
binaryhatno .cfg in /etc/nagios-plugins/config/00:00
lifelesskirkland: squid can do multicast cooperation already, FWIW00:00
kirklandlifeless: sounds nice;  what does that mean?00:00
lifelesskirkland: it means you can use a single config, across subnets (or even wans) and have squids autodiscover each other00:03
tigretoncould u send me a tutorial for balancing servers pls?00:05
SpamapStigreton: there are a lot of things to consider in load balancing00:07
tigretoni want to create a simple balance, it isn't for a company or a real case, i will study a simple web with balance00:08
SpamapStigreton: perhaps the simplest way to do it is with lvs .. http://www.austintek.com/LVS/LVS-HOWTO/00:09
tigretonand one more thing, 3 vps of 3$ eachone so... jeje00:09
tigretonlvs i readed it before, ok00:09
tigretoni see that tutorial00:09
tigretoncould spamamps resume what it does please?00:10
tigretonAn LVS is a group of servers that appear to the client as one large, fast, reliable (highly available) server. The core of the project is the ip_vs code, which runs on the LVS director...00:10
tigretoni will try lvs and piranha spamaps00:14
tigretonlvs tutorial is so large, so it isn't simply :( jaja00:14
tigretonthanks everyone see you tomorrow! ;)00:19
RoAkSoAxkirkland: for the ConsoleMonitor it is enough to examine time of last modification of /dev/ptmx and interrupts if any right?00:22
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i think that's what it does now, right?00:22
RoAkSoAxkirkland: mostly yes00:22
RoAkSoAxkirkland: first it does a dev = commands.getoutput("ls -t /dev").split('\n') and then a for over that /dev00:23
RoAkSoAxkirkland: but I don't think that's necessary, is it?00:23
kirklandRoAkSoAx: the -t sorts by timestamp00:23
kirklandRoAkSoAx: so the most recently touched files in /dev/ are listed first00:24
kirklandRoAkSoAx: which makes the for loop faster00:24
andreserlkirkland, yeah, but many times it shows /dev/shm.. which I don't think would be necessary00:24
kirklandandreserl: interesting, yeah00:25
kirklandandreserl: you're right00:25
andreserlkirkland, ok then ;)00:25
kirklandandreserl: are your changes pushed yet?00:26
kirklandandreserl: i'm going to grab a beer and hack the tcp monitor :-)00:26
andreserlkirkland, Today's changes nope00:26
andreserli'll push them in a bit as soon as I finish this monitor00:26
andreserlkirkland, ok :). I'll hack on TestDrive after this.. I';m finally gonna improve the use experience with VirtualBox00:27
binaryhatSpamapS, no sensors.cfg in /etc/nagios-plugins/config/ after installing  nagios-plugins-extra00:31
kirklandandreserl: sounds like a plan00:37
andreserlkirkland, done! Just pushed todays changes. WoL Monitor and Console Monitor are added, supported, but not yet enabled in the config file00:42
=== zul_ is now known as zul
jeeves_mossis there a benchmark tool to figure out how many users my FreeRADIUS server can support?01:00
twbjeeves_moss: not that I know of.01:04
twbI don't think radius itself is a very resource-intensive protocol01:04
twbWhat are your auth nodes?  modems?01:05
jeeves_mosstwb, it'll be an auth/payment server for hotspots.  the auth nodes are MikroTik routers.01:05
jeeves_mosstwb, the routers are doing the splash page serving, etc.  the server is just the RADIUS box with a LAMP system on it01:07
twbYou don't need LAMP for RADIUS AFAIK01:07
patdk-laplamp could make pulling reports from radius easier :)01:07
patdk-lapassuming he is using mysql backend for radius01:08
twbIf you say so01:08
jeeves_mossLAMP is to be used for the SugarCRM, and payment systems.01:08
jeeves_mossit's a dual PIII 1Ghz Xenon system, dual 36.6Gb 10K SCSI 320 drives (raid 1), and 2.5Gb of RAM01:09
patdk-lapso probably 1000/s01:10
twbpatdk-lap: depends how broken the LAMP load is :P01:11
patdk-lapheh, it all comes down to the drives :)01:11
jeeves_mosswe're just looking to support ~2,000 users under peak load.  We'll be paying attention to it, so if the load gets bigger, we'll put a bigger box in.  right now, we can only afford a 1U space01:11
patdk-lap2,000 users isn't the issue01:12
jeeves_mosspatdk-lap, they're 10K, 36.6Gb Ultra320 drives.01:12
patdk-laphow aften your users change, does01:12
twbradius won't give a shit about your drives01:12
jeeves_mossif they get botlenecked, I'll either put in 15K drives01:12
patdk-laptwb, writing logging info01:12
twbpatdk-lap: meh01:12
patdk-laprecording logins, bandwidth usage, logouts, ....01:12
patdk-lapI use all that info for my radius setup, great for vpn usage tracking :)01:13
twbpatdk-lap: if it can't do that on any old PATA drive, it's badly written01:13
jeeves_mossso, it should be stable enough for some serious user load?  (keep in mind, all of the login splash screens are served locally from the router/APs)01:13
patdk-lapjeeves, the radius part will be fine, it can easily do 300-500 LOGIN's per second01:13
patdk-lapit's the sugarcrm that could be slow01:13
patdk-lapmainly cause of php, and slow cpu's01:14
patdk-lapatleast I assume sugarcrm is php, dunno :)01:14
jeeves_mosssugar will ONLY be used by admin staff to update contact info, bill tracking, etc.  the public will have NO access to it01:16
patdk-lapthen you should be fine01:17
patdk-lapas long as you tune the backend for radius, reasonably01:17
jeeves_mossthe only dynamic data I can see being used is if a user checks their account standing (usage, billing, etc)01:17
patdk-lapthe more info you get in it, the more the tuning will matter, or purging old info01:17
jeeves_mossI'm look @ mid range 64bit servers with quad drives, and I think after we can afford it, we'll move to a "beast" to handle everything01:18
jeeves_mossI just don't want to get into a situation where it chokes01:19
jeeves_mossI just don't want to get into a situation where it chokes01:19
patdk-lapintel motherboard?01:19
jeeves_mossI'm trying to throw as much "hardware" @ the problem as I can that we can afford right now so the programmers can have a little bit of time to tune it.  We're close to going live with it.01:20
jeeves_mossyes, it's an IBM x33001:20
patdk-lapoh, it's like a little verson of my p3 systems01:21
jeeves_mossI only paied $20 for it01:22
jeeves_mossso, the price was right01:22
patdk-lap7k for mine01:22
patdk-lapbut that was 12years ago? or so01:23
jeeves_mossyea.  well, I'm thinking that if she'll support what I need for now, then we'll be good01:24
patdk-lapwhoa, that motherboard doesn't use solid caps?01:26
patdk-lapI would inspect it carefully, and make sure all the tops of the caps are flat, and none are pushing up01:27
jeeves_mosswent over it with a mag glass.01:29
jeeves_moss(my background is electronic repair and engineering)01:29
jeeves_mossthis one was the top pic out of a stack of ~1201:29
patdk-lapI have a stack of reject computers01:29
patdk-lapreplaced anywhere from 6 to 30 caps in each01:29
patdk-lapall work fine now01:30
patdk-lapall of them support wol too01:30
patdk-lapso I use them to lab different things, all remote power on/off01:30
jeeves_mossI think one of the "scrap" servers has a IBM monitor card in it, so if there is a problem, it'll scream01:32
jeeves_mossi'll be worth the second IP untill I can get a better box01:33
jeeves_mosswell, as I said, my biggest concern is to get the thing as stable as possible so the programmers can do their thing.01:37
jeeves_mosshas anyone got the IBM RAID monitor to work on a CLI only server?01:37
jeeves_mosshas anyone got the IBM RAID monitor to work on a CLI only server?01:40
patdk-lapwhat kind of raid card is it?01:41
jeeves_mossI think it's the ServeRAID 3L01:41
patdk-lapadaptec or megaraid?01:41
patdk-lapI dunno ibm's naming01:41
jeeves_mossI followed the googled "howto", and it looks like it installs, the service is there, but I can't connect to it remotley from a windows box to admin it (ie. to set up e-mail alerts, fix defunc drives, etc).  It's the Adaptec01:42
patdk-lapthat looks odd01:42
patdk-lapknow what kind of adaptec?01:42
patdk-lapI would assume the old raidtool one01:43
jeeves_mossthere is a tool that comes on the IBM ServeRAID setup disk01:43
patdk-lapthat would be my guess01:43
patdk-lapthat page is all about sata, nothing at all to do with scsi01:44
jeeves_mossfrack.  one sec.  brb01:46
resnoif i dont to use kvm for virtualization whats the next best option vmware?01:46
patdk-lapfirst, that is a pointless question01:47
patdk-lapyou need to know what you want out of it01:47
resnoim looking to run another os01:48
resnoi want to run an asterisk server01:48
patdk-lapI dunno about put asterisk in a vm as been very good01:49
patdk-lapcause vm's screw with timing, ans asterisk is time sensitive01:49
resnopatdk-lap: ah... is there a "better" option or will i need to get another machine running01:53
patdk-lapdunno, depending on what all you have asterisk doing, it might not matter01:53
patdk-lapbut if it's handling audio, it will01:53
patdk-lapbut then, that will also greatly be affected by whatelse the box is doing (or not doing)01:54
resnoive got it running in virtualbox now, but virtualbox seems to get out of hand01:55
jeeves_mosspatdk-lap, ok, I found the link.  http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59725601:56
patdk-lapthat is the same link01:57
jeeves_mosscrap.  grrr01:57
jeeves_mosspatdk-lap, http://www.allquests.com/question/1801099/Monitoring-utility-for-IBM-ServeRAID.html01:58
patdk-lapheh, same deal again :)02:00
patdk-lapexcept for the guy asking about the x330 :)02:01
patdk-lapbut all that info is for sata version02:01
patdk-lapI dunno anything about the ibm rebrands02:01
jeeves_mossbasically, I need to know how to use the control software so it will mark a replaced drive as good ans start the rebuild02:01
patdk-lapI have a bunch of adaptec cards, and just manage them using one of two utilities, depending on if it's i2o based or not02:02
jeeves_mosshummmm, how can I found out, and what 2 utilities?  my biggest issue is that I had one of the 36.6Gb drives in the mirror fail.  so, I replaced it, and now the dumb card won't rebuild the set.  And I'd like to set up auto mailing so it'll scream if something happens02:03
jeeves_mosspatdk-lap,  what programs do you use?02:05
patdk-lapI can't find the other one, but I haven't ever managed the newer one in linux before (aac based)02:09
jeeves_mossahhh,  well, I'm going to try to figure out what's going on with the IBM branded one first.02:10
wizardslovakhello people02:19
wizardslovakwhat kind of requirements would server need to run wordpress, phpbb and website02:20
patdk-lap200mhz? 128megs ram? a serial port02:21
wizardslovaki got ubuntu on virtual02:22
wizardslovakfrom system 3.2ghz single core 64bit , 1gb ram , and 40gbs hard drive in raid102:22
wizardslovakthats just for server02:22
twbwizardslovak: to run wordpress your computer should be disconnected from the network02:23
wizardslovaktwb, why ?02:23
twbwizardslovak: because wordpress has a shitty security record02:23
wizardslovaktwb, so whats good blogging software?02:24
jeeves_mosspatdk-lap, it all depends on if he wants it to run well!02:24
wizardslovakwell yea id love it to run well02:24
twbwizardslovak: I dunno... ikiwiki?02:24
wizardslovaki mean it will be for my friends02:24
patdk-laprun well is relative :)02:24
twbwizardslovak: something that has a compile process and the HTTP emits static content02:24
patdk-laphow much user load?02:24
jeeves_mosswizardslovak, is this a personal one or one you're going to put into production?02:25
wizardslovakno more then 20-30 ppl02:25
wizardslovakjust personal02:25
wizardslovakno more then 40 ppl02:25
jeeves_mosswell, Asus makes a small embedded board with a 2Ghz atom on it that's smaller than a PSU02:25
jeeves_mosswe've got one running as a NAS @ the house02:26
wizardslovaki got quad machine as home server and on it i got vbox with ubuntu server02:26
wizardslovakand thats how i run it02:26
jeeves_mosslol, then why are you asking?02:26
jeeves_mossI'm from the world of "broke as a Mo-Fo".02:27
wizardslovakjust curious if i need02:27
wizardslovakmore for it02:27
jeeves_mosslol, naaa02:27
wizardslovakand now twb made me think twice about wordpress02:27
jeeves_mossyea man.  what are you using it for?02:27
wizardslovakjust personal blogging for me and friends about fishing02:28
wizardslovaki am curious if it will be good idea to run wordpress and phpbb on same server02:28
jeeves_mosswhat are the specs of your current box?02:29
twbDid you know that every year in the past six years, PHP issues accounted for one quarter to one third of ALL security issues?02:29
wizardslovaktwb,  is there any way  i can secure it?02:29
twbwizardslovak: don't run it02:29
jeeves_mosswizardslovak, I'll give you an idea.  my little Asus board with a single P4 (3Ghz) on it with 1.5Gb RAM (266) runs 10 domains, e-mail, mysql, FTP, and has VMWare server running on it with 2 Windows VMs running02:31
wizardslovaktwb, no other way?02:31
twbwizardslovak: IMO no02:31
wizardslovakJeepbeats, oh ok , my mainboard is asus02:31
wizardslovakbut thats for ps3 media server ;)02:32
wizardslovaktwb,  so why people run it then ?02:32
twbwizardslovak: because they don't care about security, or they don't know it's insecure.02:32
twbwizardslovak: you might as well as "why do people get computer viruses?"02:32
wizardslovaktwb,  so u dont run any php software?02:33
wizardslovakJeeves_moss, i tried email but gave it up02:34
jeeves_mosswizardslovak, lol, why?  it only hurts once02:35
wizardslovakJeeves_moss, yea i couldnt figure out so i left it02:35
wizardslovakand still i am getting used to apache settings02:36
jeeves_mosswizardslovak, we've all been there @ one point or another, and we still all run to google when we can't figure something out02:37
wizardslovakwell i run first here then to google02:38
wizardslovakand still how many times i read iptables that many times i dont get it02:38
Datztwb: do you know much about the -virtual kernel package?02:38
jeeves_mosswizardslovak, do it the other way around.  you piss fewer people off02:38
wizardslovakif i can ask what kind of security u use?02:38
jeeves_mossfor myself?02:40
wizardslovakJeeves_moss, yeap , with those services i am curious what security02:40
jeeves_mossa large guy named Vinny....02:40
jeeves_mossohhhh, you meant on my server.  it's a Cisco PIX53502:41
jeeves_mossonly the required ports are open, and I VPN in @ 128bit encrypt02:42
wizardslovakoh ok02:42
wizardslovaki got ufw02:42
wizardslovakwith 3 ports open02:42
wizardslovakthats all i need02:42
kirklandRoAkSoAx: still around?02:42
kirklandRoAkSoAx: tcp monitor done02:43
kirklandRoAkSoAx: wol monitor not waking system up, though02:43
jeeves_mossopen only as much as you need.  and for everything you open, ask yourself, why am I opening them02:43
wizardslovakone for apache second for ssh02:43
wizardslovakthats it02:43
jeeves_mosswell, do you have root login for SSH dissabled?02:44
jeeves_mossmight want to do that02:44
wizardslovakgood idea02:44
jeeves_mossalso, might want to install fail2ban02:44
wizardslovakwhats that?02:45
jeeves_mossand set the failed logins low.02:45
wizardslovakok looks good02:45
jeeves_mossthen, as you open new ports....  enable the modules in fail2ban.02:45
wizardslovaksounds good02:46
jeeves_mossand look @ the logs to see what's going on from time to time02:47
wizardslovakif i dissable root login in ssh ,02:47
wizardslovaki wont be able to do maintenance from time to time usind my laptop02:47
twbDatz: -virtual is just a .config with no real hardware in it02:47
twbThat is, with drivers disabled02:48
jeeves_mosswizardslovak, why won't you be able to do maint?02:48
twbDatz: it's meant for use in domUs02:48
wizardslovakwell lets say install  use apt-get02:48
jeeves_mosswhat about it?  if you can SSH into it, then what's the problem?02:49
wizardslovakif i loggin into system as user02:49
wizardslovaki still will be able to use sudo command?02:49
jmarsdenwizardslovak: Yes.  PermitRootLogin: no means you cannot *log* *in* as root over ssh, not that you can't sudo once you log in as a normal user.02:50
wizardslovakok thank you02:51
jeeves_mossit makes sure that only a select set of users have root control.02:51
wizardslovaki am only one user02:51
jeeves_mossand it's a lot harder to guess other non standard user names.  Root is the defacto standard super user (hence why it's called root), dissable it, and you've taken an "easy shot" out of a hackers attack02:52
wizardslovakok dissabled02:52
jeeves_mossfail2ban installed?02:54
wizardslovaknah getting into it now02:54
jeeves_mossnow check your firewalls02:55
wizardslovakwhat range of ports should i scan?02:57
RoyKops - reboot..02:57
wizardslovakgot only one responding on port 8002:58
wizardslovakand ssh port02:59
* RoyK wonders why he is at #ubuntu-server when all the people here are noobs03:01
wizardslovakok weird03:05
wizardslovakafter i installed fali2ban i cant loggind to my system03:06
wizardslovaki am gettting  no route to host03:06
wizardslovakok got it03:12
jeeves_mosslol, see,that was easy03:15
wizardslovakyea but somehow i lost internet access for my ps3 now03:17
bcessahi there, I have a remote server using 10.04, today I update openssh and now I can't access the server, the last error msg I get while trying to start ssh was: "Failed to spawn ssh pre-start process: unable to set oom adjustment: Operation not permitted" any ideas on what may the problem be?03:59
twbbcessa: are you running in openvz or xen or lxc?04:00
twbbcessa: did you update to a post-.32 kernel?04:00
bcessayep, openvz, and no, I to update the kernel itself, I also try this but is not working so far https://secure.intovps.com/knowledgebase/16/How-to-Upgrade-from-Ubuntu-910-to-Ubuntu-1004-LTS.html04:01
twbbcessa: OK, that's why04:01
twbbcessa: your VE doesn't have permission to make ssh processes harder to OOM-kill (oom = out of memory)04:01
twbbcessa: go into /etc/init/ssh.conf and comment out the oom line04:02
bcessaok, I try that but is still not working04:05
twbbcessa: then I can't help you04:09
twbbcessa: unless you can provide some new information about what's failing now?04:09
bcessaok, thnx anyway, information like what? I can provide with any details that will help to fix this, the thing is I don't really know what's the problem, I update 2 servers today and the one in AWS is still working without any problems04:11
twbbcessa: I don't know04:11
twbhttp://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/Debugging ?04:12
RoAkSoAxkirkland: cool you mean WOLMonitor or the function within the powernapd daemon?04:20
bcessaok, thnx anyway, I'll keep looking at this04:23
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hmm, well, i get:04:23
kirkland2011-01-24_20:44:11 DEBUG    <UDPMonitor(Thread-1, started 139796353148672)> - data packet received04:23
kirklandRoAkSoAx: but that does not exit the napping sequence04:24
RoAkSoAxkirkland let me see04:25
RoAkSoAxkirkland: what config are you using?04:27
kirklandRoAkSoAx: good question ...04:29
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hmm04:31
kirklandRoAkSoAx: when i restart powernap, i get04:31
kirkland2011-01-24_22:30:42 ERROR    <UDPMonitor(Thread-2, started 140171986507520)> - failed to config socket [e=[Errno 98] Address already in use]04:31
kirklandRoAkSoAx: something funny going on04:31
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hmm, cool, it resets the absent time04:32
kirklandRoAkSoAx: while not sleeping04:32
kirklandRoAkSoAx: that's good04:32
RoAkSoAxkirkland: uhmmm  UDPMonitor should not be 7 or 9 :)04:32
kirklandRoAkSoAx: let's talk about that tomorrow :-)04:33
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i think it should04:33
kirklandRoAkSoAx: and should be set to that by default04:33
kirklandRoAkSoAx: by the config file04:33
RoAkSoAxkirkland: that's WOLMonitor(.py)04:33
kirklandRoAkSoAx: and then we can disable the WoL monitor04:33
kirklandRoAkSoAx: maybe, let's chat tomorrow04:33
RoAkSoAxkirkland: the UDP monitor will only listen for *any* packet, while the WoLMonitor will compare that the data received matches the Network Interface04:34
kirklandRoAkSoAx: ah, right04:34
kirklandRoAkSoAx: good point04:34
RoAkSoAxkirkland: but, yeah, that's still a bug, UDPMonitor shoulod not even try to bind 7 or 9 anyways. Will look it tomorrow04:35
RoAkSoAxand yeah, let's review stuff tomorrow ;)04:35
kirklandRoAkSoAx: k04:35
kirklandRoAkSoAx: TCPMonitor is working well04:35
kirklandRoAkSoAx: powernap not sleeping while i have an ssh connection open04:35
kirklandRoAkSoAx: but it's not awaking when a new session comes04:35
kirklandRoAkSoAx: doesn't look like the monitors are running when sleeping04:36
RoAkSoAxkirkland: that's cool!! and yeah, will not awake till I rework the event based thingy04:36
kirklandRoAkSoAx: okay, my changes are pushed04:36
RoAkSoAxkirkland: they are not just yet. I'm gonna look into that tomorrow though04:36
kirklandRoAkSoAx: cool04:36
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i'm going write LoadMonitor tomorrow04:36
RoAkSoAxkirkland: cool :)04:37
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i gotta crash04:37
kirklandRoAkSoAx: g'night04:37
RoAkSoAxyeah me too. gnight too ;)04:38
Datztwb: I see. Should -virtual be used in a virtual machine?04:42
twbDatz: -virtual show NOT be used on non-virtual machiens.04:43
twbDatz: it doesn't matter if you use a different kernel on a VM04:43
DatzOk, well I installed -virtual kernel package for my VM. When I purged other -server kernel packages, I got kernel panic04:44
Datzseems like -server config was needed for -virtual to funtion04:45
twbMore likely you fucked up somehow04:45
Datzok, just wondering..04:45
twbDatz: like forgetting to update the bootloader04:45
twbIt depends on your VM solution04:46
sbeattieDatz: was this maverick? It's claimed that bug 570542 has resurrected itself.04:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 570542 in linux "linux-image-virtual does not include ahci module, prevents virtualbox from booting an Ubuntu guest" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57054204:48
Datzinteresting though04:48
Datzif I purge linux-image-2.6.32-27-server I'll get kernel panic: linux-image-2.6.32-27-server04:51
Datzso.. idk :P04:53
Datzdidn't mean to paste package twice04:54
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uvirtbotNew bug: #664529 in cloud-init (main) "cloud-init hangs with url error 'Network is unreachable'" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66452905:51
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JohnuxHello all06:54
Johnuxdoes anyone have any preferences for splunk over landscape? or visa-versa?07:00
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mroth_a virtual server is where you run multiple websites or other services out of one box, right?07:52
shaunothat tends to be vhosts or virtual hosts.07:52
shaunoa virtual server tends to refer to virtualization specifically; having entire copies of the OS (or other OSes) running compartmentalized within one physical system07:52
mroth_i see.07:52
mroth_what scenario would aperson want to run several OSes on a headless server?07:52
shaunogood question.  I just find it nifty.07:52
mroth_well, yes, i do too07:53
mroth_but i read online about KVM07:53
mroth_is that for running virtual servers or virutal hosts?07:53
shaunoI know at work we have vmware hooked up to our UPSes management software, so we can migrate running (virtual) machines from one rack to another if one rack is going down07:53
shaunoit does open up a whole bunch of options that physical machines don't have07:53
shaunokvm is for virtualization07:54
mroth_virtuzliation of servers or hosts07:54
shaunovhosts tend to be specific to server software (eg, the web server, the mailserver, etc) rather than the OS itself07:54
mroth_right. well i'm asking because i have this old HP laptop i yanked out of its happy, dusty retirement07:55
mroth_and its now running ubuntu server07:55
mroth_and i've been playing with web apps and stuff07:55
mroth_i wanted to know if i could have two websites coming out of the same server07:55
shaunoah; that'd be vhosts07:55
shaunodo you know what web server it's running?  (eg, apache, nginx, etc)07:56
mroth_i really didn't do much research about the options, is that worth looking into ?07:57
shaunoif it's just something you're using at home, or for a small number of people, apache's a pretty sensible default07:57
shaunothe difference between them tends to come into play a lot more when you're serving huge numbers of requests; you're more likely to hit the limitations of your old laptop first07:58
mroth_sounds like apache will do fine then07:59
mroth_does apache have some kind of builtin vhost function?07:59
shaunoit does :)07:59
shaunohttps://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html   has a small bit on it under 'basic settings', and a link to more docs at apache.org08:00
mroth_is this as simple as telling ender.com to point at my IP address x.x.x.x and then having ender2.com point at x.x.x.x.:8080?08:01
shaunoit can be even easier.  the normal way to do it is with name-based hosts08:01
mroth_telling vhost1 to pick up requests on port 80 and vhost2 on port 808008:02
mroth_i see08:02
mroth_i will read. thank you.08:02
shaunosee http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/examples.html08:02
shaunothe 'servername' lines let you have configuration that's specific to that name08:03
shaunohm, that's maybe not the best way to explain it, because they're putting them all in one file there08:04
shaunohttp://www.debian-administration.org/articles/412   is a pretty good crash course (and there's nothing there that isn't equally applicable on ubuntu-server)08:05
mroth_do you know of any good free domain name sites?08:06
shaunoI think dot.tk is the only one that springs to mind as being free.   you may find dyndns.com as being more applicable if it's being run from home tho08:07
shaunothey won't give you terribly 'pretty' domains (eg, you're not going to get a dotcom), but you get what you pay for08:08
mroth_will the domain site have any effect on the responsiveness of the site?08:08
mroth_like, if i registered with dot.tk, would it be slower than if i paid $11 for a yearly godaddy  *.com site?08:09
shaunowho's hosting the dns will have some effect on the first connection (typically in the order of miliseconds).  not the name / domain itself tho08:09
shaunoand nothing that's going to affect it more than running the sites off a laptop :)08:09
mroth_yeah, fair enough, to be sure08:10
mroth_but i've learned soooo much from configuring this thing08:10
mroth_it's crazy08:10
mroth_i just got my friend's ubuntu server set up08:10
mroth_it took me days and hours reading08:11
mroth_we got his set up in hours08:11
mroth_it was awesome08:11
shaunoI think if you're not learning anything, you're doing it wrong :)08:11
mroth_if i'm trying to build a timesheet databse application and i want to use mysql as the backend. how do i make the frontend?08:13
shaunoeither roll up your sleeves and learn to program, or hit google and start looking for one someone's already made08:14
mroth_lets say i opt for the former.08:15
mroth_i want to use python.08:15
mroth_do i literally just grab a python-for-dummies book and i can make an interface for the database that way?08:15
mroth_i mean, not so simply08:15
mroth_but is that it? i don't need a tool to create the graphical part?08:16
shaunotypically, python would do that job too08:16
shaunoeg, if you're planning to do this as a web app, you'd have python (or pretty much any other language) creating the html that's sent to the user's browser.  and then understand the form submissions that the browser is sending back08:18
mroth_i see.08:19
mroth_i know html08:19
mroth_but i'd be hard pressed to code any kind of a reasonable site in html08:19
mroth_instead i might use a cms like joomla or drupal, or a WYSIWYG editor like screem to make a site08:20
mroth_are there tools like that for python?08:20
shaunosort of.  there's things like django, where you create a template that's mostly html.  and then have python use that template to output things08:21
mroth_the reason i'm talking about python is because there's a free MIT course on it available online08:24
mroth_thorugh freecourseware08:24
mroth_but i'm not married to it. do you think it's a good(isH) starter language?08:24
mroth_scratch that. do you think it's the best starter language? if not, what is?08:24
shaunoI'm not much of a programmer, so not sure I'm the best to judge there.  but I hear good things about it08:25
twbmroth_: no; you should start with Scheme, and CISC assembly (or C).08:25
mroth_twb why08:25
shaunothere's quite a few resources tho.  I think that's where python would get my vote at the moment.  you won't be hard pressed to find things08:25
twbmroth_: and MIT has offered video lectures on first-year Scheme (course 6.001) since the 70s08:25
twbmroth_: because Scheme (or more specifically, the lambda calculus) gives you the pure mathematical/linguistic grounding for language design, and assembly/C gives you a grounding in the pragmatic low-level turing/von neumann hardware.08:27
twbUnless, of course, you're studying in order to make money -- in which case you should study Python, then Java and C++.08:27
mroth_what if i was more of a dilletente, and didn't feel the need to know the fundamentals08:27
mroth_oh yes and you asnwered it before i asked08:27
twbThose are poorly-designed languages that promote 80s computational ideologies to the exclusion of pedagogy.08:28
mroth_you sound like a programming teacher yourself08:28
mroth_and something of a difficult one, at that08:28
twbIf by "difficult" you mean I want to fail 80% of first years because *they won't learn*, rather than dumbing down the course so that $university can milk four years of tuition fees out of them -- yes, I am.08:29
mroth_well i'm considering going back to school for some real computer knowledge08:30
twbThen I recommend you take either electrical engineering, or pure math08:30
twbThe CS classes are now thoroughly vocational -- even at places like MIT.08:30
mroth_to be honest, vocational learning doesn't so much bother me08:31
mroth_as being unable to accomplish my goal due to a lack of preparedness08:31
twbIf you want vocational training you should go to a poly and pay 1/10th the fees08:31
twbI don't have a problem with that; I have a problem with academic institutions charging for academic training and supplying vocational training.08:32
mroth_is that to say that a poly school and MIT have the same quality of training supply?08:32
twbWell, I daresay you get a better class of vocational training at MIT :-)08:32
twbAnd there are probably a few of the old guard left out there08:33
mroth_one would hope.08:33
mroth_i'm 23. is it too late to learn programming?08:33
mroth_i went to middle school with kids who dreamt code.08:34
twbIIRC there's an inverse correlation between age and learning ability.08:34
mroth_i feel like i may have missed my critical period for programming08:34
twbI doubt a sufficiently determined 23yo is "too old"08:34
mroth_very true.08:35
mroth_see, i hadn't developed a sufficient understanding of the open source world, and its possibilities, until after i had pretty much cemented in my field of study during my undergrad degree08:36
mroth_now that i'm learning more about it, i find i have a very strong desire to contribute08:36
twbMost places won't stop you taking a second undergrad course08:36
mroth_but i feel more than a little useless to a society based on open CODE when i can't create it in the first place08:36
mroth_no, i know that08:37
mroth_i can go back, i know that08:37
mroth_but if i could use the skills i have now, and still be of use08:37
twbSkills in what field?08:37
mroth_my degree is in psycology. i have some accounting background.08:38
mroth_i have sales experience.08:38
mroth_i'm good in groups. i'm good with people.08:38
mroth_i'm good with computers, but only insofar as troubleshooting, really.08:38
kerozenea lot of os projects have woeful ux design08:38
mroth_quite true.08:39
mroth_woeful is a well chosen word, in fact08:39
mroth_in so many ways, too08:40
mroth_woeful that the ux is bad, yes, but also that it matters as much to the eu as it does08:40
kerozenethat's psychology for you08:40
twbYou could look into cognitive psychology.08:40
twbThat's interdisciplinary08:41
mroth_what is an open source evangelist08:42
kerozenemore woeful that the devs think their project would be more popular if people 'just gave it a chance'08:42
twbmroth_: google.com/search?q=define:evangelism08:42
mroth_it was rhetorical08:42
mroth_i mean, can i pay my rent evangelizing ubuntu?08:43
twbkerozene: you may wish to read producingoss.com08:43
twbmroth_: I doubt it.08:43
twbmroth_: you might indirectly, as part of a sales team of a company that leans towards FOSS solutions.08:44
mroth_damn it all, why can't i just work for canonical as a salesman?08:44
twbe.g. when my boss goes out to DoJ and says "hey, we have a wicked solution for remand centres, and btw it's open source"08:44
twbmroth_: have you asked them?08:45
mroth_and there, be taken under wing by some wizened old guard programmer08:45
mroth_to be taught all the great script-judo08:45
mroth_well not so directly08:45
mroth_i have done some quiet googling08:45
mroth_and alas, those positions are relatively few and far inbetween08:46
mroth_and usually require CS DEGREES08:46
mroth_which brings me back to my original track, sorta08:46
twbMost places I know don't require a CS degree.08:46
mroth_EE at MIT08:46
mroth_there we go08:46
twbThey might require *a* degree, because that demonstrates your ability to follow through on a long-term project08:47
twbBut it's easier to teach CS to an intelligent, enthusiastic person than to teach intelligence and enthusiasm to a CS graduate08:47
twbThat's my view, anyway.08:47
mroth_nicely put.08:48
mroth_to say the least.08:48
twbIt also helps if the hiring committee can go "oh, hey, I recognize that guy from <mailing list>.  He posted a few <interesting things>."08:48
mroth_a forlorn hope in today's world of multiblogging08:49
mroth_but a chance nonetheless08:49
mroth_shauno, twb, kerozene, thank you08:49
mroth_for your time and your willingness to hear me out, and answer me so well08:50
twbIt's that or do work08:50
mroth_ha! the truth is out.08:50
mroth_ok, goodnight.08:51
kerozenegn mrmist08:51
kerozenegn mroth_08:51
mrmisttab fail :)08:51
twbI didn't know jesus was even in the channel08:52
shaunohe's everywhere maaaan08:52
twbLike jedgar08:52
kerozenejesus and telstra08:52
kerozenethanks for the link. I did a quick skim; looks interesting08:52
shaunooh boy.  I really am up too late if you're all australian08:53
kerozenethough I wish it said something about ux :)08:53
twbYeah, 7am is bed time08:53
shauno9 ;)08:53
twbHence: you are up too late08:53
shaunoaltho the sun never quite comes out in ireland, so it's difficult to tell sometimes08:53
kerozeneshauno: that's a vicious slur. I'm not australian.. yet08:54
shaunoyou have syd in your hostname.  that's australian enough for me.  next step is to admit it to yourself :)08:55
shaunoaltho you may want to practice in a mirror before you tell your parents08:55
kerozenenot till they come for my irish passport08:55
shaunoI'm not sure those mean anything anymore.  they're pretty much giving them away08:56
shaunomy wife got one.  5 years ago she couldn't point at ireland on a map.08:56
shauno(plot twist.  I'm not irish.  moved here by accident)08:57
kerozenewhat, you get shipwrecked?08:57
shaunonear enough08:57
shaunoshort version: came here for 3 months, stayed for 6, then got told I wasn't welcome back in the US.08:58
kerozenethey tell everyone that though08:59
shaunowell, apparently I'll be able to visit as a tourist as soon as 2016. until then, I'm just sorta sat here trying to figure out where I'm meant to be09:00
shaunono, 202609:00
sorenshauno: Because you stayed away for too long?09:05
kerozenemaybe he was drinking in the wrong pubs09:05
shaunosoren: yeah.  I apparently wasn't familiar enough with greencard restrictions09:05
sorenshauno: Oh, you're not a US citizen?09:06
twblucky break09:07
shaunothe catch that makes it awkward is that my parents & siblings are naturalized, but I can't go back09:07
shaunothey stayed long enough to be assimilated into the collective.  my wanderlust made me a proper black sheep09:07
* soren thinks the concept of citizenship is bogus anyway09:08
* twb thinks the concept of nation-states is bogus, too09:08
shaunoI technically agree.  But I've found them very difficult to debate with.09:09
kerozenedivide and conquer09:09
sjbnzVMware tools - what's the recommeded approach?09:15
sjbnzThis is on a production ESXi 4.1 with 10.04 guests...09:16
sjbnz(in the past I've done "install tools" from ESX, then the script, and had to compile...09:16
sorentwb: Completely agreed.09:16
kerozeneshauno: apparently Green Light immi. consultants in Galway are good, if you were ever interested in pursuing it09:21
kerozenegetting cut off like that doesn't sound right09:21
shaunowe have a plan :)  stay here until I'm eligible for a passport myself, and then restart the whole process from scratch as a K109:22
shaunosee I'm not eligible for my original visa anymore, because it was k3 .. child/dependent of immigrant spouse.  apparently living in another country for 5 years, turning 30, etc kinda nix the dependent bit.09:24
kerozeneturning 30...how arbitrary09:24
shaunobut my wife is a bona fides yank, so we can re-file on those grounds09:24
twbshauno: my sympathy09:25
shaunoshe's not that bad :)  she's had 5 years in europe too now09:25
shaunokerozene: indulge my paranoia a moment, how'd you know I'm in galway?09:30
shaunomy irssi lives in london09:31
sjbnzVMWare tools? apt-getting open-vm-tools sounds attractive, but VMware say they don't support the version in Ubuntu repos (!?)...09:32
kerozeneshauno: I didn't, I just have some acquaintance with the guy who runs that outfit. pure coincidence :)09:33
kerozenesjbnz: what versions, respectively?10:42
ttxsoren: can you flip the switch on https://code.launchpad.net/~ed-leafe/nova/lp703041/+merge/46823 again ?11:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #707348 in tomcat6 (main) "tomcat6 doesn't configure  cleanly with JAVA_OPTS having values with slashes " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70734811:16
\shttx: oops for the bug? ;)11:18
ttxnah, that one is a dupe anyway :P11:18
ttxand fixed in Natty ;)11:19
\shbut there is a debdiff for maverick attached ;)11:19
\shttx: it bugged me this morning with latest security update...11:19
\shand it will bug me on lucid too ;) production series ;)11:19
\shand now I'm bugfixing live-boot ;)11:27
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uvirtbotNew bug: #707365 in awstats (main) "syntax error in /usr/share/awstats/tools/buildstatic.sh" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70736512:06
=== a7ndrew_ is now known as a7ndrew
tigretoncould someone send me a how-to set up a load balancer please?12:26
\shtigreton: http://www.howtoforge.com/set-up-a-loadbalanced-ha-apache-cluster-ubuntu8.04-p312:28
\shtigreton: google for pacemaker + ldirectord gives you more hints on how to setup a ipvs loadbalancer on e.g. lucid12:30
tigretonsorry was phone12:39
tigreton\sh but it simply? i only want to study it12:39
tigretonnot to create a high web12:39
\shtigreton: then you should read something about ipvs: http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/software/ipvs.html12:40
tigretoni'm there12:40
tigretonand the other in progress12:40
tigretonbut isn't too much simply... haha12:41
tigretoni was expecting \sh something like a simple iptables :(12:41
tigretonbut well, i will read all u said12:41
\shtigreton: loadbalancers are not simple...12:41
tigretoni saw something that programming with php12:41
tigretonasking the status of eachserver12:41
tigretonand redirecting...12:41
\shtigreton: ipvs is what you need...not iptables...and ipvsadm is an easy tool when you know how to use it and understanding what ipvs does12:42
tigretonbut they say it's about 2 secs12:42
tigretonso i must understand first what it does...12:42
tigretonin linuxvirtualserver explain it nice?12:42
tigretonfoolano esp?12:45
jamey_uk_I'm using halevt to automount a LUKS-encrypted disk, but it doesn't have permission to mount devices. What do I have to do to allow the halevt user permission to mount?12:49
tigretoncould u put privileges on the user?12:51
=== WindGone is now known as shobo0
=== shobo0 is now known as windkids
jamey_uk_tigreton, yeah thanks, I ended up sudo-ing the command it was executing13:12
tigretonoO i helped someone!!! how could be possible?13:24
tigretonmust go thanks \sh13:24
uvirtbotNew bug: #707402 in openssh (main) "connection refused on port 22 after upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70740213:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #707405 in tomcat6 (main) "tomcat6-instance-create should allow -c -1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70740513:26
tsarlesI have a static IP set on an interface. After a few hours it quits responding, and I find that it has changed it's IP address to something the DHCP server would have gave it. I issue an '/etc/init.d/networking restart' , and it takes it's normal static IP again, but I can't figure out why it is doing this13:45
_rubentsarles: you switched from dhcp to static, without rebooting or killing dhclient3?13:49
tsarleshasn't been rebooted in a while i think13:49
tsarlesyour saying I have to kill some DHCP daemon or something?13:50
_rubenyou probably have a "rogue" dhclient3 still running around13:50
_rubenquite likely13:50
tsarlesok...... willl it show up in top? or how would you reccomend i check for this?13:50
_rubenit should13:50
aljosaanybody knows if there is a repository with check_postgres package for ubuntu maverick or maybe just deb package?13:50
tsarlesi have a dhclient running.... guess that must be it13:51
tsarlesand it's dead... thanks... hope that does it13:51
Davieyzul, Are you working on bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/697105 soon?14:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 697105 in apache2 "Segfault on POST" [High,Confirmed]14:08
zulDaviey: its on my todo list14:08
Davieyzul, ok, great!14:08
SpamapSDaviey: thats a nasty one. :-P14:15
DavieySpamapS, Ahh, sent you a mail as i thought you wouldn't be online yet!14:16
SpamapSDaviey: I *shouldn't* be online yet14:16
SpamapSDaviey: re bug #653405 ... I believe this one can only be "fixed" upstream. :-P14:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 653405 in rabbitmq-server "rabbitmq-server fails to start if hostname is unresolvable or has changed since first starting" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65340514:18
SpamapSDaviey: so really, next logical step is to upstream that bug.14:20
DavieySpamapS, Do you want to handle that?14:22
SpamapSDaviey: yes, on it14:23
DavieySpamapS, \o/14:24
zulSpamapS: 5.1.54 building right now14:24
SpamapSOh lovely..14:25
SpamapSrbabit has no bug tracker14:25
SpamapSzul: cool. :) sorry that I've completely dropped the ball on merging my favorite packages. :-/14:26
\shBug reports14:26
\shTo report a bug or problem email legitimategrievance@rabbitmq.com!14:26
SpamapSzul: I have been working on mysql 5.5 tho :)14:26
zulSpamapS: heh14:26
zulSpamapS: thats ok thats what im here for :)14:26
SpamapS\sh: private bug trackers mean we have to waste upstream's time every time we want to see if something is already reported, already fixed, or being avoided for a good reason. :-/14:27
SpamapSBut I digress, that is their issue not ours.14:27
\shSpamapS: complain to springsource ;)14:28
RoAkSoAxmorning all14:28
DavieyI'm really quite surprised rabbitmq doesn't have a bug tracker. :/14:30
Davieyhallyn, is bug #705395, a regression or a change; do you know?14:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 705395 in vm-builder "$domain is not available in libvirtxml.tmpl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70539514:31
SpamapSDaviey: they have one, but its private14:32
Davieythat is above awesome14:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #707436 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.5.5-1.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70743614:37
patdk-wkreading their website, I still have no clue what rabbitmq does14:37
SpamapSRabbitMQ provides robust messaging for applications.14:38
patdk-wkso it's smtp for programs to talk to each other? basically14:39
patdk-wkinstead of say, doing a tcp connection themselfs14:40
zulSpamapS: unless you dont change the underlying os its running from ;)14:42
\shpatdk-wk: it's like activemq but written in erlang and not java, and has amqp support instead of openwire14:43
SpamapSpatdk-wk: right, it sits between programs and brokers messages between them14:43
SpamapSActiveMQ is so good at being slow.. I had to read the manual twice to make sure it wasn't designed to be a bottleneck. :-P14:44
RoAkSoAxDaviey: ping14:49
DavieyRoAkSoAx, pong14:49
hallynDaviey: sorry, dunno15:14
hallynDaviey: can  look later, not right now15:16
Davieyhallyn, groovy, thanks!15:27
RoAkSoAxOne thing btw... we do not care about bugs that are caused because, i.e. Virtuozzo, made a tweak to a package upstart job to be able to run it, right?15:37
wizardslovakhello people15:40
zulRoAkSoAx: eh?15:40
thiebaudehey Wizards15:40
RoAkSoAxzul: bug #70709815:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 707098 in openssh ""oom" change in 1:5.3p1-3ubuntu5 causes "operation not permitted"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70709815:40
wizardslovaki got Wordpress installed , but i walso want to run phpbb on same server15:41
RoAkSoAxzul: VPS provider tweaked the upstart job to allow openssh run in Virtuozzo. After upgrade and replacing the upstart job with the one shipped in the package, ssh no longer starts15:41
wizardslovakwhat would i have to modify in apache config?15:41
zulRoAkSoAx: not really15:41
RoAkSoAxzul: so it is a wontfix?15:42
zulRoAkSoAx: im not sure i think they should take it up with their vps15:43
RoAkSoAxzul: so it is15:44
RoAkSoAxinvalid for us15:44
wizardslovakanyone of you have experience with phpbb?15:52
DavieySpamapS, meeting?16:00
DavieySpamapS, are you chairing?16:01
SpamapSyes coming16:01
lapsusbrutusHP Color LaserJet 2600n foomatic/foo2hp    I need this driver for my cups on a 10.10 server,  anyone knows what to install to get it?16:22
axisyswhat am I doing wrong here? http://pastebin.com/gYZNF30916:49
axisysi need to install this to use megacli16:49
axisysadded the script option -c .. still seeing the error16:51
iclebyte-worki'm having big troubles with mod_perl. I have an app in /var/www/myapp/cgi - that is the root. The CGI is executing however I get "Can't locate Monitor/Devices.pm in @INC". in /var/www/myapp/cgi/Monitor/ exists a file called 'Devices.pm' - in the apache error log i can also see that /var/www/myapp/cgi/Monitor is listed in @INC17:07
iclebyte-workany ideas? driving me mad..17:07
RoyKaxisys: why don't you just extract the files from the rpm archive?17:07
RoyKiclebyte-work: no chrooting messing up?17:09
iclebyte-workno chrooting in place, this is a plain install17:09
axisysRoyK: using alien .. which option to extract ?17:10
axisysthis is the rpm file17:12
axisysfile Lib_Utils2-1.00-01.noarch.rpm17:12
axisysLib_Utils2-1.00-01.noarch.rpm: RPM v3 bin Lib_Utils2-1.00-0117:12
RoyKaxisys: rpm2cpio somefile.rpm | cpio -id17:13
RoyKmake a tmp dir first and cd into that17:14
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axisysRoyK: ok17:34
axisysRoyK: it created etc usr and var dir in tmp and tons of files in those dirs17:40
axisyslooks like I can just go to / and extract it again17:41
axisyswould be nice if I could use rpm to install them17:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #707535 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.7 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70753517:41
RoyKaxisys: the problem with using rpm on debuntu systems is that the config files end up the wrong place and may even damange the system17:45
aliveriushow long is a non-lts supported for?17:46
* zul odes a cobbler update17:46
axisysRoyK: ok.. with alien it should put it in the write place.. but the `error: incorrect format: unknown tag' is what I need to fix17:49
axisysI downloaded the rpm for ubuntu from here17:51
axisysmegaraid_sas is already comes with ubuntu 10.04 .. but it is older version than what is in lsi sight17:51
axisysalso lsi site has the megacli which is needed to check the status of the raid17:52
RoyKaxisys: it won't install it anywhere else than what's given in the package17:53
RoyKhow should it guess where?17:53
hallyncmagina: finally working on that mp merge, btw.  hoping to have something you can test later today.17:54
cmaginahallyn: alright, sounds good17:54
hallyncmagina: do you remember which file needed the 's/\/lib\//\/lib*\// ?17:55
hallynwas it all of the debian/*.install ones?17:55
hallyndannf: ^17:55
axisysRoyK: sorry i don't follow17:55
axisysRoyK: are you referring to `error: incorrect format: unknown tag' ?17:55
cmaginahallyn: there were two17:56
dannfhallyn: ooh.. don't remember for sure - i *think* that's all it was17:56
hallyncmagina: right, two of the three (not the kpartx one)17:56
hallyncmagina: dannf: thx :)17:56
RoyKaxisys: no, I was referring to alien - it just installs whereever given in the rpm file17:56
RoyKaxisys: about the error message, google it17:57
cmaginahallyn: yep17:58
cmaginahallyn: multipath-tools and multipath-udeb17:58
axisysRoyK: check this out.. i got the src code..  but it is failing to make18:06
* RoAkSoAx goes to lunch18:06
axisysRoyK: http://pastebin.com/tQ2u1V6u18:06
RoyKaxisys: no idea, sorry - are you sure the driver doesn't exist in a newer kernel?18:10
axisysRoyK: driver does exist..18:10
axisysRoyK: but older version..18:10
RoyKaxisys: erm - I don't get it - card unsupported in old driver?18:11
axisysRoyK: so I guess I could just live with that..18:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #707546 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.6~dfsg-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70754618:11
axisysRoyK: no it does support18:11
axisysRoyK: i can see the disk .. my raid10 shows up as sda118:12
RoyKthen why upgrade?18:12
=== Guest34014 is now known as ogra_
axisysRoyK: true.. i should not worry about the upgrade.. but!18:13
axisysRoyK: i still need a way to find out if a disk is offline underneath.. that is where megacli rpm comes to play18:13
RoyKaxisys: those source files were just for the driver18:17
axisysRoyK: right.. i should just forget about them.. and concentrate on making the megacli rpm to work18:17
RoyKaxisys: can you email me the rpm, so I can take a look?18:18
axisysRoyK: address ?18:18
axisysRoyK: http://www.lsi.com/support/sun/sg_x_sas6-r-int-z.html18:20
axisysRoyK: MegaCli - Linux  8.00.2308-13-201018:20
axisysRoyK: under utility software18:20
axisysI will email you this18:21
axisysRoyK: sent.. thanks18:24
RoyKaxisys: 32 or 64 bit?18:32
axisysRoyK: 64bit.. I got it working18:32
axisysRoyK: i can run the binary and check the raid controller status from the OS18:32
axisysRoyK: but.. it is not complete installation of MSM (megaraid manager) .. just megacli..18:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #707563 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.6~dfsg-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70756318:46
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=== Kiall is now known as Kiall|AFK
RoyKaxisys: that should do18:50
RoyKaxisys: add a nagios/icinga check and you're done :)18:50
=== Kiall|AFK is now known as Kiall
uvirtbotNew bug: #690640 in debhelper (main) "dh_installinit upstart support start a job in postinst script regardless of previous status" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69064019:00
zulSpamapS: what do you think of ^^^?19:14
zulkirkland: why did you approve Davieys branch but not merge it?19:18
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-shovelin
SpamapSzul: reading19:20
aliveriuscan someone help me with a pair of 4k sector hdds?19:21
zulSpamapS: obviously its too late for 10.04.219:22
SpamapSzul: seing as its dh_installinit ... its too late for lucid unless we want to rebuild everything that has an upstart job. ;)19:25
zulSpamapS: my gut says no19:26
SpamapSzul: though it would be good to backport it to lucid so that any future SRU's we do build with this fix.19:27
zulSpamapS: yeah but that would be half empty or half full19:28
cemco/ where can I find a daily lucid cd image with enabled -proposed ?19:58
=== cmagina-shovelin is now known as cmagina
SpamapScemc: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lucid/daily/current/20:09
SpamapShmm thats only the alternate CD20:10
cemcSpamapS: nvr mind, I used mini.iso. thanks anyway.20:10
SpamapScemc: yeah that should work too :)20:11
sbeattiehttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/lucid/daily/current/ has the server images.20:13
cemcsbeattie: right, that one I didn't find ;) thanks20:15
SpamapSsbeattie: oh.. DUH ;) ty20:15
hallyncmagina: dannf: multipath-tools with debian/experimental merged in is built at ppa:serge-hallyn/multipath for natty.  d'oh.  i guess i'll compile one for lucid, for you to test with?  or do you have a natty install you can try it on?20:24
cmaginahallyn: i have a natty install, but nothing that uses multipath20:25
hallyncmagina: ok, lucid version pushed, should hopefully be built in 30 ins20:30
cmaginahallyn: ok, i'll give it a spin20:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #707561 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.6~dfsg-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70756120:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #707581 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.6~dfsg-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70758120:31
aliveriusi am installing the lts server and i finished partitioning with raid and lvm20:49
aliveriusbut i am not confident my hdds perform at their best because they use 4kb sectors20:49
aliveriushow can i find out if it was done ok?20:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #707631 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.6~dfsg-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70763120:56
DaughainCan eomsone here help me with an SASL issue?20:59
DaughainSOmeone, even.20:59
PiciDaughain: An issue connecting to freenode? or other some other SASL thing?21:00
PiciDaughain: If freenode, your best bet would be to ask first in #freenode21:01
DaughainCOnnecting to freenode. Via Xchat21:01
chovynzHow do I upload a website to my private server via command line?21:07
chovynznevermind. I'll ask again at a later date when I have more time.21:11
Roastedhas anybody installed freeradius on ubuntu?21:12
ThirtysixwayHow can i configure munin plugins apache_* to track both http traffic on port 80 and https (SSL) traffic on 443?21:15
deadsmithhey all --- can anyone point me toward reading or advice for Linux ioschedulers with a 32TB RAID 50 setup?21:18
aliveriusi installed ubuntu server on a system with a part raid 1 and inside the ride some lvm, plus one big regular partition on each disk21:26
aliveriusnow it refuses to install grub21:26
aliveriuswhat's going on?21:26
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RoAkSoAxkirkland: howdy!!21:36
RoAkSoAxkirkland: so I reworked the powernapd loop today and now the GRACE period approach has changed, as well as it keeps tracking while in PowerSave. I'm testing it now. When you have the time to discuss it further, let me know21:38
hallynaliverius: if you are using multipath, then it's a knwon bug in grub (being worked, with proposed fixposted)21:40
aliveriushallyn: first of all what do you mean with multipath, second how do i circumvent this?21:42
SAM__hi guys i know an issue with my webserver on 10.04 and im not sure what is causing it....if someone could take a quick look id be most greatful http://unrealkillers.com/forum.php21:44
hallynaliverius: if you don't knwo what multipath is, then it probably isn't your problem.21:45
aliveriusas i said before it is one raid, one normal partition and a number of logical volumes inside the raid partition21:46
genii-aroundSAM__: www.wherever.com   is not the same as wherever.com21:49
SAM__I have this as my config21:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #707663 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.6~dfsg-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (dup-of: 707563)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70766321:51
genii-aroundSAM__: Did you recently change the nameserver info?21:53
micahghi, is there a reason that /usr/share/php isn't on by default?21:57
kirklandRoAkSoAx: okay, give me a bit22:09
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i have the LoadMonitor working well22:09
RoAkSoAxkirkland: sure thing. take your time :)22:12
glenpGot a question and its a newbie server question.   1. whats the best way to set up partitions on a server.   2  whats the best filesystem22:13
kirklandRoAkSoAx: cool22:13
smoserglenp, if it were up to me, and I didn't want to become an expert on such things, I would take the defaults (which is what I do)22:14
smoserthere is definitely a whole lot of tuning and smarts that you could have to do better, but the intent of the defaults is that they're chosen by people who generally know what they're doing.22:15
aliveriushow do i get parted during install?22:16
glenpk  I have heard of putting your home directories in a seperate partition.  and there are other ways I have heard.22:16
aliveriusi was told i need to do some special stuff for a bios boot  partition and parted is needed for that22:17
Mip5Hi - I'm building a transparent proxy using squid 3.1.10, on ubuntu server 10.04, using 2.6.37 kernel. There were a few config options necessary for squid to install in ubuntu (eg, --prefix=/usr). I'm looking for the proper config options to install iptables 1.4.10 in ubuntu. Thanks.22:22
Mip5I ask this because I just ran updates on the server, and there was a python script as part of a firmware upgrade package that failed. It looked like it failed to find my install of iptables.22:23
=== deadsmith_ is now known as deadsmith
SAM__can anyone help me with OS hardening and where to start please? maybe a tutorial?22:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #707691 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.6~dfsg-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: post-installation script returned errorcode 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70769122:46
aliveriusSAM__: hardened linux from scratch?22:50
SAM__aliverius, yes22:52
deadsmithcan anyone point me toward reading or advice for Linux ioschedulers with a 32TB RAID 50 setup?22:58
=== cmagina-lunch is now known as cmagina
RoAkSoAxRoAkSo/win 223:13
kirklandRoAkSoAx: yo23:16
kirklandRoAkSoAx: okay, man, i have time for you now23:16
andreserlkirkland, can't access my vps let's do it through here, or should we chat?23:28
Italian_PlumberHello.  My system is running a disk check on startup.  it's running it right now.  Is there a way to stop the disk check?  I'm troubleshooting a different problem and I can run a disk check later.23:34
SpamapSkirkland: hey have you ever had issues using approx for boot strapping hardy?23:39
uvirtbotNew bug: #707722 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.6~dfsg-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso instalado el script post-installation devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70772223:56

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