
darkmatterevilvish: left/right screen edge scroll arrows or a floating "swipe bar" for a window switcher. which do think would be more bettah?00:58
* darkmatter is working on some window management plugins/ideas00:58
mvitwell, im kinda new here then00:58
mvitI basically had an idea on how to merge the old look of ubuntu with the newest00:59
mvitlemme just find the mockup..01:00
mvitis the style unchangable now or will it allow exceptions?01:01
darkmattermvit: I assume you mean unity? at the moment it's not themable (well... the launcher icons can change with the theme, but the panelicons/ and unity theme are hardcoded atm.  dunno the plans on ctual theme support (tolazy to check statuses :P)01:03
mvitI meant ubuntu01:03
mvitI just added unity to see how it would look with that style01:03
mvithttp://cl.ly/3a1d0v2Q0m063p2k352W < this should be the separate window01:03
mvitI really liked the old color pallete01:04
darkmattermvit: I found the old palette a bit on the rich side myself (and heavily over-saturated). but personal opinions being what they are01:11
mvitAt least it has some color, the grey in the newest ubuntu makes it seem kinda boring in my opinion01:12
kwwiiguten morgen09:55
thorwilgood morning10:39
thorwilivanka: i thought photos and drawings for the showcase were meant to be non-wallpapers this time?11:59
thorwilevilvish: one week until the ubuntu-art logo has to be discussed. what will you do?12:00
ivankathorwil: good point - I will update myself12:27
thorwiliainfarrell, ivanka: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFreeCultureShowcase needs a minus-wallpaper edit, then12:34
iainfarrellthorwil: yep indeed12:35
iainfarrellI'll get on it shortly12:35
* thorwil hits the list12:38
evilvishthorwil: i give up.. lets just name the baby boy Elizabeth …13:32
evilvishand just hope it is a girl..13:32
thorwilevilvish: heh. we could of course remain silent and hope nobody remembers ... :}13:33
evilvishthorwil: yea.. i dont plan on bringing up the topic.. but the one who shall not be named might not forget … ;)13:34
coz_good day all20:07
doctormohey coz20:19
coz_hey gusy :)20:24
doctormohey thorwil, for a second I thought your blog post was going to be all religious20:24
coz_ah oh already I am mis spelling :)20:24
doctormocoz_: Are you suggesting I'm a gusy? some kind of tart for your textual lingering? :-P20:25
coz_doctormo,   I deserve that20:25
coz_doctormo,   there are days my big fingers just wont respond the way I want :)20:25
thorwildoctormo: omg, jesus, praise the lord that i would not write something all religious, good heavens!20:25
doctormothorwil: That's right, we like a respectful community, where we keep our magic men and imaginary friends in our heads where they belong ;-P20:26
thorwildoctormo: would you like to talk about your magic men and imaginary friends that you think belong in your head?20:27
thorwilonly minutes after writing that blog post, i stumbled over some ugly issues with thunderbird. so far, it still beats evolution, but it seem every email client sucks in one way or the other20:29
doctormothorwil: Deisgn wise, email clients are bunk. Would you like to see my idea of an email client?20:29
thorwildoctormo: i'm in favor of the beos approach, with emails directl yin the filesystem20:30
doctormoTBH, I'm sick of the Inbox thinking, and I'm sick of closed data stores.20:30
doctormoI like email in my file system, I like email indexed for search and sorting. I don't like email to be all about a single folder where you go to pick up messages, like we had a postbox in the flintstones.20:31
thorwilas i had such troubles with evolutions editor, i once again had to think about a reason given for mail, news and whatever else clients in emacs: familiar editing environment, shortcuts and all20:34
thorwilthat approach should be turned inside-out: chose an editor as system wide preference that will appear embedded everywhere needed20:35
doctormoYes, instead of emacs the os.20:35
darkmatteryeah. things like mail should be global. so should contacts (shared between mail/chat/what the hell ever (even the browser where suited, like fore facebook or twitter type social stuff))20:36
darkmatterper application data stores have there place, but also usually present way to much duplication (and repetitive setup)20:36
thorwildarkmatter: and a backup/restore/migration disaster20:37
thorwilit's so damn obvious, i wonder why not more people see it20:37
thorwilconsidering issues my mother had with email, thunderbird specifically, something would have to be done to make clear how mails get into the inbox and how stuff ends up in Drafts and Sent20:41
thorwilnow if writing a new mail would put you in the *place* where Drafts will be kept, too, that could help20:42
darkmatterthorwil: I was planning (wherever possible) to just use the filesystem as the backend for the library component I'm going to be working on (just need stable gtk3 damnit). I don't see the need for a music database etc in banshee et al either (or photo libraries for that matter) when the file manager (or whatever you chose to call it) can have a "library view" frontend or similar20:42
darkmatterplus you can slim down a system dramatically20:43
darkmattershare the data, just imbed the view in an the app20:45
darkmatterit's not _that_ hard to figure out20:45
thorwildoctormo: differentiating one-on-one(-or-few) correspondence from groups and notifications could be worthwhile20:46
thorwildoctormo: but where do you see the difference between Groups and Discussions?20:46
doctormothorwil: Groups are public (mailing lists, public as in recorded in a third location) and Disucssions are private, as in they only happen between these people.20:47
darkmatteratm probably 30% of my home directory is duplicate crap because everything is stored in triplicate. lol20:47
thorwildarkmatter: especially the handling of email attachments is handled so *brilliantly *. ugh. there should be versioning and dependency tracking20:48
doctormoOr just a folder where they get saved20:49
darkmatteroh nice. real name memenu works in lucid too (not that it matters, since I'm switching to maverick tonight)20:50
darkmatter</off topic>20:51
darkmatterthorwil: lol@ the pic. I don't even wanna go there....21:07
coz_thorwil,  another sound submission ?21:07
thorwilcoz_: why another?21:07
thorwilcoz_: the blog author is one of the jurors for the free culture showcase21:08
coz_thorwil,  here was a "contest of sorts"  last year that ended in October for new sounds  for Natty21:08
thorwilcoz_: this is about music, not desktop sounds21:08
coz_thorwil,   ah ,, I better pay more attention21:09
thorwilcoz_: nah, that would reduce opportunities of entertainment :)21:09
darkmatterImmersion is nice. an abbreviated version would be great for startup :D21:10
coz_I deserve  that21:10
coz_so this is for music  on the system  ..how?21:10
thorwilcoz_: content for the Examples folder. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFreeCultureShowcase21:11
coz_huh!  ok  I can get into this21:11
darkmatterhttp://soundcloud.com/anthony-distefano/immersion   <-- edit and use for login (or a startup sound just before gdm)21:12
thorwilgood night! :)21:13
coz_mm I am still confused,, I dont understand the purpose of this21:16
darkmattercoz_: to showcase the talent lurking in free culture basically21:17
coz_darkmatter,  but some of these dont seem to be original works21:17
darkmattercoz_: lol. yeah. like I said *talent* :P21:18
coz_darkmatter,  well I was kind of hoping to hear some cool compositions21:18
coz_LOL    "MOOOOOO"    http://soundcloud.com/groups/ubuntu-free-culture-showcase/tracks?page=421:19
darkmattercoz_: but off topic. I figured out task management for my cuddy lil brainchild!21:20
darkmatternot "ideal" (I'm not anb idealist damnit!) but will work nicely within the ui constraints21:21
darkmattercoz_: basically a glorified window switcher (keyboard and/or mouse driven )or touch ftm)). currently selected window centered/larger than the others (with dropshadows) others smaller, going off the screen (with a mask to make them fade near the scroll markers). app icon centered at bottom edge of window. in "always group" displays an "^" on the icon. activating the icon instead of the window in group mode will show a "popup" of open w21:24
darkmatterwant it to work in 2d as well21:24
coz_darkmatter,  ooo sounds interesting... how far from testing?21:25
darkmatteroh. and a search filter for quickly finding an app/window21:25
darkmattercoz_: far. just mocked it up on paper last night ;)21:25
coz_darkmatter,  oh ok :)21:25
darkmatterbut basically a more "natural" (or organic) feeling replacement for switching21:26
coz_darkmatter,  I like the idea... sounds real interesting21:26
darkmattercoz_: oddly enough. the inspiration came (partially) from multitasking on smartphones. I just "reconceptualized" it to something more suited to standard computing (while still maintaining portability).21:29
coz_darkmatter,  I wouldnt mind trying something like this at all. :)21:30
coz_ok I did not get much sleep last night.... I need to lay down for a few hours.... darkmatter  sorry guy... I cant keep my eyes opened21:31
darkmattercoz_: I think currently things feel to artifical on the "desktop". I'm also considering a panoramic style of activity (workspace) switching instead of flippy floppy. gracefully move across the landscape. almost like the display is a window out on the world (if you get the meaning)21:32
=== ivanka is now known as ivanka-train

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