
charlie-tcaGood morning16:35
charlie-tcamr_pouit: are we throwing greybird in as the default theme in alpha2?16:43
mr_pouityes, as soon as i've uploaded it16:46
mr_pouitso probably in a few hours16:47
* charlie-tca didn't mean to say hurry up16:47
holsteinhello folks16:47
holsteini have a slightly OT question16:47
charlie-tcaHello, holstein 16:47
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: it's waiting since last friday, so I should hurry up or ochosi will kill me :p16:48
charlie-tcaOh! Then maybe I did mean hurry16:48
holsteini wanted to know about the process of adapting xubuntu from ubuntu16:48
holsteini want ubuntustudio to go to a live-CD 16:48
holsteinright now its the alternate16:48
charlie-tcamr_pouit or cody-somerville ^ ^16:49
holsteinand i was wondering if there were particulars that you guys could share that would help me get the ball rolling16:49
ochosimr_pouit: hehe, maybe not kill you, but release another, newer version of greybird more likely ;)16:49
cody-somervilleholstein, Just ask cjwatson to set it up for you.16:51
holsteincody-somerville: cool16:52
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: and for your theme issue, try to uninstall gnome-settings-daemon16:55
mr_pouityou will lose your gdm theming, but your xfce theme will be back ;p16:55
charlie-tcaI knew that didn't belong16:55
ochosibtw, how do we theme gdm now?16:57
ochosii wasn't really involved with that in maverick16:57
mr_pouitwith a gconf file dropped in gdm's home dir to override the default ubuntu one16:58
ochosiwho did the gconf file last time?16:59
ochosiwould be nice if gdm's panel would match the greybird xfce-panel colorwise17:00
ochosiif you need help on that let me know17:00
mr_pouitgood luck for that17:00
ochosirly? is it that bad/hard?17:00
mr_pouitbe prepared to dive in gdm's source code17:00
mr_pouitI remember the issues we had with albatross17:00
ochosi /o\17:01
ochosibut back then it was a substantially different gdm, no?17:01
ochosii think it was still an older version17:01
mr_pouitnope, the same17:01
ochosii thought we had something like gdm-legacy17:02
mr_pouitprobably the first release including it17:02
mr_pouitthere was a legacy gdm uploaded, but it was never used by anyone17:02
charlie-tcaochosi: that's why I pushed for lightdm17:02
ochosicharlie-tca: yeah, i'm all for it, but mr_pouit said it's not stable enough yet17:03
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: is someone working on its integration in xubuntu currently?17:03
charlie-tcaNot to my knowledge17:03
charlie-tcaIt is in the repositories, though17:03
mr_pouitochosi: not me (I think it was the reasons not to include it by default in ubuntu)17:03
charlie-tcaI don't know enough to get it done17:03
charlie-tcaochosi, mr_pouit : I would go with mr_pouit 's word. He knows more than me17:04
ochosibut if it wasn't mr_pouit's own words i'd say we should test it17:04
ochosi(it could be a can of worms though :) )17:04
charlie-tcaI got it to work in VirtualBox, on a fresh install. I could not get it to work on my installation of Natty, though17:05
ochosicharlie-tca: you could ask whether anyone in the community has tested it in the next meeting17:05
ochosiah right17:05
mr_pouitor on the ml first maybe17:07
charlie-tcathought we did, but I forget...17:07
charlie-tcaor maybe, I just really want it17:07
ochosii second the idea of putting it on the ml first17:09
charlie-tcasee above ;-)17:13
charlie-tcaokay, okay. Maybe I screwed it up. I will send it to the ML, then17:14
* charlie-tca thinks ochosi gets better responses on the ML than him17:15
ochosicharlie-tca: does that mean you want me to write/send it?17:17
charlie-tcaI don't care. I will send it. You are busy enough, aren't you?17:17
ochosihm, kinda, i at least wouldn't be able to send it today17:18
ochositomorrow wuold be possible/okay17:18
charlie-tcaI will take care of it. Got to send the meeting reminder out too.17:18
charlie-tca__then who am I?20:37
charlie-tca__oh, ghosted20:38
=== charlie-tca__ is now known as charlie-tca
mr_pouitincoming upload of xubuntu-default-settings ;>20:56
charlie-tcagreat! 20:56
charlie-tcaI might have to reinstall yet, though. Now I have to start both xfsettingsd and xfwm when I login20:57

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