installed nmap but i cant find it help me08:32
Jordan_Udean__: Can you confirm that keyboard input is working correctly at the lock screen by leaving yourself a note?08:33
tripelbiflema -- I dont understand. Isn't a dvd mounted when I put it in the dvd drive?08:33
GD1000uwhat's india channel got to do with this red2kic ? sh o uldn't it be the same technology all over if cable guys try to connect in third world countries? :P08:33
red2kictripelb: Devede does not do the job?08:33
Jordan_Udean__: What exactly does happen when you try to unlock the screen normally?08:33
dean__Jordan_U, I can indeed.08:33
dean__It says incorrect password Jordan_U08:33
twiztidplease could someone give me some suggestions as to why ubuntu 10.10 flickers on my pc and not on my laptop, and ubuntu 11 doesn't?   ubuntu 10.10 even flickers while installing... ubuntu 11, never flickerd   and 10.10 is flawless and no flickering on my laptop... very weird08:33
dean__keyboard layout is 100% right though. I've tried the leave note trick :)08:33
tripelbred2kic, I am just trying to install devede to make the avi file into a dvd. will it also copy a dvd to the hard drive?08:33
GD1000uor... is it that there is anoher softwaer apart form the default network manager to connect better to networks?08:34
tripelbred2kic, can I put more than one avi file on the dvd?08:34
red2kicGD1000u: Different experiences. :) Not everybody are using the same technology. What you speak of -- I never had to deal with that. :P08:34
juniourhel pme08:34
Gnea!ask | juniour08:34
ubottujuniour: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:34
Jordan_U!helpme | juniour08:34
ubottujuniour: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude08:34
red2kictripelb: dvdbackup can back up the dvd to the hard drive. If you wish to convert it to something smaller, check out handbrake or ogmrip. That's just for starters.08:35
shubbarCan Avahi do what Samba does?08:35
GD1000uwell.. i to never had any problem red2kic with my previous provider because it was automatic login.. the moment the system started. this provider is local cable guy.. needs login08:35
Gneashubbar: what do you mean?08:35
tripelbred2kic, when I tried to download devede from the webpage I got a message that there is n older version in a repository and that would be better supported. Should I install the deb from the webpage or go look for the older version.08:35
juniouri have installed nmap but i cant find where it has been installed08:35
Jordan_Ujuniour: nmap is a terminal based application.08:35
Jordan_U!terminal | juniour08:35
ubottujuniour: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:35
shubbari want to make a file and print server08:35
tripelbred2kic, I go look for dvd backup08:35
Gneashubbar: and what leads you to think that avahi has anything to do with it?08:36
shubbarGnea, file and printer sharing with ubunt and windows pc08:36
luoluoluoi have a question, i want to do 3-Model-joint-query, can i do it cakephp way? or i can just use $this->query()? say i have 3 models of Place, Shop, Icon.  And Place hasmany shops, shop belongsToAndHasMany icons08:36
juniourjordan-U how to use that08:36
shubbarGnea, so what is Avahi?08:36
red2kictripelb: I don't regularly use devede but I remember putting many avi as i can on one single dvd for my brother or such. So I know it can deal with many avis. As for older or newer version, it's your call. What works for me in the past can work for you presently. Check ppa or getdeb if you want newer version,.08:36
Gneashachaf: it's more dns related08:37
Gneashubbar: it's more dns related08:37
red2kictripelb: dvdbackup is commandline. I know brasero can do the job of 1-on-1 copy.08:37
GD1000ured2kic, do you konw any proper guide to setup internet on ubuntu?08:37
juniourjordan_U how to use nmap08:38
shubbarGnea, so I need samba and not avahi, or does avahi simplifies the network connections?08:38
Gneajuniour: open a terminal and type: man nmap08:38
red2kicGD1000u: My Internet is different than your Internet. I only have to plug stuffs in and that's it. Thanks to DHCP.08:38
Gneashubbar: avahi is just a standard daemon that the system uses, it's sort of like an auto-registry for network daemons, so just forget about avahi and concentrate on samba08:39
GD1000uyea... that's why i wonder.. is there proper documentation to set up various kinds of net on ubuntu somewhere?08:39
GD1000ui tried googling without sucess08:39
tripelbred2kic, I have copied all of your good advice into a notes file and will continue to follow it up tomorrow. Thank you so much.08:39
shubbarGnea, thanks08:39
tripelbgood night gnea, and good luck08:39
twiztid...im not trying to bug, but it seems that the fact 10.10 flickers on pc and not my laptop AND that ubuntu 11 doesnt flicker on my pc, is a genuine clue as to what may be going on differently within it on my pc. What does ubuntu 11 do differently to not flicker on my pc, that i could check or change for ubuntu 10.10???08:39
Jon--There was a recent security patch for Adobe Flash. Unfortunately, I cannot find a 64-bit version available on http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/?no_redirect  Am I simply out of luck and most keep myself vulnerable to exploitation?08:39
red2kictripelb: No problem. With dvdbackup, you're able to write a script that automagically do stuffs + notify ; convert if necessary. ;)08:40
Gneatripelb: thanks, you too08:40
syn-ackJon--, Because there isn't one08:40
syn-ackI just run the 32 bit version.08:40
Jon--You can install the 32-bit version on Ubuntu 64-bit?08:40
Jon--I doubt that.08:41
Jordan_Ujuniour: What is your end goal? If you are not familiar with the basics of using the terminal then using nmap will be very difficult.08:41
syn-ackI have it installed right now, jon--08:41
syn-ackI don't understand why you think it's not possible08:41
Jon--Where can I find it in the repos?08:41
red2kicsyn-ack: Because it is like putting a car on the motorcycle? I don't know. :)08:41
syn-ackJon-- install ubuntu-restricted-extras08:41
GneaJon--: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit#How to make 32-bit application work on a 64-bit Operating System08:42
syn-ackFlash - Version: 10.1.10208:42
syn-ackShockwave Flash 10.1 r10208:42
syn-ackName:Shockwave Flash08:42
syn-ackVersion:10.1 r10208:42
FloodBot2syn-ack: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:42
syn-ackIm so sorry about that08:43
syn-ackcopied MUCH more than I intended08:43
GneaJordan_U: this is driving me mad - I checked and everything is where it should be08:43
Jon--syn-ack: I hate iced tea and I don't want to have to get around it. How do I get the newest 32-bit flash without doing ubuntu-restricted-extras ?08:44
GneaI've gone through dozens of howtos on ubuntuforums and elsewhere to figure out what steps to take when wubi doesn't boot at all08:44
syn-ackJon--, just install flash then08:45
Gneafor found.000, it says to restore them08:45
Gneabut there's nothign to restore08:45
syn-ackjon-- something like "adobeflash"08:45
twiztidubuntu 10.10 on pc (native and live) = flicker; ubuntu 10.10 on laptop (native) = no flicker; ubuntu 11 on pc (live) = no flicker... i hope that makes more sense08:45
syn-ackJon--, search for it with synaptic08:45
Jordan_UGnea: I can walk you through booting a wubi install manually from GRUB2 (installed on a flash drive or Super GRUB2 Disk CD).08:47
stealthcok having huge problems with NTFS partition and permissions08:47
red2kictwiztid: You can read release notes -- but that may not be much. Could be kernel. Lot of bugs get fixed over time.08:47
stealthctrying to run a .sh bash script and it says permissions denied....08:47
stealthcI cannot run the script with sudo because it screws things up.08:47
syn-ackstealthc, that's because linux can't set the execute bit and NTFS doesn't recognise UNIX file perms08:48
GneaJordan_U: perhaps tomorrow, I'm just too tired to keep up at this point08:48
Jordan_Ustealthc: bash /path/to/script.sh08:48
twiztidred2kic: thank you! ok, would it be wise to run the ubuntu 11 kernel in ubuntu 10.10 on my pc?08:48
syn-acktwiztid, no08:48
red2kic!notes | twiztid08:48
ubottutwiztid: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101008:48
GneaJordan_U: thanks for the offer, if you'll take a raincheck I can be on later08:49
syn-acktwiztid, wait till thing's stabilise with it before running the backport. imo, of course.08:49
Jon--how do I search through my installed packages?08:49
red2kictwiztid: Best to get on launchpad and start hunting down your bugs -- Find descriptions that matched you -- and see if you have similiar cards, etc.08:49
Jordan_UGnea: OK. The next release of Super GRUB2 Disk will have an option to boot Wubi installs automatically, and should be released within the next week or so (whenever GRUB 1.99 is released).08:50
twiztidsyn-ack: have you heard much about the polling options?   someone here told me a few weeks ago to try the drm_kms_helper.poll=0 workaround to troubleshoot the flickering, but then went on to say my kernel doesnt support it...  =/08:50
Jordan_UGnea: Then you won't need to do it manually :)08:50
twiztidred2kic: thank you i think ill just go ahead and try filling a new bug...08:51
doug_has anyone tried ubuntu 10.10 desktop on new macbook air 11.608:51
doug_having graphic card problem08:51
red2kictwiztid: Okay. :)08:51
syn-acktwiztid, I would suggest doing what red2kic suggested since I cannot recommend running the backport, however I have heard of it08:51
doug_plz anyone suggest08:51
doug_what to do08:52
doug_anyone plz?08:53
sarge1221Hi does anyone on here happen to know if Ultimate edition has a IRC cahnnel?08:53
null-ngonany engineers in the room?08:53
doug_anybody having graphic card resolution issue while installing Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop on MacBook Air 11.6 ?08:54
twiztidsyn-ack: ok thn sounds good, maybe ill be of some valuable information hence the flickering is basically isolated to one machine and disto...   would it hurt to just t r y the polling option? and if so, where exactly do i put it?08:54
null-ngonwhat turns 90 degrees, with a spring snapping to the center, and locking after each full turn?08:55
kleopatrahi, where exactly can i switch off the sreensaver? every time i watch a video on youtube ubuntu thinks im idle and i get a black screen moreover i have to type password. id like to turn that off08:55
chaospsychexyou do know that this is a ubuntu support channel, null-ngon ?08:55
jojonchiotte mec08:55
null-ngonwrong channel08:56
syn-acktwiztid, Really, I can't give any support on that since it's out of line08:57
red2kicdoug_: You are the pioneer. Report your issues and write them down on wiki.08:57
twiztidsyn-ack: ok then well thank you anyway... much appreciated08:58
doug_anybody having graphic card resolution issue while installing Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop on MacBook Air 11.6 ?08:58
twiztidred2kic: thank you too! late08:58
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sabri_icone_bonjour tous le monde09:00
sarge1221I have a question conerning the graphics for ubuntu 10.04. I installed ultimate edition 2.6 and love the theme. My only complaint is when the theme is on I can't see drop down bar selectors for websites until i click on them. Look here to see what I mean> http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/9972/screenshot1fj.png09:01
sarge1221Does anyone have a work around to make it display the text so i don't have to keep clicking bars to see what I select in the bars?09:02
DNDi have a command here that should create raid 1: sudo mdadm /dev/md0 --create --auto yes -l raid1 -n 2 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc09:03
red2kicsarge1221: Pick a different theme or modifiy your theme. Ultimate Edition 2.7 came out too. That being said, you should just use Ubuntu. Rly. :)09:03
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DNDbut it says: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=kHeRFSfS09:03
red2kicsarge1221: Look in ~/.themes or /usr/share/themes/ and copy them -- Make new theme. Modify. You just have to find where. :\09:04
sarge1221red2kic, Thanks.09:06
red2kicsarge1221: No problem. I did that for my theme. Loved everything but bold on Applications,Places,System.09:07
macsimhi, anybody knows how I can read my rss feed with differents computer and keep it sync ? more or less like imap do, I read a feed in one computer and it's mark as read and the other computers ? thanks09:08
red2kicmacsim: Use web-based RSS reader?09:09
macsimred2kic, in fact I prefer to not use google reader, netvibes etc...09:09
red2kicmacsim: Well, sync it using Dropbox or create a rsync script.09:09
macsimred2kic, ok I though about dropbox but I wonder if there is an other solution, I will try with dropbox so, thanks09:10
sabri_icone_Hi, Good morning where i can find an IRC dedied for Unix system09:10
sabri_icone_or ubuntu server09:10
asfjiohello guys! i'm with Ubuntu 8.10. do you think if i try to update it many things will broke? i want to update, becase have many things to configure if i choose to install a fresh new ubuntu. can i go only with the updates?09:12
red2kicmacsim: I can imagine there will be some kind of clash if both apps are open -- so try not to do that.09:13
psycho_oreosasfjio, upgrading to another version isn't going to be clean, so one has to assume some things won't work quite right..09:13
h-deeasfjio: You can copy the config files for most of the apps and your theme/appearance settings. There are hidden directories which keep keep such files in Home directory. Check it!09:14
chaospsychexit's best to do a clean install of a new version?09:14
red2kicasfjio: Upgrade ; Upgrade ; Upgrade ; Upgrade ; Upgrade ; What? That's crazy. Just back up /home/asfjio and /etc/ -- That's it.09:14
DNDi have a command here that should create raid 1: sudo mdadm /dev/md0 --create --auto yes -l raid1 -n 2 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc09:15
macsimred2kic, ok in fact I want to sync it between my office computer, personal laptop and home computer09:15
DNDbut it says: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=kHeRFSfS09:15
h-deeasfjio: However, one can't be sure of whether those apps would be compatible with latest Ubuntu. But, you may still give a try. But yes, go for clean installation09:15
red2kicmacsim: Right now, I use Dropbox to sync my ~/bin -- It works fine for me so far. I never had tried Firefox or Thunderbird through that. Was worrying about corrupted database or similar.09:15
sarge1221red2kic, Any idea what folder items are causing me to not see the text? Would it be progressbar or possibly scroll bar?09:16
doug_anybody having graphic card resolution issue while installing Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop on MacBook Air 11.6 ?09:16
macsimred2kic, hum oki a mozilla sync like for liferea could be a killer app ;)09:16
alteregoadnd yeah and?09:16
chaospsychexumm when did 11.04 come out?09:16
chaospsychexi installed 10.1009:16
alteregoainstall mdadm first09:16
alteregoasudo apt-get install mdadm09:16
chaospsychexhow do i have 11.04?09:17
alteregoathen make the command09:17
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red2kicsarge1221: Not sure. I think you're looking at combobox. You want experts theme designers. Sometimes Appearances Preferences allows you change little things at a time. I remember there are a package for that but it's hard to use from my opinion.09:17
doug_<alteregoa>, <red2kic> can u give me a quick advice please09:17
red2kicmacsim: I use Thunderbird for my mail + rss. :)09:17
red2kicmacsim: and calendar!09:17
alteregoaand then go to usr/share/mdadm and type mkconf >/etc/mdadm.conf09:18
franzceis there a motion wallpaper?09:18
franzceis it possible?09:18
macsimred2kic, I use it too for mail+calendar but I don't really like the rss in thunderbird09:18
chaospsychexis there a command to see what version of ubuntu is installed?09:18
alteregoa./mkconf >/etc/mdadm.conf09:18
naftilos76hi everyone, i have an IP camera which i can access through its' web interface and configure it to save still images when motion is detected to an ftp server etc. I have been able to get a video preview through vlc by accessing the camera's ip like this: . The video stream is compressed in MJPEG according to vlc video properties menu. I want to save that video stream to a hd but i don't know how. Can09:18
naftilos76anyone help?09:18
red2kicchaospsychex: lsb_release -a09:18
psycho_oreoschaospsychex, lsb_release -a09:18
alteregoai rather to use the actual mdadm, i don't know if ubuntu has it in09:18
alteregoai use a debian mdadm version 3.x09:19
red2kicmacsim: One less app, I suppose. Yeah. I don't like liferea at all. We're different. :)09:19
cowo22_cari_ceis anybody here have ever installed backtrack?09:19
bradgWeird, I do too, chaos.09:19
chaospsychexbradg: ?09:19
psycho_oreoscowo22_cari_ce, not a suitable question in this channel, ask in #backtrack-linux09:19
franzceguys, is possible that wallpaper can be motioned?09:19
red2kicfranzce: Change wallpaper every 30min?09:20
alteregoait means you have to install the packet manually by getting into the debian archives and search for mdadm 309:20
chaospsychexumm this is weird. lsb_release -a says i have 10.10 installed but if i click on 'about ubuntu' it says i am using 11.04 ?09:20
chaospsychexi installed 10.1009:20
bradgYou are using Ubuntu 11.0409:20
bradg                - the Natty Narwhal - released in April 2011 and supported until October 2012.09:20
franzcered2kic: i mean your wallpaper is moving09:20
macsimred2kic, yep ;) thanks for your advice anyway09:20
franzcered2kic: like  a moving river09:20
chaospsychexwhat the hell?! lol it's not even out yet09:21
red2kicfranzce: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/09/14/animated-wallpaper-with-compiz-fusion-on-ubuntu/09:21
franzcered2kic: yes?09:21
chaospsychexhow can we be using it if it's not even out untill april09:21
red2kicfranzce: Yes, use compiz, I guess.09:21
franzcered2kic: is it possible?09:21
asfjiored2kic: if i backup /etc/ i'm not sure i can just paste it then, right?09:21
chaospsychexmust be a glitch09:21
bradgIt's just a typo, I'm sure.09:21
alteregoaanimated wall... well i want animated graffittis in my village09:21
red2kicfranzce: It is already possible -- but not good idea -- You get distracted by lolol things.09:21
red2kicfranzce: You have to find a video then you play that through loop.09:22
asfjiopsycho_oreos: i have a postgres installed and importand databases. i should find where the files are staying in order to backup them, right?09:22
franzcered2kic: is there an guide on that in the net?09:23
red2kicasfjio: I can suggest you to try https://launchpad.net/deja-dup09:23
franzcered2kic: why are you saying that is distracting?09:23
red2kicasfjio: See if you have deja-dup in the repo. It'll take care of unncessary items and /etc/, $HOME too.09:24
psycho_oreosasfjio, I don't have any experience with postgres, but yes. I personally recommend backing up important files should the upgrade go astray or you are unhappy with the upgraded version09:24
red2kicasfjio: You don't have to *plop* the files back in -- It's good to have backup, and yes, you can *plop* the files back in -- but newer versions mean newer configuration options. Keep that in mind09:24
sarge1221red2kic, I found the problem is under the controls preference. Only problem is that pretty much guts everything I like about the theme. XD09:25
red2kicfranzce: It's just my opinion. I'm entitled to that. I think it'll just hog your CPU. I find Firefox internet more fun than a trickling river.09:25
asfjiored2kic: understand your point.09:26
red2kicsarge1221: Try shiki theme. I like them. Maybe we have something in common. :) http://tinyurl.com/68us5t609:27
osirisHas anyone had any problems using PPTP VPN?09:28
red2kicfranzce: Yes, there are a guide on net. "animated wallpaper, compiz" -- You should get few good links.09:28
osirisI finally connected to a windows PPTP last night but couldnt for the life of me RDP to any workstation09:28
franzcered2kic: tnx a lot09:29
sarge1221red2kic, Okay i'll give that theme a shot. Looks way better then most I've seen.09:29
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red2kicsarge1221: Btw, Ultimate Ubuntu Edition is... not that great at all. It's just lot of extra packages installed -- More than you need them, probably.09:31
asfjiored2kic, psycho_oreos, h-dee: thank you for your time. by the way how much time approximately the installation will took?09:31
sarge1221red2kic, I really only liked it because its easy on the eyes compared to most of those bright bleach white colored themes.09:32
duron23intel 865G drivers not working in ubuntu 10.0409:32
duron23any solution09:32
duron23geting pixlet while playing videos09:32
duron23intel 865G drivers not working in ubuntu 10.04, geting pixlet while playing videos, any solution ?09:32
psycho_oreosasfjio, it varies, depending on your connection speed, the latency between you and the ubuntu repository, your computer and notably hard drive speed09:32
h-deeasfjio: Well on a speedy system...arnd 15-20 mins or so.09:33
red2kicasfjio: As long as it need to take. It varies for every person. Download speed. How good are you with linux? Some people have scripts that automagically set up everything.09:33
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hammeranyone who knows a console app to display current joystick positions!?09:36
asfjiopsycho_oreos, h-dee, red2kic: not so good with linux. anyway i also want to install some lightweight window manager, do you have suggestions on something different from gnome and is it possible. the problem is that the machine is not new and is a bit slow. thats the reason.09:37
sarge1221red2kic, Anything like this for version 10.04? http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Cobra?content=5869909:37
vltasfjio: lxde09:38
psycho_oreosasfjio, there are xfce as xubuntu-desktop and also lxde as lubuntu-desktop09:38
red2kicsarge1221: My eyes! O_O09:38
duron23intel 865G drivers not working in ubuntu 10.04, geting pixlet while playing videos, any solution ?09:38
red2kicsarge1221: Sure, you can download that. If it said GTk2 -- then yes, you can download Cobra.09:38
sarge1221red2kic, will that run on 10.04?09:38
duron233d acceleration not working with intel 865G chipset, any solutions ?09:39
doug_seems there is no solution to install Ubuntu on Macbook 11.709:39
red2kicsarge1221: That's irrelevant -- but yes, Gnome uses gtk2.09:39
doug_noone knows an answer09:39
tizzhi everybody! i just set a host in /etc/hosts for virtualhosts with apache for web development. i can ping the host but when i try it with firefox it doesn't work, it seems to look at the dns server and not at my host-file. what do i do wrong?09:40
asfjiopsycho_oreos: what is the difference between l/x ubuntu-desktop? please, excuse my ignorance.09:40
red2kicdoug_: What issues are you having exactly?09:40
doug_Red2kic - this is video resolution issue09:41
doug_i can show on youtube09:41
psycho_oreosasfjio, different User Interface, just the structures is different, xfce is a little like a cut down version of gnome whereas lxde is much like a leaner version of kde (some rumours say that its like kde 2.x)09:41
red2kicasfjio: Ubuntu uses GNOME. Lubuntu uses LXDE. Kubuntu uses KDE.09:41
red2kicdoug_: Sure.09:41
TaosAnyone know how I can fix my ubuntu install? It boots but fails at nvidea proprietory drivers and I get left with a purple screen09:41
WNDEMONmobibot: weather ZBAA09:41
red2kic!desktop | asfjio09:42
ubottuasfjio: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors09:42
vlttizz: Tried with "http://" and trailing "/"?09:42
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ajmalhow can i pass parameters in struts209:42
sarge1221red2kic, wait so if themes aren't version based does that mean i could use this version instead of 2.6? http://ultimateedition.info/ultimate-edition/ultimate-edition-2-4/ I like that version better then the new one anyways.09:42
alteregoapress ctrl-alt-f109:42
dylan_noktum my pppoe dsl connection that i set up with the network wiget keeps disconecting then reconecting with this msg  pppd[5420]: No response to 3 echo-requests and pppd[2406]: Terminating on signal 15 any one know why09:43
Ilpo_Lmy distro upgrade 10.04 -> 10.10 just went totally wrong, any help appreciated09:43
ajmalanyone can help me09:43
skyfirewhen i play stream media and play at fb games my ubuntu 10.10  "HANGS"09:43
Taosalteregoa: lemmi reboot and try that09:43
alteregoanah you don't need to reboot09:43
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alteregoado it now!09:43
tizzvlt, yes, it's added automatically in FF09:44
Ilpo_LI tried to do it from the update manager... it reported some problems and said a "partial upgrade" was possible09:44
red2kicsarge1221: If you want to use older versions -- that's fine. I was referring to themes. You can use gtk2 themes on Gnome because Gnome use gtk2. So basically, cobra gtk2 will work just fine with hardy. UE2.4 -- Seems like older versions so you could be update everything and roll back to now.09:44
dylan_noktum my pppoe dsl connection that i set up with the network wiget keeps disconecting then reconecting with this msg  pppd[5420]: No response to 3 echo-requests and pppd[2406]: Terminating on signal 15 any one know why09:44
dylan_noktumops sorry09:44
luftikus1Ilpo_L: A qualified help is only possible if you report an error message.09:44
alteregoawell go with a stable operating system like debian09:44
red2kicsarge1221: Why don't you use Ubuntu Desktop edition? And install things as you go?09:44
abhinav_singh1how to change shell in ubuntu?09:45
duron23hi people intel 865G drivers not working in ubuntu 10.04, geting pixlet while playing videos, any solution09:45
Ilpo_Lso I tried that and everything seemed ok. Howevever upon restart I couldn't log in09:45
asfjiopsycho_oreos, red2kic, ubottu, vlt: thank you again! will look how to backup my evolution offline folders and will give a try. thanks!09:45
vlttizz: Then I don't know. Does "wget" work?09:45
Ilpo_Lluftikus1: yea, I'll try to explain09:45
Muelliabhinav_singh1: chsh09:45
Niglopis there any usenet software for linux?09:45
MuelliNiglop: yes09:45
sarge1221red2kic, So because 2.4 is 9.10 based I cant use that one instead?09:46
NiglopMuelli› what..09:46
tizzvlt, no, wget, w3m... nothing but a ping works09:46
Ilpo_LI can log in with just shell and noticed I'm missing (for example) ubuntu-desktop09:46
vlttizz: Maybe FireFox tries to be smart and use DNS when the virtual host doesn't return anything ...09:46
red2kicasfjio: evolution files are in /home/asfjio -- So you would be already backing up evolution if you use the deja dup. That's fine. :)09:46
Ilpo_Ldpkg -l gives un for it09:46
alteregoaniglop: nzbsnbd09:46
alteregoaor something09:46
MuelliNiglop: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=usenet+client+linux09:46
tizzvlt, but if i do localhost:80 in FF it works, so the server runs correctly09:46
red2kicsarge1221: http://tinyurl.com/yakct3309:46
NiglopMuelli› this is a help channel you fucking idiot09:47
red2kicsarge1221: Ultimate Edition is just a derivative. Somebody made it out of boredom.09:47
Ilpo_Ltrying to install with apt-get -f install ubuntu-desktop gives a list of "Depends" stuff but comments on them that "is not going to be installed"09:47
CJackdanst_, hi are you here?09:47
red2kic!derivatives | sarge122109:47
ubottusarge1221: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition09:47
Ilpo_LI also checked the /etc/apt/sources.list and it's the same as before (lucid repos)09:48
doug_<red2kic> please check http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV150cmP4IY09:48
red2kicsarge1221: Somebody took it -- and played around it. Installed things. Changed themes. Played more. Messed things up a little. Then he call it ULTIMATE UBUNTU EDITION. Whoo.09:49
ajmalHai all what will be the channel for java09:49
red2kicdoug_: Looking at it now.09:49
alteregoawell ubuntu as a desk os isnt working09:49
puppyI also dont like the blue themes of Ultimate Edition 2.809:49
ajmalanyone can help me09:50
CJackHello, i need help with graphic drivers, ihave ubuntu 10.10 gnome, when i instal graphic drivers i loose my screen. i need to chnage this file sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf -w to get my screen back, but its looks crazy and no graphic drivers installed again. Help please!09:50
puppyI feel 2.7 better than 2.809:50
dylan_noktumi have pppd 2.4.5 on my system so any one know what would be doing it?09:50
sarge1221red2kic, yeah I get the part about the gui customizations. I just wanted 2.4 if it was possible to install a 9.10 base in a 10.04 base. I'm assuming it is no longer possible due to certain changes in versions. in that case i'll try cobra since he seems close to what i am looking for.09:50
wmorriajmal: I just got here, do you have a question for us?09:51
red2kicdoug_: I see it.09:52
ajmalI need to know the channel for java09:52
red2kicdoug_: What version?09:52
doug_<red2kic> 10.10 desktop, installing 10.04 now and got the same09:52
itguruRoll on 11.04 - If there are any devs in here, your making me look *REALLY* good at work, and an absolute genius to friends and family - We purchased a handful of netbooks (collectively as a family and friends, I'm not that rich), and I installed netbook edition on them, they all work flawlessly, and everyone loves the new desktop - So, well done! :)09:52
wmorriajmal: okay hang on a second09:52
* itguru says sorry for the big post09:52
red2kicsarge1221: Ask someone for the theme in UE2.4 -- It's just few files. :o09:53
doug_<red2kic> any idea?09:53
red2kicdoug_: Yes. Are you done installing?09:53
wmorriajmal: I would go to #ubuntu-java09:53
ajmalk thank you09:54
doug_<red2kic> ya 10.10 results into that and 10.04 somewhat the same09:54
wmorriajmal: your welcome09:54
red2kicdoug_: Okay. Try this. (Are you on Macbook Air?)09:54
doug_<red2kic> yes new 11.6 one09:54
Ilpo_Lso any idea what's going on here:09:55
Ilpo_Lsudo apt-get install -f ubuntu-desktop09:55
Ilpo_LYou might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:09:55
Ilpo_LThe following packages have unmet dependencies:09:55
Ilpo_Lubuntu-desktop : Depends: gdebi but it is not going to be installed09:55
FloodBot2Ilpo_L: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:55
red2kicdoug_: You'll stay on if I tell you to reboot or you'll be gone? :o09:55
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Ilpo_Lah, sorry bout paste09:55
doug_<red2kic> oh i'm on other desktop09:55
red2kicdoug_: Okay. That's what I wanted to know. Try rebooting Macbook Air. HOLD SHIFT until you see grub. Then I want you to press e (for edit, I think).09:56
wmorriIlpo_L: it seems that some packages aren't installed correctly and that will try to fix them.09:56
red2kicIlpo_L: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these unmet dependencies.09:57
red2kicIlpo_L: I couldn't say it better.09:57
CJackneed help with graphic drivers09:57
wmorriCJack: i don't know that much about X11 but I can try and help/09:57
Ilpo_Lred2kic: I did run it with -f09:58
Ilpo_Lthat's what makes me confused... telling me to do what I just did09:58
CJack<wmorri> i need help with graphic drivers, ihave ubuntu 10.10 gnome, when i instal graphic drivers i loose my screen. i need to chnage this file sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf -w to get my screen back, but its looks crazy and no graphic drivers installed again.09:58
red2kicIlpo_L: With sudo?09:58
doug_<red2kic> nah, SHIFT didn't help, I see ubuntu boots anyway09:58
dylan_noktum my pppoe dsl connection that i set up with the network wiget keeps disconecting then reconecting with this msg  pppd[5420]: No response to 3 echo-requests and pppd[2406]: Terminating on signal 15 any one know why?09:58
red2kicIlpo_L: Try "sudo apt-get reinstall gdebi"09:59
CJackwmorri i have very old graphic card, its ge force 4 mx440-se09:59
red2kicdoug_: Okay. Can you see Ubuntu Air LCD just fine to type few things?09:59
wmorriCJack: Are you looking to install open or closed source drivers?09:59
ajmalHow can i pass parameters in struts2?09:59
CJackwmorri, i donwloaded the driver from here http://www.nvidia.co.uk/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-uk09:59
ajmalanyone can help me?10:00
mookneyis it possible to find the IP address of a mounted (windows) network shared directory?10:00
wmorriCJack: if you go to system -> Admin -> Additional drivers is there anything listed?10:00
doug_<red2kic> i can try to type but i'm not sure if i'll see anything :) it's just distorted too much... 10.10 was a bit better, now i'm on 10.04 and screen looks even more ugly, it's totally messed10:00
wmorri ajmal: how can we help you?10:01
red2kicdoug_: Hold CTRL + ALT + F1. You see a black wall now?10:01
doug_<red2kic> hold on please i'll boot it again10:01
red2kicdoug_: You broke that shiny new toy. Send it my way. *Cough, cough* ;)10:02
ajmalI need to know about parameter passing in j2ee web application using struts2 framwork10:02
doug_<red2kic> I hate that macos toy really :)10:02
CJackwmorri before i installed anything there was emty, i intalled driver, and it says it works good, i rebooted my pc to get the effect and i couldnt get to my screen antmore, im stuck somethere like terminal and nothing else10:02
wmorriajmal: does this have to do with java by chance?10:02
doug_<red2kic> OS X is toy really if compare to Ubuntu10:02
doug_<red2kic> ok i'm on blacnk screen10:03
Ilpo_Lred2kic: can't install gdebi either, get a similar error message complaining about missing gdebi-core (which of course will not be installed)10:03
red2kicdoug_: With premium prices instead of free packages.10:03
doug_<red2kic> i bet this is terminal :) lol10:03
mookneyis it possible to find the IP address of a mounted (windows) network shared directory?10:03
red2kic!tty | doug_10:03
ubottudoug_: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.10:03
wmorriajmal: was anyone at the #ubuntu-java channel?10:03
red2kicdoug_: It is a virtual console. :)  Yes, terminal, sure. It's more of a virtual console. Anyway. Login.10:03
ajmalI joined but there is no replay10:03
doug_<red2kic> ok i'm there10:04
Ilpo_Land trying to install that gives missing notifications for python-apt and python-debian...10:04
taosEvery time I reboot to complete the installation of my nvidea drivers I get stuck at the purple screen and I can't go to a terminal...10:04
wmorriCJack: so you are stuck in terminal now, what happens when you try the command startx?10:04
doug_<red2kic> what do u have in mind please :)10:05
red2kicdoug_: "whereis grub grub2" -- Which line spew out? I need to know which grub you're using.10:05
ajmal[wmorry] can you help me?10:05
CJackNvidia: failed to load the nvidia kernel module10:05
red2kicIlpo_L: You might have to reinstall "gdebi-core" first.10:06
doug_<red2kic> i see Log...Rorr;c....10:06
wmorriajmal:  I don't know java, but I am seeing if there is a link I can find to help you10:06
FlynsarmyHas anyone else noticed MSN file transfers not working on latest version of pidgin?10:06
red2kicdoug_: grub or grub2? Which? :o10:06
doug_<red2kic> i can't see dear, I'm blame10:06
doug_<red2kic> screen is all distorted10:06
taosFlynsarmy:  msn recently updates some junk everything is broken in odd ways till it gets fixed10:06
Flynsarmytaos: :(10:07
CJack<wmorri> fatal server error, no screen found, failed to load nvidia kernel module,10:07
Flynsarmytaos: it's actually been like this for a month or so for one or two versions of pidgin10:07
red2kicdoug_: Okay. You want to try and append nomodeset to your kernel line. See if that works. You can't read the words?10:07
doug_<red2kic> installer with F6 option to lower res worked... can we switch to lower res with some command in terminal maybe?10:07
taosFlynsarmy:  your only problem is msn, mine is with graphics10:07
CJack<wmorri> fatal server error, no screen found, failed to load nvidia kernel module,  using config file "/ect/X11/xorg.conf"10:07
wmorriajmal: I don't really know what is a good and bad link for you. I would recommend searching for j2eee using struts2/10:07
red2kicdoug_: As long as you can read it, sure.10:07
doug_<red2kic> Yes, I installed with nomodeset and install wizard was fine, however after booting i'm into that problem10:07
sarge1221red2kic, I cannot believe this cobra has exactly the same issue as ultimate ubuntu 2.6.10:08
doug_<red2kic> and i'm new to Linux as well10:08
wmorriCJack: hmm, I am not an expert here but let me see if I can find something on that.10:08
red2kicdoug_: You mean you added 'nomodeset' during the livecd before you install it?10:08
doug_<red2kic> Yes, otherwise even install wizard screen was all messed10:09
red2kicsarge1221: You don't really have an issue. You're complaning about this little thing which can be easily solved with some decent dark theme. You have visual issues if you don't mind my asking?10:09
doug_<red2kic> is there any command to switch to nomodeset now from terminal?10:09
taosCJack:  you got the nvidea propritery drivers installed?10:10
red2kicdoug_: That is it. Your solution right there. You ran it. You just need to add nomodeset to your kernel at startup and edit grub to make it permanent.10:10
red2kicdoug_: You added it for livecd, but not for installation. :)10:10
ajmalThank you10:10
taosred2kic:  that doesn't always work, I tried it and got nothing10:10
wmorriajmal: your welcome10:10
Ilpo_Lred2kic: following the dependencies I got to python-apt, where it just says "python-apt : Depends: libapt-inst-libc6.10-6-1.1"10:11
CJacktaos, yea, one guy said that my graphic card is too old10:11
doug_<red2kic> please advice what do to10:11
red2kictaos: grub2? You ran "update-grub2" too?10:11
Ilpo_Lbut still won't install it10:11
Hansi_Hi! Can anyone tell me, what the 2 lines wme_ie= and ath_ie= in an iwlist s command tell me?10:11
taosred2kic: I booted using nomodeset and still never got a screen or terminal10:11
taosbrb wish me luck10:11
logophobiahey, how do I find out which radeon driver I am using? I have a new PC with a 6950 card, but I think it's still running in VGA mode.10:11
Ilpo_Lalso it complains about some missing depends for the network-manager... and I have no idea what that has got to do with installing python-apt???10:12
red2kicdoug_: I need to know if you're on grub or grub2, Try this... for grub1, "cat /boot/grub/menu.lst" -- Anything came up?10:12
tizzhi all! it seems that my entries in /etc/hosts are completely ignored. even if i redirect a site to localhost to block it, it remains accessable. could this be because i am behind a proxy server?10:12
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mookneyis it possible to find the IP address of a mounted network share? if yes, how?10:12
doug_<red2kic> nothing10:12
red2kicdoug_: Okay. Maybe you're on grub2. (I'm installing grub2 on my laptop).10:13
red2kicdoug_: "sudo nano /etc/default/grub" -- I think. You see it?10:14
red2kicdoug_: Wait a minute if you can. Grub2 installing.10:14
doug_<red2kic> i see10:14
red2kicdoug_: Yes, "sudo nano /etc/default/grub" -- You see lines, right?10:14
ciccioubiondinsalve a tutti10:15
doug_<red2kic> ya, most or all of them are commented out10:15
ciccioubiondinc'è nessuno?10:15
amitis there any way to protect use of cd/dvd through paasword when any one put cd/dvd into cd/dvd tray.I mean opening any cd/dvd to play firstly requires password10:15
Procesxcze mam problemik na ubuntu mandarine 10 po przejciu do pracy ze stanu upienia zostaje czarny ekran ?? pomoecie10:16
wmorriCJack: you can try running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org. That might fix the problem you card is really old.10:16
red2kicdoug_: Okay. Add nomodeset to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT10:16
anusinghAbhiJit: hello dude10:16
red2kicdoug_: In the quotes.10:16
ciccioubiondinanyone can contact me in private10:16
ciccioubiondini want tell he a question10:17
red2kicdoug_: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet nomodeset" <---10:17
ciccioubiondinabout xchat10:17
AbhiJit!ask | ciccioubiondin10:17
ubottuciccioubiondin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:17
AbhiJitanusingh, hi10:17
crackereranybody know how to correctly identify the temperature of Athlon II x3 440 using msi 880gma-e45 motherboard?10:17
red2kicdoug_: "CTRL + O" to save.    "CTRL + X" to exit.10:17
Procesxwhere i must to go for polish ??10:17
doug_<red2kic> added.10:17
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doug_<red2kic> done10:18
anusinghAbhiJit: dear i am abhishek here. issue: how to connect usb modem in ubuntu10:18
red2kicdoug_: Now, run "update-grub" -- Maybe you need sudo. Not sure.10:18
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schnuffle1Procesx: /join#ubuntu-pl10:18
AbhiJitanusingh, no idea. there is indian ubuntu channel you can join by typing /j #ubuntu-in10:18
doug_<red2kic> ya it did something on 3 line10:18
Procesxhey this is my first time people be a humans10:18
doug_<red2kic> generating .... and done10:19
anusinghAbhiJit: thanx10:19
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schnuffle1Procesx: so you met the wrong people :)10:19
Procesxhehehe yes im searching for polish people10:19
wmorriProcesx: if you are looking for the polish channel try #ubuntu-pl.10:20
doug_<red2kic> reboot?10:20
red2kicdoug_: "sudo cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | less"10:20
Procesxthanks :) big thanks :)10:20
wmorriProcesx: your welcome10:20
doug_<red2kic> i see some code and : at the end10:20
red2kicdoug_: Look around. Look for something like "linux /vmlinuxz" etc... at end, there should be nomodeset10:20
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doug_<red2kic> no way sorry, screen is all distorted10:21
red2kicdoug_: "sudo cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep nomodeset" -- Try that.10:21
red2kicdoug_: It'll highlight for you. :)10:21
red2kicdoug_: You see linux /vmlinuz26... stuff stuff stuff nomodeset ?10:22
doug_<red2kic> i can't see anything, as i said screen is all distorted, I'm unable to see anything10:22
red2kicdoug_: Okay. Try reboot.>_>10:22
doug_<red2kic> :) it's just messed up\10:22
doug_<red2kic> is there any way to build the installation package with nomodeset?10:23
doug_<red2kic> i'll burn the new CD than10:23
doug_<red2kic> oh cool I see now ":) ghehe10:23
doug_<red2kic> it's fine !! nomodeset is there, i see OS normally10:24
schnuffle1doug_: how about using a usb stick saves you cds10:24
red2kicdoug_: Err, I don't know. Not sure. :o10:24
red2kicdoug_: I know. :)10:24
doug_<red2kic> thanks that was super! what can i do next please10:25
Taoswhats the cmd for doing all updates?10:25
doug_<red2kic> wireless driver not installed10:25
coz_doug_,  out of curiosity  are you typing  <red2kic>  and then typing your message?10:26
doug_<coz_> ya :) why10:26
red2kiccoz_: I hope not. That thing does not get hihglighted. :(10:26
red2kic!tab | doug_10:26
ubottudoug_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:26
coz_doug_,  ok that will  not get his attention   type   red2  then hit tab to complete10:27
doug_red2kic: ok i see now :) hehe thx!10:27
coz_doug_,  there you go10:27
doug_red2kic: so what can i do with this expensive toy now :)10:28
ShapeShifter499I need help10:28
=== schnuffle1 is now known as schnuffle
CJackwmorri , it says that xserver-org paket is not installed so no information found10:28
red2kicdoug_: Gift-wrap. I could use one. :)10:29
ShapeShifter499cron doesn't seem to be running anything10:29
ShapeShifter499how do I fix this?10:29
Asad2005can someone please help get my mic working. ubuntu 10.10 64bit MB asus M4A89GTD PRO built in sound system. I tried to change almost everything in sound prefrences to no avail10:29
red2kicdoug_: I love the hardware -- but I don't want to shell out money for that. :( Pretty please? ;)10:29
doug_red2kic: i'll play with it a bit :) than fedex ... shoot your addr10:29
wmorriCJack: sorry for leaving, I am not really sure how to help. I just don't know enough about the X11 server.10:29
schnuffleShapeShifter499: check if crond running: sudo ps aux | grep cron10:30
CJackanyone else? :(10:30
ShapeShifter499schnuffle ok http://pastebin.com/iH5dSDJt10:31
ShapeShifter499seems to be up10:31
ShapeShifter499schnuffle this is my current cron file   http://pastebin.com/vfYMJZDd10:31
red2kicdoug_: I can't tell if you're joking or not. I know I shouldn't get my hope up. :'(  First thing to do? Install ssh.10:32
doug_red2kic:  i do for sure :) i'd fedex though if i had the other one10:33
schnuffleShapeShifter499: which file is it? Is it a file in /etc/dron.d or a user crontab?10:33
bullgard4Can someone recommend an article about the limitations (deficiencies) of the SQL Database Browser program »sqlitebrowser«?10:33
doug_red2kic: can i upgrade to 10.10 from 10.04 later?10:34
ShapeShifter499schnuffle I guess its a crontab     was created via "crontab -e"10:34
red2kicdoug_: You can upgrade. I hate upgrading. The true linux distro does not have versions.10:34
CJackNedd help with graphic drivers10:35
red2kicdoug_: I'm on Arch -- but I like helping people out. I suppose you could install 10.10 and do the same thing -- Just had to append nomodeset.10:35
schnuffleShapeShifter499: Okay, I'm not sure about a user crontab, but I think reboot task will better work in a cron file placed in /etc/cron.d10:35
doug_red2kic: i'll install 10.10 most likely... just wondering if i can have my wireless and graphic card drivers to install from where i am now10:36
Guest21298i'm having issues with networkmanagers dispatcher.d, I can't get it to run my script. perms are 755, it's a reg file, not writeable by group or other, it's executable, it has 99 at it's start and is owned by root. it has /bin/touch /home/marsh/xxx but the file is not appearing. can anyone help me out with a pointer?10:37
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, so how would I go with that, just create a new file via nano or gedit and save it there?10:37
red2kicred: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes#Working%20around%20bugs%20in%20the%20new%20kernel%20video%20architecture10:37
red2kicErr, Oops.10:37
red2kicdoug_: See above.10:37
napsterI've installed tsclient10:37
napsterbut can't use VNC protocol10:38
napsterwhats wrong?10:38
triyoI am trying to build a library on Ubuntu 10.10 and I get a "fatal error: linux/autoconf.h: No such file or directory". Seems like the file autocon.h moved from linux/ to generated/. Is this true and whats the best way to get around this when compiling libraries?10:38
schnuffleShapeShifter499: Create a new file in /etc/cron.d, name is as you like10:38
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, does it matter about file permissions?10:39
doug_red2kic: was that just posted? this is exactly what we did10:40
schnuffleShapeShifter499: owner root, acl 64410:40
red2kicdoug_: No. It is old. #Release Notes.10:40
red2kicdoug_: One should always read release notes to understand what is happening.10:41
red2kic!notes | doug_10:41
ubottudoug_: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101010:41
red2kicdoug_: This one is for 10.10 :)10:41
red2kicdoug_: 11" or 13" ?10:42
doug_red2kic: 1110:42
schnuffleShapeShifter499: but what do you want to achieve, that your icecast server starts a bot10:43
red2kicdoug_: 64GB? Right? :)10:43
schnuffleShapeShifter499: that is done with activating the service, either creating symlinks in the /etc/rcx.d dirs or using a tool like sysv-rc-conf10:44
CJackneed help with nvidia, lost sreen.10:44
doug_red2kic: no, 12010:44
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, icecast  starts    than darkice starts and sends computer audio to the internet    so I can get audio when I control my computer via vnc10:44
=== aknm is now known as monk
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, darkice needs icecast running to work10:45
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, both need sudo to work10:45
doug_red2kic: what is the way to install graphic driver now so it doesn't boot with nomodeset10:46
red2kicdoug_: Check Additional Drivers to see if there are nvidia binary you could use.10:46
doug_red2kic: can't belive noone has the same problem10:46
red2kicdoug_: You're new.10:46
doug_red2kic: there is non i bet10:46
red2kicdoug_: Nope. :)10:46
doug_red2kic:  installing 10.10 64bit now10:47
schnuffleShapeShifter499: The way to start services isn't done with cronjobs,10:47
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, what should I use than?10:47
red2kicdoug_: http://tinyurl.com/4jbkkoe10:47
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, I want these services to run at login as root10:48
schnuffleShapeShifter499: Only when root logs in? Then create entries in /root/.bashrc, that gets called after each login10:49
doug_red2kic: thx will follow10:49
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, no when I login10:49
CJackNeed help10:52
schnuffleShapeShifter499: I would do it the following way: Activate both services, first icecast than darkice during the boot process. Would that be all right for you, or do you only want it to run, when you login?10:52
mohanohibazhang: are u there?10:53
mohanohibazhang: hi10:53
FloodBot3mohanohi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:53
kavgot the same problem as this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155363910:54
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, ok sure10:54
tristan3199i need to know what files are loaded at boot.. i make it passed bios, then fstab,... then i see this "recovery console" that does nothing except allow me to console10:54
schnuffleShapeShifter499: Services are ment to run independently of users logged in10:54
red2kicdoug_: So this is how I know you're not the first one. This is pretty common. With translations of graphic drivers.10:54
tristan3199at console i type startx and can boot to root10:54
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, I've tried to run these commands in rc.local but it won't work10:54
tristan3199but i want my login screen back and my users10:54
tristan3199what is not loading that should be..10:54
doug_red2kic: why ubuntu build not including fix than10:55
mohanohii need to get rid of this problem :( http://pastebin.com/720p6XNZ10:55
hateballtristan3199: service gdm restart10:55
mohanohipls could anybody help10:55
mohanohii am on ubuntu karmic10:55
marsh_sorry, for repeat, i had to reboot. but...10:55
mohanohican't install any other softwares :(10:55
tristan3199hateball: from terminal signed in as root???10:55
schnuffleShapeShifter499: sudo aptitude install sysv-rc-conf10:56
wmorrimohanohi: when was the last time you updated your sources?10:56
mohanohiwmorri: 2 days back10:56
schnuffleShapeShifter499: sudo sysv-rc-conf, then you activate the ervices10:56
red2kicdoug_: It is not always that simple. Nothing is on/off. It's full of switches.10:56
wmorrimohanohi: try running sudo apt-get update and then see if you are able to isntall anything.10:57
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, haha aptitude isn't installed10:57
marsh_...is there issues with nm-dispatcher not running scripts? i've checked all perms as in nm docs, have priority of 99 in fname, but script doesn't run. does anyone know why, is this dispatcher or me?10:57
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, I'll use apt-get10:57
tristan3199hateball: i have a seporate partition im using.. will that affect the result of that command10:57
hateballtristan3199: you can be logged in as your normal user, but then you use "sudo"10:57
doug_red2kic: ok will finalize 10.10 install now and see if nvidia driver appears under drivers10:57
schnuffleShapeShifter499: take apt-ge :)t10:57
mohanohiwmorri: nope same prob10:57
red2kicdoug_: The whole point of buying a Mac so you don't have to do anything. Lot of things are locked down beyond stupidity. :)10:58
tristan3199i have three partitions.. one my main. one for storage, and one backtrack4, im using backtrack4 now10:58
hateballtristan3199: It will just restart GDM, the login manager10:58
hateballtristan3199: Maybe I didnt understand your problem10:58
red2kicdoug_: I do not mind buying one for myself -- but meh. Cost-wise. It's just silly. I was thinking. 17" laptop cheap. for 500.10:58
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, ok now what?10:58
doug_red2kic: i love the hardware, there is no other laptop that can compare to its quality10:58
wmorrimohanohi: what is the program or dependency that you are trying to install?10:59
mohanohiwmorri: any of the software10:59
schnuffleShapeShifter499: sudo  sysv-rc-conf, then search icecast and darkice and activate then10:59
mohanohiwmorri: i think i had screwed the OS while installing openshot software11:00
doug_red2kic: anyway... thanks for your help! i may log off shortly11:00
doug_red2kic: you've been very helpful!!11:00
tristan3199hateball: i boot up, see fstab and choose from the menu.. then it loads up.. all is good.. changes my screen resolution, ect,, and just as im about to see a login screen.. i see this stupid "recovery console" that doesnt work.. but i can get to the console with that11:00
red2kicdoug_: No problem. I gladly accept donations. ;)11:00
red2kicdoug_: Have a good day. :)11:01
wmorrimohanohi: have you tried removing openshot yet?11:01
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, what run level?11:01
mohanohiwmorri: s, but was unable to11:01
doug_red2kic: hehe :) bye11:01
tristan3199if i type startx i load ubuntu with my root.. but i dont want to use my root.. just my regular users..11:01
mohanohiwmorri: same error occurs while doing so11:01
mohanohiwmorri: http://pastebin.com/720p6XNZ11:01
schnuffleShapeShifter499: I you run X its level 511:01
wmorrimohanohi: how did you try removing it? Did you use apt-get or another way?11:01
tristan3199instead of typing startx and loading my root.. try service gdm restart and mabey ill see my login screen again??11:01
mohanohiwmorri: apt-get11:02
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, its all ready active on that level11:02
mohanohiwmorri: update-desktop-database: symbol lookup error: update-desktop-database: undefined symbol: g_option_context_new11:02
cousteauwhat happened to /usr/bin/services-admin? and why is "- Services" listed as one of the capabilities on current versions of gnome-system-tools?11:02
schnuffleShapeShifter499: then activate 2,3,411:02
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, all ready active there too11:03
wmorrimohanohi: I might try running apt-get check, to see if there are any broken deps and update the cache11:03
schnuffleShapeShifter499: And they don't start? Have a look at /etc/default/icecast211:04
loculinuxhi from granada11:04
mohanohiwmorri: it seems no broken dps11:04
tristan3199hateball: ??11:04
loculinuxalguien de granaa11:04
mohanohiwmorri: how ever i try, i couldn't force remove openshot11:04
mohanohiwmorri: is there any other method ?11:04
go^i have a problem with ubuntu minimal...after install and reboot ubuntu boots (with console), then after reboot i have black screen :| how is it possible ??11:04
wmorrimohanohi: I would try and remove openshot with synaptic then and see if that makes a difference.11:05
Hansi_ Hi! Can anyone tell me, what the 2 lines wme_ie= and ath_ie= in an iwlist s command tell me?11:05
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, oh right icecast DOES run not darkice11:05
CJackNeed help with nvidia, lost screen, stuck on terminal11:05
skyfirewhat is the repair tools for bad sector on ubuntu11:05
mohanohiwmorri: that doesn't work, same error11:06
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schnuffleHapsbanan: Have you actiavted it as well?11:06
schnuffleShapeShifter499: Have you activated it as well?11:06
schnuffleShapeShifter499: and it doesn't run?11:07
wmorrimohanohi: Have you tried dpkg-reconfigure openshot?11:07
meltingwaxi'm having trouble setting up my computer to a fully qualified domain name i own, can anyone help?11:07
cousteauso gimix quit message is "sayounara", cool11:08
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, no11:08
schnuffleShapeShifter499: Then activate it as well at the same runlevels11:09
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, its activated at the same runlevels11:11
schnuffleShapeShifter499: Then reboot a see if both start as you want to11:11
mohanohiwmorri: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: openshot is broken or not fully installed11:12
Repgahrollhey guys... how do i disable the system messages on xchat, or customize'em ? It's annoying to find the real conversation between thousand of server messages. thanks11:13
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, ok rebooting11:13
wmorrimohanohi: this really sounds broken. I am not sure what to do from here. I usually end up here for a problem like this. Sorry I can't help any further.11:14
mohanohiwmorri: oh!11:14
wmorrimohanohi: I just don't have the answer, sorry.11:14
tristan3199i need a professional.. anyone know a thing or two about the boot up sequence11:15
mohanohiwmorri: its ok..11:15
Repgahrollor at least if there's another client / frontend that has better customization options...11:15
mohanohiAnybody please ? ?11:15
khem_I cannot move anything / drag n drop with my touch/trackpad in Ubuntu 10.10 installed on a Macbook 7,1. What can i do?11:15
tristan3199i need to find out what is failing to load correctly during the bootup..11:15
tristan3199i bet d0lph1n is using kubuntu11:16
tristan3199help... please.. i really need somebody who understands how ubuntu boots11:17
meltingwaxtristan3199: what is going wrong11:17
meltingwaxtristan3199: can you describe your problem11:17
schnuffletristan3199: A lot of people know about, so precise whata going wrong11:18
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, still not loading11:18
ShapeShifter499darkice doesn't load but icecast does11:18
tristan3199meltingwax: i have a "recovery console" where my login screen should be.//11:18
schnuffleHapsbanan: So icecast is loading but not darkice?11:18
Slydderhey all11:19
tristan3199i think its not loading something correctly along the way.. i recently changed my startup using ubuntu tweek, and now i think im missing something i need11:19
hammeranyone who nows a console tool to display current joystick positions!?11:19
meltingwaxtristan3199: can you upload the output of dmesg?11:19
schnuffleShapeShifter499: so icecast starts but not dakrice11:20
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, was that last post for me? lolz       icecast DOES run darkice DOES not automatically   IT DOES when I run it normally like this ---->   sudo darkice11:20
meltingwaxtristan3199: i can tell you how to do it on the command line if you'd like11:20
Slydderanyone here having problems with pptp vpns with mppe-128 encryption in ubuntu?11:20
User_my laptop is amd64 2.2 ghz processor,512 mb ram, 64 mb graphics wich desktop is gud for me?11:20
thormentori've a problem, i'm trying to install ubuntu but when I booting from the cd it ask me for username and passwd, can someone help me?11:21
=== Dante is now known as HTC
schnuffleShapeShifter499:  paste: ls -l /etc/rc5.d and the darkice start script11:22
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, yes11:22
wooterShapeShifter499, you need icecast running on a port below 1024 ?11:22
tristan3199i boot up, pass bios, pass fstab, my resolution changes, a few more lines of text than just as i should see login i see "recovery console" and this "recovery console" is worthless11:22
tristan3199what file is that stored in..11:22
tristan3199or do you mean what do i see at boot before the error11:22
mohanohiCan anybody help with broken apt-get ?11:22
mohanohii am on karmic11:22
mohanohiand an broken package is the issue11:22
ShapeShifter499wooter, no11:22
meltingwaxtristan3199: recovery consoles are not worthless!11:23
thormentorPLEASE HELP!!! i've a problem, i'm trying to install ubuntu but when I booting from the cd it ask me for username and passwd, can someone help me?11:23
Slyddermohanohi: what's the problem?11:23
HTChi for all11:23
meltingwaxthormentor: unfortunately, no one here is bound to help you, so be patient11:23
schnuffleShapeShifter499: Yes? I asked you to paste something )11:23
tristan3199if you tell me how i can11:23
HTChow i play aac format11:23
meltingwaxtristan3199: one second11:23
mohanohiSlydder: unable to install anything from apt-get or aptitude or synaptic11:23
skyfireanyone here help me with the bad sector in my ubuntu 10.10 is there any application or tools for ubuntu10.1011:23
Slyddermohanohi: error message?11:24
tristan3199meltingwax: thanks11:24
mohanohiSlydder: because of an broken package which is also not removing11:24
mohanohiSlydder: http://pastebin.com/720p6XNZ11:24
wooterShapeShifter499, icecast doesnt need to be run as root unless port <102411:24
wooterdoes darkice run and work if you just run the command at command line11:24
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, sorry http://pastebin.com/y3F672AF11:25
schnufflewooter: His problem is starting darkice11:25
ShapeShifter499wooter yes11:25
meltingwaxtristan3199: run this:       $ wget http://ompldr.org/ompload && (dmesg | ruby ompload)11:25
meltingwaxtristan3199: it will upload the contents of dmesg and give you a URL. dmesg prints the outputs from when you boot, which will help diagnose the problem11:25
thormentormeltingwax: sorry man but i'm trying to teach linux to my students and is first impression is not that good11:25
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com11:26
meltingwaxthormentor: what is your problem?11:26
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, what do you mean start script?11:26
wooterShapeShifter499, putting sudo darkice in /etc/rc.local dont work ?11:26
schnuffleShapeShifter499: rename all the /etc/rcx.d/S20darkice to S99darkice11:26
meltingwaxPici: are you suggesting i should have pasted that single liner?11:27
thormentormeltingwax: after I boot from cd ask me for username and passwd but nothing is installed11:27
mohanohiSlydder: ??11:27
ShapeShifter499wooter no11:27
kerozenewhen I do 'aptitude remove' it seems to assume --purge-unused. how can I reconfigure or override that?11:27
Picimeltingwax: I'm casually suggesting to use packages that are in the repos, especially concidering that ruby isn't installed by default. :)11:27
Slyddermohanohi: execute update-desktop-database and tell me if you get an error?11:27
meltingwaxPici: thanks for the tip. i wasn't aware of it, i'll use it in the future :)11:28
mohanohiSlydder : symbol lookup error: update-desktop-database: undefined symbol: g_option_context_new11:28
schnuffleShapeShifter499: the number decides the about the order the scripts are started11:28
meltingwaxthormentor: are you booting from the CD or not? your phrasing was kind of confusing11:28
Slyddermohanohi: just a sec11:28
meltingwaxtristan3199: checking it out11:29
thormentormeltingwax: yes11:29
mohanohiSlydder : ok11:29
schnuffleShapeShifter499: icecast and darkice where both S20 so started at the same time, which obviously doesn't work11:29
meltingwaxthormentor: are you sure you are booting from the CD? if you are, it's absolutely not going to ask you for a password11:29
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, what about k20?11:29
thormentormeltingwax: yes I am11:29
meltingwaxthormentor: can you describe the sequence of actions you make when you boot from the CD. what shows up? what do you click?11:30
schnuffleShapeShifter499: Leave it as it is for the moment11:30
Slyddermohanohi: you can try reinstalling destop-file-utils11:30
kerozenewhen I do 'aptitude remove phpmyadmin' it seems to assume --purge-unused and wants to remove php5-gd, php5-mcrypt etc. how can I reconfigure or override that?11:31
Slyddermohanohi: s/destop-file-utils/desktop-file-utils/11:31
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, ok11:31
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, now reboot?11:31
schnuffleShapeShifter499: Reboot or do a sudo init 1 and then a init 511:32
mohanohiSlydder : via apt-get ?11:32
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, rebooting brb11:32
tristan3199meltingwax: the recovery blinks my screen at most11:32
Slydderbetter would be directly with dpkg11:32
tristan3199but does allow me to access console to type startx11:32
tristan3199witch loads as user11:33
thormentormeltingwax: they have restarted the pc  from the installation cd; and the only thing that appeared after a wile is a windows asking for username and passwd11:33
mohanohiSlydder : http://pastebin.com/fn6xUcuy11:33
tristan3199thormentor: try user name root, password toor11:33
mohanohiSlydder : i have manually deleted the package openshot by nautilus somehow11:34
mohanohiSlydder : but its in database of dpkg11:34
meltingwaxcan anyone else take a look at tristan3199's dmesg output? i don't see anything http://ompldr.org/vNzRubw11:34
=== EvilPete is now known as madPJKfan
tristan3199still thats not ubuntu your loading.. where did you obtain your iso..11:34
Slydderdpkg --purge openshot11:34
mohanohiSlydder :  subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 12711:35
meltingwaxthormentor, i agree with tristan3199, that's definately not ubuntu11:35
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, still not working11:35
madPJKfanhi - have installed doze 7 over the top of ubuntu 10.10 - trying to get the ubuntu to boot.  Have install media on usb, and can get the console, just can remember the boot options to boot Linux anymore.11:35
Slydderreinstall desktop-file-utils with dpkg11:35
meltingwaxmadPJKfan: do you have grub?11:35
tristan3199meltingwax: do you know what is read during the boot.. etc\fstab is first.. whats next.. or where do i find out whats next11:35
schnuffleShapeShifter499: Hmm, does you have the darkice logs handy?11:35
Slydderuntil that error is gone you will continue to have problems11:35
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, don't know if there are any11:36
Taoshow can I disable or change ctl d in the terminal11:36
madPJKfanhave grub, or the advanced options from the ubuntu install - can't I boot it with options there, and do my grub magic afterwards?11:36
schnuffleShapeShifter499: And paste the /etc/init.d/darkice script11:36
madPJKfanMeltingwax: have grub, or the advanced options from the ubuntu install - can't I boot it with options there, and do my grub magic afterwards?11:36
meltingwaxtristan3199: maybe this will help? http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/boot.htm11:36
schnuffleShapeShifter499: have a look at /var/log11:36
meltingwaxmadPJKfan: i would start by installing grub to the MBR so you can boot into your normal linux, then you can add windows the grub.conf11:37
mohanohiSlydder :   cannot access archive: No such file or directory11:37
meltingwaxmadPJKfan: i can send you the command to install grub back onto the MBR11:38
Slydderdownload the package from packages.ubuntu.com11:38
madPJKfanmeltingwax: that'd be good11:38
Slyddermohanohi: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/desktop-file-utils11:38
mohanohiSlydder : ok..11:38
madPJKfanI am currently booted to a "try" session11:38
Slyddermohanohi: that was karmic you have correct?11:38
mohanohiSlydder : s11:38
madPJKfancan install grub to this session, and mount /dev/sda111:38
madPJKfanmeltingwax: can install grub to this session, and mount /dev/sda111:38
shcherbakboot Morning.11:39
mohanohiSlydder : where to copy the package?11:39
mohanohiSlydder : so that dpkg recognises11:39
Slydderdoesn't matter. just save it somewhere in your home directory and then do a dpkg install11:40
tristan3199meltingwax: its step six...11:40
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, here is init.d/darkice   http://pastebin.com/Ef1Z0f7K11:40
RaymondHi all, is there a GUI that will allow me to set up shares on "Netbook v10.10"11:40
mohanohiSlydder : ok11:40
Slydderyou will need to be in the same directory or tell dpkg the exact location.11:40
thormentormeltingwax: root and toor doesn't work on this pcs, anymore ideas?11:41
meltingwax(i didn't offer you that idea)11:41
meltingwaxthormentor: where did you obtain your ubuntu live cd11:41
mohanohiSlydder :  cannot access archive: No such file or directory11:42
red2kicTaos: You were here earlier? Telling me about nomodeset?11:42
mohanohiSlydder :  its in /home/mohan/download directory11:42
shcherbakthormentor: is it ubuntu?11:42
tristan3199thormentor: i will send you a link in a second.. click it and download a good copy of ubuntu11:42
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, doesn't seem to be anything for darkice in /var/log11:42
tristan3199burn and use that iso only..11:42
thormentormeltingwax: from the ubuntu website11:42
schnuffleShapeShifter499: check /etc/default/darkice, see if its enabled and paste the content11:42
Slydderthen cd to that directory and dpkg -i desktop-file-utils.....deb11:42
tristan3199thormentor: yes and do you want 32 or 64 bit11:42
mohanohiSlydder :  http://pastebin.com/ndQWGbxJ11:43
thormentormeltingwax: 32bit11:43
AbhiJithow to change folder color?11:43
shcherbakubottu tell thormentor about lostpassword11:43
ubottuthormentor, please see my private message11:43
thormentortristan3199: 32buts11:43
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, http://pastebin.com/CtSnckA311:43
mohanohiSlydder :  my system seriously broken :( :( :( :( :( :(11:43
tristan3199thats what you need..11:44
schnuffleShapeShifter499: set RUN=yes :) and retry11:44
Slyddermohanohi: try dpkg-reconfigure -a11:45
thormentortristan3199: we downloaded the ubuntu from there11:45
tristan3199meltingwax: is my lilo messed up11:45
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, ok rebooting11:45
shcherbakAbhiJit: You mean in nautilus? menu > Edit > Backgroung & ...11:45
mohanohiSlydder :  ok11:45
tristan3199the cd will never ask a password.. it will load a desktop automatically and with an extra icon that allows you to install..11:45
shcherbaktristan3199: ...alternative?11:46
tristan3199mabey you had a different mirror that was messed with.. try agian and you will probably get a new mirror... not alternative..11:46
meltingwaxtristan3199: did you tinker with your lilo (or anything else) recently?11:46
AbhiJitshcherbak, its not chanign the folder colro11:46
tristan3199meltingwax: i added ubuntu tweek and messed with it before this problem...11:47
tristan3199so probably11:47
mohanohiSlydder :  http://pastebin.com/1J0dt9YE11:47
thormentortristan3199: I know that, I use linux for a long time and nothing like that ever happened to me. thats strange!11:47
meltingwaxtristan3199: what did you tweek ?11:47
puppythoementor: just type ubuntu as username and no password required11:48
tristan3199well.. i tried removing doubles... if two things were the same i unchecked one or the other..11:48
Slyddermohanohi: your system is hosed11:48
tristan3199thats how i think this all happend11:48
TaosAnyone? How can I customise how the terminal reacts to ctrl D11:48
mohanohiSlydder : huh?11:48
puppythormentor: just type ubuntu as username and no password required11:48
Yud_Zrochow do i manually add stuff to the grub....i installed ubuntu and now i cant log onto my windows part11:48
mohanohiSlydder : oh god!11:48
thormentorpuppy: I already tryed that11:48
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, not working11:48
shcherbakAbhiJit: You need to drag color square in to folder, but... it will change color for all folders.11:48
thormentorpuppy: doesn't work11:49
TaosYud_Zroc: Are you sure you still have a windows part?11:49
schnuffleShapeShifter499: Hm, then I've no ideas anymore :(11:49
tristan3199thormentor: sorry for the bad luck this time... still you got a bad copy and i wouldnt trust it..11:49
Slyddermohanohi: what does apt-get -f install do now?11:49
AbhiJitshcherbak, its chaning the background color not the foldr color11:49
Yud_ZrocTaos, yes 100% possitive11:49
wooterthormentor, happened to me the other day aswell11:49
meltingwaxTaos: do you mean within your program, or your shell in general?11:49
tristan3199i really would just try agian from the same site... and you most likely wont get the same copy.. or i have a backup iso i could send you11:50
schnuffleShapeShifter499: So right now if you do sudo /etc/init.d/darkice start it starts?11:50
NepheriusHey if i want to apply this patch http://bugs2.winehq.org/attachment.cgi?id=30775 ..how do I do it.Do i just copy the code in whatever.patch or ?11:50
thormentorwooter: want did you do?11:50
mohanohiSlydder : http://pastebin.com/TXEWSnw011:50
shcherbakAbhiJit: You mean icon?11:50
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, oh hmm11:50
AbhiJitshcherbak, you are not getting me. i am not talking about the nautilus background as wallpaper.i am talking about the folder icon.........yes yes icon11:50
ShapeShifter499schnuffle, it "failed"11:50
wooterburnt a different version, i needed it to backup a windows system, so version didnt matter11:50
ajahis there tool when  applications doesn`t respond and my mouse is freezed to push combination of button to kill them11:50
wooterthormentor, have you checked the md5 ?11:51
Yud_ZrocTaos, i can get to the partition from the file manager with no problems....just that grub doesnt recognize it11:51
puppyajah: wait11:51
meltingwaxYud_Zroc: did windows overwrite your MBR?11:51
tristan3199thormentor: ever use torrents?? if so just get a copy from kickasstorrents.com with most seeds and your set11:51
AbhiJitajah, if your mouse is working then you can use force quit applet11:51
Yud_Zrocmelter, no ubuntu did lol11:51
Taostristan3199: torrenting is illegal.11:51
schnuffleI'm off for a while, but apparently your config isn't right then or you have user probs11:51
Slyddermohanohi: can you post the contents of /var/lib/dpkg/info/desktop-file-utils.postinst11:52
puppyajah; this applet u can select fron "Add to pannel"11:52
tristan3199taos: what country are you in??11:52
Taostristan3199: Its protected under copyright laws in most countries11:52
meltingwaxYud_Zroc: heh, it asks you before it does :p.11:52
tristan3199in america its considered a community back up of things you own..11:52
erryum, I have a greek keyboard layout where ; should wait for me to type a letter and put a ´ on top but instead it outputs ´?11:52
tristan3199for your own use...11:52
puppyajah: right click on panel and select add to panel and select the application11:53
tristan3199already paid for..11:53
Yud_Zrocmeltingwax, not that i now of....its still there, and grub took over11:53
tristan3199and ubuntu is free11:53
shcherbakAbhiJit: context menu > Preferences, click on icon square and point to new picture, (I do not know yet hot to undo it) thats all!11:53
NepheriusCan someone tell me how to do it pls ?:)11:53
mohanohiSlydder : http://pastebin.com/upYCD7yK11:53
ajahpuppy i`ll check thanx11:53
puppyajah: Force Quit11:53
thormentortristan3199: there are any problems with the ubuntu download site? I can do that, no problem. I hope it works!11:53
erryDeos anybody know how to fisx that?11:53
osirisHas anyone had any problems using PPTP VPN?11:53
Taostristan3199: Trust me there is nothing more than WMI and Sony etcetc love doing than hurting people if they catch them torrenting copyrighted material, just warning you ;)11:53
shcherbakNepherius: Do what?11:53
meltingwaxYud_Zroc: what boot loader do you want to use? what is your multi-OS setup?11:53
Nepheriusturn this http://bugs2.winehq.org/attachment.cgi?id=30775 into a patch file11:54
Slyddermohanohi: comment out line 4 and do apt-get -f install11:54
puppyajah; u r welcome11:54
tristan3199taos: thank you.... still i dont think downloading free software is a problem..11:54
shcherbakNepherius: ok, got link...11:54
Yud_Zrocmeltingwax, grub and windows 7 64bit, and lubuntu 10.1 32bit11:54
Slyddermohanohi: sorry. line 6 and 811:54
AbhiJitshcherbak, where is that menu?11:55
mohanohiSlydder : if & fi line right?11:55
meltingwaxYud_Zroc: i see. so what is the problem?11:55
khem_where is xorg.conf in Ubuntu?11:55
tristan3199anyone got any advice on this "recovery console" issue11:55
Yud_Zrocmeltingwax, windows 7 doesnt show up on boot loader11:55
mohanohiSlydder : same error11:55
tristan3199im really about to delete everything ubuntu and switch to debian just for the support11:55
Yud_Zrocmeltingwax, so now i cant boot into windows11:55
Slyddermohanohi: then comment out line 4 as well11:56
ChinoGodoputa madre11:56
tristan3199yud_Zroc: did you install windows first??11:56
Yud_ZrocTristam, correct11:56
mernilioHi all! :-)11:56
meltingwaxYud_Zroc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#What%20if%20Grub%202%20does%20not%20list%20Windows11:56
ChinoGodohi fucking mother11:56
tristan3199Yud_Zroc: tried wubi??11:56
mohanohiSlydder : http://pastebin.com/TPZYcw5M11:57
Yud_Zrocwubi detects no cd error11:57
meltingwaxYud_Zroc: or just run $ update-grub211:57
ChinoGodoese dani11:57
ChinoGodoto crazy11:57
mernilioThey trow me out in slackware :-O .. i hope you guys is a little more nice!11:57
ChinoGodofuck you11:57
alumnos_So Mather Fucker!!!!11:57
Shepironpaco hijo putaaaaaaaaaaa11:57
ChinoGodofuck you11:57
tristan3199Yud_Zroc: wubi comes with the iso and will allow you to install linux inside windows.. its the easy way to have both..11:57
Slyddermohanohi: reinstall the desktop-file-utils with dpkg11:57
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!11:57
Shepironpaco rey de meirda11:57
merniliootherwise i have to trow my fist of fury on you all! :-)11:58
Yud_Zroctristan3199, i cant i get an error because of my computer doesnt have an internal cd drive11:58
mohanohiSlydder : same error11:58
tristan3199Yud_Zroc: USB??11:58
Nepheriusshcherbak: any ideas ?11:59
mernilioWell, i have been using linux in 25 years. So i have some expireince!11:59
bazhangmernilio, stay on topic please11:59
Slyddermohanohi: and the contents of /var/lib/dpkg/info/openshot.postremove11:59
meltingwaxlinux is not even 25 years old12:00
tristan3199Yud_Zroc: extract the iso to usb and run wubi from the usb..12:00
merniliomeltingwax: me and linus used to pee together.12:00
bazhang!ot | mernilio12:00
ubottumernilio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:00
matt2054silly question:  I want to stick with 10.4 LTS.  Should I still be doing "apt-get update; apt-get upgrade"?12:01
tristan3199it will add a startup entry for linux in the windows boot loader. so you chose windows or linux at boot... then will boot according12:01
bazhangmatt2054, yes12:01
matt2054bazhang: it won't upgrade me to 10.10 or something will it?12:01
bazhangmatt2054, nope12:01
=== AbhiJit is now known as OptimusPrime
tristan3199Yud_Zroc: have 7zip??12:02
matt2054bazhang: is there another command that does distro upgrades?12:02
mohanohiSlydder : is this file? openshot.postrm12:02
Yud_Zrocdunno but i can get it12:02
bazhang!upgrade | matt2054 please have a read12:03
ubottumatt2054 please have a read: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:03
Yud_Zrocbut i dont have access to windows anymore....doesnt solve my problem12:03
Slyddermohanohi: sorry. should be /var/lib/dpkg/info/openshot.rm12:03
meltingwaxYud_Zroc: check /boot/grub/grub.cfg to see if windows is in there12:03
tristan3199Yud_Zroc: here12:03
tristan3199meltingwax: he installed windows first.. so i dont think it will show up..12:04
mohanohiSlydder : is this file? that file not there. this file is only here openshot.postrm12:04
Slydderyeah. postrm. sorry.12:04
Yud_Zrocno its not....12:04
Yud_Zrocbut the partitions are mounted12:04
tristan3199if you install ubuntu first wont it take over windows bootloader with grub and not boot windows..12:04
mohanohiSlydder : http://pastebin.com/4Ld04uK112:04
Yud_Zrocno whatever is installed last takes over the current boot loader12:05
tristan3199Yud_Zroc: did you click the link i sent?? for 7zip..12:05
Slydderok. comment lines 4 - 6 and do apt-get -f install12:05
synicalWindowsVista Uptime: 16wks 3days 20hrs 8mins 28secs Best: 16wks 3days 20hrs 8mins 28secs12:05
tristan3199synical.. not good at all..12:06
psycho_oreos!ubuntu| synical12:06
ubottusynical: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com12:06
Yud_Zrocno tri12:06
bazhangsynical, disable that12:06
Slyddermohanohi: ok. comment lines 4 - 6 and do apt-get -f install12:06
psycho_oreos!offtopic| synical12:06
meltingwaxtristan3199: update-grub2 should generate config12:06
ubottusynical: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:06
tristan3199bsd is the leader.. and its free12:06
Yud_Zroci told you i cant use it12:06
Yud_Zrocim using ubuntu because i cant access windows12:06
mohanohiSlydder : same error12:06
Yud_Zroc7zip will not solve my issue12:06
wootersynical, wow 4 months of patches you havent applied, good luck with that12:07
tristan3199Yud_Zroc: ahhh.. http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sevenzip/7z920-x64.msi12:07
Yud_Zroctristan i cant use windows12:07
Slyddermohanohi: lines 4,5 and 6 are commented out and you did an apt-get -f install?12:07
Yud_Zrocmeltingwax, do i have to unmount partitions to be detected in update-grup2?12:08
Benkinoobyhi, can someone tell me, why 'sudo dd if=/path/to/my/image.iso of=/dev/sdb' does NOT create a bootable pen dirve? the dd itself worked fine after unmounting the pen drive. booting from the pendrive gives me "operating system missing" or someting like that. i will install grub on the pen drive and then chainload the image from grub, but I was wondering why dd can't do the job.12:08
meltingwaxYud_Zroc: doubtful12:08
tristan3199Yud_Zroc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot12:09
mohanohiSlydder : http://pastebin.com/7tRtChX412:09
tristan3199its easier to install via wubi.. like i said...12:09
evilgenius101can someone tell me if this is ubuntu "2.6.18-194.17.1.el5.028stab070.7 #1 SMP Fri Oct 1 14:17:14 MSD 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux"12:09
Yud_Zroctoo bad its allready installed12:09
Slyddermohanohi: ok. now we are somewhere else. ;)12:09
Slydderopenshot is gone12:10
mohanohiSlydder : oh12:10
SwedeMikeevilgenius101: no, most likely not.12:10
evilgenius101I got yum installed. no apt-get12:10
Yud_Zrocim gona try to reboot through live cd and use the updater12:10
mohanohiSlydder : really?12:10
Slydderthe error now is in the postinst from desktop-file-utils12:10
quiescensevilgenius101: use lsb_release -a12:10
evilgenius101damn idiots, i opted for Ubuntu 10.04 64 Bit. and its cent os12:10
tristan3199Yud_Zroc: look at this first.. this is what you need..  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD12:10
SwedeMikeevilgenius101: googling yields that it's RHEL5.12:10
Slydderyou have to comment out the update-desktop-database call and the if statement around it.12:11
mohanohiSlydder : where?12:11
evilgenius101ok. i guess i'll go with it. i was just getting annoyed there was no apt-get lol12:11
quiescensyou can't neccesarily uniquely identify a distro from the kernel version, "lsb_release -a" is the easiest way unless something is otherwise broken12:12
Slydderin /var/lib/dpkg/info/desktop-file-utils.postinst12:12
Slydderpost the content for me12:12
evilgenius101command not found12:12
tristan3199nobody knows a thing about boot sequence i take it... because nobody has mentioned a single file that loads at boot...12:12
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=== bubble is now known as bubbleone
mohanohiSlydder : http://pastebin.com/6kUJLncH12:13
tristan3199i understand that bios loads my hardware.. then fstab loads my partitions.. but my main partition is loading half way and pooping out.. with a recovery console12:13
Slyddermohanohi: ok. try now12:14
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mohanohiSlydder : ?12:15
Slydderapt-get -f install12:15
tristan3199im not impressed by ubuntu... tried for six months... done... i cant even fix a little problem with any help...12:16
tristan3199ill try debian next.. hope i dont have these problems with debian as well..12:17
mohanohiSlydder : http://pastebin.com/Mpp6UjhL12:17
Slyddermohanohi: what files do you have when you do ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/desktop-file-utils*12:18
slnrDid anyone work on blaze board of TI?12:18
slnrWe need some help on OMAP4 blaze board ubuntu12:18
mohanohiSlydder : http://pastebin.com/NSvJHBs012:19
gordonjcptristan3199: all Linux distributions are exactly the same12:20
gordonjcptristan3199: so the chances are if you're having problems with Ubuntu you'll have the same problem with Debian12:20
gordonjcptristan3199: also, it sounds rather like you've misconfigured something when you installed12:20
* jpds compares red hat, ubuntu, and gentoo and looks at gordonjcp's sentence.12:20
sipiorgordonjcp: exactly? that's fairly disingenuous.12:20
slnrdid anyone work on blaze board12:21
Slyddermohanohi: do a dpkg --purge desktop-file-utils12:21
sipiorslnr: perhaps you meant that for another channel?12:21
gordonjcpsipior: well, barring trivial differences in configuration12:21
tristan3199gordonjcp: im only six months into linux... i just have a recovery console nobodys heard of..12:22
gordonjcptristan3199: screenshot?12:22
galanakispyBridge isn't working for me, are there alternative bridge programs? (the card game)12:22
mohanohiSlydder : http://pastebin.com/KK1nbyeY12:22
gordonjcpjpds: if you can use any one of those you can use any of the others12:22
tristan3199gordonjcp: my problem is during my boot... so no ss availible12:23
l0lwhy PackageKit is better than Synaptic??12:23
=== l0l is now known as Guest68685
jribl0l: it's not12:23
gordonjcptristan3199: take a photo?12:23
Guest68685alt says it is..12:24
jribGuest68685: well it's not, packagekit is awful12:24
tristan3199ok... give me a minute..12:24
Guest68685so u think it's not?12:24
tristan3199ill sign out.. but ill be back.. you going to be here in eight minutes gordon12:24
erryum, I have a greek keyboard layout where ; should wait for me to type a letter and put a ´ on top but instead it outputs ´?12:24
Slyddermohanohi: tough one12:25
Guest68685erry what u need from greek keyboard?12:25
Guest68685ãêñååê êåõìðïáñíô12:25
erryI need to be able to press ; and α and get a α with a ´ on it12:25
gordonjcptristan3199: yes, I'm going for lunch in about five minutes but I'll keep an eye out for your pic12:25
erryAnd most of those aren't greek12:25
errywe only have ´12:25
mohanohiSlydder : :(12:26
erryIt used to work that way but now it only gives me '12:26
erry´ i mean12:26
erryYou're missing the point12:26
quiescenserry: most of that stuff should be in preferences, keyboard, layouts12:26
slnrdid anyone try ubuntu on omap4 balze12:26
slnrblaze *12:26
erryquiescens, no its not there12:26
Guest68685why PackageKit is better than Synaptic?? or at least why alot people say that any opinion?12:26
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bazhangGuest68685, its not. lets move on12:27
plagerismI say it is different12:27
sipiorGuest68685: begging the question: #ubuntu-offtopic, asking a question: #ubuntu12:27
plagerismnot better12:27
edwardteachslnr, is there not a dedicated channel for that blaze thing !12:29
shcherbakIs there a gtk way of removing scrollgard from applications, i.e. evince (please do not suggest F5 or Presentation mode).12:30
quiescenserry: as far as I can tell, preferences, keyboard, layouts, add, greece. and then either use the button on your panel to toggle layouts, or remove the old layout and log out and back in12:31
hydesterhi.  i'm using maverick with encrypted LVM and just today get a ext4_ext_check_inode: inode #8913011: (comm login) bad header/extent: invalid magic - magic 0, entries 0, max 0(0), depth 0(0).  fsck doesn't claim to fix anything.  i get the bootup password and the gnome login screen, but can only login via console tty12:31
erryquiescens, i have the greek layout12:32
errythat's not the rpoblem12:32
errythe ; button in that layout should wait for me to press another letter and then insert a stress mark12:33
erryOn the letter12:33
errybut it doesn't12:33
quiescenserry: which release are you on?12:33
erryquiescens, ubuntu 10.0412:34
erryquiescens, i think it used to work. Maybe installing SCIM messed it up.12:34
quiescenserry: appears to work for me12:34
quiescenserry: possibly12:34
bazhangerry, use ibus instead12:34
erryIt works if i start scim12:34
erryso it's ok12:34
FloodBot2erry: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:34
errysowwy ;;12:34
Taksas027[bean]:  after typing lspci -vvnn | grep 14e4 i got 12:00.0 Netowork controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation Device [14e4:4727] (rev 01) , so is it compatible with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx b43 or STA?12:37
Taksas027i didnt get any numbers12:38
froldis there any tool that can take a dvd - burn it and make a copy in mp4 format or something?12:38
[bean]Taksas027: hang on. what inspiron you have again?12:39
sipiorfrold: sure, have a look at handbrake.12:39
Taksas027[bean]:  dell, or u need model number?12:39
[bean]ill look up the number real quick. you should think about using speccy next time.12:39
sipiorfrold: (i guess you meant "rip" and not "burn")12:39
[bean]dell inspiron ##12:39
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froldsipior: yes... rip and convert :)12:40
hydesteranybody know how to fix an ext4_ext_check_inode error that prevents boot because filesystem is read-only?12:40
bazhangfrold, then handbrake12:40
pinoyoragonHi, i'm having difficulty installing the driver of Realtek 8111DL. After compiling the driver from their site, and after installing the module, i still can't find my LAN card when i issue "ifconfig -a"12:40
bazhang!handbrake > frold12:40
ubottufrold, please see my private message12:40
bazhangpinoyoragon, what version of ubuntu12:41
pinoyoragonbazhang: actually i'm using debian lenny 507-amd6412:42
bazhangpinoyoragon, #debian then12:42
pinoyoragonbazhang: nobody wants to help me in #debian though12:42
bazhangpinoyoragon, not supported here nonetheless12:42
Yud_Zrocok im back12:43
Dr_Willispinoyoragon:  sounds like a reason to change disrtos.12:43
pinoyoragonbazhang: i'm using Ubuntu in this machine... i'm trying to create another box using debian... can i still ask how can i properly load module for my realtek 8111 LAN?12:44
Yud_Zrocok i think i need to fix this issue http://pastebin.com/GLteJrwr12:44
pinoyoragonDr_Willis: i guess so, i'm downloading the server edition of 10.10 already12:44
Dr_Willispinoyoragon:  this is a wireless card? or wired card>?12:44
Dr_Willispinoyoragon:  it 'should' be as simple as compile the module, modprobe the module..12:45
Dr_Willispinoyoragon: ubuntu forums ->   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70228912:45
Dr_Willisbut thats 2+ yrs old. :)12:46
Yud_Zrocgrub2 isnt letting me add windows using update-grub212:46
Dr_Willispinoyoragon:  thers also seems to be some bugs ->  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146570312:46
pinoyoragonDr_Willis: thank you12:46
froldthanks sipior and bazhang Im now installing handbrak-gtk12:47
sipiorfrold: enjoy!12:47
histoWhat is the app in ubuntu to connect to terminal services?12:47
shottyI do not want to anger the moderators so can someone tell me if i am ok to ask for people's opinion on this channel?12:48
bazhangshotty, polling in #ubuntu-bots12:48
Dr_WillisYud_Zroc:  the grub2 docs/wiki page and threads have some tips i recall on what to try if the grub scripts are not detecting windows. Or you could add your own windows entry to /etc/grub.d/40_custom12:48
shottybazhang ok, thanks for that12:48
bazhanggeneral chat (non-bot variety ) in #ubuntu-offtopic shotty12:49
histo!opinion | shotty12:49
ubottushotty: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:49
Yud_ZrocDr_Willis, i really dont understand the wiki im trying to use it...but there are 5 partitions i dont know how to add them manually12:49
BluesKajHi folks12:49
Dr_WillisYud_Zroc:  you have 5 differnt windows installs?12:50
Yud_ZrocDr_Willis, no i have a windows MBR, windows part, ubuntu par, and a swap part12:50
Yud_Zrocok i lied....4 lol12:50
Yud_ZrocDr_Willis, http://pastebin.com/GLteJrwr12:51
Dr_WillisYud_Zroc:  so you only have 2 actual operating systems12:51
Yud_ZrocDr_Willis, correct12:52
Yud_Zroci cant boot into ubuntu with no issues....but windows......it will detect it and mount after i get into ubuntu...just the boot loader doesnt pick it up at all12:52
Yud_Zrocas of right now im in the live CD trying to figure out how to fix it12:53
sagaciInstall os-prober12:53
Dr_WillisYud_Zroc:  so why are you on a live cd?12:53
Dr_WillisYud_Zroc:  boot to the ubuntu install, and try to tweak grub to show the windows install.12:54
Yud_Zrocso in case i need to....to reinstall grub2 completly12:54
Dr_WillisYud_Zroc:  if you have a grub menu.. you dont.12:54
Yud_ZrocDr_Willis, i dont know how to add the windows bootloader manually12:54
Dr_WillisYud_Zroc: one way -> d add your own windows entry to /etc/grub.d/40_custom12:55
Yud_Zrochow do i make a windows entry12:55
sagaciInstall and run os-prober, run it and then run update-grub12:55
Yud_Zroci can give it a try sagaci12:55
Dr_Willisos-probober should allready be installed.. its odd that its not seeing a windows install.. unless your windows is in some weird place.12:55
Yud_ZrocDr_Willis, ill try but i cant promice anything12:55
Dr_Williswhat version of windows are you using, and where is it located at on the hd?12:55
Yud_ZrocDr_Willis, http://pastebin.com/GLteJrwr12:56
Yud_Zrocim using windows 7 home ed 64 bit12:56
cqixk_workhi! are there any well known problems with 5.1.49-1ubuntu8 bundled with 10.10 server?12:57
organisehi how can i trigger gnome automount when i want ? i don't want it to always do it as soon as a usb device is plugged in i'd like it to happen when i want ?12:57
Dr_WillisYud_Zroc:  example /etc/grub.d/40_custom here --> and some other tips ---> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134614512:57
sipiorcqixk_work: i think you meant to include a package name there...12:57
cqixk_workmysql 5.1.49-1ubuntu8 for sure :-)12:58
organisebut i still want to use the command that gnome uses for automounting because it handles everything like figuring out which block device is the usb device and then creating the symlink on the desktop to the mounted usb device etc12:58
Dr_WillisYud_Zroc:  for windows 7 - sda2 is most likely your actual windows install. but you want to boot sda1. (its like a windows boot partition) UNLESS sda1 is actually a recovery-windows partition.12:58
cqixk_workselect * from foo where a=1 and b=2; returns 3 rows while - select a from foo where a=1 and b=2; return 012:58
Yud_Zrocsda2 is windows12:59
Dr_WillisYud_Zroc:  and sda1 might be what you actually need to boot. You may need to try both.12:59
cqixk_worksipior mysql 5.1.49 bundled with 10.10 server12:59
Yud_Zrocsda1 is acutally that 100mb part it makes13:00
stedei need an example ~/.vnc/xstartup to work with gnome desktop without keymap bug13:00
ox3aWhich firewall is good so that i can see incomming and outgoing log?13:00
Yud_Zrocits labled system researved and has a bootable flag (the sda113:00
Dr_Willisstede:  you have a command that fix's the bug?  if so thats easy...13:01
sipiorcqixk_work: i think there's a #mysql here on freenode. might try there first.13:01
Yud_ZrocDr_Willis, question would installing ubuntu as a logical drive cause a messup?13:01
Dr_Willisstede:  2 lines, 'whateverthecommandis &'       then 2nd line 'exec gnome-session'13:01
cqixk_workthey don't want to support mysql packeged with ubuntu sipior13:01
Dr_WillisYud_Zroc:  shouldent matter13:01
stedeDr_Willis: yeah for sure, but that don't fix the incorrect keymap ;)13:02
Dr_Willisstede:  if you dontknow the command to fix it.. i sure dont know it. :)13:02
stedeDr_Willis: export XKL_XMODMAP_DISABLE=1 schpuld fix it but it dont13:02
Dr_Willisstede:  i just know vnc. :)13:02
Dr_Willisstede:  Hmm..  im not sure why it wouldent.13:02
HugoGFHow do I qmake, make then sudo make install something?13:02
Yud_ZrocDr_Willis, so should i add windows boot loader to the grub or should i add the windows part (where windows is actually installed)13:02
HugoGFI have the folder full of files..13:02
Dr_WillisYud_Zroc:  try one, then the other.. or add both...13:03
Dr_WillisYud_Zroc:  its just a matter of changeing the hd(#,#)13:03
Yud_ZrocDr_Willis, do they need to be mounted to add them?13:03
HugoGFHow do I qmake, make then sudo make install something?13:03
sipiorcqixk_work: it would seem the first thing is for you to establish that the problem is with mysql, and not the structure of your database. if you think there is a logic error in the package, pack up all the relevant data, and file a bug report.13:03
Dr_WillisYud_Zroc:  the bootloader works BEFOR the os loads.. you dont mount them..13:03
edwardteachox3a,  firestarter has current conections list , dont no about a log perhaps you are after   denyhosts   !13:03
HugoGFCan someone answer my question?13:03
Dr_WillisYud_Zroc:  you edit the /etc/grub.d/40_custom file, add the proper entries, then rerun 'sudo update-grub' then reboot and see if it works.13:03
Yud_Zrocoh ok13:03
Dr_WillisHugoGF:  err.. 'qmake' then 'make' then 'sudo make install'13:04
HugoGFIt doesn't work..13:04
Dr_WillisHugoGF:  thats the question you asked.. :)13:04
sipiorHugoGF: it's considered good manners to wait a few minutes before repeating your question, by the way. and saying "it doesn't work" is about as helpful to us as it sounds.13:04
HugoGFDr_Willis: I'm in the main folder.. Not in SRC or anything.13:04
Dr_WillisHugoGF:  and any errors its giving are?13:04
Dr_WillisI cant even recall the last time i saw a program use 'qmake'13:05
stedeDr_Willis: I've tried several example xstartups i found with google related to that problem, but none work13:05
Dr_Willisstede:  perhaps export it befor you run vncserver?13:05
ox3aedwardteach, Sometime i get attacked over the internet ... I want to see the all activity such as the IP,Protocol etc13:05
thincedon sit niitä pareja13:05
HugoGFDr_Willis: It just says "The program 'qmake' can be found in the following packages.13:05
Dr_WillisHugoGF:  so its telling you that qmake is NOT installed....13:05
Dr_WillisHugoGF:  so install it?13:05
organisehi is there anyway to control gnome-volume-manager so that it automounts when you want it to mount?13:05
HugoGFDr_Willis: thanks :D13:05
danio_hello i want to ask you why i can't see photos in google earth 6? i'm using ubuntu 10.10 x6413:06
stedeDr_Willis: nope13:08
HugoGFHow do I run an install.sh file?13:08
Dr_WillisHugoGF:  sh whatever.sh13:08
Dr_Willisor chmod +x it13:08
Dr_Willisthen ./whatever.sh13:08
padi999hi all13:08
zzzzlook on you tube13:08
bazhangzzzz, ?13:09
padi999strange issue: My email client (evolution) in lucid displays one unread messages in the folder view (Inbox Folder(1)), but the folder does not contain an unread message. I use IMAP on that folder and on the server as well, there is no unread message.13:10
edwardteachox3a,  do you have ssh installed ?   i think probably firestarter the first thing to look at ! easy'er13:10
HugoGFDr_Willis: When I type in make after qmake I get an error13:11
ox3aedwardteach, yeah and OK i will check it13:11
sambagirldid anyone ever get wireless to work in Ubuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog)?13:11
bazhangsambagirl, offtopic at this point13:11
Dr_Willissambagirl:  i imagone in some far corner of the world.. someone somewhere did.....13:11
HugoGFDr_Willis: Something something fatal error: QApplication: No such file or directory13:11
sipiorsambagirl: it's a new decade; time to move on...13:11
rusty149padi999: There should be an option to show unread or  sort by one of the first columns should find it13:11
Dr_WillisHugoGF:  you proberly need to isntall extra dev packages..13:12
sambagirlok ok13:12
HugoGFDr_Willis: Question is, how :O13:12
Dr_WillisHugoGF:  read the error messages and qmake/make output and figure it out. or if the pacakge is allready in teh repos. you can use the 'apt-get build-deps pacakgename'13:13
rusty149padi999: It is most likely an old email that is marked wrong. If you can't find it you can just select all and mark as read13:13
HugoGFDr_Willis: thanks13:13
danio_hello i want to ask you why i can't see photos in google earth 6? i'm using ubuntu 10.10 x6413:14
Dr_Willisdanio_:  check the forums yet> could be a bug in that version of G.E. i dont even have tha version installed here to test/verify13:14
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ShapeShifter499how would I kill or stop everything on display 0   when I am using VNC on display 1?13:17
ShapeShifter499I want to do this so I can free up ram and cpu taken by display 013:18
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matt2054thanks guys13:19
padi999rusty149:followed your advice, there is still bold Inbox(1)13:20
edwardteachShapeShifter499, a link  for a tut setting up startup scripts : http://www.youtube.com/user/metalx1000#p/search/6/4bFgB1XTQXI   you ask before !!13:20
padi999rusty149: if I "show unread" it shows en empty list :)13:20
padi999rusty149: it really is very weird :)13:20
CJackplease help with video driver, in additional drivers, video card says that it is activated but not in use yet. how to fix it?13:21
ShapeShifter499edwardteach,  oh I'm good, I just want to know how to kill x displays13:21
ShapeShifter499if I use display 1  I want to kill display 013:21
rusty149padi999: Have you tried select all and then mark all as read13:21
ShapeShifter499so I free up cpu and ram during a VNC session13:21
Taksas027if i want install sta with no internet access by this manual https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx it says to enter :/dkms/$ sudo dpkg -i dkms*13:24
edwardteachShapeShifter499,   sounds more complicated than it sounds not so sure you can just do it without restarting x !13:24
Taksas027so i shoult write only $ sudo dpkg -i dkms* ?13:24
Taksas027or somehow i should change folder?13:24
edwardteachShapeShifter499,   sounds lol!13:24
knxvilleHello fellas, do you guys know any channels where you can ask questions bout sysadm stuff13:24
sipiorknxville: depending on the context, right here is just fine13:25
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blumaahi i'm  having a problem with mounting my external harddrive13:25
knxvillesipior - it's network related and windows.. not that much ubuntu related.13:25
blumaaevery time i start browsing on it, the files become read only13:26
blumaaanybody have any ideas?13:26
sipiorknxville: might try #windows in that case13:26
CJackplease help with video driver, in additional drivers, video card says that it is activated but not in use yet. how to fix it??13:26
knxvillesipior - yeah, already in there..13:27
padi999rusty149: yes, that's what I meant with "I followed your advice", I actually had to first "set all as unread"13:27
padi999rusty149: because the option didn't exist. But afterwards issuing "mark all as read left me with the same situation13:28
blumaahelp with the external hard drive issue?13:28
shcherbakblumaa: dmesg to check if hd has remounted, or touch /new/file/on/hd/test13:28
rusty149padi999: Thats odd, have you restarted the program? Have you tried to sort by read flag column? I'm not sure otherwise.13:29
blumaashcherbak - it says - touch: cannot touch `/new/file/on/hd/test': No such file or directory13:29
edwardteachshcherbak,  sounds like a permission problem13:30
blumaawhat do i do about a permission problem?13:30
TylerMcMasterIs there a simple command i can use to make ubuntu boot up like ubuntu-server? Verbose and verbose login screen?13:30
shcherbakblumaa: tuouch /path!/to/drive (try cd && touch TEST && ls)13:30
rusty149blumaa: Did you replace /new/file/on/hd/test with an actual path?13:30
blumaano... i don't know what that means13:30
blumaawhat is the path to drive?13:31
shcherbakblumaa: /home - do you know this one?13:31
blumaai mean, how do i find it13:31
blumaabut i don't know the path to the external hd13:31
shcherbakblumaa: your hd should be at /media/SOMETHING13:31
Taksas027where i can found pool directory? is it possibel that i dont have it?13:31
rusty149blumaa: Probably in /media/  do sudo mount -l to get a list13:31
bsdestroyerhow do I stop Xorg?13:32
blumaaokay this is what it says -13:32
blumaatouch: setting times of `/media/My Passport': Read-only file system13:32
shcherbakbgmerrell: stop gdm (for gnome) from tty13:32
rusty149blumaa: Is it an automount USB drive?13:33
ChrisHHi, what are ubuntu restricted extras?13:33
blumaarusty - i don't know13:33
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blumaahow do i find out?13:33
Taksas027where i can found pool directory? is it possibel that i dont have it?13:33
rusty149blumaa: Is it USB?13:33
blumaai can do a umount 'hd path', and that works13:34
rusty149blumaa: Did you just plugit in and it mounted or did you use a command13:34
shcherbakblumaa: sudo umount /media/MY\ PASSPORT  ,13:34
blumaabut once i start browsing, it just changes back to read only13:34
blumaano i just plugged it in13:34
shcherbakunplug it, them plug it and rum dmesg13:34
edwardteachTaksas027,  do you mean spool ! i have not heard of a pool dir ! i could be wrong!13:35
rusty149blumaa: do, sudo mount -l  and pastebin the output13:35
blumaawhere do i pastebin output?13:35
rusty149blumaa: paste.ubuntu.com13:35
phaidroswhat is wrong, and why does this config dont get a menu? http://pastie.org/149239913:35
rusty149blumaa: get the end of dmesg as well13:36
BlizzerandHi, what are unrestricted extras?13:36
BlizzerandAnd is it just a package or a group of files?13:37
Taksas027edwardteach: i dont know, look on installing sta driver without internet acess https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx13:37
aeon-ltd!restricted | Blizzerand13:37
ubottuBlizzerand: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:37
padi999rusty149: funny thing. I clicked on the second email in the list (supposedly marked as "read") and the bold font of the inbox (1) disappeared and I'm now back to normality. Hurray for Zoidberg :)13:37
blumaaokay http://paste.ubuntu.com/557653/13:37
Blizzerandaeon-ltd: Thanks for the link, last time I installed it, the download wasn't huge. But, today when I installed the same on my other PC, all the files are 97 MB in size.13:38
BlizzerandAre the files supposed to that large?13:39
BlizzerandAnd are restricted extras comprised of different packages which are then installed seperately? aeon-ltd ?13:39
blumaawhat do you think?13:40
aeon-ltdBlizzerand: yes, its a lot of plugins, and yes this just makes it easier13:40
rusty149 blumaa: sudo fsch.vfat -a /dev/sdc113:40
rusty149blumaa: sudo fsck.vfat -a /dev/sdc113:41
rusty149blumaa: sorry, typo13:41
blumaasudo: fsch.vfat: command not found13:41
blumaaoh okay13:41
blumaais this going to reformat hard drive?13:42
rusty149blumaa: No13:42
sanal_madathethdear all13:42
blumaaokay what did i just do and how do i know if it worked?13:42
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edwardteachTaksas027,  which ubuntu are you using 10.1013:43
sanal_madathethmy console font now has become Latin with an upgrade13:44
rusty149blumaa: You asked it to check for the fs for cluster errors and other stuff. Reconnect the drove and test13:44
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sanal_madathethhow to remove Latin from my console fonts13:44
Taksas027ah no13:44
sanal_madathethplz help13:44
Taksas027edwardteach: 10.0413:44
blumaashould i unmount it first?13:44
blumaait is still mounted13:44
rusty149blumaa: What was the output from command?13:44
rusty149blumaa: Naa, just unplug it13:44
blumaait reclaimed 11 unused clusters13:45
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Dr_Willisyou dont want to fsck a mounted filesystem...13:45
sanal_madathethhow to change a virtual console font or make it inactive13:45
Dr_Willissanal_madatheth:  the setfont command is one way13:46
Taksas027edwardteach:  but its strange, ebcause i think i installed 10.10 lol13:46
Dr_Willisthe default console font is set by some file in /etc/13:46
sanal_madathethDr_Willis, does that require any options?13:46
blumaarusty - it seems to be working and to be read/write now13:46
fmax30what does metacity --replace do?13:47
blumaathank you13:47
Dr_Willissanal_madatheth:  yes it would requier some options.. like the font to use for one thing..13:47
blumaawhy did this happen and how can i prevent it?13:47
shcherbakfmax30: remove compiz, or just reload metacity13:47
sanal_madathethDr_Willis, plz help,i've to remove Latin and only want UsS English13:48
Dr_Willisblumaa:  always unmount drives befor removing them.. is one habbit people to learn. :)n13:48
paissadguys, i would allow a user to run a command without password, here is what i did, but the user "oracle" is still prompted for the passwd13:48
paissadoracle ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/rc.d/rc.oracledb13:48
rusty149blumaa: Well I'm not sure what caused it but just good following good practices.13:48
blumaaso if it happens again, can i use the same command to correct it?13:48
fmax30glxgears gives me 500-600 fps without using metacity --replace  but with it , it gives me around 1787 fps13:48
Dr_Willissanal_madatheth:   as far as i know thats the default.. you could check /etc/default/console-setup13:48
fmax30why is that ?13:48
rusty149blumaa: I also suggest reformatting, there could be an error or curruption on another part of the disk. And if13:48
rusty149blumaa: And if you can use ntfs as that is better.13:49
Dr_Willisfmax30:  one is using metacity, other is using compiz.13:49
sanal_madathethDr_Willis, ok,i'll try and come back ,Thanks13:49
aeon-ltdfmax30: btw glxgears isn't a real benchmark, but compositing puts strain on 3d rendering13:49
fmax30Does that mean metacity is faster than compiz ?13:49
Dr_Willisfmax30:  compiz has all the fancy effects and eyecandy.. so yes.13:49
blumaai have way too much on there to reforrmat.  alright, thanks for the help rusty14913:49
fmax30how do i make metcity my default window manager ?13:50
aeon-ltdfmax30: no it means metacity requires less processing than compiz, if system requirements are a constraint then yes i suppose its faster13:50
Dr_Willisfmax30:  in theory. since you did a 'metacity --replace' it shoudl rember and use that.13:50
Dr_Willisfmax30:  or install/run the 'fusion-icon' program it lets you easually chanve window managers13:50
fmax30thank you13:51
shcherbakfmax30: gconf-editor (I guess)13:51
ah-berghow do it in awk? sed "s/'//g"13:54
Dr_Willishttp://www.eggheadcafe.com/software/aspnet/35701116/sed-oneliners.aspx  has some examples  ah-berg13:55
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hJc2Hi i'm running ubuntu from live cd and i dont want to set up my irc everytime / change name / connect to bouncer /  join channels .. I cant find a good autorun script anywhere do ineed to use another irc client what ar emy options13:56
aeon-ltdhJc2: most clients have that function built in, if your using xchat ask in #xchat on how to set that up13:56
shcherbakah-berg: Here is also #awk channel.13:57
Dr_WillishJc2:  how are you going to save anything from a live cd?13:57
hJc2ill be making a bash script that places an autorun file in the xchat directory, Dr_Willis13:57
Dr_WillishJc2:  most irc clients support such things. you may want to check their docs. many support them vi command like options13:57
hJc2But first i must find a script file...13:57
shadow98what is command to start and stop remote desktop from command line13:57
dpac_hJc2: I guess you can just run xchat when in live mode with your configs and backup ~/.xchat2 on a usb drive or something and restore it every time you login again13:57
Dr_WillishJc2:  and where are you saveing the bash file to? what irc client are you using...13:57
extorWhat's the easiest way to convert an mpg to an animated gif in ubuntu?13:58
froschblobhm. why don't my fn-f5/6 'brighness control' repeat? i think they did in some older buntu version...13:58
fmax30Can anyone help me making i. making ubuntu recognize that i have a radeon 9200 not 9000 ii. Stop applications from crashing everytime i use opengl extensions13:58
hJc2xchat 2.8.613:58
Dr_Willisextor:   you may want to check the ffmpeg and mencoder faq's i seem to recall taht menint mentioned in one (or both of them)13:58
hJc2Dr_Willis, i will be saving the bashfile on the usb i autorun ubuntu from( if thats possible )13:58
skyfiremy adobve flash always crash is there any alternative of this application plugins13:59
hJc2the point is i cant have a persitent usb because i will mess up settings and will be unable to put them back13:59
Dr_WillishJc2:  You do realize you can make a 'persistant' save file on a flash drive.. and just configure xchat normally and its settings will get saved.?13:59
shcherbakshadow98: vino-preferences is gtk application13:59
Dr_WillishJc2:  you can always put them back13:59
rusty149hJc2:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence13:59
hJc2Dr_Willis, You can, i can't13:59
hJc2and also13:59
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Dr_WillishJc2:  yes you can...  rm -rf .xchat   - xchat is back to defaults...14:00
hJc2wouldnt that remove whole xchat?14:00
Dr_Williswatch out for update/upgradeing persistant  setios14:00
hJc2or is .xchat only for config files?14:00
Dr_WillishJc2:   You got it :)14:00
hJc2I got what?14:00
hJc2the first or second14:00
Dr_Willisuser configs in their home dir....14:00
hJc2ah ok14:00
Dr_Willishow can a USER remove a system program....14:00
figweenihi, how do i know that the files i update manager downloads are legit, and haven't been tampered with ?14:01
Dr_Willispeople get used to windows explodinating on them all the time. :)14:01
Dr_Willisand expect ubuntu to do it also i guess.14:01
edwardteachTaksas027,   do you have to do this !   are you sure this how to fix the issue?14:01
Dr_Willisfigweeni:  they are 'signed' by gpg keys i recall.14:01
dpac_Dr_Willis: lol, so true14:01
shadow98shcherbak: i want to stop and start it..or at least check if it is running..i can connect via ssh just not vnc14:01
rusty149Dr_Willis: sudo apt-get remove [program]14:01
shcherbakfigweeni: thats why you have key, and source list.14:02
extorDr_Willis, perhaps you missed the "easiest" part of my question14:02
quiescensfigweeni: packages will only be automatically installed if they are signed by a key (see: sudo apt-key list)14:02
hJc2Dr_Willis, Replacing servlist_.conf will do fine, thx14:02
hJc2it even has join channel stuff14:02
Dr_Willisextor:  actually ive totally frogitten the actual question.. its not on my screen any more...14:02
hJc2i cant configure my name tho14:02
Taksas027edwardteach: well, bean told me that i have to isntall sta driver14:02
Dr_WillishJc2:   xchat has menu items and settings for all that... I dont see wny you are doing things the hard way14:03
amh345ubuntu 10.10 server.  lspci shows my wireless card Intel Corpcan  PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [kendron] Network Connection- but im unable to get it to work.  Can someone please help me?14:03
shcherbakshadow98: netstat -tulp to check is it runs, iftop to monitor, to stop and kill - check init.d and maybe upstart14:03
hJc2Because i don't want to change my name everytime i restart the computer14:03
hJc2and join all the channels manually14:03
hJc2and connect to my bouncer manually14:03
Dr_WillishJc2:  if you are using a eprsistant save file you wont have to.. it will keep your settings saved.14:03
hJc2it takes me 30sec14:03
figweeniok so the source gets the checksum for the files via an encrypted tunnel, from gpg, and then verifies the files before updating ?14:03
hJc2but if i have a persitent save file, anyone who steals that usb can read my settings14:03
hJc2and they'll go on irc posing as me on my bouncer >:( !!14:04
amh345i see some people saying when they dual boot with windows- it works.  but im not running windows at all.14:04
Dr_Willisthey will know your top secret nickserv password. Oh noes.. :)14:04
Ddordahey guys, i'm trying to find the ver. of a package from the cli. how can i do it?14:04
rusty149hJc2: I think that is paranoid.14:04
hJc2it's not14:04
shcherbakhJc2: you can wget your setting from online (passworded) storage14:05
sipiorhJc2: how do we know you're the real hjc2 now?14:05
shcherbaksipior: lol14:05
jodyhi i am trying to mount a windows share with the following command, "sudo smbmount // /home/jody/Downloads/smb/ -o username=joe,password=password,rw". it mounts perfectly, but i can not write to it. any ideas? thanks14:05
Dr_Williswhy not just do a FULL normal encrypted install to the flash drive.... if you want to be really secure..14:05
hJc2hJc2, no internet connection14:05
rusty149Ddorda: sudo dpkg -l | grep [packagename]14:05
quiescensfigweeni: the packages are signed with a private key, when you download the packages, your computer checks whether the package is signed by a key that you have in your apt-key list14:05
hJc2thanks for suggestions14:06
mohanohislydder: hi14:06
rusty149jody: check the windows permissions14:06
mohanohislydder: is it possible to upgrade without burning the cd? I have iso file of maverick14:07
jodyrusty149, it works fine if I log in as root on the ubuntu machine14:07
shadow98does anyone know how i can start vino (remote desktop) from command line14:07
tadohey there. anyone that knows how to import cover art from banshee to gtkpod?14:07
rusty149ls -la /home/jody/Downloads/smb14:08
edwardteachTaksas027,  the ./pool/main/d/dkms  is a place on the livecd !  witch line did you get too on the doc ?14:08
rumpe1mohanohi, yes... usb-stick or booting iso via grub14:08
edwardteachTaksas027,  whitch command ?14:08
erUSULmohanohi: you can mount the iso and use the script that comes with it to do the upgrade14:08
erUSULmohanohi: it has to be the alternatecd iso14:09
Dr_Willisshadow98:   ive not noticed a way to do that. Since it could be a security issue. if you dont want to share/see the 'current' visible desktop you dould use vncserver14:09
erUSUL!alternate | mohanohi14:09
ubottumohanohi: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal14:09
rusty149jody: ls -la /home/jody/Downloads/smb14:09
mohanohierUSUL: oh, i have live iso cd14:09
erUSULmohanohi: that cd/iso can not be used to do a distribution upgrade14:10
amh345the other docs i see all show how i can setup wireless using gnome. but i have  only commandline.14:10
mohanohierUSUL: oh, ok..14:10
jodyrusty149, do u want to see the output?14:10
Taksas027edwardteach: i dont have cd14:10
edwardteachTaksas027,  ho !14:10
rusty149jody: yeah > paste.ubuntu.com14:10
Taksas027edwardteach: i installed from usb14:10
kephcan someone recommend me something along the lines of gimpshop, except actually being updated14:10
shcherbakamh345: man iwconfig, man iwlist, do you have driver already working?14:11
aeon-ltdkeph: impossible unless such a package is actually maintained14:11
Jackneillhow to configure vodafone pendrive internet in ubuntu 10.10?14:11
Taksas027edwardteach: so i should search for it in usb?14:11
amh345schatan: hi, i tihnk i was speaking with you last thursday.   how do i know if my ddriver is working correctly?14:11
jodyrusty149, http://paste.ubuntu.com/557674/14:11
amh345shcherbak: ^^14:11
kephokay, how about "a graphics editor, preferably as much on par with Photoshop as possible that doesn't suck"?14:11
aeon-ltdkeph: gimp?14:12
erUSULJackneill: right click on the network icon. choose edit connnection go to broadban connections14:12
jribkeph: gimp14:12
SlyddererUSUL: I did a debian to ubuntu maverick migration with the live cd.14:12
shcherbakamh345: iwconfig , txpower not 014:12
kephaeon-ltd, jrib: no, but seriously.14:12
rusty149jody: It is because you mounted as root. unmount it and remount without sudo14:12
jribkeph: gimp works great, why do you think it sucks?14:12
aeon-ltdkeph: there is none like it14:12
Jackneillerusul ok14:12
Jackneilland after?14:13
aeon-ltdkeph: there are applications dedictaed for vector images though14:13
kephjrib, I will acknowledge this: it might be feature-packed. But the UI is absolutely obnoxious14:13
edwardteachTaksas027,  lspci -vvnn | grep 14e4  what was the output ?14:13
jribkeph: in what way?  it has menus and it has icons for tools :/14:13
sipiorkeph: then run photoshop.14:13
amh345shcherbak: iwconfig txpower shows 14 dBm14:13
Jackneilland how to open kernel window, i didnt find:s14:13
erUSULJackneill: press the button Add ?14:13
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Jackneilland after? i have 50 iq14:13
jribkeph: maybe it's /different/ than what you are used to, but it's a great editor.  In any case, if you really want photoshop then just run photoshop14:14
shcherbakamh345: is WEP WPA open network?14:14
kephjrib, it has multiple windows, the icons look nothing like anything in any other graphics editor so I can't even find things easily, and the keystrokes are all different14:14
amh345shcherbak: no, it's not an open connection14:14
jodyrusty149, http://paste.ubuntu.com/557679/14:14
aeon-ltdkeph: wait for 2.8? http://www.gimpusers.com/system/tutorial_steps/2173/1-original.png14:14
kephalso, jrib, as I said: I acknowledge it might be full of features. BUT.14:14
amh345shcherbak: it's wpa2 personal14:15
kephsipior, wish I could, man14:15
rusty149jody: what command did you run?14:15
Taksas027edwardteach: http://paste.ubuntu.com/557623/14:15
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jribkeph: it's just different icons and different commands.  If you had learned to use gimp first, you'd feel the same way about photoshop imo14:15
kephaeon-ltd, yeah, see, that's my point. It took them apparently 28 major versions (by naive count) to get the UI right-ish14:15
sipiorkeph: what's stopping you? if you need it, then use it. complaining that gimp isn't like photoshop isn't improving your situation any.14:15
jodysmbmount // /mnt/ -o username=joe,password=password,rw14:15
aeon-ltdkeph: 'right' is relative14:15
Dr_WillisNext gimp release is to be 'in one window' i recall.14:16
Dr_WillisI cant stand photoshop. I learned gimp. :)14:16
kephsipior, notice how I started off with asking how to make gimp something I could use. I WANT to like it, it's just that I don't get the feeling it wants me to14:16
rusty149jody: Thats different do, smbmount // /home/jody/Downloads/smb -o username=joe,password=password,rw14:16
edwardteachTaksas027,  have you tried System > Administration > Hardware/Additional Drivers14:16
Dr_Williskeph:  theres some 'gimpshop' i recall . but never used it14:16
shcherbakamh345: You need to know wpa_supplicant, hm WPA2, do not recall perfect solution...14:16
Taksas027edwardteach: no14:17
aeon-ltdkeph: dude man, i started with gimp; but seriously photoshop feels more like the 'real deal', but anyways for small jobs gimp is fine; for large jobs - why aren't you given photoshop by your employer?14:17
jodyrusty149, I tried to that directory also but with no luck14:17
kephaeon-ltd, might be. 'Industry standard' however, is not14:17
keph(regarding your 'is relative' comment, btw, aeon-ltd)14:17
kephDr_Willis, yeah. Not updated anymore14:17
hJcHow do i make my own irc hostname like lol@lol.com ???14:17
shcherbakamh345: anyway to confirm your wireless works: iwlist wlan0 scanning14:17
hJcI have a bouncer14:17
edwardteachTaksas027,  just try that please !14:17
erUSULhJc: ask i freenode14:17
Taksas027edwardteach: what i should do?14:18
aeon-ltdkeph: yeah i know, but i'd just hold out till 2.8 if single window interface is what you like14:18
sipiorkeph: if you're genuinely interested in improving gimp, the best way is to engage those developers directly. (filing bug reports and feature requests, submitting code if you're able) unfortunately, we have little control over gimp here in #ubuntu.14:18
rusty149jody: is downoads/smb properly unmounted. I need to see the exact command and output pastes14:18
Dr_WillishJc:  read your bouncer docs perhaps?  you cn set up a cloak on freenode.. thats not related to a bouncer.14:18
kephaeon-ltd, dunno. Might be that my employer's a cheapskate. Seriously though? The focus here's on programming, so that's kinda justified I guess14:18
amh345shcherbak: that returns a result.    i found my essid.  now im trying to iwconfig wlan0 key my_key_here but it's throwing an invalid arg on my_key_here14:18
edwardteachTaksas027,  drop down menus    =    System > Administration > Hardware/Additional Drivers14:18
Dr_Willistheres really Not a lot of gimp devlopers out there any more from what i read a few weeks back. I think theres just a handfull of active devs for it now a days.14:18
Taksas027edwardteach: and for what i should look there?14:19
kephsipior, from what I've heard, they're pretty adamant that the UI is just awesome. Case in point? It took them this many versions to even consider single-window mode14:19
jodyrusty149, yes it is unmounted. http://paste.ubuntu.com/557680/14:19
aeon-ltdkeph: i assume they wanted to be different from photoshop, rather than be a gnu copy14:19
Dr_Williskeph:  personally i have no issues  with things not being in a single window...14:19
cchildresshi. i'm sure this question has been asked before but i'm not getting anywhere after googling the issue. i'm trying to stop a service, but when i use the command "sudo service vsftpd stop" i get the "unknown instance:" error. how do i stop this service??14:19
Dr_Willisthe whole 'in a single window' is so  old-windows-mdi interfaceish...14:19
rusty149jody: Can you paste the exact command aswell please14:20
shcherbakamh345: You need wpa_supplicant to connect (and there is plenty on almost good how-tos, it may be that you will need wicd)14:20
kephaeon-ltd, hey isn't opensource all about choices though? Took them right up until 2.8 to give me a choice of not having a crapton of windows14:20
rusty149jody: Just here is fine for one line14:20
Dr_WillisOpensource is about freedom.  not quite teh same as 'choices'14:20
MarkAngCan anybody help me install Tor on Ubuntu 10.10? I have installed Polipo through terminal, changed the config file to the one supplied by torproject.org, installed vidalia through the Ubuntu software center, and (or so I thought) installed Tor. However, my Tor executable is nowhere to be found. Help plox?14:20
jodyrusty149,  Sorry lol. http://paste.ubuntu.com/557681/14:21
sinuxHi guys, like to have some help with .RAR files14:21
Dr_WillisMarkAng:  you installed tor via the tor ppa? or tor repos? theres not a tor packave in the default repos i thouight.14:21
erUSUL!rar | sinux14:21
ubottusinux: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free14:21
Dr_Willissinux:  unrar -e foo.rar :)14:21
MarkAngI honestly have no idea.14:21
MarkAngDoes it matter much?14:21
Dr_WillisMarkAng:  then you never installed the actual TOR program14:22
sinuxis there a way to extract these files in linux14:22
edwardteachTaksas027, there should be a section called   Additional Drivers   in there there should be help to install drivers for it !14:22
MarkAngWhere can I find the ppa/repository?14:22
aeon-ltdsinux: read the factoid erUSUL gave you14:22
Dr_WillisMarkAng:  theres a tor/ubuntu wiki page. and the tor homepage has debs i think14:22
sinuxok thx every one I'll just do that14:22
ikorackhi, i have a problem my left touchpad button will not work, only the right button, i can left click if i use my touchpad but that is starting to annoy me. could you help me?14:23
ikorackthat is my xinput list and my mouse section from my xorg.conf14:23
MarkAngDr_Willis, do you mean this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tor?14:24
MarkAngWhoops, accidentally included a ? in the url14:24
Dr_WillisMarkAng:  url looks right...14:24
cchildressanyone know why the "service" command won't work for some services? i get an "unknown instance" error when trying to stop vsftpd, for instance14:24
rusty149jody: sudo smbmount // /home/jody/Downloads/smb/ -o username=joe,password=password,rw,uid=jody14:24
MarkAngYeah, I've already done most of the things in there relevant to my ubuntu distro.14:24
erUSULcchildress: some sevices use upstart; use « initctl » or « start stop restart » commands14:25
MarkAngI followed instructions on Tor's own site to add repositories and gpg keys(?) through terminal and gedit.14:26
cchildresserUSUL: i have tried those, as well. "sudo stop vsfptd" gets me the same error14:26
jodyrusty149, thanks a million it works perfectly14:26
Dr_Williscchildress:  could be they are not poperly using the upstart system. ive never noticed any not workign via service..14:26
MarkAngBecause the official ubuntu one has instructions up to 10.04 but not 10.1014:26
erUSULcchildress: well that error is correct if you stop something that is not running ...14:26
cchildresserUSUL: oh but it is running, lol14:26
cchildressthat's the problem. i want to turn off ftp (i only use it rarely) but cannot!14:27
erUSULcchildress: sudo status vsfptd14:27
rusty149jody: If it is a regular mount. It would be better to add to fstab with same options14:27
Jackneillare you know a good IRC client for ubuntu?14:27
erUSULcchildress: also recheck the service name14:27
erUSULJackneill: x-chat14:27
edwardteachTaksas027, what is the output of    lsb_release -a14:27
Jackneillok thx14:27
Dr_WillisJackneill:  depends on your needs14:27
MarkAngJackneill: I would recommend Pidgin.14:27
MarkAngOn it right now, works like a charm.14:27
* BluesKaj wonders why fstab doesn't seem to list the cdrom14:28
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Dr_WillisPidgin is lacking features compared to dedicated irc clients.14:28
jodyrusty149, will do. again, thank you very much14:28
shcherbakJackneill: irssi - client of the future!14:28
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:28
Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  because its handled automatically by gnome services14:28
Sandkingdoes anyone know if latest ipod nano works well with rhythmbox?14:28
rusty149jody: //   /home/jody/Downloads/smb/ cifs  username=joe,password=password,rw,uid=jody  0  014:28
Dr_WillisI perfer weechat to irssi these days. for a pure text based irc client.14:28
MarkAngDr_Willis: Anything on my problem? *nagging*14:28
Taksas027edwardteach: i havent looked at drivers section, yet, cant right now14:29
cchildresserUSUL: very strange. when i start the service via "sudo start vsftpd" i get a process id and it says it starts. but then when i "sudo status vsftpd" it says "stopped/waiting"14:29
BluesKajDr_Willis, well in my case that would be kde services ?14:29
Dr_WillisMarkAng:   i dont use tor any more.. all i did a year+ ago was follow the wiki pages.14:29
Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  yep.14:29
cchildressit says it starts...but then acts like teh service isn't started14:29
erUSULcchildress: :/ and "restart"?14:29
MarkAngWell then, anybody else capable of helping?14:29
Dr_WillisMarkAng:  there also the forums.. Tor can be a real pain.14:30
Dr_WillisMarkAng:  perhaps the tor service is not running.14:30
cchildresserUSUL: "unknown instance" when i issue the restart command14:30
MarkAngIt isn't, and vidalia tells me it needs the location of my Tor executable.14:30
cchildresslol why can't i just use the stinking init script lol14:30
Dr_Willis'which tor'14:30
MarkAngTo make it run, I mean.14:30
erUSULcchildress: really dunno what is happening14:31
Dr_WillisI dont recall using Vidalia. I just set up tor. and set up my browser to use it.14:31
cchildresserUSUL: that makes two of us14:31
erUSULcchildress: maybe in #upstart ?14:31
cchildresserUSUL: yeah i'll try them thanks14:31
amh345how do i know what my psk is?14:32
MarkAngVidalia is a control panel to start and stop Tor, among other functions.14:32
Dr_WillisMarkAng:  if its a service.. let it start and let it run.. i dont recall needing vidalia :)14:32
MarkAngSo while that may not be necessary, how can I tell whether Tor is running?14:32
Dr_Willissudo service tor start  (perhaps)14:32
Dr_WillisMarkAng:  perhaps the tor service is not running.14:33
Dr_WillisMarkAng: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/09/how-to-install-tor-in-ubuntu-1010.html14:33
marcelo__i need install my graphics video14:33
marcelo__but i dont see my X14:33
MarkAngThat command appears to have worked, checking it right now.14:33
Dr_WillisMarkAng:  that url mentions vidalla has a issue with the latest TOR..14:34
Dr_Willismarcelo__:  and your video chipset is ?14:34
edwardteachTaksas027,   lsb_release -a   will tell you witch ubuntu your running !14:34
MarkAngThat would explain a whole lot :-/14:34
Dr_Willismarcelo__:  install the nvidia-current package via command line perhaps. or boot using the 'nomodeset' option, and you should get a low-res desktop you can use the normal tools to install them14:35
Dr_Willis!info nvidia-current14:35
ubuntudesignHello guys14:35
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 260.19.06-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 25690 kB, installed size 76364 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)14:35
ikorackno has any idea?14:35
Taksas027edwardteach: i clicked somehwere read about ubuntu and it showed me that 10.04, so probably it is the version14:35
ShapeShifter499 if I'm surfing on display 1 via VNC     can my mom log in on her's at home into display 0 and not directly bother me?14:36
marcelo__Dr_Willis how i boot using the nomodeset?14:36
edwardteachTaksas027, ok !14:36
Dr_Willismarcelo__:  boot , get to grub menu. hit 'e' - replace 'quiet splash' with 'nomodeset'14:36
BluesKajTaksas027, if you want to be sure , lsb_release -a14:37
MarkAngYes, my Torbutton confirms that Tor is up and running. Thanks a lot, Dr_Willis!14:37
Dr_WillisShapeShifter499:  if you are using 'vncserver' you can have dozens of vncservers going at the same time.14:37
Taksas027i will do it soon14:37
ShapeShifter499Dr_Willis, I'm using tightvncviewer14:37
Dr_WillisShapeShifter499:  so you are using a 'vncserver' then.14:37
ShapeShifter499Dr_Willis, er... I mean tightvncserver14:37
Dr_Willisyou can have dozens of them running. :)14:38
Dr_Willisif the system can handle the load.14:38
MarkAngSo thanks.14:38
ShapeShifter499ya but besides killing the cpu and ram is there any possible chance that my mom can mess my session up if I'm at school and using the same comp VIA vnc?14:39
Dr_Willisseperate desktops/sessions.. so no14:39
Dr_Willisunless she reboots the machine...14:39
ShapeShifter499ya was about to say that xD14:39
Dr_Willisher poping in a cd. may cause it to pop up on your desktop also..14:39
ShapeShifter499oh thats fine14:39
Dr_Willispeople expect things to be 'user friendly' for a 'single user' fail to see the implications  from the fact that Linux is a Multiuser system from teh start. :)14:40
ShapeShifter499ik   but I just want to make sure14:40
mernilioWell.. as a elvis lover.. here you go! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWRo6C_HcEo14:40
ShapeShifter499I don't want to be at school messing with a project on my home comp than see it flash off the screen BEFORE I save14:41
ShapeShifter499I think I would die14:41
Dr_Willisshe could always blow a fuse vacumeing the floor...14:41
Dr_Willissave often14:41
ShapeShifter499well then the battery would hold me over14:41
ShapeShifter499this is a laptop btw14:41
ShapeShifter499so not that bad14:42
Oer!ot | mernilio14:42
ubottumernilio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:42
ShapeShifter499can I install or edit some kind of settings preventing a normal noob from shuting down the system ?14:42
Dr_Willisi recall ubuntu-tweak having some security tweaks like that.14:43
mernilioubottu: i had my iron fist directed right towares marc shuttlewards nose really! :-)14:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:43
ShapeShifter499so it would only go into standby in low power situations14:43
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marcelo__ubuntu is sux14:44
marcelo__please i need see my X14:44
aeon-ltdShapeShifter499: if /sbin/shutdown is set in sudoers then you could remove that and remove their sudo priveledges aswell; iirc that shoud work14:44
AbhiJitmarcelo__, there is commadn called /part you may want to try it14:44
mernilioubottu: because i love you to much baby!! :-D14:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:44
Suntzu\pls help me how to hack a credit card14:44
popey!ot | Suntzu\14:45
ubottuSuntzu\: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:45
sipiorSuntzu\: find somewhere else to play.14:45
Dr_WillisSuntzu\:  get a axe.. place card on floor... start hacking.14:45
DJonesSuntzu\: Thats not something appropriate for this channel14:45
AbhiJitDr_Willis, :D lol14:45
marcelo__AbhiJit i want install a ubuntu!!!!!!!!!!14:45
ShapeShifter499aeon-ltd, I got to go   I should be fine for today14:45
Dr_Willismarcelo__:  so install it then...14:45
AbhiJitmarcelo__, which is your language?14:45
ShapeShifter499I got school, and the bus is comming in 20 minutes D:14:45
ShapeShifter499bye bye alll14:45
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AbhiJitwhat is pt?14:46
ShapeShifter499thanks for you guys help14:46
coz_ShapeShifter499,   look here  ,, I havent tried it though and I am assuming this is a non root user   http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-security-4/prevent-a-non-root-user-from-shutting-down-rebooting-or-suspend-the-system-594372/14:46
AbhiJit!br | marcelo__14:46
ubottumarcelo__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:46
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:46
sinuxFound a gr8 software for my .RAR issue called peazip14:46
ShapeShifter499coz_ ok I'll bookmark it14:46
marcelo__my channel help dont work14:46
marcelo__my ubuntu dont work14:46
Dr_Willismarcelo__:  state the problem in clear exacting terms. and see who can help.14:47
quiescensshutdown permissions for the gui are part of policykit, not part of sudoers14:47
quiescensoh well14:47
mernilioI had a relationsship with a girl. She did cared about Elvis former house in Tupelo, Mississippi!14:48
marcelo__how do install my nvidia drivers in text mode?14:48
sashaВсем привет!14:49
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:49
mernilioShe was also an submarine captain!14:50
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erUSUL!ru | sasha14:50
ubottusasha: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:50
Taksas027edwardteach: yeah its 10.04 and by clicking hardware drivers it doesnt allow because i dont have internet14:50
amh345is there a reason wpa_supplicant in this howto is using eth0 and not wlan0? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26313614:51
ubottuping-pong, a fun game for all the family14:51
Taksas027edwardteach: is there possibel to upgrade to 10.10? or i need remove this one and install new one?14:51
erUSULamh345: some old wifi drivers used eth* names for wireless ifaces14:52
Dr_Willismarcelo__:  install the 'nvidia-current' package. or try the 'jockey-text' program (i think)14:53
KM0201what exactly is ubuntu's cache?... is that were packages are stored after you download them?14:53
amh345erUSUL: ah, ok. mine looks to be detecting on wlan0, so ill keep it as wlan014:53
edwardteachTaksas027, since it is a new install you may as-well do a fresh install with 10.10 if you want to14:53
Dr_Willismarcelo__:  or boot using the 'nomodeset' option and use the normal X addational-drivers tool14:53
EdibleDaveHow to install VMWare Player on Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS?14:53
Dr_WillisKM0201:  that would be 'apt's  cache.14:53
EdibleDaveOn a dedicated server?14:54
Dr_WillisKM0201:  /var/cache/apt/14:54
KM0201i thought thats what it was14:54
root___ls /etc/rc1.d/14:54
root___cat /etc/sysctl.conf14:54
* Dr_Willis hands root___ a shell.14:54
sipiorDr_Willis: maybe we should try creating realistic output for them :-)14:55
Dr_Willissipior:  done that befor :)14:55
AbhiJitEdibleDave, you can get its .deb? from vmware web site?14:55
EdibleDaveI downloaded the .bundle originally.  Hang on.14:55
Dr_Willisnever heard of a '.bundle' package befor14:56
Picimarcelo__: Calm down.14:56
EdibleDaveNo .deb packages.14:56
amh345i've just ran sudo wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf  i see in termainal it says that it's associated with my mac address, it also says wpa:key negotiation completed with my mac address and it also says CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - connection to my mac address completed.   yet, when i open another terminal and ping google.com, it just sits there.14:57
AbhiJitno idea then.14:57
amh345now it says unknown host google.com.  i cant tell what's gone wrong.14:58
AbhiJitjust look for their documentation on thier website or join #vmware EdibleDave14:58
sipioramh345: did you remember to request an ip licence from the local dhcp server?14:58
OerEdibleDave, maybe this howto is any help >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Player14:58
EdibleDaveWell, .bundle seems to require the desktop environment.14:58
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amh345sipior: i just followed directions from a link.  how do i request an ip?14:58
sipioramh345: see what "sudo dhclient" reports.14:59
EdibleDaveSo, how do I install the desktop environment on Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS and then access it given that I only have remote access to the box?14:59
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AbhiJitEdibleDave, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will instal DE, gui thingy etc14:59
sumani have installed ubuntu server in one of my laptop computer ...but i want to install desktop version now15:00
sumanhow to do it???15:00
AbhiJitsuman, i just told the same thing above15:00
sumanyeah jus logged in ...will read it15:00
erUSULsuman: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop15:01
AbhiJitsuman, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop15:01
EdibleDaveI've seen those instructions before - someone recommends also using '--without-recommends'.15:01
amh345sipior: it's returning a bunch of lines, over and over for wlan0 and eth0,  DHCPDISCOVER in 1lan0 port67 interval x. then it said No DHCP offers received.  however, it should be
sumanabhi but it saying it cannot locate the installation file...15:01
shcherbakamh345: Do you have ip? dhclient15:01
dgxHow can I active my num-pad keys, I am on laptop, acer aspire 5740g and I click the fn+NumLock combo, nothing hapends. Any ideas?15:01
Dr_Willissuman:  you would proberly be better off installing the desktop edition - then adding what server parts you need.. then doing the reverse15:01
AbhiJitsuman, have you written the right command? spelling?15:02
AbhiJitsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop15:02
sumanyes i guess it s nt connected to the internet15:02
BluesKajamh345,  you may need to restart and reset /etc/network/interfaces  , try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart , if it balks at thet command then try: sudo service networking restart15:02
sumanhow to connect it ???15:02
aeon-ltdsuman: then you can't not without something like apt-on-cd15:03
Benkinoobyhi, i want to burn a ubuntu live cd. i use a netbook with an attached usb cd-rw drive. ubuntu does not recognize it. i have not found any useful infor for that problem15:03
Dr_Willissuman:  wired or wireless networking?15:03
Dr_WillisBenkinooby:  when you plug it in  check 'dmesg' output, near the bottom it should mentoon what /dev/sd# or /dev/sr# it is.15:03
sumani have both ...what shall i do shall i connect it to wired and then try???15:03
Dr_WillisBenkinooby:  or try some other burning app like k3b, or gtoaster, or others15:04
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto15:04
sipioramh345: you have a dhcp server running on the router/host you're connecting to?15:04
NoReflexhello! anyone know which lucid kernel has SMP support? I have a P4 3.Ghz CPU with HT (ht appears as a flag in proc/cpuinfo) but gnome-system-monitor and top report only one CPU. Currently I have 2.6.32-26-generic installed15:04
erUSULNoReflex: all of them have smp support15:05
sumanmeans it not able to locate the packages as its nt connected to the internet ...basically how to connect it to the internet15:05
sipioramh345: nothing magical about dchp, of course. you could always choose a network-appropriate ip address, and set your gateway and dns information by hand.15:05
molndudes, in ubuntu 10.10 the brightness of my laptop keeps going down to half every time I stop using it for like a minute...fn keys works, but it's just boring. what can I do?15:05
erUSULNoReflex: maybe ht is disabled in bios ?15:05
euriskoNoReflex, there where some intel cpu with a ht bug... maybe the ht is disabled.15:05
molnI'm kinda n00b so..15:05
Dr_Willissuman:  plug in a wired cable to your router. and perhaps run the dhclient command, or restart the network services15:05
edwardteachTaksas027,  sudo dpkg -i dkms*    was the command to run first for usb !15:05
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NoReflexeurisko, if HT is disabled from BIOS would it still appear as a CPU flag?15:06
Dr_Willismoln:  check your powersaving settings or screensaver settings. theres a check box to dim on idle.15:06
shcherbakmoln: menu > Preferences > Power , untick dim display15:06
sumanoki will do that ...15:06
NoReflexerUSUL, ^^15:06
molnuh ok thx15:06
sumanwats the command to restart network service15:06
BenkinoobyDr_Willis, my dmesg output sees something http://pastebin.com/TXRTjdvy15:06
euriskoNoReflex, you to have HT enabled on bios. But noneless check what intel cpu's had ht bug.15:06
molnyea I find out exactly when u both told me15:06
eurisko*have to15:07
erUSULsuman: sudo restart networking15:07
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BluesKajsudo service networking restart, suman15:07
amh345BluesKaj: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart says reconfig network, then it hit LPF/wlan0/mac_address. send_packet says network is unreachable  it doesnt the same for eth0 but returns a bunch of DHCPDiscover before saying No DHCPOffers received.   then it says it's trying to associate my mac_address with my essid, and it looks like it properly associated.  but still no ping google.com   .  jeez, i wish i could c/p.15:07
molnoh another thing, I have some updates15:07
molnbut it won't let me download them15:08
sipioramh345: you never mentioned if you had verified that there is a dhcp server listening on the network.15:08
Taravelhi is there a way to uninstall pulse audio?15:08
molnit's like: could not fetch, error 404  check your internet (and my internet works)15:08
amh345sipior: when i define that manually, do i just do it in /etc/network/intefaces ?15:08
amh345sipior: yes, there is a dhcp server listening (router). my other machines are on it.15:09
sumanthank u15:09
sipioramh345: you could do, but best to do it by hand for now and verify that it works.15:09
amh345sipior: when you say by hand, and are not referring to network/interfaces.. how do i do it?15:09
AbuBadrhi there, Is there a software to control startup programs?15:09
red2kicAbuBadr: System --> Pref --> Startup Apps15:10
Dr_WillisAbuBadr:  depends on what ones you want to controll.15:10
wisevoyagerAbuBadr: of course15:10
sipioramh345: you can set the ip address of an interface with "ifconfig", and add a route with "route". those are both in /sbin, if that's not in your path already.15:10
Dr_WillisTaravel:  any time ive seen someone try to remove pulseaudio.. they soon come back and ask how to reinstall it.. or end up reinstalling the system15:11
sipioramh345: so, "sudo ifconfig wlan0 netmask" or the like.15:11
wisevoyagerAbuBadr: run terminal $ sudo apt-get install startupmanager15:11
Dr_Willis!info startupmanager15:11
ubottustartupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub, Usplash and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.13-5 (maverick), package size 114 kB, installed size 1360 kB15:11
sumanits saying unknown instance15:11
AbuBadrred2kic, I tried that way but I can't find emesene?!15:11
BluesKajamh345, pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file , so we can have a look15:11
suman:unknown instance15:11
sipioramh345: and then "sudo route add default gw" or whatever your gateway address is.15:12
sumani have connected it to wired internet15:12
amh345sipior: im usung wlan0, so ill sub ifconfig for iwconfig15:12
red2kicAbuBadr: /etc/xdg/autostart <-- Check that.15:12
sipioramh345: those are not the same thing!15:12
sumanduring installation i have skipped the network configuration or setup15:12
amh345BluesKaj: i cant paste bin, it's on another computer. but i can type out my interfaces content in pastebin15:13
sipioramh345: iwconfig configures the wireless communication of the card. ifconfig addresses the network stack proper.15:13
sumanabhijit r u there??15:13
AbhiJitsuman, yes15:13
amh345sipior: oh, but using wlan0 instead of sudo wpa_supplicant -Bw -Dwext -i eth0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf  is ok though?15:14
sumanits not taking the command saying unknown instance15:14
Taravelmmm the problem is that pulse audio can't handle AC3/DTS over HDMI and only deleting it I can achieve this feature in xbmc :P but I can't understand if I can remove it without loosing the audio indicator.15:14
AbhiJitsuman, are you connected tointernet?15:14
sipioramh345: sure, if that's the wireless interface.15:14
AbhiJitoh sorry15:14
AbhiJitmy bad!!!!!!! lol :D15:14
sumanmy connection is active15:14
sumanam using it thru my other comp15:15
i360Why I can't use fdisk to partition the disk15:15
AbhiJitsuman, i mean the machine on you want to install that is that connected to internet? and close all other synaptic, software cneter etc only open terminal15:15
galamari am having problems with mencoder at "Audio LAVC, couldn't find encoder for codec libfaac." .....................i can post the command i used if you need me to15:15
i360It said 'No free sectors available'15:15
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sumanits a server edition ...so i have only command line interface15:15
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cjonesI have an Ubuntu 10.04 desktop that currently authenticates through LDAP. I'm trying to restore it back to the normal local authentication method. What is the proper way to do that?15:16
AbuBadrred2kic, didn't find emesene there!15:16
sumanno its not thats why its saying cudnt locatethe package15:16
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:16
red2kicAbuBadr: emesene starts up and you want to turn that off?15:17
sumanabhijit:what is the command to connect it to the internet15:17
AbhiJitsuman, do sudo apt-get update and then do that command15:17
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AbuBadrit was easy in linux mint    to right click any programe from the mint menu and then select to start with startup15:17
AbhiJitsuman, i am not familiar with server i mean commadn line to connect to internet. ask in #ubuntu-server15:17
erUSULsuman: parted fails too ?15:18
sumanits doin some thing ...wait15:18
AbuBadrred2kic, no, I want emesene to start with ubuntu startup15:18
red2kicAbuBadr: Oh. Create a file in System --> Startup Apps --> Add.15:19
sumanabhijit:it just asking for the cd15:19
* i360 Why fdisk said 'No free sectors available'15:19
red2kicAbuBadr: I thought you're trying to remove emense and couldn't find the file.15:19
AbhiJitsuman, i think then that machine is not connected to internet. first connect it to internet15:20
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sumanabhijit:how to???15:20
AbuBadrred2kic, I tried to add emesene but I can't find it!15:20
AbhiJiti told na! i dont know about command line things! plese ask in #ubuntu-server su15:20
AbhiJitsuman, ^^15:20
Toiletbowlgood evening people15:21
i360But I can use cfdisk to partition!15:21
red2kicAbuBadr: "which emesene" -- That's where the command is.15:21
RusAlexhi guys, which premissions i need to check if my command `crontab -e` writes to me crontabs/alex/: fdopen: Permission denied15:22
AbhiJitsuman, erUSUL is repyling you see what he syas15:22
i360Hi guys, why I can cfdisk to partition but fdisk said No free sectors available15:23
AbuBadrred2kic, wow thanks alot15:23
red2kicAbuBadr: No prob.15:23
amh345BluesKaj: here is my pastebin  i had to type it out manually here.  i hope there arent any typos. http://pastebin.com/x7KpeeUR15:24
itsme2011Can anyone, please help me with this issue    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167090515:24
marcelo__see my graphics http://yfrog.com/h5ccamyj15:25
EdibleDaveAlright, got 'ubuntu-desktop' installed on Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS.  Now, how do I go about accessing the GUI remotely?15:25
KM0201itsme2011: it looks like your ubuntu OS is not online... are you using IRC through ubuntu?15:25
ActionParsnipEdibleDave: you can use VNC or SSH + x forward apps. If you needed desktop stuffs, why didn't you just install the desktop OS?15:26
EdibleDaveDedicated server.15:26
itsme2011KM0201: Yes15:26
ActionParsnipmarcelo__: is the system a laptop?15:26
KM0201itsme2011: hmm i have no idea.. the "passportindia" link, works fine for me w/ chrome, firefox, etc15:26
galamari have installed libfaac but mencoder is not able to find and use it. can anyone help me?15:27
ActionParsnipEdibleDave: that is moot, many run a desktop as a server as they need desktop stuf. You now have the exact same as is you'd installed the desktop ISO, but you went through ore headache to get it15:27
livingdaylightGreetings Ubuntu15:27
livingdaylightI have jpg for background where I canst put it?15:27
ActionParsnipmarcelo__: or is the system a branded pc15:27
molndudes, when I resize a window it sucks. why? what I mean is, it's like it doesn't update 'live' the window content...don't really know how to explain....it's like using some old wm15:27
EdibleDaveI'm limited to the images my ISP provided.15:27
Cube``for some reason, i cannot disable X from starting @ boot15:27
molnwhat can I do?15:27
Dr_Willislivingdaylight:  whever you want.15:27
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: doesn't matter where it is15:27
KM0201itsme2011: so you can't go to any websites, or just that one?15:27
AbuBadrin windows my laptop fan was working only when needed but here in ubuntu it's working all the time! and also the screen light can't be dimmed!15:27
itsme2011KM0201: That's my issue, I am unable to access a lot of websites from my ubuntu 10.10 64 bit.15:28
KM0201itsme2011: "a lot" of websites, or "any" websites, there's a difference... can you go to aol.com or yahoo.com ?15:28
livingdaylightDr_Willis, | ActionParsnip where are all the wallpapers kept so I can have all 1 placve15:28
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: right click desktop -> change picture   then click 'add' and tell the OS where the picture is, you don't have to put the image in a special folder in windows either15:28
BluesKajamh345, you should add the IP addresses for the computer, network, gateway, netmask, and broadcast to the file ... this tutorial might help you set up your wpa_supplicant , if needed15:28
BluesKajamh345, http://wiki.debian.org/WiFi/HowToUse#wpasupplicant15:29
livingdaylightActionParsnip, but I want to move picture out of downloads folder, too much clutter15:29
amh345BluesKaj: thank you. i will read it15:29
red2kiclivingdaylight: Put it in ~/Pictures/15:29
ActionParsnipAbuBadr: different ACPI support, that's why. Windows is a different OS with different support15:29
Cube``for some reason, i cannot disable X from starting @ boot. tried sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove already15:29
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: then put it wherever you like15:29
ActionParsnip!nox | Cube``15:29
livingdaylightred2kic, is there not one folder where are all other backgrounds are kept?15:29
ubottuCube``: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode15:29
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: no, you can store it in ~/Pictires if you like15:29
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: Pictures  sorry15:30
Cube``ActionParsnip: but i can still do STARTX afterwards?15:30
red2kiclivingdaylight: You're talking about system-wide configuration. Yeah, few backgrounds are kept in there -- but that's also the reason why you can't delete them. Put it in ~/Pictures/ and select it from there.15:30
livingdaylightActionParsnip, but ubuntu have default wallpapers. Where are they so I can make 1 collection15:30
ActionParsnipCube``: yes, its only the option from the boot, you can startx if you like15:30
itsme2011KM0201: I am able to access websites but a few of them don't work.15:30
livingdaylightred2kic, i thought I was master of my computer15:31
Cube``ActionParsnip: i have no /boot/grub/menu.lst!?!?! how come?15:31
AbuBadrActionParsnip, yes and i can't find drivers for linux for my laptop but is there a universal drivers for screen light and fan control?15:31
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: i believe it's /usr/share/backgrounds   but you don't NEED to keep it there for it to be usable. You will also need to use sudo cp   or gksudo nautilus   to get write access to the folder15:31
red2kiclivingdaylight: You are. If you had to ask us where -- then you're not really a master. :)15:31
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ActionParsnipCube``: you are using grub2   you add the option in /etc/default/grub   in the quotes next to    quiet splas      then run:  sudo update-grub15:32
livingdaylightActionParsnip, /usr/share/backgrounds is exactly what I was after15:32
ActionParsnipAbuBadr: what is the make / model of the system?15:32
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: it's not necesary though15:32
livingdaylightred2kic, no, I am measly servant <sniff>15:33
NoReflexeurisko, I cannot find the Intel bug you mentioned15:33
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: do you copy your wallpaper in Windows, to c:\windows  ??15:33
itsme2011KM0201: I am able to access a lot of websites but few of them don't work in ubuntu 10.10 ( 64 bit)15:33
livingdaylightActionParsnip, i don't mess with windows15:33
AbuBadrActionParsnip, fujitsu Sa 365015:33
KM0201itsme2011: hang on just a sec, looking at something15:33
EdibleDaveOkay.  Thanks everyone.  I think I can manage installing VNC and getting VMWare installed on my own.15:34
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: can you expand on "mess with? do you mean "use"?15:34
itsme2011KM0201: sure15:34
Cube``ActionParsnip: i dont have a line that starts with "# kopt=" however! where do i need to change anything?15:34
livingdaylightActionParsnip, yes, I use Ubuntu only15:34
livingdaylightActionParsnip, I prefer it by miles15:34
ActionParsnipCube``: change    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"    to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash text"15:34
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: ok, you could have sid that, it's clearer15:35
KM0201itsme2011: i dunno, its strange, cuz i can go to that site w/ my web browsers, but i can't ping it...15:35
ActionParsnipCube``: you'll need to run: sudo update-grub    to regenerate grub.cfg15:35
red2kiclivingdaylight: http://tinyurl.com/qg7kdq -- Look at /usr/share/ -- It is there for a reason -- So the other users can have that sweet wallpapers too.15:35
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: but when you did, you just changed the wallpaper from your mydocs didn't you...?15:36
itsme2011KM0201: any work around?15:36
livingdaylightActionParsnip, I don't want to have nightmares remembering windows... I just wanted to put all wallpaper pictures in one place to have more cohesive experience15:37
KM0201itsme2011: i don't even know why its' doing it, let alone know of any sort of working around... if i can't ping it, it doesn't make sense that i can go to it w/ my web browser.15:37
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: your call, just know its not necessary for it to work15:37
AbhiJitsuman, connected to internet now?15:37
itsme2011Can anyone, please help me with this issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167090515:38
Cube``ActionParsnip: thanks! I'll try it tout now15:38
livingdaylightred2kic, yes, another reason I want to put picture with other wallpapers, so ALL users can have that sweet experience. Do, they have to png or is jpg ok?15:38
livingdaylightActionParsnip, you are very helpful -thx15:38
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: np bro15:38
red2kiclivingdaylight: I think either will work fine. However, /usr/share/ is not the place where you should put your wallpapers in. I have mine in /home/chris/Pictures/Backgrounds/ -- This way, I can sync the backgrounds across multiple machines. :)15:39
sssHelp! [dual boot windows XP & ubuntu] I've ran the ubuntu's updates, it asked me to restart. Then the computer shows black screen "error: no such device: [lots of hex digits] grub rescue>"15:39
sssHelp! [dual boot windows XP & ubuntu] I've ran the ubuntu's updates, it asked me to restart. Then the computer shows black screen "error: no such device: [lots of hex digits] grub rescue>"15:39
galamaris there some special way to ask a question that i missed.15:39
red2kiclivingdaylight: You can do /home/chris/Backgrounds/ -- That's fine too.15:39
sipiorgalamar: not especially. being precise and including as much information as possible is a good start.15:40
livingdaylightred2kic, i make /home/livingdaylight/.wallpapers15:40
sssHelp! [dual boot windows XP & ubuntu] I've ran the ubuntu's updates, it asked me to restart. Then the computer shows black screen "error: no such device: [lots of hex digits] grub rescue>"15:40
red2kicgalamar: Ask again if nobody answered you. If you missed anything, that's okay. Ask again. It won't hurt.15:40
nerdy_kidis there a simple way to calibrate touch screens?15:40
galamari am having problems with mencoder at "Audio LAVC, couldn't find encoder for codec libfaac." .....................i can post the command i used if you need me to15:40
livingdaylightred2kic, how do you sync your desktop across other machines?15:41
SquarismGah... how can you force password auth with ssh... ? i have ssh-agent running but prolly havent set up this particular host correctly and i get "Permission denied (publickey)"15:41
red2kiclivingdaylight: You want to hide that folder. That's fine. :) As long as it's in $HOME.15:41
sssHelp! [dual boot windows XP & ubuntu] I've ran the ubuntu's updates, it asked me to restart. Then the computer shows black screen "error: no such device: [lots of hex digits] grub rescue>"15:41
red2kiclivingdaylight: lsyncd -- It is similiar to Dropbox.15:41
sipiorgalamar: you can try installing the libfaac0 package: "sudo apt-get install libfaac0"15:41
BluesKaj!patience | sss15:41
ubottusss: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:41
galamarsipior: i have that15:42
marcelo__i need configure my wireless15:42
KM0201sss: assuming your ubuntu OS is still there, you probably need to restore grub... when you say you "updated"... did you just update the OS, or did you upgrade(to a different version of ubuntu)15:42
sipiorgalamar: you have "faac" as well?15:42
ActionParsnipAbuBadr: not finding too much, you could try disabling acpi to test15:42
galamarsipior: no\15:42
red2kiclivingdaylight: http://code.google.com/p/lsyncd/15:42
itsme2011I am unable to access websites from my Ubuntu 10.10 (64 bit), please help.15:42
ActionParsnipitsme2011: can you ping ?15:43
livingdaylightred2kic, thx15:43
sssKM0201: I didn't change the version of OS. Just showed me a window informing me of updates15:43
KM0201itsme2011: are you using a normal dual boot, or wubi, or what?15:43
itsme2011ActionParsnip: I have explained everything in this thread   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167090515:43
KM0201sss: are you using a normal dual boot or wubi, or what?15:43
itsme2011KM0201: Dual boot15:44
Cube``ActionParsnip: how can i make it boot with tty1 as default?15:44
AbuBadrActionParsnip,  how to disable acpi?15:44
galamarsipior:  ok i installed faac and i still get the same error15:44
sssKM0201: I've installed using Wubi. I have truned on and shut off using windows and ubuntu several times succefuuly15:44
KM0201itsme2011: that wasn't for you, sorry.... i suspect your problem is either your provider, or the site is blocked somehow.15:44
ActionParsnipitsme2011: passportindia.gov.in   aren't running a telnet service. I have a connection (as you can see) and I cannot telnet to what you tried15:44
KM0201sss: ugh.. when are people gonna learn... good luck on this one, i can't help you.15:45
brijithmachow can I improve my battary backup.. any one have any tips to share ?15:45
nerdy_kidis there a simple way to calibrate touch screens?15:45
ActionParsnipAbuBadr: add:   acpi=off   in the quotes in /etc/default/grub    you will need to run:  sudo update-grub    to apply the setting15:45
sssKM0201: too bad...15:45
ActionParsnipbrijithmac: do you mean battery life in a laptop?15:45
KM0201sss: not for me... ;)   seriously, hope you get it resolved, but really, Wubi should be to *TRY* ubuntu, not *RUN* ubuntu.15:46
itsme2011ActionParsnip: That was only a work around, I performed by a friends suggestion.15:46
brijithmacactionParsnip: exactly15:46
sipiorgalamar: ah, you likely need the correct gstreamer plugin package.15:46
AbuBadrActionParsnip, thank you15:46
ActionParsnipbrijithmac: thats not a backup then, its the actual systems power15:46
galamarsipior: do you wanna see the command im using?15:46
itsme2011ActionParsnip: base line is, I am unable to access those websites15:46
ActionParsnipbrijithmac: you can use LXDE which is a lighter desktop, and ditch compiz. This will stress your CPU less and allow it to run slower, saving power15:47
galamarsipior: and how do i correct the gstreamer plugin package15:47
sipiorgalamar: no, i think the error is clear enough. try installing all the gstreamer packages you find.15:47
WinP000ubuntu has an LXDE version ?15:47
ActionParsnipitsme2011: do you have nameserver's defined in /etc/resolv.conf ?15:47
brijithmac ActionParsnip: is it a alternative to Gnome ?15:47
ActionParsnipWinP000: there is Lubuntu, or you can just install LXDE on Ubuntu15:48
ActionParsnipbrijithmac: yes, its a lot less bulky15:48
brijithmac ActionParsnip: But I am used to gone . will I miss much if I moveto it15:49
itsme2011ActionParsnip: No, but I tried with Opendns. same problem existed even then.15:49
JemtHi guys. I have Ubuntu installed on a USB hard drive. My computer doesn't support USB boot, so I use the Live CD to boot into Ubuntu. What will happen if I upgrade Ubuntu on the USB drive? The CD still contains the old kernel. Will I ALWAYS be able to boot the USB drive using the old kernel (as longs as I doesn't perform a dist upgrade to the next version of Ubuntu, of course) ?15:49
Encr9Hi, when I enable Compiz, everything is fine, except the edges around windows disapears, so I can't move windows around or access the window's menu, Ubuntu 10.10 desktop w/ATI Radeon HD 435015:49
ActionParsnipbrijithmac: it uses significantly less power15:49
ActionParsnipitsme2011: ok how do you connect to the web?15:50
sumancan anyone help me connectiing my ubuntu servr edition to internet15:50
brijithmac ActionParsnip: oky15:50
sumancan anyone help me connectiing my ubuntu servr edition to internet15:50
nimrod10Encr9, do you have a window manager enabled ? like metacity or emerald ?15:50
brijithmac ActionParsnip: Thanks for ur suggestion15:50
sumancan anyone help me connectiing my ubuntu servr edition to internet15:50
itsme2011ActionParsnip: Broadband, DSL connection, through Modem15:50
Encr9nimrod10: what ever Ubuntu has enabled15:50
Encr9I havent changed anything other than enabled Compiz15:50
sumanhullo???can anyone help me connectiing my ubuntu servr edition to internet15:51
ActionParsnipEncr9: try installing emerald then press ALT+F2 and run:  emerald --replace    then you should get the window decorators, you can even grab emerald themes to change them15:51
rusty149suman: Do you have an ethernet or wireless connection?15:51
nimrod10Encr9, how do you enable compiz }?15:51
ActionParsnip!ppoe | itsme201115:51
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE15:51
sumanrusty:wired connection15:51
nimrod10ActionParsnip, Encr9 a nifty thing that always helps is compiz-icon.15:51
Encr9nimrod10: using the compiz settings configurator, compiz is working, windows are wobbling, etc15:51
BluesKajActionParsnip, I've been meaning to ask , does resolv.conf require nameservers like google's primary and secondary listed , or is the manual dns setting in the router enough15:52
rusty149suman: OK, can you pastebin the ifconfig output please15:52
Cube``ActionParsnip: how can i make it boot with tty1 as default?15:52
Cube``ActionParsnip: how can i make it boot with tty1 as default?15:52
sumanrusty149:actually i have both ..wud be happy if it connects through wireless15:52
AbuBadrActionParsnip, i opened grub but where to put acpi=off in that file? it will not affect system boot?15:52
sumanthats a big file .shall i type it...15:52
itsme2011ActionParsnip: I was using pppoeconfg command to connect to same internet connection, in older versions of Ubuntu, but now they have provided a GUI method in Network Connections15:53
sumanrusty149:shall i type it cuz its on other comp15:53
ActionParsnipAbuBadr: yes, it will make acpi not be loaded15:53
sumanrusty149:r u ther?15:53
galamarsipior: i only found 2 gstreamer packs the seemed important.... other than that there is like 100 packages that mention gstreamer.15:53
ActionParsnipitsme2011: worth a shot isn't it?15:53
rusty149suman: use paste.ubuntu.com. What sections are there?15:53
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
rusty149suman: Do you have eth0, eth1?15:53
sipiorgalamar: the relevant one may live in the Universe or Multiverse repositories15:54
AbuBadrActionParsnip, but the grub is full of data. where to put acpi=off exactly?15:54
sipiorgalamar: unfortunately, ubuntu likes making folks play games to figure out which package contains the media plugin they desire.15:54
sumanrusty149:its not mentioned in output of the command 'ifconfig'15:55
red2kicAbuBadr: When you're done, close it. Run "update-grub2" -- Hopefully it'll work. La la la.15:55
AbuBadrred2kic, i have this line        GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"15:55
ActionParsnipAbuBadr: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"   change it to    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi=off"15:55
red2kicAbuBadr: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi=off"15:56
Encr9Ok, that emerald helped, but I thought Compiz had a special window menu for all the windows that would let you change the window rules? Like KDE has, I have windows rules enabled on compiz settings15:56
rusty149suman: paste, sudo cat /etc/network/interfaces15:56
red2kicEncr9: You have to declare the rules in the plugins. Things don't happen automagically.15:56
AbuBadrred2kic, ActionParsnip, update-grub  or  update-grub2  ??15:57
ActionParsnipAbuBadr: eithe15:57
red2kicAbuBadr: You pick.15:57
itsme2011ActionParsnip: If I use pppoeconf command now, I will never be able to use GUI method to connect to Internet, Network Connection will say "Device Not managed", i will have to use same command to connect to INTERNET every time .15:57
sumanrusty149: output ...auto lo iface lo net loopback15:58
pingufanHello, I have Ubuntu on one PC.  I try to mount my NFS server, but it appears to me that it does not support that. What must I install in addition?15:58
AbuBadrred2kic, ActionParsnip, thanks but how come grub is read only!! i can't type there!15:58
rusty149suman: do you have, auto eth0??15:58
ActionParsnipAbuBadr: the file is outside home, you need to run:  gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub   to get write access15:59
red2kicAbuBadr: Permissions. That file are not meant to be tampered religiously.15:59
sumanrusty149:yeah its auto eth15:59
sumanrusty149:its saying auto lo15:59
ActionParsnipAbuBadr: ANY file outside of your home that you need write access to, use sudo or gksudo (gksudo if you intend to use graphical apps to edit / manipulate the data)15:59
=== nemesis is now known as Guest98137
EagleDose anyone know where I can get printer drivers? Lexmark x2250>.  Cant find them any where...15:59
EagleFor Ubuntu16:00
ActionParsnipEagle: tried the lexmark site?16:00
Cube``ActionParsnip: how can i make it boot with tty1 as default?16:00
ActionParsnipCube``: not sure there dude, all I know is the text boot option16:00
red2kicEagle: You bought it recently?16:00
AbhiJitm back16:01
rusty149suman: Can you just confirm that you have, auto eth0   and    iface eth0 inet dhcp?16:01
galamarsipior: ok after installing the gstreamer i thought relevant i still get same error...... now installing gstreamer everything....16:01
AbuBadrActionParsnip, red2kic,  Thaaanks alot16:01
re_someone knows some software for fingerprint ?16:01
sumanrusty: iface:lo  inet:loopback16:02
red2kicEagle: Get a new printer. I think I'm buying one too. Uh uh uh.16:02
ActionParsnipEagle: seems to work with the  lexmark z42  driver. I suggest you avoid Lexmark, their Linux suport is very lacking but SOME printers are supported16:02
puppywhere get the best icon themes for Ubuntu 10.1016:02
WinP000would anyone be able to tell if 10.10 was built for i386, as the name states, or is it infact compiled for i686 ?16:02
sumanrusty149: iface:lo  inet:loopback16:02
ActionParsnipWinP000: i386 was dropped a little back :(16:02
sipiorgalamar: hey, which version of ubuntu are you running?16:03
rusty149suman: This is confusing without output. How many lines are there?16:03
WinP000so are the packages in the repos also all built for i686 ?16:03
galamarsipior: natty16:03
ActionParsnipWinP000: http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r24377753-Ubuntu-to-drop-i386-support16:03
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.16:03
red2kicpuppy: http://gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=120x12116:03
itsme2011I am unable to access websites from my Ubuntu 10.10 (64 bit), please help.16:03
sipiorgalamar: the unsupported beta? wish you'd mentioned that first.16:03
sumanrusty149:auto lo,iface lo inet loopback16:04
puppyred2kic: thanks16:04
galamarsipior: yeah16:04
sumanrusty149:tats the output16:04
ActionParsnipgalamar: your release is fairly buggy and has feature holes. If you want the OS to work, install Maverick. If you want to log lots of bugs and have a semi-working OS, use natty16:04
WinP000ActionParsnip, then wouldn't it be appropriate to change the names, http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate ?16:04
sipiorgalamar: my suspicion is that mencoder is compiled without faac support. since you're running natty, you get to file the bug report :-)16:05
rusty149suman: just 2 lines? OK, then do sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces16:05
ActionParsnipWinP000: yeah it is a little confusing isn't it16:05
bonjoyeesipior: i believe thats on purpose..not a bug..!16:05
ActionParsnipgalamar: please continue support in #ubuntu+1  your release is offtopic here16:05
sipiorbonjoyee: let the package maintainer make that decision.16:06
galamarActionParsnip: i haven't had any bugs yet..... and okay i will switch channels16:06
galamarsipior: thats why i run it is to report bugs and such....16:06
sipiorgalamar: good!16:06
rusty149suman: Then at the bottom add the lines,16:06
sipiorgalamar: we need beta testers!16:06
rusty149suman: auto eth016:06
bonjoyeesipior: i say so because even released versions of ubuntu have mencoder without faac support16:07
sssHelp! [dual boot ubuntu(Wubi) into windows XP] I've ran the ubuntu's updates, it asked me to restart. Then the computer shows black screen "error: no such device: [lots of hex digits] grub rescue>"16:07
rusty149suman: iface eth0 inet dhcp16:07
sumanactually its iface :lo inet:loopback16:07
sipiorbonjoyee: could very well be. if the bug report gets filed, perhaps a clear policy will emerge.16:07
FiireShalut all, j'suis nouveau ^_^16:07
BluesKaj!fr | Fiire16:08
ubottuFiire: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:08
rusty149suman: Can you, ping localhost16:09
Benkinoobyis there a ubuntu 10.10 Minimal pendrive image? i can't find one :/16:09
mrsrii'm getting a sYSMALLOC error while running my programs, known to be stable in ubuntu 9.04 & 9.10. what could be the problem? help pls16:09
ActionParsniphttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD    Benkinooby16:09
sssHelp! [dual boot ubuntu(Wubi) into Windows XP on laptop] I've ran the ubuntu's updates, it asked me to restart. Then the computer shows black screen "error: no such device: [lots of hex digits] grub rescue>"16:10
ActionParsnipBenkinooby: they arent specific for pendrives, you can burn them to CD too16:10
sipiormrsri: what ubuntu version are you currently running?16:10
mrsrisipior: 10.1016:10
ActionParsnipBenkinooby: remember to MD5 test. You can use unetbootin or the 1-2-3 app from pendrivelinux (if you are using Windows) to put the image on the USB storage / SD card16:10
cjonesI have an Ubuntu 10.04 desktop that currently authenticates through LDAP. I'm trying to restore it back to the normal local authentication method. What is the proper way to do that?16:11
mrsrisipior: latest. just installed yesterday16:11
sipiormrsri: you might compare the libraries your program links against, and see if newer versions are present in 10.10.16:11
BenkinoobyActionParsnip, i found that before, but i didn't knwo about them bing pendrive-compatibel16:11
ActionParsnipBenkinooby: the installers I mentions will allow you to put ANY ISO on the USB storage16:12
mrsrisipior: dont get it. i just need gcc to compile and glibc to run actually16:12
BluesKajActionParsnip, I've been meaning to ask , does resolv.conf require nameservers like google's primary and secondary listed , or is the manual dns setting in the router enough ?16:12
rusty149suman: Hangon, that didn't make sence. If there is only one interface (lo) then ifconfig should only output lo (about 8 lines)??16:13
sssHelp! [dual boot ubuntu(Wubi) into Windows XP on laptop] I've ran the ubuntu's updates, it asked me to restart. Then the computer shows black screen "error: no such device: [lots of hex digits] grub rescue>"16:13
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: you will need to tell the OS to use the router as a DNS16:13
sipiormrsri: i'm sure the versions of both of those things have changed. break out the debugger, figure out which malloc is busted, and go from there.16:13
mrsrisipior: yes they have changed. but i did install older versions of gcc and glibc. it still gives me the same error16:14
BluesKajActionParsnip, ok by using router IP as nameserver?16:15
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: yes, you will need to set it in network-manager /wicd if you use them16:15
BluesKajActionParsnip, I'm just using network interfaces, no nm installed16:16
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: thats fine then :)16:16
BluesKajok ActionParsnip thanks :)16:16
BenkinoobyActionParsnip, unetbootin doesn't reconginze my iso images :O16:16
sipiormrsri: wait, a new glibc? not one that your kernel is compiled against?16:17
ActionParsnipBenkinooby: did they MD5 test ok?16:17
BenkinoobyActionParsnip, hm, seems like a bug16:17
BenkinoobyActionParsnip, the pen drive control led shows me activieties....16:17
ActionParsnipBenkinooby: are  you putting the image on the system with windows?16:18
mrsrisipior: new? no. different yes. to be clear - first i used deafult glibc. then added another glibc to co-exist. forced program to use older one. used appropriate compilers. both cases dont work16:18
BenkinoobyActionParsnip, i am under 10.04 ubuntu16:18
BenkinoobyActionParsnip, unetbootin isnatlled ofer aptitude16:18
ActionParsnipBenkinooby: try:  usb-creator16:18
netzihi@ all16:18
werrtyI installed veetle and it pretty much broke my computer. Google has told me to remove vlc to get my computer working again but I've done an apt-get remove vlc but the vlc command is still in my computer and I am able to run a terminal version of vlc. How do I remove it completely?16:18
BenkinoobyActionParsnip, i tried that before... the resulting pendirve worked, but i always hat to pess any key so keep the isntall going16:19
netziich bräuchte mal hilfe beim Compilern16:19
erUSUL!de | netzi16:19
ubottunetzi: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:19
BluesKajwerrty, sudp apt-get purge vlc16:19
BluesKajer sudo16:19
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
werrtyBluesKaj: It tells me that there is no vlc installed.16:20
ActionParsnipwerrty: sudo apt-get remove vlc16:20
BenkinoobyActionParsnip, let me see what unetbootin can do16:20
needhelp1anyone seen the kernel thread helper errors?16:20
sipiormrsri: difficult to say more without seeing the code. and this is now veering off topic for a help channel. time to hit the debugger, my friend. by the way, installing an older libc is generally a bad idea, although i certainly understand and appreciate your desperation :-)16:20
Benkinoobyi case of problem (which i cant solve on my own) i'll be eback here anyways ;)16:20
jon_athonhow do I make my fan not run so much?16:20
needhelp1i cant install ubuntu, i get stuck on a kernal thread helper error on a black screen and it wont drop out into a CLI16:20
mrsrisipior: off channel, huh. then, which one is apt for this?16:21
mrsrisipior: meant off topic. sorry16:21
sipiormrsri: depends in the language. ##C might be a place to start on freenode.16:21
sipiormrsri: think there's also a ##C++ if that's your poison.16:21
needhelp1i cant install ubuntu, i get stuck on a kernal thread helper error on a black screen and it wont drop out into a CLI16:22
jon_athonneedhelp1, what version?16:22
BluesKajwerrty, open synaptic and choose 'mark for complate removal ' and then click apply16:22
needhelp1ive tried alternate installer, pressing f6 all that fun stuff... nothing16:22
needhelp1can i run memtest from within ubuntu, i read somewhere it may be my memory16:23
BluesKajneedhelp1, is it an older pc ?16:23
mrsrisipior: let me try ##C. fyi, i did debug but failed to zero in on the code causing trouble.16:23
needhelp1new laptop16:23
taransvardoes ubuntu need a anti virus?16:24
needhelp1im having the same issue with bactrack, and fedora16:24
needhelp1taransvar, no16:24
sipiortaransvar: generally no, but it is often used to sanitise mail prior to delivery.16:24
BluesKajneedhelp1, have you wiped windows ?16:24
needhelp1i have nothing but ubuntu running now16:24
needhelp1i need to do a fresh install16:24
=== denny- is now known as denny
BluesKajneedhelp1, reformatted the drive to ext4 with gparted?16:25
m2mgwerrty: have u tried apt-get autoremove16:25
needhelp1BluesKaj, i dont think so, but i do have a seperate partition in ext416:25
taransvarsipor: do you mean mail washer?16:25
needhelp1and i have gparted installed16:25
sre-suI created a user account using <sudo adduser username>, but how do I make it a sudoer?16:25
ChiurHi guys. Is there a safe way to change the user name?16:26
sipiortaransvar: i was thinking specifically of clamav; never heard of mail washer.16:26
BluesKajneedhelp1, I'm confused , do you already have an ubuntu install that won't boot or some such ?16:26
needhelp1i have an ubuntu install that works fine, i just need to do a fresh install BluesKaj16:27
jymerehello. I want to assign a fix PID to a programm. In fact, each time I launch my programm i want its PID to be the same everytime. Can I do that ?16:27
taransvarsipor: im not really familiar of clamav..16:27
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: you can test your RAM with the install CD, press space when you see the CD start to boot16:27
brianmunksre-su, I think the command is visudo16:27
needhelp1ActionParsnip, i cant get that far on the install cd :/16:27
sre-suI created a user account using <sudo adduser username>, but how do I make it a sudoer?16:27
needhelp1ActionParsnip, kernel_thread_helper 0x6 errors16:27
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: did you MD5 test the ISO you burned?16:27
BluesKajneedhelp1, why the fresh install ...how many do you need ?16:28
needhelp1yes, and pressed f6, and alter cd16:28
sipiorChiur: easy enough to modify the password file entry, and recursively change the ownership of files. if the user is in the sudo file (and ESPECIALLY if that user is the only sudoer), make sure you keep a root shell open until you are satisfied that the move is done correctly , and verified that sudo works with the new username.16:28
ActionParsnipsre-su: add it to the admin group16:28
SentynelI seem to have completely screwed up my graphics drivers. I run the ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates PPA with an nvidia graphics card. update came out today and post-reboot, x wouldn't start, it just hung on a plain screen. wouldn't even accept ctrl alt f1 to drop to tty. I have a) ppa-purged x-updates, b) completely apt-get purged the nvidia-* packages, and c) tried xorg.conf from multiple backups I know worked in the past, as well as using nvidia's software16:28
Sentynel to generate a new one. I am stumped as to what could be left that's causing problems. any ideas?16:28
sre-suActionParsnip: How? Under /etc/group ?16:28
needhelp1BluesKaj, i need to install other distros alongside, but this ubuntu install is almost my entire drive.. and i need to change my default home folder/group names16:28
brianmunksre-su, I think the command is visudo16:29
sre-subrianmunk: For?16:29
ActionParsnipsre-su: no,    usermod -a -G admin nameofuser16:29
DarkStar1Hi.. I need to get at a window whose docking area is off screen16:29
brianmunksre-su, to edit the sudo file where the user is added16:29
taransvarsipor: no i see16:29
sre-suThanks brianmunk ActionParsnip16:29
ActionParsnipsre-su: there are commands to manage that stuff. If you mess with files like that and screw it up you  will get a tonne of issues16:29
sre-suActionParsnip: So what is usually recommended?16:30
ActionParsnipsre-su: the usermode command, or you can add them to the group when created16:30
ajahwhen i stop the x the cursor is not situated on terminal it`s just on the black screen i can type anything but is not executed like command from terminal the tty from 1 to 6 works16:30
sre-suActionParsnip: Well during creation a user using adduser one doen't get those options.. Hmm?16:31
ActionParsnipajah: how did you get to where you are?16:31
needhelp1BluesKaj, any idea16:31
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agentgasmaskHello, My print to PDF option in Ubuntu 10.04 reports "Backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf does not exist". The file does infact exist, and has the same md5sum of one on a working system. The file permissions are 700. Please help!16:32
ajahActionParsnip, gdm stop16:32
duelleHello, I'm having problems after trying to install a prepared alsa-package. My sound card isn't recognized anymore. Seems to be a Alsa/Driver problem I think16:32
ActionParsnipsre-su: you can, you just need to read on how. If you just use:  sudo adduser name   you will get default plain options, if you add more options you can16:32
BluesKajned sorry I'm confused as to what you're trying to do16:32
ajahActionParsnip, invoke-rc.d gdm stop16:32
BluesKajneedhelp1,  sorry I'm confused as to what you're trying to do16:32
needhelp1fresh install16:32
ActionParsnipajah: then I'd reboot and you will get the desktop16:32
BluesKajned  , ignore my typo pls16:33
sre-suActionParsnip: Alright16:33
werrtym2mg, BluesKaj: did both of your commands and it is working now. I seem to have my .ICEauthority file back...16:33
ActionParsnipsre-su: I suggest you read:  man adduser16:33
sre-suActionParsnip: Gotcha16:33
ajahActionParsnip, is it supposed to prompt me to terminal like other tty-s and then i start the x again16:33
ActionParsnipajah: maybe, but its not (or you wouldn't be here)16:34
jon_athonneedhelp1, what version?16:34
jon_athonhow do I make my fan not run so much?16:34
BluesKajneedhelp1, well I'd download and burn gparted live cd and use that to create another partition for the fresh install ..that's all  can tell you16:34
jon_athonneedhelp1, try an older version, then upgrad. worked for me16:34
jon_athon9.4 ithnk16:35
needhelp1will do16:35
needhelp1jon, did you have the same errors16:35
needhelp1kernel thread helper16:35
DarkStar1Does anyone know how I can move a window back into the middle of the screen? The window border is off screen?16:36
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:36
jon_athonnah, it wouldn't do anything for me when I tried 10.4 but i installed 9.4 or whatever it was and itworked fine. I was able to upgrade to 10.4 although it's been acting a bit slow. still running though16:36
=== kaiser is now known as Guest24298
* DarkStar1 afk16:36
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:37
jon_athonhow do I make my fan not run so much?16:38
_AV_How can I clean slide? I'm chatting from webchat.freenode.net16:39
looserhow install graphics drivers in ubuntu 10.0416:39
ActionParsnipDarkStar1: hold ALT and drag the window from any point on the app16:39
ChogyDananyone know how to use lives?  It won't start complaining about jack16:39
=== travis is now known as Guest59933
_AV_looser: System > Administration > Hardware Drivers16:40
ActionParsniplooser: depends on the video chip16:40
jessiesalut tout le monde16:40
looserActionParsnip, how to know what vedio chip we have to select16:40
Guest59933hey there, i have sucessfully installed ubuntu 10.10 on a medion akoya mini. ubuntu 10.04 had drivers in order to get the eye candy workin, however 10.10 seems not to detect correctly the graphics card, Any solutions to this?16:40
ActionParsniplooser: what is the output of:  lspci | grep -i vga16:40
ActionParsnip!fr | jessie16:40
ubottujessie: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:40
jessiethank s16:41
jessiebye all16:41
=== Guest59933 is now known as ubantu
ActionParsnipGuest59933: if you run:  lspci | grep -i vga   you will be told :)16:41
taransvarsipor :/leave16:41
agentgasmaskDoes anyone know how to make system wide macros in gnome?16:41
_AV_Guest59933: Maybe not. Ubuntu 10.10 has a lot of bugs.16:41
looserActionParsnip, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)16:41
duelleHello, I'm having problems after trying to install a prepared alsa-package. My sound card isn't recognized anymore. Seems to be a Alsa/Driver problem. Can anybody tell me how to roll back the settings or reset the overall state back to the beginning where everything worked out of the box?16:41
ubantu00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)16:42
ActionParsniplooser: yeah thought so, its an atom cpu isn't it16:42
_AV_duelle: Uninstall the package.16:42
ubantuAnd yeah it's an atom cpu too16:42
ActionParsnipubantu: those should be supported well, you may need an xorg.conf if it doesn't work with udev16:42
looserActionParsnip, what i cANT UNDERSTAND16:42
ubantureconfig xrog?16:42
duelle_AV_: Which package do you mean? That one was an ALSA-Source combined with an installation script extracting, configuring and making the driver (module?) from source afaik16:43
jcarterMy Gateway laptop (64-bit) is configured as dual boot with Ubuntu 10.10 as default and Win7 as alternate. After doing a shutdown in Ubuntu, the system appears to power down but then immediately restarts with the Grub menu. Any ideas?16:43
duelle_AV_: The "prepared" one16:43
ChogyDanwhat do I do if lives wants jackd?16:43
ubantuMind to repeat to me the command to do this?16:43
ActionParsnipubantu: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1484137   may help16:44
vgot a question16:44
vanyone around?16:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:44
looserActionParsnip, what i cANT UNDERSTAND16:44
_AV_duelle: I'm googling it.16:45
AbhiJitv ask16:45
_AV_!ask | v16:45
ubottuv: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:45
lporrashad you ever test with rspec a call to a super method?16:45
vok i need a browser (not fancy) where i can switch socks easily for different visits (thus not interfereing with my open sessions of firefox or opera). A browser specifically tuned for accesssing single sites with different proxies16:46
ActionParsniplooser: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf    and paste in the sample xor.conf  file, it may help. Simply saying you do't understand won't make your OS work magically. Now you know the chip you have, YOU can use it to find guides, just like I found that ome16:46
vdoes something like this exist?16:46
sipiorv: have a look at the foxyproxy extension for firefox.16:46
vk will look thx16:47
sipiorv: it allows for rule-based proxy selection (and manual selection as well, of course)16:47
duelle_AV_: If you need further details just let me know. I tried to keep the question short at first.16:47
DarkStar1ActionParsnip: Thanks very much16:47
_AV_duelle: Resore it. Restore ALSA.16:47
_AV_duelle: I found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78106216:48
ActionParsnipDarkStar1: btw, dont bother with the afk stuff, we dont need to know16:48
=== mrsri is now known as srikanth
vanyone can hit me with a proxy for a single check right now?16:50
=== srikanth is now known as mrsri
duelle_AV_: I can't find such a package named like alsa-modules-$(uname -r)16:51
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
erUSULduelle: « sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-alsa-$(lsb_release -cs)-generic »16:52
ubottuSeveral Ubuntu channels prohibit access from open proxies and other anonymous connections due to a high level of abuse. The supported ways to hide your IP address on freenode are to use !Tor or get a !cloak16:52
ubottuWant to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks - More information available in #freenode16:52
aTmHey, I'm looking to set up an FTP server on a dedicated Ubuntu server, is anyone around who can msg me in a PM and give me a hand? thanks16:52
looserActionParsnip, i did what u have said ...how to know weather my graphics driver is installed or not if not then how to install them16:52
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is not in Ubuntu's repositories. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl16:52
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erUSUL!ftpd | aTm16:52
ubottuaTm: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP16:52
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ActionParsniplooser: it is part of a default install but either udev is being thick or youor monitor is not providing EDID, either way you need to use the file to TELL the OS how to act as it cannot work it out for itself16:53
=== Stoney is now known as RockMan
rajmahendrai need help in installing Wifi driver... I have  HP ME  with Windown i uninstalled and it and installed new version of Ubuntu my Wifi is not working  in network the wifi is disabled anyone help me ?16:54
ActionParsnipaTm: openssh-server will give you an SFTP server as well as an sshfs server, it is secure unlinke FTP which has very poor security. If you are only accessing it over LAN then it is fine. WAN access necessity would lean more rowards  sftp16:54
_AV_duelle: Do you have important data in your pc?16:54
duelle_AV_: erUSUL: Ok, now two backports are installed - and what should I do now? I'm quite confused after googling that long without any results16:54
ActionParsniprajmahendra: run:  sudo lshw -C network   what is output?16:55
markosocan i make it so when i open  folders and apps they open in the center of the screen?16:55
erUSULduelle: that package only installes newer drivers. there is no waranties that will fix whatever problem you are having. to use the newer drivers you have to reboot16:55
c0ldI have a question: How do I take a file and on each line in the text file add a "A" in the beginning or at the end using grep or awk?16:57
duelle_AV_: Would have to save some data I think - you don't want me to reinstall the whole system don't you?16:57
duelle_AV_: erUSUL: Gonna try to reboot - brb16:57
rajmahendraActionParsnip: PCI (sysfs)16:57
ezra-sc0ld, awk is the tool for that16:58
erUSULc0ld: i would use sed; sed 's/^/A/' file > newfile ( ate the beggining ) sed 's/$/A/' file > newfile (at the end )16:58
rajmahendraRealtek Semiconductor16:58
c0ldIm more familiar with awk16:58
c0ldcan u show me a example of that erUSUL16:58
rajmahendraActionParsnip: Realtek16:59
erUSULc0ld: doing it with awk?16:59
PicierUSUL: You can use the -i switch for sed to do inline editing, no need to pipe to a new file.16:59
_AV_Glorious: Hi.16:59
=== Craig_Dem_ is now known as Craig_Dem
erUSULc0ld: awk '{printf "%s%s\n" $0,"A" }'16:59
duelle_AV_ erUSUL : back again - but my sound card still isn't recognized :(17:00
ActionParsniprajmahendra: ok run:  lsusb; lspci  one line will identify the chip and you can websearch for guides17:00
erUSULduelle: is a laptop?17:00
_AV_Bye people. Have a nice day.17:00
duelleerUSUL: No. Desktop17:00
c0ldeach line in the txt file is a sentence without a period I want to know how to use it to run the file through awk and add the period "."17:00
_AV_Sorry duelle I couldn't help you I'm a little busy.17:00
duelle_AV_: No problem - thanks for your engagement!17:01
c0ldthanx erUSUL17:01
erUSULduelle: run alsamixer i a terminal; does it fail?17:01
AbhiJitBipul`, ping17:01
sipiorPici: using a new file has the advantage of easily reversing a problematic change.17:01
bullgard4What is »Hyena«? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/the-truth-about-banshees-photo-support/ : "Hyena is a core part of Banshee." What does Hyena do?17:01
_AV_duelle: Ok, you're welcome, take care.17:01
duelleerUSUL: Yes - it fails: "cannot open mixer: No such file or directory"17:01
sipiorPici: oh, nevermind. it adds an extension.17:01
erUSULduelle: is a realtek hda codec; isn't it? « sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel » and try again17:02
erUSULsipior: nly if you specify it « sed -i"bak" 'action' file » afaik17:02
sipiorerUSUL: yes indeed.17:02
duelleerUSUL: That also fails: http://paste.ubuntu.com/557731/17:03
duelleerUSUL: When alsamixer worked it said Intel with ALC888 Realtek Codec17:03
erUSULduelle: :/ what have you been doing ? ....17:04
GanjaReeferduelle, I have that card and only my analog works on ubuntu 10.1017:04
duelleerUSUL: I just downloaded the driver package from realtek. Which consisted of a ALSA-Source and an installation script ... and executed it17:05
duelleGanjaReefer: I would be happy if anything worked again :(17:05
duelleJust headphones and mic would be fine17:05
travis_Dayum I just installed intel drivers for my medion akoya mini, but somehow i can't make xorg to generate a new config file. I have readen xorg.conf is moved in ubuntu 10.10. But the place in wich it is supposed to be doesnt have any config file. any clues?17:05
GanjaReeferduelle, cat /proc/modules | grep snd17:05
erUSULduelle: no a good idea ... i would reinstall the kernels17:05
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd17:05
JemtInstalling language-pack-da-base results in an error: "Generating locales... da_DK.UTF-8... hash collision (1671598155) da_DK.utf8, es_PY.utf8 - failed"17:06
=== Craig_Dem_ is now known as Craig_Dem
JemtWhy does it fail ?17:06
duelleGanjaReefer: No output.17:06
ActionParsnipJemt: is there a bug logged?17:06
cache_surpluswhats the simplest software in gnome to rip music from original cd to mp3 and has best quality. thanks17:06
GanjaReeferduelle, sounds like you need to reinstall alsa/pulse audio at the least.17:06
duelleerUSUL: What do you exactly mean?17:06
ubottuFor information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar17:06
erUSULduelle: sudo apt-get reinstall linux-image linux-image-$(uname -r)17:06
cache_surplusActionParsnip: gnome, not kde17:07
rajmahendrai am not getting Ubuntu driver for Realtel wifi driver !17:07
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: read ALL the factoid....17:07
=== ubuntuesque is now known as ububoy
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: try reading ALL of something when it's given, you'll get further17:07
JemtActionParsnip: Logged where ?17:07
ActionParsnip!bug | jemt17:07
ubottujemt: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots17:07
AbhiJitrajmahendra, linux-drivers.org17:08
ububoyI am running Lucid with Macbuntu theme17:08
duelleerUSUL: My apt doesn't have that reinstall switch - but could do that via Synaptics17:08
travis_glxinfo displays this, however i can't make damn eye candy to work: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945GME GEM 20100330 DEVELOPMENT x86/MMX/SSE217:08
ActionParsnipububoy: same :)17:08
JemtThanks, ActionParsnip. Looking for a bug report17:08
fetzbeast!add ctf ntf17:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:08
erUSULduelle: sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image linux-image-$(uname -r)17:08
travis_direct rendering: Yes17:08
duelleGanjaReefer: afaik I did so several times - with no results17:09
travis_glx gears wont pass 30 fps17:09
spaesdoes everyone get a fairly high frequency of npviewer.bin segfaults if they look at their dmesg? it's pretty much every other entry for me, and i'm wondering if that's normal for the plugin. i'm running amd6417:09
cache_surpluswhats the simplest software in gnome to rip music from original cd to mp3 and has best quality. thanks17:09
erUSULspaes: i get one once in a while... i gues it depends on the use of flash sites you have17:09
werrtyI've had these .ICEauthentication issues which I just resolved (meaning that I can now see a desktop). The problem is that I am not able to see any of my files. I have this file "access-your-private-data.desktop" but when I run ecryptfs-mount-private it tells me I do not own the encrypted directory even though I am logged in with the user that the encrypted files should belong to17:09
fmax30  how to fix this error , i think the new linux kernal has change the struct net_device17:10
duelleerUSUL: Ok, reinstalling...17:10
fmax30struct net_device' has no member named 'hard_start_xmit17:10
spaeserUSUL: ok thanks17:10
GanjaReeferduelle, listen to erUSUL17:10
pr0ph3thi all17:11
duelleerUSUL: ok, done.17:11
duelleerUSUL: I gotta reboot don't I?17:11
erUSULduelle: "sudo depmod -a" and try to modprobe again17:11
ActionParsnipspaes: you can use the 64bit flash if you like17:12
rajmahendraany one tell me where to get Realtek rtl8191sevb Wireless driver ?17:12
spaesActionParsnip: is it possible that it would crash less?17:12
=== singe is now known as alienzero
ActionParsniprajmahendra: use the web now you have some direction, head back if you get no luck17:13
Wingatesalut a tous17:13
AbhiJitrajmahendra, u dont get the driver on site i told u?17:13
ActionParsnipspaes: i'd say so17:13
Wingatevous parlez le français17:13
duelleerUSUL: modprobe worked - sound seems also to work17:13
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:13
ActionParsnipspaes: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/install-64bit-flash-from-a-ppa-or-deb/17:13
pr0ph3tI have a problem with my 3g integrated modem, basically I cannot connect, in practice it seems there is no signal, i.e. the radio is off, but in windows works fine, in exactly the same spot. I have a Asus UL30A-QX328V Laptop, running Ubuntu 10.10 and 11.04 64 bit with kernel 2.6.37-12-generi, any help would be greatly appreciated17:13
rajmahendrano :(17:13
erUSULduelle: congrats17:13
Wingatetank you17:13
duelleerUSUL: Thanks a lot! It everything works as it should! you're my hero ;)17:14
erUSUL!cookie | erUSUL17:14
ubottuerUSUL, please see my private message17:14
AbhiJitrajmahendra, try from vendors website? call vendor?17:14
erUSULduelle: no problem17:14
Wingatej'ai un gros problème avec Ubuntu17:14
Wingatevous pouvez m'aider ?17:14
erUSUL!fr | Wingate17:14
duelleerUSUL: Hope my english was not that bad ;) Thank you again - wish you a good evening!17:14
ubottuWingate: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:14
spaesActionParsnip: thanks i'm giving it a try now17:15
erUSULduelle: not a  native speaker myself either ;P17:15
Wingateokey i have see the channel17:15
ActionParsnipspaes: remove the other flashes first17:15
cache_surplusthe answer to what i was looking for was Sound Juicer17:15
Wingatebut i am saying that i have a big problem with my computer17:15
NET||abusejust tried to load chromium-browser on my netbook, trying to load system libmoon   Segmentation fault17:15
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: konqueror can do it like a copy / paste process so appears semless17:15
spaesActionParsnip: i'm using the PPA, and I think it's removing it for me17:15
fmax30 where did struct net_device member named ‘hard_start_xmit’ member go?17:15
ActionParsnipNET||abuse: where did you install it from?17:16
duelleerUSUL: Good evening - bye from germany ;)17:16
NET||abuseActionParsnip, default repo's17:16
ActionParsnipNET||abuse: could try the daily build17:16
NET||abuseActionParsnip, this install has worked ffine for the 2 weeks i've had it installed17:16
ActionParsnipNET||abuse: what has changed since?17:16
NET||abuseActionParsnip, i've no idea what's changed to break it just now17:17
temp1029hello all17:17
rajmahendrai tried to download teh driver for wifi i got only .cab file17:17
rajmahendranot sure where to get ubuntu based driver17:17
ActionParsnipNET||abuse: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa   is the daily which I use17:17
ActionParsnipNET||abuse: or you could rename your chrome config folder and retry17:17
sssHelp! [dual boot ubuntu(Wubi) into Windows XP on laptop] I've ran the ubuntu's updates, it asked me to restart. Then the computer shows black screen "error: no such device: [lots of hex digits] grub rescue>"17:18
chrislusticharrow all, Im using an imac with 600gb HDD, I have partitioned my HDD and am running ubuntu 10.10, it runs great, but the audio sounds horrible compared to the mac osx,   in my sound prefferences, there is no treble bass etc.  I need to change this because it really sounds horrible17:18
earthmeLonI am having a problem with gnome-terminal dying/closing without any error outputs.  I've posted some more information here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1039337017:18
ActionParsnipearthmeLon: if you press ALT+F2 and run:  xterm  is it ok?17:19
mellinAnyone point me to an IRC channel/server that deals with javascript?17:19
windyonecan someone help me with a permission issue.  I cannot places/homefolder .  all I get is " file not found "17:19
NET||abuseActionParsnip, aptitude reinstall libmoon; problem still there.. :(17:19
spaesActionParsnip: thanks for your help, it's working so far, i tested with 4 simultaneous youtube tabs17:19
AbhiJitmellin, #javascript17:19
sosaitedhow can I use grep to split a text file into multiple files from every occurrence of "text" to BEFORE the occurrence of next "text"17:19
pr0ph3tplease help!17:20
markosois evolution good with gmail?17:20
AbhiJitmarkoso, yes17:20
pr0ph3tmarkoso, yes17:20
fmax30 where did struct net_device member named ‘hard_start_xmit’ go??17:20
markosoit works good like labels etc17:20
chrislusticharrow all, Im using an imac with 600gb HDD, I have partitioned my HDD and am running ubuntu 10.10, it runs great, but the audio sounds horrible compared to the mac osx,  in my sound prefferences, there is no treble bass etc.  I need to change this because it really sounds horrible17:21
ActionParsnipmarkoso: yes17:21
markosook ill try it out17:21
ActionParsnipsss: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Wubi_9.1017:21
sssmarkoso: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingGmailWithEvolution17:21
NET||abuseActionParsnip, ok, moved ~/.config/chromium to chromiumold   started up chromium-browser, it asks fro the search engine default, then when i choose it tries to load libmoon again, crash17:21
NET||abuseActionParsnip, same ol' Segfault17:21
erUSULsosaited: grep does not look like the correct tool for the job ...17:21
markosoActionParsnip, thanks17:21
markosoAbhiJit, ty17:21
besogonhi. I need help with RFKILL. (Wifi is blocked and is not unblocked if after the switch is pushed)17:22
AbhiJitmarkje, yes17:22
ActionParsnipNET||abuse: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/moon/+bug/53879617:22
cache_surplusanyone familiar with sound juicer?17:22
cache_surplusmp3 is not coming up in the list by default...17:22
NET||abuseActionParsnip, just purging moonlight-chromium-plugin now.. :)17:22
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: do you have liblame or whatever it is, installed?17:22
cache_surplusSound Juicer17:23
AbhiJitmarkoso, welcome17:23
cache_surplusi can see if liblame is there17:23
NET||abuseActionParsnip, all fixed, moonlight plugin was the bug17:23
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-enable-CD-ripping-and-mp3-encoding-with-Sound-Juicer-in-Ubuntu-71017:23
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: found that in a matter of seconds.....17:23
NET||abuseActionParsnip, was able to restore the chromiumold back up to .config/chromium/17:23
erUSULsosaited: awk maybe ...17:23
cache_surplusyour a magician17:23
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: no, i just search when issues exist17:24
cache_surplusyour wonderful17:24
sosaitederUSUL: Thanks for the info. I should have searched a bit before asking, but yeah you are right. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129287117:24
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: if you websearched yourself, you would learn more rather than 100% spoonfeeding17:24
cache_surplusk lame3 is loaded17:24
sssActionParsnip: [grub rescue problem] I don't have CD-ROM on my laptop, can I use USB for windows recovering? (ubuntu?)17:24
cache_surplusi like spoonfeeding its easier17:24
ActionParsnipsss: same difference :)17:24
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: sure but if nobody did any work the whole community would crumble17:25
cache_surplusthats an oxymoron17:25
erUSULsosaited: awk '/pattern/{close("file"f);f++}{print $0 > "file"f}' file17:25
besogonrfkill... men does no one have a trouble with it on netbooks?17:25
markosowhen mesages are accesed with pop should i archive it delete it  mark as read ? whats best17:25
cache_surplusActionParsnip: is there a point here?17:25
sssActionParsnip: How do I get Windows recovery on a USB? I have a disk17:25
CitizenwarriorIf installing /boot on a USB drive for the booting of an encrypted FS; 2 questions -- 1.) Can the USB drive be removed after booting is completed?  2.) Can other files live on the same USB drive and be mounted and accessed17:25
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: true, the usb is different, yet it gives the same live desktop, so its the same, yet different17:25
email1459hi, i conected a camera to my computer, how can i install or where can i check if is installed?17:26
sambagirlwhat is the name of a linux text editor other than vi i cant recall now17:26
markosokate sam17:26
ActionParsnipsambagirl: nano17:26
cache_surplusthere are like 3 questions scrolling by as your still yacking with me lol. move on..17:26
markosokate is awesome17:26
sambagirlahh yes thankis actionparsnip17:26
email1459hi, i conected a camera to my computer, how can i install or where can i check if is installed?17:26
sosaitederUSUL: Thanks a lot . Can I use grep (in conjuction with rm) to read every file in a folder, and if it doesn't contain a string, delete that file?17:26
ActionParsnipsss: not sure, you could ask in ##windows17:26
cache_surpluscoffee is your friend17:26
ActionParsnipNET||abuse: always rename rather than delete, gives a rollback path :)17:26
email1459hi, i conected a camera to my computer, how can i install or where can i check if is installed?17:26
NET||abuseActionParsnip, that's what i did :)17:26
cache_surplusok so i loaded liblame whatever,,, and...17:26
NET||abuseActionParsnip, cheers anyway.17:27
Wingatedo you know a channel on photoshop ?17:27
cache_surplusill read that link, brb17:27
ActionParsnipNET||abuse: np bro, glad you got the gold17:27
markosoActionParsnip,  when you access mail from evolution do you have it deleted, archived, marked as read on gmail side?17:27
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: i help about 3 people consecutively17:27
email1459hi, i conected a camera to my computer, how can i install or where can i check if is installed?17:27
erUSULsosaited: something like for f in folder/*; if grep -vq string "$f"; do rm "$f"; fi; done17:27
sambagirli wish i could get some help in the sme-fr channel like in here for ubuntu ;(17:27
bastidrazormarkoso: on the gmail side it is left as unread17:27
erUSULsosaited: something like « for f in folder/*; if grep -vq string "$f"; do rm "$f"; fi; done »17:27
xanguamaku: you want to use imap then¿17:27
ActionParsnipmarkoso: i use web browser but I believe it downloads all the read stuff too17:28
markosoill just stick with the browser17:28
cache_surplusgrip is dead....17:28
windyoneI had a lot of people helping me yesterday including nucc1 and edbian and a couple more.. I had a permission error not allowing me into my places folder.. I will not be on for a couple days and I wanted to get the fix answer to them.. It had to do with the wine program I installed.  I uninstalled wine and now everything is fine again...  Good ol windozze still screwing with me even know im not using it anymore.. Can someone get th17:28
windyonee mess to them if they see them on??  Thanks and thanks for all who put up with me yesterday.17:28
bastidrazormarkoso: i use evolution with gmail.17:28
ActionParsnipcache_surplus: yeah, bad times :(17:28
markososeems like a pain17:29
markosoi dont want 2 copies of emails17:29
ActionParsnipmarkoso: thunderbird as a nice method of connecting to it as it knows the ports and all that stuff on its own :)17:29
cache_surplushello sambagirl :)17:29
markosois /media a good place to have a directori with all my media shared between 2 useers?17:30
Picill sambagirl 517:30
=== uRock is now known as uRock_away
markosoon win i had c:/media17:30
erUSULmarkoso: media is place to mount filesystems i would use a folder in home17:30
markosoi want a central location17:30
markosoi dont want in home bcecuase i have 2 users more central location is ideal17:31
tawfeeqi want ask about win zip how can i download17:31
tawfeeqit work with17:31
erUSULmarkoso: /home/Media_files looks like central enough17:31
xanguamarkoso: then make a partition to share17:31
sosaitederUSUL: I get "bash: syntax error near unexpected token `if'"17:31
cache_surplusi guess the best way to see how things work best for mp3 ripping is to try a few different programs. i will try sound juicer, rubyripper, and abcde. and see which one produces the best sound17:31
xanguatawfeeq: sudo apt-get install p7zip-full17:32
erUSULmarkoso: i.e. i did not meant your home folder but *the* /home/ folder17:32
tawfeeqand also i cant play the dvd17:32
markosohome but not in either users it wont let me make a home folder17:32
ia9371I am trying to get lexmark printer to work17:32
xangua!dvd | tawfeeq17:32
ubottutawfeeq: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:32
ia9371and I got everything something about cups not working17:32
markosohow do i creat a directory in home17:32
ia9371I changed the permissions user17:32
xanguayou can also install libdvdcs2 via medibuntu tawfeeq17:32
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:32
ia9371and it says user must be root17:32
ActionParsnipLA9KSA: what model?17:32
FunnyLookinHatHey everyone - Just got a Thinkpad T410 with nVidia 3100 Optimus Graphics - When upgrading to the restricted driver my boot now won't load X - my Xorg log says "Fatal server error: no screens found" - Ideas?17:32
Pici!enter | ia937117:32
ubottuia9371: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:32
erUSULsosaited: sorry a "do" missplaced and a then missing there « for f in folder/*; do if grep -vq string "$f"; then rm "$f"; fi; done »17:32
ActionParsnipia9371: what model17:32
markosocreate folder is not accesible17:32
ia9371lexmark z5117:32
ActionParsnipLA9KSA: wrong target, sorry17:33
erUSULsosaited: no waranties... make sure it does not delete anything yu can not get back ...17:33
pplaskfdisk -l shows nothing, but cat /proc/partitions shows my partitions and disks. What can be wrong?17:35
ia9371there driver looks to be listed but printer is still not working errors with CUPS or something17:35
hikupplask, sudo fdisk -l17:35
AbhiJitcan i lock keyboard?17:35
sosaitederUSUL: LOL. Yeah luckily I had backed up the folder, because it deleted everything! . I used "for f in /home/local/Desktop/files/*; do if grep -vq '.jpg' "$f"; then rm "$f"; fi; done"17:35
ActionParsnipia9371: http://www.openprinting.org/printer/Lexmark/Lexmark-Z5117:35
pplaskhiku, im root17:35
ActionParsnipia9371: grab the PPD and use it to install the printer17:35
hikupplask, what does dmesg show17:35
hikupplask, see any errors relating to your HD controller?17:35
galamari can vnc to my desktop from my local network but i wanna do it over the internet... what is the correct format for the network addy?17:36
=== travis is now known as ubantu
ActionParsnipia9371: or try the lx5000  driver, lexmark support sucks, I advise you get an HP next time you are in the market for a printer17:36
=== ubantu is now known as ubontu
erUSULsosaited: '.jpg' ?? what do you want to grep? the contents of the file or the extension ????????17:36
pplaskhiku, no errors in dmesg17:36
erUSULsosaited: '.jpg' ?? what do you want to grep? the contents of the file or the filename/extension ????????17:36
asdfasdfasdfasdfhello how do you show the task manager in xfce?17:36
=== adrian is now known as Guest23784
FunnyLookinHatIs there a way to disable the restricted driver that botched my X setup ?17:37
hikupplask, sorry I came in on this late. Are you having issues with a new harddrive? or a thumbdrive?17:37
ActionParsnip!info xfce4-taskmanager 17:37
ubottuxfce4-taskmanager (source: xfce4-taskmanager): process manager for the Xfce4 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-1 (maverick), package size 72 kB, installed size 672 kB17:37
ubontuActionParsnip, i have folowed the instructions on the page u provided in order to enable 3d rendering in my akoya netbook, however, it seems i have no 3d acc.17:37
khem_Anyone here have experience running Ubuntu on a Macbook? I can't figure out how to use the keyboard.17:37
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:37
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages17:37
pplaskhiku, its a RAID controller with 5 drives on RAID 0, and gpt partition of 8Tb17:38
ActionParsnipkhem_: make sure you don't have the keyboard disabled by switch / shotcut combo17:38
ubontuActionParsnip, I wonder what files or what steps must I do in oder to re generate a config for xorg using the new drivers installed17:38
markosohow do i create a folder in home? its greyed out17:38
pplaskhiku, i can see and mount /dev/sdb117:38
erUSULsosaited: becouse; you know to remove all jpg files ( the ones with .jpg extension ) in a dir « rm dir/*.jpg  » is enough17:38
edwardteachim using denyhosts and having trouble connecting ssh  i remove the appened info from /etc/hosts.deny that deny host puts there to deny entry, but this only works for one time only! there after  it re-appends the info to hosts.deny and therefore cant ssh any solutions thanks!17:38
pplaskhiku, but cant see /dev/sdb17:38
AbhiJithow to lock keyboard?17:38
ubontuActionParsnip, since it seems 10.10 has changed the location of xorg configs, and i dont manage to find em!17:38
khem_ActionParsnip: my keyboard works, and is turned on its just that i can't write some special characters that works fine in OS X, for instance17:38
ActionParsnipubontu: not sure about generating one, I've used puppy linux in the past to make the xorg.conf files when I needed one17:38
ActionParsnipubontu: they are in the same place in all linuxes17:39
khem_ActionParsnip: pipe used to be Cmd-7 etc, not i just get a 7 when i press that button17:39
pplaskhiku, parted /dev/sdb says "Error: Could not stat device /dev/sdb - No such file or directory"17:39
ActionParsnipkhem_: is the right keyboard set?17:39
ubontuActionParsnip, /etc/X11/xorg.conf is just not there17:39
hikupplask, so df -h for sdb1 is what size?17:39
ActionParsnipubontu: yes, Maverick doesn't ship with one, but if one is made, it will be obeyed17:39
khem_ActionParsnip: I guess so, yes.17:39
ubontuActionParsnip, so all i have to do is paste a generic config there? Wouldnt that mess with other configured devices?17:40
hikupplask, also, what type of raid controller?17:40
ActionParsnipkhem_: you shouold check, the link may also tell you how to set it17:40
ActionParsnipubontu: no, it'll only configure the display. You can remove the bits regarding keyboard and mouse as udev is picking them up17:40
ubontuill give it a try17:41
pplaskhiku, it shows the correct size. My controller is RAID bus controller: Intel Corporation ICH10 SATA RAID Controller17:41
cache_surplusa lot of the links on ubuntu factoids need updating....17:41
cache_surpluslinks that are broken, or are old hat17:41
Picicache_surplus: Feel free to submit corrections.17:41
sosaitederUSUL: No no. I have text files (MIME mail files separated from thunderbird file) which have inline image files in them encoded with mime, and those files have ".jpg" string in them. I want to keep just these text files, but delete the rest so I can then use munpack to decode/convert the files to their attachments.17:41
erUSULcache_surplus: are you voluntiering for the effort?17:41
cache_surplusyah, i was wondering how i go about that Pici17:41
hikupplask, ok, so it looks like the primary disk partition and disk itself are /dev/sdb1. did you create the partiton via the raid controller or the OS?17:41
cache_surplusim all about current info, not old stuff needing revision lol17:42
Picicache_surplus: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins#Editing_factoids17:42
cache_surpluspici thanks17:42
erUSULsosaited: . in a regex is special. if you want an actual . use '\.jpg'17:42
* ubontu crosses fingers and slaps the channel with a large trout17:42
Picicache_surplus: They'll get forwarded to the channel ops for approval first though ;)17:42
cache_surplusthat was funny17:42
cache_surplusthats fine17:42
cache_surplusi wouldnt submit something that wasnt true17:42
cache_surplushowever, i guess there are those that would17:43
ks07Hey guys, are the fsck messages at boot logged somewhere?17:43
cache_surplusalso, the factoids point to things on the ubuntu site, wouldnt that be approved through a diff set up people than chat ops?17:43
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pplaskhiku, via the OS17:43
hikupplask, ok, so you used parted to create the partition? but. what command did you use?17:44
erUSULks07: no anymore; upstart stoped doing it ( unhless its been fixed in maverick)17:44
AbhiJithow to lock keyboard?17:44
erUSULks07: the bug is marked as wishlist or something :(17:44
pplaskhiku, i used Gparted to create a GPT partitions table on /dev/sdb and then i created a partition /dev/sdb1 as ext317:45
jamie_does anyone knofor or another way to get ubuntu to recognize card slot on my netbook??????w how to get drivers17:45
pplaskhiku, with the whole space17:45
jamie_ok that got wierd17:45
hikupplask, odd, so when running parted /dev/sdb you can't access the drive. what happens when you run parted /dev/sdb1 and then print out the partition table17:45
ks07Hmmm thats a problem, just saw some nice error messages about corruption including 'module' which doesnt look too good... worst bit is I dont know which xD17:45
=== uRock_away is now known as uRock
cache_surplusactually im talking about editing the actual ubuntu info, not the factoid listing title thingy17:45
jamie_does anyone know how to get drivers for or another way to get ubuntu to recognize my sd card slot on my netbook17:46
Picicache_surplus: I'll go with the standard 'Its a wiki' reply.17:46
sosaitederUSUL: Tried that as well, same result. Doesn't if grep, returns true for the files it finds the text in?, and17:46
erUSULks07: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/51364417:46
erUSULsosaited: -v negates it17:46
cache_surplusPici: factoids are links that point to info on ubuntu help. correct?17:46
cache_surplusi wish to edit the info on ubuntu's site only. how do i go about that?17:47
erUSULsosaited: you can try « ... if ! grep -q "$f"; then ... »17:47
erUSULcache_surplus: make an account for yourself in launchpad/wiki; begin editing17:47
ubontuOkay glxgears is gettin 60 fps17:47
=== rickh is now known as Guest24191
ubontuthats 30 more than before, still i can't get the eye candy to activate17:48
cache_surplusic. i have an account, so i should just start editing and then someone will approve, correct?17:48
pplaskhiku, i can see the partition table, but theres no partitions17:48
pplaskhiku, i will create again hold on17:48
ubontuActionParsnip, any ideas?17:48
hikupplask, but you have sdb1 mounted17:48
cache_surplusis that launchpad.net right17:48
Picicache_surplus: There are some links in the topic of #ubuntu-doc that might be informative for you17:48
sosaitederUSUL: I think that did it. Because it didn't delete every file like before. Thanks a lot again17:49
cache_surplusoh ok17:49
hikupplask, brb17:49
=== Guest24191 is now known as rickh
ubontuActionParsnip, added the config into /etc/X11, if i am seing something normally means the driver is loaded, however the options to activate compiz are still unavaliable.17:49
pplaskhiku, i umounted it17:49
cache_surplusjust one17:49
Picicache_surplus: Give me a poke if you need help finding more info and I'll see if I can point you to the right person.17:49
erUSULsosaited: no probelm; i honestly thought -v will work ... i tested here and indeed it wont work in this situation17:49
cache_surplusill start here17:50
FunnyLookinHatHow do I disable the restricted nVidia driver from console ?17:50
sosaitederUSUL I think what -v does it to output all the lines that did not match the string.17:51
erUSULsosaited: yes; i know but i thought that it will change return code from grep too; my bad sorry17:53
JeyanthanI'm new to Linux and an NFS freak. Please suggest me an equivalent game for Need For Speed except Torcs or maniadrive !17:53
erUSULFunnyLookinHat: i would remove purege the nvidia-glx-* packages that may be installed and move the current /etc/X11/xorg.conf file out of the way17:53
marcuyhow to add bright to a "Samsung r430" laptop on ubuntu?17:54
FunnyLookinHaterUSUL: If I remove the curren xorg.conf it'll automatically reconfigure to default, etc?17:54
email1459hi, i conected a camera to my computer, how can i install or where can i check if is installed?17:54
email1459hi, i conected a camera to my computer, how can i install or where can i check if is installed?17:54
erUSULFunnyLookinHat: yes; it should17:54
ubontuerUSUL, how to generate a new xorg config from commandline?17:54
pplaskhiku, are you there? i dont know how to use parted. When im creationg a partition with mkpart it asks for 2 values, START and END. What do i put there?17:54
erUSULemail1459: usb webcam? try using it with "cheese"17:54
=== talmai is now known as talmai_
email1459ok, thanks17:55
erUSULubontu: you can try « sudo Xorg -configure :1 » in a terminal17:55
hikupplask, start and end is the beginning and end of the drive via the sectors of the drive.17:55
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Jeyanthananybody there to assist me pls .. ?17:55
=== talmai is now known as talmai_
pplaskhiku, how can i find the sectors number? I want to use the whole drive17:56
erUSULJeyanthan: why not check if NFS works in wine?17:56
erUSUL!appdb | Jeyanthan17:56
ubottuJeyanthan: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:56
Jeyanthanubontu: it's not working :17:57
FunnyLookinHaterUSUL: Thanks!17:57
erUSULFunnyLookinHat: no problem17:57
Jeyanthanubontu: I tried using wine, it isn't working17:57
sosaitederUSUL: No problem. I got the chance to learn something as well :)17:57
hikupplask, do this. for start use 017:57
pplaskhiku, ok, then?17:57
hikupplask, for end use the reported total space so if it's 8 TB use 8TB for ending, it will work out the rest17:58
ubontuJeyanthan, whats not working?17:58
OerJeyanthan, try Trigger, it is in the softwarecentre17:58
hikupplask, and use the defaults for the rest17:58
=== talmai_ is now known as TALMAI
markosohow do i create a folder in home? its greyed out17:58
hikuthen hit the p option to print out your partition infomation, then, exit and mkfs.ext3/4 /dev/sdb117:59
OerJeyanthan, trigger-rally17:59
bgruserhi all! I want help about configuring 2 videocards17:59
pplaskhiku, its asking me to reboot17:59
agentgasmaskwhat does /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/click_volume do. From gconf-editor. I'd like to have my keyboard make a sound when you type17:59
g[r]eekHello friends. I am successfully connecting to the internet via dialup using wvdial. I can open Google and successfully search, so the connection is definitely working. However Evolution won't "send / receive" - even though the Email account settings (pop3 etc) seems to be successfully configured. Evolution thinks the PC is offline. Any ideas?17:59
hikupplask, ok, you could do that I guess (I've never done that). Couldn't hurt17:59
pplaskhiku, ok, its another machine18:00
hikupplask, ah ok, then yea, go ahead and reboot18:00
=== travis is now known as ubontu
aTmHi all, I'm trying to help a friend setup a dedicated Ubunutu server he's paying for to setup a website. I'm not sure what route to go with to setup ftp access for the webserver. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!18:02
ubontuK i have been fighting with xorg and this crappy intel 945 graphics card18:02
ubontuHave reconfigured xorg, and told it to load the fawking intel module18:02
ubontuAnd still cant get the eye candy to work18:02
Jeyanthanthanks, crossover has helped me18:03
tobapramudiaIndonesian :D18:03
ubontuAny ideas apart from installing gnome or arch?18:03
ubontui mean debian*18:03
server_pleas help to postfix18:04
server_jest moze jakis polak18:04
leo145what do you think about unity?18:04
ubontuNeeds a LOT of work18:04
aTmHi all, I'm trying to help a friend setup a dedicated Ubunutu server he's paying for to setup a website. I'm not sure what route to go with to setup ftp access for the webserver. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!18:05
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
ubontuleo145, i have installed ubuntu netbook remix with the unity stuff on it, after 1 day, i decided to use the desktop normally18:06
nimrod10aTm, setup ssh and have him/you send/receive files over sftp18:06
ubontuIt's not functional18:06
markosook i hjave folders but i cant create folders inside says you are not the owner cant change permission18:06
Oerubontu, you use natty 11.04 beta ?18:06
ubontuWould be if used with fingers, instead of normal pad18:06
ezra-subontu, unity will improve with next ubuntu version I believe18:06
ubontuusing 10.1018:06
ubontuWich is supposed to be a 10 out of 1018:07
ubontuAnd drivers that worked perfectly in 10.04 dont work anymore18:07
=== andrea is now known as Guest96141
ubontuOr you have to do surrealistic workarounds to make em work18:07
bwaumriwehello all I want to configure my kernel to 1000fps18:07
ubontuAnd im not talking about weird devices18:07
ubontuUsual netbook stuff18:07
ubontuSounds to me like a: ubuntu had disagreements with intel18:08
CrazyTux[w]How do I disable pcspkr in Ubuntu?  The module itself is not initialized.18:08
CrazyTux[w]but yet it still gives me a system beep.18:08
ubontuor b: it was released way too quick18:08
aTmnimrod10, can you talk to me in a PM?18:09
tacotronhi guys.. a little while ago i had my audio working on my ubuntu box by upgrading to kernel 35-24. Now all of a sudden (think it may have been an update) my sound no longer works. Im using an intel-snd-hda card. the codec is ALC25918:09
ubontuCant get to understand however why drivers that worked in previous versions do not work anymore in the new ones18:10
bwaumriwehello all I want to configure my kernel to 1000fps18:11
adelie42Having a bit of a problem. Just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a mac boot pro as a dual boot. I think I made the mistake of installing grub to the MBR. Grub has replaced bootcamp and though mac osx is listed in grub, MacOSX will no longer start up completely. I do not care what boot loader I use, I just want both OSs to work. Suggestions?18:11
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server_pomocy z postfixem18:11
ChogyDanbwaumriwe: you mean 1000HZ?18:11
nimrod10sorry aTm no time :(18:12
ChogyDanbwaumriwe: I think you need to compile it yourself18:12
ActionParsnipwhatever 1000fps or 1000hz means18:12
tflgen2anyone have knowledge with clonezilla and saving multiple images?18:13
tacotronadelie42: your gonna need to reinstall the Mac OS X bootloader. Whenever Ive done a dualboot install on a mac, ive always used refit, and ive stuck grub on the linux partition18:13
markosochmod: changing permissions of `home/media/pictures': Operation not permitted18:13
bonjoyeetflgen2: what do mean by multiple images?18:13
bonjoyeetflgen2: you*18:13
markosohow do i make home/media  belong to me not root18:13
ActionParsnipmarkoso: then prepend with sudo18:13
tacotronmarkoso: chown not chmod18:14
markosowtf chown? lol18:14
tacotronmarkoso: chown= CHange OWNer18:14
tflgen2bonjoyee: as in, I have multiple computers that i can get to boot via PXE. I want the hdd images of >2 computers to save onto clonezilla server. Whole idea is to set it up in advance, so no keyboard/mouse required on clients18:14
markosooh rofl18:14
sharei cant uninstall google earth i installed using .bin18:14
adelie42tacotron: I think I expected it to jail the installation for some reason. Oops. Thanks. Your suggestion makes sense. Can I assume that bootcamp can not boot ubuntu but it can boot grub?18:15
shareCould not open product information for /home/***/google-earth/.manifest/google-earth.xml18:15
markosochown /home/media like so?18:15
tacotronadelie42: bootcamp isnt your bootloader, its just a utility for making another partition and editing macs bootlaoder18:15
tflgen2markoso: chown -r user:group /home/media18:15
tflgen2markoso: ^ as root :)18:15
markososudo chown -r user:group /home/media18:16
bonjoyeetflgen2: you mean saving the disk images onto a remote machine?18:16
adelie42tacotron: is there a way to boot to mac with grub installed to the MBR?18:16
Ramir00bug in ubuntu 10.10 and windows 7 and samba????? password and user18:16
markosodo i change user for my user name18:16
tflgen2bonjoyee: correct.18:16
markosoand group muy group18:16
tflgen2markoso: yes, actually both user and group will probably be your username18:16
markosoi made a family group\18:17
tflgen2markoso: you can verify by doing "ls -l" in your home directory18:17
CripperZhi.. anyone can recommend me a good shoutcast broadcaster for ubuntu lucid ?18:17
tacotronhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=299769 check that out18:17
tflgen2markoso: set it to whatever you want :)18:17
Ramir00bug in ubuntu 10.10 and windows 7 and samba????? password and user....sharing file18:17
markosochown: invalid option -- 'r'18:17
tflgen2markoso: ah, -R **18:17
markosocaps lol18:17
Ramir00i don't share file in ubuntu and win7, problems with password....bug??18:18
tflgen2Ramir00: what is your question?18:18
bonjoyeetflgen2: something like this...boot clonezilla on pc1 save image on server, then boot clonezilla on pc2 and save the image to server?18:18
tflgen2bonjoyee: yes, but preferably without having to reconfigure each time18:18
markososweet ty  tflgen218:18
tflgen2markoso: np :)18:18
Ramir00there are bug with samba ubuntu and w7 for sharing file?18:19
markosoit has owner group and others is other just on this box18:19
jenkaIs there anyway to fix ati+wine bug on ubuntu 10.10 ??18:19
bonjoyeetflgen2: clonezilla supports saving/restoring images to/from ssh,ftp servers OTB...not sure about samba though! ..it that not what you want?18:21
Ramir00I can not access the shared folder from xubuntu to w7. I asked to place infinitely password........understand????18:23
amartinencoHi, i am trying to set up a dhcp server on my linux router. My machines request the ip and the router does dhcpoffer but there is not acknowledgment nor decline, what can be the problem?18:23
khem_What can I do to improve the looks (ie. have some fonts as Firefox) in Chromium (Ubuntu 10.10)?18:24
levenei don't seem to have anything labelled "sound" under System->Preferences. How can I change the sounds?18:24
Ramir00I want to know if a bug?????18:24
Ramir00and if this solved18:25
levenethis is for 10.0418:25
a7i3nI wanted to change sounds too - to a custom set18:25
ActionParsnipjenka: try the wine ppa and grab wine 1.3.1118:25
a7i3nUsed to be quite easy...18:26
ActionParsnipRamir00: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+question/14268418:26
Ramir00do not know this error?18:26
levenea7i3n: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151838818:26
An_Ony_Mooseis there anything similar to a symlink or hard link that can be created via ubuntu on FAT filesystems?18:26
levenea7i3n: looks like it's broken18:26
ActionParsnipRamir00: your Windows OS is stopping it18:26
a7i3nah... thank you levene.18:27
ActionParsnipRamir00: theflow shows what to remove to make it work18:27
erUSULAn_Ony_Moose: no; fat does not support links ...18:27
ActionParsnipRamir00: the account you access with MUST have a password18:27
An_Ony_MooseerUSUL, dang... You don't happen to know if the GP2X supports SD cards formatted with extX, do you? :P18:27
erUSULdoubt it18:28
ubunare torrent files safe?18:28
ActionParsnipubun: depends on the torrent18:28
email1459hi, i conected a camera to my computer, how can i install or where can i check if is installed?18:28
email1459hi, i conected a camera to my computer, how can i install or where can i check if is installed?18:28
levenea7i3n: you can change the alert sound (choose from presets, anyway) in the volume control application18:28
gtludwighi all, is it possible to pass a --prefix=<location-other-than-default> to '# apt-get install tomcat6' ?18:28
ActionParsnipemail1459: run: dmesg | tail; sudo fdisk -l     it may show the camera being detected18:28
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:29
ubunActionparsnip: i want to download a game that i have the cd for and key but its scratch (also trying to install it in wine)18:29
ActionParsnipubun: not sure then dude, this is also not an Ubuntu question18:29
ActionParsnipubun: safety of toorents is not an Ubuntu question18:30
email1459it is working already but not with skype18:30
email1459it is working already but not with skype18:30
email1459just cheese18:30
ActionParsnipemail1459: is your keyboard broken, you keep repeating each time??18:30
ubunactionparsnip: my question was if they are safe not how to do it....18:30
ubunon ubuntu can they mess up system18:31
email1459hey i'm not a science man18:31
ActionParsnipubun: its offtopic here. If your torrent client was misbehaving then it would be discussed here18:31
=== damnfool0 is now known as fox-man
ActionParsnipubun: win virues in many torrents will not harm your ubuntu install18:31
ActionParsnipemail1459: me neither18:31
email1459so how can connect to skype my camera?18:31
ActionParsnipemail1459: do you mean a webcam?18:31
ubunok...thanks that was my question thanks actionparsnip:18:32
email1459yes, with usb18:32
ActionParsnipemail1459: ok does it work in cheese?18:32
Propelmozerlla or cheddar?18:32
Propelor marble?18:32
ActionParsnipemail1459: ok, try:       LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype18:33
HowardTheDuckhey are there any good multithreaded bz2 compressors in the repositories?18:33
email1459how can i try?18:33
ActionParsnipemail1459: in a terminal18:34
ActionParsnipPropel: what is your question18:34
email1459copy, paste in terminal?18:34
ActionParsnipemail1459: if it works, we can make it permanent18:34
kaushalplease guide me about http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/557773/ Its oracle on Ubuntu server18:34
PropelActionParsnip: it was just a joke :P18:34
ActionParsnipemail1459: yes, I thought that was fairly obvious18:34
Propel <ActionParsnip> email1459: ok does it work in cheese?18:34
erUSUL!info lbzip18:35
ubottuPackage lbzip does not exist in maverick18:35
erUSUL!info lbzip218:35
ubottulbzip2 (source: lbzip2): fast, multi-threaded bzip2 utility. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.23-1 (maverick), package size 53 kB, installed size 152 kB18:35
ActionParsnipPropel: ahh I get it now, nice18:35
Propellol haha18:35
Thunderhawk60any know how to install bin files?18:36
ActionParsnipThunderhawk60: chmod +x filename; ./filename18:36
email1459sorry, i can't understand anything18:36
email1459sorry, i can't understand anything18:36
ActionParsnipThunderhawk60: depends on the name18:36
ActionParsnipemail1459: why do you ALWAYS double post the same line?18:36
Thunderhawk60thanx, I'll give it a try18:36
email1459is my keyboard , sorry18:37
ActionParsnipemail1459: copy the command I gave, press CTRL+ALT+T   right click the terminal and select paste, then press ENTER18:37
email1459i have double enter installed18:37
ActionParsnipemail1459: have you not ever copied and pasted text before18:38
ActionParsnipemail1459: please turn it off, its REALLY annoying and is scrolling the channel unecessarily18:38
email1459sorry and thanks again18:38
bearly230Hello all, I just installed acl on server 10.04, What I need to know is where do I put the acl option in the fstab file. I would love to just mount /home in fstab with acl on it. But not sure how to do this. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.18:39
macfireCould someone help me with my ubuntu18:39
erUSULbearly230: in the options column18:39
coz_sud0,  where you just on #ubuntu-artwork channel?18:39
ActionParsnipmacfire: ask and we'll see ;)18:40
bearly230erUSUL: I've tried that and it appears as though it's not enabled.18:40
erUSULbearly230: you have to remount the filesystem18:40
bearly230erUSUL: I've rebooted the server18:41
email1459No such file or directory18:41
erUSULbearly230: can you show us the fstab line?18:41
ActionParsnipemail1459: sudo apt-get install libv4l-0            then retry (use the up cursor to repeat old commands)18:42
bearly230erUSUL: The current line is "UUID=94c5edb1-f2ac-4f5e-a8c8-efab9b70ad77 /boot           ext2    defaults,acl        0       2"18:42
Thunderhawk60ok i installed the bin now it says enter installation directory 145 MB needed.How Do I install it in the default directory?Where all the software usually is?18:42
ActionParsnipThunderhawk60: what are you installing exactly?18:42
macfireI'm having trouble installing the graphic is beyond recognition! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ki-h0GOrcE. I can not see anything for installation!18:42
erUSULbearly230: how do you know is not working?18:43
Thunderhawk60Adobe reader18:43
ActionParsnipThunderhawk60: then I'd run it with:  sudo ./filename    and install it to /opt  you do know that the reader is available in the partner repo?18:44
ActionParsnipThunderhawk60: add the repo in software centre and install acroread, it's at version 9.4.118:44
bearly230erUSUL: Whenever I try to use setfacl to modify premissions on a directory I get an erro18:44
Thunderhawk60ok that seems easier thanks again...18:45
ActionParsnipThunderhawk60: its a simple case of ticking a box in the sources18:45
ActionParsnipThunderhawk60: yeah, suprised you didnt search for guides, rather than heading to the site18:45
tolkadI think the ubuntu website contains an error18:45
Thunderhawk60well I'm coming from windows...I'm using to searching the net for software....18:45
ActionParsniptolkad: they are wikis, so you can edit them and the change will be reviewed18:46
ActionParsnipThunderhawk60: try searching for guides at the same time :)  The repos have about 99% of the software you'll need18:46
bearly230erUSUL: The exact error is Operation not supported.18:46
macfirejust want my ubuntu to work18:46
macfireI'm having trouble installing the graphic is beyond recognition! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ki-h0GOrcE. I can not see anything for installation!18:47
erUSULbearly230: let me do a quick test here18:47
ActionParsnipmacfire: what is the output of:  sudo lshw -C display   please use a pastebin to give the result18:47
bearly230erUSUL: Thanks )18:47
macfireActionParsnip ok18:48
tolkadActionParsnip: If I google "ubuntu linux", http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu%20linux the title and description of the ubuntu website mention linux instead of "GNU/linux." I am not sure where that description is being pulled from but this is a grave error18:48
Thunderhawk60ok How do I add guides...What are they exactly? sources to add to the repository?18:48
ActionParsniptolkad: then edit it18:49
ActionParsnipThunderhawk60: by searching for something like "Install acrobat reader in Ubuntu" to find guides etc18:50
JyZyXELdoes ubuntu 10.10 installer allow resizing of NTFS partition to get space for ubuntu installation?18:50
tolkadActionParsnip: I'm not sure where it's coming from. I can't find that description on the page18:50
ActionParsnipThunderhawk60: if you load software centre and edit your sources, the default setup is to have the partner repo disabled, if you disable it and refresh the packages, you can install acroread18:50
aseem /msg NickServ identify dbd1988118:50
tolkadActionParsnip: also how do I edit this page? http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu18:51
erUSULbearly230: well; the error is missleading... you have to use sudo given that /boot/ is root owned ...18:51
abeHi All. I need help in tracking some jerks doing ports scans on me. Sometimes even sending heavy packets Ping of Death. I got the log, any help?18:51
tolkadI need to change linux to "GNU/linux"18:51
bearly230erUSUL: I've used it with sudo, same error18:51
Thunderhawk60ok thanks alot for the assistance.This beats windows,I actually get some instant Help ;)18:51
erUSULbearly230: worked here18:51
ActionParsniptolkad: not sure personally, could try #ubuntu-ops18:51
erUSULbearly230: « grep acl /proc/mounts » returns anything ?18:52
ActionParsnipThunderhawk60: the community cares18:52
brianmunkaseem, another user recently gave me a tip, write commands in the server msg window18:52
bearly230erUSUL: Command and response I get is "sudo setfacl -d -m o::--- lpc18:52
bearly230setfacl: lpc: Operation not supported"18:52
Thunderhawk60Thanks, see you later then...18:52
bonjoyeeJyZyXEL: yes18:53
jake_How do I put Ubuntu 10.10 on a  net book that is doesn't have a disk drive or anything but usb port and i am not using it at this moment and did i mention that its a netbook18:54
erUSULbearly230: i used setfacl -m u:someuser:w file18:54
erUSULbearly230: not sure what the implications of -d are ...18:54
marcobiscaro2112jake_ : you can burn the ubuntu image on a usb drive, just google unetbootin18:55
bearly230erUSUL: Let me give that a try real quick.18:55
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:55
bonjoyee!liveusb | jake_18:55
ubottujake_: please see above18:55
ActionParsnipjake_: you can use the 1-2-3 app in Windows or unetbootin / usb-creator in ubuntu to make a bootable USB from the ISO (make sure you MD5 test the ISO)18:55
bearly230erUSUL: Hmm I'm still getting the same message.18:56
abeanyone can help me in security?18:56
erUSULbearly230: again « grep acl /proc/mounts » returns anything ?18:56
erUSUL!anyone | abe18:56
ubottuabe: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:56
abeDoes anybody know how I can stop ports scans?18:57
bearly230erUSUL: I get /dev/sda1 /boot ext2 rw,relatime,errors=continue,acl 0 018:57
erUSULbearly230: could be a problem in ext2 ??? i tested with ext318:58
bonjoyeeabe: you can stealth ports..not sure you can block port scans!18:58
marcobiscaro2112abe: using a firewall can filter the scan, giving no useful results to the attacker18:58
abe@erUSUL thanks for the headsup.  I am getting annoyed, everyday i get run wtih 3 ports scans and sometimes ping of death18:58
bearly230erUSUL: it came up with ext2 by default on the install.18:58
marcobiscaro2112abe: ubuntu has the ufw firewall frontend that is very simple18:58
ActionParsnipabe: home grade routrs (usually) drop pings like that18:58
abe@marcobiscaro2112 i am going through a router provide by bellsouth At&t, i don't know how much of a firewell it is?18:59
bonjoyeeabe: using ufw in ubuntu oyu can block pings as well!18:59
TwistedHi guys, just picked up a vertex 2 turbo SSD :D18:59
TwistedHave created a new aligned ext4 partition19:00
abeIt is actually my router that is getting portscan19:00
marcobiscaro2112abe: if you want to protect your LAN, you need to configure the policies on router (i dont know exactly how)19:00
TwistedBut am at a loss as to how i should migrate /root etc to it19:00
ActionParsnipTwisted: ext2 will make the device last longer, or you can tweak ext419:00
abe@marcobiscaro2112 u r right. I will do a portscan on myself and see what is open. good start?19:00
Twistedso i can boot of it19:00
billy_can anyone here set up a php script on a remote server19:00
bearly230erUSUL: Thanks for your time. Guess I'll have to try reinstalling the server. And try to get ext3 going on it. Good thing I don't have anything going on it yet. )19:00
marcobiscaro2112abe: yes, but it must be run from the internet19:01
marcobiscaro2112abe: google for 'online nmap'19:01
TwistedAha, roger that, will tweak ext419:01
abe@marcobiscaro2112 awesome! thank you.  last question:19:01
TwistedIs that a increase the journalling threshold jobby19:01
TwistedSo it doesnt cause too much writing out19:02
abeIf my router compromised can the attacker remote control computers connected to the router?19:02
Twisted(And "burn" it out or whatever)19:02
bonjoyeeabe: depends on what services are running on those computers19:02
TwistedAs far as i can tell, i need to copy everything on my current /root partition to the new SSD partition19:02
BluesKajabe, only if he knows you network passwords and IPs19:02
Twistedand point grub at the new partition19:03
marcobiscaro2112abe: no. If your router is bad configured, but your computers run a firewall, there is no problem19:03
erUSULbearly230: ok; good luck19:03
TwistedBut how to do so, i see so many guides for migrating to larger harddrives, etc, but nothing seems to apply properly19:03
Twisted(To be clear i wish to keep /home on the old HDD)19:04
abeSo really, if the router gets compromised the next stage is cracking the security (firewall) of the computer?19:04
roy_1hi! ubuntu (10.10) locks my monitor after a while and aska for password. how can i disable this?19:04
GringoHI all just installed ubuntu and have no sound, i have a built in sound card on my gigabyte mobo Intel N10/ICH19:04
roy_1(asks)... :)19:04
TwistedSytem > Prefs >Screensaver to disable the monitor going off and then asking for a password19:04
marcobiscaro2112abe: yes, because must be anything (a compromissed computer) that the intruder cans attack19:05
ActionParsniproy_1: ubuntutweak has a setting for that if you like, or Twisted's solution with the OS as-is19:05
TwistedUntick "Lock screen when screensave is active"19:05
ActionParsnip!sound | Gringo19:05
ubottuGringo: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:05
TwistedAnybody with any ideas about migrating /root from a harddrive to a new SSD while still keeping my /home partition on the old HDD?19:06
trojan_spikeI need a quick look at my CPU temp because ive just over-clocked,, any terminal command?19:06
bonjoyeetrojan_spike: sensors19:07
Twistedfor CPU temp use 'sensors'19:07
Twistedbonjoyee beat me :)19:07
bonjoyeeTwisted: ;)19:07
ubutomTwisted, how about a new install on the drive and putting your old /home partition in fstab?19:07
trojan_spike23c,, good job19:07
abe@marcobiscaro2112 so, I must check my security log on my computer to see if there has been an attacks.  Why a ping of death on my router? can it be to restrict our workplace from the internet, what can the ping of death gain the attacker beside restricting Internet access to the attackee?19:07
marcobiscaro2112Twisted: first, you need to create a partition on the new ssd19:07
Tasteanyone know anything about the google chrome OS linux?19:08
gobbeTaste: #chromeos?19:08
Twistedmarcobiscaro2112: I have the partition on there already, aligned etc and ready to go19:08
roy_1ActionParsnip: Thank you for pointing that. I'm kinda drunk now, and was looking for the highlight :D Also thanks to the lazy-but-wise Twisted ;)19:08
trojan_spikebonjoyee, am i able to edit sensors?19:08
bonjoyeetrojan_spike: as in?19:08
TwistedAnd Ubutom, it looks like i might just go and do that really19:08
BluesKajabe ,  ping of death?19:08
TwistedEdit sensors how?19:09
trojan_spikebonjoyee, change temp values19:09
marcobiscaro2112abe: the ping of death was used to make a DoS attack to windows 95 computers, i don't think it can be used to compromise routers19:09
SenixHey i need to know if there are official drivers for a linksys WUSB600n wireless card19:09
cache_surplus@SIG@  macro wiki stuff.. got links to all macros?19:09
abe@BluesKaj, yes ping of death19:09
trojan_spikebonjoyee, fan etc etc19:09
TwistedOh fan speed settings?19:09
erUSULSenix: what chip does 5that usb use? « lsusb » may tell you19:09
marcobiscaro2112Twisted: have you copied the files to the new partition?19:09
trojan_spikeTwisted, yea,, to hit certain speed at certain temp19:10
TwistedFor adjusting fan speeds19:10
BluesKajabe, most routers run linux , and the ping of death isn't relavent unless you have windows networking19:10
SenixerUSUL, I don't know, im not at the computer right now.19:10
Twisteduse command 'fancontrol'19:10
SenixerUSUL, rt287019:10
TwistedBut its a little more complex than that19:10
trojan_spikeTwisted, Loading configuration from /etc/fancontrol ...19:10
trojan_spikeError: Can't read configuration file19:10
bonjoyeetrojan_spike: your bios should be able to do that...19:11
trojan_spikeTwisted, im guessing this is a file i can possibly deit?19:11
abe@BlusKaj in the security log it says "Illegal Packet Size (Ping of Death)"19:11
trojan_spikebonjoyee, not for my fan control19:11
TwistedIts kinda complex, and im not that experienced myself19:11
Twistedmy hardware doesnt support fancontrol it seems19:12
Twistedso i dont know much about it19:12
trojan_spikebonjoyee, i mean bios doesnt control my fan,, its water cooling.. I'll check forum,, cheers19:12
DexterFhow do I get the src from a ppa?19:12
TwistedWhat you are looking for is basically a way to setup lm-sensors and fancontrol19:12
erUSULSenix: well in theory ubuntu comes with a driver for it... how well it will work is another matter19:12
TwistedBest look for a tutorial really :S19:12
trojan_spikeTwisted, basically yea19:12
erUSULSenix: find /lib/modules/ -name '*2870*'19:12
jribDexterF: same way you get the source from the default repositories (apt-get source after adding the deb-src repository line in your sources.list)19:13
SenixerUSUL, thanks for the help, i'll try a few things19:13
erUSULSenix: you have to make sure the driver is loaded « sudo modprobe rt2870sta » ( it should load automatically when you plug the thing but anyway ...)19:13
SenixerUSUL, kthx, see im not at said computer right now. i'll have this log so i can try a few of the things you've told19:14
DexterFjrib: ah, well - had to add -src manually. thanks.19:14
bsmith093i just rebuilt my xp box yesterday, how do i get samba shares working from lucid again? it asks me for a username and password when i try to connect to the windows machine\19:15
erUSULSenix: do the machine have internet connection via cable or other means ?19:15
SenixerUSUL, its a netbook19:15
erUSULSenix: that is a no?19:16
SenixerUSUL, yea19:16
erUSULok :)19:16
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meltingwaxdo any user-space VPN clients exist?19:18
gnewbbsmith093: Did you find the answer?19:19
bsmith093gnewb: no19:19
earthmeLonI would like to create items/launchers on my desktop.  I have *TWO* screens.  0 and 1.  I am unable to drag and drop to the other window, so how can I create these links?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167290319:19
Dmolehi, looking for help reordering the grub 1.98 menu...19:20
elfrabbeany ideahow to get the sound from my linux box on my windows workstation ?19:20
gnewbbsmith093: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/05/share-filesfolders-between-windows-xp-vista-7-and-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-via-samba/19:21
Dmoleelfrabbe: assuming you are using a reote desktop connection it's in the settings.19:22
Dmoleelfrabbe: *remote19:22
elfrabbeDmole : actually it is not19:22
gnewbbsmith093: And here> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143028919:22
Dmoleelfrabbe: what RDP are you using? VNC, NX, FreeNX ?19:23
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jgcampbell300anyone have any experiance with deluged headless server 1.3.119:23
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mernilioJust because i love you people: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO3ZMdcL8Pc19:24
elfrabbeDmole VNC19:24
elfrabbeDmole with a smal program named Ultr@vnc on my windows workstation19:25
gsp2009hello folks19:25
merniliogsp2009: :-(19:25
gsp2009mernilio: why so glum?19:25
merniliogsp2009: my glum attidtude towards you is because i dont like you!19:26
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: i've done a headless server with transmission19:26
gsp2009mernilio: excellent.. then I have done a good job19:26
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: http://apocryph.org/2008/11/30/setting_deluge_headless_ubuntu_seedbox_windows_client/    may help19:27
giampierobon jovi19:27
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: or: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143378319:27
Dmoleelfrabbe: not sure where the setting would be, if you don't want to use a different RDP you could setup a separate audio steam pulse->vlc or something like that19:27
jgcampbell300ActionParsnip, ty19:28
merniliogsp2009: i do like you my friend!19:28
gsp2009mernilio: :)19:28
jgcampbell300ActionParsnip, the one thing i didnt like about transmision is it didnt have a Q19:28
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: a Q? What is a Q?19:28
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: how do you mean?19:29
elfrabbedmole any idea how do i search for info about pulse > vlc stream ?19:29
PiciActionParsnip: A queue.19:29
jgcampbell300ActionParsnip, it would dl one file then start a new one ... download them one at a time or two ... and at certan times19:29
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ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: files are downloaded in parallel according to the priority. It achieves the same end in the same time19:29
lasd79asd75{blow} 44317a783345386b412b4d43734d4e48524763504f64552f34374d7531752f3172645676634a5945375a47727a4856564d3566496d2b36724e49756d6e3432794a74786671577a6e455139710a6864427478516b6f476b38774d57493d0a19:29
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: the priority can make the high priority ones arrive first19:30
Picilasd79asd75: Please don't do that here.19:30
thetobe49Hi! Im kinda new to this. I was just wondering if someone could help me with some driver problems19:30
jribthetobe49: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)19:30
coz_sud0,   are you here?19:30
ActionParsnipthetobe49: ask away19:30
StarSkythetobe49: yes19:31
jgcampbell300ActionParsnip, thats why i moved ot deluge , i can set it up to down load files say one at a time throu the day at 100KB and at night it may dl 4 at a time at 400KB or what ever its set to19:31
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thetobe49aright:P i try to install a line6usb driver and it doesnt install19:31
mernilioThe fist of fury, and the rage i have in my haha.. :-)19:31
thetobe49its an audio interface19:31
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: you can set a speed throttle in transmission between 2 times too19:31
thetobe49its originally made for windows but someome wrote a driver for linux19:32
thetobe49so can anyone help?19:32
vyrus001just upgraded, now alsamixer only works as root, if i run as any other user i get annot open mixer: No such file or directory.  also audio playback only works when running an application as root, halp?!19:33
jgcampbell300I don’t initiate downloads from aenea, I do it from my laptop, so it won’t do to have to VNC into aenea and launch the UI. Fortunately, Deluge supports this. Unfortunately, the docs consist of a hard-to-follow thread on the forums. To get the Deluge daemon and the WebUI to run on system startup, I created an init.d script based on a forum thread.19:33
Lucasethetobe49: well go on the website of your hardware and download the linux driver vesion19:33
Picijgcampbell300: There is a transmission-daemon package.19:33
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Transmission-Web-Interface-Google-Chrome_005.png19:33
toastyjusticeHey guys, does anyone know what command I could use to recursively copy all files from subfolders into one folder?19:34
Picijgcampbell300: Also that web interface is part of the regular client, I use it all the time myself.19:34
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: not trying to sway you or anything like that, just educating of features you think arent in an app, when they are :D19:34
ActionParsnipthey are all fine apps though19:34
csgeekis it possible to have a wirless + ethernet connection.. it seems like wicd drops one or the other...19:35
ActionParsnipPici: transdroid talks to transmission's web ui too (if you have an android phone)19:35
ActionParsnipcsgeek: set the wired interface addressing in /etc/network/interfaces is how I do it19:35
Dmoleelfrabbe: not sure it would be a bit technical maybe this is the correct direction: http://www.musicpd.org/forum/index.php?topic=2291.019:35
elfrabbeDmole thx a lot mate19:36
jgcampbell300ActionParsnip, ya I have used transmision for a while i just really liked the way deluge looks and functions19:36
werrtyI am not able to do an ecryptfs-mount-private and in fear of loosing my data, where would I find all the encrypted data in order to do a backup?19:37
bassmanbjr à tous19:37
hosomakiis there any trusted irc proxy or a way to hide personal information?19:38
KB1JWQTor-SASL is an alternative to regular tor in accessing freenode.  See http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor for more info hosomaki19:40
Dmolewerrty: if you use ubuntu to encrypt your home folder it will mount when you log in, you can back it up by just copying the data to an unencrypted drive somewhere19:40
KB1JWQhosomaki: Also, it's not as secure, but:19:40
KB1JWQFor information on cloaks, see this URL:  http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks19:40
werrtyDmole: Thats the problem, it does not mount for some reason19:40
hosomakiKB1JWQ, thx a lot!19:41
ArachonEr, I'm trying to run a dedicated minecraft server by using the nohup command to launch the .jar file, but tells me "nohup: ignoring input and appending output to 'nohup.out'19:41
ArachonWhy's this?19:41
PiciArachon: Thats normal.  Perhaps you'd find it more useful to run your command within screen.19:42
Dmolewerrty: copy this some where before messing with it: /home/.ecryptfs/19:42
Arachonpici: Okhay, how would I go about doing that?19:42
Dmolewerrty: are you logging in with the GUI,ssh,RDP?19:42
ArachonCause the main problem is of course that when running normally, I can't close the ssh connection without killing the java process19:43
werrtyDmole: GUI19:43
elfrabbeDmole : on the first line they ask if pulse audio is deamon or not ... how can i find this out ?19:43
PiciArachon: screen yourcommandhere, then you can use screen -DR (or -r or whatever options you want to use to reconnect) next time you ssh to your server.  You may need to write a little script to run instead of putting all the arguments at the end of the screen command.19:44
ArachonPici: Ok... What does -DR or and -r do?19:44
PiciArachon: -DR = force disconnects of other connected screens and connect, -r = just connect.  Its all explained in the 'screen' manpage.19:45
PiciArachon: You may also want to take a look at this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen19:45
ArachonOkay, thanks19:45
smittixHi all, I have setup a vpn connection to a windows pptp and i can connect to the vpn fine and even ping remote workstations. But I can't for the life of me RDP to anything at all.19:45
Dmoleelfrabbe: i think it is by default in ubuntu, you can see if it's running by asking it (pulseaudio --help)19:46
Dmolewerrty: look in your log files for why it's not mounting19:46
MosterdWhat are ~/.profile, ~/.xsession, and ~/.xinitrc?19:47
Dmolewerrty: also this /home/user/.Private on /home/user type ecryptfs (ecryptfs_sig=d480e27954124506,ecryptfs_fnek_sig=6b64d97ea316e976,ecryptfs_cipher=aes,ecryptfs_key_bytes=16)19:49
bullgard4What is »Hyena«? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/the-truth-about-banshees-photo-support/ : "Hyena is a core part of Banshee." What does Hyena do?19:49
Taravelhi is there a fast way to backup a bootable pen drive?  I installed Ubuntu on this pen drive and I updated the OS to do some tests but some times these tests sink the OS so I'm looking for a fast way to restart from the updated system with basic modification.19:49
cellardoorWhen I run skype along with a few other programs.. If any one of them accesses the hard drive a lot.. skype just goes mental and cracks up and so on. Any ideas? is this a common problem?19:50
jribMosterd: ~/.xinitrc gets used by startx, ~/.xsession is a user session script for things like gdm, ~/.profile is a file that gets source anytime you login nowadays19:50
DmoleTaravel: man dd19:50
CitizenwarriorIf installing /boot on a USB drive for the booting of an encrypted FS; 2 questions -- 1.) Can the USB drive be removed after booting is completed?  2.) Can other files live on the same USB drive and be mounted and accessed19:50
SungSamhi all!19:51
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DmoleCitizenwarrior: I think this could be done so long as you move all your mounts to a big ramdisk19:52
werrtyDmole: I guess you mean ecryptfs-mount-private? I've done all that, I have actually a thread on the issue (http://askubuntu.com/questions/23082/home-folder-not-being-decrypted). Do I interpret you correct if assuming that all needed (for a backup and in order to decrypt the data) is in .ecryptfs and .Private?19:52
Dmolewerrty: + your key I think (I have never tested it)19:53
elfrabbeDmole : when i try to restart the deamon via sudo service pulsaudio restart it says PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions .... so it not a deamon ?19:53
bobobobhello, does someone knows how to listen online radio from terminal?19:53
Dmoleelfrabbe: looks like19:53
tom3p hello, when i use nautilus to view my home directory, it gets a segfault, other locations are cool19:54
tom3pJan 23 22:03:43 gatewayLucid kernel: [   82.418661] nautilus[1944]: segfault at 0 ip 0405224b sp b74eebfc error 4 in libc-2.11.1.so[3f3a000+153000]19:54
EvilPhoenixi'm running the 10.04.1 image on a system, and (temporarily) i want to change the button locations, so how can I do that?  so that the window buttons show up at the right.19:54
CitizenwarriorDmole Could you enlighten me as to how that is put in to practice or point me to a good resource19:54
Mosterdjrib, thanks19:54
adeepulseaudio is a per-user daemon19:54
jribMosterd: no problem.  Was there something in particular you wanted to do, but were'nt sure what file to use?19:55
Mosterdjrib, I was reading https://github.com/jinzhu/vrome/wiki/customize-your-vrome19:56
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MosterdIt is a plugin for chromium.19:56
SungSamHere's my latest problem with ubuntu: DISK failure is imminent, that's what SMART says. It gives me the value of 952 reallocated sector count. In windows sometimes I could fix such things with checkdisk. What to do here? I read somewhere, that this might be fake and only SMART fault, but still... What to do?19:56
MosterdI was wondering why I need to setup a server and such for a couple of simple keybinginds.19:56
DmoleCitizenwarrior: read "man mount" you will be using the remount option, and tmpfs19:56
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:57
CitizenwarriorDmole, will do thank you for your time19:57
MosterdI think ~/.xsession is the most probable place to put that stuff in.19:57
the_eye_anyone use an Atom D525 in ubuntu 10.10 ?19:58
_UsUrPeR_hey all. I am having a heck of a time installing software RAID with LVM in Ubuntu 10.04 Server x64. Check out this pastebin and tell me what is going on: http://pastebin.com/4rDmyjyM . Please respond to me with any suggestions.19:59
jribMosterd: you want to use ~/.profile unless you are already using a ~/.xsession or ~/.xinitrc.  (Actually probably the easiest way is to create a small bash script with the command and then use System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications).  If you insist on using a .file, ~/.xprofile (if that still works nowadays) would be more appropriate since you only want to run vrome in X19:59
jake_Hey I need a messenger program for windows live messenger19:59
Praxianyone have any experience with cpan? Following some dumb tutorial on the net I didn't let it autoanswer stuff on my ubuntu server.  So now its prompting me for way too much.  I tried uninstalling it using dpkg --purge build-essential but I still cant get that auto setup thing back20:00
werrtyDmole> Thanks, but isn't my private key somewhere in the encrypted data or can I find it in .ecryptfs somewhere?20:00
Koksuirku irku, gdzies ty??20:00
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Koksujestes hujem20:00
ir0ty taki sam20:00
Koksunioch nioch nioch20:01
SungSamjake: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsLiveMessenger20:01
OvermindDL1Greetings, I have been using Ubuntu 10.10 for a while now, and in the system monitor I *always* seem to see things with "disc sleep" in their CPU % column every time the interface starts 'freezing' (even the mouse stops moving or moves very jerky), CPU averages about 3-8% during that time, Memory is 3.1 GiB / 3.9 GiB, Swap is 2.3 GiB / 8.0 GiB, what is causing this disc sleep and the system freezing?20:01
OvermindDL1And this can be with very few things running20:01
SungSamjake: I always thought that Empathy can do the job, but I never used it.20:01
jake_Thank you20:01
Mosterdjrib, do you have an idea why that plugin should need a server since I prefer to put as less things as possible in any startup file?20:01
jribPraxi: purging build-essential wouldn't affect cpan but I imagine it has a some .file used for configuration in your HOME.  Maybe try #perl if you need more info20:01
cdubyaI'm trying to use xvidcap to produce a tutorial, but my sound is coming out all messed up. When I look at the Sound Prefs, it shows two possible sound outputs - an analog and hdmi, but xvidcap list the sounds at /dev/dsp. Is that not the right input?20:01
jribMosterd: no idea20:01
Praxithanks jrib20:02
PaulyTallCan anyone helpme concerning hibernate / suspend mode?20:02
PaulyTallI would like to suspend my computer using ubuntu maverick20:02
OvermindDL1Bah, I just tried to close an empathy window and it "disc sleep't for about ten seconds, then it finally disappeared?20:02
OvermindDL1The whole system seems like this...20:03
PaulyTalli try to achieve it using /usr/sbin/pm-suspend20:03
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erossanyone else have 'wins' in their /etc/nsswitch.conf file? i just disabled mine20:03
joel135what's the best way of copying a partition from one system to another through the network?20:03
SungSamPauly, doesn't the button in the top right corner do the job?20:03
coz_OvermindDL1,    sudo apt-get install htop   then run that to see if anything is taking up resources especially  cpu20:03
PaulyTallbut the system doesn't stop, the leds are still on... an it's impossible to resume... I just have to stop the machine by long-presing the power button20:04
OvermindDL1coz_:  Will do, thanks.20:04
PaulyTallSungSam: I don't have a graphical interface... just using the command-line20:04
jake_How do I put Ubuntu 10.10 on a  net book that is doesn't have a disk drive or anything but usb port and i am not using it at this moment and did i mention that its a netbook20:05
SungSamPauly, it might be the reason, why I'm so frustrated on ubuntu recently. Might be everything from kernel to hardware incompabilty....20:05
Mosterdjrib, Also, if I put anything in .profile that gives an error, will that prevent my system from starting?20:05
jribMosterd: might, but you can always log into ctrl-alt-f1 (ctrl-alt-f7 to get back to the gui) and fix it20:06
jake_How do I put Ubuntu 10.10 on a  net book that is doesn't have a disk drive or anything but usb port and i am not using it at this moment and did i mention that its a netbook20:06
SungSamPauly, I never needed it, but try here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59103620:06
molnmy wireless does not connect automatically in my vaio laptop with my mum's account and I have to type the password every time, so boring. For some reason with my account I don't have this problem. oh, I'm using ubuntu 10.10 HEEEEEEELP!!!20:07
SungSamguys, does anyone hav ethe same problem as i do? SMART showing disk failure is imminent20:07
bobobobfound the solution. To listen to a radio from terminal just use: mplayer mms://sportfm.live24.gr/sportfm771220:07
OvermindDL1coz_:  I had htop running on screen with the System Monitor panel, and while watching it and doing nothing else about 8 processes (empathy, nautilus, a few gnome things, Xorg) all got "disk sleep" for about ten seconds, mouse stopped moving, htop should CPU usage at 3%, what am I supposed to be looking for?20:07
jake_Is any one using a netbook?20:08
OvermindDL1htop showed CPU*20:08
bobobobmoln: are you sure you have selected to save the password? do you use network manager?20:08
jake_Is any one using a netbook?20:08
joel135what's the best way of copying a partition from one drive to another over the network?20:08
zvacetjake_:  see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick20:08
AceKingI have an Epson Workforce 610. I plugged it in and it works fine, all except for the scanner. It used to scan fine, now I can't get it to scan at all. I've been googling it all day but nothing has been working. I even unistalled and reinstalled the printer. I'm running 10.10 32  bit.. Any ideas?20:08
OvermindDL1So does anyone know what "disk sleep" is supposed to indicate, it seems quite difficult to find information on Google about it...20:08
coz_OvermindDL1,   wow  well I was hoping that you would see something eating up cpu  but apparenlty  that's not the issue   mmm20:08
PaulyTallSungSam: do you know a reasonable way to debug?20:08
OvermindDL1coz_:  No, as stated, when it happens CPU usage seems to all but disappear...20:09
molnbobobob: nope...how can I do that?20:09
SungSamno and I'm a newbie here.20:09
bobobobmoln: when ubuntu starts, on the top-right corner you can see a "blue bar things". That's the network manager20:09
OvermindDL1On Windows this reminds me of when I start running out of system handles, just starts randomly freezing like this (although in Windows that involves running a crap-ton of stuff)...20:09
coz_OvermindDL1,  ok I am puzzled then  and if no one else can ferret through this issue  also log on to the ##linux channel for a broader base of info20:10
jake_isn't there one specializes for the net book tho?20:10
OvermindDL1coz_:  Will do20:10
bobobobmoln: clicking on the connection you can specity if you want to save or not the password20:10
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jake_Sungsam And don't worrie i am a new be to20:10
Datz https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick20:10
jake_ok thanks20:11
molnbobobob: wait wait I feel so dumb. I'm actually using ubuntu 11.04...now, I have the little icon in the menubar20:11
easy_targetI am trying to figure out how to check inklevels for my Epson printer20:11
bobobobmoln: 11.04?20:12
DexterFwhat's the preferred dvb app in gnome?20:12
bobobobmoln: probably it's the beta release....it could be a bug20:12
werrtyWhen my home folder was encrypted for the first time I was given a passphrase. Is this the same thing as private key?20:12
SungSamtake care! bye.20:12
ubunturockswheres the best place to get the latest x64 version of ubuntu?20:12
invisiblekubuntu.com ?20:13
aromandoes Ubuntu Maverick have 100% full read/write support for NTFS partitions?20:13
easy_targetany applications for ink levels?20:13
molnbobobob: u're so right, it's the friggin beta...why the hell did I get the beta? whatever20:13
ubunturocksinvisiblek is that better than torrent?20:13
GanjaReeferaroman, any linux does with the correct driver /settings20:13
zvacetaroman: yes20:13
bobobobmoln: haha download the 10.10 and everything will be ok :)20:13
aromanokay great, thanks.20:13
invisibleki think u can get the torrent there ubunturocks, torrent is probably the best way20:13
bobobobmoln: i go to eat, byebye20:13
jake_ok so i have to do it via usb so i will have to download the version you gave me and then put it on a flash drive?20:14
smittixHi all, I have setup a vpn connection to a windows pptp and i can connect to the vpn fine and even ping remote workstations. But I can't for the life of me RDP to anything at all.20:16
aguitelhow i know with command line how many time the pc is on ?20:16
Piciaguitel: uptime20:16
aguitelPici, thankz20:17
LSD-25suck a dick bitch20:17
coz_LSD-25,   too much acid there dude  whatch the language20:17
zvacetjake_: yes you have all instructions on link posted to you20:17
PerfMLSD-25: watch you mouth fool20:17
LSD-25u aint nothing but a hoe ass trick20:17
jribLSD-25: that's not appropriate language here.  Stop20:17
PerfMLsd-25: present it,....and maaaybe ;)20:18
tsimpsonPerfM: please just ignore the trolls20:18
mr_chrisI'm running Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit. What would prevent me from being able to shut down from within Gnome and GDM?20:18
LucaseCan an admin ban theses pelase20:18
stephansOk - dont know what to do with this one: nm_applet has a massive memory leak... it is fine when I start it but after some hours it grows to well over a gig...20:18
jake_Ok but i clicked download at the link and it gave me the Desktop Edition....?20:18
ubunhas anyone got a virus on ubuntu?20:18
stephanslates ubuntu updated andall20:18
jribubun: no20:18
PerfMTsimpson: everyone needs love20:19
jake_Lol Ubun No i have not got a virus only pop ups20:19
ubunjrib: so if i try to download something (software) ill be safe?20:19
coz_stephans,   then you should probably report it as a bug20:19
jribubun: not necessarily, no.  Stick to the repositories.20:19
coz_stephans,  memory leaks  definilty are bugs20:19
zvacetjake_:  http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook/get-ubuntu/download20:20
PerfMHi there20:20
PerfMso what does an ubuntu member do in this shithole...I mean channnnel heeeyy!20:21
jribPerfM: this channel is only for ubuntu support.  Do you have a support question?20:21
jake_I have tried that place and it didn't work wither but idk why it didn't because i fowled the directions20:21
PerfMI have a support question20:21
bhearsumI've got a Thinkpad W510 with a built-in webcam. sometimes it works, but most of the time it doesn't even show up in "lsusb" -- anyone ever hit an issue like this before? any tips?20:21
PerfMBut I like to make friends before I ask...just so I know I can trust you with the questions20:22
jribPerfM: that's not how this channel works.  You can chit-chat in #ubuntu-offtopic if you want but, #ubuntu is strictly support20:22
cYnicaL`Hi, I'm trying to install Virtualmin over SSH, can anyone give me a hand?20:23
stephanscoz_ ok but it is not very obvious how to report a bug....20:23
stephanscoz_ sould it not just report it like the mac does when something crashes?20:24
cassoilohi all20:24
coz_stephans,   well  which applet is this again?20:24
stephansthe network management applet...20:24
stephansubuntu x6420:25
cassoiloI have 2 displays connected to an nvidia graphics cards... is there any way to open 2 different sessions for the 2 screens, like user1 in :0 and user2 in :1 with separate keyboard/mouse controller ?20:25
stephansona lonove t40020:25
ratcheerstephans: Try "ubuntu-bug nm-applet"20:26
stephansratcheer, do that in google or what?20:26
ratcheerstephans: Just at the terminal command line20:26
stephansratcheer, it says that the package does not exist... whatever they mean by that...20:28
ratcheerstephans: It wants you to report a bug on a specific software package.20:28
stephansit would be a rather large assumption to think that absolutely every component is a separate deb?20:28
stephanshow would I know what deb that nm-applet is part of?20:29
gunknownhi. i am looking for a solution to use a vpn connection only for one process. Is this possible? What are the keywords i could look for?20:29
stephansapt-cache turned up no evidence of nm-applet20:30
ratcheerstephans: Maybe the best thing to do first would be to go to launchpad.net and search for a bug that is the same or very similar. If you find it, just add yourself as "It affects me, too."20:30
stephansok i will go and see if there is anything there...20:31
=== IPNixon_ is now known as IPNixon
brontoeeewhere so i set default apps for launching different datatypes? like jpg?20:33
nerdster77hey can anybody here show me how to update my bt4 r1 to r220:33
brontoeeei cant find it...20:33
nerdster77how to update nacktrack 4 r2 to back track 4 r220:34
DJones!backtrack | nerdster7720:34
ubottunerdster77: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition20:34
Israfel-Laptopbrontoeee, Right click a jpg -> Properties -> open with20:34
nerdster77thanx ubottu20:35
gutosalgum brasileiro?20:36
DJones!br | gutos20:36
ubottugutos: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:36
Israfel-LaptopIs there an SSH channel? I know it's not #ssh from testing. =P20:36
jake_Ok the operating system is going to take 3 hours and 41 minutes! But i guess i will wait20:36
jskripaci need help20:36
jskripacwith my printer20:36
jake_Does any one know where i can get a popup blocker?20:36
jake_for ubuntu 10.1020:37
Israfel-Laptopjskripac, What's wrong with your printer?20:37
jskripacwhat is the cups interface20:37
arkonovaIf i deleted a user and group and now want it back, can i just restore /etc/passwd, /etc/group and /etc/shadow from /etc/passwd-, /etc/group- and /etc/shadow-. Or is that a silly idea?20:37
Israfel-Laptopjskripac, in a browser, type localhost:63120:37
jskripacok thanks20:38
jake_Does any one know where i can get a popup blocker for ubuntu 10.10? Or has anyone ever had pop ups on there system?20:38
nerdster77does open ports in my network pose any threat20:38
invisiblekjake_, what web browser?20:38
invisiblekadblock is good for firefox/chrome20:38
Israfel-Laptopjake_, Depends on the browser. Firefox has adblock plus plugin.20:39
jake_Fire fox20:39
jskripacwhat does this mean     A username and password are being requested by http://localhost:631. The site says: "CUPS"20:39
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brontoeeejake_, what popups?20:39
nerdster77how can someone gain access my network through my open ports20:40
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:40
nerdster77pls help how do i close open ports on my network20:41
jake_Like spam types stuff that i get from like facebook and like myyearbook there like the courser pop ups for stuff or like gambeling ones too20:41
jake_Wow i just used like to much20:41
jake_in that last answer20:41
Israfel-Laptopjskripac, I think that's the username and pw of your login. Since it's a website based on your local machine, anyone can log into it from any account.20:41
S0NiChi i have a little problem, i try to install some multitouch software. but i get an compile error "no package libutouch-geis" found. is there a package for ubuntu? i found nothing with apt-cache search libutouch20:42
jake_But i don't want pop ups period depending if i know what it is i want to choose to turn it on and off20:42
Israfel-LaptopAnyone do a lot of SSH SOCKS tunneling? I'm having speed issues.20:42
Israfel-LaptopS0NiC, Did you see if it's in the repository? (THe src that is.)20:43
S0NiCIsrafel-Laptop: how i can see it?20:43
asdfasdfasdfasdfhello is there a way to add a song to favorite list in last.fm using decibel audio player?20:44
=== allthegoodnamesw is now known as allthegoodnamesa
jake_But i don't want pop ups period depending if i know what it is i want to choose to turn it on and off20:44
jake_Also how can i change my text color on here?20:44
Israfel-LaptopS0NiC, Since you have the name of the package, just use synaptic package manager. Google it if it's not there to find out if you need to add another repository.20:45
allthegoodnamesaSo, I'm doing a custom install on my netbook. Focus is on being lightweight and fast on crappy hardware.20:45
S0NiCIsrafel-Laptop: ok i try it. thx20:45
allthegoodnamesaAnyone have experience with IceWM and xcompmgr?20:45
allthegoodnamesaOr should I just go with the heavy WM's and chose Openbox. ;)20:46
brontoeeewhat do you people use for incremental backup to a ssh or ftp server?20:46
jake_Yeah well i am trying to put ubuntu on a msi netbook20:46
nerdster77need help updating my kernel to the latest20:47
jake_its hard but i found something that some one gave me20:47
allthegoodnamesaGetting it to run isn't the problem.20:47
allthegoodnamesaThe problem is to make it run smoothly. :)20:47
nerdster77pls show me20:47
asdfasdfasdfasdfhello is there a way to add a song to favorite list in last.fm using decibel audio player?20:47
Pici!it | ohyes20:48
ubottuohyes: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:48
smittixThat was a weird one, TsClient doesnt work at all but Remmina and Rdesktop does.20:50
Picinerdster77: Why do you need the latest kernel version?20:50
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jskripachow do i set up my lexmark printer series x250020:54
nerdster77pls where can i get books on linux20:54
Picinerdster77: Your local bookstore.20:54
Miloszin a bookstore?20:54
nerdster77wht about free20:55
earthmeLonIs there any reason why dig would show one IP address for a domain while PING shows another?20:55
jskripachow do i set up my lexmark printer series x250020:55
OvermindDL1earthmeLon:  distributed servers20:55
jskripachow do i set up my printer20:58
EnigmaticCoderjskripac: It depends what printer you have20:58
jskripaclexmark 250020:58
EnigmaticCoderjskripac: Have you tried going to system | administration | printing?20:58
EnigmaticCoderjskripac: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters20:59
EnigmaticCoderTry looking around there20:59
bento_could someone please check and see the owner of the folder /home/.ecryptfs/username/.Private ?21:00
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Israfel-Laptopjskripac, There's usually a few things you need, a cupswrapper driver, lpd, libraries, (depends on it's 32bit or 64 bit Ubuntu) etc.21:01
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=== Guest81795 is now known as warrenachild
warrenachildhow is everyone?21:02
warrenachildis there someone out there who is availible for helping me set up a mail server with ubuntu?21:03
warrenachildI am a n00b to this and wan to host my own e-mail21:03
earthmeLonIs there any reason why dig would show one IP address for a domain while PING shows another?21:03
Lucaseearthmelon: Maybe a non-static ip adress ?21:06
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agentgasmaskwarrenachild: I've never done this, but I did read that people like postfix more than sendmail. So maby a google search on postfix tutorial?21:07
warrenachildthanks agent21:07
agentgasmaskwarrenachild: no problem, I sure someone else on here is a guru with setting up an email server... NUDGE NUDGE. Right guys! haha :)21:08
warrenachildthey must all be busy ;)21:08
brontoeeeagentgasmask, try #ubuntu-server21:09
cryptodiranerdster77, you might take a gander at this:  http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz21:09
Blazentohi, how can i make a folder on my desktop delete protected?21:09
agentgasmaskwarrenachild: haha, yeah. Sereously, these fine folks are quite good at helping other fine folks like yourself, so just wait and someone will answer.21:09
agentgasmaskLike that...21:09
=== ferret__ is now known as ferret_
jdeslaur_warren setting up a email server is a bit of a process21:10
agentgasmaskbrontoeee: warrenachild was the one asking about it. I will forward it allong21:10
jdeslaur_do you have a domain registered21:10
brontoeeewhat do you people use for incremental backup to a ssh or ftp server?21:10
agentgasmaskbrontoeee: Rsync21:11
brontoeeecurently trying simple backup tool21:11
warrenachildI have a domain21:11
brontoeeeagentgasmask, yeah, something gui based i need21:11
warrenachildjdeslaur_: yes I do have a domain registered21:12
warrenachildand I have it routed to my IP address21:12
jdeslaur_with mx and dns records?21:12
warrenachildI have a website hosted as well, and I got that working fine21:12
warrenachildI am not familier with dx21:12
warrenachildI mean but DNS works21:12
S0NiCcu guys thx21:13
jdeslaur_are you running bind 9 or whatever?21:13
warrenachildnever herd of it21:13
warrenachildlol like I said I am a complete noob21:13
jdeslaur_who is managing your dns?21:13
warrenachildwell, at e-mail server n e ways21:13
warrenachildI am going though a free web routing company21:14
agentgasmaskbrontoeee: rsync's manual looks looming, but it realy is just: rsync -a -z --delete -e ssh <path to files to coppy> REMOTE-USER@REMOTEHOST:REMOTE-TARGET21:14
mbeierlwarrenachild: there is a set of instructions on how to set up postfix from the ubuntu community here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix  Once you get your dns, etc, sorted, that a look there21:14
brontoeeeagentgasmask, i know rsync and its limitations21:14
warrenachildit is a company so when you type in my address it forwards you to my ip21:15
agentgasmaskbrontoeee: ok, then why were you asking for a backup solution if you already know what you need?21:15
brontoeeeagentgasmask, i know its NOT rsync21:15
jdeslaur_IIRC all you need to do is create some mx records and have them point to the server and as long as those jive and the network is all set up it should, theoretically, work21:15
JouvaHey guys. I want to setup an easy to use CD Ripping program for a relative that's not terribly computer literate right now. The wiki says Sound Juicer is the best one but not for MP3s which is my target format (since it uses GStreamer). What's a good CD Ripper that allows for ripping MP3s that won't intimidate somebody?21:15
brontoeeeor at least not only rsync + i would like a gui app ...21:15
agentgasmaskbrontoeee: what don't you like about rsync?21:15
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agentgasmaskbrontoeee: ok, I think there is a GUI front end to rsync, let me check...21:16
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mbeierlwarrenachild: there is a big difference between a web host that forwards your IP address and an actual DNS entry.  When you type in "host yourhostnamehere.com" does it give you your IP address or the address of the routing company?21:17
JouvaAnd another question: What is "bad" about using gstreamer with lame?21:17
mbeierlwarrenachild: where "yourhostnamehere.com" is your actual host name, of course :)21:17
agentgasmaskbrontoeee: it looks like it is called grsync. I've never used it, but it's worth a shot.21:17
Taksas027where i can see user list in xchat?21:17
Taksas027xhat gnome21:17
warrenachildmbeierl: good question I have never looked21:18
brontoeeeagentgasmask, then there is cron and all the backup logic i would need to write? grsync is just a basic gui for rsync21:18
tntcodaHi, is the ubuntu installer supposed to have network support? I.e if i drop out to a shell should the NIC be up? busbox doesnt seem to support ifconfig so not sure how to tell21:18
mbeierlwarrenachild: I should also mention that a lot of internet service providers frown upon you running your own email server.  It is also a real pain to keep yourself up to date with anti-spam etc.  I long ago gave up hosting my own email server as it was just a huge drain21:18
Monotokotntcoda...busybox is not the same as bash21:18
Monotokoif you dropped to bash then you would have network support....busybox doesn't21:19
warrenachildmbeierl: it is all for learning and experiance. I might have to do it for a business some day21:19
agentgasmaskbrontoeee: Are you looking to backup specific files, or a full system backup?21:19
tntcodaMonotoko, ok thanks but the ubuntu installer drops to busybox by default, does that mean it doenst support networking? or is bash there somewhere21:19
Monotokotntcoda, dropping to busybox usually suggests a problem with booting the kernel21:19
annecyi'm trying to see if i can root a samsung galaxy s using ubuntu. google is not forthcoming. apparently it can be done by flashing something called cf-root but all instructions for this assume using windows. it can be done with heimdall but i draw a blac21:19
brontoeeeagentgasmask, specific folders + home folder21:20
annecynk for the specifics21:20
tntcodaMonotoko, ok this is the option "execute a shell" from the installer menu21:20
mbeierlwarrenachild: ok.  Just as long as you are aware of all the headaches that can come long too.  You also need to be aware of security risks and make sure you don't accidentally become a mail relay and get used for sending out spam for someone else21:20
agentgasmaskbrontoeee: the nice thing about rsync, is that it only copies the changes made to a file, and not the entire file for just the little change.21:20
Monotokotntcoda...you can't do much until you boot the kernel...executing a shell from the installer certainly won't be able to do much21:21
h-deeannecy: Do Odin have a Linux version?21:21
agentgasmaskbrontoeee: Setting up something like that would not be hard. It would basicly be a one-liner.21:21
brontoeeeagentgasmask, ok, but what if i need a file the way it was 3 days ago?21:21
mbeierlwarrenachild: I should also mention that postfix is just the delivery side.  Dovecot is the name of the software that provides the ability to serve up mail as IMAP or POP3.21:21
tntcodaMonotoko, ok thanks a lot - in perspective this a vmware VM installing ubuntu from a PXE boot and im giving it a preseed file which is supposed to be obtained over HTTP. So would it be a sensible assumption that that will fail as networking will be down? I have no idea if Ubuntu is meant to fetch the preseed config or if the PXE server is21:22
mbeierlwarrenachild: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Dovecot21:22
maddlerhello all...21:22
warrenachildmbeierl: okay so is the mx record local or is it external like DNS?21:22
annecyh-dee: no and it doesn't work in wine but maybe in virtualbox by tweaking usb and such21:22
mbeierltntcoda: netboot actually uses a DHCP-style protocol, therefore there will be networking support for the purpose of downloading the kernel to boot21:22
brontoeeeagentgasmask, rsync is a production syncer, nothing more, and even then only one-way route21:23
Squarismif i rip out my vga cable from my computer... ubuntu lucid will still "output" to that cable.. or it will still think i got my monitor connected21:23
tntcodambeierl, so that is in the PXE server/client right? Not Ubuntu itself?21:23
mbeierlwarrenachild: it must be external and in DNS or mail cannot get to you from the outside world.21:23
lahwranhow does apt manage versioning? somehow it has to know when there is a newer version available, right? but the version strings are not often simple floating point values, there are usually multiple dots, yes? so then .. how does it decide which is newer?21:23
Squarismis there some command to run to make it understand it is not connected?21:23
h-deeannecy: That was my least priority. What is this cf-root exactly? Some flashing app...similar to odin?21:23
mbeierltntcoda: yes.  Gimme a second if you want some PXE howto stuff...21:23
warrenachildso the DNS routs my website to my computer...would it not rout mail to me to fnd the MX record?21:24
annecyh-dee: cf-root is a modified kernel that allows the flashing of custom firmwares21:24
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tntcodambeierl, ok thanks a lot - it's very strange because the PXE server never pulls the config down from my web sever, even though ive cloned the syntax from example configs. I just pass preseed/url=http://... very strange, but if that should work then i will have to double check :)21:25
snowrichardthe mx record needs to be set up on your dns server that is routing the website as well21:25
MonotokoI have more Ubuntu computers than I can count....could I set up some kind of local DNS and add a TLD (example.dan) so I can get to them all using TLD instead of local IP's?21:25
annecyh-dee: heimdall is an open-source alternative to odin that has come out recently21:25
mbeierltntcoda: sorry - my pxeboot computer is remote and its network is down at the moment.  It's going to take a little time for me to remember :)21:25
h-deeannecy: Okay! I haven't played around much with my device, because I was afraid of losing my warranty. Updated firmware via Kies after a LOT OF head-banging. Anyways, thanks for the info. :-)21:25
annecyh-dee: i have heimdall installed but i am not sure which arguments to pass to it21:26
Taksas027yee xhat better :D21:26
mbeierltntcoda: here was the forum thread that I was using to help me get pxe booting working for the school network I help administer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111220921:26
agentgasmaskbrontoeee: Yes, I see your point. My backup needs are such that I don't need that dynamic of a setup. You could look at Sun's ZFS. It has a roleback feature that alows you to take "snapshots" in time. They also don't take up much space.21:26
tntcodambeierl, ok thanks a lot :) will have a read21:26
mbeierltntcoda: note: in that case it was actually an NFS mount, not HTTP for the kernel21:26
h-deeannecy: I'm just checking how exactly it works on google. btw just curious to know...hows ur battery backup with 2.2 compared to 2.1?21:27
Squarismis there some hotkey to issue for ubuntu to "switch display"21:28
agentgasmaskIs there a way to force an update for a caldav shared task list from evolution?21:28
MonotokoSquarism, ctrl+alt+left key?21:28
Monotoko*right key21:28
mbeierlSquarism: switch display how?  Like go to external monitor on a laptop?21:29
Squarismmbeierl, exatly21:29
annecyh-dee: i haven't bought one yet. i'll only buy one if i know i can root it. i hear custom roms improve the battery alot21:29
mbeierlSquarism: sadly, not that I have found.  What video card do you have?21:29
MonotokoSquarism, I think you may have to bind a command to a key pettern21:30
h-deeannecy: A special warning for Galaxy S users if using Heimdall...LOL! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=75526521:30
MonotokoI can't remember the command to switch though21:30
Squarismmbeierl, i have a laptop with some sort of intel onboard thingy21:30
h-deeannecy: I have one. Its awesome but after firmware update to 2.2. Battery life sucks!21:30
SquarismMonotoko... doesnt seem to work..21:30
mbeierlSquarism: I am so sorry to hear that :)  I have the intel graphics too and find it to be finnicky at the best of times.  Hang on a moment and I will post up my script that I use to toggle displays21:31
Squarismmbeierl, id love that!21:31
landingonwaterh-dee: how about using caffeeine for getting longer battery life ?21:31
ali1234does 'sudo update-grub' reinstall grub to mbr/boot partition, or does it just update the menus?21:31
h-deelandingonwater: never heard of it. What exactly is that app's functionality? A task-manager or something like that?21:32
annecyh-dee: have to admit i haven't read all that thread yet, but from what i could search i saw no mention of cf-root21:32
landingonwaterh-dee: you can slow down your processor, and gain more batterylife21:32
h-deelandingonwater: Oh! But, seems to me like 1 GHz is optimal. What's your optimal processing speed?21:33
mbeierlSquarism: http://pastebin.com/ZPeeym8j21:33
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h-deelandingonwater: I'm using lagfix too which also consumes battery. heard from some forums.21:34
Squarismmbeierl, thanx21:34
ulyssysbesides #hexxeh, anyone know of any IRC channels relating to CR-48 customization (and of course, using ubuntu on it :P)21:34
Squarismwill try21:34
agentgasmaskIs there a way to force an update for a caldav shared task list from evolution?21:34
PatrickCdoes wubi include a way to use the Try It featur?21:34
landingonwatercan i restore my network completely. like start over ? I dont wireless for some time, and now no internet at all.21:34
ulyssysseems to be way less representation that I expect around the web21:34
mbeierlSquarism: so what that script does is it uses xrandr to query what devices I have attached and then uses xrandr again to push the output to those displays.  I currently have both an external VGA and DVI (so two external monitors)21:34
h-deeannecy: Well, I haven't read anything about cf-root yet, but I was horrified with that special bot to SGS users.21:35
landingonwateri guess i really screwed something up21:35
mbeierlSquarism: I then bound that script to a hot key using compiz settings.21:35
mbeierlnow if only I could figure out the rest of my intel graphics problems (like it hangs after a couple xrandr mode switches?!?)21:36
Hellz_bellzhello i seem to made a syntaxerror in my /etc/sudoers file21:39
Hellz_bellzso now i cant sudo21:39
Taksas027how to enable 2 different languages on ubuntu and that i could change them like in windows with alt+shift or so?21:39
mbeierlHellz_bellz: I think you might have to boot into "rescue mode" then use visudo to edit it.  you should always use visudo instead of editing the /etc/sudoers directly21:40
guntbertHellz_bellz: see http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:40
MosterdHi, some editors don't have tabs. Can I use workspaces to get around these limitations?21:40
dracossanhi, i'm looking ofr help on mount ext4/nfs4 options thanks21:41
MosterdHow can I create a child/parent workspace (gnome21:41
tntcodaShould a preseed file override the standard install options or will there be an extra preseed install option? I.e if i set the lang to english in the preseed, will it just remove that selection screen from the installer? I have no idea if the preseed is working or not :(21:41
annecyh-dee: i didn't see a bot. check out darky's rom. it's one of the most popular and it shows how to flash cf-root21:41
Taksas027how to enable 2 different languages on ubuntu and that i could change them like in windows with alt+shift or so?21:42
mbeierltntcoda: I do not know anything about the preseed.  anyone else able to answer that?21:43
VarcTaksas027: You don't need repeat21:43
tntcodayer the PXE booting works now thanks :) but this preseed business is confusing!21:43
mbeierltntcoda: never did really get into it.  I use the standard installer any manually pick the changes needed when I do bulk installs at my volunteer post at the school :)21:44
TasteWhat are some good mmos that are compatible with ubuntu?21:45
MosterdIs there a convenient way to work with multiple windows without using tabs?21:45
Taksas027is there shortcut for show desktop like alt+d on windows? or maybe i can set it up somehow?21:46
IcarianHeightsi need some help with changing the datatype of a field in an existing mysql db21:46
IcarianHeightsdatabase name is "test".... table name is "urls" and i want to change the varchar(128) to carchar(256) for the 'uniqueid' field21:47
selig5Taksas027: you can set a shortcut for that in System>Preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts21:48
IcarianHeightsive tried                  update urls SET Type = VARCHAR(256) WHERE Field = 'uniqueid';21:48
ulyssysthe "windows key+D" should do it, Taksas02721:48
Vizzle2Hello, does anyone have experience with link aggregation in 10.04 LTS?21:48
guntbertIcarianHeights: ask in #mysql21:48
blackmars0Can anyone tell me how well XP runs in VirtualBox?21:49
blackmars0I'm interested in getting that running for a couple of apps21:49
YahudaI have an echo problem. How do I solve it?21:49
guntbertblackmars0: VirtualBox support in #vbox21:49
blackmars0thanks, guntbert21:49
chalcedonyis there support for Empathy somewhere? specifically - how do i increase the font size?21:50
samlhey you have dual monitor with compiz? try to resize a window over two windows21:50
remotecan someone tell me if ubuntu-10.10-desktop-powerpc.iso provides live CD feature?21:50
edwardteachim using denyhosts and having trouble connecting through ssh  i removed the host list from /etc/hosts.deny , but this only works for one time ! there after  it re-appends the info to hosts.deny ..so i  cant ssh any solutions thanks?21:50
samlstart from first monitor to the next.  it freezes21:50
samlthe entire system21:50
chalcedonysaml, video drivers?21:51
mbeierlremote: it should, yes21:51
remotehow can I ensure it does?21:51
YahudaOn Teamspeak microphone testing my voice echoes. On Skype, My friends hear musics or game voices from my computer.21:51
samlchalcedony, yah. is there a way to stop using fglx  (ati proprietary)  but still use compiz?21:51
samlwhen I disable Additional Driver, direct rendering is off21:51
Vizzle2Link aggregation for 2x1000; i'm working with ifslave21:51
chicognuCan I use this how-to to encrypt my / ?21:51
YahudaWhen my voice come from my speakers It echoes.21:52
dracossanubuntu 10.10 server updated: i created an ext4 FS and mount it with defaults option on /mnt/share/folder1. then i do a mount --bind of /mnt/share /export/share. when i browse the /export/share/folder1 i don't see any file ... normaly i should see same file has /mnt/share/folder1 i think. there are specific option for this ? thanks21:52
mbeierlremote:  did you try booting it?21:52
samli need Enhanced Desktop Zoom21:52
voodoo719i did a ssh -X user@homeComputer21:52
chicognuCan I use this how-to to encrypt my / ? http://polishlinux.org/howtos/encrypted-home-partition-in-linux/ PS: My / and my boot are in diferent partitions21:52
mbeierlremote: it's the default choice when booting the cd21:52
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chalcedonysaml i was just guessing21:52
voodoo719and then issued the command startX21:52
voodoo719to get the gui21:52
remotembeierl, yes but it's complicated21:52
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voodoo719but m getting a crippled message saying not authorized21:52
voodoo719how to fix that ?21:52
remotewait you said "it should, yes" but you know it does, right?21:52
remotevery well... thanks21:52
samlchalcedony, if I go System > Administration > Additional Drivers and disable,  i don't have freeze problem21:53
samlbut i cannot use Enhanced Desktop Zoom21:53
chalcedonyi see saml21:53
mbeierlremote: I've never used the powerpc iso.  the intel ones do so I am inferring that the powerpc version behaves the same21:53
voodoo719help okz21:54
selig5Taksas027: the shortcut for show desktop is winkey+D21:54
voodoo719m dying21:54
magicianlordwink wink ;)21:54
voodoo719to run remote desktop via ssh21:54
voodoo719X forwarding21:54
mbeierlvoodoo719: that is not how you would do that.21:54
mbeierlvoodoo719: startx starts an X server on the local hardware.21:54
Taksas027selig5, i cant find such option21:55
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voodoo719but i sshed into my machine using -X and read21:55
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dracossanubuntu 10.10 server updated: i created an ext4 FS and mount it with defaults option on /mnt/share/folder1. then i do a mount --bind of /mnt/share /export/share. when i browse the /export/share/folder1 i don't see any file ... normaly i should see same file has /mnt/share/folder1 i think. there are specific option for this ? thanks any idea ?21:55
Taksas027selig5, yeah i forgot its winkey+d21:55
voodoo719that somewhere that running startx after using ssh -X21:55
voodoo719willfetch you the GUI21:55
selig5Taksas027: try: Windows key + D21:55
voodoo719please help21:55
voodoo719smbdy do something please21:56
selig5Taksas027: yeah21:56
voodoo719office firewaall is killing me21:56
mbeierlvoodoo719: sorry - I don't know that can work that way.  you are trying to access the computer remotely?  is there already a logon to that computer?21:56
queuetipVOODO719: JESUS stop using enter key as a space bar, it's retardedly annoying21:56
sparcHey, are there articles on good Package Design?  Not nessesarily for Ubuntu per-se but in general21:56
voodoo719i am able to login via ssh21:56
voodoo719run whole bunch of commands21:57
sparclike, make sure uninstall works21:57
mbeierlvoodoo719: you can run an application remotely over ssh -X by just typing in its command name.  Like to run firefox remotely: "ssh -X user@host"  then at the prompt "firefox &"21:57
voodoo719including some fancy GUI commands like xclock , xcalc21:57
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guntbertvoodoo719: startx won't work, you can start single  X apps though21:57
edwardteachTaksas027,  did you get the wireless working ?21:57
mbeierlvoodoo719: I am almost positive startx starts an X server on the remote computer's hardware, not over ssh21:58
guntbertmbeierl: correct21:58
mbeierlvoodoo719: I think you /might/ want to take a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78020321:58
karimehello everyone21:58
voodoo719sorry i cud't get your21:58
DrainixHey guys I don't know what that applet is but the little mailbox looking icon in the top right on the bar in ubuntu 10.10 is there a way to change the Empathy chat button to pidgin ?21:58
voodoo719@mbeierl please can you suggest a way to run my laptop remotely21:59
voodoo719i dont want to use tight vnc21:59
Taksas027edwardteach, yep21:59
mbeierlvoodoo719: read post #9 of the link I sent.21:59
Taksas027edwardteach, thanks21:59
voodoo719okay ..21:59
mkf00how to blacklist certain softwarrepositories against updating?!21:59
edwardteachTaksas027,  cool!22:00
magicianlordi removed vlc 1.1.5 from blee launchpad, and want ot install 1.06 again, but apt says the packages are broken22:00
Drainixteamviewer 6 works :P22:00
magicianlordhow do i fix this22:00
Taksas027selig5, in ubuntu it dont work22:00
mkf00cause i need to run the nvidia-developer drivers, and whenever there is a upgrade, it destroys my hardware acceleration22:00
selig5Taksas027: hmm, works on my Ubuntu 10.10. Don't know what to suggest.22:01
edwardteachvoodoo719,   sound like you want to run xnest  ! a desktop in a window ?22:01
trismDrainix: you can remove the empathy chat item, but you can't change pidgin to chat (well, not easily anyway, empathy is hardcoded in the indicator code). Just uninstall empathy or delete /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications/empathy (which is just a text file that has the path to the empathy .desktop file)22:01
voodoo719@edwardteach something like microsoft's remote desktop22:02
voodoo719but i seriously don't want to use tight vnc22:02
voodoo719is there any solution or i have to or rather be forced to use vnc22:02
selig5Taksas027: alt+f9 minimizes a window22:02
edwardteachvoodoo719,  what kind of programs do you want to run ?22:03
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mbeierlvoodoo719: there is microsoft solution built in to Ubuntu. VNC is the "free" choice.  Beyond that you have a few options: NoMachine: http://www.nomachine.com/ , or Teamviewer: http://www.teamviewer.com/index.aspx22:03
mbeierlvoodoo719: I meant there is NO microsoft solution.  Remote desktop is MS22:04
Drainixtrism: that works (: it also has a pidgin indicator I just didn't want the empathy one there22:04
mbeierlvoodoo719: sorry - gotta run.  best of luck!22:04
voodoo719thanks mbeierl22:05
edwardteachvoodoo719,  you can run firefox through ssh -X22:05
voodoo719really you helped a lot22:05
Vizzle2In terms of link aggregation with ifenslave; which bonding mode would be best for aggregating two 1000mbit links if the goal is combining the two into one at double bandwidth?22:05
DrainixOkay one other question that may not be in the scope of this irc channel but does anyone know how to receive files threw yahoo IM with a linux yahoo im replacement ?22:05
voodoo719but i want to connect to remote X server via ssh22:05
gordonjcpwhat's the thinking behind the window decorations being the wrong way round in Ubuntu?22:05
voodoo719how to connect to remote x server via ssh22:06
voodoo719and start using it22:06
Drainixivano ?22:06
voodoo719i edited the XWrapper.conf file22:06
voodoo719but still itz not helping22:06
magicianlordnever mind. i solved it22:06
ivanoquale e' il canale italiano? grazie22:06
CitizenwarriorIf /boot is located on a USB drive while the rest of the FS is encrypted on the HDD then once everything is booted and decrypted can the USB drive be removed? Is the /boot ever needed after system is up? Would it ever need to be re-inserted?22:07
edwardteachvoodoo719, ssh -X  account@192.168.whatever...22:07
BlueEagleDrainix: I do believe that Pidgin handles file transfers for all its clients22:07
BlueEagleDrainix: Unless Yahoo went and changed their protocol again.22:08
DrainixMaybe it is my error22:08
DrainixBut someone sends a file and it asks if i want it and it automaticly cancels22:08
BlueEagleDrainix: Well I don't use Yahoo at all after they bought and shut down the All-Seeing eye without refunding my life time license so I'm not going to research it. ;)22:09
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DrainixBlueEagle: alright (:22:09
DrainixWell another question then in evolution it doesn't give me a place to enter my password lol22:10
lucimarOI ,22:10
Vizzle2can anyone point me in the right direction for link aggregation/bonding?22:10
gordonjcpDrainix: it will when you do Send and Receive22:10
Drainixoooh okay (:22:11
gordonjcpDrainix: iirc it'll even give you the option to remember your password22:11
gordonjcpDrainix: no, I don't know why it's not just on the same page as the username22:11
gordonjcpDrainix: Evolution is broken beyond use and fundamentally retarded in every aspect of its design22:11
smwAnyone know why apache would not start on ubuntu but when you run the init script manually it works? I am using the official ami for amazon ec2. Apache is in my rc2.d22:12
DrainixMaybe they should take it out of the default install of ubuntu (: lol22:12
gordonjcpI have no idea what the Gnome team or the Ubuntu team were thinking of when they foisted it off on users22:12
Drainixokay suggestion for mail client ?22:12
gordonjcpDrainix: they all suck22:12
Drainixgordonjcp well that is good to hear.22:13
gordonjcpI use Eudora on a Mac LC47522:13
gordonjcp'cos that's how I roll22:13
Drainixhave an iphone?22:13
queuetipmac <> linux && mac <> open source /thread22:13
gordonjcpactually I use mutt, and thunderbird 2 if I'm stuck on Linux22:13
thauriswulfaQUESTION: firefox consuming 90 % of cpu?22:13
gordonjcpthauriswulfa: sounds about right22:13
gordonjcpthauriswulfa: javascript gone librarian poo, or huge flash ad somewhere22:14
thauriswulfagordonjcp: whats the solution?22:14
edwardteachTaksas027, what was it that fixed it?     just for the record!22:15
gordonjcpthauriswulfa: install and use adblock plus22:15
gordonjcpthauriswulfa: ruthlessly22:15
Nerdster77whts the best firewall in ubuntu?22:15
_00111111Nerdster77: iptables22:16
thauriswulfagordonjcp: but i have not opened any sites with flash, ads .    actually i have opened joomla adminstrator pannel and some wiki sites22:16
_00111111Nerdster77: you want the GUI22:16
gordonjcpthauriswulfa: hm, okay22:16
gordonjcpthauriswulfa: I guess you could try closing tabs one at a time until you see what does it22:16
Ambienthola muy buenas noches22:16
_00111111!es | Ambient22:16
ubottuAmbient: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:16
gordonjcpNerdster77: What exactly are you trying to do?22:16
Taksas027edwardteach, firstly i intalled drivers and then i noticed that somehow i didnt have permisions for wireless internet...22:17
_00111111Nerdster77: try ufw22:17
_00111111if it's too simple try firestarter22:17
Drainixhey whats the iptables gui package ?22:18
Iron_Chefis there a reliable gui editor for gnome222:18
_00111111Drainix: you want the gui tool to edit iptables22:18
gordonjcpIron_Chef: define "reliable gui editor"?22:18
DrainixI know but I can't find the GUI lol22:18
_00111111Drainix: ufw22:18
Iron_Chefgordonjcp: gui to edit the config files of gnome 222:18
erUSUL!ingo gufw22:18
Drainixoo ty22:18
erUSUL!info gufw22:18
ubottugufw (source: gui-ufw): Configure system firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 10.10.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 225 kB, installed size 1296 kB22:19
gordonjcpmost people won't need to play about with iptables22:19
madfoxbut iptables are fun22:19
thauriswulfagordonjcp: closed all tabs one by one  now what i see in processes is firfox>%cpu>0 and on resources cpu1>77 and cpu2>9022:19
ivanoragazzi mi date il canale della chat italiana? grazie22:19
erUSUL!it | ivano22:19
ubottuivano: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:19
Bushmanhttps://lkml.org/lkml/2011/1/19/168 ...still no luck. the mouse dies over and over again. someone HALP!!!22:19
Iron_Chefgordonjcp: ?22:19
ivanoin ubuntu -it non parla nessunoooo22:19
thauriswulfagordonjcp: i have no other appplication opened , then where is cpu being consumed22:19
ivanovolevo il canale della chat22:19
erUSULIron_Chef: gconf-editor22:19
Vizzle2No help with link aggregation?22:19
gordonjcpIron_Chef: there is one, I'm trying to remember what it's called22:20
Iron_CheferUSUL: sorry that was a typo, i meant grub2 not gnome2 :-p22:20
thauriswulfagordonjcp: closed all tabs one by one now what i see in processes is firfox>%cpu>0 and on resources cpu1>77 and cpu2>90                                                   i have no other appplication opened , then where is cpu being consumed22:20
erUSULIron_Chef: there is no gui editor for grub2 that i know of22:20
gordonjcpthauriswulfa: I heard you the first time22:20
Iron_Chefgordonjcp: seems to have vanished in 10.1022:20
gordonjcpthauriswulfa: does it stop if you close and restart firefox?  Maybe there's a partially-dead plugin hanging around22:20
ivanonessuno me lo da sto canale ?22:20
gordonjcp!it | ivano22:21
ubottuivano: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:21
Bushmani wonder what would come first... actual help or ban for repeating myself22:21
edwardteachTaksas027, ok :-)22:21
gordonjcpIron_Chef: gconf-editor maybe?22:21
thauriswulfagordonjcp: don't stop on closing22:21
gordonjcpthauriswulfa: O_o22:21
Drainixokay so how do I block a SPECIFIC IP address with iptables, gwfu ?22:21
thauriswulfagordonjcp: but when i restart everything ok22:22
ivanoazzz ma allora non mi spiego volevo il canale della chat ,, se me lo date sparisco da qui'22:22
gordonjcpthauriswulfa: from a terminal, pkill firefox22:22
gordonjcpthauriswulfa: brutal, but sometimes it just has to be that way22:22
Iron_Chefgordonjcp: grub.conf i need to edit, not gconf... it's strange that they put all the effort into redoing grub, but left out a simple gui to let people choose what boots first!22:22
erUSULivano: we do not understan italian. gor to #ubuntu-it22:22
Bushman[PROBLEM] the mouse dies over and over again cause bluetooth dongle gets disconnected for unknown reasons. need help! https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/1/19/16822:22
Iron_Chefi could reconfigure grub using the command line easy enough, but don't have the time22:22
kayam1Can i ask an hardware question here 2 or is there another room for it ?22:22
* Iron_Chef shakes fist at grub222:23
gordonjcpBushman: anything in dmesg?22:23
Noeltoriouskayam1: dep on what the hardware issue pertains does it relate to an ubuntu issue?22:23
gordonjcpIron_Chef: sorry, did you say grub2 or gnome2?22:23
kayam1no general computer22:23
gordonjcpIron_Chef: ah, I see you typoed it22:23
Prometheshi, is there a build in method in cake that will generate random string of a given length?22:23
Noeltoriouskayam1: pm me22:23
Iron_Chefgordonjcp: i typed in gnome2 by mistake (not had morning coffee yet) i meant grub2, sorry, you must ahev missed the correction a couple of lines down22:24
gordonjcpIron_Chef: no idea, then; I don't use grub2 and I just edit my grub config with vim22:24
Jordan_Ukayam1: There is ##hardware.22:24
guest458713Hi! anybody know how to get an email address like: myname@myfamilyname.com22:24
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Iron_Chefgordonjcp: yeah, if you vi grub.conf with grub2 it gets overwritten every kernel update/full moon22:24
PhoenixzCan I use a web proxy to open any non-https webpages securely? (at least securely until the proxy, that is..)22:25
PhoenixzAnd if so, what package could do that?22:25
erUSULguest458713: hire the service from some mail provider22:25
Jordan_UIron_Chef: To change the default entry edit GRUB_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub22:25
gordonjcpIron_Chef: sounds like a typical Ubuntu "it's like that 'cos sabdfl decrees it to be so" misfeature22:25
genii-aroundguest458713: First step is to get the domain name myfamily.com  :)22:25
Vizzle2In terms of link aggregation with ifenslave; which bonding mode would be best for aggregating two 1000mbit links if the goal is combining the two into one? (essentially utilizing22:26
guest458713and then?22:26
maddlerany clue on how to make PCF fonts working in Gnome Terminal? (Maverick)22:26
Vizzle2[10.04 LTS] Link aggregation?22:26
PhoenixzI already found that SSH is the way to go.. Hurray for SSH! :)22:26
gordonjcpVizzle2: that's not really an Ubuntu-specific question, is it?22:26
erUSULguest458713: http://www.pobox.com/services/personal_domains/ <<< example22:27
Iron_ChefJordan_U: kthzx22:27
bezaohi, i have a vps running ubuntu on a DC, this DC has nameserver (ns1, ns2) how can i 'host' my domain at my vps? what do i need to configure at ubuntu, to make my domain answer to my ubuntu vps?!22:27
Jordan_UIron_Chef: You're welcome.22:27
genii-aroundguest458713:  If you purchase a hosting package which includes a few emails with it you're all set. If you just have the name only, then you set up the dns servers at the place you registered it to point to a machine you have control to install things like an email server22:27
guest458713Thank you guys, I am checking that22:28
Iron_ChefJordan_U: does it know to increment this variable when new kernels are popped onto the list?22:28
Jordan_UIron_Chef: No. If you want to keep the same menu entry as default even when new entries are added that change the numbering you can use the full title of the menu entry, like: GRUB_DEFAULT="Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1)"22:30
shawnboyI get error when trying to mount samba share on Lucid from Lucid in CLI, but "connect to server" works fine in nautilus. Advice?22:30
bezaohi, i have a vps running ubuntu on a DC, this DC has nameserver (ns1, ns2) how can i 'host' my domain at my vps? what do i need to configure at ubuntu, to make my domain answer to my ubuntu vps?!22:30
Iron_ChefJordan_U: cool!22:31
=== queuetip is now known as durpa
mkf00no suggestions for me?!?22:33
bobobobwhat's the question?22:34
mkf00i wanted to know22:34
mkf00howto blacklist certain classes of updates22:34
mkf00my problem: i need to run the nvidia developer-driver22:34
mkf00and everytime there is a update22:34
magicianlordlol wut22:35
mkf00ubuntu destroys my graphixX°!22:35
bobobobhehe I know22:35
quaddleSo I'm a retard and have a quick question22:35
shawnboyanyone have samba advice for me? I can mount in nautilus but not from CLI.22:35
mkf00retards welcome quaddle!22:35
quaddleMany thanks!22:35
erUSUL!details | shawnboy22:35
ubottushawnboy: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:35
bobobobmkf00: I had the same problem when I updated to Nvidia drivers22:36
quaddleI'm installing a .deb from terminal, and there's a Microsoft EULA that I have to accept...  How do I do so?22:36
bezaohi, i have a vps running ubuntu on a DC, this DC has nameserver (ns1, ns2) how can i 'host' my domain at my vps? what do i need to configure at ubuntu, to make my domain answer to my ubuntu vps?!22:36
KB1JWQbezao: Are you running a nameserver on your VPS?22:36
ubottuTo set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns.html22:36
quaddleIt is the Configuring ttf-mscorefonts-installer22:36
erUSULquaddle: press tab until the ok is highlighted then press enter22:36
mkf00quaddle WHAT? :O22:36
bobobobmkf00: I think you can select it from Administration --> Driver ..> and then you tell not to use Nvidia22:36
quaddle*hi 5 at erUSUL*22:36
quaddleThanks for helping out this Ubuntu newbie22:37
erUSULno problem22:37
mkf00bobobob what have you done to solve this issue?22:37
Dementioneed some help getting hdmi audio working. "aplay -D plughw:0,9 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav" works22:37
mkf00im sick of everytime shut down X, change to console and reinstall the damn developer-driver^^22:37
mickeygreetings all. is there a list of acceptable usb wireless adapters out there22:37
Dementiovideo card is nvidia gt 43022:38
mkf00dementio better go into #bash22:38
erUSUL!hcl | mickey22:38
ubottumickey: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:38
=== faze` is now known as faze
bobobobmkf00: after I destroyed my system twice I just gave up using Nvidia drivers. If you really need the developer stuff with don't you use a Virtual Machine?22:38
erUSULmkf00: O.0! #bash for audio help?22:38
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bezaoKB1JWQ no22:39
KB1JWQ!dns | bezao22:39
ubottubezao: To set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns.html22:39
shawnboyI'm running Lucid on pluto and mars. Samba server installed on mars and share setup. Nautilus connects to samba share fine, but when I type sudo mount -t cifs //mars/mysharename /media/mars I get "mount error(13): Permission denied"22:39
abountuanyone knows of a software that takes a video file and draws a diagram of motions in the video in a time based diagram (ie the x axis is time, and the y is motion)22:39
mkf00bobobo no, i use it on my home box22:39
erUSULshawnboy: you do not have to pass username or and password ?22:40
mkf00bobobo how can nvidia driver destroy your system? cant be that hard to reinstall the old driver!22:40
bobobobmkf00: you should try to #comment the line from the repositories22:40
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer
shawnboyerUSUL: after CLI command, before error, it asks me for password, I type it in, then get permission denied. Same username on both machines.22:41
bobobobmkf00: just google about that and then you can #comment the repository. but I don't exactly know whick one is the nvidia one22:41
mkf00bobobo yeah, but i never added them to the repos, and so i probably have to blacklist certain packets, which name i offcourse dont know22:41
=== faze`afk is now known as faze`
erUSULshawnboy: afaik you pass them as options to mount ... « mount -t cifs -o username=foo,password=bar,[restofoptions] //mars/mysharename /media/mars »22:42
shawnboyerUSUL: I'll try now.22:42
erUSULshawnboy: see « man mount.cifs »22:42
erUSULshawnboy: for the exact names of options etc. taliking from memory22:43
mickeyubottu thanks, i read a few install methods and i was wondering is there was anything simpler out there i could use with synaptic22:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:43
amikropHow can I get the Firefox branding back?22:44
amikropFirefox instead of Namoroka and the ofiicial icon?22:44
shawnboyerUSUL: you were right. I'd included user and pass months ago when doing it, but since it prompted me this time I thought maybe it wasn't necessary to include in command.22:44
shawnboyerUSUL: thanks22:45
amikrop* official22:45
erUSULshawnboy: the question is; if the naultilus/gvfs method worked; why bother with CLI?22:45
Dementioneed some help getting hdmi audio working. "aplay -D plughw:0,9 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav" works. video card is nvidia gt 43022:45
xanguaamikrop: what version of ubuntu are you runing¿ where do you got 'namoroka'¿22:45
amikropxangua: huh, it says 11.04 but I don't remember upgrading to any beta22:46
shawnboyerUSUL: I use CLI a lot, especially via SSH when I'm at one machine or another.22:46
amikropnor alpha, of course22:46
xanguaamikrop: then use a stable version of ubuntu, natty is not supported here22:46
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.22:46
amikropxangua: I never upgraded, though22:47
shawnboyerUSUL: ...or say... when I ssh into a machine from my Droid and need to mount a share for others on network.22:47
erUSULshawnboy: fair enough... but JFYI you can access the gvfs mounts via cli in ~/.gvfs/22:47
shawnboyerUSUL: oh. didn't know that. thanks again.  ;)22:48
protieamikrop: I just checked myself and I am showing that I am using 11.04 as well. And I KNOW I did not upgrade to that.22:49
shawnboyFarewell, all.22:49
xanguaamikrop: then you are using a PPA¿22:49
amikropprotie: that's an issue, then :/22:49
protiehey how did you make your  name highlight when you responded to me?22:50
amikropxangua: yes22:50
protieyeah yeah new guy :P22:50
xanguaamikrop: remove the firefox ppa you added with ppa-purgethen : sudo ppa-purge "ppa's name"22:51
Dementionevermind, i'm a dumbarse, forgot to try installing pulseaudio, that fixed it with minor modifications22:51
amikropxangua: I don't remember adding that PPA :/  Thanks though22:51
xanguaamikrop: you just said you did :S22:52
FloatingGoathow do i stop X?22:53
MosterdWhere is gtk+-2.0 on ubuntu maverick?22:53
MosterdI need it for a makefile22:53
FloatingGoatdoes anyone know how to stop X?22:54
erUSULFloatingGoat: sudo stop gdm22:54
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erUSULFloatingGoat: "sudo stop gdm && sudo pkill X" for extra security22:54
=== enivornmentalist is now known as Lenin_Cat
FloatingGoatthen start X to start it back up again?22:55
FloatingGoaterUSUL: ?22:56
DwargHeya guys anyone know how to get a prober driver for my bcm4311 i cannot get it identifed atm -.-22:56
erUSULFloatingGoat: sudo start gdm22:56
erUSUL!broadcom | Dwarg22:56
ubottuDwarg: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:56
FloatingGoatwhat does GDM stand for22:56
Dwargalready tried that page still having prob with it -.-22:56
itaylor57FloatingGoat: gnome desktop manager22:57
FloatingGoatthen how do i run a file when not in X?22:58
FloatingGoatthe file is in my downloads22:58
Dwargthe thing is im trying to use aircrack-ng but since the diver whgich follows with ubuntu cannot identify it i cannot get it to work22:58
Jordan_UFloatingGoat: If you're trying to install nvidia drivers then I suggest you use System > Administration > Additional Drivers.22:59
FloatingGoatJordan_U: not in there for this version. it's being very cool. it was there for 10.04 but not 10.10 yaya22:59
FloatingGoat(the "being very cool" was sarcasm)23:00
opiumJon ubuntu 10.04, what command do I type into the terminal to upgrade to 10.10?23:00
Jordan_UFloatingGoat: Can you pastebin the output of "lspci | grep VGA"?23:00
Jordan_U!upgrade | opiumJ23:00
ubottuopiumJ: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:00
opiumJJordan, thanks23:00
Jordan_UopiumJ: You're welcome.23:01
FloatingGoatJordan_U: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 420] (rev a3)23:01
FireblaztoAny tutorial anywhere for beginners in the terminal? I know a couple of things, but really want to learn more.23:02
MosterdIs there a package called gtk+2 or something like somewhere on ubuntu maverick?23:02
erUSUL!cli | Fireblazto23:02
ubottuFireblazto: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro23:02
Vizzl3Ifenslave help anyone?23:02
Jordan_UMosterd: What are you actually trying to install?23:04
FloatingGoatJordan_U: do you know what I should do? or should i just continue on my quest to install it without running X23:04
Vizzl3Link aggregation anyone23:06
Jordan_UFloatingGoat: Usually when Additional Drivers doesn't show a driver as being available it's because none will work. It's possible that the drivers that are compatible with the kernel and Xorg version in 10.10 have dropped support for your card, which would mean installing them manually wouldn't help.23:06
FloatingGoatthere is another option23:06
Jordan_UFloatingGoat: I'm for more information now, as others with the same card have had this same problem.23:06
Mosterd I am having a problem finding the locations of gtk+-2.0.pc and webkit-1.0.pc23:07
FloatingGoatI could go back. reinstall 10.04. get the driver. upgrade to 10.10 (which takes hours) are you sure i cant just get the driver on 10.04?23:07
Jordan_UMosterd: What are you actually trying to install?23:08
MosterdJordan_U, vimprobable23:08
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MosterdBut the makefile relies on 2 other libs.23:09
Benkinoobyi use  the netbook edtion, but it seems like my OS would "freeze" if i don't "wake it up" by movin the mouse or pressing a key23:10
Benkinoobyany ideas/experiences like this?23:10
=== Benkinooby is now known as BenkAnabi
=== BigPoLE is now known as Teal`c
Baalzamonhey, i'm having an issue here... just installed and updated ubuntu 10.04 and firefox (and chrome) isn't rendering some HTML stuff like youtube webpage... see the screenshot: http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/7011/problem1q.png23:11
BaalzamonThe same for twitter webpage also23:11
BaalzamonAnyone to help me?23:11
wthpr0tested updating the page23:11
Vizzl3Baalzamon: try another browser?23:12
Baalzamonwthpr0: updated, restarted ubuntu and nothing23:12
PhoenixzIm on ubuntu using chromium browser. I use ssh -D 9999 for socks5 proxy, and switchy to switch to this proxy. Thing is, when I use direct connection, all is fine, but when using the proxy, chromium gives webpage not available (with Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): Unknown error. as detail)... Anybody who could tell me what I may be doing wrong?23:12
BaalzamonVizzl3: tried with firefox and chrome...23:12
BenkAnabiBaalzamon: the same thing happens with an other browser too?23:12
BaalzamonBenkAnabi: on firefox and chrome, yes23:13
BenkAnabiBaalzamon: so both browsers...23:13
wthpr0Baalzamon: sounds like someone is blocking the connectins for the css files23:13
wthpr0are you on a home network  ?23:13
Baalzamonwthpr0: yes... but on windows the websites load without problems23:14
jsecHi all. Is there any way to remove the icons from the Gnome Main Menu? I'm trying a more retro theme and it'd look better if it was just text and no icons.23:14
BenkAnabiBaalzamon: did you install Firefox and Chromium over package manager?23:15
wthpr0Baalzamon: what do you get when you run "sudo iptables-save" ?23:15
Dwarganyone know if i have to use ndiswrapper ti get my bcm4311 identified23:15
erUSULDwarg: no23:15
MosterdJordan_U, I uploaded the makefile. The problem is probably in the line LIBS=...23:15
Baalzamonwthpr0: i get nothing23:15
erUSULDwarg: you hace to install the firmware-b43-installer package while connected to internet and reboot23:15
erUSUL!find b4323:15
=== wemaflo is now known as wema|off
ubottuFound: b43-fwcutter, firmware-b43-installer, firmware-b43-lpphy-installer, firmware-b43legacy-installer23:15
BaalzamonBenkAnabi: Firefox came with default install, chrome I downloaded and installed myself23:16
Dwargu sure because i tried loads of things now and cannot get it able to identify if i use the command sudo airmon-ng start wlan0 when i do it just say unknow or somethin23:16
wthpr0Baalzamon: right click on one of the images and take copy image link and past it here23:16
Jordan_UMosterd: sudo apt-get install libwebkit-dev23:16
wthpr0Baalzamon: one of the images that dosen't show up23:16
=== Teal`c is now known as SuP`
eipi-1 jsec you can remove the icons with ubuntu tweak23:17
Baalzamonwthpr0: http://i2.ytimg.com/vi/EcY0VLvv4Yo/default.jpg23:17
erUSULDwarg: does ti show if you do « iwconfig » ? can you use it to connect to a wifi network?23:17
wthpr0dose the image show up if you enter that as the URL23:17
Dwargi can see networks with the driver tested by ubuntu but not see what it is when using airmon-ng start wlan023:18
Baalzamonwthpr0: neither the images or the css file open23:18
wthpr0try running "wget http://i2.ytimg.com/vi/EcY0VLvv4Yo/default.jpg"23:18
wthpr0and see if you get the image then23:19
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Baalzamonwthpr0 it couldn't solve i2.ytimb.com23:20
Dwargerusul:  atm i removed the driver from ubuntu since it diden identify23:20
wthpr0dns problem then23:20
wthpr0do nslookup youtube.com23:20
zulaxi am setting up bind, but currently I dont have a domain name ready, cant I just juse example.exmp to test out my local network?23:21
wthpr0what ip dose it say after server ?23:21
wthpr0zulax: yes23:21
wthpr0Baalzamon: do you have thte windows box next to you  ?23:21
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Baalzamonwthpr0: its dual boot :(23:22
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rootis there a command to load the login screen from console... not startx...23:22
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wthpr0Baalzamon: ok no problem23:22
wthpr0run "cat /etc/resolv.conf"23:22
wthpr0what do you get23:22
Baalzamonwthpr0: nameserver
PhoenixzIm using ssh -D 9999 user@myserver to create a local proxy that I could use from chrome. the SSH command works fine, and after that telnet localhost 9999 shows connection, but chromium won't work with it.. How (with what command) can I test this SSH proxy?23:23
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Baalzamonwthpr0: maybe if i change it to OpenDNS ip?23:23
wthpr0run "sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf"23:23
wthpr0and change it to
youngbloodI just installed release 10.04 on my daughter's Dell laptop. I have no Internet connection. I finally got the network to work if I use the iso image, but if I boot without the iso image I lose the connection. How do I make it permanent?23:23
Travis-42I keep using up nearly all of my memory http://pastebin.com/ZsJWtDBm (not just cache) and hitting the swap file heavily. I want to figure out what is using the memory, but the processes in top and gnome-system-monitor don't add up nearly high enough23:23
MosterdJordan_U, I will try.23:24
Flare183youngblood: you have to install Ubuntu, in order for it to work23:24
tristan3199usi need to know if there is something i can type in console to bring up any kind of login.. doesnt have to be gui23:24
wthpr0Baalzamon: you save with CTRL+X23:24
youngbloodFlare183, I did!!!!23:24
Flare183youngblood: then don't use the iso23:24
Flare183youngblood: and you need to install the drivers that are needed for the wireless card probably23:24
jseceipi-1, ubuntu tweak already has the "display icons in menu" un-checked... icons are still there23:24
Dwargguys what should i use firmware-b43-installer or the legacy one for my bcm431123:25
zulaxmy router is available at, in my bind reverse zone, should I use 0.168.192 or 1.168.192 ?23:25
Dwarganyone knows?23:25
grkbloodafter updated to 10.10 a couple of things broke on my box, i just noticed that alt+print screen no longer works. anyone know how to fix that?23:25
youngbloodFlare183, I used b43-fwcutter.23:25
Jordan_UDwarg: b43-installer (not legacy).23:25
tristan3199usi need someone familiar with console..23:25
Flare183youngblood: in my personal experience's ubuntu hates broadcom23:25
Dwargkk ill try proberly not gonna work -.-23:25
tristan3199usi need to login and cant because i dont know the code..23:25
Dwargyea they do hate broadcum ;)23:26
Jordan_Utristan3199us: What situation are you in exactly?23:26
youngbloodFlare183, If i don't use the iso image i have no network23:26
Baalzamonwthpr0: its too slow and didn't solved the problem :( was i supposed to restart any service?23:27
wootergrkblood, tried shirft ps23:27
angrymatterpavilion tx 1000. no wireless. tried ndiswrapper as well. but it says hardware not present :( any ideas ? cable is working though.23:27
Flare183youngblood: you need to find out what modules are loaded when the ISO is running23:27
youngbloodFlare183, ubuntu is installed on the hard drive.23:27
Baalzamonwthpr0: oh wait... i placed OpenDNS ip and it solved23:27
wthpr0Baalzamon: no23:27
grkbloodwooter, that doesnt work either23:27
tristan3199usjordan_U: when i boot i see a "recovery console" and i can choose to load a command prompt.. where i type startx and it loads ubuntu as root... other than that my system is not loading something it should be at boot... i pass bios, and fstab...23:27
youngbloodFlare183, how do i  do that?23:27
=== nadia is now known as antropologa
wthpr0Baalzamon: just to be sure: do nslookup youtube.com agian and see if it says server
Baalzamonwthpr0: was too slow here23:28
Flare183youngblood: boot up the live cd, and pastebin the lsmod23:28
wthpr0sorry i ment
wootergrkblood, i just have a dedicated print screen button and it works, sorry can't there23:28
DwargYES it works and this time i diden have to reboot either wtf??? anyone knows why it works the 2 time now? :P23:28
youngbloodFlare183, ok23:28
tristan3199usi think i could fix this issue if i could sign in as my normal user instead.. but i dont know how to login via prompt23:28
Dwargty jordan btw23:28
cassoilohi all23:29
angrymatterits a broadcom card. latest ubuntu. no wireless :(23:29
grkbloodwooter, http://www.virtualhelp.me/linux/212-altprint-screen-not-working-ubuntu-101023:29
Baalzamonwthpr0: nice, problem solved :D thank you :D23:29
grkbloodlooks like its not jsut me23:29
tristan3199usi just need anyone to tell me how to login via the command prompt..23:29
wthpr0Baalzamon: np23:29
Jordan_Utristan3199us: Are you selecting the "recovery mode" option at the grub menu? If so, when happens when you try to use the normal entry instead. If you don't see the grub menu at all, hold shift during boot to see it.23:29
grkblood10.10 is really ticking me off23:29
Dwargangry what card u use?23:29
cassoiloI've got 2 keyboard/mouse connected to the same desktop, is there any way to select only a specific one to use (xorg.conf) or maybe gnome ?23:29
EnigmaticCoderChoosing file permissions | I know how to _use_ chmod, but it's hard to know which permissions to _choose_. Can someone enlighten me?23:29
angrymatterDwarg: broadcom wireless from HP23:29
Dwargyea but which?23:30
Jordan_UEnigmaticCoder: What is the context?23:30
Dwarghp sucks :P23:30
jsecHas anyone had any luck with fglrx and 10.10? I've finally backed everything up should something go awry, but I'm feeling uneasy about this.23:30
angrymatterDwarg: ooh.. hmm. command for viewing details ?23:30
Dwarghave also a hp pavilion 110023:30
angrymatterDwarg: i guess theres a chance you have same card then23:30
EnigmaticCoderJordan_U: Well, it's just for future reference. I know I've wondered about it in the past, but I can think of the specific situation23:30
Dwargdiden have monitor mode tho so took a friends laptop atm23:31
extorMy soundcard seems to have lost sound. Is there something in /etc/init.d/ that I can restart in order to possibly restore my sound rather than rebooting my box?23:31
angrymatterDwarg: mine is pavilion tx 100023:31
Dwargvery likely23:31
tristan3199usjordan_U: all entries end the same way..23:31
EnigmaticCoderJordan_U: This is all in an effort to have a more secure computer23:31
Dwargi had big troble with mine23:31
angrymatterDwarg: yours is working fine ?23:31
tristan3199usi think grub is not my issue..23:31
Dwarggot it to work excelent yes23:31
cardamonI'm trying to get an ancient python app running, and it's got some deps that no longer really exist, like numarrary23:31
angrymatterDwarg: Thanks :D i needed to hear that23:31
Dwargbtw do u got a bottom to push to activate wireless?23:31
Jordan_Utristan3199us: What happens if you run "service gdm start" at the root shell?23:32
=== FabioRocha is now known as ReBeL_BoY
Dwargangry? is there a bottom to push for wireless?23:32
Alex-Musicmansome idea to work 3D on ATI Radeon 9250?23:32
angrymatterDwarg: yes.. its in the right position. but when i use the lan applet i dont see any wireless23:32
tristan3199usjordan_u: i guess ill go find out23:32
Dwargthe thing is that bottom is tricky xD23:33
MosterdJordan_U, Okay, I got vimprobable to work and so far I am liking it.23:33
Dwarghave u installed drivers ubuntu gives out?23:33
MosterdThanks for helping me23:33
angrymatterDwarg: the button ? so it messes up something ?23:33
Dwargupdatet and all that23:33
Jordan_UMosterd: You're welcome.23:33
Dwarghave u updatet yet or frsh install ?23:33
angrymatterDwarg: my ubuntu should be fully updated.23:33
Dwargok and nothing when checking driver right?23:34
angrymatterDwarg: nothing when cheking driver. only Nvidia shows up23:34
Dwargsame with mine23:34
angrymatterhmm.. i messed with with network conf though. i wonder if im missing something htere23:34
Dwargi was gonna use aircrack on it and that was the way i found out some things23:34
Dwarg u do not have aircrack right23:35
Alex-Musicmanhello, some idea to work 3D/compiz on ATI Radeon 9250?23:35
angrymatterDwarg: no aircrack23:35
Dwarghmm ok23:35
Dwargwell firstly i would try push the bottom to activate wireless hard once23:35
angrymatterDwarg: whats the story on the wifi button ?23:35
Dwargsee what happen when done23:35
angrymatterDwarg: okay23:35
Dwarganything happens?23:36
=== webmin is now known as Baalzamon
Spaztic_OneHey, have ubunu and kubuntu installed together. I like kubuntu better, but it seems kinda heavy and has been giving me random problems such as locking up when it tries to suspend, which happens frequently as this is my laptop. I have two questions. 1 is would kubuntu run better if it was installed solo, and 2 is how do I remove ubuntu / kubuntu, but not the other?23:36
angrymatterDwarg: when its on, bluetooth shows up. i guess thats a really good sign. so something is happening23:36
Dwargsame with mine23:37
Dwargjust had to push it hard 1 time23:37
Dwargu might have to restart thop23:37
angrymatterDwarg: my wireless conf is real short. am I missing something there ?23:37
angrymatterDwarg: haha.. weird.. I will try to yank it and restart23:37
aeon-ltdSpaztic_One: it wouldn't run any better unless you were running them at the same time, sessions are isolated from each other23:37
Dwargwell just remember not to push wireless agaiun when restart23:38
Dwargbut the thing u got there is something with that wireless bottom23:38
Dwargplus light won show never23:38
youngbloodFlare183, what is the site for ubuntu pastebin?23:38
Spaztic_Oneaeon-ltd: so my various problems wouldn't be resolved?23:38
angrymatterDwarg: so i leave it on. and reboot23:38
Dwargye might work23:38
fridgeratorI am trying to run a wine program using proxychains tunneled through an ssh proxy.  When I run "proxychains wine /program.exe" i get "ERROR: ld.so: object 'libproxychains.so.3' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored."  does anyone have any experience with proxychains?23:38
eipi-1jsec, did relogin?23:38
Dwargread some stuff on google about it23:38
aeon-ltdSpaztic_One: unlikely23:39
Dwargif it dosent work try google it i found some decent things there23:39
WaltherFIAny kindle owners? I would like to know about the usability of kindle w/ Ubuntu23:39
WaltherFIlike, file transfers etc23:39
Dwargbesides im not ubuntu expert not at all just startet using it :P 2 time on irc23:39
Spaztic_Oneaeon-ltd: Then how can I remove the kubuntu aspect to free up space?23:39
jseceipi-1: no, not yet. i'm researching whether fglrx is going to bomb my system or not. I'll try it later. Thanks for the heads up.23:39
Dwargbut hey got both this and the other to work probertly on wireless :P23:39
PhoenixzHow can I test / validate a proxy server from my ubuntu laptop?23:40
angrymatterDwarg: what about interfaces ? this is all i have: auto lo23:40
angrymatteriface lo inet loopback23:40
angrymatterDwarg: does that look right ?23:40
Dwargthat looks wrong as what i know bout xD23:40
angrymatterDwarg: no ??23:40
angrymatterDwarg: shit23:40
angrymatterDwarg: haha.. can i get a copy :D23:41
Dwarggod thats a hard nut to crack there23:41
angrymatterDwarg: should there be something bout wireliess there ?23:41
Dwargthing is i think its something with that bottom to activate wireless23:41
Dwargsounds like the same prob i had with mine23:42
angrymatterDwarg: but bluetooth comes on. hmm..23:42
Dwargbut nothing shows?23:42
Dwargu cannot see any wireless?23:42
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edwardteachwhat logs can i use to find out what caused my system to crash after a usb problem ?23:42
Dwargor u libing somewhere with out any wireless nerworks in the area ??? xDxD23:42
angrymatterDwarg: only bluetooth. no wireless. and ndiswrapper claims there is no hardware when i install the windowsdriver. so that didnt turn out well. what was that with my interfaces file ? something missing there ?23:43
Dwargu got bluetooth??? shit i aint even got that in mine and thats a newer model :P23:44
angrymatterDwarg: haha.. no.. I have vista on this machine as well. wireless works fine in windows.23:44
Dwarglol i aint got wireless in my windows :P23:44
gpc!language | Dwarg23:44
ubottuDwarg: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:44
Dementioneed some help getting hdmi audio working. "aplay -D plughw:0,9 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav" works. video card is nvidia gt 430. installed pulseaudio and it worked until i rebooted. i have to rerun the aplay line everytime then it works again23:44
Dwargsorry -.-23:44
angrymatterDwarg: we love Pavilion It seems :D well.. im still trying to figure out why Bluetooth is useful :D hahahaha23:44
Dwargstarnge tho shoulden be bluetooth in that laptop i thinkl23:45
angrymatterDwarg: do you mind looking at your /etc/network/interfaces ??23:45
Dwarganyway i would try restart after u pushed wireless bottom to activate if it dosent work first time try one more push then restart again23:45
fridgeratordoes anyone have experience with proxychains on 64bit ubuntu?23:45
ubottuMail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailing lists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com23:45
TashiaI have an issue with Ubuntu Server Edition.  It says(with wireless) unable to obtain or get IP address. And this is with wicd installed.23:46
Dwargsorry m8 im not home so aint got my hp wwith me23:46
Dwargwhere ya from btw?23:46
=== BrokenXhalo_ is now known as Azoriath
angrymatterDwarg: shows how much you love It :D23:46
Dwargwell it diednt have monitor mode for aircrack so its useless -.-23:46
angrymatterDwarg: back in a minute or two :) thanks. great23:47
Bushmangordonjcp: it's all there in the post. you can find the dmesg in http://www.bushman.pl/attachments/enviroment.txt23:47
Bushmangordonjcp: all the dmesg says is the USB device was removed23:47
velcroshoozdoes the mail icon actually show new mail if you have it?23:47
edwardteachwhat logs can i use to find out what caused my system to crash after a usb problem ?23:48
Alex-Musicmanhello, some idea to work 3D/compiz on ATI Radeon 9250?23:48
slgmawhy the hell does devede not have a pause button23:50
OerAlex-Musicman, no sorry, Radeon 9200/0250 is not supported afaik23:51
Alex-Musicmanohh.. s**t...23:52
rusty149!language | Alex-Musicman23:52
ubottuAlex-Musicman: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:53
Alex-Musicmanit seems marketing tatical23:53
Alex-Musicmanthese cards also isn't too old23:53
edwardteachTashia,  have you made a pastebin for us to look at ?23:53
zulaxso after setting up bind, where do i add the name : ip data? like that in /etc/hosts?23:54
Alex-MusicmanOer: then.. no way to support 3D for this card?23:55
Dementioneed some help getting hdmi audio working. "aplay -D plughw:0,9 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav" works. video card is nvidia gt 430. installed pulseaudio and it worked until i rebooted. i have to rerun the aplay line everytime to get sound working in X23:55
Oeri am afraid not, Alex-Musicman23:55
Alex-Musicmanamd website also only have 2006 drivers..23:56
Alex-Musicmanor then need to do a downgrade to xfree5623:57
saganbyteI m trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 alongside windows 7 on a hp pavilion laptop. I did not get the option install alongside so I went to Administration>Gparted and created a 50gb unllocated space. But that shows as unusable now. How can i install 10.10 in this space?23:57
wthpr0saganbyte: do you have a cd ?23:58
saganbytewthpr0: yes, i booted from th CD to access gparted23:58
ereotavI am running 10.10 on a hp pavillion dv9000. When i shut off the builtin trackpad the whole keyboard stops working and i cannot left click on my external mouse. Any idea how to fix this?23:58
saganbytewthpr0: in fact i m booted from the cd right now n using a web based irc23:59
wthpr0saganbyte: ok23:59
wthpr0just boot from it and take install23:59
wthpr0then chose the disk you created23:59

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