
maxbjam: It's a LP bug. It's failed to publish a build-dep on lpia00:01
maxbnooo, new bzr-git failure on hardy00:03
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quotemstrHow can I merge changes HEAD-2 and HEAD-3 in the history?03:50
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chxhi. if i use --hardlink but then edit a file ... how can i make sure my editor breaks the hardlink?07:02
bob2depends on the editor07:03
chxi see. can nano do it? can a file system configured to do it, in general ?07:03
bob2to (b)07:03
bob2dunno if nano can/does by default07:04
lifelessthere is an ldpreload hack to break them07:37
chxlifeless: FL-COW?07:50
fullermdUrp.  Bookmarks is broken with .dev   :(07:53
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damdhi.  i have a weird problem which only happens when i use vc-bzr in emacs, but maybe someone here can help me anyways?12:39
damdwhen i do "C-x v =" on a file in emacs (bzr diff equivalent) i get: bzr: ERROR: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified12:40
damdhowever, when i do "bzr diff that/file.el" in cmd.exe it works just fine12:40
damdany ideas?12:41
Takcan you find out what actual filename emacs is using?12:44
Taki.e. is it just trying to do `bzr diff file.el`12:44
damdi've tried to look in the source code, reluctant to modify it, but what the hell, what's the worst thing that can happen... let me check12:45
Takwell, if it logs someplace or something...12:46
damdit doesn't12:46
* Tak not familiar with emacs nor vc-bzr12:46
damdi noticed just now that if the file has no changes, everything works as expected saying "no changes found" or similar12:52
damdso it's something that happens when it determines that there are changes12:52
damdokay, i think i've found the problem and it must be on emacs's side13:01
damd"Running bzr diff --diff-options -c vc-bzr.el in background... done"13:01
damdi don't think the working directory is correct13:01
damdtherefore it can't find vc-bzr.el13:01
damdactually, i guess that's not the problem, since it works right when there are no changes13:06
damdokay, running the same command that emacs uses in cmd.exe gives me the same error abut a file not being found13:17
damdi'm guessing that this file is "diff"13:17
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viladamd: sounds pretty weird14:09
viladamd: --diff-options without options for a given diff is suspicious14:09
damdvila: i wrote a patch for vc-bzr-diff which takes care of it14:10
viladamd: bzr has an internal diff, so I suspect having --diff-options triggers using an external 'diff' which it doesn't find14:10
vilaha good14:10
viladamd: the fact that you're using windows may make the bug more obvious too14:10
damdi would have pushed the patch immediately if i had the time/ability to test it properly14:10
viladamd: are you running emacs from source or from a official release ?14:11
damdfrom weekly windows builds14:11
vilaI see14:11
* vila should really switch to vc and stop using dvc if only for test purposes14:12
damdvc is really nice when you get the hang of it14:12
vilaI haven't use it for years14:12
damdwhy do all things emacs have so ugly logos?14:15
damdthe emacs logo itself, the gnu logo, and now the DVC logo, christ that's bad14:16
vilaaw, come on there are not that bad :)14:18
damdthe DVC logo is probably one of the worst logo's i've seen :|14:18
vilaactually the dvc is a nice variation of the emacs one (when you like the later ;)14:18
damdthey've literally _forced_ it to look like it says DVC on that gnu head14:18
damdactually, that's what they did with the emacs logo as well... forced it to look like a gnu and now it looks like neither a gnu nor emacs14:19
vilawell, the oldest logo I can remember for emacs was a kitchen sink :)14:19
damdyeah, i've seen that, but at least that wasn't official :P14:19
vilahmm, as official as it can be as this time: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsIcons14:20
vilaI think even Lucid Emacs was using the kitchen sink icon, at least I was using lucid in these times so that's probably where I remember the icon from14:22
damdi thought only some "funny" distros shipped emacs with that icon14:23
damdthis is the emacs icon that is the default in windows: http://www.emacswiki.org/pics/static/CarbonEmacsPackageIcon.png14:23
vilayeah, this one has been around for ehat... ~ 10 years ?14:25
vilaha no, the pencil was added at some point14:25
damdno idea, i only started using emacs about five years ago14:25
damdhonestly, if i were to create an emacs logo, i wouldn't know where to start, but i _would_ know where to _not_ start and that is with the current gnu thing14:25
damdenough senseless ranting for now!14:26
vilamwahaha, best wallpaper ever : http://i.imgur.com/RxlwP.png14:27
damdsee, even the wallpapers are ugly :(14:28
vilascratch this itch !14:28
mgzhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/558550/ <- that's a lot of PointlesslyBreakThings lines.14:30
mgzdo I need to add a tests for all of the ones that get fixed, or just trust people not to write broken code in future...14:31
vilamgz: hellllo !14:32
mgzhey vila!14:33
vilamgz: what's the context ?14:33
mgzbug 70795414:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 707954 in Bazaar "bzr mv cause ERROR: exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70795414:33
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vilastr(xx) considered harmless ?14:33
vilaharmful I meant14:33
mgzhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/558552/ <- example test.14:34
mgzstr(any_path) is harmful, yup. bzr uses unicode for paths.14:34
vilaha ! yeah, so my last memories was running away crying from the rename exceptions14:34
vilaadding tests to ensure we cover all code paths there will be ideal14:35
vilasecond to that would be to get rid of the str() harmful calls, but finding them and fixing them without tests may be tricky14:36
vilaso to come back to your initial question, if you can add a test for every call your fix: perfect14:37
vilatrying to avoid future errors... no idea on how to do that (the tests should be a good defense anyhow)14:37
mgzI'm guessing not to blackbox though.14:37
viladepends which layer you want to test14:38
mgzwell, ideally lower if I'm covering all those.14:39
vilayup, my  memory tells me the relevant code is indeed lower14:41
mgzit's WorkingTree.move ._determine_mv_mode .rename_one14:41
vilahave a look at the related exceptions too, that's where I started crying14:41
mgzyeah, they're a bit of a mess.14:42
vilaat one point I got lost because exceptions were raised when trying to format an exception14:42
mgzas is the general code for displaying errors about paths, eg bug 38843714:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 388437 in Bazaar "notbrancherror doesn't show non-ascii paths correctly" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38843714:42
vilarelated to that,14:43
mgz^I need to fix some of this in another branch anyway14:43
vilathe unicode exceptions have an attribute with the faulty string but it's not displayed by default14:43
mgzyeah, that'll be worth doing on top.14:43
vilaI was wondering if we could catch them in the bzr script (or wherever the exceptions are caught).. you see the point14:44
vilaI'm still awfully jet lagged so you type too fast for me ;)14:44
mgzso... where are WorkingTree methods tested?14:44
viladid you see the bash_completion failures on windows ?14:45
vilaper_tree ?14:45
vilabt.per_tree, bt.per_workingtree14:45
mgzah, yeah.14:45
vilaor may be these ones aren't :-/14:45
vilaI'd so love to add a 'raise' somewhere that would make all the relevant tests fail...14:46
vila-s bp.bash_completion -> 4 failures14:46
vilacan you reproduce that ?14:47
mgzit's not really worth testing at all on windows though, and I thought wasn't.14:47
mgz"Missing feature 'bash executable' skipped 12 tests."14:47
mgzso, unlikely to get them.14:47
vilawell, I thought that too, but babune was happy with them before...14:48
vilajam: around ?14:48
mgztesting a cygwin bash under the windows python isn't very worthwhile.14:48
jamhi vila14:48
vilajam: hello !14:48
jamI'm currently on windows, but I ran the test and it gave "missing bash executable"14:49
vilacan you run -s bp.bash_completion in your windows setup... damn14:49
jamI'll try and check into it a bit14:49
jamI run the win32 python under cygwin14:49
jamso I would have thought path would be correct14:49
vilarats, babune has no log about the features and skipped tests :(14:51
mgz2.7 logs skips sensibly now, but the win slave is on 2.6 right?14:52
jamrunning python manually, I see cygwin in the path14:54
jamand running "p = subprocess.Popen('bash -c "echo hello"', shell=True)" works14:54
jamah, it's the probe14:55
jamit specifically probes for the exact name "bash" in the path14:55
jamso it won't find "bash.exe"14:56
vilahaaaa ! doxxx fix !14:56
jamso why is it finding it for vila14:56
vilain its mergetools proposal gordon tweaked osutils.find_executable_on_path, with weird bits for windows I didn't fully understand14:56
vilaso my guess is that it makes it find exes that weren't found previously14:57
vilausing a trick that is *not* used when calling the exe, so the probe succeeds now (it was failing before) and the tests now failed (they were skipped before)14:58
jamvila: yep14:58
jamvila: well, I wouldn't be surprised if the tests fail because it isn't compatible14:58
vilawhich means babune reports skipped tests as successful ones... :-/14:58
jammore than just because it can't find it14:58
jamvila: right, the code in test_bashcomp.py looks to be using the exact path to 'bash'14:58
jamand not using shell=True14:59
vilahmm, not using shell=True is harmless on unices ?14:59
* vila never uses shell=True15:00
mgzhm, I don't know how to hit some of these branches.15:03
vilamgz: scary ;)15:06
mgz...the test just above where I'm adding these looks totally bogus too15:10
mgzself.assertRaises((errors.InvalidNormalization, UnicodeEncodeError),15:10
mgz            tree.rename_one, 'a', u'ba\u030arry')15:10
mgzwhat the hell kind of check is that? it will *always* be raising the second exception, which If A Real User Did It, would print a big ugly traceback.15:11
washDo the latest versions of bzr-svn support any form of setting SVN properties (specifically, svn:eol-style and svn:mime-type)?15:11
vilamgz: this makes sense15:11
vilamgz: that's what the bug you're fixing is about15:11
maxbwash: No, there is no way to explcitly edit user svn properties through bzr-svn15:12
vilamgz: except that we now know that it's a bug and not an expected behavior15:12
washmaxb: *nods* Thanks15:14
jammgz: check the annotate on that file. I probably wrote that code about 3-4 years ago15:17
jamback when I was working on supporting normalization inside bzr15:18
jamI know it pre-dated dirstate15:18
jamwhich was what, 0.15 ?15:18
mgzyeah, it's old, and I'm not even sure why the UnicodeEncodeError is checked for from the history15:18
vilajam: are you sure it hasn't been modified when the rename exceptions have been introduced ?15:18
mgzpossibly for when unicode paths aren't supported at all? it's unclear.15:19
vilamy gut feeling is that UnicodeEncodeError has been added at this point in time15:19
jamvila: could have been. I wouldn't be surprised if the test was saying "must raise InvalidNormalization" and someone decided to be lazy and have it raize Unicode15:19
vilamgz: you may want to check the InvalidNormalization one15:19
vilajam: yup, that's my feeling15:19
jammgz: also note, I personally have stopped trying to fight that fight since getting normalization during status is pretty difficult to make it perform well15:20
jamand I ran into people on Windows not having normalized filenames15:21
jambecause Japanese windows wanted to use all wide characters in the filename15:21
mgzNF(K)* is pretty deadly, but that's the K.15:21
mgzmesses up kana as well as FULLWIDTH characters15:22
vilawow, nicely displayed here :)15:22
mgzsomething still needs to be sorted jam, because macs seem stuck in limbo wrt unicode at the moment in bzr15:22
maxbNFK* is evil madness15:23
jammgz: Oh the system is pretty hosed at the moment. NFC is  better than NFK, (AIUI) though I didn't know it back in the day15:23
jamhowever, *I personally* have stopped trying to fight for it. I'd be happy to review stuff15:24
leonardri have a bzr question for anyone who can help15:24
cody-somervilleleonardr, no one can at the moment as you haven't asked your question ;)15:24
leonardrcody: ah, that's the problem. i never asked my question15:25
leonardri'll explain it in abstract terms but here's the merge proposal of the branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~leonardr/lazr.restful/encode-xhtml-field/+merge/4753615:25
jamleonardr: I believe the standard line is: "Just ask the question, don't ask to ask", but honestly it is pretty ingrained in us that a polite interruption is the rigth thing to do...15:26
leonardri do not want to get side tracked on this discussion, but to set the record straight, my first utterance was an introduction and i immediately proceeded to start writing the question15:26
jamI suppose in IRC you want short communication because everyone has to type? Not sure why that became standard15:26
leonardrthe last release of this package was at revision 16415:27
leonardrwe're now at revision 166, and i need to do a point release based on revision 16415:27
leonardri can just do a release off my branch15:28
leonardrbut i'd like to merge it in to the mainline so that it will be easy to find later15:28
maxbThat all sounds correct.... where's the question? :-)15:29
leonardrmy current plan is to revert to revision 164, commit, merge my branch, commit, do the point release, and then re-merge the code from revisions 155 and 15615:29
leonardris there a better way, or is that it?15:29
jamleonardr: reverting is probably not what you want15:29
mgzjust branch from -r 16415:29
vilaleonardr: just create a branch at...15:29
leonardrlp:~leonardr/lazr.restful/encode-xhtml-field is a branch from -r 16415:30
vilaleonardr: -r 164, do your release stuff (including commitS)15:30
vilaleonardr: then merge your point release on top of your trunk resolving conflicts15:30
vilaleonardr: this will reflect the exact history of what you did, pretty clean IMHO15:31
leonardrvila: my problem with that is that there will be no revision in trunk that corresponds to the release15:31
maxbThere will be no *mainline* revision in trunk which corresponds to the release15:31
vilaleonardr: it will and you can tag it15:31
leonardrvila: ok, what do i tag?15:32
vilaleonardr: the tip in your release branch *before* merging it to trunk15:32
leonardrvila: thanks, that was the missing piece15:32
vilaleonardr: if you look at bzr history, you'll see that the tags are never on the mainline, always on a dotted revno15:33
maxb.... in a PQM-managed project, which this is not15:33
vilamaxb: right, but this shouldn't be a problem either15:33
maxbNot a problem, but it does make the statement that tags are never on mainline not applicable here15:34
vilaho !15:34
vilaright, my remark applied to bzr history *ONLY*15:34
jammaxb, vila: well *some* tags are on the mainline, for people like me that didn't like having to pre-tag before sending it to pqm, but we changed away from that because it was a real PITA to maintain. :)15:34
maxbAh, the bzr history of bzr15:34
vilamaxb: ouch, right, I missed the ambiguity there :-/15:35
maxbleonardr: So, is this making sense? :-)15:35
leonardrmaxb: not at all :)15:35
jambut yes, leonardr, I would tag your release branch, and then merge it, and not try to tag the trunk mainline15:35
leonardrok, i'll do that and let you know how it goes15:35
vilajam: as can be seen in bzr-0.{7,8,11,13,14,15,16,17,18,90} ? :-D15:35
jamvila: did you just run bzr log to find that ?15:36
vilabzr tags15:36
jamor 'bzr tags'15:36
jamvila: some of those are "?" tags15:37
vilaall of them15:37
jamso those were before we merged release branches back into trunk15:37
jambut I still wanted to track them once we finally got tags15:37
jamvila: actually, only bzr-0.0.5 is a mainline revno.15:38
jamI think I did the work to have the tag on the release branch mainline15:38
vilayup, and plan0merge-dev >_<15:38
jamvs my local branch that got merged into the release branch, which was then eventually merged on the mainline15:39
jamvila: I don't have plan0merge-dev tag15:39
jamso that must have been one of yours15:39
jamI do have "plan-merge-dev" and "plan-merge-ab"15:39
maxbleonardr: short version: bzr branch -r 164 lp:lazr.restful lazr.restful-0.15.x; cd lazr.restful-0.15.x; bzr merge lp:~leonardr/lazr.restful/encode-xhtml-field; bzr commit; <Standard release procedures, which ought to involve bzr tag>; cd ....../branch-or-checkout-of-trunk; bzr merge ....../lazr-restful-0.15.x; bzr commit; bzr push15:39
jamvila: interesting that plan-merge-dev is a (vila) commit15:40
vilaI don't think so15:40
leonardrmaxb: ok, i'll let you know if i get unexpected results, but if the bzr tag works it should be fine15:40
vilajam: it's from pqm and plan-merge-ab from aaron15:41
maxbleonardr: One specific point to note - to ensure trunk's history is not confusing, it's important to merge the release branch into trunk, and not vice versa15:41
vilajam: both from 20071215:42
jamvila: it *is* a pqm revision, but it was a (vila) requested one :) I honestly don't know what the idea is15:42
leonardrmaxb: sure. that's what i do usually, so it's no problem15:42
jamnor do I *really* care15:42
leonardr(except it's usually not a release branch)15:42
jamthough it would be nice to be able to prune/hide tags15:42
jam100 tags is getting a bit big, the 1000s of tags in an emacs branch is pretty overwhelming15:42
maxbhrm. bzr help does not tell you what the options are for tags --sort=???15:43
vilajam: weird... I never used tags until being RM...15:44
jammaxb: probably a bug in the help system. If you don't specify that an option can be supplied without the prefix, then it doesn't document the values15:44
tedgHey, I'm getting a really odd Bazaar error: "ValueError: could not convert string to float: /bfa.ko"15:44
jamvila: "bzr.dev" is now properly failing the bash_completion tests15:44
tedgAny clue on how to get back to a running state from that?15:45
maxbtedg: Do you have a traceback with that?15:45
jamtedg: doesn't look like a float to me :)15:45
jamcan you give more of a traceback15:45
tedgTraceback (most recent call last):15:45
tedg  File "/usr/bin/bzr", line 139, in <module>15:45
tedg    exit_val = bzrlib.commands.main()15:45
tedg  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/bzrlib/commands.py", line 1203, in main15:45
tedg    _register_builtin_commands()15:45
tedg  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/bzrlib/commands.py", line 182, in _register_builtin_commands15:45
tedg    import bzrlib.builtins15:45
tedgNot much...15:45
ubot5For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:45
tedgbug 70806315:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 708063 in bzr (Ubuntu) "bzr crashed with ValueError in _register_builtin_commands(): could not convert string to float: /bfa.ko" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70806315:46
vilatedg: ouch, sounds like a .pyc corruption no ?15:47
vilatedg: does 'bzr version' works ?15:47
vilatedg: or 'bzr info'15:47
tedgvila, No, neither of those work.15:47
vilatedg: right, so your install is... damaged ?15:48
tedgvila, Which pyc should I delete?15:48
tedgI can just remove the package and reinstall?15:48
vilatedg: well, yes15:48
vilatedg: but you may have a deeper issue there, .pyc files don't get corrupted randomly on well-behave machines ;)15:49
vilatedg: python-2.7 on lucid ??15:50
tedgvila, Yeah, it's odd.  But none the less, it works after the reinstall.15:51
tedgtedg, No on Natty15:51
tedgvila, ^ :)15:51
vilatedg: so InstallationMedia: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS "Lucid Lynx" - Release amd64 (20100429) is misleading ?15:51
tedgvila, It's correct.  That is what I used to install, then I upgraded.15:52
vilabah, of course, DistroRelease: Ubuntu 11.04 is the one I should have looked at15:52
vilatedg: anyway, good to know you're out of trouble15:52
vilaI'll mark this bug invalid15:52
tedgYes, thank you vila.  I already marked it so.15:52
vilatedg: you rock, lp-cant-refresh sucks ;)15:53
tedgvila, It's not really a LP specific problem.  The web in general sucks :)15:53
vilatedg: shooting the messenger :)15:58
mgzokay, get this baby reviewd time.16:34
vilamgz: :)16:37
vilajam: do you know a way to look at the pending jobs for the package importer ?16:37
jamvila: define "look at"16:37
jamhttp://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/ tells you what is pending16:38
jamand what is currently running, etc.16:38
vilait currently says 0 but tail -f progress_log shows it keeps adding some16:38
vilaso I guess my question is: what's the difference between outstanding jobs and pending jobs16:39
jamvila: when the package importer doesn't have explicit packages to import, it then spins checking random packages for consistency16:39
vilaha, I haven't seen that code yet then16:39
jamso "Outstanding" means it has seen new .deb files that need to be imported16:40
vilaI'm working on mass_import.py16:40
jamotherwise it is just poking around doing sanity checks16:40
vilaright, and it never stops doing that16:40
vilaso I think I will stop poking at this code and start looking at testing it before deploying...16:41
mgzhm, have a feeling there was something else I was going to say in the mp but can't remember it.16:46
jamvila: your mail host is blocking emails from me16:46
jamvila: Remote host said: 550 Too many spams from your IP (, please visit http://postmaster.free.fr/ [RCPT_TO]16:47
jamand the page they link me to is in French, so I really don't know what to do16:47
jam(well, click the English button...)16:47
vilato put their spam filters were the sun doesn't shine ?16:47
jamit looks like they are blocking all email from some of the mail.*.yahoo.com servers16:48
jamat least, the IP they give resolves to: nm6-vm0.bullet.mail.ac4.yahoo.com16:48
jamwhich is a bit hard for me to workaround.16:49
jamI can send mail directly from my IP, but that is usually blacklisted because it is a comcast account16:49
jam(or whatever the rules are. It is a "home" account, which is often blanket blocked)16:49
maxbheh :-/ So apparently bzr-git/hardy has *never* worked16:54
* maxb wonders whether it's still worth doing hardy in ~bzr PPAs16:54
vilajam: try using my canonical address ?16:54
=== leonardr is now known as leonardr-afk
jammaxb: I believe hardy is still in its support window16:56
maxbYes, but that's not *quite* the same question :-)16:56
jamvila: I'm just resending to make sure it works, but it was a note about the bash completion failures from sometime last night16:57
maxboh, just a moment16:57
maxbDid hardy default to apt installing recommends?16:58
vilamaxb: that's not the highest priority, if people are happy with hardy (instead of lucid), they are probably happy with whatever bzr version they have16:58
mgzjelmer needs more imaginative branch names.16:58
mgzhe's submitted like, five different things called lazy something this month.17:00
mgzvila: I'm going to have to put up a 2.3 branch that just messes with imports as I've not had time to work on the transport hook and 2.3 is past beta17:05
jammgz: for your Unicode changes, isn't it just moving when the error occurs? I thought the exception formatter still treats everything via str()17:07
mgzI cheated.17:08
mgzin this case, it gets safely upcast to unicode, then BzrError.__str__ encodes it to utf-817:09
mgzI've got some other work that makes unicode things happen sensibly all the way down to bzrlib.trace17:09
mgzso, mojibake not UnicodeError17:12
mgzI'll add a note about this to the mp.17:12
jamwell, its an improvement17:12
catphishdoes bzr have a native grep function?17:18
catphish(preferably in the CLI)17:18
jamcatphish: there is a 'bzr-grep' plugin17:18
vilamgz: meh, why don't you just target 2.4 ?17:19
catphishjam: thanks, hopefully that'll do what i want :)17:19
mgzbecause I left a horrible hack in the code!17:19
vilamgz: with my blessing, send any complaint my way :)17:21
mgzhm, doesn't look like too many hits.17:25
vilamgz: you're referring to transport hook hack right ?17:28
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vilamgz: so nothing worth backporting to 2.3, target 2.4 :)17:39
mgzI'll put a mp up with some import changes and we'll see.17:40
mgz...I actually intended that last mp to go to 2.3 as well, given it didn't change any interfaces, but perhaps 2.4 is safer.17:41
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vilamgz: yup17:43
vilaEODing, bye all17:44
maxbWhat is the name of the format defining the :param foo: constructs in bzr docstrings?18:12
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lifelessmaxb: epydoc restful ?18:23
=== leonardr-afk is now known as leonardr
* jelmer waves19:13
james_whi jelmer19:14
james_ware you at LCA?19:14
jelmerhi james19:14
jelmerno, I'm in Seattle19:14
james_wah yeah19:15
maxbjelmer: Hi. I've now discovered that bzr-git has in fact never ever been compatible with hardy's ancient python-tdb. I'm thinking of uploading a bzr-git/hardy to the ~bzr PPA with the Recommends: python-tdb dropped, and the default cache format hardcoded to sqlite even if python-tdb is installed.19:30
jelmermaxb: sounds reasonable19:32
jelmermaxb: I wonder how useful it would be to have bzr-git on hardy if it's never been packaged for hardy though19:33
maxbgreat. This bzr-git/dulwich update has been an epic :-/19:33
jelmermaxb: is it really an update? have we ever hard bzr-git/dulwich available for hardy?19:34
maxbWell, we had previous versions in the PPA for hardy19:34
jammaxb, jelmer: Note that until fairly recently we still had production machines in LP on Hardy. However, they've all been transitioned to lucid, AFAIK19:47
jamI think LP itself went to lucid nov/dec last year19:48
maxband there was much rejoicing :-)19:48
jamIn Sept, there was "Don't use 2.6-isms because we are still running hardy"19:48
jamOct 13th was the transition, it looks like19:48
jamanyway, that makes supporting Hardy much less interesting from at least Launchpad's standpoint19:49
jelmermaxb: that function in dulwich was never unit tested earlier19:50
jelmermaxb: (and bzr-git does its own patching of urlparse)19:51
jammgz: do you need me to submit your non_ascii patch?19:52
mgzjam: I can do it. you have any opinion on whether it should have NEWS?19:53
jamit should have news19:53
jamI don't know that it merits whatsne19:53
mgzwill do that and push.19:54
jamPossibly, since it is a user-visible change, but definitely NEWS19:54
jammgz: for your get_transport() change, this is all mechanical, right? You are just changing "from bzrlib.transport import get_transport" to "from bzrlib import transport"19:54
mgzit is.19:55
mgzdiff in email is a little wrong because I suck, but I repushed the branch with a less screwed up first revision19:55
jammgz: that one looks  fine to me as well19:57
mgzpushed the first one. I'll let vila look at the other in the morning if he likes before pushing.20:15
sinzuiI am interested in getting https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-gtk/+bug/707482 fixed. Is anyone minding bzr-gtk about20:38
pooliehi mgz, sinzui20:39
pooliesinzui, it seems like you're most of the way there20:40
sinzuiI can make this fix if someone agrees I am on the right path20:40
* poolie looks20:40
poolieso which value is wrong?20:41
pooliei guess line_no?20:42
sinzuipoolie: ganonnate's line_no and revno I think. UI is pretty simple, so changing the column types to int is probably right. Since gtktreeview reuses columns for layout when making a tree, casting to str() may be required20:42
jamhi poolie20:42
pooliesinzui, it's strange it's not failing before20:43
pooliei wonder if maverick's pygtk automatically casts or something?20:43
pooliei didn't think it did that20:43
pooliehi jam, how are you?20:44
sinzuipygtk 2.22+ behaves more like gtk20:44
jampoolie: doing well. Nice to see you online, though I worry it means you aren't sleeping all that well.20:44
sinzuipoolie: There was a lot of implict goodness in pygtk that is lost as we gtk moves to 3 where there will be a standard api for all bindings20:44
poolie:) mm, i woke a bit before 7, which is pretty reasonable20:45
pooliesinzui, so, since i can't reproduce it, i suggest you change just lineno to type int and see what hapens20:45
sinzuipoolie: but this brings up the crucial question what gtk and python is bzr-gtk targeting?20:45
jamstrangely I've been waking up at just about exactly 6:51 since I got back. Not getting *up* mind you, but waking up.20:45
jamsinzui: we're certainly still targetting python 2 for the moment (unless you mean gtk v 3?)20:46
sinzuipoolies casting with str() is very backward compatible with gtk2. changing the column types is not20:46
pooliewell, would we ever use a non-int line number?20:47
sinzuithe early liststores had limited column types, which I believe is why the class uses just astring20:47
sinzuipoolie: we care if we resorted the lines. We wont in this case20:48
jamI'm pretty sure line_no will always be an int, but revno will often be a str20:51
jamif it is hard to set a column type to int in older code, just go str, since as you mention, sort order doesn't matter20:52
sinzuithanks. I will put a branch together. I will also test the other widgets so that this class of error is fixed in a single effort20:55
pooliesinzui, ping me if you get stuck20:59
jampoolie: have you seen the recent updates I did to the package-importer under-losa control discussion?21:00
pooliejam, can you join #ubuntu-meeting21:00
jampoolie: rt #39614 and bug #58952121:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 589521 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "nagios monitoring of package imports needed" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58952121:00
jamsummarizes my thoughts on it21:00
poolieok, thanks21:01
jamshort summary is that it needs a fair amount of development done before we can really give up direct access21:01
poolieelliot's suggestion at dallas, which i agree with, is that we should do things ourselves rather than handing it over21:01
jam(and i wonder if that effort would be better spent integrating it with the vcs-import stuff)21:01
pooliei thought i said that's what we'd do, and we'll just rely on them for low-level stuff21:01
pooliekeeping the os running etc21:01
jampoolie: note that both the bug and the rt have expanded from "nagios integration" into "move to a new server completely controlled by losas"21:02
lifelessgiving up direct access is a bit separate :)21:02
lifeless(I'm lending support, I hope)21:02
pooliethanks for the pointer; i'll look at it21:02
pooliethe udd meeting is starting now; let's be there21:03
jamlifeless: it is technically separate, but the discussion on the RT was that we don't want to integrate with nagios, we want to move you to a new server and take away all control. Not that it has to be done that way. :)21:03
lifelessso the new server thing21:04
lifelessthats because its on a borrowed box that is labelled 'landscape backup db server'21:04
jamoh, I understand why21:15
jamjust mentioning that one rt got taken over by about 5 different things that they wanted to do21:16
=== tomaw_ is now known as tomaw
nhandlerSo does anyone know why I am unable to push to lp:classbot/devel (on Launchpad) (doing so causes bzr to crash): ErrorFromSmartServer: Error received from smart server: ('error', "We are missing inventories for revisions: [StaticTuple('nhandler@ubuntu.com-20100920220053-yztqc4i042olpvnp',)]")22:12
lifelesspoolie: I'd like to talk loggerhead (voice) a little when you have a timeslice spare22:13
poolienhandler, at the broadest level i think someone has pushed bad data into it22:13
poolielifeless, sure, let me finish things heer22:13
james_wIIRC that error is something to do with stacking22:13
pooliecould it be renaming the stacked branch causes that?22:14
pooliemaybe we should ban that22:14
james_wnhandler, try "bzr pack lp:classbot/devel" and then try again22:14
james_wbug 43700322:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 437003 in Bazaar 2.0 "Failure to autopack because of 'missing inventories'" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43700322:14
lifelessI suspect an old bzr client actually22:15
lifelesswe had some bugs in this area22:15
nhandlerjames_w: That did it. You rock! (but now I have no excuse for not fixing a few outstanding bugs in classbot ;) )22:16
james_wheh, we can probably break it again if you like ;-)22:16
nhandlerjames_w: Nah, that is alright. Thanks again.22:17
jampoolie, lifeless: bug 437003 covers it pretty well. It is autopack across pack files where the inventories aren't in the group being repacked.22:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 437003 in Bazaar 2.0 "Failure to autopack because of 'missing inventories'" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43700322:46
jamit is caused by stacking interacting oddly with autopack22:47
jamwhere you got the inventory in the past, but then get the revision, and then autopack without getting the original pack file in the group22:47
lifelessjam: is historydb optional in loggerhead?22:48
lifelesspoolie: ^22:48
jamyou don't need the *plugin*22:48
jambut it changes how things are stored on disk22:48
jamyou certainly could rewrite things until you got to that point22:48
jambut it isn't written that way22:49
lifelessjam: what I mean is22:52
lifelessjam: can trunk loggerhead be used with the performance profile of the loggerhead we use in lp22:52
jamlifeless: no22:53
jamwhich I tried to convey, but probably just got woryd22:53

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