
ScottLhi troy_s01:01
troy_sGreets Scott01:01
ScottLtroy_s, i saw a post about blender's new UI.  looks good!01:02
troy_sI was just going to send you a link.01:02
troy_sWhich post?01:02
ScottLit's one that fab from linux outlaws is posting, hold on01:02
troy_sThis project needs some love... Maybe someone here can package it. The project is a fork of a dead project and the fellow looks like he might want to get it debified etc.01:02
troy_sScottL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/insight3dng/develop01:02
troy_sVery valuable software if it can grow some more... that means a little more attention.01:03
ScottLit's from lxnews.org01:03
troy_sBlender 2.5x has been working for ages.01:03
troy_sI did the last music video in it.01:03
ScottLtroy_s, that project is for editing video?01:04
troy_sScottL: It is for generating what is known as structure from motion. Point clouds.01:04
troy_sScottL: Might not seem obvious as to what it is good for at first, but the implications are pretty broad. 01:04
troy_sScottL: You can generate point clouds from a series of images. From that you can remap the images back onto the point clouds - generating a panorama as an example, from distinct and different vantages.01:05
troy_sScottL: You can also generate 3D geometry from the point cloud. You could use it to create a 3D model for visual effects work etc.01:06
ScottLtroy_s, is that how they do that stop motion, 3d fly around view in movies like the matrix?01:06
troy_sScottL: Not quite, but heading down a similar path yes.01:06
troy_sScottL: You could certainly achieve something akin to that with a little elbow grease I'd think... and some hardware - namely a few cameras chained.01:06
ScottLtroy_s, i'll point quadrispro at it, he's on the debian multimedia team and will probably eat it up, get it into debian and then sync with ubuntu01:06
troy_sIt could use some love and attention. Based on OpenCV01:07
ScottLwell, i believe quadrispro likes a challenge :)01:07
ScottLTheMuso, i'm updating the seeds for the qdvdauthor issue01:08
ScottLTheMuso, shall i follow the usual routine: make a bug, attach the diff, subscribe you, pm you ?01:08
ScottLTheMuso, i should also have a diff for the plymouth package by tomorrow01:08
TheMusoScottL: Just let me know when you have updated the seeds, and I am happy to update the meta package, that is unless you want to do it yourself.01:09
ScottLTheMuso, normally i would like to gain more experience in such matters, but there's lots of stuff i need to do so i would appreciate if you would do it :)01:09
TheMusoNo problem, let me know once the seeds are done.01:09
ScottLTheMuso, i have already push back to the seeds and was running ./update currently01:10
TheMusoOk will go ahead and do it now.01:10
ScottLTheMuso, before you get going on it i have a question01:10
ScottLbrasero is included in the desktop file as (brasero)01:10
ScottLthat means its included but not installed, correct?01:10
TheMusoIts included and installed.01:11
ScottLTheMuso, i included it anyway in the video file to support the work flow of dvd authoring01:11
ScottLthat's redundant then, take it out if necessary01:12
ScottLTheMuso, that was my only concern currently with that package :)01:12
ScottLthank you01:12
TheMusoActually, no we will leave it there, in case a user deides to install -video and they are using another desktop etc.01:13
TheMusouser decides even01:13
ScottLTheMuso, hey, that's good thinking :)01:14
ScottLTheMuso, after i get the diff for the plymouth package i'm going to reinstall natty and check my gnome-classic xsession fix one more time01:14
TheMusoOk cool.01:14
ScottLTheMuso, then i hope to either have a diff or a dedicated setup to have didrocks help me with :P01:14
TheMusook cool.01:14
ScottLtroy_s, after i take care of the things i just mentioned i'm going to start a few smaller blog posts and do a podcast01:15
ScottLtroy_s, some of the topics will include blender and how freaking awesome it is :D01:15
ScottLtroy_s, i'm really impressed by a package called dvdstyler http://www.dvdstyler.de/ for dvd authoring01:16
troy_sScottL: Great. Linux just got DVD creation. Fantastic. Too bad it's done like dinner.01:17
troy_sScottL: Sort of uh... very 1990.01:17
ScottLtroy_s, nay, it's had it for a while, i'm impressed with how well this thing handles the menu as well01:17
troy_sScottL: Next up... you are going to tell me that there is going to be CD read write support in Linux. I can't wait.01:18
ScottLtroy_s, in a way it reminds me of inkscape in it's menu creation01:18
troy_sScottL: Seriously though, that is stuff that is very much gone the way of the Dodo.01:18
ScottLtroy_s, in mainstream?  probably so, it's all web stuff now, i agree01:18
troy_sScottL: The writing has been on the wall for a  long while. It would be better if people would create to a need like say, create a full blown musical packager with GUI for a musical artist to publish to iTunes. The Digital Booklet, the music, etc.01:19
troy_sBut alas...01:19
troy_sTail chasers around these parts.01:19
ScottLtroy_s, aye, that would also "rock", if you will allow the pun01:19
ScottLtroy_s, but i still think there are those who would like to make dvd's easily and well to send to grandma or mom and dad01:20
troy_sDVDs are pretty much done.01:20
troy_sIt's over and done with.01:21
ScottLyes, but grandma isn't savy, and maybe mom and dad live in the country and only have dial up01:21
ScottLall they can do is watch dvd's if they want up to date videos of grandkids and great-grandkids01:21
troy_sScottL: Fictional or real people? Because I can justify just about any use case anywhere. It is the folly of personas in Libre culture.01:22
ScottL(true story - except my grandma's are dead though)01:22
ScottLtroy_s, but also i want to preach about using blender to make stuff for the web as well01:22
troy_sScottL: Hard to do. There are too many toolbags.01:24
troy_sScottL: It comes down to who is going to use a tool.01:24
TheMusoScottL: uploaded01:25
troy_sScottL: Some will complain that it doesn't follow GTK etc. (thank god) etc. etc.01:25
ScottLTheMuso, woohoo, thanks :)01:26
troy_sScottL: I remember someone actually had the gall to barf up something about how if Blender didn't match GTK it wasn't going to be adopted. Cracked me up. Complete donkeyville.01:26
ScottLtroy_s, aye, there are many toolbags, but a few tutorials should help many people i hope01:26
troy_sScottL: Blender simply is _never_ (thank goodness) going to chase after everyone. 01:26
ScottLtroy_s, i found this tutorial very educational, which also left me reeling at how much more i need to learn: http://monochrome.sutic.nu/2010/06/14/video-editing-with-blender.html01:27
troy_sScottL: It is a pretty intermediate to advanced tool. It will remain that way. Much of what you will hear is typical lame mumbo jumbo from the clueless masses that tend to put mouths in front of mind.01:27
ScottLtroy_s, but that's what makes the geek in me happy01:28
troy_sScottL: That post also is only 2.4x01:28
ScottLtroy_s, it's like cracking a code...getting that green screen thing was a challenge01:28
ScottLtroy_s, yeah, but it helped me understand more stuff01:28
troy_sScottL: Blender has some better little details and interface bits now. It also can import full range (0-255) from DSLR footage (via an FFMPEG preset)01:28
ScottLtroy_s, besides the forums i don't think anyone is really is posting about using blender (at least i can't find it)01:29
troy_sScottL: The problem is that once you find Blender, you spend your time wrapping your head around a given problem to solve. Generally, once you solve it, you move along.01:29
ScottLtroy_s, well,that's what i've done to this point *nods head in agreement*01:30
troy_sScottL: But I'd heavily encourage you to compile from SVN01:32
troy_sScottL: It has many differences and it really isn't worth plucking along in 2.4x any longer.01:32
troy_sScottL: It is relatively painless with CMake.01:33
troy_sScottL: And worth it.01:33
ScottLtroy_s, i'll consider that in after february...february is RPM Challenge month01:34
ScottLthen i'm your man with the svn blender painless cmake adventure :D01:34
ScottLtroy_s, i think i have the wife interested in the T2i also :)01:36
troy_sScottL: Probably the best entry level DSLR available at the moment.01:36
troy_sScottL: Pretty much the same gamut of frame rates and such as the 7D.01:36
ScottLshe saw the T1 in target (for $775 bleargh!) and though it was nice, i said, "baby, that's crap!  i can get the T2i for cheaper!"01:36
troy_sScottL: The 5Dm3 might trump all hopefully. I'd love to see some 96fps or something higher... That would be most excellent.01:37
troy_sScottL: I will likely end up with three bodies.01:37
ScottLso before i really rock any videos i need to really get a better than my JVC Ericho POS01:37
troy_sScottL: The main advantage of the DSLRs is the gate size - the sensor size.01:37
troy_sScottL: That is the biggest element of 'quality' - despite what some video nerds might try to tell you.01:38
troy_sScottL: The piddly dinky little sensors simply stink for aesthetic worth. You can keep your 2k or 4k resolution if it is being recorded on a 2mm sensor. It just looks completely weak.01:38
troy_sScottL: The T2i and all APS-C cameras offer a sensor that is almost 1:1 with major motion picture cameras (the 35mm standard varieties - not to be confused with Vistavision or some other larger format cameras (the 5Dm2 matches Vistavision))01:39
troy_sScottL: And that means you open up larger circles of confusion which amounts to a thinner depth of field. This tends to trigger the 'cinematic' learned responses that everyone has built up over watching a plethora of movies.01:40
ScottLwell, hopefully before february i can get my friend who has something comparable to the T2 to record my rock video01:46
ScottLthe goals is the edit it with blender and have the music and video all done by open source01:46
ScottLi've more or less got the song done, just need to finish the vocals at this point01:47
troy_sScottL: If you have a youtube account, send it to me.01:47
troy_sScottL: I can't publish something quite yet thanks to some music video stations... but if you have one I'll show you something.01:48
ScottLtroy_s, yeah, i do, gotta find the name, don't really use it much to be honest01:48
troy_sScottL: I'd need your YouTube handle.01:48
ScottLi mean i don't really use the account name, not youtube01:49
ScottLtroy_s, apparently it's scottalavender01:49
troy_sOk hold a second...01:49
ScottLtroy_s,  ScottALavender with caps, actually01:50
ScottLdont' know if that matters or not01:50
troy_sYou have mail.01:52
ScottLtroy_s, very cool!  looks like a typical weekend with courtney love :P02:00
ScottLdid you shoot that and edit it too?02:00
ScottLthat shot of her looking over the shaking doll head was pretty wicked02:00
troy_sScottL: Yes. Did all of it. 02:02
ScottLtroy_s, all in open source too?02:06
troy_sScottL: Can't comment.02:06
ScottLimpressive either way02:06
ScottLseeing that makes me think that starting with better footage (i.e. not shot with a $250 camcorder) is a very positive first step towards a good video02:07
troy_sScottL: Hrm... let me push something really quick. This was done ages ago.02:07
ScottLwatching them play the same song but live on youtube now02:09
troy_sScottL: Jeremy and an ex member are from Front Line Assembly / Delerium / Noise Unit.02:09
troy_sScottL: This one I am pushing now is of my daughter I took ages ago... when the first video DSLRs hit the market.02:10
troy_sScottL: I got an adaptor for my 24-70L lens and slapped it on a 4/3rds chip.02:10
troy_sScottL: It was literally a quickie little muck around, slap it up, and slap it together. Took all of about 10 minutes.02:11
troy_s7 mins.02:13
troy_sScottL: Gah. Well I give up. Fair use of a track and YouTube blocked it. Lame.02:33
ScottLtroy_s, ah, that sucks02:37
ScottLTheMuso, i also subscribed you to the plymouth bug report, with which i attached a debdiff02:37
TheMusoScottL: ok thanks.02:37
ScottLTheMuso, <Ricardo Montalban voice> no my friend...thank you02:38
TheMusoScottL: What did you change in debian/plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio.postinst?02:53
TheMusoI see your diff has some changes for that file, but can't easily work out what you may have changed.02:54
ScottLTheMuso, well, basically i copied what xubuntu did because what we had (which is what i copied from them previously) wasn't updating properly anymore02:55
TheMusoah ok.02:55
ScottLit was only adding the theme and updating initramfs, but wasn't actually setting the theme as default02:56
ScottLi tested it on two machines of my own and ailo installed it last night (or two nights ago?) and it worked well02:57
TheMusook cool.02:57
TheMusoScottL: I updated the bzr branch for ubuntustudio-look as well.03:00
ScottLTheMuso,  in cases such as these would you rather i update the branch and not include the debdiff, do both, or do exactly as i did this time?03:01
TheMusoScottL: I think including a debdiff is good, but also update the branch, as I someone can simply pull the branch once the review is ok, and build the package from that.03:02
ScottLTheMuso, copy that, will do both in the future then :)03:02
ScottLthere's a lot of people in this room now :)  shame that almost 10% are bots :(03:03
TheMusoOh really? Thats not good.03:04
ScottLwell, closer to 5%  but still not good as you said03:04
TheMusoubuntulog: and ubottu I can understand, kubotu I know about..03:04
ScottLi think bluebug might be a bot as well03:04
TheMusoI suspect as much as well, after looking at the whois data for it.03:05
ScottLjust started idling in the channel and i've never seen him/her/it talk before, even when queried directly03:05
* TheMuso nods.03:05
ScottLno email from colin this morning, thanks TheMuso !13:08
holsteinscott-work: ScottL 17:12
holsteini asked colin about the installer switch17:12
holsteinthe deal is, we would lose something going to a live CD17:13
holsteinthe 'package selection'17:13
holsteinquite a change in the way things are currently17:13
holsteinpersonally, i think its a good chagne17:13
holsteini remember staring at those options for a couple 6 or 8 installs before realzing what they really mean17:14
falktxholstein: i think US needs to clear the app list first17:14
holsteinfalktx: you mean?17:15
holsteinthe meta-packages?17:15
falktxholstein: there's a lot of apps installed by default, some are kinda useless17:15
falktxholstein: yes17:15
holsteinfalktx: if this live thing goes down17:15
holsteini was thinking 11.10 or 12.417:15
falktxholstein: i think it needs to be done before live-dvd17:15
holsteinnot anytime soon17:15
holsteinyeah, i agree17:16
falktxholstein: do you have a pic of the new plymouth theme? (i want to see it...)17:16
holsteinfalktx: i cant find the clear pic17:19
holsteini have http://www.fossmusicproject.org/public/video/plymouth.ogv17:19
falktxholstein: way better than the previous one!17:20
falktxseems cool, although I can see quite well17:20
falktxNatty is gonna be a good release for US17:20
holsteintoo bad about he kernel17:21
holsteinand RT17:21
holsteinbut, we are addressing it17:21
scott-workfalktx: that was what we were doing with the work flows bit, cleaning out the cruft, making sure what is there supports a viable work flow and is desired17:28
scott-workholstein: this will take some thought, meeting, and debate, i'm sure17:28
falktxscott-work: I'll use that research for kxstudio too17:28
falktxI need to release cadence first though17:28
scott-workfalktx: if you want to use the new plymouth theme, it's already in ubuntustudio-look-0.3917:29
scott-workgot updated last night :)17:29
falktxholstein: scott-work: btw, I now have a midi-keyboard, nice-looking knobs and level meter in cadence source17:29
falktxscott-work: yep, I think I'll backport it in the PPA, the current one is really bad...17:29
scott-workfalktx: i made the first one, thanks!17:30
scott-workfalktx: ;)17:30
scott-workfalktx: seriously though, i did make it but i do realize it was bad17:30
scott-workfalktx: no one in ubuntu studio realized that we were shifting to plymouth and we were past the freeze but we got an exception and i knocked it together over a weekend17:31
holsteinscott-work: we'll bring it up in the next meeting 17:31
falktxscott-work: heh, you know me, I'm direct17:31
scott-workholstein: but first blush thinking: we can still ship a dvd, include the packages that would be included in the selections, make a script to run first after install, and give the option THEN to users to install stuff17:31
holsteinscott-work: yup17:31
scott-workfalktx: i'm was just messing with you anyway, i made it and know it's bad, but at least it got done :P17:32
holsteinOR just install all the stuff17:32
holsteinthe basics17:32
holsteinthe audio, audio-plugins, video and graphics17:32
scott-workholstein: true, but we may just rethink the whole selection stuff anyway, maybe get rid of it, you install everything, everytime17:32
scott-workholstein: especially if we reduce the footprint as we did with natty, and maybe continue to do17:32
holsteinthese are not applications that are running in the background17:33
holsteinwe're not talking about compromising perfomance17:33
holsteinjust using up more HD space17:33
holsteinand if im worried a lot obout HD space17:33
holsteini'll be the kind of user that get vanilla, or smaller17:33
holsteinand adds what i want17:33
holsteinscott-work: this would address most of my current concerns17:34
holsteinthe live CD, the look and feel of the install, the unattended install process17:35
falktxscott-work: yup, my kxstudio plymouth sucks too (just a copy from ubuntu-text theme) :)17:35
holsteinwe'll see17:35
falktxholstein: US will probably need a DVD17:35
holsteinlive DVD*17:35
holsteinthats what i meant..17:36
holsteingives US compatibility with the USB creator17:37
holsteineasy USB stick installs17:37
scott-workholstein: if we keep the dvd we can always include stuff on it that is not installed, which is nice because people who have downloaded it and then take it somewhere where there isn't internet can still install all the audio apps17:40
holsteinscott-work: that would be the case with a live DVD though right?17:43
holsteinif everything gets installed out-of-the-box?17:43
scott-workholstein: it could be, but doesn't have to be, we can still do some sort of minimalistic install for audio, then leave the rest on the dvd for later install without internets17:44
holsteini gotta run for a bit17:44
holsteinlets just think it through17:44
holsteinsee what we need17:44
holsteinand go from there17:45
holsteinmaybe its not as big a deal to others17:45
holsteinthe live medium17:45
holsteini find it a serious limitation17:45
scott-workwe could always build a live dvd by ourselves and offer a link on the website17:46
scott-workholstein: ^^^ this would all be apart from canonical and not built within the buildd system17:46
scott-workholstein: which would be more what falktx currently does with kxstudio17:47
falktxscott-work: I can do the ISO17:47
falktxscott-work: sorry If I did not made that one I promised some time ago, internet just sucks for me17:48
scott-workfalktx: i understand, i would like your script when you do make the live ubuntustudio dvd17:48
scott-workfalktx: i'm hoping to make my own live CD (not dvd) for audio, based on ubuntu studio17:49
scott-workjust for fun mind you17:49
scott-workand to learn17:49
scott-workailo__: do you have a firewire device?18:54
scott-workholstein or ailo__: can either of you verify if enabling raw1394 still needs to be done to use a firewire device?18:55
scott-workholstein: ailo__ : also,  did anyone determine if the user actually needs to be in the audio group for firewire to work?19:09
scott-workdoesn't the user need to be in the audio group for -rt privileges to work under JACK anyway?  even for non-firewire user?19:10
scott-workTheMuso, persia, paultag: if we were updating a package, say ubuntustudio-controls, when is the latest we can update the package without freeze exception?19:42
scott-workwould that be feature freeze?19:42
scott-workailo__ and holstein : i found this:  https://ieee1394.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Juju_Migration#Permissions_and_ownership_for_.2Fdev.2Ffw.2A19:44
paultagheyya scott-work 19:45
paultagscott-work: um, final freeze, I think19:45
paultagscott-work: after that it should be RC bugs only19:45
paultagscott-work: really it should have been uploaded at the beginning of the cycle19:46
paultagscott-work: but I'm not sure at all. persia or TheMuso might have a better perspective19:46
falktxhey quadrispro19:54
falktxquadrispro: i noticed you're working on laditools19:54
falktxquadrispro: I always get FTBFS when building python apps on natty, do you know anything about it?19:55
quadrisprohi all19:57
quadrisprohi falktx 19:57
quadrisproi should take a look19:57
quadrisprofalktx, take a look: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-multimedia/laditools.git19:57
quadrisproI will install the modules in a private directory19:57
quadrisproit means that they won't be available to be used within other applications19:58
falktxah, that solves19:59
falktxquadrispro: btw, opendesktop spec says that 'Categories=' should have a ';' at the end19:59
falktx"Categories=GTK;AudioVideo" should be "Categories=GTK;AudioVideo;"19:59
falktxquadrispro: ^19:59
quadrisprogood, fixing it now20:00
scott-workquadrispro: are you staying around for about two minutes?20:01
scott-workquadrispro: someone who frequents this channel told me about this application which needs to be packaged:  http://sourceforge.net/projects/insight3dng/develop20:02
quadrisprohi scott-work! mmh.. I'll be back in 2 minutes, then I'll stay here20:02
* quadrispro will be back soon20:02
scott-workquadrispro: he said it relies on open-cv20:02
scott-worksure, no problem20:02
falktxscott-work: what is it?20:02
scott-workfalktx: i'll copy his text20:03
falktxscott-work: no need20:03
falktxhehe, I read it now20:03
scott-workfalktx: okay :)20:03
falktxscott-work: does it work?20:04
scott-workfalktx:  that i don't know :|20:04
falktxquadrispro: tell me when laditools is ready so I can backport it (so it builds on natty too)20:04
falktxquadrispro: for ladish I've a custom package myself, to make ladish replace lash20:05
scott-workheh, paultag you probably saw that i updated the blueprint and i've been working on the spec as well20:05
paultagscott-work: yessir! 20:05
falktxquadrispro: you're missing some control dependencies in laditools:20:07
falktxpython-rsvg, python-vte, python-wmdocklib, ladish20:07
falktxnot sure if 'python-wmdocklib' is in debian though20:07
scott-workpaultag: do you have a minute to talk?20:08
scott-workfalktx: so ladish depends on laditools, but laditools depends on ladish?20:08
paultagscott-work: yessir, what's up?20:09
falktxscott-work: kinda...20:10
falktxscott-work: ladish should not depend on laditools, but the author is lazy making his own jack-config window20:10
falktxquadrispro: for you^ , sorry scott-work20:10
falktxquadrispro: you can make ladish recommend laditools only20:11
falktxquadrispro: note that ladish only depends on laditools because of it's GUI (it's not a build dependency)20:12
falktxquadrispro: it's possible to split ladish and gladish (the GUI) and make only the GUI recommend laditools20:12
persiaScottL, You can update the package at any time: the freezes only control the *type* of update.  Post FeatureFreeze, you aren't to add any new features.  Past String Freeze, you aren't to add any new user-visible strings.  As the release proceeds, you want to consider the risk of breaking things *very* carefully when updating.20:14
scott-workthank you persia :)20:16
falktxquadrispro: please dont give up on ladish...20:35
quadrisproi'm back20:51
quadrisprobut i have to go soon :(20:51
quadrisprofalktx, don't worry, ladish will be in experimental soon20:51
quadrisprohi persia !20:51
persiaHi quadrispro 20:51
quadrisproscott-work, please send me a remind :)20:52
falktxquadrispro: cool, many thanks20:52
quadrisprofalktx, python-wmdocklib is not available, I'll drop wmladi20:52
scott-workquadrispro: certainly, how much later would you like it?20:53
quadrisprofalktx, you too, please send me a reminder with your hints20:53
falktxquadrispro: I have it packaged it on my ppa - https://launchpad.net/~kxstudio-team/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/1403747/+listing-archive-extra20:53
falktxquadrispro: i'll send you an email now20:53
quadrisproscott-work, whenever you want, I'll let you know as soon as possible, now getting out to have a beer20:53
quadrisprofalktx, same to you :)20:54
scott-workquadrispro: enjoy your beer :)20:54
quadrisprosee you later20:56
holsteinscott-work: i will double check21:00
holsteinabout groups21:01
holsteini didnt need to add video group21:01

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