
micahgxubuntu-docs in lucid-proposed ready for testing :)15:27
charlie-tcaGood morning15:54
ochosihi charlie-tca 15:54
charlie-tcaStill got the themes issue in Natty. It will not stay in the selected theme.15:55
mr_pouitif it shows the ugly dark grey thingy with rectangles everywhere, it's not a theme, it's gtk's default uglyness15:58
mr_pouit(meaning, xfsettingsd might have crashed, or you're missing a gtk theme engine)15:59
charlie-tcaEven the live cd?15:59
charlie-tcathis is the light grey theme, both gtk and xfwm 16:00
charlie-tcaIt also affects the mouse cursor16:00
mr_pouitcould you make a screenshot?16:01
charlie-tcait is xfsettingsd16:01
mr_pouitif nothing is themed, xfsettingsd has probably crashed yeah16:01
charlie-tcaI just ran it in terminal, and the greybird theme came up. Mouse cursor changed, too16:01
charlie-tcathat means it is crashing as soon as the desktop starts16:02
charlie-tcaon installs and the live desktop16:02
micahgcharlie-tca: xubuntu-docs in lucid-proposed ready for testing :)16:03
charlie-tcawill get that today, micahg 16:04
mr_pouitI tried the daily live in vbox, and the theme is there16:38
mr_pouitno crash16:38
charlie-tcahm, I will try today's image then. Yesterday it failed16:39
charlie-tcaIt's been failing for several days, screenshot from a few days ago16:43
charlie-tcamr_pouit : screenshot at http://imagebin.org/13325016:43
charlie-tcaI will run the images later today. I have to try the lucid docs, too16:46
charlie-tcaochosi: I think we have to keep thunderbird for email. Claws-mail just is not as easy to use 17:27
charlie-tcaand for those who really need to save that little bit of memory, send them to Lubuntu17:29
ochosicharlie-tca: you're referring to the latest comment on the ml?17:34
charlie-tcayes. I think we are going to stay with thunderbird17:34
ochosiright, i don't mind so much17:35
charlie-tcagmusic?? and browser is up in the air. I don't really care either way17:35
charlie-tcaBut I am pretty determined on thunderbird. Claws-mail just is not as easy for users 17:35
ochosiwell, the main advantage of gmusicbrowser is the responsive/friendly upstream and that i'm working on it i guess17:35
charlie-tcaIs it in the repositories already?17:36
ochosibrowser, well, i would trust others with the choice, integration is definitely not a problem17:36
ochosicharlie-tca: check out the shimmer ppa for the latest version17:36
ochosiit's natty-ready ;)17:36
charlie-tcabrowser we are letting the discussion run until we see which way it leans17:36
charlie-tcaI just didn't want you to get too much hope up for claws-mail17:37
* charlie-tca uses claws-mail, too17:37
ochosii don't mind so much, i personally use/love it, but i can see why people wouldn't17:37
charlie-tcaI don't really like thunderbird enough to use it17:37
charlie-tcabut in configuring it, it wins17:37
ochosiprobably, i've never tried version317:38
charlie-tcaheh, I wish I could say that17:38
ochosibtw, one more thing i like about gmusicbrowser: it can use gstreamer as backend, meaning it'll share the same backend with parole meaning less extra dependencies17:38
charlie-tcasetting it up with 10 email addresses and a ton of mailing lists took a couple of days17:38
ochosiokeydokey, gotta run now17:39
ochosilooking forward to some gmusicbrowser feedback17:39
ochosic u17:39
charlie-tcamicahg: found an issue when verifying bug 65080619:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 650806 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu Maverick) "Incorrect file stated to disable IPv6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65080619:15
charlie-tcaall references to www.xubuntu.org fail on the page19:15
micahgcharlie-tca: why did you mark verification-done then?19:16
charlie-tcathey are entered as "file:///usr/share/xubuntu-docs/www.xubuntu.org" which will not work. It needs to be "http:www.xubuntu.org"19:16
charlie-tcacause the original bug is fixed19:16
charlie-tcaDo I add that to the bug or open a new one?19:17
micahgcharlie-tca: oh, this is a new bug?, please file a new bug, tag regression -proposed and have bookemdano get me a fixed branch as soon as possible19:17
micahgoops, no space in the tag19:17
charlie-tcaOkay, I can do that19:17
micahgcharlie-tca: is this a regression, or a new bug introduced?19:18
charlie-tcaAFAIK, new bug introduced19:18
micahgcharlie-tca: ok, let me ask pitti then19:18
charlie-tcabut I can not say for sure19:18
* charlie-tca doesn't read the docs each release, and doesn't really know if it was there before or not19:20
micahgcharlie-tca: you could downgrade to the release version and see if it's there :)19:24
charlie-tcaLet me go look19:24
charlie-tcaI have 4 bugs I am verifying, will look in another install19:25
charlie-tcamicahg: new bug. The section has been almost completely re-written19:27
micahgok, I think that's a pretty big bug though, right?19:27
charlie-tcawell, Since that is what is being used to test a network connection that failed, ...19:28
charlie-tcawait a minut19:28
charlie-tcaminor issue. It is a misprint to have it as a link19:29
charlie-tcaIt is simply supposed to be a reference to use for ping tests. as in "www.xubuntu.org" instead of a link19:30
micahgah, ok19:30
charlie-tcaused as "to ping www.xubuntu.org" 19:30
charlie-tcadoesn't really count for anything19:31
micahgcharlie-tca: so we shouldn't fix?19:31
charlie-tcawell, if we have time, sure, let's fix it. But it is really an annoyance19:31
charlie-tcaI don't want to not get these docs in for that, though. They are really nice19:33
micahgcharlie-tca: ok, file the bug and I"ll get pitti to look at it19:34
micahgcharlie-tca: thanks19:34
charlie-tcathank you 19:34
charlie-tcaIt helps to have someone working with us19:35
micahgcharlie-tca: glad to help :)19:39
charlie-tcadocs verified for lucid19:40
charlie-tcamicahg: I guess I should let you know, we are keeping Thunderbird.20:28
charlie-tcamicahg: I gave up answering all those who insist we have to get rid of xulrunner20:29
micahgcharlie-tca: thanks, I thought I was clear on the xulrunner issue :)20:46
cody-somervillehey folks20:46
charlie-tcayou were, I think. 20:46
cody-somervillehow are things?20:46
charlie-tcaHello, cody-somerville 20:46
micahghi cody-somerville20:46
charlie-tcabeen keeping busy20:46
charlie-tcaWe are going to have updated 10.04 docs in .220:47
cody-somervilleits been a crazy month so far for me. I see a lot of stuff go through my mailbox but haven't had a chance to read yet.20:47
cody-somervillecharlie-tca, sweet :)20:47
charlie-tcaOh, I don't know if they will be translated, though20:47
charlie-tcacody-somerville: seems like you are still spread a bit thin... You could really use a double20:49
cody-somervillecharlie-tca, lol. so I'm told.20:52
charlie-tcacody-somerville: we announced the greybird theme for Natty this week21:02
cody-somervilleis that an entirely new theme or just a big improvement on top of the new one introduced last release?21:02
charlie-tcagrey instead of black/blue of the last release21:03
charlie-tcasame icon set21:03
charlie-tcaand panel arrangement changed21:03
charlie-tcaxfce 4.8 gives us more ability to play with panels21:04
charlie-tcaThe theme itself is a change in the bluebird of 10.1021:05
cody-somervilleCool, ok.21:07

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