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ftadpm_, weren't we supposed to have a meeting?17:28
dpm_fta, I thought I'd send an e-mail first. I've got a call with Danilo tomorrow morning, where I want to discuss some of the LP changes to understand them myself. Perhaps we could do it after that? Shall we chat again tomorrow noon and then see if we can meet here or in #launchpad?17:31
ftachrisccoulson, just wondering.. why are so many canonical guys using chrome instead of chromium21:11
chrisccoulsonfta - are they? i didn't know that ;)21:11
ftachrisccoulson, like jorge21:11
ftaall his blog posts have it21:11
chrisccoulsonfta - i thought he was using chromium21:11
chrisccoulsonhmmm, not sure why then21:11
ftawell, his blog is dead atm21:14
fta"Our servers are over capacity and certain pages may be temporarily unavailable. We're incredibly sorry for the inconvenience."21:14
ftachrisccoulson, http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/2883661045/other-ways-to-integrate-with-web-apps21:15
chrisccoulsonfta - yeah, i get that message too21:16
chrisccoulsoni can't answer your question though, you might be better off asking jorge :)21:16
ftachrisccoulson, it was more of a generic question, his blog popped up 1st as an example21:17
ftaweird for people promoting free software to use that21:17
ftabtw, i've implemented an easy way to add dist specific patches in chromium21:20
chrisccoulsonfta - nice. i might borrow that for firefox at some point ;)21:28
chrisccoulsoni added some similar functionality a while ago, and then removed it again because i ended up not needing it21:29
chrisccoulsonbut your way is better ;)21:29
ftai just need:21:29
ftaperl $(CURDIR)/debian/enable-dist-patches.pl $(DEBIAN_DIST_VERSION) $(CURDIR)/debian/patches/series21:30
ftainclude /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/patchsys-quilt.mk21:30
ftaof course21:30
ftaand in clean::21:31
ftaperl $(CURDIR)/debian/enable-dist-patches.pl --clean $(CURDIR)/debian/patches/series21:31
ftai wanted to make a cdbs rule file out of it, but couldn't figure out how to deal with the order of the apply before quilt / unapply after quilt21:32
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