
popeywhats synergy?00:02
Azelphurpopey: its like a network based kvm only no monitor00:02
Azelphurso its great for controlling more than 1 machine with 1 keyboard and mouse00:03
Azelphurhamitron: my pc just froze again00:08
dutchiepopey: seems to be only one minor release behind that mentioned on the web00:11
dutchie!info get-iplayer00:12
lubotu3get-iplayer (source: get-iplayer): download/stream available BBC iPlayer TV and radio programmes. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.78-1 (maverick), package size 130 kB, installed size 504 kB00:12
dutchiehttp://www.infradead.org/get_iplayer/html/get_iplayer.html "The latest version is v2.79"00:12
dutchie(thanks for the reference btw)00:24
dutchiealthough if you particularly care, i can get round to sticking an updated version on my blog00:24
popeyI use 2.7900:25
popeywhen i use it00:25
popeywell, it kinda just runs on my server, i never look at it00:25
popeyand now bed00:25
exobuzzxbmc has a nice iplayer plugin#00:38
exobuzzalso doesnt use flash00:38
exobuzz(so can use any video acceleration if supported by hardware)00:39
Azelphurhehe, mythtv refuses to do that because bbc get smad.00:40
exobuzzok get iplayer also doesnt use flash. but you can seek in xbmc00:40
exobuzzi aint heard a peep from the bbc yet. and if i did i would ignore it heh00:40
Azelphurthey got the android app took down00:40
exobuzzi do the iplayer pluygin for xbmc these days. hence my comment00:40
Azelphurbecause it didn't use flash00:41
exobuzzyeh but its harder to take downa  bunch of source00:41
AzelphurI wish mythtv would support that stuff too00:41
Azelphurthey won't do youtube and stuff out of piracy fears00:41
exobuzzeven on my dekstop machine i use xbmc with iplayer instead of iplayer website00:41
exobuzzcan do better bitrates out of the box00:41
exobuzzand muhc less cpu/crashing of course00:42
exobuzzi had a couple of ales. sorry and new keyboard. its one of those at work here00:42
exobuzzkeyboard of course.00:42
* exobuzz is just waiting for new emgd drive for joggler so that xbmc works00:44
exobuzzany day now im sure. or week. they said q1 2011 on a forum post00:45
exobuzzthere is a beta in meego source tree00:45
exobuzz(which worked wirth xorg 1.9 - woo - like with maverick properly without downgrading x - but then 3d stuff did crash a little)00:45
exobuzzjust a brain dump anyway.. tis late00:46
ujjainHoi. I have a question. If I am well off the pace, does that mean I am slow or fast?01:10
dutchieusually slow01:10
dutchiewould have thought that would be pretty clear from the context, but i don't think i've ever heard it used to mean you're ahead01:11
ujjainIt was confusing for me. You´re well of the pace in all 3 sectors.01:12
ujjainI thought it was a compliment, but I am no sure anymore. Probably not.01:12
dutchiewell do ou think that you are doing well or not?01:13
ujjainLewis Hamilton well off the pace in Australian GP practice | Sport ...01:14
ujjain27 Mar 2009 ... Lewis Hamilton finished the second practice in 18th,01:14
ujjainIt´s probably bad.01:14
ujjainI was not doing that well, so makes sense. I just thought ´well of the pace´ sounded like a complimnt in the first place.01:15
dutchiei can only apologise for our language :)01:16
ujjainThanks :p01:16
CompacthackMorning all06:30
CompacthackGiven up on installing 10.10 on My Macbook Air via USB key, ordered an external USB DVD drive from apple06:31
HazRPGCompacthack: heh, you could have tried installing it via network if you have a regular desktop06:35
HazRPGCompacthack: what happens when you try installing it from USB anyways?06:36
CompacthackCan't boot onto the live usb key, so you have to copy the usb key to a partition06:37
Compacthackthen boot into that partition06:37
shaunoI had the same problem on my mbp (long story short, I don't have an optical drive anymore).  I ended up using vmware's raw disk access to install it in vmware, but onto a real partition06:38
CompacthackInteresting so its not just the MBA,06:39
CompacthackI can boot and run the installer, but apparently it has a bug, when you try and alter partitions that are on the same physical drive as the install partition it gets upset06:40
CompacthackGot 10.10 in virtualbox, but would like that native feel and touch.06:40
HazRPGhmm, it could just be the partitioning scheme that Mac's use06:43
HazRPGhave you tried looking for a guide or tutorial or something on how to install ubuntu onto a MacBook Air06:44
HazRPGoh wait06:44
HazRPGjust read your first part06:44
HazRPGhmmm... have you tried changing the BIOS to let it boot from USB?06:44
shaunothere is no bios06:45
HazRPGor do you have an option at the BIOS that tells you "press ... to select boot drive" or similar06:45
Compacthackthe guide has big holes in it,06:45
HazRPGah but there will be somehow - it'll just be hidden with a splash screen to stop people tampering06:46
shaunonope.  literally no bios.  it uses EFI instead06:46
Compacthackafter a lot of digging in the forum I found that you can issue a unmount followed by a pile of switches and you can get through. But I thought for $83AUD I'll bit the bullet06:50
HazRPGCompacthack: have you tried this for example: http://www.ehow.com/how_6178465_boot-air-usb-external-drive.html06:51
CompacthackThats very interesting, I think this was written pre the current vers of MBA, maybe if I did this, and installed the OS on an external drive the copied the installed OS onto a partition on the SSD then used rEFIt to boot into that partition06:56
Compacthackafter reading that again, I think they are talking about a usb external drive as an external CD drive?06:57
Compacthack"Turn your laptop back on and insert the installation CD for the system  software you wish to use when booting from the external drive.06:57
CompacthackRead more:  How to Boot a MacBook Air From a USB External Drive | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_6178465_boot-air-usb-external-drive.html#ixzz1C1mulAKW06:57
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
HazRPGyeah they are, however I think the same would apply for any USB bootable device07:02
CompacthackI thought too, but surprise surprise I think Apple have locked it down!07:04
CompacthackMaybe they want to sell more of there USB-DVD drives07:04
shaunoheh.  trust me, dvd drives is not where their profit comes from :)07:06
shaunoif the installer freaks out trying to alter partitions on the disk it's running from, have you tried setting the partitions up from within osx first, and then just skipping fdisk in the installer?07:14
* HazRPG agrees with shauno07:24
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
CompacthackYep, have set paritions sizes in OSX, the installer won't even just format them, but the strange thing is that if you drop out of the installer and just run the system live you can use gparted to create, format the swap and ext4 root, but the installer still freaks out07:45
TheOpenSourcererMorning earthlings: http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2011/01/24/italy_consumers_sue_microsoft/07:47
* Neoti has now purchased http://www.ebuyer.com/product/251310 with some additions, sata raid 1 mirror card with extra 1TB hdd and a Nvidia Geforce 9000 Dual Headed graphics card with HDMI out Plus 2 x Samsung Black 22" monitors.... Should be a beat when its working with Ubuntu 64Bit edition...07:56
NeotiHey all07:56
MyrttiNeoti: have you checked the raid card works in linux?08:15
Myrttithough I haven't checked the latest hardware compatibility efforts too closely08:16
DJonesMorning all08:31
CompacthackMorning DJones08:35
DJonesHi Compacthack08:39
popeyNeoti: i agree with Myrtti. chances are that any sata raid card you buy from ebuyer under 100 quid will be fakeraid08:45
MooDoohello all08:59
DJonesHeya MooDoo09:04
gordhttp://forum.xda-developers.com/index.php the colours kind of remind me of somewhere else...09:32
MartijnVdSgord: still no 2.3 :(09:33
Myrttiatleast I have 2.2.2 now09:33
Myrttigot it yesterday, finally09:33
MartijnVdSMyrtti: But I want 2.3.x! :'(09:34
Myrttisure, so do I, but I can only assume that 2.2.2 might have been a bug fix update that precedes 2.309:34
MartijnVdSI want a countdown website09:36
MartijnVdSlike Ubuntu has!09:36
Myrttigood luck with getting that ;]09:36
MartijnVdSMyrtti: yeah not even Googlers know09:36
Neoti1hey all im now back at my computer at work ...09:45
Neoti1thanks for the comments about the raid card... i think it works09:45
Neoti1though not sure ...09:45
Neoti1if it dont work... well hay... any one need a raid card and a 1 TB hard drive ? lol09:46
=== imexil1 is now known as imexil
DJonesGreetings czajkowski09:54
* Neoti1 just had to correct someone else's fooked up PHP code for creating files ... argh!!!! if you don't know what your doing leave me code alone!!!!!!!!!09:55
Neoti1howdy czajkowski hows things09:56
czajkowskiNeoti1: not sooo bad10:03
popeyNeoti: which raid card did you get in the end?10:16
popeyanyone on natty fancy confirming bug 70732010:16
lubotu3Launchpad bug 707320 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "Scrolling timeline flickers between current and top" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70732010:16
* popey pokes gord 10:16
gordbit busy trying to get places in for A2, sorry :(10:18
popeyok, nw10:19
Neoti1popey : i have chosen the starview raid card11:01
davmor2morning all11:01
Neoti1popey : http://www.ebuyer.com/product/12396711:01
=== lan3y is now known as Laney
popeyNeoti1: that will be fakeraid11:02
popeyalmost entirely worthless11:02
directhexnot worthless, just not a raid controller11:02
popeyhence "almost"11:02
directhexno difference between it & a bare sata controller11:02
directhexremember the old rocketraid resistor trick?11:03
popeydid that "upgrade" your raid card?11:03
directhexpopey, turned a bare ide controller into a raid card :)11:03
Neoti1popey : when it turns up i will install the other 1TB drive create a mirror and let you know ....11:04
popeyi wouldn't do that11:04
popeyis it only going to run Linux?11:04
popeyi.e. no windows?11:04
Neoti1i have lernd from experiance that mirror raid on a standard desktop is price less ... as i have lost loads of databefore and im not doign that again so i have desided to mirror the drives and if one drive fails at least i can replace it and rebuild the array and not lose any data ... well thats the plan11:05
popeyI am not saying RAID is not good to have11:05
Neoti1popey i will have  ubuntu 64bit on there11:05
popeyJust that you haven't bought a RAID card11:05
Neoti1well if its not raid then they are about to be sued : Product Description11:06
Neoti1You get four RAID-ready internal Serial ATA ports for your high performance Serial ATA hard drives. Whether you need Striping (RAID 0), Mirroring (RAID 1), or both (RAID 0+1), this card has you covered. The PCISATA4R1 also supports RAID 1+S (Mirrored-Sparing), which automatically replaces a failed hard drive and rebuilds the system if a booting hard drive fails.11:06
popeyit's not hardware raid, it's fakeraid11:06
lubotu3Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto11:06
popeyread that :)11:06
* tugrik cries11:06
tugrikI learnt about fakeraid the hard way11:07
popeyfakeraid cards are in effect software raid11:07
popeyyour cpu will be doing the work11:07
tugrikwith the added fun of some of them not being supported by linux11:07
popeyand as such you might as well use linux kernel md software raid11:07
tugrikin fact maybe all of them ?11:07
Neoti1ok ... recommend a good raid card for me to use ? and when this one turns up i will return it back to them ...11:07
popeythey are now tugrik11:07
popeyNeoti1: I'd use software raid11:07
popeylinux md raid11:07
lubotu3Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto11:07
tugrikreally?  I set up a box over Christmas and fakeraid didn't appear to be supported then11:08
popeyoh, same links :)11:08
popeytugrik: maybe it didnt have dmraid module /package installed?11:08
popeyNeoti1: if you really want a decent raid card, go for anything over 100 quid :)11:08
popeylsi, adaptec.. 3ware11:08
popeyany of those should be fine11:08
mattipopey: ;]11:09
popeymatti: got a playbook yet? :)11:09
mattipopey: No.11:11
mattipopey: I am no longer with RIM ;]11:11
popeyoh, i didnt realise11:11
mattipopey: No worries ;)11:11
popeygood ;)11:11
mattipopey: I moved to Greenwich and work for Puppet Labs / Pinetec Limited (mcollective guys) / eBay / Gumtree etc ...11:11
mattipopey: Its a small consultancy owned by a friend.11:12
mattipopey: So, now I do everything and nothing ;]11:12
mattipopey: Good fun ;]11:12
mattipopey: I am also trying out myself in a role of senior... having dudes under me...11:12
mattipopey: Learning how to trust people and how to delegate is the hardest...11:12
Neoti1ah i have heard alot of good things about 3ware i will order one of those i think ...11:12
Neoti1will let you know11:13
* matti is not really a people person either.11:13
Neoti1although adaptec are a bit cheaper ..11:13
mattipopey: If you fancy a coffee at some point, let me know ;] Coffee on me ;]11:13
* Neoti1 ponders about 3ware or adaptec.....11:13
mattiivanka: hey ;]11:13
* DJones notes that coffee has been mentioned and wonders where brobostigan is?11:14
mattipopey: But I have to admit, that the workload has indeed increased ;p I cannot slack whole day "compiling" ;p11:14
ivankahi Matti11:14
directhexNeoti, only some adaptec cards are real raid11:14
mattidirecthex: Hey :)11:14
directhexNeoti, rule of thumb: only buy a card with a heatsink on it!11:14
devushplanning to run 10.10 on mac-air with virtual box.  any concerns?11:14
mattiivanka: All good up there high in the sky at Millibank?11:14
markjonesDJones, yes, i wonder where he is too11:14
devushi had currently 10.10 on vmware player under windows.11:15
mattiivanka: Pass my regards on jpds if/when you see him :)11:15
devushi will move it to mac-ar.11:15
mattijpds: :)11:15
devushmac-air i mean11:15
ivankamatti: just got in so it is too soon to tell :-) Will pass on regards as and when the opportunity arises11:16
markjonesdevush, should run fine in a VM11:16
mattiivanka: Thanks :)11:16
czajkowskiivanka: aloha there! long time no see11:16
devushok. basically i want to run ubuntu as i always do, but taking the mac as it is very light. could not see any alternative. probably later on i will give try to get it directly on mac-air.11:17
devushi heard there are issues in installing it on mac-air. especially booting it from the external drive etc. so called bootcamp also does not works with ubuntu i heard.11:18
popeydevush: i run ubuntu on my mac11:18
popeydevush: its not perfect11:18
popeyi use bootcamp11:18
devushpopey, how you installed.11:18
markjonesI used Virtualbox11:19
popeyi used bootcamp to partition the drive up, and then installed refit to give me a boot loader11:19
popeythen installed ubuntu on the second partition11:19
popeyits a macbook pro11:19
devushnot perfect. is it better to run on the VM then. I will be doing java developement with eclispe etc. i will have 4GB macair.11:19
popeydefine "better" :)11:19
devushas there is no DVD etc. drive on mac-air. i heard that only the mac DVD drive can boot from other OS. So i am not sure, how i will boot from ubuntu to install it.11:20
popeyah yes, dunno how it works on the macbook air11:21
czajkowski*sigh* today is not going well11:21
devushthanks anyway. i will update once i will get the mac delivered.11:22
Neoti1ok 3ware it is11:22
markjonesdevush, you do know that you can install ubuntu via a USB Drive?11:23
popeymarkjones: how do you get the mac to boot from usb?11:23
ivankaczajkowski: hello hello!11:24
ivankaczajkowski: are you better today?11:24
popeyhang on11:25
markjonesspecifically: connect the device, restart, and immediately press and hold the Option key to access Startup Manager.11:25
popeythats for booting osx11:25
popeybut it needs to be specially formatted?11:25
czajkowskiivanka: yup a lot thanks. How are things with you ?11:25
devushmarkjones, i will try. but i heard only the MAC provided USB drives works for the booting other OS.11:26
devushpopey, yes you are correct.11:26
devushcurrent and the new mac-air etc. supports osx and through bootcamp win7.  and if you can afford to get the mac-DVD drive, then you can boot iso images like ubuntu.11:27
ivankaczajkowski: glad to hear it. Things are pretty hectic as usual but I am managing to keep my head (well, my nose at least!) above water :-)11:27
devushi asked earlier also. is there anybody with HP Tx2. i have issues and problems with mouse with 10.10.  reverting back to 10.04 works fine. has to do with touchscreen and mouse combination.11:28
Neoti1who was it who put me on the XBMC .....11:30
Neoti1i am using it and the XBMC remote control for andriod just wanted more info on it,11:30
markjonesdevush, tried an older kernel?11:30
czajkowskiivanka: excellent to hear11:30
devushno. never thought of it.11:31
markjonesthat seemd to fix my wireless driver issue11:31
devushis that to replace after the installation. or is there another image for 10.1011:31
markjoneswhen you boot grub, it gives you the option to hit escape, choose a kernel from there11:32
markjonesit usually gives you 2 seconds to ht escape, then boots normally11:34
devushmarkjones, thanks, i noticed that. i will give the try.11:35
markjonesno problem11:35
* davmor2 prods czajkowski you need some camomile tea to help easy your muscles down :)12:06
czajkowskidavmor2: I dont run PPA on work macine12:08
gordi just watched a video of gnome shells daily build from yesterday, haven't really paid attention since GUADEC... i mean, i don't want to sound petty, but at this point i'm pretty sure they could use unity's translation strings even12:08
davmor2gord: oh where the video at please12:09
davmor2czajkowski: What?12:10
czajkowskidavmor2: dont want to install LO on work machine12:10
davmor2czajkowski: I don't think I asked you too honest12:11
Myrttiwhile true; do rsync -avuz --progress  ~/.minecraft/saves/World1 ~/.minecraft/tarbackup; tar cvjf ~/.minecraft/minecraft-`date +%s`-world1.tar.bz2 ~/.minecraft/tarbackup;echo "done for now";sleep 30m;done \o/12:45
jpdsWouldn't cron do it better?12:47
MyrttiI don't want it to be chugging when I'm not playing12:47
Myrttiuseless overhead12:47
popeycheck for the lock file before tarring it up?12:48
popeyif the lock file is there, you're playing12:48
Myrttithis was about the best I could do with my concentration potential of an earthworm I currently have12:49
gordi have had bad experiences with things reading the minecraft save files whilst its running, can corrupt all your saves12:49
popeyi might just take a daily snapshot12:49
gordminecraft save directories are fun like that12:49
popeyi cant figure out how to turn dirt into farmland12:51
Myrttiwith a hoe?12:51
popeyi see someone else (hamitron?) has, and i fed his wheat which is now fully grown12:51
popeyi must be doing it wrong12:51
popeyit just digs the dirt up12:51
Myrttiyou are doing it wrong12:51
Myrttiuse it like you'd put torches up12:51
Myrttior build stuff12:52
popeyright click!12:52
popeythank you!12:52
* Myrtti still thinks #ubuntu-uk-minecraft would be in order ;-)12:52
brobostigonafternoonings all.12:52
* popey joins12:52
shaunoMyrtti: glad you cleared that up, actually.  just flicked past, and for a moment, thought they were talking about farmville :/12:53
Myrttishauno: oh no, now you've ruined it for me12:53
Myrttithese germans have funky drinks12:54
brobostigonelaborate Myrtti ?12:54
Myrtticarbonated apple juice, Volvic water with peach ice tea flavour12:55
MyrttiI wasn't too much into the lager with the lime lemon flavour12:55
MyrttiI'm not a lager person.12:55
brobostigonurghh. ingermany it would be a pilsner, lager doesnt exist in germany by law,12:56
brobostigonand cant exist, because of how its made nd lagers ingrediants.12:56
Myrttiwell whatever that tastes like lager12:57
brobostigonok. no worries.12:57
MyrttiI'm not a beer person :-D12:58
brobostigoni am not a lager man, but i do like a good pilsner.12:58
czajkowskiawww I like the iecraft chater12:58
czajkowskitis amusing12:58
Myrtticzajkowski: I'm sure it'll still be here ;-)12:59
davmor2Myrtti: no what you need is an ubuntu-uk minecraft server :D13:00
brobostigondavmor2: doesnt popey have that already, :)13:00
czajkowskiMyrtti: :D13:00
davmor2brobostigon: no idea13:01
MyrttiI might suggest setting up a minecraft server to my workmates13:01
Myrttisince they play online poker and stuff every fortnight13:01
brobostigondavmor2: popeydc.dyndns.org, or similer i believe.13:01
MyrttiI've not yet found a game that I'd enjoy playing with them, but minecraft is nice13:01
=== UFVisitor4 is now known as Stormcr0w
GringoHI guys i need help anything simple to get my soundcard working? i have no sound at all voulume is turned up etc i have just installed ubuntu my soundcard is Realtek ALC88713:46
davmor2Gringo: do you have a Graphics card with hdmi out?13:47
brobostigonGringo: have you checked with lshw and lspci to see if its being recognised.13:48
Gringono hdmi and have no idea what lshw is im quite new to ubuntu plus all the commands13:48
Gringomy gfx card is 8800GT13:49
brobostigonGringo: can you open a terminal please.13:49
brobostigonGringo: sudo lshw    ,and see if its lists your soundcard,13:50
Gringoescription: Audio device13:51
Gringo             product: N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller13:51
Gringo             vendor: Intel Corporation13:51
Gringo             physical id: 1b13:51
Gringo             bus info: pci@0000:00:1b.013:51
Gringo             version: 0113:51
Gringo             width: 64 bits13:51
Gringo             clock: 33MHz13:51
Gringo             capabilities: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list13:52
Gringo             configuration: driver=HDA Intel latency=013:52
Gringo             resources: irq:16 memory:fdff8000-fdffbfff13:52
Gringoopps sorry for spamming13:52
Myrttipastebin is a friend13:52
brobostigonGringo: thats good, it knows your soundcard exists, ok, try "alsamixer" in terminal and seeif  its showingy the right volumecontrols.13:53
Gringocannot load mixer controls: Invalid argument13:54
cpsafternoon peeps :)13:56
brobostigonGringo: hmm, ok. sorry to have to ask you to do this, but try "dmesg" interminal andlook forsoundcard errors, its going spit out alot of output.13:56
Gringomy soundcard works fine on windows 7, what im i looking for? will it say error?13:58
Gringowhats the pastebin link?13:58
brobostigonGringo: itwill mention your seound device, which you found with lshw.13:58
lubotu3For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:58
brobostigonGringo: sorry about this, real life calls.13:59
brobostigonGringo: there loads ofpeoplehere whocanhelp you further,13:59
Gringothats ok i appreciate your help  http://paste.ubuntu.com/558119/13:59
brobostigonsorry, :)14:00
* brobostigon prods cps 14:00
Gringoany idea guys?14:04
davmor2Gringo: do you have a headset for skype plugged in at all?14:05
Gringoi have a headset but not plugged in14:06
davmor2Gringo: just trying to rule out the obvious first14:06
cpsbrobostigon: hey :)14:06
Gringoi have just the green socket connected, which connected to my sub14:06
Gringono sorry, green connects to my monitor14:07
Gringoand a lead from my monitor connect to my sub14:07
bigcalmHi peeps14:13
Gringoany ideas?14:13
brobostigoncps: :)14:15
cpswb brobostigon :)14:15
Gringobrobostigon did you see the pastebin? wb14:16
brobostigonGringo: let me scroll up and get it.14:17
brobostigongot it14:17
brobostigonGringo: do you have several soundcards/chips like onboard for example.14:19
Gringomy soundcard is on board and thats the only 1 i have which works spot on with windows 714:20
brobostigonimean at all,working or not.14:20
Gringono i dont just 1 soundcard14:21
Gringohow come that alsa mixer didnt work?14:22
brobostigonthats weird,because the kernel is loading hda, which is for intel sound.14:22
brobostigonwhen yours is realtek.14:22
Gringowhen i type alsamixer i get this ...    cannot load mixer controls: Invalid argument14:23
brobostigonGringo: not sure,  seems alsa either cant pickup the mixer, or the soundcard as a while is working somehow. i think.14:23
brobostigonGringo: try "sudo alsamixer"14:24
Gringosame message14:24
Neoti|workhey all14:28
Neoti|workdam work computer crashed on me14:28
brobostigonGringo: what is your sound card model again, please.14:29
brobostigonafternoonings Neoti|work14:30
GringoRealtek ALC88714:30
Neoti|worki just put xbmc on my pc and am controlling it from my andriod phone ... how cool is that ...14:31
brobostigonGringo: so why is lshw sounding it as a intel,syou pasted earlier.14:31
Gringono idea14:31
Gringonot sure if thats the model or what but i have gigabyte onboard sound and io think this is the card Intel N10/ICH 714:32
popeyoooer, windows key opens up unity bar now!14:32
popeypopey approves14:32
brobostigoni did askearlier if you hadmore than one sound card/cipearlier andyou said no.14:33
Gringoi only have 1 soundcard  i built this pc buddy and trust me i only have 1 soundcard the one thats built in14:33
brobostigonpopey: any ideas ?14:34
brobostigonGringo: i am not sure, sorry. i dont know how to proceed.14:34
Gringoneither do i lol14:34
Gringoi had a look at this but cant get it to work http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166171614:35
brobostigonpopey: sorry, any ideas on Gringo's issue.14:36
popeynope, sorry14:37
czajkowskiMyrtti: you mind find this useful  http://twitter.com/#!/czajkowski/status/2991017572066918514:37
Gringohow can i get alsamixer working?14:41
brobostigonGringo: its a moreunderlying issue, maybe with alsa itself.14:42
brobostigonor the underlying drivers.14:42
Gringoback to windows 7 then...14:42
Gringothanx for your help anyway.14:42
brobostigonGringo: i am sure it canbe fixed, justgret holdof the right people.14:42
Gringoany other chat room i can check?14:43
brobostigonGringo: for example, maybe youneed totellalsa whichsound card/chip to use.i wouldpop over to the main ubuntu room.14:44
brobostigoni ont know if there is an alsa irc room.14:44
brobostigonitmight be quite busy, sobe patient.14:45
gordmakes me sad that there is no package for Boodler :( http://boodler.org14:57
lubotu3Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com15:11
Neoti|workthought id do that for the hell of it ...15:11
kazadeafternoon everyone15:13
kazadehow's things popey ?15:14
AzelphurI did some electronics and I didn't break it \o/15:14
kazadeas in the scripting language?15:15
popeyand Love15:15
kazadenever tried it :)15:15
kazadeI don't suppose anyone knows how to get a Gtk+ progress bar to redraw itself?15:16
Azelphurpopey: MattJ is very into LUA (and XMPP)15:16
Azelphurfrom what I understand it's comparable to python15:17
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
X3Nkazade: why do you need to redraw it?15:49
popeyX3N: you on the loco contacts list?15:50
popeyyou should be15:51
kazadeX3N, well, I have a progress bar on a form, and I have a loop that does stuff. If I create a progress bar and set it to pulse, it won't get redrawn until after the loop (thus missing the point)15:51
kazadeI'm guessing I need to either redraw during the loop, or move the loop into another thread15:51
popeyX3N: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2011-January/005179.html could you ping dholbach some one-line answers to those?15:51
popeyor daviey15:51
gordkazade, as long as you are blocking the glib mainloop with your loop, it won't be able to run15:52
gordkazade, so yes, either move your loop into a different thread or convert it to a gsource based loop15:53
X3Npopey: I think that's more of a Daviey thing as elected contact n'all15:53
* X3N cop-out #115:54
X3NI'll do it actually, shouldn't take a minute15:57
* AlanBell has HAGGIS \o/16:21
* BigRedS struggles to feign envy16:21
* dutchie is missing haggis to go and see a talk on AI by Eliezer Yudkowsky16:23
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
brobostigonafternoonings all.16:38
BigRedSG'morning brobostigon!16:45
brobostigonhey BigRedS :)16:45
BigRedSmorning! How's it going16:45
brobostigonBigRedS: not bad, my eczema is calming,the infection is going. how about you?16:45
popeyX3N: sure16:45
popeyAlanBell: jealous!16:46
BigRedSbrobostigon: Whoop! I'm needlessly busy :/ Everything I do appears to be a tad more complex than it should be16:46
X3Npopey: done it :)16:46
brobostigonBigRedS: hmm, challenging.16:46
* popey hugs X3N 16:46
MichealHHi all16:48
BigRedSbrobostigon: yeah, it's like everything's working at just-a-bit-less-plain-simple-than-it-might-be16:50
BigRedSwhich reminds me (for some reason) is there a u-uk fosdem somethingorother happening?16:50
brobostigonBigRedS: hmm, ohwell.16:51
BigRedSkeeps me out of mischief :)16:53
brobostigonafternoonings jacobw16:58
jacobwwhats up brobostigon ?16:58
brobostigonjacobw: not alot, just annoyed and frustrated, really. and you?16:59
jacobwbrobostigon: not so bad, i'm on a course for my job so i'm being overloaded with jargon17:01
brobostigonjacobw: we can help.if you need helpwith jargon.17:02
jacobwLO is at a stable release :)17:02
jacobwi'll have to swap out OO.o on my machine with LO when i get the chance17:03
brobostigonwhen itried to install libreoffice here, it automaticcly downloaded fromdebian experimental, and got rid of oo.o, and automaticlly replaced it.17:04
brobostigonmade it very easy,17:04
jacobwon debian?17:05
jacobwhmm i can imagine debian have been proactive in replacing OO.o17:05
jacobwLO is going to be in 11.04 though isn't it?17:06
brobostigonjacobw: idont know, it doesnt seem to be in sid yet, only in experimental.17:06
AlanBelljacobw: so it would seem17:07
popeylibreoffice is already in 11.04 :)17:12
popeyalan@wopr:~$ which libreoffice17:13
brobostigonwopr :)17:13
czajkowskianyonehere in Millbank ?17:15
gordis libreoffice that good? i see a lot of people talking about it but i'm not sure why the buzz is there17:16
popeyits faster IMO17:16
brobostigonand smaller17:16
czajkowskimay install it tonight on home machines17:17
czajkowskifought with OO all day long today17:17
popeyits not that different of course17:17
gordi don't use either, open office annoyed me too much for me to consider something that was based on it really worth using17:17
moreatigord; Which bits bugged you? (also often annoyed)17:18
davmor2gord, popey: I like the fact they include the launcher for all the apps again, it mean you can add the launcher to app launcher and open any of the office apps from it17:19
gordit would be easier for me to name the bits that didn't bug me moreati ;)17:19
moreatigord: fairy knuth17:20
popeyW: Bizarre Error - File size is not what the server reported 19441 972117:20
popeynice, thank you apt17:20
popeygord: is the workspace switcher deliberately precious about being at the bottom of the list of apps in the launcher?17:21
gordpopey, yeah, its part of a group at the bottom, it'll eventually hint that you can't move it outside of its group but i don't think the code for that is done yet17:23
kvarleyis there a way to stop an apt-get install command when it's downloading a large data file?17:40
kvarleynvm I got it17:40
MichealHCTRL-C :P No, That would break dpkg17:42
popeyno it wouldnt17:42
popeyif its just downloading you can kill it anytime17:43
awilkinsGraaaaaaagh. Why do managers have to think that managing == meddling. Sometimes managing is LEAVING me ALONE until something pops out......17:53
awilkins"things not going well - _must change stuff_"17:54
awilkins"More meetings! They fix EVERYTHING!"17:55
awilkins/me takes a chill pill. Literally.17:56
awilkinsA good thing I can dry-swallow.17:58
MartijnVdSpump up the valium!18:06
pr0ph3thi all18:36
=== Craig_Dem_ is now known as Craig_Dem
pr0ph3twhen I start cairo-dock my title bar disappears, if I quit it and restart the window manager it reappears, anyone know why r how I can have a look at what happens from the console?I'm running compiz18:37
X3Nyou could try compiz --replace --debug and then start cairo-dock18:59
HazRPGwoot! New internets :D19:29
* DJones looks and thinks, nope same old internet19:32
HazRPGheh, true... but my connections to it has changed ;)19:32
HazRPGbetter, faster, stronger...19:33
HazRPG(new ISP)19:33
DJonesAh, that maybe explains the reduction in HazRPG@....[ping timeout] :)19:33
DJoneswho are you with now19:34
HazRPGI've gone for an average ping rating of ~80ms to ~23ms19:34
HazRPGcan't complain with that :P19:34
HazRPGI've gone with BE19:34
HazRPGor BeThere, or however you want to call them19:35
HazRPG(o2 basically I think?)19:35
gordi'm on be, they are pretty good19:36
* HazRPG wonders if its worth getting extra IP's to have a bridged connection instead of a NAT one ...19:36
gordi mean, just bt resellers, but they don't cram up the tubes with bt crap19:36
HazRPGgord: Yeah, my friend was with them too - and he highly recommended them.19:36
HazRPGgord: lucky git could get 24Mbps :/19:37
gordi get 319:37
gordthats fine, thtas more than sky were getting me (1)19:37
HazRPGyeah I've gone from 5 to ~919:37
gordhonestly don't feel the need for a higher bandwidth right now, maybe when there is a HD film streaming service thats not encoded at stupid low bitrates19:38
HazRPGwow, really only 3?19:38
HazRPGgord: haha you mean like stage6 use to be...19:38
HazRPGDJones: I was with UKOnline before this, but had no choice but to leave them due to being bought out by Sky19:39
DJonesHazRPG: I'm on sky & found them better than anybody else, I guess it depends on individual circumstances19:39
HazRPGUK Online /were/ the best ISP I've ever had to date, no other ISP would ever let you ring them at silly o'clock and get grade A service from people who knew what they were talking about... they didn't do the usual "well try this, try that", they usually asked "what have you tried so far?" which to me is a far better question to ask19:40
gordsky aren't too bad, they are just too big, if you have a problem with them then you have mounds of red tape and support bots to get through19:40
gordi just log onto the be irc channel though my phone wifi and ask whats ging on :)19:40
HazRPGDJones: I was on hold with Sky for about 2hrs to just ask about the deal you could get to stick with them, or to grab your MAC code... I was going to stick with them, but after being on the phone for 2hrs... I gave in and just asked for the Mac code outright19:41
HazRPGgord: haha yeah I logged onto the BE irc while I was on hold to sky, and they managed to convince me to go with them xD19:42
DJonesgord: I expected that a couple of months after a problem, but must admit they were excellent, even knew & accepted that I wasn't using windows & talked me through things,took 10 miutes to diagnose the fault & arrange to send replacement hardware out19:42
HazRPGDJones: well if I think correctly, Sky and UK Online have the same phone staff if I recall...19:44
DJonesHazRPG: I must have struck lucky :)19:44
HazRPGcos the guy I spoke to on the phone was exactly the same guy I always seem to be transferred to, heh first question he asked was "how's the ol' ubunut scene treatin ya dude" after I'd say "hi"19:44
HazRPGya don't get service like that much these days :P19:45
HazRPGalmost felt bad for leaving19:45
HazRPGonly thing that miffed me was that their lines are only open till 11pm - which to me is useless when I can be up till around 4am sometimes19:47
HazRPGoh wow, there's a new mumble coming out soon! :o19:47
Neotihey lazarus_> how did you get the CPY mem and network stats on the left whats the program ?19:53
BigRedSI've just moved my /etc/X11/xorg.conf, done /etc/init.d/gdm restart, and been returned to a login screen claiming I'm already logged in. Having authenticated, I've just found myself in *exactly* the state I was in before restarting19:59
BigRedSshell sessions still open etc. Is this X being really clever, or does restarting gdm not do what I think it does any more?19:59
BigRedSAh, and now I keep looping through the above. Perhaps I broke something20:00
AzelphurI have separate / and /home, so I can just reinstall my OS right? :P20:04
DJonesJust mount / & format in the partitioning, mount /home without formatting20:05
AzelphurI think I might have a bad install, having a few weird issues20:06
Azelphurand I know I installed from a dodgy flash drive20:06
BigRedSShould the proprietary ATI driver from the 'Additional Drivers' wotsit provide enough goodness for me to us the ATI control centre?20:09
MartijnVdSbut why would you want to use that piece of.. trash :)20:11
BigRedSSo I can use my second monitor20:13
BigRedS'cause the gnome way certainly doesn't work, and I'm pretending it's possible to do without writing my own xorg.conf20:13
MartijnVdSwhy doesn't gnome work?20:17
MartijnVdSit should just work20:17
MartijnVdSwith no xorg changes20:18
BigRedSYeah, and has done elsewhere20:18
BigRedSIIRC it asks me to logout, when I log in again both monitors are set to the same resolution20:18
MartijnVdSBigRedS: strange, I've never experienced that20:19
MartijnVdSonly in very old versions of Ubuntu20:19
BigRedSNah, this is maverick20:19
BigRedSah, no, on logging back in it's back to just one monitor working20:20
MartijnVdSBigRedS: then you go to monitor prefs, set it up the way you want, click "apply"?20:20
MartijnVdSBigRedS: works here :)20:20
BigRedSI've seen suggestions that the catalyst issue is the result of some bug fixed in fresh-from-git X but i'd really tather not do that20:20
BigRedSMartijnVdS: Window pops up. "Please log ou and log back in again"20:21
MartijnVdSBigRedS: is that the exact text?20:21
BigRedSI'm wondering if this is fixed by not using the proprietary driver20:21
MartijnVdSuhr yes20:21
BigRedSer. s/log ou and/log out and/20:21
MartijnVdSThat works fine with the free driver20:21
popeyAzelphur: a dodgy usb drive wouldn't explain this20:22
BigRedSoh. The additional drivers thing subtly says I'm not using that driver either20:22
Azelphurpopey: :(20:22
MartijnVdSpopey: RAMmie Dodgers might ;)20:22
BigRedSI've no idea what's going on. One day I'll understand X. Just as wayland becomes popular :)20:23
MartijnVdSBigRedS: "don't install the proprietary drivers, unless you really need a feature it provides"20:23
BigRedSMartijnVdS: MartijnVdS I took the Alternative drivers wotsit telling me I was using an different version to suggest I was using a/the free one20:26
MartijnVdSBigRedS: can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log?20:26
BigRedSFWIW, I did this before I started : http://pastebin.com/q2PCE2aL20:26
BigRedS'course, that's less useful now :)20:27
MartijnVdSyeah :)20:28
BigRedSMartijnVdS: http://avi.co/stuff/Xorg.0.log  and http://avi.co/stuff/xorg.conf20:29
MartijnVdSBigRedS: so X is using the fglrx (non-free) driver20:30
BigRedSmm, this is immediately post-reboot having told 'additional drivers' to try non-free20:30
MartijnVdSBigRedS: I'd recommend uninstalling all packages with "fglrx" in the name, then rebooting20:30
MartijnVdSlike I said, don't install non-free drivers unless you REALLY need them20:31
MartijnVdS(too bad Ubuntu "advertises" them on first boot :))20:31
BigRedSYeah, I already had when you said that and figured I'd give it a go :) Besides it looked like free wasn't working either :)20:31
MartijnVdSbut free we can debug :P20:31
BigRedSYeah, I love that. "Your system's too free for my liking. Have some closed-source bugs"20:31
MartijnVdShaha :)20:32
MartijnVdS"Hi, we're the Ubuntu community and we HATE freedom."20:32
BigRedShaha, it does sort-of look like that.20:33
BigRedSOoooh. Now it appears neither monitor is used :) both are sleeping20:35
BigRedSI get a brief flash of the splash screen, then they go into power save20:35
MartijnVdSthen it should come upt with a "broken X config" soon20:35
BigRedSoh, cool20:35
MartijnVdSjust choose the option that's most like "repair"20:36
BigRedSyeah, I recall seeing that before I think20:36
BigRedShm, still no picture20:39
BigRedScan I force this from a shell?20:39
BigRedSrming xorg.conf and restarting gdm springs to mind...20:40
BigRedS[    19.162] (EE) No drivers available.20:40
MartijnVdSdo you still have xserver-xorg-video-radeon installed?20:41
MartijnVdS(package name)20:41
MartijnVdSbut.. not even the "Repair X" but comes up?20:42
MartijnVdSthat uses VESA20:42
MartijnVdSso it should always work20:42
BigRedSmmm. xorg.conf still reckons it should be loading fglrx20:43
MartijnVdSBigRedS: try commenting that section (or removing it)20:43
BigRedSjust doing that. briefly got that lovely broken-X multicolour static, but it ended up with a login box20:45
BigRedSwhoo! :)20:45
BigRedSAnd, finally, I have both monitors working.20:45
BigRedSThanks! You've substantially more patience than I do :)20:46
BigRedSI've been swearing loudly at X approximately nightly for the past few days. Now I blame ATi20:46
MartijnVdSBigRedS: I've solved the problem 600 times before ;)20:46
MartijnVdSit always boils down to "But.. it OFFERED to install the non-free driver"20:48
MartijnVdS"Yes, but you should have said no"20:48
MartijnVdS"But it OFFERED"20:48
MartijnVdS"That explains the shipment of herbal viagra that's here for you"20:49
MartijnVdS"<silent coworker>"20:49
BigRedSYeah, any issue on any desktop at work is the fault of Ubuntu and its fascination with proprietary software20:50
MartijnVdSBigRedS: also, I'm the designated Ubuntu helpdesk :(20:50
MartijnVdSat work20:50
BigRedSAh. Nah, we just rant at it, every so often someone installs whatever it is they'd rather use for a few weeks, then gets told to go back to ubuntu20:51
MartijnVdSeveryone used "a" distro before I came there20:54
MartijnVdSthen everyone switched to Ubuntu20:54
MartijnVdSbecause Gentoo's too hard20:54
MartijnVdSand Debian20:54
MartijnVdSand [insert distro of the week]20:54
mgdmand Gentoo kills baby polar bears20:55
mgdmand penguins, no doubt20:55
BigRedSwe've a gentooite20:56
BigRedSkeeps telling us off for not compiling things or something20:56
MartijnVdSmgdm: and it's for people who add spoilers to perfectly good cars.20:56
mgdmMartijnVdS: aye, exactly :)20:56
mgdmbewarned, NSFW link :P20:56
MartijnVdSoh we had a few FreeBSDites20:56
BigRedSWe've a gentoo, debian, arch, ubuntu and indifferent.20:56
BigRedSMostly united in a distaste of RH20:57
mgdmI'm currently not enjoying Ubuntu due to (probably) fglrx20:58
MartijnVdSmgdm: I just fixed BigRedS's fglrx problem by having him remove it ;)20:58
BigRedSit's a good fix :)20:59
mgdmOh, wait, no, I'm using the radeon driver20:59
mgdmit + external monitor = crashy fun times20:59
MartijnVdSmgdm: I demand proof! :)21:01
mgdmMartijnVdS: my laptop. Plugin in external monitor to DisplayPort. Attempt to use external monitor. X locks up, solid.21:01
mgdmit only works if the monitor is there at boot21:02
mgdmswitching users also locks up21:02
MartijnVdSmgdm: ah displayport21:02
mgdmsame happens with the VGA port, FWIW21:03
MartijnVdSwhat kind of radeon chip do you have?21:03
mgdmone sec, reminding myself21:04
MartijnVdSmgdm: lspci | grep VGA21:05
* popey tickles MartijnVdS 21:06
* MartijnVdS jumps21:06
BigRedSthen spend weeks trying to make xterm big enough to see the whole line ;)21:06
mgdmATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series21:06
MartijnVdSmgdm: can you ssh into the machine when X hangs? what does /var/log/Xorg.0.log say?21:06
mgdmI don't have another machine handy to ssh in with21:07
MartijnVdSmgdm: smart phone?21:07
mgdmHmm, didn't think of that21:07
mgdm"[  8558.971] (II) AIGLX: Suspending AIGLX clients for VT switch" is the last thing in the old log21:08
MartijnVdSthat's what it should do21:08
MartijnVdSexcept for the crash bit afterward21:08
mgdmthen the screen goes all stripey and the machine is (I believe) still alive, but X is b0rked21:08
MartijnVdSso it's just misconfiguring the chip21:09
MartijnVdSmight have to file a bug for that :/21:09
mgdmapparently the same hardware works fine in Fedora21:09
mgdmI'm going to give that a shot some time21:09
mgdmanother possibility is turning off compiz21:09
MartijnVdSback to the 20th century ;)21:10
=== ivanka is now known as ivanka-train
glynn-homelx is on his way to the office21:54
czajkowskipopey: you going to font event?21:55
hamitronfreen monsters in my pool :/21:57
hamitronwill they leave?21:58
hamitronwithout rearranging everything21:58
bigcalmNot if they see you21:58
bigcalmIf you can kill them without them blowing up, they might drop gunpowder. Which you can then use to make tnt21:58
hamitronI got expensive wooden panelling in that room ;/21:59
bigcalmKill spiders. Use their string to make a bow21:59
bigcalmFire arrows at the creepers21:59
hamitronthey gone \o/22:00
hamitronis that normal for them to arrive? ;/22:00
czajkowskipopey: k22:03
popeyhamitron: yes, if its dark22:04
hamitronnever go swimming in the dark... kids ;/22:04
* cps yawns22:23
cpshamitron: make me a sammich22:23
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller

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