[00:01] Left to right: open /var/log/foo for appending and replace fd 1 with it; replace fd 2 with a copy of fd 1. At that point, both file descriptors point to the file. [00:01] yea thats better, no horrible output on the idle server screen now - thanks :) [08:12] How can I checkout the bazaar codebase, what is the VCS url ? [08:12] http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/CompilingUpstart - http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/ContributingCode - did not find the information here. [08:23] djszapi: On the first page is: 1. Get the code. Libnih is a utility library used by Upstart. -> bzr branch lp:upstart [08:23] djszapi: web frontend is here https://launchpad.net/upstart [08:23] plautrba: that is just change the branch, but does not checkout the repository... [08:23] no, webinterface is not enough for hacking... [08:23] bzr branch FROM_LOCATION [TO_LOCATION] [08:23] Create a new branch that is a copy of an existing branch. [08:24] 10:23 < djszapi> plautrba: that is just change the branch, but does not checkout the repository... [08:24] djszapi: have you tried it? [08:24] lp:upstart is existing launchpad branch and you probably want local copy of that [08:25] k, it does not work [08:25] which port does it use ? [08:27] it works for me http://fpaste.org/YwdF/ [08:28] glad to hear, but it does not help anything for me. Please try to answer my question, I am newbie at bazaar and I do not even like it. [08:31] sorry, i can't help you with bazzar, i use only three commands (branch, pull, diff) but try http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/tutorials/using_bazaar_with_launchpad.html [08:31] pfff [08:32] it is not about frikking bazaar [08:32] come on I need the information which port it uses [08:32] $ grep bzr /etc/services [08:32] bzr 4155/tcp # Bazaar version control system [08:32] bzr 4155/udp # Bazaar version control system [08:32] we have got a secure enough proxy, only http is enabled. [08:32] ty. [08:33] so I cannot checkout... [08:33] so I cannot work on it then... [08:35] djszapi: you can allways use tarball and apply patches [08:35] where can I download the tarball of HEAD master ? [08:37] not sure if there is tarball of HEAD master but there is tarball of last release [08:39] :)))) [08:39] funny. [08:40] there is no http way in case bazaar to clone. [08:40] it is silly enuff. [08:42] A general way about a git repository: http/ssh/git/ protocol availability. [08:42] btw, last release does not really contain the updated codebase... [08:42] nor the libnih stuff... [08:43] logging.c fex. [08:45] there are 6 commits in upstart after release, it's not so much work to download patches from lp and apply them locally [08:45] pfff [08:47] no sorry I am not gonna spend my times with things I should not deal with. [08:47] I am just skippign this "patch is welcome" thingy. [08:48] it's like, sorry i locked my door so i can't go walk your dog ... [08:49] maybe that is why this software is abandoned [08:49] and no contributors apart from Scott. [14:32] hi all. i'm having trouble getting vsftpd and upstart to play nice. whenever i issue the "restart," "stop," or "status" commands on vsftpd, I get teh error "unknown instance" [14:32] if i issue the "start" command it tells me vsftpd is started/starting, and gives a pid [14:33] but then "sudo status vsftpd" immediately after gets "stopped/waiting" [14:33] like it says it's starting, but doesn't get started [14:33] any ideas? maybe i'm doing something wrong? [14:45] cchildress: do you use "expect fork" or "expect daemon" ? [14:45] it sounds like apport is looking at the wrong PID [14:45] upstart I mean [14:52] JanC: not that i'm aware of [14:52] i'm not even sure what expect is haha [14:53] "man 5 init" explains all stanzas you can use in upstart jobs [14:53] i'll check on that [14:54] basically you tell upstart that there will be 1 or 2 forks to follow [14:54] (in future versions this should become more flexible) [14:54] i'm sorry, but i'm not sure that i follow you [14:54] i know what a fork is, but what is meant by upstart following them? [14:55] all i really want to do, is be able to start or stop vsftpd [14:55] that's all [14:55] right now i can't seem to do either [14:55] it needs to "follow" the forks to know what the PID of the actual running process is [14:56] ok [14:56] yes that makes sense [14:58] so are you saying that i'm getting the "unknown instance" error because it's not following the forked process correctly? [14:59] ok so i read through that manpage...but what am i supposed to make of it? [15:01] sorry i must seem pretty slow but i feel like i'm trying to do something so simple [15:02] cchildress: it seems like vsftpd has an upstart job in Ubuntu 10.10, if you want I can put it on a pastebin for you [15:02] what would i do with that? place it in /etc/init? [15:02] and wouldn't that already be installed on my system when i installed vsftpd? [15:03] are you using Ubuntu 10.10 ? [15:04] JanC: no, i believe i'm sticking with 10.04 for now [15:05] cchildress: is there a vsftpd.conf in /etc/init/ ? if not, 10.04 was still using a sysvinit script in /etc/init.d/ [15:07] fwiw, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1588568 [15:07] yes, there is a vsftpd.conf in /etc/init [15:09] that you on the forums? [15:09] so i see how i can keep it from running...but not how to check the status or stop it from the command line [15:09] no, just someone who has similar problems [15:11] i'm just trying to figure out why the standard "sudo service vsftpd stop [15:11] won't work [15:11] and why i can't check on the status [15:12] is there something wrong in the script or conf? or am i doing something wrong? [15:13] vsftpd seems to start/stop/status/etc. fine on my 10.10 system [15:13] did you change anything in the configuration of vsftpd? [15:14] no [15:14] i have avoided that because i don't want to break things [15:15] no debug info in log files? [15:16] the vsftpd.log in /var/log is blank [15:17] what other log file can i check? there is not one for upstart [15:27] i'm at such a loss >.< [15:27] i loved the good old init.d scripts haha [15:29] can you start vsftpd manually? [15:34] this thread has teh same problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10361956 [15:35] hm, that looks like vsftpd forks one more time than expected? [15:37] maybe, but i don't know enough to say [15:37] i'm surprised that others haven't reported this problem [15:37] do you also see the different PIDs like in that forum post? [15:37] my setup is pretty generic [15:39] i just checked through every running process...there is no vsftpd running [15:39] so you start it, and then there is no vsftpd in ps output? [15:39] yeah [15:40] it gives me a pid, but i immediately check taht pid and nothing is running [15:40] it's like it's saying "ok i'm running here" but then silently failing or something [15:42] but did you check for a vsftpd with another PID like in that forum thread? [15:42] yeah [15:42] not a single instance of vsftpd is running [15:42] even though the start command doesn't generate any errors [15:45] do you have a listen option in /etc/vsftpd.conf ? [15:45] listen=yes [15:45] local_enable=yes [15:45] write_enable=yes [15:50] strange little problems like this drive me nuts [15:54] cchildress: what happens when you run vsftpd from the command line? [15:56] 500 OOPS: config file not owned by correct suer, or not a file [15:56] i think we have a winner here... [15:56] fwiw, /etc/vsftpd.conf is root:root [15:57] /etc/init/vsftpd.conf is also root:root [15:57] sounds right [15:57] so i don't know why it's complaining that the owner isn't right [15:59] i think i found my problem [15:59] did you start vfstpd as root? [15:59] yeah i found my problem [15:59] vsftpd was failing to launch because "use_ssl" was enabled in /etc/vsftpd.conf [15:59] yet there was no rsa cert [16:00] so i commented out the line [16:00] and now it runs fine [16:00] for some reason, vsftpd never gave an error or even errored on the log, when run by upstart [16:00] only by manually running it as root did i get the error about ssl [16:00] so frustrating! lol at least it works now [16:02] thank you very much for patiently helping me, JanC [16:03] btw, i'd like to report this as a "bug", since vsftpd gave no errors. would i report this bug to the upstart team, or vsftpd team? [16:53] cchildress: just vsftpd I think. upstart already has a feature planned to log the output of jobs, but for now the programs need to handle their own error logging. [16:53] cchildress: if vsftpd doesn't have a "check my configuration" option then I'm not sure we can do much. [16:54] fair enough [16:55] if upstart is already planning to log job output, then the "bug" will get fixed in time anyway [16:55] so i'll just leave it be. thanks for the info [16:58] cchildress: its one of those things I'm really excited about for the future of upstart. :) [16:58] Because I'm silly like that [16:58] yeah but that's an important feature! [16:58] state rewrite.. mmm.. ok.. but log my job output to a ring buffer.. SWEET [16:58] for instance, if upstart had logged job output, i'd have known what teh problem was in the first few minutes...not after a half hour of head-scratching [17:00] but anyway yes that sounds like a great feature