
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
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m_conleychrisccoulson: ping02:21
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=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
MacSlowgreetings everybody!08:00
nerochiarosmspillaz: ping09:28
kvalokamstrup: hi. I need to use list of strings as a gobject property. any handy way to do that or do I need to create a class for that?09:45
kamstrupkvalo: G_TYPE_STRV09:45
kamstrupkvalo: used a boxed paramspec09:46
kvalokamstrup: thanks!09:47
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rodrigo_API, ping10:26
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smspillaznerochiaro: pong11:19
smspillazI might need to run out in 30 mins though11:19
nerochiarosmspillaz: hi. i just sent you an email a few hours ago after pinging you with a couple questions about compiz11:20
smspillaznerochiaro: ah ok, which address did you send it to ?11:20
nerochiarosmspillaz: sam dot spilsbury at canonical dot com11:21
smspillaznerochiaro: cool11:21
smspillaznerochiaro: do you want me to reply out here ?11:21
nerochiarosmspillaz: where you are most convenient11:22
smspillazok, I'll just do it here for the benefit of everyone11:22
smspillazso for the decorations, the set up we have is a bit weird11:22
smspillazbasically in 2D mode - we reparent windows like normal, we have a tree like this:11:22
smspillazframe -> (wrapper -> (window) | decor)11:23
smspillazwe do that in 3d mode as well11:23
smspillazso in 2D mode and 3D mode, frame is InputOutput, as is wrapper11:23
smspillazbut in 3D mode, decor is InputOnly, in 2D mode, InputOutput11:24
smspillazthe decorators as they stand, don't really paint into the decor window directly, they paint into some other backing window and then reparent that into decor11:24
smspillazso you really end up with something like this:11:24
nerochiarosmspillaz: InputOnly means that it can't be read ?11:24
smspillazframe -> (wrapper -> (window) | decor -> decorator window)11:25
smspillaznerochiaro: exactly11:25
nerochiarosmspillaz: but decorator_window can ?11:25
smspillaznerochiaro: only in 2D mode11:25
smspillazin 3D mode, the decorator paints a very small amount of decoration, as well as some text into a backing pixmap11:26
nerochiarosmspillaz: so essentially in 3d there's no way to access the pixmap where the decorations are painted ?11:26
smspillazwith an alpha channel11:26
smspillaznerochiaro: there is, sort of11:26
smspillaznerochiaro: link libdecoration from compiz and then you should be able to read _COMPIZ_WINDOW_DECOR which contains a pixmap11:26
smspillaz(_COMPIZ_WINDOW_DECOR is a property)11:27
smspillazalthough, what exactly are you trying to do with the window and decoration here ?11:27
smspillaz(as for "fake" minimization, we have a hack for that, though it only works in 3D mode)11:28
smspillaz(see workarounds -> Keep minimized windows)11:28
nerochiarosmspillaz: well, i'm implementing the workspaces switcher for unity-2d, and i need to get "screenshots" of windows that will be displayed for the user to choose. in metacity we grab the pixmap of the parent window and that contains the decorations. we need to get these decorations also for compiz11:31
smspillaznerochiaro: so in 2D mode you should get the decorations11:31
smspillaz(eg no opengl plugin loaded)11:32
nerochiarosmspillaz: but as far as i know most people that use compiz use it in 3d mode11:32
smspillaznerochiaro: right, so which modes do we want to support ?11:32
smspillaz3D and 2D ?11:32
nerochiarosmspillaz: that's a good question, but i think 3D for sure. 2D mode I don't know, i guess it's less important since unity-2d is supposed to be used when only 2D is available11:33
smspillaznerochiaro: in that case it might be worth writing a compiz plugin directly to do your work :)11:34
nerochiaroer, i meant unity-2d+metacity11:34
nerochiarosmspillaz: can you expand on that please ?11:34
smspillazsince using your current approach (redirecting windows again) is not going to end very well I don't think11:34
smspillaznerochiaro: well, if you want to support unity-qt along with compiz, then I think it will be faster to write the bit that actually does window compositing as a compiz plugin (eg your switcher and scale view)11:35
smspillazor to use the compiz plugins for that directly :)11:35
nerochiarosmspillaz: well, we'd rather not branch the code so much to support compiz specifically. all the code we have right now for the "spread" functionality ("scale" in compiz terms, i guess) is implemented by copying the pixmaps for windows. if at all possible it would be better to do that for compiz too (maybe a plugin can expose these pixmaps and our app can read them ?)11:38
smspillaznerochiaro: you can just get the pixmap with XCompositeNameWindowPixmap, it is just a rather unoptimized path to do it like that11:39
smspillazand then for the decorations you'll need some magic to get them too11:39
sladenkamstrup: tedg: wondering about making the global menus a bit more robust on tear-down, to cure the various vague crashes, or make "unity --replace" work11:39
nerochiarosmspillaz: we are doing that right now and it seems to work quite well in practice, even on ARM machines.11:40
sladenkamstrup: tedg: so when unity/compiz dies.  Appmenu kills itself, the D-Bus interface goes away and local menus reappear until a new instance comes along11:40
nerochiarosmspillaz: even if there are probably more optimized ways to do it11:41
smspillaznerochiaro: yeah :)11:42
smspillaznerochiaro: so for the decorations, you'll probably need to copy some of the logic in the decor plugin to stretch the pixmap the right way11:42
smspillazbasically, in the decor spec the decorator sends over a pixmap as well as some quads which specify how the pixmap should be stretched11:43
kamstrupsladen: there some sense to that, but I don't know if it may have some odd side effets, we need tedg's insight on that11:44
ronoclots of compiz crashes ...11:46
nerochiarosmspillaz: ok. i think i have a good idea now of what the options are. I'll talk a bit with the other guys in my team and we'll see which way to go11:48
nerochiarosmspillaz: thanks a lot for the help11:48
smspillazronoc: backtrace ?11:48
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
ronocsmspillaz, afraid not, just trying using a dual monitor11:49
smspillazronoc: weird11:49
smspillaznerochiaro: np11:49
ronochappens regularly when swapping between laptop screen and monitor11:50
sladenkamstrup: hopefully less odd-side effects that the present :)  (Eg. a user is never left without any menus)11:51
czajkowskisladen: you may be interested in http://www.odfplugfest.co.uk/12:03
kamstrupsladen: point taken :-)12:12
nerochiarodoes anyone knows where unity gets its workspace switcher icon from ? i can't seem to find it anywhere13:04
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
ograKaleo, any chance that you can get to my merge request today (i would like to upload and file the MIRs)14:56
Kaleoogra: I will try14:59
Kaleoogra: I mean, today as in Brasilia time :(14:59
ograKaleo, did you get my ping above (seems i had a disconnect right after typing it in)15:25
ogra(just to make sure you got it, not to be pushy)15:27
Kaleo15:59 < Kaleo> ogra: I will try15:40
Kaleo15:59 < Kaleo> ogra: I mean, today as in Brasilia time :(15:40
ograah, k,thanks15:40
ograindeed i missed that due to the reconnect15:40
Kaleoogra: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-2d-team/unity-2d/natty-release/+merge/4751316:29
Kaleoogra: I reviewed16:29
ograwhy is xdg useless ?16:29
ograshoudl it be dropped completely ?16:30
ograKaleo, ?16:30
ogrado we not want these entries hidden anymore ?16:31
Kaleoogra: I think it was introduced for no particular reason16:31
ograah, k16:31
Kaleoogra: basically we should mimick what Unity does and I don't think it does that16:31
ograKaleo, the rest is ok with you ?16:31
ograi'll remove that and the bits in .install and upload then, persia had some request to adjust the description and text for the unity-2d package too, i'll make that change as well before the upload16:32
Kaleoogra: hop hop hop16:34
Kaleoogra: did you read all the comments?16:34
ograheh, yeah, my mailer is slow16:35
ograi get them in piecemeal16:35
Kaleoogra: please push the changes to the branch and then I can do a final pass and approve16:35
Kaleoogra: thank you16:35
ionogra: pkill -HUP -x gconfd-216:36
ograion, ?16:37
ion125+ # Tell all running daemons to reload their databases16:38
ion126+ kill -s HUP `pidof gconfd-2` >/dev/null 2>&1 || true16:38
ograah, well, not my code16:39
ograi only merge the packaging, is that the new way of restarting gconfd ?16:39
ograi dont think it matters as long as it gets the HUP, but if you insist using pkill i'll do that16:40
ionDunno about restarting, but pkill is better than kill $(pidof …). No need to hide its output, for instance, since “no such processes” does not cause an error.16:40
ionRunning ‘kill -HUP’ is an error.16:41
Kaleoogra: I think all the gconf handling in our package is very shaky16:43
Kaleoogra: and needs cleaning up16:43
Kaleoogra: but I suggest we do that in a future MR16:43
Kaleo(Merge Request)16:43
ogralets first get the packages in order (and all that stuff to main before alpha2)16:44
ograKaleo, updated17:14
Kaleoogra: what's going on17:16
Kaleoogra: I received an email as in you resubmited the MR17:16
Kaleoogra: but you did not right?17:16
ograi updated17:16
Kaleoogra: you just did bzr push17:16
Kaleoogra: great17:16
ograbzr push and updated the MR17:16
Kaleoogra: what do you mean by updated the MR?17:17
Kaleoogra: changed the description?17:17
ogra(i also quickly fixed bug #703170 alongside)17:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 703170 in unity-2d "[packaging] bad grammar in package description" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70317017:17
Kaleoogra: great17:17
ograno, i requested another review17:17
ograafter my commits17:18
Kaleoogra: you don't have to17:18
Kaleoogra: jsut bzr push is enough17:18
ograoh, ok17:18
Kaleook, let me see17:18
Kaleoogra: is the switch to pkill important?17:19
ograit wont break and ion is right that its cleaner17:19
Kaleoogra: does it fix things? (I don't mind the change, I just want to know if it's important to backport it to the ppa packages soon)17:19
ograit will work the same as the old code in the end17:20
KaleoI think so17:20
Kaleoogra: I approved it17:21
Kaleoogra: so now one last thing17:21
Kaleoogra: if you set a decent commit message in the merge request17:22
Kaleoogra: tarmac can merge automatically17:22
Kaleoogra: but if you want to merge yourself, you are free to do so17:22
ograwell, trunk should be largely in sync, so i can easily do myself17:23
Kaleoogra: oh, if it's not mergeable tarmac will fail anyway17:23
Kaleoogra: it's just good to have tarmac doing it because: 1) you spend less time17:23
Kaleo2) we can hookup automated premerge tests17:23
Kaleo(which we don't yet)17:24
Kaleoogra: can we drop lp:~unity-2d-team/unity-2d/natty-release once it's merged?17:24
Kaleoat the very least delete lp:~unity-2d-team/unity-2d/unity-2d-default-settings-natty-release17:24
ograas i said, i would like to talk to NCommander (preferably with you attending) first17:25
ograi dont want him to feel left out by just killing off his branches17:25
Kaleoogra: at least deleting lp:~unity-2d-team/unity-2d/unity-2d-default-settings-natty-release17:26
Kaleoogra: because it is not used anymore17:26
ograoh, yeah, that we can do indeed17:26
ograKaleo, hmm, you deleted unity-2d/natty-release already ?17:48
Kaleoogra: nope17:59
Kaleoogra: did not do anything17:59
Kaleoogra: but when it's merged it does not appear in the list of active branches17:59
ograhttps://code.launchpad.net/~unity-2d-team/ misees a good bunch18:00
ogradee-qt/natty-release is gone too18:00
KaleoI did not do anything :)18:02
ograoh, its LP ... it filters on activity18:04
ograsilly thing18:04
lucazadeKaleo: ping18:27
ionsmspillaz: “implement improved borders & shadows (phase 1): DONE” – improved in which way? :-) I’m still unable to try Unity out myself due to nux crashing on fglrx.18:40
ionI do hope that means reducing the borders to zero pixels. That’s what OSX does and it looks great. :-)18:41
artirHi world.19:07
artirI'd like to ask if I'm the only one that finds the shadow dropped by the unity panel on maximised windows weird19:08
artirhttp://ubuntuone.com/p/aJY/ VS http://ubuntuone.com/p/aJX/19:13
artir( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/705871 )19:21
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
lamalextedg, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/appmenu-gtk/+bug/646794 actually fixed?19:30
tedglamalex, Yup19:31
lamalexwoo 1 bug status updated.19:36
lamalexmaking progress19:36
lamalextedg, is there a way to launch an app with menus19:38
lamalexlike an envvar of some kind?19:38
ionUnset UBUNTU_MENUPROXY if that’s what you mean.19:38
tedglamalex, Like menus in the app window?19:41
lamalexto make them in window19:42
lamalextedg, ^19:42
tedgbratsche, What was that env var?  SHOW_BOTH ?19:42
tedglamalex, APPMENU_DISPLAY_BOTH19:42
bratscheYeah, I think that's it.19:45
lamalexnot it19:46
bratscheAPPMENU_DISPLAY_BOTH is it19:47
lamalexummmm didn't work when I ran APPMENU_DISPLAY_BOTH=1 nautilus19:47
bratscheDid you quit nautilus first?19:47
bratscheBecause it won't work if it's already running.19:47
lamalexoh right nautilus is already running19:47
lamalexIT WON'T DIE19:48
lamalexthere we go19:49
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
doctormoDoes anyone know how to get a list of installed applications (not packages, but applications as seen by USC)?20:03
spikebaside from USC itself, I don't know of a way.20:04
tedgdoctormo, ls /usr/share/applications/*desktop20:07
spikebi feel stupid now heh20:08
doctormotedg: OK, so we don't use pyxdg?20:09
tedgdoctormo, I don't.  Pythons are icky and they bite.20:10
tedgdoctormo, Yes, you should look in the XDG applications list, but probably most "installed" would be there.20:10
doctormotedg: Nu-uh, pythons are the cuewtist-ity-animuls evar!20:10
tedgdoctormo, I think didrocks did some playing with that for UNE and evolution-express stuff.20:10
doctormotedg: Did you know I have commit access to pyxdg? happenstance of history.20:11
doctormoI'm just looking into the best way of using the Menu class20:11
doctormoI think the lack of documentation is what's killing it, it's harder to use than pgp.20:13
Kaleolucazade: pong20:26
lucazadehi Kaleo20:26
lucazadeI got a crash of unity-2d-launcher20:26
lucazadea fatal error20:26
lucazadeI've reported it in the bug report with .xsession-errors20:27
lucazadehope this could help... I wasn't able to reproduce it for days20:31
lucazadeKaleo: about the hang issue during logging out I've seen a small window called "Unknown" with only metacity decoration and no content for some seconds.. It appears after unity-2d-* processes are closed and before session actually finish20:43
lucazadeit is more visible with a intel gma500 card (which is really slow)20:45
Kaleolucazade: oh, nice a screenshot would help I suppose20:46
Kaleolucazade: also xprop too20:46
Kaleolucazade: that's harder though :)20:46
lucazadedon't know xprop20:46
Kaleolucazade: you launch it and then click on the window20:47
Kaleolucazade: it will output the X window properties20:47
lucazadei'll try screenshot, xprop and gdm for the other issue20:47
Kaleolucazade: thank you very much20:48
lucazade:) thank you for unity!20:48
Kaleolucazade: I am glad you like it20:48
lucazadea lot... also because my gma500 can handle it20:49
lucazadeon nvidia flies20:49
lamalexanyone here use avidmux?22:07
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
m_conleychrisccoulson:  ping22:21
chrisccoulsonhi m_conley22:22
chrisccoulsondid you have any luck with virtualbox?22:22
m_conleychrisccoulson: eventually, yes.  :)22:22
m_conleychrisccoulson: I'm looking into your Lightning bug22:23
chrisccoulsonawesome :)22:23
m_conleychrisccoulson: I'm hitting a segfault when I boot up TB with Lightning and globalmenu-extension both enabled.  Are you experiencing something similar?22:23
chrisccoulsonyeah, i get the same on startup. it crashes because it runs out of stack space :)22:24
chrisccoulsonit hits an infinite loop on one of the menus provided by lightning22:24
m_conleyah, I see - so that's the bug you're talking about.22:24
m_conleyk, that's all I needed to know.  thanks!22:25
chrisccoulsonthank you :)22:25
chrisccoulsonit would be good to get that fixed, and then i will enable a thunderbird build of the extension22:25
chrisccoulsoni'm reluctant to do it now, because i don't want to break lots of peoples tbird installs ;)22:25
m_conleyof course22:25
m_conleyyep, i'll take a peek22:26
chrisccoulsonthanks, that's appreciated22:26

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