
jjesseDarkwingDuck made some commits to the docs today, cleaned up references to openoffice and made them reference libreoffice03:03
DarkwingDuckkubuntu is shipping libreoffice now?03:12
jjesseat least on my natty vm it is03:14
jjessei think ubuntu switched03:14
ScottKdebfx: Are you up for working with POX and DPMT to get python-qt4 updated in Debian too or are you just doing it for Kubuntu?04:08
* DarkwingDuck will have to remember that.04:44
DarkwingDuckRE libreoffice vice OpenOffice04:44
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DaskreechOpenoffice is a vice?04:52
DarkwingDuckvice being in teh place fo the word instead04:57
macoDarkwingDuck: or versus04:58
DarkwingDuckmaco: :D04:59
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debfxfreinhard: no, QtHelp is not missing (on maverick)07:51
debfxScottK: I haven't started yet but it makes sense to update it in debian07:52
debfxScottK: are they on irc? #debian-python?07:52
Daskreech4 freaking hours to update08:22
apachelogger3 exams today08:29
apacheloggerI did not learn for any thanks to java08:29
ulyssesapachelogger: you are brave or mad, three exams at one day???08:30
apacheloggeryah, tomorrow another 308:30
apacheloggerI am just glad they are not all on one day :S08:31
ulyssesI have one today, one thursday, but I won't pass today:S08:31
apacheloggeralso I just noticed that I have one scheduled on monday after schedule08:32
apacheloggersupposedly I am travelling there08:32
apacheloggerulysses: I take it you also did java projects even though you should have been learning? :)08:33
ulysseslast week of exams, I won't:(08:34
* apachelogger still got statistical stuff next week and algorithm magic some other time ...08:36
apacheloggeralways look on the bright side of life08:36
freinharddebfx: i'm using 4.8.1-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1 and i can't import it09:08
RiddellQtHelp isn't in python-qt4 in natty09:09
Riddellso it'll be missing from the PPA backport in maverick too09:09
Riddellgood luck apachelogger 09:12
* Riddell glad to see there is no alpha 2 this week09:12
Riddell"Serdar Dalgic <serdar@pardus.org.tr> has been successfully subscribed to kubuntu-devel" the competition is listening :)09:30
markeyapachelogger: nudge nudge :)10:16
* Trouble` smells 4.6.0 for Maverick in the works :-p10:20
apacheloggermarkey: you are a boxplot in my heart10:33
markeya what?10:35
Riddellapachelogger: shouldn't you be in an exam just now?10:36
apacheloggerfirst starts at 14:2010:36
Riddellgood good, just checking10:36
apacheloggernext at 16:40, last at 18:0010:36
* Trouble` wishes he had a dad like Riddell :-p10:36
Trouble`apachelogger: Shouldn't you be revising ;-)10:37
apacheloggermarkey: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box_plot10:37
apacheloggermarkey: see, those boxes have silly whiskers10:37
apacheloggercome to think of i those boxes are really cat heads10:37
apacheloggerTrouble`: I am10:37
apacheloggerhence the talk about cats10:37
Trouble`apachelogger: Glad I'm not doing that exam - looks complicated :-p10:38
apacheloggeroh, nah, believe it or not, that is the simple things...10:38
Trouble`apachelogger: I must be thick then :-p10:39
* apachelogger is all sorts of nervous and stuff10:48
Trouble`apachelogger: Good luck dude! You seem very clever guy though, so I'm sure you'll be fine! :)10:50
apacheloggerthank you 10:55
agateau_They put an error in their error!11:32
agateau_Is this a known bug? ^ (the brokeness of the dialog, not the error it is supposed to present)11:33
RiddellJontheEchidna: ^^11:33
agateau_ftr, this is from a fresh natty install, I just kept my home partition11:34
Quintasan|DroidRiddell: ping11:39
Riddellhi Quintasan|Droid 11:39
Quintasan|DroidRiddell: Can you sync aqemu from Debian?11:40
RiddellI can but I need a bug else the script doesn't like it11:40
Riddellhm infact I need to set up the script on my new laptop too11:40
Quintasan|DroidHmm, okay, I also should pester POX to finally update sip11:41
agateau_Riddell: ohh... new laptop! with all keys and no duct-tape?11:46
Riddellagateau_: yes but it has no stickers, feels naked!11:48
skfinIs there new kubuntu artwork -styled stickers yet=11:52
RiddellI just ordered some for FOSDEM11:53
Riddellbut not generally no11:53
skfinI just have lots of those old stickers11:54
skfinNobody wants them11:54
ScottKdebfx: Yes.  #debian-python11:56
ScottK(on OFTC)11:56
Quintasan|DroidRiddell: bug #70736611:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 707366 in Ubuntu "Please sync aqemu-0.8.1 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70736611:57
Quintasan|DroidI dont think there is any Ubuntu delta in natty11:58
* Quintasan|Droid needs to forward ports on his router when he gets home11:59
afiestasagateau_: rereping12:05
Quintasan|DroidOkay I'm going home, see you in a few hours12:05
apacheloggerfaithless - take the long way home12:13
afiestaseverything that uses qtwebkit is crashing here12:22
afiestaskdevelop (because the man plugin) and rekonq at least12:23
* afiestas updates before saying any other word12:24
Riddellafiestas: in maverick?12:36
ScottKProbably Natty12:57
ScottK(since it's afiestas)12:58
afiestasafter update everything seems to work12:59
ScottKshadeslayer: Digikam 1.8.0 is uploaded to Debian so you might have a look at that (new kipi-plugins too)13:01
=== agateau_ is now known as agateau
agateauafiestas: repong13:15
shadeslayerScottK: will do13:34
shadeslayeri looked at debian yesterday, there wasnt anything there, so just packaged it13:35
ScottKIt wasn't there yesterday.13:35
ari-tczewQuintasan_: do you have holidays right now?13:36
ari-tczewQuintasan_: you forgot to subscribe ubuntu-archive13:45
shadeslayerRiddell: they announced GSoC 201113:56
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasanari-tczew: I have holidays from 14th of February I think.14:06
QuintasanRiddell: nepomuk still crashes for you?14:12
RiddellQuintasan: dunno, I think it's a different error message I got now14:15
Riddellthe error message was too large for the notification thing so I couldn't read it anyway14:15
QuintasanRiddell: You get other message? Wow that's some sure progress14:16
RiddellI think upstream just turned off the bit that crashed14:17
QuintasanI still get this http://i.imgur.com/G9Q28.png14:17
QuintasanRiddell: treug posted some sort of a fix on bug tracker14:18
QuintasanI'll try and report back later14:18
Quintasanfilewatch/kinotify.cpp is in base-runtime?14:19
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QuintasanGOD DAMN14:48
QuintasanRiddell: still crashes14:48
shadeslayerQuintasan: nepomuk issue?14:48
Quintasanshadeslayer: yeah :/14:49
Riddelltry with a new user?  might be an upgrade issue?14:49
shadeslayerok ... i can ask vHanda if you like14:49
QuintasanLet me try with new user14:50
shadeslayerjust poke me and ill ask him to join here14:50
Quintasanoh snap14:54
QuintasanIT works on a new user14:54
ari-tczewQuintasan: me too (holidays)14:54
Quintasanno idea14:57
Quintasancrashes here but not on the new user14:57
QuintasanRiddell: lol, apparently we have (or only I now) too many directories in our /home :DDD15:18
Riddellsays who?15:19
QuintasanRiddell: 15:22
Quintasan<vHanda> It [the crash] depends on the number of directories in your home folder15:22
QuintasanI wonder why on hell it imposes a limit anyways15:23
ScottKCrashing isn't the most polite way to say "too many directories" either.15:25
shadeslayerScottK: were new kipi plugins uploaded in debian? i dont see them here http://packages.qa.debian.org/k/kipi-plugins.html15:25
* shadeslayer looks at svn15:25
QuintasanScottK: trueg says we could increase the inotify stuff15:26
Quintasanbut it is already at 52428815:26
Riddelltsk, X people broke natty15:26
Quintasanwhich is way bigger than a mere 11366315:26
shadeslayerherp derp15:27
shadeslayerchromium is broken15:27
Quintasanshadeslayer: chromium was broken to begin with15:27
nigelbshadeslayer: oie, coming to blr?15:27
shadeslayerQuintasan: lemme rephrase that .... chromium is broken on LP private ppas15:27
shadeslayernigelb: tomorrow?15:27
nigelbshadeslayer: no, march.15:28
shadeslayernigelb: yep15:28
shadeslayernigelb: im giving a talk on something15:28
nigelbshadeslayer: oh, right.  I saw that.  15:29
macohrmph. screenlocking doesnt work on this mav machine15:29
shadeslayerScottK: no kipi plugins 1.8 in debian15:30
shadeslayernigelb: seen http://attrition.org/errata/charlatan/ankit_fadia/network_intrusion/15:32
nigelbshadeslayer: nope, looking15:33
ScottKshadeslayer: That one was just released today, not in Debian yet.  Sorry for the confusion.15:33
shadeslayersure np15:33
shadeslayerill package them anyhow15:33
cmaginaanyone else experiencing menu pop-ups not rendering most of the time in natty with desktop effects enabled?15:33
Riddellcmagina: intel?15:34
RiddellI had that and it's fixed with mesa from xorg-edgers which roaf says will be uploaded at some point15:35
cmaginaRiddell: yeah15:35
Riddellalso fixes kdm crashing on logout15:35
cmaginahaven't seen the kdm crash15:35
Riddellyou probably don't log out :)15:35
cmaginajust created a bug report on akonadiserver crashing all the time for a new user when trying to start kontact15:36
cmaginahaha, i actually just did a few minutes ago after taking those x updates hoping they might fix the menu issue15:36
Riddellapachelogger: should I backport phonon to maverick along with 4.6.0?15:43
shadeslayerRiddell: the X problem you were mentioning ... was that in terms of packages?16:02
shadeslayerlike ... some packages are not yet built etc16:02
shadeslayer  libdrm-nouveau1a: Conflicts: libdrm-nouveau1 but 2.4.22-2ubuntu1 is installed.16:05
Riddellshadeslayer: that's the one16:06
shadeslayerRiddell: want me to upload digikam  without newer kipi plugins?16:12
shadeslayer[ into Ninja PPA ]16:12
Riddellshadeslayer: for maverick ready to move to backports?16:13
shadeslayerRiddell: for maverick it needs kdegraphics 4.616:14
shadeslayerso will go into backports PPA16:14
Riddellshadeslayer: got natty packages too?16:14
shadeslayernatty packages are ready :D16:14
Riddellgroovy, go for it16:14
Riddellnatty to main archive, maverick to ninjas ready to copy to backports16:14
Riddellshadeslayer: why without kipi plugins?16:14
shadeslayerRiddell: because drm is broken16:15
Riddellannoying that16:16
Riddelldoes this fail for others on natty?16:22
shadeslayerdigikam for natty in ninja ppa16:22
Riddell/usr/bin/pactl load-module module-device-manager "do_routing=1"16:22
shadeslayerRiddell: gives me "17"16:23
Riddellhmm, pulse not happy here16:24
Riddellwe need to do KDevelop too16:31
* Riddell looks around for space ninjas16:31
Riddellspare ninjas16:31
Riddellalthough space ninjas would be cool too16:31
shadeslayerspace ninjas would be awesome16:32
shadeslayeri can try kdevelop16:32
shadeslayerRiddell: digikam for maverick uploaded16:52
shadeslayerRiddell: you got your visa?17:10
shadeslayerRiddell: libdrm .... sort of fixed17:13
Riddellshadeslayer: not yet17:17
shadeslayerRiddell: for which one? libdrm or visa? :P17:18
shadeslayerRiddell: the l10n stuff in kdevplatform will be taken out in the archive right?17:19
* shadeslayer doesnt see l10n install files17:19
Riddellshadeslayer: yes17:19
shadeslayeralrighty ... just confirming17:19
shadeslayerkdevplatform done then17:20
shadeslayerok Kdevplatform for natty uploaded17:31
shadeslayeryofel_: around?17:31
=== makl is now known as ximion
Riddellshadeslayer: hmm, rekonq doesn't seem to remember my logins between sessions17:38
shadeslayerRiddell: logins as in ... passwords to sites?17:38
shadeslayeror cookies?17:38
Riddellalthough it seems to have worked now I try to investigate it17:39
shadeslayerRiddell: iirc its a issue with kdewebkit and solved in final 4.6 release17:39
shadeslayerkdewebkit+kio bug ...17:39
shadeslayeralot of stuff in kdewebkit was broken in 4.5.95 release :(17:39
shadeslayerkdevplatform for maverick uploaded to ninjas17:44
Riddell** testers needed for 4.6 in maverick and natty17:50
shadeslayerRiddell: i can test in a chroot17:51
Riddellpresumably you already have bits of it if you're compiling kdevelop?17:51
TroubleRiddell: Just gotta finish some docs then I'm up for testing Maverick packages17:52
shadeslayerRiddell: nope .... yofel gave me access to his server .. so there are bits of it lying there17:52
shadeslayerhe has a 25MBit Down/5MBit Up connection o_o17:52
shadeslayeri could run X over ssh as well i think17:54
shadeslayerRiddell: on maverick  kubuntu-desktop : Depends: phonon-backend-xine but it is not going to be installed [ probably because i just sent it for a rebuild ]17:54
Riddellshadeslayer: you can but if roundtrips are long it's uber slow, still I find it useful for some testing from ec217:55
Riddellyes phonon bits are still building17:55
shadeslayerRiddell: natty installs fine17:55
Riddella good start17:55
shadeslayeri could try and just do : startkde17:56
Riddellyes, it'll work, and you'll even have time to make a cup of tea while it starts17:56
Riddellincluding a full tea ceremony17:56
shadeslayerlol :P17:57
shadeslayerroot@yofel-thinkpad:/# service kdm start17:57
shadeslayerkdm stop/waiting17:57
Riddellbest when using xephyr17:57
=== makl is now known as ximion
shadeslayerRiddell: X cant detect a device18:01
shadeslayerinside the chroot18:02
Riddelloh inside a chroot is fiddly, I don't know how to do that18:03
shadeslayerfrom what im reading ... it isnt possible18:03
Riddellusually works on a local machine if you mount dev and whatnot, over ssh I don't konw18:03
shadeslayerfrom the error logs it cant seem to be able to find the display device18:04
shadeslayerwhich obviously resides in /dev18:04
shadeslayerso .. KDE 4.6 for maverick installs fine as well18:04
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* Trouble updates to 4.6.018:19
* Trouble is rebooting18:26
TroubleRiddell: 4.6 Maverick working for me sir! o/18:33
RiddellTrouble: great18:39
shadeslayerRiddell: how about kicking ktorrent off the cd18:39
RiddellTrouble: please add to bottom of wiki page https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging18:39
shadeslayeror should we maitain feature parity with ubuntu wrt this18:39
TroubleRiddell: Did that ages ago :-p18:39
Trouble(like I always do :-p :-p) :D18:40
Riddellshadeslayer: it's certainly a candidate if we have no space18:41
shadeslayeri was actually thinking of replacing ktorrent with kipi plugins18:42
shadeslayersize of kipi-plugins = 2xsize of ktorrent18:42
Quintasanshadeslayer, Riddell: can19:16
QuintasanCan't we just add an popup after the installation of Kubuntu asking users to download additional package to enchance their experience with Kubuntu explaining we couldn't fit them on cd due to size limits?19:16
shadeslayerdamn you bzr19:17
QuintasanI know it's a somehow dirty but we can't magically increase the size of CD's worldwide19:17
shadeslayerthere is the question of lzma compression on the CD19:18
shadeslayeralso ... how about spinning 1GB images for USB's?19:18
Quintasanshadeslayer: U got Neon talks on c.k.i?19:18
shadeslayerQuintasan: yus19:18
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-shovelin
Riddellshadeslayer: extra QA and extra disk space we don't have I'm afraid19:25
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shadeslayerRiddell: what's the status of LZMA compression on the CD?19:26
QuintasanNot Working (TM)?19:26
shadeslayerRiddell: kdevelop done ... dont want to do php :(19:26
shadeslayerQuintasan: ^^ get to work19:27
Quintasanshadeslayer: school comes first unfortunately19:27
Quintasanstill have physics homework to do, feel free to do it for me if u want :P19:27
shadeslayerschool >> Quintasan?19:27
shadeslayerQuintasan: ooohhh .... physics19:27
shadeslayeri like physics19:27
QuintasanQuintasan > school, but school spams with homework19:27
shadeslayerQuintasan: you need better spam filters19:28
shadeslayeryou fail like gmail19:28
Quintasanshadeslayer: I already discard every other homework that's different from math's, phys and polish19:28
QuintasanAnd I have to focus on two subjects that I won't have next year so I get B's from them at the end of the year19:29
shadeslayerin 1 minute, its going to be our Republic Day19:29
Quintasansince those grades go to my final paper I get19:29
shadeslayeryayy for national holidays19:29
QuintasanYay for two weeks of free time from 14th of February19:30
shadeslayerok thats better :(19:30
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shadeslayeroh hai19:32
shadeslayeryofel: i can haz sudo rm -rf for my ~/ ?19:33
shadeslayeror just remove ~/tmp :P19:33
yofelwhy you need sudo o.O?19:33
shadeslayeryofel: i accidently ran sudo -E pdebuild19:34
Quintasanlol derp19:34
shadeslayerso some the files cant be removed without sudo :P19:34
yofeloh hahah19:34
* shadeslayer didnt realize it when he ran it19:34
yofeldoesn't clean work?19:34
Quintasanyofel: http://memegenerator.net/Y-U-NO/ImageMacro/5418145/Y-U-NO-SUDO-YOFEL19:34
yofelso nuke ~/tmp?19:35
shadeslayeri entered my GPG AND ssh keys wrong 6 times19:37
Quintasanproblem, ciphering?19:37
Quintasanoh well, I will never do this damn homework19:38
QuintasanI'm off19:38
=== cmagina-shovelin is now known as cmagina
apacheloggerRiddell: backportin would be awesome20:04
apacheloggermarkey demands it even20:04
* shadeslayer slays yet another binding20:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: it feels good to murder a binding20:10
* shadeslayer found it liberating20:10
shadeslayerok now to play KF and shoot more people20:10
shadeslayeryofel: btw kdevelop php is up for grabs20:11
yofelcan do that, so devplatform and kdevelop is done?20:14
shadeslayeralong with digikam and kipi-plugins20:14
* shadeslayer went on packaging spree today :P20:15
shadeslayerkdebindings 4.6 is going to need a respin20:26
apacheloggerNightrose: your facebook profile lacks fluffyness!20:27
Nightrosei no20:27
apacheloggerI will leave an angry wall post behind, I hope you are aware of that...20:28
yofelshadeslayer: yeah, as soon as someone syncs sip20:29
shadeslayeryofel: no ... some fixes in Qyoto being backported20:29
shadeslayerwait .. SIP needs a sync?20:30
shadeslayershouldnt a bug be filed against that then?20:30
yofelah, well, we didn't do the first 4.6 either20:30
yofelQuintasan: ?20:30
apacheloggerNightrose: oh well, I shall visit again tomorrow...20:30
shadeslayerlol ... didnt know :P20:30
* apachelogger does not have angry stuff to write20:30
apacheloggermy legs hurt!20:30
apacheloggeralso I am way tired20:30
* Nightrose hugs apachelogger20:31
apacheloggerNightrose: but tomorrow it better be good.... :P20:31
apacheloggerNightrose: honey20:56
Nightroseapachelogger: honey?20:56
apacheloggerNightrose: today at university we were wondering if there are lactose intolerant unicorns20:57
apacheloggerI mean20:57
Nightrosei'm sure there are20:57
apacheloggerwouldnt there need to be way more rainbows if that were the case?20:57
apacheloggerhm, possibly they just do not consume anything with lactose20:58
apacheloggerNightrose: thanks for sorting this out :)20:58
* apachelogger starts singing very loud to wake up shadeslayer22:27
=== cmagina-lunch is now known as cmagina
ari-tczewapachelogger: I prefer to bang pots to wake up someone :P23:02
yofeljust get shadeslayer to connect his HIFI to the internets, hack it and blow him through the wall23:05
apacheloggerhe runs PA23:05
apacheloggergetting my PA to make love to his PA is only one malicious package upload away23:05

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