
nigelbAlanBell: Goa was lovely :)01:32
hajourgood night all :)01:37
Pendulummorning nigelb 01:52
nigelbmorning Pendulum :)01:56
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
charlie-tcaPendulum: you run dasher in Ubuntu, right?18:32
charlie-tcaDo you have System -> Preferences -> Assistive Technologies -> Enable assistive technologies    checked?18:33
charlie-tcawell, anyway, with assistive technologies checked, I can not reproduce the dasher segfaults19:03
Pendulumcharlie-tca: I'm fairly certain it's checked (I'm not on Ubuntu right now)19:07
charlie-tcaThank you19:07
Pendulumit may just be rotten luck for me. it's not consistant that it crashes :-/19:08
Pendulumcharlie-tca: yes, it's checked19:12
charlie-tcaYeah, I got two of you crashing it, and I can't seem to. I will keep trying19:13
charlie-tcaPendulum: there's hope. According to the developer, I stumbled on something that he thinks might help get it fixed19:54
UndiFineDsad: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63762119:56
ubot2Gnome bug 637621 in speech "Orca crashes, logs me out" [Major,Resolved: invalid]19:56
UndiFineDwaited for a month for "mike" to contact me on making a backup of at-spi registry19:57
charlie-tcalike so many others, we get to try to figure out what went wrong20:00
macoPendulum: can you "ulimit -c 0" please?20:02
macoi think its 0...lemme double check20:02
UndiFineDyes, and I was willing to make a backup, but then not to be contected is ... wrong20:02
Pendulummaco: huh?20:02
macosudo ulimit -S -c 020:03
macoitll make it so when something crashes you get a core file instead of no hints remaining of what happend20:03
Pendulumthat is helpful :)20:03
Pendulumyes, I'll do that20:03
macothat can be tossed at gdb to get a stacktrace20:04
macowith stacktraces, maaaaaybe i could try to be helpful20:04
Pendulummaco: it's telling me command not found for ulimit20:05
macooh hmm apparently use it without sudo20:05
Pendulumhave set it so we'll see what happens, I guess?20:06
macoand whoops i have this backwards. ulimit -S -c unlimited20:06
maco0 is the disabling thing thats by default20:06
maco(this is why i should open up the google results)20:06
macofrom http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-313498.html looks like you put it in .bashrc and then whatever you start from that shell will spit core dumps, so if you're ok with starting dasher from command line...20:07
macohrmph. i thought there was a systemwide way to set it permanently... maybe that was with sudo but is now gone? *grumble*20:08
charlie-tcahm, maco, thanks20:09
charlie-tcathat reminds to have the stacktrace added to the bug reports by apport20:09
PendulumI always start dasher from command line as it's the only way to do direct input20:09
PendulumAlanBell: I know you're probably doing the dinner and children to bed thing, but when you're around next I'm just curious about when you think you'll get the blog post up :)20:21
AlanBellI am on a train right now20:22
UndiFineDAlanBell: you should be in the train20:25
UndiFineDengland != india20:25
Pendulummaco: I think I have set things up correctly. Where would I find the core dumps?20:31
macoPendulum: in the dir from which you run dasher20:32
macoyou can test by using kill with whatever is SIGABORT20:32
* AlanBell is now off a train20:42
AlanBellblog post should be soonish20:42
AlanBellI have real work to do20:42
AlanBellbut the blog post is more tempting20:42
AlanBelland a tax return20:42
AlanBellblog post is *way* more tempting than that20:42
PendulumAlanBell: so it will be up today or tomorrow?20:43
AlanBellI should think so, yes20:43
Pendulum(I just was poking to get a sense of what day it would be up, not saying "must be up now" ;-) )20:44
PendulumI wonder if I could use my powerchair to go get the bin from the end of the drive...20:49
PendulumI am tempted to try since the chances of my fucking a joint up going out to get it are high, but I need to bring it in before the snowplows start...20:51
UndiFineDPendulum: no friendly neighbour you can call ?20:54
AlanBellcould the powerchair get stuck?20:54
Pendulumnah, there's not much on the ground yet, just enough that I'm worried that walking I'd slip and hurt something20:54
PendulumI didn't even slip more than a couple inches yesterday and one of my knees went20:55
Pendulumokay, going to attempt whatever i attempt now before the snow gets any worse20:57
AlanBellPendulum: smile and wave if you spot any other people out moving their bins21:00
Pendulumactually, that didn't go so badly21:04
Pendulumso answer is in fact "yes I could"21:06
IdleOnedamn it Pendulum you had me worried you were going to hurt yourself21:21
IdleOneI'm glad you didn't :)21:21
macoPendulum: sorry my carpool as leaving21:30
Pendulummaco: s'ok21:30
macoPendulum: so after you start a shell that has had the ulimit command run, you run dasher. then you can do  kill -6 PID   to abort it which will make a core file21:30
Pendulumit has not told me anything in my shell about there being a core file :-/21:34
macohrmm if i wanna install dasher i have to go to *$21:36
maco17MB will not download quickly on my usual connection21:37
AlanBelldasher is great21:37
AlanBelluntil your keyboard segfaults21:37
Pendulumhmm... so I ran ulimit -S -c unlimited (in the same terminal) in case I'd entered it wrong the first time21:37
Pendulumthis time I when I hit enter after that (so had not started dasher), I got:21:38
Pendulum[1]+  Aborted                 (core dumped) dasher -a direct21:38
Pendulumso I'm not sure if that means that it's not done the core dump?21:39
macohit ls21:42
Pendulumerr.. I meant *now21:42
Pendulumfaily hands are faily ;)21:42
Pendulumls gives me something called core \o/21:43
charlie-tcaI keep trying, sooner or later I will reproduce the segfaults with a stacktrace, here.21:44
Pendulumwell I've segfaulted it at least once today so at some point I'll get another one21:44
=== IdleOne is now known as gpc
AlanBellhi this is using dasher but for some odd reason it  isn't seeming to want to type capitals21:45
charlie-tcaI guess I am too dumb to give up on it. It has to happen sooner or later, right?21:45
PendulumAlanBell: in the right bottom corner there's a drop down menu21:45
Pendulumyou can change your alphabet there21:46
AlanBellThank you 21:46
PendulumI recommend 'English with numerals and lots of punctuation'21:46
AlanBellsegfault \o/21:47
AlanBellif you type carefully it kind of works21:47
PendulumYou get faster quickly21:48
AlanBellslam the mouse over to the right and type gibberish as fast as it will do it and it blows up21:48
Pendulumbut mine doesn't always segfault that way. I can be going at a reasonable speed, but not too fast and it'll go :(21:48
AlanBellhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/558737/ backtrace21:51
Pendulumcharlie-tca: does that help?21:53
charlie-tcamissing most of the symbols, but I can attach it and see what they say21:54
PendulumI'll see what I can get, too21:55
PendulumI just got a core dump from it segfaulting on me21:55
charlie-tcaLooks to me like the same trace as the gedit failure. 21:56
charlie-tcaThat's good. At least it gives us more information21:56
macothose function names look annoying21:56
Pendulumcharlie-tca: should I upload this dump? Or what should I do with it? (it's currently telling me I don't have the right program to open the file)21:56
maco"one step further"? what is *that* supposed to tell whoever reads the code?21:57
macoPendulum: do you have gdb?21:57
charlie-tcamaco: how do we use the coredump now/21:57
macogdb -c core21:58
AlanBell"gdb dasher core"21:58
AlanBellthen bt21:58
macoor that21:58
maco(im skimming manpage)21:58
Pendulumcharlie-tca: this is what I got in the dump http://paste.ubuntu.com/558744/21:59
charlie-tcaThanks. I will process it22:03
AlanBellhere is DasherModel.cpp which seems to be where it is crashing http://paste.ubuntu.com/558747/22:05
AlanBellthe comments on line 542 and 544 point to a certain lack of confidence in that area22:07
AlanBellPendulum: can you type "bt" at the (gdb) prompt22:11
charlie-tcaWill it give a usable trace without the debug symbols installed?22:12
AlanBellthat is what I did22:12
AlanBelland Pendulum crashed differently22:12
AlanBellI crashed in RecursiveOutput, Pendulum crashed in HandleOutput22:13
macocharlie-tca: dont think so22:27
charlie-tcaI will run it on my test install with all the -dbgsym packages installed when I get this other stuff done22:28
macook, recursiveoutput is itty bitty22:29
macoand given its name, im guessing there's just a wrong end-condition for a loop22:29
macoas thats whats usually wrong with recursion22:30
macoAlanBell: can you set a breakpoint on RecursiveOutput running with your core file?22:37
macoAlanBell: then use "step" and "next" to go line by line til the crash and pastebin that output?22:39
maco(may want to | tee dasher-dbg)22:40
AlanBellmaco: i have run out of knowledge :) how do I do that?22:43
macoload up the core file and type "break RecursiveOutput" (i think...it might need the something:: bit before it, but...we'll find out) then hit enter, then "continue", and it should stop when it first encounters RecursiveOutput, then "step" then "next" back and forth til it crashes. may want to do continue over and over for one run-through to see how many times it hits that function before crashing so you can continue enough times before stepping22:45
maco on a second run22:45
maco(i have The Art of Debugging sitting on the table in front of me because im a gdb noob too)22:45
macoi figured i had no reason to play with gdb til i figured out how to read a stack trace in something other than Java :P22:50
macoand then never got around to learning gdb22:50
AlanBellwell that was a fail22:57
AlanBellmanaged to crash unity22:57
AlanBellor mutter22:58
AlanBellI will have another play with that tomorrow22:59
AlanBellJanC: old unity22:59
JanCI've never been able to run unity + mutter for more than 30 minutes without crashing...  ;)23:00
AlanBellI have been running it for months, I am trying to like it23:01
AlanBellnsfw but somewhat on-topic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv3tadz5Q3o23:03
JanCunity in natty is much more likeable23:03
JanCdoesn't crash & about 100× faster23:04
charlie-tcaapparently, I did something wrong then. I couldn't get it to work in natty23:07
PendulumAlanBell: I want to know where that was!23:08

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