
=== zniavre__ is now known as zniavre
darkmatterevilvish: indicators-applet needs http://jimmac.musichall.cz/images/guimockups/notifications/notification-systray-moreitems.png ;)10:57
evilvishdarkmatter: unfortunately, OSX does not have such a feature..  ;)11:01
evilvishs/such a/this/11:01
darkmatterevilvish: lulz. but. indicators remind me more of the old suse ideas11:02
darkmatterevilvish: and besides, osx doesn't have a horizontal volume slider nor integrated music controls in the volume icon either :P11:02
evilvishdarkmatter: we cant make it /that/ obvious..  ;)11:03
darkmatterand you can drag/drop rearange /remove osx "tray" items. so there :P11:03
darkmatterwell. I can just hack it :P11:04
darkmatterevilvish: I know it'll never happen "officially" but makes sense (hiding stuff you don't need constant access to). imo any notification should only be displayed as required. but since that would regulate to much patching of apps, just hide stuff and display on state change (_when_ feasible) I men, if it doesn't need constant or continual observing it shouldn't be displayed until neccessary11:09
darkmatteror until you _want_ t interact with it11:09
evilvishdarkmatter: if you dont require constant access why even present them there?11:10
darkmatterlike. battery. should be accessible, but shouldn't be shown until it equires interaction, otherwise have it in the hidden "tray"11:10
evilvishdarkmatter: battery has an option to display only when charging/discharing.. and so on..11:11
darkmatterevilvish: thats my point about "to much app patching" (like drop box and some others) where fast gui access is nice to have, but "clutter" isn't11:12
darkmattersom things are fine as is, since volume/message indicators double as application access points (all-in-one ftw), but that method won't/cant work for everything. that's why a little bit of configuration would be nice *shrugs*11:15
evilvishdarkmatter: indicator did start with a good idea.. but it is getting a whole lot confusing and inconsistent..11:34
darkmatterevilvish: *nod*11:36
darkmatterconfusing should be a choice, not a requirement ;P11:37
evilvishdarkmatter: the funny thing is .. when indicator was announced, there was this 'it is going to be so easy to navigate with keyboard' thing around it.. and i dont think they have implemented a way to even open the menu from a keyboard yet ;p11:43
evilvish(not that i would use the keyboard for that..)11:43
evilvishbut it defeats the whole purpose of "keyboard navigation" when you have to open the menu with a mouse ;p11:44
darkmatterevilvish: aye. I believe in multiple navigation methods. like my (you can use a mouse" alt-tab thingy I was telling coz_ about earlier. user preference ftw11:46
darkmatterto an extent at least. avoid kde ideals of "user preference" like the plague :D11:47
evilvishdarkmatter: actually we can just take kde and make a kde-lite.. hide the silly prefs and we'd have a good DE ;)11:48
darkmatterevilvish: that was one of my main reasons for switching to gnome in the first place (once it became usable. e hated xdg editting). I got sick and tired of configuring kde11:50
darkmattertoday is a good day. switching to maverick after my backups finish! \o/11:51
darkmatterooo... nice icons. something similar with uby font would = win12:13
darkmatterevilvish: https://photos-1.dropbox.com/i/l/nejY5kA7SvA5IeYlTrNHno9fcrmdV5dOuBGjvuXkS7s/11469318/1296133200/8317485#1312:14
evilvishdarkmatter: bah!!! i never knew you had such bad taste!12:25
evilvish if an icon needs words/text to indicate what it is.. why is it an icon o.012:25
darkmatterevilvish: I'm not talking taste. I'm talking "overall" look. not compositional specifics :P12:25
evilvishdarkmatter: hehe.. for a sec there i dropped you in the OMG! pile ;)12:26
evilvish"ooh! look here shiny" ;p12:27
darkmatterevilvish: lurn2read: "something similar" :P12:27
darkmattersimilar != clone :D12:27
darkmatterevilvish:  actually, for the most part I don't even believe in icons unless totally necessary (like for system status stuff or toolbar glyphs)12:30
darkmatterevilvish: if you get my meaning. basically I take more of a "gallery" approach to design icons tend to be limited to glyphs (of course color etc may vary slightly on state/function/whatever), and "images" for categories etc. not saying there aren't icons. they're just not fully traditional in usage12:41
darkmatterand they're less a part of the ui than what is "normal"12:42
evilvishdarkmatter: yup.. i think you've mentioned this earlier..13:18

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