
amouge[work]hey guys, i had a redirect that our previous developer made that was in a vhost.conf file. Im trying to put it in to a .htaccess on the new server but its not working. Heres my .htaccess currently00:35
reya276Morning Everyone14:30
reya276Quick question, Can I install Libre Office from a PPA and will this in turn replace OpenOffice or will I have to remove OpenOffice afterwards14:31
tiemonsterI tried to install from source and it asploded14:33
tiemonstertry it in a VM first and see what happens14:34
maxolasersquadreya276: There is an official PPA, and you do have to remove OO first.14:56
maxolasersquadreya276: To install LibeOffice, use the instructions at http://drupal.txwikinger.me.uk/content/libreoffice-now-available-ppa-ubuntu-1010-and-100416:21
mhall119itnet7: meeting tonight?16:25
mhall119itnet7: and anyone else, can you please test http://family.ubuntu-fl.org:8000/meetings/team/1/detail/ for us17:28
tiemonstermhall119: what about it?17:32
dantalizingmhall119: works fine ... moderated team though? wtf? -117:32
maxolasersquadmhall119: URL is not loading for me.17:36
mhall119dantalizing: something they forced through launchpad17:44
mhall119tiemonster: just play with it, try to break it17:46
mhall119add meetings/agenda items, etc17:47
tiemonsteron a completely unrelated note, does anyone want to help with a LTSP installation?17:47
mhall119help how?17:49
* mhall119 has never used LTSP17:49
tiemonsterno, probably end of Feb17:50
mhall119How, not Now17:50
tiemonsterInstalling the server and client software17:50
tiemonsterthe server is in process of being purchased17:50
tiemonstermhall119: btw, I got this error: "You can not add a new agenda item for this team meeting. You are not member of the team or on the LoCo Council."17:50
tiemonsterI tried to join, and it said I was already a member17:52
mhall119tiemonster: what's the username at the bottom of the screen?17:53
mhall119is it 'tiemonster'?17:54
mhall119gah, ubuntu SSO is going to drive me nuts17:58
mhall119it didn't set your team membership17:58
mhall119one second17:58
mhall119try adding an agenda item now17:58
tiemonsterworks now17:59
tiemonstermhall119: CRU works, but I don't see a way to D18:03
mhall119oh, I understand18:04
mhall119you don't get "Delete Agenda Item" at the gray nav bar at the top?18:05
tiemonsteroh. well that's not very intuitive...18:06
tiemonsteryes. it works.18:06
mhall119that's where most of LD's action links are18:06
mhall119I admit, there's some places we're not consistent18:06
tiemonsterthe iCal link is broken18:07
mhall119tiemonster: try again18:41
tiemonsterlooks good18:42
reya276wow Libre Office 3 is fast19:06
reya276and they seem to have fix some of the issues that the one that originally came with 10.04 had, I can actually open a .docx file without too much document loss19:07
maxolasersquadreya276: I'm going to switch all of my computers over tonight.  My work  machine is already switched over.19:08
greiserso check this out..... last night I was putting some final code touches on my mud codebase (custom, not some open source derived pos) and decided to load it up and give all my mobs random Good/Evil alignments and random weapons, put them all in a dungeon, and let them fight it out.....20:01
greiserGood prevailed 45% of the time.... Evil... 55% of the time...20:02
greiserso i guess it's safe to say Evil wins..20:02
greiseralthough my Good Knights had a tendency to Decapate a lot... they were also the highed ranked "Flee" class of all of them...20:03
greiserPeasents were more couragous...20:03
dantalizingevils wins for some algorithms ... for others, apathy wins20:16
greiserbasic d&d rules with an even distribution of stat points on both sides...20:19
dantalizingdoesnt change the fact that we lack the tools to accurately model the real world, esp with psuedo random "random" algorithms20:27
dantalizinggreiser: does your mud use ansi esc sequences?20:28
dantalizingcan I be a green-blinking hash symbol?20:28
greiserdantalizing: yes it does20:54
greiserdoing random err... procedural algorithms is somewhat a specialty of mine...20:54
greiserhttp://www.freedom-star.com is a procedurally generated universe....20:54
greiserit's all about math, physics, and modelling real world calculations...20:55
dantalizingok, this where the apathy part comes in20:56
greiserthe tests I ran gave each character a weight, a height, the d&d values (str, int, wiz, dex, con, cha), attack ratings, weapon proficiencies, save throws, armor classes, skills, mental states, and alignments...20:56
greiserapathy does play a part20:57
greiserbut that's why you can't rely on just one test run20:57
dantalizingi meant minez20:57
dantalizingthat little flipping box on your site is cool20:57
greisercame with the theme...20:57
greiserthe game itself runs like a traditional mud (eventually I'll be allowing players to take part) where the game itself "pulses" 4 times a second doing calculations on everything from room scripts to mob scripts to items and events...20:59
greiserso it's a pretty decent simulation...20:59
greisernot the best.... but works...20:59

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