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nicofsI need a program to watch my DVB-T stick's analogue input... i tried me-tv, but it completely lacks this option...09:35
nicofs(it's composite video, if i'm not mistaken...)09:36
TheSheepmaybe try vlc09:36
TheSheepI remember it had rather rich input options09:37
nicofsi wouldn't know how... vlc just starts to scan for channels09:37
* TheSheep doesn't know either09:37
Sysii think kaffeine is commonly used, but your stick need to be suported09:38
nicofshmm... it installed some naughty restricted drivers, when i plugged it in...09:39
nicofshmm... not an option... maybe the drivers don't include the analogue input...09:43
thauriswulfaQUESTION: converted my ubuntu to xubuntu but i can't access my other drives from file manager need help14:16
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xubuntu641i gues i just type something here like HI n return17:50
charlie-tcaand then we say17:51
charlie-tca!hi | xubuntu64117:51
ubottuxubuntu641: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:51
lostsonis there a grpahical way to turn off clicks on my touchpad in xfce i cant seem to find one ?17:51
charlie-tcaxubuntu641: You must be installing?17:52
xubuntu641third time17:52
xubuntu641first ubuntu17:52
xubuntu641it was slow17:52
xubuntu641then xubuntu17:53
xubuntu641ive crashd it17:53
xubuntu641while changeing those17:53
xubuntu641window borders17:53
charlie-tcaIt happens. We call it experience17:53
xubuntu641im brand new to it17:54
xubuntu641but it was little slow on my17:54
xubuntu641old computer17:54
charlie-tcahow much memory in the computer?17:54
charlie-tcaThat should be plenty for xubuntu17:55
xubuntu641intel 1.8 GHz17:55
xubuntu641it has some radeon 12817:56
xubuntu641is it maybe prbl whith some drivers17:56
xubuntu641or similar17:56
charlie-tcashouldn't be. radeon drivers are built-in17:57
charlie-tcalostson: what version of xubuntu?17:57
lostsoni know in gnome it was easy to find but i have had no luck with xfce so far17:58
xubuntu641its beta question mark17:58
charlie-tcalostson: it would be the same package in Xubuntu17:58
charlie-tcabut it is not installed by default17:59
xubuntu641im installing xfce becouse i guess it is an old computer now17:59
lostsonhmm well i have gnome installed as well17:59
xubuntu641my freind told me about gnome17:59
xubuntu641he said it works better18:00
charlie-tcaThat makes it easy, then. Just start the gnome desktop, look at the name of the application you used, then log back into xubuntu and run it in terminal18:00
xubuntu641then xfce18:00
lostsonits in the mouse settings in gnome18:00
xubuntu641whan i installed last time no gnome in selectio18:01
charlie-tcait is called Ubuntu desktop session, now18:01
charlie-tcagnome is what the desktop environment is that is used. Xubuntu uses Xfce desktop environment18:02
xubuntu641so ive gata get back to ubuntu18:03
charlie-tcalostson: if you have both desktops installed, you should be able to look in /usr/share/applications and find it18:03
xubuntu641ive formated ubuntu for space18:04
charlie-tcaXubuntu is very nice18:04
xubuntu641yeah ive use it for a day18:04
xubuntu641i love it18:04
xubuntu641it wos pritti slow18:04
charlie-tcaand ubuntu was fast?18:05
xubuntu641same problem18:05
xubuntu641thats why i instald it18:05
xubuntu641and this is my fastest dektop18:06
xubuntu641ive got PII18:06
xubuntu641i use it for print serv18:06
xubuntu641i saw minimum req so ive tried18:08
charlie-tcaIt will be slow with the minimums. My PII, 400MHz, with 256MB ram is what I test on18:09
xubuntu641what things can i doo to make it faster18:09
xubuntu641i doo not need it to bee prity18:10
charlie-tcaHave you added applications already?18:10
xubuntu6417 mins to completion18:10
charlie-tcaAfter the install, run the updates. that is the first thing to do after you restart18:10
xubuntu641ive checked download updates18:11
xubuntu641if I crash it again is there easyer way to repair it18:12
charlie-tcaOkay, that's a good thing. You still have to run update manager when the orange icon shows up18:13
xubuntu641i will18:13
charlie-tcaThere usually is, but we have to know what you did before the crash18:13
charlie-tcastay away from the wildfire themes18:13
xubuntu641i think that was it18:14
charlie-tcaThat can be recovered by deleting the .config directory18:14
xubuntu641i was chosein them then got logged off18:14
xubuntu641what does point before name means18:15
xubuntu641does point hide the directory18:16
charlie-tcayes, it is a hidden directory or file18:16
xubuntu641it is in home18:17
charlie-tcathe dot is important. You can have a config and a .config directory18:18
xubuntu641delete .config right?18:19
lightahi here, hey my wifi often crash, how can I reboot that ? using network-manager 0.818:21
charlie-tcaif you install the wild??? theme and it won't let you login again18:22
charlie-tcalighta: click the network-manager icon in panel, click connected, then click it again ang click connect ?18:25
lostsonthere found a easy way18:27
lightacharlie-tca, yeah well I'm looking for a command line, here my scenario : turned of wifi card, (laptop button) turnig on few moment later, activation button on nw-m still grey, waiting 5min turned off network, turning back on, still can enable back wifi18:32
charlie-tcahm, not sure. I use     ifconfig eth0 up     for my wired card18:35
frenzzHello, i'm install xubuntu under vmware, so i have "user" account with same pass., i can use "sudo", it works, but when i try "su root" it didn't because i don't remember that setup pass dor sudo during install. process. what i should do for use "su root" ?18:36
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:36
lightai'll try that charlie-tca thx,18:38
charlie-tcagood luck18:38
frenzzhow setup "root" password with "sudo" command ?18:40
charlie-tcaWe don't recommend it18:40
frenzzhow get root commandline ?18:41
charlie-tcaYou can do everything with sudo instead of giving root a passwork18:41
charlie-tcajust use sudo -i18:41
frenzzso root don't have password by default ?18:42
charlie-tcaLook at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information18:45
ubuntui gues i just type here like HI n return19:05
ubuntuive got alittle problem whith .config i gota delete19:09
ubuntuive installed xubuntu but did not format home19:10
ubuntuim on live CD now19:11
charlie-tcaso now you go to filesystem19:11
charlie-tcaand the hard drive should be listed19:11
ubuntuit is19:12
charlie-tcaYou look in the hard drive for /home19:12
charlie-tcaYou should be able to turn on hidden files in the view menu19:12
charlie-tcafind the one called .config and delete19:13
ubuntulooks like my drive home is on seperate partiton19:15
ubuntuand im on  live19:15
charlie-tcaIt should still be in filesystem19:15
charlie-tcaYou just have to look at each partition listed to find it19:15
ubuntu_in home ive got just ubuntu19:21
charlie-tcalook in ubuntu19:23
ubuntu_delete it19:25
ubuntu_so i take cd out nrestart?19:25
charlie-tcawell, actually19:26
charlie-tcaclick the quit button, and click on restart19:26
charlie-tcait should prompt you to remove the cd19:27
ubuntu_i see19:27
ubuntu_thx man iou19:27
charlie-tcano problem19:27
ubuntu_im off19:27
charlie-tcaanytime you come in here, just start typing. If anyone knows the answer, they will respond19:27
Felipe__I had lucid and updated to maverick. But video specifications didn't correctly "caught": horizontal frequency is too large.19:55
Felipe__(Help) Horizontal frequency chose is too large to my monitor (after updated to maverick).20:07
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Felipe__(Help) Horizontal frequency is too large to my monitor. (Maverick)22:49
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