
basyhow can i get current master volume level and how to volume up/down in konsole on alsa drivers ... ???00:13
basyalsamixer runs its own application :(, i need something: alsamixer -master=+10, or alsamixe -get-master-vol with result 77 ....00:15
basyi am looking for simple command...00:15
basyyes that's the one, thanks00:16
zmcIn text console (vt1) the console is not fullscreen, I get about 127x35 and the bottom part of the screen is inaccessable, even  from full screen text mode programs (emacs, vi, lynx etc) does anyone know how to change this behavior? (kubuntu-10.10 latest patches applied)00:19
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ussher_is there a way to put a visual effect on a mouse click?  I want to use xvidcap to make a screencast of the delay between right mouse click and the menu opening.01:17
t3rminat0r_hello guys, can anyone access01:23
t3rminat0r_curl ftp://elib.zib-berlin.de01:23
e_t_t3rminat0r_: It looks like the site is down. http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/elib.zib-berlin.de01:25
t3rminat0r_i see...01:27
t3rminat0r_thanx man01:27
t3rminat0r_however... http://elib.zib.de/01:30
t3rminat0r_it works :S01:30
=== christian is now known as Guest75023
e_t_t3rminat0r_: Well, no website will work if the address is wrong ;)01:34
t3rminat0r_but I need the ftp from that location :S01:35
dalaunihello world01:38
ecinxdoes anyone has sopcast?02:40
ecinxi can't install  it, I get ' Depends: lib32stdc++5 but it is not installable '02:41
yofelecinx: *that* is the wrong depencency, /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.5 is provided by ia32-libs03:46
ecinxi don't understand03:46
yofelyour sopcast package depends on the wrong package03:47
yofelso the package should be fixed to use the right library package03:48
yofelyou could try to install sopcast with dpkg --force-depends, but apt might be unhappy about that03:49
yangbhi all03:54
intmedhow to use mobile gprs in kubuntu 10.10 ?04:08
intmedpls help04:15
Daskreechintmed: What are you trying to do?04:25
test_Is there any Chinese?04:28
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk04:28
intmedDaskreech: trying to use net on pc using the mobile gprs04:32
intmedhow to create a dialer for my gprs04:33
Daskreechwhat GPRS modem are you using?04:35
getpwnamIs it possible for a single computer to take internet access down for an entire home wireless network? That's what seems to be happening to me.04:37
intmedmobile. nokia 523004:37
Daskreechintmed: have you tried wvdial ?04:57
lofwheres the hardware support location for 3g modems and wifi?05:40
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:41
lofi get wifi data on ttyUSB do you know how I can feed that to the kernel for a connection?05:44
lofi think05:46
lofi have a e5830 3g modem05:46
lofon 10.10 kubuntu05:46
Daskreechwvdial ?05:46
loftheres a network interface at ttyUSB205:47
lofnot dial up05:47
Daskreechwell if it's in /dev/tty then the kernel already knows about it05:48
lofdoes it know how to process it for a if connection05:48
Daskreechif you add it to /etc/network/interfaces then yes05:49
lofwhat is the the format for the entry05:49
lofor a short copy item05:49
lofwhich i can then play around with05:50
lofmail is personal@william-coleman.com05:51
lofmobile broadband comes up disabled05:52
lofin network manager05:53
lofoh ill try something05:54
X-Raimohello. Is KUbuntu good choise for LTSP Server? What about it stability?07:13
=== matt___ is now known as mattj_
susundbergi would recommend debian stable for any server07:14
susundberg(and not ubuntu as ubuntu has lots more upgrades per month)07:14
susundbergMh, wiki page on LTSP says "Some examples of distributions using LTSP are AbulÉdu, Edubuntu, K12LTSP and Skolelinux. Entities that support LTSP are the Cutter project and Dework"07:16
X-Raimosusundberg: I using debian and it works great. But it's hasn't got KDE407:16
susundbergah ok07:16
susundberggive it a try! Imho the latest stable kubuntu is fine (10.10) but natty (11.04) is not that stable07:18
susundbergthough natty is still developing version (not published yet)07:18
X-RaimoI think I try 10.04LTS07:18
susundbergbut even 11.04 will receive updates if not daily at least weekly07:18
susundbergsorry 10.1007:18
X-Raimomainly because of LTS07:19
susundbergi ment to say that even 10.10 maintainer needs to be quite more active than maintainer of debian system07:19
susundbergya. And i guess KDE depends on such amount of packages that installing it from source is not an option07:19
susundberghey have you checked: http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/07:20
susundbergKDE4.4.5 on debian testing07:20
Tm_TKDE 4.4 is rather old07:20
susundbergyes indeed.07:21
susundbergbut its KDE4 allright07:21
X-Raimosusundberg: nope. Thanx for Link07:21
DaskreechX-Raimo: Debian has KDE4 just not in stable07:21
mefistofeleshey, has somebody installed kubuntu in a toshiba a665? just in case... I'm having a nightmare trying to install it07:49
jhohnmefistofeles: no, didn't but there seems to be some people in the ubuntu forums who had no problems except for the keyboard backlights, maybe there ist help for you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153374408:22
mefistofelesI've tried several times and the installer crashed... now Im trying with the alternate cd08:23
fatcheuhi everybody, i've got a little problem with kubuntu, the taskbar and the kickoff menu doesn't have any transparency when desktop compositing is enabled09:13
mefistofelesfatcheu: after you disabled it and re enabled it?09:13
fatcheuplease tell me what should i do to fix it09:13
fatcheuit's darker when enabled09:14
mefistofelesyeah, that's happening here as well, not in kubuntu but arch09:14
mefistofelesso I think it's a kde problem/bug09:14
mefistofelesbut not sure09:14
fatcheui installed 10.04 and kubuntu 4.5 is beautiful but, with 10.10 it's so dark09:15
mefistofeleswell you can always change the theme09:15
fatcheuit's true09:16
fatcheubut air is really cool :)09:18
fatcheumefistofeles: i've the answer if you care09:32
fatcheuin the desktop composing config, advanced, use Vsync09:33
blissare u really fat fatcheu09:33
fatcheuit's an expression in the western alpes09:34
fatcheuit's not about fat09:34
fatcheuit means "oh god"09:34
blissi never knew09:35
blissu like kubuntu?09:35
blisshey iulian09:40
mefistofelesthe alternate cd is taking a lot of time to install, is this normal?09:51
mefistofeles(and it's not downloading stuff)09:52
=== sharky is now known as veryrough
nicklas_kde 4.6 will hit updates or backports today?11:41
geekosophernicklas_: kubuntu-ppa/backports probably11:43
vanguarddoes anybody know their way around the desktop effects?11:57
vanguardI could not enable them for some X-Server reason, after clicking a couple times I got them enables with XRender, but the "all effects" tab is completely empty11:57
vanguardwhat is going on with my system?11:58
nicklas_is the 4.6 update gonna be so major that youre gonna have to reconfigure stuff?12:00
nicklas_apperantly i have to go12:04
=== mren|off is now known as mren
peter____I received /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/include/linux/pci_ids.h:2: fatal error:12:27
peter____│ @CONFIG_SND_KERNELSRC@/include/linux/pci_ids.h: No such file or directory12:27
peter____│ compilation terminated.12:27
peter____when tried to compile alsa driver12:27
peter____please help12:27
bl4ckc00k1ehi, my scripts on autostart, dosnt work... i dont understand why...12:34
bl4ckc00k1ei put the scripts on ~/.kde3/Autostart12:35
bl4ckc00k1eand they dont work... i never have this problem before...12:35
blisshey all12:38
blissjoin #worldnet12:38
FloridaGuywhere do i find not service manager...but a better package that shows every servive runing...that will lets you trun them off....like system services12:49
vanguardmy up key does not work anymore ... what can I do?12:54
FloridaGuyvanguard: click on what you want to control...use numpad...shify + 812:56
FloridaGuythat is up key12:56
blissuse your mouse12:57
progre55hi guys. when I try sharing a folder using dolphin, it asks for my password, but then does nothing.. any suggestions, please?12:59
vanguardFloridaGuy: yeah, that works, but the up key between the two blocks does not work somehow13:05
vanguardbliss: how should I use the mouse in the console?13:05
bl4ckc00k1ehi, i can start script on kde13:07
bl4ckc00k1ei put the script on .kde and .kde313:08
bl4ckc00k1ei change /bin/bash to /bin/sh/.. nothing13:08
bl4ckc00k1ei dont know what can i do13:08
vanguardbl4ckc00k1e: what do you mean?13:09
vanguardbl4ckc00k1e: usually, the script just acts in the background, you do not see anything13:09
Riddell** testing needed for 4.6.013:09
bl4ckc00k1evanguard,  i make 2 script on autostart, yakuake and conky13:09
bl4ckc00k1eand they dont start..13:09
bl4ckc00k1ei strange, beacuse before formating, they works before13:09
vanguardRiddell: how can I test without killing my working machine?13:10
mefistofelesbl4ckc00k1e: did you put it in the autostart dir?13:10
mefistofeleswith execution permissions?13:10
bl4ckc00k1emefistofeles, yeah /home/xxxx/.kde3/Autostart and i make other .kde/Autostart... and nothing13:10
vanguardshould I use VirtualBox or qemu/kvm for Kubuntu on Kubuntu?13:10
bl4ckc00k1eyeah, chmod +x13:10
bl4ckc00k1emefistofeles, there are and other rute for that??13:12
mefistofelesno that I know of, sorry13:12
BluesKajHey folks13:14
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vanguardRiddell: I am installing Kubuntu 10.10 in a vm now, if you would like to tell me how to use the newest KDE, I'll happy to try it out13:17
BluesKajvanguard, to upgrade to the newest kde , do : sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports , then do : sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa , this updates to latest major and minor updates.13:23
hXmhello, good morning13:23
Riddellvanguard: it's in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports  the just dist-upgrade13:23
Riddellhi hXm13:24
hXmi have configured a webdav server that works fine from mac and linux, but windows is not able to connect, what i do wrong? is it fault of dav config?13:24
vanguardhXm: do you get an error message?13:24
hXmyes, windows ask for an user that is never validated13:24
hXmbut that same user via mac works13:24
vanguardhXm: I had a problem with that as well on Windows XP and an XAMPP/windows13:27
vanguardhXm: Do you use SSL?13:27
hXmnope i dont13:27
vanguardhXm: IIRC the problem is with the native Windows DAV Client and no SSL, try with SSL plz13:27
hXmoh, ok!13:28
hXmi guess i should create a certificate and all that?13:28
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vanguardhXm: If there is no default cert you would need to issue yourself one. On my XAMPP install, I just switched http for https and there already was a cert13:28
hXmi tried that from this computer but i get an error13:30
hXmso i guess i shall need reconfigure webdav13:30
vanguardwhat server do you use13:30
hXmapache2 and the webdav packages that kubuntu provided13:31
vanguardhXm: I have never used that before, I always install my comfy little LAMPP sandbox, and it is all set up there13:32
vanguardbut I assume that you need to enable SSL in the apache conf and generate a certificate, maybe you even need to install openssl or something13:32
AlvinI feel KDE 4.6 approaching.13:36
mefistofelesAlvin: he's coming to eat our whole machine resources!13:37
vanguardRiddell: I added the packports and do the dist-upgrade now ... it will take some time -- mind my internet connection13:38
Riddellthanks vanguard, I take it no worrying packages are due for removal in the dist-upgrade?13:40
jose__alguien me puede echar una mano?13:41
mefistofelesnot sure if spanish is allowed here13:41
AlvinOh, is the 4.6 upload completed then?13:44
BluesKajdependency problems - leaving unconfigured Errors were encountered while processing:  apport apport-kde13:45
nerdy_kidIs it possible to get partial upgrades? say, if the packagers havn't uploaded all the new packages or something, not really sure how that all works13:46
Alvinnerdy_kid: I wouldn't try that and wait13:47
nerdy_kidAlvin: so you are saying that it is possible, and I should wait a bit before I upgrade?13:47
Alvinnerdy_kid: I think that you can do it right now, but that it might leave your system in a broken state. So yes. I'd wait for the official announcement at kubuntu.org/13:49
nerdy_kidAlvin: ok, thanks :)13:49
* BluesKaj decides to leave ant reboors til the apport depends prob is fixed13:51
BluesKajany reboots13:51
vanguardRiddel: I am not sure, I did not look and the terminal buffer is too short to look back13:53
vanguardwhy is vim not installed on a standard kubuntu install?13:57
AlvinAt the moment, there are some unresolved dependencies: http://pastebin.com/knrzFiKf13:58
Alvinvanguard: lol. (That's an Ubuntu decision I think. It's probably too large and an extension of vim anyway. I actually know people who prefer vi above vim, so it's a better choice to make it optional)13:59
AlvinProbably the same reason they abandoned aptitude and tasksel. Space on the cd.14:00
vanguardAlvin: I realize that everybody who can use vim knows that "sudo apt-get install vim" does the trick. So I do not mind that too much.14:00
vanguardRiddell: I believe that everything went through, where can I see the KDE version?14:04
vanguardRiddell: Well, it is still 4.5.114:05
Riddellvanguard: are you sure you added ppa backports?14:06
vanguardRiddell: well, I just fired up KPackageKit and it offers me kdelibs5_4.6.0-0ubuntu1... --- I run the updated again I guess14:07
vanguardRiddell: It wants to uninstall all the -0buntux packages and install the -0ubuntux~maverick1~paax. I guess that is the way to go14:08
Riddellvanguard: yes14:11
AlvinThe announcement on http://www.kubuntu.org is there, but are the packages completely uploaded yet? I still see conflicts.14:12
RiddellAlvin: are you using 10.10?14:14
baxeicoHi, I tried to do aptitude dist-upgrade (kubuntu maverick backports ppa enabled, and kde 4.5.5 already installed)14:14
baxeicoThe following packages have unmet dependencies:14:15
baxeico  libkonq5a: Conflicts: libkonq5 but 4:4.5.5-0ubuntu1.1ppa1 is installed.14:15
baxeico  libakonadiprotocolinternals1: Breaks: libakonadiprivate1 but 1.4.0-0ubuntu1 is installed.14:15
AlvinRiddell: Yes, with kubuntu-ppa-backports and ubuntu-x-swar-x-updates14:15
baxeicothen aptitude suggest to remove many packages14:15
RiddellAlvin: can you paste  apt-cache policy kontact14:15
Riddellbaxeico: please pastebin the full output14:15
Riddellbaxeico: also  apt-cache policy kontact14:16
AlvinRiddell: http://pastebin.com/rHUcR0NC14:16
AlvinI have the same messages as baxeico14:17
baxeicoRiddel: full output -> http://pastebin.com/1Pwkr8f014:17
baxeicoRiddel: apt-cache output -> http://pastebin.com/N3gABUEk14:19
Riddellbaxeico, Alvin: bear with me14:21
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* Riddell waits for new kdepim to publish14:24
baxeicoRiddell: no prob. thank you!14:25
AlvinCool, a new kdepim!14:25
darthanubisCool KDE 4.6!14:25
Riddelldarthanubis: let me know how the install goes14:26
BluesKajyeah, but it's still RC , darthanubis14:26
Riddellwell it's final, but since nobody tested when I asked it has only been tested on my setup so far :)14:27
BluesKajRiddell, hmm, I still have the RC version...of course I'm running natty14:28
vanguardI think I just uninstalled kpackagekit with itself ...14:28
vanguardand I cannot reinstall because auf unmet dependencies14:28
BluesKajvanguard, no loss , just use the cli with aptitude14:29
vanguardThanks Disk Saving People: sudo: aptitude: command not found14:30
Alvinvanguard: The fact that you can actually uninstall kpackagekit with itself is pretty cool :-)14:30
vanguardAlvin: Well, it crashed half the way though :D14:30
Alvinvanguard: Do you still have dpkg?14:30
Alvinvanguard: Ow, we should file a bug ;-)14:30
vanguardAlvin: dpkg ist still there14:30
BluesKajkpackagekit is clunky , try Muon if yo ned a package manager GUI , vanguard..and just do sudo apt-get instal aptitude14:31
BluesKajerr install14:31
vanguardaptitude is already installed. is KPackageKit written in Py?14:31
Riddellbaxeico, Alvin: new kdepim should be published, update and try again14:31
* Alvin tries14:32
macovanguard: no14:32
vanguardHow do I install the kde now with aptitude? I do not want kde-full, that is too big I guess14:32
macovanguard: kpk has no dependency on python14:32
BluesKajaptitude is merely a substitute for apt in the cli, but it handles dependencies better with most apps than apt14:33
macovanguard:  why aptitude not apt-get?14:33
vanguardmaco: because Alvin told me so :)14:33
AlvinRiddell: Loads better, but still 2 conflicts. http://pastebin.com/ZL7faz1t Can libakonadiprivate1 and libkonq5 be removed safely?14:33
RiddellAlvin: yes that's fine14:34
macoBluesKaj: ehhh.....ive had a lot of times where aptitude couldnt figure out how to install updates for kubuntu. it complained of conflicts or missing dependencies that weren't actually the case. apt-get did it just fine14:34
AlvinRiddell: Thanks. I'll try. Can take a while. Not the fastest internet here...14:34
vanguardA sudo apt-get dist-upgrade does not do anything, so I guess most of my KDE is gone now14:34
maco(where a lot can be taken to mean "greater than or equal to three, then i learned my lesson")14:34
vanguardwhat is the package name of a small kde install?14:34
macovanguard:  i think you could just install kde-plasma-desktop14:35
BluesKajmaco, that's because aptitude detects problems that apt doesn't in some cases and is more cautious , requiring more resulting stability ...sometimes it's overdone but I stick by it.14:36
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.10 released: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/10.10-release | Update KDE Platform 4.5.4 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.5.4 | Backport KDE Platform 4.6.0 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.6 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines
macoBluesKaj: i  usually hit these problems when a new kde release is uploaded. then id complain in #kubuntu-devel about the update not being installable and id be told that its because "aptitude has broken dependency resolution"14:37
vanguardmaco: I installed that, I'll reboot to see how much of my VM is left :D14:37
vanguardnew wallpaper, that is a good sign :)14:38
macoBluesKaj: i think the part where aptitude was known for good dependency handling was more on the removal side -- since it removed the dependencies instead of cluttering and requiring deborphan... but apt-get does that now too14:38
baxeicoRiddell: thanks, now I'm upgrading14:38
baxeicoRiddell: removed libkonq5 and libakonadiprivate114:38
vanguardBUG: it cannot load the showdesktop-widget that was in the kicker from 4.5 -- http://img5.imagebanana.com/img/07mlojtg/Arbeitsflaeche1_001.png14:40
BluesKajmaco, I think it's acase of apt goes where aptitude fears to tread :)14:40
vanguardOkay, 4.6.00 is running in my VM, what shall I test in particular?14:41
AlvinBluesKaj: nicely explained :-)14:41
vanguardRiddel: Is there anything in particular that I can test in 4.6?14:42
* BluesKaj runs apt-get update :)14:42
vanguardBluesKaj: muon looks pretty sweet, thanks for the tip14:45
BluesKajvanguard, yeah , as apackage manager it's next to synaptic IMO14:45
vanguardBluesKaj: synaptic was my favorite until I switched to KDE, and it just does not look to good there14:46
BluesKajvanguard, you can change the synaptic look in synaptic itself in preferences14:47
* BluesKaj switches back to ktorrent from deluge ...deluge hogs bandwidth for no reason14:50
BluesKajdeluge doesn't seem to follow port assignment rules . Interferes with the default browser ports onmy router14:52
Riddellvanguard: install plasma-widgets-addons14:54
s3th_0neHi! Is it somehow possible to get xchat transparency working with kwin?14:56
darthanubisreboot here we go14:58
voltyhi, can somebody tell me why context menu "Send as attachment"  doesn't appear on samba shares files ?14:59
markitanyone experineced in ACL? I've set default group permissions, and work well if I create files in the related directory, but not if I COPY files there (dolphin), any clue?15:01
Riddelldarthanubis: any luck?15:01
AlvinWe can add certificates now!15:02
darthanubismore testing after work15:02
darthanubisbut no more plasma crashes on logout15:03
AlvinAh, but the Printer Configuration is broken again. That happens a lot on upgrades.15:05
* maco looks at Riddell15:05
* Riddell whistles15:06
AlvinI'm just going through the System Settings.15:07
Alvin'User Management' crashes.  (The service 'User Management' does not provide an interface 'KCModule' with keyword 'userconfig/userconfig.pytThe factory does not support creating components of the specified type. Now, I have seen that one before. Let me search a bit.15:09
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darthanubisluv it!15:09
AlvinA regression of Bug 51479615:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 514796 in python-qt4 (Ubuntu) "kcmshell4 crashed with AttributeError in createWidget()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51479615:10
BajK_which package do I need to enable sending files to kopete contacts using kipi?15:10
BajK_i have kipo-plugins-commons installed but all i get is facebook, flickr and stuff but not "Send to IM contaft"15:10
BajK_which is present on those KDe 4.6 release screenshots15:11
RiddellAlvin: kdebindings hasn't been updated to 4.6 yet, I'll need to look at python kcontrol modules when it has15:14
AlvinRiddell: np. I was just saying. For printer and user management, I always use the command line.15:16
surunveriis kubuntu secure?15:17
TheNumbsurunveri: what do you mean?15:17
surunveriis it secure if I am connected to the internet15:20
TheNumbsurunveri: if you are doing regular updates..15:21
TheNumbThen yes, it should be.15:21
BluesKaj!virus | surunveri15:22
ubottusurunveri: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus15:22
BajK_http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/4.6-elegantly-yours.png lol that looks kind of out of place15:22
TheNumbBajK_: I'm still waiting for packages :(15:22
BajK_TheNumb: me too^^15:22
TheNumbBut for ArchLinux :P15:22
progre55so, anybody knows why when I try sharing a folder using dolphin, it asks for my password, but then does nothing?15:23
progre55any suggestions would be appreciated15:23
BajK_progre55: sharing using Samba?15:24
RiddellBajK_: how so?15:24
BajK_Riddell: ?15:25
BajK_progre55: if you want suggestions, I suggest you answer my question :D15:25
RiddellBajK_: in what way does it look out of place?15:25
BluesKajprogre55, make sure the folder is shared on the other pc15:25
Riddellprogre55: folder sharing is broken upstream, we're working on it15:25
BajK_Riddell: the background is the old 4.5 light style, the badge is darkblue15:25
progre55BajK_: doesnt it use samba when I click the fileProperties > Share > and the button "configure file sharing"?15:26
macoprogre55: read what Riddell said15:26
progre55Riddell: oh that sux ) any workarounds? )15:26
BajK_progre55: try installing the following packages: kdenetwork and kdenetwork-filesharing15:26
progre55maco: yeah thanks)15:26
BajK_this puts the sharing thing directly into your folder properties15:26
Riddellprogre55: you can use the  "net share" command on a command line15:26
BajK_a package that SHOULD BE THERE RIGHT AWAY ..15:26
TheNumbYeah, somebody is building packages for opensuse... https://build.opensuse.org/package/live_build_log?arch=x86_64&package=kdebase4-workspace&project=home:rwooninck:branches:KDE:Distro:Factory&repository=openSUSE_11.315:26
progre55thanks guys15:27
BajK_Riddell: can anybody explain to me what "upstream" and "downstream" issues/patches/whatever are?15:27
progre55I'll try that all15:27
voltyis 10.10 a bit broken?15:27
TheNumbBut where, where are the packages for Arch? ;(15:27
macoBajK_: convince the world to switch to 1024MB as a standard CD instead of 700MB?15:27
TheNumbmaco: you are still using CDs? :O15:27
macoBajK_: upstream is the authors15:27
BajK_maco: yeah, they can package Qt with ubuntu because of unity but not put a simple NECCESSARY package for good user experience in it, right15:28
macoBajK_: the code flows "downstream" to the distros who simply package it up15:28
BajK_ah thx maco15:28
macoBajK_: uh, those are two different CDs...15:28
BajK_the issue is, without this package, you will never know the case WHY it is not working15:28
BajK_you just end up at the point "Configure file sharing" and then click on it and nothing happens15:28
macoBajK_: its not working because the code is flat-out broken15:28
BajK_with those two packages, you at least get a nice interface for that15:28
macoit has been for...a few years15:28
macoRiddell: since the switch to kde4, did yall say at uds?15:29
KyranBeI've just upgraded to kde 4.6 and I'm experiencing serious redraw issues in lists and konsole15:29
BajK_maco: and what exactly should be broken with file sharing?15:29
macoBajK_: it shouldnt be, it just is ;-)15:29
BajK_and what exactly is broken?15:29
BajK_even my mom managed sharing a folder to the network on her pc15:30
macokde hasnt been able to configure it for a few years. if you have a smb.conf that you wrote up yourself it of course works fine15:30
BajK_maco: i don'T fuzz around in config files15:30
BajK_I refuse to believe that in the year 2011 we will need to do this15:30
BajK_either it works with GUI or I'll leave it and since it is working, I have shared files on the network15:30
macoim not saying its *good* that the code's broken, just that the simple fact is, its broken15:30
Daskreechsurunveri: Viruses and security are not the same thing. Just pointing that out15:30
BajK_or well, not files but folders15:30
macoits a bug, duh15:30
macoits an old bug, but its still a bug15:30
BajK_maco: Ark's inability of extracting encryted files whose bug report dates back to 2001 is getting fixed now, so that is no excuse *g* but here foldersharing in smb works just fine15:31
BajK_WITH those two packages installed15:31
Daskreechprogre55: What os are you sharing with?15:31
KyranBedoes anyone have an idea what I can do to stop these redraw issues, they're extremely annoying15:31
BajK_KyranBe: thy appeared when updating to which version of KDE?15:32
progre55BajK_: so, installed the packages, but cant seem to find the "sharing thing" there15:32
RiddellKyranBe: what does  echo $QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM  say?15:32
progre55Daskreech: windows15:32
macoBajK_: mozilla still wins on ancient bugs then ;-) it  cant print a div thats split across a page break. that bug report goes back to 1998, iirc15:32
Daskreechprogre55: oh bleah. Configure Samba15:32
BajK_maco: lol, yeah, thats the reason why I use konqueror for such tasks :D15:32
BajK_progre55: should be, right click on a folder -> properties -> share and there you can says "Share in local network"15:33
progre55Daskreech: =) oki. I was just wondering why the built-in "sharing" didnt work..15:33
KyranBeRidell: it's empty (or doesn't render properly in konsole)15:33
BajK_and check that and choose via smb or nfs15:33
DaskreechRiddell: Good to see you15:33
Riddellwhy thank you Roger15:33
KyranBeBajK_: they appeared in 4.5 but are much much more intense now15:33
Daskreechprogre55: Not properly Built in the built-in :)15:33
KyranBeI used to be able to scroll in a list and it updated most of the time15:34
KyranBenow it doesn't15:34
BajK_KyranBe: if sharing directly in dolphin (you did restart, dolphin, right?) doesnt work, try in systemsettings "share" there should be a new entry "Samba" which enables you to edit your shares, but run systemsettings with kdesudo otherwise the dialog stays greyed out since it doesnt ask for authentication15:34
KyranBeI need to go over every element in order for it to redraw15:34
progre55BajK_: using dolphin, it still has the old "configure file sharing", clicking which is useless =)15:34
BajK_eh this goes to progre5515:34
BajK_progre55: if sharing directly in dolphin (you did restart, dolphin, right?) doesnt work, try in systemsettings "share" there should be a new entry "Samba" which enables you to edit your shares, but run systemsettings with kdesudo otherwise the dialog stays greyed out since it doesnt ask for authentication15:34
BajK_I need to go over every element in order for it to redraw15:34
progre55BajK_: oh yeah, found that )15:35
progre55the systemSettings thing15:35
BajK_but weird, maybe it needs a restart to take effect. :)15:35
BajK_but after installing those packages you should get this share thingie in folder properties with a checkbox (no popup dialog or something) that enables you to "Share this folder on the local network" and then you may choose via NFS or samba and specify read/writable, public, etc15:36
BajK_and make sure the folder you are sharing has full writing permissions otherwise you won't be able to edit/copy files in there even though its marked as "writable"15:36
surunveriDaskreech: what's your point?15:37
Daskreechsurunveri: You asked about security and Blueskaj gave you a factoid on Viruses. I'm just saying not being able to get a virus does not make you secure15:38
progre55BajK_: well, probably I'd have to restart kdm for that tab to appear..15:38
BajK_progre55: well, try restarting then :)15:38
BajK_progre55: you know "Reboot is good" :D15:38
progre55BajK_: I'll do that.. but later on =) thanks man, appreciate15:38
BajK_you're welcome :15:39
surunveriwhat do you mean?15:39
KyranBeif it's any help, this machine is using intel integrated graphics15:39
Daskreechsurunveri: Just that security and viruses are not the same thing. You can be virus free. At no risk of getting a virus and still insecure15:39
KyranBeoh, does anyone know if lionmail is packaged for kde 4.6. I'd love to give it a try15:40
BajK_progre55: it's somethng like a keyword to me "file sharing not working" and i instantly say "install packages kdenetwork and the other one" since it annoyed me to hell that it didnt work and when I found out why in a wiki, it burnt into my brain :D15:40
surunverihow insecure+15:40
progre55BajK_: lol) and you should have a set of shortcut keys to paste those lines into here =)15:41
BajK_progre55: hehe, well, almost all my keystrokes are already taken (kopete, amarok, kmail, kate, present windows, broser, find file, dolphin, activities list, raise active window, show dashboard, show battery manager, show network manager, ... :D )15:42
BajK_I can do EVERYTHING with keystrokes *g*15:42
BajK_except for making a sandwhich, but well that will eventually come15:42
progre55wow, I only have "terminal" keyed )15:42
surunveriI mean how can you be insecure using Kubuntu?15:43
Daskreechsurunveri: Lots of ways. A Virus is only one small aspect of security. Granted it's low hanging you have to have a really insecure system (in general) to be prone to catching viruses15:44
surunverifor an examplE?15:44
surunverihow is kubuntu as a system insecure?15:44
Daskreechsurunveri: Well if you look at the updates that come in a lot of them are security updates15:44
BajK_progre55: keystrokes, mouse gestures and lots of krunner plugins, that's all i need hehe15:44
surunveriyes.. which has kind of raised the question that maybe kubuntu _is_ insecure15:44
Daskreechsurunveri: it's not in general I'm just saying that it can be. Like having a way to logon from the net without providing a password15:45
DaskreechA virus will never try to do that but it's still insecure15:45
progre55BajK_: I'm not that much of a GUI person =) mostly work with remote servers..15:45
surunveriyeah... so is there something in particular ishould be concerned with ?15:45
progre55surunveri: it's not only kubuntu that's insecuri, and security violations dont only come with viruses..15:46
DaskreechSecurity is rarely particular :) It's just being aware of what's going on15:46
BajK_progre55: okay, I am more the fancy UI person gui. I don't like config files and I refuse to believe in 2011 we need to fuzz around in config files *g* and well I installed bleeding edge x drivers and break half the system just to get blur effect working on the intel graphics and edited initramfs and such to get plymouth start earlier^^ just to get a streamlined, nice look :D15:46
progre55security threats*15:46
surunverimyea i was kind of under the mipression that kubuntu is secure15:46
BajK_(I should send an application to Apple)15:46
DaskreechKnow what servers you have running on the computer15:46
Daskreechsurunveri: In general it is but you can ask it to be insecure15:46
surunverii didnt get any problems using windows after some adjustments either but15:46
surunveri.... so in practice..?15:46
progre55BajK_: lol )) hey so then you might probably help me out with my graphics :D15:47
BajK_progre55: okay :D so what is the exact case and symptoms and what is your configuration? and when did they appear?15:47
DaskreechThose 8 points are good ones15:48
Martesanin practice nothing is 100% secure, you can break into nasa or fbiserver if you have enough will or money, it's just a mater of how much time/knowledge/money is needed to violate a system15:48
progre55BajK_: well I wouldnt say there's a particular problem with it.. it's just, I have an ati mobility 5600 series graphics, and with my core i7, they say it's not switchable.. any workarounds? )15:49
surunveriso incase i've not actually spent any trouble making kubuntu secure15:49
surunverido i need to be concerned15:49
Martesanit should be more secure than windows however15:49
BajK_progre55: you have hybrid graphics?15:49
progre55surunveri: are you behind a firewall/corporate network?15:49
looongeris the current stable kubuntu release always provided with the latest kde packages?15:50
surunverifirewall yes15:50
BajK_looonger: you need the backports PPA15:50
Anubis1in every OS you'll find bugs/wholes, etc. plus every OS that runs on this planet is written by humans15:50
macolooonger: latest-at-time-of-release, yes15:50
BajK_looonger: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.615:50
progre55BajK_: to save more power when on batteries..15:50
BajK_progre55: i know, I have a notebook with this myself, Intel GMA + ATI Mobility Radeon15:50
BajK_progre55: HD 565015:50
progre55surunveri: well then if you trust your firewall, dont have to panic )15:50
Martesanif you keep it updated and if you don't do silly things like sharing filesystem with people you don't trust, it's pretty sure15:50
BajK_progre55: what kind of notebook?15:51
macolooonger: a new policy just went in a month ago that will allow us to upload the point releases (so if we release with 4.6.2, we can then ago to 4.6.3 and 4.6.4) after release too15:51
progre55BajK_: hp envy 1415:51
BajK_progre55: well: Switching on the fly: forget about it15:51
progre55BajK_: and what's your cpu?15:51
BajK_progre55: Intel COre i5 460M15:51
BajK_progre55: switching using a self-made script and a matching kernel module and switching a BIOS setting upon restart, possible15:51
BajK_but hybrid graphics is just a mess15:51
BajK_on linux15:51
slipbodHey guys15:52
looongermaco, BajK_ : cool, thanks15:52
slipbodHow do I change the room?15:52
BajK_and since i don'T play games on my notebook I just disabled the ATI alltogether15:52
BajK_and get like 6-7 hours of battery life15:52
progre55BajK_: yeah.. well then I'll just have to wait until they officially release smth useful )15:52
BajK_slipbod: type /join #channel15:52
slipbodOK THX15:52
BajK_slipbod: and replace channel with the respective channel, such as /join #ubuntu15:52
surunverifrom all this though i get the impression that the previosu windows configuraiton i had was more secure than this kubuntu is by default15:52
BajK_progre55: I think we'll have to wait till wayland15:52
slipbodThx to u :D15:52
BajK_switching on the fly is impossible, switching with restarting X seems possible if you have a matvching kernel module and don't use the proprietary drivers15:53
BajK_progre55: I have subscribed to the linux-hybrid-graphics mailing list maybe you can get help there15:53
progre55BajK_: oh so what drivers do YOU use?15:53
BajK_progre55: let me explain, it's a longer story, mom :D15:53
Martesanhey guys, there is a way with apt or something else to see the history of the last updated packets ?15:54
macoMartesan: you can read the /var/log/apt/term.log to see what all has happened15:54
Martesanoh ok15:54
macoMartesan: if there's a specific package whose history youd like to see, look on launchpad. for example:  http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/digikam15:55
BajK_progre55: I accidentally found a kernel module which turns off the ATI graphics for this specific notebook. I compiled it and then I created two script files. One that switches to the ATI and one that switches to the Intel. The one that switches from the ATI to the Intel first uninstalls the fglrx driver altogether (since proprietary drivers sucks and if fglrx is installed, the other drivers dont work well even when15:55
BajK_blacklisted), then it flushes the Xorg.conf (since the auto detection works nicely) and then I restart and have to set my bios setting from Discrete (which is the ATI) to Switchable (which enables both of them). The problem is, the ATI is not used by default and I dont have a kernel module to enable it, so I need to force the ATI graphics using this bios setting15:55
Martesanthanks a lot15:55
FloodBotK3BajK_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:55
BajK_FloodBotK3: this was one - long - message ;D stupid bots^^15:55
Martesanno no it's ok, i meant on my system15:55
Martesanty maco15:56
* slipbod doing nasty things15:56
DaskreechBajK_: No your client will cut it into multiple messages15:56
BajK_Daskreech: stupid stone age IRC protocol -.-15:56
BluesKajhoa , what bee got into his pants ?15:57
niscoiseHi. Has anyone had any problems with the kde 4.6.0 updates that came out in the last day? Has hosed my setup, sadly.15:57
slipbodHow do I update to KDE 4.6 in maverik?15:57
BluesKajisn't he aware of pastebin ?15:57
KyranBeslipbod: instructions can be found here http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.615:58
BluesKajniscoise, yeah I had to revert to a previous kernal but I'm on natty, not maverick15:58
niscoisekryanBe: cheers, will take a look15:58
KyranBejust add the repo, do apt-get update, then apt-get dist-upgrade and you're good to go15:58
niscoiseBlues: I'm on Meerkat, yes. Now I can't simply put kubuntu-desktop back in, because of, argh, dependencies15:59
DaskreechBluesKaj: he wasn't aware of IRC's splitting the message.16:01
DaskreechThought if he pasted war and peace as one long sentence it won't count as a flood16:01
Daskreechwelcome back BluesKaj16:02
niscoiseHmm, I had backports switched on already. In fact, if I hadn't have, I wouldn't have seen 4.6.0 I'd have thought?16:03
niscoiseAnyway, despite having done it several times today, a apt-get update seems to have reset the dependency tree or something, since it is now agreeing to pull down kubuntu-desktop16:04
niscoiseulp...installed, but kdm's giving an error about a missing theme, and killed X16:05
BluesKajDaskreech, thx :)16:05
Martesanuhm i've troubles with the graphics too... kubuntu updated a bunch of basic files a couple of days ago (base-files, dbus, apparmor, the kernel and some other) and now the screen has some glitches16:15
Martesani already booted in the previous kernel (2.6.32-27-generic, instead of ...-28-generic) but it seems the glitches are still here16:16
Martesani'm on lucid...16:17
KyranBewhat sort of glitches?16:17
Martesanhere is an example of what hapens:16:17
Martesanat the bottom16:18
Martesanif i switch desktop and come bak the desktop is ok, but the bar remains messy16:18
Martesanand it happened under heavy load (lot of apps running) that the screen or a part of it flipped to black for some milliseconds16:19
KyranBewhat graphics card and driver are you using?16:19
Martesannvidia with the restricted drivers, but those hadn't been updated16:20
Martesanhere is what has been upgraded :16:22
Martesanafter that, i begun to note the glitches16:22
KyranBeyou updated the kernel16:22
KyranBethe gfx drivers tie in very closely with the kernel16:22
Martesanyes but i'm now on the old kernel and it's doing it16:23
Martesani thought the same16:23
Martesanso i booted in the old one and it does this mess again16:23
KyranBedo you have any issues in windows under heavy load?16:23
Martesanit seems like a kde thing, it does it on the desktop and bar, but not on the apps ..16:24
KyranBebecause the screen turning black under heavy load might indicate overheating on the gfx card16:24
Martesannope i looked, the gf temp was 44°C16:24
KyranBecentigrade is fine for me :)16:25
Anubis1drivers perhaps ?16:25
KyranBeIIRC (I'm no specialist) those kind of glitches mean corrupted data in the graphics buffer16:25
arunceMartesan: did you check .xsession-errors?16:25
Martesanok, and now it's 41 and still doing it on the bar (the "mess" shape is still, it doesn't change)16:25
KyranBeyou should check the temperature just after the screen went black, the glitches in the picture are most likely not related to temperature16:27
KyranBeI'd try the open source driver16:27
KyranBesee what happens there16:27
aruncemaybe black screen does not have the same cause16:27
arunceMartesan: did you disabled effects?16:28
Martesanuhm ok.. but i don't think it's the gf , actually it worked and works fine at higher temps16:28
Martesanhovever i'll try the nv16:28
Martesanuhm never had the effect active16:29
Martesanthe composition is disabled16:29
Martesani can try the nv ... i asked cos may be it was a known problem16:31
KyranBeif you don't use the compositing effects I think your best bet is to use the nv driver16:32
Martesanok... i'll use them till the next "basic things" update...16:33
Martesanthe .xsession-error is actually full of the most various things16:33
Martesanlol it's a 850kb file16:34
Martesanwell, ty very much for the help KyranBe and arunce , i'll try the nv , hope it is not doing it with them too ... see you :)16:36
arunceanyone testing the new activities of kde 4.6?16:40
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KyranBedoes anyone know if the lionmail program is packaged for kubuntu 10.10?16:48
KyranBeI'd love to give it a try16:48
rorkKyranBe: it's not in the official repositories16:50
KyranBeany ppa I can try?16:51
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-lunch
ryrychhow can I install debug packages for /usr/lib/dri/r300_dri.so? Dr konqi can't find them17:22
Pewthi, I added the repo for KDE 4.6, but there are now dependencies problems. libakonadiprotocolinternals1 breaks libakonadiprivate1. the first is a a dep for the new akonadi, and the second is a dep for kdepim 4.5.x. What can I do? Has anyone this problem too?17:33
=== bigjools-afk is now known as bigjools
mr-richEverytime I use my mouse wheel on the desktop, it goes ripping through my vertual desktops ... where do I turn this off?17:49
Pewtmr-rich: it shoud be in System Settings -> Window Behaivor, but I don't find the option... hmm, bad thing17:53
mr-richPewt: I was looking in keyboard shortcuts ... not there either ...17:53
Pewtmr-rich: the System Settings config arrangment is very bad, it takes longer to search the option that to turn it off/on.17:55
Pewtmr-rich: Ah, it is: right click in the Desktop, in Desktop settings -> mouse...17:56
Pewtmr-rich: that should also be in System Settings, but...17:57
=== cmagina-lunch is now known as cmagina
Pewt_I added the repo for KDE 4.6, but there are now dependencies problems. libakonadiprotocolinternals1 breaks libakonadiprivate1. the first is a a dependency for the new akonadi version, and the second dependency for kdepim 4.5.x. What can I do? Has anyone this problem too? Can I upgrade to KDEpim 4.6 beta/rc to fix this?18:20
evdveldehi all, trying to install kde sc 4.6, is it normal that there are broken packages? thx in advance!18:20
Pewt_evdvelde I have also such problem :(18:25
evdveldePewt_:  normally i do not mind, but kde is quite big if you have to fix stuff afterwards, isnt it? :)18:25
Pewt_yes, I have a problem between akonadi and kdepim, so I better wait, it can cause some truble.18:26
=== hacker is now known as Guest36526
mfraz74hi Guest3652618:30
Guest36526my name ramy18:30
DarthFrogNuisance.  My plasma panel won't auto-hide, remains always visible.  Flaming thing gets in the way and covers up buttons and info.18:30
yoyoGuest36526 it is rude to pm without invite18:33
afinkHello everyone,  I am having trouble mounting my flash drive in 10.10 x64.  Everytime I try it just says mount failed.18:41
afinkactually it says "Could not mount the following device..."18:42
afinkanyone know of a fix?18:42
coder2Could anyone help with cleartype fonts in wine? winetricks has already set fontsmoothing=2 in the registry, but it does not work18:55
coder2Ok. I've got it. winetricks has downloded wrong tahoma.ttf from somewhere. Replacing it by ms one solved the problem.19:02
gribouilleI've just installed kde 4.6. some plasmoids seem to have disappeared19:03
JuJuBeeAm I safe upgrading to 10.10 from 10.04 without doing clean install?19:21
JuJuBeeI have heard mixed opinions on upgrading vs. clean install...19:23
SJrI generally clean install things19:24
SJrYou can dump out a list of packages you've installed through some magic (I don't remember dpkg something will tell you), then you just reinstall.19:24
SJrEspecially if you have a seperate root or home partition it's quick.19:25
tsimpsonyou should always keep a backup of important stuff anyway, so try upgrading and if it fails (which it probably won't) do a clean install19:25
tsimpsonalso report the bug19:25
sophohi. i run 10.10 (32 bit), have a nvidia 9200M GS graphics chipset. somehow always the 260.x driver is installed which turns out to be pretty unstable with 1080p playback via vdpau.19:30
sophowhat should I do? go back to 185?19:31
=== Pewt_ is now known as Pewt
p_mashoHow do i change the screen resolution, I want 1280X1024, but cannot find /etc/x11/xorg.conf. There's a xconf.failsafe so am confused where to look..19:36
macoxrandr -s 1280x102419:36
macothere's dynamic config now instead of a static xorg.conf19:36
OutoLumop_masho, k-menu->System Settings -> Display and monitor...19:37
maco(though if you want to, you could make an xorg.conf, though youd go back to the old plug-in-projector-and-nothing-happens annoyances)19:37
OutoLumoHmm... I suspect there's a dependency issue in the 4.6 update. Where should I report?19:38
p_mashoumm "Display and monitor settings" doesnt show anything greater than 1024X768? maybe this laptop screen cant take it?19:39
macothat is a possibility19:39
macoit should list everything the screen reports that it can do19:39
maco(its also possible for a screen to report incorrectly, in which case you can add modes)19:39
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:39
maco^ has a bit about adding new modes19:39
p_mashook.. it looks liek this slightly older machine cant take it. .thanks maco OutoLumo ubottu for the help ;-)19:40
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
FloridaGuycleaned dust from my heat sink and cooling fan and case fan....had to take the side off the pc again to see if they were runing...thats how much quiter it is...lol20:04
jschallWhen my system comes out of sleep, the graphics are really slow. If I try to run a fairly modern game, it runs at about a fifth of the framerate it normally does. I have an 8800GTS with the 260.19.06 drivers. Any ideas?20:19
=== arian is now known as Guest52372
evdveldeHi all, is it normal that there are 13 conflicting packets when upgrading to kde 4.6?20:32
BluesKajevdvelde, did you install some 3rd party software repos or ppas ...it's usually best to comment them or remove them before upgrading20:34
evdveldeBluesKaj: the conflicts are all between old and new packages of maverick repo's and kubuntu-backports20:35
evdveldeBluesKaj: dont you have the same?20:36
BluesKajno I don't evdvelde20:38
BluesKajwell I didn't , but that was on maverick with kde4.5...running kde 4.6 on natty20:39
blackjack1983Hello guys , can anybody help me ..? ich search an command for kubuntu shell , to send a message (like chat) to my friend whos connected  whith me in a lan ....21:24
james147^^ if they are on a unix based computer and arent blocking write messages ... then 'write' or 'wall'  can do that21:26
blackjack1983okay thanks ich will test it21:27
blackjack1983MYUSERNAME:~$ write hallo21:28
blackjack1983write: write: you have write permission turned off.21:28
blackjack1983write: is not logged in on hallo21:28
blackjack1983must they logged in into my system ??21:29
james147blackjack1983: read the man pages :)  (i havent really used it beofre so am not entirly sure, although i thionk it would be "user@host" rather then just "host"21:32
blackjack1983ok thanks21:33
blackjack1983sind hier deutsche die mir evtl. weiterhelfen können ??21:34
BluesKaj!de | blackjack198321:34
ubottublackjack1983: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:34
BajK__BluesKaj: is there a list of messages those bots can give? :D21:37
BluesKajBajK__, yes, usually about apps and hardware drivers etc21:38
BluesKajlike this BajK__21:39
BluesKajoops :)21:39
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:39
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:40
james147^^ though that list is far from a complete list21:40
* james147 notices it looks longer then when he last looked at it21:41
BluesKajgood one james147 .. I forgot about the obvious , again :)21:41
james147BluesKaj: :D21:41
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=== MuzerAway is now known as Muzer
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firefly_Hello! How i can reinstall package?? i install kde 4.6 SC and package python-kde4 dont work.21:56
tuv0kBluesKaj: upgrade went flawless21:56
=== tuv0k is now known as darthanubis
james147firefly_: "sudo apt-get install --reinstall <package>" if i recall correctly21:57
* james147 is beginning to forget apt-get commands :S21:57
james147firefly_: ^^ if not man apt-get should know :)21:57
iconmefistowhat's the story with kopete these days? does it do video on ANY protocols?21:57
circlez_I'm running kubuntu on my laptop.  Can I change the default behavior for the event that I plug in an external monitor?21:58
james147iconmefisto: as far as I know it does, though msn wasnt working last time i tried... it also sufferes from a lack of deeverlopers.... on the bright side, there is work being done on a new messaging frame work to effectivly replace keopete (hopefully it will make it into kde 4.7... but i do not know if it will)21:59
james147actually htinking aabout it it might be later then 4.7 :(22:00
iconmefistowhat's the replacement called?22:01
james147iconmefisto: cant remember atm :p22:01
iconmefistojames147: kmess?22:01
firefly_its works, but i have kde 4.6 and python-kde4:4.5.522:01
james147iconmefisto: no22:02
firefly_why new package not in repo yet&22:02
james147iconmefisto: telepathy... that was it22:02
firefly_where i can download it?22:02
firefly_people, who know: kde sc 4.6 are completely compiled to backports??? because i cant update python-kde4 and have some bugs...22:27
yofelfirefly_: that'll be fixed in about an hour22:32
firefly_ok, thanks22:32
firefly_ill be waiting...22:33
basyhow to get exact execution time of some [echo "ddd" > pipe.file] that i ran couple minutes ago from konsole, is there any history with timestamps ?22:40
e01what are differences between opengl and xrandr, because i think on my system (nvidia 9600gt, kde4.6) with xrandr windows are resized more smoothly22:41
basy:( .bash_history holds only last commands, how to get to execution timestamps ?22:42
james147basy: check the modification/creation time of the file (ls  -l)22:43
james147other then taht there is no history of execution time of a command22:43
* james147 has never seen a need to know that ^^ nor ever thourght of it before :S22:44
basyjames147: ok, thanks, but is there any way to configure bash to save timestamps or is there i have to use other shell ?22:45
james147dont know... why do you need to know?22:45
basyi am developing something with pipes, so sometimes i use echo to write to pipe, but i except result int longer time period. So sometimes i need to know what time i run something ... :P22:49
james147basy: if its only for a few commands you can manually append "#12:00" (or what you want) to the end of the line... it wont be executed (since its read as a comment) but will be stored in the history22:54
james147basy: or http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/unix-linux-bash-history-display-date-time/22:55
basy:) thanks22:55
ubottuKDE bug 258635 in IMAP resource "KDE 4 6 and Google Mail: Unknown Mailbox - Messages" [Normal,New]23:10
TomwaI am having a problem with the theme manager, it has two themes in it that I cannot remove because the "Remove theme" button is greyed out23:27
james147Tomwa: Themes for what?23:30
Tomwa@james147 Themes for the KDE theme manager23:30
james147>.>  ...23:30
james147kdm themes? plasma themes? colour themes? icon Themes? mouse themes?... there are lots of different "kde" themes23:31
TomwaIt's the KDM theme Kore23:31
TomwaAnd sorry lol I'm not really used to using linux23:32
james147well, the kdm themes are stored in a folder owned by root somewhere... you can try running the loging maanger as root with "kdesudo kcmshell4 kdm"23:33
james147though its advised not to remove all your themes ^^ that could renender you unable to start kdm23:33
darthanubisfront panel won't unmute23:33
TomwaHa found it :D23:37
TomwaRemoved them james23:37
TomwaI dont understand why the theme didn't work originally23:37
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway

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