
pooliehi wallyworld,thumper00:06
wallyworldpoolie: g'day00:06
lifelesswallyworld: so remember the query parameters thing00:06
StevenKwallyworld: O hai. How were your flights?00:06
wgrantMorning poolie.00:06
wallyworldlifeless: yeah00:06
lifelesswallyworld: matsubara says that oops-tools /should/ handle queries with parameters already substituted00:06
lifelesswallyworld: so the simplest thing is ok to do.00:07
wallyworldlifeless: \o/00:07
lifelessif it doesn't handle them, it has code to normalise that we can just fiddle with00:07
lifelesswallyworld: I thought that might make you happy ;)00:07
thumperhi poolie00:07
wallyworldlifeless: very, cause it means i already have the coding done :-)00:07
wallyworldi need to finish a couple of other things and then i'll get a mp up00:08
wallyworldStevenK: flights were good - had a spare seat next to me :-)00:08
* StevenK grumbles00:08
wallyworldStevenK: your flight was full then?00:09
StevenKSurprised they weren't people being asked to sit on others laps00:09
wallyworldwow. you fly to sydney and then cancerra?00:10
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: builds are not retrying at the moment | On call reviewer: - | reviewing: - | queue: [] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
StevenKwallyworld: Why would I do that?00:10
wallyworldStevenK: i thought you lived in canberra?00:10
StevenKwallyworld: Heh. No.00:10
* wallyworld should change his nic to rambo00:11
=== wallyworld is now known as rambo
ramboStevenK: don't mess with me00:16
lifelesstime to fire up a garbo job I think00:22
lifelessI feel the need to code00:23
lifelessthumper: do you know if there is a bug open about the 'edit' link for a reviewers prior vote taking you to a different page (vs ajaxing it up)00:30
thumperlifeless: not sure00:31
lifelessthumper: fyi 70721700:35
lifelessthats a bug number00:36
wgrantAnyone to review https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-707189-forgetful-copier/+merge/47341?00:36
lifelessI'll do it00:36
wgrantIt's pretty simple.00:36
lifelessthe unmerged revisions list is huge00:36
wgrantIt is, yes.00:36
wgrantI was wondering about that.00:36
lifelessI wonder if jtv's branchrevision change caused that?00:36
wgrantI presume so.00:37
lifelessit didn't look like it could00:37
wgrantNo, it didn't.00:37
wgrantBut I don't see what else it could be.00:37
wgrantWas going to investigate after getting this through.00:37
lifelesswgrant: while I read, care to file a bug, tagged regression00:37
lifeless(and thus critical)00:37
StevenKlifeless: I'm ready to +1 it, if you want to mentor my rewview00:38
lifelesswgrant: tweak00:41
lifelessStevenK: you need to read a little closer I think :)00:42
StevenK- distroarchseries=distroarchseries)00:42
StevenK26+ distroarchseries=arch)00:42
lifelessthats the actual bugfix00:42
StevenKwgrant: Isn't that supposed to be target_archs ?00:42
lifelessthe rest is sugar to make it clearer, and tests00:42
wgrantlifeless: Ugh, sorry, copied that from a test above.00:43
lifelesswgrant: I suspected :)00:43
wgrantStevenK: 'for arch in target_archs:' precedes that.00:43
lifelesswgrant: there may be others, that stood out to me00:43
wgrantStevenK: I could rename arch to target_arch, i suppose.00:43
wgrantlifeless: I deliberately fixed them all.00:43
StevenKwgrant: No, it's fine00:43
wgrantBut apparently not.00:43
wgrantlifeless: https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/forget-branchrevision-id/+merge/46955 <- in lib/lp/code/model/branchmergeproposal.py, the SourceRevision.branch_id == self.target_branch.id condition is new.00:45
wgrantnot bad timing.00:46
wgrantjtv: Morning.00:46
jtvhi wgrant!  Evening here.00:46
wgrantjtv: Any ideas on why https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-707189-forgetful-copier/+merge/47341? has lots of merged revisions listed as unmerged?00:47
wgrantThere is an extra condition that you added in getUnlandedSourceBranchRevisions.00:48
maxbwgrant: hi00:56
wgrantmaxb: How did you notice the lpia issue?00:56
wgrantI presume you don't actually have any lpia users.00:56
maxbanother package unexpectedly went to dependency-wait00:57
wgrantAh, of course.00:57
maxbYou're right, if it had been a leaf package, I'd never have noticed :-)00:57
LPCIBotProject devel build (388): FAILURE in 5 hr 27 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/388/01:13
lifelessI wonder if we can get rid of the tree structure of messages for bugs01:16
lifelessit seems to add significant overhead01:16
wgrantThe librarian failures have now shown up on Hudson.01:17
poolielifeless, it would give me a warm glow if you run and like Wrested01:17
poolienot necessarily right now01:17
james_whi poolie01:17
lifelesspoolie: I've put it in my toys to play with box01:17
james_wpoolie, did you start a new library?01:17
lifelessthat box is a little full right now though :(01:17
pooliehi james_w01:17
lifeless'win' https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/388/changes01:18
thumperI'm slightly confused01:19
thumperI remember in dallas removing a PPA from a recipe and having it work01:20
thumperbut now it doesn't01:20
thumperand according to the source, it shouldn't have worked before01:20
lifelessabentley: (trying to rule stuff out) did you land your translations patch via ec2 land, or direct ?01:20
thumperand I don't know why it did01:20
pooliejames_w, i did start a new library01:21
pooliei think it currently imports something from txrestfulclient but not very much01:21
pooliei don't mean any disrespect01:21
pooliei just wanted to start from zero so i could understand what was happening01:22
poolielplib has kind of a lot of layering between the app and what's on the wire01:22
pooliei would be happy to turn this into a patch to txrestfulclient etc01:22
pooliebut it will probably change the apis a lot01:22
james_wright, I've just seen your mail01:22
james_w(twice, sorry)01:25
poolienp, thanks01:28
poolieturning them into lower and higher layers could be good01:29
pooliei still think getting an object and then separately populating it is likely to cause bugs01:29
pooliebut imbw01:29
james_wthat's what I meant by using this as the building blocks, sorry for not being clear01:30
james_wthat was me trying to keep it familiar to people who had used lplib, but that wasn't the right approach01:30
poolieare there enough users of txrestfulclient at the moment that we need to worry about keeping it's api stable?01:32
poolie(that probably is true for launchpadlib for example)01:32
rambothumper: if a branch has a sourcepackage, did we want to include the source package's linked_branches in the related branches list?01:38
thumperrambo: maybe?01:39
ramboand if yes, then do we need to collect the linked_branches for each sourcepackage in product.distrosourcepackages when the branch is a product branch?01:39
rambowould be good to have a proper dataset to try it on01:40
ramboStevenK: can we have a mumble chat?01:47
StevenKrambo: Sure01:57
ramboStevenK: see you at the Blue Oyster01:58
rambos/Blue Oyster/Blue Room01:58
StevenKrambo: You're tempting me to find a clip of the Blue Oyster Bar music01:58
* rambo LOL01:59
lifeless84 /  192  BugTask:+index is back at ze top02:00
ramboStevenK: you got cold feet?02:01
StevenKrambo: Sorry, you're breaking up very badly02:04
* rambo :-(02:04
lifelesswgrant: OOPS-1850PPA100402:11
huwshimiDoes anyone know where the javascript is that handles the advanced search? I've been told it exists, but I can't see it anywhere.02:16
lifelesshuwshimi: what javascript ?02:17
lifelesshuwshimi: its a form submission02:17
lifeless(which is why the url is terrible; stock html forms don't know about 'optional' fields.)02:17
huwshimilifeless: This is what is confusing me.02:18
jtvwgrant: sorry urgent stuff elsewhere… don't know what's wrong with that MP you pointed out, but could it be that the branch came off devel?  It's proposed for merging into db-devel.02:19
lifelesshuwshimi: you're talking about e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs?advanced=102:19
huwshimilifeless: Yeah02:19
lifelessjtv: lp:launchpad is devel these days02:19
huwshimilifeless: so I'm having a look at simplifying those urls and now I see that the suggestion wasn't to modify the javascript but rather to add it :)02:20
lifelesshuwshimi: :)02:20
lifelessman, we have a tonne of boilerplate in the source for that page02:20
lifelesswe redefine make_picker for each person picker instance on the page :)02:20
lifeless:( :( :(02:21
huwshimilifeless: Thanks. There was a reason I couldn't find it beyond my lack of familiarity with the source02:21
lifelessyeah, it doesn't exist :>02:21
=== rambo is now known as wallyworld
wallyworldthumper: just talked with stevenk, will include link_branches off the context branch's sourcepackage in the related branches list02:33
thumperwallyworld: ok02:41
lifelessok, i'm going crazy02:43
lifelesswhats the difference between02:45
lifelessother than spelling02:45
lifeless... one is in browser code02:47
* thumper wandesr off03:04
* thumper needs coffee badly03:04
* StevenK blinks at his new MP including lots of unmerged revs05:27
wgrantStevenK: We believe that it's fallout from jtv's BranchRevision.id changes a couple of days back.05:40
wgrantI haven't investigated thoroughly.05:40
StevenKThat makes a vague sort of sense05:40
StevenKthumper: rofl:05:44
StevenK        # XXX MichaelHudson 2010-01-13: Write _mergeSourcePackageRecipes!05:44
StevenK        #self._mergeSourcePackageRecipes(cur, from_id, to_id))05:44
lifelessStevenK: so, I think you're changing the wrong part of the system06:12
lifelessStevenK: I've suggested a better change in the review.06:12
lifelessStevenK: the red flag that went off was 'filtering in python'06:12
StevenKYou haven't yet, it seems06:12
StevenKlifeless: I'm about to head out, but I would like to get the interval request_daily_builds runs at down to 10 minutes, which I think is sufficent to not really worry with more granularity06:14
lifelessStevenK: why 10 minutes? whats the overall goal here.06:15
StevenKOut of time, sorry06:15
lifelesslater then06:15
lifelessanyhow, my comment applies regardless of the granularity06:15
LPCIBotProject devel build (389): STILL FAILING in 5 hr 5 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/389/06:19
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=abentley][ui=none][bug=705197] Replaces use of storm.base.Storm06:19
LPCIBotwith a new class, Stormbase,06:19
LPCIBotwhich descends from base.Storm but adds SQLObject's __storm methods.06:19
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=deryck][ui=none][no-qa] Migrate translations to new API06:19
* huwshimi signs off06:54
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
adeuringgood morning08:32
al-maisanmoin adeuring :)08:56
adeuringhi al-maisan!08:57
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: builds are not retrying at the moment | On call reviewer: gmb | reviewing: - | queue: [] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
Ursinhagood morning launchpad11:28
jmlUrsinha: good morning.11:37
=== leonardr changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: builds are not retrying at the moment | On call reviewer: gmb, leonardr | reviewing: - | queue: [] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
deryckMorning, all.12:03
* gmb lunches12:28
jcsackettmorning, all.13:56
bacbenji: do you have a prefered day to do OCR?  since i'll be mentoring you we'll both need to commit to that day.  my slot is currently friday.14:00
deryckadeuring, ping for standup14:02
adeuringoops, thanks14:02
adeuringabentley: I'm pushing lp:~adeuring/launchpad/translation-fixing3 to LP righ now14:19
dpm_hi jml, quick question: if I want to know in more detail how the LP api docs are generated and published, who should I best talk to?14:25
leonardrdpm_: i can help you14:25
dpm_leonardr, ah, great.14:26
dpm_leonardr, I've got a few questions on that, let me send you an e-mail.14:27
abentleyadeuring, ack14:42
jcsackettwhere can one lookup what the timeout thresholds are for qastaging/staging?14:44
jmljcsackett: good questions14:45
flacostejml: my calendar still show the product stand-up, i thought you changed it yesterday, google brokeness or you reverted that devision?14:45
jmlflacoste: starting next week14:45
flacostejcsackett: lp:lp-production-configs14:46
flacostejml: ok!14:46
jcsackettflacoste: thanks.14:46
jmlflacoste: you are welcome to join us.14:46
sinzuisalgado: do you have time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/launchpad/recipe-find-related-branches/+merge/4736714:51
salgadosinzui, sure. can it be after my lunch?14:51
sinzuiI think that will be fine. wallyworld is asleep for the next few hours14:52
salgadocool; I'll do it then14:52
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
bigjoolsjml: hi15:13
jmlbigjools: hi. on a call atm.15:14
bigjoolsah ok, will wait around15:14
bigjoolsjml: so when you're off your call I could do with some help fixing an ec2/paramiko problem, it can't find my ssh keys :(15:28
jmlbigjools: how can I help you15:28
jmlbigjools: ahh.15:28
bigjoolsheh, snap15:29
bigjoolsI figured you're a knowledgeable chap15:29
jmlbigjools: can you paste the error?15:29
bigjoolsec2: ERROR: You must have an ssh agent running with keys installed that will allow the script to access Launchpad and get your branch.15:29
jmlI know some things15:29
bigjoolsif I run the paramiko code it uses, I can re-create.  get_keys() returns nowt.15:29
bigjoolsI do have an ssh agent running15:29
jmlbigjools: what keys are in the agent?15:30
bigjoolsoh god, do I need to manually ssh-add them? .... :/15:30
jmlbigjools: umm... I don't *think* so.15:30
jmlbigjools: ssh-add -l should list15:30
bigjoolsI just did ssh-add and it works now15:30
jmlit ought to just get them from... somewhere15:31
leonardrgmb, or anyone else who wants an easy branch to review: https://code.launchpad.net/~leonardr/lazr.restful/web-link-wadl/+merge/4740415:31
* jml feels embarrassed for not knowing15:31
bigjoolsit ought to15:31
gmbleonardr: Sure, I'll take easy work.15:31
bigjoolsthis is my maiden ec2 run15:31
jmlbigjools: I can't recall manually adding a key using ssh-add on this laptop15:31
bigjoolsit might be an artefact of using kubuntu15:32
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: builds are not retrying at the moment | On call reviewer: gmb, leonardr | reviewing: leonardr, - | queue: [] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
maxbNormally you need to ssh-add keys if you're using ssh-agent15:32
jmlbigjools: maybe. your key is in ~/.ssh/id_[rd]sa(.pub)?, right?15:32
bigjoolsthat's what I thought too15:32
* gmb thinks that we need a better way to maintain state on the review queue than using the topic. There's too much of it to be helpful in this channel.15:32
maxbLater Ubuntu's gnome keyring stuff does weird stuff, which I carefully turn off15:32
bigjoolsjml: yes15:33
jmlmaxb: maybe that's it.15:33
bigjoolsyou'd think that paramiko would look in ~/.ssh15:33
jcsackettgmb: yes.15:33
jcsacketti was noting that yesterday.15:33
gmbjcsackett: I'll mail the list about it after I've done this review. Maybe we should just use +activereviews and claim reviews as we start them.15:34
jmlgmb: that seems a sensible approach.15:35
gmbYay, I said something that made sense. The jet lag must be receding.15:35
* gmb waits for the obvious rejoinder15:36
bigjoolsI am all out of joke juice this morning15:40
gmbleonardr: In your diff it looks like there's a missing or extra single quote:15:43
gmb113+      <param style="plain" name="web_link" path="$[web_link']"15:43
gmb(specifically $[web_link'])15:43
leonardrgmb, thanks15:43
gmbleonardr: r=me.15:48
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: builds are not retrying at the moment | On call reviewer: leonardr | reviewing: - | queue: [] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
* gmb goes off call15:48
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
jcsackettsinzui: do you recall where one finds oops logs for qastaging?16:23
sinzuijcsackett: yes16:29
sinzuijcsackett: https://devpad.canonical.com/~lpqateam/ contains the reports we are gathering and the historical reports16:29
jcsackettsinzui: ah, thanks.16:30
* jcsackett bookmarks16:30
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
adeuringhenninge_: can you give me a hint how to replace the call of updateTranslation() in stories/standalone/xx-translationmessage-translate.txt?16:44
jcsackettsinzui: any notion where the raw oops files go? i recall you pointing it out to me once. i need to fetch a particular oops that happened on qastaging while i was qaing.16:55
jcsacketti want to make certain my branch is not the cause.16:55
sinzuijcsackett: yes, somewhere in var16:55
sinzuiI can look in a minute16:55
jcsackettsinzui: i can dig through var, just needed to narrow it down from /17:02
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
jcsackettsinzui: found what i needed, thanks. :-)17:18
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
brycehderyck, we're seeing Return of the Living Unknown with bug #70747817:21
_mup_Bug #707478: Freedesktop bug watches are (incorrectly) updated with "importance unknown" <Launchpad itself:Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/707478 >17:21
deryckbryceh, ah, that sucks.17:21
* deryck looks more closely at the bug17:21
=== benji is now known as benji-lunch
deryckbryceh, so if this just appeared today, I would guess something suddenly changed in the upstream tracker, as you noted in the bug.17:27
deryckbryceh, did you notice anything upstream that seems different?17:27
brycehderyck, no, however my upstream cgi tool thingee quit working about a month ago17:28
brycehwhich I suspect was due to upstream changes to their new bug form17:28
* bryceh goes to look17:29
deryckbryceh, if you can spare the time to hunt down what's changed upstream, and dump it in the bug, that bug gets seriously easier to fix.17:29
bryceh<brian> bryyce: Do you know why all these bug watches are getting their importance set to unknown?17:35
bryceh<kees> was just going to ask about that -- it looks like a bug in the gnome bugzilla status parser?17:35
jmlbenji, gary_poster: wikipedia's zope article has this sentence: "BlueBream (earlier called Zope 3) is less widespread but underlies several large sites, including Launchpad"17:36
jmlI'm not quite sure what to make of it :)17:36
gary_posteruntil we get rid of zope.app.*, I'd say they have a point, jml :-)17:37
=== bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: leonardr | reviewing: - | queue: [] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!17:42
LPCIBotProject devel build (390): FIXED in 4 hr 59 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/390/17:42
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
bigjoolshow freakin awesome is this https://code.launchpad.net/+daily-builds - 250!17:53
jmlbigjools: that is pretty good :)18:02
jmlI like that it goes down to 158 when you select "last 30 days". Software is hard.18:03
bigjoolsit's been about 1 year since we started the daily builds project18:03
bigjoolsthe hard bit went surprisingly quickly18:04
bigjoolsthen the niggles came18:04
jmlincidentally, we really need to display lists of data better than that.18:04
leonardrhey, gary18:06
leonardra while ago i had a lazr problem with tests picking up the system libraries instead of the libraries in the source tree i was testing18:06
leonardryou fixed this by changing the [interpreter] recipe to z3c.recipe.scripts18:06
leonardri believe you helped me fix lazr.restful18:06
leonardri'm having the same problem with lazr.restfulclient now, and i can't figure out the solution18:07
=== benji-lunch is now known as benji
brycehderyck, well, dunno if this has to do with the Importance bug, but I sorted out the problem with my upload tool - had to switch from POSTing the data to bz, to doing it via GET18:12
gary_posterleonardr: I didn't fix lazr.restful18:13
dobeyhow often is loggerhead updated for bazaar.launchpad.net?18:13
gary_posterIt is using a recipe that isn't upgraded to the new stuff18:13
gary_posterlazr.restfulclient should be easier18:13
deryckbryceh, hmm, ok.  likely not causing the importance issue, but could be related to the same change.18:13
brycehderyck, https://bugs.freedesktop.org/page.cgi?id=release-notes.html isn't mentioning anything obvious to have to do with that change18:13
gary_posterleonardr: zc.recipe.egg -> z3c.recipe.scripts, and then use the new zc.buildout18:14
gary_poster(1.5.2 IIRC)18:14
deryckbryceh, I'll triage it, and hopefully someone on one of the maintenance teams can take a look.18:14
brycehderyck, also btw kees' assumption of breakage with gnome bugzilla turned out to be a false positive one we investigated.  So this seems localized to the fdo bz18:14
leonardrgary: i think i'm stuck on "use the new zc.buildout". how?18:15
deryckbryceh, ok, thanks18:15
brycehderyck, thanks.18:15
gary_posterleonardr: 1) versions.cfg 2) new bootstrap.py 3) maybe update Makefile if it seems to refer to a specific version of buildout when it calls bootstrap18:16
leonardrok, trying it18:17
jmllifeless: what steps are left for removing our dependence on z.testing layers?18:17
jml(it seems a thing I can tug away at in my spare hacking time)18:17
leonardrgary: i'm going to paste this stuff in rather than try to try to figure out exactly what's going on18:19
leonardrThe version, 1.2.3b2, is not consistent with the requirement, 'zc.recipe.egg>=1.3.0'.18:19
leonardrah, maybe i figured it out18:19
leonardrgary: i got it to work, but only with allow-picked-versions=true. what do i need to do now?18:22
gary_posterleonardr: figure out the versions that are being used, and update them in versions.cfg.  To figure out, ./bin/buildout -vv | grep 'Picked:' .  I usually then sort the output in Python or my editor or something18:23
gary_poster(and remove dupes)18:23
leonardrgary, thanks a lot18:24
gary_posternp leonardr18:24
jmljelmer: btw, what was the RT for the bzr/bzr-builder stuff for the buildds?18:26
leonardrgary: i can now run buildout but i'm still getting the error. i'm going to try completely form scratch, but any other ideas?18:26
gary_posterleonardr: still what error?  you mean, finding some package or other?18:27
* gary_poster has call in 318:27
leonardrgary: when i run the tests it still uses the local packages18:27
* leonardr can work on something else, np18:27
gary_posterleonardr: put branch up somewhere and tell me what it is and I will look18:28
leonardri think there's a bootstrap.py problem18:28
gary_posterah, may be18:28
jcsackettleonardr: i have some  more questions from what i was asking you about yesterday. have some time?18:36
leonardrjcsackett, sure18:37
jcsackettleonardr: so, i ran with pdb in the section of _resource you recommended, and it's entering there but skipping the "if IClient..." bit.18:38
jcsackettdigging in, i discovered that webservice_error only works on exceptions raised by the exported method. but i've set the exported method to reraise, and still no dice. thoughts?18:39
jcsackettleonardr: if mumble is better for you than irc, let me know. this does get muddled in text form. :-P18:39
leonardrgary, whenever you have time, lp:~leonardr/lazr.restfulclient/test-218:46
leonardrok, jcsackett...18:46
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
jcsackettleonardr: yeah. lot of info to parse. feel free to force me to give it in smaller chunks. :-)18:46
leonardrjcsackett: try calling lazr.restful.error.expose on the exception before re-raising18:51
leonardrwe seem to have switched to a system where individual exceptions must be marked--i don't remember this code18:52
jcsackettleonardr: got it in one. i had been told to avoid expose in the past, and evidently i then forgot about it. thanks for the reminder.18:54
* jml dinner19:12
lifelessjml: graph optmisation for fixtures19:14
jmllifeless: which I guess depends on a declarative syntax for fixtures.19:15
lifelessjml: I don't think it does19:15
* jml blinks19:15
lifelessI think it depends on an external dependency graph api to be exposed by fixtures19:15
bigjoolslifeless: morning19:16
jmllifeless: hmm. I think I remember you talking about this before and me not quite understanding.19:16
lifelesshi bigjools19:16
jmllifeless: I will consult my archives.19:17
jmllifeless: meanwhile, I solicit your feedback on https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/70752419:17
_mup_Bug #707524: Debugging branch access problems requires running custom scripts against live data <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/707524 >19:17
bigjoolslifeless: I've been experimenting with queries/schemas and adding the debversion_sort_key as a column turns a 350ms query into a 200ms one on dogfood.  I'm going to prepare a schema patch in advance of code changes if you still agree it's a good direction?19:17
lifelessjml: I will look at that shortly19:27
lifelessbigjools: I think that that is a conservative denormalisation we should be able to trivially keep synced which can offer significant performance benefits19:28
lifelessbigjools: e.g. 'fine by me'19:28
lifelessbigjools: I'm going to send a mail this morning as perf tuesday wrapup talking about the analysis I did on this19:29
bigjoolsonce we get the new column I can stick an index on it as well19:29
lifelessthere may be other such cross-table situations where we have missed the actual cost19:29
lifelessbigjools: what is binarypackagename for ?19:29
gary_posterleonardr: The bootstrap you have in test-2 is  not right.  use the one from launchpadlib19:30
bigjoolslifeless: in what context?19:30
lifelessLaunchpads db schema19:30
bigjoolsit, er, stores binary package names :)19:30
leonardrgary: i'm pretty sure i did that before i pushed. let me double check19:30
leonardrobviously i did something wrong if you're not seeing that though19:30
gary_posteron call again :-P19:30
lifelessbigjools: why ;) - was it simply 'well thats third normal form', or something deeper ?19:31
lifelessI need to go cook breakfast19:31
lifelessback shortly19:31
bigjoolslifeless: it's been like that since well before my time - I assume it was to save db space19:31
lifelessbigjools: note that if it was inlined into binary package release we could sort from index19:32
lifeless(even without a debversion_sort_key column)19:32
lifeless(we probably would want a debversion_sort_key column still)19:33
bigjoolsyes, it's effectively pre-caching the result of a slow function19:33
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
lifelessbigjools: sinzui: bug 707478 - would one of you like to nab this as a zomg situation ?20:04
_mup_Bug #707478: Freedesktop bug watches are (incorrectly) updated with "importance unknown" <bugwatch> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/707478 >20:04
lifelessderyck: hey20:05
lifelessderyck: wondering if you can help me figure out how to qa the front of the queue20:06
sinzuiI do not think this is ready to code yet. No one on my team could start this until it is clear what has to change.20:06
bigjoolssame here - I am on my own until tomorrow when Gavin is around, he could look then if it can wait20:06
derycklifeless, hey, let me look at the queue and see.20:07
lifelessso, on operational issues, I don't know that waiting for RTC makes a lot of sense : there is investigation needed for sure, but thats no different to needing to do db analysis when figuring out teamparticipation corruption, for instance.20:07
lifelessflacoste: what do you think?20:08
=== henninge_ is now known as heninge
=== heninge is now known as henninge
flacostelifeless: i'd agree, but at the same time, i think it makes sense to leave that for allenap to look at tomorrow20:09
sinzuijcsackett: you question-state bug might be one test and one guard, but is `./bin/test -vvc -m lp.answers` fails, talk to me20:09
derycklifeless, we usually mark checkwatches bugs qa-untestable.  With some trackers -- maybe mantis is one -- we can run checkwatches from staging.  Sometimes we get odd connection issues with this.  usually to do with ssl, IIRC.20:09
flacosteunless someone is ready to start something fresh20:10
jcsackettsinzui: dig. thanks.20:10
flacostein which case, they could start, but they'd likely to have to talk to allenap or gmb at this point20:10
lifelessderyck: so I might mark this qa-untestable then20:11
flacostelifeless, deryck: we have a long-standing RT to set-up some bug trackers for QA purpose20:11
flacosteit sat very high the queue20:11
SpamapS"Bug watch updates for Red Hat Bugzilla are disabled.20:11
flacostebut we never got to it20:11
SpamapS:( how come?20:11
lifelessderyck: does that seem ok ?20:11
lifelessbigjools: would it be ok with you if we assign this fdo bug to allenap ?20:12
bigjoolsyep, I was going to suggest it20:13
lifelessSpamapS: dunno.20:13
bigjoolslifeless: what; the bug?  I'll do it20:13
_mup_Bug #707478: Freedesktop bug watches are (incorrectly) updated with "importance unknown" <bugwatch> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/707478 >20:13
derycklifeless, yes, that seems fine with me.20:14
deryckflacoste, we never got that RT finished off because it required coordination with LOSAs and they never responded on it before we moved on to other work, so I never pushed it further.20:14
flacostederyck: we meant losa in this case20:15
lifelessbigjools: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/660433 - I'm inclined to untestable that as well20:15
_mup_Bug #660433: lucid support timeframe information not updated for NEW packages in lucid-updates <lp-soyuz> <qa-needstesting> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by allenap> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/660433 >20:15
lifelessbigjools: but I don't have a deep enough understanding of this area to be sure that that is wise :)20:16
bigjoolslifeless: that's perfectly testable on DF20:16
lifelessbigjools: ah! what is required to test it ?20:16
bigjoolsI usually get pitti to do an upload, run the publisher, then ask him to look at the Packages file20:16
lifelessok, so in principle we could do on qas once we have an archive for it20:17
bigjoolsplease don't skip QA on publisher changes :)20:17
lifelessbigjools: this is cron.germinate20:20
lifelessdoes it actually need an upload at all ?20:20
bigjoolsyes, or the publisher has nothing to do20:20
lifelessit looks like it will do work regardless20:20
lifelessbigjools: would an upload to universe be sufficient ?20:21
bigjoolsit will, but it depends on whether new input is needed20:21
bigjoolsI am not very familiar with the changes20:21
lifelesshttps://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/launchpad/support-timeframe-fix-660433/+merge/38503 - the english at the top is reasonably clear20:21
lifelesspackages that come into NEW20:22
lifelesswere not getting support timeframe set correctly20:22
bigjoolsok it's going to change existing stuff20:22
lifelessAFAICT we could just run it20:23
lifelessand diff the more-extras.override files20:23
bigjoolsI'll do it20:24
bigjoolsit doesn't make it clear what the expected changes are though20:25
leonardrgary, still the same problem: lp:~leonardr/lazr.restfulclient/test-220:25
lifelessbigjools: thanks!20:26
lifelessbigjools: its changing from suite=`$LAUNCHPADROOT/scripts/ftpmaster-tools/lp-query-distro.py development`20:27
lifelessSUITES=`$LAUNCHPADROOT/scripts/ftpmaster-tools/lp-query-distro.py supported`20:28
lifelessso the big thing AFAICT is that a) its going to take significantly longer and b) rewrite frozen distros20:28
lifelessand its doing this because NEW packages in lucid are not getting support durations exported20:29
lifelessI am assuming that the ubuntu 'development' series is 'supported' too20:30
lifelessotherwise it seems buggy ><20:30
gary_posterleonardr: zc.recipe.testrunner needs to be updated too, because it generates bin/test.  I will try it and then confirm if that helps.20:30
bigjoolslifeless: so re-writing overrides for older series will make no difference20:31
bigjoolsbecause the next invocation of the publisher will ignore them20:31
bigjoolswe never, ever change stuff on released series, other than -updates etc.  I'm not sure if this is what he intended.20:31
bigjoolslifeless: I want to wait to speak to him before saying this is ok, because it needs two publisher runs.  Germinate sets up data that the following publisher run uses.20:32
lifelessbigjools: does that mean we also need to change the publisher to not ignore changes to the overrides ?20:34
* lifeless can see significant overheads arriving20:35
lifelessbigjools: should we roll this patch out then, if its going to stall ?20:35
bigjoolslifeless: 1. no, no and thrice no.  2. the patch is not for the nodowntime set so it won't break anything if you mark it untestable on the provisio we look at it before the next rollout20:36
lifeless1. I meant rollback, not deploy ;)20:37
bigjoolsand I meant you don't need to do that20:37
bigjoolsnot right now anyway20:37
lifelessso, I propose to:20:38
lifeless - mark it untestable20:38
lifeless - file a new bug saying that we have this time bomb20:38
bigjoolsthe code will never run anywhere except cocofigpineapplecumquat20:38
lifeless - assign it to you, mail mvo, and cross every available limb20:38
lifelesshow does that sound?20:38
bigjoolsI'll co-ordinate with him to do tests20:39
bigjoolswhen's our next rollout date?20:39
UrsinhaFeb 9, I guess20:39
gary_posterleonardr: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/558269/ then it works for me (bin/test passes)20:39
bigjoolsdid you like the cat video?20:40
Ursinhabigjools, I had a hard time laughing20:40
lifelesshuh, no 2011 calendar20:40
lifelessI was sure edwin made one20:40
lifelessbigjools: while you are around, http://launchpad.net/bugs/70718920:41
_mup_Bug #707189: Architecture-independent direct copies can sometimes forget to copy some architectures <qa-needstesting> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by wgrant> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/707189 >20:41
bigjoolslifeless: actually looking at the merge again, I think his intent is only to set the timeframe data for new stuff in old releases20:42
lifelessbigjools: If I understand correctly I could qa that via the web UI ?20:42
lifelessbigjools: yes, thats his intent20:42
bigjoolslifeless: yes, copy an arch-indep package w/rebuild, and make sure it creates builds for all three PPA archictectures (which means copying a hardy package)20:42
thumperflacoste: hey20:43
bigjoolslifeless: so the patch is fine - but I'll test it with him anyway since I don't want to fuck anything up with the publisher20:43
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thumperflacoste: I'm digging into more lazrjs widgets today20:43
lifelessbigjools: so NEW stuff will honour overrides?20:44
bigjoolslifeless: yes20:44
thumperflacoste: the multiline text editor needs some work, which I'm going to do20:44
lifelessgreat, my knowledge expands :)20:44
bigjoolslifeless: because it lives in -updates20:44
thumperflacoste: I want to get it to the same state as the picker widget, so you just render the widget and it all works20:44
thumperflacoste: which isn't the case right now20:44
bigjoolslifeless: only the release pocket is frozen20:44
flacostethumper: that sounds very good!20:48
lifelessbigjools: bug 707630 for your qa pleasure20:48
_mup_Bug #707630: qa needed for cron.germinate changes in rev 12250 <Launchpad itself:Triaged by julian-edwards> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/707630 >20:48
lifelessbigjools: so from hardy to hardy? or from hardy to lucid would work (https://launchpad.net/bugs/707189)20:51
_mup_Bug #707189: Architecture-independent direct copies can sometimes forget to copy some architectures <qa-needstesting> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by wgrant> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/707189 >20:51
bigjoolslifeless: you need a series that has lpia in it - hardy does20:52
bigjools(the target series)20:52
bigjoolslifeless: well, anything up to karmic is ok20:53
lifelessso arch indep only generates i386 though?20:54
cody-somervilleDoes launchpad use mod_xsendfile by any chance?20:56
cody-somervillefor files served from the librarian, does the web server read and stream the file or the launchpad librarian web app do that?20:58
lifelessthe librarian daemon serves on http20:58
lifelessthe squid front end caches20:58
lifelessand the apache front end does ssl20:58
lifelesswhich web server of those three are you asking about ?20:58
lifelessoh, and the haproxy does load balancing20:59
cody-somervillelifeless, Were the issues with serving files from the librarian caused by timeouts in the librarian daemon?21:00
lifelesscody-somerville: what issues?21:00
cody-somervillelifeless, the timeouts21:00
lifelesscody-somerville: I don't know what you're talking about21:00
lifelessbug #?21:00
cody-somervillelifeless, I'll look it up, one second.21:01
lifelessbigjools: I think I'll wait for wgrant, my understanding here isn't sufficient for me to be confident21:02
bigjoolslifeless: it's trivial to test21:02
lifelessbigjools: I'd expect a source copy of an arch-all package to only make an i386 build21:02
lifelessbigjools: I copied langpack-locales from my hardy ppa to https://qastaging.launchpad.net/~bzr-beta-ppa/+archive/obsolete/+packages21:03
bigjoolslifeless: yes, but it needs publishing entries in all arches21:03
lifelessbigjools: that requires a buildd to build it first, right ? :)21:03
bigjoolssorry I was confusing you earlier by saying builds, I should have said "builds published"21:04
bigjoolsit does21:04
lifelessconfusion corrected.21:04
bigjoolsI can update dogfood21:04
lifelessand we don't have a buildd for qastaging yet21:04
bigjoolsthen we can do it there21:04
lifelessbigjools: that would be great, I don't think the patch has propogated to staging yet21:04
lifelessabentley: your patch has had a good test run with buildbot, FYI21:05
bigjoolslifeless: so I can easily QA his change but it would be nice to spread some knowledge, I can take you through it if you want21:10
cody-somervillelifeless, I can't find the particular bug at the moment but I know you helped fix what ever was wrong :P21:12
cody-somervillelifeless, anyhow, was just curious if you guys used it21:12
abentleylifeless, I saw that.  Also saw that the bug is looking not buildbot-specific.21:13
lifelessabentley: yeah21:14
lifelessabentley: which is both good and bad21:14
lifelessbigjools: I'd like that21:14
bigjoolslifeless: ok just bringing up DF with newest code21:15
lifelesscody-somerville: are you thinking of the apport incident months ago?21:15
bigjoolslifeless: do you know off hand if the revision made it to db-devel et?21:15
cody-somervillelifeless, no, thinking of the timeouts when accessing files from the private librarian21:15
lifelessbigjools: I haven't looked21:15
lifelesscody-somerville: that would be apport then21:15
lifelesscody-somerville: so the 'timeouts' are also known as 'firewall rules' :)21:16
lifelesscody-somerville: or if you go far enough back, we were serving private librarian content via the front end app servers21:16
lifelesscody-somerville: so what would happen is this:21:16
lifeless - request for a 100MB (or whatever) file hits zope21:17
lifeless - zope copies it from the librarian21:17
lifeless - its not in the OS page cache so disk IO happens21:17
lifeless - request times out21:17
lifelessonce its in the OS page cache the copy to the zope server was fast enough that things would work, but that could take multiple requests21:17
lifelesswhat we do know is have the appserver issue a redirect when someone is authorised to access a private file21:18
lifelesscody-somerville: anyhow, no, we don't use sendfile21:20
lifelessno particular urge to do so either21:20
cody-somervilleI just figure apache2 is probably pretty good at reading and streaming files. ;)21:21
lifelesscody-somerville: so is twisted21:21
lifelesscody-somerville: and twisted can do our token authentication checks directly rather than having a somewhat awkward external helper to write21:22
lifelesscody-somerville: as well as the mapping from url to disk (which is db dependant)21:22
cody-somervillelifeless, you can do that with xsendfile too21:22
cody-somervillelifeless, your python app can do authentication and what ever and then send the x-send-file header to have apache take over and handle the heavy lifting let your app get back to other things21:23
lifelesscody-somerville: what we have now works great; and given how average apache2 actually is at serving from disk, I'm really not inclined to fiddle.21:23
cody-somervillelifeless, no disagreement.21:23
leonardrabentley, do you want me to review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/translation-fixing4/+merge/47461 or did you deliberately give it to deryck and henninge?21:30
abentleyleonardr, I want henninge to review it.21:31
leonardrok, just checking21:31
* leonardr has had a lonely tenure as ocr today21:31
abentleyleonardr, I know the feeling.  But I want hennninge to review it, because I'm rewriting translations tests and I want him to make sure I'm not changing their meaning.21:32
leonardrgot it21:33
thumperleonardr: how do I get the exported_as attribute out of a exported field from the Interface21:37
thumperleonardr: for example if I have ISomeInterface['fieldname']21:37
leonardrthumper: you'll probably need to root around in the annotations. why do you need this?21:39
thumperleonardr: I'm wanting to pass the interface field through to the lazrjs text editing widgets like we do for the popup21:39
thumperleonardr: so we don't have to explicitly specify the exported name, and accept empty values21:39
thumperleonardr: ideally I want to have it automatically generate the text to show too21:40
thumperleonardr: I'm refactoring the lazrjs text widgets21:40
thumperto make them more magic and awesomer21:40
leonardrthumper: one complication comes from the fact that a single field may have multiple exported_as attributes in different versions. of course, you'll want the 'devel' name...21:41
leonardrthumper: this should get you in the vicinity21:43
thumperleonardr: ok, thanks21:44
leonardrno, i wasn't done21:44
leonardrthat wasj ust me thinking, here's the actual helpful part:21:44
lifelessanyone ever seen '__storm_table__ missing' in a SQLBase child class ?21:44
lifelesshas me a little flummoxed21:44
lifelessfigured it out.21:45
leonardrthumper: sorry, my head is abuzz with ideas. let's nail down what we want21:45
leonardryou have ISomeInterface['fieldname'], which is exported_as('fieldname2')21:45
lifelessI was returning BugMessage.bug, had to return BugMessage.bugID21:45
thumperleonardr: yes,21:45
thumperleonardr: IProduct['programminglang'] in fact21:46
leonardryou are writing some python that takes as an argument the Field object ISomeInterface['fieldname']21:46
leonardris that right?21:46
leonardrok. one way of doing this would be to find the IEntry adapter corresponding to IProduct21:47
leonardrthis would be called something like IProductEntry_devel21:47
leonardrbut i think there's a simpler way to do it21:47
leonardrgive this a try and see what you get21:48
leonardrcall .queryTaggedValue(LAZR_WEBSERVICE_EXPORTED) on IProduct['programminglang']21:49
leonardrL_W_E is a constant you can import from lazr.restful.declarations21:49
leonardrthumper -^21:50
* thumper tries21:50
leonardryou can get IProductEntry_devel by calling EntryAdapterUtility.forSchemaInterface(IProduct, request)21:50
leonardrbut then you have the opposite problem--how to see which field was originally called 'programminglang'21:51
leonardrhowever, i do see code that does that:21:51
leonardr                    tagged_values = field.getTaggedValue(21:51
leonardr                        'lazr.restful.exported')21:51
leonardr                    original_name = tagged_values['original_name']21:51
thumper<lazr.restful.utils.VersionedDict object at 0x3e5f810>21:52
leonardrok, we can do this21:52
leonardrwhat's its items? it should have ['as'], and that should be the value you're looking for21:52
thumperI get 'programminglang' from the versioned dict21:52
thumper'as' is a simple string value21:53
thumperwhich is 'programming_lang'21:53
thumperwhich seems right21:53
thumperbut what about the problem with devel vs other versions?21:53
leonardrthumper: it's fine. we are always using the latest version, and the default state of a VersionedDict is for the latest version's values to be on top21:54
thumperon top?21:54
leonardra VersionedDict is a stack of dicts21:54
leonardrwith bleedthrough21:54
thumperhow can I see the stack?21:55
thumperjust for my interest21:55
* leonardr checks21:55
leonardrthumper: it's available as .stack21:55
leonardrthumper: we have a EntryAdapterUtility to hide this kind of detail (getTaggedValue) when it comes to the generated IEntry interfaces21:57
leonardrwe should consider adding a similar utility to manage the tags on the source interfaces21:57
thumperI'll go with this for a first cut refactoring21:58
leonardrmatsubara, do you need a review? i'm eod but i can do one if it's quick22:13
matsubaraleonardr, yes, I'm writing the mp. just a sec.22:13
lifelesswgrant: hi?22:13
matsubaraleonardr, https://code.launchpad.net/~matsubara/oops-tools/fix-graphs/+merge/4747022:14
matsubaraso basically the script I added is a python script that replaces the bash script in devpad. It uses the new report objects to generate the reports rather than calling the analyse script. (which I'm going to deprecate once I get rid of all of the scripts/cronjobs using it)22:17
leonardrmatsubara: what kind of dsl is that in the setup.py?22:17
matsubaraleonardr, dsl?22:18
leonardr'graph_report = oopstools.scripts.graph_report:main',22:18
leonardrthat's not python22:18
leonardresp. because it's in a string22:18
leonardrwhat is it? i'm just curious--it looks good judging by the context22:18
matsubararight, that's how setup.py sets up new scripts in the bin/ directory22:19
leonardris it normal to have two underscores in name__in?22:19
matsubaragraph_report is how the script will be called and oopstools.scripts.graph_report:main is the entry point22:19
matsubarayep, that's django's orm syntax22:20
matsubaraleonardr, setup.py will turn that into this script https://pastebin.canonical.com/42317/ in bin/22:20
matsubarabtw, what do you mean by dsl?22:21
leonardrdomain-specific language22:22
leonardrlike the makefile language22:22
matsubaraah right. makes sense now :-)22:22
=== leonardr changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: - | reviewing: - | queue: [] | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
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wgrantlifeless: Hi.23:46
wgrantI'm not here today.23:46
wgrantBut what's up?23:46
lifelessso, I thought you might have triggered the kde build on rubudinium23:49
lifelessits gone now23:51
lifelessenjoy your awol :)23:51
bigjoolsI am offski, see y'all tomorrow23:53
wgrantNight bigjools.23:54

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