
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
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ka6soxtmzt: if init?00:48
ka6soxas in sysV init?00:48
ka6soxyes, it works00:49
tmztthis is what I started on but I couldn't get it to work https://github.com/tmzt/nativenetbook-nativeinit00:50
ka6soxtmzt, have you heard of Optware?00:51
ka6soxwhat happened is we ported optware to work on android00:51
ka6soxafter a few iterations we had something that works.00:53
ka6soxso that gave me the ability to use things like ltrace and strace etc to look at porting.00:53
ka6soxand chroot00:53
tmztka6sox: I'm trying to get my X server to work with existing X sessions00:54
tmztbut xinit wants to start the server itself and mine runs outside of the chroot00:54
ka6soxthen only "env" I bring into my chroots are /proc /sys and /dev as bind mounts00:55
persiatmzt, Do you mean that you want stuff launched in the chroot to be clients of an X server outside the chroot?00:55
ka6soxso nothing outside of that is available00:55
tmztmy X server androix.org runs as a native bionic aplication00:55
tmzter, android application linked against bionic00:55
persiatmzt, I don't know much about android architecture, but you can usually get that to work if you can connect to the X server over the network or you bind-mount /proc: just export your desired DISPLAY00:56
ka6soxer right00:56
tmztI know, but the issue is I want to launch Xsession and also need things like a dbus system bus00:56
tmztwhen I tried to do it it failed because it lost the controlling tty or other wise the forked children failed to run00:57
ka6soxtmzt, well...we have optware running *alongside* of android.00:57
ka6soxso somethings like that are possible.00:57
tmztI'll look at it, I don't think most of the X clients are packaged though00:57
persiatmzt, If you need dbus, try bind-mounting /var/run00:57
ka6soxokay back to porting.00:58
tmztandroid doesn't use dbus, so dbus would be running inside of the chroot00:58
tmztanyway, thanks I'll look at this nook stuff and see if there's anything I can use00:58
ka6soxif nothing else it shows that you can run linux things with linux libs alongsiide of the android/bionic stuff.00:59
ka6soxhardcoded paths are a pain (like /lib/ld-linux.so01:00
ka6soxbut since their /lib doesn't contain that it doesnt matter.01:00
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tmztka6sox: ah, so you aren't using a chroot?01:36
ka6soxfor Ubuntu, yes, but optware is NOT a chroot01:36
ka6soxit all goes in /opt/01:36
ka6soxand we bind mount to the rootfs01:37
ka6soxthe only thing in the original rootfs is a few things that *have* to be in /lib and a small script that calls sysV init to get the optware services running01:38
tmztthat's in the git repo?01:39
ka6soxthe one I pointed you to..yes01:39
ka6soxincluding sources01:39
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janimo_rsalveti, GrueMaster efl launcher I gave back a few hours after I saw it failed to upload. LP does not do that by default, and I am not sure why it failed in the first place10:31
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rsalvetijanimo_: oh, ok, good to know12:00
ogranice !14:13
LetoThe2ndogra: heise reader ;-)14:13
persiaNow that's a proper computer, in an appropriately shiny plastic case.14:32
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Homefix1sorry for the noob question, when starting qemu, is there something i can place in: "qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -cpu cortex-a8 -kernel ./vmlinuz -hda <whatever you name it>.img -m 256 -append "root=/dev/sda mem=256M devtmpfs.mount=0 rw" " to prevent the decktop from loadind (just give me command shell) thnx15:21
ograbetween the quotes after append add text as a keyword15:24
ograthe login manager checks for that before firing up15:24
Homefix1ogra: sorry for being thick, if your talking to me im lost i dont understand what you mean, could you give me an example? and if you were not responding back to me im sorry.15:30
ograchange rw" to rw text"15:30
ograin the line above15:30
Homefix1ogra thnx: i owe you coffie15:31
Homefix1ogra: can i ask you one more thing? My machines hostname is Homefix, after running .img on my phone the promt is "dad@localhost" instead of "dad@Homefix. I have my /etc/hosts file setup correctly " localhost Homefix".I have /etc/hostname setup correctly "Homefix" is my problem here in the chroot startup script here:15:41
Homefix1echo "Setting /etc/resolv.conf to Google Open DNS and"15:41
Homefix1echo "nameserver" > $mnt/etc/resolv.conf15:41
Homefix1echo "nameserver" >> $mnt/etc/resolv.conf15:42
Homefix1echo "Setting localhost on /etc/hosts "15:42
Homefix1echo " localhost" > $mnt/etc/hosts15:42
Homefix1echo " localhost" > $mnt/etc/hosts15:42
ogralocalhost always needs to be there15:42
Homefix1ok thns15:42
ograadding a line like: Homefix15:43
ograto /etc/hosts should give you the desired outcome15:43
Homefix1ok thought i did that try again thnks15:45
ogra(note the 1.1 at the end of that IP)15:45
Homefix1no i didnt just noticed the 1,015:46
Homefix1ogra I promise only 1 more quest. How come when starting the chroot in my android terminal, i get the promt "root@localhost" the i login as dad and get, "dad@localhost", I start vncserver as dad@..., then sesssion starts, i use vnsviewer set up as dad for "nik", localhost for "hostname", my vnc password then connect. I get to desktop logged in as root and the root desttop. I have setup15:58
Homefix1HOME=/home/dad and USER=dad in the startup scripts (that are here:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=913622)<<<<< those entries are entered as  "root", I changed my entries to "dad" and added export USER=dad to "bootubuntu"............15:58
Homefix1ogra: is ther a way to get looged in as dad instead of root?15:58
ograchroot always makes you root in the target fs15:59
ograbut you can run "su dad"15:59
ograthat should make you dada15:59
ogradad i mean15:59
Homefix1i just log in as dad in the chrooted term.16:00
Homefix1can i take a rootstock build 1G .img , turn it into a 3G image?16:08
* persia notes that chroot takes a --userspec argument if one wants to be non-root for some reason.16:09
ograoh, i didnt know that :)16:10
persiaIt's exceedingly rarely useful: primarily only when embedding the chroot call in  some other utility.16:11
ograpersia, btw16:11
ograDescription: The Unity 2D interface for non-accelerated graphics cards16:11
ogra This package installs a fully usable Unity 2D session and provides the16:11
ogra common configuration files and defaults. Installing this package will16:11
ogra offer the Unity 2D session in your login manager.16:11
ogra .16:11
ogra Unity 2D is designed to run smoothly without and graphics acceleration.16:11
ograthats my final text now16:11
ograwaiting for kaleo to process the merge request16:12
persiaIt expects 2D acceleration, it just doesn't require 3D acceleration.16:12
ograit doesnt16:12
persiaTry running it on unaccelerated framebuffer and you *will* feel pain.16:12
ograxfbdev doesnt have any 2d accel16:12
ograthats what i'm doing here16:12
GrueMasterpersia: I do run it on unaccelerated 2D fame buffer.16:12
persiaYes it does: it was added to trunk in 200416:12
Homefix1its happened again, i was having problems not getting a "prompt" in the terminal of the chrooted image i made a with rootctock....tried again last night it worked but the image was too small. tried again made it 3G but now no prompt...eGGgghh..... any suggestions why i canot get a prompt in the terminal with one image but not another?16:13
persiaGrueMaster, Really?  Not xfbdev?16:13
GrueMasterNot in VM.16:14
GrueMasterIt is using the Xsvga driver iirc.16:14
persiaOh, indeed.  And the performance there is acceptable?16:14
GrueMasterSeems to be.16:14
* persia is impressed.16:14
ograwell, it is very likely that people not having 3d accel end up with fbdev16:15
persiaogra, So, three things about the Description then:16:15
ograi think thats our default fallback for cards without any driver16:15
persia1) The short description (after "Description:") should complete the cloze ${package} is a ${short-description}.  Repeating "Unity 2D" is frowned upon (although you've used it a bit differently, so might argue you mean "Unity" and "2D" separate from "Unity 2D")16:16
persia2) The prefatory phrase "This package" is useless drivel, and confusing for package mangagement tools that don't give the user the package name.  Start exciting and juicy.16:17
persia(hint: inserting "The Unity 2D interface" may help)16:17
ograi thought there were reasons why these complaints were removed from lintian16:17
persia3) s/and/any/ in the last sentence.16:17
ograuh, yeah16:18
persiaI thought they were removed to make people like me less picky.16:18
ograi'll change that with the upload after the merge was done16:18
persiaHeh, sure.  No rush.16:18
ograi dont want to file a new merge request right now16:18
persiaYou can just update them, you know.16:19
persia(there's even some handy UI in LP for that)16:19
ograthere are other typos in the control file i need to fix anyway16:19
GrueMasterwait, there are other people as picky as you, persia?  :P16:19
ograwhich i planned to do in a subsequent upload16:19
ograGrueMaster, IRS16:19
persiaGrueMaster, I believe myself to only be in the 92nd percentile of pickiness.16:19
Homefix1can i turn a 1g rootstock image into a 3G (made filesize too small)16:28
=== ka6sox-away is now known as ka6sox
ograDescription: Unity interface for non-accelerated graphics cards16:47
ogra The Unity 2D interface installs a fully usable 2D session and provides the16:47
ogra common configuration files and defaults. Installing this package will16:47
ogra offer a session called Unity 2D in your login manager.16:47
ogra .16:47
ogra Unity 2D is designed to run smoothly without any graphics acceleration.16:47
ograbetter ?16:47
Homefix1ogra I fixed it but why would i one image require  "mount --bind  /dev $mnt/dev" in the startup scriptand another made the same way not need it? could it have somthing to do with the programs i install in qemu? I just dont get it?17:11
ograno idea, i dont know who made these startup scripts17:13
ogragenerally you should bind mount /dev into the chroot to be able to access devices though17:14
prpplagueogra: http://www.engadget.com/2011/01/25/compulab-makes-a-tiny-tegra-2-computer-for-the-lilliputian-commu/18:07
prpplagueogra: seen that?18:07
ogra<ogra> http://www.fit-pc.com/trimslice/18:07
ogra<ogra> nice !18:07
prpplagueogra: man, that looks nice18:08
ograsadly the kernel situation for tegra is very very far from being usable18:08
* prpplague can't wait to order one18:08
prpplagueogra: that will change when people get a trimslice and start doing dev18:09
ograi suspect they will come with a 2.6.29 or 2.6.32 kernel18:09
ograthat wont help with the proprietary drm driver or xserver18:09
ograas long as nvidia doesnt work with the community and compiles against some decent kernel or xorg18:10
prpplagueogra: ahh wasn't aware of the proprietary drm driver stuff18:10
ogracurrently to make X work accelerated on tegra you need to apply their overlay FS (a tarball) with ancient xorg versions and libs18:10
ograand their kernel module is only compiled for two or three old kernel versions18:11
prpplagueogra: ahh but that is for accelerated, without works right?18:11
ograi wish they would provide a shim so we could use dkms to just build it against the kernel we ship18:12
ograsure, plain framebuffer works fine18:12
ograthats what i use on the ac10018:12
ograbut its sad that i cant use the full power of the device due to silly management decisions at the manufacturer18:12
ogratheir whole sound, powermanagement and cup speed control is done by a proprietary daemon in userspace18:14
ogra*cpu speed18:14
ograi really love TI for its openess18:14
GrueMasterogra: I have seen some alsa patches recently for the tegra.  Hopefully they will be in 2.6.38 or 39.18:14
rsalvetihehe, I'd say they will get something for 4018:15
ograGrueMaster, wont help, the codecs are binary inside the daemon18:15
rsalvetior even alter on18:15
rsalvetiwith luck omap 4 is going to be kind of fine for 38/3918:15
ograGrueMaster, the kernel side only provides hooks for them18:15
ograi wouldnt mind all that if nvdidia would at least provide binaries against decent versions of all that18:17
ograbut what they offer is massively outdated18:17
prpplagueogra: yea omap4 should be pretty robust, just love that trimslice package18:19
GrueMasterogra: What I'm seeing is patches in the last few weeks directly from nvidia to alsa.  From what I can tell, they are exposing the gpio's to the codec and tweaking the codec driver as well.18:20
ograright, but the binary bits come from the userspace daemon18:21
ograi have sound devices on the ac100 too ... they just dont route to anything unless i get the daemon running18:21
ogra(silence and pules at 100% cpu)18:22
GrueMasterThat is the non-alsa driver.  They removed it post
pH5hi, has anybody compiled qt4-x11 with -opengl es2 support yet?18:22
ograpH5, rsalveti works in that18:22
ogranot sure there is a ppa with the packages18:23
rsalvetipH5: yup, currently debugging that with sgx18:23
rsalvetiyup, we have, let me get the link18:23
rsalvetinatty and maverick18:23
pH5ogra, rsalveti: ow, great. thanks!18:24
armin76nice, it has gigabit18:24
ograthe ppa ?18:24
KC9SJQHowdy all18:51
KC9SJQI have some questions about the wireless system18:51
ograask then :)18:52
KC9SJQI'm attempted to setup a pandaboard as a router, with a bridge between the built in ethernet and wifi18:52
KC9SJQunfortunately, it seems like the wireless isn't supported18:52
ograit is18:52
ogradid you install the ti addons ?18:53
KC9SJQwhen I define it via /etc/networks/interfaces as master18:53
KC9SJQoh, I did, it worked as a client before I start playing with networking18:53
ograah, i haven used the wlan without NM yet18:53
ograbut i suspect you need wpa_supplicant setup or some such18:54
KC9SJQThe line that conserns me is "no (wireless) mapping found for key: wireless-mode18:55
ograwait, you said master, you mean AP mode ?18:56
KC9SJQwpasuplicant is installed, and I think I have it set as an open ap18:56
KC9SJQyes, that is correct. master as in ap18:57
ograi know rsalveti provided AP mode to me in dallas through his panda so it definitely works somehow18:57
ograbut that might have been through NM as well18:57
rsalvetiogra: that was n90018:57
ograthe panda network ?18:58
rsalvetibut using nm at my host18:58
ograi thought you used the panda for the ap stuff ... ok18:58
rsalvetinever tried to use the panda wifi chip as ap18:58
ograme neither18:58
rsalvetithe driver wasn't stable at that time18:58
rsalvetilots of kernel panics all around18:58
ograi also dont know if the driver from the ppa is actually built against mac8021118:59
ograthen you could use hostapd18:59
rsalvetimaybe you will get better results with current upstream one18:59
KC9SJQWhat is that, do you have a link?18:59
ograthat ppa should have newer stuff19:00
ograsudo add-apt-repository ppa:tiomap-dev/omap-trunk19:01
* KC9SJQ looks19:01
ogranot sure if it already has the new wifi driver though19:01
ogramight be that this is only upstream19:01
* KC9SJQ adds to mirror and updates19:03
KC9SJQI'll let that chug while I get a sandwich.19:04
KC9SJQThanks for the help.19:05
ka6soxokay lets see what explodes when I boot this puppy19:16
persiaogra, The new description looks good to me.  Publish it :)19:26
ograpersia, heh, to late19:26
ograalready sitting in NEW19:26
ograi need to talk kaleo into a new upstream release before i can MIR them though19:27
ograi dont want to have bits in debian/patches for the MIR19:27
ograbut thats for tomorrow19:27
* ogra really likes bzr builddeb --split :)19:27
persia--split is *not* the right way to do it.  I forget why, but that was the conclusion from the discussion between NCommander and james_w.19:31
ograpersia, --split is what upstream insists to be used, they also insist to have the debian dir in the branch, only tarball releases wont have it19:39
persiaDunno.  Talk to one of the folks I listed above.  I just remember hearing it wasn't the right way to do it after that conversation.19:40
ograwell, it works great and makes life a lot easier19:41
persiaIt does something messy and bad when attempting to handle coordination between the branch importer and the upstream branch.19:41
persiaBut my understanding of UDD is too weak to know precisely what.19:42
persiaThe key bit is that I believe it blocks direct cherrypick from upstream to the import branch.19:42
ograwell, i'll go with upstream if they insist, who am i to complain if it makes my life easier19:42
ograah, well, there is no import branch19:43
persiaThere will be as soon as it passes NEW.19:43
ograthats the main argument, they want a single branch per project19:43
persiaSeriously, go get some UDD Kool-Aid.  You'll be in a lot better shape to discuss this with upstream.19:44
persiaIt will be better for you and better for them to take advantage of the import branch.19:44
ogradoesnt help me with upstream, really19:44
ograyou mean they should merge back from the package branch ?19:44
ograinto trunk19:44
persiaI mean that because bzr doesn't support parallel trees, it won't support operations between the import branch and the upstream branches if you use --split.19:45
persiaAs in an error message with `bzr merge`.  Simply no support for it at all.19:46
ograno, you need to merge the import branch before doing a new upstream indeed19:46
ograhmm ?19:46
ograwhy shouldnt it merge anymore19:46
ograthe content stayed consistent19:47
persiaYou *can't* if you created with --split.  If upstream creates an artifact tarball, it can be done, but with --split, the tarball is semi-random, and the history is unrecoverable.19:47
persiaBut I don't know enough about this: please ask someone knowledgeable.19:47
persiabzr doesn't use the content as part of merging.19:47
persiaYes, that sounds odd, but it's true.  If you ask the bzr folk, they'll tell, you about the parallel merge problem, and how it's the very first thing they fix after changing the on-disk format of bzr.19:48
persiaBut until the data format is fixed, it's not possible.19:48
persiaHas to do with inode tracking and other internal complexities.19:48
ograthe point is that there are no merges at all happening from anything after the package was uploaded19:49
ograpackaging changes are done in a local branch, merged into trunk, then trunk is pulled and built with --split19:49
persiaDon't argue with me: even if you were capable of convincing me, it wouldn't help.  Talk to someone who understands UDD.19:49
ograUDD isnt involved at all atm19:49
persiaI just don't know enough to argue with you about this.19:49
ograi dont argue19:50
persiaSorry: s/argue/debate/19:50
ograbut you tell me the way that is used breaks with UDD19:50
* persia didn't intend any indication of emotional involvement19:50
ograand i tell you that UDD isnt involved in the current setup19:50
ograso i dont need to talk to UDD people yet :)19:50
persiaIf UDD is used and inherited from upstream history, it becomes easy to cherrypick individual commits, and have those applied as distro-patches, etc.19:51
persiaOtherwise it's all manual manipulation.19:51
ograthats what it is atm19:51
persiaSince there *will* be a packaging branch, and since people *will* submit merge requests from their branches fixing bugs, it makes sense to try to make sure that things can be pulled/pushed back and forth.19:51
ograand there are no such things like distro patches given the fact that everything happens in trunk19:51
persiaMind you, I'm a fan of manual manipulation.  I tend to use bzr as a way to track the patches I applied, rather than as a VCS, but still.19:52
ograi think upstream will change their mind if the first external distro shows up to use their stuff19:52
persiaogra, Saying there are no distro patches implies you have control over the set of folks commiting branches and uploading, which isn't the case.19:52
ograand they have to keep distinct branches for ubuntu and "others"19:52
ograwe do have that control atm19:53
ograit wont staxy that way and i didnt want to argue with upstream19:53
ograso i went with what they asked for19:53
persiaAnyway, talk to the UDD people, just so you see the points.  I can't explain why --split isn't preferred in a sensible way.19:57
KC9SJQHmm, update failed20:49
KC9SJQerror building module pvr-omap4-kernel20:50
KC9SJQerror: 'struct platform_device' declared inside parameter list20:55
KC9SJQany thoughts?20:56
rsalvetiKC9SJQ: what kernel are you using?21:22
KC9SJQI can't tell anymore, my board now won't boot.21:22
KC9SJQit should have been the official one from the ubuntu arm repositories21:23
KC9SJQI guess I'll have to rebuild the card21:24
KC9SJQIt appears to start booting, and then gets stuck with some fsck info on the screen21:24
rsalvetiI know the pvr kernel module is compatible with our tree21:27
rsalvetias the needed patches are applied21:27
rsalvetiif you're using a different one, then you need to make sure you get everything21:27
rsalvetiKC9SJQ: you can easily boot our default kernel by installing it at your sd card21:28
KC9SJQSo far, I've been trying to do it via the idiot method, add a repository and update21:28
rsalvetiusing qemu and chroot21:28
KC9SJQKernel 2.6.35-903-omap422:09
KC9SJQWhat is "your kernel" and how can I get it?22:11
persiaThe linux-image-omap4 package should always depend on the latest omap4 kernel in Ubuntu.22:17
KC9SJQThat should be the default, and I haven't changed it22:20
KC9SJQyeah, "linux-image-omap4 is already the newest version"22:21
KC9SJQI wonder if I'm missing the headers or something22:22
KC9SJQif the module is missing a unspecified dependancy22:22
persiaOdd.  It ought just work.22:28
* KC9SJQ shrungs22:29
KC9SJQdoes the omap-trunk ppa automatically rebuild on a particular basis?22:30
KC9SJQMaybe it's a legitimate bug which will be fixed soon22:30
persiaThe PPA won't rebuild on a regular basis.  But some of the team that maintains the PPA might upload occasionally.22:32
persiaThere's no way to file bugs on PPA packages, but you might be able to look at the name of the last uploader in the changelog, and find them in this channel.22:33
NCommanderpersia: the reason was --split is braindead. Proper way to do it is pristine-tar23:02
persiaRight, which requires a tarball.  Anyway :)23:03
NCommanderpersia: at some point I was going to through the 0.1 orig.tar.gz tarball I made via split into pristine-tar23:04
NCommanderMy build finally finished23:04
* NCommander thinks we have a compiler regression ...23:30

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