
yofelok, what graphics card / driver do you have?00:00
Spaztic_Oneintegrated; running a laptop00:00
nicklas_Spaztic_One: have you checked if there are any drivers you can install?00:01
yofelpress alt+f2 -> run konsole -> post what 'lspci | grep VGA' returns00:01
Spaztic_One00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)00:01
nicklas_doesnt he need the drivers for that?00:02
Spaztic_Onenicklas_: Yeah, have checked several times and never found any drivers00:02
Spaztic_Oneeven on a fresh install00:02
yofelnope, intel ones should work out of the box00:02
yofelbut I don't know much about these knew cards that come with the iX cpus00:03
Spaztic_Oneix cpus?00:03
yofelSpaztic_One: what does it say when you try to enable compositing?00:03
nicklas_i think there are drivers for some intel cards, or am i wrong?00:03
yofeli3 / i5 ..00:03
SnowhogSpaztic_One: In Desktop Effects > Advanced, check the Disable functionality checks.00:03
yofelnicklas_: not that I know of, xserver-xorg-video-intel supports pretty much all, and comes with native openGL support00:04
Spaztic_Onewhen I click it it says that it was disabled by a different program and to use a shortcut. clicking it again, and it enabled it.00:04
scutumAnyone can help me out with a good anti keyloggers/viruses/worms ware00:05
nicklas_yofel: hm, then maybe its better not to have ati or nvidia at all00:05
yofeldepends, I have both intel and nvidia, intel works fine and nvidia with proprietary drivers works as fine00:06
Snowhogscutum: You're running Linux. The probability that you are/will be affecte by such is almost zero.00:06
scutumyes, but there is a hacker00:06
Spaztic_OneAlso, I have a question... its very curious, but whenever google chrome, firefox, or even the display manager refreshes the entire screen (such as entering a fullscreen mode or exiting it) , I see my background image from gnome. Why does this happen?00:06
scutumand Im on his target00:06
james147scutum: best antivirus on linux is common sense ^^00:06
nicklas_scutum: firewall?00:06
scutumis rkhunter or clamav a good chice?00:07
nicklas_i dont use a software firewall, never had any problems, but i might be stupid00:07
scutumnicklas_, something very complete00:07
james147nicklas_: most people are behind a router, which acts as a firewall... so most of the time one isent needed00:08
Spaztic_OneI have a router firewall and firestarter on my linux laptop for when I'm on a public wifi location00:08
yofelnever heard of the first, but I know that clamav does get regular updates in ubuntu, so It should be good00:08
nicklas_james147: dont think the firewall is activated in our router though :-S00:08
james147scutum: you really dont need av software.... as long as your not in the habbit of running anyold software you find on the internet00:08
nicklas_james147: maybe i should do that :-P00:08
SnowhogSpaztic_One: Get in the habit, if you feel you are being targeted, of changing your user login password. Make it a strong one. Unless this hacker gains access to your password, you are okay.00:09
Spaztic_OneSnowhog: Nah, I'm fine, but you never know.00:10
scutumjames147, there is a hacker that Im on his target00:11
scutumif a big time hacker00:11
SnowhogSpaztic_One: In *buntu, the root account is disabled - that's why sudo/kdesudo is present. If you haven't activated the root account, then you are in control. If you ever are prompted for the root password, and you didn't initiate it, DON'T TYPE IT.00:12
james147then automated software wont protect you much ^^ espically not av software... best to actualy learn about security and protect your self properly00:12
james147^^ and NEVER run software you dont trust00:12
Spaztic_OneSnowhog: I know. Thats like running a program you didn't download and you don't know how it got there.00:13
SnowhogOr take advise from strangers (oh, wait...) :)00:13
Spaztic_OneNah, everyone on IRC is a good person. xD00:13
james147^^ except the trolls00:14
Spaztic_OneSo, why does kubuntu lock up about half the time when I tell it to suspend to ram?00:16
james147because suspend to ram is dodgy with some hardware00:16
SnowhogSpaztic_One: Configuration/Hardware issues.00:16
Spaztic_OneIt works fine 100% of the time with gnome00:16
SnowhogSpaztic_One: Then that nails it to KDE specific libraries.00:17
james147Spaztic_One: what happens if you syspend manually?00:17
scutumhow can I protect my gf computer that is using kubuntu from keyloggers/viruses/worms00:17
Spaztic_Onethats actually what causes it to hang. only about 10% of the time that I close my laptop does it actually do anything other than lock the screen.00:18
james147scutum: best way is to not download anything you dont trust... other then that linux wont easaly get infected00:21
scutumIm not concerned about downloads00:21
scutumIm concerned about hackers00:21
* james147 has been running linux for about 4 years without and antivirus and not had a single problem with malware00:22
* Snowhog has been running linux since 2007 and I can claim the same.00:22
james147scutum: then read up on security... linux is already fairly secure, its only real weakness is user stupidity00:22
james147scutum: there is no program you can get that will protect you agenst hacker attempts... you need knowledge about what you are doing isnt opening up your computer to a vunrability00:23
macoscutum: there's no bulletproof defence against a determined adversary, but keeping your system up to date with all its patches will knock out the easy stuff they'd try. if they know of vulnerabilities that nobody else does (and so cant be fixed yet) though... well, don't run any services on external ports (this is default) so they cant reach the software to exploit00:23
steve343i went from 10.04 to 10.10. rekonq has the single bar for both addy and search, so i want to stick with konqueror until rekonq has the option to split them. however, when i upgraded even konqueror now only one bar. how do i change it back?00:25
james147check out the toolbar menus ^^ you can probally add it back that way00:28
nicklas_maybe the search bar plugin has been uninstalled00:28
james147though i have never seen the point in the second bar ^^ the main one does everything the secondary one does and more :p00:28
steve343the search bar option isnt in the toolkit.00:30
nicklas_steve343: then it has probably been installed00:31
nicklas_konqueror-plugin-searchbar is the package name00:32
steve343nicklas_: just the location bar. there is no search bar alteranative available. :(00:32
nicklas_steve343: as i was saying, check and see if it has been removed (kpackagekit)00:33
steve343nicklas_: k00:33
nicklas_sleep time, gn00:35
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steve343nicklas_: thanx that did it00:35
nicklas_steve343: yw00:37
steve343i really like rekonq but i cant stand having one bar do the job of two or three things. in my mind if i know where something is, i want to be able to go to it without typing in magic words, or vice versa if searching for something.00:38
james147steve343: i find that the one bar is enough and less effort then having two, if you type an address it takes you  there, is you type a random phrase it will search google (or what ever you want) and you can search other sites without having to clcik and change the provider :p00:40
james147but o well, guess its a personal prefence00:40
elitedevhey all, how do i change the video driver in kde4? i dont see an xorg.conf anywhere01:04
elitedevi want to try and install the nvidia-96 drjv01:04
elitedevdriver because the new ones run slower than the default driver01:05
james147elitedev: create one... Xorg no longer requires an xorg.conf but will use it if one is present01:05
elitedevalright, so to use the nvidia driver i just add that section and i wont have to worry about input devices and stuff, xorg will still handle that? or does it have to be a complete conf file?01:07
Snowhogelitedev: K > System > Additional Drivers is supposed to check and see if you have proprietary hardware and install the drivers for them.01:18
elitedevi have went there, only shows nvidia 173 and current. both of those drivers are slow and automatically kde disables desktop effects for performance reasons01:19
yofelelitedev: try to install updates, a update for nvidia-96 was published recently01:20
yofel(so you can actually use it by default)01:20
elitedevi have downloaded the packages and the update, i just dont know how to enable it.01:21
elitedevi lied01:23
elitedevits showing in jockey now01:23
elitedevwell ill give it a go and see if i have better luck with this one01:23
elitedeveh no luck, wouldnt even start. had to go to recovery mode to remove xorg.conf. does anyone know why else nvidia-current is slower than the default driver?01:39
yofeldepends, I do have noticed that nouveau is faster at 2D rendering than the nvidia driver, but since that supports neither 3D stable nor vdpau I stick to nvidia-current01:42
elitedevnouveau is the default driver kde4 uses?01:43
elitedevim looking at it now as an option, but i might already be using it01:43
yofelnouveau is the default driver ubuntu uses for the last few releases01:43
yofelnv is unused01:44
* james147 notes that kde is the desktop interface that kubuntu uses... :)01:44
elitedevhaha yeah i know.01:44
elitedevlinux isnt the problem for me, its this damn nvidia driver lol01:45
elitedevi just dont understand what the problem could be, ive read almost everything i can find and tried so many fixes but no joy at all.01:45
elitedevi mean even my netbook with intel gfx had no problem with compiz and all the effects, there is no reason i should have any problems on this notebook, even though it is a few years old.01:46
FloridaGuywhats going to be actaul different in the desktop kernel and server kernel02:01
yofelI think the latency settings are a bit different, and a different I/O scheduler is used. Probably more02:07
moseswhat pdf viewer does xubuntu come with?02:26
yofelmoses: evince02:32
nicklas_anyone here?02:39
nicklas_moses: what client do you use?02:40
mosesfor which service?02:41
nicklas_moses: irc, sorry02:41
nicklas_moses: in kde? hmm02:42
mosesin windowd02:42
nicklas_moses: what are you doing here then? :-P02:42
mosesi have a laptop over here with debian on it02:43
mosesi use irssi on it02:43
nicklas_moses: ok02:43
nicklas_moses: i use konversation, i want transparent chat window, but cant get that :-S02:44
mosesirssi with a transparent konsole will do that02:44
james147nicklas_:  you can make the entire window transparent02:45
yofelnicklas_: every window in kde4 has an 'opacity' setting02:45
nicklas_moses: :-P02:45
nicklas_i know, but dont want the entire window transparent :-P02:45
nicklas_want just the chat area transparent, like in xchat or xchat-gnome :-P02:45
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ChessTeachany SQL gurus online?04:53
ChessTeachanyone online?04:55
Daskreechtried #sql ?04:56
Daskreechor #mysql ?04:56
ChessTeachi did04:56
ChessTeachi can't talk in there04:56
ChessTeachi need to register my nick i think, i am looking into it04:57
ChessTeacha little new to irce04:57
ChessTeachhow do you register your nick?04:58
ChessTeachno one is chatty i see05:00
ChessTeachi think i found it05:01
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode05:10
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eeehello, i'm using kubuntu 10.10. could you please tell me the command to do as same as "reload" in synaptic manager?07:43
eeeI couldn't see an option to update apt-cache after editing source.lst07:43
Daskreecheee: Kpackagekit?07:45
eeeDaskreech: I couldn't see an option :(07:46
DaskreechSoftware Updates should allow you to Check for updates07:46
eeeDaskreech: I'm sorry, using slow net. May i update the package list alone?07:46
DaskreechThat should just update the package list07:46
eeeis #apt-get update same?07:52
DaskreechYes it is07:52
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iulian_uh finnaly got it to work08:59
Daskreechiulian_: Hooray?09:06
tom__i need help with my display09:38
xmani installed american army09:41
xmanend the game sound not work09:42
xmancan you help me please (maybe someone hava aa game)09:43
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bajk-tragbaris there a setting for a touchpad's virtual click sensitiveness?11:26
bajk-tragbarsometimes I find myself tipping on the touchbad to trigger a click but nothing happens11:26
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rorkbajk-tragbar: you can set the touch sensitivity in System Settings > Keyboard & Mouse > Touchpad (might be renamed slightly in 10.10)11:58
bajk-tragbarrork: no touchpad found it says11:58
bajk-tragbarand I needed to apply a patch which immitates a ps/2 mouse otherwise the scroll thing wouldnt work11:59
rorkI'm sorry but I have no further experience with trouble shooting touchpads? Which brand/type is it? Maybe someone else can help you with it.12:02
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liljim_#ubuntu channels12:08
cyberbobhi all12:12
cyberbobI have some e-books in pdf format which i want to listen is it possible to listen using some app. ?12:12
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liljimAnybody knows some good channels?12:22
marcusdavidushewy i got an question12:36
marcusdaviduswhat program to use to change look of kwin buttons?12:36
marcusdavidusso any one here?12:39
marcusdavidusso any help with kwin?12:41
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dsemblano<marcusdavidus> You can go to System Settings - Workspace Appearance13:02
dsemblano<marcusdavidus> or Application Appearance13:03
marcusdavidusnot rlt13:03
marcusdavidusi knwo how to change to another13:03
marcusdavidusbut i want to modyfi already finished kwin title bar look13:03
marcusdavidusso to actuall i want to put new button look13:03
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iulian_ 13:07
BluesKajHi folks13:10
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Goliathhelp me make my mic work13:23
Goliathmy audio card has line in and mic jacks13:23
Goliathi connect my mic but i cant record13:23
BluesKajGoliath, open alsamixer and make sue nothing is muted , use the M key , and turn the ctrls up to 80% or more13:25
Goliathi did13:26
Goliathwhich input source to choose?13:26
Goliathit has front mic, mic and line in options13:26
BluesKajGoliath, , a mic input is meant for mics (more gain) . If you'r using an analog line level source then line in would be the input13:28
marcusdavidushey guys how to remove ubuntu-desktop ? cuz removing just this package is removing dummy . its posible to clean your kubuntu from ubuntu if u started from ubuntu ?13:30
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »13:30
pulaskiGood morning.13:33
BluesKajmarcusdavidus, try , sudo aptitude remove gnome-desktop-environment13:33
marcusdavidusand last question how to change theme for root programs withoptu eneabling root acount ? so i want to get same theme on sudo programs13:33
GoliathBluesKaj: ok13:34
BluesKajor sudo apt-get remove gnome-desktop-environment13:34
Goliathi did arecord -l13:34
Goliathhow can i know which one is mic?13:34
Goliathor line in13:34
Goliath[danae@MidnightPC ~]$ arecord -l13:35
Goliath**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****13:35
Goliathcard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC888 Analog [ALC888 Analog]13:35
Goliath  Subdevices: 1/113:35
Goliath  Subdevice #0: subdevice #013:35
FloodBotK3Goliath: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:35
Goliathcard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 2: ALC888 Analog [ALC888 Analog]13:35
Goliathsorry for that13:35
GoliathBluesKaj: any ideas?13:36
BluesKajGoliath, look at you pc, the mic inputs are labelled13:36
BluesKajyour pc13:36
Goliathyes but which device is the line in from those?13:36
Goliathdevice 0 or 213:36
BluesKajline in is usually the green input13:37
marcusdavidusTm_T:  i got ubuntu 10.10 sadly no instructions there  anyway nvm i can get thius damn gnome afterall13:37
Tm_T..same instructions work...13:38
BluesKajif there's 2 line ins turn them both up :)13:38
Tm_TBluesKaj: atleast here green is for earphones and pink is for mic13:38
basyhi. all13:39
GoliathBluesKaj: hey13:40
pulaskiI run kubuntu 10.10 and kde 4.5.95 on an amd64. I've been forced to reset my X configuration to the default screen resolution of 1280 x 720.  This is much too big. I think I need to change the resolution in the X config file. I looked in /etc/X11 but I don't really know what I'm looking for. Does anyone know what the X config file is called and where it's located?13:40
GoliathBluesKaj: i get devices 0 and 213:40
Goliathhow can i find which one is mic and which linein?13:41
basyI am looking for web based mp3 player, something like amarok+webarok, Is there any solution? I am can be some console mp3 player  with apache web frontend, any ideas ?13:42
BluesKajGoliath, the best thing to do is just try the inputs13:45
GoliathBluesKaj: should i choose alsa or jack13:46
BluesKajin system settings/ media /music13:46
Goliathalso in alsamixer it says input source 1 and 213:46
BluesKajlook Goliath , just try them13:47
BluesKajturn them both up13:47
GoliathBluesKaj: how can i turn up both13:49
BluesKajin alsamixer ,in the terminal with the arrow keys13:50
* BluesKaj takes a break to gather some patience13:50
GoliathBluesKaj: it says mic, front mic, line in13:50
Goliathit stupid i cant enable them all13:50
Goliathand have to  choose13:50
BluesKajone at a time13:50
GoliathBluesKaj: does the backend play any part in system settings?13:51
Goliathi use vlc13:51
Goliathshould i use xine backend?13:51
Goliathi am talking about phonon backend13:51
Goliathso maybe it doesnt work cause of the backend?13:51
BluesKajis pulseaudio installed ?13:52
GoliathBluesKaj: i have removed pulse13:53
marcusdavidusany one knows good plasmaoid with  net/pppo +_cpu core1/2/ +cpu temp +nvidia params ? i use to use conky  but not work to well with kde13:55
BluesKajGoliath, there isn't much more I can help you with, you have to try to fix it by experimenting ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alsamixer13:57
komputesDo you guys know why I have so many contacts in ~/.kde/share/apps/kabc/ ? I need to import them to Thunderbird but not sure how to go about it?14:17
marcusdavidusi changed all fonts in system but dolphin run on old ones why ?14:21
BluesKajmarcel_, did you adjust "all fonts"14:25
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Guest78597Hi, this may seem a bit of an imposition, but is anyone here?14:43
Decoriansome people are14:45
naftilos76is there an app that is designed for producing multipage products catalogues full of graphics and photos?14:52
jhohnnaftilos76: LaTex15:01
elitedevis there any reason rekonq directs me to french versions of websites why i want english ones? like facebook for example is in french but english when i use firefox15:05
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iulian_best kubuntu was 7.1015:25
lysovHi people15:43
rorkhello lysov15:44
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freinhardwhat do i need to do, to make openoffice in kubunt be usable: read do not use oxygen since it seems to be broken16:05
DaxarI have no idea. I'm a total newbie to Kubuntu. :P16:06
mr-richfreinhard: What is happining when you try to run OO?16:07
mr-richI'm using Oxygen here and OO runs fine ...16:07
freinhardmr-rich: it "works", just has wierd graphics issues, badly rendered text, message boxes that are sized completely wrong etc16:07
genii-aroundfreinhard: Might want to install qtcurve16:08
freinhardmr-rich: doesn't matter which OOo app16:08
genii-around!info qtcurve16:09
ubottuqtcurve (source: kde-style-qtcurve): Unified window decoration for KDE and GTK+. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.2-1 (maverick), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB16:09
freinhardlast time i opened the find-and-replace dialog it was fixed-sized in a quadrate shape, therefore all icons on the right got cut off. great!16:10
freinhardgenii-around: thx, i'll try that one16:10
freinhardgenii-around: that's already set as gtk style16:10
mr-richfreinhard: hmmm ... I think I see what you mean ...16:11
genii-aroundfreinhard: You'll still need to set GTK+ Appearance in settings to use qtcurve instead of oxygen-gtk16:11
freinhardgenii-around: i used systemsettings->appearance->gtk->widget-style: qtcurve (well, actually i didn't that was already set, the alternative is raleigh)16:13
freinhardand that one doesn't list oxygen-gtk16:15
naftilos76does anybody know whether repos exist for the latest OO 3.3 ?16:15
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ct529naftilos76: I think the last version is 3.2.1!16:40
ct529naftilos76: http://www.libreoffice.org/download/ is for libreoffice.org, and there are packages for *ubuntu16:47
Space_Mannaftilos76: do you want oracle openoffice or Libre Office? Note Libre Office 3.3 was released earlier today16:49
naftilos76god, i though that Libreoffice was something else but i just got it that this is the openoffice itself!16:50
Space_ManLibO is a fork of openoffice16:51
Space_ManLibO = Libre Office16:51
naftilos76yes i know! i've just realized it!16:51
ct529naftilos76: did you get the pacakges from the link I sent you?16:52
naftilos76i saw somewhere that ubuntu 11.04 will be available along with Libreoffice but i didn't pay attention to that! Yes i did. Thank you very much!16:53
naftilos76i am downloading now16:53
naftilos76i can't get mote than 30kbytes/s...why is it so slow? traffic?16:54
naftilos76did you install it yourself?16:54
naftilos76i had some annoying issues with OO 3.2.116:55
naftilos76evry time i got to the point where the 'save as' dialog should appear i had to wait for no reason up to 10 secs for the dialog to appear. Have you encountered that?16:56
ct529naftilos76: nope, I installed it myself as well17:02
ct529naftilos76: did not experience that problem .... OO tends to be quite slow though17:04
naftilos76did you see any speed increase in Libre?17:04
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ct529naftilos76: have not installed it yet, but I downloaded it17:10
naftilos76ok guys thanks again, got to go. bb17:18
marcusdavidushey guys how to make kmplayer use media buttons on my keyboard?17:28
BajK_is this oxygen gtk style that was recently presented on planetkde already available?17:46
BajK_I am getting used to oxygen and set it as style on my computers but I still have qtcurve as gtk style17:46
Riddell** testers needed for 4.6.0 in maverick and natty17:50
RiddellBajK_: see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk2-engines-oxygen17:51
BajK_hm, seems available for Natty Narwhal only :(17:53
RiddellBajK_: it's in a PPA too17:55
BajK_I have backports and beta enabled but gtk2-engines-oxygen package is not found17:56
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marcusdavidushello what name got any program to find out what codec is used in movie?19:39
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lazzI'm having trouble with rhythmbox.  I can't get it to play songs but all other sounds are working just fine.  Any suggestions?20:47
Peace-lazz: ... rhythmbox?20:47
Peace-o kubuntu?20:47
lazzAny suggestions?20:49
lazzRhythmbox will not work but my system sounds work fine and so does Audacious.  Anyone have suggestions?20:53
lazzRhythmbox will not work but my system sounds work fine and so does Audacious.  Anyone have suggestions?20:54
Peace-lazz: here is for kubuntu21:01
Peace-lazz: maybe #ubuntu21:01
Peace-has much more people that could answer you21:01
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Chet_USAIt's quiet in here.22:28
yofelsure is22:30
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nicklas_so tomorrow is the big day23:21
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voltyhi, kde-4.5.1, kubuntu-10.10, i remember i had context menu to speech a text in previous versions, how can I setup / fix this?23:36
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:47
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