
bfallikhow can I modify the kernel args (in grub2) to boot lucid into an ash / initrd shell?03:34
CIA-6ubiquity: evand * r4489 trunk/debian/ubiquity.install-any: Missed a pc105.tree reference that needed to be removed.10:00
CIA-6debian-installer: cjwatson * r1315 lucid-proposed/ (5 files in 2 dirs):11:18
CIA-6debian-installer: Fix amd64 builds to actually include the lts-backport-maverick kernel on11:18
CIA-6debian-installer: maverick-* images.11:18
CIA-6debian-installer: cjwatson * r1316 lucid-proposed/debian/changelog: re-close bug11:19
CIA-6debian-installer: cjwatson * r1317 lucid-proposed/debian/changelog: releasing version 20081029ubuntu102.811:20
holsteincjwatson: id like to speak hypothetically with you about ubuntustudio when you have a minute16:56
holsteinwe were discussing the process of changing from an alternate installer to a live DVD16:57
evhttp://people.canonical.com/~evand/images/bootcharts/ubiquity-r4489-build.jpg - in my attempts to see where we can speed up ubiquity's build time (in support of quicker unit testing), I've generated a bootchart of a build.  Careful, it's 33MB.17:00
cjwatsonholstein: ok ...17:04
cjwatsonholstein: you wouldn't be able to have the flexible task selection stuff if you did that17:04
holsteincjwatson: for example?17:05
holsteinthe meta-package selection at install17:05
cjwatsonthe menu that lets you chooose audio production, audio recording, graphics, ...17:05
holsteinthat might be OK17:05
holsteingood to note though17:06
cjwatsonit would reduce it to basically a desktop; or perhaps you'd simply have to install absolutely everything or something17:06
cjwatsonseems like a very significant design question for your project :)17:06
holsteincjwatson: other than, no big deal?17:07
holsteinother than that*17:07
cjwatsonwell, that pretty much is *the* big deal17:07
cjwatsonit's a non-trivial amount of work for us to switch over, but really more for you guys to decide how the whole workflow ought to work - make sure you've thought it all through very carefully17:08
cjwatsonyou also have the option of switching to a graphical version of the alternate installer if you like17:09
cjwatsonit's not as well visually designed as the desktop installer, and it's hard to make design improvements to it, but if it's just "argh it's all text" then that option is there17:09
holsteincjwatson: i think its the live option that im pushing for17:09
cjwatson(no other Ubuntu projects are using that yet, but anyway)17:09
holsteinnot really asthetics17:09
holsteinstill good to note17:10
holsteincjwatson: i'll bring it up17:11
holsteinand state the limitations17:12
holsteinand see what everyone thinks17:12
holsteincjwatson: thanks for your time :)17:12
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