
Kilosmorning superfly and all other peeps04:24
=== superfly__ is now known as superfly
superflyfreenode, you suck05:01
Kilosis it freenode superfly 05:13
Kilosthe 2 fly's did a jig on and off here05:14
superflyyeah, freenode's new "7" IRC software that they run on all their servers disconnects people... and I know it's the software because it's the same ping timeouts for everyone...05:16
superfly180 seconds and 240 seconds05:16
superflymorning kbmonkey05:16
superflykbmonkey: I used FL Studio05:16
kbmonkeymorning, superfly. ah okay, I never got into FL. sounds good05:20
superflyit's a really awesome app, and it's got a brilliant license... you pay once, and you get all upgrades for "free"05:21
superflyI bought it at version 5 i think, and I now have version 905:21
kbmonkeygotta run to work, laters superfly 05:39
KilosMaaz, coffee on05:47
* Maaz flips the salt-timer05:47
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!05:51
KilosMaaz, gracias amigo05:52
Maaz¡de nada compadre05:52
superflymôre maiatoday06:16
Kiloshiya maiatoday 06:35
maiatodayhi superfly Kilos07:20
maiatodaysorrie man besig aan die kant, ek het julle nie sien praat nie07:21
Kilosnp 07:21
superflyno problem maiatoday, just saying hi :-)07:21
Kiloszerlgi, hiya long time no see07:31
zerlgiHi Kilos07:36
zerlgiKilos: I have to travel to a client now. so I'll try be online again later. cheers07:39
DraZoroMorning all 08:17
deegee_DraZoro: hi08:22
DraZoroSure deegee_08:22
DraZoroHello sakhi 08:55
superflyhi DraZoro, sakhi09:03
DraZorohi superfly 09:03
DraZoroLater guys 09:03
drubinMaaz: convert 30 USD to ZAR10:48
Maazdrubin: I'm not feeling too well10:48
drubino well10:48
superflyMaaz: convert USD 30 to ZAR11:02
Maazsuperfly: USD 30 = 208.33333 ZAR11:02
drubinthat makes NO sense11:03
drubinibid is supposed to be a logical language bot..11:03
drubintumbleweed: ^ ;) Vhata cocooncrash 11:03
drubinsuperfly: thanks :)11:04
superflydrubin: it makes sense to me... you don't write 30R, you write R3011:04
drubinsuperfly: but you don't say Rand 30 you say 30 Rand11:05
drubinsuperfly: if their bot handled  convert $30 to R11:05
drubinthen it would make sense ;)11:05
drubinbut of course it cant because there are many types of $$'s11:06
tumbleweedcocooncrash: give maaz an update please11:15
cocooncrashtumbleweed: I did the other day, is it recent?11:19
drubinCI + CD come on guys :)11:20
cocooncrashMaaz: convert 40 USD to ZAR11:22
Maazcocooncrash: 40 USD (America (United States of America) Dollars) = 280.75 ZAR (South Africa Rand) (Last trade rate: 7.0188, Bid: 7.0168, Ask: 7.0208)11:22
drubincocooncrash: thanks11:22
drubincocooncrash: cocoonsnack11:22
=== smorar_ is now known as smorar
=== smorar is now known as smorar_
superflyafternoon kbmonkey16:46
* nlsthzn lurks16:48
kbmonkeyhi superfly and nlsthzn 16:49
superflyohi nlsthzn16:49
nlsthzn:D hi all16:49
kbmonkeythere's this tux shirt I want! Last time I ordered international it never arrived though. postal service :/16:54
nlsthznthat sucks16:56
drubinkbmonkey: I had the same17:00
drubinI ordered android Tshirts and they never arrived17:00
nlsthzncheers guys, have a good night17:00
froztbyteon the hivemin517:02
froztbytetoo many up-arrows17:02
=== Kilos_ is now known as Kilos
superflyhey kbmonkey, have you used lmms much?17:52
Kilosthats hard work superfly 17:54
kbmonkeyno superfly :)17:54
superflyKilos: when you know what you're doing, it isn't... the hard work is coming up with a decent tune17:54
Kilosoh ok. the only one i managed to work some with was audacity i think17:55
kbmonkeybut it looks great. I'm used to tracker type apps anyway17:55
Kiloslmms was too involved for me17:56
kbmonkeyubuntu studio has quite a few packages you can scope out too17:56
Kiloswill look ty17:57
kbmonkeyyes superfly it does take a lot of time, but your speed improves with time and experience :)17:57
kbmonkeywow they released a whole bunch of versions since I last used it. Looking good!17:58
superflykbmonkey: I'm more talking about the creative process ;-)18:00
superflykbmonkey: I started out with FastTracker II and ImpulseTracker18:00
kbmonkeywow, FT and IT :) to think we managed on those hardware specs too!18:02
superflykbmonkey: just found this: http://www.freesound.org/18:23
superflyand this: http://www.archive.org/details/did_sample_pack_3&reCache=118:24
kbmonkeythanks superfly :)18:55
kbmonkeyBusy trying to setup shares, never thought it would be this hard :/18:55
kbmonkeyDo I need to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to get sharing working? Or should it work without tinkering?20:02
kbmonkeythe guide I followed on help.ubuntu.com does not seem to work for me20:02
superflykbmonkey: dunno, I left smb behind when I left Windows 5 years ago20:09
superflymy network at home uses NFS20:09
superflyless secure than SMB, but less hassle too... and on my home network I don't need security20:10
kbmonkeyI need SMB for the housemate and family. 20:11
kbmonkeyI can create shares fine, but not access them. Have to keep digging...20:12
SymmetriaLOL @ Manchester United game20:21
* Symmetria rolls around pointing and laughing at the so called invincible manchester united20:21
kbmonkeyOh yay smb is working from my Ubuntu desktop and #! netbook20:50
kbmonkeyhello somaunn 21:09
somaunnhi kbmonkey 21:09
somaunnit's a bit quiet here today21:10
somaunnis it an obligation to master CLI under ubuntu (linux) to become a MOTU21:13
kbmonkeyI guess everyone must be busy doing something ;)21:13
kbmonkeyI'm not sure somaunn21:14
somaunnlooking for an application to check my open/close network port21:20
kbmonkeylike see what connections are active, somaunn ?21:22
somaunnkbmonkey, yeah21:22
kbmonkeyI discovered a terminal command last week, which I forgot now :p21:23
kbmonkeybut I use a program called Firestarter, it shows active connections too21:24
somaunnfirestarter ?21:24
somaunni'm actually using etherape21:25
somaunnthat soft look good21:25
kbmonkeyetherape is more of a network auditing and graph tool, firestarter is a graphical firewall manager.21:26
somaunnin fact i'm looking for a software like IP scanner21:30
somaunnor IP scan21:30
somaunnbut running under ubuntu21:30
* Symmetria spots fiber breaks and wonders if he's gonna get any sleep tonight22:02
kbmonkeyeish, good luck with that Symmetria 22:15

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