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LopiIs it possible to compile maverick for armv6?01:28
persiaLopi, Potentially, although you might have to patch a few things.01:29
persiaYou would have to recompile the entire archive though, starting with the toolchain, which would be a significant undertaking.01:30
LopiI see, I don't have hardware acceleration so unity might not run that great anyway :/01:30
rcn-eewho does. ;)01:30
rcn-eeLopi, if you have enough builders, probally take about a month..01:31
Lopircn-ee: Unfortunately, I'm the only one working on my project at the moment :/01:33
persiaThen it might take six or more months, depending on how much of the archive you need to recompile.01:34
persiaYou might consider Debian as a better base for your hardware.01:34
rcn-eeYeah, lopi, that'll run Debian squeeze's armel... once you get the filesystem up an running, tweak the libs/packages you need with apt-build..01:35
rcn-eeit should get you fairly close to as optimzed to armv6 as possible..  or there's angstrom.. ;)01:35
LopiI'm currently using karmic with lxde. I may consider switching to Debian. I'm having a hard time deciding the future of my project01:37
LopiI submitted a patch to openembedded a month or two ago for my device. I was playing around with the various OpenMoko distributions. I ended up deciding I needed to build something a little more custom.01:38
LopiI'm still fairly new to all of this though ;p01:39
rcn-eewhich reminds me.. did lool have a ubuntu 'task/brainstorm' for a building distro from custom compiler options?01:40
Lopircn-ee: what device do you primarily work with?01:42
rcn-eehere we go... this may or may not be usefull... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/M/DerivedArchiveRebuild01:42
rcn-eeLopi, well, today... the craneboard... ;)  mostly omap3/4's.. some mx5's and at91's..01:43
persiarcn-ee, There's work going on in Launchpad to define/enable that sort of thing.01:43
persiaBut I think it just means that one can copy source and rebuild in LP, perhaps with additional patches.01:44
rcn-eeyeah, it's just an early spec.. ;) i do like the idea of tweaking the gcc setting and rebuilding..  (even thou you'd probally onlyl do it once..)01:45
looloh it's quite advanced actually01:45
loolit allows maintaining derivatives easily, with a subset of or a whole Ubuntu01:45
Lopircn-ee: Ah, I see. All I'm working with a lowly iPhone3G ;p01:45
loolI don't know how far the implementaiton is01:46
rcn-eelool, so if for some reason we wanted to reneable armv5 support in natty++  ;)01:46
loolrcn-ee: https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/DerivativeDistributions01:46
loolrcn-ee: Eh  :-001:46
loolrcn-ee: I don't expect us to put efforts into it ourselves, but the tools will be there01:46
rcn-eeYeah, i wouldn't see you guys wasteing bandwidth on that.. but for a local farm, rebuilding ubuntu for a custom board would be nice..01:47
loolrcn-ee: I also think qemu is also good enough nowadays that you could use it almost like real hardware provided sufficiently fast machines01:48
* lool => bed &01:48
rcn-eethanks lool  night!01:49
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lilstevieohai lool04:13
Lopihey lilstevie :D04:13
lilstevieLopi: you taken over iX by yourself now?04:14
Lopililstevie: yeah, been like that for awhile now04:14
lilstevieah, since my 3G blew its display driver i got left behind lol04:14
Lopiah I see, yeah I'm not really sure what to do with the project anymore04:15
lilstevieworking on getting ubuntu on my android tablet now :p04:15
lilstevieLopi: once oib is ported to more devices :)04:15
lilstevieLopi: the SGX535 is a much more supported GPU so bring on the fun ;)04:16
Lopililstevie: yeah, I really want to play around with the ipad04:16
Lopililstevie: getting bored of my 3G tbh04:16
lilsteviei am bored of iDevices TBH04:17
LopiI know what you mean, I want something open04:17
lilstevieonce oib works on the a4 i may get debian running on it though04:17
lilstevieon my ATV*04:17
lilstevieheh thats what i am loving with the galaxy tab at the moment04:18
lilsteviethe fact that without an exploit i can flash a custom kernel and fs04:18
LopiI can only imagine how awesome that is ;p04:19
lilstevieheh it is amazing04:19
lilstevieand for being a candidate for ubuntu too04:19
lilstevie1024*600 display resolution04:19
Lopinice, going with unity interface then?04:20
lilstevieI guess :p04:21
lilsteviei need to get this damn kernel to compile04:21
lilsteviethe only bad thing with the tab is that the initramfs is compiled in to the kernel04:21
Lopithat kind of sucks ;p04:21
Lopibetter then relying on an exploit though04:22
lilsteviewell the kernel is opensource as well :p04:22
ka6soxthe Nook Color pretty much has the same issues04:24
Lopithe most fun I have had with my 3G was making Mer work, packages are fairly limited on armv6 for Ubuntu04:27
Lopililstevie: Have any suggestions for something new to play with on my 3G?04:31
lilstevieLopi: none really04:33
Lopililstevie: bleh, that's what I was afraid of04:33
Lopililstevie: I suppose I'll release Ubuntu with LXDE then wait for the a4 ports to be finished :/04:34
lilsteviesad to say it but 3G has hit EOL04:34
lilsteviethus all remaining armv6 devices are discontinued at apple04:34
Lopisome people in the iDroid community suggested making something more custom, but I don't see the point with the 3G hitting EOL04:36
LopiI hate to let iX go inactive for so long, but I'm losing interest :/04:38
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sanketcan any know an efficient ARM emulator so that I can ARM based filesystem07:24
ka6soxsanket, qemu is the only one I've used.07:37
lilsteviethe initramfs is corrupy07:40
sanket can u help me the installation process of qemu on ubuntu-linux...07:40
persiasanket, What host, and which guest?07:42
sankethost is i386 and guest is ARM07:42
persiaapt-get install qemu-kvm-extras should get you the emulator.  From there, boot in your favourite kernel and rootfs.07:52
persiaI believe that the current set only supports the versatile processor, although I know work has been ongoing for omap and a fast virtual variant.  I don't happen to know the current status of those efforts as reflected in the Ubuntu packages.07:52
lilstevieversatile goes well07:57
persialilstevie, Doesn't it still need hacking to have more than 256MB memory?08:02
lilsteviepersia: i mean for qemu08:11
lilsteviewhat device has less than that these days08:11
persiaSo do I.08:11
persiaMy understanding was that qemu only had 256MB emulating versatile, but could go up to 1GB emulating omap.08:12
persiaI could be misinformed.08:12
lilsteviei dont bother emulating more08:12
lilsteviebecause an emu inside a vm is not fun08:13
sanketI m getting an error while using qemu .... qemu: fatal: Trying to execute code outside RAM or ROM at 0x3000800009:56
sanketcan anyone help me what is this error and how to solve it?09:56
lilsteviei really wish rootstock would cache packages11:24
sveinseWhy do you get like 70 console-kit-daemon processes?11:34
ograsveinse, are you looking at threads ?11:59
ograyou normally dont get 70 of them but there can easily be 70 userland threads12:00
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sveinseogra, yes I think they are. They show up in pstree, but not in ps12:09
ograthats fine12:09
ogra70 processes would be odd12:10
sveinseIt's the sheer number of processes/threads I'm curious of12:10
sveinseI seem to have a HW problem linked to the serial port, as getty ttyO2 keeps respawning. Could it be related to it?12:10
ograevery process in userspace is wrapped in CK12:11
ograthat rather smeppls like an issue with upstart12:11
ograwhat kind of kernel do you use ?12:11
sveinseyeah, ok. I'll keep my eyes open then12:11
ograthere are certain features udev and upstart need enabled12:11
sveinseogra, custom since its a custom board12:12
ogradont ask me which features that are (dont know from the top of my head) but if certain features are missing udev and upstart wont work correctly12:12
ograone i remember is signalfd12:12
sveinseogra, which... hahaha, you got ahead of me. I'll take a look the the versatile kernel or something and diff against it. Thanks12:13
ograbetter take the omap3 or 4 configs12:13
sveinsewhich one is that?12:13
ografrom the linux-image-...-omap3/4 packages12:14
ograwe ship configs in /boot/config-<kernel version> in the packages12:14
lilsteviei am having a bit of fail getting bootup in qemu :/12:15
ograversatile isnt really cared for since lucid iirc ... it wasnt touched by anyone ... and it is likely to go away in natty12:16
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persiaogra, Why is it going away?  Does qemu do omap well enough now?12:17
ograthere is work going on to merge omap in, yeah12:17
sveinseogra, yes. I'll take a look at linux-image-2.6.35-24-omap.. Think that's closest to our HW. (we're running 2.6.37, so there's some other diffing issues)12:17
persiaMy memory of UDS was that the qemu guys didn't expect to have something ready for natty, and wanted to stick with versatile, and then go for something else for natty+1, but I haven't been following progress.12:17
ograsveinse, natty has a .37 omap kernel12:17
lilstevieso for now is it better to just do everything in chroot?12:18
ograpersia, afaik slangasek is working on merging it into our branch now, ask janimo_ for details12:18
persiaOh, cool.  I'm glad to hear the work made it.12:18
ogralilstevie, ??12:18
rsalvetinew qemu should be a lot better12:19
rsalvetiand work with omap 3 kernel12:19
lilsteviewell i need to set some things up in the image, that i would usually do while it is running in the emu12:19
ogralilstevie, well, qemu (at least the arm side) nor the kernel should have changed much since maverick12:20
lilstevieit kinda screws up on boot and just halts12:21
ograif that would be the case rootstock wouldnt work at all12:21
ograand afaik that works12:21
ograso it must be something in your rootfs thats messed up i'd assume12:21
lilsteviebut i havent changed a thing in the rootfs12:22
lilstevieusing the instructions on the wiki, versatilepb and cortex-a812:23
ograwell, file a bug, attach the logs12:23
sveinseA little off-track question: I created my rootstock branch yesterday, and commited some proposals to it. I planned on submitting a merge request, however I discovered a rather stupid error in the commit message. Would it be important to fix the commit message prior to merge, or doesn't it matter?12:23
ogradoesnt really matter12:24
ograi make typos all the time in mine :P12:24
* ogra is famous for typing teh instaed of the12:25
* persia notes that bzr supports uncommit in case it's really something one is ashamed to have posted12:25
ograheh, and apparently for mistyping instead12:25
sveinseWell, that's typo. I wrote "added --apt-clean option to rootstock" when the real option is --apt-update. Somewhat more significant error IMHO12:26
ograwell, as persia said ... you can uncommit12:26
sveinsethanks, I'll do that for the correctness of things12:26
rsalvetiyup, uncommit, commit again and force the push12:26
ograif you have pushed already you need to use --overwrite for the push command12:26
sveinseHeh. That was far easier than expected12:29
sveinseUncommit in subversion isn't exactly trivial12:29
ograthats why we have bzr ;)12:29
janimo_persia, pm215 from linaro is workiing on selecting omap bits from qemu-maemo and this will be packages with slangasek's help into a new source12:33
janimo_which will rpvide binari packages for the current non-x86 binariesm leaveing current qemu-kvm x86 ony and be used by server team12:34
persiaExcellent.  last I heard was in October, when it was thought to not be possible in time for natty.12:34
persiaIn this case I'm *really* glad to be wrong.12:34
janimo_persia, indeed for natty it is still not possible to have omap in upstream - which would be ideal - so a temporary solution is anew source package12:34
rsalvetipm215 is doing a quite good work with qemu12:34
rsalvetilots of old bugs fixed already12:35
rsalvetiso we should have a more stable one for natty12:35
janimo_persia, but the last details were still beiong discussed at the rally so no wonder the october info is out of date12:35
persianew source package?  Ugh.  Oh well.  I suppose, if that's considered less effort than maintaining versatile another cycle (not that versatile is all that useful, really)12:35
janimo_rsalveti, indeed he gets the fixes in very fast, the bottleneck and the boring part is getting the packaging (and possibly backports) right12:36
janimo_persia, versatile annoys kernel people as it adds extra build time12:36
janimo_and it would be better to have qemu support one of our official images - I am not sure versatile runs those?12:37
sveinseok. Now I've created my very first merge request. I presume it's either orga or rsalveti who will review this.12:37
janimo_so omap3 as omap4 is not yet nearly functional in qemu12:37
rsalvetisveinse: yup, thanks for creating it, will take a look later12:38
sveinsesure, np. Just wanted to see if I got things right12:39
janimo_is a rename to unity-2d planned?13:09
janimo_or a new metapackage of that name added?13:09
rsalvetijanimo_: hm, why?13:09
ograjanimo_, yes, i'm working on that13:09
janimo_rsalveti, I seem to remember ogra mentioning it a while ago, and for clearer naming13:09
janimo_we have unity already13:09
ogra(merging unity-2d-default-settings into the unity-2d source)13:09
janimo_having the default-settings package be the top level one seems unusual13:09
rsalvetithat makes sense, but I don't understand why rename unity-2d13:09
janimo_rsalveti,I meant rename an existing package to unity-2d13:10
rsalvetiif it's just this merge, then ok13:10
rsalvetiok :-)13:10
janimo_so that gnome-session can Recommends gnome-panel | unity | unity-2d and do not pull in gnome-panel all the time13:11
persiaThe traditional reasoning behind the foo-default-settings packages is that they set defaults for various configuration subsystems that are unique to a selected interaction model, and may not always be appropriate for some specific package.  If unity-2d-default-settings is doing this, it would be better not to merge.13:11
persiaIf it's just setting stuff for the unity-2d package, then it doesn't matter.13:11
janimo_persia, makes sense, espcially since those settings are ubuntu addons to upstreams.13:12
janimo_anyway a to plevel meta[pavkage with a short and sane name is desired13:12
persiaIndeed.  For comparison, consider xubuntu-default-settings, kubuntu-mobile-default-settings, etc.13:12
persiaMaybe.  Depends if it's a flavour or not.13:12
persiaI'd claim that the right choice would be ubuntu-desktop or similar, to get that experience.13:13
janimo_unity on debian or fedora will probably not use our themes or autostart settingd13:13
persiaRight, which is why -default-settings doesn't belong in that source.13:13
janimo_I agree13:13
janimo_I thikn the source should contain what the upciek team writes13:13
persia(assuming that we seek null packaging, where feasible, in pursuit of automation)13:13
persiaExcellent.  I'll let you argue with everyone else whilst I sleep then :)13:14
janimo_this is a tangent though to what I was askking - to have a clean and final name we can stick into gnome-session Recommends: field :)13:15
persiaCreate some virtual supplied by all unity interfaces, and then control which meets the requirement through seeding, defaulting to "unity"13:17
janimo_packages like flash-kernel that in addition to the package source have a bzr trunk in LP need to be changed in both places ?13:18
janimo_I did not see it satte that it is mainatined in bzr which makes it more ocnfusing13:19
ograjanimo_, change it in the bzr tree and build the package from there13:57
ograchange, commit (UNRELEASED), change debian/changelog to natty), debcommit -r, push, bzr builddeb (or manually bzr export) and upload13:59
janimo_ogra, thanks. I have not yet built from bzr before.14:00
* janimo_ misses almost everything from git when working with bzr14:06
* rsalveti understands janimo_ 14:07
rsalvetibut I must say I'm quite used with bzr already again14:07
rsalvetigod how I hate to debug qt14:08
rsalvetia simple make takes an incredible amount of time14:08
rsalvetithat touches just one lib14:08
janimo_I hope I'll get used to it again, switching to git 3 years ago was equally awkward I think14:08
hrwjanimo_: git-bzr-ng provides you one way to get bzr into git (push is broken)14:11
janimo_hrw, thanks, I can work with bzr just don;t like it that much anymore14:12
hrwmy fingers also type git when I work with bzr14:13
ograpersia, could you take a look at the control file at http://paste.ubuntu.com/558125/ ?14:27
ograpurpose is to merge the -default-settings package into unity-2d source and create a metapackage ... i'm unsure about the conflicts/replaces and also aboutnot the fact if i need a transitional package or14:28
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SaidKLEDoes anyone know how to install ubuntu natively on an arm MID?15:31
ograthere is no such thing as "an ARM MID"15:33
ograyou need to be more specific15:33
ogra(SoC model etc)15:33
SaidKLEThe haipad m701 is an MID that claims it runs android 2.2.  I want to be rid of android completely and install ubuntu on it natively, if that's possible.15:34
SaidKLEHere, I'm looking up the specifics...15:35
rcn-ee_at_workthat's a Telechip TCC8902, one of my buddies has it.. i think it's arm9..15:35
ograah, no recent ubuntu then15:35
SaidKLEIs there an older version, say 9.04 or something, that would work on it?15:38
ogra9.04 would work buut it is unsupported (EOL)15:39
rcn-ee_at_workwow, it's actually arm11... (armv6)15:39
rcn-ee_at_workso karmic..15:39
ograyeah, that should work then15:39
ograand karmic is actually still not EOL until april15:40
ograso you have three wonderful months :)15:40
rcn-ee_at_workSaidKLE, was that the one on woot? about a week ago?15:40
LetoThe2ndSaidKLE: hint: ubuntu has a relatively conservative older brother which is still supporting arm9. :-)15:41
ograhey, we strill support arm9 (for three months) :P15:41
AmaranthLetoThe2nd: I thought squeeze dropped arm for armel?15:41
ograAmaranth, they did15:41
ograbut they didnt go -march=armv715:42
* LetoThe2nd is running an openrd here on deb5.0. :-)15:42
ograi think they still support armv5te15:42
ograeven with armel15:42
Amaranthogra: Oh, I thought that was the point of changing the port name :)15:42
rcn-ee_at_workwell the old arm port did armv4..15:43
ograand no thumb15:43
SaidKLESo, I should probably run karmic?  I'm fine with that, but how does one go about actually getting ubuntu onto the device?15:43
ografor openmoko compatibility ;)15:43
ograSaidKLE, you should know everything about your bootloader and kernel15:44
ograthen just make them use an ubuntu rootfs (see topic)15:44
SaidKLEI don't.  I've tried to figure that out, but haven't managed it yet.15:44
LetoThe2ndSaidKLE: there's a manual for the openrd providing a guide to flashing ubuntu. read it, combine it with what ogra said and there you go :-)15:44
ograright, thats the first step as ubuntu doesnt have either for you15:44
SaidKLEokay.  I'll be looking that up...15:45
sveinseSaidKLE: What HW are you sitting on?15:45
ograyour kernel needs to have all options builtin for the udev used in karmic15:45
SaidKLEonce I know that though, do I just put a certain ubuntu file where the boot loader expects to find it?15:45
ograelse it wont work15:45
SaidKLEHaipad m701 telechip tcc890215:46
ogramind you, its usually not a beginner task to get another OS on such devices15:46
LetoThe2ndSaidKLE: nö, its first about getting your bootloader and kernel right, including config and layout on bare flash.15:46
ograand you will likely have to rebuild your kernel etc15:46
ograand know about flashing or how to run the OS off an SD card15:47
sveinsefrom past experience, if you have a bootloader and kernel (config) available, then its a lot easier to get ubuntu up and running15:47
LetoThe2ndSaidKLE: if you're a beginner and don't have access to advanced debricking tools (i.e. a good jtag interface) i guess it's advisable to go either hunting for some existing port or leave the thing as is.15:47
sveinseall boards I have worked with in the past had a linux demo kit with kernel which I could use with ubuntu15:48
LetoThe2ndat the moment we don't even know the bootloader type... :-/15:48
ogranor what kind of kernel is used15:48
LetoThe2ndyeah, basically we know - nothing.15:48
sveinseI know this is a wrong place for the question, but what is console-kit? If I'm building a system with no interactive uses (only services), can I live without it?15:50
sveinsemy system is not going to run X -- only a Qt QWS application, and without DBUS15:53
ograpersia, updated paste at http://paste.ubuntu.com/558148/16:15
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persiaogra_, I don't know precisely how the pieces fit together, but I'm opposed to merging a -default-settings package into anything that has code, and don't see the point of metapackages except as expressions of flavours.20:16
GrueMasterWe may have a problem with images next week.  X is getting updated Friday.  May cause turbulence.20:22
persiaogra_, Looking at your changes to control: Please don't call something a "metapackage" if it has content (and isn't in section: metapackages).  The mechanics of replacement look acceptable, although take care with versions (there's no changelog entry in the diff, so I don't see that).20:25
ogra_persia, well, how should i call it ?20:34
ogra_it depends on the rest of unity-2d but indeed ships gconf bits and postinst20:35
persiaWell, there's two ways to do it.  the one I like, and the one you seem to be pursuing.20:36
ogra_effectively it does the same a metapackage does20:36
ogra_i only do what upstream will do anyway20:36
persiaThe common way is to have a metapackage (which is empty by definition) on a per-flavour basis, and have that pull -default-settings.20:36
jhobbsi noticed there is a omap4 ubuntu server daily build now20:37
jhobbswhere does the package list that goes into that come from?20:37
persiajhobbs, Does it work for you?20:37
ogra_well, thats exactly what upstream wants to get rid of20:37
jhobbsi haven't tried it yet, but i'll let you know20:37
persiajhobbs, It's the server stuff from the ubuntu.natty seed20:37
persiaogra_, Why?20:37
ogra_we are supposed to have a unity-2d as we have a unity package in the end20:37
ogra_the prob is that the binaries in unity-2d can be used separately20:38
ogra_so there are four binary packages and we need some toplevel that has to be called unity-2d20:38
ogra_which depends on the other binaries20:38
persiaIn that case, don't claim to be a metapackage.  unity is "Unity is a graphical interface designed for Ubuntu Netbook Edition".  That's unfortunate, as I heard that Ubuntu Netbook and Ubuntu Desktop were merging, but it's close.20:38
ogra_the toplevel is supposed to ship the session and config20:38
persiaJust have the description say "Unity 2D is a graphical interface providing the Unity experience, but relying only on 2D acceleration" or similar.20:39
persiaJust stay away from "metapackage", because that means something specific, which this isn't.20:39
GrueMasterbtw:  The une-efl session bug still exists in today's image.20:49
* GrueMaster thought it was fixed.20:49
persiaWhich bug is that?20:49
GrueMasterbug 70701420:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 707014 in netbook-launcher-efl "Ubuntu Netbook Edition 2D fails to launch from gdm by giving "No valid session found"." [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70701420:50
persiaWhich version of netbook-launcher-efl do you have?20:50
GrueMaster0.3.2-0ubuntu5.  It doesn't appear to have been properly Fix Released.  I don't see a commited entry in the bug.20:52
persiaIt claims to have been fixed in 0.3.2-0ubuntu6, so that's expected behaviour (based on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netbook-launcher-efl/+changelog )20:52
persiarsalveti forgot to add LP: foo in the changelog, that's all.20:52
GrueMasterStill, it should be in the pool.20:53
persiaIt is, from what I see.20:53
rsalvetiGrueMaster:  Failed to upload on anacardiaceae (armel)20:53
rsalvetithat's the error I saw here20:53
persiaAh, source is in pool.  Binary failed.20:53
persiarsalveti, Have you asked the LP folks about that yet?20:54
rsalvetinot to build, but to upload20:54
rsalvetipersia: not yet, just saw it20:54
rsalvetipersia: should I ask for help at the lp channel?20:54
persiaFail to Upload usually indicates something wonky with soyuz.  It's almost always worth asking in #launchpad20:54
rsalvetior is more related with ubuntu itself?20:54
persiaNo, it's #launchpad.20:54
GrueMasterLet me check if an update will pull it.20:55
* rsalveti asking20:55
GrueMasterI'm not seeing anything on lp that indicates fail to publish.20:55
GrueMasterLooks like it was just posted after the image build started.  No worries.20:56
rsalvetiwell, I got an email with it20:56
GrueMasterapt-get update;apt-get install netbook-launcher-efl has found the updated package.20:56
persiaOdd, indeed.20:56
GrueMasterIt'll be in tomorrows image (assuming pool churn doesn't clobber the image build).20:57
GrueMasterI am a little worried about A2.  We have a new QT, X stack, and now I find we are getting 2.6.38 kernel.20:58
GrueMasterAll for A2.20:58
rsalvetiprobably it failed but then soyuz tried to publish it again later on20:58
rsalvetihaha, probably lots of new bugs :D20:59
rsalvetiGrueMaster: did you try latest omap 3 image already?21:00
rsalvetiI still didn't check to see if the x-loader got into the image correctly21:00
GrueMasterbtw:  rsalveti:  when you post a bug fix, add (LP: #<bug id>) to the changelog.  Then LP will handle marking the bug as Fix Released.21:01
rsalvetiI know, I was going to do that after you tested the bug21:01
GrueMasterAnd no, I haven't tried the omap 3 image.  Beagle is put away, and I haven't gotten an XM yet.21:01
rsalvetibut then janimo pushed my debdiff21:01
rsalvetias I created the debdiff before actually opening the bug21:01
rsalvetiwas planning to update it after the test :-)21:02
GrueMasterbass ackwards.21:02
rsalvetiok, will download latest omap 3 image then21:02
GrueMasterwhee.  46 upgrades since today's image was built.21:03
persia!ohmy > GrueMaster21:03
ubot2GrueMaster, please see my private message21:03
rsalvetiwell, omap 3 image seems to be working again21:44
rsalvetiat least going into resize21:44
rsalvetiGrueMaster: awesome, omap 3 image seems to be working quite well22:17
rsalvetitime to activate the console and see the boot messages22:17
ka6soxhas anyone heard of anybody getting ubuntu-arm booting native on a nook color?22:18
rsalvetiyup, no issues and no kernel traces22:41
rsalvetiGrueMaster: so it seems ok, finally :-)22:41
persiaka6sox, Are you able to boot arbitrary kernel against arbitrary rootfs yet?22:54
ka6soxpersia, arbitrary? I have a rebuilt kernel from Android (have the source and have rebuilt it)23:01
ka6soxand also have the openembedded.org reference distribution called Angstrom booting23:01
ka6soxso thats pretty random23:02
rcn-ee_at_workka6sox, where does it stop booting?23:02
persiaWell, hardly random, but at least one of your choice.23:02
rsalvetiif you already have a common distro running on it should be easy to run ubuntu23:02
persiaHave you tried with an Ubuntu rootfs?23:02
ka6soxrcn-ee_at_work, it boots all the way up23:03
ka6soxpersia, I didn't know about the maverick-omap till later23:04
persiaka6sox, So it works for you?23:05
persiaHow is the screen refresh?  Is X behaving nicely?23:05
ka6soxrsalveti, the main issue is that we used a no-initrd setup on Angstrom23:05
ka6soxpersia, x isn't quite there...mostly because they don't seem to have the latest sgx running but we are using FB.23:05
rsalvetihm, it'd be good to have initrd to boot ubuntu, but I believe you can make it work with current setup23:05
persiaDoes the nook not support an initrd?23:06
rsalvetiif you have access to the bootloader, it should be fine23:06
ka6sox(funny because the guy who does Angstrom was the guy who worked on beagleboard.23:06
ka6soxrsalveti, we don't really...23:06
ka6soxits kind of kludgy...23:06
rsalvetika6sox: how are you flashing a newer kernel and booting it?23:07
ka6sox2 partitions on an SD23:07
ka6sox1 vfat with kernel initrd and MLO23:07
ka6sox1 ext2 with rootfs23:07
ka6soxshove it in and away you go23:07
rsalvetiso you alread have an initrd23:08
ka6soxan Android one23:08
rsalvetiif it's possible to load a valid kernel and initrd, then you can regenerate one for ubuntu23:08
rsalvetibut then it could have size restrictions23:09
ka6soxthey are using 2.6.29 for the existingkernel.23:09
ka6soxI was trying *not* to have to redo the kernel...but I can23:09
rsalvetiweird that they are still way behind, as it's basically an omap323:09
ka6soxvendor choice as to which version you use...they are stuck on 2.123:10
rsalvetibut still, you can generate an initrd for it23:10
ka6soxI have a working chroot of maverick on it.23:10
rsalvetiwell, you have the sources, then you can check what they changed for it23:10
rsalvetilot of work probably, but still something23:10
persiaRedoing the kernel is part of the point, I'd think, so that you could have a distributed sourceful kernel package for reliable bugfixing.23:10
rsalvetika6sox: the image for ac100 is also using 2.6.2923:11
rsalvetionce you got the correct kernel and modules, copy them to the ubuntu rootfs, regenerate the initrd and it should be fine23:11
rsalvetiif you're booting with correct cmd args23:11
ka6soxthe biggest problem is that they didn't send nice "patches" or even tell us what they started with before they started *their* patches.23:11
rsalvetihehe, usual23:11
rsalvetisource == big and ugly tarball23:12
ka6soxrsalveti, generated on a windows machine (Documents and Files dir was there)23:12
persiaWhat VCS tools need is a "discover" function, where they compare past revisions against a given source, find the set of commits that appear to have been applied, and construct a virtual history including prior commits (split point + cherrypicks) and then a massive commit including the rest of the diff, which can then be picked apart at leisure.23:13
ka6soxokay so what I'll do is unpack the uImage of the kernel and get the modules out of the initrd thats there and put them in maverick chroot...then regenerate teh initramfs.23:13
rsalvetiyup, or even build the kernel on your own23:14
rsalvetiand install the modules at a custom path, then you can easily copy the modules23:14
* ka6sox reprogrammes the LF servers that check for GPL compliance to do that :D23:14
rsalvetior just deb-pkg (iirc) that will generate a kernel deb file23:14
rsalvetithat you can install at your arm chroot23:14
rsalvetiand regenerate the initrd23:14
* persia notes that lots of extra points accrue for creating a source package that generates the appropriate binary packages and uploading to the archive so everyone can share23:15
ka6soxI've never tried building cross with make-kpkg kernel_image :D23:15
persiaCould build native.  Would take a bit on the Nook, but not forever.23:15
rsalvetimake -j 6 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- CONFIG_DEBUG_SECTION_MISMATCH=y deb-pkg23:15
rsalveticross compiling23:15
rsalvetiwith any kernel source tree23:16
rsalvetijust need the proper .config file in place23:16
ka6soxokay I have the defconfig that they used and the patched source23:16
rsalvetiif you're running maverick, just install the ubuntu/linaro cross compiler23:16
ka6soxstill on lucid23:16
ka6soxI'm an infra guy so I generally stay with LTS23:17
persiaOn lucid, you should be able to run `mk-sbuild maverick` to generate a maverick schroot, which you can then use to install and run the cross-compiler.23:17
rsalvetika6sox: check https://launchpad.net/~linaro-maintainers/+archive/toolchain then23:17
rsalvetithe backported linaro/ubuntu cross compiler23:17
ka6soxokay good.23:18
persiaUnless you have another reason to install all of ubuntu-dev-tools, you might want to just cherrypick that script from it.23:18
ka6soxokay so I'll have to generate the kpkg and have to bust it out though to create the uImage.23:18
ka6soxI don't recall mkuImage being able to read a .deb23:19
rsalvetigenerally I just install it, regenerate the initrd and then use mkimage to create the uImage and uInitrd23:19
rsalvetiall that inside a valid arm chroot23:19
ka6soxokay great...thanks.23:19
ka6soxthe omap3 image should be closest to what we have.23:19
rsalvetiyup, I'd get first a minimal ubuntu rootfs (maverick)23:20
rsalvetiand try to make that work23:20
ka6soxya, I need rndis and ssh support mostly23:21
rsalvetithis image should work for you23:21
rsalvetiis a minimal maverick image23:21
rsalvetithat I generated for beagle xm23:21
ka6soxokay thanks. I'll use that23:21
rsalvetiguess same one we're using at our xm builders23:22
ka6soxI've been playing for years on things like the Slug and Pre but first time I"ve "ported" an OS on a device23:22
rsalvetiwould like to buy a nook color to play, but kind of expensive around here23:24
ka6soxout of country I suppose23:24
ka6soxappreciate the help...I'll stop by later with a report...23:25
ka6soxwe ported what we call "optware"  (linux apps running on Android)23:26
ka6soxso we have the tools we need to port this.23:26
ka6sox(like chroot)23:26
persiaka6sox, Good luck.23:27
rsalveticool, later23:28
=== ka6sox is now known as ka6sox-away
tmztka6sox-away: do you have a chroot version of init that works under bionic?23:57

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