
ubot4Laney called the ops in #ubuntu-release ()12:20
DJonesAlanBell: Just noticed within #ubuntu 16:45 < Garzooka> if anyone wants 10 free .mp3s pm me for a link16:48
DJonesWhy not start the day with spam16:48
MichealHDJones: Well, arent you a op there?16:50
DJonesMichealH: not in #u, the comment is more for reference on another issue16:51
MichealHI could keep a lookout16:51
DJonesDon't worry about it16:52
DJonesIts in hand16:52
AlanBellthanks DJones16:52
MichealH!pastebin > pranav16:55
GarzookaAlanBell u there?17:18
AlanBellI am Garzooka17:19
GarzookaAlanBell did you have a word with the ops like you said you would?17:20
AlanBellwe were just discussing your contribution to #ubuntu from earlier17:20
AlanBell16:45 < Garzooka> if anyone wants 10 free .mp3s pm me for a link17:20
GarzookaAlanBell that was a script sorry17:20
AlanBellthe ban evasion is a real problem, that is grounds for getting k-lined and being totally banned from Freenode17:22
AlanBelldon't do it17:22
Garzookaok, it won't happen again17:23
AlanBellthe short end of what was discussed was a one month ban from #ubuntu17:23
Garzookawhich i think is a little long17:23
AlanBellthe other option was Natty release in April17:25
Garzookawhats that?17:25
MichealHGarzooka: Natty is the next release17:26
m4varound 3 months from now17:26
Garzookawhat about Natty release17:27
AlanBellso I think the short option of one month is better than the long option of a three month ban17:27
MichealHGarzooka: You dont know Ubuntu Releases?17:27
AlanBellbut that would be conditional on not getting any bans or quiets in other Ubuntu channels17:27
Garzookame to17:28
AlanBellotherwise we start the clock again17:28
Garzookawhat do you mean17:28
AlanBellif you do something disruptive that gets you banned in another channel your ban in -uk gets renewed17:29
Garzookai sorta get what your saying17:30
MichealHGarzooka: What AlanBell is saying, If you choose Option 1 (1 month ban) You will not be allowed to get a mute or ban in annother #ubuntu-* or #*buntu chan otherwise, we will let the ban go back to 1 mont again17:30
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MichealHBah! Spelling was go good then I say "mont" :P17:30
AlanBellso the next thing is to decide when the ban starts from17:30
AlanBellcould start it from today17:31
Garzookathat would be a good idea17:31
AlanBellactually lets be nice and start it from your last ban evasion in -uk17:31
AlanBellthen we won't forget when it started17:31
Garzookayeah lets17:31
AlanBellI think that was the 17th, but I will check17:32
AlanBellnope, 16th17:33
AlanBellok, so remind us nicely on the 16th of Febuary17:34
AlanBelland don't get banned in the mean time from anywhere else17:34
AlanBelland fix your spammy mp3 link script17:34
Garzookai will17:34
MichealHGarzooka: See you on the 16th :)17:35
Garzookaok seeya then17:36
MichealHAlanBell: That went well :)17:39
popeythanks AlanBell18:04
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