
VarcJerferx: Qu tal, yo soy parte de las Bug Squad. Cuentame bien que pasa01:58
JeferxHey Varc, el problema que tengo según me dicen en ubuntu-es es un bug! Espera te muestro el mensaje que me sale cuando paso mi cursor sobre el nick de uno de mis contactos, esto se suma a que el sistema se congela cuando hago click sobre algún enlace!02:01
VarcJeferx, Un aporte muy interesante, hay millones de bugs y trabajamos para resolverlos. Si puedes darme los datos de tu aMSN (Version)02:02
Varcyofel: Are you here? He have a bug or maybe just a problem02:03
JeferxVarc, con mucho gusto, es esta: 0.98.3 (06-03-2010)02:04
JeferxVarc, me explicarías como actualizarlo?02:04
VarcJeferx: Muy amable gracias. Dejame verificar si hay actualizaciones disponibles02:04
VarcBueno, en el centro de descargas donde se aplican las actualizaciones aparece tu version. De igual manera eso es parte de las actualizaciones que salen al iniciar el SO02:06
VarcTe recomiendo algo si no lo tienes, ve al centro de descargas y a la seccion de aMSN lego instalale los complementos que ahi salen02:06
yofelVarc: half asleep but what's the problem? (I don't speak spanish)02:10
Varcyofel: the guys of the Ubuntu-es Channel are helping him. But the problem is in the aMSN 0.98.3. when he do click in any link the PC don't work02:11
VarcIs a clear bug because the aMSN send him this Message box02:12
VarcIs in spanish but say:02:12
VarcNo, my english is not so good02:12
VarcIO can't say you02:12
yofelmaybe he can try 0.98.4?02:12
yofeldepending on the release he's on02:13
yofelsince we have 0.98.4-0ubuntu1~maverick1 in maverick-backports02:13
JeferxVarc, gracias bro, nos vemos luego!!02:14
VarcYes, the guys in the other channel are helping him with it.02:14
VarcJerferx: Gracias a ti amigo, nos vemos02:14
VarcAre you sleeping? or just is a morning in your country?02:15
yofelit's 03:15am and I'll be going to bed any moment now ;)02:16
VarcJust go brother. He don't need nothing importand and you need sleep02:17
ubot2En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:29
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AnAntHello, can someone help with LP 608515 ? It is happening on my maverick system. I just tried with a natty VM, and that problem does not happen. What I fear is that the problem would still persist even when I upgrade my system to natty.12:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 608515 in empathy "Can't establish audio or video calls" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60851512:03
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bcurtiswx_bug watch updater seems backlogged.. lol.. or just finally got a fd.o code16:29
bcurtiswx_om26er, hey16:30
om26erhello bcurtiswx_16:31
bcurtiswx_om26er, empathy 2.9x.x will be in the GNOME3 PPA.  Because of this, if you see any bugs that have fixes in the 2.9x.x code then we can try backporting them into natty16:32
bcurtiswx_since natty won't have 2.9x.x16:33
om26erbcurtiswx_, how about that notification bug ;)16:33
om26erwould be good to have16:33
bcurtiswx_om26er, it's fixed in natty, but isn't that a indicate bug not empathy?16:34
bcurtiswx_or are you talking about the double notif in the IM window?16:34
om26erhmm no, the other16:34
om26er"login notifications are poorly formed"16:34
om26eror something like that16:34
bcurtiswx_hmm, remember the bug # ?16:35
om26erbug 58275716:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 582757 in empathy "Notifications for login and logout poorly formed" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58275716:36
bcurtiswx_OK, yes let me see if i can find that commit16:38
GrueMasterWhy is Bug Watch Updater changing the importance of a bug that is 3 years old and has been marked Fix Released 2 years ago?16:43
GrueMasterBug 20456716:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 204567 in hundredpapercuts "Downloads should go to ~/Downloads" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20456716:43
bcurtiswx_GrueMaster, I think BWU is on a backlog of things..16:45
* bcurtiswx_ shrugs16:45
charlie-tcaGrueMaster: it is updating the bugwatchj for the freedesktop bug16:45
bdmurrayseb128: I'm not certain what wen awry with my merge proposal but I added a patch to bug 702455 also.16:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 702455 in launchpad-integration "Help Menu: sending a bug fail" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70245516:56
bdmurrayoh, I must be behind ;-)16:56
seb128bdmurray, hey17:01
seb128bdmurray, I've fixed it a bit differently17:02
bdmurrayseb128: yes, I saw the bug now.  thanks17:02
seb128you're welcome17:02
seb128not sure what vcs you pulled but there was less revision than in the official vcs17:02
AnAntHello, can someone help with LP 608515 ? It is happening on my maverick system. I just tried with a natty VM, and that problem does not happen. What I fear is that the problem would still persist even when I upgrade my system to natty.17:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 608515 in empathy "Can't establish audio or video calls" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60851517:29
charlie-tcaAnAnt: you can make the calls in the natty VBox?17:36
AnAntcharlie-tca: yup17:36
charlie-tcaProbably got fixed by the upgrade. there is a new empathy in -proposed for maverick, if you want to try it17:37
AnAntcharlie-tca: I got -proposed enabled17:39
AnAntapt-cache policy doesn't show empathy in -proposed17:39
charlie-tcado you have empathy 2.32.1-0ubuntu1.1 already, then?17:39
charlie-tcaNatty does have a minor upgrade from that, though17:40
charlie-tcaNatty is 2.32.2-0ubuntu6, so maybe the bug got fixed in it17:40
AnAntah, empathy must have been uploaded today then, I see it now17:42
charlie-tcayeah, about 7 hours ago17:44
charlie-tcalet us know if that fixes it, so we can add it to the bug report?17:45
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AnAntcharlie-tca: actually I am talking to upstream #empathy@GIMPNet17:46
AnAntcharlie-tca: someone told me that I am missing the valve gst element, which seems to be true17:46
AnAntbut I don't understand the reason17:46
charlie-tcaI don't know, myself17:46
AnAntok, I think I found the problem17:53
AnAntit's in my gstreamer set17:53
AnAntrebuilding the -good package17:53
bdmurraymvo: could you look at bug 706050? it has a simple patch17:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 706050 in aptdaemon "progress indicator sometimes says "Downloading Packages Packages"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70605017:57
giantpunehi, i am using ubuntu 10.04 amd64.  and i have a small, cosmetic bug that im hoping somebody can help me with18:17
giantpunemy box has 8GB of RAM.  but the system resource window reports it at 7.8GB18:18
giantpuneis this a cas of the manufacturer using 1000 instead of 1024 to divide by?  or is it possible an error in the program that is doing the math?18:20
AnAntfixed !18:21
charlie-tcaAnAnt: great! could you add what you did to the bug report?18:26
charlie-tcathank you18:34
AnAntcharlie-tca: done, should I triage the bug ?18:49
AnAntor maybe invalidate ?18:50
charlie-tcaIs that something that should be backported to maverick? If so, triage it18:51
AnAntcharlie-tca: no, I don't think so18:53
charlie-tcawe don't need to backport the gstreamer-good from natty to fix it?18:54
charlie-tcathen we can mark it invalid18:54
AnAntI don't think so18:55
mvobdmurray: will do now19:27
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hggdhperhaps I am sort of late for giantpune's Q. The answer is "this is usually memory reserved for other uses"20:21
hggdhshouldn't really be too late, just two hours20:21
VarcAnd you are talking with... xD20:22
hggdhVarc: even if the OP is no here anymore, the answer is20:22
* hggdh wonders why people are so hasty, requiring answers as soon as a Q is asked20:23
* Varc Think hggdh need a new answer and name 20:23
hggdhheh. There is a whole story on my name, literally20:24
hggdher, nick20:24
VarcHmm. varc mean my name but hggdk can't mean your name20:25
hggdhnot k20:25
hggdhbut it is not my name, no20:25
VarcSo, what is20:26
hggdha word in an old language20:26
VarcI see, hmm What mean the word?20:26
hggdhstory, or telling (the story)20:27
VarcOhh. Interesant20:27
VarcWhat old lenguage20:28
Varcheh ?20:28
hggdhall pointers are here :-)20:28
hggdhnow go search :-)20:28
VarcJajajajaja. I will20:28
Varchggdh: Are you sure is a lenguage? Wikipedia say god xD20:30
charlie-tcaVarc: that is pretty close to hggdh then. When he talks, we listen20:32
jibelbdmurray, Hi, you filed bug 705975 few days ago, any clue why apport reported it against initramfs-tools ? there are a lot of bugs wrongly affected to initramfs-tools  by apport recently20:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 705975 in initramfs-tools "package libctpl2 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libctpl.so.2', which is also in package libctpl1 0.3-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70597520:33
VarcHmm.i think he was drunk and put that name xD20:34
* micahg can vouch for hggdh's nick20:34
bdmurrayjibel: nope I just did what apport told me20:36
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jibelbdmurray, hm weird, maybe it has been confused by the update-initramfs error higher in the log.20:38
bdmurrayjibel: are all the wrong initramfs-tools bugs about libtctpl or other things too?20:43
jibelbdmurray, no random packages, I've started to collect information on bug 58041920:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 580419 in apport "apport used wrong source package when filing package installation failure" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58041920:43
bdmurrayjibel: cool, it should be rather easy to find these wrong ones20:45
jibelbdmurray, last week there has been an important installation failure of console-setup affecting a lot of users which could explain the high number of failures of apport this week20:47
awardleWhat do you do if there is spam placed in the comments of a bug?20:47
hggdhcharlie-tca: easy there, man, I am just human ;-)20:50
hggdhVarc: I am very sure if is a word in an old language20:50
hggdhawardle: you check other bugs touched by the commenter; if you see more spam, you open a question to launchpad on answers.launchapd.net asking the commenter to be blocked20:52
hggdhVarc: another hint: haggadah20:52
jibelbdmurray, there is a logic error is apport line 83 of data/general-hook/ubuntu.py . We should apply the regex to the last installation session only not the full term.log20:53
hggdhawardle: yw20:53
charlie-tcahggdh: you sure of that?20:55
hggdhcharlie-tca: sure of what? The spam?20:55
bdmurrayjibel: ah, yes I see it20:55
charlie-tcano... the "just human" part ;-)20:55
hggdhcharlie-tca: It has been firmly brought to my attention -- today, indeed -- that I am just human ;-)20:56
charlie-tcaI see20:57

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