
=== `Alessio` is now known as quadrispro
scott-workdoh, ckontros left already18:56
scott-workhi quadrispro 18:56
quadrisprohi scott-work !18:56
quadrisprofalktx, I'm starting to work on ladish18:57
falktxquadrispro: nice!18:57
scott-workailo, holstein, paultag: i made a blueprint for the kernel check/update : https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-controls/+spec/update-and-add-functionality-in-ubuntustudio-controls18:57
falktxquadrispro: did you check my package or are you starting from scratch18:57
scott-worki based it under ubuntustudio-controls because that seemed to make sense, but it doesn't have to stay there if it is better to go somewhere else18:57
scott-workquadrispro: nice!18:58
quadrisprofalktx, huh, do you have a package? i've been starting from the scratch18:58
quadrisproscott-work, yes, hope to upload it to experimental soon18:58
falktxquadrispro: havent I told you? it's on REVU18:58
falktxquadrispro: most of the stuff is ready, maybe the copyright needs update18:59
falktxquadrispro: just make sure you got the latest ladish release ;)18:59
quadrisproI see a final 0.3 release, is it the right one?18:59
falktxquadrispro: yes19:00
falktxquadrispro: the package on REVU is an old release though19:00
falktxbut it will work with final 0.319:00
holsteinscott-work: im looking at the wishlist19:02
holsteinabout the codecs19:02
holsteinis that something that studio needs to answer?19:02
holsteinive seen that before in #ubuntustudio19:02
falktxquadrispro: btw, ladish depends on laditools19:02
scott-workholstein: i'm not sure what you are asking19:02
holstein"i couldnt play mp3's in ubuntu, so i installed ubuntustudio"19:03
quadrisprofalktx, you call it, what is laditools?19:03
falktxquadrispro: ladish tools... hm..19:03
holsteindo we need to provide more than vanilla ubuntu in that regard19:03
falktxquadrispro: you'll have to package it too. but please use the version in ladish tarball 19:03
holsteini like the way the new installer for vanilla buntu prompts for mp3 codec19:04
scott-workholstein: i think during the new installs you have the option to add "third party applications" 19:04
holsteinwe wont get that though right?19:04
quadrisprofalktx, ok, I've reach'd that :) ah ok, so can I build the laditools binary from the ladish tarball?19:04
holsteinwith the alternate installer?19:04
* quadrispro going to have dinner19:04
falktxquadrispro: yes, that will work fine19:04
scott-workoh, i think i see what you are asking19:04
holsteinif/when we move to a live CD and installer19:04
holsteinthat would be addressed19:04
holsteinas a user, i usually just install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:05
scott-workholstein: to be honest, i don't think the best vector is to have this run or ask anything during the installation19:05
holsteinbut i think that is a mis-conception about ubuntustduio19:05
paultagscott-work: great, thanks :)19:05
holsteinwhat is it for?19:05
scott-workholstein: i've talked to ailo about it, i think the best thing is to have a script run at a consitent event (say after login) to check the kernel and do the rest19:06
holsteinif i have a large mp3 collection, and i cant play them in ubuntu19:06
holsteinmaybe i need ubuntustdudio19:06
holsteinand that is not the case19:06
paultagscott-work: is someone from kernel on it? ( since it's so easy now? )19:06
holsteinand i dont think it should be19:06
holsteinBUT thats easy enough to address19:06
ailoI still think the best would be to include a 3rd party option during installation, if possible19:06
ailoLike Ubuntu does with mp319:06
scott-workpaultag: not directly, but we are considering all of the kernels we would isntall to be from PPA19:07
paultagscott-work: OK19:07
ailoscott-work: So noone is working on the -controls as such?19:07
scott-workailo: i agree that it would be nice to isntall 3rd party stuff during installation but i'm not sure it's possible with alternate install currently19:07
quadrisprofalktx, mmh... 0.3 release tarball seems not to have laditools19:07
scott-workailo: that is correct, no one is working on -controls currently19:07
holsteinthe alternate install needs to be ditched19:08
falktxquadrispro: use the "complete/full" tarball19:08
falktxquadrispro: there are 219:08
scott-workholstein: it's a decision based on available know-how and manpower19:08
holsteinthat would address the mp3 playback issue19:08
quadrisprofalktx, is there any laditools tarball ready?19:08
holsteinand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+bug/69589219:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 695892 in Ubuntu Studio "no live CD for ubuntustudio" [Wishlist,New]19:08
falktxquadrispro: yes, but old19:08
holsteinand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+bug/69777419:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 697774 in Ubuntu Studio "cant install ubuntustudio from USB stick" [Undecided,New]19:09
ailoscottL: If we use -controls with my script, it would make sence to turn it all into python script. I've been learning about this Pythin gui stuff lately19:09
falktxquadrispro: the one in ladish is known to work, so it's better to use it19:09
holsteinscott-work: what do we need?19:09
holsteinhow can i make that happen?19:09
holsteinthats something i would like to see before 12.0419:09
quadrisprofalktx, so.. upstream's website, project summary pages... 19:11
quadrisprofalktx, where I can find more information?19:11
falktxquadrispro: about laditools ?19:11
ailoholstein: Did you decide on a meeting?19:11
falktxquadrispro: http://marcochapeau.org/software/laditools19:12
quadrisprofalktx, I see a tarball, is it obsolete?19:12
falktxquadrispro: you can also check #ladi and talk to nedko (he's the author of ladish)19:12
falktxquadrispro: it's pre-compiled!19:12
holsteinailo: not yet19:13
quadrisprooh no, that's not good19:13
quadrisprofalktx, I don't have time now, could you please ask nedko to publish a separate tarball?19:14
scott-workholstein: i'm not really sure what is involved in making a live-cd, the best thing i can think of is to start bugging other flavours, xubuntu perhaps, and find someone who knows what is involved19:14
quadrisprook, the dinner is ready19:14
quadrisprosee you later19:14
falktxquadrispro: sure19:14
scott-workailo: cool about the python, i tried reading about it but since i never used it i really didn't learn and retain anything19:15
holsteinscott-work: is it a matter of switching packages?19:16
holsteinpaultag: would you know about this?19:16
holsteinfalktx has done it19:16
ailoscott-work: I'll try have something ready by the end of the week. 19:17
scott-workholstein:  but remember, falktx did it on his computer, not in ubuntu's automatied buildd system19:17
holsteinyeah, but we know its possible19:17
scott-workailo: cool, does this include any GUI stuff as well?19:17
holsteinit'll be DVD sized19:17
holsteinbut thats not a problem19:17
ailoscott-work: I'm thinking of making the same sort of -controls as before. 19:18
* falktx loves when people talk about me19:18
scott-workholstein: right, it certainly is possible, but i think using falktx as a barometer of what is possible is probably not a good choice, he doesn't have to work within the ubuntu framework19:18
scott-workailo: absolutely, i think that would be the easist19:18
holsteini joined #ubuntu-installer19:18
holsteini'll start there19:19
holsteinand see what i find19:19
holsteinscott-work: and keep you informed :)19:19
scott-workholstein: you might also talk to someone in #xubuntu and see if you can find the guy who adjusts xubuntu for the live cd, since xubuntu and ubuntustudio are both derivatives19:19
falktxquadrispro: nedko says to use a git commit of laditools - http://repo.or.cz/w/laditools.git19:19
scott-workholstein: cool :)19:19
scott-workblender gets a new UI:  http://lxnews.org/2011/01/24/blender-gets-a-ui-refresh/19:20
scott-workthat's awesome19:20
scott-workoh, and if anyone is interested in authoring DVD's, i found a new application in the repositories:  dvd-styler19:20
scott-workit's a cross platform program what works better than everything in the repositories in my opinion:  http://www.dvdstyler.de/19:21
scott-workthe only one that came close was bombono, but dvd-styler handled menus much, much better19:21
falktxscott-work: qdvdauthor is the best tool for me19:22
scott-workfalktx: qdvdauthor is no longer in the repos for natty :(19:22
falktxscott-work: qt3 ?19:23
scott-worki had included it in the seeds for natty and when they removed qdvdauthor we started getting emails about packages with uninstallable libraries19:23
falktxno way!19:23
scott-workfalktx: the only thing i saw was in the change log and it said that qdvdauthor was "obsolete"19:23
falktx...no comment19:24
falktxthis people is crazy19:24
scott-workfalktx: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qdvdauthor/+changelog19:24
scott-workdeleted in natty: reason (obsolete)19:24
falktxcan i contest?19:25
scott-worki'm really excited about the new blender UI :)19:25
scott-workfalktx: i have no idea to be honest19:25
falktxfrom webpage "Last updated Jan 10'th 2010 "19:26
falktxit's not obsolete!19:26
scott-worki hope to have the diff for the plymouth theme uploaded tonight or tomorrow night :)19:27
falktxthey are even starting to make a FLOSS manual for it!19:27
scott-workfalktx: you might also check out dvd-styler http://www.dvdstyler.de/ or bombono http://www.bombono.org/cgi-bin/wiki/ as well19:29
falktxscott-work: it was my tool for my school project 4 months ago!19:30
falktxscott-work: i made some videos/transition in kdenlive, then the stuff in qdvdauthor, it was a great dvd19:30
falktxscott-work: I'll open a bug just to request qdvdauthor again... :)19:32
scott-workfalktx: i tried openshot to edit and make a dvd, the editing went well but the authoring didn't work so well19:32
scott-workbut then again, it was making a .dvd file while i'm not really sure what it is (i assumed it was to be burned to dvd)19:32
scott-workfalktx: lol19:32
scott-workre: request qdvdauthor again19:33
scott-worki like blender for editing mainly, because it really is powerful and it can read just about EVERY video format extant19:33
scott-workbut i'll be using dvd-styler for authoring from now on19:33
falktxscott-work: blender2.5 now support jack audio too!19:34
falktxscott-work: i have it in the new team PPAs19:34
falktxjust try it!19:34
scott-workfalktx: yeah, i saw that, that's really cool19:34
scott-workbut i admit that i don't really know what i would stream into blender from jack19:35
* falktx leaves quietly19:43
scott-workwonder why falktx leaft quitely?22:19

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