
Technovikingakgraner: ping01:03
akgranerTechnoviking, pong :-)02:37
akgranerre interview?02:37
nigelbgood morning04:43
paultagmorning nigelb04:44
nigelbhola paultag :)04:44
paultaghola :)04:44
dpmmorning everyone!08:07
dholbachgood morning08:14
dpmmorning dholbach!08:14
dholbach¡hola dpm! ¿qué tal?08:15
dpmbé, bé :)08:18
popeyanyone on natty here fancy testing something super simple?08:23
popeybasically, open banshee, then try to close it :)08:23
popeybug 70674608:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 706746 in banshee "Cannot close banshee" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70674608:23
nigelbI know people were pushing for banshee, didn't realize they pushed *that* much08:48
popeyseems fixed08:50
popeydont like that it got marked invalid when asking for more info08:51
popeyseems rude to me08:51
nigelbIt should have been Incomplete, instead of Invalid08:52
nigelbwell, after asking for more information.08:52
nigelbprobably was distracted or something.08:53
popeyI'd best write my thing for the user days huh? :)08:53
nigelbheh, upto you08:53
nigelbif you write it down, we can hand it to AlanBell if you disappear into thin air.08:54
popeyI want to make some videos to go with it08:55
nigelbthat would rock08:55
popeyso people can watch them after and see what I did08:55
popeyneed to find time for that though :)08:55
nigelbI did sometimes wonder if we need a discussion forum or likewise where folks can ask doubts later.08:56
nigelbThen I realize, I hate forums and give up :p08:56
nigelbfar more easier to say I'm foo on IRC and will be on #bar to talk further if you're interested :)08:57
nigelbhow did I end up with a pickup line o.O08:57
nigelbbah, but you get the point :D08:58
popeyyou can turn off global menu for specifc applications, but editing the launchers09:07
popeybut there is no nice way to edit the launchers, you have to manually edit /usr/share/applications/*.desktop09:07
nigelbMorning duanedesign11:09
duanedesignmorning nigelb11:36
jcastro"Of course, if you want to mirror our binaries - and we are only 11Gb small (compared to 70Gb+ for OO.o)"13:45
jcastropeople are real assholes on -sounder15:03
czajkowskijcastro: oh dear15:03
PiciThat thread was off to a bad start when they started complaining about LTS releases... so.. the first reply.15:07
jcastroperusing through the list I'm not seeing what value it brings to the project to be honest15:10
nigelbjcastro: heh, you've been sharing on google reader with notes15:17
nigelbnow that makes an interesting reading ;)15:18
nigelbI did wonder what's this new strange blue box :D15:18
czajkowskijcastro: which thread is this15:18
jcastrothis guy complaining that his kopete doesn't work with yahoo or something on hardy15:19
jcastrothe LTS one15:19
Piciczajkowski: Subject is "Ubuntu opts for LibreOffice over Oracle's OpenOffice"15:20
jcastroi was tempted to flame back15:31
jcastro"Either I am missing something or did you miss WHERE I got the patch/fix?15:31
jcastroI got the patch from a bug report on Hardy but they won't fix it because15:31
jcastrothey would have to rebuild a lot more kde packages than just kopete."15:31
jcastrowhat I wanted to respond with was15:31
jcastro"Either I am missing something or did you miss the whole point of an open source project?"15:32
jcastroit's not like he doesn't know, he knew to to get the patch and apply it15:34
jcastrohe's just missing that last 10%15:34
nigelbIf there were library upgrades, he did those too.15:35
nigelbSo, he knows stuff really well.15:36
jcastrodholbach: this squarely makes him your problem15:38
dholbachI don't know what you're talking about15:39
dholbachis it something that can wait until next week?15:40
ubot2bugzilla.redhat.com bug 526646 in kdenetwork "kopete is no longer accepted by Yahoo Messenger's servers" [Medium,Closed: nextrelease]15:40
jcastroI could totally troll him with that ...15:40
popeyjcastro: yes, sounder is a pit15:48
popeyits better than it was, but there are still some characters on that list who need a slap15:48
jcastrohow should I bring it up?15:49
popeybring what up?15:49
jcastroto whoever, that the list is crap15:49
popeyits known15:49
popeyI am one of the mods15:49
popeywhat is your goal?15:50
PiciPerhaps I should just unsubscribe15:50
jcastrowhat do you mean what is my goal?16:00
jcastroa nice friendly list where people can discuss stuff?16:01
AlanBellis that the goal of the denizens of that list though?16:14
jcastro"The Sounder mailing list should be used for discussion of subjects of general interest related to the Ubuntu project, Linux, Open Source or software in general. "16:33
jcastrofriendly is like, implied16:33
jcastrowith ubuntu.com in the url. :)16:33
popeyyeah, good luck with that17:01
popeyhonestly I'm getting to the point of giving up with that list17:01
jcastroman, I had no idea things have gotten this bad17:01
popeysabdfl was all for shutting it down17:02
popeyits not17:02
jcastroso, let's just get rid of it?17:02
popeyits better than it was17:02
jcastrolol, this is /better/?17:02
popeyvery much so17:02
popeysame goes for -users17:02
popeywhich is much more pleasant than it was17:02
doctormofriendly isn't implied, it's a mandate ;-)17:02
jcastrothough I can understand your frustration17:04
jcastrothe forums can get rough too17:04
dholbachalright my friends17:06
dholbachI call it a day17:06
dholbachsee you all tomorrow!17:06
Technovikingakgraner: I never got the questions you were going to send me?17:38
Technovikingpopey and jcastro: the social area of Ubuntu tend to attract undesirable behavior.17:39
TechnovikingThe tech area of the forums tend to be more mellow than the community cafe.17:40
jcastrothere's really one core issue here17:40
jcastroit's popey's fault17:40
Technovikingseems to be the same with mailing list17:40
TechnovikingBlame Popey!!! (tm)17:40
Technovikingit is a shame, since I would like the Ubuntu community be more than tech talk and question17:41
popeyjust had one of my bugs marked wishlist17:42
popeybug 70674117:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 706741 in banshee "Cannot sort Internet Archive Search results" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70674117:42
* popey blames jcastro 17:42
Technovikingwhat, no one owns blamepopey.com:)17:42
* jcastro schemes17:43
popeyhttp://www.artofcomplaint.com/blamepopey exists17:43
Technovikingmaybe this should a UDS session, Social Interations in Ubuntu Community17:44
Technovikingalso a UDS session for Blame Popey, really there should be a blame popey track:)17:45
dpm_ok, calling it a day. See you all tomorrow!19:15
czajkowskidealing with solicitors and barristers is head wrecking :(21:30
* Pendulum hugs czajkowski 21:34
czajkowskiso not fair :(21:36
czajkowskiI'm the one that has to deal with the crap21:36
czajkowskicourt case will expire march 31st21:36
czajkowskibut no way can I get a court date21:36
czajkowskiso now have to go and jump through more hoops and in theory be in ireland next wednesday!21:36
JFowho did you shank?21:37
Pendulumugh :(21:37
czajkowskiJFo: :(21:38
JFoI hope it gets better21:38
* JFo hugs czajkowski 21:38
czajkowskiyou and me both, or I lose both cases before it gets herd, which will piss me off >:(21:38
JFoI can imagine21:39

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